. Oh x 1 w K t - -V a !.,- i tvfc. X' H IS1NESS DIRECTOR Y n 9. KALEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, K0IA1T PUBLIC AITS SEAL ESTATE AGENT, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Will aegotiate the sale of School Bonds. Ac. County Superintendent of Public. In struction. J. B WILLCOX, A1TOKNEY AT LAW, H0TAS7 FVBLI5 I; SEAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD - - - - NEBRASKA arHgmeteads and Pre-emption? secsred. BpecUl attention given to paping lazes at a discount. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. LEE . ESThSLL, Attorney & Counselor at Law, AND BSAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. Will bar and iell Real Estate on commission sad M7 Taxes for non-residents. arpecial attention! iven to the location of SOLDIERS CLAIMS CudortBeMtoT J8tie4Mfc.187&, ' Claimi conteted. and all manner of business before the U.S Land Office attended to with promptness and dispatch LOCAL AGENT5F0&.S. 1L B. 2. LANDS. Immigration Agent wr Webster Co. a. n. BOWEN. JAS. LAIRD. BOWEN cV LAIRD, Attorneys at Law AND REAL&E3TATE AGENTS. mW Will practice in all the Courts of the State. JUNIATA - NEB&ASKA PROCTOR HOUSE, Q. D. PROCTOR, .- - Proprietor, HEB30N, NEBBASZA. The Traveling Publie Will find this Ilotel to "be firt clan inever respect. 49Ca triage r-ins daily to Bclviccre. then car et t HUtion on the Ht. Joe i. D. C. R. R. E- H JOKES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, BED CLOUS, WEBSTEB COUNTY, NEB Particular attention riven to Re pairing Fine Watches and Sat it fact ion Guarantied. I. W. TUMiEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Besldence One Kils East of Be& Clout Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, Family Phyftlclan, Tenders his services to the Public and will attend- to all Professional calls. OflSco at the Red Cloud Drag Store. jLITEjU A FEED . D. POST, Proprietor. Having fitted up a large Stoblo is prepared at all times to furnish room and feed for teams. . . Livery rig on hort notice. Stable West of the Valley House, CARL WEBER, G UJV SMITH Repairing doni on short notice, in the best style and at reasonable rates. HARNESS SHOP. S. V. Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kinds of work IN THE Harness Line. The best of materials used, and all Work WARRANTED. SEPAIBINCr Dose oa short aotioe and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Bed Cto4 Nefcraslta. Red Cloud Mills. LUMBER, Tsad aMI Meal ctMtaatiY ea Hani Work Warraatad. J. Q. POTTER t BRO., UDCLOTO, sfO. W.S, TMOBN. Sarvtyar f Webstar Candy, irai tvtir attaatto all calk. af ha left at Clerk's sale atitaa Ctea. -Well. WehetarCe.. Xeh. SUCK MOITHE, FRANKLIN. NEB. dsximmotiutiont, Livry Tmi THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. if. L. J.ATIIER. Editor. THURSDAY, APRIL 30 1874. CORRESPONDENCE b'rom all parts of the State and country res pectfully enliciied . We do not read anonrroous letters and corn mnnicr.tionfu The nrae mA .jildre of the "en ter are in all ensof indifpenfable.a a guaranty oficood faith. TSACHSB'S INSTITUTE. A Teacher's Institute was held, at Red Cloud, last week, cammencmg on Tuesday and closing with an examina tion on Friday, April 24th. It was called to order by H. S. Kaley, Co. Sop'r, who presided, and Chas. W. Springer, of Red Cloud, was elected Secretary. After making the necessary arrange ments for the work of the Institute, ad journed to Wednesday, 9, a. m. WEDNESDAY. Hon. J. M. McKenzie, State Super intendent, and Prof. C. B. Palmer, ed itor of the Nebraska Teacher, were present, and couducted the exercises of futhp&t .