r. - . :. M t I f t jftjffif- V i .-... 5 - . 7 t r- OLDEST STOR K - 1 Jl . . Webster County. - THE BEST TRACING POINT IN THE Itepublican Valiy -:o:- S. CARBEi? &, Co. DEALERS IN General Merchandise: CONSISTING OF v TTy Goods. Groceries, FURNITURE, fmlftSS, I a- Sash, And a trr".it Variety uf other Aiticle. :0: One stoo of Drv fJoodst has been .se eded with .special rtTerrnce to the Wn'' of tli' I'io,!1!', and con'-if.s in par .f fink prk-5s hoods, (jalicoks, iikown i;li:(.'ui:i) jius- 1.1nx imiixts, ciikcks, oi.vi:hm. Ac &c The Ijudio ni WehstiT Ciunt.v and are repoct fully invited to examiui our ti.-w -l-jik if GOODS, " lii-li wv lt--i warranted in ayiug ib th' .''" " ' Must CniHjilrtr ever br-nivlit int. i iiitl.i't Nt.braka, and which will be Mild .it Price.- that Defy Competition. W- :!- V '"i haml a tiood Stock ol RKADV MADK GI-OTHIIVrG- Of variuu- kinds and extra uualilics and for -vdi! either by the uit or Hiigl Hrtte'-.. t "- v SUGAJIS, TEAS, COFFKK, SPICKS, And everything el-e in that Line. Canned Fruits in VarietY. TOBACCO &, CUiH. TINWARE, STONE-WARE, I a - WOODEN-WARE. VLOUR & MEAL, &Ca Caa 4 BOOT L SHOES- To to uit th wants of everybody. . We wish to call the attention of the Public to the fact that we are constint y keeping on hand a full assortment of x Good which we will sell at Bottom Jrices 2 -V For Cash. Call and look at our Good: S scd do not (ail to inquire the Prices. I S. GARBER & CO. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. - Notices in this Column 10 Ceif a we. Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. T. W. Tip'on. Brnwimlle. I. Vi. Hitchcock. Owaha. U. S. Senator. U. S Senator. Representative. f Lorntn Crounsc. EXECUTIVE. K. W. I-'urnt". Brnwnrille. T. J. Si.f icr. Lincoln. J. U Wcetfrn. IJeatricc, tl. A. Ko-ni-. i'oIuinbu. J. U Web.ter Heatrice. Governor. Sec. f State. Auditor. Treaur r. Att'y cn. J. M. McKemie. Line In. Sunt. Pub. InC.ruc'n JUDICIARY Geo. It. Like. Omaha. Chief Jlstiee. Hamarl Maxwell. WNtUmouth Ac't Jul. WKUSTER COUNTY. J. A. Tulleyn, K. H. .lone. I. V. Tulley. H. a Hill. II. S. Kaley. L. I. Mtingcl. W. K. Thorn. A. M . Hardy. ) . V. Rail. r K. Mattcon. I County Clerk- Treasurer. Probate Judge. Sheriff. School Suti'u Coniner. founty Purveyor. County Comtntetionem. Arrivals and Departures cf Kails at the Bed Cloui Pont OfHes. .runiata and Red Cloud, arrive Tu"ly and tri.l.i'g. OiiV'oflc p. m. Lea c Wolnei-dayi arid H.itnrdayf, 7 a. in Hebron and Franklin, arrirc , coins' Wert Tueilnyi'aiid I'ridiy. C, p. ni Leaver ttodncji davc nod Saturday 7 n. in. Goinj: Kal. Arrive Moirlny nnd Thursday. d p. hi I .cares Tucday and Friday. 7 a. m. .v'ir.i h Center ni.fl Red Cloud. Arrive Tues days' Ct in. Leave Wednedayn 7 a, in. Ji'widl and Rel '"loud. Arrive Saturdays. l'J in. Leire. p. m. All person vrirhiiiK to Re;itrr Mtor. will id iwo haml them in iho cteuitiir be'ore the mail leave. M. II McXITT. P. M. Saop 10 conts per bar. Matched thrown in, at lEltr..VEN it Co. Kerosene -ItJcts, jk.t gallon, at Garhek's. California Dried Applec and Utah Peaches at Rerevzen's. Whitcfii and Codlioh at Gariier k Co's. l.KATnER! "" LKATIIKIl ! The bet Hnrse Brushes in America, warranted to clean any horse without distinction of nationality, color, dirfpo.M- lion, or .