T- ri - rsw &- ' -l .S kffe ,MiT Mv v fc Av THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. 1' i ft' ik FATHER, - Editor' si.X'2: SATURDAY, JULY IS. 1874. Sacalorial. The member? of the Senatorial Com- laittee of the 12th Senatorial District ' are reqsestvd to meet at Hasiingson Thursday- the 20h day of August, 1874,-tV2 o'clock, p, in,, for the pur pose of apportioning the delegates to tha Meral counties in the district and 'to fit the time and place of the Sena ' tonal CoBYen'ion ; arid for such otbf-r busTncM as unj come before them. f Will II. Oaviu!, Oh'mn f enhtori I Com. WHERE i nil our candidates for state official positions? It seems so far tbat only two or three have Lad the "nerve" lo come to the frout. The Beeeher matter still occupies a great portion of the Ea?Urn pre??. It is about time that the public had some new cause of cxritutueut. The other il getting rather monotonous. glWW ' utTM From al! suctions of the east fames reports of terrible storms rain, hail and wind. The dimajjes occasioned am alawst beyond computation. -JOfTN A. IvASSON. of the Des Moines Congressional Di-triet, has carried the primary mee'mg, which insures his re-nomination. As uual in such cava he had a competitor who showed a lively fight, and considerable personal feeling has been worked up on the subject. Judoe PtLLEN, of the II. S. Cir cuit Court hn decided that railroad companies mu-t pay taxes on their lands when a patent has been issued therefor. The decision is much too long for publication in thi paper. Thi, if not reversed by the Supreme Court, will put a great amount of money into the treasuries of some of our counties. The Interior Department ha: ruled that a homesteader after filling the let ter of the law by residing five yo.vs on his homestead is entitled to a patent without further residence, or h other i word ho can leave the land immedi ately after the expiration of five year, J - t . ,. I and remaining away pending t lie app.t i .. cation lor a patent. ' gi .1. i i A COUNTV seat quarn-1 is one of the I most unfortunate things in the world for a new country. It keeps outset Uert?, retards development and pro gress, and stirs up feuds and bi'ter fteltngs that continue Ioiil' after the TexeJ questions are settled. Such is the ouiidition of affairs in Adam.s county at the present time. CTncago and Bock I.-land Ba";!- fOad Company have ccncluded to obey -.the laws of Iowa icgulaiing FiciirTit and passenger tariffs. That this is the wisest t aud safest roure to pursue, will i be uuivursa iversally conceded. At all events one railroad company will have an op portunity to test whether or not a road oaa be run at payine rates and at the same time not be cxtoi donate or op pressive in it charges. 80MK of fhe newspapers in the State teem inclined to attribute the defeat of Judge Cro'insVs railroad tax bill to Senator Hilchanck. We are reliably informed that this is a blunder. Mr. Hitchcock as a member of the committee on these laud grant rail roads found the rmjority opprsed to reporting the bill favorab'y. Finally at his urgent request they consented to report it with amendments tint en tirely amascubited it of any force or utility that it possessed when it passed th House, whereupon the Nebraska Senator naturally proposed to let it rest until the next session shall give -to bring public opinion up to the poiatof securing its passage. As this ia a taatter of the State of Nebnsko vg. imaienae capital ia the ea-t that feu tea men to fight, for it in the Sen ate to one from this State, a bill of "this kind cannot be ni-hed through wader a suspension of the rules, with facility. We believe that Mr. Hitch cock used every effort to carry out the alaiost universal desire of his constitu ent ia this aiatter. State Journal. SoaM of oa exchanges express the kaaaa that the Indians of tbo north watt ar reiirt the advance of General CasUra force aad thereby get wiped iwL On the former point no doubts itetd be entertained. To the Sioux aad ather Indian tribes inhabiting that aoaatry the Black Hills are sacred 'grou&d. The rendezvous and the abidiag place of their departed fiicnds an aot yet prepared for the full bliss- j af taa happy hanting grounds and tHay will shed their blood freely to - piaaatw it inviolate aainst the en- h nm'flkaMata ot toe natou wtiue iuiu They are watering m strong toree. 