i":sr - Vl- rv 1 & 4 cSfr5J tta.wswi-3 r "r "K'-W? ""W I-W,tV V-v Wfc5 r5fr f: kr. i J iT. U . - -,-a A -a BV . - ." -. b ".j 3 : c. JiS'S "' aivs ; f y i - iM"4 ivffBesr"" lkL, a" . ijr 1iS a . K..SL'fht.lWth WAw; 0 - -" aBB a "s? TvI i- eX, rf -if? l?? r 4 1 s s. K It "5fc"V- r li S t"ET -4 & fr'-WSWr ! lfiNf .A .A. TJT T JL- fc Sm-1 Z ra . fe "? b"". .v j. c.rr vaaaBBaawaiBaaBBBBAaBBTaaBBBBP'4a' . ' . -laaaVK-iasafaESr- .XJaJUa AlTOaWME. JPmrm Kales. OMM aya,IaavBoeAfeiatofeeiTcra; w err. 1 wowa n:(Tn x inw Bi rata of Ike vice and i; Wtea eace ia tae yortex of faafeiofi, Hov aa tbe coaraaAnraward begin ! ' ,. Tax former should be an educated man. Foraverry all necessary qualifica tion was phywcal development Fabkew smst arrafafeoeb as to cnltijr ato' their farma without having their houses crowded with hired help. Doali. workas cheaply as possible this year, but do it thoroughly. The prospect is good for remuncrativeprices, if economically produced. The Citeck-IIein. "Why is it that so many of our farmer, and nearly all of our city cartels, insist" upon usiog a tight rem on working horses ? When a horse, leftfto hw natural inclination, has a heavy load'to pull, he can best exert his back-bono in oae eoatinuous line, and this he will invariably do if notpre vented by a tight check-rein. Some claim that it prevents the horse from - falling down, and when a man can raise himself bVer a-fence by a lift on his bus pendcrs we will beueve it. When a iiorae falls, a tight rein will most effect ually prevent him from getting on to his feet again. Try it without the rein, and see if wo are not correct in our practice an theory both. Wasted Febtilizebs. The Farmer's Jfemc Journal says : On every old -place in Central Kentucky there are such things as old wood-piles, where chips have accumulated and decomposed for fifty years ; then there are old piles of ashes sometimes three or four feet deep, which have -been accumulating for the same length of 'time ; then there are old straw piles, and heaps Qf stable manuro which hafe mover been hauled out; and there are deposits under the hen roosts, sometimes two feet deep, which are equal to the best Peruvian guano, and when these are all hauled out, we will go to an inexhaustible supply of rich molds and alluvial deposits of de cayed vegetable matter, which have been collecting for ages, in places on branches and Creeks which run through most farms. We have still anotberbup ply jet,4in the muck mud, which, if dug out in ' the summer time, when the marshes and swampy places are dry and hard, can bo hauled close to, if not quite to,, where it is wauted, and the winter freezing will pulverize it and put it in fine condition for a crop the next season. Presekvino Posta Every farmer who has to fence his land knows too well how quickly posts planted in the earth becomo rotten, especially in a damp spot. All of them will welcome the fol lowing proccsB to prevent rottenness, n process as wonuerf til an its effects as it is simplo and almost costless. It is taken from Lc Bicn Public, of Dijon, France: " Take linseed oil, boil it, and mix it with charcoal dubt until the mixture has tho consistence of "an ordinary paint. Givo to tho post a single coat of tho mixturo or paint beforo planting them, and no farmer, oven living to tho age of tho patriarchs of old, will livo long enough to seo tho same posts rotten. 1 " Some ycara ngo I discovered a way of rendering wood more durable in earth than iron itself,' cays tho author of tho communication, " but it seemed to me so simple and so inexpensive, that Liiiujiot intnK it worm winio to maL: mucnauoanuiuss auout uFa K. jU . soft wood Jhus prepared T1 much ado and fuss about it.-; siuir remaining tuveu jvuxaiu tho earth, ahd werorfouudas sound as when plant ed. Tho only precaution to take is to uso only ,'woll-dried posts beforo covering them with tho charcoal paint."' -s. t Fabuebs Food. In tho last report of the Massachusetts Board of Health, Dr. J. F. A. Adams, of PittsQeld, one of the most accomplished physicians in the State, -has presented a long and valuable 'report upon the health of farmers, in which he combines his own experience with that of tho leading phy sicians in the State, to whom lie sent circulars containing twenty questions, to which thoy responded. Dr. Adams concluded that the following, are tho diseases to which farmers are most lia blo, and tho liability is in the order named: First) rheumatism second, dyspepeia'rthird, fover"; fourth, acute lung affections ; fifth, consumption. In answer to tho qaostiori ' What causes tend to injure tho hoalth of farmers and their families Y overwork ir mentioned as the first, improper diet tho second, exposure the third, sanitary defects in barn-yards, hogpons, privies, drains, cellar, etc., rank as the fourth causo ; want of ventilation the fifth ; want of recreation, cleanliness, and other causes aro mentioned, but the first fourarctho principal. - Upon the subject of firman diet, Dr. Adams comes to bo feral conclusions, 0 fnll force of which onr Western rs will appreciate fully. It is inuated tnat wives of v ostein are inferior to their sifters at 111 the practice of the culina- ut.thcy have been gab loha-in i- t 01 prepanug inv uxmm m av tnat it is uimcOT-Jttrattke As to iaraers5Met, Dr. rnves at - tncaeiJ &t cooclu- CK- JMMtteo . -; ; FThere m too Jitfts .variety in food. Metros too apt to be fried. kisaxea Deans ana fau-por, ai- taavKh ft' JiwhlT nutr.ttous dtsfa . are to sjsmst t airjrrpaea. BK.