The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1874, Image 4

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Agrfcultaral Notes. Potatoes. A c-rrespondent
of tlie Rural Kcxu Yorker tried mi ex
periment last season with raising pota
toes by killing and by leaving the sur
face flat. The bummer was wet, giving
Hie hilling the advantage, if any. The
result was about the same quantity for
each, but the potatoes from the part
not hilled were larger, fewer in number,
and finer in quality. He thinks much
labor, worse than useless, is expended
iu hilling potatoes.
Bark Roofs. The Mirror and Fann
er bays : As you begin putting in your
new hav, see to your barn roofs. On
home of them the shingles are worn out,
and only an entire now set will meet the
emergency. On others there is a vacant
place here and there, from which the
win I has torn a bh ingle or two ; these
may be patched. Whatever the condi
tion of your finances or grass crop, yon
cannot afford to put olF any needed re
pairs upon your roofs. Better let your
grass rot in the field than to put it into
your barn to be spoiled by the rain that
will find its way through a leaky roof.
Though all other buildings go to the
dogs, keep your barn roofs water-proof.
Two end's a Year Such a thing as
two crops of grain iu one year is by no
means rare in California. Apple trees
have been kHown to yield two crops and
pear trees three crops ; but fetich a phe
nomenon as that related iu the subjoined
item from an Alameda paper will be
likely to creato surprise : A sixty-acre
field on the rauchoof Juan Peralta, near
Sau'Lcandoe, was farmed to barley last
year, and a good heavy crop of the grain
harvested from it. This year it was al
lowed to volunteer, and it has produced
a heavy growth of clear oats, which now
stand about three feet high, and is in a
very thrifty condition.
"Waste Lands. The reclamation of
land and utilizing it, thus making waste
places productive, is one of the econom
ical modes a farmer has of reducing the
proportion of his taxes to production.
Thousands of acres of most productive
lands lie idle, and taxes are paid on them
in almost every State, the net product
resulting from the reclamation of which
would pay the entire taxes of the farmer.
Often the best lands on the farm are
thus wasted worse than wasted for
the want of a little vim and enterprise
on the part of the owner. It should be
a rule with all farmers not to own an
acre of ground that does not pay them a
profit (either by production or apprecia
tion in value) on its assessed valuation.
No busiuess man can afford to keep
such laud if ho has active and profitable
use for his capital.
Cut-Wokms. The New York 'Times
says : "Wo have succeeded in greatly re
ducing the numbers of this pest by en
ticing a ilock of poultry into the field
while it was being plowed. The fowls
followed the plow closely, picking up
every cut-worm exposed and searching
every furrow for more. There is no
other way of ridding the fields of these
vermin but by encouraging their natural
enemies. These aro crows and black
birds, which devour the grubs, and
skunks and moles, which devour both
the grubs and the beetles, of which
they are the larva. "While these crea
tures aro killed or driven oil", we shall
buffer from the depredations of the in
sects which are their natural prey. To
prevent the destruction of the young
com by the cut-worms, to some extent,
the seed should bo rolled in common
piue tar and then dried in plaster beforo
it is sown.
Oats. Tho time for sowing oats is
at hand, and our experience and ob
bcrvations teach us that the earlier this
can be done tho better, and we advise
the farmers to have everything iu readi
ness, good, clean seed prepared, plowB
aud harrows sharpened, and, at the very
first time the ground is in order to work,
break the ground and sow the oats. We
have tried several ways of putting in
oats, such as first sowing tho oats on tho
ground and covering with a breaking
plow, turning a shallow furrow, and af
terward harrowing to level tho ground,
also plowing them in with double shov
els ; but we aro inclined to think we get
best results from breaking the ground ;
and as fast as wo get land broken, sow
ing the oats on the fresh turned soil,
aud brushing iu with a heavy brush cut
from the woods, or, where this could
not be had, use the harrow.
I'Mcftil ltcrlircs.
(ioijDen Salve. Two quarts raw lin
seed oil, three pounds good rosin, three
pounds of beeswax. Melt thoroughly
together aud turn into tin boxes. This
is the best salvo known for burns,
scalds, flesh wounds, old tores, piles,
etc. To make small quantities the
same proportion as above required.
CiiocoriVn: Cauamels. One pint new
milk, ono cako chocolato (one-quarter
pound) ; ono cup and a half sugar
(white). Try this on a buttered plate,
as it will not Crispin water, and when
done pour on buttered pans and mark
off in squares with a knife as it cools,
and then it will easily break when cold.
They are very excellent.
Bemedy rou Ciiour. This remedy is
simply alum: Take a knifo or grater
and shave or grato off in small particles
about a tablespoonful of alum, mix it
with about twice the quantity of sugar
or honey or make it palatable, and ad
n: inisier as quickly ns possible. The
doses should be separated at intervals
of fifteen minutes, until the phlegm is
cut and cast off. This will give almost
immediate relief. The patient should
also bathe his feet in hot water and ap
ply cloths wet in cold Avater to the
throat aud chest, changing as often as
they get warm.
Vinegar Candt. One cup white
sugar ; oue-half cup vinegar ; boil till
it crisps in cold water. This makes an
excellent candy, and something bene
ficial also, as it is good for colds. If
the vinegar be very strong, take a little
lets of it, and some water, but for us
the strength of the vinegar never hurts.
When done pour out on buttered plates,
and either mark off m squares an inch
or two wide as it cools, or else, when
cool enough to handle, draw it until it
is nice and white ; then cut it into
Suoared Pop Corn. This delights
all children, and is within the reach of
everyone. Ono enp sugar (white) ;
half cup water ; boil till it taffies, then
sprinklo in the pop corn, as much as the
pan will hold. If nicely popped, this
will sugar two quarts of corn. Stir
well, so that it does not stick together ;
the grains ought to separate. To make
pop corn balls, take the receipt for
"mossies," and boil it till it taffies,
then stir in your corn and set it from
the fire, and as it cools work it into balls
with your hands. Of course they are
not like those you bavin the cities, but
for homemade they are excellent.