1 aud fcave dedaicd bctr intention to nra expJorins party to pissacross i -1mi arai6d line. Whether b-encrj Caster wifi, in case of hostilities, sue . -V-. . . . p'Vaiia wipnf oh nv ccnsjdorable Urnoaaf tncrnsay arrayea against Bikinaifcerrrobhmatical,eon-ider?d ' ii the faht" of the prolonged strnggle waf4 by the laftdfal .of Modoc- - - .of Modoc- T.'ie move- f "airaiaataapenorimtaSew. T.'ie move- f TSiaat, BOwe?er,lTin-4 fjght diroc- :- mA l -a J.ftn.niSmto pa!tia partiea . the enkaown bat Kirte-atiikjfive churches, Aikens j HaalA ef the Black JHilk Ad Big (theAtfelpMJTW &!oraricoaatrV.Hi?oV;the Michig-u. Arcnnr. and the-jwAal "T i 4i- n, .ni-BAVnli. In opposition to the expressed wi.-he of three thousand voter.', aud for the purpose of ''boosting' up a foreign town company, an order has been is sued for the removal of thn land office I from Lowell to Blooming on. This grand scheme h-i- been on tlie hjaruV i for some time, but- was delayed by the j good sense ot Cemmis--iouc-r Diuui- motid, who in this instance, at least, acted in accordance with the wi-hes of I a hngj majority of the people intr- ested in the mu'ter. It is supposed that this change W3. effected by the perrfctcnt working of that fhystering detingfgue who an swers to the name of II. M. Atkinson. The Blooming GVm, at last, ives him the credit of the thing. Thi. move has not been uinde in the inter efts of the people, nor in accordance with their wihoj. it wad done olely to give an outside company a chance to spcculite to reap where they had not sown; to make a nice thing out of property that will be made valuable by the labors c-f other'. Frou the Melroe 7VW we learn that Orleans has been made a Money Order office. Now, this may be ah right, we have no objections to any pott offiuc in the county being a money Older office, but the question arises a to the justice of thti thin,'.' Orleans gets aud sends about a, much mail in a month as Bed Cloud does' in one day, yet with petitions and per-onal effoiL. we have failed to accomplish anything. Between the land office at Blooming ton and thc.-e other things at Orleans, there will soon be some reason for be lieving that I). M. Smith does own the "powers that be," as it i said he ui'tcn to boast'. The following from the Orlean" tyntoitl, is good, tquare s'Cnse : ''It nm-t be apparent to every citizen that I he will at an early date be. called upon to nominate candidat s for the fall elections, and the duty of at once se lecting the mot suitable men comes home to everybody. Nominations have been made in most of flie states aud the Itcpubic ns of Nebraska can not defer the matter much longer. The first thing to do will be the selection of delegates to conventions. In this, the utmost care should bo exerei-ed to send tin se men who aro careful and discriminating in their judgment, and above all iucoirnptihle in their intcg 1 .:... i. i :.,...n. : tilt lll'-ll IIU U.ilU IIIILMIUCIlt V II. V . . , , ol their own and whose views can ., , , . ... ,,,. . neither he fittuglit nor,sold. 1 fie real content is fought at the del 'gate eon i .:.... r.. ..p. .1.... .i. ... :. i:..i . VL'IltlUEl, IIII. illlt'I 111. II lil ic i- unit choice left except to vote for the man. who is nominated, a matter in which the