-M. fc- - . 7 . . formsknr penoas. a.VaMMrv aaa higl C. LUftHtf meals.' . 7. O tea, eapeeially tha lat- ter, arel a Wa tDr. B are these: "The f soaked inf crisp in fat : fried, aad X t of farmer are er class. rare-cooked meats, To the frying of tunoBg fanners, nbvacians is nnanii Beef aad mutton axe tne Ms -steals, anu cosdemKcd as unfit of dieff Dr. Adams th tsetiaaoftT. on the zn: "More fresh and ksr fryisjr aad joore bailing, -rroastisar :" arreatcr vanetv of .,bles aad fruits ; letsTpici awl jsakes ; aaonr-jaoioajpme weu-Kncaaeu uivmi raised wiik yeast ; less tea." We have sBaeaesdy torffar jtoonamore-poiat,! sad aaatkad1rircmtilated rooms iawkiok awnj lanKaTs.skep, aad the M3'WPiSPrll?F Qk8 bWtI im tiae is allotted for aoaaaaaai rraaataa oa taxi-voiat tt. elirairfr.r 3-aaarir laTatvcKTAar Sm9rmL--?L43 WML---JZiSi- AM..JL MviL-lwwmZimlSmmJZmZ2k DaW-" BaWatUliak &CML aaQHDedui Exaaaaa Baaayara h : aaaaur ti. n j !,; .!. - - av aaa laaaaaea oc bus aarrMtCfc . jaBBBBaaaaBBw-''av - . aa - ar r, v aa . m y jt . a"v aa j- a. aaaaaaBWaaaaaKsarBnial ara -" - itv--. a-- aaaba oaasaoa af yaflSTreBdcra nwaaaaatkaaaaMraaaBai art !mmU:.u.ulm --- y -. tr a "rina waaay'f" a haaamBBaag-aaomHarlioa .aa. ak Um MuL.JZi.k.. Baaaaaa: aawtvrolinc wSSSMm Iteaaaaa- wm-T.--.- - v -w.- t "-irfrj w th; ThcTaaffdVtl batter, w-'-y --? 3LXi a4L. BaftyTearcct or con .VBaUataavdaTeaaaaKs "- -a . ------: ,f.-,.7ar7A Hrrf will, than bl Taa,EMaa ffaaafcinaaaalal inmeMaaMBat" tiltl BaTaai-lal ltamTa- aaaa5JaaTT BBBVawaw . T - .-. aNA - AT .J "v -i mW -"waw ThU" a UlO.LtaaaaaaaaOM- M MJ aWaaaV I, Ilia Taisfaaaaai .a B naa Tsi lit I .aam aaaaaraS --' l- -aaaaawBaiaav laaaaiaaaiaaii. uamwai aaadaarnvwa --- aaaaaBaaaaVK xOmaMff4laL 'jtaaVaaavaa farlal aUa aaaaajaSaaaaa aafadaV aaa' lflaW i.i fnrlT alafeai fail -rifljarn foTHaiafaaiaatBaa imliawi f' uiiiw mnumi 'ir aaaw, - .j -." ,,-j3i lilaaTaaT TFT - - aaaaaaa aan . xoiaaaa VaaaB rltaa aaWtflii wren thM poiat Dr. Cawrence tells im ft few words : As a general farmers slee urTte nooreat n their -houses, which Cs? very small poorly ventilated. FeJSeraire an abominattOH. "mcchang. CBAVSAtnat Hat. Boil the ham very tender, skin and cover with brown su 'gar, moistened with champagne. Bepeat three times and brown ia an oven. Slice cold. A Nice Dessebt. Grato into a dish a layer of cocoannt, then place a layer of quartered oranges and sprinkle them with sugar. Continue alternating until the dish is full, with a grating of cocoa nnt on top. The Country Gentleman recommends linseed oil meal -for horses that aro nev er allowed to run out to gram, being slightly aperient. A handfnl in each feed, morning and evening, is about tho quantity usually fed. Busk. Three cups of sweet milk, one cup of yeast, one enp of sugar, mixed over nigbCwith flour enough to make a stiff batten In the morning add one cup of butter, one etipof sugar, add cinnamon and soda. Mold and let them rise before baking. To Dve GnEEN. Boil the article first in alum-water for an hour, then for three hours in a preparation composed of four ounces of verdigris, two quarts of white wine vinegar, and four quarts of water. Hair Oil. One pint of alcohol ; two xmnccs of castor Oil : a few drops of perfumery. Shako well to cut tho oil. This is said to bo a splendid and nicely perfumed hair oil ; it softens tho hair, promotes its growth, and prevents it from falling out. French Mustabd. A fine French mustard called moutard xupcrbc, is thus made : Salt, one and one-half pounds ; scraped horseradish, one pound ; garlic, two cloves ; boiling vin egar, two gallons ; macerate in a cov ered vessel for twenty-four hours, strain, and add enough of musta to make a rather thin paste. Some egg-raisers claim that the best use for skimmed milk is to givo it to hens to drink ; that it is worth twice as much for this purposo as for feeding hogs ; and that by its use in winter, chickens will lay constantly. This must be their only drink ; and let them have access to it at all times. The Coming Girl. She will bo of eorao uso in the world, will cook her own food, will earn a liv ing, and will not die an old maid. Tho coming girl will not wear the Grecian bend, daneo tho German, ignoro all possibilities of knowiDg how to work, will not endeavor to break tho hearts of unsophisticated young men, will spell correctly, understand English be foro she affects French, will preside with equal graco at tho piano and tho washboard, will spin more yarn for the house than the street, will not despise her plainly-clad mother, her poor re tions, or tho hand of an honest worker, will wear a bonnet, speak good, plain English, will darn her old stockings, wilhknow how to make doughnuts. Tho coming girl will walk five miles a day, if need be, to keep her cheeks in glow ; will mind her health, her phys ical development, and her mother ; will adopt a costumo both sensible and conducive to comfort and health ; will not confound hypocrisy with polite- will not place lying to please in gf0ad Jf frankness will have tho 0 to cnt an Wo acquaint- courngo to cut an unwelcome acquaint ance ; will not think that refinement is Fronch duplicity, that assumed hos pitality where hate dwells in tho heart is better than oatepbken condemnation; will not confound graco of movement with silly affectation ; will not regard the end of her very being to have a beau. The Length or Whales. Mr. Score8by, a Tory high authority on this subject, declares