The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1874, Image 4

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A Desolate Land.
, Greenland is almost continental in its
dimensions, containing not less than
750,000 square mil, aad is all a bleak
wilderness of ice and snow, save a little
atrip extending to 74 deg.Tiortb. Inti
tudetj along the western shore. Tlie
'"coasts are deeply indented with bays
and fiords, which invariably terminate
in glaciers. The whole interior teems
to be buried beneath a great depth of
snow and ice, which loads up the valleys
and wraps over the hills. Nothing can
be more desolate than the interior. It
is one dead, dreary expanso of white so
far as the eye can reach no living
creature frequents this wildernees
neither beast, bird, nor insect. The
silence, deep as death, is broken only
when the warring Btorm arises to sweep
before it the pitiless, blinding enow.
This represents the state of the north
ern part of onr continent in the ice age.
Some of the Greenland glaciers attain a
vast size. Dr. Kane reports the great
Humboldt glacier as sixty miles wide
at its termination. Its seaward face
rises abruptly from the level of the
water to a height of 300 feet.
Since ice is lighter than water, when
ever a glacier enters the sea the dense
salt water tends to buoy it up. The
great tenacity of the frozen mas3 enables
it to resist the pressure for n time.
Uy-and-by, however, as the ice reaches
deeper water, its cohesion is overcome,
and large segments aro forced from its
terminal part, and floated up from the
bed of the sea, to sail away as icebergs.
The glacier evidently crops under the
water to considerable1 depths, or, so
long as the force of cohesion is able to
resist the tendency of the salt water to
press it upward.
Though Greenland is said to be in
habited only upon the south and west
coast, there" is a record of an early set
tlement upon the side toward Iceland,
with which there has been no communi
cation for -100 years. The colony was
planted about 1,000 A. D., which
nourished, and maintained intercourse
with its mother country till the begin
ning of the fifteenth century. Since
that time, owing to the setting in of the
arctic current, and the consequent
gradual increase of ice upon tho coast,
the colony became inaccessible, and
tho records of it disappear from history.
At various intervals between, 1579, 1751,
etc, down to our own time, the intrepid
Danes have striven in vain to reoion
communication with their lost colony.
This emerald coast, with valleys well
stocked with reindeer and vereaut glades,
is now shut in by tho pitiless ice-pack,
and the fate of its inhabitants ought to
excito tho interest of the world. It
would bo very interesting to bo in
formed of tho condition of this colony ;
whether the increasing cold has en
larged the glaciers so as to push the
dwellings out to sea, or whether the
habitations are still standing, and a
population has sprung up who know of
tho outside world only by traditiou.
Jojntlar Science Monthly.
The Temperance Crusade.
It is curious to notice tho different
forms which tho temperance movement
assumes in different localities. In Ohio
tho street-marches and saloon Tprayer
meetings are the order of tho day, and
no other method of closing dramshops
is now regarded as orthodox. In In-
dinna the efforts of tho women aro hap
pily directed to tho enforcement of tho
hitherto ineffective Baxter law. In
Massachusetts efforts are made to in
duco property-holders to pledge them
selves not to allow liquor to bo sold by
their tenants. The Ithodo Island wo
men wait upon tho Legislature to peti
tion for the repeal of tho Liquor-License
law. It is recorded that in Wilkes
bane. Pa., tho crusade has tho sin
gular result of driving two hundred
disreputable women away from tho city.
Tho Washington people are asking for
Congressional prohibition. In New
York and Brooklyn no aggressive policy
has been definitely agreed upon, but a
good work is accomplished by the fre
quent meetings, which call public at
tention to the magnitude of the evil of
drunkenness ; ami tho warning voice of
the pulpit is raisod Sunday after Sun
day with wholcsomo effect. Whatever
tho method, and whatever may be the
exceptional excesses and indiscretions
of tho reformers, they all have in view
a noble object, and we cannot withhold
a wish for their success, in so far as it
may promote human happiness with
ont infringement upon individual rights.
New Yuri; Tribune.
A Story of Lord Derby.
Tho Dallas (Texas) Herald tells a
story of tho present Lord Derby, now
second oilicer in the English Cabinet.
In 1817, two beardless young men made
their appearanco in Marshall, Texas.
The sought and obtained an introduc
tion to Governor Henderson, who had
formerly been Minister to Franco from
tho Texas Republic. Their object in
seeking tho Governor was to obtain a
loan of $10,000 to carry them to New
York. They had spent 300,000 since
leaving that city, and announced them
selves as "dead broke." "Who are
you?" said tho Governor, "and what
evidence can you bring to prove that
you aro what you profess to be ?' "1
am the eldest son of the Earl of Derby,"
said the spokesman, " and by courtesy
in English society am called Lord Stan
ley ; my young friend with me is, in
liko manner, Lord Manners." "How
am 1 to know that my confidence will
not bo betrayed?" ,said tho cautious
Governor. "Simply, Governor," re
plied tho representative of him who
fought at Floddeulield, "that I am a
Stanley. A Stanley cannot and dare
not be dishonorable." There was
something noble in the speech, and the
government that owns such a youth can
scarcely fear corruption. The money
was loaned, and in due time returned
with many presents, and pipes of wine.
Tho rrccious Metals.
One ton (2,000 pounds avoirdupois)
of gold or silver contains 20,103 troy
ounces, and, therefore, tho -value of a
ton of pure gold is 602,799.21, and of
a ton of silver, $37,704.SL A cubic
foot of pure gold weighs 121&75 pounds
avoirdupois. A cubic foot of pure sil
ver weighs 656.25 pounds ditto. One
million dollars gold coin weighs 3,65a 8
pounds avoirdupois ; one million dollars
. , . "inua oo,ir.o.) pounus
avoirdupois. If there is one percent
of gold or silver in one ton of ore, it
contains 291.63 ounces troy, of either of
these metals. The average finecess of
the Colorado gold is 7S1 in 1,000, and
the natural alloy, gold 7S1, silver 209
copper 10 ; total, 1,000. The calcula
tions at the mint are made on the basis
that 43 ounces of standard gold, or 900
fine (coin), is worth SS00, and 11 ounces
of silver, 900 fine (coin), is worth $12.80.
The French writer, Jules Verne, in
his last book, makes a railway train
on its way to California stop while two
men fight a duel ; and this same train,
whea it .is discovered that a railway
bridge has been carried away, merely
backi a Tew,miles, and putting on a full
head of stew, leaps the ebasm,
All Sorts.