vaunted freedom of the ballot de generates too frequently to a name only. There will be this year a there ever K a host who will be willing to I srvc their countrv, ac'uated solely Lv the purest patriotism and the hope of official stealings. There will be plenty to salect from and there are excellent men as well as bad ones among them. If the Bepubliean party of N bra-ka has hop" of achieving a great ielory. ! none but the be-t men inu-t be put up for the peoples' suffrage. And while we are about it, it would be. well to keep in mind that we want to send , men to the legi-Iature with the special J view of correcting the representative and judicial disadvantages under which we now labor. Fun some time p)ist reports have been current that Vice Piesidcnt Wil son intended to resign his high official position on account of increasing ill health. The-e rumors arc now con- tradicted, and it is stated that he is J rejjriining healtli and trcnirth. aaaafviaaFaMaNawaBs THE CHICAGO 11RE. Between 4 and o o'clock p. m. Tue-daj-, July 14, a fire broke out in a rag shop at No. ;VJ7 South Clark street, ju-t north of Twelfth street. The con ditions as to drought and wind were much the same as upon the occa-ion of the great fire of IjvTI. Before tho third alarm, calling out the whole fire department, had been givn, the flames had made astoni-hing headway in the low wooden rookeries lining Clark street and Third and Fourth avenues, and before the news of the conflagration reached the business centres, it became apparent tbat a large and populous qunrter of the city must inevitably be wrapt in flames. The wind was from the southwest, and, under the stimulus of the heated at mosphere, it soon blew a hurricane. In an hour many acres had been burned over, and the street, filled with every manner of vehicle losded wiih furni ture aud baggage". ?nd with people fleeing from the hot breatl' of the fire, presented tho satnt frightful aspects whieh distinguished them on the night of the 0h of October, 171. The flames quickly spread over ' Fourth and Third avenues, and State street, and then to Wabash avenue, threatening Michigan avenu. The 0f iSTl slru& Clark and State streets at Harrison street. The fire of Tuesdav swept ueariv a half mile furth-1 .mith. hnt 5r .v.m-!.. w.i in h smis ! ....-, vw B VBkV --- iltro.'f ion tn tl,n nrt"livnc Ti.Triro I 6 o'clock Milwaukee, South Bend, Joliet. and other citi wera tela- graphed to fnr a-sitanee, and engines ! arrived from all poin'P. There was no ! i- taet of appliances with which to fight , grc, but the -tinder.box.jeharacter of! Jack of appliances with which to fiht , Bre, but the -tinder .boi.jeharacrer of building in the range of, the fiaraea Mnnp.f1 thSpfcfirts of the firemen of iui'ding in the range of, the fiaraea ndered the"efh)rts of the. firemen of J at li:rtetiiLFire churches, Axkcna I -Ikm.;! Vit.n..iiri. AitPi t James Hotel', and many other promi nent Jnd substantial building, are heap of ruins At least fifty acr- of ground have been swept clear of build incc, and the loss cannot be Ics than S 000 000 Clark end State streets. and Third and Fourth avenues were occupied by very poor wooden struct- urc-, anjl the alleys between them by still wor-e slrntie. But te-e were all crowded fmm cellar to attic with poor people. Thousands of families were hustled into the street with scarce a moment s warning, ami, or cour-e. j came lQ lh p, MQ anij .cu,tfj leil,lK). without time to save any of their , rarj,y m the y4l . They were sup wretched furniture. The HiSerine of j p0sCj lQ i,are owe ,0UCy. With thee poor people i incalculable They j them camc a , wi,nin they had are without food or shelter, and with out money to buy either. Meantime it i the hot Mimmer season. busiue U dull, the times are hard, and em- p'oyment difficult to find. In the Let- I ter ttortiin of the burnt di-trict, Wa- ' hadi an 1 Michigan avenues, the no - tice was longer, and warned by tlie terrible experience of 1S7I, household furniture and sto;ks of trools weie carted to safe quart -rs1. It is ju.