-ex, at Rerenzen k Co's. Garden Sred. Ox-bows and Keys at Rerenzen & Co. Reed Rreaking 1'low.s at McNitt's for $'21 ;'.). LlOHT Calico ju-t received at Rerenzen & Co. Onion Seed for .vile at McNiit'u, for -." rents an ounce or T.' cents a quarter. Rroom Ilindlo, Wire and Twine at M'NTTS. X. J I a RRJBY Trfitli-at tUc-IIardwarc Stnru. Reed Breaking Plows at McNitt's. Dog cheap. Large lot of Roots and Shoes jut ar-. rived at Gariier & Co's. New Goods at McNitt's. New supply of Hardware at Rerenzen A IV. " Heaps 'rof New Goods at Garhrr &Co's Grain Sacks, for sale at McNitt's. Tiif. best Ax Handles in the country at Rerenzen A Co's. Knives nnd Forks at McNitt's, for the Mnall sum of $1.15 per set. G"ass Seed, all kinds at McNitt's. Fine assortment ol Clocks, at S. Garrer & Co's. A Fi'i.L stock of Door and House Trimmincs ut Granger prices, at the Hardware Store. 3 lbs. Choice Rio Coffee for 1, at Garber's. MrNlTt has received, and is receiving a large and complete stock of Farming Implements. y lbs. Light Rrowu Sugar for $1, at Garber's. A fre-h supply of that yard wide Cot ton at l'2 cents, at.T.G. Potter. Larue lot of assorted No. 1 Italian Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, at Garber's. .i. m-ag- r -, x - NEW GROCERIES! NEW GRO CERIES! At Potter & Perry's, which will be sold at Granger's prices. We mean what we say ! A full stock of Dr. Jayne's Celebrated Family Medicines, for sale at Garber k Co's. Crockery and Stoneware cheap at Rerenzen & Co. New Rroom Corn Seed for sale at McNitt's. For sale or rent. A house and lot in good location. Inquire of Willcox. Granger suit of clothes for $7.75, at Berenzen & Co. For Kent. SO acres of Old Ground for rent. Terms $1.00 per acre, Cash. W. N. Richardson. Summer Clothing, dirt cheap, at Berenzen & Co. Remember that McNitt sells Imple nieuts cheaper than Grangers, aad a better article. x Britania Ware and a xeseral stock of Crockery at Bkrrxztn Co. , Fresh Groceries just received at '" BcawzEKtCo. Beautiful rain lait night. Dr. Williams ha received a case f Que surgical instruments,, the bc.t aad niost complete in thL section. We don't care a'ut hiving that beautiful but merciless saw running through any our Lone?. Fred. Hummell La a fine lot fresh Bologna Sausage at the new meat market. C. W. Kalev, brother or H: S. Kaley, Eq . arrived Iat Friday from Wyandotte Co., Ohio, and will remain at Rod Cloud for some time. Persons wanting their taws Sled can leave them at McNitt's Hardware Store. All those wishing to buy timber land in range 11 and 12, can get all the in formation needed by enquiring of J. Q Potter at Red Cloud Milk 47-4t Just as we are ready to go to pre.s a long article was rec ived from Nuckolls count, which will appear next week. Good news for bachelors ! For Bake Kettles, or Dutch Ovens, go to MuNitt 8. Heaps of Mew Stoves at McNitt's. McCormick's Advaoce Self-Rake, beet Caibined Reaper and Moweria the world. For term and particular call on or address D. S. Helvern, Red Cloud, Nebraska. 4"" 6t HAi!sD. PCTERS-DUNRAR -At tin- rehi dence of the bride's father, on theGlh day of May. 1874. Mr. Kmanl'KL Peters to Miss Dora Dunbar, ull of South Guide Rock, Neb. IJy S. Bayles. J. P. Mr. Peter.-, is one of the pioneer set tlers of this county, and we congratulate huu, that, after nearly four years bach ing it, he will have a pleasant journey in future with his fair bride. DISSOLTriONNOTICSr" The partnership heretofore exiting between Potter k Perry was dissolved the Kith day of May, J871, by mutual consent. All indebted to said Grui on note or book account, arc hereby notified to call and settle with John U Putter. he being authorized to settle and collect all indebtedness to .