ci 2awer yi;MMflniMiw '., '1 !.-" " " ' - 4- - vtjvi- i3r . j r-vi-rvii t-rV ft i :-. T-2 & :. r i ; SST-" ?. J r i& v' THE RED CLODD CHIEF. THE BED CLODD CHEF. -V Chief. rt M RATB8 OF ABTHaTISniG: On loeii, Bnt taatrtkni. I.n8 eh ml-ia-iit inwrrtkro. m - thf tunsia. . J.00 UBOBtti., ... . .ro M lI month , ,cn Quarter column, &r month.. , ., ynt - - mwWhi. . . ?i,no " twiva swttba. .. 30CJ Half colHBB,thrr month jO.OO jXBiaStUt. , 1V two taocd. iaja 0b column, Uirnc nxmths .... ....... U.0Q alimnattt ao M twfhmontin . .. . 109.M MarrUg aud Obituary X&ticr fr. Lcral rie Um 10e rr tt&. Trmu.ut and lxtl JUvtrUan. mi!i pajaM in aJvuv. Yrly altrrU.raiate pa; able (jaartrrlj. PUBLI8HED WEEKLY, '& k L - i -AT .H RED CLOUD, Weatter Coonty, Ssb. U $2.00 PER ANNUM. Devoted to the Interfets of Southwest Nebraska. C. L. MATHER. Publisher. "" k 'i v-'Tors? : . Two Dollars a Year, In Advance. VOL,!.. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO., HEB., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1874. NO. 3D. & TrtE Bed PMD i.l ir f ? l-2. Sfe V5& AUAMl.. nr jamim t. riKLTm. Once In thr leafy prime nf Spring, When blotrni uhltr nwl -very thorn, I waudnrrd through rtie V- of Orbe Wt re Agalz i bora. The birds in lioyhood b had kuenrn Went fliitJnR through the air of May, And baijy t-niRn he IoymI to hear Made all lb Utilises; j;ay. I the i-trcarolt from the bill Ituii laughing through Uw alley green, And m I wa'ch'd it rnn, I raid, " TbU it dear pym hate mcu !" For cliffs of ice h! feet bad climld That day mtajKike of him to me fTiio avalanche rnmcl to Hound ' Th name of J paarfr And. M.andin? on tho mountain cmif Whew ht-envd uaterH rindi and foam, I felt, that itibiigli on CatnbridKi aide, Ilroa la that iot toy home. uil hooking round inn as I minted, I knew i- j.aiis of fear, or care, Or b'im-i(k Acfariut.K, berauim Onrc AkuniIz ntood thxrc! I nnlkfvl U Il'-atlj no alien fcklci, No fon ij-n height I caino to tread, For eierj where I looked, I haw libs grand, belcned btad. Hi Mnilo whh aiamped on every true, The glacier to gild hi name, And every image in the lake llrllrcud bark hi fame. ( treat keeier of thn magic keja That amid utilM'k the guarded gate. Wu if Hciinotr like a Mouarrh Htnudi", Ad r.tcred Kuonlt-de wait " Thine anliex reatuu Charles' batik, Thy memory all tlm world contains, For thou could Vt bind in human lore All In art h in goldmi chain! Thine wti th! beaven-tiorn iell that nets Our warm and deep affectlcu free Who knew then lwnt muitt love thee beat, Aud lougeMt mourn for thee ! SfriUnrr'g for March. SCARED OUT OF A WIFE. A I.niiKlmlile Story. Tho narrative which I am about to write, whh loltl to me 0110 bleak, cold night, in 11 country parlor. It was one -of those nights in midwinter, when tho wind swept over tho hind, making every 'thing tingle with its frouty breath, that I whh seated beforo a blazing lire, sur rounded by a jolly, half dozen boys and an old bachelor a Peter Green about forty and eight years old. It was just tho night without, to mako thoso within enjoy a good story, so each of us had to tell his favorite story, save Mr. Green, and as ho was a jolly old fellow, we all looked for a jolly story. We wore somewhat sur prised to hear him say, "I have no story that -would interest you," so wo had to find other entertainments for a timo, when one of tho boys told mo to ask him how it happened ho nevor got mairied. So I did. "Well; gentleman," ll-ke?a. "it lont seem right for mo to tell how that happened, but as it is about myself I don't caro much. You see, when I was young, wo had to walk as high as live miles is church and singing school, which was our chief enjoyment. lint this don't have anything to do with my not getting a wfe but I just wantod to show you that wo had bumu trouble them day.- in getting our sport. Johu Smith and 1 were hko brothers, or Hko "Mary and her littlo lamb." Whero ono went the other was sure to go. So wo went to seo two sisters and as wo were ujt tho best boys imagina ble, tho old gentleman took umbrago and wouldn't allow us to como near tho house, so wo would take the girls to tho end of tho lane, and there wo would June to take Jhe final kiss. We mhjq got tired of that sort of fun, and I told .John, on our way to singing school ouo night, tbat I was going to take Suddic hume, and that I was going hit tho house, too. Ho said the old man would run mo if I did. I told him I was going to risk it any how, let como what would. Ho said "ho would ritk it if I would." So homo we went with tho girls. When wo got to the end of tho lane, I told tho girls wo proposed going all the way. They looked at each other in a way 1 didn't liko too well, but they said the old folks would be in bod, to they didn't care if wo did. They were a little more surprised yet when 1 told them we thought of going iu a littlo while, but as all was quiut when wo got to tho house.'we had no trouble in getting into tho kitchen. Then and there we had our first court, and I made up my mind to ask Sadio to ba my