-t to ay of the fire department tbat it fought the fire desperately. It fought it in the fa-e; it di 1 not ev-n attempt to fl'ink it. I uii.'ht have been wi-er to do so. Fo far a a determined baud to baud encounter is concerned, it could not have done better. To look- erson it appeared that the fire, might have been henkd olt by t ho heroic ccmh rnjwl ? hlfiniry, lia, method of pulling down and blowing . TcUirml My tQ camp .,rQWli up buildings at some distance fro-n ; fVom a espejitiu lo ,nt a and in the line of the course of the , up j-.j ri..fln ...,, JUtantfi. conflagration. But perhaps the j.tct,ipijetiatcJ ,,,,,, luaunta;,H wa5 critici,m winch can be made i, that I JH r,llHans disturbed th-m the tire app.ra.usof the present day j ., thoilB,lt tIiev ll(IBaeil is utt-rly inadequate to the taol fhe M ()f lfce cx Clilion; T.vo of grappling wi'h a gicat eontiagration ; , ... . . . , .. " ' , fc ,. . 'the 'nldier-sent tn with mail came under lu hcadwav. I ttere is un-. , Pl.. , ,- ,,...;.,,,, i . !on lario party of bioux, but di- doubted ly, in tnis fieM, the grandest . . , , , . V ,.. I eovered them fir-t ami -uccecd.d in opportunity for the exercise of invent-1 , .. , v .,, nc .1 . . ' . ,, , .. ,. I eluding them. No reports oj tlie ive genius. The ro-'(. fiice building . . . ... ... h . . , . . tnineral or other qualities of the cun- fell a victim to the devouring element ; but the notice was nti 1 1 aud the t..j..v, w - . chi- f portion of the mail matter anu the papers of the office were saved. Of casualties it is'ooenly to give any list. Two men are icported to have been killed by a failing wall. It is hot unlikely that others have per ished, and that numerous serious ac cidents will piove to have accompan ied the great lo-s of propaity. The excitement throughout tiic city w; llltl'IWO i riiecircu-nstane-M-a high wind and a dry atmosphere were similar to those of Ot 'J, 1871, as to rou-e the mo-t Serious apprehensions. All tm? street approach to the ucinity of the j "'f' v;5th its mlennnly and agreea tire were densely packed by an excited l,1 ofii'-'ers aml c,"l ,0-eos-throng o men and weiin-n. House-! The Fairbury Cinzrtlc-ny?: entirely out of the range of the fit e An accident which came near being wee cleandof fuinituie.and hundred J fatal oecuired on Little Sandy Mon of pcopleCwent about the stiedts re-j day. Mr. Moles aud Mr. Schwitter tailing the mot gloomy prophc-ies. nere hitching up a span id mule- for At I o'clock Tuesday morning the the purpose of trjing a Mai-'i Har- hre was under control and the great multitudes which watehed its Vr"n'-'s with ab-oibing intere-t di-ner-'id with thanksgiving that Chicago had not su ffered a repelition of the terrible sotirgo and horror of two and-n hull" ytar-. Ciiiotf" liter Oct mi, July 10 A Di.vsi'CU though not involving the los- of so manv dollar- as Chica:o's last visitation, ha- overtaken the I sprightly city of O-hkos'i, Wisconsin. ' It will prove a hiavy blow to her, and ! 1111111 be felt more severely than the lire in Chicago on Tuesday lat. While only a small portion of Chicago, com paratively speaking, has ben laid waste, the better part of O-dvO-h is in ruins. Commencing in the afternoon of f uosd-iy, in the heart uf Ihe city, the j fire swept through to the suburb-, living in its w.iko ou'y Miiold.-iii!g heaps. Though under control Tue.