The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1874, Image 4

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    SSi-v - Wf
1 jl
Editors ia Coflgress.
Washington Cor. Chicago Time.)
It is a bit curious to run the eye over
both branches of the present Congress
and pick out the men who are, or have
been, journalists. The number is in
creasing yearly. In the good old times
men who hoped to do the State Bome
service in the -way of legislation usually
took the legal road. The political seat
was then generally reached by scram
bling over the bar and bench. Some-
tunes, in the kindness of the popular
Heart, tnc successful militia hero, or the
man who had attained eminence in com
mercial pursuits, was allowed to do the
national chores. But old Father
Antic, the law, saw to it that his own
children were awarded the majority of
the present political plums.
By and by a strange race of nervous,
Ensuing fellow's, around whose jackets
ung a faint odor of printer's ink, began
to creep into the comfortable chairs of
General Assemblies and Congress. Very
useful chaps they bad been to help make
public officers of the lawyers and others,
but was it not a little audacious when
they commenced making public officers
of themselves ? More alarming than all
was the fact that when this leaven of
press delegates began to work in tho
Congressional loaf it was discovered
that the new element was so efficacious
that it could never "again bo slighted.
So it remained and waxed iiowerfuL.
To-day there are few of tho head-working
political men in Senate or House
who have not, at some period, driven
the burning quill and fasnioned the po
tent leader in a'newspaper office.
Let me pick them out. In the Senate
are Schurz, Sargent, of California, and
Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, ex-Vice-President.
Kansas honors herself by
sending two editors to the Senate, In
galls who engineered tho Atchison
Champion forseveral years, and Crozier,
once published tho Leavenworth Daily
Time. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, was
also an editor, and so were Brownlow,
of Tennessee, and Sener, of Virginia.
Sumner and Stockton may also be
counted in, for, while they have nevor
owned newspapers, they have written
for them, and have each compiled valu
able books, which is almost as credit
ablo as to be an editor.
In tho House, Speaker Blaine raps
turbulent spouters to order as lustily as
he may have hammered down tho type
in tho forms of the Portland newspajnir
office in his younger days. The Port
land A dvertiser and Kenebec Journal
have been under his control.
Gen. iloe. Ifawley, of Connecticut, ia
principal owner ami editor of tho Hart
ford Courant, ono of the best provincial
sheets in tho country. Carles Dudley
Warner is associated witli him in the
paper, but, uuhapily for Connecticut,
not in Congress.
The shriveled Alexander II. Stephens,
Vice-President of the ex-Confederncy,
and one of tho strangest morsels of
talent that ever hung for years between
this and another world, took to tho
sanctum after his incipient nation went
to splinters. His editorials were never
less than half a furlong in extent, but
ho was eager to prove, as usual, that the
only small thing about him was his jwor
shrunken littlo body.
Among the remaining editors in the
Uouso aro Wolf, of Indiana, Phillips, of
Kansas, Smith, of Louisiana, Willard,
of Michigan, Lamar, of Mississippi,
Havens, of Missouri, Mellish, Cox and
Boberts, of Now York, Waddell, of
North Carolina, Sherwood and Law
rence, of Ohio, Kelley and Magee, of
Pennsylvania, and Davit's, of Massachu
setts. Tho Territorial Delegates eomo out
particularly strong in editorial experi
ence, tho men from Arizona, Dakota,
Montana, Wyoming and Utah all hav
ing served time at tho head of news
Alas for Illinois, she lias not an editor
in her entiro delegation.
Senator Sherman and Specie Payments.
Senator Sherman, of Ohio, addressed
the Senate the othor day on finance, tho
currency, and specie resumption.
He argued that it had been practic
able during tho last fourycars to advance
our notes to spocio value. If not, when
would it be? Should tho redemption
of the pledgo bo postponed until the
public debt be paid ? One-tenth of the
amount ot money which had been used
to pay public debts not due would have
brought tho country to specie payment.
This thing of postponing tho fulfillment
of our promiso could not be longer
maintained with a view of reducing tho
public debt If wo postpono redemp
tion in order to pay the public debt it
will bo many long years before this
"consummation most devoutly to bo
wished " can bo reached.
H tho inflationists wanted $100,000,
000 moro now, how long would it bo
before they would want another $100,
000,000 moro ? Men would always be in
dobt, and always bo demanding an in
crease of currency. Whero would it
stop ? Just whero our ancestors stopped
at tho close of tho revolution. He re
garded it as tho crowning achievement
of the Government that just after the
close of the war it redeemed all its obli
gations. The present is tho time to
stop and bring our currency to a gold
standard. Every bond or note of the
Government had been issued upon a
sacred pledge that tho interest and
principal should be paid in coin. Had
tho provisions of tho legal-tender act
been carried out wo woidd have re
turned to specio payment long ago.
Many things had been done in times of
excitement and peril, when the Govern
ment was in danger, which it would not
bo proper to do now. He was willing to
take his share of the responsibility of
those acts.
Ah IIl-Trtatcd Lad Eleven Years of
Age Hangs Himself.
Wo find in the Wellsville Free Prczs
of recent date tho particulars of a
suicide which occurred .near that village,
in which tha self-destroyer was a boy
but 11 years of age. The story is such
an extraordinary one that we republish
it, this morning :
The name of tho boy is Eugene, and
that of his father is William Johnson.
It would appear that the boy and his
sister, aged 11 years, have always been
objects of aversion to both their pa
rents, and that from infancy they have
wv Buujwi 10 uie most inhuman and
brutal treatment. Kicks and blows
have been administered for every littlo
childish offense, and that these have
only been varied by cruel and unmerci
ful whippings whenever the anger of the
unnatural father has been more than
usually aroused. It is said that the
boy, failing at times to find the cows
when he has been sent for them, has re
mained in the woods for nights and days
together, rather than to return to his
home and undergo the excessive punish
ment which ho knew would be inflicted.