Swiss ribbon-makers' name 13,000
Chables Suilxeb was in the Senate
twenty-three years.
Livingstone's remains willrepose in
Westminster Abbey. f", . fc
This is the thirty-seventh year of the
reign of Queen Victoria.
Skin diseases are now successfully
treated by electricity alone.
Geneva, Switzerland, purposes hav
ing an international exhibition next
The area of the British Empire is
about one-third of the surface of the
A PiTTsnuBGn woman says that 1,000
reporters' souls can dance upon the
point of a needle.
Fn.ii glass tubes with fine dry sand,
close at both ends, and they will bend
easily after heating.
A Hoboken editor, being challenged
sent word in reply: "When I want to
die I can shoot myself."
, The manufacture of wrapping-paper
from rico straw is now successfully
carried on at a new factory in Savannah.
A man was lately sentenced in a Lon
don (Eng.) police court to six months'
imprisonment for skinning two cats
It is estimated that the State of Mich
igan nowcontains 0,000,000,000 feet of
pine lumber, and that at the present
rate of taking it off it will last about 20
The gross - receipts from the British
railways have increased from $110,000,
000 in 1&5S, to $256,000,000 in 1872,
having more than doubled in fourteen
Experiments are being made by an
English railroad company to ascertain
whether steel tubes cau profitably re
placo those of copper and brass in loco
motives. A rapid drying ink is made by tritu
rating carmine with pome solution of
water-glass in a porcelain mortar and
diluting with water-glass solution until
it ilows readily.
Why California does not grow faster :
Two men own nearly 3,000,000 acres of
laud in San Joaquin valley ; the traveler
may ride forty-five miles in a line upon
it, and may follow ft fencearouud a sin
gle pasture for sixty-five miles ; while
one other man monopolizes 350,000
Tins New York Time predicts that
within ten years Chicago will have a
worse fire than two years ago. " She
is not careful enough "with her fire lim
its aud lumber piles."
Iron fortifications are to be used for
the defenso of German strongholds, the
experiments made during the past six
years having proved them to be almost
impregnable. These defenses will con
sist mainly of drilled cast-iron gun
stands and iron-clad revolving turrets,
and, it is claimed, will make the land
and sea fortifications of Germany supe
rior to those of any other State.
Worth, tho man milliner of Paris, is
a native of Lincolnshire, England. His
father was a lawver. but became re
duced, and his children had to shift for
themselves. Charles Frederick went to
Paris and learned to make dresses. He
married one of the young women of tho
establishment, and together they have
gradually developed tho most celebrated
toilet manufactory in tho world. They
employ 1,000 work people.
Tun latest thing in dolls is a young
lady of tinted wax, who, when wound
up aud giveu a high chair at the table,
reaches out her r.rms, seizes a bit of
bread, and slowly puts it in her mouth.
When she 'has done this ft certain num
ber of times 'tis necessary to open her
back, remove the food, and wind her up
again. Would that human beings could
bo relieved of indigestion in the saino
Mainlenance of a Uniform Temperature.
Gen. Morin has proposed a method,
both simple and inexpensive, of main
taining a temperature as constant ns
possible in a given locality, through all
the seasons of the year. The principle
he announces is simply that of regular
ly renewing tho air of any given place
by causing cool air -of a constant tem
perature to llow into it, by the aid of a
moderate aspiratiou. In order to ob
tain this cool nir, ho states that, at n
depth of about 70 feet in tho earth the
temperature is constant, and that it is
to this fact that is due the uniform
temperature of several Prencli public
halls, alluded to by him, which are sup
plied with nir drawn through subterra
noau galleries. He gives, also, an elab
orate calculation of the quantity of air,
at a given temperature, necessary to be
introduced into any apartment in order
to keep it in nuniform condition (some
what cooler than the average summer
temptrature) and shows that to main
tain such a temperature it is not neces
sary to havo recourso to the employ
ment of caves, expensive to construct
andt keep free from watery infiltra
tions ; but that, on the contrary, by a
proper arrangement of rooms one can
establish the reservoir of cold air either
at the level of the soil or at a moderate
depth beneath it, giving it plenty of
fresh nir nnd sunlight ; and in which a
temperature a little lower than that of
springtime can be maintained without
Horse Power.
An exchange, in reply to the ques
tion, " That is meant by tlxe expression
' horse power,' " says :
Tho power of prime movers is meas
nred by horse power. Watt found that
the strongest London draught horses
were capable of doing work equivalent
to raising 33,000 pounds one foot high
per minute, and ho took this as the
nnit of power for tho steam engine.
The horse is not usually capable of
doing so great a quantity of work.
Kaukine gave 6,000 pounds per foot as
the figure for a mean of several experi
ments, and it is probablo that 25,000
pounds per foot is a fair minute's aver
age work for a good animal. It would
require five gr six men to do the work
of a strong horse. "Watt's estimate has
become, by general consent among en
gineers, the standard power measure
ment for all purposes.
A Decisive Test,
A person attending the Mardi Gras
festival of Memphis gave out, with some
.empressement, that he was a Chicago
Alderman. This statement having been
called in question, an official of the
Phoenix City was interviewed by tele
graph on the subject, accompanied by a
description of thegentletcanwho claimed
such exalted eminence. "Is he drunk
or sober?" came back over the wires.
"Drunk." ," Hes the right man, then,
and is worthy your confidence," iraa the
One Place Where the Leak Is.
During the latter part of 1871, as I
sat by 'the evening fire, moodily pon
dering over the hard times, my wife
" Hub, I wish you would buy Dolly
and I anew dress for a Christmas pres
ent." I felt as though this little request
which my wife wished to construe as ua
act of liberality and kindness, was
nothing more than a dnty on my part,
and, under this feeling, I could not
possibly refuse, though the want of
money made it almost impossible to
comply with this very reasonable and
modest demand upon my purse. My
salary was good, and, in years agone,
had furnished my little family with all
the necessaries and many of the luxu
ries of life. I was, in the general ac
ceptation of the term, a temperate man ;
my morning call, noonday lunch, and
evening social took only a pittance of
fifteen cents each, while my fragrant
Havana drew upon my purse for onlv
ten cents nfter breakfast, dinner and
supper. These were small outlays, and
seemed necessary to my health, cpm
fort, and social standing; they were
mere trifles, and could not possibly
amount to much, one way or the other.
