CUysfBilBWaJiamMW ."'' S. ifijpf! Iv'iSS?! "crr ---.-A- J- tess? ; w - .;. a -- -5-H. ,wi ykTrtS-"'? it p g?V & aJBI hv JS - ' r i u V 5 if - THE EED OLOUIKIflEF. r PUBLISHED WEEKLY, '' -AT - RED CLOUD, , Wefeeter Ceunty, Ft. TBIWIS . Two Dollars a Year, in Advance. V. THE 8PAMSII BAILOR. " It tru that dreadful -winter tbat tbe Bpanlah allor waa found. AU; me ! it in a pure white win ter IdjI.'" Ttrtt Uarte. Tbe Ruow.fraught lnl walled drearily, A m!nlit Mnw baplcs tjlioM, That winter e, Jong yeant aco, On tbe lone New Jerwy court. The night, with freezing, darkling glance. Had rrowntv upon tbe day, Till, tailing with af right, tbe aun In terror tolc away. Tbe catllr jriilvcrc-d in their irtall, lfenmih -acb warm roof-tree; Tim good folka wbinirfTwl In tbfir irar, " Owl hIp tboso out at msa I" When, Btidieu piercing through the ntorin, A found there rmic and ML A word in rtrangely foreign tone. And tad tfl funeral 111 , .. . . i lie cauiii floor a open flung, T hat all in wofnl plight' -Might , ait 'tvvre alxarnn fire, The chewy hoim Mead light. Caught hut tbe darkni m mt th tr gaze ; Their -nra, the mullIM roar Of lireaking waves on ico-bournl xat Of that turn chore. Again iiixm the midnight air That twirdcry faintly i(w. And "CbriMiN!','f'hriit UN ! broke iifioii Tb cotlug-TH reiBH. The morning il.iwim, and eager bands Tbe Mimv-jrill raft away. Hilt woudroiiH )iitiful thn Mght Tbat there Wore tin in lay. A bronzed and lteardd mariner " Had K-ridird that drtad night, In fight and floitnd r ChriKiiau oul, Of it, and tt.inuth, and light ! And en tbej a hliril! toicelindio tJjKin their rLirllfl h-ijpc, A thimgh olirenmre Histoid 1Im r-jxikc, O Clirii-tiiN," take uic bonce ! All fled, nae hlte, the jo"nK't there. Who iearlcMxly knelt down. And Kinoo!hd the jjlomy rat en hair. And lieanloJ c:mL ho Ijrnwn. Audoiieiiiug with her Imbj bnuilH, In curinue, rliiltllMi que-t, UN jncki t rough, found n ailing rloe Uii thu deail mini' lireaxt. A litllit foreign bird, uith nke Of mimic tone and ower,, Wlno mifl wiiign gllntfiiM in I lie, aun, IJko fome liright Wojiif Hotter ! V And olt in aft r jrarn, vhn it The bourdioM jut lMatn, It fwbiHHl Itn loot mater'H cry I'iwui the holy uauii) 1 WHICH WAS THE COWAlll) ! " Will you hoar that, Edwanl ?" The young man to whom this was ad tlreHKCil, Btood facing another person about hi own ago, on wIioho iliiHlictl countenance wis an e.j)reHion of aiigry defiuuec. Tlio name of this person was Logan. A third party, also n .young man, had asked the question, just "given, in a tone of surpriso and regret. He foro tJiero was time for a response, Logan said sharply, and in n voice of stinging contempt oi - ,8 n pnrhcle of mnnhood about Logan pncd for an instant, but quickly added : ' min"011,??1,1 rcseMt thc '"slt." W hy did ho pause ? His words had orouseda feeling i the breast of Wil- "u" "ifianuy Dctrayod itself in hii eyes IJjo word "cowmd," in that in 18 ou.t uiiiuio, wiiiiui nave more littinclv applied loJnnies Logan. JJt, as quickly os the flash leaves (1... ..l i ' i..:., The Eed $2.00; PER ANOTM. fcUI) Jfc- 'AiW Chief. Devoted to thc Interests of SoilliSvest Nebraska. c C. L. MATHER. Publisher. VOL. I. r-- THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. RATB6 OF ADVEKTISDfG: On toeb, art uTtKn. , rvh tttmnqnt iltewtion. thrr monti. i I month. . .. lwet toontha Quarter column, thrrv sanntL. l Mtt. . twr Booth. Half column, thrrrnvinita ........ " Jaouth. " twelte month. One column, three moclfco. .......... ' M 1 month M " trl month. ...... RED CLOUD, WTEBSTER CO., XEB., TdHUJiSDAY. MARCH 19, 1874. 111 ' J XO. 38. menttj of weakness ; in the strength of a manly character he was quickly him self again. The occasion of this misunderstand iug is brieily told. Wilson made one of a little pleasure party for a neighboring village, that was spending au'afternoon in a shady-retreat on the banks of a mill stream. There were three or four young rnn and half a dozen maidens ; and, as it happens on such occasions, tome rivalries were exffited among Iho former. These should only hove added piquancy to the merry intercourse of all parties, and would liave done so, had not the impatient temperament of Logan car ried him a lft$le beyond good feeling null ii geuurou iit!ioriuivn wmu 'others. WUiout due reflection, yet in no harcostie spirit, jMiwora Wilson niauo a remark on Bomo act of Logan that irritated him exceedingly. An angry spot burned instantly on his check, and ho replied with words of cutting insult ; so cutting that all present expected nothing less than a blow from Wilson as his answer to the remark. And to deal a blow was his first impulse. But lie restrained the impulse ; and it re quired more courage to do this than to have stricken the insolent young man to the ground. A moment or two "Wil son struggled with himself, and then turned off and marched slowly away. His Hushed and then paling face, his quivering lips and unsteady -yes, left on the minds of all who witnessed the sceno an impression somowhat unfavor able. Partaking of thc indignant ex citement of the moment, many of those present looked for thc instant punish ment for his