Fer weeks past he and his sister hVro
been compelled to cut from two and
one-half to three cords of wood per day
with a erosa-cut saw, under penalty of a
severe beating. Last Sunday the pa
rents went to a neigbor's to supper,
ivin4T the children at home J Vnt, fc.
fore going, Johnson told the boy to wa
ter the horses. Returning to his house
in the afternoon on some errand from
the neighbor whom he was visiting, he
ascertained that his instructions in re
gard to the horses had not been com
plied with, and at once commenced
beating and abusing the boy in the most
outrageous manner. When he becamo
weary of torturing the child, he left the
house and went back to tho neighbor's
to finish his visit. Shortly after he
left, the poor boy, according to his sis
ter's statement, gathered up his play
things and put them away in a little
box, and then went to the barn. Being
gone a long time, the girl followed him
to the barn, where she found him dead
and hanging by the neck to a beam.
Buffalo JCrprc8H.
Inter-State Conmerce Mr. Jlurlbut'n
The following are the main features
of tho bill introduced in Congress by
Representative Hurlbut for chartering
a double-track railway company with
authority to construct and operate a
line between the Atlantic seaboard and
tho Mississippi river :
Tho purpose and object of the cor
poration are declared to be to locate a
track, and build and operate a railroad
for freight only, with two tracks, from
any convenient point on the Hudson
river or tha Bay of New York, to Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa, or to such other con
venient point on the cast bank of Mis
souri river, in Iowa, as shall offer the
best connection with the system of rail
roads west of the Missouri river.
lhe construction of the road shall be
commenced within one year from tho
passage of this act, and the main line
completed within three years there
after. Tho capital stock of the com
pany shall not exceed 1,000,000 shares
of S100 each.
It is required that the road shall be
laid with steel rails, or solid-headed
steel rails of not less than (8 pounds
weight to tho linear yard, and the en
tire road to be constructed and operated
in the best manner. Besides branches
to St. Louis and Chicago, the corpora
tion is authorized to contsruct such
other branches as in the judgment of
the directors may answer its purpose,
but not more ihan two branches shall be
made on the same side of the main line
in any ono State.
The maximum rates of freight allowed
to bo received by the company shall be
at tho rate of 5 mills per ton per milo
for all distances exceeding 750 miles,
and at the rate of G mills for distances
less than 750 miles, and not. exceeding
C00 miles, and at the rate of 7 mills per
ton for distances less than 600 and moro
than 100 miles, and at the rate of 8
mills per ton per mile for distances of
less than -100 and not exceeding 300
miles, and at 9 mills per ton per mile
for distances less than J100 and not ex
ceeding 150 miles, and at 1 cent per
milo for distances less than 150 miles ;
provided, that in the winter months said
corporation sholl bo entitled to add 1
mill per ton to all rates, and to all othor
rates not included in tho term bulk
freight, at such maximum rates as shall
be fixed by a Commission to be ap
pointed. A commission of fivG persons is to be
established, three of whom are to bo
appointed by the President, and two by
the company, who shall have full power
and authority to classify freight and" fix
maximum charges on each class of
freight and on each article other than
those specified.
The United States, in consideration
of tho requirements of the bill, guaran
tee an interest at tho rate of 5 er cent,
per annum, payable half-yearly, upon a
portion of tho cost of construction of
the main line of the road. The bonds
so guaranteed shall not be sold or dis
posed of by the company except for
cash, and at not less than 95 per cent,
of their par value, and shall be payable
at the city of New York, both principal
and interest. A sinking fund is to bo
created to reimburse tho United States,
etc. This charter, and all privileges
therein contained, are declared to be
subject to tho control of Congress as to
the modification, alteration, or repeal
of the same.
Thirty Years in Bed.
A case for tho curious and speculative
is to be found in this county, five or six
miles southwest of this city, at the resi
dence of Mr. John Collins. Miss Sallie
Collins, his sister, who is supposed to
be no less than forty years of age, has
lain in bed for a period of thirty years,
and, strange to say, during that time she
has enjoyed good general health. We
conversed with physicians who attended
her fifteen years ago, ono of them for a
period of eight years reirularlv. When
about ten or twelve years of age, she
was first taken to her bed, and except
on two occasions, has never left it. Tho
family lived for a number of years in a
log house, and after Miss Collins had
lain in bed about ten years, all of tho
family were on one occasion absent
from her room, and Miss Collins ob
served a house snake leisurely winding
his way on the joist immediately over
her head. Terror seized her, and be
fore she knew it she was occupying a
bed in the opposite side of the room. In
1859 her brother, John Collins, built a
now house on the plantation, to which,
with other members of the family, she
was removed. With these two excep
tions she has steadfastly kept her placo
of repose. It is certainly a remarkable
case, and baffles the skill of the physi
cians who have attempted to treat it. It
is supposed to be one of the various
manifestations of hysteria. She is ie
ported to be happy and contented with"
her lot, and her condition is a subject
rarely mentioned in her neighborhood.
Mobcrly (Mo.) Monitor.
A Sharp Traasactios.
A professional betting man made a
good thing of it on the occasion of a
lire which lately broke out at -ilie cotton-sampling
office of a firm in Liver
pool. While the conflagration was at
its height and the burning cotton was
being thrown ent of the windows upon
the nags below, a number of brokers
stood in the street discussing the sum
which the waste would realize. Our
friend offered to bet a guinea that the
burned cotton would fetch 15, and as
this was apparently far beyond its value
he found no difficulty in finding per
sons willing to take the bet. This he
did until twenty people had accepted
the wager for a guinea each. He after
ward went te the sale and bought the
cotton for 16, which he then sold for
12, sustaining a loss of i upon the
purchase, but pocketing sixteen guineas
as his net profits upon tho transaction.
George Banceopt wants to retire
from the German mission. He is 73,
but vigorous. He has not yet completed
the tenth volume of his History of the
United States. The work was com
menced in 1834, and the ninth volume
published in 1866.
UMBKEuas of navr blue silk tipped
with gilt, and with gift handle and cup,
are shown to enUp the teaMou'sbta jrirl
of tii ftrio4i
A DIgBile4 Mm. .