-aid tlruj. J. G. Potter, A. E. Perry. Red CJoud. Webster Co., Neb. - Never in the meiuor- of mau has there been euch unparalleled iucrcasc ul population as there has been in Nebras ka for the la-i four years, and Webster county is one of the counties that has grown so rapidly within th-it time, hav ing gained in four years 2.:,U inhabit ants and this is not all caused by im mi gration, but by the productiveness of the soil. Wood's Household Hauazine, for May, h s an abundance of excellent reading. There is ths real go-ahead snap to this periodical which entities it tolnot-h credit, and we cannot -aauie one that will aford an equal amount ol'euter tainment and instruction fur so little money. The number before us contains among other articles a paper entitled "Poor Jack,M by F. W. Holland, in the interest of seamen; uTho Child in the Church," by Mary Hartwell; "Kiu and Kad.' by H. V. O.borne; "Dumb Days,' by Caroline B. 1 cRow, atid some good poetry. There are several illustrated articled, the New York Fashions Archi tectural Designs, Ac. Ac, The illustra tion on Decoration Day is just the thing. Price of Magaziue one dollar per year. Address, Wood's Household Haoazine, Newburgh, N. Y. i We suppose Judge Gantt, after carry ing Franklin county a whole year, around in his breeches pocket, has decided at last not to decide t e question, and dodging the responsibility) orders a new election. Such, is about thn situa tion, as wo can learn, and condensed in short measure. Further comment un necessary at present. Guard. Michigan is again suffering from the ravages of the fire fiend, her pineries on the lake shore being ablaze. Much dam age has been done between Muskegan and Grand Hven. In New York, too, extensivo forest fires have prevailed. We clip the following from the Me at) tec Express ; " On Monday morning we rroeired a call froai Messrs G. D. Proctor and Sheriff C. B. Coob, ol Thayer Co.. who had amred here the aight, before with John Bigbam, a bub arrested for korse stealing, whom taey lodged in our jail. We learned the following articulars of his operations: For several days previoas to bis theft, he had beea lying around Hebron, having with him a white mule. Ou Thursday, the 7lb, he was at the place of a man aamed Harp, a mile from Hebron, and while there expressed his admiration for oae of Mr. Harp's horses. This aroused the latter' s suspicious, and that night he resolved to sleep in his barn. Going out about 8 o'clock, he found that his horse was already miss ing. He went to Hebron for help, and a brother of Sheriff Cooa aad a Mr Ferguson started after the thief. They overtook him 20 miles west of Hebron, but in answer to tneir command to halu. he fired on them, aad kept oo. A run ning fight ensaed until it became too hot for Bigham, when he slipped off his horse ia a ra viae aad hid, tsraiag the aaitual louse. His pursuers eaptared the hone, but failed to find Bigham. They returned to Hebroa. aad the aext day about 20 chizeas retaraed to the chase, and followed it up antil witata three miles ofRed Cloud, where they fooad their bird, snugly ensconced in bed. There was stroog talk of lyacaiag him when he was brought back, bat he was iaally allowed to waive aa examinaiioa aad uke ap bis board here aatil court, which fits at Hebroa ia June. He says he U from the vkaaity of Marysvilie, Kaa. From all of which it woald appear that Thayer county is aot healty local ity for borne thieTaa." CJHAS. CALEB IX Dry Goods Groceries, Boots Shoes Hats, Caps, Oueensware, Tin-ware, Furniture, Hardware, Stave, A GRAIN. of! of I atn Agent fur the KEf XEBRAMKA CITY PLOW. Dixon "Breaking and Stirring Plow. Wieir and Sweepstakes com Mlot?J lUOMNE COUtt PL.4KTEK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF HAND PLANTERS, REAPERS WAGONS, MOWKR, And FARMING Implements. Call and Examine Stock and Price At My New Store' Building 2nd Door North of Post 03c ' , Juniata JUNIATA. HARDWARE I would call the attention of the Farmere of Webster and a-lj .initig coUMte. to the fact that I have on haml a good assortment of FAHM'iJTG IMPLEMENTS, And am