wife the next time I came. It was now past the turn of tho night, and as wo had lour miles to walk, I told John we would have to be going. So wo stepped out on tho porch, but just as vo did so, the sky was lit up bv lightning, and one tremendous thunder J eal rolled along tho mountain sides, t eelu had not died out in the far off vales until the rain began to to pour from the garnered fullness of the clouds. We waitod for it to stop until we -were all sleepy, when tho girls said woshould go to bed in the little room at the head of thostair. which ledout of the kitchen, as their lather didn't get up eaily we wild bo home before the old folks were att r. So after bidding the girls a sweet good nightand hugging them a little and wishing them pleasant dreams, and promising them to eome back on next Saturday night, we staited for bed. We didn't have far to go, as the bed stood near tho bead of the stairs. John was soon in bed, but as I was olwavs a little slow, and full of curiosity, lwas looking around the little room. At lat Ithought I would sit down on a chest which was spread over with a nice, white cloth, while I drew off my boots. So'ilown I sat, when, stars of the east, I wtnt plump into a big egg custard pie ! 1 thought John would die laughing, for he said I had smashed that custard all to -thunder, and tho plata right in two. You see we had to be awful quiet, so that the old man would not Jiear. I was now rea'dy to get inlo bed, so I put the light out and picked up mv boots, thinking to put them in a more convenient place, whin down my oce leg wtnt through a pipe hole, which had been cjvered with paper, up to mv hip. Now one pert of me was up stairs, while tho longest part wauiu tho kitchen As my leg wan very long it reached a ' which was occupied with dishes, shelf pans, coffee-pots, etc., and turning it over down it went with a tremendous crash. The girls had not yet retired, and I could hear them laugh fit to split their Bides. I felt awfully ashamed, and was scared until my heart was in my throat, for I expected the old man every mo ment. I extracted ray leg from tho con founded hole just in time, for the old lady looked into the kitchen from the room door, and asked what all that noiso was about? Tho girls put her off as best they could, and I went to bed, while John was strangling himself under the covers to keep from laughing aloud. Wo Boon went off into tho land of dreams with the hope of waking early. I wish I could tell you my dreams, but it would take mo too long. Ono mo ment I would fancy mysely by tho side of Sadie, sipping nectar from her heaven-bedewed lips, and tho next I would bo flying from the old man, whilo ho would be flourishing his cano above my head. This all came to an end by John civincr mo a kick. On waking up and looking around I saw John's eyes as big as my fist, whilo the sun was beaming in at the window. What to do now we couldn't tell, for wo heard tho old man having family prayers in tho kitchen. John looked out of th- window and said wo could get down over the porch roof. " Get out and dress as soon as pos sible," ho said. So in my hurry my foot got fastened in tho bedclothes, and out I tumbled, headformoBt, turned over, and down the steps until I struck the door, which was fastened by a wooden button, and giving way, out I rolled right in fiont of tho old man. Ho threw up both hands and cried, "Lord havo mercy on us!" for he evi dently thought I was tho dovil. Tho old lady screamed until you coma navo nearu nor a mile. I was so scared and bewildered that I couldn't get up at once. It wag. warm weather, and I didn't havo anytlung on but a shirt. When I heard tho girls snickering it made mo mad, and I jumped up and rushed out of tho door, leaving the greater part of my Blurt on the old iron door hitch. Off I started for tho barn, and when half way through the yard tho dog sot up a howl and went for me. When I got to tho barnyard Iliad to run through a flock of sheep, and among them an old ram, who backed off a littlo and started for me. With ono bound I escaped his blow, sprang into tho barn, and began to climb up tho logs into tho mow, when an old mother hen pounced upon my legs, picking me until they bled. I throw myself upon tho hay, and after John had slid down tho porch into a hogshead of raiuwater, he camo to mo with ono of my boots, my coat, and one of tho legs of my pants. Ho found me completely prostrated. Part of my shirt, my hat, one leg of my pants, my vest, stockings, necktie, and one boot was left behind. I vowed then and there that I would never go to seo another girl, and I'll di before I will. MR COIILEIGU'S MISERY. Mr. Cobleigh says that when ho was married ho woiched 1-10 pounds, and a fourteen-inch band was very corafort ablo on his shirt. But now that ho weighs 180 pounds it naturally follows that tho collar bad should be propor tionately increased in sizo; but his wife totallv disregards tlnn nnnifniilA conclusion aud persists in making fourteen-inch bands to his new shirts. In