that tho com mon whale seldom exceeds seventy feet in length, and is much more frequently under sixty. Out pf three hundred and twenty-two shales which he assisted in capturing, not one exceeded fifty-eight feet, and the largest of which he knew tho reported measurement to bo au thentic came up to sixty-seven feet. Two specimens of the rorqual or razor-back whale have been observed to be one hundred and five feet in length. One of tbeso was found floating lifeless in Davis Straits, and tho skeleton of the other was seen in Columbia river, and must, tail and all, when alive, have measured ono hundred and twelve feet. Other specimens have measured a hun dred, and many others from eighty to niuety feet. One cast on shore at North Berwick, Scotland, and preserved by xr. avnox, was eignty-tnree lengtn. inese instances sees tnbltsh the averago and of these animals. But. bio credulity, in carjiir laQeomate, G vior, the eminejxtiaralit, aaya stout ly, " Therrfio.dnahJ that whales have b(srt at eertam,4ochB and'i cejdG?H inward of tkree hundred irioflg. or ue hundred yards in .length.-- h . HjiiWsf CkjkraL T& an articlo .-reviewia; tho evidence which from tuns" toitiae has bee acent.tiie editorVaT tae Jbuniulof Chem Uirv declares it as WBppu"00 " - -. .. a -v .y x aperfoctlTsafe arUblenhaay intaiit gent physt'eiaa to esaploy ; duces a sound, refrashinc alaia waea jd in eases', of aerrans wak iviag tee brain, sad digestive, osfans a perfeeUy noraaaieondiei ; .there is ao orgaa or faaetisai of sy&ieai CMtaxbed iaH asflM aad taat at aaa of aot lotnag its taestafalar arepert, ttterftpiajtsftbiaaaei batthiriv descs be- Tepeaied as rxr Gibxs. Kata "Held his an opinion of American women. aad "places a corresponding low eti- rnate on ike English femalas. Kate ia right, sajs the Brooklra A rgttg. Ea filish girls, aa agncrai thing, arc poor trash. They measure oxer forty inches arpati the waist, wear loose, gaiters, Sr 1 JHtS escuew lite aonrs anu my-wniie, ana enjoy a state'ot health that is positiTe- iTTOlgar. 'sCsesae FreattaeXfll !" RlTerTsrreat rrrons the SprlagaeM (Htm.) Bpnbllca. The marveloas eecape of vounar Dan- ning atlioeds has already been referred to, but his story is so interesting that it is worth giving in detail. When the alarm was given he was at work in the spool-room of the Nonotuck silkworks, and, rushing out of the mill, his first thought, of course, was for his family. He found that his father, wife and three children had all left his house. He shouted to them to run for their lives, at tho Fame timo pointing to them what direction to take. His wife and children obeyed him and were saved ; but his father, an old man of seventv eight, thinking that something migtt be got out of the honse before the flood reached it, went back. In dashed his son after him, begging him to leave the doomed building. While raising one of the windows the floor cave way beneath their feet and his father disappeared from his sight. Tbe young man had just time to clamber out 01 the window, and as the house tipped over crawled up its Ride to the roof just as the building broke up, leaving him but a fragment to cling to for his life, and on he went sail ing down that awful flood in fnll sight of his wife and children, who, as they looked on in terror and agony, expected momentarily to seo him sink beneath the surging mass. In a few seconds his frail raft was crushed like an egg-shell, but his presence of mind never desert ed him. He jumped for another, and when that was gone for yet another. He was hastening down with the enrrent at a terrific speed, and, intent on the fearful task he had in hand, never once thought of tho dams toward which he was hastening. The first ono is reached in the awful crash and jam. He is hurled seemingly twenty feet in thoir to como down and be submerged for the first time far beneath the waves. As he came to the surface and clasped another pieco of driftwood ho realized with an mtonsity nnimaginablo by those whoso lives have never been imperiled that another and higher dam was but a short distance below, and that ho had abso lutely no hope for life nnless he escaped from tho flood before that point was reached, but fortunately tho swollen mass of water and debris at that mo ment surged toward the shore, and seiz ing an opportunity, which seemed to be providentially presented, ho clam bered across some broken roofs, which served him as a bridge, and with a leap again had a foothold on tho earth. The feelings of a man, who, like him had scarcely a hope of life on finding him self escaped from tho jaws of death, c innot bo depicted. Only a cool and intrepid man could have passed through that experience, and poshibly Mr. Dun ning could not but for his experience beforo as a raftsman in Canadian waters. He had been swept half a mile down the river, and was utterly exhausted by tbe intense strain on mind and body, nerve and muscle, yet as ho lay on the bank a moment to get his breath, he could not suppress a smilo at the appearunce of a man who escaped from tho-flood near tho samo place by seizing hold of tho limbs of a largo tree on the bank. Fleshy though ho was, this man went up the tree like a squirrel, and did not stop till he was at least 30 feet above tho water. Mr. Dunning describes, as the most remarkablelincidcnt of the memorable ride, the heart-rending screarns and groans c"Iwomcn and children in houses that wc:JB5vept down with him and seemed to bo beneath him. He says