- day nieht. the fl lines were still feed ing upjn tlie bu-iue-s houses and homes of the neonle. It Was indeed a night of terror to O-hkosh, and the ' scene ot desolation is described as even I he dressed up like a Sioux aud made more disheartening than the great J war like descent on the family of a conflagration there in IS69. Fully j homesteader, ju-t for fun. A letter one-half of the budncss portion of the ' jn ,; pocket told the people that hi place was burned, and one-fourth of ; friends lived in Philadelphia, but a thc residence portion is in like condi- the weather was warm and no ice in tion. The homeless people are camp ing out in the fields. STATS IT3Lr3. The two following items are from the Juniata Gmrt'e: We are pained to learu that Mr. Jas. MoKelvy, on Monday, July nth. fell from a scaffold and di-Iocatcd the elbow joint, and also hurt his side, which is tender from a wound'received in the army. lie fell a di-tance of twelve feet, striking on bis right side and arm. A surveying party consisting of 26 j able-bodied men, and undercharge of J Mes-rs-. Stout & Cunningham, pa-sed through our town Tue-day morninz. i Beingin need of three more hands, thev fortunate!? secured the services ' of J. M. Myr. L T. Benn. and N. G Piatt. They are going up in North western Nebra-ka, and expect to re turn in about four months. To make sure of hisscJp, ''Mik" indulged in I a haircut of the pugi!i-tic fashion, and took rood care to havo the mo-t rc- l mote part of his cranium well and- P"0' "n the Ltncoin Mute: For two day.-, pa-t two gentlemen fro:u Omaha have been in the city, intent on orgmir-ng a council ot Lo . ops," or of the "Co operative Union." ' intent on orgimrng a council rt Lo ops or of the lo operative Union. ' Wo understand tbat last nignt theyi succeeded and tint it has received a j S& lii off" by some twenty, of our ' o understand tbat last nignt they j succeeded and tbtt it ba received a Sod seni of: hy some tw ?rsam: the Order is not rood "send ofT' by some twenty, of our organizers assufe a po'itial one bat we imacine it squints that way. If it is political it will prove a failure, aj we feel convinced tl..it-m secret political organization- can or should live in this country. The following account of a frightful J tragedy in Buffalo aunty, i from ,. 0. Williams, who says: A jy,, tragedy occurre.I on the , , i4jfA jQ l1ffdlJ c0UtltVi norti, 0f ; Towcit Saturday, duly Ph. A man, . anJ Wlfe ;vho are irussian. Pole. ' whosfl inmPa wc dW not t rm,n,ly helped. Saturday morning, while they were sleeping, he attacked them with an ax, cuttini: the unn'sskull on . lnc telUj(iei a(i tl,0 woman on the frent.lU. Striuue to say, thev are ; t:j aVC ,iUKj, ;t i doubtful if thev 1 recoVer The man then ilid, but wan j ?QOri j,ursue,l al caught aa.be wa , alj()Ul t() takc t!l(, oars a. l0Wcj. IJe j I)0W , j.,-- at CJbou. j tj iaiter ,as arrived in LinoMn ( jre., fr011J ,i,e fccnc 0f murder. lie j nJ)0rU! t,(J ;,me f the injured ptr t-l(.? !lS Ji(.,, Mnzhabez and wife, t;c forier agcd of and the latter 5U. vlxilt2 that of the a-aihut i Jfcgut j pVcdc-ri-k William Male6!i,'agefabour O vcars. , f , -. - fiomnrinv A ,i.:r i try wore made. Late dispatches from Washington announce the order of the President for the removal of the C S. land of flee from Lowell to Bloomingion. in Franklin county. It seems rather strange that the office should be taken from a line of railroad and removed thirty or fort' mile- into the interior, but the removal h.i long been decided upon on account of "'putting it where it will do the imi-t good." Our Low- di friend-may congratulate themelve. that their city has attained a size that will insure its future rapid gr wth, notwithstanding the removal of the venter, when the team becime flight- cued a'-d started tn 'nil. Mr. ScwUJ tets was .standing in front of the tickle and in ottempting to get out of the way fell. Three of the guards struck him, one on the shoulder blade, frac turing it, one on the b ck of the neck and the other on the lower