The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 19, 1874, Image 4

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ChAagud Ens Singular but SoIeaa
Up to the year 1857, the twins lived
together quite barmoniouflly, it ia said,
when, owing to domestic quarrels, tho
true cause of which never has tranp
pircd, a dissolution of tho firm of E. A
C. Bunker was agreed upon. Some
say it was fighting among the children,
others that it was jealousy of the wives
about tho number of children they had
that caused the separation ; but be that
as it may, Eug purchased an adjoining
Elautation, upon which he built a
ouse, just one mile distant from the
old home, which now became the ex
clusive property of Chang. In the di
vision of the property the whole of the
original plantation fell to Chang, while
a large majority of the slaves, being
movable property, became Eng's.
Hence it was that, when the result of
the war brought about the emancipa
tion of the slaves, Eng found himself a
much poorer man than his brother,
though both of them were then very
well off.
Immediately upon the separation the
brothers made an agreement, which,
like the laws of the Medes and Persians,
was unalterable, and which to their
very deaths was rigidly observed. This
was that every alternate three days were
reserved exclusively to each of tho
brothers to do as ho pleased. For in
stance, the three days that belonged to
Eng were spent at his house or any
where else that Eng might choose to
go. During that timo Ci.aug was
merely an appendage of Eng, having
neither tho right to go anywhere that
Eng did not choose to go, nor the power
to attend to any business whatever of a
private naturo of his own. In the same
way, when Chang's threo days came,
and they were punctual to a moment,
they departed at once for his home,
where he assumed supreme control of
tho actions and movements of both, and
Eng .became tho noncnity. So exuet
were they with this rule that no event,
of weather, no matter how severe, could
prevent thera starting from the house
of ono to the houseof tho other, when the
three days of either had expired. It is
related of them that this rulo caused
one to leave his homo just as the mar
riage of his daughter was about to take
plane, and tho other was prevented from
attending tho funeral of a sou by the
stringency of this singular compact.
They carried it out to tho last, for
Chang's final three days had expired on
the Thursday evening prior to their
deathn, and though it was very cold,
misty and severe weather, to Eng's
house lie would go, in accordance with
the irrepcalublo law.
Heal h of a Famous Dotecthe.
Eli Dcvoe, who died recently at Mon
mouth, N. J., was one of the best
known of New York detectives. At the
commencement of the rebellion he en
tered the service of the Government.
When Lincoln started to Washington
beforo his first inauguration, Dcvoe and
Tom Lampson were sent to Baltimore
to investigate tho rumor that the Presi
dent would be assassinated in that city.
The work was diflicult and dangerous,
and had to be prosecuted with tho ut
most secrecy. They managed to mix
with the active secessionists, and finally
joined a secret society whose intent was
to kill Lincoln under the coverof a con
certed mob. It had been arranged that
tho Prasident should bo escorted
through the streets, and the murder
was to have been dono while a number
unr-i, . wiiE''ggvoonnur'LTson
got the details of tho plot as members
of tho society, and it was upon their in
formation that tho expedient of hurry
ing uincoin uirougli on another train
was adopted. When tho plot had failed
tho society looked about for traitors in
their midst, and they eoon learned that
Devoo and Lampson were not residents
of Baltimore. This was enough to
arouse- their suspicious, and the detec
tives found it necessary to quit so sud
denly that their baggago was left be
hind. They went to Washington, and
wero followed by a gang of Baltimore
rougus, wno intested their hotel, and
probably intended
engeanco of some !
? ; .1
kind. Uut here acrnin iVtonUro
thwarted any plan that may have
concerted. Another detaHivo
111 if??0 wasliington as ono of
1. 1 - - 9 --- i
-.. ..iuiuw b""H. uiuu a ennnco ,
." r..i .,uu nun xjiuuiitson on uieir
Devoo remained in fiovi-rnmnnk n....
ploy during the war, at times acting as
ii spy within tho rebel lines, and upon
tho assussination of Liuojln wab ono of
the many detectives who wero put at
work to hunt out thoso concerned in
tho plot. He arrested Mrs. Snrratt,
and while at her house detected Taino
in tko guise of a laborer. Tho arreat
of Paine brought him a largo reward.
S'x Men Killed by an Explosion or
On last Friday evening, savs tho
Houghton (Mich.) Mining Gazette ex
tra of Feb. 15, at about 7:30 o'clock, a
terrible accident occurred at the Phie
nix mine, in Keweenaw county, two
miles from Euglo river, the origin of
which will prob tbly novcr be known.
Four miners and n subordinate under-
t,riMiiiu uuiuvr wru preparing in an
apartment of a building on the location,
occupied by tho mining captain as his
office, a quantity of dnalin, to use that
night in making a " sand blast n in the
mine. The men were taking thcdualin
100 pounds from its original pack
age, and transferring it to a bag, when
the explosion took place. Besides the
dtiuliu, there were three kegs of powder
iu the room. Threo of tho men were
haudling tho explosive, tho fourth was
holding a lighted candle, while the fifth
man stood looking on, when the exnlo
sion occurred. Tho house was shatter
ed to atoms, and the men literally blown
to piece?. Captain John Hoatson. un
derground superintendent of tho mine,
was in his office, an adjoining room, at
the time, seated at his desk, and was
struck by some of tho flying missiles on
tho left side of the head and face, re
ceiving such injuries that he died this
(Sunday) morning. The following is a
list of the killed:
Captain John Hoatson, a highly-respected
citizen of this district for a
number of years, age -46, native of Scot
laud, leaves a wife and four children ;
Captain Richard Johns, English, un
married ; Fred. Striker, German, wife
and eight cluldren ; William Dunn, En
glish, unmarried; and two brothers
named Marks, English, ono of whom
leaves a wife and four children.
Ax immense hotel, to be called The
Washington," is about to be erected in
Paris, planned, built and managed on
American principles, and with a view lo
the accommodation of American tastes
and requirements.
Tax Indians in Canada, unlike their
brethren in this country, are Bteadily
increasing in numbers. According to
the oeoeus of 1871, tncre were 13,035,
showing an increase of 51 per cnt, ia
the la&t ten years.
Uew HwBsw
The coincidence of a man moving
into a new house and dying soon after,
has frequently bten a subject of re
mark, and there is an avoidable cause
tho 1 ouse is moved into before the
walls and plaster and tho wood aro suf
ficiently dried. Sometimes the cause of
death is the poisonous character of the
water conveyed through new lead pipes.
No water for drinking or cooking pur
poses should be used in a bnilding sup
plied with new lead pipes, in whole or
in part, for at least one month after the
water lias been used daily ; this gives
time for a protecting coating to form on
the inner surface of the pipes, when
their chemical change from contact with
water generally ceases.