The human heart, in all its expansive,
limitless capacity for enjoyment, takes
greater pleasure in nothing more than
witnessing a portly, solemn-visaged
man, the embodiment of natural digni
ty, and importance in clothes, adminis
ter a scathing rebuke to some " smart '
petty official. One morning lately just
such a personification of innate dignity
loomed up at the stamp window of a
poBtoffice, and glared in gloomy and
majestic displeasure at the busy clerk
registering a letter, before he sprang to
the window and asked the stately cus
tomer what he wished. The great man
did not answer for several moments. He
gazed steadily and impressively over the
clerk's head, and then asked, in pnder
0118 tones :
" Is there any one here-r-fo who at
tends to business ?"
The embarrassed clerk blushed, fal
tered for a moment, then, recovering
himself, said, with characteristic and
national cheerfulness becoming an offi
cial of tho republic :
" I will see, sir."
And ho disappeared. He went into
another department, tortured a carrier
with an original conundrum and heard
a good story in the mailiug-room, and
came back.
" Yes, sir," he said to the great one ;
there are, in addition to myself, three
clerks in the letter department, ono in
the mailing-room, four carriers, three
route agents, tho mail-driver and a
" Ah-h-h ! I am glad there are so
many. I may, in all that number, fiud
ono who is at his post"
And then he looked as impressive as
a Special Agent, and was silent for three
minutes, while the impassive clerk
awaited his orders, and impatient men
behind fidgeted and crumbled. Finally
tho great man said, with deep bolem
nity :
" I wish one tliree-ceut stamp."
The clerk tore off the stamp and held
it, waiting for tho consideration. The
great man made a somewhat longer
pause than usual ; ho felt in his various
vest pockets ; he gradually lost his look
of imprcBbivo rebuke, liis chest caved in,
and he assumed the aspect of an ordi
nary .frail mortal, and he said :
"Ah the fact is I'm sure ah in
short, I find that I have carelessly left
my purse at home. Can you kindly "
The passivo clerk, with the faintest
suggestion of triumph in his eye, waved
the great man aside with :
" Sorry for you, sir, but the clerk who
sells on credit is not in. What docs the
next man want ?"
And we felt so good to see how that
clerk was taken down by the dignified
man that he went away and laughed for
a week. Exchange.
Jracc (ireenwood on Matt. Carpenter.
There is something remarkably en
gaging and devil-may-care and cut
spoken in this jolly Mr. Worldly-Wiseman
of the Senate. There is even u
certain magnetism of good humor and
good living, genius and geniality about
him. Ho is a Webster with the dignity
and decorum left out. Ho reminds ono
of Sheridan and Rochester and tho
Marquis of Donegal and other splen
did old spendthrifts and goodfcllcws, of
whom this penurious puritanic age and
country are not worthy. Wo are a littlo
shocked at some sentiments he utters,
bntwo rather like him for speaking
them out, and not concealing them or
glossiug them over. We know just
whero to find him, every time. His
moral epidermis does seem to bo a little
thickened by law and politics and Wash
ington associations; he is so comfortab
ly unconscious of the damage he may be
doing himself by his ingenuous admis
sions, and cheerful recklessness of state
ment. He never knows when and whero
ho is hurt. He reminds mo of one of
Gov. Hunt's littlo camn Htorins. I In
that is the Governor described a xor
white family of Missouri, careless, shift
less, and intolerably lazy, the daughters
of which were accustomed to go barefoot
till the soles of their feet became hard
like unto horn. One of those young
ladies, on coming homo one day after a
long tramp in the rain after tho cows,
was standing on the hearth drying her
clothes, when her old mother "drawled
out: "Sal, thar's a live coal un
der yer foot." Tho girl slightly
turned her head, and drawled back":
" Which foot, mammy?"
Old Hickory.
A correspondent of the Jackson (Mibs.)
Xcwtt tells how Gen. Jackson got his
title of Old Hickory. He says ho got
the story from dipt. William Allen, a
near neighbor of tho General, and who
messed with him during the Creek war.
During the campaign the soldiers were
moving rapuuy to surprise the Indians,
and were without touts. A cold March
rain came on, mingled with sleet; which
lasted for several days. Gen. Jackson
got a severe cold, but did not complain
as lie tried to sleep in a muddy bottom
among his half-frozen soldiers. Capt.
Allen and his brother John cut down a
stout hickory tree, peeled off the bark,
and made a covering for the General,
who was with difficulty persuaded to
crawl into it. The next morning a
drunken citizen entered the camp, and
seeing the tent, kicked it over. As
Jackson crawled from the ruins, the to
per cried, "Hello, Old Hickory! come
out of your bark and jine us in a drink."
RaYeaoas Re&ato.
Mrs. Ramsdell, of Davenjiort, Iowa,
left her littlo babe asleep in bed the
other evening, while she stepped out to
gossip with a neighbor. Returning in
half an hour, she discovered about half
a dozen large rats in the act of eating
tho child. On her entering the room
they ran into a hole which led to the
cellar. The child was literally covered
with blood. The rats had gnawed the
head in many places, eaten part of the
ears and nose, the outer corner of th
eyes, and nibbled at the fingers. Medi
cal aid was called and the wounds
dressed. It was pronounced out of
danger, but will probably be disfig
urea for life.
A Pbodiqy. There is a little girl, 9
years old, in Pike county, by the name
of Sarah J. Clithero. who is a most re
markable child. Her mother died fonr
months ago, and left a familv of seven
children. Sarah, being the oldest girl
in the family, has been keeping house
for her father and taking care of the
younger children ever since. She re
cently made a pair of pants for her
father without assistance from any one,
and did the job as well as manv woaaea
could ha.-e done it. She has also made
a coat for her older brother, besides
various other garments for the Younger
children. She is a beautiful child,
modest, and unusually quiet in her de
meanor. She is a modeL Mexico (Jlfo.)
A LiLMi mY article is in ciirnlatibn
telling how to make mustard plaster.
An article tellfiir how to successfully
dodge b Is wt a uuttn people
Niii DESPXBAXDOic A real healthy
man or woman is a rarity ; and what
wonder? when we realizo that it is
the custom to overlord the stomach, and
then produce chronic disease by tho
use of spirituous liquors, "Tonics,"
"Appetizers," "Restoratives," etc.