they will ring in his earpOWlic latest day of his life. !5i-SJJ, Cultivate rarity of Language. Avoid slang, mv dear girls, as you would avoid any degrading habit ; lot your words be pure, simple and express ive just such a form of expression as your Jittlo brother and sister may imi tate Never forget that next to "mother," elder sisters are tho chief educators of tho household. It is pain ful to listen to many girls' talk. They begin with a "My goodness 1" and in terlard it with " oh's 1 ' and " sakes alive!" and "so sweet 1" and "so queenly !" and so many silly phrases that one is tempted to believe they have had no training at all, or elso their mothers were very foolish women. There is nothing more disgusting thau the twaddle of ill-bred girls ; one is provoked often into taking up a paper and reading, and letting them ripple and gurgle on, like brooks that flow they know not whither. My heart warms with love for sensible girls TMf nUKkJSrr pure uoys; ana alter nil, if, nursiaTf . N-.2T and boys are not this, J. feajZM oar fault that this great trusty jWlts in the heart and hand. o4ae women of oar land. If we haja- noble, asefal pur poso in. liff,we will infuse tho right spirit irdxfiaose around us. TIiumi " -- A remarkable seeae took place last Saaday sa tae Aapecaattox river, aear FetcrsgVurg, Ta., when five hundred silstssT persons ware 'baptised by im aieraicav ia the prscence of a very large crowd. At 1 o'clock p. m. one thou said voiees ehaated. aa anthem asthe loaf column of candidates marched dowaiavrder to the wafer. Two lines of men were then formed,' aad the ears sspay begaa by psasiag tae caadidatss from hasd to hand from the shore to the clergyman, who stood to his waist ia the river. The work weat rapidly on aatil tbe hundreds were plungea he- esaTaTtamme oatpltiae water be bagaa tae BKMt Mtrrfairant nwnifeatatkma of ccatatie ior ever witnaaacd. sbVioleaBt were the .deBBOBatTatiooa at tiasM that it' often, rcnaired the atipaglit of four.or five aMe-bediedaMB. toaaiettheav -iaiaBwdiaie)y Vtet tae oaaaaaetBeeaarraacre attired ia a ji. a. i m ja : i a awawwoar amUOTaB aaa Aunacta ia uar, a. iBBBaaaaa was taec fonedliambriac boat tea taoataaa, who aiareaetl hack to tae eharaa, waara tae Jabilee coa Haaiifl ajBid tha aTnatrmt ralhanf-irai ?. . . t & hnmihty ..r , Tutnc X tt I rauru iw uuiaius JU aw luc 83 JU IH.1- w. i -..:... : . ri t:r r rio PS i. lR:aroiinc cause 01 ironnio in y ia Sabsapaiuixa. aad 'affectiora of tho lasga M w, that most people traut by bin Chxrrt Pecto&az too frcqnentlj aad cct or consideration or what , t dietincUr to bo dSrfrated. His Acer Cess , than Ih lontrs to them. The jf " ? thost i " .?" - tonal If peoplo do not plan, work and , K'ood are cbcap. at aiqr Wlco joa hTc to pay dcviEO means to brinr forth fruits of tortim.Chnrk0tveyrter. tlio soil, or money wherewith to bny -j: fdodf their wants are not supplied, and ' WnasoPia Xoasu!7--A Safk, Soxk they mnst cither beg or "starve. TheAJtD Scstikc Cca!-r-TBe unprecedented world owes me a Uvmp," says tho sing- SJVaSSISSSSll c-afalhcv-for, SnAl "SSXSSSSSu&gSi -SStal 8ympaihjvand enconl axemen t, they bees fossa1 eo aard aa'aat to jield to its eoft must porsess. the qualities that calljeaiagisCceaadaaliTwreiarjpfrrtrc-ptisd forth a satisfactory response, or go un- j ??- te " a ita lartainftd Hlioua e-Lr-j J 6 t loaUoea. aadBoca0leTerhayetrfa!4 J- f to fall into line. HT-aatrci, Fi5iaT A Co.. , ."I . . .. :P"?rieinr Xew Hmw. For aale Vr all A xlzzt f Aixs joker, who April- drorcu , . tuutciBua ugvir u acjiuuaj jut uiui wboa 'nnhnlr aras oipV idn and if an 1 rt.1 v:. j i .jt: r lt ' atachofaioia when he was charsredi ... rafcHaaasaiJaBi Jaaaaaiiw laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMIPBBMl a Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaa caaETsaMM KZH?- Baa?aikayaaaaaaaaaaa?" THE GRA5D PACIFIC HOTEL, OniMaite the Government Sanirw and the new Federal Baitdinca. is, witboat deaSt, tko perfect hotel etrncturo In tho world, and the largest edifice iepi tnting prirate aaterpciM ia the United 8Uteu. Ita four fronts, on Jckon. LaSalte, Qsiaey and Clark Straats, havs aa extent of ten hundred aad twenty-two (1,023) feet. It waa opened to the pmbae eo the ad day of Jane. 1873, and has proTed to ita multitude of patron, represcntisg the bast eleaunts of the traveling community, tho well-choeon and anBurpaaeed chiracter of all ita appoiaaaaaU and arrangements (of which special mention may be aoade of the Baths Tarktaa, Electric and Vapor), secure with a lavishncsa of outlay, aided by experience and careful atsdr, never before given to an enterprise of ita daws. The sugninceuce of the exterior, ita great interior rotundas, superb pablie aaartsMBta, the nceqoaled suites of prirate rooms on Its mile of corridors, and the system and detail of ita management, have not only won the pride and admiration of onr citizens and guasts, bat furnish the key to the enccesa of the Okixd pAcinc. which from tbe outset has never bean equaled by any previous or cotexnpor&ry enterprise. Central to all the great railway depots, tbe banks, wholesale stores, and places of elogant shopping and amu'esienta, it is at all seasons, by ita lightness, spaciousness and perfection of ventilation, the most comfortable as well as elegant home for tbe resident gneet and tonrist ever offered. And it tciH or maintained aa it baa begun, tho moet complete and perfect hotel in tbe world a claim for it sustained by the guests of the