The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 26, 1874, Image 5

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The Women's Crasade.
- When the women of Ohio began their
assault -upon the liquor shops, almost
everybody supposed the movement
would be nothing more than the fleetfug
excitement of an hour. The ladies
would parade the street, and assemble
in the chnrchcn, and sing hymns, and
raise their voices in prayer ; would
carry about the pledge for signatures,
and thrust the pencil into trembling
and beery hands ; would keep little
towns and villages in turmoil for a few
days, and exact all nort of impossible
promises from unwilling sinners ; but
we were not to expect a practical result
from such extraordinary and irregular
proceedings. Even if the women were
stout enough of heart to withstand the
jeers, and insults, and brutal remaks
that would certainly assail them, and
vigorous enough in body to endure the
long watch of prayer, hour after hour,
day after day, from early morn till the
night was far spent, the time must soon
come when the spiritual excitement that
iuepired'the crupado would die away, to
1)0 followed by tho inevitable reaction.
But two months have now passed, and
the women are more earnest than ever.
Driven out of the bar-rooms they kneel
in tho muddy streets ; which may be
cleaner after all than sanded floors be
strewn with the refuse of conviviality.
They mind neither the cold winds nor
the pelting rain. All manner of engines
of defenso have been brought up against
them without avail. Hero an unro
' generate saloon-keepers throws snuff
into the midst of the praying band.
Thero an irate ruffian assaults them
with a poker. Vulgar caricatures are
displayed in tho shop windows. Coarse
jests ore heard as the crusaders march
through the streets. The law is invoked
to prevent trespass upon private premi-
ses and interference with legal occupa
tions ; and in this part of tho defense it
is important to notice that the whole
Hale liquor dealers are helping the
j-mn-hhop keepers with money. Never
theless the crusade goes on, and tho
roll of victory lengthens every day.
It is apparent that we have all un
derrated tho strength of a woman's en
thusiasm and devotion. The generous
and Christian impulses are something
raoro than outbursts of sentiment;
they are important forces in the gov
ernment of society. If the Ohio tem
perance movement can be guided with
reasonable discretion, it may regener
ate tho wholo region.. It will not, of
course, destroy intemperance, and
probably it will not permanently check
the sale of liquor; but it may make
drinking more disreputable, and save
thousands of men who?.e case is not yet
hopeless. New York Tribune.
A Lunatic Ball.
In the recent annual ball at the
Lunatic Asylum at New Haven, Ct.,
twenty couples took tho Hoor, ranged in
two lines, facing each other, and stood
.stilly in profound silence waiting the
music. In this party the strangeness of
tho performers was most apparent. The
men wore a look upon their faces of
such resolution as one would expect on
that of a brave man brought face to face
with some terrible danger. Tho women
were moro wandering in their glances ;
but nearly nil were sarious, too. The
music burst forth, and a simultaneous
movement followed ; nil sorts of move
ments, some cultivated steps, but for the
inoht j;irt a mere violent hhuffliiig exer
cise. Directly they all seemed to have
forgotten that they had partners, and
settled down into dancing. There was
somo peculiarity about every individual,
but in every one was observable a sort
of ecstacy. One girl, with wild, dark
eyes, and her black hair hanging loosely
around her neck, would occasionally
pause, as if trying to recollect where sho
had acted such a part in other scenes,
but, glancing at the company all on
gnged around her, sho would resume
her motions. Some of them kept their
gaze fixed on the ceiling, turning neither
to the right nor to the loft ; others kept
a watch upon their feet, which, to their
bewildered minds, were perhaps going
fitully astray. Very soon the organiza- That tho effects of worry are more to be
tion lost shape ; tho original partners dreaded than those of simple hard
had wandered hopelessly away from ' work, is evident from noting the class
each other. But, with instinctive gal- I of persons who suffer most from the cf
lautry on one side, and gentle acqui- fects of mental overstrain. Tho case
cscenco'ou the other, tho men swung i book of the physician shows that it is
and twirled whichever lady happened to the speculator, the betting man, the
be within reach at the moment when railway manager, the great merchant,
they thought tho music indicated the superintendent of largo manufacto
" swing your partner." J ries or commercial works, who most fre-
Use of Cats' Whiskers.
Every one has observod the whiskers
of a cat ; but fow, perhaps, dream that
they servo anyvaluablo end. The
followiug passago will prove the con
trary: " Every one must have observed what
are usually called the whiskers on a
cat's upper lip. Tho use of these in a
state of nature is very important. They
are organs of touch. They are attached
to a bed of close glands under tho skin,
and each of theso long and stiff hairs is
connected with tho nerves of the lip.
The slightest contact of these whiskers
with any surrounding object, is thus
felt most distinctly by the animal, al
though tho hairs are themselves in
sensible. They stand out on each bide
in tho lion, as well as in tho common
cat ; so that, from poiut to point, they
are equal to the width of the, animals
body. If wo imagine, therefore, a lion
steating throuch a covert of wood, in an
imperfect light, we shall at once see the
use of these long hairs. They indicate
to him, through the nicest feeling, any
jbitacle which may present itself to the
passago of this body; they prevent
tho rustle of boughs and leaves, which
would give warning to his pray, if he ;
were to attempt to pass tnrough too
closo a bush ; and thus, in conjunction
with tho soft cushions of his feet, and
thofurxipon which lie treads (there
tractile claws never coming in contact
with tho ground), they enable him to
move toward luX victim with, a stillness
greater even than that of the snake, who
creeps along the grass, and is not per
ceived till ho is coiled round his pray.
Isothermal Lines.
These lines, as their name indicates,
are lines of equal temperature, and vary
greatly from the lines representing the
latitude of different localities. It would
naturally be supposed that localities sit
uated at the same distance north or
south of the equator would be of the
. same average temperature throughout
the year, but an examination of a map
on which isothermal lines are repre
teuted will show a remarkable variation.
Take the isothermal line of forty degrees
of animal temperature. It runs through
the southern part of the Gulf of St
Lawresce, thence south of Iceland
and through the center of Scandinavia.
It is as warm on the western coast of
Europe as it is on the eastern coast of
the United States, 600 or 800 miles
further south. Grains will ripen in
these latitudes in this ratio. A similar
statement is true of the west portion of
the United States. Take the parallel
of fifty dagTees of equal annual temper
atureit runs by Albany, the south
.shore of Lake Erie, through Northern
Illinois, then northward to Northern
Oregon and -away to' Puget'a Boanel,
hundreds of miles further north than
it is on the eastern side. Detroit Free
A Dark Pfetare.
