1 4 W- -rfV . i x -v i r r s L K& f , X. j- THE RED CLOUD CHUT. Ji.. t ..HTBLISHED WOOCLT; AT RED CLOUD, Webrtcr County, tb. 'I'BIlMfcs : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance. THK HAJiOOX-KEKPKK'S WHY. Voti ak hy I .urrcudcrwl. Sly boon companion! why I lit a land of omrn Throw ravtduit lu ray rye. W-II, I lirard that thoy wrr coming Aud I inrant to be jt jaml .With a Mole dull of vrlmnir, Ah if I neither frarrd nor cared. 1 liad ilarel my Mmji in order. And tidied tip If'JMlf; y.tri bright drraiilrr Hart ohiiiJoK from itn fbclf. Mr licut rJirar a lighted ; I had will matured my plan Tj .bow t!uc ranting wnmfa Hon much I a a man I iiirant to treat tlirtn kindly, Vet firmly, all the while. And anfiner their upbraiding . WiUi a predetermined mile. ( ' They came-that band of women I'almly. e reni ly came. With no dep !re of alitor, .No h-4 thing vrordii of blame; A bind of uiri and mottiern, Willi farm worn with rare. A faith atmvt- all (aoxloii, A ho b-yond debpair. Tin ri)-A're women from all elation. The hich, the low, tho i-oor; Home to lift the burden tff the croH tin lr MMith liort. I Mf one pale.faced woman, Who onre in iniTey camn " To Foot he my Mrlrkru. mother ' Kre the hm-baiid rum had plain. That woman thm wan hf-ldil I'rom eierj wirniwini; wave 11 tin- arm that mm wa. inoldrrlnR Within a drunkard rae. Her only in, whofhotild havo been l Hi r comfort, KlatT ami May, I knew in wild ililiriiini Had left my chop that day. Ko, comrade, latent manhood Wan wakemd lu my breant. Till with a initlcii rimm-iciicn I wan prating with tho rift. Hut not with rhaMetin! radnecH, An t'li""!" pit in womi n prayed, That Ood would rpjro in mercy The wreckn that rum had made; Hut an 1 prajedin IhjjIichhI, When lu ilnjn of low? ago w J Mood luxidi my mother In n drunkard' home of wo, Ami prayed that eicry drinking .hop, Irum Krri t, hall or cell. Wkh hwi pt from oft (IimI'm fooUtool And i mptlrd into hill 1 TTwaa IhiiK I prajed, till tweet and low Aroee a pieadiii); prajer That Cod in mercy till would ae The lo t d viii h v erj win re. p h'o wait till oil hae heard them, Heard that pravir of tian, Of concentrated aiifltit-h Kottled up forjearn Heard tin in wi" ly, calm) ; And when Jou've heard them, then 1 hen tin-tor ma teil tin world That nil of you were tiu-ii.' - Cinriiiiia Times. A "Yl.ACTICAL LOVER. Itwnsagrccd on nil bunds that Ned J2tmo-WHiuYi:ryir:u:tic.il--ft,lluw--IIfe was a broker in tho city, lit' had Ix'cn d, wry p)r 111:111 at out time in his life, itiul uul to work very num. jiik iiuiuh -fry had in the end, however, met its duol)m,ont whici, I t-oulil have fancied Xed reward. At middle aire, ne wits com- iortnbly circumstanced. When lie an nounced to his friends, therefore, that lie thought of taking to hinifclfn wife, it was thought generally that tho step lm meditated was a prudent one. And when he further stated that he had further made an offer of his hand to one Oeorgiuna Wan en, the daughter of a -wealthy merchant, and that his offer had been accepted by thr lady, we, of course, hastened to tender our heartiest congratulation on the occasion. Ned Stone spoke of the matter in his own .simple, sober way. "Well, you know, I'm getting on," he saitl, " and if I'm to marry it's about time I should think of setting about it. You're cry kind. I think 1 shall be very nappy in xaei, i ve no uouut oi n. as happy as a fellow has a right to expect to be. One has no right to ex pect too much, of eiur.-e. But I'm quite fend in my way of this Georgiana Warren, and I think that she in her way is fond of me. She is not too voting or too old, not tor. good-looking, nor yet too plum ; she is sensible aud accom plished enough ; and I don't m'o why .ltr frhould not make a good sort of a wife, .' nd, similarly. I don't see why 1 shouldn't mako a verv uood sort of a husband. Perhaps I'm not very fond of old Warren, the father, aud perhaps he isn't very fond of me. But I don't know as that matters much. I dare say we shall understand each othtr better bv and by ; meantime, I must try aud make the best of tko old man's humor, and not run counter to him more than 1 can avoid. And it seems to me that tho old fellow would be no fonder of any body else who might want to marry his daughter that he is of me. You see it's our affair Gcorgiuna's and mine and uot his ; though its hard to maka. him see it In that light. But I dare i&y it will come right in the cihL That's what I tell Georgiana when shatakes up with rather gloomy views about ler father's temper. She has good sense! and, I think, looks at the matter very touch as I do only, of course, shecau'l help feeling that he is her father, whereas, thank goodness, he ain't mine." It w ill be frcen that Ned Stone was not n lover to " sigh like a furnace." As to r writing a woful ballad to his mtsiress' eye-brows, 1 don't fancy he could have accomplished such a teat, even if his life doiHJudeil on his doing so. The thermometer of his love stood at tem perate, with no tendency toward an up ward rise. The " marks of love," as V they are generally understood, were not diseeruable upon him. He