consequence, Mr. Cobleigh experiences much distress in getting tho band but toned, aud very frequently is, .obliged to call in his wifo to help liiin, which that admirable woman nevor fails to do by buttoning the skin of his throat in with the button. Tho fact that these bands aro only fourteen inches when they should bo fifteen is a source of another, aud, if anything, much greater aggravation than bringing these ends together. Tho band sits so close to his neck t at it not only endangers his life by shuttingoff his breath, but renders the attachm ut of a collar an almost hopeless undertaking in that it leaves no spaco to insert a guiding and sustaining finger. Last Sunday morn ing Mr. Cobleigh though he had reached the culminating point m his domestic misery. " Mrs. Cobleigh was out in the kitchen attending to the finishing touches of her Sunday morn ing dutius, and Mr. Cobleigh was sit ting up in bed trying to button his shirt at the neck. Ho had Iub neck stretched to its utmost tension with a view to re ducing its circumference as much as possible ; his head was thrown back, and his facewbich was red andaaottled, was twisted into a grimace expressive of the most pregnant suffering. .In this condition ho was making herculean ef forts to encompass his object, and was failing most signally. Anyone simply studying his face without 'catching as much as a glimpse of his fingers could' accurately xneasnrohis successes. There was first the look of suppressed interest as he brought the two points together without having either slip which grad ually merged into-one of hysterical doubt as the hole partly slipped over tho button and this succeeded in turn by an expression of quivering expecta tion as but ono move more remained to accomplish complete success. Every nerve in his body tingled at this point, every muscle was stretched to ita great est tension. He gave the last pressure tho eyelet quivered an instant then hesitated then supped, and both eade suddenly dropped apart, and with light-' mng rapidity the features of Mr. Cob leigh becaxn8 convulsed witk passion, while his ungovernable screams re sounded through the house. Mrs. Cob leigh, like a faithful wife, was oa hand at onc, and was Bomcwbat horrified at the spectacle of the foaming Cobleigh sitting bolt upright in bed, and glaring like a maniac at tho footboard. She came to his rescue at once, brought the ends around bis swelling throat, nipped up tho fleeh to a degree that inado him howl, and succeeded finally in not only getting the button iato the hole, but also a good half-inch of skin with it. She then threw him a collar .and whisked out of the room again. It very soon transpired that Mr". Cob leigh's troubles were only just com menced. He looked at the collar mood ily for a moment or two and then picked it up and essayed to put it on. The masculine reader is already aware that an infamous mode of making shirt "but tons, lately introduced, is withont any boulder at alL It was hard enough in, all conscience tcifasteaa paper collar with tho old-fodhioned button to cling to, but now no man with a spark of emotion in his composition can possibly hitch to tho pearl, wafers in use without becoming visibly and most unpleasantly affected by the operation. Mr. Cob leigh has several sparks of emotion in his nature Mrs. Cobleigh says he is a bunch of them. As thero was no possi bility of getting a finger under tho band at tho back he could use but one hand, and ho applied that with com mendable industry; His head was bent way forward now, and his eyes pro truded to such a degree that the tears which were forced from them dropped clear of his cheeks. He could almost heur his spine crack from tho pressure ho was subjected to, and his arms at the shoulders appeared to be his worst enemies. Ever and anon a cry of mingled rage and disappointment was wrung from him, supplemented by an explosive plirase which it is not neces sary to print. It was on tho explosion of one of theso phrases that Mrs. Cob leigh again took the alarm, and came beaming in to learn the trouble. With the instinct of affection, sho started to his relief, but her irate husband no sooner saw her, than ho flow into an unaccountable passion, and declared with much heat that " when ho wanted her he'd send for her, and ho'd put on that collar himself or ho'd bust every shirt in tho house." And ho went at it with renewed energy, and every time Jie thought he had it his thumb would slip by or over the top, and every timo his thumb aliped he would slap it under his other arm, and draw up his body iH the greatest pain, and grind out from bo tween his clenched teeth what the af frighted lady understood to be, " Gaw-r-r-r-r- dah-r-r-r r it." Suddenly and most unexpectedly, tho back "w'afer took hold, but not until ho had seggested to his wife that hereafter she had bettor sew the button on the insido of tho bund aud put a patch over it, and then perhaps ho could get his collar oil with in a fortnight. But h"iB success ended here. In vain he