A chess player in Connecticut is play
ing eightv-six games, which ho conducts
by postal-cards.
A Hair-owing Tale.
The much-abused Rev. Florence Mc
Carthy, of Chicago, in a recent lecture
on "'Who Wouldn't be o Minister?"
said : " One of the first troubles which
befall a minister and it was a matter
which they would never BMppose he
would have any trouble about was the
management of his hair. Happy is the
minister whose head is shapely and
whose hair naturally falls into elegant
orwi lonknmn nnnvolutions. He can
get as many calls and as much salary as
he needs. If the hair is right it matters
little whether his principles be good or
doctrine sound. I speak leelingly on th is
subject," said tho lecturer. " My own
hair has been the cause, I fear, of much
of my misfortune. I never thought of
it until recently ; but now I remember
that the people who ousted me from
Union Park Church are exactly those
who used to labor with me about my
hair. After watching public sentiment
in my church on this subject for about
one year, I can assure you there were
three parties in it on the subject of my
i.n.v Tim firxf Jncurp.l cm its being
brushed down close. The second on its
being stuck up on end. The third the
conservative party on having it loosed
up. Noticing that these three parties
corresponded to the three divisions of a
sermon, I soon fell into tho habit of de
livering the first head of my discourse
with my hair as now. Flattened to the
head. The becond division as now.
Putting his front locks on end. The
third division of the sermon I generally
delivered with my hair brought down to
the conservative position putting bis
hands through his hair and smoothing
down the more elevated locks, and
even now I don't know that my hair has
given entire sutifaction."
Compulsory Vaccination.
A bill has been introduced into tho
German Reichstag by the Government,
making not only vaccination, but also a
rcvaccination. compulsory. In En
gland the law requires only tho vaccina
tion of children. In tho debates on this
bill tho old dispute between the advo
cates and tho opponents of vaccination
has broken out with unusual violence,
and petitions against the passage of tho
bill have been pouring in from all quar
ters. The fact that rcvaccination is re
quired is used with great effect as an
argument to demonstrate the useless
ness of all vaccination. Numbers of
people have sent in statements that the
revaccinated members of their families
have died from small-pox, while the
others were not even attacked by the
loathsome disease. It has been attempt
ed to show that where vaccination is
general the number of deaths of infants
is much greater than in other countries.
Ono of the best authorities on the sub
ject, so far as practical experience is
concerned, has published a pamphlet,
wherein he maintains that tho physical,
moral and mental degeneration of the
race can be traced directly to the bru
tilizing influence of vaccination. It
seems to be conclusively established
that some diseases can be engrafted by
vaccine matter from one body to an
other, and that the great spread of
scrofulous diseases is mainly due to
vaccination. Tho advocates of vaccina
tion seem, however, to be vastly in tho
majority, and tho main question is now,
how practically to carry out compul
bory vaccination.
Marrying in Switzerland a Serious
It appears to be no easy matter to
get married in Switzerland. A citizen
of Schaffhauscn, who had removed to
another canton, asked from his com
mune the necessary permission to
marry. Tho President of tho commune,
iu reply, told him that, in addition to
payment for the needful documents, he
would have to provide for the rights of
bourgeoise if his fiancee were a Swiss,
200 francs if a foreigner. Tho man was
told, moreover, that he would have to
prove by certificate that he was pro
vided with a wedding outfit and a for
tune of 800 francs. He would be re
quired to pay, in addition, 23 franc3 to
the school fund, 20 francs for tho mili
tary tax of 1873, aud 30 florins 12
kreutzera fcr expenses incurred by his
commune wheu ho was ill iu Germany.
The claims thus amounted to 233 francs
40 centimes, irrespective of all other
expenses of permissions, translations,
stamps, aud the cost of documents.
Tho man was totally uuable to meet
this claim, aud representations to this
effect were mudo to the council of his
commune by a society for encouraging
marringes, but all their efforts were
Tunneling Niagara.
" Shooting Niagara " is to be super
seded by " Tunneling Niagara." A bill
has been introduced into the New York
Legislature forming a company with a
million aud a half capital to build a
bridge, or a tunnel, from the city of
Buffalo to or near Fort Erie, on the
other side of the Niagara river. The
Buffalo Courier says of it :
" The design of the projectors of this
company, we are given to understand,
has iu view primarily the tunnel expe
dient, aud there cau be no doubt that
such work, if within the limits of the
practicable, has numerous important
advantages as compared with a bridge.
Some twenty years ago the scheme was
ably advocated by Mr. Wallace, the en
gineer, who satisfied himself by careful
surveys that a tunnel could be con
structed from a point on this side of
river at or near Jersey street. His
estimate of the cost of the undertaking
at that time was 81,000,000, a sum
which would probably need to be
doubled or trebled to-day."
To Those Who Draw Notes. A man
drew a note promising to pay one hun
dred dollars. Ho used a printed form,
and did not close up the blank devoted
to dollars, and after passing it as nego
tiable paper somebody inserted "and
fifty" after tho one hundred and before
the printed dollars. The note, thus al
tered, got into the hands of an innocent
party, who presented it to the drawer,
aud the Supreme Court decided that the
maker of the note was liable for its faca,
because through negligence he did not
draw a line between tho written word
" hundred" and the printed word "dol
lars." Any testimony that the drawer
might offer to establish the fact that he
gave a note for one hundred dollars,
must go for nothing, as " there wxs
nothing on the face of the note show
ing thut it had been altered." Evidence
of an alteration on the face of the note
would have changed the case. Let
this be a lesson to all drawers of prom
issory notes. No one can be too careful
in such matters.
One of Gough's stories was a neat hit
at those dilatory people who are always
behind time. Some one said to a per
son of this class, " I see that yon be
long to the three-handed people."
"Three-handed that's rather uncom
mon, isn't it?" ."Oh, no, common
enough two hands like other people
and a Uetlc behind-frand,"
Fashion Sotes.
Striped alpacas are in market, and
make up handsomely.
Patent leather shoes for ladies are
slowly coming into fashion.
