-fe BS9 ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY- H.S.KALEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JTOTABY PUBLIC AUD B3AL ESTATE AGSKT, 72i CW, Nebraska. Will negotiate the sale of School Bonds, Ac. jQrSpecial Agent for School Furni ture. County Superintendent of Public hi struct ion. J. R. WIEECOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1T0TABY PU2LIC & E2AL ESTATE ASE1TT. RED CLOCI - - - - NEBRASKA S-lIumeftawls and rre-einptions secured. Special attention given to railing tajes at a disconnt. CASH 1'AID KOIt COUNTY WARRANTS. LEE . ESTELE, Attorney & Counselor at Law, AND ESAL ESTATE A0EOT. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. Will lmv and cell Real Estate on commission and p.iy 'faxes for non-reideiit. WSpccial nttcntion"eiven to thclocat:onf SOLDIERS' CLAIMS Uuder the act of Junc'Sth. 1S72. Claims conte-tfd, and all manner of buined before the U.S Lund Office attended to with promptness and dij atch LOCAL A3ZUTF02 B. &IL E. S. LAUDS. Immigration Agent for Wetetcr Co. A. II. HOWE.V. JAS. LAI III). BOWEft & EAIRD, Attorneys at Iaw AND REAIESTATE agents. 53T Will practice in all the Courts of the State. JUiHATA - - - 17S3EASKA PROCTOR HOUSE, G. D. PROCTOR, PnoruiETOR, EE2E0N, NE3EASSA. The Traveling Tublic Will find this Hotel to be lirt cla's in every rcpctt. aYCarrihi;e runs daily tnllclviccre, thencar st .Station on the St. Joe Si D. C. K. R. En JOXES, Watchmaker & Jeweller BED CLOUD, WEBSTSE COUNTY, 1TEB jg?Purticular attention given to Re pairing Fine Watches and Satisfaction Guarantied. I. W. TULLE1S, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. EesidencoOno Hilo East of EeilClcuiU Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, Family Physician, Tenders his Ferviccs to the Puhlic and will attend to all Professional calls. Office at the Red Cloud Drug Store. F. P. REED, Surveyor & Civil Engineer, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD, NEB. Will promptly attend to all business en trusted to bis care. Corners established, lines run, &c. City Civil Engineering a Specialty. CARL WEBER, Repairing done on short notice, in the best style and at reasonable rates. HARNESS SHOP. , S. V. Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kinds of work IN THE Harness JLine. The best of materials ued, and all Work WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Red Cloud NebrasKa t Red Cloud Mills. J1T1T9JE Feed and Meal constantly on Hand. Custom Work Warrauted. J. Q. r OTTER fc BRO., BED CL07D, NEB. WE THOR, Surveyor of Webster County, Will prom "tly attend to all calls. Orders for work may be left at Ciork's office iu Oart Hoofe. at Re-l Cloud. Post Ofic addreas Wells. Wcb.ter Co.. Neb. SO-tf SUCK HOUS, 020332 BUGS, Jan., PBOP2IET02, tRANKLIN, NEB. Good Accommodations, Liccry and Feed &tab?H THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. C. L. .MATHER, Editor. THURSDAY, FEB. Ill, 1874. CORRESPONDENCE From all parts of the State and country res pectJully solicited . AVe do not read anonymon Mters and coin monicjitions. The name m.l address of the wri ter arc in all cased icdispcnr Ic, as a guaranty of good faith. JSIWX AI7AI2S. ThcjSioux Indians are still on the war path, and they are committing depreda tions to quite an alarming extent on the North Platte river, in the western part of the State. Report.-? are very contra dictory, but enough is shown to prove that they are not to be put off.by peace ful measure. Mr. Fiank Appleton, acting Indian agent, at a point GO miles from Ft. Laramie, was murdered a short time ago. A train containing arm and ammunition, furnished by the Interior Department, has been ordered to report at Ft. Laramie. The report that Red Willow Ins been burned, and Mr. Royal Buck, one of the oldest citizen- has been murdered by the Iudians, lacks confirm ation. , Scnstor Ilitchcock has inttoduccd a bill into Congress to the etlt'ct " That .