plied his blistered and aching thumb to the button in front ; in vain ho spread out his legs and drew them up again and ground his teeth; 'in vain ho pranced around, and smoto his fists, and chewed his tongue tho ends would not fasten ; and finally becoming exhausted, and puffing liko "h porpoise, he tore the collar from its fastening, and grinding it beneath his heel, swore most vehemently that no woman would put a collar on him without first passing over his dead body. Upon that he strode moodily into the garret, wlule Mrs. Cobleigh with an aching heart, and feeling unfitted for worship, Beated herself at tho front window and looked through the blinds at tho neighbors going to church. Danbury Jftwg. . Brilliant Success. It is permitted to few men or com panies to achieve acknowledged superi ority in any important position or busi ness. Tho present generation has wit nessed stupendous rivalry in several branches of industry, and notably tho Sewing Machine business. Amid a multitudo of competitors, steadilv and surely the Wheeler & Wilson Company held their way from the beginning, upon uxeu ana nonorauio principles. Liong since, their leading position in America was established. Abroad, at London, in 18G2, they won the highest, premi ums ; at Paris, in 1807, they distanced eiguty-t wo competitors, and were award ed the highest premium, the oidy Gold Medal for Sewing Machines exhibited ; and lastly, amid unparalleled competi tion, followed the splendid triumphs at Vienna, noted in our -advertising col umns. lire. According to Pliny, fire was a long timo unknown to some of tho ancient Egyptians, and when a celebrated as tronomer showed it to them, thoj were absolutely in raptures. The Persians, Phoenicians Greeks, and several other nations, acknowledged that their ances tors were once without tho use of fire, and tho Chinese confess the same of their progenitors. Pompanion, Mola, Plutarch and other ancient writers speak of nations which, at the time when they wrote, knew not tho use of fire, or had just learned it Facts of the same kind are alo attested by modern nations. The inhabitants of the Marian Islands, which were discovered in 15X1. 1il idea of fire Never was astonishment greater tnan theirs when they saw it on the desert m one of their island?. At first they believed it was some kind of animal that fixed to and fed upon wood. Fisaj Star? Akaat Mauve. The " Monroe doctrine " will haTe an other meaning if a story told by a cor respondent, of the Fredericksburg Star, concerning President "Monroe, is true. After leaving the White House, Mr. Monroe resided in New York. Here he became embarrassed and went back to his farm near Charlottesville. About a year after a New Yrk creditor sent to James W. Saunders, lawyer, a claim of $400 to collect, Saunders was well re ceived by the ex-President, breakfasted with him, asd had a delightful time un til he politely broached the subject of the $400. Mr. Monroe quietly listened to the request for payment, went to a drawer, tcok out, not the money, but two pistols, and invited Mr. Saunders to a grovo near tho house. Tho lawyer demurred; and Monroe said he would prefer battle to having his Fce of mind destroyed by huagrv creditors. FARM, II0TJSnf0rJVA5n KITCHEN. The Euglish and.Continental farmers know tho valnejaf bono dust, and the Americans will ifon find it out. Mr. M. L. ScfcurAKT, the great Illi nois farmer, of Livingston county, has contracted for tna erection of fifty tene ment houses on bis farm at Gibson. Of guano, as a permanent fertilizer, there is some doubt ; but as a stimulant of growing cropsbn good soil, it is in valuable, either on grass or arable lands. Soot is a most trainable manure, eith er for crass or fcrttinuDs. as it auioklv forces he phu!&fr preVfeoktho. fly from (xiztai&jQtotij&sjf&'j&ite exceiienc ior -destroying roe gruo in onion beds. A orixostoxz should not be exposed to tho weather, as it not only injures the wood-work, but tho sun's rays harden the stone and render it useless. Neither should it stand in tho water in which it runs, as tho part remaining in water softens ) much that it wears unequally. An Ohio farmer snegets that tho granges set themselves about introduc- ilicr tlm V.nrrlinli urmrrnir fri- ttn tm--Iw- ing the English sparrow for the protec tion of miiF-growero. The sparrows breed fast and eat a good deal. A pair of sparrows having a family to bring up will consume ovor three thousand cater pillars a week. A man in Woodbury, N. Y., raised and marketed from five-eighths of an acre on his farm, egg-plants which sold for 499.15; radishes which sold for 878 making a total of 3577.15 cash in hand. Besides this his family was sup plied and some given away. Thero were 1,829 hills of the egg-plants, 3J by 4 feet apart. People who, at husking timo, have barked their soro fingers and broken their worn nails in tho effort to make spaco to start a shovel in a wagon load ( of ears which they desiro to transfer to i the crib, can thank 77ic Journal of the Farm for this