! -nr1..' V --rf "5 '"-- .. . - J" - j.. " --- -- i t v J R 1 5 .l j IT LI & 7. 14. THE RED CLOOD CHIEF. lUSlTcLOUD, NEBRASKA. T2S KILL ST TH3 21VS3. t ,kfe Ttaa K FKOM TH OEtAX. From the old nrr-y mill on th- river side I looked oVr the flooded plains. VhTe tho mountain stream?, that came foaminif df.vrn, Arc swelled ly the nutuiiin rain. A lr.nir. fcrischt tj from the fadirj West Tin firl tin; Fiich clinrrh j anf : And the Millcn land looki drearier -.till. V.'Lile the little light remain. You 'too 1 hr my 'id- in : vn-r K'.nc. And suiod n the landfoipe fulr. lu thKlden Klcatn of the dying day. Thatlichted the coils of your hair. iVhilcthe xrtAt wiil- wheel ent litweM ofsprar. That went on in adanrin? rill: But thrulad.ewretwjtcHoflifcforyoH. Like the well-worn wheels, are sMll. The merry rirulft at mv f-et Tlnn on in a clocvmio now: LiVfitherir.leoflKhtrr.IowRna sweet. In thebaytof locgaKO. -the plctn'or of snnf ot fmlm an J die. In the twilitchtco'd nml ray: Ad the tWobs that glad leced our hoj.c fnl cye Forever had pawed away. For ft peaceful reft 1 have vnKht in vain ; Hut the cornir.c .ley with their change "Wi.l give mo !i in'ml I iav '''- r,,l'u,1 In the jears so sa-J and fclrange. L tuck sotnc nlo traps apart an' got t long piece o' Huiall wire, nigb outer fifty yards. Tlieu I pull ther bullet outcn my rifle, and put in a ratubustin big load o' powder, then a big wa 1 ; au' tben tuck tbc kiver oil o titer warmer ov ray iron ramrod. Nixt I fastened titer wire ier tber Mi? tend o teer rod, an' kik-d it into tber pun. Then I put in tber rauiucr, an' all .rar reddy fcr work. 'Off I travels to tber camp o' tber iDsiuea au pushed through ther bushes. IfTd had tber tixmo iu-iu nfcgew, kidu't a put em better ier ray plan. They war hold'n' a sort o kouncil, an I had a guessed purty nigh wbatcrbout. I tuck an' bent ther barrel o' my gun a leetle, so's ter form a kind o' quarter cirkil, an' tbui 1 war reddy. I forpot to tell you that they war all sittin' in cirkil rou::d the fire. I krawlcd up as clus es I kud an' takiu' good aim pulled the trigger. "I-ust thimi I knowed, the nun war jerked outcn my hands, 'uu throwed mc about ten feet airin a tree that nearly broke my neck. I beerd a mo-t orful howliu' 'an yellin, 'an soon es I KOt up, 1 looked tor see how my plan had worked. I fiuv a big yell an' sot up araal ole brakedown, for thar they war. all on 'em ft rune on that wire ju-t like fo many fi-h ! Ycr see tber screw on ther eend ther ramrod war miclitv shorn au' ther gun war a pow- ei Oil shooter. Titer rammer bad bit sound, with the oa'ra still on the thole pins. There were several casts aim barrels as well as boxes that the whale had stored aw:.y at different tttue. and two groat fish still alive. "As I becin to fed hungry, we built a small fire, although the whale was so tat I was afraid it would ca.cu fire, and cooked a lot of fish. After dinner w.c set to work to see what was the state of cur larder To our great joy two of the cc.-ks proved to be fine old Fiench brand, an4 fixing a sptcot, ... ,,-n onnn tnst:nc its contents, by ,k r.,.r.il. To tell tite truth and shame the gentleman in t-lack, we 'Ot dead drunk, and after having a little .-crimuiage, we lay down and went to sleep in each other's arms. 'The next day, or when we awoke, Tom produce 1 a greasy, well-thumbed deck of cards, and we played seven up hv the hour, for the drinks, so that we "' . - 1 ' . 11 .1 . .!- ware drunk pretty near two-tnirus oi ( ,mp0rtrint to th worn tnai me emu .t.n ti,A Well, time iased away .,, )C known, that the number of verv t.leasantly, aud a? the whale tne house, rent and description thereof i r.. t. c l. n.mt iiivr vrn weri! ,,..!, ,a nncnrfitoii. aceri;iiiji;u auu "lUJIll' liCiii u-ii i: u";i , siiuum ui. ....v..