' lJjQWBBe, S: A Tl if"- s 'ti i.T'.l i le- v Ii ii I U '"5 d F .' M f i V jr .for tjfc -'- ' jtr " J NLLHii iia-55? ,. I'M- BHBf- HE !wfciRin Au.-rir liJ:?5 l-isrw' -- -""""-- !CgK-I!l- iU 32I: . Pcrcczoi Riverton Retail Market ? PL T1T" There will Le a 0W, of tho W k Mn J' X Atkison- rNeI on' lVuck COfl,IECTED weekly ev ii c loiiff TJ - Afc OTTERS. iXi'y A??tal oeWy; at'"'3 U9 tfa' "" "" (Jrushnl Sur for a dollar: Vmtt jr 1 - JCJLenVlii. jnraV; JO'V 25ili.. "oay oi-iit. c (;.,. 7 raW f fr-Ti" - n r ' c r . . ,1.. . "'." J'- '" me cmr hwd fi Hr. Hbrim or (limha. iJenutv V? ,..r P.iT.... ,..,. lyf '' m?F " IQ " & ,bat.f"!5- - fcoped. and afJ 17. s SlnwhdL dronned i n u last Cficc- ll.n l'ff -T..ZZ. IPO? Direct; "IfmasSaSaSS, "r. It -wi us he f;, - " ir-" "SjBBatoHataW.. auer. COXGnym- aa"1 " ZT .-.rvT ri"W9MRHaaK . aaaaaKs-- ,r e -ryrairT--Jigfeto. ii riLi ,-- stawpr .-, PH . "" Jf v- I'rc?iJent. ?:-l P. W. Hitchoock,Our U. fa. faenator. gi I Loreazo Crouiiic, BT Hoprwcnutlve. jf :xi K . - Ttvi flovrnor. Sec. ot Stat;. Auditor. Trpitiirnr J. - Hff v- 1.5-. J. B VVesturn. Ilvatrice. 11. A. KoeniK. Coluinbun. J. Jt. Webster l:Lrice. Att'y (ien. J. il. Mcktnric. Lincoln. Sup. Pub lueiruc. JUDICIARY. Geo. n. L.Jcc Otnuha. Chief J jsticc baiu'l Maxwell. 1'UUioouth A"" Ju!!- WEiiSTEU COL'NTY. J. A. Tullr.. Cunty Clerk. 'lri-.iurtr. Probate Ju.Ji:. alien ff. School ui'u Coroner. County Surveyor County CiituwiiHOuer. K. H. .Igiici, t I. W. Tullcys. J. C. Hill, ft ''' .Munl. -. i norn, A. A. llartly. rn, ly. 1 n. I ... y. urn. - i.-Mattccon ::o:::2..?;:t cs Esc-:. Th-j Pu OTi'je will he open on Sundtyi irojii II .m. to I li i., and fruit, si y. m. to'J I'.i. for the pur-rcjMjVd'rcKi.-terin;; lotteis. There will M nn J; fcrh rejjtstcrcil the morning thj .i..iil Jeavf . M. B. Mi.N'itt, I. M. " "C"irfii xuitwroKY, M. J OUTiiiff i r ;.: vmuiiuii -in;;. liia. tern V,c.''ft'tor- mi-.M each al Ornate Sabbath at JO' a. ;j, RKGATIO.VLISTiaiUlU''! III I ' n 'Ml ilili Surv- , ices caoh alternate Sabbath at lu) s A. M. BAPTIST CnUKCH.-BF.v. Tito.. MiTXLOW, Pa-tor. Services every fQiirth Sihliath at 7i V. M. , Oa.ioj.?ii School every Sabbaih T morning at '. a. m. J. Q Potter, Supt. .ii'ra,cr mcniimr Sahlnth and Thur J.iy evenings. All held at the school hoiiM just noithoftown, ICK! ICE' ICE! ICK! ICK J ICK ! Cool ehvir ire on hand and for gale at tJeo. Zviac'. Prioe one cent per licville, J J yr-pound. Ice Cteaiii at lieu. uis.s' every al'tetnuon. nearly lg Cnndie. thf bc.t and jmrest in 'Uailriin, at Geo. Zci-' A few County Wai rants wanted at 1 once bv ... . '-Ti i.i.rov. 3 ' " T5arc-ttr vnooey these hard times .6y, going to W tilcox, who will pave you money on your taxes. WAS ! WAS ! ON HI3U PSI33S. Mnek I "till alee tnd proposes to V?11 lower, for cash, than any man in Webster counly, anything in his line of trade. I will sell the following Im plements at prices ns follows: Champion L'uht M.iwcr, - - $lor00 Champion No. 1 - ----- rM oi) I'ayton Sulky Bake, - - - . 3rt.00 s rs. k .. m - l'ur.st tV l.railley hnlky Bake, 3.) f0 Eagle Sulky Bake. Tirfio Bevolvin Bake, - - - I'he Ohio Revolving Bike. - 31 50 S 50 7.50 S3.Ter.ms strictIjY C.mhi.J&2 M. I J. MtNITT. Tactcu', liuiatcrs, or tnose Wsfng work done in my lino will re- Jefe prompt at'entiou by leaving or ders with me or at B B. Shcrcr & Company. E. E. Covkv. practical Paititor, Bed Cloud, Neb Three tuonlhs- cretlit given if desired. Taho Notice. All perMins having logs at the saw .. 1 ... .ill are requested to come nnd claim 1111 tho same, as the yard will be clo-cd f up and the mill moved ns -oen a practiaible. All lming h.e- ;u,y ; 1 , . , . , . ' i want sawed must bring them ltnuie 1 diately. J- L Mh.i.kh. Aachen Au::i:n!j I will offer for s.i.e to the highest Oir? r,prT.',ti I O k- 1W..Wi.-'P .... , 1 .-,L i 1 i-ii v tndder ou July i.th. in Ivaley s build-', 1-!i;r -, 7,1 1 .1 V 11 . 