never said a word as to the agi tated state of his breast, nor to the ex " citemeut of his feeliugs. He did not regard Mis Warren as an angel or a goddess. Probably he would have been the lirsrt to contradict any allegation thit might have been made to the effect that she was anything of the kind. Miss Warren appeared to him what bhe freemed to everybody else a nice, sen bible English girl. 1 called upon Stone one evening. He was alone. He looked a littlo grave, and held a small, sealed packet. We discussed various indifferent subjects ; then I. inquired concerning Miss Geor giana. "Oh, haven't you heard?" ho an swered. " But, of course, you couldn't i. f Have heard. The affair is off. Our en gagement hits come to aa end." The $2.00 PER ANNUM. VOL. I. You don't mean' that ?" I asked in Hiirprise. "Yen; the thing'fl 'broken off,' as people Bay. It's a hardjob, and I'm sorry for it, but it can't be helped." Had the lady resented his serenity and discharged.hiin, I asked myself. As thougli he had heard the question, he went on : " It's the man's doings. I hope he is satisfied now. He's the most unreasonable and disagreeable old fcl tow I ever had the mihfortunc to meet." " "But what did ho do?" " We ft 11 out about the settlement that was where the hitch arose. I'm sure I did all I could to please him. I gave np condition after condition quite in opposition to tho advice of my solici tor. I told him to settle what money he proposed to settle on his daughter it wasn't much after all ust as he plcarcd I didn't waut to touch a half penny of it. lie might settle it, 1 told him, just as strictly as ever he pleased, or he might settle nothing at all upon her, if he liked that better. It was his daughter 1 wanted, and not his money. And for my part, I'd tako care my wife never came to want. I undertook to insure my life for a. large amount, and assign tho policy to trustees for her benefit, in case of my death, covenant ing, of course, to the premiums regu larly, and to pay up the insurance in tho regular way. I thought that a fair arrangement, but it did not content him. " Ho wanted to tie my hands com pletely. He hadn't a hap'p'oth of con fidence in me. He gave me credit for no Fort of affection for his daughter. He insisted Hint any money that I in future might become possessed of I should covenant into a settlement. It is absurd. Of course I couldn't consent to it. I had business to consider. Of course my wife and children if I had anj' would reap the benefit as much us I shall. I told Oeorgiuna exactly how the matter stood. She's of age. I asked her whether she'd mary me with out tho old man's consent. Poor girl ! she was in an awful way. Hut she did not care to do that. She shrank from offending her father. J-o there's no help for it tho thing's broken off, and I'm not to be married it seems this time at any rate." He spoke rather sorrowfully, but still without tho slightest trace of ill-temper. I endeavored to console him in a com mon sort of way. Ho opened a small packet he had been holding in his hand. This is pleasant," ho snid quietly ; "here are all my letters to Georgiana. Ah ! and here is a little present I gave her, sent back to me." There were not many letters. Their contents I could guess ; little enough like conventional love letters, probably very unechtatic compositions, yet ample iftnii "tjilre"innpose.'iintl practical enough. The present wsis a ring a larco (liainonii, neavny sct, m pure gum, ;,. ! T-nliinltlii uiiinli .mihstiLlltlill Stone selected lor ins neiroinutt. " I suppose they 11 expect me to send ick (leoip-iiina's'letters to her?" back iieorgi " Undoubtedly." "It's tho usual way ments come to an end ?" when ongage- "Certainly ; it's tho usual way." He rubbed his chin and seemed to reflect a little. " Have a cigar," ho said, presently, " and let's talk about something else. This is not the most agreeable subject in tho world. Tell 1110 what you have been doing with yourself." We fell to talking about this, that and the other. Presently 1 went away. As I went away he said, quietly : " 1 think I shall try to see Georgiaua once more, for a 'articular leason. 1 did not ask what the particular rea son was, and he did not tell me. A few nights afterward 1 saw him again He was at no time subject to much change of mood, or at any rate seldom betrayed any variation of that kind. Yet it struck me that, if anything, he was in better spirits than usual. "You did not mention," he said, "what T told you the other night that my engagement was broken off?" explained that 1 had not mentioned it for a particular good reason. I had not seen any any person whom it would iutrrest to be informed. of tho fact. "It's just as well," he said, "because the engagement isn't broken off, or rather its on again." " Indeed ! I'm very glad to hear it." "I told vou I should try and see r.,-r.: , ..,; v.u t L-n..w titsit slie often went with her father and other relations to tho Zoological G: Jar- dens, on Sunday. So I went to the Zoological. I soon discovered her with Warren and a lot of other people. She saw ine, and understood by my sigu that