But tho damp materials of the house
have the most decided effect, especially
on persons over fifty years old or of frail
constitutions ; whereas, if the person
were in the full vigor of life and health,
not even an inconvenience would bo ex
perienced. In building a new house,
or in going to lire in another locality
where the water is not fair from the
house, it should be ascertained with the
utmost certainty that tho spring or well
is higher than tho privies or barnyards.
Insidious and fatal forms of decline and
typhoid very often result from drinking
water which is drained from the locali
ties named. The safest plan, and the
only safe plan for furnishing dwelling
with tiie most healthful and unob
jectionable water, is to have a water
tight cistern and let the water from the
house or barn, or other outhouses, bo
convoyed into it through a box of sand
several yards long, this box to rent on a
board, or cemented bottom and sides,
so that no outside water could get into
it. JlalCa Journal of Health.
Last Year's Failures.
The annual circular of Messrs. Dun,
Barlow fc Co., of tho New York Mer
cantile Agency, contains the following
interesting statistical and comparative
statements of the failures of firms and
individuals throughout the United
States during 1872 and 1873 :
. !. t Amount '. c .li.iiiiiut
Hatr. nf ,cs ,lf
5 LiabiMic. jc Liabtlitiai.
'-. .
Alabama 82 $1,337,0)0 75 $1,501,000
Artanxax 17 307,000 20 217.O0M
California 70 1,500,000 80 2,434,000
Connecticut 104 1,452,000 70 2,370,000
Delaware 31 lAI.oOO 20 199,000
Dint, of Col i:t 240,000 8 59,000
"Florida 10 258,001 15 1KI.0O0
(iporgia f,7 2,113,000 7J 1,29J,0")
IllllioiK :r.9 7,109.000 185 11,470,01.
Indian 131 2,21.0,000 HO 991,000
Iowa 141 1,917,000 91 870,000
Kanoa 91 KM, 000 90 SCO,)
Kentucky 125 2,2X7,000 99 2,059,(H-0
IjuiIhlHlu 74 2,831,000 85 3,100,000
Maiuo 80 752,000 90 1,072,000
Marjlanil fi.J 1,229,000 75 5,(5,000
MaHMLhiK'tH 309 11,224,000 353 25,37l,(00
MicuiKau 248 3,917,000 175 2,720,000
Miunt'Hota r.l 944,000 43 407.000
MiwiNoippi 79 909,000 53 891,000
Mitcotin 1K8 5,817,000 175 2,670,000
Nebraska 2u 311.000 17 201,000
N. Hamivhirr.. 27 513,000 :I7 447,000
XewJerwy 119 2,482,000 l2fi 2,0:1,000
New York 544 13,721,000 423 8,417,000
New York City.. C44 W,fi.i3,000 385 20,84,000
N. t'nroliua. 01 f.72,000 30 282,000
Ohio 321 11,:0,000 221 (i,5fi9,00
IYliUKjhaiiia.... 570 31,445,000 415 9,422,W0
Itbotlul-land .. 88 15,259,000 40 1,179,000
S. Carolina 3f. l,927,00o 40 801,000
Tiuue-Mv 77 ,n.Mi,00U 5Ti 1,438,000
TerritorieH 41 WW.OOO 15. 252,000
Texan lid 1,751,000 75 860,000
Vermont 21 350,000 30 229,000
Va.aild W. Va.. 125 2,188,000 10J l,t-,000
H'itconiiln 81 1,574,00 66 1,127,000
Total. .... 5183 228.499,000 40C.I 1121,056,000
tAdtkiy . '
. 4t.4V
A carrier named K , at no timo
tender in his treatment to his four
footed sonants, returned ono night in a
state of semi-intoxication froniMermant
to envoi s. The man s natural barbarity
was at Uii.-i timo aggravated by' the
drink he had taken, and, being dis
satisfied with the efforts of ono of the
horses a poor hack which had almost
served its time he decided that tho
animal was no longer worth his feed,
and resolved to nutnn oiwl it T,v,.
that purpose he tied the poor brute to a
tree, and, taking a massivo lever, used
in movinsr etoocIr. hn struck tha unimoi
several violent blows on tho head, until
41... -...I i a . "
llio uufortunnto crenturn Mont in !..
Ihe master, thinking the auiraal was
,0H. left it on tho spot, intending to
"-"'" " uuati uoay next uav.
ilie norso. however. rwvrnl l.;
senses a short time after, made his way
",,mi,i "u" wiMTeuiiio yard at daybreak.
Its arrival was welcomed by the neigh
ing of its companions in the stable,
winch noise awakened tho master, who
was now furious at having failed in his
cruel purpose. He tied up the animal
afrehh, and commenced again to shower
blows on his head.
This act of brutality was committed
m sight of two other horses in the stable;
and at length, one of them, a young
animal, became so frantic with rage, that
it broke its halter, nud, rushing on the
man, seized him in its jaws, and, after
shaking him violently, threw him down,
and trampled on him with such fury,
that, had no', the man's cries brought
some persons to his aid, tho master
would certainly have been killed.
French Paper.
The Slanderous Tongue.
The tongue of slander it never tired.
In one way or other it m mages to keep
itself in constant employment. Some
times it drips honey and sometimes gall
It is bitter now, an t then sweet. It in
sinuates or assails directly, according
to the circumstances. It will hide a
curso under a smooth word, and admin
ister poison in the phrase of love. Liko
death, it 44 loves a shining mark." And
it is nover so available and eloquent as
when it can blight the hopes of the noble-minded,
hoil the reputation of the
pure, and break down or destroy the
character of the brave and strong.
What pleasure man or woman can find
m Mien kotk we have never been able
to see. And yet there is pleasure of
some kind in it to the multitudes, or
they would not betake themsrlYra it
Some soul or body must be gratified by
it But no soul in high estate can take
delight in it It indicates lapse, ten
dency toward chaos, utter depravity. It
proTc that somewhere in the soul there
is a weakness, waste, evil nature. Edu
cation and refinement are no proof
against it They often serve only to
polish the slanderous tongue, increase
its tact, and give it suppleness and
AnEastekx Legend. The philoso
phers of India once possessed a book
so large that it required a thousand
camels to carry it. A King desired to
have it abridged, and certain scholars
reduced it so that it could be carried bj
a hundred camels. Other kings came,
who demanded that it should be di
minished still more, until at length, the
volume was reduced to four mTim
The first of these maxims bade kinirs to
be just ; the second prescribed obedi
ence to the people ; the third recom
mended mankind not to eat except when
they were hungry ;" the fourth advised
Mfomen to be modest
Newspapers. Domestically Considered. 1
Too low an estimate is apt to be Ect
on tho domestic value of newspapers.