Having first produced disease by in
discretion, the victim wonders why
"nothing does him good." Just so;
and tho reason is that they all, or nearly
all, find a basis in alcohol or poison.
To all thus discouraged, we can I'on
scientiously say, " make ono more
triaL" Discard" spirituous medicines,
and give natuke a chance, aiding her in
the struggle by usiug one of her own
pure and unadulterated herb remedies,
in the shape of Viseoab Bitters. The
discoverer, Dk. J. Walkek, of Cali
fornia, is no pretender, but an honora
ble practicing physician, and his dis
covery is the result of years of labor
and study. The wonderful cures ef
fected by them of Dyspepsia, FeTers,
Rheumatibin, and many other terrible
diseases, are almost incredible. 2S
TnE " Onc-hundred-year Almanar"
says the year 1874 will be a very un
healthy one. " There will be au open,
moist winter, which will give rise to
fevers of a low type, and much sickness
during the summer months."
Many people, particularly children,
suffer with the earache; ami for tho benefit
of such mo give a euro but i-imrle roused?,
rutin two or three drop of Johnson's .1 no
dyne Liniment,, atop tho car with undrerped
wool, bathe the feet in. warm natcr before
coioc to bed. and keen the head warm at
Tiht. Com.
Capt. Ciiablks Sao eh, who keeps a
euperb dtock of livery borce iu Portland. Mo ,
informed us recently that ho ubch Sheridan's
Cavalry Condition I'otrdtrn regularly in hits
etableu, and that the cxpenxo is moro than
oftVet by tho diminished amount of grain
ncceMary to keep bin hore always in pood
order. Com.
Go to Kiveusidk Water Cure, Hamilton, III.
Scientific and Safe Treatment.
When appliod with Dr. Pierce's Xaeal Douche
and accompanied with Dr. rierceV (loldeu
Medical Discovery a constitutional treatment.
Dr. Sage' Catarrh Itemedy produce perf ct
cures of tho w ort cae of Cut . rrli ami OznNia
of many years' btaniling. This ih rnuh
course of medication cotibtitues tho only
Hcientijie, rational. nfo and fucccnef ul manner
of trentiug tint odious ilisoa-o tbitt ha ever
been offered to tho nOl.ctt-d. S.i Mtccersful
bat) it proven that tho propretir haa louj;
offered a Htauding rewaid of ;503 for a cnj of
Catarrh which he cannot euro.
Taos. J. Bishop, of ftmih lirooklyn, N. ,
writes that hits wifo had buffered eiuc-o a child
with Catarrh until it had remitted 111 what
emineut pbyticiant pronounced Cone unit lion;
that ho has u'cd Dr. Sage'n Catarrh Itouicdy
wiih Dr. Piorco'rt Golden Medical Discovery,
and they havo worked woudorH with her eaao.
Fcople should ltowaro of those impostors
who not only try to imitate Dr. Picrco'n Family
Medicines, but alco copy hin original atjlo of
advertising by offering various i-izcd rewards
for cases of Catarrh and other diwcapcu which
they cannot cure. Thono who do not possess
sufficient intelligence to cnablo thcmtowiito
original advertieemeuts of their own. but havo
to steal thoso of other, aro not likely to havo
mado great and valuablo dincovoncaiu Medi
cine. Look out for them. Com.
Eveuy member of Congress from Min
nesota was raised in Maine.
Ayku's American Almanac has ar
rived, and in now ready for delivery, gratis, by
our druggists, to all "who call for it. Our
readers may bo surprised to know that this
little pamphlet, which has become so much a
favorite iu our sectiou. has quite the largeet
circulation of any ono book 111 the world, ex
cept the Hiblo. "it is printed iu many lan
guages, and ec-ittcred through many nations,
as well as supplied to almost the entiro popu
lation of our own vast domain, livery family
shonld keep it, for it contains information
which all aro liable to require, when sickness
overtakes thorn, and which may prove in
valnablo from being at band iu "season. If
you take our advice, you will enll and get an
Aykk'h Aimasac. and when got. keep it
Why will You SutTetft
To alt persons infTerlog
from Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Crampk In the HmMorttom-
ach, TUlioui Colic, Pain In the
back, bowels or tide, we would
ay Tut Hocirrold nxicii
others tho remeJy you want
for internal and external use.
It htt cured the abore com
plaints In thousands of cases.
(There is no mistake about It.
Try It. Sou by all nrustflsts.
rRKSCRir-TIONOl'oucof the bt Pemale Thysl
elans and Nurses in the United States, and has
been used for thirty years wllb nerer islllni?
safety and success by millions tif motheis and
children, from the feeble infant of one week old to
the adult. It corrects aridity of the stomach, re
lieves wind colic, reKuIatt the bowels, and tTtres
rest, health and comfort to mother and thlld
We believe it to be the Host and Surest Remedy in
the World In all cases of DY8ENTEKT and DIAR
RHEA IN CIMLDRKN, whether It arises from
Teething or from any other cause. Pall directions
for using will accompany each bottle. None Genu
ine unless the fac-slmlle of CURTIS A TKRKINF
Is on the outside wrapper.
Ilrnvvn Bronchial Troctier for t'rsigha
auicl Colsla.
Requires immediate atteatioa, and sboald be
Checked. If allowed to continue, IaaiTATioa or
th Loot, a riitaAisairr TnaoaT Arracrioa. oa
aw laccaasLa Lcao Disaasa it often the result.
UaTinf a direct iuflutneeon the parts, fire Imme
diate relief. For Baos ciiitis. Asthma, Catabih.
CoasvMrriVB ad Tiikoat Diibaiis, Taocaasnre
MtratariXA atttiUM good tu-cett.
Siaoaat akd Public f pbakbbs
Will find Tkochbs useful in e.e ring wbei.
taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the
throat after anunntua) exertion of the vocalorgant
Obtain only "Bbowb's Hkobcbiai. Taocaaa,'
and do net take any of the worthless Imltatioir
tkat may be offered. &J& ertrywAere.
from no other cause than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without Injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE, and free from alt coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually naed la
worm preparations.