-0 much of said treaty of April twenty ninth, eighteen hundred anJ sixty eight, as might, by any such construction, al low said Sioux Indians to reside iu or roam aud hunt over any portion of the State of Nebraska, or as might exclude white men from traveling over, oftettling npon any portion of said State, h hereby abrogated and void." We trust our government will spare no pains ip protect its citizens on the frontier, and give the InJiarn to under stand that they cannot harm unuifend ing .-ettlers with impunity. We wisdi the Indian all the rights to which he i' entitled, but we do not believe in feed ing and clothing him, and then receive njthing but the work of the torch and tomahawk in return. We hope that the military organization in our State will put down these outrages. 7e:tera Esprc:entation. We are glad to see the interest mani fested to secure the additional represent ative in Congress, to which we teem clearly to be entitled. Our widely ex tended territory, larger than several of the eastern states combined ; our varied interests, too varied for one man proper ly to attend to; and our numerous and rapidly increasing population, as numer ous as the constituents of two or three eastern Congressmen ; all so imperatively and clearly demand additional represent ation, that, if proper effort is made, it is more than probably it will be successful. We are abo thankful to the Omaha Republican, Senator Gwyer, Gov. Fur- n.m SV Onejinr, an J otltoro, irbu Laic interested themselves in this matter, in behalf of the interests of the newer and western portion of the State. But, there is another phase of the subject still more directly important to us. It is increased and adequate repre sentation in State affairs I Increased rep resentation in Congress is important. But this is ovcrchadowiogly more im portant. Now what say you, gentlemen Taffe, Gwyer, Fumas, Gosper, and the said to be numerous aspirants for the Governor ship, Scnatorship, and other State offi ces? Will you put yourselves on the record so that wo may be assured of having adequate representation in the State affairs? Paidou us, too, if we want something more than mere professions. We re mcmbei tho strong professions of regard for the west, when we asked the pitiful boon of a representation of the Board of Regents of the University ; aud parties turned m, almost as one mm, to gobble up the places by the river countias. The western and newer countiasof the State are increasing in population much faster than the eastern, and so ought in equity to have a representation for a lu.-s present number of the pople thau the eastern counties. Countijs that double their population in oue and two years, as ours are dcing, ought to have some recognition of that fact, as against those growing not a tenth so fast. Rut, will the river men put themselves on the record, so that they cannot dodge giving us representation in the Kgih- ture and in Btate conventions, on tho basis not of the '"voters" of sime elec tion a year or two before but on the bas-is of iho population, that the propp ed yearly census shall show, us at the time actually to have ? Will you give us an unequivocal answer, gentlemen? Loiccll Regittcr. Gov. Ftfnus' SuffT The followiug gentlemen have been appointed upon the Governor's staff: J. C. McBride, Cclfax Co., Adjutant General, with rank of Brig GeueraL John 11. Alford Lancaster Co., Assist ant Adj. Gen , rank, Colonel. Frank Welch, Madisou Co., Commis sary General 'and Chief of Ordinance, rank. Brig Gen. J. C Cowin, Douglas Co., Judge Ad vocatc General, rauk, Brig. Gen. G. W. Wilkinon, Dakota Co., Sur geon General, rank. Brig. Gen. E. F. Test, Donglas Co., Quartermas ter General, rauk, Kris. Gen. G. W. Thummel, Hall Co.. Commis sary General of Subsistance, rank, Brig. Gen. W. S- Stretch, Richardson