-.. supplied with food. The only acci- rcd were caused u A Ucxnectus QuerLi. The Boiton papers are discussing a questioo of vast literary interest. Who wrote the John Brown song ? The af fair seems ai deeply mysterious as the "Beautiful Snow," and "Betsvy and I Are Out." U is a suriou-s matter, and should not be trifled with. So far, it is mutually acrecd tbat the mu-io was condensed from certain old Meth odist camp-meetim: ongs, and wa first un.' hv the Twelfth Massachu setts regiment, while Hall's Ban J wa the first to play iL Ot c.mrse it orig inated in Boston; every South Sea In lander with a grain of sonm ktrws that: but who compod those lofty, an! eternal words, "We'll hang .lefl" LAKD1 LAND! NOW IS THE BEST TIME - iUJDii" f& "' -fv: !sx Tu secure OLDEST STOKE 'NL IN' Davis to a sour apple tree?" Wa this gush of patriotism first breathed in a Causeway street attic, or as is more likely, from the fragrant produce ...ni-i-ntc nf Pntiiiiiprpiil street. It is Ul'll'' "J " --." - A rot by your udc.in the Crav-yard Krecn. Overlookiui? the Kray old mill : AVhe'. thoitonn-to.-cd watcrbofHfe.forme Like it! well worn wheel, are Mill. SHOOTIKCr 7ITZ L01Tu BOT. ther first Ii.jun plum behind ther car an' through the neck, au so on until (hot whole forty-nine wor ntrung on ,.r , thr- t.into' thor iron was sunk I d. hi in er the trunk 'o a tree ! Some- I " how ther wire had caught holt o titer eend o' ther gun, so 'at they kudn't ..til! off. Fact, by golly. tr. ..;. .r.vrr,;l vears ao. wlulc ' 1 run out u KnoeKoa """ our party wore encamped on H .quo . tlur head an' raided thar ha'r. forty river, Oregon, foiiip ninety mile, from j ,r,ne o' them. Then I bid thar guns it mouth at the point where .lump- , an ammynmon, an a.tui -,.. . dents that oe -nr the whale, in play, I suppose, rolling over and over, and if our floor hadn't been very soft, the boxes and barrels would have been erur-hed to a jelly. As it was we got some pretty hard knocks, but a ta-.te f brandy cured all thi. "One dav our bouse seemed to get t t r filed away among the national arcrmes with Washington's toothpick and Jefferson's boot-lace. ThbB.&M.R'R- LANDS IN WKBSTEU CO. NEB. Are now in market, and are offered at low rales and ON TKN YEAiis TIME to actual settlers, at rates varying trom HAR s:..J. DWAREi ,iom the public t.UlpCt! .!... ..- l.. . :ni.K mv vU-'f'H' anl 1 am now a in in mm, i..i-ij i- --.i - . - , , ... ,7 !".!. t.;.. . ;.. tl.n. Hnr.UvMr.j hue. at i.nws that dct generally, un ;ui)u.is " ""- tiou. My motto ts "Small Profits and Quick Sales, for the Ready CASH 1 keep a general assortment of HauLvaie an 1 a full li- . f FARM MACHINtKT- TH1M.MIMIS. HN AKK, b" J.V, and MASONS TOOLS. SADLh.K llAlvll- ! I Stfebster County. THE TRADING POINT ;. nu: -:u: - - NAILS, and HOUSE S WAKE, a full assortment. S. CARBER & Co. U.Al.f.H! IN i The following is a literal report of a speech delivered in Bowling Oreen. Ky.,bya candidate for the office of jailor : 'Fellow citizeus : Wbero are my opponents? Why, gentlemen, they are nowhere. I feel uiy-eli' as much -4 tu n 4i nfiracrft ..,itM.'B cum'i'K sini-N. hoe. w; .vv .v . r runrp. o..y . "-L-,)M sro AK uoXES. St. J BATH tilUCK. M. B. NSCKSTT, nos- set ?rniNi;s. BASKETS. KT J. K. FArCKH. rhilc off-Joe creek cmplics into it, 1 liearu 1 1. a f,,llnwinf? stories, and as I have enjoyed many hearty laughs over them. Iventuro to transcribe them, trusting that others will find tbm as atrreeablc us I did. Only premising that I do not vouch for their veracity, but re late the tales as they were told me. We were lying or sitting around a rousing fire, smoking, laughing and miking, when a short, dumpy man approached us, coming from a train of t migrauts tbat were encamped ou the ppoiite side of tb- creek. Bob Bear, '" vTiu was sitting by my .