I wanted to speak on the quiet. Well, she lingered behind a little, and when the rest of the party went t j look at tho kangaroos she slipped with me into the snake-house. She looked a little frightened, and the teais were standing in her eyes. " So I put my arms around her it didn't matter to mo who saw, you know and told her there was nothing to be alarmed at, and that I only wanted to say a word or two. I told her that I was sorry I had not sent back her let teri,.as 1 ought to have done, but the plain fact of the matter was, I couldn't do it." " Yon love me still then, Ned?' she said. flf nAiiicii T nn Clfurrnn ' T niil who's been telling you I don't? ' " She began crying bitterly. " 'Come, Georgie,' I said, 'let us get married whether papa likes it or not ; only say the word.' " She didn't say a word. Poor child ! She could not speak for crying, and she looked at me and gave me such a little nod, aud then she began laughing through her tears. It was the prettiest sight you ever aw. Of course I kissed her; aud then I turned, and who should be standiug close by my side but old Warren. "Georgia gave a littlo scream, and then tried to make believe that we were looking at the boa-constrictor. But of course that didn't work, so I said to old Warren, in a cherry 6crt of way, and putting out my hand cheer fuUVi Mr. Wairen. Geofjrie and I are J going to bo mairied; that's quite set- Red Devoted to RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO.,, NEB., THURSDAY, MAY -21, 1S74. tied. But you and I may an well be friends all the name. We'd much rather have your consent than not. Suppose you give it to us ? ' " He was so astonished that before, I think, he knew quite .what he was doing, he'd taken my hand, with all his friends standing around and looking on. Of course he could not go back after that. And and so tho think was settled." I congratulated him heartily. Pres ently I said, by change : "How 1'icky it was that you didn't send back Miss Warren's letters." " My dear "fellow, tnat was what I wanted to explain to her ; I couldn't send them back." . "You found, them too dear to you?" At last, then, he had been betrayed into a feeling pt romance. .- u Not at all," he exclaimed, "I could not send them back, because I hadn't kept them. I'd destroyed them." ''Destroyed them?" " Ye?, what was the good of them; I 01113- keep business letters ; they're regulurly docketed at my office. But for Georgie's letters, they were no use. 1 mado them into pipe lights." " You didn't tell her that ? " "Xo I hadn't time. I never ar rived at an explanation about the let ters." "Then, my dear Stone, let mo en treat you, whatever you do, don't give Miss Warren your explanation about the matter." "Why shouldn't I?" " Don't you see? She thought you didn't send back her letters for a senti- j niuniai reason, uucuusu iney were so dear to you that you could not possibly part with tliem ; aud so, in point of fact, that littlo misunderstanding of hers led to the re-establishment of your love nffair." "Do you think so?" he said mus ingly. "But if Georgio has made any mis take about the matter, I think that I am bound to set her right." " My dear Stouo, tako my advice, for fear of accident ; set her right after the wedding ceremony, not before." Whether or not he took my advice, I am not aware. He was married in due course of time to Miss Warren, and 1 know that old lady was heard to declare that she married the beat hus band in the world. A City or Ulass. Consumption has found : in earnest t opponent, perhaps a conqueror. Mr. Gearge A. Shove, in a book Osgood v Co. are about to publish, suggests a city of refuge for consumptives. It is not to be in the Sunny South. There are such cities there now for those who can afford to go to them. The new ono is to be in bleak New England, but per petual xiniA-er in -o wltlltu 1l. : walls. It is to consist of a monstrous structure of iron and glass, covering forty acres of ground. Graceful iron towers are to strengthen the walls, and to contain the steam-engines which will maintain a summer temperature throughout the long Northern winters. A great dome will rise in tho center " a dome of tho Invalidcs," says the au thentic author, "of even more magnifi cent proportions than the famous land mark of strangers in the French capi tal." Within tho building the iron col umns will be covered with luxuriant vines. Tho whole interior will be a park, with lawn aud I'ouds and croquet-grounds, with trees, and shrubs and flowers. Bands will play. Birds will sing. Tho January sunshine will pour into ims uanicn 01 jueu KKe mm of June. Moreover, the Adams and Eves of the nineteenth c cutiirv will es cape the intense heat of New England's brief but scorching summers. Artifi; cially-cooled air will bo forced into the building. Around this central struct ure a glass-covered avenuo will run, lined on the outer side with hotels and theaters and stores. The cost of the gigantic conservatory with the attached hotels is estimated at 12,000,000. The iuterest on this, at 8 per cent., would be $960,000. Add to this sum the cost of boarding 10,000 