CURTIS 4 BROWN, mroprtetore.
No. a I PaltTh Street, New York.
.. ItruniMt and Chmirti, ami dUr$ in
mtatnnt, er xwaarynvB caste a Box.
Meat mma OMcit Kaastljr 3f e4lc !.-&-
torft Littr Inviforatorm purely Vegetable G-
fAarztcandTofiif-for Dyspepsia, Constipatloa, De
bility, Sick Headache, Bllivus Attacks, and an de
rangements o Liver, StMoach and Bowels. Ask
your Drugytst for It. Harare ci ttutuma.
XOTHI3Q BETTER." Cntlr Br., Boitcn
Dr-JahaWare. celebrated Vboitb(.b
PcuiOBAJsr Balaam, for Colds and Consumption.
ronltryc'ds A'. DeU't Jot3mai,Caasbrsb'ara
PE.VSt05KRS with increased disability can tret
more peas-.on. Write Array Record, aurora, ill.
kKACII WKKrC.Acrats wanted. pirtlm-
oa im. w. nana a WiV, 91. LiOtsta, JIO.
CeEXT8 WAJCTevD Somelblrst entirely
new. Address rHILA JTOTEf-TT ytAyrti
CO , n4 Franklla St.. Pbltade Ipbla, Pa.
astaarsgsf DJ gVtntlt 4
l two acres, superior qnalu
ly.owTied and t'rrsueirKri by J 31. sTETHCK-
rXtBarcJajr,OiT (oJUs
-- M iaaJkoaaVai Taaa I-. . an.M.taaA T .fa-..
areTY aUBsaSee aaWB j traaa SaiaaitJa. AmIi a
tsass t f?T ttralar. R.AI3lr?,lHCrrrstt,H T.
Dr. J. Walker's California Yin
Cgar Jtitters aro a purely Vegetable
preparation, mado chiefly from tho na
tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains uf Califor
nia, tho medicinal proiwrties of which
aro extracted therefrom without tho use
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily asked. "What is the causo of tho
unparalleled succe of Vinki;ak Hit
tkks V Our answer is, that they remove
the causo of disease, and tho patient re
covers his health. They are the great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator
of tho system. Never before in the
history of tho world ha a im-dicinc hcea
comrHiuiiiUsl Mi..esiiip tho remarkable
qualities of Vinkoak Hittkun in healing the
Kick of every li.eo.M man i heir to. Thojr
aro a gentle Purgative a. vvill as a Tonic,
relieving Congestion or lutlammution of
the Liver und Visceral Organs, iu itiliotr
TIh irt)HTtirs of Dk. Walker's
Vinkoar Hittkrs aro . jH-rit-nt. Diiuihnrvtic.
Carminative, Nutritious Laxative. IMuretie,
Sedative, Couutor-IrriUnt, rfudoritic. Alterr
live, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin
egar Bittkks the most wondci ft.l In
vigoraut that ever sustained the sinking
NoPenon can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
meano, and vital organs wasted beyond
Bilious, Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, which are so preva
lent in tho valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Hed. Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke. James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive do
r.ingctnonts of tho stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful intluenco ujion ihcsu various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
Dr. ,L Walker's Vinegar Hitters,
as they will speedily remove the dark
colored viscid matter with which tho
bowels are loaded, at the same time
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
and generally restoring the healthy
functions of tho digestive organs.
Fjortify the body against, disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
Bitters. No epidemic can tako hold
of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad TiuUo
in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in the region cf the Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will provo a betterguaranteo
of its ncrits than a lengthy advertise
ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White
Swellings Ulcere, Krynipelos, Swelled Notlc.
Goitre, Scrofulous Inflainni.utio.i Indolent
Inflammations, Mercurial Affeciu'n, Old
Sores. Eruption of tho Skin, Soro Evea, etc.
In these, as in all other eoiintitutionj Dia
eases, Walkkk's Vinkoak Uittehs nave
hown their great curative powers iu tho
most ODsiimtie anu iniracuiiiio ca.efi.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fev ors, Diseases of
tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Uladder,
thei?o Bitters have no etiual. Sucfi Diseaci
are caused by Vitiated JMood.
MsehaniVal Diseases. Persons en
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
numbers', Type-setters Gold heaters and
Miners, as they advance in life, aro Mibjeef
In paralvbirt of the Howeln. To gunro
i:oar Bitters ncvaxiiuiallv. '
ForSkin Diseases, Eruptions, Tel
ler, Salt-Rheum, illotehes Spots-, Pimples
Pustules Boils Carbuncles Hing-worms
Scald-head, Sore Eyes KryiH.'Ias Itch,
Scurfs fJiscoIonition of the Skin, Humor
and Dicaies of the Skin of whatever name
or nature, are literally dug up and carried
out of the system in a'ehort time by tho use
of these Bitterj.
Pin, Tape, and other Worms,
lurking in the system of so many thousands,
are effectually destroyed and removed. No
svstem of medicine, no vermifuges ao n
thelminitlcs will free the system from worm
like these Bitters
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or n'nglc, at the dawn of wo
manhood, or tho tum of life, thexe Tonic
Bitten display so decided an influence that
improvement m soon perceptible
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when
ever vou find its impurities bunting through
the skin in Pimple. Eruptions, or Sorea.
cleane it when you find it obxtractAd and
sluggish in tho vein: cleanse it when it u
font ;' jour feeling will tell roa when. Keep
tho blood purr, and the health of the syctcn
will follow.
ft. h. Mcdonald co.,
VrapnU andGtn. AftaSaa rraaciseo Cal&rxla,
aa4 ttir. of W.tjiliiarton and Charitoa Hca, N. T.
oM by all ifragglsta " t Dcavlf.
CtOrT tKR DAY Commission or 30smi
Caiel Salary, and earxn tee. Weoffcrlt and will
ay It. Apply nw. U.Wc latter at C..Irton.O
JL a 7'Vf assart nu erKo ru an ki.