-w upenea Dy sinfing conancxea Dy mrs. A. 31. Jones, organist, and prayer by Rev. Mr. Maxwell. Prof. McKcnzie made a few introduc tory remarks, after which, he gave an exercise in Arithmetic, in which he showed the necessity of thorough work, of nsin objects for illustration, and of having a correct standard of measure. Prof. Palmer illustrated various meth ods of teaching primary classes bread ing, by alphabetic, word, and phonetic methods. Prof. McKcnzie taught to define words so as to interest and instruct the pupils undei standingly. Music, led by Mrs. Jones. Prof. Palmer gave an exercise in Geography, showing how the teacher should teach the child direction and dis tance, a knowledge of the school lot, town site, county and state. AFTERNOON. Opened with music Chairman appointed Messrs Burton and Springer, Mrs. C. Smith and Mrs. Brown to speak in the evening upon proper modes of punishment. Prof. McKensie addressed the Iostitute upon "Principles of Education," which we condense to the following : Go from the simple to the complex. Go from the known to thj unknown. Go from Hie concrete to the abstract. Activity is the law of growth. Present but one difficulty at a time. Prof. Palmer explained upon hi morning lesson, and gave a synopsis of the sounds in the English language. Prof. McKcnzie gave an interesting exercise in language showing practically how to teach the language correctly. Prof. Pilmer spoke on school organi zation. He said the teacher should make a square contract, thoroughly underatand his work, be at the houso early, and en deavor to gain the good will of his pupils. Closed by singing. In the evening Prof. McKenzie deliv ered an entertaining and earnest lecturo on ,;The True Sphere of the Teacher." This was followed by a discusriou parti cipated in by those appointed, also Messrs Maxwell, Prof. Palmer and Mc Kenzie. THURSDAY. Opened by reading of Scripture, and prayer by Prof. McKenzie, and singing "Resting Bye and Bye." Chair ap pointed Messrs Burton, Feti and Peak, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Browo, committee on resolutions. The programme of yesterday was fol lowed and exercises is spelliug, pronun ciation, gymnastics and music were given, and much instruction furnished to the teachers. Prof. Palmer read by request, "Bar bara Frictchie," much to gratification of his auditors. Closed by singing. In the evening, Prof, Palmer lectured on Ventilation, impressing the thought that our school houses should be prop erly ventilated, and pure air at all times afforded to the pupils. Prof. McKenzie addressed the Insti tute on "Training the Mind," which was an earnest appeal to teachers to use their utmoot efforts to secure the atten tion, aad direct the child's isiad to think wmd study. Prof. PaW read the "IUtm," and Prof. McKeaaie read a aefaec article, both of which were very fa. This was followed by reaark by Dr. Feti, M. VViUeoB, aad Prof. McKeuie, apon "Proper Iaoeattvee to Study," after which the ooamittee ea reaokttoaa re ported the fbttowiaji, which wa aoaiii aiously adopted by the eattre hoase. Whereas, we the teachers of this la stitata, by iatercaaaf of thought with one aaother, feel wkhia earselvas new isapalses, aaddeairoasaf beooaiinf atore proficient in oar work. ThereJera, fee it Rm)kmlt that wa, aa teachers, have bees beoef tted by ateetiax together ia the capacity of a Teacher lastttate. Jtembed, That we recogaixe ia Teach ers Iaetitatea, as they are eoadacted ia thk State, the seaaaadifasiaK kaowl edge azaoag teachers, which will eaahle theai greatly to advaaaa the eaaea af tdacatiaa ia oar aafchc aaheole. eefce4 That va fcavw, dariag this iaatkatebeca forcibly impressed with the rasaqatibthtj that rata apoa aaia uaiaiag the yoathfal aaiad aar fataca JKaadbadL That we w3l a tha earry oak to the heat af aar ahilky, prjacipka of iaatnactioa aa r aw worthy 8att Praf. Pahwar. gmjkmd, That State Sept. McKaasia and Prof. Palmer, have our heartfelt thanks for their presence and valuable instruction we have received during the session of this Institute. Rti-Aced, Tht our County Sapt, Mr. Kaley, has our thanks for the cffedent manner in which he has conducted the exercises of the Institute. Resohal, That we tender our most sincere thanks to Mrs. Jones for the efficient and pleasing manner in which she has couducted the musical exercises of the institute. Rooked, That we recommend to the teachers of Webster county, the Ne braska Teacher, as an able and efficient journal to aid them in their duties as teachers. Resolved, That we tender our sincere thanks to the citizens