constantly receiving a lot of PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, REAPERS, MOWERS, and RAKES, among which will be- found the EXCELSIOR REAPER k MOWER, HOLLINGSWORTH PACIFIC and HAMILTON SULKY HAY RAKES, For which I am sole Agent for Webster and Franklin Counties, Nebraska, and Jewell and Smith counties, Kau-as. OTIS L. BATTLES. South Guide Rock, Nebraska. The Pennsylvania Legislature some days ago voted down a resolution to eu dore the President's veto of the curreu cy bill. The New York Legislature voted the oilier way. The difference is this: The miues and manufacturers of I'eun ylvania have have a common interest with the great producing State of the West aud South, and the veto of the currency bill is a direct blow at the manufacturing aud agricultural interests of trecouutiy. The capitalists of New York live by speculating with the money which should be used iu developinr thp inter osis of the country and thereby give em ployment to the thousands of working men and keep the mouey in the country by sending the manufactures and pro ducts abroad, instead of sending the money to go into the pockets ol the bond-holders. It is simply .Wall btreet against the rest of tfcc count Lincoln ieauttr. ' - 7 If you would have your wife wear a smiling countenance, go ta McNitt's and buy a Cook Stove. Will warrant it one year, not the countenance, but the Stove. John N. Brown wants to' take good cow iu exchange for plastering. CaU or address as above, at Red Cloud. 45 ..-- LDG! LUC! The best Lime iu the market, for sale four miles west of Red Cloud, by 45td Geo. Ross. - -Fresh Oranges and Lemons just re ceived at Geo roe Zeiss'. Notice is itiven to all wanting sawing done before harvest, to briug in their logs within the next two weeks. Go to John G. Potter for Queens ware, Knives and Forks, Razors &e. SAioAXNslN 3SAL ESTATE 1 GO acres of land within 31 miles of Red Cloud. price $200. 100 cres within 4 miles of Red Cloud, 20 acre. broke, -price $250. 160 acres within 41 miles of Red Cloud, 20 acres broke, gooa running water, unce ow. vwe Lot in Red Cloud, House with three rooms, cellar under house, goii well of water, price 400. Four" lot.-, and house with nine rooms, cellar full -ize of house, good well of water, puce $1200. Also many other choice lands, lots, and houses on favorable terms. Apply to Richardson k TuJhy, at the Court House in Red Cloud. n46-tf TEACHER'S ASSQCUTtQlT. The Teacher's Association of Web ster Co. will hold its first regular meet ing at Red Cloud, Friday May 22d. with Lecture in evening of same day I desire to urge and reques. all inter ested in die Association, anipcially the'teachers of the coaakyTWind this first meeting. An interesting programme has been arranged, and a coutnitteeappoiuted to procure eatertainmeot for all that may be in attendance. !t is expected that School District Officers will cheerfully grant the time to those engaged in teaching to attend the Association. H. S. KALEx. Wagon Loads of New Goodaarriring at Potter's. HATS AND CAPS 1 Persons wishing to buy" a first-class Hat or Cap, of the latest style, will con sult their own interest by calliag oo J. G. Potter. Oxyoke. Iowa made. More Summer Shoes. All at bkrenzen3. ttrf;fcblic. We the andersigned would take the liberty to aaaouace to the paejjl of the Republicaa val!e, that we hare received a well assorted stock of goods, aad at tractive variety of Dma trooda, . iaclad ing the most popular brand.- of Mohairs, Alpaca.-, Japanese Dress Goods, Ging hams, Poplin and other varieties, also Summer Shawls, Table Lioeas. Spreads, Ac A foil Hae of Ready Maae Cloth -iag. Our Boot aad Shoe Departaaeat coatains everything desirable in the way of Ladies. Gents. Misses, loatha, and Children's wear. Potte Dtar, K. JONES, - Avenue, NEBRASK 5 TCSLAII&D LETTS2 LIST. Li.