part of the head making a gah two or three inches Jo.iir, but fortunately not fine turing the skull. Luckily the sickle was not in operation oUe it must luivei killed him. Dr. Butler attended him and thinks he will recover. A little boy in High'an.1 precinct, Lancaster Co., was mowing with a -cythe. His little si-ter, uuob-orved. was sitting in the tall gra-s and in ! mowing he stiu!; her in the neck. eu ting her neck fioin ear to ear, kill- f ing her in-tantly. More caution slmuM be u-ed in this direction, as neatly every day similar accidents are chroni cled. A vnnm. m:in in I.onn Pitr tlinnclit to play a little trick. The other di j the countrv, they were cnmpdled to bury him before his friends could ar rive. Kearney Press. Republican River STAGE I-INE. Begular trin will be mude between JUNIATA and RED CLOl'D, 4r h3 be Phased to carry pis-engers upon the dav- mentioned, livng Ju- ''t at 6 a M on Wednesiljy2 and Sfun,J1'-- an,l1 "CLmiJ at 6 A. M., iiiur-'jy- an i .mmuys. Fare rea-onable. X.I31S ! U5f B ! ! Maxvell & Dingee Wwi tn inf'na the pnblic tail thr h"v isade extenirc jjr'i.artioatju;iaaUc;ar 1 - . - .1 .:tl C . Mn n n I Liine iau wi acc- vu . FULL SUPPLY ami of th- pnUSc. bich ulbeoidat -onrf.iera.ei. KfMaraaillr the PlltCC Firf. mii : of Rei CTouc briiz s 1 Soutb SJieof llirer. LAND! LAND! NOW fS THE BEST TIME To secure CHEIP I1QZH22S Th&B (StSJ.R.R.LAfJDS IN WKBSTKB CO NKB. Arc now in market, and are offered at low rntrs and on ten yea lis' time io actual settlers, at rates varying from $1.50 to 5,OQ per acre With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. Thc-e lands are among the best in the B"pub!iean Valley, and are UNSCBBASSFI) Foil FKKTILITV and beauty of Loiation. Lee Esteil, HED CLOUD- - - Xi:ii., LOCAL a3ZSI ?C3 V7233TZH COUS:!, Will at all times be ready to give all information in regard to location of land, terms of pavm"nt, .to From the Cinular- of the B k M. B B. Co., will in a measure explain their terms and the advantage.- offered. The purchaser can pay cash, or di vide the amount ii to three equal part, paying one-third down, one third in one year, and one thirl in two years, with intere-t at ten per cent, annually ; or he can have TEN YEA us time in which io make up the sum by mh-1( annual payments at .-ix percent, intere-t. Mo-t buy on this latter plan of THN VKAU.-V CUKDIT! In which easa the purchaser pays at the out-ot one year-,' intere-t at six pjr ceut. on the price. He mike thrc.' other payments, each of six pei c nt. at the commencement of the second, third and fourth year.-. At the commeuc 'incut of the fifth year, he pays one-seventh of the principal and one years interest on the lemaiu dcr, and the same at the commence ment of etch sucee ive year until ;ili ha- been paid at the end of ten year-. Any buyer can pa5 in full at any time and g t a-warranty deed free of all in cumbrance. OEHIJEC Zi-IS.S, -DKtLKnaiJi- Wines & laiquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tcbacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFKCriONKRIS, A Specialty. l'rnsh Lager Beer from" Antelope' Brewery, constantly on hand. BKD CLOUD, NKB. I3tf OLDEST DRUCr STORE! m.' nrin rI ilfin i ii mdiw sM4wjW' Otn-oni''hr(o. DRUGS, STATIONARY FINE SCAPS. SPICES, Patent medicxns PCBK WIXKs & UgCOilS, CKItS, MATCH KS, And the thousand and one things usu ally kept in similar establishments: constantly on hand and fur sale citiiAr Ki: ( ash. fall and Sfr-. --, .- -.