It is true I was out of debt, but, what
was worse, out of money, and tie mod
est request of my wife seemed to har
rass me to a degree unimaginable to one
not in exactly the same fix. The old
adage, "the mickles make tho muc
kles," came to my mind very forcibly,
and, under the 2eculiar circumstances
Surrounding me, I made a firm resolve
to net upon it for tho next twelve
month.". I could remember very well
that it was considered, in my younger
days, rather disgraceful for boys to be
caught smoking or chewing tobacco, or
drinking whisky; consequently these
little habits must contribute their mites
to the money-box, which I procured for
the purpose of catching the stray
uickles spent for unnecessary articles.
In a few weeks I imagined I felt bet
ter without tho toddy and cigar, and
thought of them only as discarded vices,
as each day I deposited tho little
amounts in my savings bank.
Just twelve months after tho time I
resolved to do away with the unnecessa
ry expenses, I opened my money-box,
and, to my surprise, found just two
hundred and seventy-three dollars and
seventy-fwc cents ! It may be well to
state that the new dresses, with many
luxuries for tho table, and ornaments
for my little home, wero now procured
without any difficulty whatever. Old
Santa Clans was also more lavish with
his toys and cood thino-s wlmn Httln
Dolly hung up her little stocking on
Christmas Eve. I felt happy not moo
dyunder the good influences that were
brought about by the price of bad hab
its ; and, what is better, I have found
out the cause of hard times and "where
the leak is." Southern Temjtcrancc
Tho population of London is 3.8S3,
092. This vast mnltitudo is more than
the population of New York, Philadel
phia, Brooklyn, Boston, and all the
leading American cities taken together.
Seven hundred and seventy-seven thou
sand dwellings lodge this vast multi
tude, which consumes annuallv about
MOO.OOO barrels of flour, 120,000 bul
locks, 2,975,000 sheep, 49,000 calves,
61,250 hogs, one market alone supplying
annually 7,043,750 head of game. This.
together with 5,250,000 salmon, irre
spective of other fish and flesh, is washed
down by 75,000,000 gallons of ale and
porter, 3,500,000 gallons of spirits, and
113,750 pipes of wine. To fill its milk
and cream jugs, 22,750 cows are kept.
To light its streets at night, 630,000
gaslights consume every twenty-four
hours, 22,270,000 cubic feet of gas. Its
water system supplies 77,680,S24 gal
lous per day, while its -sewer system
oil 1G,G29,7G0 cubic feet of
To warm its inhabitants, a Ucet
of 1.S00 sails is employed in bringing
(irrespective of railroads) annually
5,250,000 tons of coal. The smoke of
this immenso quantity of coal is so
dense as to ba plainly seen thirty-six
miles from tho city. To clothe this
multitude, it takes i,lG0 tailors, 50, 400
boot ami shoemakers, nearly 70,000
milliners nnd dressmakers, ond 297,500
domestic servants. The streets are
2,900 in number, and if put togefher
would extend about 4,000 miles. The
principal ones aro traversed by about
1,500 stages and 20,000 cabs (besides
privato carriages and carts), employing
50,000 horses.
Ire There So Many Ilald-Headed
Men I
Why so many bald-headed men, and
so few bald worsen ? Why is it that
they shine liko billiard balls? Why
this spectacio of bald-headed barbers
rubbing the dry tops of bald-headed
men, recommeuding invigorators war
ranted to produce bushy locks in less
than a foitnight, while bald-headed
spectators and middle-aged men with
wigs iook on wim derisive smiles ;
though all the while their wives and
daughters throng our streets covered
with crowns of beauty, and charming
actresses toss their blondo tre3ses in
luxurious profusion on the stages of
onr theaters? Onr msle population
will no donbt take a serene satisfaction
in saying that it is because men have
more to worry them than women, and
havo the trouble of contnvimr how to
support their wives and daughters.
Probably, however, that is not the rea
son. Women, of course, have liner and
longer hair than men, but men destroy
their heads under their hats, and thus
heat tho tops of their craninms until
the hair dies out for want of nir. Men
should either take off their hats eftener
or ventilate them better. .
A Word tn Season. Health is a
blessing which comparatively few enjoy
in all its fullness. Those endowed by
nature with robust frames and vigorous
constitutions should be careful not to
trifle with them.
When we enter the seasons of periodic
fevers, the increased heat of the snn
develops a miasma which pervades the
air. The evil is inextinguishable ; our
duty to guard against it is imperative 1
Fortunately for those whose lot is cast
in low marshy districts or new clear
ings, nature provides a cure and pre
ventive. Dr. Walker's Cautornia
YrsEGAit Bitters are endowed with
rare prophylactic or disease-preventing
powers, and, as "an ounce of pre
vention is worth a pound of cure."
should be taken in the fnll vigor of
health, so as to fortify the system
against the assault of summer disease,
and thus secure by their life-giving,
strengthening, restorative, and antisep
tic virtues, a defense against atmos
pheric poison. 38
Db. SAirrjEi, Johnson said he never
took np a paper without finding some
thing Trhich he should have considered
it. a loss not to have seen. Ben. Butler,
however, counts reading them a dead
loss of time.
Kecd'a Temple of Jlnalc, Chicago.
Good second-band pi mi on. $125 to i'MlQ.
Now Koeewood piano. $200 to i'JOO.
New Square Grand pianos. 353 to f 475.
Warranted to please, or money refunded.
Tub horse Captain McGowau trotted
in harness 20 miles in 53 minutes, 25
seconds, at Riverside Park, Boston,
Oct. 31, 1865. It was a match against
time, $4,000 being bet against $1,500
that the horse could not accomplish the
distance in one hour.
Agents desiring to canvass for popu
lar, quick-sell in 7,, standard works, as
"Art of Money-Making," by Mills, etc.,
see card of A. Broomhall, Muscatine, la.
Four to six bottle of Dr. Pierce'd Golden
Medical Discovery are warranted to enre Silt
Kheum or Tetter "and tho woit kind of Tim
plert on tho faco. Two to four bottled are war
ranted to clear the ayatcm of Doile, Carbuu
e'en ami Sores. Four to nix bottlcn are war
ranted to euro tho worst Lind of EryBipeIa-i
and Blotches among the hair. Six to ten bot
tlett aro warrant d tc cure Kunniugof the Ears
and Corrupt or Hcmiing Ulcer. Eight to ten
bottle aro warranted to cure Scrofulous Soren
and Swelling. Two to tix bottles aro war
ranted to cure Liver Complaint.