After reading them, and putting our
selves, through their agency, in mental
correspondence with the world, they are
thrown aside and forgotten. But to
suppose their usefulness bounded by
their news columns and tho waste-bag is
a thriftless mistake.
In the first place, there are the house
hold recipes, to be foujid in stray cor
ners, often excellent, and deserving a
refnge on the fly-leaf of the family cook
book. Then come the pretty versos,
the strange and droll stories, the brief
biographies and reminiscences which,
pasted in a scrap-book, are a source of
never-ending pleasure, not only to
those who do uot care for richer intel
lectual food, but to those who have only
odd minutes for reading.
Notwithstanding the squibs jocular
journalists have penned on the use of
newspapers for bedclothing, we know
from experience that thso are not to be
despised. They may not be as comfort
able as your blankets, but certainly
they keep out the cold. Two thick
nesses of papers are better than a pair
of blankets, and in the case of persons
who dislike the weight of many bed
clothes, they are invaluable. A spread
made of a double 1 ivcr of papers be
tween a covering of calico or chintz, is
desirable in every household. The
papers should be tacked together with
thread, and albo basted to the covering
to keep them from slipping. An ob
jection has been made on account of the
rustling, but if soft papers be chosen
the noise will not be 'annoying, espc
cislly should the spread bo laid be
tween a blanket and the counterpane.
As a protection to plants against cold,
both in and out of doors, nothing is
better. If newspapers are pinned up
over night at a window between pots
andglass, the flowers will not only not be
frozen, but will not even get chilled, as
they arc so Jiableto beat thi-j season. In
the same way, if taken to cover garden
beds, on the frosty nights of early au
tumn, they will ullow the plants to re
main safely out-doors some timo later
than if common.
One of the oddest" services to put our
journals to is the keeping of ice in sum
mer. An ingenious housekeeper recent
ly discovered that her daily lump of ice
would last nearly twico as long when
wrapped in newspapers, and placed in
any kind of covered box, as when
trusted solely to a refrigerator. This
is very convenient, since it is possible
to have the best and cheapest refrigera
tor constantly at hand.
To polish all "kinds of glass after
washing, except table glass, no cloth or
flannel is half so good as a newspaper;
and for a baker's dozen of other uses,
quite foreign to its primal purpose, it
is without a rival. "Jlomc and Soci
ety ;" Scribncr,Hj'or March.
Love of the Beautiful.
Place a young girl under the care of
a kind-hearted, graceful woman, and
she, unconsciously to herself, grows
into a graceful lady. Placo a boy ia
the establishment of a thorough-going,
straight-forward business man, and he
becomes a reliant, practical business
man. Children are susceptible crea
tures, and circumstances and scenes and
actions always impress. As you influ
ence them, not by arbitrary rules, nor
by stern example alone, but in a thou
sand other ways that speak through
beautiful forms, pretty pictures, etc., so
they will grow.
i..rft?)byour children, then. ioJovethe
M m ! iaaaatawa. iwC tftimmm-tf
corner in the garden for flowers ; allow
them to have their favorite trees ; teach
them to wander in tho prettiest wood
lets; show them where they can best
view tho sunset: rouse them in Hip
morning, not with the stern "Timo for
work, but with the enthusiastic. " See
tho beautiful sunshine !" Buy for them
pretty pictures, and encourage them to
deck their rooms iu his or her childish
Give them an inch, and they will go a
mile. Allow them tho privilege, and
they will make vour homo nloRKimf nnrl
Paddle Your Owu t'anoe.
Judgo 8. gave his own son a thou
sand dollars, and told him to go to col
lege and graduate. Tho son returned
at tho end of tho Freshman year, with
out a dollar, and with several ugly hab
its. About tho close of vacation the
Judgo said to his son :
"Well, William, are you going to
college this year ?"
" Have no money, father."
"But I gavo you a thousand dollars to
graduate on."
" That's all gone father."
" Very well, mv eon. I envn mil nil T
could afford to give you ; you can't stay
hero ; yon must now pay your way in
the world."
A new light broke in upon tho vision
of the young man. He accommodated
himself to tho situation, he left home,
made his way through the college, and
graduated at tho head of his class
studied law, became Governor of the
State of New York, entered the Cabinet
of the President of the United States,
and made a record for himself that will
St?'...8000 die ,)0inS nono othcr than
William H. Seward.
The Floating Islands or Florida.
A traveler in Florida thus describes
the floating islau-s in Lake Poiusette :
Wc passed several floating islands.
They are formed by the dead roots of
the smart weed and other swamay veg
etation torn up by the wind and hurled
npon tne snore. A soil is formed, birds
drop acorns npon the mass, and little
trees make their appearance. A Knnd
wind sends the whole thing out on the
lake, where it floats subject to every
breeze. One of these islands was sunk
in tho channel between Lakes Poinsctte
and Winder, in the memorable gale of
August, 1871. The Captain asserted
that he had cut many a buy tree over a
foot thick from the sunken island. Ita
dead trees still appear above the water
at the month of the river. Sometimes
Indians and white hunters set these is
lands on fire. The blaze genertaes a
gale, and tho burning islands are driven
across the lake. Some of the islnnrl.
are ovor a half mile in circumference.
A Little J fer the PreaideaU
The Toledo Blade says : Who would
not be President? Just think how nice
it must be to be held responsible for
everything which goes wrong under the
sun. The following postal card letter
to the President passed through the
uauo ai xxzm uaift aUTO. e CTTW n
the writer's own vernacular :
Mk. Gka.nt : I put a letter in the post
omsinthis hear tone with a one sent
stamp on ett The man it was writ to
nafer get ett Crane the Post 3tf say it ot
twohev2 hesayhesendit to Washington,
if you ken find itt thare and send it to
mee you will grately obblige a man h0
voted for you twice.
jon t vice.
Pat. B. J,-
Hon 34r Grant Esq
Patent Medicines. That there are
om good patent medicines no intelli
gent man dare for a moment deny ; and
pre-eminent is the great California hero
medicine, YLjeoar Bitters, discovered
by Dil J. Walker, a prominent physi
cian of San Francisco. This medicine,
although called Bitters, is not to be
classed among the vilo " fancy drinks"
recommended and sold over tho bar by
rum-venders, but is a combination of
pure hcrbalistic extracts, known to pos
sess sterling medicinal qualities, and is
compounded without the use in any
shape of spirits. Its action upon the
internal system is not stimulating to the
extent that alcoholic poison is, but it at
onco attacks blood-impurities, and by
removing the original cause destroys
the germs of diseaM? and invites return
ing health. Its action upon tho stom
ach and liver render it an almost cer
tain specific in tho most stubborn ciscs
of dyspepsia, and in truth imparts new
life and vigor to tho whole tytvi!i. It
is one of the best medicines ever in
vented. :J2
Two hundred and forty-six school
houses have been erected in Iowa dur
ing the past year, exclusive of the num
ber built to" replace- those which had
become unfit for use. A State that
shows so much energy in educational
facilities is building its foundation upon
a rock.