Co., Mili tary Secretary, rank, Col. H. W. Parker, Gsge Co., Engineer in Chief, rank, Rrig. Gen. OuoFunke, Lancaster Co., Inspector General, rank, Bng. Gen. J amen Laird Adams Co., E. B. Mur phy, Furnas Co., A. 55. Stewart, John son Co t E. K alcntine, Cuming Co., Lee S. ltelleT Webster Co., J. W. JuhnsOB, Cass Co.. Aid-de tamp, raak of Col. Batin P. O., Webster Co., Neb. EditoiiCiiikk: DearM'r, I saw in reading your paper that the little folks we-e writine,jo I thought I would let vou&ear froti Elm creek, as my pa i a sub&riber torour intercstingapr, and 'uUofio the Jyniata Gtzctte. and iLowelt ' Register- I am very fond of reading and I look anxiously ever' unil day for the papere. Our neighborhood is settling up vcr3 rapidly with a good class of peo ple. Wo havejpreacbing, Sabbath tchool and day school ; Dr. Fritz is our teacher, we are ail learning fast and love our teacher dearly. There has recently been a school district formed here and we will soon have a nice school house built; at present our school is held in a dugout, and we little folks enjoy it as well as if it cot $5,000. I am twelve years old, I have on brother and a little sifter. We have a 1'ttle pet colt, nine pet pigs, and a large flock of choice chickens. We have a very nice farm here, and I like it better than I did in Pennsylvania, as we were always sick there with lungdi:ea:!, and here it is so healthy ; there is yet con siderable homestead lands here in viting the settler, and everyone can get a full quarter tectum. In regard to sen sational yarns which come to us from the eastern stales, about the Indian de predations and outrages, only provoke a buiile with u, as there is no danger from Indians, that time has passed. SaIDA Uu.MMEL. FROM RIVERTON. Rivkkton, Franklin Co., Neb. Rev Thos. Muxlow is holding a series of meetings iu the school bouse at Riv erton. Rev. Thonns Muxlow, will deliver one of his popular lectures, subject, "Home, Sweet Home," at the school house in Riverton, on Monday, Feb., 23, 1874, at 0:30 p. m. The proceeds to be appro priated to getting lamps for holding evening church meeting's in said house. Admittance JO cents, children 5 cents. Everybody talking about coal, and who will be the lucky one to God it in paying quan ties. . Every mail brings news of parties starting, and on the way, from the old Eastern States to the Republican valley. Welcome, and plenty room for thousands more. Quite an excitement was created in our town, on your article on "Old Bache lors," so many names of bachelors were omitted, that they considered it a con spiracy of the few to advertise them selves as ready, a notable fact these few have appeared in public ever since, shaved, clean shirts with button, and newly patched pants, and bootB well greased, whether the number of claims up Thompson creek, lately jumped has alarud them, and given them an idea, is not known, but the fact, that they have unanimously engaged Kinnear, our Ttoal lctn(o agent, to urgo tho Massa chusetts Female Emigrant Society to forward a choice assortmentrf live school ma" ins is well known, what the result will be, ouly the future can toll, but marriage certificates are looking up in the market, Squire Sullivan and Thompson, are using an unusual amount of soft soap, and comb labor, preparatory to the great emergency; Lohff & Fennimore have a large stock of ready made clothing, and (neck ties); Chapman, not to be outdone by any, is building a costly addition to his private residence for a bridal chamber. The long-looked-for day has arrived, (woman's rights) will then be proclaimed in this valley, and the doom of bachelors forever sealed, with the motto "two arms around the neck." If you could only see how spo&ney the bachelors Jook on reading this, you and your readers would laugh. W. N. Richardson, Eq., hailing from onr enterprising, thrifty, wide