Tanktowx, Delaware Co., O., March 20, 1ST3.
T0D11.K. V.IIeece:
Yonr Discovery needs only a fair trial and it
will do all you recommend it to do and moro
too. When I was fifteen I caught cold and
for twenty-eight yeara I have been a perfect
w reck of disease, and all tho medicine and
doctor' bills havo rnn up at timet! to two and
three hundred dollars, and never any better,
but worse, whon I gavo up all hope Isat
upring of living the eummer through. I re
ceived one of your Account Books, and told
my husband after reading it thnt it was too
late to try fnrritStbrrr'lre paid it was never
too late. He went and bought two bottle
and I found it was helping mo very much.
Sinco 1841 I was troubled with Catarrh aud
Soro Throat, aud was almoat entirely deaf in
0110 ear. aud my voice was a dull aa could bo.
There waa constant pain in my head. Now
my head ia aa sound as a dollar, my voice ie
clear, and I havo used ten bottles of your
Discovery. It has cured mo of Catarrh, Soro
Throat, Heart Disease. Spiuo Affection and
Torpid Liver. My Liver was very bad. My
ikiii was rough. When I put my hand on my
body it was liko fish rcalca. Now it is as
smooth and soft as a child's. In conclusion I
will say I havo been well for three months. I
am a wonder to myself and friend. This is
but an imperfect statement; half has not been
told. Yours with respect, lltsTri; Lack y.
Dk. "Wiliioft's ANTi-PnmoDic on Fk
veu and Aouk Toxic! Wilhof t's Tonic has es
tablished itself as the real iufalliblo chill cure.
It is universally admitted to bo tho only relia
ble and harmless chill medicine now in uo.
Its efficacy ia confirmed by thaui-ands of cer
tificates of tho verv best people from all parts
of tho country. It curca malarious diseases
of every typo, from tho nhaking agues of the
lake and vallcya to tho raging fevers of tho
torrid zone. Trvit! It has never been known
to fail. Whkelock, t Co., proprie
tors. New Orlcaus.
Human Won. The most scientific and
wiccei'sful treatment of Pnralie, anil all le
formiticw of the human Ixnly, l)iaeael Joints,
Pile.-. Fistula. Catarrh and" Chronic Diceaen
in practiced at the National Surgical Institute,
InilianapoIN, Indiana. Lok experience, une
qualed faciliticH and low pricen render it tho
niOHt humano institution in tho United State ;
30,000 ca-ea havo been Hiiccertnfiilly treated.
Send for their largo Journal, giving full par
ticulars of treatment, etc. Com.
A friend of onrs -who is chief clerk in
tho Governmental Dispensary naya that no
medicino cheat ia now complete without John
son's Anotlyne Liniment. Wo alwaya frup
poeed it waa prescribed by law ; if it fa not, it
ought to bo, for certainly thcro hi nothing in
tho wholo materia malica of o much impor
tance to tho eolilier and tho tailor aa John
son's An&lync Liniment. Com.
Veterinary Surireons nil over the
country aro recommonding Sheridan's Cacalry I
Condition Pmeih-ra for llin fnllnwintr trnnlilo
in LorecH : Loh-j of appetite, rouglnicaa of tl.o
hair, Btoppage of bowela or water, thick water,
cougua ami coi(ii, Hwtiling or tlio glatni
worms, horno ait, tliick wind, and heaven.
Tun Noin uwesmnN IIoitSK-XAiri Co.
" Finibhed " Nail in the best in the world.
Go to RiVERSinn Vi'ator Cnro, Hamilton, III.
PKKSCRIPTION'OHonoof the best Female Physi
cians and Nurses In tho Catted States, and has
been used tor thirty years with never falling
safety and success by millions cf mothers and
children, from tho feeble Infant of one wook old to
the adult. It corrects acidity of the elomach, re
lieves wind colic, regulates tho bowels, and gives
rest, health and comfort to mother and child
We behove It to be the Best and Surest Remedy in
the World In all casos of DY8RNTERT and DIAR
RHKA IN CHILDREN, whether It arises from
Teething or from any other cause. Full direction!
for using will accompany each bottle. None Oenu
tno unless the fac-iiollo of CUETIS A FSBKIN8
Is on the outside wrapper.
The .Markets.
Hoos Dressed
Floor Superfine Western
Wheat No. 2 Chicago
Iowa and Minn. Spring
Rye Wcatern andStato
ConN Now Mixed Wcetcni
Old do
Oats Slixed Western
Whito do
80 (5)
55 (5)
85 (d
C2 (5)
75 (a)
10 (S
TonK Ne w Mesa ,
Lard Steun
BcTTEn Weatcrn
Beeves Choice Graded Sleera.
Choice Natives
Good to Prime Stcera.
Cows andlleifera
C 00
5 C2
5 40 (5
3 50 (S
4 75 O
2 50 a
4 80 S
8 50
5 60 0
G 37J I
Medium to Fair
Inferior tc Common..
Hoos Li ve
FlookCIicco White Winter. .
Red Winter
Wheat No. 1 Spring
No. 2 Spring
No. 3 Spring
Corn No. 2, Old aud New
Rte N.2
Butteb Choiceto Fancy Yellow
Medir&lrto Good
Egos Frcpli. . .".
00 I
201 '
C4 I
23 fa
43 fa)
irl (S
70 fSi
M2 -a
11 J
1C 00
X (Jiw"ACiSO .
Wheat No. 2 Chicago I
No. 2 Red Winter. 1
UAiS ' 0
Ttrw o
49 fe
W (f
43 (
92 IS
1 29
,G 75
4 40 5
4 00 fff
Uablet No,
3 ..
Pobk ilesa
AJ A t "
vAli ! 4
AJ Alfci !
G 50 S
1 37 dt
.... C4
4S 0
.... 1 02 (S
1 50 &
....1G 75. $r
0 G
Toni. MeB...
Wktat No. 1
Cobs No.2
Oats No. 2
Bte No. 1
Barley No. 2Presh. ,
X. UKh
stAItP s
Whxat Amber 3Dcbigan
No. 2 Eed ,
Clotxs Seed....
Wbxat Extra.................
J Ai9
Clotxs Seed... .............. .
Wheat No. I Bl
Cosn Old
70 St
51 fZ
52 rs
45 (?