suggestion of a better way : "In loading corn take to the field a piece of pino board six feet long and a little wider than your shovel; place on end on the tailboard close to ono corner of tho wagon and the other on tho bottom end; fill up as usual. Iu unloading, shovel down the board to tho bottom of tho wagon, and not an ear need be touched by the hands." To cure a wart on a horse, tako n common suture nccuic, a large sewing io but if ll ghtir crooked-. , better ; thTead it with a , each ono contain, th neeuio will uo, at the point double cord, each ono containing three threads of fine saddler's thread well twisted and waxed. Pass tho needle through the center of the wart closo to tho skin, drawing the tbiead half way tnrougn. jut tne cord next to the nco die, and tio each half separately with a j surgeon s or otuer secure Knot, as tightly as possible. Cut the ends off closo to tho knot, and the wart will soon. disappear. If the wart ib small at tho base, the cord may bo tied around it as closo to the buso as possible, aud the same end will bo accomplished. It is a mistako in wheat culturo to bow mienor seeu. mcu-eu this is very fooliBh in regard to any and every crop. Like begets liko. Weakness and dis-! eabo aro propagated in tho plant world very much as thoy aro transmitted from parent to child in tho world of human beings. The greater pains should bo takeu to procuro tho choicest seed that can possibly be had. It will pay the farmer who depends upon his own growing of seed, to cut out tho best por tions of a field, when thero is a per ceptible difference, and dovoto them to this important use. Indeed, it is a wise ' m u v v , ,v policy to select the io earliest and finest heads, and from thoso grow seed. Itisi10 men were greeted with terrific also well to obtain a change of seed i shouts, which were continued for some from time to timo, as successive sowing ! time. iu the same Boil and cliraato seems to ' The noiBe having subsided, tho men induce more or less degeneraov. The stepped forward, and after the pre- farmer should never grudge a littlo ex tra outlay in tho purchase of choice seed. Such outlay is pretty certain to bo well rewarded. IIOUHKUOLD VUKaTIUSI. Kerosene is tho host nrf irOo vror dis covered to cleanse rust from grates and i nre irons. To Purify Cider. A few slices of tho red beet, put into n barrel of musty cider, will deprive it of its disagreeable taste and smell, as well as prevent it from becoming vapid or acrid. Purple Ink. Take one and one-half ounces ground logwood, one-half ounce pulverized alum in ono and one-half pint of soft water. This will make a very fancy ink. Frosted Feet. They may bo cured as follows : White oak bark, taken fresh and boiled in water for a strong liquor. Bathe the feet in the liquor. It is pronounced the best of all reme dies. A nor lemonade is one of the best remedies in the world for a cold. It acts promptly and effectively, and has no unpleasant after effects. One lemon properly squeezed, cut in slices, put with sugar, and covered with a half pint of boiling water. Drink just before go ing to bed, and do not expose yourself on the following day. This remedy will ward off an attack of the chills and fever if used promptly. Creosote for Warts. Dr. Hainey, of St Thomas' Hospital, London, has written an article for the"Lancet, detail ing the effects of creosote applied to warts. He applied it freely in an ob stinate, warty excrescence on the finger, then covered it over with a piece of sticking plaster. This course he pur sued every three days for two weeks, when the wart was found to hare disap peared, leaving the part beneath it quite healihv. A Useful Soap. The following is commendedby those who have tried it for scrubbing and cleaning painted lloors, washing dishes, and other house hold purpose: Take two pounds' of white ohre soap and shave it in thin slices ; add two ounces of borax nnd two quarts of cold water : stir all to gether in a stone or earthen jar, and let it set upon the back of the store un til the mass be dissolved. A. Tary little heat is required, as the liquid need not eimmerv When thoroughry mixed and cook d, At becomes of tie eocsistencv of a thick jelly, and a pifcee the size ot' a lather for a gal- KITCIIK-C KKC1PKS. Giui'E Jam. Boil the grapes in just water enough to mako them tender, strain them through a colander, then in one pound of pulp put ono pound of sugar ; boil this hilf an hour ; tho com mon wildjfrapo mokes a nice jam. 