The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 02, 1874, Image 4

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Some Oitbretks ef Trlcalalaslg.
Apropos of the recent alarming out
break bf triehiniasis at Aurora, Lid.,
the Cincinnati Commercial gives, the
following 'facts relating to previous
cft8e8:"-" - Z 2
It may not be uninlerefiting lo the
general reader to know that the, trichinae
are more frequently found in the muscles
of the human body than haa generally
been supposed. They were first ob
served by Fiedcmann in ,1822, but first
fully described by Prof. "Owen in 1835,
who supposed they were a harmless
parasite ; and for a long time they were
considered simply as a dissecting-room
curiosity. But in 1860 -a young girl
died in the Dresden hospital from the
effects of trichime, as was afterward
fully proved, by Prof. Zenker. Her
flesh was found after death to be lull of
trichina). "They were alive, some
coiled up and others lying straight; and
they appeared to be iff all stages' of de
velopment, and in every part of the body,
not even exceptinglhe heart itself." At
the Bame time Prof. Zenker learned
that, ..soon after the girl had been taken
ill, the housekeeper became unwell with
similar symptoms ; and all the servants
were taken sick about the same time.
The butcher who killed the pigs was
also found to be ill. "He had' been
three weeks in bed, suffering from
rheumatic pains in the limbs, and had
been as if paralyzed over his body
unable to move his arms, legs, or . neck.
He had always been a strong man. He
thought he had taken cold the day he
killed the pigs ; but when it is known
to be a habit of German butchers to
taste the meat they kill, in the raw con
dition; the history of these cases to
Prof. Zenker became a history of "trich
iniatous disease."
Some.of the cirl's flesh was fed to a
rabbit, and it died within a month, with
symptoms of the disease, and its mus
cles and flesh were found to be filled
with the trichina:. Other rabbits wore
fed with the flesh of this first rabbit,
and they diedVith similar symptoms,
and their flesh was found to contain
myriads of trichime.
Prof. Langdenbeck, of Berlin, relates
the following: "In 1815 there was a
' church visitation, in which eight per
sons took part, and seven sat down to a
brcakfaat consisting of ham, sausages,
cheese, roast veal and wliito wine. In
the course of three or four days every
one of the seven persons was seized
with diarrhea, pains in the neck, swell
ing of the face and extremities. Of the
seven, four died, and the threo who
survived remained ill for a long time."
Another' instance of the outbreak of
this disease is related by Aitken : " In
October, 18G3, there was'a,festival held
in Hel.stndt, in Prussia, on which occa
sion 103 persons ate of sausage, called
by the Germans roost cwurst. On tho
day afyer tho dinner several paraons
wero 'attacked with' great irritation of
the bowels; great prostration and fever.
Within a month more than twenty per
sons died, and more than eighty per
sons Tore then suffering from the fear
ful disease under consideration. Case
after case died a slow and lingering
death. Activo inquiry into all tho cir
cumstances of tho dinner was instituted,
and tho sausages being examined with
tho microscope, wero found to be literally
swarming with trichinro.
Tho vitality of the trichina) is truly
wonderful ; it is not destroyed unless
the meat in which they are found located
bo subjected to the temperature of boil
ing for such a length of time as to in
sure that every particle has been acted
upon by that degree of heat. And who
would then be willing to partake of such
meat? The usual mode of .salting and
smoking meat is not sufficient to destroy
trichime if present in it.
A Scene In the Women's War.
Among the many heart-touching inci
dents of tho women's temperance move
ment reported in the daily papers from
scores of towns in Ohio, we cut the fol
lowing from a recent letter in tho Cin
cinnati Gazette, representing a scene in
Uillsboro : " Turning a corner on loot
Saturday afternoon, I came uiioxiKict
odly upon some fifty women kneeling on
the pavement and stone steps before this
door. A daughter of a former Governor
of Ohio was leading in prayer. Sur
rounding her were tho mothers, wives
aud daughters of former Congressmen
and legislators, of our lawyers, physi
cians, bankers, ministers and lending
men of all kinds. Indeed, thero wero
gathered there representatives from
nearly every household in tho town.
Tho day was bitterly cold. A piercing
north wind swept tho stroeto J piercing
us all to tho bono. Tho plaintive, ten
der, earnest tones of that pleading wife
and motlicr arose on the blast, and wero
carried to every , heart , within their
reach. Passers-by uncoverod their
heads, for tho place whoreon they trod
was holy ground. They eyes of har
dened men filled with tears, and many
turned away, saying they could not bear
to look on such a sight. Then the voice
of prayer was hushed, tho women arose
and began to "sing Bof tly a sweot hymn
some old familiar words and tune such
as our mothers sang to us in childhood's
days. We thought, can mortal man re
sist such efforts ? The effect upon the
spectators is indescribable. No sneer
is heard scarcely a light word is
spoken. The spirit of devotion is
abroad, and thoso who would scorn to
pray themselves, yet feel that hero is
something which they must at least re
spect" ' 1
Rothschild's Career or the Turf.
A London' papar Bays that if tho ex
ample jot tho late Baron Rothschild's
career on the turf could bo more gener
ally followed this national sport might
yet bo saved from the degradation which
threatens it The professed object of
racing is to improve the breed of horses,
and, no doubt, if rich jnen would pnr
suo it with this single object they would
do what cannot otherwise be done. To
Baron r Rothschild, accordingly, a fine
race-horse was an animal worth produc
ing for its own sake, and he applied
himself systematically to breeding race
horses. He never squandered money
in speculative purchases, but kept a
stud which he diligently and patiently
improved, and it was by the qualities of
a thorough man of business that he at
length achieved a conspicuous success.
When ho won, two years ago, the Der
by, the Oaks, and the St Leger, all tho
world felt that a piece of good useful
work had been justly rewarded, and
they rejoiced at the evidence thus shown
that thelurf was capable of reinvigora
tion. -
, Exatrt Biters.
The savages of the South Sea and
other islands, are remarkable for the
expertnesar which they acquire by habit,
in diving and moving about in the wa
ter ; being accustomed to it from their
infancy, the element becomes so natural
to them that they seem to have the use
of their faculties in the water, as well
as on dry lani. According to voyagers,
they are audi -expert diver?, that when
MijMr other piioeiof iron was thrown
OTWwnjw, jay tananuy jumpeamro
the sea after it, and neTer failed to re
cover it. On one occasion, a smith's
anvil is said to have fallen -overboard ;
not being able to bring this up, the inl
anders contrived to get it ashore by de
scending a great many times, and roll
ing it over till it reached the lanu.