Mr. Disraeli draws the followiag dark
picture of Ireland at tha present time :
I have made a note of the provisions
of the Coercion act, which were extend
ed by the Lord Lieutenant in 1870, and
have been extended subsequently, so
that now, I believe, thev ajpfy to eleven-twelfths
of tho whole country- In
the first place, peHbus out at night un
der suspic'ous circumstances may be ar
rested by any constable. Secondly,
strangers sojourning in a district may
be arrested by a constable, brought be
fore a magistrate and examined as to
their mode of livelihood, and their ob
ject in being in such district, and unless
their answers are satisfactory, or they
can produce persons to find security for
their good behavior, they may be Eent
to jail. Thirdly, newspapers may be
warned, and afterward become forfeited.
Fourthly, the sale of gunpowder and
arms is subjected to stringent, rules.
Fifthly, grand juries are authorized to
present moneys to be levied for payment
of compensation to persons whose rela
tives have been murdered, or to persons
who have been themselves injured.
That was in the year 1670. In 1871 this
stringent measure of coercion was not
found adequate. A supplementary bill
was brought in and passed into an act,
and this Peace Preservation act was
continued till the year 1873. And in
1873 it was proposed, and successfully
proposed, to continue these acts until
the j-ear 1875 ; and Ireland at this mo
ment, I believe I may say, is governed
by these laws, which in severity I am
not Baying that the severity is not nec
essary ; 1 refrain from entering on any
question of that kind but is governed
by laws of coercion and stringent sever
ity that do not exist in any other quar
ter of tho globe. "Well, then, is it not
perfectly absurd to pretend to talk of
the tranquility of Ireland, where a man
cannot go out into his garden after din
ner and look at the stars or see which
way the wind blows without the risk of
being arrested by a policeman ?
Ileligious Items.
The Baptists in New Hampshire have
eighty-five churches, containing an ag
gregate membership of 8,09G.
The General Conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church South is to con
vene in Louisville, Kjy, in May next.
The church choirs in Boston are said
to cost the sum of $142,000 annually, a
sum sufficient to comfortably support
100 missionaries.
The church propertv in the city of
New York is valued at48,000,o6o. The
church buildings of the various denomi
nations number .359.
The statistics "of the Texas Confer
ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church
I show a net increase for the last year of
: rrn' i i , .
ixu juuiuuura uuu eleven cnurcues.
The Baptist Missionary Union'" is
now in the last quarter of the financial
year, and unless S1G8.000 are raised be
fore April 1, the treasury will" bo in
The salaries of the Bishops in ,tho
Methodist Episcopal Church aggregate
tho Hum of $50,000 per annum, with the
addition of about 5,000 for traveling
Uev. Dk. Stkatton, of the Methodist
Church, has been talking temperance
statistics on the largest scale. Clergy
men cost $12,000,000 yearly; criminals,
$40,000,000 (rather a low estimate if we
includo rings) ; lawyers, 380,000,000 ;
intoxicating drinks, 8700,000,000. The
city of Now York invests $05,000,000 in
manufactures, $90,000,000 in seventy
ono banks, and $200,000,000 in tho liquor
Effeds.of Worry.
i A writer iii Chambers' Journal says
, bral exhaustion. Mental cares accom.
' panicd by suppressed emotion, occupa-
tions liable to great vicissitudes of for
tune, and those which involve the bear
ing on the mind of a multiplicity of in
tricate details, eventually break down
the lives of tho strongest. In estimat
ing what may be called the staying
powers of different minds under hard
work, it is always necessary to tako
early training into acconnt. A young
man, cast suddenly into a position in
volving great care and responsibility,
will break down ; whereas, had he been
giadually habituated to this position,
he would have performed its duties
without difficulty. It 'is probably for
this reason that the professional classes
generally suffer less from the effects of
overs trainithan others. They have had a
long course of preliminary training, and
ineir worn comes to uiem bv decrees :
therefore, when it doe come in exoes-
sivo quantity it finds them prepared for
it Those, on the other hand, who
suddenly vault into a position requiring
severe mental toil generally die before
their time.
Americans are gradaally waking tip
to tne tact tnat oatmeal is by no means
an unimportant article of diet. As a
food, tho merits of which have stood
the test of centuries, and which is cal
culated to promote the sanitary interests
of the nation by laying the foundation
of more hardy and vigorous constitu
tions for the coming generation, let us
regard its general adoption as an article
of diet as nothing short of a nntireiaJ
good. Its phosphorescent qualities act
as a gentle and healthy stimulant to the
brain, and on no other food can one en
dure so great or so prolonged mental
labor as on oatmeal porridge. Properly
cooked, it is not only a most healthful
and nutritions food, but it is decidedly
palatable, as is fully attested by its
wonderfully rapid adoption as a popular
diet by the very fastidious palates of
our American people.
A Professoe or Fkloxt. A Profes
sor of Felony was recently arrested in
Cincinnati. His name was John Carney,
aud a manuscript .was found on him en
titled a "Lecture on Thieves," with a
schedule of price for 100 lessons, as
follows : .Por kigfewayaaea, 15 ; -robbers,
20; footpads, $9; pickpockets,
JI90 ; shop-lifters, $200 ; panel thieves,
$150 ; burglars. S500: eonfldotee bm.
51,000 j garroters, $50: till-tamiers.
$2o; counter-hoppers, $12; hotel
thieves, 36 ; train robbers, $5,000. The
Professor also propoeed to. show clerks
the way to rob their emplovers and
square it ut on their books. "
A Lessea far Americans.
Mr. Joseph Medill, ex-Mayor of Chica
go, writing from Paris to Ufa Tribune,
of the former city, speaks of the econ
omy of the French, lie says :
" Bat that in which theFrenck more
particularly exeel is 'economy. Com
pared with these French people the Amer
icans are wasteful, improvident; aad ex
travagant It seems to me they live on
just about one-half what the.Americana
do. They have a knack, so to speak, of
making a little go a great way, and of
extracting subsistence or comfort from
things Americans would throw away
or never notice.