awake neighbor on the south, Red Cloud, made u a very pleasant viit onTaoday. Red Cloud is favorpd, as few towns are, with men of enterprise and capital, who are not lacking in a will and determination to succeed in whatever they undertake. They are working hard to make Red Cloud an important town and we earn estlr hope thev will succeed, as they de serve to. Red Cloud is beautifully located on one of the finest streams io the state, and, we are told is growing nncly. Hastings Journal. A circuit court. The longest way home from spelling school. Ex. m What three aathors wonld yoa men tion in cotnmenting on an extensive con fl.igration ? DicLeni, Howitt Burns 1 A Brooklyn younc man, who sat down to meditate in his sweetheart's lap, had ocea-ion to caution her a? aint looping up her skirts with pins. He found that the cnns'CquenreB had a tendency to dis turb his mcuta) pois. A nnijic dealer not long afnee received unorder: "Please send me the music to strike the harp in praise of God and paddle your own canoe " Central Block, Topcka Kansas, was burned on the 13th. Loss $35,000, In surance $12,000. Gen. Sherman has ordered Gen. Sher idan to take vigorous measures against the Sioux, who are plundering on oar western frontier. Lincoln's "birth day (Feb. 1 4, ) was cele brated is Buffalo by appropriate ex ercises. C. L. Bristol has been appointed Pea sioo agent at Omaha. Leslie has again taken quarters at tbe Gibbon jaiL Baron Mayer-de-Rothschild, the world renowned millionaire, died on Friday of lit week. The women in Ohio and Indian are organizing to patdows the sale ofltqaors in taoae statetv SCRIBNER FOR 1874. THE UXEWMPLKD FAVOR REOCKDBD T TUJS MAGAZlHK bylbe public rnablea o to entrr upoa Wft eomirir year with the ieni of sakin-it'.more attractive and ralu Ue tbon erer before It-it large and increafinc a tuber f readers aa both fidaf of the Atlantic The Serial Story of tie year. XATSAim ZA1LS, T Mum Taartoai, i ekaras'njr Lore Story by a Rifted writer, which U de-tinul to a wide pop cln.iiy. There will b BRILLIANT XOVEL- ETTK? an.J he B&T SHORT STORIES, by Sax Holm. TlzviS. and other.delif htful rtory-tellew. A erie of striking and nniqne POE3t..i illunfationj. "OLD TIMK MUSIC." by Bk.i, F. Tatlo. known ay bU brilliant contribu tions to the Welters lYeat. will tin to o in the tnaic of The Spinning Wheel. Tbe Flail. The St ge Coach. The Mill. etc. Portrait and Biographical sketches of Amer ican Authors: Panefe on Dairy. Farming and Stock Raiding in Europe, on Household Deco ration and. Furniture, betide more than fifty other Illuitiated Article are bow in prepara tion. THE SPLENDID SERIES "TEE MOAT SOUTH," the most important and expensive Ferie of il lustrated Tapers ererandcrtaken by any Mag azine, will be c ntiaaew through the year. In th Dcce-' ber number we implete the Papers on Louiri.-wa. The next in order will be The '.one Star State: The Mountain Region of the Pouth : The Iron Region of Missouri, etc.. etc Thee with the Emaygand EditorUl Dien,ion on Literature. Science and Art Sketches of Travel, oc nsiooal Poera and Etching, will make up a Magaxinc of Christian Literature dedigued to be " "UtBMmtht World." The December Kumber (now ready) ha an able Artietnon thcRwumotionof Specie Pay-m-nt. bv Dr- UwatPOKMS by'Uret Harte. McT'onald and otB The continuation of -he two.Serial StaiteW Wort4r Stories. Splendid Il lustrations of NewVSJaaB. the Pris of Amer ica ote. Editoriaiol hyalirge and able eorp of wri ter. The Topic of the Time, hv Dr Holland, in which he rT'tes t?orae Religious News paper:" a Im'ghahli) Etching, etc.. 