Chisese sunshades are of white can
vas with curious trimming.
Those back braids lately so fashiona
ble are now nsed to stuff sofa cush
ions. Jet stars are now worn by the ladies,
suspended from a bit of black velvet
around the neck.
The handsomest spring suits are of
black silk embroidered on skirt and
waist with the finest black jet beads.
Large bows of gros grain ribbon aro
used as trimming on some of the new
bonnets, stuck up high on the left side.
The bonnets come " flat down" on
top of the head now, exactly opposite to
the Hiring style througnoui me winter.
A vrw fiiHlnnn nmoncr the ladies is to
wear in the street a long veil of real
thread lace with handsome border.
Gray steel silk suits trimmed with a
darker shade of gray embroidery aud
steel beads are new and very stylish.
Black grenadine suits aro trimmed
on the waist and front breadth with
stripes of black ribbon instead of velvet
which was so fashionable during tho
winter season.
The Ekirtsof springsuits are trimmed
with ono deep ruffle, as the long over
skirt will not admit of much trimming.
The waists are made to hold consider
able trimming.
Humors of Advertising.
As a general rule, advertisers who
write their own wishes, make them
rather ambiguous in their meaning.
The Centennial gets off a few of these,
thus :
Somebody wants " a young man, to
look after a horse of the Methodist per
suasion." " One pound reward. Lost; a cameo
brooch, representing Venus and Adonis
on the Drumcoudra road, about ten
o'clock on Tuesday evening."
" To be sold, cheap ; a male phaeton,
tho property of a gentleman with a
movable head, as good as new."
" Ten shillings reward ! Lost by a
lady, a white terrier dog, except the
,head, which is black. To be brought,"
To these Irish advertisements may
be added an English one, which was the
subject of a humorous article in the
Saturday Jtevicw some four or five
years :
' To bo sold, a grand piauo, tho prop
erty ol a lauy about to travel in a wal
nut wood case with carved legs."
"The Heart of a Man."
When Napoleon the Great died at St.
Helena, an English physician took
charge of his heart, depositing it in a
silver basin filled with water. Two ta
pers burned near it but the custodian
felt nervously anxious while waching
it through tho night, and did not bleep.
In tho silence of midnight ho heard a
rustling sound theu a plunge into the
water, and a rebound on the floor, all
occurring with the quickness of thought.
He sprang from his bed to see an enor
mous rat dragging the precious relic to
his hole ! A moment more and tho
heart which had been too vast in its am
bition to be satisfied with the sovereign
ty of continental Europe would have
lieen more degraded than the dust of
Imperial Csosar.
A Ilatskin Costume.
An ingenious individual of LiBkeard,
Cornwall, has been exhibiting himself
in a dress composed from top to toe of
ratskins, which ho has beea collecting
for three years and a half. Tho dress
was made entirely by himself ; it con
sists of hat, neckerchief, coat, waist
coat, trousers, tippet, gaiters and shoes.
The number of rats required to com
plete tho SHit was 020 ; and tho individ
ual, when thus dressed, appears exactly
like one of the Esquimaux described in
the travels cf Parry aud Ross. The
tippet or boa is composed of the pieces
of skin immediately around the tails of
tho rats, and is a very curious part of
tho dress, containing about 000 tails,
and those of the shortest.
Interest. No blister draws sharper
than interest. It works all day and all
night, in fair weather and in foul. It
has no sound in its footsteps, but
travels fast. It gnaws at a man's sub
stance, with invisible teeth. It binds
industry with a film as a fly is bound in
a spider's web. Debts roll a mau over
and over, binding him hand and foot,
and letting him hang upon the fatal
mesh until tho long-legged interest de
vours him. There i but one thing on a
farm or plantation like it, and that is
the Canada thistle, which swarms new
plants every time you break its roots ;
whose blossoms are prolific, and every
flower the father of a million seeds ;
every leaf is an awl, every branch is a
spear, and every plant like a platoon of
bayonets, and a field of them like an
armed host ; the whole plant n torment
find a vegetable curse, aud yet the farm
er had better make his bed of Canada
thistles than attempt to be at ease upon
Neakly every pound of butter
in Florida is shipped from Ohio.
Reed'a Temple of Mnalc, Chicago
Good second-hand pianos, $125 to -?200.
Xew Rosewood pianos, $200 to $300.
Now Square Grand pianos, $310 to $175.
Warranted to please, or money refunded.
A coTEMPOBARY calls Congress " onr
national windmill." That is hard on
the windmill which is generally a use
ful machine.
Glad Tidings fob the Slaves of
Kino Alcohol. How many a manly
form is palsied ; how many a noble
mind is destroyed ; how many a price
less soul lost, through the curse of strong
drink ! To the despairing victims of
the Satanic tyrant, Alcohol, whose
shattered nerves, and trembliDg limbs,
and racking headaches, seem to find no
relief except in the renewed ure of the
fatal poison which brings them every
day nearer to their miserable'end, we an
nounce glad tidings of great joy : Dr.
Walker's Vinegar Bitters contain not
a single drop of Alcohol in any form,
but are a sovereign remedy for the ills
of drunkenness. They restore toneand
strength to the system, and entirely
eradicate the pernicious appetite for
liquor. Try a few bottles of Vinegar
Bitters, and you will never crave strong
spirits again, "but find your health re
paired, your mind restored, and be
once more a man in the best sense.
Health is cheap when Vinegar Bitters
are SI a bottle. 40
"We have heard recently of several se
vere caes of. spinal disease ctxrtxl by John
son's Anodyne Liniment ; one case of a man
fortr-five veaxa old, who had not done a day'a
work for four Tears. The back thordd firt
be washed, then rubbed with a coarse towel.
Apply th linimfnt cold, and rub in well with
the hand. "
" Far the Blew la the Life."
