K f -mi t 3 r ,1I 7 . - - r r 1 t TD- -I A i i OLDEST -STORK I -IN- - Webster County. THE BEST TRADING POINT IN THE Republican ValTy -:oj- S. GARBER & Co. DEALERS IN General Merchandise, consisti.no or Dry Goods, Groceries, FU11X1TUKE, ml(tSS, Stash tnd a Great Variety of other Articles -:0: Ouc Mock of Dry Goods has been sc--eeted with cpcrial reference to the want1? nt tho reop'', ana consists in fatt of FINE DRESS GOODS, CALICOES, BROWN .V P.LKACHKI) MUS LINS, PRINTS. THECKS, r.!NGHMS. &&&C. The Lulie of Webster County and are ro-pTl fully invited ti examine our ticw Ktook of ', and consists - DILHSS GOODS, Wliirh v fool warranted in saying is Chr Laryrxt tnd Mutt Complete ever brnurht into Stiuthio-t Nebraska, and whioh will be sold at Prices that Defy Competition. TVe l.o keep on hand a Good Stock of READY MADE CIzOTHIWG Of various kinds and extra dualities and for MIe cither by the suit or single article. BUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, And everything else in that Line. Canned Fruits in VarietY. TOBACCO & CIGARS. 1 TINWARE, STONE-WARE, ) WOODEN-WARE. FLOUR & MEAL, BOOT 66 SHOES To to sniit the wants of everybody. We wish to call the attention of tho Public to the fact that we are constant y keeping on hand a full a-ortnient of Goods which we will sell at Bottom Prices For Cash. Call and look at our Goods and do not fail to inquire the Prices. S. GARBER & CO. tied Cloud mcb. THE RED CLOUO CHIEF. LOCAL MATTEKS. Xotices in ihi Column 10 Cents a Line. Soap 10 cent& thrown in, at per bar. Matches Berf.nzex & Co. Kerosene 40ci., per gallon, at Gabber's. California Dried Apples and Utah Pcaehe-, at HekenzenV. Whitefish awl Codfish at Garber k Co's. LEATHER! LEATHER! .The best Horse Rrtishes in America, warranted to clean any horse without distinction of nationality, color, disposi tion, or r-ex, at Beren7.es & Co's. Garden Seed. Ox-bows and Keys at BERKN7.EN k Co. Reed Breaking Plows at McNitt's for 27.:U. LloriT Calico just received at IJERF.N7.EN k CO. Broom Handler, Wire and Twine at McNm's. AfltjHARROW Teeth, at the Hardware store. Reed Breaking Plows at McNitt's. Dog cheap. Large lit of Boot? and Shoes just ar rived at Garijkr k Co's. New Goon.s at McNitt's. New supply of Hardware at Berenzen k Co's. " Heaps "of New Goods at Garber k Co's. G RAIN Sacks, for sale-ut McNitt's. The bet Ax Handles in the country at Rerenzen it Co's. Knives and Forks at McNitt's, the Mnall sum of $1.1T per set. for Warm weather about these days. Linen coats and straw hats arc at a pre mium. Yesterday W. N. Richardson sold twenty head of fat cattle to Ktieger k Rros., of Ft. Hayes, Kansas. . . The Roard of Commissioners will met on Saturday to take action on tho bridge matter. We went fishinq a few nights since, with the usual result. Every school-boy knows what that i. - Carl Werer left yesterday for the west, and will try to seek a fortune among the mountains of Nevada. - . - The Teacher's Association met on Friday last, at this place, and had a goodly number of attendants from all parts of the county. Rev. MrxLOW preached in the School House on Sunday evening la.st, to a !arg and attentive audience. ... Many friends have called during the past week, all of whom we would like to notice by name, but the number makes that impossible. To one and all we s.y welcome. Mr. Knox nmle team got on a ram page on Tuesday, just north of Smith k Calvert's Furniture Store, and upset the wagon in a twinkling. A NCMRER of boys have got into too habit of recklessly discharging fire-arms about our streets. Now all this is very careless, and may result in injury to pome person. Better save the powder till buffaloes come. Immigration i till pouring in, and every day long strings of cotton covered wagon pass along the great route of travel which passes through our town. Manyoftheso stop and purchase rail' road land in thi vicinity, while others pu-h on to where homestead claims arp' more plenty. We are informed tliat good claims can yet be had in many parts of the county, though as a matter of course, it is next to impossible to find any with timber and running water. Aside from these drawbacks the land is a good a.