TVTr. Dihraeli draws the following dark
picture of Ireland at the present time :
I have made a note of the provisions
Uif the Coercion act. which .wereextend-
I. 1 At -.. i !V A f' lOTrt A
oa uj ine ljora Ajieuten&in m ioiu, wu
have been extended mbsequcntly, so
that now, I believe, thev apply to eleven-twelfths
of the whole country. In
the first place, persons out at night nn
,der suspicious circumstances may be ar
rested by any constable. Secondly,
strangers sojourning in a district may
be arrested by a constable, brought be
fore a magistrate and examined as to
their mode of livelihood and their ob
ject in being in such district, and unless
their answers are satisfactory, or they
can produce persons to find security for
their good behavior, they may be sent
to jail. Thirdly, newspapers may be
warned, and afterward become forfeited.
Fourthly, the sale of gunpowder and
arms is subjected to stringent rules.
Fifthly, grand juries are authorized to
present moneys to be levied for payment
of compensation to persons whose rela
tives have been murdered, or, to persons
who have been themselves injured.
That was in tho year 1870. In 1871 this
stringent measure of coercion was not
found adequate. A supplementary bill
was brought in and passed into an act,
and this Peace Preservation act was
continued till the year 1873. And in
1873 it was proposed, and successfully
propo.sed, to continue these "acts' until
the year 1875 ; and Ireland at this mo
ment, I believe I may say, is governed
by these laws, which in severity I am
not saying that tho severity is not nec
essary ; 1 refrain from entering on any
question o( that kind but is governed
by laws of coercion and stringent sever
ity that do not exist in any other quar
ter of the globe. Well, then, is it not
perfectly absurd to pretend to talk of
tho tranquility of Ireland, where a man
cannot go out into his garden after din
ner and look at the stars or see which
way tho wind blows without tho risk of
being arrested by a policeman ?
Ethics of Draw-Poker.
Washington Letter.
Ben Holliday, who is now here living
in widowed quarters and looking after
his railroads, is said to have raised the
largest hands at poker known among
gaming capitalists.
" He won fifty thousand dollars from
me," said William Sharon ; " but I waB
sick that day and had to let him take it.
Ho can't beat me when I am feeling
welL" . -
It is very easy 'to corrupt public men
at tho poker-table, for a large percent-
Zof them play nearly as many, I
uld judge, as in the old days of
slavery. Poker has arisen with the
Northwestern domination, and the ease
with which it is learned, the reckless
chances t invites, and the rapid popu
larity it attains in every circle, make it
an especial game for large operators
who loiter on the threshold of .politics.
Make a public man poor J and replace
the money as a gift, or permit himto
win and suppose he has wronged you,
and he will try to work off the obliga
tion with a might which he almost im
putes righteous. These great, brawny
operators know such things, and honor
in tho chief places is no barrier to their
circumventing. The table, the fine and
rapid woman, worldly talk with bril
liancy in its delusiveness, the confidence
that follows tho wine-cup, and tho cool
study of a man over five cards when he
bets beyond his measure these are the
steps by which hard men capture better
ones. Bribery is seldom direct, wound
ing the feelings or pride of the recipi
ent. It is extended, like the love which
precedes ruin. It says :
" My friend, I admiro you. To see
you poor with your talents is a reproach
to our country that you illustrate. I
never yet met a man 1 could get bo close
to. If you ever feel tho wolf too close
to the door, I hope youwillinottwrong
your friend be silence."
And it is done.
Poison in tho Fire An Exceedingly
turious uise.
Ono tf tho most remarkable cases of
poisoning, and ono of tho most curious
accidents on record, occurred at the
house of a farmer named Merritt, four
miles northwest of tho city, near W.
G. Stewart's place, a few days since.
A young man named William Haley
had been trying to poison wolves, using
strychnine for the purpose, which ho
baited for the creatures with fresh
meat Ho had been unsuccessful in
poisoning them, and one day early this
week, on going to his baits and finding
them untouched, ho went to Mr. Mer
ritt's house abont noon to get some
fresh meat, and being disappointed in
getting it became disgusted, and threw
the bottle containing the strychnine
into the kitchen stove, where Mr. Mer
ritt's daughters were cooking dinner.
Two of the daughters, young women,
were standing near the stove at the
time. The poison exploded a few sec
onds after comine in contact with the
flames, and a livid streak of fire flashed
from the front of the stove and struck
them in the face, inflicting severe
burns. The symptoms of the burns
soon showed they were poisonous, and
meuicai am was summoned without de
lay. For a day or two it was feared
the young ladies could not recover, the
strychnine having obtained such an ef
fect in their blood, but the application
of the proper antidotes allayed the poi
son, and the sufferers are gradually re
gaining their health. Dubuque Herald.
. It is Healtliy te Mrttj t
The statistics of all countries show
that marriage is promotive of longevity.
Married people of both sexes live lon
ger, because they are ordinarily more
nappy ana praaenny De&aved than even
bachelors and spinsters. Moral and
sanitary science combine in demangMng
that wedlock shall be encouraged. It
happens, however, that in all old set
tled commtuutMs there ia a .large pre
fonderance of women. The'female sex
is less able than the male, to light un
aided tho battle of life, and its miseries,
in the event of failure are greater. The
excess of unRsirried women should rw
diminished, if philanthropy and sound
political economy are capable of grap
pling with the eviL There are two ways
of solving the difficulty. One is an
equlixation of the sexes bj means of
the aided emigration of surplus women
to new settlements. Governor Slide's
down east -hnnlmirtrMiiiij name so
rapidly after going Wee t that their sur
oessors were put under $2,000 bonds to
remain single lor three years. In aaaar
cases this proved no obstacle to iapet
nous wooers, who paid the pecuniary
forfeit that they might be malted to the
objects of their afeetjon. The) same
JhiBg is going am every day- im Xew
na.j5fearrA cma mme.
Sadler's Tribalatiras.
When Smiley, of Pittsburgh, started
for Philadelphia the other day a woman
occupied the seat in front of bim with
twin infants. Jufet before the train
moved off thewoman asked Smiley to
holdSe.b4Dii for a aacHeat vaile'stie
went to the drug store across the street
after a new bottle top. He Atook the
little ones and before the woman re
turned the train started. Smiley was
in agopyj "and'wben the babies -began
to cry no words can describe his misery.