1 P & Rtd G bud, the following stock of goods : Dry goods, groce-ics, hats, caps, boots an! shoes, 11 ittons, etc.. etc. t Come oue and all, and secure the best ; bargains of the ra'or O. K Orcrb To Ycu Ssot? Do you know that the West has the J beat dollar Monthly in the world ?, is ever iouud on us pages. I he only 5 . mm a 1 I wonder is that so much original, excel- ' lent reading can oe oncteii lora uouar. Single coi 15 cents-. Sold by newa dealers, and on the cars. Specimen copy, containing premium list, sent to any address on receipt of two stamps, j Address, T. J. Gilmore, Booms 7. b and 9. No 40" Broadway, Cor. Wisconsin St.. Milwaukee. Wis. I at - - -- -- - --, -. Attention is called to the card of Cobb, Marquett & 3Ioore, Lincoln, Tbw firm comprises the ablest Atrers"001"- -f TfntT cather Is now the or- ' yajoftk1!10' f Ifrm'im- Hjch. i And do you give it your support ? Tts . iVnniH nn, t nFn, . , ' . . do XXXX, II bam literature is m.n, n.irutmt ana en $omcwh:it by their own Rurroundinss White do oO.aCO tertainmg, and no objectionable matter an(1 ?afc. be,,,u.e Sarn . tift TwilIed ,. , "Vi Kxtra cop:es of The Giiif.f can he hud at this office, wrapped for mailing at 5 cf per copy. Uncle Jack Rennecker causht a catfi.-h, a few d-ij' aqo, tlrtt weighed tweoty-eight pounds. A fat take, that. We are fdad to add the rll-t City Times to our pxchance li-L is a lively paper pu.di.hp'i in the bc town in KaUrn Nebrasla. Seward Clarber i-i here on a vi-it to his ft iends and relative?. Sewan has been gttendini; -ohool in Lincol from Fomo iiiouiIh pa t From fl S. Kiloy, E ., we lea n that Cajit fJarber l.aa so fir rccoventl ... . i...t.i.. .i i,:, r. l...:.?, i ii' I'u uiuu i" itiniii un I'iit1 i uuuw The bridge will now be pu-hod towards completion. Thefau-e ofdf lay wa- the want of a jiib dnver. On has now hootl coitmcled here, anil i "it Mismc3 win now go aticau. Sh-eper ha put in a hlanksmit shop at G aide Bock, which will be great cnnvcn'ctice for the farmers i that ."cction. The nuv posfofEee building ii fin iMicd and in the course of a week orJ S two the po-toffice will be i.,..ved onofr cxcilin- Political campaign i: door north of its prr-ent lo-uion. , close at hand, and all who want to be T T .. , , . po-tcd on the issues at stake will do '. lv. i lilCOS Ills flkiUl tOst'.sinn n . i -i r n ri l n,- . . , , ' . well to.subenbe for Ihk CilIKP, and oj Jim new office in the buildinc ju-l . , , mi i- i - ! , . i, ., ,. v. ,, ...... get a paper which will di'Cii? po.tlicai erected by Mr. McNitt. Mr. Willcox .- , . , , , . ., , . . ... . , question? without using slander and has the bet law hhrarv in the cotintv, .. . sir . , i a ;ii ...n : t i ... ' . viiuporation. We propose to deal iihcd and In tin; course of a week or -.ii a in -i, jt, in j;irjij uvt.illj-.am;. Jacob L. Millor has rented the steam t. .hill snuth of town, and will continue fo cut nut the. logs on hand, and uch as may he soon brought in. The delay in Till. ClIIKK ha been occasioned by causes hrvutid our control. Publifitinn day will be on Salurdav, and after the ieue of next week, we trust there will be no dclavs. W heat is about all harvested, andl Frartltlin. As the OourMiiris town of as a general thinir, the yield will hi Ku-eiton lay in our roil, we halted large. If the present dry wenthcfnr :, few ,;nlos f(tr rM and refresh continues the corn crop will be cut tdr .r)t. IIoMri lire keeps the Intol and s"ort- I can set up the be-t "throe cornered" W have received a circular from ' I,I,'':,, '" ,!ic -'lrtt possible time, the Vebraska Slate Sabbath School ' T,,e V(,r'onians are happy in the Association, with a request to publish. As the ame would lake a full column we mu)-t decline its publication. The main points are that Sabbath Schools aro requested to furnish statistics in regard lo eve-ything pertaining to the interests of t'ie work. J. P. Gage, of Fremont, Neb , i-; .statistical Secretary of the association, to whom all com munication? should be addressed. We would like to remind some well meaning but thouehtlcss perons. that this oilicc is not thti proper place for loin! noi-es "scttfilini?.' sincim?. whistliiie or anvthim; f the Wt. PIeae bear thi- in mind. STRAYED OR STOLEN A !M V II I l.i. Till iv-.. .... ...