It may be instructive to point out a
few of the matters to which reference
is here made. In the first place, not an
ounce of food is wasted, in harvesting
or preparing for market In the next
place, not an ounce more of vegetable
flesh, fish, or fowl, groceries or liquids,
than is really needed, ever goes into the
pot or kettle, or is placed on the table.
The wife of every French family knows
to a nicety what quantity of each kind
of food is the least that will Harness to
make a comfortable meal, and not a par
ticle more than that is cooked or served.
There are no slop-buckets full of bro
ken victuals left on the table after break
fast or dinner, to be thrown on the
street or manure-heap, or flung to the
dogs or swine, as in America, No pieces
of bread or meat or vegatables are
thrown away ; such quantities are not
bought as to become stale or spoiled in
the cellar or pantry. Servants-are never
permitted to'wabte or steal food for poor
relations, as in America. The lady of
tho house looks after tho marketing, her
kitchen, and her pantry with sharp eyes
and unflagging care.
The economy in the consumption of
fuel for cooking and house-warming is
immense as compared with that in our
wasteful country. One reason, of course,
is that wood and coal in France are
scarce and dear. They cost at least
double the price, paid therefor in the
United States ; but the domestic con
sumption is not one-quarter as much.
Paris contain between four and five
times the population of Chicago; bnt,
I find that tho fuel consumed in it is
less than in Chicago. It is true that the
climate is' much warmer for six months
of the year in Paris than in Chicago ;
but after making the due allowance for
that it still remains true that only one
third to two-fifths as much fuel is con
sumed per capita in Paris as in Chicago;
and, as far as my observation and in
quiries extend, the same proportion
holds good thronghgut all Franco."
DiKreall's Yictorj.
The change of , Government through
which Great Britain is now passing, al
though attended by many picturesque
and exciting circumstances, is not likely
to be followed by any important or far
reaching consequences. The Liberal
Earty has suffered a great defeat The
it eral leader has been reduced, per
haps permanently, to the ranks. But it is
difficult to see in what the liberal tenden
cies of England hava met with any seri
ous check. The questions npon which
this canvass was conducted had little
deep political significance. Mr. Glad
stone went before the country standing
upon the surplus in the Treasury and
promising the abolition of the income
tax. He asked from the people a
repetition of the vote of confidence in
his Government which he had recently
received from the House of Commons,
and the voters failed to give it. This
puts the Conservatives for the time
being into power, but they do not as
sume the responsibilities of the ad
ministration burdened with any com
mitments or definite policy. Thousands
of people voted against the Liberal
candidates merely because they were
tired of Mr. Gladstone. Ordinary hu
man nature is so constituted that the
contemplation of high moral excellence
excites an emotion not entirely devoid
of fatigue. Mr. Gladstone was too seri
ous and too irreproachable to serve for
ever as a popular leader in a free nation.
But his defeat does not prove that the
party which has overthrown him has
won a permanent victory. They de
feated him once before, within a year.
But the accidental cliaracter of tho de
feat was so evident that Mr. Disraeli
expressly refused to take up the reins
he had struck from the hands of the
great Liberal. He knew that he could
not govern with the m-esent Parliament.
and he was clearly not ready to appeal
to the country. When Parliament was
dissolved the act was denounced as a
trick of Gladstone's, and tho general
feeling of resentment against him no
doubt contributed somewhat to his de
feat yew York Tribune.
A Plea for the Howe-Dog.
A correspondent of the Maine Far
mer Bpeaks these good words for the
house-dog : " What hard-working far
mer, on returning at night to rest his
weary limbs, docs not feel that he is
more safe from burglars, and his stock,
fowls and orchards more secure from
thieves and midnight prowlers, both
two and four-legged, if tie has a good,
faithful dog about his premises ? What
good housewife and all such prefer
leaving their hard day's work on the
clothes-line during the dews of night
does not feel that her clothes are more
safe if Bose is in the yard? When the
little ones are off berrying, fishing, or
wandering in the woods, what parent
does not feel less anxious if Bose is with
them? When you are absent from
home over-night, do yon not feel that
homeis more secmre if Bose gaarda the
premises and who greets your return
with a more cheerful welcome than he ?
From the earliest period of history the
dog has been tne faithful companion of
man, and is the only species of the
brute creation that will forsake its own
species and follow him. A dog may be
taught to be useful in many ways, even
to the saviag of human life. Ton oaa
easily learn a dog'to go into the water
and bring out a stick, your hat or coat,
and by filling a suit of your boy's
clothes with straw, and throwing it into
the river, your dog will bring it out ;
and if your little boy should accident
ally fall into the water, Bose woald
soon safely land him on the shore.
Glass fbox Granite. The Baltic
Journal reports that there exists near
several cities of Finland a kind of gran
ite, called there Cupaeivi, of which the
compoftitioa is this : Silica, 74 per
cent; feldspar, 12; oxide of iron, 3:
lime, 1 ; alkalies, with traces of mag
nesia, 9. This being evidently a good
compound to sake glass, the Irst ex
periment was coneeduently made by-t
meiuag ouu parts granite ana juu parts
limestone, and a white glass was ob
tained. The second experiaaeat . was
made with 30 granite, 150 Kme, and 75
of soda. This glass was more fasible,
and at the same time harder. Both
kinds were blown without diamcalty, at
a bright red heat, while a dark glass
was xaade by the addition of 70 parte
oi aHslpfcaSe of luae or potass,
parts of carbon.
702 wereoiJxkk psaTwa.tiaix
The Pake.
A healthfuL grown person's pulse
beats seventy time in a minute ; there
may be. good health down to sixty ; but
if the pulse always exceeds seventy.
I there is a disease the machine is work
imm Wt fast: ik im ..m ifcoir nf
there is a fever or inflammation some
whereaod the body is feeding on itself,
as in consumption, when the pulse is
quick that isover seventy gradually
increasing with decreased chances of
cure until it reaches one hundred and
ten or one hundred and twenty, when
death comes before many.days." When
tho pulse is over seventy for months,
and there is a slight cough, the lungs
are affected. Every intelligent .person
owes it to himself to learn from his
family physician how to ascertain the
pulse in health ; then, .by comparing it
with what it was when ailing, he may
have some idea of the urgency of his
case, and it will be an important guide
to the physician. Parents should know
the healthy pulse of each child, as now
and then a person is born with a -culiarly
slow or fast pulse, and the very
case in hand may bethat peculiarity. An
infant't pulse is one hundred and forty ;
a child of seven, about eighty! and
from twenty to sixty years it is seventy
beats a minute, decl'niug to sixty at
four-score. There are pulses all bver
the body, but where there are only skin
and bone, as at the temples, it is most
easily felt.