This kind of thing continued until dark,
and then as the conductor refused to
have anything io do with the infants,
poor old Smiley put them into his own
birth and tried to soothe them. Bnt
the more he tried the more they howled,
and he set, up alongside of them the
whole night utterly wretchedwhile the
other passengers swore at him and
threw boots at his head, aadtcalled bim
hard names because he wouldn't keep
the youngbtcrs quiet. By the time morn
ing came Smiley waa pretty near crazy,
and the twins were almost starved to
death. Ho had nothing to give them
but plug tobacco and bay rum, which
he carried for his hair, and he knew
those were not healthy. The first time
the train stopped he bolted out and got
.pie. When he returned one of the
twins had tumbled off the seat and had a
broken nose ; but he stuffed them both
with the pie until they were deathly
sick, and began to disgorge. Then
Smiley was in a worse case than ever.
When he reached Philadelphia he was
on tho very verge of insanity, and his
reason was au but dethroned when a
policeman entered the car and seized
him on the authority of a telegram from
Pittsburgh, on a charge of kidnapping.
fie spent tho night in jail, and was then
released on bail. He wants to nod the
father of those twins. He yearns to
tell him something, and to fumble
among his hair. Max Adelcr.
The following is a list of tho Chief
Justices of the United States Supreme
Court appointed between 1789 and 1874,
and the date of their nomination :
John Jay, Now York, Sopt. 26, 1789.
John Rutledge, South Carolina, July
1, 1795. Ratification refused by the
Wm. Cushing, Massachusetts, Jan.
27, 1796. Appointment declined.
Oliver Ellsworth, Connecticut, March
4 1796.
'johu Jay, New York, Dec. 19, 1800.
Appointment declined.
John Marshall, Virginia, Jan. 31,
Roger B. Taney, Maryland, Dec. 28,
Salmon P. Chase, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1864.
George H. Williams, Oregon, Decem
ber, 1873. Nomination withdrawn.
Caleb Cushing, Massachusetts, Jan
uary, 1874. Nomination withdrawn.
Morrison R. Waite, Ohio, January,
Gire Them Cold Water.
It is very doubtful if thero is a single
possible disease in which the patient
should not have cold water ad libitum.
O, how babies often suffer for cold wa
ter ! A nursing baby is given, no mat
ter how thirsty, nothing but milk. The
little lips are dry and cracked, and the
little tongue so parched it can scarcely
nurse, and yet it has nothing but milk
to assuago its craving thirst. Try it
yourself, mother, when yon havo a fe
ver, and we are sure that ever after,
when your darling is dying with thirst,
the teaspoon and tumbler of cold water
will be m constant use. Deny it milk,
givo it plenty of cold water, and it has
a chance of a speedy recovery.
When any antidoto or remedy for any
particular class of disease obtains a
wide-spreading notoriety, it is but rea
sonablo to suppose that it must merit
the popularity it receives. It is within
our province to mention that Dr. J.
WaiaKer's California Vd-eoar Bitters,
so long and favorably known as the
safest and most reliable remedial agent
for the cure of Liver, Kidney, Bladder,
and Glandular Diseases, Mental and
Physical Debility, and all complaints
emanating irom a corrupt state of tho
blood, etc, are in great demand. So
satisfied are-wo of the intrinsic worth of
this medicine, that wo do not hesitate
to notice it in our columns. It ia well
to mention that this medicine is com
pounded of roots, herbs, and flowers of
California, and has no fiery material or
alcohol used in its preparation. We
can add no better enlogium than the
fact that we use it constantly in our own
family, and each member thereof nnr.
takes of it, when necessary, according
to directions. Note York Paper. 34,
An Qatar wife of Other Disease !
Catarrh sometimes exists alone, but is more
frequently a symptom of other diseased con
ditions. Tho following letter explains it :
Coujjiowood, OnondAga Co- N, Y., Jan. 33, 1872.
Dr. R. V. Pikkck. Buffalo, Jf. y. :
Dear Sm Allow mo to give yon a brief his
tory of tbe effect of yonr, medicino called
"Golden Medical Discoverv"iu mycaee. I
am now in my seventy-fourth vear, And natu
rally of Arm constitution. Within tbe last
few yean, from over-exerciee, I have been
afflicted with a complication of diseases almost
incredible to relate. In the first place. C-
i-iiiA, hi m ucgreti mai, io me, it seemed that
mv Toice paused ont at the ears, to which was
added its natural ally Bronchitis, to which,
at no great length of time, were added Nea
ralgic pains in the head and shoulders and
bloating of the lower limbs, the most of which
was superinduced by a torpid state or the
liver. I had the advice of several eminent
physicians, and tried almost every known rem
edy for such complaints withont relief. A
rapid loss of strength and waste of flesh, re
unded me that I could not long withstand
. vv. .u. u. uiBwase wnicn was fast
boaring me down. I gave up all business,
made my will, had my grave-stone placed in
position and lettered, except date of exit, and
resigned myself to my couch t await events.
Not long after this, I aasr voar advertisesMnt,
procured your remedies I am ,l0w on t ,
ond half-dozen bottles of Golden Medical Discovery-have
a good appetite, have gained
fifteen pounds of flesh no more talk out of
"J,, no more oioaimg or tbe limbs, can
walk two or three miles with ease, and feel
that you have given me a lease of tea or fif
teen yean subject, however, to the ratifica
tion of the Court above. That you aav live
lone to do trood to nnffrinr hnwAmi. k.
giacera wish of
Your unknown friend, Lcthra Cole.
A Noble Entertrtse. Bt a bold in
novation upon old theories, tbe National Sunri
cal Institute, lndiaaapolis, Ind., has achieved
a name and work of philanthropy
ble. It is the great Betheeda of the nation.
Thousands of the halt, lame and diseased: the
paralytic, those with deformed limbs, spine and
face, and those eaffering with Files, Ratals.
9? "dCTinmic Disease, here find ira
hef. Send for orcalar. Cob.
Pebsons requiring purgatives or pills
abomld be careful what they buy. Some pilki
not oolyeaaee grifb paiz, bat leave tha
boweto m a torpid, costive state. Taruyns'
Parasnre PUU win relieve the bowels and
cleanse the blood, without injury to the sts
teso. CoejL
1t is a rare tliing that physicians give
any countenance to a BMdidae, tbe manufac
ture of wbkh is a secret. About the only ex
ceptien we kaowof ia JelkntoiCa Anodyne Umi
menL Taia, w beKevs, aB iadovae, and gaaay
w uraaa b in uwr niacaca wim rreas
Bjsad the Mmtfhew OoUetfe Journml tat
bwatfawTWawfeyatareafhbeinewa eamea
tieo, frrrebyIraMayVw,Detrc10ek.
vza asd Anne Tosic ! Wilhof t Tonic has es
tablished itself as the real infallible chill enrr.
"It is aufvere&lt j admitted to be tbe onlr relia
ble sad hamlets chill medicine now In uw.