visitors from November to June ($2,500,000), and we have $3,1G0,00;). If the 10,000p.iid only $2 a dayapicce, the enterprise would net $910,000 over expenses aud interest on capital. The question is, would the 10,000 come? Mr. Shove shows, bv the census mor tality charts, that pulmonary consump tion' causes over one-fifth of all the deaths in New England, in Northwestern Xew York, in Eastern New Jersey, and ' in Oilier locauiie-s. j.t is inr more deadly than smull-pox or cholera, but we adopt the greatest precautionsagainst these diseases, aud apparently regard the other as a decree of fate. This icsignatiou is partially explained by the fact that in it treatment drugs have proved a failure. So, indeed, have doctors. The disease is practically in curable, unless the victim can spend the winters in tome sunny clime, bmcc the city of glass will be the only refuge for the great m:.jority of the tens of thousands who are dying of this dread disease. Mr. Shove considers it but fair to calculate that oue of those tens will be constantly living in tho oasis ho wishes to construct in the midst of the bleak desert of snow that covers New Euglaud with a shroud for so many months and sets so many fingers sewing on other shrouds. Chicago Iribunc. Ammonia for Whooplng-Coagfe. A writer in the Medical Journal, London, states that in case of whoop- cougu in uiu iusi Magt: iuui is, auer the third week he has had once ounce of the strongest liquid ammonia put into a gallon of water in an open pan, and the steam kept up by means of half a brick made red-hot throughout, and put into the boiling water containing the ammonia, the pan being placed in the middle of a room, into which the pat huts were brought as the ammonia steam was p.ising off. Tho method, he say., was usejd in the evening, be fore bedtime, and it -proved so effica cious in abating the spasmodic attack, and after three or four days terminating the malady, as to establish, beyond doubt, the "value of this mode of inhal ing ammonia as a therapeutic ngent in trauquilizing the nervous system, in the whooping-cough. CtOUD $ - : the Interests of Southwest All Sortie Tns Pope will be 81 eit month. Ajicno explorations bf balloon is the coming project. (f Fnrrr will be plentiful this fall all over the Union. Prince Arthur willtioon b made Duke of Dublin. , . The Danbury Xcwa fnau will lecture next fall at 250 a nighi.'; Two HCNDREtt acres o land were re cently bold in Florida $ five cents an acre. " ' In New Mexico there has been more snow this winter than.fqfc twenty years yarn,.' Ik-Utah- acrftninnTI C-aJ-i-.r.I-V i . . -. jimeuiueu to' death may chooso whether he will be shot or hanged. TnE little busy bees of the United States produce annually 8,000,000 worth of honey. Dh, Schmidt, of tho University of Athens, after 31 years of labor, has completed a map of the moon. It has been discovered in New Jersey that an excellent article of whisky can be made of "saw-dust, tan and mo lasses." The ceremony of cremation was re cently put in practice in England upon the body of Lemontinia Smith, a fa mous gypsy oraclo. It is probable that the principle of ,team navigation of the canals will be applied in various improved forms dur ing tho coming season. TnE census of France, just completed, shows a population of 3.1()-J,i21. Of this number, 21,8Go,62r livo in cities, and 13,19.",310 in the country. Accorpino to the Stato Secretary's report, Ohio contains fifty-four liquor distilleries and 178 breweries, the products of which amount to $13,203, 838. A ma diamond is now on exhibition in ftnatnn. Ti, i ns birf.. ns n liiii.limf . and is worth COO tons of railway iron, 300 tons of sugar, or i,000 barrels of flour. Hereafter no portrait is to be placed upon any of the bonds, securities, notes, . r - . --" - .. : fractional currency or postnere of the United States, while the originalof such ' portraits is living. I portraits is living, lNl872thercwereG7,101miles of com plete railways in the United States, the average cost of which is set down nt$o", 101 per mile. It is estimated that there arc now 75,000 miles of completed rail ways. The number of industrial establish ments in Franco is 150,000, giving cm- 1inEmnfc.tn 9 Port 010 1 uJ -AuiflMc. ploying steam power cqnal to boU.UUU horses. The business done amounts to $2,100,000,000. In one year, five oceiu steamships, the Atlantic, tho City of Washington, the Ismalia, tho Villo du Havre, aud tho Europe (lately), have been lost, togeth er with nearly 800 lives, and many mill ions of property. The New Y'ork Tribune was not tho first paper of that name. The Chicago Tribune was established as a weekly Democratic organ April 1, 1810. Its New York namesake was first published on the 10th of April. 