73 $
72 (S
froa no other came than having worms la the
beown's vaaxirroB ceirriTs
will destroy Worm without Injury to the child,
belaj perfectly WHITK, aad free fron all elortn
or other injurious lagredlcate dually used la
worm preparation.
CCST1S A BKOWX, proprietor.
No. a 1 3 Fulton Street, .New York.
Sci4 hy DruoQirti and Oumists, and UUrt in
Vidimus, at TwuTT-riTi Cbxti a Box.
- J. .
"XOTMXO nKTTKlt. Cutler Brs. Bostoa
Ir.Jiihn Ware, celebrated Vior.TaBt.8
rsmoMur Balsam, for Colds and Coosaraptlon.
HOUSEHOLD wty wiir Yo suffer i
T all prrtoni tuSertnit
from Sheumatlim, Neuralgia.
Crampiln the liafc or ttora-
ach. Billon Colic, Tain In the
bark, Uweli or Ue, we would
tay Tn Hocirnoij Paiacia
olhera the remedy you want
for Internal anil external use.
It has cared the ahore com
plaints la thousands of rates.
iTnerelino mistake about It-
Try It. SolJ by all Druggists.
-1 f I'er Day.
gL"J sdmn to A
l.fnO Agents wanted. Bend
sdmn to A. H. Slalr & Co., St. Louis, Mo.
APTIUC A K'nt wanted In
HU I llCduiiMetheiruirest
every city, who can
itmentlMlr Address
(wtth stamp) T.O.Xruinan, Tribune IlIdir,Cblrair.
IVKUVIIODV to sell our StiKe-Thradtnj TAim
Jt'le. Circulars free. ampUs sent iotpald,rOo
Wcitcrn .Manufact'g Co., IX V. Ith-st., Cluctiiuat .
rear lth l"hrf-
AaJn T.O. Xewmau, Tribune liatMlrp, Chlraco.
efkABPer Day guaranteed wioc "
wv" ,. AUGroranlIrt:i- Cm:!ocucfrr.
AiTPNt'v' WAWTPIl " f,r circulars and
nUUlllU nilllilJU trll Cloud'. ".MoiuMHt
llr Mini the I'rojilr,' and other fast selling
books. Allvx HkoOMUALL, 1'ubV, Muicattuc. Is.
WH Y&e,",2c'"' w',h addresses of S others and
" XAAreteive ixistpald a Fine ChrunioTstt.worth
VTArn $1 V). and Instructions to clear ()aday
Pi U 1 Plumb d Co., Itti South sth-st., l'ulU , Ta.
It.I). Vlltkiiii,:JX'U V. Washington St.. Chicago
VliVKKTISKHS Send conts to OKO. 1. UOW
i:i.I. .t CO., 11 IMrfc Knur, New York, fur their
limjHtt oj lK.)jno. containing lists of. "loi news
papers aim otlmates showing tost of adrerttMiig.
IVsl'UK AtJAl.Wr At't lliKVrs by a
Yearly General Accident Poller in the Tbavklsrs'
lssuiiASCr. CdMi-ANV f Hartford, C un. Apply to
any Agent or write to the Company.
FIMi 1'I.IMV Willi'OKI. wear
1 Kami To
Cok.VriKLIl i UTEK. llr.t IMll V !Slllir
for 'Irmirr Kct. Ask )nnr dealer fur them,
or ft'iii! f ir descriptive cinular to KAN I) HOOT
AMI SHOK CO., Carthage, III
Will bo sent free by mail to any one sending their
address to 711 Iiroadway, New York.
l'KK IA Y Commission or iO week
Salary, and expenses. Weofferlt aud will
liaylt. Apply now. J. Webber fcCo.,JJarlon.O
rn!ARM3. Bntlnfivction Oua
.rnotxotl Pumphlot Kreo.
ICHAS. M. KVAVrt Vuir...
IO Fourth Street. - LOUI8V1M.K. Ky!
tfi3 Wont yourtli Otrout. - - CINCINNATI. O
Kuaint, Kueer & Kurious
Is the v-tliul le IhmiIc a Kle to all. mil of facts,
figures and fun; Cl uuc.M frturen Iuclnso twn
tamps and address 7VurJlie,t(A .716 li road way.N.T
I I 'J Ti:.V AOKNTS wanted In town and
I Pi A .country to sell TEA, or tret npclub
orders fl)r the largest Tea Com piny
In America. Importers' prices and Inducements
toAtrents. Send fur Circular. Address.
IIOUERT WEI.L9.43 Vescy St.. N. V. P.O. lTox,127.
Xotliiiit; I.ikr It lit Literature.
Atreuts wanted fur Science In Story, by Ir.
I'oote. Select your torritory. Ac. Address
ray Hill l'libllshltiK Co., 1'JJ Kast ltti Street,
make more money selling 511.
taM in :i 1 lan
other article. Ono Auent mail
, L"'""- ttKf.oco..soc.
UerommeudeJ by Am. AgruiJ-
umillFn usli if tlieia.
rllaiid&t.N. Y.
nu.'fa it i vpttn , . , ....-
!... ..a . ... . r.. in nut. uur juu ceicuraf'ti I
Articles for Ladles' wear. Indisrensabls and '
absolutely necessary. IO,IIOU MII.U
.MONTH I. Y. They ulve comfort and satis,
fiction. No fctnalo can do without them.
Sample tent, on receipt ff S'-J. On. HlKK.
Send f.r IlltistratP 1 Circular. l.K 1'KIU.K UUlUir.Il
CO., ! Chambers Street, New York.
and INSECT POWrjFR cor
Ht..t'Jioiu:he Ant IW-bus. Sloths, &c.
J. F. llKMtl, CUUIUS A CO., K. Y., Solo Agnits.
Portable Soda Fountains!
10, ST,0, $73 and 8100.
Shipped Heady for Use.
Manufactured byJ.W. CHAI'MAN
t CO.. Jl ADMO.t, 1.111.
la a work of ureal merit, adapted to all sufTerlrnr
f re in nervous debility aud lirnoiaac of the causes
and effects iiroucinir a premature decay f the
energies of the human constitution. It unfolds.
by Its simple tcarhintr. the nroner course of treat
ment, diet, etc., to euro Lost JIauhooil and all who
are afiltcted. Send a He. stamp for pamt Met to
L. K. FKLTON, M I)., Watcrbury, Conn.
Wanted Agents.
From $75 to $250 per Month,
Ererywhere. Male and Female, tn sell one of
the most utrful articles erer lnTented, need
ed In rvery family. Send for circular.