Triuwph of American Pianos.
George Hteck A. Co., of New York. I(r
ceic the (anli! .Mrflatl nt lite Vlrmiit
The Irerial Commission at Vie na I
have'SCcSbd 'tiie ouestion of merit in
piano-f orto manufacture by
tho only Gold Medal within their gift
to Messrs. George Steck & Co. , of N. Y.
This is a magnificent testimonial to the
wonderful beauties of ton3 and work-
raausuip m tiie ateck instruments, and
will unquestionably add to their already
well-establishedrcjVc. A'. '. Tribune.
The official letter ib'as follows :
Yiiusa, Doc. 13. 1S7J.
"Oto. Stuck, Etg. Sm : I bate tho jileaeiiro.
of informing you that I thin day received from
the Baron Schwarz-Heuboni a Gold Modal
awarded to you for the rinuos exhibited by
you at tho Vicuna Exposition."
"TbomasMcEluvth, U. S. Corn's"
Lemon juice and glycerine will cleanse
and soften the hands.
DeafMCia C'auseil by Catarrh.
Catarrh not unfrcquoiitly produces deaf ncr?.
Mit. Levi fir-iuxora. of Nottlo Lake. (I. O ).
Williams Co., O., formerly of Dnrbtti'K Cor
uerH. O., has lccn cured of dcafnocH of four
teen yoarn' htandintr, by UHiiiR Ur. Sajje'n
Otafrh Itrmcdy. Ho tvan ho deaf hi' could
not hrarapereoit talk thcii Heated b liinMih'.
and can now hear the church bolN riu two
ttiiloH dmtant ho ho nriteH.
DlCKRsohMi.LK. Nia'. Co., N. V. Fell. 22, 1871.
Al)ut ono year ago I caught a novere cold
in tho head, which ti rminato 1 i auovere form
of Catarrh. Dining thu time uIcerutioiiH oc
curred in the na.-'al .panaaKcu. and I became
wholly deaf in ouo car, with partial deaf nei n
in tho other. Tho inilamniatiou had involved
all thedehca'o Btructurcn of Ilia cars, and I
was in immediate danger of permanent dcaf
iiofh. The ducharge became profuse and
fetid, both into my throat aud from my earn.
In this condition I called on Dr. l'ierco for
aid, who prescribed his Golden Medical DiV
coveiy and Catarrh Itnmedy. and under their
uho have rapidly rccoere"d. 3Iy heating :h
restored, and my Catarrh in entirely well.
Toiix Smith.
At this season of the year, when so
many of onr people aro milTering from coMm,
we call attention to Aver'h Chekky I'ictokmi.
a a sure cure not only for coughn and coIJh,
but all affections of tho lung and throat.
Having nsed it in our family for many yeare,
w e can epeak from pergonal know led Jeofite
cfllcioncy. Tbere may bo other remedies that
are goou imt ui ail our expnonce thiauu
proved z.& bv far tho bct. Itu,,ul-
to take, and whould bo kept at command, bv
every family, as a protection aKainnt a claws of
compIaintH which teem lmrmlesM in tho be
ginning, but become afflicting and daugotoiiH
if neglected. X. II. lhjiler.
Among the magazines for March
there comets nono brighter or I otter than tho
Milwaukee Monthly. Excellent i-torifH,
sketched and poenif, fulhrncd by an illustra
ted fashion department , MiggOHtioiiM on house
furnishing , an articlo on the ioik-t and liow
to look pretty , and lino cditnruN, mako up
an extremely interesting ' ook. In tho April
number will he published the first of anodes of
articles of hoiiio plans, accompanied with
careful estimates ns to cost of building in
brick or Food, and hints on and cost of fur
nishing. These panors alone will be of the
greatest valuo t those contemplating build
ing. 7 he price of this magazine is only la
year, and a local agent is wanted in this place
Addrct-B with stump for specmeu copv, F. J.
Gilmore, Milwaukee, Wis.
The New York Weekly Witness at
uno Dollar per tinum. in tho bot-t Weekly
nownpaper in Ammo. It ha Inorefcd in
circulation tenfold within a jcar. Com.
The New York Daily Witu nt
Three Dollar?, ie beet for btiHincHu men. b'eml
(by poftal can) for sample copies. -Com.
The Nationai, SimnicAti Institute of
I.vpianai'Joij.s, Indiana, after fifteen vearH nf
growth ha become, the Iarget Institution of
the kind in Amotion, and ban been romarkablv
HticcepHfiil in Hih trfatment of Tamil eix. Hn".
man deformities, 1'jle.-, Catarrh, Fiitnla and
Chronic diica'S0M. We nndenstand thov treat
nono bnt curable c&ch, and that thov a'ro rea
Honable in their charge. Send to'the Inti
tttte for their now gcuernl ciicul ir. Com.
Mast persons suffer with sick headache-and
nervons headache, titmallv induced
by cntitivcucHj, indigestion, Ac. Sncii perhon
will lind relief if not euro, bv keeping the
bowels open with uma'l tloM of I'arton'i
Purgative Pill. Com.
Have you inflammatory sore. throat,
ntiff joint", or lamencpn from'anv catine what
ever? Have yon rheumatic or other Pa-ns in
any part of the body ? If ro, ue JtAnrrm's
Ancfyne JJmiment, internally and externally.
Go to BmrasiDi: Water Cure. Hamilton, III
PKMCIPTIOK OF on nf the belt Female Physi
cians and Hnraea in the United State, and ha
keen ne4 tor thirty year with neer falling
afety and nccea by aalUton or mother and
children, froaa the feeble Infant of one week old to
the adult. It correct acidity of tha itomach, ra
lUrea wind colic, retrtxlatee the ixiwela, and aire
ret, health an I comfort to mother and child. Wc
belier it to b tha Beat and Sureat Keoedy in the
World In all caae of DTSKKTKST and PIAK
RHKA. lit CHILBBE5. whether it ariie frat
Teething or from any other can. Fall direction
for ntina; will accompaay each botUe, KoneOras
laa tmlea U tac-alaalle of CCKTIS A PEXXI5B 1
oa tha omtcid wrapper.
Brotrn' Uruaiclatal Trnchr for IVmiiti
m4 CalUa.
a coros, cold on sore tupoat
Hpqairt inmaJiat attantlso, aal ibottld fee
Che keJ. lfallswed te cnntinue, fiaiTariot or
;uk Lcaoa, a Pxaat aaarr Tnaoar Arrvcrio oa
as Iscraask Lcaa Dnai t f ten the remit.