Its eAeacr in connrraed bj thousands of cer
tificates of the very beet people from til parts
f tbe oooatry. It ctuaa inalarioa disease'
-of every type, from the chairing agar of the
lakes and rallcya to tbe raging fever of the
torrid atme. Try it! It haa never beru known
to faiL"u hkmvock, Fi.nlat t Co., proprie
tors, New Orleans.
-- r-,
Go to Hiteksidk Water Cnre. Hamilton, III.
HrnchUU Ttwhtl far !
Beutrt Immediate attratloB, ant ibomU bt
Check. If allowed te eoatinn. Iibitatio or
raa Lvaee, a PaaaAnarr Trioat Arrrcrto. oa
km lacBBABLs Luo OuiAts ti often tbe raiolt.
aaowxs bkohczuaicTjioches,
arise a direct lnflnc oa tie parU.g tt imme
diate relict For BaoacuiTie. Atma, Catabeii.
ConcarriTB aid Thboat Dubaim, Tocb ii a re
tuti with oTiraif good turttii.
BtaaiKi abo Peine Steakis
Win Bad TBOcuiuaeful In cle. flog Ma oce when
taken Before SlngtBBor Speaking, and relleTing;tae
throat after an unaiaaleiertlun of the Toralurcitii
OMata only "Bnoer'i Bbocbiai. TocBt
and do aot take any of the worthless lealtatloi'
that awf he etered. SM evmrvAerc.
To aU persons taSerinc from Rhenmatism, Hen
To aU persons aSerlBf from Rheum tlim, He
ralgia, Cramps ia the limbs or stomach. Billons
ralffia, Crasapa la the limbs or stomach. Bilious
Colic, Fata 1b the hek, bowels or side, we would
Colic, Pain In the back, bowels or side, wevould
say Tri notrsBHOLa Faxacba ab Pajclt Ian
say Trb HociiHOL Pabacba abo Family Livi
mbt Is of all others the remedy yon want for In
btbbt la ef aH ethers the remedy you want for In
ternal aad ezteraal mat. It has cured the abore
ternal and external se. It has eured the above
complaints in thousands of cases. There la no
complaints la thousands of cases. There is no
mistake about it. Try It. old by all DruRvists.
mttuka abnnt it. Try It. Bold by all Druggists.
FBBBCBIPTlOROFonsof the best Female Physi
cians aud Burses In the United States, and haa
been need for thirty years with never failing
safety aad success by millions of mothers and
children, from tbe feeble Infant of one week old to
the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, re
lieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives
rest, health and comfort to mother and child
We believe It to be the Best and Surest Remedy in
the World In all eases of DT8XMTRRT and MAR
RBKA IK CHILDRBR, whether it arises from
Teething or from any other cause. Full directions
tor using will accompany each bottle. If one Oeuu
ine unices the fac-staalle of CURTIS a PXRK1RB
is on the outside wrapper.
from no other eause than having worms In the
will destroy Worms without trjury to the child,
being perfectly WH1TK, and free from all coloring
or other Injurious Ingredients usually need In
worn preparations.
CURTIB4 BROWN, prnprletore.
Mo. 815 Fulton Street, Mew York.
AbM ny VruMfUt$ and CHtmuti, and dtiUri in
Utdtrinct, at TwTy-FivB Cbbts a Box".
"BWTHINGBKTTICII." Cutler Bres. Boston
Dr. John Wsvre. celebrated Vxoktablb
Pvlmobabt Baxaax. for Colds and Consumption.
The Market-.
Beeves 10(S'
Hoob Dreesed Weatern .
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50 s
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Flour Superfine Western. . ..
Wbeat No. 2 Chicago
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Pork Now Mesa 16 03 fa)
Lard Steam
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Beet eh Choice Graded Steem.
Choice Natives
Good toPrimo Steere.
Cows and Iloifcrn....
Medinm to Fair
Inferior to Common. .
Stock Steere
IlOOo aa!VO ...................
Floub Choice Wbito Winter..
Kcd Winter
Wheat No. 1 Spring
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Cobn No. 2. Old aud New
UATBiiO . ,.,.....
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Wkeat No. 2 Spring 1 SI S 1
No. 3 Bed Fall i 40 im
Corn No. 2 61
Oatb No. 2.. 47 (
8ie No. 2 '10 9
Barlet No. 2 Spring 1 70 1
Pork Mees 15 25 15 50
Hoof Live 4 75 6 60
Cattls. I 25 g 6 25
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Bablkt No. 2 spring
03 fm
50 &
1 02 (
1 80
15 00 (W15 25
89 'Ji
5 25 3 5 75
70 S
l 1 271
1 1 22
59 9
1 68
14 75
6 00
Hoos Dreaded
WaRAT Amber Michigan
o. s Wabash
Extra White Winter...
IIoos Dressed
Wbeat Extra
AaDDri ....
eBeJw. . 3 -
Clover Seed ,
Wheat -No. 1 Bod
No.2 Bod
Corr Old
47 1 47
63 '
49 50 (
5 65
1 61 1(S
1 62
1 531
1 46 1
73 $
51 Z
5 40 a 5
56 ?
45 (a
69 f
67 (a;
48 (
C'rwsKACHWKKK. Agents waa ted, partteu
Cie, tars free. J. Worth A Co., St, Louts, Ho.
dtl K lr Haw. Ijbbs Agents wanted. Send
CPXvJ ataaiB to A. H. BTaix A Co., St. Louie. Ho.
'Send Seta, with addresses of 5 others and
receive postpaid a Fine Chroeao 7x9. worth
tl.&D. aad Instructions to dear tan a day.
Pi.c.b A Co-188 Sowlh Wait. Phi la- la.
a WCBK can he asli br
SST aiaart nut who rn been hie
kustness to hlaaeK. Addreee C G. HEET A
CO.. Jersey City, K. J.
$180 yg
WBCK1C araarantead so A rent a
Ifawl Patented Article. Balahle aa
Soar. Pot circulars, address
LAWTBK. Patentee, Pittsburgh. Pa.
IMV I awawlaw the aaaraes of tn persons with 1
I cia. wtn reewlva, free, a heaaUfal Chroeao
r sseseweii'ms so to get nea, poet-paid.
