V. I MP-. -" - Miijmjiiwmfiiiiii''iwpw 'TiHTTi'irr .3 i I! I 'I I 5". I 4 i f .OLDEST TOREV fW- i : s. Webster County. 3 i BEST -": TRACING POINT , TIJK Republican Valfy 10: S. CAREER & CO. VKALKltS IK Sanera! Merchandise, CONSISTING OF WDry Goods, Groceries, rUBNlTIRE, Glass, Sash. a.ud a Great Variety of other Articles. :0: 0 DtocV of Drr Goods has hecn se eded with kpecial reference to the Wants of tlo People, and consists in fnri sf FINK DREfl GOODS, CALICOES, BROWN A BLEACHED MUS LINS. PRINTS, CHECKS, GINGHAM-. &c & Tk Lndie of WclbbT County and ate re-p"c:fii!ij iiiritv-1 to examine our itcw :k. f RS2SS GOOBS? V?';e' w r.-jf.v.t"! in Miying is th Lartj'fl ami Mtt ('nmpktr ever brtiuht into Houtlr.vst Nfhra.-ka, and iil:ic' trill Ls cld ui 1'rict-1 ll.nl 3cfy ConiiiBtition. .''? W !i keep on hund a Good Stock of HEAD? MA DM CXOTHIlff& Of tarious kinds and extra aualitics aal for wata cither by the suit or tingltt rtiilt. SUOARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SWOKS, Aid vcrythitiR cle in that Line. Canned Fruits in VarietY. TOBACCO Sc CIGARS. TINWARE, STONE-WARE, WOODEN-WARE. FLOUR & MEAL, BOOTS & SHOES- To to uit the wants or everybody. We wish to call the attention of the Public to the fact that we are constant ly keeping on hand a full aorimcnt.of Good which we will sell at ,-L - u-iCitffT' "J" -. --- "Bottom Prices. it Fer Cash. Call and look at our Goods aid do eet fail to inquire the Prices. S. GARBER & CO. ." THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. Notices in this Column 10 Cents a Line ea aaMaaMaananaaaaa aaaBKaaa Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. I". W. TJpion. ISrownrille. l. "W. Hitchcock, Omaha. Lorenzo Crounne, U. S. Senator. U. S Senator. Representative. EXECUTIVE. H. W. Kurn-. Urowovill. J. .1. "f;T. Lincoln. J. 15 H'rftprn. Hcatrisn. II. A. KV-nis. Col-iinbtH. J. K. Vebtr RoatriCe. J. M.McKcnzic. Line In. Sub JUDICIARY. Govrn"r. Sec. fStt. Audito-. Trcn."Ur r. Att'j? Pub. Instruct' Geo. R. Like. Omnlia. Chief Jutiee. H-iiiM Oant. Nebrmka C;tv.) As - t , .Suaucl Maxwell. Plattsiuouth AS"siate Ju"- WEtfSTKR COUNTY. J. A. Tulye. E. I!, .lono. I. W Tnllcyf. il. C. Ilsll. H. S. Inlry. I.. K. .V urns. I. IV. K. Thorn. A. M. Hardy.) a. w. Uiii. F. Mattcfon. Connty Clerk Treasurer. Probate JiiJi. .Sheriff. School Sui't. Coroner. rounty Surveyor, County Commi'MonerH. ArrirsiS and lorarturcs cf Hails at the Sod Cloud Best 02c. .Tuniitn ami IteJ Cloud, arrive Tusd.iy nnd Pri'I-i'. CoV'o-k j). in. Leases Wednesdays anl Saturday. 7 n. m Hebron find Kranklin. arrive . going IVrst Tuesday, and Friday. 0 p. in. Leatut iVedno daviiMiid Saturdays 7 a. m. UoisK ban. Arrives Monliyaml Inur-Uayg, fi p. in. Leaves Tueday ami Vfblist.T n in. Mr.i'h Cenltr and nl Cloud. Arrive Tueij-diy-fp in. Leave" Wednesdays 7 a. in. Jewell ami Red Ooud. Arrives iaturdayj, 12 in. Leaves I p. in. All persons nwhinc In Reciter litter, will pl nc hand them in tho evening bulorc the mail leaves. M. B McXITT. P. M. Literary Society meets tomorrow. (Friday) evening. The Primary Elec tion System, will ho up for discussion. Come out everybody and make thcc meetings interesting. We learn that on last Tuesday ci-en-inc. the wife of Mr. Bcardlcy, of Tv-wn 1, Kanec 11, Smith county, Kar.a, died, cf paralysis, after a fhort illness. ItF.Kl) Breaking Plows at McNitt's for &7.f0. La1 Friday evening there wa a social hop at tho residence of Mr. I). llcfile i t.i:.. i. o p i.:. imivur, mi iiiunu i;il-i;n. oimiiu ui iii.t intimate friends were invited, arid it wn'' prnnnuriced hy all as the pleawintt'ist party of the season. Reeh Breaking Plows at McNitt's. Dog cheaj). Large lot of Boots mid Shocsjust ar rival at Gauiier & Go's. New Goods at McXitt's. Baskets of all kinds, at McNitt's. Ladies Wear, at Garrer k Co's. Smoked Ualiiu't. at Berenzkn's. Y.rwidu unhloaHied cotton for 12 cfni, at John G. Potter's. Fancy Groceries, at the NewSlon Berenzen & Co. WitiTEFlSH. 