of Red Cloud, for the interest manifested by them in the cause of education. Also to the officers of this district for the ue of their house and other accommodations. Retolved, That a copy of the minutes of this institute Le furnished for publi cation in the Red Cloud Cbief and Ntlraika. Teacher. A. L. Burton, David Fetz, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Mrs. C. Smith, and Alvin A. Peak, Committee on Resolutions). ' Ctosed with -music-' - f feiday. A County Teachers Association was formed with H. S. Kaley, President, and A. L. Burton, See. The first meeting will be held at Red Cloud, on Friday, May 22d, 1874. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested, to be present. Eleveu teachers remained to the examination, which continued through the day. The work of the Institute panted on very pleasantly, and those teachers who eamo to attend, went away feeling that the time was well spent, and the cxer cihes very instructive. The following teachers and members of the Institute were present : ladies. Red Cloud Annie M. .lonee, Lydia F. Munger, Sarah L. Fisher, Francis Beauchamp. C. Smith, Fannie M. Bar ber, Laura J. Ludlow, Sarah C. Tulleys, Mary C. Metcalf, Martha E. Brown, Amelia E. Smith. Wells Eliza A. Tuttle. Cora, Smith Co., Kan. S. J. Noble. Inavale Mrs. G. W. Knight. Guide Rock Vina C. Tyler. okntlemkn. Hon. J. M. McKcnzie, State Super intendent. Prof. C. B. Palmer. Beatrice, Neb. Red Cloud II. S. Kaley, Co. Supt., Rev. A. Maxwell. Rev. Chas. Reilly, T. J. Wright. J. Q. Potter, C. W. Springer Win. C. Reilly, Lee S. JfcHl, J. R. Willeox, J. L. null, Edward Kellogg. Batin David Fetz. Little Blue M. Willson, Orrell P. Q. norricr. Scott J. W. I uce. H. S. Kaley, C. W. Springer, President. Secretary. From the PUtLimoath Herald. , AfittdSaeord. Wo take hotb pride and pleasure in calling attention to the splendid record made by Senator Hitchcock during his three years' service in Congress. It is a record of faithful service, of practical work, written in deeds rather tban wcrds, upon the pages of the Statute books, rather than those of the Congressional Globe a record giving proofs of effort, crowned with success, for the promotion of the best interests of the State. In addition to many acts applicable to Nebraska only, the Senator has secured the passage of a number of Acts of a general naturo ; all, however, upon sub' jects of special interest to the people of our State ; nearly all, in fact, bearing upon the public land policy of the Gen eral Government. We doubt if any other member of Congress has ever, in the same time, made so great au impression upon the laod laws ot the country, effecting so many just and needed changes, and ad ding so many important provision. We are not able to give a full li-t of Senator Hitchcock's bill, which have passed in to laws ; but the following partial lUt, given mostly from recollection, speaks to his praise more effectually than any words we can write. "Au Act, to encourage the growth of timber upon western prairies," with act amendatory thereof. This act introduces a new and dis tinctive feature into the public land policy of the Governaient. It originated with Senator Hitchcock, and will doubt less lead to measures for the preservation of our native forests as well as the growth of timber upon the treeless plains. "Au Acs amending the Soldiers' Honiesf.-ad Law." This act grants an additional eighty acres of land to soldiers who have located within the railroad limits, aad received eighty acres-only. It was a raap4e ae of justice to the brave defenders of oar coun'ry. "An Act, authorizing pre-eaptors or settlers apon homesteads to taanatf por tion of their pre-emptioas or home steads for certain public parpoaes, vis : for school and church purposes, aad for right of way to railroad across the same.' "Aa Act amendatory of the pre-emption and homeetead laws." This act aatborixas the settler who has tied a homestead or premptioa claim, and lost his or hr right aader the same, except it be hy sale of sach right, to fie awrweiaiw. "Aa Act, to sell a portion of the Otoe