unjustifiable insult. When, therefore, they caw Wilson turn away without even a defiant answer; and heard the low, sneerfngly uttered word, ' (Jowartl ! irom the lips oi ijogan, breast of the dam, was not more than two feet deep. As he'did bo ho grasped the other boat, and bracing himself firmly against the rushing current, hold it poiBed a few yards from the point, where tho foam-crested waters leaped into tho whirlpool below. At thc same instant his own boat shot like an arrow over thc dam. He had gained, h6w ever, but a small advantage. It re quired his utmost strength to keep tho boat he had grasped from dragging him down tho fall. . The quickly formed purpose of AVil son, in thus springing into the water, had been to drag the boat against thc current. If he were to let the Ixmt go ho could cosily safe himself. . But not once did such a thought enter his own heart. "Lie down close to the liottom," he said, in a quick, hoarse voice. The terror-stricken girls obeyed tho injunction instantly. And now, with a coolness that was wonderful under all circumstances, Wilson moved the boat several yards nwny from tho nearest shore until he reached a point where ho knew the water below the dam to be more ex panded and free from rocks. Then t)irin,-iiirr Iiir iinilv suddpulv ntrninst the boat, and running along until ho was within a few feet of the dam, he sprang upon it and passed over with it. A mo ment or two the light vessel, as it shot into the air, stood poised, and then went plunging down. The fearful plunge wtis made in safe ty. The boat struck the seething wa ters below, and glanced out from the whirlpool, bearing its living freight un injured. "Which was the coward?" The words reached the ears of Logan, as he gathered, with the rest oi tho company, All Sort. St The amount of coin in tMMiia England is .100,000,000., tBI lion m K.- a fSi B Ms. His fBMianzeu iBM.I67. ctuci .'- JUreo flKdfMvi;, the an- Thc Siamese Twins-Tie Official He port of thc Autopsy. Thi fullnwiiio' ?titroJiHT tinrtii'itlnrs ' r. - - o i are condensed from n full report of tin The Burned I'antcfhBlcoB, at lxisdoit. rni. u...i t..i..i...:.... r. ....... -.. J.UU ituiui i niiM.-viiJiiv.Aiii uuuiiiaui Imen -in before within " (Jowartl ! Irom the lips OI IjOgan, giutiureu, wan uie .rail oi uiu cuuijjuuj, they felt that there was a craven spirit around Wilson and tho pale, trembling about tho young man. A coward we girls he had so heroically saved. Fair instinctively despise ; and yet, how slow lips asked tho question. One maiden ,..,. nn tr, rinvnf tlmt inrrlinr mm-nl had sookcn to another, and in a louder courage which enables a man to brave UUjiiHb jiiugmciu, miner iiiuu u uu what ho thinks to bo wrong, above thc mere brute instinct which, in the mo ment of oxcitement, forgets all physical consequences. As Edward Wilson walked away from his companions ho felt that ho was re garded as a coward. This was for him a bitter trial, and tho more so, becauso there was ono in that little group of startled maidens for whoso generous regard ho would liavo sacri fieec all but honor. It was, perhaps, half an hour after this unpleasant occurrence, that Lo can. whoso heart still burned with "an unforgiving spirit, encountered Wilson under circumstances tliatJifi-h.u2. free .MkUfiiLf ..wiuie tnr m ... - I to repeat his insultinc lannuai-p. with .i:..i..-.- . ,.. ". v . ' "" i" uioiurujuir mo rest 01 tun nnr v : voice than she had intended " Not Edward Wilson," said Logan, as ho stepped forward, and grasped the hand of him he hud wronged and insulted. "Not Edward Wilson ! Ho is the noblest aud tho bravest !" Wilson made an effort to reply. But ho was for somo moments too much ex cited and exhausted to speak. At last, he said, " I only did what was right. May I ever have courage for that while I live" Afterward he remarked, when alono with Logiui : " It required a far greater exercise of courage to forbear when you pro voked and insulted me ir.r- j I or tiw .A U. Tt rnn nircR 31.600.000 to - M. - -- - nnal interest on" Tennessee' fiKK. IrAKRK eXDOCiH toJ this country worth 500,000i no dies. A PKNNHV'IiVANlAN' hag kt CO years, 2,085 deer and -138, name is jynn. jLeepie. The produce of the sale of convent property in Italy, araonnts to nearly 18,000, The aggregate coinn minttt. diirini "tHe'titst :J2,52.'J,679 pieces, of the vmlne of $38,- 089.182. Thkiie were eighteen duels fought hibt year among tho newspaper men of Paris, in two of which fatal wounds were inflicted. The way ono Cincinnati editor tukes to call another a liar is this : " He is prono to impart an unhealthy swelling to truth." A company of British capitalists have evidently at ono period of the existence rifntlv ittvrHtiil 81 OfHI f HKI in vr.tior. ' !i'i....i.i' .1 1 . -, , . y;""""- j possiuiy igpuu 01 me iwins oeeu vir- power at Augusta, da., for the purposo , tlluliy ouo gj, bnt ,Iul eventuallv 01 manuiactunng couon. ; become separated. This is shown bv Ace Distri th isons Ad TiiEAHUitKR bi'i.s.NKU still keeps as a relic tho torn, blood-stained playbill at which tho results ot the nodio.s of the hiamese twins wire given : The supposition that tho band j connecting the twins was simply of a ' llebuy nature has been decided m tho negative. It was found that a perito neal connection did exist ; that is, a re flection or extension of the peculiar membrane' lining of the abdomen ex tended into tho band, though it was not continuous- Sacs or pouches were communication between the two. The intimate visceral connection letween the twins was hhown by tluJ injecting fluid, which was passed into the mesenteric veiu of ono and appeared in the mesen teric 'vein of the other. The liver of unnir fore, tho circulation was conducted to "7, 1 . 