Address WO.MII .V i .,
lished. AGENTS WANTED-to whom
tho Laxgost Commissions will bo paid.
For full particulars, iddrew tk Pobliilieri.
No. 66 North 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
CTAlao Publishers of Standard Uclicloo Works.
inoatrsted Family Blblea. &o. c
Samaritan Nervine!
lithe Braat remedy for Vp.
l'Ttlc Fits. Conrnlilnns and
Spasms. It Is an infilllLls
rtmedy, a certain and sttre
cure in crery ease.of Inciter
fbortstar.dlnir,lt matters net
how many doctors hare tried
their rkill ard failed. It has
teen tested Ly hundreds. and
r,erer was known to fall In a
f ir.file case Come or send Im
raesiately formed dues. and
stekrtllrf A trlsl bottle will
te setit tftt tn anyone sn!Tr
lojr with the atOTr named dis
eases. Always fflrecame tf
jocr Rzpress ofSce ben or
d trine medicine.
AUCbrontrasd Nerroos Diseases, of tjtb sexes,
at reasonable prices. Toast; men who are soffer
Intr from nerroos debility, a weak, terrotn.ei enercy. liw spirits, cocfsicd
nra i, weak memory, etc., permanently cores.
..(.hv. A
CDrrmTV IHTDVn ss-is? this prwting ink mxnzzvi?
v rcmtitt tAncnriJuj. p.4pftrnawjr or 17 lexicr, . ' -3 fvNni rr iT III 111 IT-llr 1 fiTTnTlTl
I 31 1 3 tUtheassarancerf srecdy rellet All eotssia- . S j $ g X 3 -j, I UIJl X I f ilil I V dlXUlJt
' , o. , o- ' nleatlore smelly eoandentlaL -; " 2 i . Vi-.g " I n.A .. ...
. 1 2i tt- I 2j Iarlcset-ostinsr-sf.raa IllostratrS Joirealof P. - lV JT 5 X at - j ,,r '.rrt"rsSir L ,
C2 B CJ Healtb-aeoBjletetreatiser-tallebrcpleeHessse, . 3 -, 52 "" S n - K .'.f" " f C' ' a k '. '
0 51 eontalalra nrwards cf sixty res. also, a Jbort : . S - Ji fJ 3t $ a n V ,. 7U rto"" ' ' , '
fta M hectare o-Jlarrlajre. Itlsa bok tkat crrry fsm- S- 5 n'-Xi 5 S r 5 j B,,-,,'.fc, .. , , x '- x- " 9L, '
CO OS llycagbttobtre.and Doonesbolt te wltboattt. Z TT S V " 3 "4 u 1H7 ashlnzlon t Chtat.
1 59 $ 1 El To the weak and sickly cce It ly Uretberaases K n ' X CT i." n n f w
15 50 SIS 75 ' of tbe malady, pc tats oat tbenrted. a. d direct . TT - . C ,- v- i . BsssW S AAA
Ql n kawtoretamttat nectcas boon. IA - Q 1) r. ' i " 3 I A A II A ft A
-VS 10 ; U'nts are bcw under trea'nert. CSis - f7 ". n. T? . AlAlll WmM AAl M HSsB
Please stats tere yen sswtbls a'Tertfsrseat. ? n z r. C. n 7 B A PI MM bAffl
1 G I 491 - Addreit, DC. 9 A.SICHK05r. " ?T ?f - f c" 72 U I Vl I I isJwl
1 V:i III p Bjt-) tt.Josepb.Xo. Z2rr WJ . r?33 5 M M LW W W W ffTI W II
51 & 55 I .ffSedlealV(-osd(rs. Should be read fey - " ZL Z. Z. 9 - V" S ' sf AT
C25 6 35 , KlllJI- Seat freefcrlstaaps. Addrss ? 5 ' S. " n 5 Kfj Z
I UUUIl DRB05APAXTZ.CttciBc.ti,0. X-? - rt fj 2i AT
i r -- i. -T- mm - .1 mmM. Mmm
617 U Cnmriem Ktrcct.
irr. ixrci. o.
L3iBeteiatared.nsjBOteoeeetfs! ekyslcra-ioJ
tbeafa. Cousultatlon or paapblet ftee. Caller
wrtt. Jnst patlifhe-t for ytrasc sies te isl
frra erroutes. DeMHty, eu taarblet 3f
pxfts, t ujps, a book Seepages, ills str:d.:?
tfmmHM Giniif
ATtlntrenor Jima
traleil wuek uiytt p
seeding the address of tea persons with 10
cts. wlfj retT, rrr, a beautiful Chrooo
Aye i and Instrusltnus how tiet rleh.pnst.peia.
UHt I Citv .VjtWiy (x, iw s. Kigiith-et., rhits. . r.
We will furnish a reliable and pi
racllral reetpe
far the manu'acture of an
or composite
desired for M els
No humfcatf. Address
Dux STS Chicago.
Sltr, 'dltJO. I'rlce, JI.OO.
Sent postpaid on receipt of the piiee Agents
wanted in mrv city and tiwn
Address LK & SHErABD. noaton
Work for Kverybmly.
CfMMl WaKca.
i-rrmniiriii i-.ui
iiln mrtit. .Men mitt o
Kult particular Terr.
uirn MtiCcU
Address W. A. Henderson & Co., Cleve
land, 0., or St. Louis, ilo.
raloguo for 1874 will bo
ent free- to Agents on application.
MO, &c Our new Maps of I PI-
(IAN, aro the best and cheapest pub
a lUrciay Street, N. V.
For full descriptive
Circulars, send to tho
Elastic Truss Co.
C11 llrondway,
Sew York.
at whollsam: rniccs.
Increased Facilitipa to Clnh Oriranizers.
Hr.t tnr New irt-. i.i.t.
e o, box .-; 1 a. a mjavd.j st ,n,y
t'jiill to f .1(111 per m nth clear of
fipfin nvle taklnc orden fr
ItKIKSI'ICI.Mi." the nly O.mlilr
t'ollril Sirmtf In market. AOK.N'rs
.f 5:-.All Capital do trttrr than ltti ewlln Ma
chines I.'ttitnln U. d.. r 1 mai ie Tbtiinds
1 f tettlmo lal, can be furnlihed. Snd f r circu
lars aud ttrim.
Inniifartttry. .'-(' ontli ert.iiil-t.,
below Dock, 1 lllL.VDKI.nilA, PA
UI.AH -f I'l'KIt A.