'tc. THE HOLIDAY N . of ST. NICHOLAS, our SrlendH New IIJutrated M ig iin for Oirls and R-y. thefnrst ever ined. will be enf to all the?ubcribcrs of Scrihner' Monthly for 1S74. Also the November and Dreember num'wr oft. Nicholas en' free to thos who subscribe for both Magazine. The July num ber of Scribner's Monthli containing tho Intro ductory Atticle of the GREAT SOUTH Series, sent to sub-criber to Scrihner's who request it when making their subscriptions. FrRiBXKK'a MnjcTH'T $4 00. St. Nicholas $3 00 a year, or $7 (l) for both. SCRIBNER & CO.. 654 Broadway. New?i'ork. THE STANDARD. Worcester's Quarto BIG TIOJVA H !, Recommended by tha Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Nebraska. The authority of the U, S. Senate and Ilawv of Representatives, and of KTRBKTT, SUMNgR. QUINCY. MAB8n, MAKlt, AOASSIZ. ALEXAKDER. BBYANT. 1RVISO, KITES. UtLKK, WJ.VTHBOP, UILLARD. HOLMKa, L NUKELLOW. BBN'RT, rXLTO.X, HOPKINS. and the leading authors of Europe aud America. Retail Price, $10.00, Liberal discount trade to schoil districts teachers, ministers and clubs. RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOKS, for Common Schools. H'llard's Readers, Worcester's Dic tionaries, Worcester's Selling Books and Seavoy'a V4 S. Hi.-tory, are also recommended by the State Superinten dent. BREWER iTILESTON, Publishers. Boston, Moss. Address JOHN M. TAQGART. Act. 30 Palmyra, Neb. BILLIARDS ! miCHAEL COOK Has fitted up his New Stone Building for a BILLUBD HILL. irNo Liquors sold on the Premises. Just the place to enjoy this Popular Gaaae in a nice, quiet manner. Bel Cloui, - Nebraska, THE ONLY Boot & Shoe Shop In Webster County. -O JOHN S PARKS Wishes to inform the Public generally that he is prepared at all times to take orders and manufacture all kiinda of Boots dtv Shoes In the Best Pohtible Style. a-aarFine Calf Boots made to order and Perfect Fit Warranted- Repairing on Short Notice. BEP CLOUD. CTB1ASTA. GCTTO Piatt's Piatt's DRUG STORES TOUTA. XZBBASXA, For your DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, 4c And yon will get tneaa cheaper than Elsewhere. IiIME ! IdJCE ! ! Maxwell 4 Dingey WWhtaiBfom tha imbUe that they Tsar. atade exteasiTc preparatioas to aaaaaJaatmr Lima, aad will kap ob haaa a FULL 8UPPLY to taoet tha 4ataait of tba paWie, which wiU haaetdat aaaoaahle rata. WLewkemher the Plmce TrmUm mm (!. MfailkJ VALLEY HOUSE! Red Cloud. Nebraska. ,OS. C. WARNER, Proprietor. This Hotel is entirely aew.haring been built tha present reasoa. and i fitted up with regard COJfJOIT AKS C027SinS:S. BOARD BY THE DAY & WEEK At reasonable rates. A'.ZZZZl CC!2rno,,;'vo PTONE STABLE has jut been added to the premises, fir flood Barber in attendance at the House. W BROWN, CARENTER & BUILDER, Bed Cloui, Ketrasia. Is prepared to make estimates and take eon tracts for all kinds of building. 27-td JOSEPH A. PEERY, REAL ESTATE AND TAX-PA YING A GENT. FBAKSLIN CUT, Franklin Ccnni7 Ke"b. OLDEST DRUG STORE IN RED CLOUD. Opposite Garbcr Jfc Co. DRUGS, STATIONERY, FINE SOAPS, SPICES, Patent Medicines PURE WINES & LIQUORS, CIGARS, MATCHES, And the thousand and one things usually kept in similar establishments con stantly on hand and for sale CHEAP FOU CASH. Call and See. MRS. II. F.LUTZ. GEORGE ZEISS, DEALEB3 IN Wines & Liquors. CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECTION ERIKS A Specialty. Frsh Lager Beer from " Antelope'," Brewery, constantly on hand RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf LAND! LAND! NOW IS THE BEST TIME To secure CHBAP HOMES. Thb B. & M. R. R. LANDS IN WEBSTER CO. NEB. Are now in market, and arc offered at low rates and ox tk.v years' tisie to actual settlers, at rates varying from $1.50 to 5,00 per acre With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. These lands arc among the best in tbe Republican Valley, and aro UNSURPASSED FOR FERTILITY and beauty of Location. Lee Estell, RED CLOUD - - - NEB., LOCAL AOZNT FOB W2BSTE3 COUNTY, Will at all times be ready to give all information in regard to location of land, terms of payment, Ac. THE FOLLOWING EZTBACTS From the Circulars of the B. & M. R. R. Co., will in a measure, explain