-.. A r.i - ,-ut' ..ir i7trk imv ni. ,t s v-, - iV on7cn,l'hT,,-:i!,.,h: ur "N'ni,,,' m ncirhip ,t i-,rk Imy II v...ir.li. nv inforiii-itinn left at II C. 1-sihfl" 'y " e.ir.sVil. x,,v . l-ohtTi-'itr., .Uivcr- '""jXt my houic in Oikf. v rn'P ved t hi l-ranfchn Co. Neb, 'rant rrcemet. will be ao. uiiurr leWRM.U. At KS 1!A N'KS. i(icr ton. July 13. 18W .ft nii.irs of Smith countv T- ' r - 'I - 111 lllllll UilUI',1. van-as, n,-t. oremiro, nn icnVnlturil I ..,: . i i t.i... . i .-u.HM,.in.i iriu inn t a Pur on p- tcmberlM'h anj i'lth, 1S7-I Tuesday afternoon. July 1 1, was !-...! II 1 . . . H'-inum. 1101. ihc win.l came Irotn uesnut... .mi eJt as.if it had passed rt decision of the Court and the through haT-a-dozen firery furnaoPsAjroil.li1ie location of the Lund Office at About dark the sky Was overcast wipt IHnnmint-tnn lia worked trs-tlie mn?- I clouds "nil tbf. .;: ., f n 1,;,. I ji out . ml t.,c sicns wereof a li ' ; stort:i, mt it pa-sed oil with a sliglit , f,r-"KlL-. I tl rr 1 r 1 ; rh? Hebron Journal is one of I ' ", wle-awake, lively local papers that do so much towards advancing the material intere-ts of the count,-1 ,. i- 1 - - ii- 1 1 r,M aa'1 ownm which it is inibli-bed. Hie last number contained more local and home news than any other paper re ceived at this office. hrom the Pinion Times we learn that on the night of the 'sth thcrewas, a severe wind storm alone the line of 1 '."' "inn .iiuiiu an, 111; inc 11 -. r .,,,. the B A: 31. B. B. dcinir con-ide , ,r, rable . damage. The same paper aUo tatcs tint a larze e-TCusion party is expected , to anive at that place in a few days I HUlll HlWlUIs. tii: - The Sarpy Sentinel is inclined to .Innl.t tb.- cr....,..., ...K. l..l i.. ,11. j weeks ago. concerning the bic corn nnsed bv Mr. tern. It doesn't -ur- ririso us that nnv nni lirimT nn tliK I - carm. limilil ", . , , n e. , mt b. sm.ii ta riva rrtnm for , ...,.. ai,irt , rrnv,i.. tl.ev tb.nk In tKr t;l;. --------j----rf ----- . k'tltl LtHVIIJ with a tent large enouch to seat four 1 or five hundred people and stops and preaches wherever opportunity offers. A new Broom sweeps clean ; and MXi .iis th.sm Air --ii .nt ; -If you want a Grindstone go to one and iron fix- tures for the srjisll -uui of J J 75. I Sfc-i'ifi- u hiis 1I1U1-.V .- OIIILI 1'iat.t . 1 1 . 1 . that no other place can crow anvthim? i:. n : .. ,ttnos nn tht Cnnneeiicut Ric-.-r." big. Blue " - -2A 9.Xia .Pleasures and Penis; , t o xt 01 u i- ! Heavy Brown Duckinc Va-K nauntea : or Horen-e Ivmgten ? -Rer.S. M. Clark, traveling ,n ', ?tL? Ur0 w." :tUn5 T-' Oath:" "Bohin's Set ;" "The the interest of the Presbvterian Ilnme 11 ........ o... .V,' V -,. Ij.r nf D.ivi Whlnn.-..-.' Tnn fte- ,.. . ... , ... .. ticiiuiiu ZVvUraw iTm:::." t- ""',.;' . sVvis .s' .Mi-siuuciKse pucnea nis tent on l.ignt Itoots 4 50iit.7 50 ..,," -"Vu,,c ,. , .M 1 s- 1 j s t ,. li. viU... .. aW. .. Jjmr "'An I nfnrtnr,!tr. Alnfrh ' . rnuay ana r.as ocea noiatng service. " "--, un-- - 7.T . i T . rf-t" ,.",. f, 7, ; I .A a -J m, - a. I . V T ?l V a V A &11 lAft AfcAAAA AAA&AA.. it MI t fl 7 L T .. . . -v: .1 r ,ti 111 int t 11 1 . 1 ur ui 1 y mui'i ini . Maiuu intervals, .ur. v iarK travels 1 Ll: I " Pet Parrot" r..- f c? 1'lKAi- .UKLUS Ut Jilt i5fc.IO has just bocn receive-1 from Mr. Win Sawyer, of Guide Rock precinct To say that we are thankful for thi3 fivoi would but lightly express our feeling. The firt melon U a bin thinp ; it call-, to minil vi.ion3 of future fi-a?ts as well a. pat pleasures. May Mr. Saw yer never fail to raise the biggest, ".veete.-t, and best of melons, U our wish. It - Ino- M- Kellogg, brother of Ed. - t ! R turned to Red Cloud, on Monday i-t, from Ohio, where ho has beei for ovjw a tar. John i- a good felhw, we hope he '.Till remain here per Tianeutly. Our friends throughout the county have our thauk.s fir their kind wi.