See Deuteronomy, chap, xii. verso 23. The
blood bcJDR tho eource from which our sys
tems are built op and from which wo derive
oar mental as well as physical capabilities,
how important that it should be kept pure. If
it contains vile, f eatcrine poisons all organic
fuuetions are weakened thereby. Settling
upon important organs, as the Inngs, liver or
kidneys, the effect is mest disastrous. Hence
it behooves everyone to keep their blood in a
perfectly healthy condition, and more es
pecially does this apply at this particular sea
son of "the year than at any other. Ko matter
what the exciting cause may be. tho real caure
of a largo proportion of all diseases is bad
blood. Now Dr. Tierce does not wish to placo
his Golden Medical Discovery in the catalogno
of quick patent nostrums bv recommending it
to euro every disease, nor docs he so recoin- j
menu it ; on tlie contrary, ttiero are nnwueun
of diseases that he acknowledges it will not
cure ; but what lie does claim is tint, tnat j
there is bat one form of blood disease that it
will not cure, and that dibeaso is cancer. Mo
does not recommend his Dircovery for that
disease, yet he knows it to be the most nirch
iug blootl-cleanecr yet discoered, and that it
will free the blood and eyetem of all other
known blood poisons, be they animal, vege
table or mineral. The Golden Discovery is
warranted by him to cure the worst forms of
Skm Du cases, as all forms of Blotches, Tim
plea aud Eruptions, also all Glandular Swell
ing, aud the worst form of Scrofulous and
Ulcerated Sores of Keck, Logs or other parts,
and all Scrofulous Diseases of the Iloucs, as
White Swellings, Fever Sores, Hip Joint and
Spinal Dif eases, all of which belong to Scrof
ulous diseases.
V. Geove Station, la., July 14, 1872.
Da. R. V. Pikkce. lluffalo. N. V. :
Deab Sik My wife first became lame nine
years ago. Swoilings would appear and dis
appear on her hip, and oho was uradually be
coming reduced, and her whole system rotten
with disease. la 1871 a swelling broke on her
hip, discharging large quantities, and inco
that time there are several openings. Have
had five dociors at an expense of 125, who
eay nothing will do any good bnt a surgical
Julv ICth. 1873. he writes thnB : "My wifo
has certainly received a great benefit from the
use of vour Discovery, for ho a not able to
gat off the bed ami was not expected to live
a week when ho commenced using it a
year ngo. She has been doing mott of her
work for over six months. Has used twenty
bottles and still usin$ it. Her recovery is
considered as almost a miracle, and wo at
tribute it all to tho use of your valuablo medi
cine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a
blood-purifier and strength-restorer.
'J. M. Itouissos."
Liberality op Physicians. It has
alwajs been said that physicians would dir
parago anv remedy, however valuable, which
they did not originato themselves. Thin has
been disproved by their liberal roureo towards
Du. J. C. Ayeb's preparations. They have
adopted them into general ns o in their prac
tice, which shows a willingneeB to counteiiauco
articles that have intrinsic merits which de
Kerve their attention. This does tho learned
profession great credit, and effectually con
tradicts tho provalont orroiiBOiis notion that
their opposition to proprietary remedies is
based in their interest to discard thorn. Wo
have always had confidence iu tho honorablo
motives of our medical men, and aro glad to
find it Mistaintd by tho liberal welcome they
accord to such remedies ai Ayek .V Co. .i mini
itablo remedies, oven though they aro not or
dered in tho books, but arc made- known to
tho people through tho newspapers. JWir
Orleans Iklta.
Du WiLnoFT's Anti-Periodic or Fr
yer and AOUE Tonic! Wilhoft's tonic has es
tablished itself as tho real infallible chill cure.
It is universally admitted to bo tho only relia
blo and harmless chill medicine now in use.
ItH efficacy is confirmed by thousands of cer
tificates o'f tho very best people fiom all pirts
of tho country. It cures malarious diseases
of every typo, from tho shaking agues of tho
lakes nndvalleys to tho raging fevers of tho
torrid zono. Try it ! It has never been
known to fail. Wheelock, 1'inlvy it Co.,
Troprietors. Now Orleans.
A Wonderful Institution. Thirty
thousand sufferora from deformity of tho
spine, limbs and face, paralysis, chronic dis
eases, catarrh, piles and tietula have been
Micccssfully treated by tho National Surgical
Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana. It has a
branch at San Francisco and Atlanta. Ily
sending for thftir journal full particular can
1ms obtained. On account of their long and
extensive experience, thoy can euro cises
cheaper than it can bo done olsowhero.
The Northwestern Dorse-Nail Co.'b
" Finished " Nail is tho host in tho world.
PRESCEirTION of one of the best Female physi
cians and Nnraes in tho United States, and has
been used for thirty years with never falling
safety and scccoss by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble Infant of ono ireek old to
the adult. It corrects acidity of tho stomach, re
lieves wind colic, remilates the bowels, and jftves
roet, health and comfort to mother and child. We
believe it to be the Best and Surest Ilcmody In
the World in ?h cates of DYSENTERY, and DIAR
RHEA IN CHILDRXN, whether It arises from
Teething or from any other causa. Pulldlrectfoni
for using will accompany each bottle. None Genu-
lno unless the fac slmtlc of CURTIS PKRKIN8 Is
on thcontslde wrapper.
The Markets.
Ileus Dreatel
Flour Superfino Western. . .
Wheat No. 2 Chicago
White Wtfiteru
Cons New Mixed W'rft'n
Old do
Oats 3lixcl Western
White do
ror.K New Jlea3
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1 10 (5 1 15
SI 6 87
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10JO 0
11 S 17
1Jutt.u Wedtorn 1U (
lSKvr Choice Graded Steers.
Choico NattveH
Good to Prime Stceru.
Cowa and Heifers. . . .
Medium to Fair
Inferior to Common...
00 (fr
75 (a
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3 25 S
1 75
2 50 (S
How Live
FLOLn-Choico White Winter... 8 50 'J 00
llod Winter.
WazAT No. 1 Spring
No. 2 Spring
Cons No. ?, Old andNcsv
Oats No. . .. .