12J cens a pound, at Berenzen Si Go's. WlineGs.li and Codfish at Garrer & Go's. - e m i Full assortment of Flow Fixtures at McNitt's. Read card of Maxwell & Dingce, manufacturers of Lime. oe ei- Lat Tucday evening we had tho pleasure of witnessing the first perform anco of the ''Amateur Minsitrclof this place, nndtv'e consider their per formance remarkably (jod, considering the disadvantages they had to Jabor under The pronramme was a good and varied one, and we think it does credit to our home talent, in (ho Minstrel "biz. Boney and Sam, the two end men de sorvo particular notice, they seem to be well up in the business, as also does the middto-uian, who is the right man in the right place. Tho Programme consisted of ongs and dances, jokes, A:c, the pieces were : " 600. 000 Years Ago." "Ilm Demi.i," "The Haunted House. "New Recruit," "The Rivals," "Black Statue." The hoy played to a goud house, and the audience seemed to en joy themselves hugeiy. Wo will von hire to say that if they give another en tertainment it will bo as well attended as the first. Da. SMtTn, of Guide Rock, was in our office on Tuesday. We learn that he has gone into the wool crowing bui nes, and wih him abundant success. Come again. The person that has cot thoe Pouble treos nnd Neekyoke belnngiug to the estate of Francis H. Whiui will please return them fo VA. Smith's Blackstriith shop, as they are wanted. 30 H. S. KALKY, Executor. j lU:D the advertisement in anotherj colutun, of the Auction .Sale, of town lots at Rivcrton. to come, ofl Feb. 1 2th. A bridce will be built over the Republican, at that point, during the coming sprinsr, and th location of the town is such, that it cm hardly fail to become an impor tant place.. ? i" ST V 1' " II kaps " of New Goods at CrARRER & Go's. LINCOLN FLOUR. " Best Flour ever bronsht to theRepul lican lley, at BERENZEN & Co's m- ' - ... -f Rev. Riley went to Guide Eock yes terday. to begin a series jof meetiisgs ifi that place. -.ix Mr.. Harris, of Farmers ejlfe j 7 " M'" ofourmoet welcom r;tflSii4J5lXTS; at- PRINT iD. j FACTS 0? HAT7S23. Editob Cfltrr. Probably tone of th -eadtn of Thk Chikp would like to bear from the to called "Bachelor Meiert." Bachelor Diert i a ? mall scope oi country on tho weft i ide of Webster county, ou the Re publicen River, taking in all of teetion six. a pjrt of lection five, town one. and a part of (ection thirty-one. town two. r.-vnse twelve, in Welter county, and a part of tcctionon . town one. racjr-j thirteen rst; in Franklin county. It mixht seem f traiige to onto perrons to hear of pcopli living in a deiert. but there aro small ipaceeic lh dsert of fertile soil. It appear that the all-powerful Ruler brins everythiuj around juitricht. I hare heard it nxirued that there is nothing en Pirtb but what is here for soino use. acd I believe it. Koin persons fay that bachelors, a I-ge a thin ns they fcre. is a nuirancc. but I sui44 that God know his bainf belter than omc of the person of this wiy-out wtit know? it for him. Those space are too small for the support of laree fauiliei. conscjucntly I think that so ninuy of the creeturS called bachelor? were created on purpose, for tho occupancy o those spaces, in order to hare the whole of tho coun try settled up; I don't so much on bachelors myself, but ns the saying is, "tell the truth and shame old Nick." it is better to have the rooJ will of a dog thaa the bail will; giro the "Jvii hi duf." even if it takes all the bachelor. The fit one of those space of which I will speak, contains 32 acres, is a part of section 5, town 1. ran i;e 12, wot, and is occupied by Sen ator Wilson, a robuet stalwart, lisht-h tired r-andy-whikered. rather quick-tempered good honest, indnstrinm. cdueated Orangc-stri-ikcn. bachclo- of about 33Wincrs. Senator Vilfn. has all ofthirty-tw r.cre under cultivation. He raised last year 10O bubeh oat. 75 buihols wheat, 94 buhe's corn.straage to i-ay he fat tened with n part of the Mme cdrn. fire shoaJji otuhich h" bii'chiirrd threo at theaje of six months, which r.vcr.iqed In weigh. 