-diei and the prompt manner in which the . greater part nave renewcu wieir scriDttons. We are well aware that I110llll :s raret. nnd timui hard and -,, . . , , -. -, r ... . . .. , r will be a, patient as poible. whenever any one can send in the , mom... :, .,:;, a,waVj, be aL.,c.,table t Every p0.t master in Webster ity is reipie.ited to ai't in teur- 1- ... - , . ., litions to the (subscription ht ThkCiIIKI'. Such as aid U- ill that manner will be well paid for their trouble fairly with all political opponents. The hotel facilities of Bed Cloud are equal if not superior to any town of its size in the West. This Is a point to be well considered by .strangers who want a place for headquarters while searching for lands. I lay hefo-e yesterday, in company with J. R. Willcox, we took a pleas ant drive to our neitrhborimr countv of I tirnct.onr nfn Itriilir ..r-nr iU Pj.tisiltli -'f ft s , 4 imi'ii; t llli; ll."i"F- can at that point, to cost about $ 000 A mom? the improvements already un der way we notice the bit? flourimr mill nearly completed by Volantine t: Shepherd-on, iMxSfi and three -tories hiirh. This will be one of the best mills in the southwest. Mr. Iloldtidge is building a stone house, for hotel purposes. Mr. Ash burn a stone dwelling Il:27, two and ono half stories hiirh. Mr. C. liohff and hi- brother each a two story stone building, Sec. The-e stone hou-es give ' l,lt" ,ow" an :,'I'arancc of stability j an'1 'nl."1 mi"- j A drive from Biverton to Franklin I r'.r,C-f 1'''",,!ra11' is not ParnVularly de I S'.rablc owinc to tho rumcrous hills. V but careful drivini? and fr tiuent halts I to look for the road will bring any one I ' . , . ..... I ttllOUgll in saiety. At franklin we put tip at the Buck IIoue, and enjoy- I eil its losnita i e ctiinnrN. The nro- ' pri?tor. fJeo. Buck. E-. , is one of the ' , . 1-1 11 1 1 t 1 -andlonR At that place wo , I T S 1 "Il , 9 I met .1. v. 1 eerv. 1 o. LierK. -nr. ; .t-..,.t, ;.. . , : , ' ' -. erai meicnainii-e, an 1 otners, all ot whom are substantial nii'n and promi- ncnt citizens of Franklin county. The r . c .1 . t- f ii- . fe-t injury of the town oi I'ninkl.n, I a,i prbably to the entire county. On i this point more will be sod hereafter, t 11 1 ! . r , ... 1 1 1-ranklin cmnty is a fine beautiful , county, well w itered, :rv with a lair ; amount of timber. If IW local quar-j reU ever become settled 'here will be ',.-.. , , , o . few if any better places in the State. -- - Red Cloud Retail Market. K4CU T- Cru-heil Sugar, for a dollar 7 A Cuffcc Sugar 7 C Cotfcc Sunar. Yellow Cfffee Sucar Dark Brown Suirar t 2 .. 9lbs ...3 Choice Bio Coffee. Bice. ,,, Gunpowder Tea per lb $1 GO M I You tic Hyson ..I. IK) MUOkCU CUtfC iIeat 14 Smoked Shoulders ., i.t.rtr:..t Bmter Evtr-..-. .! j ..So;?., .,0 low 2u I 10 Hour. .Meridian 3.15 s-j'on MM ... I , Brown Shtrtmc IlCii-lS Sprasae and 1 Merrimac PnnLs. l'2 . JACC3 KOHLi, Corncrlst Street aa! HastiaM Avecue. i j ai "1. . . Hastings, Nebraska- I naaum-s, neurasna- 1 11 i ! S - JB1 3" UraW "-' EverjiW-a- of tbt b ics5y tb warkct liiJ-VZi i i. i "J Cuff) 1 'b....k ..- .. 1 I'lIIIIS 111 111'ir.IIIIW iin rt4 IlilTT-IT - s ...Gib .. 7 fj Butter per lb .. .lofu-UO !. -mrn ftn. -i . i-i; I'v j iis-ii - .. W.nn.l' n..r v.r.l j Mtinei" per yaru...... ...... Hpv-rn hirtiiii: per j-ard.. ' Print-' - ('""""'' I'riut mmvv 1ro,VIJ i)u... ; ..1(217 10 ,, - ,,. . . . jl... . Women.- Shoes ner' .mir ... ."...?2.S3 irvr iriii crirw):: r'tiptir mir iiiir - . r Nail- per It 7-Sj TlTJO ilinCricail Iffagazmes. TLicelJencc of Awericaa Maatmcs ba Income io well reo niie-l abroad, thai one of the lci'ltiu Koglish 1'jperJ. the An.n UV'iy I!tjftr, id recent .:ue. thus fiek tf rribntr't Month; : "We are con-traiae 1 to own that ScrHnr' M'mthty carrier off the ir ze at; iict hII our rhilhus- mon'hly icnah fur bn li.incy of ill ii'traiiiiui nnil variety of conteutj'. It M rim- t'ly 'i wMlerful shiilioic w-rth. Nothiuc ! cm be more ehirmms than the cut.-fll of i i f(.u mi' iiKui. i Willi ail i ?UA'K li u" I inanaKed with a truly artitic iiorer. Out of I iu ono ami teurv onirioat article. wetl!r. i l-t knr which to choose as bc'n. forrteh unii an :iro r iitlifiu. et j , , u ;. . ?crit)ner.