-, ever the sun shone-upon. Last week Columbus Harris who has long been a resident on Farmer's Creek, in this county, left -for Mountain City, Nevada, which will be his home in the future. We are sorry to Ioe Mr. Harris from our county. A gentleman in de portment, Mjuare in all his dealing, he was a model as a cit'zen and neighbor. Our bet wishes go with him to his new home, but we have a hope that after due trial of tin mountain country he will re turn to Nebraska, which is after all, the bct abiding place "this side the great ? river. One day last week we heard a citizen of Kansas doing soon hearty cursing in regard to the law of that State, which require a homesteader to pay a tax on the amount of prairie breaking dono within the year. ' Thattuch assessment and the conse.ient collection of taxes is contrary to the spirit of the homestead law, we fully believe. Our citizens should make a note of this when mak nc compirison between the inducements of Kansas and Nebraska, as. a country n which to settle and build up a home. Amono the multitude of periodical and magszineof the day we know of nothing that excels the "Old jon New," in being what it caltsiyelf, the "People's Magazine." Each number contains original essays on the current topics of the day, snd a well selected amount of lighter literature, suited tn all classes of readers. The style of our paper precludes an extended notice, at this time, but we hope at some future lime to lay copious extracts before our readers. T Dit G. L. Russell, late of Philadel- phia lias located at Ked Cioud for the practice of hi profession, and can he . ......... -. found at the lieu Lloud Drug More. TnE bet cigar in town can be found at the Red Cloud Drag Store, and Char ley letter will sell all you rant. with pleasure to 70a and profit to hime!f. .SllERF.R k Co , have got up a fine set of shades in the front of their Druz Store, with a lettering that wc will bet was done hy Van Winkle. On Tnesday Mesr Dain and Grnbb. of Nuckolls Co., halted for a few minute? in our office They are on their way out for a big buffalo hunt. - m -- Wanted. .r0 perch of hard Stono. at the south bank nf Rock Ford. 2 mile outh-west of Red Cloud, bfor1 the 2,'ith nf June. Brinr samples to Red Cloud Milk " 4-tf Fresh Pork at the City Meat Market at ten cent" per pound. 4 v4t We noticed that bridge fraud, whose other name is Marcy, in town yesterday. E. B. Smith has becun to get the ston on the ground for a two story buildine. 20x30 to be built on the lot4 east of the Red Cloud Drag Store. The room next door north of Kaley'" has been fitted tip as a billinrd hall, with table and fixture? in pood style. Er.DER Watma.v. of the Christian Church, will preach in the Farmer'? Creek School House, on Sunday, Jun Nth. A general attendance is is invited. We have received a copv of Note ware's new map of Nebraska, which i a fine affair, and shows a creat improve ment over former attempts of the kind. W. F. Coyle, of Harmony called yes terday, and made onr heart rejoice in a substantial manner. lie report" crop as being in the bet possible condition, and a large accession to the settlement of that section this spring. Come again. - -. Our answer to the Bed Cloud Chief's little fling at Kearney county i IS.' land entries within the county during tho last six weeks. Loicrtt Register. Bcllt for you I No malice intended, and if you had ten times a many more wc should rejoice at your prosperity. As a door-keeper for a