A Second Father Matthew. Who
is were mat uoes not respect tne mem
ory of Fathei Matthew, the great cbam
pion of temperancil'Innumerable so
cieties bear his honored name ; but
there is one man who has struck a more
sure death-blow to intemperance, and
that man is Dit. J. Walked, an old
California physician, who has discov
ered in nature's "meek and lowly
herbs," a medicinal " tonic" and gentle
stimulant that completely takes the
place of the fashionable alcoholic poi
sons called "tonics," so popular as a
compromise between strong drink and
cold water, and does away with the
mania for drink, and in reality culti-.
vates an involuntary disgust for the"?
same. It even does more. It acts upon
(Via pntirA -nlivkipnl Hvutatn rmriHon tlm I
UlrA o.1 ,jLl lTlo L.A 1 W1
blood and produces hale, hardy health.
Thft riiaivwArpr of this tnodimnnl
stimulant is surely .entitled to the
thanks of a whole nation, and it is not
extravagant to entitle him "a second
Father Matthew." 33
In an essay at the recent meeting of
the Iowa Horticultural Society at Iowa
City, on "Necessity of Forest Culture
in Iowa," Dr. Humphrey, of Illinois, (
said Minnesota has th'ree-tenths more,
Illinois twice, Indiana and Missouri
three times mre timber than Iowa. I
The coal-fields of Iowa embaace 2,400 i
square miles, and exceed those of Penn
sylvania. .
Thekk were 820,000,000 expended last
in year passago money between this .
country and Great Britain.
A Wroaa; Caatoa Corrected.
It is quite generally tho custom to take
strong liver stimulants for tho euro of liver
complaint, mud both the mineral and vegeta
ble kingdom Lave been diligently eearched
to procure the most drastic aud poisouoim
pargaiircn, in order to produce a powerful
effect upon the liver, an i arourte tho lagging
and enfeebled organ. This ajstera of treat-1
ment it on the same principle as that of giv
ing a weak and debilitated man hrgj portions
of brandy to enable him to do a certain amount
of work. When the stimulant is withheld,
the organ like the system, gradually relapse I
into a more torpid or eluggieh and weakened
cdndition than before. What then is wanted ?
Medicincc, that, while they caue tho bile to
flow freoly from the livej, as that organ is
toned into action, will not overwork and thus
debilitate it. but will, when tlieir use is dis
continued, leave tho liver strengthened and
Bibokn, Genesee Co., N.Y., March 23, 71.
Dr. K. V. Pierce:
Dkab Sis: YoHr treatment in my case has
been quite succcesfnl and satisfactory, and
for which I desire to express my gratitude.
I bavo been troubled with a disordered Liver
and Catarrh aud general weakness for a good
many years, and was failing slowly all the t
time, and last August I called on you and got t
some of your Golden Medical Discovery and
Dr. Hage's Catarrh Remedy, and one of your
Nasal Injectors, and rince that time I have
been improving and am now bettor than I
have been in years, not having had tho sick
headache in months, which I ued to havo to
Average once week, the Golden Medical
Discovery being the principal medicine used.
It has worked wonders in my cae, aud I rec
ommend it to those similarly afflicted. Let ,
me express gratitude to you for such invalua
ble services.
Truly and gratefully yours.
Wat. F. Cmttehpsn.
Sixty thousand dollars' worth of ap-'
paratus and appliances, for tho euro of de
formities, are annnallT made and applied at
the National Surgical Institute, Indianaoolis, ,
Ind. It has the greatest reputation of any
institution in the Union for the snccensfnl
treatment of all kinds of human deformities,
Paralysis. Piles. Fistula. Catarrh aud Chronic
Diseases. Their Urga journal will be sent I
free to any address npon application. Com.
The New York Weekly Witncn at
One Dollar per annum, is the best Weekly
newspaper in America. It has Increased in
circulation tenfold within a year. Com.
The New York Daily Witness at
Three Dollars, is beet for business men. Send
(by postal card) for sample copies. Com. '
There are probably a hundred or'
more persons in this and neighboring towus, '
who daily sniffer from the distressing effects
of kidney troubles, who do not know that
Johnson' Anotlyne LininunU is almost a cer- J
tain cure. In severe cases, great relief may
be obtained, if not a perfect cure. Com.
The revival column of tho Central
meroua and poweriol revivals in variona
parta of the Wert and Northwest
We notice that the agricultural pa
pen all over the country recommend tbe oe
of Sheridan'M Caralry Condition Powder.
Fanners and others in this section have
long known and appreciated tbe advantage of
tfaeee powders over all otkera. Cora.
Go to RmawrDK Water Care. Hamilton, HI.
Br.wa'a afroavehaoi Traekca for Com r ha
uast CotslB.
aesjnlre itesaellata attaatioe, aad ahoald Ve
Checked. If allowed to contioaa, laAtTATtos of
th Lease, a FamatABrrr Tbsoat AfTBcrioar. oa
Ibccbablb Leva Dtf bab It often th resmlt.
aovnrs aaoNciiiAL Ttocaas,
Ravine a direct tntaenc. oa tk parta, gi.a tmsa
diae rallef. For aaoacHrrxa, Asth.Catabs,
CoascatryrTB Ae TatiOAT Bisbasa. TsocKBaare
a. at arsVA sv'steaa foo4 ra-tut
StBessa a rcauc Sravaxsas
WlllBnTBecBmaniiiaei.noguvrc-aTi ,
aWea krtoraSiagtcg orSpeaklcg.aad Tellevivgtha j
ikroataalWaUsstBaIeBrMoaofthtjoca:orgAna j
Obtain oalf "aowara SaoacaiAt. TaocaaV )
.id c act take aa of tk. worthless tositotu.
.... -a- k- aa.4. mA atr
" ---
frewa ae ether eaaae than kavtag worm la she
win ieettay Weewse arttkoet iajasrytotka cfcUst.
awaa.ffsrB.ialy TatITa. aaseJ trea frswa allrlr
tBst er ewke tejvxteBS iaaeraaUaaU aawatljr saed t
CCatm a M90W9, aileiora.
se.ak Tiiswarwt,3rjsrTc.
a; Dn
eaaT OttmirU, aaaf wa!r w
-vrvirassTa a ana.