-ilc, uttered a lung, low whistle, and whispered. "By iehokns, Joe. now we'll have some fun I That ar' the doggondist linr outcn jail, and I'll draw him outen ... i --j-., tdlin' some o' hit tall yarns. T irnh.rtX, uur -t 7inooin, hHVhnnter, h'lwl,"r wijc -,o..tb, -ruc-fangled rof'dredhaiurmountodby battered "itovcpipo" bat. cocked sine, v" iut- . t ..i...., ..... ,.iw,nnnk uh i tKi?.um in a very much excited at something, and ' ' . lho rounil he and part ot , i'-"" ; .: .i crawls on. I call on you in me u.iww of the shaggy-headed lion which whip ped the American eagle; I call on you ij the name of the peacock of liberty, which flowed over the Kocky Moun .,;: m i-oiiie to mv rescue. Come nrescuttv a couple of oars and p: a boat came into eur room. Tom was at the bow of the craft, knocking in the head of a keg, holding the candle iu one hand. I was sitting on the afterthffart of my boat, holding to the Th: niuecs of the bout struck General Merchandise, naN T 12 pieces ot tltu ooai mtuck - - - - , . , oars i i ,.,im..,l(i ftIf. u-i., i on Monday next, and promote Dick to Tom s shouiui.r atiu knockeu tne iigtit i " .... im '" n, ,rtwn jflfll tllp x.P.r tho office tu which he perspires. When out of bis h'tnd down into tne kc.. . V , , n- k . ii.,-1, vou shall have ben dead, and the Instantly there came a blinding flash, i ia" u . .,.,, ,,,,. ft r more beaver, I pulled up staKes an left those dmgins. "An now stumi'.v, I guess as bow I'll take that treat!" aud ho winked at me ns be spoke. The woods and hill" fairly shook with the roar of lauchter that arose from the powerful lungs of our party, as the trapper concluded hia story. But Lum would uot give up beat, and said : "Hold on, my pet, don't holler be fore you're out of tbu woods. I havn't had my chance yet." "What," said Bear, "you don't moan ter say ycr kin beat that yarn !" .k t i with an assumed air ot astonisnmcni. "I don't know but I can try," coolly remnrked Fields, and renewing bis quid he-began his story rtoTnT . roiri ron ouo vcjy i -' . ,, i i,,,,,.. wbolc, u handsome, jouy, - care sort of a fellow, one who evidently loved tbo creature comforts and a good story. , m i "Uello, Lum, ycr lyiu ra.'ktl, how do ycr flourish now Y" yelled Bob. "Hello yourself, longlcgs, don't call decent people by your own name." tvas the answer- "Got any room, for n shipmate here?" He was welcomed, and in a short time Bob bad got up a bet with him, s to who could relato the most won derful adventure, leaving it to the party to deeido. "0. K. shanks," s-aid Lum, "pitch ahead, and the ono that, loses is to treat the crowd, I'll tnko my grog now." "iWt be snatched, squatty, tbc drinks may be on you." Brar begun bis yarn in this wise "It war nigb onto fifteen ya'rs ago, tbat I war trappin' in titer 'Grand Roud' on Roud nver. 1 war all alone oxceptin' the redskins au' 1 warn't over au' abovo friendly with 'em a v,.r kin iudco. I bad a ole smr vth hrrethen, tbat carried an ounce bail, an' it war a most powerful sboo t I camped in a hollow tree, 'bout halfa ruile from tbc river. "Well, ouo day as T war g wine bum. 1 run acrost a powcrfu' big trail. In- 'cunvl-tell 'er t10"' J cnsxA ft fcw 3thec, for I knowed thet they'd see my track, an' Uko as not find me a well s 'my traps. 