-t of unclaimed letters remaining in his office, May 1st 1S74 : James M. Rutler. Thomas J. Collenburgor. Chas. Louies Stroble. W. U.S. O. Dell. Mrs. Jane Strayer. Miss Mar1 Christionay. M. R. M.-Nitt, P. M. CIVIL WAJ 1 Havimr purchased our .-lock of Ready Made Clothing late hi the tcaou we are preiared to give targatn to our friend iu this line, unknown heretofore in the history of Red Cloud. Call aud sec when you come to town and get our prices, and wc will guaruutco to .-ell you a suit, Potter & Perrv. J. Q. PoTruR will pay ci-h. for logs. . M , . , delivered at'the mill ill Red Cload. teVtYGEfTvEattlrr - - NEBRASKA. We hnve started a complete Root k Shoe Store, which ve will always keep well filled. Indies Gaiters and Slippers a specialty. Childrens shoes from 3U e:nts up ; Gents boots for summer wear; fine EiiL'lish Oxford Ties. Ridiculous rates, at Berenen A Co. Wanted. 8,000 feet of Oak Timber, iu the log. n4I-." J. Q Potter k Co Spades SI, $1. ."", $1.50. Shovels nearly all the same, at Rerenzen k Co's. J. Q. Potter will pay cash for logs delivered at bis mill iu Red Cloud. 43 New Goods, New Print-, Beautiful Sheetings, Cottonadi'S, Slieetins (brown and bleached) just ircoivcd at Poiter k Perrv. Berenzen C. have jnt received a nice lot of Spring Shawls, and nice Ralmorels. If you want a cheap Corn Plow go to MeNitt, he tells lower than any other man iu the valley, foi ra-h. Easy riding Saddle- California tree, from $$, up. Red Cloud Retail Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY IIV OARRER k CO. Crushed Sucir, fr a dollar Tib toltee oUifar .......................... i C Coffee Sugar.... ..... ....... .......... Yellow Coffee Sugar 8 Dirk Brown Sniar - ') Choice Rio Coffee 3 XiCC 5 Gunpowder Tea per lb - 1 CO vjoiong......... ...... ............ ..... tv louniE Hyson 1.00 Smoked Side Meat 13 Smoked Shoulders - 1 1 Imperial.. M S'Xiiil 30 Bitter ...,............. ........ ...tlJ(5:Ai Ecgs..... 10 Flour. Fstrbury 3.0 do XXXX, Hebron - ... 3.-5 Red Flannels 40a,G0 w inte no ............ ................tv2'Ov Twilled do.... ............ ......60 Brown Shirting ...I1I8 Spraguc and Merrimac Prints 12' Common Prints..... .......... ........... 10 Brown Demins -3 oiue .............................. o Heavy Brown Ducking .J327 Stripe ,4 " 20(30 Heavy Boots 2 905 50 Light Booti 4 50(357 50 Heavy Shoes. 2 002 75 Riverton Retail Marxet CORRECIED WEEKLY BY H. C LOHrF. Cru-bed Sugar for a dollar- ..61b t. v.0oee oUgar.... ........ .......... i Yellow Coffee Suar-........ 9 Choice Rio Coffee....................... 3 Rice ..-..... 8" Tea per lb. ..... .............. $1.00($1. 60 Batter per lb ........... ..1620 Eggs per dosea .......... 10 Flaaoets per yard.... - ...4O(50 Brown Sairtiag per yard ..... 13(17 Coaimon Prints ....-.......... 10 Brown Deaais ......-..... -....2') Heavy Brawn Ducking..... ..27J Boors and Shoes (men.) per rair-$2(5l5 WomeM oboes per pair- 2?f 3 Naik rwr H.....-..'..........iita', HARDWARE! HARDWARE Plows. Plows ! I am now ready to upp!y the public with all kinds of Hardware. Consisting in part of ROCK NLXNR PKKIN GRDKN CITY. CLIVPHL RKFI) BREAKING PLOW.FCRST k P.RVDLKY. nnl BLM'K i HAWK WALKING f'HLTIVATOR, BROWNS and CLIM X CORN PL ' XTKIIS. DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD, IRON BEAM. SCOTCH a-FRIEDMAN'S PAT ENT HARROWS. KliRSTA RRDLEY. and DAYTON SCLKY HY RAKE5?. KXCEI S OR REVOLVING. RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES. GRASS SCYTHES. i n! Everything Una!lr Kep in an IMPLEMENT STORE. A No a full Stock of NAILS. iKH'K TRIMMINGS, and SADDLERS HARDWARE. CAR RENTERS and MASONS TOOLS. A full line of (Pocket and Table Cuttliry, fctove, Tinware, CARRIAGE BOLTS, all lengths and sizey. GARDEN A GRASS KED ol all Kind. M. B McNITT, GEORGE ZEISS, -DK A LI. K3 I.N- Wines Liiquors, CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECTIONERIES A Specialty. 