Catlcr ro. aontss
HorsKnoLD PA3rACKAA!n rAxiir
wht will you scrraa?
To mil person isSertngfrom Rkeamattsra, Su
To all persons affricgfora Rheumatism. Xea
ratgla. Cramp In the llanba or stomach. Billon
ralaita. Cramp la th limb or stomach, Bllloua
Colic, Pain In tha back, bowels or side, we would
Colic, Pain In tha hack, towels or slda, i onld
l Tin IlotriK'tou. Paxacia asd Paxily Ltxt
ayTtts Hocsckolo Paxaceaaxd Faxilt Lixi
Ban of allothsr tha remedy yon want for In
btbbt i of mil others the remedy yon want for in
ternal ana external use. it hat cared the aboTe
terna! and external use. It hai cured the .bore
coraplalate ta thousand or cat. There le no
complaint In thonaands of easrs There I co
mistake about it. Try It, old by all Drogjttta.
mistake about it. Try it. Sold by all Druggists.
FBBSCrmOX OF on of the bait Female Phyi
clan and Kane tn the TTnltad State, mad ha
bea for thirty year with merer falling
aaiety aad aacceia by mllltoaa of mothers, aad
children, from the feeble Infant of one week old to
the adult. It correct acidity of theatomarh. re
lieve wind colic, regulates the bowel, aad glTe
rest, health an 1 comfort to aaotheraad child. W
believe It to be tho Beat aad tareat Bemedy In the
World In aU cases of DTSKKTEBT aad DIAB
BBKA IX CH1LRBZK. whether it art from
Teething or f torn any other cause. Full directions
for using win accompany each bottle. Nune Ocnu
ine nnless the fac-simlle of CCBT1S J riRKIKB Is
on the outside wrapper.
Beat suad Olelcat Kaaalljr ."etlcUse.-Aja-
orafa Livtr fnnpurutor a purely Vegetable Ci
tKirtic and Tynt-for Uyipepsla, Constipation, De
bility. Sick Headache, BUUls Attacks, and all
derangements Cf Liter, St mach and Bowels. Ask
your nrumrtst for It. Btirt of imitation.
Affrnts w:i:e.i.ilteu-
? 4 ii lar
J. WuimACo.St. Louis. Mo.
PKK DAY Commission or B3U a week
Salary, and exoenses. Weoffer it and will
pay it. Apply new. O.Wlst)rJt-Co.,Marioii,0
Isenriwr the aodreis tf ten persons with 10
ct. wtlKecelT fre. a besutiful Chromo
flalC I and Instructions how to srrt rich, post-paid.
UrlC I Ctfy .VoTvffvCb., VH 8. Bighth-st.. Phlla., Pa.
TjrrtrV8cna -.3 ct with addresses cf 5 others and
H XiArecHTe postpaida KlneChrnrao 7x,worth
HTVP 81.'. and Instructions tn clear $Jaday.
Jj UJ. PlpmbACo., Itt South 8th-t., fhlU , Pa.
Wantbd Auaxrs for Or. Cornell IhJlar im
Hl l'ajter -Religion and Health united -A tlnlti
fremium to every subscriber notutnu like It in
he country a rare chance purlinJiirs free. 11.
B. Ri'sskll. Publisher, Iloston Mass.
144 School Teachers Wanted durtnir the sprinar and summer In a
TSi'iiness In their own counties paying $130 per
month. Address ZlKOLKK A McCUKUT,Chlcei,ll'.
iH it u pvrt. auy prepared and hap. snd
M. and 3t. stamp fur full dltectlons. J.A. MOK
j HELL. Physician and Chemist. M John Street. K Y.
ilHiR MAIiK-Hat, Cap and Fur Store; tha best
location in Chicago; a splendid chance; capital
required about 92,'tQ.
Address K. K , 10 1-2 South
PKK WKKK ran be mads by
arr smart man who can keen his
JiDstliess to lilinself Address C. G. UEUUKKT
CO, Jersey Cltr, K.J.
TKA AGENTS wanted In town and
order for the lanrestTxa (nintiiv
"m; " ai.ii iv ' a i- u a 1 4" u
In America. Importers' prices anil Inducements
tnAvrnts. Send for Circnlar. Address.
ROI1KKT WKLL9.43 Vesey 8t , N V. T. O. Dx.lSS7.
Euteririsliiir yoiihu and mtdd!e-ai;el men and
Vkoinvn, ambitious to inaku a urcful start lu
tiustncsj, arM)fTori"l siifxiilor facilities fiir
iir prepar
(sCilIctfe, inu iiini4'iveai tiieaienccriaiiiusinei
Milurnukt!-. nil.
R P A II T I P II l I ,M Hecalcomanl a or Tran
TrV ! fVaras ferJ'lcliues postpaid furftO
rlbl WnCSi teems Ilva-ln, Landscapes,
Flowtn, Auinmn Leaves, III rde. Animals, Insects,
Comic, Ac. Tlitv c-tu l.e InlUinl) transferred lo
any artule, so at n Imltat tbe most t't-autlful
paintings. A arirty nf ptcturrs, tatalntrue and
tustrui tinris fut r.rlOcni I. AUxnts wanted,
JitlrATTKN CO , l Hue Street, New Tork.
Yonman'i Dietionanr of Every-Day Wanta,
containing "."O 000 UacrTir-Tsibona tTJc number be
ware bogus Imitations) Intensely Interesting, at
tractive end nsrful to am. clashes, avlnir mi ney
da.jy to every buyer. Felllnir faster than any other
three books combined I One Atfent has already sold
over 2.W0 copies I 16 pace circular ana term free.
Address P. A. nuTceuuox Co , Chicago, ili.
Wanted Agents.
From $75 to l?w5f) per Month,
Rverywhcrr.3t.nle and Female, to aell one of
the most useful articles ever Invented, need
ed in every family. Mond fur circular.
Address i:t"i'.lll A- !.,
The fifthl edition within three years, just re
ceived. It 1 the most complete and reliable work
in print: 1,037 pages, substantially bound, price
SV A inahosranv case with complete setof 101 med
Iciiiaf ir 81i Book and case lent to any part of
the United States and Canada ou receiptor $17. it.
B It save twice Ita cost In every family with
ihlldren ea'h year.