traveling show man, rhnrhe Potter is a suces. On-i Saturday nicht after two hour patient waiting he collected the full amount 0; seventy-five cents. . . . Z. P. Earl gave us a friendly call last week. He says he has the best farm in the county, and that he has a fine start of peaches, goo:ebcrric3, currants-, etc., all of which are thriving. The contract for building a school house in District No. 22, in the vicinity of Hummer?, has been awarded to Mil ler & Tinker- The work will be begun on Monday next, and from the well known skill of the builders we predict one of the best school houses in the county. TnE regular term of the District Court, for Webster county, will begin on Friday, Juno oth, and continue two days. It i rumored that quite a large number of distinguished personages will be at Red Cloud during the session of the Court. The Board of Managers of the Acri cultural Society are earnestly requested to meet at Red Cloud, on Saturday next, to take into consideration such matters as will nome up for action. Let there bo a full turn ont. We arc glad to know that Frank Mat teson has so far recovered from a linger ing attack of inflamatory rheumatism as to be able to appear on the streets again. He is staying in Red Cloud awhile to secure medical treatment. We apolocise to D. S. H. for neglect ing, last week, to publish an interesting letter which would now be out of date. It got mislaid, but send us another, and wc will take better caro of it. 0. L. Battlt.s, Esq., of Guide Rock called yesterday. Mr. B. is an extensive dealer in Agricultural Implements, and wc are glad to learn is doing a good business. The farmers of that section will do well to call on him for anything in his line. See his advertisement in an other column. One day early last week a healthy looking orphan, apparently about forty years of age, dressed in brown jeans and a blue shirt, made his apDcaracce in our city, and announced to the astonished inhabitants that on Saturday evening he would show astonishing feats, such as swallowing red hot cooking stoves, eat ing tallow candles, drinking quarts of benzine, aud many other things out of the run of ordinary affairs. Everybody was excited, the boys spoke the company of the fair one, and Invested liberally in gum drops to gain favor with the aforesaid, and turned oat a rousing crowd to see the moral and highly enter taining show. At the appointed hour of opening the showman proceeded to the hall, gave the doer keeper a pleas ant nod, turned on his heel and pased out, remarking that he would return in a few minutes, since whicb the eyes of our people have beheld him no more. It is feared by our eitizens that he tried the experiment of swallowing the stove privately and cot prematurely cremated, or thtt the crusaders have him bid somewhere. We sucgest that the door-keeper who took in the seventy-five cents, expend the same for cigars, allowing us one for this notice. Oxyoke. Iowa made. Moee Summer Shoes. All at BERENZENS. CHAS. i Dry Goods, Groceries? Boots Shoes.. Hats, Caps, Oueensware, Tiu-ware, ITiiriiilure, Hardware, Wtovtjx, AND GRAIN. I am Agent for the KEJED NEBRASKA CITY PLOW, Dixon Breaking and Stirring Plow. Weir and Sweepstakes rorn' Ilotr. IVIOLIXE t'ORX PLANTER, ALSO A GOOD LINE OF HAND PLANTERS, REAPERS, WAGO.VS MOWER. And FARMING Implements, Call and Examine Stock ami Price Ut My New Store Building 2nd Juniata JUNIATA. HARDWARE I would call the attention of the to the fact that I have on hand a L'ood FARMLXG And am constantly receiving a lot of PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, REAPERS, MOWERS, and RAKES, among which will be found the EXCELSIOR REAPER & .MOWER, HOLLINr.SWORTH PACIFIC and HAMILTON SULKY HAY RAKES, 1'or which I am ole Ant for Webster and Franklin Counties, Nebraska, and Jewell and Smith