Ute No. 2
Baklkt No.2
Buttee C ir.ica to Fancr Yellow
Medium to Good
Eoos Freah
Pork Meae ........--
ljaRI).. ...........--- -..-
Wheat No. 2 Spring
No. 2 Red Winter
Corn No. 2..
Oats No. 2.
IkTa o A. ..............
l 29 a i
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101 r
32 fc 1 3?
23 (S
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Kte No. 1...
Barlet No. 2
H (B 1 uC
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Wheat Amber Michigan
No.2 Bed
Corn... .......- ... .....
Oats.. .. .......- -
Ctttr Seed...... ......- .
.AG 25 (fflG 50
9f 10
4? ?
47 S
67 r
76 (S
.. 5
Wheat Extra
No. 1. ....... ....--.
Amber.... .......
Corn.............. -...--..
Oats... ......-
Clotes Sexz. .............
Wht No. I Bed
No. 2 Bed
6 15
1 561
1 46
" Dorse-Men," and others who pre
tend to know, say that the following direc
tions had belter be observed in usiti Shrrt-
dun's Cavalry Comiilwnl'o'ctirrti : Give a home
a tablcpoonfnl every niijht for a wck : tho
same, every other night for 4 or 6 nights ; the j
same for a milch row, and twico a much for
an ox. The addition of a lutlo fine salt will
be au advantage.
Go to Riverside Water Cure. Hamilton. 111. t
MC1C. '
rron so other c-ante than Unng worms In th 1
will destroy Worms without Injury to tha child, ,
being perfectly WHITK and free from all cotortr j
or utter injurious Ingredient usually used Is
o:ra preparatioss.
CURTIS BBOWy, Proprietors,
No. Mia Fulton Street, New Tort
id by Drucfutt and C?ii, en4 dalrt i
rtw-tMM. at Twuu-riTi Caars A Bo.
Tmmmm """" -
HOUSEHOLD Why will You Suffer 1
- .,
To all person, uff.rtnc
from RheuraatUm, Nenralta,
Cranes In the Umb or ttora-
ach. Bilious Colic, Tain in the
. .. , .,.., ,. .m
nOnSFHOLI) Famix-y LtamasTU of all
(others the remedy you want
for tuternal and external use.
It has cured the abore com
plaints In thousands of cases.
There Is no mistake about It.
Try It., Bold by all Druggists.
- r Per Usr
1,000 Agnts wanted. Sec
SlfJ stamp tc A. H. Blair A Co.. St-Louis. Ho. (
(Jj- jaday Agents wanted eTrrjrhre. partlcu
larsfice. Art Aency,tf IthM.St Louis.
a rent wanted One tc-lrnjrTlnir. Send IS
l ct. fur samples J II KOL'CII A CO .Warren,
S" K.t:il WKKK. Agents wanted.partieu
j lin free. J Worth A Co . 8.. Louis Mo.
HUM 4WZmm&3zsZ83Si
ali. ahui r i
MiMtvTrii' .-
HILL tia-
A C!K.T.S WAVrKU-Vrn or Women
i week or l00 forfeited. The Mtrrtttrtr Write
at mice to COWK.V tCO.. fth St., New York
jNOar IKK DAY Commission or $UU a week
0 Salary, and expenses. We offer it aud will
pnylt. ApplT imw. t.Vrllert C'o..Marlon.O
IVF.llVnOIJV Tiim.
JlAr. Circulars free. Samples ent postpaid, JOc.
Western JIatiufiCt'B Co , ! W tn-t., Cincinnati.
ble lantel, Counter-Tops, Furniture
and Plumbers' Slb, anil lrble at
CO., II North Clark Mreot, Chicago.
If.D. WIHmiii.U'-cOW Wathlik'tdi t. Chimin
UUVl 9enl25ct with addresses of 5cither and
mi I j receive postpaid a KlneChrnmo ?x9.wnrth
UfVr i $1.'0, ami instructions t" clear SJladay.
I1U I Tlvhh t Co , UN South bth-st , Phtla , Pa.
Sandwieh Manufacturing Co.,
POUDK tllH.N-MIKM.KH (imi.nlarly
known an the "Sjiidulch She! ers"), rij lug In
I'linrn. Ilniul forn-lielleta. Sle manu- I
firturrr-of tho celebrated C'tUO Kl.Mi CUL
TIVATOR. Descriptive Circulars, fully illustrated, nislled i
free to any addrass. J. P. ADAMS, Secretary. I
Par Dv guaranteed uiirr our
... ii .iinorn'IDriII. Cstaiofiw rrr.
Wen - w.w
ELL & CO , ! Pirk Row. V their
'umiWrf oj lll p07rienntainliig llt of 3uri news
paper ana ettiniAtes shnwlngcost of advertising.
atjy I tending the addivss of ten persons with 10
Hnl cts. will receive, tree, a beautiful Chrorao
nur I and Instructions how to get rich, post-paid.
UNt I City A'ovclt v Go-. 10 9- Elghth-st., Phlla., Pa.
Nnnarmoixl Nwret Pntatfn I'lanta,
May aud June. Rest for the horthern climate.
Parked to carry longdlstances. By mall.prepatd,
60 vt. pr KO. By Express, !,0UO, 3. Dlsmuiiton
large orders Address
S. (JltA Y, .Vorw nil. Huron Co., Ohio.
TUIQ DOItlTIIIC lllsf w' manufactured by
I n!0 rnlrtllilO llttW. D. Wiuos Co.,
Harper's Buildings, New York. For sale by Chica
go Mouroe-st., In In-lb and
25-lt packages. A Mo a full assortment of Joblnks.
MI. TEA AOENT8 wanted In town and
1 jit f country t sell TEA. or get up club
orders for the largest Tea Company
In America. Importers' prices and Inducements
to Atrenls. Sfnd for Circular. Address.
ROBERT WELLS, 43 Vesey 8t., N. Y. P.O. Box. 127.
: Portrait of CHARLES SUMNER.
Size, Six30. Price, fl.OO.
Bent postpaid on receipt of the price. Agents
wanted In every city and town.