1 V ' -;. r-j ---- , me twins irom me maiernai svsiempre- with which Laura Keeno attempted te ciae, ns to a pil le idtvitliml. These stauncn uie wounu 01 rresiuent inn- facts hhow that a sep : r ,. , 7 in 11 m, . iaciH miow imu u separation 01 me twins lii in luc iuiv r lini-tfl u llinnlAl t I-.. ... ..r ....... r" . "I . !, .". "v"v- "" 'during life would have resulted fatally thc night of tho assassination. j to on or of thp,n T,0 llcrvoilJ8 CAiiiroiiKiA has about 8,000,000 head I intimacy through the band wasextreme ot sheep. The wool crop in two shear- ly slight, and the individualty of the ings, ar. an average oi ion pounds per at an average of ten pounds per two men so strongly marked that it was head, would amount to 80,000,000 doomed advisable to examine the pounds, or 15,000,000 more than the brains, nothing further than a compari- total product of the United States in t sou of tho weight of tho two being ex- 1871. pected from such an operation. Tho -'.... -m -.-.,........ t i. ....i: extension of the ensiform cartilage or Gen. MrOuTCiiiNH, ono of tho cai idi- 1 1 i i r i i-? i dates for Governor of New Hampshire, ' ,,JJ b"Snnn; Lf ? SS is unquestionably a Farmers' candidate ' " U,ti achment a mere flexible It is said that he-digs his own potatoes, ! bro-cartilaginous substance, in which hoes his own corn, and milks1 his ow, there was nothing like an appearance of cows, and has, by strict attention to n Jow-like joint, as has been re- A tin tube, made like a siphon, driven . itiin flio vnnf r( n linrrol nf vino nr ?lr and the other end inserted into a vial of ( A.A1U 1IUIUI IV4IMJV niv.n vvutrnui f ( was organized in 18'i'l, aud was similar I to our Sccuntv aud Trust Comiwni'. proceedings of the spocial meeting of Tlio building itseir was an imposing I the Philadelphia College of Physicians, i & 8torie'? high, fronting Hyde ) ..4 .:..i. ii i.. ii... .. ' Piirk. uiu! m tli immp(linti tiKiclilMir. i mu on i . ".- - r r. - . r l. i J Itatf'.jl j.A.a.l jmm & I r . ab a I i junni I'l uiu iiinuni ii.aiui-iii.vj in imiuu lil...l.:i.l . I1..I. . ..t Ai'.li: i (. lllMIlllllll, nil- iukr in lllllliuil, oir llobert Peel, and otliern. The front walls were of granite, elegantly scul- I tured. Tho buildiug cost jC1.000.000. Tho basement, which was lined with iron, wo carefully guarded by watch men ; while each safe had an iron grati tig before it. Here weio locked up tho valuable silver waro of tho old families of England, who rarely used it except "n iitatj ticeimf Thcsc'VpHttilcai cblioctions were carefully numl)crcd, tho company, giviug bonds for their Bafe keeping, aud charging according to the value of the property. The first floor was a maenificent art- gallery, in which were deposited tho rarest pictures of the Turner, Reynolds, i and other galleries. Person going out , of town also left their private collec tions of pictures here for safe-keeping. Kesides theie there wero glass ctscs tilled with costly jewelry and valuable , collections of coin. Admittance to tho Pantechnicon could bo obtained only from a depositor or a Director. In the rear of the first floor were collections of equipages, iuostlj of foreign make, which were considered so costly that tho owners feared to trust them on their ' own piemises. On tho floors nliove, besides several art galleries and mar bles, wero endless collections of costly furniture, requiring constant care and J attention to keep in ordrr. The Pan technicon was also used for tho safe- i keeping of landed titlos moitgages, and other Miluablo papcr.t, tho coinpanv. sometimes advancing money on tho col laterals deposited. Xcw York Sun. Chang occupied its normal poMtiou on the right i-ide of his body below tho diaphragm. The liver of Eug was on lllH llf t Klllo tlpxk ill fllHllf lllM klllfvjtll . , ,. D, ..... ..j..... .. being abnormally' situated on the right side of his body. The two livers hail . . - . m ohuino to the new directory, tho . e passage oi uie injecting nuid irom ct of Columbia contains no less the mesenteric vein of one to that of the an 1 Thomas Jeflcrsous, James Mad-1 other. Ihe fact of a common umbilical , 4 John Adamos, 6 John Quincv ru ociweeu mo twins is also settled, amses, and 27 George Woshingtous. the navel being situated in tho middle ' ' ,f ti i.,i n,,-;..,, r.i,.i i:r i.... Ji llllJ LfUllll. AIILIKJL JIUI111 Jill. LIlLlt: i v- - - -itlll !liH 11 iiiiiiV it..... . . .- i.. ri . !""- i niuuu cowura, Jid- "'. -'"-"'---urj mu resi oi tuc party, ward wilbon ! I repeat tho words : and wuo wcro nmusing themselves at some II UlCre 18 ft VJnrileln r.f ...... I l i , i1i-innn i,i.l l,.1,.w'l 41... ..r .. ..,....v., ,.