IUtIkc a direct tnflaence oa the ptrt.rer imnt
dia'e relltt For Baoxcuirif, Ajthx 1, c rnu
is. .1 vi-'k a?wvt anot aia-ccaa.
raaaai aao Pcai-ic Srcaaaaa
WlIISclTaoCataaaefcIiurl4 itajth riiea tr
tiie a ltlaraia0aTrSpeahiB4T,and rtliTTins tl
throat aReraauBatsaleaertkB or ike TtK-jIu.-a-a.if
Cttatn oat "lioai'l BaoscaLao Ttocuu.
c-J do wa4 tak acyof UMwotthle tmtutiow
iLat -nay V (.BeraX. &it etrrkrx.
tlelai Jta m-
Ter7M tmmr Jfjmnrtar-a rarely Tacetabla Cm
tXmrtie u.nmit Alt Byxala.Coatla4io&, D.
T. aeatawtarll. BUtwta Attack. acA aU
"BtoeI4'rr,toaaachatidBowtia. Ah
rwDiuptt tar it.
why will yoc surrrn
To all persona mflrrlni; fiom nhcumati.m, Nen
To all pertont iuCnnjj fiom RhtumatU.T, Nru
ralgia. Cramp In tho limb or tomcb, tlilioa.
rl.M. Crtnr In th? limb or .toqrach, Cllior.t
Colic, Tain In tho back, bowel or ilde, c wonlJ
Colic, Tain in the back. IwrMor lite. vra onlJ
sijrTnc UoranoLi Txnk.cxx u Family Lt"t
(ayTita ltocsiHOLJ) rasacKA asd Kajult L"il
3aT it of all other the remedy jon wait for In
nut t of all othc the remedy jou want for In-
terra! anil external ne. It ha cureJ the aboYe
tenia! ana external ne. It
ha cureit the a bo re
in thousand of rate There l no
in thoneatid of rar There t no
miltake about It. Try It. fold by all Uruexiil
mittalcatout It. Try l Soli by ail Prudent.
frota c- other cauae thaa harms: worm In the
llldetrry Worts without tLJary to t bile.
beir perfectly WHITE, and frea from all color
iniforotbnr iiijuriuv Ingredient anally used In
worm preparation.
'CUTIS 4 riROWN, rroprictor.
No. M15 Kultnu Street, New Tor
:.! y Vnoeuta iihiI VUrmi'tt, atul deUr m
It. ! virus, at TwcsTT-rtva omt a Boa
SI "T Ier Hay.
L itactpUi A.
l.tX) Airtnt
II. BlalrACo
wanted Send
, St. LonW, SJo.
One HKKlYCoromli"nor $;iO a week
9 (9 Salary, and cxrenie. We offer it and will
! it. Arnly now. U.Vcliler,Co.,Marton,0
1!1KAI2-A iArje
well tilled toper eut three
tnonth on trial fur 10 een'i Jon'l mm tl '
T I. SWICh'. Xnrthwood, l.iwa.
4&h4K?rer Day guaranteed u.inC
2lfc... ii aviaOf a'""""1- ('V"twl
12.0ft) acre, superior quail
ty.owneJ jii'l f jr ale ipirt
trade) by J M. WKTllKIt
Kl.I..IUrtIay.Oatfeco ,han
I C 1 ikikia lKll WKr.K can
be made by
, ,ijl, uuy .m,rt ,., who can
keii hi
i iuain.-
?' Je1
to himself
Addtei V
rej Clt, X J
PUPIPC I'M'imT i rt
UflUluC iuit.r in v
t- ul I.
I l-reali. I'nrr 4i I adaiiinl tii ur liiiiate Siend b'l
. . .. o I f . !!... VII
l 1 hUllMirCI liuri .., .
have found aorarthiojr.NKW for
Kent. Until tell bitter than any-
thlncyoueverhaudled. Sample CT.C. Kl'KKKA:
en lnr the addrea f ten tierton with 10
ct. will rccelTe trtt, a bejutiful Chtorao
hup and tnitrurtlou now to rci rtcn. ri-paiu.
UnC I Cif 7 .VorrJf C , 1W S. KiKhth at., I'hlla., Pa.
I tl
It. IK WII.1.0..
240 V. Waahliiou Nt., Chicago.
Dll3Fkl C4lAn IU!v A flB
r.. aiinr.-n.B
w.itt,ml,.fttrt - m
J uk no Xju. g0
tl ipcHo k ril-
r.. Ukt tltif n.Mtv-
stiwl, limMM a Km4
fcvlcl aau. OJna.
w. Iuw. 't. 1 M
TUIQ DDIUT1UG MY a manufactured by
I tllo rnln I Iflu WK w. n. wiui a co ,
Harner'8 IluilJtnm. New York lor aie by Chira
ifo hcKitiiner Union. ill Mnroe"
15 lb packaue. Alo a full aisortni
XothiiiK I'lkr It ill Literature.
Attcut wanted for : teuee in Stnry. by l)r K II
Koiite. Select your Addieaa Mo -ra
11111 I'ltblistiitiKCo. I Kmth Mreet, K. V
A new arlety of Ojta,
wlilrh threohfaotrtlifcn
nheat.ieie (u'iiVk.
Weieh.Ulb. tn tlid me.iuriii bii.; l. II l.raoljr,
on lamesollsordinart oata. Senn fiirdecriiitlvt
clrruUr and term toMoau ,vr Ikaciiau .tCo ,
dealnr in seed aud dried rriitt, Jltivraiikre, wli
thitiif ii 1
any ipare time ror pleasant work, without rirk.
ritn nt nnrn for romnlete HniiDr itparrliiilv !..
cul.irand lilirral terma to F. A. nvTCiiixno.i .t
Co . Chicago, in
Muuuptlivs and the J'coirfc."
Bl Hm, Ii C I up, r Attornrj.nrnl fflo.. hnaiinrnp
llic Celtic H. It lui-iuirr tnw thf MoootliiU t'li lmlir.
l en rrll -I tni the ttiMrnt rualinn tww ntrr t
lra;..l lbePjoilc.l.w tr!l,t It ull
t.Hui;ni'M i.raii:rianl fri u... r r -mLui it Uht f tf
;nt "M 84 Copiet In liJ,nl anMhrr rtr-lnIoVilJH
VmS; o. "Art of Morcy MikinB."or"Road to Foft'
unc. .1 fait Selling bj c- ll ro' rrH
ii.(K The lure-it nl ru"t tlrritit t-l ia Ihcmarkrt for th
oou-j. CboicrnftrrrUiTy. Etra imii Stnd
fo Circulars. -"I-'-- UliOHMII I.L.rutH.bfr.Minratln,i.