Address LEE A BOBPARD, Boston.
Portable Soda Fountains!
S40, $50, 875 and 8100.
Shipped Heady for Use,
Msnnfsrtured by J. W. cnAPMAH
A CO., Jlaui'O.f , ll.
The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co , of Phila
delphia, an old and reliable Life Company, desire
an Agent In every portion of this State, in which
it Is not now represented. It is a strictly Mutual
Company, returns Its surplus premiums to its
members every year, and as if txjtntart imiti.
furnithcs lhm insurance at the lowest pnsslbl
rates. All of Its Policies are non forfeitable for
their value after the third year Liberal remmis
slonctmtrirts ria1 with reliable men Apply to
H. S. STEPHENS, V. Prrs't. No. 921 Chetnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa..nrt J.W Irkdcll, Geo. West
ern Superintendent, Cincinnati.
Wanted Agents.
From $75 to $250 per Month,
Everywhere. Vslo and Female, to sell one of
the most useful articles ever Invented, need
ed In every family, bend for rircnlsr.
Address t:ro.1l!t V Ml..
Por fall descriptive
Clicutars, send toth
Elastic Truss Co.,
CN3 Iiroailway-f
Xrw York.
nilPaloguefor 1374 will be
isent f-ee tn Agents i spptleailon.
.nw map, tn kt.h, m:o
U CUIiMO, Ac Oar D' Xaps rf IsDI
UiAJt.arc the bst &nd efcsapett pu-
awal K. C. nRIDO!
i I I J Darrli
rlay Dtrsst. 5. T
The Zma-onlntd 0mU f fkm ,
t .. a. Br.a v ag. A
tmnaim ui" aaBVT v ui-rT m n 11-911, i
A and Crvtrr A Bakr Osmsim, larolrtof or
flnnllp dertd fry th
Sunrrni r Court of the Vh iUd HUtt'm I
la faior ,.i lha FI.OKPit H. -bft ao xm
Hrken the Monopoly oflligh Prices.
J Vir 0.Z.r mmehbto that aosra ha,k- I
srerrsf and orsrorif. or to right amd Uft.
2 Simplest- Ckempr -Boot. ?
: Fou rca fan Oxt-T. frtcux. Tezju to j
MBS mMd VK-M.KH. t
.Iprit, 1S74. noremte. Ma. ;
The Best Portable Farm
ctiatad ea a StroerWsrsa aa4 ratdy t-r
Oor IcproT.d Sark xrtttur Is tL at la .
Sn4 oraer direct. IlloatraUd Catalrfa tit
clted os ap?HcatIea u
joas ajto WATXaviTs cnrcijrjraTi, o.
i m
'?C!r-l?a-' , 'rirr-imr - I" '!!Tr,'-
For all Die purposes of a Faiili Physic,
Coatl J"
dice. DjrPP," ,a
dilation, DyMBtf
rwl Stoma
nd Brth. Eryalp-
nhcaruatlsm. Ermp
tlona aad Jkli IH-
casca, ummimw"-
!l,Tr Compuiah
DroW Tetter. Tu
mor and !U Kheww. woren. "-
curll., a Dinner PHI. nd Iwrflf
. . . -,....niii tvurcallTO
, " "loatt, ar. .nr ruu. -"-- h0
jet perfected. Their effect abnaaaatlr no
tntif h hY excel blether 1111. They are iaf ana
pif,4nt to take, but powe01 ll cu, T'r
rnrg-e out tho foul hcraore of the blooJ. they
stimulate the UnecUa or aiwrarn"!,.- ...
, bealth aBll tone t(1 t&
whole belan. They cure not only he eTery Jay
complaints of eret jSxuly. but formidable ana can
cerous Vest talllfa! phjilctsni, most
( cr3nent clercymee, and our be; cttttens.eeni
certificates of cures performrdandefcerrat benentf
( th,y bwdefl,. ,, lhM.Pllu. The, are th.
safest and best physic for children, tecauie mild
a elt as effectual. Belr tufar-coatcd. they aro
,-a.yto te aud being purely Testable, they aro
i f
entirely harmless.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell,
r-rarttra! and Analytical Chemists.
Sold oy oS Urugjutt and Dtaltrt in McJ trtnt.
3MM.y s
This Is tho famous "Virtna-nut" Tiiuasnrn,
which lut r rcalcil Mich a revolution in the tra.p
anl liocomo o rrixr k.staiii.iiii.ii aa the
i "le.vliiiK Throhfr" of sencntion.
j More tlMn set ntliouv'inil luircliaeomainl ninety
thou'nml jrraln rnirriniiiuiin'r thfriaictilnes
km nti i.r i'm:qi ii i :t fur grain wvlnjr. tune
iintiifr. nii'l iiioncy im:1,"s.
our ajlxcs) matte, viz: 21-lnrh, 38
lllrlt, 3-hich, anil 341-lnrh ') llmlrrs.
lllti, 8, It) Mild rj-llorart-olilitrd,i
I'livtrro. Alao S'iiirntora MIlllr, cx
Jirrnilj riirJatr-aiii l'ovrr,niul Imiirovi-d
ktrunt .llstclilnrsi
All ireniit intcnilinp to liny Threahlnij Ma
rliinc r Sc'cintir ".thinr," or llor 1'imrri
".iloiu-," aa -l!a ;rtw I: tiM'.i ami I'ium
r.Ka nho until their groin tlirosluM, raii .mil
rlcancl tntlivN't ailinntnr, nrtliiitsl tuarml
for our now Inrlv pneo llliixtr.ittil riuiiliIot
ami Cin' (cnfrrei jri it. full jxtrtu ular
alaiut thrao Iuiiitr-t M.nliinrs nml other intor
illation valuable to (.inner nml llire.-lHTinoii
lUUtte I'rtfl. tf a
K b
SO- aa 3
,?Ifoo t-
sj a
pa. E.-12-.5-
r.r J. r... nit.- W-m Kir I Th -.. r.! ' !