Csfw .VeeeNy Os, MB S. laUi-et P1KU , Pa.
t. Wewearv Sttjww TsnuMs OCCWV
Presh, Pmra as4 asaptael to owr cjiautt. Bead for
catalog- J t. HOBBT. Seed Grower, Bnda. TIL
Iatsr Isiatttas; l4eem,IliX4rwv.rwwwr,vet.
lBta S eowissacay.
tarai toAgswta.aad
BwSwaTttMBa BBBtsr what, aw ethar beak. AA-
Baaul tar tawctaHai waats a
or TBE
Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machine Co.,
Orer Eightjoae Cempetitom,
WOBLD'S EXF-OSmoW, VIE1W A. 1873, ere
1. Tfce Knight's Cross ef the Imperial Or
tlrr of KruncU Joseph,' conferred by
hn ApnttnltcMiJeilr the Kmperorcf Aumta.
upon tho Honorable Nathaniel Yt net ler. Tree
ident f the Wheeler 4 Wilton Santae Ma
chine the founder and bu'tdernf
Sewing Machine Inttattry.
9. The Grant! Dlpletn ef Honor, recom
mended by the International Jury for this
Sewlug Machine Company only, for their Im
portant nintrtbatlnns to the material and
social nelftre cf mankind.
3. The rand Merlal for Prozresa, awarded
for their New No. C Sewing Machine, IhId
forrroareef made sine the Para Karctitlcn
eva ea-aj iim w aJB luai aWBL iiiui. imua
of 1167. at which the i-uty Uiid Medal for Sew
1167. at which the i.ii1ti IfuWfurS.v.
ing MarMnea was awaidrd to ihii Company
aence m Vienna awara main TOfrmtl
fiom a low level or inferior melal. but from
Gold UtAal. the hle-haat award nJ, ? l'l
e The Grand Medail tar Serif, for the Jev.l- and
5. A Grand 9IedaI for TIeiit. far excellence
and superiority of Cabinet work, the only
vi mn llliu in tnia aectiou.
Medals far Sererml Co-Opcrators, of the
Wheeler A Wlleou Company for superior
T. The OMelal Reparl. published by the Cm
erul Vtrtct ton of the YieanaXi position, sig
nal zss ine ewprrmacy or tne wneeier
Wilson Company for quantity aad quality of
nanuraetnre, ana position in the sewing Ma
chine business, as follows :
(oaocr 13, sbc.S, b.)
"The greatest Sawing Machine Manufactory In
the world U that of Wheeler Wilson, New York,
which alone has brought already over 90,0uo
their Sewing Machines Into practical use. The
complete production of the parts by machinery ie
so regulated that each complete machine may be
used ae a sample fur eshlniiion. This Arm pro
duces 600 well-adjusted machines dally.
"The latest production of this Arm, and which
Is the wonder of the Vienna Exposition, Is tUslr
new No.SewtiigM,achiue. This nnlverssl machine
sews the heavleit leather harness and the finest
gautes with a truly pearl stitch.
" Wheeler Wilson have received the highest
prizes at all World's Expositions. and at the Vienna
Exposition were extraordinarily distinguished1'
Kbw tobk, Sept. 13, 1P7A.
American Institute, New York,
Was unanimously recommended by the
Judges of Rowing Machine for
as being "a decided tmpiovement over all other
machines In the market." and which "mnet revo
lutionize certain branches of Industry, especially
In Bhoe and Harness Manufacturing."
"Baltimobi, Md.,October31,IK3.
"The Mabtlanu Ihstitl'TB has a-varded
Wreklbb A Wilson the Gold Medal, for their
NewKo.6 Sewing Machine. OtherSewlngMschlnes
received nothing."
" SAVA.t aii, November s. IS71.
"At the Oeoroia State Paic. a Kilvbh JIidal,
the highest and only premium for leather Stl'ch
lug, waa awarded to Wubelkb A Wiijom for earn
plee done on thelrNew No. 0 Sewing Machines "
A(encleainall the Principal Cilic of the World
THI8 PRINTING Illll'W.W-'y'cS:
Harper's Buildings, New York,
rper Buildings. New York. For ssle by Chlci
Forsalnhy Chlca-
go Newspaper Union. 114 Mnn
Newspaper Union, 114 Mnnroe-et., In 1Mb and
ZV-lb parkagee. Also a full assortment of Job Inks,
and ARMS. Satisfaction On.
,rnteed. Pamphlat Pre.
'CHAS. Af. BVAMft Maasrrer.
6 Fourth Street. - - - LOUIBVILLB. Er.
IM West Fourth Street, . - C1WC1NN ATL O
. a TRA AOENT3 wanted in town and
1 fe f .country to sell TRA, or get up club
ta" "orders for the largratTeaCompauy
In America, importers' prices and Inducements
toAuents. Send for Circular Addrrss.
HOUKUT WELLS, 43 Veiey 8t., N. Y. P. O. Uox. lit?.
144 School Teaohers Wanted
To engsgn during the spring and summer In a
business In their own counties paying SIAO per
month. Addrree ZlidLKad McCCBUV, Chicago, III.
Is'othltsa; I.tke It Its Lltrralnrr.
Agents warned for Science In Story, by Dr. K. n.
Foote. Select your territory, Ac. Address Mur
ay Hill Publishing Co , 13 East 3Pth Street. K. Y
3000 WORDS.
The t'rononncliig Hand-book nf Words oflrn Ml
pronounced. as given by the best authnritles
Sent to any address 'in receipt of sixty Cents.
LEK a SHEl'AKP. Bitslon.
RPAIITiniL I JOODecalcomanlaorTranr
BiAVilaVa ferrtcturesKitpsld forJC
ff"C I wlltE8e I cents Heads, Ltndseapes.
Flowets, Autumn Leaves, Birds, Animals. Insscts,
Comic, Ac They cau be Instantly transferred to
any article, so as to Imltato the most beautiful
fiainttugs. A variety of ptcturas, catalogue aud
nstrnrtlnns sent fur 10 cents. Agent wanted.
J. L. PATTER CO . 71 Pine Street, New York.
A6ENT8 WAMTEO i"r xhh
Yonmau'i Dictioaa'y of Every-Day Wants,
toiitalntiigwiOnn.RBCKir'TsCbonarrfle number be
ware btgus Imttat'ous) Intensely Interesting, at
tractive aud useful to all clasiss. saving m-ney
dally to every buyer. Selllngfaeter than any other
three books combtued! One Agent has already sold
over J.CO0 copies I 1C page circular and terms free.
Address P A. Hctchixiob A Co , CmcAno. Ills.
at wild
over it-
MAKKTK. for linen. Cards. Zavst-
opss, Ac. Brot aJ compute wua
t tvpe for MhOO
it is beauti
fully chased
anU heavih
silver pUted-
a ytttx
Wanted Agente.
FroM 75 to $250 per Month,
Everywhere. Stale and yrmale, to eell one of
ine most userni arttci'S ever invented, need
ed In every family. Send for circular.
Address hM.HR A- (V).,
the govno
Housekeeper's Friend.