'Wine Whey. Boil a pint of milk, and put to it a glass of white wiuo ; set it over the fire till the curd has settled, when strain it and sweeten to your taste. Plain Doughnuts. Ono pint of rich buttermilk, one heaping teaspoonful of ,aala.kadf ftratity of safr, three laoiespooniais or meiiea iaru, nour 10 knead well. Pickled Onions. Pool off the outer skin of small onions, boil them until clear or half cooked, in salt water, and throw them whilo smoking hot into a jar of cold vinegar, spiced. Oatmeal Gruel. Mix a dessert spoonful of fine oatmeal or patent groats with two tablespoonfnls of cold water and boil for ten minutes, Btirring ! .n..n.,tl "V- :!. . l l..:i frequently. For a richer gruel, boil two tablespoonfnls of groats in a quart of water for an honr. Strain through a sieve ; stir in a piece of butter large as a walnut and some sugar, nutmeg or ginger. Frizzled Beef. Into a pan put slices of dried beef, with just enough boiling water to cover them. Let them cook ten minutes and drain off the water. If not fiuo enough, cut smaller. Return to tho pan with a lump of but ter the size of a walnut, and a littlo pep- p To a qllartcr of B of uc.f idlow two eggs, beat well together, and when the beef is hot, stir in. Cook about thrco minutes, snd send to table hot. How to Prepare Coffee. French cooks say good coffee cannot be made by boiling; it must be leached ; tho aroma and llavor of the coffee goes off in the steam if it is boiled. Tho ground coffee must bo put in a vessol that is liko a fine sievo iu tho bottom, pour boiling water on this, ant as soon as it passes through it is fit for use and if not used immediately should be placed where it will simply keep hot and not boil. We give this French method of making good coffee not for the benefit of hygionists, for they will not use cof- " wuo (f - "J musJ .fo f7 J m"st hav? -! ? m the be8t 7- Journal of. Health. Chanpioa Wrestling-Match. Tho San Francisco paiers give full accounts of tho wrestling-match between McLaughlin, of Detroit, and Whalen, of California, for 84,000 and tho championship, which was recently contested in tho Golden City in tho presenco of an immenso and excited audience. The Call Bays : Tho rival athletes havo met, and Cali fornia's champion went down beforo tho superior prowess of the man from the East, or, as ho is facetiously termed. lo foreigner. The agreement set fortli that tho matcli waB to bo for $2,000 a side, collar and elbow grips, falla best two iu three, tho contestants to wear short coats, light costume, and canvas shoes. The men were then introduced, and the dis parity in size became at onco apparent. white tights, beneath which tho mns-1 j cles played at every movement. Be-1 side the gigantic framo of " The For v - - guer "Corduroy's" form seemed al- - most liko that ot a tall, slim boy. The iiminary nana-suaiung tho grip was taken, and the struggle commenced at precisely 9 o'clock. Whalen evidently perceived the great advantage of weight possessed by his opponent, and stood upon tho defensive, endeavoring to draw out " The Foreigner's" tactics. Tuc latter pressed "Corduroy with ap ' ....t,i., nnronllv Lm crrnt 1;..tOo- -i.d ,,,!.,. ' cubic inch will mako a Ion of water. movement, making frequent feints that "Ontram, the father of Sir James seemed entirely unnecessary. Whalen ' "am' e".owncrt.forl "'" military cx remained perfectly cool and it ' Plo,ta ,n Iild,a haTluK ' the inventor seemed as though the contest would , of trRma acd lrniwjB. become protracted, when, quick as a ) The question of regulating railway flash, McLaughlin lifted Whaien clear rates and management by law is now off the floor and threw him fair upon his pending in tho Legislatures of Minne back at the rear of the stage, and then, ota, Wisconsin, Iowa, ilissouri aud without changing his hold, lifted the Kansas. The question is rapidly as fallen " Corduroy" upon his feet with ! nming a national importance and will but littlo effort. The fall was from ' hardly be Fettled short of the highest right to left, perfectly clear and fair, judicial decision, and accomplished in four minutes and a j Tnnrnr-3EVEN of the seventy-two Sen " atorsin Washington aro accompanied At 9:12 o clock the men again stood by their wives, and nineteen have their breast to breast upon the boards. Both daughters with them. Of the 298 men maneuvered for some time, Mc- Representatives and Delegates, 329 Laughlin feinting with the right and ', have their wives with them, and many left Whalen had changed his tactics of the others are accompanied by somewhat, and, while remaining on the daghters and lady friends. defensive, dragged his opponent over the floor, watching every opportunity to A Kavel Theater. anc avi. uw neat moment, .xinoinar that " Corduroy' seemed determined to draw him toward the sidea of the stage, McLaughlin drove him clear back to the reporters' tables, and by mere main force threw him upon them. Cries of II Pnnl .T...1 ' T 1 tioVoTthotSTand a sofh . waaburled at thcichiing "Foreigner whose eridfflt nhi m.K. duroy" among the itemker. aa worry him and render him leas cool. Suddenly, and before the audience had a single warning, Whalen was again upon his back, in almost the same place as before, having been thrown by exactly the same process of lifting by main strength and throwing square and fair. Axdrew Jackson was once making a stump speech in a country Tillage oat Wesl. Just aa he was oonelsding, Amos XendalL who sat beside him, whispered : " Tin 'm a little Latin. General ; they won't be satisfied with out it" The "hero of New Orleans" instantly thosaht of a fe he knew, and, in a voice of thunder. up his speech by exclaiming : VEplnri bru unam. Sine qaa non, Ne pins ultra, MultuminParvo." The effect was tre mendona, and the ahoate conld be heard for miles. All Sort. The Grangers number 7fl,l2X. Bbklin rejoices in one street railway. Thkri: aro 61.000 people iu Rich- niond. " Whatever is, in right." If it in't, we'll make it so. The dentisU are pulling through the hard times remarkably well. Dio Lewis says that high living is the foundation of every cemetery. Nearly every pound of butter used in Florida is shipped from Ohio. c1aw coat of the Ixmdon underground railway was 1,000,000 jwr mile, "Hay fever" is what Members of Congress call tho Granger rage. There are C& Good Templar lodges in Wales, with 00,000 members. A man at West Wheeling, Va., made 17G kegs of eight-penny nails in a week. Harper' Magazine is offered 100 articles a week. Less than ten aro ac- cepted I ,. f-tix-PKNNY telegrams are to bo intro duced in England, and half-penny letter -M8tage. In less than a ccnturv tho whole ara ble land of tho United StateB will bo ta ken up by aetual settlers. The Athens (Tenn.) W thinks that Andrew Johnson will bo the next Con gressman from that district. A French novelist law ono of his characters bored through with an auger in tho hands of an American. In Naples a barber will shavi cut hair, comb, brush, black boots, and givo you a cigar aud call it square fir ten cents. Aocohmno to recent returns, tho total amouut invested in English rail ways is 129,090,000, or a!out 31,640, 000,000. Only ono man has over dared to climb tho spire of St Paul's Church .London, though 20 is offered to any ono who will repaint the ball. "Napkins, sir! napkins!" roared a Green Bay landlord; "no, sir, wo haven't got any ; but if you want to wipo your noso I'll lend you my handker chief." Durino the impending famino in In dia the Government will bo called ujon to supply half a pound of grain per day, for eight mouths, to 25,000,000 people. Sam Foster, of Washington county, N. Y., threshed, by hand, ninety bush els of oats in thirteen hours. Sam should get out a patent for himself im mediately. On tho occasion of tho ono hundredth anniversary birthday of Mozart, recent ly, it was propotcd to decorate his grave, but uoxoue was nblo to point out tho final resting place of tho immortal I composer. Of the 2,059 convicts sentenced to tho Maine State Prison during its fifty years of existence, there has -been but one clergyman, and, bo far aB is known, but ono person why was a member of a Christian church. The French Government has decided that the Chinese Museum at Foutaiue blcau and the collection of arms and armor at Fierroford belonged to the private estate of Napoleon III., and m,l8t Ue'ro e paid for by r ranee. iOHx meal, neatcu ami placed in bags, is rccommeuded as a substitute ' for hot water Ixittlcs and such hko ap- .. . .... puances, tor restyling warmth to the sick. It is said to woigh los. retain heat longer, and does not chill when cold. The enormous profits of (street rail roads in some cities is shown by tho re port of the Third Avenue railroad in New York. Its receipts last j car were 82,140,246 ; expenses, $1,214,132, leav ing a handsome dividend of $t26,694 on $2,000,000 of stock. In Englaud, street railroads aro com monV known as tramways. " tram" is said to Ikj an ah The word xra " " n aOOrCVIStlOn Of A visitor of the Chinese theater, in San Francisco, does not seem to be particularly charmed by the Mongolian drama. He says: "Battle scenes are stock ingredient of the Chinese drama, and are conducted on a principle total- t variance with all our modern ideas ? V1? ,? x- f (or e.Lel t? disau "? rmy, and, sin- SSSSSSiil U5 " SVJIUW. 4USUUJK ifJIVC The stage, which is limited, is that the orchestra occupy nearly the whole of it, is merely a pbtformflanked by the walls of the house, lit up by some four or five footlights and two attenuated gas-pipes pendant on either side ox the house, ' which terminate in numerous gas jets far more maeful than ornamental. In the rear a screen, festooned, with pean. amor siakal instrument, and diabolical characters, serves as a parti tion to veil the dnaeing-rooaw and gree roo from the eye of the casual observer, and two obtained doors are the means of exit and entrance. It has never been oar nuafertaxe to hear the orertare, if one be played, bat jadging by the descriptive araaie asdsrogrsg daring the progress of the play, which would make an excellent accompaniment for wandering minstrel eats. nothiscKas 1 been lost." TI1K tillOST THAT W. (Xiju. Wtfc &tt.Vujr, l?f.) W hj. aa to Uiat aUJ th enl&r OiKwta alnt ttiln. e ar& fr, hpiilu tlvinl fool h lowm much. Anil Umttl-vhT dmil tal in twh : And Mfrtr Jltn W"bal lxarT""n,lt " Wa oo-half fact aad U eth-r ball MB '. Running onr nbtltt en tbe Han. h uw A bout 4Jc a lb racrral law Ju.t by thr tnoiblti twiia. and IbrtKw Came a dnmkrn roan with & nuv. Him Than to i!roitu tb rail. Mat