Address IIOKltlCKE Si. TAFKL, Uomrro
patklc I'fiarmacy, 1V Grand St.. New Turk. But
ness eitabushed In lttl'.. Send for otrarnpfire or
ojt, rrzzs
Being a fall and anthentlc account cf the itrag
gles cf the American Karmera against tbe eator
tlons of tbe Railroad Companies, with a history of
the rue and prcarressof tbe Order cf Patrons of
Haibandry. It object, and prospact It sell at
Ight. Send for specimen pages and terms to
Ageuts, and aee why It sells faster than any other
book. Address NATIONAL PDBLISIlI.tO CO.,
Chicago. III., or St- Louis, Xo.
ass A aT"laAaU Untcrupuloas pub Isher
Baafaf I ItaITIa have taken advantagroftb.
great demand for this History of the Orana. Move
ment to lstie unreliable werks on tbe subject
mere rotnpilattonM from agricultural nricyiptr$.
Do not bcimpasad upon ?ee that tbe bok jou
bwy la Indorsed by tka laadingOranger.
Rich Farming Luis
l" TKBrLrVfeJCv..
Tea Tears Credit, Inters only 6 per ccat.
DtaeripUt PxmphUU, with .Srrtumat Maj, tntt Vrtu
A hsndsorn Illustrated Taper, cnn:alnlag tha
Hvmtsttad Zsnr. mallei fre. m all parts of tk
suili. Address O. T DAV1B.
LandCommtssioaer.V. r. K. K.,OaWA. .
u tmfmt VlaTATOaM THstaeataa.
WhfcA baa created teit a rerolatkra la the trade
east UeroBie to rctxr EBTabluhexi at the
"IetTttrear"or thiarlararrl reTatm.
l" P 'pTOaWjaCe IbCiCmaCWM.
ETisrxT tTWSTOi7ATX.BTTa it .i.iaiaaaiaia"
mnar. aaa atneer maxmg.
ft, 3t-laeA,
mm. Alee)
All jraons teteavliasf; bary Tartihiesy mU
ekswee, or raarator "aaVBsr," or .Bene fswera
-aOosc." ae well ae Gkazs bUibzxb asd rABa
za who wast their grass thrt'heJ. Mredaav!
eleaaeri to tbe heaa adrae lag-, are rerKal to tend
for oar aew forty- pa Jjrautrte4 laBflt
aart Circalars (tmtfrm) airUe; fall parikalar
ahettt the lasweweJ Wartiaif aasl ocher tefer
mtkm valamMe to fsiisn mmA tkinlisiann.
xichols, mar AMD co.
OURjloguefor 1874 will be
sent free to Agents on aunllcatinn.
hEW MAIN. til UTM. rillto-
I MCTaaVl',I0t " "r Mac of lDI
OAK, are tne best and cheapest pub
i aa I Harclay Street, K. r.
I awaSsaaaaaglaValMsfi'ar- VL "aaCJiJaaBBfcaaw
' - yKlaaaaaMiaaaaaaaafMtr
, "-aawaTaSaTICSciaSB"
a"" .WalJlalBaaavaTeSWSSSW--
or rax
Wheeler & Wilson
Sewiug Machine Co.,
Over Eighty-one Competitors,
World's Exposition, Vienna, 1873, Ac.
l.lhe Ksslirtt. Crsw or the Impart!
Uid.r m V aiscla Jwaetik," rvaftrrea
by h s Apot' Ic ! sty tk. Krafervr of Ans
Ula. nt4o the II u.sbl Xatanttl Wheil.r,
President of tbe Wbelr 4 Wt'sen Sln
Machine CVmpsuy, tk. fvaudar and bulla r
cf Sewing Mchllt Industry
. Tfce Grand Diploma of II aer, rera
caended by tk. tnteraatlnual Jury fcjr this
win Uackln only, for tbslr issaortaat
comrlluUoi s to tbj materl.i aad aoual wel
fare tf mankind.
U. The Orsail Msaal fir Prtire.a, awarded
rur ineir ."WW o. a .ucria. Being rnr
trrartss mad. since tbe rri Ej-oltUn of
which tk. orU llulj Mtitul forSe
Ma htne was awarded tu tkls Comoaoy.
frtisa a w level or ibftrlor ratdal. bat frota a
at tiAtr
(.yjJf.Jal, tii award mad. at Tarla.
.-- ri w.a. - ,. . ...- .1
lav wrwMV .iiriiHi lr Jirril, tur mi uw-
vrlopaasntof Ndl industry aad
t .c.iranc.
ana superiority or a.inurciur.a
samples ex-
A. A CSraucl Mrttrsl for Merit, for i.-.llncw
and superiority i.f Cabinet work, tk. only
award of tk. kind lu Ibis section.
O. Merfaila for eav.rtU Co-oowrotora, cf tk
Wheel. r X WtUou Company for oprl0r
7. Tfce OAsclat Rtani t. published by tka Otn
trttl Ihrtrtion of the Vienna Kxposlttcn, sl
nallse tka tuft-.Mnrv f the WhesUr A Wil
son rompanj fur ai.d quality of man
ufacture, and posittoi. tu the Sewing Machine
business as fulluws
official ar.roKT. vikkna kxivsition, taw-
(oaocr 13. lac 3, a.)
" The greatest Sowing- M achln. Manufactory la
the world Is that of Wheel r A Wilson, New York,
which alone has brought already over X)noo of
thrlr Sewing Machines into practical use. In.
complst. production of tk. parts by rn'ealnsry la
o regulated that each complst. machine may b.
used as a limp1 for exhibition. This firm pro
duces JO welt .CJusted machines dally.
" The latest produetiou of this firm, and which
la the wonder of theVeina Xxpocitton, la thtlr
aaw No. S Rawing Machine Tkls universal machine
taw ike h.avlest Iraih.r barn. aud tha e)i,.
faults with a traly pearl stitch.
" Whe-ler & Wl'mn hava recelv.d th. WhSli
arise at all World's lUposiltoni.aud at the Vienna
Kipoilllon ware extraordluarlly dlstlagulihad."
New Yokk, Sept. 15, IS7S.
Was unanlmnnsly ri. mm.nded by tha
Judges Of Sew lug MacMaes far
as being ' a derided Improvement over all other
macluiies In I lie market "and which ' must revo
lil'iouiae cerl4ln branch s of Industry, espsclally
tn boe and Harness Manufacturing."