105 pounds racn. He has on bis premises ttro dwelling huuees, i!rn-cril, and tho rains of uhen-houso, t o down Tall of which wh.j cused by a man trying to burn a fire-break a ouud his ha7 stack while tho wind was b'owintr a lively gal from tho west. Another ono of tboss poductivo spoM con tain' 'Si Acts3, an 1 is a part of section 31, town 2. range 12. all nf which il occupied by the Rev. James Knox. llr'A a mnn of hish rrnufej Does all thn good Ua can. This no ouo should deipmo. For he's a richcoui" man. Rev. Kncx has all of the 2.1 acres broke out. and it yielded a crop for him last year of (VO bushels of corn, potatoes, pumpkin'. iju.ishe? plenty of just i-uch ttuft" as bachelors ure. He h.s n fine tiMin of yuunir mules, a T. P. wait on. 1 k"g, 2 yearlins calves, a cat. dog, et. He lives i a dug ut at prcsont. but expects o build n now homo soon, and sell tho dugout for a post hole. lht-re is a rosd that leads from Rot. Knox's down the canyon to tho ru-nof O. nter Point. y the ruins of thut ooro fumous plare. is er ono in progress, thouch o very peculiar Hants. In the summer lime in pacing the n you can sec them sitting by the side of their house tnlkinto yon a.s if they w- re nskii g you in, but they aro do ill-munacrly tint when you start for tho h"uo they always no in Erst and of course yoi woul i turn back. I cuess from the look, this part of the desert don'tpro ducc so wo!la. other pi t, thoiiKh it'maybe the fault of tho creature that lives there. Yes. I guois th t i rizht the saying is. "you can tell a workman by his chips." .The pluc is pretty wll grown up with weeds. There ar 2o acres of tho productive portion of tho desert, ill broke, and a good crop of wild sun flWwers thereupon. It is a pari of the south 4 of norih cast and fouth $ of i orlhwcst !f of section six town 1, rango 12. west, and lis a log houoon it which is railed the residence of (Je rgo W. l)e Long. Likely you will know him if you see him, and you uro very apt to see him, for ho always prowling about somewhere. He is of medium size, dark hair, dark fur. on hi' chin. which he c.ills whiskers, dark eyes, dark com plexion, in fact he looks as though he might lrivo lived in tho dark agts ; though never mind. Mr. Roe live' with him. and is hoped 'hat he will nii'o a cr.ip this year that will briar him out .f the kinks. There is one solitary cvorgrcc on tho desert -nim grass widower. Prof. Chapin occupies one of thoo spaces which contains 12 acres ha h is it all broke up. a:id raised last year. 2o0 buhe!s ol corn. Hiid other things in proportion He has one yoke of work cattle, one cow, sev eral head ofswine. Ho has n log house at pres ent, bnt ho is going to build a new frame house soon. The next residence in rotation, is the solemn house of Hi;hop Haver. The Hifhop is an cjy. slow-but-sure. good, hones-, matter-of-fact bachelor ofthinyone years of age. Though let him bo so solemn. He's honos:. just and true. He'll do tho right wiih every one. As the world de travels tnrough. The Hihop says that Bachi lor he kn-iws is tho best. Drunken or sober he can go to his rest, No wife to scold, no children to b-awl. So happy is mau.who keeps Hschclor'dllall, 'fhu Bishop's favorite song is: 31 y wife will-npithT c urn nor scrub. She's wont and joined the lazy ciuW. Leaving jokes, and going to tho Facts of Mat ters, ths Uifhop is doing about, tho best of any in the d?trt. His portion of tho vegitabl nnd (train growing part of the desert. Is ten acre. -md :s part of the southwest M of swtion-6. town I. range 12. west. Ho raised 1.7) bushels of sorn, 50 bushels potatoes, pumpkins, ?lua.-hcs. to. lie has five head of cattle. H or 10 h ad of swine, and three dozen chickens. 