1 was haviu' mighty good luck an' hated ter leave, so I kivcred up my trail ter tbc treo, an' fixed a place msido ther hollar, ter , ..:.. in mlint hnnnnnpll WaS mil U puuilii lu iv '! to me a few year ago. I was the first mato of the ship 'Naw Bedford,' a first-class whaler. Wo were cruising in the North Sea, and had nearly a full cargo aboard. I was lying in my hammock below deck, smoking a pipo, when the cry 'There she wows blows !' came from the lookout on the maintop I ran on duck and sure enough there was a four-hundred bar rel right whale, spouting and fri-kitig about not halfa mile from the ship. "Of course the boats were lowered, mine leading, and pulling like mad for the fish. As his head was turned from us he didn't see tbo boat, and I stood up in tbo bow to make tbc cast. As the iron left my hand, I heard a loud shout from tbc captain's boat, and as i i - -1,1 ...Ant li,11 tirnVi our wnaie souuucu, u m.n. u.... ...,- water not a doz"ti yards away, directly in our course. He opened bis enor mous mouth, and before I conld cut the line, our boat was drawn full against bis nose. The bull opened bis mouth, and I gave a big jump, but a T was terriblv frightened, I jumped right down his throat! The next thine I knew, the bow of the boat I had jut left thumped mc in the side ; I looked in it, but the men had all jumped out, and I was the only one of the boat's crew that had been swal lowed. "1 began to think over all the prayers I had ever heard, whn I heard a melancholy voice utter : " 'Who is this that comes to keep mc company in my living tomb?' "As you may imagine, 1 was greatly surprised at bcariug the souud of a shipmate's voice iu this strange place, and asked wno he was. and how long he bad been living there ? II ol- a thundering report, and our house j was torn into a thousand fragments. The barrel had been full of gunpowder and we were blowu up 1 "I felt myself sailing through the air, till grasping the oars, the buat, wonderful to relate, was whole and sound, and I was still in. Then I be gan to fall ; presently the boat struck, the water, but fortunately was not swamped. As soon as the spray ceased falling, I looked around, and there, not a quarter of a mile distant, was m -hip, the old 'New Bedford !' ; I Hilled along-ide, nnd wa welcomed as one from the grave. 1 told my story and found that I had ben an occupant of the whales stomach over a month. That the whalo bad been sighted by the lookout, and the boats lowered. One boat was fast and an other one chawed up when the explo- vw . . - T-. Vf a f( 1 .M T ..1!.. V..rw1 ! chIa Atl rccojiuizea uum a ciimwvu iut . . the ship. "Poor Tom was never seen again, and I expect the poor fellow's goni aloft." and Lum wiped away an im aginary tear. "Yc, I guess so too," remarked Bob, rising to his feet and doffing his beaver, "Here, Lum, take mv bat ! I thort I war purty good on a lie, but I bev to -hut clam when ycr 'round. Yer'a mighty little feller, Lum, but ycr am the darndest liar this side o' nowhar "Then you give up beat do you? inquired Fields. ...,,., , "Ye, leave! Let slicker! and we adjourned to the emigrant train where tlm needful could be obtained. Mao York Weekly . i it Hen i7rwn hriors shall have entwined them selves around your graves, then will your son3 come to mo and say, Pick, some years ago our fathers voted for you for the office of failorhip of War ren County; tben will I say roll on. thou silver moon, I will be with thee till the Last day in the evening." A Goai Drini for Earvest. A friend sends the following for publican: "1 oz. hops; two table- ppoonfuls of ginger ; one gallon of water, hoi' well; then add L pint of good molasses; oz. essence ot spruce nr wmtprrrrpen. yet to co'd ; then add a cup of hop yeast. I'onr into sweet cask or jar, cover with thin cloth. After two day? pour off into bottle. Cork well and put in cool, place. Into one bottla it might be well to put a teaspoonful of spices, cloves, black and