past eleven months, many of them our patrons ince the opening of the former Sherman Houw;, July 8, 18C1. GEORGE W. GAGE. JOHN' A. BICE. CnicAOO, May 1, 187i. Lessees for ttccnty year. The Snow-Flower. A very remarkable account is ad mitted into USHUbruTcs of a so-called snow-flower, said to have been discov ered by Count Anthoskoff in 18C3, in the northernmost portion of Siberia, where the earth is continually covered with a coating of frost. This wonder ful object shoots forth from the frozen soil the first day of tho year, and then returns to its original elements. It shines for a single day, then the stem, leaves and flower are converted into enow. The leaves are three in number, and about three inches in di ameter, covered with a kind of micro scopic ice, developed only on that side of tho stem which is directed to the north. The flower, when open, is star shaped, its petals of the samo length with tbe leaves, and about half an inch wide. On the third day the extremities of the anthers, which arc five in nntn- ler,8how minute, glisteir'ng specks, like diamonds, about tho sizo of a pin's head, which aro the seeds of this aston ishing flower. Count Anthoskoff collected some of these seeds and hastened with them to St. Fetersburgbw They were there placed in n pot of snow, whero thoy re mained for an entivo year ; but on the 1st of Jannarv, 186-1, tho mow-flower otirst through its icy envelope, and dis played i's beauties before the eyes of the imperial court.. Ammne Colors.1 Prof. Kopp, who hud recently mado'a careful study of the aniline colors at the Vienna Exposition, says that the manufacture of theso pig ments from coal tar products is making most remarkable progress. i uchsin, constituted by a salt of rosnnilinc, is obtained exclusively by tho reaction of arsenic acid on commercial aniline. In order to afford an idea of the enormous consumption of this violent poison in the manufacture of fuchsin, it is stated that in Germany alone the samo is es timated at 3,300,000 -pounds r year. It is only lately that the residues have been treated to' regain tho arsenic in commercial form. M. Kopp mentions, as anoveltya beautiful rose-red color ing matter called saffronine, which upon silk, is a very brilliant dye. Increase of Railroad Fnt-'mrs. A strange feature has attended tho open ing of navigation this year. Tho rail roads have raised their eastward freights from Chicago five cents per ono hun dred pounds, instead of lowering them, as reason would indicate to bo the only course. The explanation of this anoma ly is that the New York and Erie and the New York Central railroads havo lines of steamers on the lakes to which they want to drive freight, with the ob ject, it is presumed, of 'running out other steamship lines arid crushjag competition. '' , ' " Out of thk Huult JBacr,"' This is the name of a uooksKof the richest humor, by Max A𝔨 k It is bound to bo very povotSsboth on account of its hunwrjajarits, supers iHastratioae, of wfcicatiaif e are some 860. We advise xUhose who wish Jo '-Alsaath snd grow won tv,wuj vvv, iv ! im no bBwsw ?IMsa?saMat oC.ganatal; BeaawaaassaMSM attati tfeatM apetalarkyaeaaaatwKase krgaaaateia ail parts ef the Jaai, is tae sc urns; as vr. naree a uoteaa very. Thia aaaswt aaaaad aaaa ttaaavfsf kammar largely advertised the aayetfMWaaWaain.aa aaea'ie aotjaacaee. Tassstraat siplauition. ws talak, is fesai ia taSfasttaat.taasBMdkina proaaeea Um moat woaiarf si sad perfect cores ef vary sad asses of hfnaialtl, throat and Inng aimaaea, k a drmataalytaa moat perfect aad aaWaat reav dy.fer sa basis of eoogha, tbataas ever beta UtsoaaaaisalhatMblic. aad at ma aaaaa iiaaa aB)aaraaaaaaBaBaa awa aaaraj Bfaaaraaii aBaaTaa avav taw saaaaaaw asBaara paasaaamllMigreasasiof btood-aadf riM and atrsagtatatog aropartiea that msawal sckaes aaa baaa abta aft prodace, taasrandatiwg H a n iisstaa reaaady set only la th care ef Coa-aaa-ttaa, BramhiUs.HoarwafaiaBdCeagaa. bat she for aaTakaaias of tbairrarand bteod. MearofaJotuaaaaasaa, Ualeaaa, roach akia, UaearSMeka aHsw4wiUoa-It tlwref()raajrigarsaajr efjijalioaiioa sad ghres the ayt aaaaaaBicK atadinaM af att itiatbattiiara taaraai 9 ttaaaaaft aaaal ' Uaa BaOat-TUfiaWa .. DBLaVT. 5th, 1873. ia BATinpr tLxt tirdr bcrontl onr thaa aa the ben them spokoa of fa tenaa ef pcatee. S. L. Smith A Co. Stc2.vrs3 is an aMiition that waits on u all. Nona are exrewL and I hero aro noce lh81 b rriief froai Ma attacks. Wbocrcr er.H HM;t. ill i : i ..- , conviction prcTaila ;irt De. Atet. does it. A,,wa V4 ...V ftB0V.im IKU41 iasi v i.. r wJir- T-.V. .; ,lr . . -m i 1 m i ii i The Spaia,aaigaaoss-SArx, Cac'g ''KnUied - ataa ia tafcak iatbewedd. i aTawlwaaBTaaaaV daaTam ''"TaTrBiy iaaaaooaiactaaJaBaBaiBiaaa, iiaaaau uetaf ajrafaajiaw waoaaait. or taaaaTaaaaaoa m aat aataaaa a aaaaaaSai aH alk'aaoataiaat.agaaBa k aeaaaal eaaaat taamaaaaa. 