aa a UU, As Jim dro by with the midnight malt. Down ctl thr truU. Htani rnlMl, Too !at t fur lbr c ot a " tbud." Jim eurd, Aa hi ananan. ther In tbv cab with blin. Kinder tlatvd lu th tt o( Jim. And !, " Wbat turw r har Jim. What nw ! I'vn Juat ma ovr a man tUata bol"" The nrrraao atarol at Jim. Tbey ran llck, but thrjr never found botiw nor roan Nary a hadov Uh!u a isllr. J tin turned j.'e, t ut he tried to mtl Iheuon be tare, Ten mile r morn, lu tauiclrr time thau b'd made afut. Would on lieltere It ! the tery netl blbt t'p row tbat boon- lu the mooullaht white ; Out come the chap and ilrot aa brlore. Down gora the brakae, and the Mt uore And . in fart. I Uch blK'ht that ae Oocurrrtl, till foli ure Jim a crarVed. llumj'h ! Let me e ; It' a ?er bow, mo. That I met Jim,, and ald. llow'a )iiir gboi:- "(limr." ay Jim : " aud more. H'a jdaln That shoal don't trouble me attain ; I thought I thuok. That fc-lioet when I Uxik A i-lare uu au Caaterq line but hik ; What ahould I meet the Brt trip out. lint that tery none that o taiand about. And that elf-aae man I " Well," ) 1, " I gu It'a time to Mop till Jer fvKtUhbew, Ho I crammed on tem. When there came a wrem From my Herman ami that broke ray dream You've- killed aomebody !" Kaya I, " Not much ; I've beeu thar often and tbar alnt no audi, Aud now III proe it." Hack we ran, Aud darn hit kin but tbar imi a tnan On the rait, dead, Mutaabed In the head Now I rail that meanaeaa : That' all Jim Jd. lint UttrU, in tin .Yie 'erk Tittu. II amor. ExrENuivc furniture Iudinn Hu reniiH. CniK for it felon Take It to tlm peni tentiary. A cnntiNAi. court Sparking another man's wife. Lazy husbamln aro known out Wtit as stove watchers. Wiit is a coachmnn liko tho clourfn? IlecaUMC he hold tho reitm. Ukal citut-H of kidnapping When th bnby is ' cribbed " at night. M.tlinuoK is dt'fecribvd hy a French cynic as a tiresome book with a very fine preface. James says hla grocer, having been converted, has forsaken tho irrorn of his weighs. ir n mini ovonnt, his sleep will l di.turlx'tl by tho nightmaro- another name for provimotiH, Lkt your motto be, " Liberty or Death," aud if it comes to the pinch take tho mowt iu liberty. " I air," atd n rough fellow to a fop with conHpicuoiiH bow-legs -" I nay, don't you havo to httvo your pitiitaloonK cut wfth a circular euw?" Onk who knonii how it i hentelf nav, 'The man who in awfully nrlmn to" hi." wifo before ntrmigt:rM, in generally nlso her bane behind their backs." Now is tho time for tree ngentH. Look carefully at their fine pictures of fruit. It looks tempting, but le careful you arc not charmed by tho gaudy paint." Camfohnia agricultnriHU are going largely into ginger. Thoy hnvtm't got much bevoud tho fintt nyllnble yet, but hopo to do no whru their plant germi nate. " What is Heaven's 1mmI gift to n an 1" asked a young lady on Knnex street, Sunday night, smiling owcetly on a plciwant looking clerk. " A bo," r plied thu young man, with great prud ence. Danbury Xcu.'tt. A Nevada rPr wJ : " The many friends of Bill Tbomiwn will regret to hear that he was hosh.fl up by a cata mount to-day, on Nixou's Hill, .while ly ing in wait to hoot a Chinaman. This was alwayn a world of disappointment." A man iu Iowa by the name of Silsa Chew was married the other day to a girl namid Anus Good. Tho moet ob tuse person would instantly call to mind the Scriptural injunction, "H. Chow that which in evil, clearing only to that which is Good." "Mrs. Hopkins, wb don't you sprin kle ashes on your icy wdewalk likOf rs. Bednn, your opposite neighbor, for th benefit of paMro-by, and so imitate the Good Samaritan ?" "Iel the paMcrs by imitate the Prieat and Lente, aad pass by on tho other side." A touno lady who entered a Broad way music store, and asked the young man in attendance, " Have you Happy Dreams ?" was astonished when he re plied, "No, ma'am, I'm mostly troubled with the nightmare," Fa didn't kn9w why she went out so hurriedly and slammed the store door after. her. 5aMeCwatartf a. Among the Teasels which went ashore daring the Aagwt gales on the Nora Scotia coast was the schooner J. C. Smith, of WelbSeet, which went on near Mr. Mademoiselle. Soon after she struck several of the crew swung ashore on the staysail halliards. Tomr were drowned. One young man washed overboard, and while vainly straggling in the surf was seen by a large New foundland dog, which was at the top of the blalT folly fifteen feet above the water. In an iaaiant ha ptonged over the precipice and in almost as. little time aa it takea to tl it was oat tmatag lhe rocks aa4 awfurtow. Ha disap peared front sight for several avanlea, and when aext seen had goMaa his fcenV partly over a rook, baaaaatils, ana wliile almost strangled himself, waa dragging forth with iaJoaaitaaie grip the drowning 2- he tiMa waa successful. Both boy and doc wre saved, although nearly eahaaated whm ther reached the shore. C ramies He k "74. is in harmony wfth the age. 4 ' c?" ! I ;. I W ii a t- i v a I I b tL'. " A r--OTOM-wtigs-a aPPpwaawaaajl