cinnamon ; alter bottling With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. These lands arc among the best in the Republican Valley, and are UNSUIU'ASSED Fun l'EKTTLir ; and beauty of Location. j Lee Estell. j RED CLOUD- - AA.t LOCAL AGENT FCS WEBSTER COUNTY, Will at all timca be ready to give all information in regard to location of land, tcrtua of pawnent, A:c. J 7ES FOLLOWING SS73ACTS j From th Circulars of the B. & M. K. j K. Co., will in a measure explain their I .i,-,,u nml tlm niiwintaires offered. I IkllUtJ IS 111 m.. ---ta Red Cloud, Xcbrnska. i-0,t!riMi Or' The purchaser can pay cash, or di vide the amount into three equal parts, paying one-third down, one third in one year, and one-third iu two years, with interest at ten per cent, annually : or he can have TKN ykaks time in which to make up the sum by j small annua! payments at six percent, interest. Most buy on this latter plan of II Oft UIUUICIHO V"TV. will do, instead of pain killer, for your harvest bands who are sick from drinking too much cold water. Co lumbus Journal. TEN YEARS' CREDIT! In which case the purchaser pays at the outset one years' interest at six percent, on the price. He makes throo other payment, each of six per cent at the commencement of the ?econd, third and fourth years. At the commeneouient of the fifth year, he pays one-seveuth of the principal and one years interest ou the remain der, and the enino at tbu commenoe- MilL.L,...lii.ii,.M9.1u '-tr '!"'. Any buyer can pay lfffnflatwanyTt!mc aud get a warranty deed free of all incumbrance. OSWALU0LlVI.lt. T.J.I'AUWK! THE CKJCAGO LUMBER YARD I AT ! HASTINGS, NEK. Keeps cwutllitly o: hsni the larSl .lock of Pry line U.Ur ... t!.. Weal. Alio MLOl ; JLMS HAS, a- PAPER, and all kinds of BIJU,I)1A l A T JS RIAL. Our stock is well selected and purchased direct from the rarts, aud i!l he sold as low as the lowest. 0j1juiz 4V renvoi:, Hastings, Nebraska. j Br Goods, , Groceries, Hardware, fi'kx iti: ine. dtfass. BMNIS, bash, And u Urxt X'urhjlff rfoiliir O: eilll Ou Stwk or.lrT t'0d lL3 U" . cctotl with .Hpuuitil mfriico b I rvantn of th l'ql, ami Mii-! , pirt ot j FINE 1KK-?S c;ot)lS, CALM Oi ' BRdWN ,V BLEACHEl Ml LINS. i'RI.VlS. CHECKS. i r. IN (HI A MS. ,Vo. ,v. Th Lidias of Wowtoi ipttniv ' iirn riH.jtltHy iimtod t. ..xiuimu '. !W UKk of sw - i 5Wff Spinner's Girls. nn tree " 'Mv name is. or was lum tny furs an' pelts I Mowed to sleep J fond, first mate of the brig "Sally thar too, and as I had lots o' dried Ann," and uear a I can judge, haro huffier an' ven'seu, 1 tbort I'd lay low Dacn in hero nearly two months,' wa for a bit an' see if ther reds wouldn't the auswer, as the tuan came over to leave those diggins. where I was sitting, and pressed my "Well, thar I stayed for two days . band warmly. 1 now began to have nights, net slirrlrT a peg outeu tber some hope ot escaping nna i, wr u Ther nixt night war kind o' one man could live so mug suu-v rJoudy, au' I thor; I'd j:o an' 'r..uiine cotild do" the same, aud tnen toia aim inv-traps. So tuck dc Buster an' nut . mv story. .1 "went. I found tWi pla.c all right, ' "'I am ghd to see you, shipmate, but not my uaps h doggjned sight. ! aud if wc bad only one thing more, I'd Nary a imp kud I find. Titer rods be satisfied. I have a lot of prime to 'd ruadd a clean sweep. Lord itow I I bacco, and am almost famished for a did cus ter be f-urc. t swore tin titer -... vrlr n snlnhur an' brimestone, ' you ? snia au1 thirTlhHiit. I sot down and thunk "I pulled out my old meerschaum, tor a -nciItheMa T. I'll find them and a water-proof match, and soon a ...,o.,.rt ;,r.j ' Mt"V.fc rr?n of T cloud of smoke was curlintr around his I and tbo woman burst into tears. Then i v. uk u i'? c l3No I w" -- - die for it !" o off I tramps. "Party soon I seed a light, an eurc cnuff. it war tlifim. Thar they sot, i pt9LUKh his nostrils, ntterinpa in beav?r .tail - that tney a sio;t? l.