'Fr-h Latter Reer from " Antelope" Rrewery,.contant!y ou hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. I3tf GO TO Piatt's Plmtt's DRUG STORE JTOUTA. :E2SAS2A, For your DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, Ac nd you will get them cheaper than - Elewhfref THE ONLY Boot & Shoe Shop In Webster County. -O-JOaaX 9- PARKS WLsbea to iaform the Pablic ft ae rally that he is prepared at all times to take orders aad aoaoafacture all kiads of Boots & Shoes 1 the Beit IhmUe Style. -Fiae Calf Boots aade to order aad Perfect Fit Warraated' m Shirt Nttiee. 1XS CLOTS. VX32A3XA. !;a clcdo HofMf. Red Claud, Ntt.ra.ka. V i-eSSAS. .... TzvpiciK. Urn Alablf la rMr(UM tbia MNVltti ThU boMl hw twB rtr4 ! r?fUrn!bt throurbomt. Cotnme.cU' Men. KltnJ Mtn. and all partim riitlti I to. I Coal, will fin I attlteacron.mo.iatiirat thu llat.l. W. N. RICIIARI.SON, J. A. TULLRYa. Richardson & Tulleys, SIAL ZS7A7S & :0LLSC7C?a AMiTTJ. W ill buy an.l ll R lx bos Ommimio. ati 1 par taar. (or tKt-rrifaU. Si-rcial attrnlion liiaa t6 cftilcctine. Cwr rutxudcocr oticlt(M. A'l letter, ofinuul'r.or j on buinr rouip:lr anrcd. , RED CLOUD. - ... NEB. J-lMt LAIRD. JuDiJtA. LIC aTKLLK. I tUCl uJ. IAIHS&ZSISLLS. Attorneys at Law. RED CLOUD. .... NEB. M OSULm'ANT" J. P. & NOTARY PUBLIC, BlVSaxOST, rnaklin Cc, Kk Convryanrjiic an. I all iuttcr -crtalutnc tu hoal Itttpr otlirr rroi'Tity pftuit Ij' atid triri ctrculvd. Prc-japtisa TKizgz a Spcnlitr. PR, D RRI9 Practicing Physician, Office and Residence, BSD CLOUS, XXSXASSA. "Special attention given to chronio disen-es.- 24 IImm 54. A. fuiiMell, Would re j:-crtfully infiriii the Indict of KM Cloud and Tloinity that the i ire I.rlti ,,ulorvI'r Tor MILLINERY, Dress-Making AND PLAIN SEWING of all Kindt. On band and for J a Sae ajaortutnl of LACES, VAILS, KID GLOVES. LADIES HATS. Ac. Miss S. A. MUNSELL, fin McNItt'. iluildina-.l RKl) ciorih -.- - av;-. AKtlIHAI.H.KINXr..R. NOTABY PUBLIC. BSAL ESTATE A5EOT, AND AUCTIOITSEB. ' All Luilnrii atrlotl v attrndrd to and all cor- rrndrnce t Dtion urn lniutly aiuwerr!. Special at t ntii.n irrn to payment of laiet. Collcciion acd Real Kutate I'ructiro. ItlVERTON. FRANKLIN CO.. NEII STONE MASON. H C. WEBER, Would annoanrn to the iiile of Rod Cloud aud rlclnltr that Im i prepared to do all kinds of 3laon Work, on .liort not Ire and reasonable Sec. 20, town 2. rnnse 10 wet. 1,1 'tIK! IJWK!! Maxwell 4 Dingee With to inf-inn the puhlic tht thr be made rxtrnlve rtirjtioii. tu manufacture Lime, aud will keep oa hand a FULL SUPPLY to mot th demand of the public, which will be told at aonibIu ralci. ReiueatilN'r tlie Place Fire mile went of Red Cloud bridce on South SWeof Kirrr. M. HEIaLiBRT"" Merchant Ta&lmr, Would respectfully inform the (xiople of Red Cloml and vicinity that he is' pre pared to do nil kinds' of work in his Hoc, on short notieo and rea-onable terra. A Oo d Fit is Guarictoe", and all Work Warrants! Shop, weet of Rerentf-n & Co'n. Store. CHAS L ;lflLLEliS CARPENTER & BUILDER, Would rrpfctfullr inform the citiitntof Red Coad and licinitx that he i preparrl lo do all iii.l of work ic hi line on hurt notice and reasonable term satifctin Tiarnted. All orltr ma bcleft at M llrlltr'f Taylor Shop. SsdClsui, Vshruka. JOHN f JACOBSON'S HOTEL, FEED, n?- AND UVEiY STABLE: JiniATA.A M 41 It J "i"WW-. ' -C, j- J r V. Sttfi&iaratatrf;' . z-tpjftjf-.,:.-.