By Was. COE5ELIU9.
frice, $1.60. Interleaved, as 5.
Tbe most popular and reliable COOK-ROOK and
guide for the duties of the household published.
It will be finod of great value to every housekeep
er, and is tbe standard work on these subjects
PirniTH Thociabd bow ready Por sale by all
booksellers. Sent br mall on receipt ot price.
TH0MPSO5. BKOWXA CO , Publishers, Boston.
Portable Soda Fonilains!
$40, $50, $75 and 3100.
SUfft4 Seacl j fvr Use.
Haaufactared by J. W. CBJAPHAK
A CO., Hasiso. Ivp.
of HadlcalWondera. Should be rrad by
alL Best free for 3 a lass pa. Address
ITS. BOWAPAmTK. Cladncati. O.
a BRbbbbmB Antmereetirtg
Antmereetiny luwa.
Mlfle.llUF' BninetWtfwaehafaB..
gev, containing va!
ahl laforaaaja for
rhmt who are married er en temp tat narriaa-e.
"rice m eta. k v maiL Asevwas lr. Balls' Illawea.
trr. aScwthtaghehBtwat.Bt.Uwls.Mo.
thaaew. CoaeaMartoa
ahlet frea. Can or
wrtre- JsetpabMahed asr
btlae tor yeaaa area ww suffer
aa. BaMlfty. AcaaeaphVt
i; aeedtBB,Bssae.lIIatTata4.iwe.
froai Bervewea
mT Bfewattaaraa
rasa thy cheoaa. ta
a stair a sat aB eaa
Bfe. inaiiBtr wtta
we el
gsttrLCsM J
Wfje my wcbh ai.i. wm
vmani ez.
A lassr
-aT?TSA50-c5 g -I Z-SIrflr " r --''uVtxM
! Dascairnox The aboe engraving reprcnU our AructTABUa TKaatSOLD (broken at one nd)
J It Is tbe only thlnir In lb world that will poiltlTely exclude rain, dual, cold and snow from coralas
under the door. T!.e parte markM A ar n4e of ah.a4 are united by a etrtp of hearr, pure rubber
marked B, which te Adjustable. It durability hae beea teeted for years. Builders aU Indorse It.
IMaECOIS. Chicago. O. I.. Whcelock, Architect - "II is an entire sucrese. and quIU tndltrent
I bleln ertry building." Jonathan Clark. Builder: "1 regard H as ttnenaled. It will com lata
cwnaral u.t c N. Itnldan. Ka "It ha eacerded my apectAtlons." Jno. M. Van 0tI. ArcM
tect : "I know of nothing that can compare with lt." O. P. Kandalt. Architect "I am dolnir th public
a benefit by recommending your Threshold. I nerr ha teen anything so effectual Allt
Bartlett, Butldra "We earnestly recommend It toour ftUnde.' 1! Rd. rubllther Titly
dollars would not tempt me to remove mine. If 1 could not rrlac them." W M. Scott (Scott t 0.
Builders)- "It it a good thing. I havo one that haa been In nse for yean and leasjrHl a ever "
J.M.OIotf'ltr. Lanark. "I have one In ue. It tajtist what you recommend It, 1 hsveconrtud!
to buy the right of this county." Uilah Ruch. MnnU "Tour Threshold is the bit I ever u
Bvery man will want on at his door." R. N. Ratler. Parmer City, telegraphs "1 will tab th.
right for this county." Ramey A Campbell. P-rrl "We eau dltpos of quits a number " W If
Carroll. Oreenfleld "They are the only thing that will antwer the purpose thoroughly. Tv
give perfect aUtfirtlon." James W. ratterion. Mann-U "I consider it the belt thing that ha
ever been oftereJ to the public. Send terra fjr Macoupin county." Hodirman Sorubrger, Vie
torta "We would like thexc!ulv le at thle lolul. V can work up a gd trade" II
Wright. Havana: "I am very much taken lth them and think Iran sell quite a number." u Y
Bard, Walnut "1 believe they will lt rapidly." Martin I'ro.. Chllllcotho "We want to l a
certain territory, say iMi con ty." Wm. DntiUi . Varna 1 noutd like the right or thl crunlr
and Putnam. Tbone thai I hve put In gve peifect latlt fiction "
IOWA. -Aaron Park. Wilton "I like It very much I can 11 quite a nutnbrr ' Homer
Prlndle. Port Dodge "It i Jut the thins and I grcAlly ned-J I want the ayenry for thli county
Riechert Bro..Tlrton "Send n oneiin. nehll want onltealot." J. 11 Shugart.sbencn
doah "Thnto that I have out in rice universal
i -- w--
' E. Stotti. EUora "I be aen rdera f r quite
I 'u tlrundy counties." lie welt .t Co., Lime
I and Orurnlv counties." Hewett .t Co.. Lime
' A. A. McLean .t S ott.M llo -W wih the
t , Scotland cm-ity, Mo."
mm ' a tnccrte. Itlijail I
rjt ' eon. owning a houae, n
It lartrger. O ileal
the thing.
C W t.
ee1. Mn!therUht f.rSmtnMt PaK-A'toand Pocahontas counties." Jk!
I !?" 91"".' ?5 k
They are Just the thing
'itniiSr "
lets, rretion
A Zee .1 nebro They
make it asuceett." Iluulneo i A Co., Idattlle
i ,..- , ,, ..... ,!.,.
1 you to hold thtt county a hit e -hlle." J. W.
w. .. ti. .. t .- --
"Sent! ti
j and And your Threshold a perfect tucirs
of O rant county." IT. It. Stephenson, Mlertown: "Yonr Tbrethold lagood thing. I ml tax
Wabah county. Send on the wrttlrgs and one rtxeen Threiholds."
WISCSI1SI. M. A. Stiles, Eau Claire "There rau be hundreds of them eollhtre." Oeo.W.
P. Felch. Wrlghtstown "1 can sell a gieat many here Chart's ITutler. Colnmbui "Send one on
trial. If It succeeds. It is the tlrsi of a Urge number 1 will send for." A. C. Morse, nioomtngton
'On you give exrlnstve territory? I wonld like Ibe west part of Grant couaty ." R C Kann. Port
Washington "Name yonr owes! llruro for 10 drsrn ThrebnlJ: also what you will lake for this ar
Washington Co." J. AVulfendan Wonnewuc "What will yuu lake for Juneeu And Sauk ronntles t". m
PENNHVLVAMt.-J. r.. Itarton. Beaver "Send me the right fr this c uuty also send oot7
hundred Threihiblts. Wbst io u aak lor Iawrence, Mercer, Washington. Allegbsny and Bullet
ctmnttes?" J.'W. Sharbsugh, Carroltowu : "There ran l a great many sold here." Jeeob T.