Xllcacls. Ton
WithtbcnrrrnTcalliror. War
ranted toiuitalltaitri Foraale
CTrrywhrrr A 'id old at whole
(lo oiiIt b Orpat Atlantic and
Taciflc Tta Co.. :i& A 37 Vcaey i
atreet. N. Y. V. O flox 530.
Send for Tbta-Nfctar Circular.
fPWff I OlrtfaU 1UP
-irxinriTiJE ft. C , -",r ftl ffpcta. that I wrliruunrlpd. If tha rem
Jl.f T.UllLCcUlJ. ' Pdy lo taken Ii raati r.Teryfjmllj' ahnuld have
,5 Vav ---.-- waf a.i.M
"" ir jour llanlnr- Uralera o Hot
hate for alr, acnil for circulars.
npriTiiD me
aaraf a HA Aw ! ai.htt 9 All - ' 1
CC Clfll-r daj Acnta wanlMl ! All eUaaaa
ww lv 9&J t f wnrainx peoplp. of either i. yoon
orold. make mere money at work for na in their tpara
motnenta,orallthPlira,tluuiatanythincl. Pafticvv
Ursfree. Addraa O. SXQrao5 A Co., Portlaad, Mala.
A noTPl, by rcEDastCK W. Itormnow. author ef
annle Juice. .V Mau'a Prlend, Ac . will be rom-I
menrpd in Tub Wmklt Wicoaia, March Uth.
Partlei aendinff ui 30 tenia will rrcelva
THE WEEKLY WISCONSIN Fonr .Month, rrnlalnlnjr the war ! of tbia
(harming atory. hacV. nnmberi enl, Addrr
Send rtamp rrrctrcu!ar,or ralL AMnrnioal Snp
Drter, fiv.i.l'ier Rraee, Crnt b all l.n-1 itt
tni trnmeoti for dtf rpil'l't Silk S .Mkrrjri, Body
Belt, Ac l)K. t. ;. ilM.,
68 ftaatlolpl ! Ctlc(.
HI WUITTIPI C17 ' Ctiarlca fltrect,
Lnvsttit priirasnl.aaif moat nccptfiil TjiTilHaaoI
VVIIf laaaVVS1
lit ST. LiDl'I. 91U.
tha M- Consultation or pamphlet free CI it
write. Jmt pabluhed tor yonnar mra wy aaCcr
fr"in eroonea, rMttty. c arptlt a
pagri.i ttarapa. a W.Jr.KO pae, nfa tttni.lOc
m. mi,
AInterpnnr lllo-
traleit work of sir h.
rr-, omlalnler Talaw
e m ire married or ronf eraplate oiarriace.
rriccMet. tirruUI. A'J!rr lr. I!at Il,TK:b
X How either a etay taactaate an4 rata tha
lore al aS'ccttcna of any ron they chooae, ta
taatly. Thtf lltsple atenul acqaireaseat all cms
pniae, fre. by malt, for Xc, K'ftther with a
arriace Oair. Etrrptiaa OracI,Dreaa. Hlata
to Ladle. A qaerr book. ISDrC a14. Addrat
T.TSTLLIA A CO Pet, PhUaelphta.
CXe- EdL
tics 3H
paja. !
Mcxlel lore lettcrx art of samta? lore of art isa
Tjumsrho arrd trben roa pleatr bow to la; laaM.
roe core for hus'ire! of dleae. alio aaaay
m -i& JBLI
scrr crci. rt. nTetene. soser waxis?
cetbods, Ac Price oolj- 23 cent.
STEFItEXS Cm Pnllkerm
Central Hotel,
AXiurlcot akfcroot,
l. Madiaon and Wathlnclon Street , CIUCAOO.
Commercial T-ae era and th Traveling Tubltc
, will Hnd erety accommodation that la offered tn a
ntft clio Hotel Thitit$20day HsuaelnChl
Citf"-. aud th oi Irene hadni; a p ea gar elator
J. AlM'I.KTt. WILWX, Proprietor.
Ths Siacdard Liaiaeat of the Uailcd Staifs.
i uoot itut
Ihtrnt atut calh.
Hrmurrlu ult cr I'itej,
pratiu aiui Itrultn,
(XtiWfl llitmtt,
Flnh iroHiKt.
ttvjcf 7iV.
llxtfriM' SiMom,
rn.f (Vij.-ia.
Culttornl I !..
siif'.uf. l:tnjton
I'M Krit.
'.' lnIof,
,Nre A irpUf.
t'titnl Ifrnutf,
Hstuti .WijihX.
lftil'ru, .Nirery.
Scnitthtji i- f,'mtei
tt trv.-Aiif. Jl'truljtltU,
iimlrrut h'trt,
(Viu-Zof tlrrls,
. AVf in sAerr
.'fip in I'vultry,
I live lUli-h, ifc, ,pr.
Largo Sin SI.00. Medium 30c. Small 25c.
MnalIMef..r iMniUy le,centa.
The iair:liiis ! 1-j '' ' n-e n a
Iliiiiiient -mce K. .Ml e a't i-a
trii!. Itttt U ntirciifl follow illrr-tnm.
k vo:iriic.nt liriiCKi'tortlealcriuFat.
cut Mi-lritiet for 1 1 if ntir .Mtn.-iur,aml
nx I Ul tli.w;e n .iNitit I lift Hi
Tin tJnnrllu il i- r isV.t- l. nil n.
pt ttlile tlinitiFhoiit the L'nitetl
slr mul fthr ox ntrtrji
4 ur win rle fnnit l"vtttlbe pn'n.
cut,' n Ii '! i'4Mini.uuifji lure
3er Iinnt'a Worm Tnblrla
H'e iU-d ftlranl I.U'ntl with all, nml
doty eontri lict' m M itiul.tcitirvil at
Ickport, X. Y., U. S. A., by
Merchants (.an;lini: Oil Co.,
JOHN HODOE, Secretary.
Ailverlisi Meirain the World!
Advertlirri throughout thecounlrjr r r.Uf(t
rd to nntr thl fart, tliat tlirjr cn hr n ilrt
tlirnifliit itifrrtrit In IKO uriprm "fr ! I It nil
thp actual rni I of rtlini; the t j v Hi tlitie ' Kiir
luitaiice, line ia an m.lTrrtlirrocut f two Iinrt
IK VOL' with tn a.U rrtl.r In an jr paper brtltlri
ttils, wrltn A J AlKKNs, riiiraifo
Tlirnotif tniprtit s thit two llnrailvrrtlirmrnt
In tho ltd) tipwiiairri wuiil I It l.tit $2,or two
renin for rarfi iirwapai'iT tntihlihlt ! liiirrtril
llraiilrt till rrit cbraiinrm tu lirlcr, r u al'o
live tho n lilrr.thle limp mul r print' itv rrd
trciiiultni with ll) irwiaiiert, If Jfon
iiri.KIrt :irpct to ram iiwij irr
than the lt'. Tlirir Uila
jarallrleit rbraj ntn i'f injr jln ,l
niM of theie liata are werkliri. ami
fin alloftlie Statei of tho fnlim. All
; hiewilpl oJvritler In the conn-
bd rped their value ana t he-iiei
ir advertiser tn inrap paiiert, aim
'tueiitumi Burn an ,
tt A Co., J .t V Coat.