" to bisBialf. AddrMS a 9. Caaaaa, Jsrscy
- "
for a rail roars of Telegraphlca: wben
taken with BC815ZS9 COCES. Tor
cirmlare address Jons Cm"l CoIlt,
St. Louia.Xw. Opes Day aad Ktsjkt.
(3,1 K Per Dy,
T1 staaiptnA
1JM8 Aa-rata orantad.
i A. H. Blair a Co-, St. boats. Ua.
AT AftTw foeJswswaOitBirtraTrfoe
M I LM I atrnu. It alii Mil rKU-r Thajj aajy-yzt&J2vrrTTbmiai4.Snm?inXr-r.CHXAXX-CrACTPKCO.JgaaViorniMateaaSuaacaa-
II K li. 1 II V KUOJU, xloW.Wath
II II IT A II 11 M- Clilea.
U Al U IX 11 Ui WL. D. WILt.WS.'V.
1 JW acres ; IM acres sader plow, balaixe tlsaVer,
well traproTeat; rlee 1J fr acre. Varatl x-chaaa-e
tni productive properly. Vat parUrulare
address rorra'AiTBB.Cle.arsanttt.'WarrenCa. Teas.
ano iMCCTPOifKll roa
rkia. Awto. Ttirf Tniasa KeCka. are.
ef. r. aUXJtl, CC KBAS A CaX N. T Sal Jseata-
Extraordlaary lo-irat,t la tb climate
health, taints, stock Stvw1bt. fxrxsirf. rajrWt de
Tteopsseat, aa4 Bt-Miey-asakltf. Isferaatfe-fre.
X&'.tm A. R. rTTK!UOJ. "errr. CV
ti. c-ynf
New Schcmo of Easy Payments
COM PAX Y have arranged a now system,
under which they now offer their well- '
known Organs
For Rent, with Privilege of Purchase.
at pricen and on term extraordinarily I
Payments may run through obc to
four years.
All Bent which has been paid allowed
and deducted on Organs purchased and
paid for within one year.
An organ may be rrturard after nix
months ut cost of only reuxonnblu rent,
if for any reason it is notwnntnl longer.
If an Organ be retiiucd. and rent paid
four year, it becomes the properly of
the party h dug, without further paj
Biont. Organs will bo rcntd on thin plan to
any part of the country accessible to our
warerooms or agencies. Only knowledge
of tho unrivaled excellence of ourorgnn,
and practical exikTif ncv that they will be
found po attractive in use that scarcely
anyof them will ever be returned, warrant
this offer to supply them on such terms.
! Terms of Renting, containing fall particu
lars, with descriptions of Styles, Ben's and
Pries: also, Illustrated Cat-dofrues and Testi-
nonial Ci'calars, sent Free. Addreea
HosTON, New Youk, on Chicago.
IIIU s 11111 s inn 11m Y p Wlt.OH CO.
llarpsr's Iluildini;. N Yolk, fur sain hv Cbira
ci Nepapr L'tilmi. lit Mciirns t , In H-lh and
'i-lb parkatfct Also afullastot tmrulof Job Ink
is as effectual a remedg
a tha Suljih.Uc In tltj somio l , lille II irfrrf.
thr heart lrs, nmrr palaUlilsitml mc ft (hrfr
SH'l fir tIiri(iTC vk It f TV.Wi'ii..iWfi
of I'h'ixteiim imin all jNrt f llio country
CJTSaMplo ihwkitcr lr IrUI, JAn-Hta.
Prrpsir.1 bv Hit MNdS.l'LMT.VCO.I hcmt
IU.sM!..M.iv. w York Ortlii s 'JColIci I'l-ww
For all fiATinc spars timr. In sxlhiitf our j
Honk. .Vi) ,imi 1 vr trdimirnt iniri, lilt a lirrr-
Ity to all clarn f pplr. actualtr iliJJ
niniiry to buyers IIimiIs AkviiIb arrklut: nio- ,
tblnn it r fill aiit raal-arllitsr, and all tiavlnif ,
any uparr time for plraatit wrk. without rik,
write at finrr for rniiiplMr IS-patf itrarilpttvr lr-
rular ami lllirrnl lrrm t . A II i: re u lima A
Co , M I.011U, Mo. '
w A t-'ftlititnn I jillme ,
.UUUMliUllUUU h- ltltl.( m.,1 ml...
Kittttly r!tit.i. Win
utiln r.O fiill-puicr
fdntt ln. iltirin tho '
Vur. A tiiiiKiilllrcitt
(IIItOMU toi'rrvaiili.
rllvr. tWO per yntr. Ncnrl 25 rrnta lor
ai;ip!rinpy. PnKvtiiH,iiiul I'rvmliini Ust,
or Ml mil fir Sniiii'le Copy, Cliroiiin, A
s uiiari-omniriirrr)ttitrrr.
Aihlrew. TMC1.M S l. NI.W.MAN.
ItiMtni --, Tritium rttilMlinr, i 'litcnuo.
Slncli. Ton
Lam. aVilSB ST ft sm iu t a- a 4
wlllitbOrceuTraflaor War
rantril to suit all lastra rorav
rerifwherc Anil tulil at wholc-
4lnnlr I'T Orrat AtUnttrauit
P.t-ino Ta Co , :i a U7 Vrsy
trert.X V 1 O lln II ft U A.
BanU for Thta-Ntrtar Circular
M'O Kit of l
Miouli! Mllmcrir.r-f.irllio
nlilr.Ht itiul bml wlcn
llilciinil pniriiml Jour of Apli-tilntr.- In tiu
Unrlil. Tim iniH.t !!
ccMiful iiml I'Xiirrli'iioil
Aplnriiini In Aim-rliii
mill I urnporonlrltiiKrii l' iiiii. $2nyi'nr.
Mriiiln alHinii fnr "aHiplr Copy.
AililrvMi. TlloMAHi;. NKWMN
ItiKim'iT, TrUiuuoIlulIilliiK.OilKii'o.