'L'aaV .j ftr Piana: ssaaBV' . wamawmaaaaaeaLw amr Mr wa aaarsaaaara aaaBaaaaaaavfa 'Japari ' BaalaaaaxUat, aad asar icauer, ir txu miu; BSva ac:cai a:u, iaae lue Are Vow Owing Xerth Y If yon are, you want a coov of " The Northwest Illustrated." It will not cost you anything. Send to W. II. Stunnctt, General Passenger Agent Chicago and Northwestern railway, Chicago, for a copy. It shows you the great Northwest, and teaches you how to got there, and what to do when yon are there. TnR Great Medical Reformatio. Tho Satanic Theory that preparations which inflame tho brain are, in any sense of tho word, remedies, has been ovcrthroivn, and can never be re'etab linhcd. The wonderful effects which have attended the use of Dm Walker's Vinegar Bitters as an antidoto to the causes of disease and a cure for every controllable ailment, have demonstrated tbe utter fallacy of tho doctrine that alcohol is a tonic as well as a stimulant. Tho New and incomparable Vegetable Remedy which has superceded the death-draught of rum bitters, is as free Irom every intoxicating element ns the dew of Heaven, yet see how it is invig orating tho nervous, relieving the bilious, curing the dyspeptic, purifying the blood of tho scrofulous, strengthening the debilitated, arresting promature de cay, and replacing despondency and weakness with choerfulnessoind activity. Truly a grand Medical Revolution is in progress. 45 A novelty, is the handsome S-L50 field Croquet Set that tho Excehior Mayazinc is giving to new subscribers for IK) cents, through a special arrnnge mcut with a large manufacturing com pany. They furnish sample.copies of tho Magazino for 25 cents, from their office, Room 59, No. 157 LaSallo street, Chicago, 111. TlllltTV YJCAK9 KXPKKIMCE OF AM OL.D XUUMK. MRS. WIN8LOWS KOOTHIRO STRUP 18 TBB PRKSCirriON OP on of th bt Pemal Phyil clan and Nnrie in the United State, and baa been n4 tor thirty year with aver falling aioty and icccei by million of mothara and children, from the feeble Infant of on wk old to the adult. It correct acidity of th ttoaach, r ,llve( wind colic, regulate the bowel, and give reit, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe It to be th Beit and Bnreit Remedy ta th World In all caics of DYIXHTXRT aad DIAR BHKA in cniLPRBR, whether tt arts from Teething or from any other can. Pnlt dlrcttou for uilng will accompany each bottle. Bona San In nnlei the fao-almlU of CUBTIB PBBXIXI I on the ontilde wrapper. BOLD BT ALL MXDlCIlfX DBALBBB. ciiil.dk km on-hi l.w PAaVBK Mt KICK, from no ttoaach. othar cam ttau afcrrmar Mian B BOWK'S win d.troy wama.lvaaal ftajary.a) aaa being peramiy jnpta, aad BraTlvwai lag og ataatTfaJaHaai laaraeMeaH JaMaa lff aVra'aiaa aJ. earaaaw?aaaBaa saav HOrtaEHOLD PANACEA aaa. FAMELT LINIMENT. HOUSEHOLD iTAMACEA FAMlfe LIIIIMENT, watraaaatf ii laain rarftvaniBa. Jt Parfaaiad Babbar . Perteraaa, Pacvraaa ft earb ariatr. AMraaa Exeauaoa WjaaA,MaaM,0. an iw a Aoicjrn ri, waeaa atoaea ta tfjaic raaiteAT aawiLAaatraaw CSarf a-at riea. woet-aaid. a Bightb-eu, raiia.. Pa. leta. with addrea of fiotkar aad i aoataaid FiaChromo7aa.wrta . and Inatractloae to dear aBtadar. Pxcaa d Co 101 loath 8ta-t, PM1 Pa. A DVEHTlSKaSI Bead V cent to O BO. P. BOW. tta.k Wh ..aw m..m, k. .a,b I BLL CO 41 r mfhltt olOO pope, containing Ilt of JB raw pera and tttUnate (howlag eot cf advertltiog. pipe rarl"VI7V t "" wlU aayia !-ll percent. lflV ' i Hi X i la advance aad give god -cnrtly. Stte ira"nnt yna dealra to Invest, Ad drcf Seiurlty Panda, P.O. Bex 3J3K, Cincinnati. OK. SA31'l . riTCII'B FAMILY IHYSICIA1V Will be tent free by matt to any oae (fading their a4drrit to Tit Broadway. Sew Terk. PAKTSERWASTKD f-r tka acatOrffaa aaaele. far t lie U'ettwa fHata. galea te per niootn; can Lelncreaaed tola. J. Or.., 34 W. ajaetiaem ac, Cktcaaa. I.i a TXAAOPJirawaaUdU town aad I P A.coaatry to eU TBA. f gwt te ' erdra tor tha targeatTea Coaaaaay In America. Iataortera arlcaa aaa Udaraaaau taAreeta. Send fer Clrcaiar. Addreee, bobbbt wKixa, Teaey sc, a. t. p. o. aa,iar. lAMAA By IB Bate.er at faeali.aa racaiat ef atJt by all or ax area. a. W. Bnraaaaa torn. Biiinrrs &m?"' iuuaaawvuw Teata aaa Golden Sunbeams TfcXatetaa-i twat Xsaie Boek fer taa Baaaar School Mwt tka aeaaaClrrte. BiarrtCraata receirt f 36 crata. Lt A HTBTABa miFmiU EafftlTKIT. Wa Birr acraayaaay, aan wautaal. J?all aarUaaaara tnm. a avawaewx t aaaufMB aasTairs t B aL VaVBl a BawSfaT. aiaartawa waaaiOKt Ok, aia FaHaa Baraat. aaw Tara, aWVaat ninaafati mmM fafrfa aaad -"' aa BSffaki Kaaasaaa..asarayai aaaaaiaat Aaaaaat. aBaa"L"v we w W a w aa w ww a w w rww. cUA weaw wriai aawa awaarar ' 7- Ta aa Btraaaa aaaanas CNaaaeauaaaK OraaipalaaaattMaawavaal' SXTTaT TZXlBl TS . . . .. . IB - -,- ? aaa, ataaaa caat, rata n im Wm riraaaaaa'aaiaii ba,aalarM.l,wawwwld 4MM iTtl'- aT- aaaTaBaaaaaai,Braaaaaa, . f - iKtiemf i !( la af all aaaawTI , BV ataaaa Baa rtaiady yea aaat gBSBJ rHH fer lataYaaadaa tatal aaa. VSaBT fha Saaa Yea -.a ..- BBaaaaaaBaa 'Bvt AaBaanr or .. mm, W..W. m mrnn. mmmr pwwawawaji -,,,, p latau ta waaaaaada af aaaaa. Baaaaaaaa-uataa aiig. iii - . -. . - -. .- .. aaaaaaaaaa' BywaaTSaadlwa i.wvi.11. wmmwmmmmmv . eeeeeeeweaa. g lm Trytt. aWMaTaaBVaaalata. atttttttV afJla'e'Wi araaaawaaaa,7arataaag4,jw,x' .aaaaaaaaaar am WtaawlwafmaaRJaam' .fitaf rJL-M1la-E in i nil an ! :. - ,aa BBtaawaeaB. aVABmCBV-aaa rVafaaa. Ja a ' avaaaaaw . aaa ai i an aaa. tm aaarer rc wrtta r r j&Wmmmmmm. cawaaacostk tt., Tafk. t. pwifafamE3'9Baa. Qiaaiiiiaa ar aaa aajS mWkmmWmmm aawejaawa, waaaBaajaaaBaaB -r' j- -afaaaar aa'aaa U. Waaaar d GWgmmU mVJBmflE3mPv " aBaaTMHSaBaawleaaaaS"aaaV Saa. CmMpm2:m aataatewaaaaaawl wBwr,Lacaii 4 jtw a I aaoc ai. VAUKESHl WATER, MINERAL ROCK SPRIII, CURES Dropsy, DiatwtMt Craval, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundics, right's Diseass, aad ell 4Ua of ta Hr and kidneys. This vat, ta sow known and told ai a rtmaay for tba abort dliaatn.ta all patta of tba world. It I tralr wontful what effect It has upon ihtkunu ritam. Ill now tatas ablpped at th fullowlnc prtca. Barrtl. 