17 hens and 19 rosters. The Eishop sa thct now he '.as all the mi k, butter and hen fruit he can make use of.' that variuinK r not so bad as they wore last winter. He is very seldom heard to swear, but he was at one time heard say 'NtreatioI now. and tc.iti Hy durn,' 'I he time the skunk cot in his churn. Ho w. p:i-iti hi- time in a lively dream. While tlie-kuak was drowning in his churn of cram. Next and last come the happy looking resi dence of Mr 31. Shaw, a fine Scotehtnan. a bachelor oi 30 summers, good looking, industri ous, etc One thU girls back east would raakc. believe he was nothing but i boy. bnt plenty old enough to mrry. 3Ir. Shaw does not farm ! tonverj great extent, as he is a stone m.voM. He let his place Ht year, troro which he re ceived 100 bushels corn. 10 bushels potatoes, and plenty of bichelorfoed. pumpkins, suna hcs. tc. Mr, Shaw has to his pan of the personal prop erty ol the desert, one cow. thre head of swin.-1 chickens, etc. lie is g ing to build for hinuelf a grout hou-e neit s iranisr. More of the so-called dccrt is going to be tried for production, next spring, productive or no productive, they are bju- ! to try it Mr. Shaw is peing to brake, or have hrke, 10 acres. Bishop Haver 10 acres. Prof. Chapin 30 acres. DeLong 10 a. res. Rcr. Kaax 6 or 3 acres. Senator Wilson dor S acre. As the inhabitants of Ba-helor's DecrU are consiierd the zmt missrable on earth, they request the sympathies of the people of the sur rounding country. I rust that none will take o3ene at this rroso and ryhras For I'm o ly writing to pas away the time. And in conclusion t win sar. if should there any be. That thej can just cjH upon Mr. J" C P. 0. T. P. X Reids Neb. If you want a fitt-cii-s shave, call at Burr Hanna's Shaving and Hair Dre-s-ing Room, at the Yallej- House, where he is ever ready to attend to customers. Rev. C. RlLKY came home from an appointment on Monday morning last, to find. visitor in the family who evi dently intends to take up a permanent ,ta.ii1.mm In ilia LnncoknlA Tr m ..l Jokw G. Pottkk4. fcl'ii-JB laah laiin ii Wow A 7ISIT TO 7IAXSXJS C0IT7. Early in the present week we cut we cut loose from the cares of business nnd took a trip to Franklin, tc see and learn what wc could of our sister county of the Valley. Ou- route lay up thJ magnificent bot tom lands bordering the Republican, un til Riverton. in Franklin coun'y was reached. This thriving little villiaee i beginning to wake up to the importance of he- situation, and a soon a" spring opf'ns there will be a large number of building' erected. From Riverton west ward, the highway passe? over some hilly, but very fertile count ry, for two or three mile?, and then strikes one nf finest section of prtiitie to be found in the Slate. The surface is smooth or gently undulating prairio, well watered with beautiful streams of pure water, at intervals of from one to two miles apart. The country along the valley is noarjy all taken up by settlers, except what be longs to the different railroad companies, having an interest in the county. A number of the settlers have improved their claims to a considerable extent, now have fine farui3 in a good state of cultivation. ' . Ten miles west of Riverton, and in the center of the county, is situated the town of Franklin, thd preent county 'Cut of Franklin country. The progress of tlii town ha- b-jen retarded tome what by a contest for the covinty seat, between itself aud Bloomingtnn This jie-tion will have to be settled before long, and then if permanently located at Fianklin, the town will rapidly improve The .situation is a beautiful om next to Red Cloud, the finest in the "V alley. Located on a level l'iich of upland prairie, a fine view up and down tho VsiHcy, and of the country on thj south side of the river, can be had at a glance. The fir.it tiling of importance to us, in the place, (for we were feat fully hun gry) was the RUCK nOL'SE, kept by George Buck, Jr., who ia as genial, whole-souled and hospitable a landlord as the whole valley affords. Mr Buck has a large interest in the town site and was one of the early .settler in the county. We commend his house to all who like good fate and accommodt tious. TINICHAM rros. have a fair stock of merchandise, con cisting of everything needed in the country, and aro doing a good business judging from appearances. We priced several articles of staples, nnd fiud that goods are cheap there as in many places of greater pretensions, and more com pes tition. E. NUULEY has a stock of