-.,.,. MRS. 11. F.LUTZ.K JCNIATA OKIlAfcll.NUa. JOSSPH A. PEERY, Real Estate, AND TAX-PA VIXG AGEXL ?2i:rSLrl: CITY, Fnsilia ZtzZj STsi. JLHoOiJWKr UAK1K9 Attcrnev at Law KieeJiurtli w-t Corner 0 r Jf Ik. 1 LINCOI, - - - -NEBiSASKA. ts-C I -V?iLM A.MTTI rw-wi - t s - - - & tt:&&Sjr&z fcn l fMf-9. rSJ 5 ?r' H A i I am now a- in the vi- ready to supply my cutomers and the pib'.i-general!;-, uith anytime in the Hardware hue. at nevs that defy cmr tt tion. My motto u -'Small Profits and Quick I keep a g aeral as- rtmenl of II irdware an 1 a full line of F A R FA MACHINERY, TABLK NI I'O KF.r HTLF.KV. ,.?A"',1,.n0i:5K TIUMMIV;. TLNUABK. CAKl'L.N ThBa and MAttlN'S TOOLS. SADIA1L- HAKU WABK, a lulla-sorttueut. FOI1KIW, SHQVKIA SIWDK-. HOK. W vnoX SKAT SV NGS, A:C.C: AL-o BBOOMS. .IMAB BOXKS, BAdkhla. and BAfH BBiCK. M. B ttTcd ClosL, OSWALD OL1 VKB, T. .1. FABDOK. THE CHSOAGO LUMBER YARD ! Ar HASTINGS, NEB. Keeps constantly on haul tho la-gest iUck of Dry Fine Lumber in the West. Also TARRED PAPER, and all kinds of 15 6J I 3 I ff O yi A T E IX I A Id. Our stock is well -elected an 1 purchased direct from the raft,-, and will be sold as low as the lowest. NEW J. G. POTTER Takes this method to Inform the Public that ha has Just opened up a new and complete Slock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Coiuitthuj tn purl of CALICOKS. DABK, LKJIIT k PINK, CIIAMUBKS. D'LMNKS. LAWNS, DBKSS TB1MMINCS .V LININUS, COB.KIS X .KlBfS, VAILS ,V fJI.OVKS. BLLXCIIKD AND CNBLKACHKD MUSLINS TABLK LINKNS. &'Hj l-.LIM:. PAN IS, OVKlt ALI A SIIIBTLW;, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS cf ail Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR. kVIiAL & BACON- And everything usually ktpt iu a First Class Dry flood k Grocery Store. J. . Pcticr, Red Clcud, Nebraska. LUMBER W. L. VA i? JVD tOUJD, - - iif.Ai.r.u i.- -- ItifOrO f rms. i-yiwoi. - Doors. BIinds I LUUI Ol bdlllllUwi) Sash Mouldings Lima. Tarred Paper, Etc And exerj Article usually kept in a I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ....- .r-.. J. IV. TI'LLETH, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN u s. pension sip.i;eo.v. OScc 3d door South of Cort Hooe. Eesiascs Cj Us Sir. :f 2;i ZzzL "w" e"tiior.v. W. g TnOR. Surveyor of Webster Ct ; Will prnaiMlr Alitrd t all call. Orfers fr wore ' ID WV(I iv pt 05c? vifc St. t . -ae (M-n-.i. ". .. HlVK.ritr kunvi .- wrf t 4 r?V iM. - fca?.J 1.JJ-. .lft r:, 'j: il.jm?.sj-i vr 1JZ ? Xi .if .- 1., Sales, for the Ready CASHT MCN1TT9 JfeSriwIia. Hastings, Nebraska. j V COODS ! - i LUMBER - jriniisiL ATU QUIIMAr'k o m w.utt4-.i.o y Firt Chu Lumber Yard. ANY BILL THAT CAN BE COI H rTLLt. k Z5TLLLZ, trs- Attorneys at Law. BED CLOUD. .... SKli ARCMI JALA U. KIXXC4K. rv7A27 ?w2i:C. E2AL Z2TATZ. 2iT. ass Airaw AU i-.i&- .Irirtfy s.J,j to ae ... "t. U-1... --. --.. --" tmz f rrie- ? 2-ltt , .-.-..!-,.- jft, t IN- County. L TRACING in Tin: POW j Republican VaU. S- GARBE3 &? nr.Ai.wts. in Beaeral Kerchandise, f G.Nsl6trJ'M Dry Goods? Groceries Jfj EanydTirad FIKMTPBK J Glass, . A &te& && 4V iwzjp ":tsoXi 5M s 3m&&r; And .aTT fof other Olio stock of Dry Md. IttM I M ccted with tipiHtinl roJerne t . t rints of tb.; Hn! i v'K r, aai ecr. part of KINK DBl-S HOODS. CALK oil BBOWN k BLF.ACHKD M''-. LINS, PBINTS, CHKCK (;IN(.'I1AMS. Jfec. kc The Ladies of Welviter C.'unf I are m-pectfully invited to rx:tnm now stock of D5arI3SSC3-Ol Which we fcePwarrnntcd in -a the r,tirtffl and Moil ('amjttrtr vr brought into Southwest Nebraska, imj whieh will 1; .sold at Prievit llutt Defy Compeliiiun. We also keep on hand a (Joed Sto L of BKADY MADK CIOTHirJiS Of vaiiou- kuuN mid txtrr .j.ii and for ialo eithor by tliw juitor iii ft irticl e. GHOC23RIKS. 3UOAB3, TEAS. COFFEE. SPD, And everything cle in that Line. Canned Fruits in VarietY. TOBACCO 4c ClftAK. TINWARE, STONE-WARE, WOODENVYARE. PI-OUIl & MEAI, BOOTS & SHOES To to Knit thwaot of every! We wwh to call'the attention f iU Public to lfce fact tbat we arc con 7 leepin on hand a. Toll artmft ,ji Goodi which we will fe:lf at For Ch. Call and looVat oar (iM acd do sot fail to igquir0 the 'Civn- S. 6AfSJ Rr.a Clou ZTeh W i f fjm4F -f -. J V v f'" & -fi