- Month,v , 1. ... .. . iW, the Ko'li-h .M.isznie'. but it is "The bet of the Aiueiicui Monthlies." I In t cesien'. aricty.ini arti'tic excel- j lenre of it illu'trattoa of American theme. il h.u ticvvrbecn ttveu:iiironcbe.fntifh Its ullit If it 1 luPtA I .X. ..! ..AJ . ,,;-... a taws tBi. rfa.' UilU i4? of cr0Jter x ;tt. in St-...,!, . a,,v.,er of the St imUnl American .Monthlies in literary cl. ir.icter. au-j in the brillimcy ami ability oi m tentorial J'tpar.mcntJ. it injnytan ejual pre-eminenre. lt.finiuftor. tiirteij with tiiolelinitenlui 'f making it tli-j bet miKazin in th w..rbl. of isliicii their ave never lor a moment lm-i t'iK'trt. ami the j not with pmle a nl piea-mre to 'lie May aail Jano numlier. recently U-hui-l. ami ak for them aeiunliii ex iniin.it. on ami a careful c:itn '.-irion of their i rit-" with lhoc of other la.itranncd: and they renew their plclice t the imblic. tt. strive for .tiil hiaher eveellence in the lut re A coni'JerabIo di-m m-l nai recently ar'sca in laifc'l.iml for M Xicholn. S'ribuer'i .Vcw Mni.'.iiitif f r Jlnj-i iiti.I .irN. one piili!i-htr ile"intiif to ecaro an e-liiion of threu th. us- nn.l of the ilr-t liunl volume ' when Ciinplc- tt! with hi- im rim. , Tin-miccc i ,. x,N.ias in thU c country lia been even :iior remarkable than that of Scribncr'. Moiit'ily. t n pronounced to be "an ideally perfect Mncaziuc for children." and. as ii the c.He with all the bet lileraturo fir children., it h is been lotuid to posucg ur-pa-sini: mtcn-.-J for Krown-upreailcrc. a.s well. The iiiliucnco of the penoJiils of the dy can.-carcely be climated, c-peci.illy uton the ri.Miit' k'eneratioii. Parents and teacher cannot n!f;rd lo be indilfe. cnl to this i llu- nce. or c.irclt.-s in nl itiou to the draraeter il the liter.tMire furii:sied t'. tlio eliililren iitsidi if their icho 1 Ics-or4 In s-( ',,.fi. i'i. not oiily Ilistry. .N.iluril i'liili.nt.iy. Literature, lino -"rM. and M.itmtncturei irc--iitr.l in an attr.utive wayt-iyuuo read- r.'. but the children .tk 'ti.nu.atud to teek iiilormat on fur u-om-ii-lrci. I he Mibiishrrs w II .-end to any mldrc" a peciimso i, amber of t. Xicu ... po.tH?e pie 1'iu I. on rcceii-t "f ten reiiirf. the ti.iru cost of paper in I prmtitu. 'I h- in is :ine. are fold by a.l firl-cla.- booksellers and newsdealer;'. everi whi-rc. SriciiixRit's MoNT.M.r. l a yr.; .1c. anutnber St. NiruoLAs, . . . " 2-5c. SSSIBN2H S: CD.. C51 3roaiwa7, .rY. Till-; 11 EST AXD CHEAPEST. Ulercantiie Oooge At Hcokuk aai Lucuque, On the .Vi4Miiji. Thi.soIdandprnctic.il Dminr olli-ce now in its ninth year in Keokuk, with no chance i teacher, and stand cndorjid by over .Hu of the mo.-t promiuent bu-ine mea "V,,,cci,& , , , l'ur. U II. Mii.lkr. the celebrated busi- Iies in.iructor. continues in chnrice at Km. kk Furnihed rooms are iriven fr-e of " -lu.u-ni.- wi-n,ns to board them .-elves. No room rent i eh irgcd VN , " it -I -"W I'CJ HITS. Ifv OT ifiiril in i. nl.il. ... CI -.i. ..,. ..,. in .---.,.- , -. ....... . v more frieeds from uiifre.,t pirLs of the t IU- (Pil vriliunin init- .... .I..1.. I- - -....-..... ......c M. ,n....- v, c-nno. Fwiivul... the CollcK-oIlall. with thebras. bind in attendance, l-'renuent lectures by prominent men. Accommodation? lor two thous tnd .Indent-. Ihc only t'ollrce with a p'.vtica! Phono cruphcr constantly 111 t!ie ch ml room, ac cia'do for instructions at all times. Send funuicc-aicnsoi Short linn 1 Writicf. The Iiiw .-;jn,e p,,ir for ,w yPnM ;l Kg,,. kak, will Iarcelj lncrcii-o busine-.s. Thcn.e.ncrrhipfor s0p,ond..,for 0ok-- kecjuup. Tclecraph.nc. Phonography, rcn- "'"c.-ind all th studies; timeuaiimitci. No prt-s-nration i necessary to enter. Special form. of aPCOUnb for u.e in tc r strrc. lMrceV Normal Pen-nan-hip Institute i "nJuctoliW AM toiieCe.tudenu rrce.vc m.sfuctioa in it free ot charee. The O.ito City Telccraph Institute. theonlr Khiwl in the Wt uuxht by oreratorn in actual crvicc i conducted at Keokuk, by Dolbear i Unwin. &EvDF03 A CIRCULAR, Address, BAYLIES COLLEGE, ' J KEOKUK, IOWA Rali.oc's Monthly Maoa.ive KOit AfOCST. The Aucut number of this substantial Matraz;ne of 100 pages is already issued, and can be t found at all the periodical depots in the country. It i a snperb number. and will bear critical examination, for it is filJtKl with atoriej of a high order of merit, and the illustrations of scenes the Connecticut River are alone worth the uriceof the Magazine, which is only 15 cents single copies or $1.50 per year, and a pretty little chrotno given to each subtcriber Anionc the A p? -Aunt Sarepta'a Ghost;" "Or Yoting People's Story-Bellor LeiU Grey: or Twice an Orphan;" Bob- bic's Kite;" Curions flatter;' 'Ruthvcns Puzz'e Pare;" '-The Ilonsel - ecper ," "Facts ?nd Fancies ;" ,sJrv.str..T jllmnlnn I ITn.r.