-.u utjuuu iuu JilllgU OI OO- servation. He did not succeed in ob taining a permanent encounter, as ho 'nJfilR 09'cxpcctccl retaliation, thai The Chin. Fortuuc-telleia are generally skillful (uiu iuo uuici L-iiii iu3cim:u iuw n tint ui . iii aiLi-uuuiisin, 1IU11 1111 UIU ICHllllCTI Ul water, will prevent tho air from entering ' the human face do their sharo in cn the barrel, while the cas escapes through ! lichteninfif the tmderstaudincr of the I ! tnri 4-jt i iil.-- tho Vk n -t-'vl 4liAlr-rrii.n arrai ThA klnv -i4 4lii-i trWAaAni ilaw a uJllV-jUWVu'rt. i'1" JT. ..'fZ".""" n1-' .f"D."" "" . 1'acBoiai, wj . 'ti,-- i1 I faded thc indignant light from tho oyes of Edward W, son. Whata fierce strug gle agitated him for tho moment ! :i v-,,:iV0 h1 f?1 frie,llls. James," said A,lson calmly. B,,t. oven if "Pahl Cant and hypocrisy?" said tiie other, contemptuously -on know mo better than that, James Logan ; and I am sorrv that in your rebutment of iIUg;m;, M ' you shoulil so far forgot what is hint to my character as to dnirgo upon me such moan vices I reject the implied alle gation as false." There was an honest indignation in the manner of Wilson, that ho did no attempt to repress. "Do you ttill mo a liar ?" exclaimed Logan in uncontrollable passion, draw ing back his hand, and making a motion the f-icc ' t0 Slai tho othcr was the smallest quiver of a muscle per ceptible. Irom Miiie cause the pur- !AUui uuiu was not executed. In stead of giving a l,ou-f lje -, .. j antagonist with words of deenor insult seeking thus to provoke an awanlL JJatdMinwasiiot to be driven from the citedal m which he had entrenched "If I am a had desired Edward Wilson had boon for some timo sitting alono with his unhappy thoughts, when ho was aroused by,sud don cries of alarm, tho tono of which told his heart too plainly that somo im minent dancer ininoiuloil Nnnnn,'n-r to his feet ho ran in the riinwtfmi nf ihn 1 . -- -- -w--.Bv -y cries, anil quickly saw tho cause of ox- ! J citemcnt. Kecent heavv minR liml tftn swollen tho mountain stream, tho turbid waters of which wero sweeping down with great velocity. Two young girls, who had been amusing themselves at somo distance above in a boat that was attached to the shore by a long rope, had. throucrh fonu mwilont rf !.. fastening loose, and wero now gliding down, far out in tho current with a it did to risk mv life at tlm mtlMnm Thero ia a moral heroism that few can appreciate. And it will usually be found that tho morally brave man is quickest to lose tho senso of personal danger when others are in peril. cb o,he School House in Bed Cloud, on ii t-w. ds .i. .!. J- - i-ri.". a Tt IIIUU Tea per i-ivSpn to rea' on account of Batter per' L..:L't..lj th LXLiaVU ill I tho increasing ZW - - , --v-r nrranrt' ? j "''iw"- ir.. .. . . -. .K A' Kooa cum Rimnlri Paragraphs Worth Kemcmlieriiig. Benzine and common clay will clean marble. Castok oil is soften leather. Lemon juice and glycerine will remove mm irecsies. will aid you in an excellent thing to luuiiuuj juurvnsiiig speed, toward tlio ..i. . t . ;, 1-v..ii.iwi, breast of a milidam omo'lmmlr 1 "r , ?h. y"r fcot with soap and diluted ...... ,,w vm. cmntfi nt ntrvir.a.. A dose of castor oil removing pimples. SnitiTS of ammonia, diluted a little, will cleanse tho hair very thoroughly. Powheueo niter is good for removing freckles. Apply with a rag moistened with glycerine. To OBVIATE oflpiihivn nKn;ri;..n :i!frXbe 6th day of itV A. D. wuiiviiiy,- v.iB wrtwri-irr T4L?rilIltlM Wi -, - I 111 T-a - i tiu ii ucn.uuouiing. reojijTw .u JiUW beard. A. ood TiTi aa thotvi iu r in. ' . o -- -i-, . Uk.u io uu iuob, i nmiortl wtnw . . 1. a it.,., i iwj uv uc uiucu. a. very re- hosir. students hxed up a ghost and treating chin denotes weakness, and a placed it on the staircase of a Troy i very projecting one harsh strength newspaper office, the other night, and united with firmness amounting to obi then retired and awaited developments. ' stinocy. A pointed chin denotes acute One of tho editors came along and didn't uess. A soft, fat, double chin cener gct frightened. Ho disrobed it, and ally denotes a love of good living and now wears a $15 pair of pantaloons, a fti angular chin judgment and firmness. rV ',.," -' l"ur " "oots, ana an &i xiatness oi chin implies coldnohs a , ' :r. """ " "'" -iicuis goes , "'Hun iiiiiiiicci cnin, goodness ; a small about Without a vnut onrl "nliin fr. tl .P.1-..1- ' .. Thc Claims or Ohio. Tho fact that Ohio men occupy such prominent positions in Washington sug- ' gests to Gen. James M. C'omly, tho ' witty editor of Thc Ohio State Journal ', a little anecdote. Iu a recent letter from thc national capital to his pajxr he wrote : " Now, since I think of it, how is this? Charley Baldwin, of Mount Vernon, was hero last week, nnd he l wanted to see Sothern. At tho ticket office tho treasurer said, very jKilitely: liniiuiTi'n ..mmmml nni) tlinrn i"' nnt. i.frm. . SDOIllls ! " Kotll Otir CVHS OTO alrCA'1 standing room.' 