Omaha aad Pawnee ladUa Reserva twaV This act looks to the early removal of said iadiaas from the State, aad the aat tlemeat of their lands. "Aa Act, to abrogate a portioa of the treaty with the Sioax Iadiaas, eaaalaisd April 29th, 1868." ThiabUtisaotjetAlaw, bat has re ceived the approval of the Saaate Jadt eimry Committee, with a aoad prospect of its parage at this aesatua ofCaagress. it wipes oat tae "aaaamto ritory ia Nebraska. "Aa apuaanatioa af ifty Mara, to awabaah a Past oa the Leap passed the Saaata, aad will probably aamthaBeaaa. This will give eeeanty to the aertkweH frostier. "Aa Aet, to settle wm te lead hdeag iactoaMFc. Kearney, aeat Nebraska CiV." "Aa Act to arovida a Coart Boat aad Peetomce at Liacola, NoaiaaH. aad 1 to appropriate $130,000 therefor. "Appropriation to complete Court Hou?e and Potofficeat Oiuah-u" We may safely add th-u no material interest ia the State hss been over-looked or undervalued, and all thi-st quietly that the masses have sranely realized H the change? effected in this yhott tune Verily, the workers are gaining os' the speech-mnkcr.-i. t"'riinl I'oein. T&3TCH75C? LILLY. ST D. LCTZ. Had, of Lad she not rome special raiwioa. Just as the great Eternal Father willed it? If so, LonL teach rfs the saeek sabwisnion. To ask he spirit how she e'er fulfilled it. Oh. Spirit of the Great Etereal Faiher. Now. yea ever, tbr grace divine impart. Thy win aad pareosee. to as together In all thy tender loving leseoas W our heart. Lilly east, a thiag so iaaeeaat. so gooJ, That he seemed aa angtl ia difgaiie. And contemplate her whea 70a would. She seemed less meet for earth than for the skies. In (act the loving temper of the child. Bid all the care, aad time, aad toil she ever cost. Aad whea death's throe dupe lied her smiles. A family's !oad-itone love, was ever lost. And now, thoagh eb.eat from as in the (le sh. Her angel saint seems as cons tant to attend. And stir the soal with loving memories afreah. As seals are oaly stirred by loss of dearest Jl11 her special sataioalave eea. To waaa from earth, oar thoughts, oar eares, oar love ind prayers. Aad shua the loathsome taiats of sia. And of heavenly joys more fully make us heirs. Ye we tnut that Lilly s with the angels now. And though her Iom we deegly mourn. Wo recognise thy haad. Oh Gcdt And ssy "Thy will be aone." Sheriff's Salt. Notice is hereby giren, That on the 19th day of May, I will expose for sale at public auct'on, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Court Houe in Red Cloud, Nebraska, the following property, to-wit : One Fairbanks Platform Scales, draw ing 000 pounds. One Meat Saw, on9 Meat Cleaver, ono Knife and Steel, Taken as the property of A. J. Arm strong in the suit of August Boats. Dated this 30th day of April, 1874. H. G. BILL. Sh'ff Webster Co. By Mark H. Warner, Deputy. Nrtics to' Contractor! aad Sallderi. NOTICE is hereby given, That scaled proposals will be received by the under signed for the building of a School House in School District No. '2"2, Web ster Co., Nebv in accordance with the following specifications: The building to be frame, 20 feet in wi 1th, 30 feet long, with 10 feet posts, stone or brick foundation, and substan tial piers in center foundation. Foun dation to be one foot above ground at highest p'ace, and six inches below the surface and 18 inches thick. Also, om privy GxI2, with partition in renter. Bids to be opt-ned on Wednesday, Mav 20th. 1874. The right to feject any or all Lid is reserved. Bids to bo directed to "School Board of DUtrict No 'I'l, Batin P. 0-, Web ster Co., "Nebraska. I. II. HUMMEL, Treasurer. A. GARLOCH, Moderator. 