.In, latun UAinnn,
rilion. CuriU A rrrklni.
I ud of other.
liter doe not with to ailvertla in a
iewiapen, be can uo on of iIk
visions of the T-iist
portlniiate rate.
anything to .iiriie. to wiurn you
.tneaitanuotior in toiLiiegei.rraiiT.
hop-krtptf i,nd member of
"Mw'nto "" '"". H w
"nto. Ml Chleaao
For IHaaatanf the
ftC!l AI
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, Asthma and
Th frw rnmpnaltloat
which havo won tha con
fldrnre nf matiblnd and
t'rcornchotu'hnl I word
ammia rrnt only una bat
many iiallnn,mut hare
eatraiirdinarjr virtu.
r"rhar uo n rr r
curd u wtd a rrptita
tl.ui.rr malnlainri it an
tons: a Atck' Ctisaar
Pacroaai. It haa brn
kniiwn t thn puhltc
aixini rrtr yaara, i a
1'itW ntntinurd ictlt of
marvrlona curr, that
haTc won fir It a con
fidence In Ita Tlrtuaa.
ncTr qui
rn th
any thr madlrlnr It atlli
mt. effcetaal cnr r,f I httaht, fiJ4r,
OniunritM, thit can b
Iridted the Ciie-st 1'rcTomr, haa
tr menie
cal aklil
rallr robbed
trrra. tn a
M"" ilanirrou dna cf thlr
(rrcat calcnt. nd Kirmn a fr-linir of Immunity from
il in tnir cioaat Mr 1UP rrarir ind nriimni rall.Pnf
It rannkdit SlrkiiPO, uffrli, and eypn lifo la '
apd by thla limply protpctl' n Tha prudent
ahnull not npg-Iect It.atid thp wle rlllnot. p
It by yim for the protection it aff-jrda by lit timely
use in auddPa attack
rXKrAftX2 ST
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell,
Practical and Analytical Caaraltta.
Sold ly aU lriigtrti and Dtaltri tn Mtdicim.
flllt I.VA1.1I .txn
niritiftTMi it. idnuo,,..
(or C(inumrtlp and Aathrnatir t'uit ...,..
lar irlrpn frr Addret x ll I'lTTrBnv v....
Collin. (Inrado
,. t7T linir.i..TT.T """ ,
J? ,lJf J,0'r't In th arnr il,
Kvrry Kfi-T of X
honM ubcr1tfortli'
Ittcat atl ! rtPn
tiflcaml pra-tiil Jour-
VI ul .P r.4al...u ... .1
vntTliO. Tlt tntmi nc-c-ifal
ami rtprlPtlft
Aninriaina tn Am.....- t
nl Kamp contrtlrtitc tn lu pnzp. tayr I
9 lo It pnjte. I
aaaaflaaaaae? TaaT
Iiooa 7. Tribune BolMinr.Chkiyo.
Carbolated Cod Liver Oil
aaeBteleoosWatiijaof Ian we&fcaowa 4,
cce. iu thorr la art to arreat th Occur, theav
bsn4tAp-rt. PtrTtrtaaaaa4Utl9cmae4P.
recr. Tfeercattr atactBsc csr pf4rfme4 hr Hm
00 ' Oil air proof.
CurtnUc Xd fmtlr srrnu Drenf. It 1 th
a-wt porrf al tletlc la (fee kaows world. Ea
Krt3xtetoCtcreattta. at one rrMt wtta,
cnrraptxw.aa4Secyap. It ?r!W ta orc!
cf 0tpe.
Ouitirrr OBtSatmrhM atttmHiU Ut mMa.
a4i .fTy Jr
aaft iavJ X tPi
f aaaaaaaJaHaaBiK
T. WIaII U ttfTrrta
a a )r- mmarmwrm Mrmm a rtiA k i a. mum mm
r - . .. - m wtm'- i.iMiJiHiarui rifiiii ' .
Setvl rr.leCriptlTPa,Cn!ar w),j, T,.H,nn(nt, J , "f" ,lr wh"n 7"a fin! It olMtrsrtHfl aI
of I h.f,(r,. twm all rrf ftt ennfrj-. nin ffl the Twn; cJpflru it who Hi
rrfcX!'-'"'' ftf freltepW ill tell roovbra. K -V
:"'..'.-' '-.." -i A-.u..tJsrrfciatJL . "" nwi nnrr.arui fh i.nir. r,yt
. ..... ...... v vua't, ca jUrt JTaCil.
ntmrtiti m. v v tmm . n . .. - I
xt- Mm. oh
Hr. .!. Walker's Ca.iTontto Viii-
vsar Hitters an a ptmiv W,rt.ti.
preparation. m.ulo "I'U-tiv fnai the n
tio lierls loiiml on the lower r.uigvH r
the Sierra Nc.ul imount.tttwof I'aUf -u..i,
the nicl'nat pnpertie of l- '
arei,xtr.uu,i!;hPtefiat itlunU the u
of Alcohol. The ttwtn w alri"
dally ,u-kel. W Imt is th eniwo of tl
utiparalidctS micccs of Vink;a; Hi i
1 TKitsf Our uwtterin, thuithojronifM
' the caiiH )f lea. anl thu attetir, r-
covers hw luMlth. They are the rum
i bltnxl piinlleraial a life-jrivlns principle
a iH-rfect Kennvalot anl InvlKoratt"
1 of tho MMeni. Never iefn hi t!
1 hittory f thf m.rld hw .. inciUrtn bi'i
I ciimiHtuntiisl j'piiig the rrninrkil..rt
tin.ditUM of ,ND:.rt HlTTKR-s in hwUm . th
" sick of ivorj ilieiH iiiaitt heir to. fh-i
I an a geti'Ie PttrjrrtttMi 'H uh ii Trtit
' relu'Viup (. oufTfstiun or luflatliinnUHi nf '
i the l.tver md Vicrul Organs, tu lliltna
i 1N'.UUM.