1811 UII HIK 1UIU Ui .llllt iWT. j Or the iron produced annually, En- j eland produces more than one half of the whole amount, North America about 1 one fifth. Franco about one twelfth, and Belgium one twenty-fourth ; tliete four constituting the great iron-producing countries of the globe. The bridge over the Kentucky river, on the Southern railroad, will be the highest on the continent. It is 275 feet above low water, and has a span 1,2:5(5 feet. The towers, erected by John A. Boebling, years ago, coRt $100,000, and rise 3l5 feet above low water. A rrriti in tho Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, who saw the Essex statesman on the train bearing Sumner's remains, wrote out this description of him : " I saw Ben Butler in the drawing-room car, and his eye opens nice, but his other eve somowhat cross shuts." Twenty-four, years ago Senator Stew art, of Nevada, who has jnst completed art, oi Aevaua wno nas jns? comp.tut.-u the most magnificent house in ashing- ton, was slinging hash in a canvas res- tauraut. and afterward drove a pull I team regularly up the long and diffi cult hills between Grass Valley and Marysville. Heue is an estimate of tho number of acres of land in the extreme West, which are actually yielding rich stores of gold aud silver." The Government owns the property, but has never received a cent, font: California. 5,000,000; Oregon, 500,000 ; Washington, 1,000,000 ; Idaho, 1,000,000 ; Montana, 3,000,000 ; Colorado, 1,000,000; New Mexico, 1,000,000; Arizona, 1,030,000; Utah, 1,000,000; Nevada, 1,500,000. Total 16,000,000 acres. Lazy BeaTcrs. It is a curious fact that among the beavers there are somsthat are lazy, and will not work at all, either to assist in building lodges or dams, or to cut down wood for their winter stock. The industrious ones beat these idle fellows, and diive them away; sometime cut ting off parts of their tails, and other wise injuring them. The " paresseux" are more easily caught in traps than the others, and the trapper rarely misses one of them. They only dig a hole from the water, running obliquely toward the snrface of the ground twenty-five or thirty feet, from which they emerge, when hungry, to obtain food, returning to the same bole with the wood they procure, to eat the bark. They never form dams, and are sometimes to the number of five or seven together ;"all are cialcs. It is not at all improbable that these unfortunate fellows have, as is the case with the males of many species of animals, been engaged in fighting with others of their sex, and after being con quered and driven from the lodge, have lecome idlers from a kind'of necessity. The working beavers, on the contrary, associate, males and yfcmales, and a oung, together. Chief. Nebraska. C. Pitman Perforated. Pitman's woodpile has suffered a good , deal lately from the ravages of thieves, , so the old gentleman the other day loaded Ihb gun with coarse salt, and expressed his determination to bom bard the first man who should be ob served to haunt the timber. On Wed-, nesday morning ho had to attend court, and as he did not expect to reacli homo until late in the evening, Mrs. Pitman ieii it iier duty to Keep an eye upon tno woodpile. But Pitman returned about dusk, and as he walked up tho yard he thought he might as well carry in enough wood to last all night. Ho had , just placed the fourth stick iipan his arm when an expl6sion occurred, and tne nmevij)BUnt ta leltjas UimUifliycked uu-SreV h'MaJt iher..ttr,.jae; rea-noc darning needles were dancing up j una uown 111s iepn. lie mm neard irom Mrs. Pitman. He yelled with pain, am dropping the wood, most of it upon lus toes, he fell to the ground. Just as ho did so, he saw Mrs. Pitman standing in the kitchen doorway with his firearm at "parade rest, and contemplating hr victory and her victim with serenity. Pitman's first thought was that she had suddenly been animated by an insane but judicious desire to realize upon his life insurance jolicy. But when he screamed to her, she dropped her artil lery and flew to the scene with expres sions of alarm and grief at the discovery that she had perforated Pitman. She called the seivant girl, and as they car ried him into the house, she explained that she mistook him for a thief, and then she apologized, ritmau said it was all ery well to apologize, but what I good was that to a man with two quarts of salt and half a pound of gun-wads in his legs. Mrs. Pitman insisted that ho 1 oughtn't to mind a little salt, it would J do him good. She urged that salt was better than anything else for preserving I meat, and that his lees would probablv ' be alive and well and prancmi' around tho universe when tho rest of him was dead and spoiled. That made him mud, and after splitting up his gun with tho nx ,,1C wout to - " "? -"poken to Mrs. Pitman since : hasn t but ho t i.;.i i .. tas hinted gloomily to the doctor that if a divorce can be had he will obtain one. Max Adrh;r. The Strength of Material. Gold may bo hammered so that it is "l-' M'O.OOOof an inch thick. A gram ,f lron ,U!l.v, ,)0 dv;d-'l t 1,000,000 pans, rttui ciiemistry tells us mat there are ultimate parts called atoms or molecules, which are absolutely invisi ble. These atoms are attracted to each other by the attraction of cohesion, and repelled by the force of repulsion. By tin action of both these forces the atoms are kept in a state of pact. The solid ity of a solid depends upon tho fact that w;h.mvr...nf nwj.;..iiiitAh-Mtr4UouW lil "Jci'Mor " and that Kn fliRiniiiU. mi Kn)mit throw rocks at them. Au expe posed to bo of au oblate spheroidal . .e f f)rtv hW couviuct.