Against Fire and Thieves.
fidelity Sayings Bank ani Sefe Depository
OfChloai(irrrlTraaaTliiiiitrMiltaiif any ainmtnt 1
ami allow Intnrrat upon tha aamr afarria wo-
men aut minora havn a rlitht by tlm rbartar to I
liI. It money anil uraw nut In Ihvlr own names, I
It rrcrives In it Haf Depository vault, fur
safo keplni;(at a nominal coat, Moiicy, HlUvr '
wrr, Iliindi, Deeila. Wills and other valuablr, )
Tl.a anll it M m full ...f -.a - I. ...I.. . .. .
... .- &. .. .--., hi Mir m .it, in, llV
and burular proof. Rach Irpo'.tor la KlTan a tep
arat Imix, key anil password, none tut he or
bla deputy ran hare arrets thereto, KlTe of the
ranln pasaeit thri.uarh the ureat fire, an I lared
$I0,VO for Its depoaltora Money tent by ,
press. or postoftlce order sent br mall to farlnia
Ilepirtment, creJIled Honda, Wills, and
other valuables sent for sate keeplnir will bo ii.
relpted (or, and keyand paaaword returned Rend
for explanatory rlrrular AddreaaKAKK DKI'OV
ITOBY, 14ft nandolpb St.. Chicago '
a 1
Orient Safety Lamps.
xnesc Aosomiciy non-JrJxpI03ivo Metal Lanipn
HarowitUn tbol&flt fowjeara bccoBJosonijlTBmalljkuowuthatafunilencnrilKnna r,r-.'arv
K il
If J
I 1
aaaaaP ai
Sxaw several weeks trial
aaatlal to Shaw an taalt
as eecrsrrtnf.
j aasaa is aiaasanr- avttjf a&a
tm . --' -"
" aaaswa-aa w-ta .-, a wm m atS.otlf a SMmW
rnm Mrm Tert Tnli.wlwi, A-nl W, VKZ
Jflf WM nlgrnnmtl !. Ik- ti-.. - . . . .. r.we
W W9 ha eft!:tf ly M ,
aeaftare- yWAixae.aJo.jfiVTk. it i.
taa tf ovcrtaraaaf r avrcid ootallv aui nh
aaattl ..a m a a. .-
caeaAtaTetoq 4r Taa Vickie nrnUr. alax
I. t ,' ! rt'faUr. alao ta 7.aae
Laatal f aaaTHSs artaa
sa SUVl
aaaaaans aws wnuianx Hat. It aeetss to as Mat the
A .A ..
l-aat r, aae
Trtaxa BTaafii nnA Tffnaaaa " a lael
air-a' aatra t. ai. m. . .ZZJITT! T"" T'
BSartarod r arV.. . .r. ' 5I"-!",i""rs uxaay
. aa exaeiuat sr.t- a-. -. .JL ,Z. TT? ?mZK" " ?"
- w - x aaaaaxa. a, aa ewaLa b am j as aw at w am m mmm i a -. a -
-' vw aavia i a ' aaases aLsasa aaBTSBBB w famoaw a a,i aa mam
Ti Stui!r4
Lisiaeat of the
CcitM Fi-
fhtrn amt VnAb,
Itarfrrhfi-U r '
Calnt llrtrut;
Htt 14 l,t, Man.
jMVn.. .Sirrrrw
VrrtfVAr or 1
Nfri)A,(f. II , r
livruirt tti frr
tt Hel in
iriu rtif IUuiet.
iTso,"!''' Htunlt,
Htj 11 oiimu.
rVttif -'.
Krtrrrttii l'in.
Stintl Cntct.
tntUn 0 aSt lif,
iifilt. KinjtMf.
It KrV.
lti:ntf Inimti;
; in '. Mil
lam t-atl, '
Large 5iieL00. Medium 50c SsiiUZScj
Small 5Ui for Kamlljr l'i.2fttn'
TM (arelinj; Oil ltt Wth mi
IlnlnxT.t in"o lR. AH -k
friii, lull tc Mirr.tml follow .Ikw i
k iitrtmtmt !nnnrlt !'
ont .Mtlh'in fr i'nfHr lv
rl what Im pn-rl t Nul lh '
The Canrlln hl l for ! I .
!N't4Wi iliviiT lhrti;:hwt thi
tatr tl i-fA- owtiJik"!
Our r-.i' Ikhh ltai.-
ml, .llxl.trf mm I lrit H ijl.ur
."nrrc!iant, Worn XaMrin.
Wo ilctl fair wt liN-rul witu
ltf rmlrmlltlotv Matiuf. tum!
IxM'kport, N. Y , U i A , r ,
Merchant's (s'arultn Oil (0.
JOHN HODOE, Scctctr.v.
For all tic purposes of a Family Ptys.:,
Coatlrcttr. .A
illrr, ! vt'B''H
iflgratlnii. trjtrnrr
ry, Koul Monmrh
anil Itrrafh. Krlt
r!,t!ritrt tir.Pttr.
rtiif umntltV u"p
llona ami 'KfJyj'
rmn, llllloti.,,,
l.Urr C oiupl tint,
lro"v, Ttr ru.
ninri niiil alt Khriiin, Worm. ..,
.rurlla,aia Dinner IMIUnnil I'tnirtti
thr IIIimhI, ar the m it WK'" ' . k -
jrl pJifc-rl. Their tffrclt atuoU- r ,
mu. h th7 aicrl all Hbr rill Tbry
plraant In tak, but p'rtftll ti
parse out tho fnul humor f tbn ti
atlmulat tbi luui(lh or tlrrtir t
action and Ibry Impart hraltb aaJ t
hItrinit Thjf curi in t aiy h r
o mplalnlsof rr yNvJ jr. I.ttt frmtIt
K'cri-m 4jrars Most (klUfnl (h.
rmlnrut rlrritjrmrM, anI pui Nt ci
irrtlrti ttranf eurra prif.rmr4t-tf.-'
tbrj h JnrUrti fri'm lhi Itlt T&' y
Salrat anl tt physic fr hihtiaa, W x
aa writ afTrctuat ttrlntf SUtfaKtr t i
aaytoUfl mt blDj; purclr Tfc-t4-i '
entirely harmless.
rBaraaKH nr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell. MiiT,
I'racli al anil Ai lj ti al I'hm.i
Hrltl lt ul ruj.jut iin.t IHeitrt t V f
Ittiitrt in .f
Ho In ,( iNy 1
I a si sal sbUB
fH !