their terms and the advantages offered. The purchaser can pay cash, or di vide the amount into three equal part, paying one-third down, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with interes at ten per ceat. annually; or he can have TEN years' time in which to make up the sum by email annual pay ments at six per-cent. interest. Most buy on thb latter plan of TEN YEARS CREDIT I In which ease the purchaser pays at the outset one year's interest at 6ix per-cent- oo the price. He makes three other payments, each of ii pe wo1' at the commcncaieBt of the second, third and fourth years. At the commenc ment of the fifth year, he pays one seventh of the pnncipal and one years interest on the remainder, and the amme at the commencnent of each successive year until all has been paid at the end often years. Any buyer ean pay in full at any time and get a warranty deed free of all incumbrance. Buyers on our long and generous cred it of ten years, are expected to settle aod improve their land at their earliest convenience, say within one or two years o as to improve about three teaths o! tbe laad bought, witbi three yean from date of ptrcbaae. jQrBetter terms have never beea of fered aad probably sever will ha. ja-Weiavka eoapariao aad defy A. CAREER & CO. iEi.nus in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Con?iting of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Boots & Shoes. Tobacco Cigars And everything usually kept in coautry stores. Give us a call, examine irood.-, inquire price?, and be convinced that tha )laeo to trade is AT HUME. A. falKKKR & EW STOKE N'EW STORE NEW GOODS, JOHX BKltKXZKX V CO, Take pleasure in informing the citizen of Red Cloud, tuid the Public that they have opened out and have on hand a new and complete stock af Staple 4V Fancy Groceries, Of ever' name and variety, f-cWted with fpeeial rtfiTcnee to tha waala if the People of of the Repubiie.ni Valley. CALL AND SEE OUR MOCK We have, al?o, a fine Stock of DRY COODs. Boots & shoes BEIIEIVZUIY A Co., Ileil liil, IXeh. NEW COODS! JOHN G. POTTER Takes this method to Inform the PUBLIC that he has Just opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY COODS & GROCERIES, Consisting m part of CALICOES, DAR K, LIT. I IT k PI N K. CIIA31KHKS. DK LA INKS. LAWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS A- LININtJS. CORSETS & SKIRTS. V MLS ,v J LOVES, BLEACHED AND UXKLKA'MIKD MUSLIXS TABLE LINENS. TOWKLIN(L PANTS, OVER ALLS & SIIIKTINCS, BOOTS & &HOJX, IIATSA COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers. Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR, MEAL & BACON- And everything usually kept in a First CIan Dry (iood A' rocery Store. JOHN G. POTTER, Red Cloud, Nebraska. LUMBER! W. L. VANALSTYNE nun cL,ouif, - - - .ymibrask.i DEALER IX PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Doors, Blinds Sash' Mouldings Lime, Tarred Paper, Etc- And every Article usually kept in a First Cla5 Lumber Yard. fia?"Priccs invariably Four Dollars in adranco of railroad prieec I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE AN V. RILL THAT CANOGI 7 AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. Republican River STAGE LINE- JOIN XZ2L27, Prcistcr. Regular trips wiU he made be twees JUNIATA as- RED CLOUD On Tuesdays and Wedaegdays of each week. I shall be pleased to carry ja seagers upon tbe days meotwrJ, wav ing Juniata, at 6 A. X. on TaeIiy, aad Red Cloud at 6 A. at, U dne-d.y. Far raoavabi. I' LUMBER BUY YOUR HEDGE PLANTS AT HOME And yoa will get Good Stock. Mitclicll 4 Dfsftf, 03er for sale the cocaiag FaS 200,000 Osage Hedga Plants. ONE THOUAND PEACH TEES, Nnr-ry ir railed Sowthweat f REP LOUD, NMMM44Hfd. -9 -I v -? - 5. I; -Zrji. nrLV-n r r i -i'-Ci. FKL. 7S "i "-4 T-kc" -jke y w i. A7L4 o- -' ,S' f&&&: t -. ..,-., . -- ,. .-,.,. . Mu-iflSjafiisMs: A "f-' - -- .&.& -2&id-.