0 gal., 1 half do, 7; dtian and Ju. K cnl pr al . packaa cstra ; hutll (qla.) S1.M rr dui. lion r 7 matt accumpanr th ord. -cept tooar rffnlar aallKrl(Fi acnt. In,ulr of tour dmatrUtfor Waukvalta Mlseral B-ck Spring Water, audi C C Oit A to. Wankuha. Wli., ftr orders for th tr or for circular. CiacixwATi. Jon II.IKTX C C. Otl A Co.. Wankrsha, Wi. UTt. nird your watar from th Mineral Rock Sprlu. Waak eka, WI., for lh dlabel, 1 ha and great re lief from th ute of th earn. Bftr I com menced nttngtblt water, mr phjltclan reprtrtrd to me th epectne tfrarllT of my artae wa 33, and after mint It fir twenty day the efecine itra vity of the urine wn rednced to 31. ehowinc a great imfroTement, aud finding great relief In nut being compelled to urinate o frrqaently. 1 had other watei. but glre It at my iIoh that the Mineral Rock Spring i oreferable. And Iduearn ettlr remrameud it to all who are m ctd lth th cUeatc commonly known a Diabetet. Keipectfully your. At-rasD Wiunx, DcpU Coll. Int. Re., Sa. ? W Third tr, ClnctunatUOhto. 11 vpnw, WI ., Jan. J, JeTX Vmiriur. COitw Jt Cu. Drar Sirt lam atton Ithed at the Immediate bent At received from the uuof your h'aling water 1 commenced uelug tbe water aedlrected.and foani a mat kd change, reJftcmgipectflc gravity of mine 523 down to'jOo In three aay, reducing a mo.it (kin and direct perplratlon. making au euile rhaoga for th better in mv dlgeatton. I ilo find tt beneficial to the liver. Since drleklng th water, I irtt mark bctfr at nluht. and without belnltarbed.a 1 umalty wa before. from two to three tlm during every night TliUklrg of vlaltlng ytur ntg la the enmmrr. tJlexlnit trra water no an taat yon claim, and mr own caie. ' ind knowing the favorable reeult tn re, yt.u witt plcate rspreaj the f Tty itdiatrly ae t am (atltned That ltdoe aallon lruradiatrlr t-t inee any or it bvailug proper! i by atppina. 1 think yor price very reainable, an wttl M verMre your Spring all lean, fur tbe benat t f In valid (uttering with tboe incurab'e aiaeate of might' Ditra(e and 'acchtrlne plabete. a 1 kuow they cn be lmmdlatey relieved by drink lg Mineral U-ck Spring Watr. With klmled re gard, your truly, flao. Joaae. OPIUM mtPNINE HAIirKPrnlllr curcl ! Hr.lU-rk'otily Klloll llli llruiCHiy. iso cii-vittiii: for trontmrnt until cuml. ('nil on ir lultlrcut DR. J. C. BECK, Claciaaati, O. Pf ruble Soda Fonmaiis! $40, $50, $75 ana $100. OOOD. BCBABLB AKD CHBAP. Shlpfvl Keadj fer Use. Manufactured by J. W. CflATaAa a CO., MiMtoi, las. iixd roa a CATALoaoa Agent 1 If yon want to make mouey, 111 It. Out of the Hurly Burly. ItT MAX APKLKR. Th blggeit thing yet. Humor, wit, athn, lift., fan and laugnter. XA comic cut. The people yearn for It. It wllleell In dull timed Dhow It in a man and he .urrenderl. It la ura every time Don't bother with hay book that nobody want. Humor ta tba thing that take. Agent wanted everywhere. Send fr circular and tatra trm to To-Day Pub. Co., 121 Xatt Lake atrt, Chicago, Uhnola. TEE IMPROVED HOWE SCALE I th only ona containing all the Modern Im provements. COMPARISON INVITED, C0MPCTITI9" CHAUEH6E0 Send for Circular and I'rfre.. A. M.OIM1KRTACO., . Stat-(t . Chicago. OILRRRT COM PANT, US Mati.-iU. Cincinnati. Manafactared anil faraalrat 234 20 E. Randolph St., Chicago Chaplin's Life of CHARLES SUMNER With an iMtrodHctlon -y Ks-Clar.Claflia, la Heady. The-Charartar and "errlcea at la Iftikle Hfateattiau, the Upeclal Aelvaa l(ti Peiittitd hy the U'rllKitnwaAa. then, (he HeaatlfMl llcllafya Portrait. KnR-ravlMwa, Kac-Hlntlle Inciter, Ha Nla (SOI I'aRe. l'dni.),anl law Pric (il..1t). roRililae to render f hi th .MOVT POFU- LAK HtMlK of the dar.-Agenla Waaler! JJO.STO.V: . LOTH R OP CO.. PAUktrs. .Vndor tntirjuu IBiflralta cufalofuc. WA AND NEBRASKA! OP ACBBB TJF TXB BBST LABD la ir ale on Tea Yeara' Credit, at . latere!, by ia Bar llngtoa aad ata- r Ballroad Coataaay. RIQUIIIIOy t, till fink year. BUcB aT. vara) and LawrrttaMM a aOwMaaMl I wao with fat! part. aUre.aeV UKU. . II A l( SUA (loner, Barliagton, Iowa. NOVELTY " flKG PRESSES laraatael. Baataeta Par raad tor gea- Vaa. WOODS. g Dealer M ptiaaaf TBMIAIt. W.. I u,awTork: t.. raiudei. aaleagv. a - 9T faa ajnftlfaelea wao avocatlear rettrlei theatloatlttlBg potfare. nor thaa lao-thirda affer frotn Cn(l(atlm. Bo they not know that aa rrcat-n(I rre-.raio nBIUBl'R HKL.T XKK APBUIIKJT weal I prevent all their mie.ryr lie rgniig otrue ara naaar- :it i., J . .,. a.t. .. .-. .. w - irtvn. Por aala by all ile.lex la atadictaaa. THE THHE8HER IF THE KIIM. A TWa la ta Suaaaa -TiaBAiQa waieh ha crcatarl aaaa a rvralatiaa ta becoa it rvvLt aaTABUaita a tba "learllarTlMa"ataiaTaMaaTtaw. Mora lata trvaa iVnuaad pare aaaeraaaH aanaav ueaeaan craia raiiaii araatai bwttrblt rjirBQCArxaa far tarac aartaa; awl aarr raar aiaca aaaaa, rtai AllMTKH aaaaa. or Seiwwaaar "t aaa.aawtllaaGBAarl BMwto araat taav aevaaa laaaeatat arlti iraVM aaaaad wm -aar ew wntiy 1 raft raniealanr laadatbaraifar. aan urara (J aaaaturaian aad iACa. aaaaaaa7rl.aaaa aaaaawSaaaaal . 1MLFAYMCNTS ascvva wni - j -BBaSjratnaaraa Mawaa I waaaaaaaaaaaal- aWMT wSaai aawejeaa eawaaaaaaaaar j,eBaavyw(aBwaB7a Jar Mull mttm aBlajaaar 1 J- aaa aroear a mttmt Tliaaaaaiii, are mmmt fe t miW JSjliiVaaalViiitf &- - aaaafi,AaV -- - aaaarwaaa CawaafaW tTiaafeat aaatew r r"aaSm t ha taOisaaBleaaHajaaaa aTgav ayjaTSC t ayTaaawgaBaar aaTr SJmwmmwmmmmtm'mmmmmT aJgfJjTaw aBaBrBBaaaBnaBBaVaBfTW 1"'iaWSavaaawwaaTaT'5J4Ba aa-aaaBpaw . - - - laBaaa,aSaacaw aaa. at taifc erMrtira, SS aTfall laTEBW lafFBaaaj1-aaw. amaawa, laaaatH afataaaliaadaa 1 1 as ? BlLlgaTOA"'aaie,at" Wrnmmfm, AaaaalaraaJawha aa); yTxaataaaef-apr 71 1 ' V xx j?tS jji Sit, BBBhBkaaaaiBBBrA aawaaV aaa- wbbbwbw m waaaa mmm7mmmmmmm7 T SataBBBBafrT ''"'''aaB: i. " TTT1 ! gSaTtJjfgrSaiai aTaWfVaa aaT aaaTltaaaia'-naWaatiga tataaraaarta atr lanaaBaaa I ailBaaajl gBBJ 1 BBBBBBMi alaaBaiilaf W 11 aaae-or iwRaera-aaawi.