,N,. . ..
ilt f.-.
: 11 mi
t Hi. t
SO IU JXUnl wuain pj-l ri -. ,C
or old. raaV mot mi-ox at -wntk I ru I .- rv
mom-nl,ir lllhllra thaliai n;irm I .ilifu
.rfro AJilrull NnawiHAti P t.J MIiml
S5 to SI5
lit tnaiie nr mu
taMimr fur va
line now In tta li
! with l hfaiio. i
MMO Irtchra. lis 17 Oil olora.
( Matfailur, tine year, with M ulairhr ni .'Jr
Mauailne, oitayeai wltbl in tailed fa!iZm
IjiXaaiue, alocie im yeal " tsi
' Kaamli'D i ur t I i I it and I . nf m t t .
' Twn Klrt- Im r rloilli U Im ilr ftfli r
nffilir. Wa k II: i K ri Into it I u, ,
I and otlieta to ml : n t t t'tf ' ' -r
lairasine Addrraa . K. MM IKM
4irarkRow,H.Y,CUy,orNewti:rKh S i
iltrn 111 I II
lion I deap ' !
h rream 1 f
llerui TJSpeaV
year am a
aRtlrteit, thnuaauda aaved t "
J lost vitality; narvmia wetk'leat
e r i Qe
b"iii tit 1
why not. but mrm-,v ...,. i k,ai r
lerturea dellvere I a i ,ir M. I ' "'
price Vt rente I'lfrii art i l.'i.. f
Conaiilfatlon free rnrea jr-iaraMed a
eallonllr A O Iti ,.K -
Chlraao, HI. Meaaartt V t... f. , k i
correspondence at rl-tly r...fl tr..lil Uiiiiiim
positively cured -n t .!..,. f. ,. .. . .,
DR. WHITTIER, ""tirk'ttr
Ix'iitfeat anyauad. and must aurceaif-il I'll I a Tf
tha aur Ci'tianllatlon or pamphlet f-e i '" -writ
Juat puMished for yaea me.w -from
.Nerromneai. Debility ir i " :
patfrs, 'iatamps, a NxikVo parfes. i! i"-3
C it V
W11 WltlTIX. Ml l Kit list
v ' nleaiaet y i, m , ! dill"
a iiVi
' u
Wood's HoasBlioia Maozine
Why is thii Lamp 8afor than Other
8o-called Safety Lamps?
TLla qneation. tut often seke-J In rawii ar,ewrtrI
Tht Okiemt Hamrr I.Ajtr 1. the r.f.Ir un l i"
above) that kUrfaCO Of the) oil. which Jffeve.'. I
powsibillly of hiuK iujtirs It anrIru. or f ieU n
niin in also the onjj JDp abler, aara
Fuller's Patent Safety Wick Chamber
r tube) -tbe OUly (levlco Jtil iJle-ve;fI a..- ' ff
iitn tha fire from gettlnir Into tbt Myot tfe-r
thtwi rcnlrig It M
TljrM zxnm ar compart, einjp4e six! eil't '-si
5S? ',Pt'J to all fiouxatie n-e. thai I'Ahl' f tl
nnAW'Xfo-nooir. th uali, ii. ued-c h vm i n
TJi7-ant alo aUptavl M btT. H'fss Fa' rt
W "rcbea. llalj.. &r. rirTlVt Ur'tm
I KiDA.JTH, Ac, in a, Thnjar. U "1 ifc
o"l eiexaot &M aaUiUnUal m.utvr Wumri&tth
.ronra Harare, for pvlor nm, ttn lb ! iM"rln
twl i t-eacUf n! In tlrJjrn and finfh ever'x -!
' thia or any otbw coautry Ti,ryufw f"
Clean and Easily Marked
aa a corBsson (t!aa laop, aixl 'Im t . '
Intensely "'.llnt. Pure and Steady.
Aa farther r-atlnea of th pojmlantj ot t?-r OrWat
3ftjr Lsa' w smbtait tint toOowlnfU'jr'r' ttvta
Ibaiaanv baTarceiTrf.
It- a Macro's laral JTrv-Tcrivr. Jtrr 1L lWs
" - U lntrrvlactloabf veti'iawm oiia s da
attetny ta bava ta raa4 U pmtnt . mr wfct o
reacwsjlT to ka tar MfcU deal r-utto-r f ' ai-f
by the Tfiuitf and e7 ' 4-
laaSa. tA Meet ttieaat A.wm.Jf - 7 ll tti
"n 5.0'' y? "b,a of fcra!aT. with laaiy ..-
J,7?mfr' u t saaaaof ase-al l'X -
Jotat a old, ao taat it rs Mvr br a "t !J 1 -f
iH.VT' .. oay otmetrseted o4 cicely
rialeb4 aa to ha ormmktnVti at we j a wW 'J r-set
lzLJL.rte "a ItxriHtlr'.,! tul.i'K IT
4-rTTT tajf , raaaaEactara-d by Va tat 4 yya
Fr Aaasrleas AitrievliznA April 1. 12
aaCstaatJar VsT sVaatara. lelaA av a.. - .. a. m.,l Skr-aaaT-
in It. Taa Ura ta a at Batters la
x,, .m
r 9 "
4 Ua lany li act a rijiH f
ht " --t Of Oil zmt
saw if-7C7
ZlTl Zn,7ZS'"r.l '"."Y. L',.',rV
- T-VI " " T-m " - - .-.-
ortta karoaeaei. it srtll oot earlede
i aafll
I D1
Catat BS-r.a&d wit th. aaa4e a-a I'
UiteSrlalailiMiu.u.iu..,.Uiuni'4 mJb
... " "--" - --.T. -w-.. - -
varlAaa lampa ! tec UlUvt I
l f
ear saat-Oattl
maetractt aiy
triad te r" asase-aa
Chambers Street.
s fmW
le-iVwV ""V-SV e a, i"-?rL. , - i , i
& L.
S ,f,aC i aiirni (t - HmnT?kmlL.
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