counties, Kansas'. OTIS L. BATTLES. &,v,.?. fj, .:. "j?. 1 k-7l(liji. UIxV Ot't, ON Saturday, fburtonn t fains and on Monlay live mre, uukitu nineteen, passed through tin- place croute foil J Oregon. Th"y -e'tlei in Southern Kun- sayuvo or three year- a,o, anl becomm ck of th" country, havi started out to tind new homes in the farthereH west. Clear, pure and cool, the ice that Zeiss is daily furri-hing Li customers at one cent per pound. Zeiss has an abund ant supply of the soundest and clearest ice we ever stx and is ready to furnish the same to a'1 callers at the above rate. Mr. OrnnvAiTE, of Sent fa Co., Ohio, his been visiting our place, and, as is alwaya th" cae with strangers, is very much pleaded with ti;e county and its future prospect's. Nebraska will bear inspection, and the mere visitors the better. We would respectfully call attention to the advertisements that appear in thi aud other issues of The Chief. There is no use fooling away time read ing novels aud other things when the advertising columns of this paper fur nish the best and most entertaining reading matter that can be found in the English language. E. Peters, of South Guide Rock, called on Saturday last, -and bring the usual report of fine crowing crops and general prosperity. Mr. Peter" informs 11a thnt lip trill nnfVi thn enhnn in ilia. . .,. met -o. a u ring tne present summtr. Also that seven families from Illinois hae settled in his neighborhood this spring. m Attention is called to the fact that there is somebody around who does not seem to have anything like a distinct idea as to the right a person has to the exclusive control and ue of his own property. We will incidentally remark that if the individual who took a re volver from this ofHce will reJarn the same inside of a week, he will sare the trouble and vexation of standing a crim inal prosecution. The 'Glorious Fourth" will joon be on hand, and. we sugjrest that Red Cloud get up a rousing cekbration after the olden style. In case our citizens feel dis posed to go in for a celebration, it is none too soon to becin to discuss the matter, make preparation?, secure tn orator, and arrange a programme. Times are dull, the weather hot. and a general feeling of laziness prevails among some of u at least but let us stir up our pa triotic blood a little and "enthuse" with a hearty good will. ' m The following are a Iit of jurors em pinnelcd for the Ditrict Court : GRAND JCRr. Wm. Sawver, John Sabin, A T. Avers. A. M. Talbot. Alex. Walker, Marshal L. Hard. John Barber, I. B. Hampton. E. W. Edson. Jame Peters, John 0. Ril'y, T. C. Laird, John Ras er. Wm. Simpon, fJ. C. Andrus, C. C. Cox. rETTT jurtr. A. J. Rennecker, Stephen JJayles?, Ed. Kellocc, James M. Martin. G. W. Wells H. P. Bannev, Peter Head. A. H. Crary, Henry ConolJy, F. N. Rich ardson, J. E. Smith. Curtis Bal. Abe J Garber. John Dunbar, E. T. Fearn, C. -uacumber, .J. Lalvert, m. t'etlit, Branson H. Grar. Joseph Chambers. G. W. Knight. Cyrus F. Brnadwell, Abra ham Scott, Timothy Lawkr. As will be een by the announcement in another column, the State Fair will open at Omaha, on Sept. 29:h- We urge upon our farmers to make special efforts ro produce something worthy of exhibition on tLit occasion. We believe that Webster county can prove all that is chimed in regard to the productive ness of the oiCand with a little extra pains, the whole world can sec what we are able to do. if properly represented at the State Fair. R. JONES, ui:am.k ix Door North of Post 0Slc3, Avenue, NEBRASKA. ? Farmers of Webster ami cdjuinin; assortment of cauMttf! IMPLEMENTS, 3Tcbraska. Yesterday morning wc just mis-cd -ceing a lonnfide fight, one of th lively kijifl. between well we won't tell who, JSr we might catch it oursrlve- if wc called names. Party number one slung a bridle round right lively, and party