4-s-Ct.Of LEGAL NOTICE. In District Court in and for Webster County. Nebraska. W. Ia Stone, Plaintiff. against B. 8. Kalev. Elizabeth Kaley, James n . Alexander, J. G. badler, and A. J. Armstrong, Defe:idcnts. James W. Alexander and J. G. Sad dler, non-resident defendents will take notice that a petition has been filed in the above entitled action, tho object of which is to obtain satisfaction of a cer tain mortgage on lots one and two (I and 2) in block twenty-six (0). in Red Cloud Webster Co., Neb., irivon by Henry Kaley, and Elizabeth Kaley tc "aid Jas. W. Alexander and J. G. Sadler to se cure the payment of a promissory note named therein, plaintiff being the as signee nfoaid note and mortgage, peeks to deprive the several defendents of any estate or lien which they may have in said premises. You will also take notice that you are required to answer said Setitioo oa or before the 1st day of une, 1874. Joiix R. Willcox. n43-4t Attorney for Plaintiff. OLD AN U N HJ V. TH PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE. Conducted by Edvcnrd E. Hale. Is sew completing it Eighth Volume and Fourth year: and now enjoys aa ettablbhed reputation for Brilliancy, Interest. Courage. 0od 9 ease aa J Ability. Iafatare.it will continue to supply better aad better reading for both Amasemeat and Ia struetioe. It therefore suits three chuses of our cuiseas partiealariy, namely ; Jfarajf PrgpU. Middle-Aged PevpU, and. IH1 J'eople. TO TUBE WE OFFER: The bet existing combination of Brilliant Light Readier, antertainiac Instruction, aad Feastee and DHaleresteJ Discauion of Li v ing Topics. For iastaace. we are to have a set of s art torie by Mr. Hale, the best writer of short ataries on thiseoatineat: romedelichtfal papers no practical a-t sahjects by Rev. K. St. J oka Tyrwhitt, the ceomplished art writer aad favorite pupil of Kuskin : papers oncaehtopiea as the Railroad Freight'quertinn. rfae Fraere Assoeiatiea aad 'Secret Society qaeatioB. the Currency question, besides Novels. Essays, 'Na tcral History, etc. A saw. tbe beet account of New Pablieatioas. and New Waste, on the priaeiple of telling what they are, so as to shew whether you waatthem or not Asa, a few Back Volumes (for the areseat oaly). very eheap. via., at tZJW for single Totaeaes. aeatty boaad ia doth : the whole set of serea volames. through Juae. l"C3."for IUJC; or eight volames thrccgn December, IR73 (whea ready 1 fur UJC! de i vereJ at this oSee. A raw. a remarkably wet I sheeted aal eeo aomieally arraaged Clabbicg List, afbrdiag aa immeaae variety from whiea to ehoeee the sett af readies? y waat. ANaw eseir Prvmslmeaw. Tlsu, riswgt A aeuafcernt ear great liked Chmmoliths, Ca im e." which shell be given oat " fret eome aeat served." t sakritwr pajiag f4.es ia a4 Taaeeat this oBVe. as ieag as taeyla.(vis. the ehresaolkhsi. Straw . Ta each aew aahseriber. besides the fmrasaeeitha. it it i ia time to get it. three smat bereef the mage tile. raaa.aeathefcreissab aeriatiea aesmss TMrS, Aay twe. at year dlsareliisa. oatfof thctWtty-foarfeJlstaefae-eimUeaefaeael Ka gnviasa ismted by the America rhta-Lkbo- ASa MltirCLtRlT, MKaail the ahevm. Mr. HatVa 3C CSamtwaeiHeTT - tltw sjejse nIasrralv aeearChritsaas .iftUee bawerisjr paw ism 4iaaslraasaattassee BKFORK Dee. 1st. VC3u rwefOLBA5I5EW.a4sryariaad ROBERTS BROTMKRS. PaW r.a.rKHK.ii8. 1 ! VALLEY HOUSE! Red Cloud. Nebraska. JOS. C. WARNER, - - - Proprietor. This Hotel is entirely new. having been built the present seeeon. and is titled up with' regard to COhTCST AND COXTSftSVCV. BOARD BY THE DAY A WEEK At reasonable rate. A large and commodious 6TOSE 3TA1LK has jus been added to the prcmuea. asT Good Barber in atteadaace at the House City Meat Market FRED D. HUMMEL, ths jut-t opened a Meat Market on Webrter street, next doo? ermth of Park's Shoe Shop, where he will keep an(? seli fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, AND POULTRY. Red Cloud, Neb. JON BREMER BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, , led QtOli. Vahraska. 1REPAIRIN& NMMT-DONR Brown & Hucuinber, Carpenters & Builders 2d Cloud, Xeoraski. Is prepared to make cuttoiates aad take con tract for all kinds of buildingi. 