Krll.Krf ITHn r, J- " "tla' '''
im i c ia CT1"' " " ' ".C
n4 .'.7 l .... .rtrltr. aM "
IIAVMIIIKlia THIMIfH, lU lill"ifl ' !.
CAUTION -olrr"T (H -"a if '
,...-,rt i. i. lr--t .. Mr l.ri..,. f.'
LOVKJOV'P Nsw 5rrt.
Cnta ttlaaa Iirtter than KrrrjI-xlT
ah u M have 1 11' Any
til IC ran ma It. hoiit
to y tir address rn r
rlp tf tfl rant aud
tamn liv AI.V.IN L
!. rijm ,cs anii!ir ,
Imiliffl Iloatt n M)r, r
l.itrral iliHwnt taStort 'i uJ
krtprr .--
at wiiolksmj: WllCIW.
Increased raciliticsto Club Organizers.
(lend for Mew Price-!. lat.
P.O. Box 5'J. a audSSVeseySt , K. T
Mnnufartnrrd and for sale at
23 at 29 E. Randolph St., Chicago.
xillio59 or acxra or THK la.vd In
lbs Weal, f.r sale iwTfu Vaara Credit, at
percent. Interest, bj th EarllcH,o aod Mia-
,urt titer aallroO-ra,.
.... . -. w t
Ktcrpt Interest, till fink Tar. BUb bmi, vara
Ctimatt Inn rVi a. low fj. aud frs. iv..
Inn. frttt'jr aa4 Lciw fnifktt on k.,stbol
-tho" tM'
For Circulars acd Xaps. wiia full
drass UKO. S. I
UKU. . IIAItnia,
Las4 CcaUBiMtCbcr. Bar Uaalco. towa.
asm as. sa . Aaai aaa. a
" Ul UlU WW VI laf a
llahed- AOB5T8 WASTED-to whom
tho lreat CoinxatMlpna will b paid,
fr7"Alaa PbUaaera of aVaadard ZmUov Woraa.
Clotrsd raasOy aabUa. , .
Work far Krcrylamlr tixi U'srtt.
I'cnuiBfUl KsMplc.i mrnt. Mrnabit w.
turn MSnOd. sill partscsilara frr.
Address W. A. Henderaon 9c Co., Clere
land, 0., or St. Louis, Mo.
G0TI WAITED to sail oar Jastlr caUbratad
artlcUs for Ladlas' war. Ia4tt&taU acd
alolatalr rTj Itl.HflS AOL.O
MOirrila.T. TaT ! rstartao4 tatt.
furtJ"-!. 5o faaula raa so wtthovt tferas.
asass susria sst,oa r-ipiat aa.iatr. rRKK.
d for lUsatratad Clrralar. LE rEELE KtTBBEB
CO-. i CtaoVars street, Jr Tvrk.
dr. hax'L. . rrrcii't)
Win t sDt fr4 Yf ssatl to asr m nUlg laair
adaxsss iotis crossvsr.arw jeim.
I st BKLJsW aSRsJsaaaaaaf!!..
I sdCSJfcHI Imf
I assaag're-;TJeV!tr?r'r". T-tTiLf g?Wa SL
as l" i w ' rrVsS rffWSry irP
5 22' aas2o;SK:-jHR
ZZZ. 2 Oj-"5- -"D
r:r: stTJI.j: r5.- Hr. .S&W
a w ' . sa - - aw h jM - a m a a
S-r-.mJ C r OJRX.''Cia
r tsIl.?S5li
lsssskSal fcVlt bS' '
wawaBsWsssT CawflawawaBa
Dr. J. Walker's California in-
rTar Hitters are a pnrvh Vrget-il.:-pieparattoti,
made chtelly from tho u.
tho hcrhs found on the lower range .!
tin bicrra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia the medicinal projvrtieH of w huh
are extracted therefrom without tho i:..
of Alcohol. Tho piestion k alnnxj
daily asked. " What Is tho cniwe of tiu
unparalleled succew of Vinkcak !ln
TEiisf" Our answer L-. that they reitHn
tho caiLse ofilwa-M', and the jNttiitit r.
coven hit health. They are the grr.t
blootl purifier aud a hfe-gt mc pnnciHx
a (HTfect Henovntor and Iimgumtor
of tho ayntem. Never iH'fore in ths
hintorv of" tho world ha a nuxluuno leec
couitHiuiuhsl rHWMMnitiir ih nunarkaliU
llttalltKM tlf Vt.NKOAR UITTKK.H in hvtitHr Uu
sick of ercry diwa-io nmn in hwr Uk Tber
are a gentle l'itrgat:o n ueltiu a Tocw
rebeiug Coiifntitin or InllriiMBttUsiti .f
Uio Liver nnd Visceral Organ, ta Hib..u-
The properties of Diu WairikS
Vi.m.vk ItiriMtme jieneht. Dinnhiirrt.
Camiritttxe, Nutitlins Ijwnttre, Piunrt)..
Sedative rmmter In.tuut, Mtilnlio. .hnr.s.
?ve. anil .olt Hilioii4
(Jratefnl Thousands- prtHMurn Vis
Ert.vit lit IT r. us the moht wonderU.1 Ii,
rigoimit that ever auat:Umsl the Mnki!
" No Person ran take these Hitters
according to directions, and remain k:i.j
unwell, pmvlded their lmnes are not
stroyed ly mineral iison or ot!
uieuii, and ut.d organs w.uted lHv'if4
Hilious. Ueniittent' anil Inter
mittent Keers, which are r.i
lent iu the v.illes of ur great rhr
throughout the rnited.States,erH'ffciIh
tho-c of the MitvKMppi. hlo, .Miammis
Illinois, Tenneee, I' Arkan
sas, Kcd. Colorado. Hrazon, Iti tJnunle
I'earl. Alabama. .Molnle, S.u.tmwri. !
anoke. .lames, and many oilier. wii!
their v.ust trihutanes. titroiiifbotU hii
entire country during iheSiuuwHT aim
Autim.m,aniriemarkalil lurtigr.i
wins of unuMtnl heat and iir.ts, ait
invariably accompanied l eteirte
rangemcuts of the Momaeh and r.
and other nlMlominal vi.eera. In tht-r
treatment, a purgative, everting p
erful iiithicncu upon 'lutso iriuM -r
gans, is essentially uecewsiiry 'IV'f
is uo cithartic for the purKin rqual to
I)i:. ,1. Walk Kit's Vixiuk I1itiil-.
as they will hpeedily temoxe th ttirk
colored viscitl matter with which tV
bowels are loaded, at the at lu-n
stimulating the wcrction. t Hm h
and general l re taring toe liai:li.
functions of the dige -tive tirgamt.