'But my dear sir.' out looking for it, said Charley, I m from Ohio!' The treasurer looked at him a moment in blank astonishment, and then called out, 'Harry, take this gentleman to t te nwn j. ww tatlrlirwr Stnna fnr 4 maaagers box'and'giveTiim u front seat iR b irom unio : Xhe idea that anv. 1.00 .3 &jm IX.M TVXJ ao.eo IHfla .. . 1S.W ,. . mm ...... 3&.0 ... -.. 100.01 Marruur and OWtuary NotW frr. Im1 rw- J tirra UVs prr Itef. TnD:rnt aol Lirat AiJVrrUa eali ptraMr In a.latce. Yearly alrrrtiM-nwali pavabir rjuartrrtj. t, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm A HiaUIIT .MIUIUKKMTADI!IU A UJy ItTtO la Pnmbartoo, Wh( tw-art w full of UaJor, .Hit h Br Ulf U lolil. jtjull l!r eyra w tr full of UtaInr. Hrr rvaat can U hrr oo tnom. And ail lo ha lb day. toarm," Tn visit In Hr hotur. Which ni nU avay, warm." Th1 laity took a nmia'tit'a Ibmiht Tha chwrTully conitl. llrcaiuw alio ilj loird t batn llrr ,raut hi cmitetitnl. Ana o thwrant hitriewanl unit, Thn iultrra lo th Vttchr. And J.tiunl a llltl Jta blch li TboUiiht "rwrfrxtly lttchln., Sbo lullrd aronad lth totlrf tUbt To Krt her builand" lluur, And never drofll In avoa U'A fltsd , . Thtjiulai4 vJiBr. . taa,- mr hiio rft faU aten uu lb van, f And kid Iwhlnd iU taUi-, lYuTu whroo ho ranK ujn br imia A .till an hr iwiWr. She thought that ho utprlril would ba Te et urh fund ran- 'nni une ruroll li anm trloga And itryHMernIdrT-. Ala ! Imagine hrr di.maj Imagine her tcrrat dtatreu To hue him il her lll aud Ste Mary, tire'a jour mlre Humor. HnoKKN spirits A brandy uniuidt. Wu vt llwer would finish a drnwiur; riHim best ? Hoso would. Honest ducks dip thoir heads nudcr water to liquidate their little bilU. Hens hIiouIiI live to great ago, for they grow tougher as they grow old. Why is a beefsteak liko a locomotive ? It's not of much account without lU tender. Yor.No ladies who are both haitdftoniA and rich attract by their faces and figures. "Sod corn catawba, vintage of 18711," comprises the rntiro " wine " list of a Lafayette hotel. "I am sotry tho days are getting longer," said a young man. " Why ? asked his mother. " Because the time for visiting my sweetheart doesn't cumo so soon." Pokticai, advice from the Fremont (Ohio) Mmncmici : " Yoiiiijj Udiii under twenty iirtmnrti Should nrer flirt with l'lerland ilruiciinr, lin-auw full often they itlll And Tin drummer Irate ynmiR wltra lwhtlid. An exchange says : " Keep an yw out for the early resumption of pay ment" To which a Southern paper re- uly of- Imjwh ' How fast thev build liOURen now said H.; "they began that building lat week, ffl Jimv arc ptittmr ant il no are our i" u ...,u..b u,uiii, ii Year, ana another cinn, lear ; sharp indentings in the in ii in it rt ia rn i iin iir f... m. . - . a . a . ar ai. . - through tho hmt frequented I middle of tho chin tioint. to a cool un- WCarini? n YPrv nnxintif imii. ,.t lorufonli'nn. Tt,m ,.!... 1 i. body from Ohio shouldn't be able to get a place anywhere was too thin." Gen. Coraly adds that tho object of W. 1). Bickham's late visit to Washing ton was to have Worcestershire sauce placed on tho free list. Why not, sinco W. I). I?, mixes thf mun-n mlrli U..O-I, I ling C.itawba aud then pronounces tho mixture tlio " best wine I ever drank, sir." streets wearing pantaloons. ery ancient pair of oersuimiinir. Tlin rilnr nml tf,.. .,t lc kjn and of the hair and beard have ! i aiso iiireet harmony with the features. , These should be studied more thati ' I they havo been. A facility in drawing faces is of great use to tho student of l physiognomy, as it enables him to note peculiarities of feature which no writ itvii description would Io ..t . ' - -.,'.iu Vl IJ res Through spirits of ammonia. The juice of ripo tomatoes will ro- movo tho stain of wnlnntu fmir. iu yards below, from which the water was thundering dowu a height of over twen ty feet. Pale with terror rim nr young creatures were stretchiiur out hands without, ininrr. t !, t: their hands toward their companions on ' To kfmovk India i.,L- ..a i "uuiu oe lose. The position if Mm i.- " n ."-" J""u- . ."- , uuiL- lueso marKR mav hn n i no.i l. i.iri ., . . . n. A Clerical Shot nfl i-Vn ja..Km, John Itankin contributes to the Chi caio Jntaior the following reminis cence of Itev. John Hcndcrsi, an old time preacher of Tennehsee : In those early times, tho hnrlmmmt practice of fightingdnils prevailed to I Pberviug. owmu L-Aitiii uiiioug a ciaas oi men who proteased to bo gentlemen. This hor rible barbarity Mr. Henderson depicted in its darkest aspect as fraught with cowardice and murder. It is said that ho delivered at Nashville", Tennessee in the presence of finnm-ai t..i, Tno Men Lose Their Fear. I It is well-known now that small-jxix existed for some weeks in a store on Center strict, and committed great rav- I ages ivt the family circlo of tho store keeper. Among tho customers who , dealt at his store were two men, one a well-to-do storckec'wr at Auburn, and r tho other from Cressona. Ono day the Auburn man came to this store, bought u. mock oi goons, aim in going out no- tho lights." "Ye,h answered' hi friend, " and next week they will put in ' the liver." " You eannot taste in tho dark," said a lecturer. "Nature has intended im to see our food." "Then," inquired a forward pupil, "how about a blind man