(1 lonn. An iron bar would support its mo that nothf , ahw t nn oX CqW pose iorin own weight if stretched out to a length of three and a quarter nrles. A bar of steel was once made which would sus tain its own weight if extended to a length of thirteen and a quarter miles. Our ide.is of trreat and small are no guide to be used in judging pt what is j truly great and small in nature. The j Bunker Hill .Monument might be built ... i. ..:..!. .:4i..:. ...oi.;.. ... .- ... . ...I over a mile in height without crushing the stones at its base. When bars of iion are stretched until they break.those "11H.H "IV, ... ....v....-- length less than the weaker ones. A piece of wood, having a breadth anil thickness of three inches and a length union tire ine sirontrest, jncrcaau m of four feet, if supported at its ends, t would be bent one-millionth of an inch by a weight of three pounds placed at it's center, aud a weight of oue tenth of an ounce would bend it one-seveii-mil-liouth of au inch. Professor Norton described a machine for testing the variations of sticks of wood. The ma chine consists of levers and screws so contrived that tho amount of weight ... i at 1 The Vienna Panic. From the statistics of an Austrian journal of finance, it appears that the leuna paum ur uiuui uiuic iui spread and disastrous than was general ly s'ipposed at the time. In Austria eight banking houses, represeating an Lggregatft capital of 15,200,000 Honm ; ;,,,. companies, rcpresentimr .,, , . . 3,$00,000 tlorius ; one railway company, representing ooo.uuu; anu seven indus trial establishments, representing 3,000,-000 florins, have failed outright. Forty bauking establishment!, with 139,100,000 florins capital ; insurance compauies, with 5,200,000 florins ; one traffic establishment, with 1,000,000 florins ; eighteen building societies, with 01,900,000 florins, and thirty-four industrial establishments, with 1G.GO0,- i 000 florins, have resorted to liquidation. In Hungary as many asten banks, with 3.300,000 florins cap'ital, and two indus trial establishments, with 800000 florins, have declared their failure; while thirteen banks, with 11,300,000 florins ; two insurance companies, with 800,000 florin; one traffic establish ment, with 1,800,000 ; one bnilding so ciety, with 200,000 florins, and forty industrial establishments, with collect ively 5,500,000 florins, have been driven to liquidation. The number of fusions or a ma! carnations effected i not stated. A KENTrcKT paper reports what it denominates a living wonder. It says Dora Chambers, bora on Skeggs creek, Warren county, Ky., on the 11th of August, 1S71. is thirty-seven inches hi2h, eiguteen inches around the calf of the leg, twenty-eight and three-fourths inches aronnd the thigh, forty-e'ght inches around the hips, fory-two inches aronnd the waist, and weighs 118 pound- and a half. The parents of this child are said to be delicate, small persons, the father weighing 127 pounds and the mother 111- There was nothing extra ordinary shout the child at its birth, but when about three months old she began to grow fat. and at the agof two aud a half years had gain'the rro partions above stated. "?- There is in Switzerland, on an av erage, one journal for 6,179 inhabitants. brought to Pear upon tne suck can ne lmvara tj,e clmrch. When the young accurately measured, aud tho variation . mnu fiIlw tlin-t- she was disiHised to of the stick from a straight line cau be I jinrnor his joke, he backed down and measured, even though it does not ex- I ncknowledgeil himself teat. Proceed cced onc-seveu-miilionth of an inch. I inrr still further thev met a mutual ac- L. MATHER. Publisher. NO. 47. Irhiu? Oxen. I never had auy trouble driving oxen, though I know a man who'd as soon try to drive lions as to pick up a whip aud uudertake to "haw Buck," and "gee Bright." Always commeuce right with oxen. Thev don't apjear tender-hearted, ami don t seem to the casual observer to be longing for sympathy, but o.ven have feelings which must be consulted. If , vou want to yoke up vour oxen, take the yoko on vour shoulder and geutlv upproadi the starlmard ox. If ho moves awav, throwing his heels in the ,iir, tnru about and approach the other, for in the long run it doesn't mako a cent's worth of difference which ox is who always pull on tho left boot first. I j uul would iersist in it if the house was 1 . on fir If the larboard ox runs away, don't throw the yoke at him, ami jump up aud down aud howl. You can't throw a yoke over twenty rods at the most, and the chauces are you wouldn't hit him. Take the yoke on your back again and saunter across tho pasture toward the first ox. Approach him us if you didii't care a cent whether you got the yoke on him or not. Let your fare wear a smile, and whistle some careless air. If he shows a disposition to run away, don't go to howling: "Whoa there hold on I'll kill you blast your eyes hold on !" Keep up your indifferent demeanor, aud iu about one hour and a half you can