AUrlcht. Pethlhems "What would your charge he fur Lehigh and Northampton counties, and at
whtl price could you let me have Thresholds!" J R Hull. Philadelphia "What are yonr terms
for Carton. Luserne and tvhnvlklll roiintl Write at once."
MIIHH1AN.-J R Wataon Bro.. hlte Pigeon "The Thresholds are Jut what w wanlad.
K. W. Heuton. Itrniisnn -There can boauieal many sold here." J, R Leonard, Chesanlng "
think t ran sell filte a ntim er. I be levr It to be a good thing." II. W. park, Vassar "It has
truck ma as being an excellent thln- I th.uM like lo tntrodnre them In this county."
OHIO. Joseph Ruhr, Lovelar-t ""i mtf eri n espeel to hear from me attain." W W Nay,
Wakeman: "It la the best thinrrof Ihe ktne'.to wy I-ilti.l, now In Ihe trade." Levi A, Norton, nryan
"It ve you an age it lu T ledtir Will you cire the excluttvo right tu Lucas couaty r 1 think there is
a chance to make something out of it."
KASif AS. Hoot .t Hai, L-aen worth : "It
, j . .
P. W.
Zalgler, Manhattan l wish the
Lake Bible t:
l nave nutit a nnnse, aaa trtea to
S. Swelrtneen. Kansas City
countrr." R. F. Tower. Ilnldeu: "1 want the
Walber. Bt. Louis: "What will you sell the right of this Mateforf Please answer by return mail
OTHER POITTH. A.J. Miller, North Lansing. Jf. Y, "It Is a splendid Inveullot, I like it
very much and so dors evtrv one that has seen It." Judah Mead, Ban rranclico. Cat "I am favor,
ably Irnpreesed with your Threshold. 1 would like the agency for thlsctty " Kennlnv llr irhatka
Minn. "You may expect quite a large order. f.r we need something cf that kind hsi very bad '
C. II. Mauker, Harvard, Neb. "They will go like hit rakrt.for there Is nothing nf that rt la this
part of thocouutry." W. J. Blatter, Winchester. Tenu "1 can soon sell several hundrrd W
It. Bowman, Nsw Orleans, La.- "I can sett a number. There is money in It." Tho Tetwia,
Peckertown.N. J."What will you take for Orange (o.,N! what will you supply Threshold fm '
The foregoing testimony speaks fur Itself. We need riot add a word. Applicatlobt fur aunty
Rights are Increasing. If you w.nt one or more counties, tpesk quirk. Our prices are very I w, as
we own the right for the Cntted Slates. There Is ptenty of money ran be mate out of It One man c
Indiana made over (30 in one day. Others are dolug remarkably well. a-Togood patties hran
not pay all the money down, we sell on monthly payments. .How la yonr time. iMn't delay'
Name your territory and send for terms. Retail price for single doors Is Bl.fO
M-A rare opportunity is offered to parties possessing capital, who desire to purrhsse the rlgh
for one or more States, and engage In manufacturing and selling A foryr rrfitrn ran soon be realKed
on the sura Invssted. Send for particulars. Address
WILSON, PKIIMK A: CO., IS Clark-it., Chicago.
This advertisement appears but once. Cut It out and save It.
For all tie purposes of a Family Physic,
Coitlreness, .lawn
dice. Dyspepsia, la
dlRestlna, Iyeerte
ry. Foul Rtoasaxh
anil tlrcath, Eryalp-
Itfiruenatlsni, I.rwp
tlona snd Mklm IMa
easee, OMIouenaais,
Liver Complaint,
Dropsy, Tatter. Tn-
imiri one) Salt niirum, Woruis, tiout,
.Meuralaln. aa is Dltinrr Pill, and Purify Inj;
the Illood, are the most congenial purgative
yrt perfected. Their effects abundantly show how
much they eircl all other Pills. They are asfa and
pleasant to lake, but powsrful to cure. They
pnrge out tho foul hurnora of the blood; they
stimulate tbe sluggish or disordered orgsa Into
sctlon and they Imrart health and tone lo IAS
whole being. They cure not only be every day
ccmplaints of everybody, but formidable and dan
gerous dlirsies. Most skillful physicians, most
eminent clergymen, and vur best citizens, snd
certificates if cures performed and ofrrat benefits
thev have derived from these Pills. They are the
esfrst and best physic tor children, becauio mild
as well as effectual, ntlng sugar-coated, they are
easy to trte and being partly vegetable, they are
entirely harmless.
bxvabbd bt
Dr. J. C. AYER ft CO., lowoll,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
Soli ty e0 t)rugjt$ti and Dtaiirt in JtatfeciM.
Cinrt PKIt DA V Commission or f UO a week
fDLt'9 Salary, and sapensss. Weoffsrlt and will
iMtylt. Apply nnwr.U.Wfi tjereVCe..Marion.O
..jalogue for 1874 will bo;
Ufal'ent free to Agents oo sppllratlnn.
l.tlKW MAPI, CII-M1, L'HKtt. '
M ElgafP"1! c. Our new Map of IKDI I
OAK, are the best and cheapest pub-f
lllshed. t
e Awasl T C nUlDOMAX.
We" l 4 liar clay Street, K. Y
II A rcaa
witbtbaOreenTeaflavor War
ranted to ultalllastee Por sal
every where. And sold at whole
sale only by Orsst Atlantic and
ratine TeaCo . 3 A U7 Tesey
street. X T P O Bos B-.-t.
Send for Thea-Hsctar Circular
Orient Safety Lamps,
Entirely of Metal, are Ihe esily
larwpe Irs ns wtilch ran rselttier
wreak, leak, nor eistleMte. Areor
tsasnrntal aHft cheap. Aflapfrel
la all hnneehnlw siseai alaa. fa
stores, farlaries. rhMrcltes. ale.
Mrltlnx 1 hese Umps.
AOE.tTS WASTED Hi every -oontv
In the CnlleJ IU e Addrese
MB C'hanetscra airaat, Jlow arht.
iuocoiwesien lull ft.
Homes in the Near West.
BBTTXa lands at cheaper prlcee than can be
found elsewhere wltbm civilisation A thnttt
frxrtKovtr I.JUB.eao acres. on tbe lines ot the
rhlcago snd Borthwestern and Illinois Central I
Railways. In Iowa. Average credit price S4 and
g per acre. Title clear. Bo fever and ague, Por I
Un-t esplorlng tlrhels. r'celvaMs aa rash In nav- I
mrst. or maps and a-nldes giving- descriptions.
prlres terms t snv isformation.callooor address
J0H5 H. CtLIIOL'B. Land Cinniiilimir Iowa K.