-.n-i2 t Fteure)?' .-- Published bv Tbomes; and Talbot. 3 Brorsri.-ld Street. Bi5ton. CIIAS. R. JONES' CASH PRICE L8ST. ) j j , Cn and "after May !3ih, I priC33 -0 j rjoldea 5.ar Hour, br st. V rt - 2 :. 1 10 - , .c-ii U4 V..-J . ..w. ! Lwl Ki CoC"ee3,i R's f,,r Stanlanl"A"usr.7.Sn for - ExtrA C White " S " .. Brown SuBar " 11 " .- 1 t'i 1 fO ... H" . Of Rest ajrup. rer al (5ool " " ... - - L'wt Fine Cut Tobacco, r-r 1 i IIXJ i - I'Iukj .t imokine in atne ratio . Choice Japan Tea. per lb . W I "its. rate. Ir b ....... This is only a partial list. By tailing you Will find everything in stock pro porli; lately low. Call and Examine Mtock and rricci At Ky New Store Building 2nd Door North of Post Oifics, Juniata Avenue, JUNIATA. NEBUASlvA. SUSPENSION :vEstvr!ffUS c. o. The Climate Impairs Our 4 Lbs., Minus 2 Ounces, Best RIO COFFEE for $1 00, or 4 Pairs Grangers Socks for 2 . cents. Now is Your Time to BUY 2IAP I ItEKjEXZlEX & Co., Reel Cloud, Sfab. HARDWARE! I wouM call the attention of tho Fanners of Web.-'er and adjoining counties to the fact that I have on band a ? d assortment ot FA RMLYG 1MJJ LEMENTS, And am constantly receiving a lot of PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, BK.VPEBS, MOWKBS, and BAKES, among which will be found the EXCELSIOR REAPEB & MOWER, HOLLTNOSWOKTH PACIFIC aud HAMILTON SULKY HAY RAKKS, For which T am olo Agent for Webster and Franklin Counties, Ne braska, ana Jewell and Smith counties, Kaii-as. OTIS L, BATTLES &outi Guide Ztock, Nebraska. NEW DRUG AXD 6R0CEEY STORE IN- IZed Cloud, Xeb We wish to inform the citizens of Bed Cloud that we have a new stock of goods which we otftr at Granger prices. Consting of ORUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISMES BRUSHES AND FANCY GOODS. Also a choice lot of TEAS, and TOSACCOES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, 1 feSps?cial attention given to Dis pensing ot Medicines aod Pre-cnp ions. We Defy Compctltto in Quality and in Price. KR-SHEREEi CO- will sg!! goods at the following for CASH : GodJl4aTca. ier!b .. 8 ' Dtaik " " 25 Che ce Y. 11. " " 1 Gowl ..... 1 1 Moliuta 9 Ch-.icc Impeital " 1 25 (,o.l " " 1 ttf Via' ir. 1T cal. ,... 35 0l. " ?' 1'icklcJ Pork per 10 Bacon " ..... 11 OF BUSINESS.! D. Health ! ! JOHN M, JACOB SON'S HOTEL. FERD, SALE. AND LIVERY I ! i STABLE. Juniata, A --a- cm fc f . O. K. FURNITURE Hed Cloud. iVI SMITH & CALVERT, Have just reccivod and olPtr for vile larrc assortment of I'urmiurv. cur- j f'jlly -nlrctinl with "-pevnl rt'fsreti"t to iliown.i'theH.M.lc(eVbii.ig in part ot CHAIRS, TABLE, BUREAUS. CtUO ; klAuO, LUUilbZO, SOFAS, PICTURE FRAMES. &c Ac, At Veivs thut Citnnnt hf littit. CNliKRTAKING A SPECIALTY tux zi.i i&iju v uaii. IVK UsS A CALL A1D EX ATI I ,YK rRU:E-:s No Charjc f:r Asrrcrirj 5ue:t!oa:. IIAMESS SHOP. S. V. Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kinds of work IN THE Harness Line. Thcbc.it of materials-Used, and all work WARRANTED. ki:pairi.c. Done on hort notic and at rcajjana'!: Price). Shop in McNitt's Store Red Cloud ."Veil ra sit a. M. HiuLLSR, Merchant Tailor W.i.M r-a'f fully infora-. tic r,rv,nt. r Kl I..U.1 r I Tiinitjr thit b u I-fti-UKl t -in ail kiii i- r.f work in bis liae. nn th. n ciie5 ani .-:.. na Me terrni. ; x r.-A T-:. . r.. j . 1 .. - . "C Shnii. vrf nrUi ri,n U f.' C. " , , ...,.., . vwv... ,v vm tr. ...ion,. .,lkmi , , ... , MOAE JtAXOV. , H. C. Wr"PTR " , 1 W-i.i.i ,,.,... .1 , , t. , . all Linlofila4n .rk .d fbtirt D-ti: ami i tnl otacr or at n. r-,liln- fj.ir mif. n ns ,.! t i ..-;"-" .--M..-. wet" " " ----- - .-- .. t ITftTli -. 