Cut wlass better than
a diamond Krerytxdy
shoul.l hare I lie. Anj
1 hilt ran use It ileut
to y 11 r addrea 1 n re
rrlp nf '"J tents ard
stamn I.T A!. VAN L
I.OVKJOV.Vi Washlin;-
toll strret I! mti 11 Ma
.iltTiiI iist i-nt t V r
nul gion of Western
Homos In tho NoarWost.
KTTKIi lands at cheaper pric, than can bo
"nlorrr .oSu'en". 7.
niU'.' "'V1 "rtlw""' '" imnois eentrai
l!allMas, lii Iowa Averxre credit price and
? per arte iitiecirar reer anil auue for
land raplurlntf tickets, receivable as raih III pay-
merit, or maps and inildea Blutitf desertptU
'.erms .ranytnlorniati callonoraddress
JOII.N II CAMIUl N, l.ind Commissioner Iowa It.
K. Land Co. ! ll.ndolph st . Chicauo or Cedar
Itapld, la. N II jr nnimf frii hiitftut rjfitr-
wn fnirfsr(iw(7.tciiff..itftf(Art7iioi'lxnce.
The Uesf Yet Invenlril.
For Amateur or Iluslness l'ur
poiea. and unsurpassed for gen
eral Job 1'rlntlntf.
Over KMJUO tit l'a.
ocrvsj. j. nvuus,
f. manufacturer and Dealer In
every description of
rut i al A. I .V-J Kllrrlnml-tla.. I!of un.
Atir.nrtv I: K .MjrKusIck CMnrray t.,New York.
Krlley. HrwellA I.udwflir, 917 ilaiket st . Phlladal
lb a. S P Hounds, 17ft M mroe-st , C-Mcsgu. Send
Kr Ulnstrated Catalogue.
- 5-fr itiwj,
T7i4 iAing-rontratnl thitt of tht
aalnt Lbe Mnjar, Wbix-lor A WHxm.
and 11 rut cr 4 lUser Compamet. lafclncr
, intclvicg ovsr
finally decldtxt l,y th
Supreme Court of tint trit,tt Statrm
In famr ..f Urn FLOItKNC'l. lilrh l.n has
Broken the Monopoly of Jllijh iHce.
Jt th OXT.Y tnarhtnm that trtct bark-
rarxi and fonrarU, or to right and left.
Simplett-Cheapest -JUbI.
bOLO ron ASH Oklt. HlTClSt. Tsbms
f.'I.I'lis nB.1 ns-ai s-iru
April, 1S74. t'lorrnte. Mast.
tWwWWWWWHHimn to tg,g,t
the Vt.f -r tale on'IVn Vritr'('rnllt,al O
jtcrcrnt. Iiilrrrt, tj tin lluiltiiijtoii anJ Mis
souri litter Batlruad Coinjany.
ETcrj.t Interrat. till fifth yar. III. h .5J. warn
Cltrruite I. n .V i kiii, ..w T-iiti. and lira Alum
fiun. t'rtt t'urt and Lou-oyif on iMiUscholJ
Kixids t) tUnc vi ho
For Circulars and J:a;n.vrti full iartl nUrs.aJ
drsss iK. .. llAUItl.
Land Commissioner. llurltDi;tu, Iowa.
Read what leading O rangers isyuftfar tok
CI. Jon CociI'Axr. Mtr i.f the Wis Stale
OraiB. writs -Y-nrci-j of Umtiryrfth(lra"(t
Jorrmenf Is rec red Ysj r ir,lr mrt th my
sincere appri tI A 11 msiilkt Kj , Master if
inniwjniriirjnsf -r.i "I t, ritflfH
jrOTtrrerr rxcelleut h tk. smmnrh plssd wiiblt.
Many thanko fr n py f nt me I prii it Mehls "
Send f..r -rririi atfrtsriricircaUrsrunUinhiff
terrosmA?rnt aud many m rr rormntt frim
leadmvOraPB'rr. Address JfATIOXAL rCBLISH
INO CO.rblra;n, SfLoois. Mo.
PlIITinU l'r,,'",P,lr''Ptlihers barvtakm
Unll I IOH adranta.e cf 'he ffrrat demand for
this History ff theOranse Marmnt tolott,, Qn.
rellatile works on tne saljrt mr vmpHatUmi
from agricultural nt viivri. Iw i.ot Vr imposed
npnn. Seethit Ih hock you bay Is Indorssd br
the Iea4n Oranssrs.
The Bent Poi-tablc Farrm
rpioHT. tk axd TtrrLVK noRsr rowm. i ;
M-i noamrd rns tiff rut ifii nt tr-Cy far ntr i
Our Imprc r- d 5'Stk Arrester Is lb test In s. i
Serd ordsr direct. Illtiilrattd Caiak:rrs for- '
alsbedou appUeatlcn to
--"tfc- -- - a-'VJ-,J-,J-i -- ,
BE L A S T I C fl
WT su s s . El
-225S m
.Mur- SV!
N. Y. rHflM!3t
a I y -
.- r -t TZ- - - . m I sask. A i i
zv,;:a:Hsi Ci -- i lttuh. use
Y. '-Z S. 5 rT-S " tf . f 7? I Siattfir IXaHrtietl Ciml re
' S-k -i ''II I r WKiriyc to wYKjinr.w,
- - n ,. - -a f ? 5 r S. s ills sr
T ArslsHws. "V. "
Dr. J. Walker's California in-
j:ir Hitlers are a iurr i-..i :a I
preparation, m.ulo ch.cilv fain the n.i
live herbs found on tho lower ramjet if
tho Sierra Nevail-i mount airs .if Califor
nia, tho medicinal properties of wlmh
are extracted without the use
tf Alcohol. The quest tn it hmt
' dailv naked. "What w tin entwe of tho
i unparalleled nuccoftt of,ak Hit
, TKizsf" Our nnsworU that thor tvi'im.
, the cause of dlone, and tho mtiitit n
covers his health. They nro tin invat
Wood purifier ami a life-ivln principle,
a jierfect HenovatT and IimKorator
cf the avsuun. Never before in tho
history of" tho world has uiodHrino Wn
VntiituuM!!'.! totoswinir th reairntlc
: rmaMit of Vinhuak Hittkrs in Iwalhur Uie
! e.:ck of every ilNensc uimh m hor to. Thir
Ur 11 irfsitlu 1'arir;
orjl.tlt vo a w n n 1 m. .