27-td JOSEPH1 A. rKERV. REAL ESTATE AXb TAX-PAYING AGENT. FSANSLIV CIT7, Fraaklil Cointj Keb; OLDEST DRUG STORE IK RED CIiOUD. Opposite !rhr A t'o. DRUGS, STATION: BY, FINE SOAPS, SPICES, Patent Medioin'a pure wines 4 liquors, cigars, Matches, And the thousand and one things usually kept in jsimtlar establishments con stantly on hand and for sale CHJCAr FOH CAHIL Call and 3ee. MRS. 11. F. LVTZ. LAND! LAND! NOW IS THE BEST TWE To secure CHEAP HOMES. Thb B & M. R. R. LANDS IN WEBSTER CO. NEB. Are now in market, and arc offered at ImC TiittS and 05 TKJf TEARH T1MK to actual settlers, at rates 7aryinr from $1.50 to $5,00 per acre With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. TIirc lands arc among the best in the Republican Valley, and are UNSURPASSED FOR FERTILITY and beauty of Location. Lee Estellsj RED CLOUD - - NEB., LOCAL laiXf ft WS13TU COTOTT, Will at ail times be ready to rive all information in regard to location of brad, terms of payment, Sic. TfiZ FOLLOWQTO SXTSAvTS From the Circulars of the B. & M. R. R. Co., will in a measure, explain their terms and the advantages offered. The purchaser can pay cash, or di vide the amount into threa eanal PrU paying one-third down, oae-tkM ia oae year, aad one-third in two years, with interes at tea per cent. annaaQy; or he can hare tex ykars' time ia which to asake-ap the mm by taiaU aaaaal pay -ments at six per-ceat. interest. Most bay on this tatcr piaa of TEN YEARS' CREDIT 1 In which case the purchaser tviys at the outset one year's interest at six pet-cent- on the price. He awakes three other payments, each of six per aeat' at the conmiencasent of the seeoasj, third aad fourth year. At the coataeac Bt of tho fifth year, he pays oae- eyeath of the ptiaetpal and oae years interest on the remainder, and the ause at the coBJBsenctaeat of each sacaeaerre year oatil all has beea paid at the earn of tea years. Aay bayer caB pay ia ftiH at aay tiase and get a warraaty ieed free of arf iaeasabraaee. Bayers 00 or long aad geaar oae erai it of tea jears, are expected ta settle aad iarprere their laaa at their earMeet j conreakaee. say wttaw owe or two year so astoiatprore ahaat three taaths o the land boaght, within three jean frees data of panhesr Mr Better tarata hare aarer heaa af rWe4 aad prebahiy arrerwiJhe-. ajfrW uTtta ampanaw aad aar . 3 A. CARBER & CO. GUIUJE HOCMl DEALERS IS GEPRAL MEJMJHAfiDISI Consisting of DRY GOODS Boots A Shoes. Hats and Caps, Tobacco Cigars And everything usually kepi iu country etorcs. Give ns a call, examine k'cods, ioQuire price., and be convinced tiat iki place to trade is AT HOME. JSTET STOKE NEW JOHX Take pleasure in informing the citizen of ltcd Cloud, and the Publie that they lieve opened out and have on hand a new and complete stock af Staple a FtaHcy Groceries Of Ctcfy name and variety. ?electd the People of of CALL AD MEG OUR ITOCK We have &u, a fine Stock of DRY GOOD. Boots & fthdg BKKEXZF.X 4 Co., Ild Cloud, wU NEW COODS! POTTEk & PERKY Take this method to Inform the PUBLIC that they have Juil opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Consisting ta part af calicoes, dark, light ac pink, ' ciiambk&i. dklainks. lawns. vhkss trimm1n(js a linings. corsets k skirts, vails a olovfs, . . . bleached and unulkachkd muslim table Linens, a toweling. . PANTS, OVER ALLS & SlIIRTlNO. BOOTS fc SHOMf II ATS A CAPS, COFFEE, SUGABS 4 TEAS if all Kfndl, Canned FrurU, Oyttwft and Crackers, Chewini and Sseking Tobaccos. PLOliRe MEAL & BACON. And everything usually kept in a First Class Dry Goods & Grocery Hut: Potter .A Perry. Bed Clsud. Nebraska - LUMBER! LUMBER W. L. VANAL8TYNE RED CLOUD, - - JVEBRASElA. DEALER IS PINE LUMBER LATH, 8HINCLEf Doors Blinds -mamr wsswamw w m - ww v mm asawv wpWW Lime Tarred Paper Etc Aad every Article anally kept ia a First Cka Lasher Yard. jf I GUARA5TEE TO DUPLICATE ANT BILL THAT CA!f BS GO AT JUNIATA OH HASTINGS. Republican River STAGE LINE- jour muT, pufiUiM. Kegfjlartrfat wtl ha made hat JUNIATA aad ! CUUD OwTaemiars aad Wedaeaaaya of eaeh week. IshaU be pleated tn carry pa ataain afea the days sBctirforied, teew ag Jaaiata,at 6 A. m. on Taeadsys, aad lad Ckajd at 6 a. ., Weaaadayv .VEBMM&Jk'tf AND CROCERIE9; A. OAKBKRIt T&lsrW 8TOBE COODS, ZO A CO, wilh tK.t:ial rrferenca the Republican Valley. to th a waais 10V YOUR HE0E PUNTS Aad oa wH fei Qmi 9taak. BflCMIl a DlMMf r Ofer Jar Mia tha eaasiac 200,000. Oaag OXKTHOUAND PACH TBlS NanerysK RED LOUD. yB4T v-w - 1 1 r I a mi t,m- iimmi tutptrrKrfyrrT- fe g