1-1 I ? &a uuruj mi iv su 1 1 , j 1 tf'snv. 4 - " II stAIMCUICriV allUCr All ain'it of rt incr Wona on ihrt nvtica ?rff aa.t reaxioaUi. Krai. fc.l-Uii4.TaMn.. '' W - 1'x Uufliora 1 Iarttmof UK Vt-.ir. r ir-.tEJuJ (stonier. ' Kta of sjurer a. - t-it-r. ars- itriv ... . . r ,"f Zr tt? aM arTWJ t cf t- ar asr 1 alar Vrsi afajeSlifs i-i. ; 3 I' 4 vr.n y v srof w-eap iuptk Crjtfni'r.jtjafi:. t,". an v-W4ai tA kU .tIILIjEjS . ri tft,lUj . aieri, I - U. M. nriao . .. .... . S j tr3r3ivaOa. Ajf t si-u.C'arA CARPENTER JL Dllll nr-n "-'"v'i'--'-'rNftf..:I iMnr&n 1 cn & dUILDER, o" xu. uzi.tn, a ur.,uiu I ticeamlrrato. t.'"Ullt? .Jrt r-aat-4- ,-" -J:ai. -fatntfactxranur. , fler-ar lv ... r- i fcu., - - Ull WliiJ "ita Geo. Zta ai til Seilir-ti sbrasia. DENYEB HOL'SE Billiard HaU. D. W. DALTON, . - . ft f KASTIK53, KtKfASilL - 1 , Vni '---i n t u- J Coir Wni-.J.jivjr- j c.jr, jt j i I e(tr BUOm sr not nit raAef rnit et lxir Hum. Wtihr, rjf tt Hera-v- ltflr, itonnrct ficK. wr-trnel to JsV0 tb UbA. ClkHM TnkO A?cr' - BptT', Ac thit s.i t5c npph-r cn to Ura&UfstarjM dI rain, tratarca ticoHlklon. irv.lc rrorn tia ttirr not anl trfrtj ox Cafltu. trw rrww it.tVnatmctitwntUaw T&y m ib Grent lri i-unarr J a Ufirtttaii rrtiMlpK 1'crfect Ktaaratranl lonxoraifc th t. tiu, carrus ftf alt sv-ouu)i niatwr aa4 ptonoc tbf u'kt to hr:taj couJUa. to r.rbmy it, rcmMcj an-1 Unlftailn t-u inioil at Uwtr. Tticj rr ct oX talnUr- t Ui-n. prrturt In their actios, rrrtam in Ucir "a"' w rnnffTr,' rrtuwr in all r-rm or ticaar. Ntik tlt Mtlmu Minf to ilirccthinv aa1 remain Kin nn w-n. t'Wei ib.r tvn- V ffl . M, arc nt tt.iriitfl t itrr nieaji. nI ttttittat re t-ntit orteMir. Itprwil or luitlattla. Itc'-ob". imi iHtiaei, s, r Enh ttliin of tbcton t h.i'.:Tar ia " c utita w :o.itari .ri pMiHnchr lltrf Inaaramatton of th iMn.. ta3nJnatiin of lb l.af. '-7! 'Ikiw KWUi-5,U"lahrin4tre4 mhi f fiiui. ar RtXnna-C f S I 4imat.icrvi . ir tminftu nmntnui. l'ti.i. in uv I'nttiiilatnt K btxciaai ui i.oc i iti wtil prove a licttrr murmutc I hh IMn a iTtifittur atHert-cnietn. t-'ot r.i.iRtrt oniutint.lnjimt)corohi, rwrti'Si ortnc'c, at thilwu of nomMitotnl. tn mm r lift. tuccTWOia a-mcr i.i;.y i'.isl aa la-Juenoc tt.at a nwltl lu-iirotv t.i a. i m.ii tK-rccptit!c I 'or I iitl-i lauiiMtstorjr anil Chtnl 1 ttitrutn iiUih ami (ijut, JirM! of IniM- rts-u-iu lu.uv luMititci.1 ami li.icrniittrat Imf, litskcnj"thrt'-'l,Uv(r.KMiictaa'cl li.isjiir. iK,lUitrrlw,U-,aKiticia.ttL 1 SuHi lMvra-nrscaUrsllVlU4tnln:ixHl,hlfa t t ri'i prsiucs-4 lr tUrati(rairut of ma 1 .i-m. I'iKjr. "llicj nir n Omlte Pttrgntira M !! kin I .int. , mjwrtwli ltli IHC VUjUr mm ' m Huj as .1 pMMenul arfeut 1 1 rv!l Ilia Cco- 1 i-ss.'B vr luraianintlun pi tw iitr auu s ta 1 r 1 O't'' ni m ltt.tons Disrats . ' i'i.ruiii DUrmn, Krupitea Trtfr."a', I ! h n. imi . - . it-... lut .ip, t . I Miinaos Ikii unf us. s. Ul-Hrail, sjuie agi KtTnlpvUk, tub. .scur . Mil olonalnua of tii Sm. tluiuorsi and biw ef tha ftaia, vt taiicr tani it natiirr. irt Itieratt rtna; Cr tiMtt cutii.-t out of itic itn 1.1 hurt IIuk by tiw uvt-uriiH-w ititicisiiif hoiticla'ucTjrasKa KI crtHilnco the im-ot Itn'rnliilou of their cnt tlli-'irT.U. te rirnli.r tll- Vltl(rl Rlias s,hfl,rr )hi fiijsi u 1 .FHOi'te burvinr thr'U.ti lit ktn lu r..ii-.rn rruHlmt', r "v-irsi ; iiaitM it uiHii )m tin. I it uutnicicl anil 4tixttsh lit UX scitiit.t .1 ,f it mini I l fuui , "i ur firlirn;! ri trii 1. i h va. Keep tho i-hnsi pure, tin ItV bsulll rfl'i. iU(ii uri I '.4J i :tnirrni 'rinMimnit pnsljtrn iirm Hirrir.- i. i.-iiv vnt.ri)sl hntyoriit lhAt iv, r Mi-t.il.ie-l 1 ti rHiVnnt- ticui. I'Iii, Tpr. mill oilier Vor--aa, lutkluf In lie sit,u ofitjinaii ihou-attcta, fttc rftco. tiull.r il.i.irojil aud mnot,l. , a ilitthv KilN'eil phlMoletfttt- TUtis 4railj nin 1 Miliwtoiitl.c fiiccoriftjr4;rt'i vrtiiwc tjr tjX 1 it :h ftoni the prcacncc ir -irtn. It u not p vn tiNiritti t!i iiii-nl of tlio t-wtythat stiirtua 1 l-l Put upwii ilif llrasl linitiurs tin.! allmt iUxjit tiut liirfl 1 1 him) Intia iimmuiIj r f liraFr Nusati-m of ntnticinr. not tmliu3is, ui atiiti-i.i.liiltic. m frets th" trvcia inna w irt .IVr llr sr :illcr- -f. llrrltnnlrnl t)lirnr. 1'i.rrxins rnj.jrt 13 in .tiiH hi.ii nij r is. cur:. !. rinniici tx f I nHllf. (mlil-lKurfM. Si I iiili l, JM 1. j. j 1 ruin- in inc. nr -u,cri, to puuijsts of tbf - tw..reK To a:i ird ujrilnt t il, t.tle ttocr ct I iiitH'i Visj.jtK ii.iti.ns iwito trvci. . - vi. Itlllutt. Itrtiittlrnl. Mu, airtMll jfl riil jxrtrt-, w.iitli t,rc fo prrtftlrut In tit !!t t.i. four j;tr.ii M.