groceries which he deals out to all callers at living rates. II. Patter-on is running a Boot & Shoe Shop, and the iron business is represent ed by V. II. Hanson and M. B. Worth ington. .MILS. 3IARY ASHRY is keeping a first class boarding house. Mr. R. L. Beavers has a good steam saw mill in close prrximity to the town. D. L. Ashby, Esq., has lately settled in the place and will take up the leg il profession. Mr. Ashby is a gentleman of experience and education, and will be a real acquisition to tho county. We alno formed the acquaintance of n iargc number of citizen?, among whom we may mention J. A. Perry, the oblig ing and efficient county clerk ; J. E. Simmons, Co. Treaurer, L. M. Moid ton Probate Judge ; C. B. Childs, School Supt.; T. F. A-hby, Surveyor; Dr. Weton, and others. Also Mr. James Greenwood, who has a choice claim near town, and who was we be lieve, the first settler in the county. Mr. Buck, with the obliging manner for which he is noted, kindly hitched up his team and gave us a whirl up the road for four and a haif miles, where we found the town of Blooniiqaton, and we made a call on the Guard. Bro. Huff man is working at a disadvantage, but succeeds in gcttinc out a neat, lively paper, which deserve all the patronace it can get. We saw and pished a. few words with Mr. Calhoun, formerly editor and publisher of the Brnwnville Demo crnt, but at pre-ent engaged in running a steam saw mill. Onr time was limited, nnd we had trt return, without learning much of any thine about the business and prospects of the place. At Franklin we were obliged to remain a couple of days, which passed plca'antly, and finally found ourself back at Red Cloud, which still suits us a well a any place. At some future time wo hope to be able to write up our neighboring county, at greater length, and in better syle. The county is as rood as any in the Yal ley, and is rapidly ftlline up with the right kind of men, and our experience in that direction ha. thus far been very pleasant. TnE Rev. Mr. Riley will praach at the Batin School House at 10:30 a. m., Feb. 1st. All are invited to attend. Jas. Alexander left yesterday for his o d home in Yilli-ca, Iowa. We can't tell whether Jim is going to get married or not, bat think the chances ire in hi favor. Yesterday, Mr. W. F. Coyle, of Harmony, called. He thinks his locality the best in the world, and he is about richt Harmony precinct does contain some of the best land in the county. Last week Levi 3Ioore, .Esq.. return ed from Iowa, feeling that Nebraska is the better place of the two. Auction sale of Town Lots, at River loB, FrankHn Co.. Neb., on February 1'Jth. A d chance for iovestment. Bali.ou's Magazine for Febru ary; The February number of Bal ou. Magazine is ret:.arkable for its variety, and tho amount of reading mat t-r which it affords for the low price of 15 cents Mncle copies and only t 50 per year. Some of the lwt stones of the ta-iu are to be found in this really meritnriou magazine. It tives So much lor t money that we do hot wonder its circula tion now exceed; 50,000 per mouth, so we have the satisfaction of knnwimr that the public really appreciate jrood literary merit. A nice little Chronm is jjiven to each subscriber of Bailou's Macazine, and no one has to wait months for the picture, as sometimes nappeas Mere i a li-r of contents for the February number. Just tee what a treat is in store for the reader: "The English Frince and Rus-ian 1'rince.v.s :" "A Curious Bird;" "French Shepherds;" "The Wanderer;" " Capt-sin Aiick's Legacy;" "The AnH of the Wilder ne;" "The Yalentine ;" " Curiosities of Superstition;" "Sui"rised by Man eho": "C-darwald;" "An unfortu nate Match ;" "The New Test orChfr alrv;" " By the Sad Sea Wave;" "Our Young People's Story-Teller I'ila Grey, or. Twice an Orphan;" Go ing to the Circu;" "Ruthven's Puzzle Page;" "Curious Matters ;'' "The Housekeeper;" "Facts and Fancies;" i'ih... n r.,:, ...: ii.,.....,,..