put your hand on the ox. Hub his back and speak encouraging words to him, and let him see that your are hi true friend. In a little time you can . put tho yoke on him, and then start oil micr inu outer ox on ine lai side oi me field. If he makes a bolt for the barn, preserve your careless air, and, above all, don't pound the ox you have already I secured. ly a persistent exercise of patience, you can get the pair yoked up j and ready for business by ten o'clock, I if you commenced early enough. Don't , chaiu 'em up to a stump and maul 'em I with a rail after you have them iu your powir ; si-ek to conquer by love rather than force. Few farmers know how to draw out the full strength of a pair of oxen on a dead pull. They set the team off with a yell, kick one, pound the other, scream at both, jump over tho log and whoop, and the result is that the hoviucs jerk and jump and waste their strength. Tho right way is to send them oil gently. Pretend that 3 on are unhitch ing the chain to go home, and you don't know how much this will encourage them. When the chain is taut, aud the oxen are ready for the pull, give them a kind word," tell them their motto ng win discourag so quick as to hurl a stono quarry at him when he is doing his level best to accommodate vou. Iu driving oxen before a wagon, don't carry a bean-pole with a brad-awl fast- ened into the end. Tho ox is not as Otll'll 1111 .. ,l. ' ami " ;. oer tei, on foot as me antelope or gazeue, lev shouldn't be made to gallop ten miles without a rest. There i nothing so cooil to rule the brute crea tion as kindness. The true farmer will, i if necessary, sit up all night with a jmir of wild oxen, giving mem Kind auvice, explaining mutters, and rubbing their spinal columns with a cob to bring out their gentle natures and win their con fidence and esteem. M. Quad. A Hasty Yet Satisfactory .Marriage. A young lady of Alabama, visiting in Memphis, was lately walking along the i streets with a young gentleman, when he jokingly proposed to step into n church hard by and get married ; the voiiiilt ladv n"ented. and started - J' t mJ quaiutance, a bachelor business niun, and the lady's companion told business how she him backed him out on tho I inatriinnnial proposition, whereupon business remarked to her, " l on can t back me out." She answered, "Yes I can." The parties laughed and chat ted a little, when they started off to pet the licence, each supposing the other wonld give it up, but the docu ment was duly procured, and the matter ! began to look" serious. The next thing was to tie the knot; at length a . preacher was found. By this time both parties began to draw long breaths, but n"ither would give np to me onier. They entered the church, and the preacher pronounced the words that made them husband and wife, and there was no flinching from th.e vows ; neither would take a " dare," and the result was a marriage, without any subsequent desire for a divorce. It would be wonderful relief to many a timid swain, if this daring business were a thing of more common occur rence. Fish. The 8h of the United States are unsurpassed in flavor in the world. Sportsmen who, with rod and lin, have whipped European waters, say there is nothing like them there from the Nor way fords to the Gaadalquiver. Africa ami Asia are loth poor in this resiect. Even in China, where fish is an abun dant article of food, and is found in great varietv, the flesh is coarse. The talmon cf the Scotch loch afford the nearest approach to the succulence and tender delicacy of onr mountain trout and the flaky tenderness of unr salmon tront. Then there are the whitefish, the hiss, the shad, and an innumerable mnltitcde of others. Wc have but one rival, ami that a prolific but small one. It is the French sardine when frerJi. This delidiius fish in a few years will cease its rivalry, however, if reports are true from the coart of France. At pres ent the sardine fisheries employ tweuty thousand men, women and children on land to prepare the fish for market Each year shows an advance in the price and a diminution in the catch, nd in no great time oyer-fishing will have produced in unal consequence a failure of the fih. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RATES OF ADVERTISING: Oa tnoii. art lnrrti."u, Uimi moottui. t.mo&tb " tr!i tnnnth QuArtrr celumn. throa tcaeU. " a Mxah. lKrltiBMttb, Ililf column. ttrrtB-'ntln ,,.. " lxr.at& " twrlve month. . . Oat column, thrt iimwi1j " .it month. twthr month I l.oa &. H.O0 lS00 iv. Rl.UQ 33.IX nxo loaoa MrrUsf ml Objerjirr Notice fre. I.l tx- iU-i UV: tr ll&tv Tr-slrnt ml I-xl d Drnb IMT1M0 tn dt-zj-r,. Trrty tt:l p-b qTtriy. T11K HIIOUTKJ4T WAV IIIMIK. ' T&f bnrtt wy Ity hlf mll I ivtnr m trr of li by It I. uj the JV1. .-roo th .til-. lid through t! nx-kWiv. Shll wr try It t" Ta Uj. wrrr cot wlttHat i ciurm Whro, tilton oft ti.l touklnc atlljr, Mrlin. am! 1 l.cI nu lu rau TW lir T ion uJ a-U cr tUlj-. W tiHtutl mnr thin, to h, Th-t )it lu tb hlny wrtb-r, Wc t.xiK thr nrff, the tuf trr -or. Ti ! a !tucr ttsu tftjlhr. WV ilp Umt (1'Ul tn.