. ivliVriii? ('utiffitiusi r IultniMtttlltHrtl u(
(tho Liter mid ici:ntl orpin, m iAiuit
I The iiroperlles of int. Wukru'a
' A'i.nkiiar IJirrKio iu .V poHitiit, UmulMnrti.,
Ciinniiuitive, Xtitriihii-s 1-ttalirt. iHun ',
SiHlbtive, I'ounter- Irntaat, suilwnfw. Alun
Uve. ami Anti-limoU.'.
lraterI Thoasnmlspnrbii.' .
F.c.xK IJirrnius the mt wotHlurta'. i
iiirant tliat ever Kiwtninwl tht m. .
3u IVrson can lake these Hit In
aecerdini; to directions, and remain ;
unwell, provideil their Uoucs art not ii
stroyeil by mineral poison or t!
means, and vital organs wasted bcvit. :
llilious, Heniittent anil Inter
mittent Fevers, which are o prev.t
lent In tho valleys of ir fjreat rue:,
throughout the Tutted States, especial! .
those of tho .Mississippi, tjhuu Mir, ..
Illinois. Tennessee, ('uuiherl.nd, Ark.:;i
' sas. Keel. Colorado, Itraz'M, uio Cran-li.
l'earl, Alabama, .Mobile, Savanunh. !
anoke, James, and many others, u!i
their vast tributaries, hrotti'hout .:
intlrv country duriiiR the Suiuinrr ..d
Auttiiiiu, and rcmarkaWv so duntiK' . I
.' 1 j 1 1.
?." 111 iicai, ;iim muino, .1.1"
. i,.viriiihlv lie nvtKlliuve. .!.
nuarillll IlCt Ollipaillt 1 IU e.ieilMsil.
ranuemeiltS of tllO HtOtlKlCil Ulld lit 1 ' .
, ., 1111 1 .1
and Other UhdOIlliiml VWCCm. l thf .'
I 1 ri!it lnitit n. tntri'ntivo ixnrlin si tain
"'"Ultni,n piir,JlU t, tAUrilll .1 n,
erful mllueneo uixm these various or
juans, is essentially necessary. 'lhi
, is no cathartic for "the purpose eqnal t
)u. .1. Wai.kku's Vinuuak UiTTr: -,
as ihoy v.ill spoi'ilily remove tlu t.ux
colored viscid ninttcr nh ubk-h V. -bowel
aro loaded, at the ;ui' t.::
stimulating the secn'tlonn of tho h:.
and generally reAtoriiiK tho he?al?! .
functions of the digestive urfcntw.
Fortify the hody against disease
by purifying all u tluitU wtth Vim;Ait
Hirnnts. No epidemic e.m Uko hld
of a system thu.-t fore-armed.
Dysnensia or Iniliircstion. Hwid-
iichc. Pain in the Hhouldera. CihskIh".
Tightneaa of tho Clirt, Dizzinci.'s. ..ur
Kriirtatioiui of the toiu.irh, Tiwt'
in the .Mouth, Attack. I'ttlirU
tatlon of the Heart, Inil.immation of th
I.ungs, Tain in the region of the Ki-i
noys, and a hundred other puinfal nyrnp
tow, aro the oirnpringH of lyifjf i.i
One bottleuiJl pro;e a better iruraistts
of li merits than a k'tithy miwrlu?
iiieiit. sScmriilii, or King's Evil. Whim
Swrlliners, UIcith, KryMpvlii. Sw.Hml 5s k.
Coitre, &'rflfu!oti In!!annrutim. IntloSrni
Itilluniiimtinns, Mcrcuridl .MFrclion. out
hore. KrujitiotiH of the Hkiu, nn Ky, en
In tht'oe. ns in all otliur cuutoti'ittl IM
eae. Walkt.u'h Vixkoai: J?ittxm
uliown their preat Chrativo powers n Ui
inont ol-tiii:ittt nnd intractnlilo ns.
For Iiitiammatory ami t'lu-onii
l.lieiiinatl.sin. Gout, 15i!ion, l'...nt
tent and Intermittent Fevorn. l)etunv."t
lt't ItiiMiJ. larvr. KhIjiovs nud Bis
i thrro Ilittrr have no fnunl Hcvh 1'i
j are cnuml by VitiatcJ illixL
i .Mechanical IMVasrs. V&mtmen
i gaged in I'alnts aud .Mineral, much a
( 1 'lumbers, Trpe-M-ttore. (tWlH(itsrs. swl
, Aliaors, as tbcv advance in lifw, utm L4trt
t parAlrn tf th Howa. Tn rJ
nasnst this. ta.v" n do nf Valkk' Vji
r.uxe. Itirrcx5 .aionaJly.
ForSkin Diseases, Krupiom, Tot
ter, Fait Khrom, IJJotchw, 5j;it, lunfif.
I'Kstnlr. lUnU, CnrbwncJe. Kis-mum:
icnld Itrtul, rMirt Kye. KryijlA. Hrfe,
Scarf, I.iiscolorationn of lbs &k;. UimsV'T
and Ihoxr4 of the Skin nf wli'f HsW"
or nature, arc Iitr.tiljr dujf n; uJ arrt
ont of Ui rt-in jn a lWrt tup ' t a
of thou IIittrTH.
Tin, Tap, and otiior Worms.
i bitkinc in the iyatn of so unr Uustisssad.
' arc r-tR-ctualiy dmlruytxi aad rtusrsi.
, j rivm if iimlM ,-, no TimtsaujrMv
; ir.i'IniiLitft. 'XillUtv ihr TtUi!- l: -.
like thp Ihttre.
For Female Complaints, layono
or old, Mimnl nr J'iikV. at th dn f "
rrUnnMnI. r U e t tra f W-. Ut TlUik
HitU-rs dipplar k ihtidn an inaattcsj &!
ta:proTemct unto fnn-ntiUUr:
Cicanscthe VitiattMl llloml wlwti-
ever roa find it Imporft. Erartbir tknwr''
th kia ia Iiroplf. Kroptnif. r srr
e'eaa'c it wfaa you Hail it olMnctM aJ
ln?ih in the rein; clew it -hm6 it '
fiil , vonr fcsdiapi -U U r sras. t?
the Lf(xi pure, an! ti: 1iaIUi rf the rti
H. II. ytrlHtXM.O A. CO..
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Dunham L $oz, Mi.f.V,
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