" Bal.riaoaK, Md., O jlober 31, 1'7X
Tht Mastu.m Ixmrura has awarded Whxk
lkA Vilo tb OoLb Mkhai. fur their Nsw No A
Be wlnr; Machine. Other Ssl ,g Machines received
41 9aya.ah. November 4, 173.
" Atthn OrokoiA.rxTs ram. a Silvxr Mvhl,
tbe highest aud only premium fur Isather Stitch
ing, was awarded to Wit at r a Wilaoh for sam
ple dona on their N. N d Hewing Machlna.'
AeeneUs In all the rriacipal C.tlos la th. World
a A ft niimruiua viis aaa
run riiifirTiHti int dluuu. s
Thl rompound of tbe
vegetable alterative,
Sarsaparlila, Dixk. Bill
llr.gia and Mandrake
with the Ii44de rf Pot
assium and Iron make
a most effectual cure of
a .erics of complaint
which are very preva
lent and aflllcttng II
pnrlfles the Mi od, purg
es nnt the lurking hu
mor In the system, that
undermine health and
s'ttlr into troublesome
disorder. Kruptlonaof the skin are the appear
anc. on tlir surface of humors that should 1 ei
pfllled fr.m fie blood Internal draritfrnn'. ar.
thi deterr. Iratlonof tbrs.same humors to soma
Internal organ, or organs, whose action lby da
range, and whose substance they disease aid de
stroy Aria's SaasarABt lla expels these bsmors
from tbe blood When they ar gone, the disorders
they produce disappear, urh a I Irtrat tout tf tk
I.txr. Sfowiar. JTifnwf, t.ungi, firuttVmf umt
KrutJit Dutnxi ' ' Ai,M AlKony'i Ftrt,
iiseor EruripfUi: rtmtdr'.J'uttultt, Ittotrht', Itntjt,
Tumorf.Tttftr and Salt Kkrwn, Srald llrad, JYino
trrrrm, (Trer tnrf Srti, Jtluumatirm, turala(a.
Pain tn tk Bent $, Sid f and Mr a 4, J malt II a
imss. Fttrtltty. lAvrtrrrkm artrtno from infrreul
Ucrrntvm n4 utrrtnm &f Orvtf, Ixippii,
Ewtotuttirm and Utntrel ZttUify. With their (e
paitu. basJtb retorx.
rasyABis sv
Dr. J.C. ATOt ft CO., LoweU, Ita.
Practical and Ar.slytlral Ck.mltt.
Jkii by aU Druggist $ and Dralirt in Mftiei.
Per Day.
stamp to A.
1stO Agents wanted. Bend
H, Blair Co . 81. 1uls. Ho.
ABer Day guerantead t
foil Augwr.sjf
AT l4Tir a" foasdaomcthtagjrrwfor
HI LflVI agrata. It will sell twtfr than soy
thing Toarrer hasrBrd. UmpUmrsc KUHKKA HAS.
UK ACTLi:XCO-JClartorlWMadiooStMca
nni noinn KOK vai.hi a so
bULUnALlU TOCKITai It. dvantags
for Consumptives arid Asthmatics Foil parili-a-lars
given free. AddrsssA If rATTr.asti.f , Kort
Collins, Colorado.
Hot hiatal Ukf It Is Llleratair-.
Agvnts wanta tor 3taore to tltory, by Iir
r. a
SeJect your territory
, Ac Arfdr au
ray Hill Publishing-C., K r.att 2th fitraai, w, f
of Medical Wonders, f bo old beread by
all. Ba-st free far 1 itamp. Address
DR. aO.TArARTX, Clsctaaatl, O.
MtaVUITTlCai " ( C'kartea frcf,
. Will I I .tails ar. VAtvtn. ntt.
Longest eogag.d, anJ most raer.ssfal pkystetaarvi
tka age. CoosoltatloB or passphlst f re Car. if
write. Jnst pabllsked for yowsg man wV tiSt
frnaa rvtrae. D'Mllty, afc. csaipblet. V
tMVgti.lstaasy.; I Wx.i, Swaga. Hfq rated, We
C IKa-
trate! rk -fan pa.
ges. rontalbtag vaha
arlr tafonrastloft for
tboee wKr, are i)iarrtel r eoate-oirrUte itrarrlare.
Prtea cla. I.r madf. Addrras lr. fttitts lll.rxu.
tanr. a onh Egji Bjtreet. at. toais. it.
naYcBONAacT. oa BOCL CKiaWlNr,,--JL
Horn eitasr sex aaay faadnat aod gala tk.
Irrv.tand aBVetlooa ft aay ftm lky cfcoosa-.ta-staatly.
TBlaiBIaBstalaca)ireaiaat all eaa
possess, free, by mail, tat c. tc7tkr with e
Jfarriag. Oalde, IgypUava Oracle. Jravss. Hlsla
tn Lad lea. a qaaer Vnok. iajBB aoM. AaMraee
T. WILLXAat A CH-. rusw, Fbllaytatpbta-
"Si Hid iiaruce fir a lick Insj."
Insurance Company,
atawaesBsl BaoTaV-a4BataVaffr
Dr. J. Walker's California Vin
egar Bitters are a purely Vcnotabt
preparation, mado "Welly from the tin
tlvo herbs tound on the lower ranges of
tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the tncdflnal properties of which
are extracted therefrom 'Vitltout tho u
of Alcohol. The question w alnu?
dallv asked. What Is the cause of th
j unparalleled succc&h of Vineoak Ihr
I tkks!'' Our answer is. that they rcnuno
- .
tllO CUUM) Of llhkWC. ami tllO p.Uloni TO
.... l.:,. ,onlil, ThoV lire tllO CTVnX
-r. ... ..." ....... .. ---- --. -
covers his
f , . ,n .M .. 11 J-.
I MtHxl mirillorantl a Hfe-dvin? principle.
. H ivcriVct Kcuovator ami Invijjorator
of tho ay.Htcin. Nover bcfna la tho
hUtorr of" thr worUl h.w a innlichut Iffti
comjHmtniitl jrijfH.-.rif; tb rtnmrllil
oiiahttrri of tswiAB HiTTHR.t Inboalinff the
sick of tvrrr tltAo man U hctr ti. Thi
nn a i-ntlu I'urptUvo rw wr5l M a Tonir J
ri'lirviug Oip"tiMti or InllnuiniBtion of 4T w
tho Uxor turn Uiccrul Organ, ut lliliotu
The iironvrtien of Diu Walker'h
I.tKiiAK lUTTKU.t ant .tpem'OU uiaonurrutv
Crtrmiitittive. Kutritiiuid. laxaUvt. llurrtic.