number tvio deployed into line with a neck-yoke, making a fine display. The only result that we kuow of was a noso bleed, and a couple of fellows as mad as the well a cat whoc noc line been poked into a kef tie of hot soap. HaWaND CAPS 1 Persons wishing to buy a first-class Hat or Cap, of the latct style, will con sult their own interest by calling on J. G. Potter. Notice is given to all wanting sawing done before harve-t, to brim; in their logs within the next two weeks. Fresh Oranges and Lemon jnt re ceived at George Zeiss'. ujs i Lara i The best Lime in the market, for sale four miles went of Red Cloud, by 45 td Geo. Ross. If you would have your wife wear a smiling countenance, go to McNitt's and buy a Cook Stove. Will warrant it one year, not the countenance, but the Stove: Heaps of New Stoves at McNitt's. All those wishing to buy timber land byrange 11 and 12, can get all the in formation needed by enquiring of J. Q. Potter at Red Cloud Mills. 47-4 1 Persons wanting their saws filed can leave them at McNitt's Hardware Store. Good news for bachelors ! For Bake Kettles, or Dutch Ovens, go to McNitt's. McCormick's Advance Self-Rake, best Combined Reaper and Mower in the world. For terms and particulars call on or address D. S. Helvern, Red Cloud, Nebraska. 4Ct CIVS 77A3 ! Having purchased our stock of Ready Made Clothing late in the season we are prepared to give bargain to our friend in this line, unknown heretofore in the history of Red Cloud. Call and see when you come to town and get our prices, and we will guarantee to sell you s suit, J. G. Potter. New Goods, New Print, Sheetings Cottocrdcs, Sheetings (brown and bleached) just received at J. G. Potter. J. Q. Potter will pay ca-di, for log?, delivered at the mill in Red Cloud. 42tf We have started a compete Boot & Shoe Store, which to will always keep well tilled. Ladies tjaitcr and Mipper- a specialty. Children? shoes from ZO ' cents ,up ; uents doo; tor summer wear; fine English Oxford Tie.. Ridiculou, rates, at UERE.N7.EN tV L-O. Wanted. S.oOO feet of Ozk Timber, in the log. n4l-3 J. Q Potter .t Co. SrADES $1, $1.35, $1.50. ShoveU Rearly all the same, at Berenzen k Co's. J. Q. Potter will pay oizh for logs delivered at bis mill in Red Cloud. 43 Berenzen k Co. have just received a nice lot of Spring Sbawb?, and nice Balmorals. If you irant a cheap Corn Plow go to McXfct, he scl&s lower than asy other man in the valley, for cash. East riding Saddles California tre from $3, up. At Berenzen k Co. Go to John G. Potter For Qaeen warc, Knives and Forks, Razors ic Wagon Loads of New Goods arriving at Potter's. Red Cloud Retail Market. CORRECTED V I FKL1 HV GARBSK A Co. Crumbed Sugar, fc-r a -iUr.... A Coffee Sugar I- Coffee Sup- - ellow Coffee Sir T t Dark Urown S X fcTlt" Choice iiio Cofvt 3 Rice & (JunpowJer Tea per tt -$ I flO ounu Hv-on Suiokcl Side Meat 1 i mnkmi .hnnl(ltr '1 Imperial- S$l 30 111 tier ..-.. . . 1 vv Hour. Mercian 3 4i d A.XXX, H Wh R'd Flannel 3.25' 4Q(flO " Ilitf J .... .........a ...... .tP1 ivj" Ltr.'ft? 1 tjo. ... ... ...,.t)U Rrown Sh.rtmc - IJ(5lS Spr-teueand MerrimaePritits 12 ('ouiu.cti Prints - 10 Brown Pernio - !'Iiii Heavy Rnwn DucLing 2.VliT Stri- " 4 -JiidM Heavy Roota 2 WiaA M Lt?ht I!ou.. 4 M k,7 :V. Heavy Shoes. - iK- "" Riverton Retail MarKet. I CiItltFCTED WEEKLY Y II. C L01IFI'. Cruh?d Sugar for a dollar tUfc I C. Coffee Sugar 7 Yi'iJw Coffee Sugar 9 CI -ice Rio Coffee .i i Rice xi TVa per th $l.Uft$l ' : MiitifT iwr !t IfviiLli Kgs per dozen !' Fl'inneU per van! 4oui,.hi 1 Rrown Shirting per yam 1 iK IT Print- 12 Common Print I Rrown Dennis 2 Heavy Rrown Ducking 27i Roots and Shnet men-) per jir .S2:?.i WoiuetJi Shoe-, per pair $2S, NaiL- per t' - l'i HARDWARE! HARDWARE!; Plows- Plows ! 1 am now reidy tn Mipply the public with all kindt of Hanlwaro. 