' The iniMT(ies f 1:. W.vt.Kr.; (
Vi.nmi VR IUttkhs arc Aperient. Dinphorei-,
. Carmtuiitive, Nutntiou-". laxative, MtirKie v
J Sedative, Counter I rnUtnt. Jjudorttle. Altera
t tm and Ann llli--
, (Jralefiil Tlious;inds prwlaun Vt
, kcau Hittkhs th niml wotiilerful Ii
i ipir.tnt that ever nu.Umeil tho Rlnki
l SJrtfin.
1 No Person ran take these IHttets
' accnnlnifT to tliriH-'tloiKsaiitl remain I ;
unwell, provided their bonea are not '
atroyetl by mineral jm1soii r tl -
1 means, ami vital orgau.s waated be-i..l
Hilious, ..eiii.ttent mul Inter
in it tent Fevers, winch are ao prev.i
lent in the valleja of ur great nver
throughout the ruttetl Stated, epe- utv
thosef tho Mississippi. t)lm, Mi-tu
Illinois, Tcnnesaec, (.'uuiherlaud, Ark.n
wis. lied, t'olrad, Hraziw, Kto Uratnle,
I 'earl, Alabama, .Mobile, Savannah, H
anoke, .laima, and many other, with
their tributaries, throughout mr
' entile Mttiutr diinug the Summer and
Auttiiun,i.nd reniarKably so during a a
.sons of unusual heat and dryness, ar
mv ariably accouipanied by extensive tie
rangemcuta f tho htouiueli and liver,
ami other abdominal vlseeni. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a po
erful iniluenee tiM)ii theo vanotM r
gans, is essentially necesaary. Theie
is no cathartic for th purpose etjunl to
, I)u. .1. Walk Kit's lUrriw.-.
:w thev will speedily leumve the dutk.
colored viscid mattei with which the
bowels aio Ioade, at the name. tlin
stimulating the secret toua of tho liver
anl general!;, restonng the henl'tiv
' functions of the digestive organ
.Fortify the hotly :if;a
by puiifvuig all its lluidiuith Vinh. vu
Htrrrns. No epidemic can take hold
of a Rvstem Unit fore-armed.
Uysjiepsia or Imligestlon, Ilea!
uiiiP, iMn tn t sbouMcrs, 4.(4UuL,iW ,jf lhk stomach, U,C'V. T
Mllt.tll. ltll...,. Mln.t,. t. .l,W,J
.,.,. """ U4.r.n, rah. .
lu tho recton of tli A
iiiy8,auiuliuutiu'ilotlicriaiiif';l - iji
ituiw, arc tho nfiirins of I)ptp.n
Oim bottle will prove a, l'ttorKuar.iiit'
f ittwiierltd that: :t Icngtliv ailvcituM
Srorula, or Kins Evil, Whim
Swelling'. lli'r-, KrymiHslitK, Hwrlliil N k
0ntn, Scrnruliiiia liill.uiuimtidui., ltiil!riit
Inllatimmtiotu, Mfrcnrinl irtnT. Ul-1
Sores, Kniptinn nf tins SUin, Son- Kyi.. H.
In iLvrii. Hi in ull ntlicr cimatitittnmal In.
M-r. "W'aLKKR'ji Vl.HKfI.lR UiTTXKn hiti
Iwwn thi-ir grvat ctiMtivo jmjwcm in tan
moat nlwtinatt) utnl iiitmctaMo ciMf.
For InllMnuuatorj and Chronic
JUioiiinatism. (Jout, IHIK.UN, Hcnnt
kjntuml Intcnnlttoiit Kcvitb, niwa.v.Mof
tli' IMuihI, Livt-r, Kiilni'r nml IllmMiT.
thoo Hittf-rrJ hart; a t-ijuaJ. .Such DUnur
un cntmril by Vitiate! IHimhI.
.MccliHiiical Dlnt-ascx.- Person-.11
:iKel iu I.iit and .Mincniln, uch .w
I'lmiibfrn, Typc-fftltT-. GfiiMifatfr, awl
Mnifrif, tn thiy iilrani in Itf.'. am -jj '
to p.tnlyu of lim How,.J,.. To fttwf!
u4int Him, take n iloMjof Walkkh'i Vi
K'jar Hittkbj fjccnxionitlly
For Skin Illscasi's, Kruptloiin.T'
t-r, pfUHthrtirri, Klott br, pou. rtip.V
i'li'tulm, Hoi!, (.'liruiiiK-Iori. Jtss? w.m.
ht'alil h'aijr .Sre Hjc, Krvip'ia. tt
tjciiff". !.)iciiloratioria of thc'Hkin. mw
nml Dim-ru-i'. of tho Skfn tf wlmti'Tpr imm
or iwtnre. ar JiUrrnily dtt(r up ami mrf-l
oat or tbf ayatcin in n thtitl Urn- by thm n
l tin; IlittfT.
Pin, Taj, and other Voinis
larktnfr in the eyU'm of tn many thoftana!-.
arj rffi-ctually de-troyiil ati nunov.
-rutem of mcfiiciuf, no Tcnnifqe. b n
thMiminitlcA wjllfne th"? nyatfin fioat n
lik- xhttn Hittf r.
For Ffinalc Coninlaint.M. In rt.v
or fijcj, rnrni-l or lngiV, t thn iJawn nf v
Disnbofiii. or thj torn of life-, thevu Tm
IlStUM tlupiay o detrMi! an uiflaTCU that
improTfment In wn pcrrptiblir
Cleanse the Vitiafi-d fiirvMl h.
1 rT n Ji!'n ml '"'P"" baratinft tferh
tnnpie. hniwiorw. i.r ; ' - . . M. r,j -
warf am
, H. MrXl5IALr J. C4..
i2?rirt!ilc?-Atj,-'' fA-
;"eM"r'iyrXltll.l UrMlee.
- ui, f.c j w,fa-, ti u. . at
Id Magazine.
Xi TA Vila iltZtTtkVnt
aiM 111 Jal.l iitMiotvt
Tir 1W vj.-wihnrp4-.
.i1.?35 YOJ.T."VUI: -VAJ.UKY,
iarliT,.l tn 7 '" Color..
5a1.!!0f,r'1,lttC'ftCarei!a I
rJfm frrCl'i,Ht., rimuoum
mrZIZ "Tj"". " C1o-iI tT tfae tHe
MatH. ??? wfcr term. a4 ,
V. Park afcnr. . T. Citj, or 3rwnrx V T.
A frrl':Lifitar i '""
tl yc iUm thlr. f tf
lr lllaatratPtl awi r
jrantly rtnteJ- Wl
aiTni rttatr & ' ?
year. A iasar-.
ar-aaraBamavLa . i i r in
ftMser v. - - f. for
5?cOTS?I!r0,twat, iaIcm
fBa11 ! maan !'py nrofMO. ac-
fo ,'trihviHt, BttlUiint. Ol'&-
will's BiSfii