Fortify the iioily ilisense
by purifving all its fluid with Vir. r
HlTrKlw. No epidemic can take hoid
of a stfitcm thus fine aimeii.
DyMicjislii or Inilfiscstioii, 1 1 -. I -aclic
rain in the Shoulder, f'tmuhs
Tightness of tlie Client, I izjtiia-. intc
KnictatioiiH of the Stomach, l!a! Taate
in tho .Moutli, Hillmw Attuckn, P.iJit i
tation of the Heart, IiilIamm.itisHt saf Ui
Lungs, I'ain In the togion f th Ki-l-ijojh,
and a hundred other jminftil amp
touis, are the oliVipiingH til I)-pta-.a
One iKitttu will prove : hettn iinraiit
of Ils merits than it lengthy ndrvrtiae
uient. Srrorii.a, or liinz's Evil, wbif
Swelling. I'lcepi. Ilryeipvlnji. vrrlll fark
(foitro, Scrnfiilotia. luilniiiiiinii . In-lwUfi
IiiilAiiuimlionH. iliTcunal U . a. H'l
Sirp-. lruptifiitit of the SUin, S'orr .",.
In tbesc. a in nil ithcrtit.tituirt t
.1105, WALKl:Ur1 VltIi.R IfJTI! . '
vhown their preal curat. jnnr u tl
moat nliAtiiuitc ainl intra, laltln &a
For Inllaiiimntory ami ('lirnnif
Ilil(MUIi:itilil, (tittt, Hiiiourt, Hvtuit
tent and Iiileitiutteiit !;:, Iiwuarw .'
!n 1Mkh1, hirer, Kulier a'l!"
'esfi ilittert hare no ,inl ." a !
'.re rained lir Vitinttnl Itltxal.
.litM'liaiiiral Diseases. mmrn
U'aged in TaliiW and MiihtjIh. mtdt
1'lumlMT", TyM-w ttT. Ii4! Usrtrr. a.!
Minera, a th"e mlrniico in lif aro asttjsi
t" psrulyni of th llo'vA T tfmt
iaint thU. taV n dovr of W LKrm'n Tit
UJAlt IllTTKlUt HCttai.nalljr.
ForSklii I)!sia.Ms. nrnptlaws, Tet
' r, (ilt-Kheur.i, lllotohea, Hj"t. inis
!'utnlrst lloil-, Ciirl.iincl(wi, iCanic :
viitW heail, Sro V.jr. Krj). Irh
-inrfa, IjiariiloratloiM of th" Sain, IIbbV"
cnil IieuM-a of ih Skin of vBAtaT stasi
or nniare, uri litemHy lii up atnl mm'
out nf the yicm m a hof l tiirse Wy tlh a
f t!iee llitti-r.
Pin, TajM", nml other Worm.
Iirl.n in thr irteni of tn iinoy tliissii
are eflntnally detrojrtI ami irn.nveat. '
tru .f toidtrine, n renmfti)r-a. bo '
thelmuutle wililrre tb ) tirra tf-Bi rrut'
like thee Ilittrni
For Fftnalu Complaints, lnyour.
or old, trwrnrd or ji,f(le. at th"iawa -t
manhood, or the turn of life, th Tor
Hitter diiJar m d-CMliI an inflartea tA'
tsiprorenient s rnn percejti!re.
CleaiiMillif VltiatiMl KIwhI wba-
f.rrr xuafiOil iU KllOUnti LnirUr ifcrwOJf'
ia j. ElUJrtJ.W. "f --
cleans it when jon fiwl it obauwll v. -
' lnirifwh in thj rein, cltnuns tt wtan it t
r i r ,,, ,- Vm-i
nl . JfnMT f-ellll WlJUftll TOO BI '--'
the liid pure, awl the heijlil of th r -
in riiov.
it. ii. moo.vw.ii co, "
Irarriataaj.if;i Airu 5Ua Kr4H aitfara.
ao.1 of Warnrtua anJ "arHi Ha. S X
Hmi t-ta, .H I
ml H'alcrs.
! MmhrallDrusil.l,
ns tafurr-ritra
17 sH. CtiarlM twU
vn. urn 1 1 1 en. T. tjm i. n.
Loaast oaaaar.. ar.a bmi i3iif.i tthrtfi- ''
iibm trr. ai i. -h. .
tha a. Cnaalfatlot r rasipsu't f ffc' '
D.JsUmja. a look 9ass.lla'rla-.
VZ.-U. "". TZZ-C - rw -s-r
f crtr J Smum chvrrj. l.r '
I I r"'"-,"", - -..
' J TWJf Bona. Haatt-rnJrttt:aR1
t racLr wfco ha canloX St &rt fry avs 1"
- r. --.......-. r ,
Taa Usu - Mccat. Vcrrsi.7 XLLTt n ?
om BwsaJe a-l S15E s ol teoaicU JMn sa
rvh aorBfcr. SAmfUvrj 19 cf Snlmjw
tfndvtf Utmllfml COMii. SSi fr yr.
1 4 WtXEB,S ltU3lCL ALMAa
!trljTt ta af vi4riu.
&t7TT.Km MMOtif. rOKTM KKC V
' Tar Crrtxx: hmtCTW." Tb m
-k tot tscbT ta: rsfCs.
1, tf 1(1. frit. zjn.
. x
" aa aay r,Ms-a ! af rtlwt
- c
,.ti3tmrs ., T