-ww,eaaT.-r iaaTBl laara, iiiaa. aBaaj vraay Aaav j "V OU Dr. J. Walkor's salifomis iiriir Hitters am pateliSV nw tianitlotl. mnilo "l'lcfir froh tba pr i mwm. V 2MieiC?BBaaaaar ' , TTTaawjtdBBBBBaBB; -t. BW-. 3. aaaaaaam l- aaawawaajL kwv, w . tlo l.or-l.. r.utiul nn Ihn Irtbrfr FlllaTaa af . a M.--5 mo sicrm ic-niniiioiHuuwjByv vibiii -- , - T . rr a . t -., , I. .a -4r faklBaTuew. ., w- y nla, tho uicdielnn! proiwrtka rtfwaaaV,,, ?! aro cAtmctetl therefrom -vunoac tataaSV of Alcohol. Tlio tiucUotteBJifcra, dallv aaketl. W h,U U-tha ajftt alJasV -uniC-irallolctl success of VixkuaB &, teksT Our inawer Ut, that tlicyriMMBi tUO CUU.-U u iwiwi'i m .v-w sv corera hw licalth. TUc.f aro uw j hlwxl imrinor ami a Ufo-Ktvhii: ft a ix-rftct Itonovatot atttl lavi (kBeaeaacafBk 9 "PwPvt nf tlit M'ati'in. Xarar hefofa hitorr of tho arnrla Um a niixticawi Baaa compouutlctl iHNb-ejM'inB; i' " l,A'1 :&&, uutMlura t i ,,. -..vr-.. ,...-..,-. -. - ,K.:. nr iivrn ii!i-r tti nrinaer aawa ' -:--,- sick of rvcry tUeao inanw Rfir Vo. Taafr. are a rrntlc rurnuve aa wuu a a -. rpHeviuir CtautwU-n -va-Iirflacima0awf' tae Liver aMd Vlaccral Organs, tt BUlaat tf. A Diseases. The VtXKOAl fTaniilimllrn. SlaUrs CoaBteyJwtatwkdltyiLelira re. aad AnUllillo" v H. II. NrnoriLBACO., 0mirfflt(JilOen.A6t,Srtn KraeJvCRnnkai aaU t-r. of whlF.ctS asl CharHaa M V. V. . Saia KUl5rwabalcalr. . AM'S SARSAPAtULLA,- FOR PURIFYING THE IMM. ThiatoapofaJl ataaV vegttabt - avitewlivea, ar(aarllU, wk, 9tU- , Uogla and XandraBB illh tbe iodide r re. yOatitum ana Iran aaa Vmot 9ertuat cwfeed O" snMe or comMiata whlch are vert atata l and smicttng, It luilfle the blMHl,pnr a rat th lurking ht- rnnri In thylem,lht unwrmlne health and ettl. intj lroifao!na dlorder. Krutitlnneof the ikin are theacyeat ancoon the (urfaceo! bnmor that (hnuld be ea relied fn m te Hood Internal darangtment ar (ha deterioration of theme bamvt to tnternel organ, or organ. wb action they da. range, and whr ub(tance they dlteai aad d alroy Aran' BaaaAatl t.a eapie toe nnmor from th blood Whnthy argnn,thdlordrg they produce etcarpfar. ueh a l Jrrn.lii Ae XnmTor JTVyeiaWa. Afli'!'i.f'"J' buj; r.a.M. f Jk .Ua. .V. Aafadww Tuwuir. Tttltr mna .viu iinrum, .-.-ma jirrj. nr ltsrm muA yrtt. A'ArwDUtftraH. .l P in IA JfcHM. . and Jlt4. ri a. aurtfffy. Ltutorrhm rtrtMatf fnm tdttrotion and wferiM a . from. yarkixa BealtB rfluxai. raavAaia by Dr. J.C. ATH CO., UwtU, Xiwta Practical aad Analytical Ckemlata. a. mM nnuUi an A TUoltrM ttk MimitilmX '.V?? - -itoZ &rV-XZ properties orDR-ifTrBfi-i & niiTTKaa are Aperient, UUihtnrtlB,jaBft "?1 N'titrifJntix. ljmXaUvo. l)iarUa JBbTVI'J 3 aaaftlfc WmWmm GnvLK:& - - - . rsmr s- . -JKb i& T. CC U t-- 3 O "e M V c n " " z. . . C .- AW atUM joM3 f J S 5 n rr OL atfll.KilS n s'swg's V ' fc-rn WZ r.g 2x mm Ma O 2. K 2 Vy ?-r ? w vi w i t! ? O Soi - a. S r.iaf s' K1 9 b-cn a r mri .. eaa f ' L mJ - v a.. amnBACHWBBK. AgeaH wanta, par !iw rtl m Co.. . IXJttl. M.' B a Aw tare bee. 4. War CINCHHHININE if tu effectmmt rwmtdtr FOR FJLEVBR AjyQUCi faa Aewid lewm, la vwtrm patalabk and at cAmpf. 8r for dearrlfXlvft CtrcnUr wx Tutimmntmtm f PhflrimH from all -i1 of Ifca tauhttj, CratlaJuferrHl.4.v ' rrerare.1 by BIU.IOH.CUll'l&IX?..CTW4, ,hm. ewYefkisic,?ciieal7a(. aaaBapWawBaajeweaiaaaaiag ajaBa yyajapaw aawa FLOKgiiai 1L j M9 mmtfKfmtmWmmW mWmmmW QmY 9mmmW " rV T vAlf-XIf.UI. ? f LANE & BODLEY, HABt't Acrcaaaa av '9t FSXTABLS A.TD STAT!5AET fav u P-J aa n mT m " 3 n a tm af ' wr ZZ mm M M 1 mmmt I axdHtKaX'B Maliaai BBAtminK ca. t ' - f I aaaaaat Tkt JmrnrnvWimmmt a Waiaw. t the WW Ftosiacs frar Q.vrr an;laar mmmmmth . Viimmi'i -r-i,Hl ' " Jfaaav" SAW-WlltLT,0 . Irani PraaMa, rtfaaa .Faa Wren), ! MeaveaaaaaA, wHk Uverlrl. raiaa aar ajtb 1 mabst. CBBAraaT IUauaa4 Calalegaaa aad Prteaa ap8iianeej aa UAnWt BKBH.BrTe wATaa-ata; SBWTB WABTBa MarjBlf mTHO tmt Umum' wear. fca4lalr aaeanarr. nnVTHL.Ts Tfcry ir Haa. ai can a apt ratft raeHaa e aCaaaaraaraatBwwS. iaaewaiaa ctrraiaa v mtmmUimrtt. Sadaf' l at feaa War (!( M aa. aaWAaaTB.Cwi''aWa aall arwra J aa f.. Kmttrimg h wKx.wvmH tmm4mm09mmmAmmJP a9aaaH- '" aaeaaaaaav''- . r v- a5!7IBaVl- " aV.. : aaBBBBBBBBBBBBaV j " Itaaaav, aa- aaa mm aaa m-jmA Jr m&mWm&k CViV. a.a XXTHIOf WKtTtWm A.O aaKTIwHar, aartfr,r avr ttn;Wi 'aiaf ," nta-a bbb ..i-eam. .W- VTW-- am ml aa) - S,.(H " 'aaV' uwaaaaaaar aP aaa. t-w H bHIK- Tp? .J -aSl 4BBBBJ-' iat V aawavvwaa w t-A" S r-m 4 ' ?' 1 rm '-'1 r. i - -i - am- k a am ' - at , ". Vi. 1 H-j " A if V( s .A fi. t 9 J aaSl BTwya- 7 aaBarS JaUaaBaBaaaBP aaarM r4-aTaaaaaV mrt J fW ' -"Baaaaawawa aawaa . 21 z..al aaP8 - V V inara,' Ti aBBBBBBBV 'mfW -VJT W 1 mm' a fwrataataea. f r J : 1 mmmmtl & -, - mwm? f MSmZ ' Jl J; -aaaaj : dm .' ' aaaaaj rl asal fmrnmt VWIw eVHif, Jtf r- -, .'!fe?' j?5'J' ' nfCA.K 3&S2 it- .' f. ' J& 'rw IViT t . .-?t: . . -s ie& 3, ." e.J- -&& wr-y? -f . 717jAvS. -?' ij-w .t-i , a. r-T--. fi-r JPil tf t ' . Z WJZ?. fy- fMM m7 U$i va teiextlJarlwfo?tUeTieitT CeOToBirneszWaawOsrfcfiaKQto&I ?& aa- ' BaaBaaaaaataL - -5inr jaawaaaaaaaawaw " jBBBBBBBBWr - 33aaaaaaawaaBBac. SrvS?lJPaaii??, &m-zf& Je w