at dinner?" "Nature, sir," answered the proftwtur, " has provided him with oye-teeth." A i.apv made a omplatut to Fred erick the (Ireat. King of PriiMin. " Your Majesty," sail! she. "my hus band treata me badly." "That is none of my lumini'HH," sam the King. " Hut honpcakaill of you," said tlie Indy. "That," said he, "is none of yoar lu.sin"M." A mi.vihteii at a colored wedding, who wished to bo humorous, Raid : " On such occasions it in customary to kiwi the bride, but in this cao will omit it." To which ungalliint remark tho bridegroom pertinently replied : " On . , , m.ilk oi kooo, arm m going out no- "nuegroom pertinently replied : "On hauio paper has recently ' ticed that tho doors and windows were ch occosioim it is customary to pay luutetl to a German maga- closed. Ho asked the reason of tliis tho minister ten dollars, but in this cae UlCSSOr Molir. Iimannir n. rmmml ... III.: ..on .. . :n .: :i -- rf f 'VkJ IIIUU WA Llin younggirlshrulbecn discovered, while they were vet somo disfniwo ,ilw-.v r..i H...I. i ..... . . r. """- "" by blistering tho skin and keeping the once in tlie voices came, enwnnl w-rtli i. -? my hand m violent mi l.;, -.1 t . s once called friend " "U1U J aau if i.: 1- , . ... v -"-.uient iigm girlish laughter and the ringing of merry voices reached tho ears of our excited young men, and their relation of ,., A.:-. .1 ' ,.l,n-7 t .,"... -v?frui at v...v.. upjau waiKed away direction from which tho voice "" ,. 1 Y. " ,e5 remained where uioj ii.iv it-c-u Manning. ' 1 Vh-V ll kwt you knock him down " sud the compjuion of Wilson Tho latter, whoe face was 'now vcrv sober and very pale, shook his head sIWt'V, He matle Uo othcr response. 1 behevo you are a coward !" ex- claimed tho other, impatienUv ; and , tunimg ofl, T,0 went in the direction taken by Logan. The moment Wilson was alone ho seated himself on the ground, concealed from the party whose voices had inter rupted them, by a large rock, and cov- crcd his face with his hands, sat motion less for several minutes. How much he suffered m that little space of time we will not attempt to A.w mi.. struggle with his indignant impulses had been very severe. He was no cow ard jh heart What was right and hu- mane he was ever ready to do even at " tho nsk to himself of both physical and mental suffering Clearly 'conscious was he of this, let the consciousness did not and could not protect his feel ings from theuujust and stinging eharce jl cowardice i so angrily bronght against Vsfbfr. In spite of Jhis better reaaSn, he felt humiliated; and there were mo- JT- SfDtswh!? lie half gwtted the for- bearance that saved the insolent Lon ttmpunidiment They were bat So- lore happening to be another boat out m JT!L ,,tUhl,e' ...ieu on tho milidam, and that nigh at hand. nnncwL mV Logan and two other young men had 1 P1 loosed it from the shore. But thc dan-1 Ueiie is an excellent recipe for making gir ,,f being ied over the dam, genuine erasive soap that will remove should any one veuturo out in thie g"-'se aud stains from clothing : Two boat, seemed so inevifnhl. llmf nm... .,r rouutls of rroiil f!iitilo onr. . i.i lcm dared to encounter tho hazard. 1 P"" of carlonato of potash, dissolved ow- scieamiug and wringing their'1" uulf it of hot water. Cut the hands, and now urging thee men to j V J" hin slices, boil the soap with try and save their companions, stood tbe potash until it Ls thick enough to tho young maidens of tho party on the mo,tl in cakes ; also odd alcohol, half an shore, when William dashed through ounce; camphor, half anouueo: harts- tueiu, and spnuirmcr into tlie bout rnVnl ' horn, half 011 ounce : color with lnu , " -- 1 . . . -' . -. u m ounce 01 pulverized chaico Effect of Frost or Sap of Trees. A remarkable !..,.. 1-.M...1 fyu i-ouiriuiucu to a ucrmati maca .uiu i 1 roicssor iIohr. ulinwinf nut. fm.r.r,il ,1n.,.n r 11.: .. iim .. ... .;n .: : ?th"t.,t-rffa0P,..n?,t frz ? "?e ono, ."don't yob know thrt ' Who hurt you. bub ?",1-. ,!. who was a duelist, adi.., 3 I !,.,? J; iJL .7 "lc;,l..IIV0..ll,ro,,Pn . "''""e small pox there?" At thin , trian of a small l,y who sat howllncr on he stated that a sea captain who had I it does not frcez He's H i ZS ; ? US? uI Lh" A"bUra tn?. ??r "Johnnjr Kydd." oecomo a preacher, was tlm f out, " Ouick. Locan ! TfiU on n i8 lost," ,a But, instead of this, Logan stepped hack a pace or two from tho boa, while his face grew pale with fear. Not an instant more was wasted. At a glance Wilson saw that if the ladies were saved, it must bo by the btrength of his own arm. Bravely he pushed from the shore, and, with giant strength, born of the moment and for tlie occasion, from his high, unselfish purpose, he dashed tlie boat out into the current, and, bending to the oars, took a direction at au angle witu me other boat, toward the point where the water was sweepinr: ?-Vw V-e,dam- At over-v stroke the light skiff sprung forward a dozen feet aud Pearcely half a minute elapsed ere ! v usou was beside the other boat. Both were now within twenty yards of the fall, and the water was bearing them down with a velocity that a strong rower, with every advantage on his side, could scarcely have contended against successfully. To transfer the 'iiKiueseu gins from one boat to the other, in the few moments of time left Lv!e .dw?, seeping current would bear their frail vessel to the edge of the dam. ami f;'I i.