-!urB know Our trlc of robfaUuUltnu) About t(fthrr. I .nt'I The crojw, the trr'. u.t tha UAtkui. At all riroln, allhouftU the talk Wa n-ithrr wt nor ttty, WV .oilnl rach uccrih lk With " Himu alnraJy Ht a t'"T '" -jnlgnt hate kxt a lillie frouB.4 una cotniuif by th r.l Kilrvtisl, kiacrwi ifiai r aaruvttifi Tfc htxttvry 'urtT than xrrtNt. Can 1 J" rxjrlnx-nt Bijort Th fart!i that U r tr.lJ? Por arj ath rm .t"J .hurt. I ulra It W a J'.lh of rtwr 7 Up wMiiin ami thp BPirrr Abl If r hU ujjn aud till- It, It vrrrfji !!:. fr'm to-lajr It ..-rill. ktUK a. Iructh fail main It. Thr rwatl liifamp 1. ni'frr lirtrf. Thr way t wraith ' ',uM Bl' drrary I All rarthljr rotitr., in mj l-rlirf, Arr rrj Umi; aiul irr) wrary. Nay our that lrat. through far n.l trlf N tirt, when luurtal. viw lv'i It ; W r ta thr nrar cut out ut Hfr, Althuui;h p taip thr htih'rt III It. fiiitUf' JiiyiifiFk. Humor. Wn T is pity ? Cheap charity. Man respires, aspires, conspires, and expires. The wife's secret- - Her opinion of her husband. Htkam is an excellent servant, but it sometimes blows up its master. Corrov sheets and newspaper nhoctn are alike in one respect, because a great many be in them. Why is a person who never lays a wager as bad as a regular gambler? Because he is no better. "Svmiio, why am dp dogs do most intelligent folks in de world?" "Be cause dey nose eberythiug." A roi in eompanv. wanting his ser vant, called out, "Where's that block head of mine?" "On your shoulders, sir," said a lady." Ik there is one time more than anoth er when a woman should bo entirely alone, it is when a line-full of clothe come down in tho mini. Wiiv is a barrel of soft-soap, on lioard a steamboat, like a young man marry ing a landlord's daughter? Becauno it's a soft thing on board. A missing man was lately advertised for and described as having a llomnn nose. He won't be found. Suchanoso as that will never turn up. f vou, like a good gin, wortiu mrum uer, wouldn't vou !" " Yes ma'am," she re plied, " if I couldn't catch her." CosrMMtt'M - Said a boy: "That chap yonder is my brother, and this girl is his sister, yet she is no relation of mine." Answer -The boy lied. " Don't a Quaker ever tako off his hat to anyone, mamma?" "No, my dear." " If ho don't take off his hat to a barber, how does ho have his hair cut?" It's rather remarkablo that, while several thousand feet are required to make ono rood, a single foot, properly applied, is often snffieient to mako ono civil. A lauv asked a pupil of a Sunday school, "What was the sin of the Phari see?" "Eating camels, ma'am," was tho quick reply. She hud read that tho Pharisees "strained at gnats and swal lowed camels." Tnrsr him jriMinc rrn in ITiicaic. Ami hr aalil. "Mjj 1 to jvar j-a P Ami a.k fr jour liaml .Mil your hour and lanil 7" Thl tlrolil jrotinc man from 1'hWrfo. Tbrrr wa. a timibk iflrl In fhlraeo, Whi .ahl. " If Jim '"I lrt niT w J. Vour rjn I will M-ral'h AP'l jour hair I will ncalrli Ami v.Htlr III real" orrj r!a no '- A YOt'NO man was carving a goone at a dinner table ono day, wljen by an awkward move he knocked it into the lap of a lady who was sitting opjwsite, in all the glory of a green sutia dress. Instead of showing his verdancy by profuse aj.KlogieH and a confuted man ner, he simply said : " 111 trouble you for that goose, mus !" Can the annals of society furnish an example of wlf iKJBsessioii xnore sublime? ' How WeeiN Migrate. It is stated that there are no less than 21 1 weeds which have been introduced into the United States from foreign countries. As a proof of tho rapidity with which useless plantu are accident ally brought over tho rcan, it is said that m'lJ7 there were only 137 foreign weeds known m this country. As fnr back as 172 a' cunon little volume called New England Parities," give n but of twentv-two plant, which tho author considered had sprung up sinco the English hail kept cattto in New England. The anthor mentions th " plantain." which, he ayi, the Indiana call the " Englishman's foot," m though produced by the tread of the white set tlers. The common "yellow-toad flax," it is stated, wa originally intro duced into the province of Pennsylva nia as a gnrdn-rtower, by a Mr. Kan stead, a Welchrnan, residing at Phila delphia, from whom it has derived the name of " Bansteail wetL" In 1053 this weed had overran the pastures in the inhabited part of Penn sylvania, and was the caxvj of very bit ter complaints from the agrieulturiata of that day. Chicken-weed, oftecer cjIIm! chick-weed, was introduced into South Carolina as a loou lor canary birds, and in ten ytr spread fifty miles, and now ocenpiw tho outposU of cry dilation. The Scotch thiitle is said to liave leen branght to Aiari by a clergyman, who earned with, hifia pad stuffed with tnitte-doTra in which some ed remained. Feathers. beiBff cheap m the new country, were substituted for t!ie down, which was soon eopited out, and the ed ppnDgiog up Hied the country with the thistles. Another ac count aays some enmnxiastic Scotcasaaa introdaced the thistle aa an emblem of his country, which soon saads itself at home and became a nuisance. A M n . - H J y v 1JI22 &! :Wc-i tastet4fe.j .H i -"- Jll-