-rsitinrii.'t!Oatliictt,iii:J 1.-. c-i-fHUllr t'uisnt.rthcXtsflwtltvBLaiaj. 1 "iil-.uirl. I'llnot-t. Tri.un-Ms ttiuittcrland. Ars knas. IUs, c..irulo. Vr.n. ItJn CumV, IVjit, AUIuiuj. il'ill!. .-sivanilih, f.mtuoU , Jamr., un.l mutir o.hn-s, wt'n ijs-r sast im tJtles. iJiroulmut our ctitiru atultf ilurifx tiif mjiiiiii' r ami .Mi .1 1 . unl leiuarfcauj- Ht inning -.t-iii.K hi iiauMjjitmgu lnir,n,l.iv .. - w r.TFa .... ....". miviiiiH.rini I riir irrri aik., iiutiUittilicubiuiariianil liver, atxl tiihrr lu lnuilnal iK-rra. In tiir trvatnnt VV.,T tlsc, rxmUw a JiW rmitnl1UUCllu0i. Uirt VHtltum tinraaa. U rswonUailt; tissciwi-yr j hr- .- t... im.w nt tuu i uijvnii r:unl to Iij r -wijftN'x iriit HiTrriM, as tbty svbi jHciin- iciiiosv the lUrk-roiooi) n-n. uiatit nitii vrnii-n tcf-boMUar'iitlts. n; ip. , tliuiiiiiu.itiii;r the fcccrnkitiK tirin ihrr an-f Kcnrrlir p ionru Hit h'aUtiT funruiu; fi, i IICeJl-rmJU4. .Srrnfiila. ,,r ICIna;'. Kvll, WBtc fweil las. itrr. I.n-11-.'ii... hutiini nr-k. f;.4iM Ss-pniloiii lunamiuatloiiit. Jiioleni IttaaAHhat tl n X rcutll AfTt-t'tlon. (im Khm 1,1. Hull of Hit-.Skin hjirr. I'roa ...- . .V -- '- - - --. .sj- w. - . -. 1 ,4 f JQfl. aina..o!fi-ri'onstuutoii4l ln-iJi,VAi irn'a HMuh IlirTfiMliattiaijiiirnllirjrarrrficjira. tii j,wn In tuu tuo-t ittMtjit: lujtt Pjtract. ,. f r;ir. Ir. U'ulkrr'a C'liri tslfs Vltattir Il.iKr art mi n,j llit-M cqw-x la s 'itolUtr a-iaj. I. m.t1. -..- - aa- tM rtuttn"-i Tlir ioprrlIrnfIlR. Vl iarK Yi.ircta llirri.iin ar- AtTtnt, Innbot-H0L, Carwin. r a'ltc, NuirllKMit. laaafivf. iH-awic, ""S. tri'l AtitMMNtHi. Tlir i,.nlrii amj mm U-rmlrft t--W. Jltl t,f UK, A Jt 2k--X 's0,1 HiTTjilL- j I Iv lt fc giwnl I-i itjuj .,f rrrtoiiewi u 1 tos . -vwit -rr. tueir laiMtjir, ltti. ,,, - una j.r. pT i proU-t tu-t Uiuh 7!t U U f, In .r-H.Msitr n,itHri miuy tmin m Uv r-t...- '-tn,tssl4c1irttjyI ri'i.rttf frs MilUtn-naliitt. truisl. r,ijc. Vdt, t4 Korilrt- tin- IkmI-t ot(Mln .It-rat h rMsius ail it ttiiiis -ii(, s isTntt torrkaZ N rM:tulC C-Ul tile hvU t m -StCSJ (M -'i-s- i tsi( :itni.ii,4. TXe ef 1L0 tr.-rr-i n U il at HUM r)ia a lislf lu enc ami .. osajaafja KMLafjp lrttmW 1 w.ot- 2Uaj:i. Kst jtocit aousii.iu t.j 1 a- ls f 'rl N lit!'., f l1-i r.n!..l. ..!? ml x'zttnl . aJ lult'n onf.H,V "rrUC J. V.-"! ',' J8frt1 wI WW rfvaM tojT . iii'iii. iii'j cnutn nn nt. It. II. McLl().NAI.t MY tt.. I'.-iryiw Fii-i mu .! fau VrUittMn. CniLZ . . , r T TT - ss-'tt a aa -... .n JHUIWl D. l'4f M. ; K. .. .-r 1 ....... . - t- - "T J TJ ' ' ' "' "- ":i-',lTA X VZXW. 'n lri n Ink fh- Ritfrrsi er.,j tn :i-r tw n i,.i r"itiiu ! tin fTtHl tVtr i"W arr not HmUfrjni ty &&& rs riin r iiwr tr3M, aaf TrtaJ trfait sr--l '-"O.! Ill-jrfWfllrjf rrlr ( "HSrf I!1VS, ,.- I flsl1f tf ifcjj .. lu.IT-i-ln!ip WTito H j- a t raiittuuin cf tif Heart, inflaraautton oftv Intg. Pain ! thf r-rfjc of Ui KWfvr-v, tv n-tT.l nnr rtnrrti impv, mtm Ike c pnz-f iippj-ia tttn vnt -m yrKc,r.j.lrCW,pUlH.iHi -alf. Jt taarrVii at , l tr.iss f . r " or i lis TetiK Myrrfi-!aTTy yur naN.ln.i,rr ., f. . ,... fti-rut Atrt iiirffrwuryi rrffT ircjmrw r J m lf.-l M"3 r-Piir-s-in ruA.t.trr. Uisi r Jl Ta J iivm.'mn tt-sll,- VVMiV - " ji- lrr nrp. CmH (nrc-llrt C, & Tuulr. iiii ti .. .7 51 """ rz:z r:zrr"5'rj&i !:V:W -.mii-, ,j,i, r-re!,J7 '.v31 ttZZLYrl vyn ww Ul1 'S WiQ 1,: " 's t..ra,-,J . . -far- fca-w, -- mscqin. i " Cliy 7Ict 3Iiufket. FRED D. HUMEL, Ha ja-r cprBcd a:Het HjukH m WcUier street, scxtaWr o-ttk of I-ark'a 3ht iaksVp tf &T! Le UI ic-D led sdl freth 0Kt of all kieJ. x. uifjHtsT MAiiKi-7rpnrcPAii FOBKEF OATTLE, HdGS, AND HIDES. """"I. i'iiii,iiij( inn itiomj iai-y rrraoTS tttcau. mijI U rv'Mi!j-B-y WtrttVcti.r th" lnltjii.tiialli.ti (the tor-rr ur iIimi. 1, iuirrii'ii iuiik riiite iicniiji. anil a i -'. T'lJ'r- Jt t r -. fl Ito-5-. fatv. Jlk-M jL or-s. -!il Hit t 1 l . itcb. a,flr! i-n-s, i j )J 5 Ail JrS B P X vj ;! Sitt" - . 1 & r- . Si. -- j r5- L2tBaaaak' fcwiia-. , Rd Cfcud, - - H. 4 mtdLrm - - n M: j.-'tHy. - ' -Ste?"- ? . -r7$gi Bnav" - sa 5r 1". . scv, aiffiri?; K V sfl4hi ' sfTt- "-, . .-. r-tlV) "-. J-,oJ.