Stnlrttivi'. Counter Irritant, Sudoritle, Alttinv-
ti?e. and Antinilio'
It. II. ,VrtMiiAI.t ."- f..
IrmsisUts ami Urn .i;ts,Snn rpinolicii ltllfmi,
anil ror of Wiuihtnston anil Ch.rii M- X V
Holt - all IrnsargWf. anil Dealer..
FasRiOAS for Spring ani Summer.
IT aWsWauw.-- a-waaojaaj j
IQfl3 ti-Aivvtcvt s
a m y rval.l S.l
ta SKMT fMM, i ..
il will ka gr4l Uit ..
partallT It la Im1i I iiir)riU m
yla. tbxi ayi- la. lrbs tt janata,
A wa In
J.i eia khisI It aiaiiaa
MOf) 0alrtWa,Wfcta..f iwl.J li.. !.'
ada krdl.S ta lha fm altta Mlara la U . um ll
la a-nWat, riin aalj t janfa af 44wk ia. f
iara, '.! J.U axJal. tu taal.
XkV illi u ,l f lU mI t.i.UW
beta re-al4 Itkta -torn, ll la i,4 ii ,.ui a
atlarSy aaljla Uaai tka fUata. lanHlli'll.M
wltaaaltaapa t Jl-f A raa4 Ilia. Wf ,, aJ.. p.
Jraa-lamtla akltr .IfUaa aaala II la a a-Jaaa'a. H a.ta
" rrfatl d;iJ Vft w4nl I nl. CU'tll
MUlirX a0 aallara rIa af Pallata. Vila ll.lkMa.1.
m Mlllaagltaa a fnastaat laaaa t.l.ill.f
We s'ra a rb' CLOTH MOBfL -US a. hi
w. Ua . laat a ta rl l aal W.V., alWa
at laa ltra. Taay in PartfcX Cl.lcica.
M InstiDt Drew 11(13(0
Tll fX'T U.. rm Ua.l
rally a U.I.N (J ftaui la a.M-l lata a
flUalfkl raal Waltla llm kr
ISa IXaTltr ll allot t.a...
ltW;ntlllil aklla aM.f M
j ff aaj Ikaa 1.1 H I. II M r-t
taa ka.Pl talari alk Ik. alSla.
TlIK lrtaaMlla taxi n-at Ika
rtitii IT UiCrS lU lUI It l
TTrriL aad rAhiuoriar-u:
VANMft IT fUYlA taxaUa.
TEX'ltMKMllal.linr ,. Ul..
(irt rrt'L. rr aa w ,k..r OEBSAUAMitTlirKla
UM1U.1UII viMin
too Mticn Mrr uMrimt
DoZK.t I)li;sL
rrfa M.ks.'crT fiVK riTn
ab Saad s alaa-M U a.ta
Tka akaaa lllliliili vlll Varli.a
rvr.t n raMtt'Miaik. ...
i-4. g.2S M CINEtV
Wfl(lM la 'aillTIItt ti
Smith's IllDslrate. Pattern 6?zaar.
US?aa4 CltiTXCt UlOLZlXZ is til t'.li;.
rvtLOf I'Asiiio.'rs, trrosuu, t nion k hcammo.
EratvaaWrtMrfatsataabaefOMK af l,Mall.
tlWOILCIIIUfUlrtrHEKaatttRilaip.ala MMtora 'tiara.
A Pojr. I'll! tai'Tia ltt.otla.raa Ufr I til la I
-IM r.l uaa Mill la "Ullla Mttm " Itl" la rl
JaUmaarW lMlnraaa4 Kallera. OK (INK tH).tNMla
af paiuna raar UmWW lr-a lla "aaAaK" lat..
afHowo AirT WAsrrn rw 1 1 Trrt. i-at.
aaatai alia SAMtOrrrJOUr IWr-4 ,-,, k, ,..).,
fat nrm't 3 saWr!Wa(ia I Laifaaa
B aa fits t (. arvaiaa on f tilt rtoatra
aasta aay r af &t alU4 U iaral
Satlta'a Italia. IWa Smt, Catraia at lrnaklt(, ta ink.
A4draw f -Ula
A. UMBKTTi: .H.-TflTIf,
P.O. Boa 50SS. TVeitv York 4 II v.
rrairV4 1
CCn Cint-rdar
it' Aaant. waataxt '. All
4TW W aW ul 1
Si Bar traoola. of altharaai. laaaa
or old. n
lata fro
or old. raa OK'ra moost wosk for aa la thair apar.
fro. Addrsaa O. BrurauM i
iU.trraJlinaiiisaa.uiaaalaaMA4aaia. rsravta-
Oo . rortUtrd, Xaiaa.
Zllaaols. To
wlththa'IreenTearlsvor War
ranted as4llalltts rorasl
eTerywb.r. And sold at w kola
ale only by Ofst Atlaotlaand
ractflo TaCo,a 4 117 t.aay
street, , T. r O Koz aso.
and torTkata Ctrealavr
Kvs-ry KTrr rrf ll
ah'rtilu nlni-rl tv.r h
Meat BRrl Ije-at ar1-r-tincntii
pp-t ml Jour
nnlrif Al'IculUir' Ir XUt
World. Tit trwxt stn
rcsaful ami rirmml
Arilnriiaria in Arruricta
anil Kumpe contrlboL? to Ita itgn. ilix) eur.
AtJJrrtui, THOM AH T?f KW3! A N.
lltxtm Vr.TiibanoiSullrllnit.OitcasO.
..laaarMhafrfM NA,L.
tararaa s. ,
w a M.
at "lih t
" H
Kstraordinary lndaearaat ta the ellasst.
health, raiea., tMk-sTnrwlat.faraaiag. rapid d.
vetopfaeat, and asoney-msktng. laformatuyx free.
Address A. H. PATTaBSOK. Beretary( Tntt Kel
Una. Colorado
fctOflPfIMP Ml!Ta.cllv
crtS try fir. l-rk m only
known &. am iu-me.1.
1VO Oil Alt OK
Utt treateat until rtiroL Call on or vJir
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