0ne4sling in part of ROCK ISLAND. PEKIN. GARDEN CITY, CLIPPER, REED RR E K I N'G PLOW. FLTRST k RRADLKY. and BLACK HAWK WALKING Ct'LTIVATOR, BROWNS v.d CLIMAX CORN PLANTERS. DOCRLR SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD, IRON BKM. SCOTCH Jfc FRIF.DM A N'S PAT ENT HARROWS. FURSTa: BRADLEY, and DAYTON SULKY HAY RAKES, EXCEL SIOR REVOLVING. RAKES. GRAIN CRADLES. GRASS S C Y T II E S. And Kvcrythin? llwuallv Kfp in nn IMPLEMENT STORE. Al'o a full Stock of NAILS, HOOK TRIMMINGS, and SADDLERS HARDWARE, CAR PENTERS and MASONS TOOLS. A full line of Pocket and Table Cuttlery, Stove, Tinware, CARRIAGE BOLTS, all lengths and sizer. GARDES GRASS SEED of nil Kind. M. B McNITT, RED CLOUD. XF.RRASKA. .m. . nmm The partnership heretofore existinz between Potter & Perry was dissolved fc Uth dar of M 1ST4 by ;nntaaj U All bdcbtcl u wi.l firm on nye or account, areherebj notified tn n ,-fl ..U -;,,, .Tn.r. f; Vnttj,r. i U liTnr trr linriTA.? fA &t??A rvnrl vTlv all indebtedness to Kaid firm. J. G. Potter, A. E. Penitr. Rcl C'oud. Webster Co.. Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of the Ut Judi cial District in aud for Webster County, Nebraska : Reuben Dedrick Mary Dedrick- J To id Mary Dedrick defendant : You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of May, 1374, Reuben Dedrick. plaintiff, filed hi petition in the ofsce of the clerk of the District Court of said Webter County. Nebraska, praying that he nay bo divorced froB yoo. you are afco sotiied to apear and aaawer said petition on or befbrg the 5th day of Juse, 13T4, or aid p?titioo will be taken a true aivi judgment resdercd accordingly. Recbex Deducx, by H. S. Kalet, Att'y- 45-tf 10.00. La Clcde House Red Cloud. Nebraska. If"- ! f . - -. ...f. .; 4.ottl llnlilr n lnilrrllnH lh lh 1IOI "M tk' -ak tit Vi.in- ri. M Attml Mu. kick jiov.hi:. "" .fl)tM-r r tf.W tfr 1 RANK LIN, NER. Accomraoiolin', Lnrry (i una Jli.H M- A. Jfllllftell, ; r ,m r. retfaVr fon tb l-Ji .f Rl pTtlli. ral-arArr ff RTILLINERT, Dress-Making PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds. Oc ban i txl frM(iliie urtoirnt of LACKS, VAtl-V KID GLOVES, LADIES HATS. Ac Miss S. A. MUNSELL. tin .MXm' RuiUmc' ItKD CLOCD, --- - ,7.7f. GO TO Piatt's Piatt's DRUG STORE - mm W W For your DRUGS, PAINTS. s OILS. GLASS, ka. nl you will get thftn cheaper than ENewht re STQHTEI ftTASOItf. H C. WEBER, WomM uriiinr t. tl i-t i-'eof Kui CIul r't Tt-it.itv Jhat h? t jrr.-r t : ! .l VimU of Much Work. -a ihurt n 5i r ami rt-itMtnabit term. AH or itr w iy t l-tt at thw ol&vner t ht ri'lT-p 1 utilf n -') fit .f Kwl CtwU'l, ie 30. twti . rt.- . ! KISLE! Jii.UK!! Maxwell & Dingee Hih to ;of r. tie t iM.f iht th.r turn ihimIo riUn.itp i.rri4rtiu it muaafaelur. Lime, i J Kill kr 1 n hJ a FCLL SCPPLY (Mturttthr Jcmin'l. nf th KiWkr. nhih will Ilriiiemhi'r flic I-Jarc Fivt taut- w -1 fReir. niibtlin n Sth ailo'f it cr. M. HELLER llercliant Taylor, Would ri.xjHJttful!v infirm tho (moido of Red C!ml and wnnity that hei pro iwreil to do a 1 kind-iof work in his line, on short notice and re.-normble term. A Gc:d Fit i: Guarantee!, ani all TTjrl TTarrazi Shop, wct of Rerenz-n k CoV. Store. City Weat Market FRED 0. HUMMEL, Has just opened a Meat Market on Webster street, next door south oH'-irk'n Shoe Shop, whi're he will keep and m:11 fresh meats of all ktndt. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR REEF CATTLE, HOGS, AND HIDES. Red Cloud, Neb. CHAS I, JfH.I.EK, CARPENTER & BUILDER, WoaM Tfpt'faVr ta'Wrm ih-ithenof Ril Cltinl an 1 t " oAy lil hr i r-fpre'I 1 d all VloI of wrk 1c Lunrxj on brt notice an'l reafln.ibl" Irnzs Stfati'a ruitniateMl. All onler tcr bIrfl t M llIhr' Taylor bop. Eci 7:cz. - - - - Kcbrar.ra. JOHN JACOB SON'S HOTEL, FEED, SALE. AND LI V E R Y STABLE. J ESI ATA, A4am C. If Hi. M i. k4A IK Pi V. I -.' y mmmr, ZLtJL "!i