- , . ut w n;uuu an auvantage, was, for Wilson, impossible. To let his own boat go and manage theirs he saw to be ennally imtxssible, A cry of despair reached the yoonr man s ears as the oars dropped from hS grasp into tho wt- ii -,7rz S,i iCaio?- o( e fearful soene that he had lost his presence of mind, and that now all was over. Not so however. In the next moment he had sprung into tfce water, which, near th icoal. To IMrAirr to oommon in l,i .l and apearance of black walnut, the fol lowing composition may be used : One quarter of a pound of 'asphaltum, one half a pound of common hiwimr gadon of turpentine. If found too thin, rid lieeswax ; if too light in color, add aspholtum, though that must be done with caution, as a very little will make a irreat differviirv in iha i..i j black walnut is not what its name im plies, but rather a rich dark brown. aruisumg is not essential, as the gives a good gloss. converting the dauchtr nf q ;..i;.ii who lecani9 very angry, and determined to kill tho preacher. For thia purjiose ho concealed himself by a road on which thc preach was to i)ass ; but Providence so directed that ho did not go that way. The infidel then sent thc preacher a challenge to fight a duel. This the preacher accepted, and hast ened to tho infidel's home, and found liim in liI Sir c.M 1... j i -"- ""f ram uu w me sca- captam, on a certain day vou lay con cealed by the wayside to 'murder me. You know that it was inconsistant with my calling to fight a duel. But I am determined to fight yon immediately in this room and it is my right to choose theweaons of combat. The infidel was seized with consternation aud tremblinc The prencliM- Aru? n ;.;, Bible. This, taid he, is the weapon mm wuicu a mean to ngutyou. O said fr. Henderson, " Never was there a poor leilow so clad to see a Minimi, it i0 t,ni' -' .. .inUi ,,,iU i, ne was at once sobbed tho victim. "I'll pj .bout s affi . . SriS ? W'tZZ "fS1 'TJ. - - hi"! if he does ,t ,nnU?A .... vi tiif iiiiiLt i in imiiiii i-iHix in inrnn iinvn ' m "... . .. i r t. i .. 1 nZZ rT"11 rz-rty.,orsmall.pox in three days. Tho fate . .w r. o"-'-". wi.o liut uo so wnen its ot iho Urrsona mau was almost cxactlv SKJS wo findy ?,,vMe,H .TroPfcal I MmiIar' If0 tn,erttl the e s or e Rrn- - V-8? dls' ""i1 the30 arc was informed of the existence of small: the ones ,n winch tho sap freezes, but pox there, was dreadfully frightened hi - of smTi the liquid particles are finely divided, J'otUcillcU'a.) Journal. there is no freezing nf Dm HnmM. :i after the structure has received injury of some sort. This in true, he says, of : inseets and insect nannm 'rim. ",. , - i 1 -- ui; l tiA.u it iiwin: iwjwit. il ait IOUIK1 Hint J. . . . ..." w.., -tm uir. freeze'; but cut one apart, soon after the strongest London draft horse were i ?hW1 W friend --My dw child, the humors solidify, and on thawing capible of doing work equivalent to l don l LlLco : bt,t if il "niU J" l minute, and he tok this as the unit of power tor thc steam engine. Thc horae What Is Meant by a Hone Power! Thc iKwer of prime Ju m .in ured by horc iower. Watt found that man. condoniuclv. but th In? mniilnn. ly stopped howling, and exclaimetl : I ".Titht leave him alone. When I grow Aip I'll get on tho police force, and thn I can belt him all I want to ! DAuaimcR of the bouse (to a privi leged old friend of the family)" Dear Mr. Lupus, you don't seem to be en joying yourself. I should no like to nave you waltz this one with m. wouldn't mind sittiug here Knrax for Colds. A writer in the Medical Jicjwrl dies ' a number of cases in which boiax has proved a most effective remedy in cer tain forms of colds. He states that in , sudden hoaireness or loss of voice in - pnoiic speaJcers or singers, from colds, raising 3.$,000 pounds one foot hich per woumn l IQ,nu ""ug ' with my arm wi i... i- it . .t v -. . arriTinii Tniir triinr wmiA i ia AfhM .... .,....,. .... . vMtn aarj mnkmg thenmclvea dizzy." Punch. wax Reocir Eatoto. Half the girls in the land become dyspeptic before thev are out of their teens, in consequence of being abont the house and nibbling at everything they lay their eves on that is Kwu iw eat ; wnereas, were they to eat but three times a day at regular times, and not an atom between meals, they might enjoy crfect health. To digest a full meal and pass it 6ut of tho stom ach requires net less time than five hours. If a person eats between meals, the process of diuestion nt , f i reaily in thc stomach is arrested, untU Uie last which has been eatea isbrouffht u.v me wuuuiuou oi tae lormer meal just as, it water is boiling and ice is put in, tho wholo ceases to boil until the ice has been melted and brought to the boiling point, and then the whole Loils together. No wonder that cvrpepiics are cress and peevish! How can they be otherwise, since a disordered stomach ihiue source oi so manr lunm 9 Vt and faithfulnesaof tlie preacher that he gje mm a nne suit ox clothes, bUf ...Oct. 10. 