R. Land Co. V JL'B4olph st. Chicago. or Cedar
Rapids. la. B -tarnmnd trip half fart
so Irtttl Jrtm rsiraei apjiu tt f As S&ttrt
Bid Fani Lands ;
Tea Tsari Credit. latatast ealy t yer caaf, '
A handsome ntastratea paper, rowtaieise; "
HamttUad Law:. eaalld frea to alt parti i or the
wcrW. Ad.rcss O r?T"-
Land cctaratsetoaer. C. P B- BOwasiA, Baa.
Tha snh edition withla three years, last re- !
reived. It Is tha aseet eplet aa4 rabaela wjrh '
13 prtnt. J A pages. asbetaattaBy hoa&d.prsee ,
aa. aahraaaycaaaw1tsaaspltaawtofBsA-l
Icta's lor ail. Book aa4 eaaa aeat to aay part -f
the rite4 states aci4 Cana'a oa reelt of IT. B. j
Bv It aavee twite its coat ta erery hvauly with I
eauarea eans
: TA1
4 St Bear fork. Bust- I
a i
Tr"Jir B'Wf,'
.bbbbPbbbbbbbbbV T
rr 'L ' ' PBl!TSaWBBBBWBae8BBmBlBBhw
atlfactlon. The demand will b large Char
. - - . .
a numUer. 1 want the egency ror Jirnn, liar M-
Srrlrgt (t'
spring Bunou "e inma we ran iitrla many -
agency f a Huren and Ivl ronnllea, Iowa, and
nrg i:vrUly that sees Ihe TCreinld tblnkt It
Klnley. Kramettt"
burg" "They are futt what svery er-
Itit 1M windy country. Sena mm more, aio inn
. f ma wriraeu 9i. !nmoi mirianqi
are vrry tataMe article, 11 will be no trouble t
"1 I ul tie unUer my dmir, and It It a complete trr
nair Joien Tnretaoias ss samples, we wum use
I'euce, MI'Mown . "1 canvaited my nelgbNrbro.l
'O mi re. Yesterday t sola 3. I wilt take the right
looks lo us as If It wss Just
the thlnir Air this conn
exclusive rtwht for thlecounly.M J-hua )tot-ert
eep out rain, etc., but rawed, semi 3TntrhoM
- "Ills lust the thtnir usoded In this rati of Lho
rxrluttve right f Johnson county 'r.r
Dr. J. Walker's (alifm lib Vin
egar JUMrrx aro a jnirt'ly Wt-tiihlo
picpanition, mailo oliiclly from Uiu na
tive licrha foimil on the lower ratteen of
tin Sicira Ni'Viula mount. litis of (.,allfr
nin, tho iuciliclnnl prritifrt of which
an ('.xtnictvil tlii'iufrotn without lho uso
of Alcohol. Tho miration irr :ltuoflt
daily asked. ''What w tho cause of tho
j UllJi.tnillcleM HUCCVHK of VlNUiiAK IJtr-
' 'rt'tuf lltlt esltwU'fsf til tls-kP f.Wlt ri.lHiisA
aieaa.ys 4 IlllflUVI lOa -. I HJ J 1TIIVF
tho cauvj of dlwiiM?, and tho p.iticnt m
couth IiIm health. They arir the jrrc;i
hit km I purifier nuil a Iiff-Kri prliielpl,
a jierfect l.cnovator and Iiivigor.Uor
of tho oysteiii. Never U'turn in thrv
hiatiiry of thn vrnrM hw a iiirRcIno lHvn
eotniHiiiiwlfil tioeM-Keinir thn rriiiirknMrv
ituditlr4 ofTLM'.j.ft HrrTKn. in iit.-tlfrtr tn
Kick of fVtlf tliM'OMs iniin i- limr t. Thy
.ire n p'ntlo Purgative oa vH nn a Tmlr,
n'lii-viinr Contention or hiflauuiuitinn !
Uio LiiiT ami ViiMcrul Orjcan". iti ilillmi'
T1m irnM'r!Ii'.s of im. WtiKKu'n
VI5K1AR IllTTKKitroAlH'rlrt, iMnnhnrftir,
Caniunntivi. Xntritintiii, JjixaUvo, IJiuretic,
.Vlitivi ritiutrr Irribint, budontic. AlUtv
Ur, und Anti-Iiilioue.
K. II. MrlXI.IAM) '-. f'l..
Druggists and (.en Ajrti8n Krsnrieni f'lif.mla.
and cor of Wathinrton and ITmrll-m t. ! V
Solel by all DragKlsta and Dralrre.
r way fzuarantaed "i -
J4BhvgyBBau.ll .tiarr-iirtu. refar-f"
awgaajWaf ' " w w w.Oi
wuMag tiM
m fawigw,i.
a0IPIlE HABIT t- -Ii r
rurl l Ir 1,-rU '.
Known ,i miiio r.-iin-'T.
' C'IfAItr. i:
fr treinrnl tintll ctirwl. fall on or axMr -
DR. J. C. BECK, ClnoiriHrtl. O.
J. r. BUBT, Cl'BBA.1 A Cv)., K , V . Bole Af-of-
"JhmopoiicM hhiI the I'eoptr,"
f Hm D C tire - s tun- a1 tt feea. .
ia mr r. a. !?? a r i,ia we iinein,
wat s- p0eM lew Ifc- NHw CUulUw k- Ocfm W. W .. hettS B. a; , i.ailTlri.
rwi,rm.Hfmio4MfUWMf,o '
cmmM B4 Cop-et la ;, mwa ..,!, k ;.
r-vetiJ. "SfiofMwrMumr'if'BM'Jur'
one," a fstt-ewg; (j a wtw amtMi r-s
tlaV TW lefr 4 l wM W la tae imm tt tse
bvt 0it im E, tra We a wee ttm Seivt
lorCfCulsrs it-I-3 SooHAlX.r.&w w l-i-
is sup effectual a rtmedff
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awawawj m Affa . BwS BBS
Insurance Company,
ASSETS. SS,000,000.00.
vTaata CsBB4nrt Jageafs la all Unocca-
v Aireacie,
So. II
sawr saw) agjrarieswwtaa
la I Me fw)pr
I l"'ylsBT mSeeBA"eaBV
A Mjfm 1rea.yw
Cm w ''Sgash
m MUlM.V-aJ
"". ri. r prm
. - a sBJ
eiii.HiimiH. BJ
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Wllli' 1.1
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