-ju r-i-Mic sausracuon as nc oStett my trap's. Ob, how mad I was, dtd so. I looked afx- founii a u fTid old Bustur to guv one 'o bos of candles that thw j, them i MUIIkU. liall l UU fcUi FF" --- i cniiY Titni General Sjiinncr, the friend of women and the aged watch-dog of the treasury, during the late raid on the departmental an economical congress not only fought but came off victorious. Wheu the committee sent for him, and very impertinent! inquired how many clerks be could spare from hi bureau, be replied : "None, sir; I have not one super numerary. Indeed I have wort feminine work gentlemen, for a few mure." When informed that it was neces sary to cut down his fjree the old gcu tleman waxed with wroth. "Ry , centlemeu, he cried, 1 take that to be a vote of censure. 1 know my business by . I have no drones in my hive ; therefore, if you resolve to cut down my force include me, for the president shall have my re.ignatiou." The hunvm. hr.wever, did not come under the restriction, and four fe-, males received the legal notice that their services were no longer required I by the department. WMien the fact pinched the ears of old Spin, be called his clerks, male and female, before him and said : Fellows, an attempt is being made to turn some of you out tb tb dammt r... .- .! . ..:. .:u you. me iour nouueu iu qun, win continue their work. I take the re sponsibility, and I'll pay 'cm out of Iia rnsptsrir fund. It couldn't be put to a better use. Now, fellows, I damyersouL. go to work." The men broke into loud cheers, , Little Johnny wanted to go to church. His mother was afraid bo would make a noic, but bis father said, "Johnny knows bettor than to m-a-n n noise in church." So he went. He kept very still till the last prayer By that time be bad grown tired of Mttine still, and wax standing on the j.cw cushion with his back to the pul pit. When the lady in the next scat bowed her head for prayer, Johnny thought she was crying. He leaned over and said to the lady in a tone that was meant for a whisper, but which was only too plainly beard, "I'oor lady ! What ee matter? Do oo stumtnut ache?" dEOICGK ZEISS, -DEALHISIN- Wines & Liquors CIGARS, NEW GOODS! J. 0. POTTEli Takes this method to Inform the Public that he has Just j opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & DR.X3SS GOODS, Which we fctd narrjiiteii in olii' ' fif hartrat anil M-t (mt: t vwl brought into Soufliwi-it .Nibmki. i which will l JJ .it 1'ru.vn llmt Defy Competition. uiiMtliuy m jxirl uj ' C1LIC0ES. DAHK, LBJHT.V IMNK, i 0i CHAMI.KES: DELAINES. .LAWNS Chewing, Smoking. Tobacco, : CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, DltESS TBIMMIMIS ,c LI.MN-. COBSETS ,t MvIBfS, VAILS A CLOVLS. BLEAt'IlED AND CNBLEACHED MUSLINS The remark of a little S year old on Monday was in accordance with the wish of many people. "Mother," he uid, "I wish I was built like a ben wop, out of lath, and then the breeze could blow right through mc." The difference between persevero auce and obstinancy is, tbat one often comes from a strong will, and the othur from a strong won't. A barrel marked eggs, shipped from Wabash, fnd., to some one in War saw, a few weeks since, hatched out into bottles of ale. AND CONFIX riONKIUSJ A Specialty. lVsh Lager Beer from " Antelope' Brewery, constant! on band. TABLK LI NENS, A TO hi .1 : Ni-. l'ANTS, 0 EUALLb & bHILIlNC, ROOT A SUOKS, HATH VAVH, UOFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers. Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR MEAL & BACON- ud everything uhuall kcj t in a Fir-,1 Cla- Dry o-'ds Grocery Store. J. G-i Potter, Red Cloud, Nebraska. W alv korp ImimiI n 'iwhl SUnlk of KEADV MADE CL.OTHHVTG j Of v.iruu kmd nml oxtm jualr" ) and for tah cithor by th juii or u. 1 irtiok. Republican River STAGE WNE. L. 3. BALL, Prcjrfettcr. 51' GROCERIES. .AIL TK CUKFKK.HMl'i-'- RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf OLDEST ! DRUG STORE RM2D CI.OUB, LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANAL3TYNE - - ABURMSIi'i- . Kegular trips will be made between JUNIATA and. RED CLOUD, NV.v whep I shall be pleased to carry passengers ey turn anv vou fellows out, by , I upon the days mentioned, leaving Ju- " v.... i .-'. ,. v i niita, a: 6 a. i. on Wdnesdays and ey turn me out. but 1 won t go. No . Jj and Rea riuU(1 at 6m y. soul if 1 go a step, nor snail Thurdav aud Mondavs. i ,. ' . I. Fare reasonable. I.1MC ! IdlEE ! ! head. Once in a while he'd swallow J , cheruby little miss of about sixty ; jouthful of smoke and allow it to Maxwell & Dingee x . i vTh . .. .- ihpr bel'vaeV ; but I knowed . swallowed, and sticking one enu that if I iid, all war up wi' Cab Uear, j in a junk bottle that I had picked up, so I ieldBjy bosses. I thunk again, j we soon bad a light on the subject. I I run back ter ther ole oat I now soowevi arouna our raoer rapa .-uL-tbe.0 m"- st-r J "'ri- -1 "S1 nirrevcngc "the shild : ciO' jyiu and found roybo.it ss.'tvi ' vout'c." tlir.w lpr arms around his neck and I , . ... .. ii ,,A , I With to inforrs the peklie thxt thy Jure kissed mm. At this ad rushed at that m;2wi'- preparation' -, maaafactaai bcneroleut fweirer aud be wa nearly ; Uac. aa-l wUl keep oa had FULLSUPPLT to met the demand of the jaUie. whljli 111 be told at -cajonaile rales. IN RED CLOi:i. j OMositc Garner A Co. i DRUGS, STATIONhRY FINE SOAPS, SP1CE0, I Patent Medicins ; PURE WINKS k LlQl'OKS, CIGARS, MATCHES, hiJilA'.U 1" And the thousand and one things usu ally kept in similar establishments constantly on band and for sale CHEAr For. CASH. Call and Sec. JffS, U.F.LCT&, J i i PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINCELS Boors, Blinds, Sash Mouldings Lime, Tarred Paper, Etc-j And ever Article usually kept in a Pint t1a.- Lumber Vard. And -vorythitig elw tn that Line. Canned Fruits in VarietY.( TOU.KX'O A: VlUMl. TINWARE, STONE-WARE, 4 WOODEN-WARE. FLOUR vS: MEA-& BOOTS & SHOES- To t utl the wants f ererjbo'ly. Wc wih tocail the atwnlion of lb-; 1 1 GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ANY BILL THAT CAN HE GO! T JUNIATA OR HASTINos. suffocatel, for the thermoaieter stood ( atniaetv. fiithfngtoi Capital. j , , Y .l-. A - 1a M.an e CtiUa is tamer w iuc uiu. "nieVky Gumfoozelum on a bust,. ff" h leen mamd vcr Rci---i?Uic PIce m pc bri-J je a Fire as So-tib 'Tv 4 JOSEPH A. PEER', Real Estate, A.SD TAA'.PA Y1SG A GEXT. ra&SSKT KIT, ?rilis ZrsXT 5" TMEOOORB F IIAUXES Attorney at Law. Xt wa Crr " LI.WOLN, NEBRASKA. Vr"E 4Xt UklKtt. Lx ttrrv.. Red CJo 1. - T' Attorneys at Law. RED CLOUD. - - - - KB. I. W. TiLLEVS, H0HCE0PATH1C PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. OfSee 3d door South of Court Hoo. w- ErnoRx, Surveyor of Webster Ca Will ipmlltt rlfciv'j ee ewwlcacc j,roai-UT-i-L sjl J Orfen for work arfcj .-t CJr t o-e. , ttz M p, ( UxeJ. ' pt rvjje ,d.lrr--"-.U- Trir,- .. KIVEhTOX-rBAXWyO. .?E3. tb. " u i 1 Public to thj fitot tbat we ara toruot- 7 keeptn? on hiad'a.fuM aottmetlof Good whwb we wHl ydk at liottcim Irire ABCIIIB1. U.UISXT.K kitmmC, ii 11 &4d &mm. t For CVh. Call sod iaok at ctr Gjj-J atd d oot'fiH to iuiuir tlic frk. , S. GARBEB k CO Red Cion .Vrb: -- 4 i i y , , 1. 1 uur i f: kt .5 ..-a