17I Atrll W, 1717 ..Mrc! j J71S ArrtI aBL 17l a not hhiiiiIIt' mnnl.ln nt .i..;n ... .. 1 a quantity of work. Kinkine gave 'Id,- , KfIWIi iTemlerm. 0OJ foot jKuiiuis as the figure for a mean ' In " t the change of Ministry in of several experimenta, and it is prob- ' England, the following list of Premier, able that 2."5.000 foot pound i f-tir from 1714. will be of interest : -- . . ... a 'BhA a7a infill i a a a m n 11 rn n vjan mr. afa. a m . - w . m. m relief for an hour or . bv mr.i " 1?,:?" 3' " g?U : . . triox- Jw, nhon ..!. -.i f R. ' i -"" '"line nt: or mi men nn wiitii . .. cule duel fisrhtine-. Tt is M !,. Tt,. lump of Wt thn -;,A T"iTi . VaU 8.l"mate has become, by general ' si, ctrt Wai,t. sou wasso:plealed .with thedn" or about three o7 loS LTlr ' S2 IZSZfTZL A &". ' " nl ZSfJn' tC lnnt to BP-, - icntljlc American. ' 1 $?&?" ' mg or singing Tliia produces a pro-,' ' .- t ororin . " fuse secretion of saliva, or " watennff" . Sad CAsKOPMATniMoiAr. hm.,,m ' XTi9 " I o: ine mouth and throat-probably re- -A young married man Imnjr near , i " i .7 -w , u.c iuiui i wjiiiciuiui, itijs., rcturnru home a few ltEfi-" JnB relti2S" htiD& 5 niLt S "nrxpect.-dly, and found tt.1TJMffn0teStOa ant other?oungman sharing his 552 J oca- e rtturnea the next morning . ,. I nd took away his three-year-old W A Mother s Wokth. Manv a dis- : learing the miserable woman to the fate wiuasvu uiuiuer xoios ner tired hands mw wnicti he liaii fallen. A dar or Short Sermons. She that is loved is safe. He that makes himself an ass must not take it to ill if men ride him. The song which is sung in heaven must be learned on eartlt. He liad bnt few enemies saving his friends. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. The cause that never made a fanatic never produced a martyr. By taking revenge a man is but even with his enemy ; but in passing over it he is superior. -rveep lnnocency, 'fas the greatest fe licity and a good conscience, for 'tis a confanual feast ; this is the only music which makes a munr Y, . l; - the prisoner sing when the jailer trembles. Dakr erf (hnlim . . lord Xortfe . ... , Marquis ot Rnektr-cLAm. Tjkti t1 Jfbibra Unite' VnUaA. ... WBUaes Put . . Hi7 AiMlsgtca. ..,., W5nu itu Ivrd Orrxittf. lmiof PortUod . ... .Sjct JTrerral. , . . , Karl i,l LirrrtA Oors Casmmg. . .. VatwoMl OvVrici Dukmet WrBtectoa ...rt. Jily Atnl ...May .. AfrtJ .. July ...Aeuc. . .Jan. A JySAS gentleman has Ihoughtfulrr P.u tn ffont gate in the parlor, so that his daughter and her tohxi bmh can swing on it without takiBt;cold during the cold weather. Th&la a hHHuu suggestion to all fathers. A frost do !S,jffg?.E srsxsi. at night, and feels as if she had, after " two afterward the mo Ler was discovered all, done nothing, although she had not 1 in an insane condition almnl nn. r !,-. spent an idle moment since slie rose. Is . ontbuildings of a oelffhbor. with ,. SrVo17 n noining tliat yonr little helplesa -ifl-1 shoes of her child in her hand search. v''t JteRwwu- all their childish griefs and iors? I, it s that he was buried somwwJ HTi Zl SU3,TnK nothing that your husband feebi "safe "snow. She is still a lnnt,V v. I ?? . -a Wlien nc IS awar to Ilia hnniuM K-. L rhniin ,, , ;-.. v-.. - uut ciiremi nana directs ererrthing at home? Is it nothing, when his" business . . " iuamenas tne blessed reluce 11. 1712 X, ITU n, KM 1 17S3 X I?' Xarti 3i. tTW ij A. 17 April i. 17Q te- Y,. 17 Xarrb 7. nan May 13, WA Jaa. . w March IX iMtt .Jcar &, li a, uis lunaUe. Ex-1 Eal n-- Krl ot Xtxt&sra of home, which yon have that day done your best to brighten and refine? Oh, weary and faithful mother! you little know your power when you say, " I have done nothing. " There is a book in which a fairer record than this is written over agaiEst your name. A hossx left uncovered, when sot is exercise, will aoon grow a heavy coat oi coarse hair. This become a nndfnfK to rapid aaotion, and should be ptCTCSt a by jadieioa biafikctiaf. SCRGICAL EmniTfn i . amination of the Collie of SargeoM a I aJ Ja k V av t "What would you do if a asaa were blown up with powder T "Wait until he caaae down,' he coolly replied. "True," replied Abernethr." "And suppose I should kick you for such an impertinent reply, what atuaclea should I put in motion ?'- "The iexora and exicssorsof y am; for I should knock you down in saediately." TiecaadidatereceiTtd Ms diplosa. Vliii ninT Til ali ii Ear! ot JV-by.... .. .. Vlarcst Palattmi trtRttaacB . ... , EarloDTt7. . Beaaai8 DwraWi WiQUm Zwrl Olxtrf nr .. J no ll .... Aiz. ,.... Jaa. a JOT Inij ,. . rr. .... Afrll ryf '.. '51 rrt. ... Doe. ... rK r. i .. ..o. , Joir II. I ia. vm U,IMH Ml.1-81 1, IMI 3, ! rt. iw2 n. im , 1AM U. MAS 4, MM X, vm Im following k id to be an eaeeJ lest cure for rheunuatuaa : Half a tea spooafal of Boehelle aalta, to be take every aMnxag , half as hour before txeftUaM. Hot drinks, aetrila. beer. CMir. mmm mA to. b. aTojded, aed all gretMe. e-pt good. sweet bsMer. TxtA mmt otwmSrj mt be eattm oaoe a day, Wt aalt BMat a&dihsiaMiwabetaMdfjm. $&&FmBigk&ai "V rf S y "v Aa - ILfe h . .- KriSiX . -"w. -.4 --.'. I T"-.y..-r v fclier-s $&- -s un "AX --v ''-'arifiijBH