- IJU VWUIIIUI IU1V .ll IIUUIU1UU1 Picture.") Address ThojiEs &. Tal bot, 36 Bromfield fStreet, Boston, Mass. From Mr. Neff, we learn that Mr. KAley, County Superintendeut."viltcd the school, in District No. II. Mr. Kaley put the school through an exam ination through the various branches taught, with satiafaetory results. Miss M. E. Downes, the teacher, has been very succe--ful in awakening the interest oi ncr pupils in meir stumes. in tne evening Mr. Kaley (''divered an address to the school and p.ttrons, which is highly spoken of by those who were present. M. L Thomas called yesterday, and gives the report that Elm Creek is hold ing things level. A Literary Society U in operation, and conducted iri ari enter taining and interesting manner, with debates, Sic, and a well conducted paper. Hope they will exchange with the Chief. At ail times we are willingand ever anxious tc receive and publish communi cafious from any part of the county. Thjs is nccessiry in order to represent the county instead of any one locality. LBut, we mu.-t cnler a protest against communicotians beiti.uf strung out to an inordinate length. We have made men tion of this subject several times, and now wish it to hafuVy understood that communications vivit be kept inside of proper bounds. Five closely written pages of commort note paper, cr three pages of large letter paper is the outside limit as to length, and if enough 'cannot be said in that spaco make another arti cle. We are thankful for favors of the kind, but arc compelled to request that letters for publication be short. We are glad to state that our sub scription list has been rapidly increasing during the last month." We arc making preparations to discard the "patent" outside and in a month or two will en deavor to publish the cntiro hcet at home. A?3ICAN GOLDEN WILL6W. The best Willow for live fence, hedge, or wind break, and is highly ornamental. Grows on all kinds of soil equally well. For sale at $2.25 per thousand, by D. S. HELVE KX, 2G-13w Red Cloud, Neb. Mils Jones is now prepared to give Music Lessons, either Instrumental or Vocal. All persons desiring instruction in musjc will please call on Mrs. A. M. Jones, who will give Jessons at reason able charge. 26td SEED WHEAT. Z. P. Karl has on hand for sale about Seventy Bushels of Whire Wheat, care fully cleaned for seed. Give him a call. Residence, four miles, east of Red Cloud, near the main road. 2G-td Theke will be a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Webster Co. Agricultural Society, at the office of the Chief, on Saturday, February 7th, at 1 o'closk p. m. It is hoped that, a full R.urd will be present, as many matters of importance to the Society will come up for action. LEVI Moore, Preai.:cnt. Weekly Report ofScloot in Dit. No. 2, Red Cloud, for the week ending Wednesday. Jan. 23. 1S74. No. attending school 64. No. not absent J day 45. iN O DOl HXQ3' 4 jlnll of Htuior. Luella Baldwin, Cora Baldwin. IvJra J. Ludlow, Fannie Bar ber, John Reilly, Frank Sleeper. Fred Sleeper, Elmer Potter, Sarah Tulleys. Eliza Tulleys. Elvira MunselL C. W. Springer, Teacher. FURS I FURS! Highest market price raid in cash for Hides and Furs of every dicription. Wsi. Montgomery, 30td Guide P.wk. Neb. WOOD ATO 712222 VQ71ZZ AH persons who have cut wood or timber on the fractional part of Sec. 12, Town 1, Range 11 west, Webster Co., or hauled the same from the Timber Land, bordering on the Republican river, and Ling cast of the Bridge, oa said described part of Sec. 12, have taken private property, and converted the same to their own use. Now this notice is to iovite all such persons to inventory such property, and report to me by mail, or, personally at Juniata, on or before Feb. 10th, next, for wttlement, or they will be required to risk the pains a&d penalties of violated Ljat. A. G. CAREY, Ry Cmas. KiLBuax, Ages'- James Murphy, on Baiklo creek, eight miles wet of Red Cloud Iras Hun garian Grass Seed for sale at resnable 1 ra. lOtf; GREAT CHANCE AT AUCTIO ! 32 Town Lots in the village of mvERToar. Oa Thirsiay, F-rzirr 12Ut. 1871 Merchmt5. ?Iccbanic, and other?, will find this a rate opportunity to locate and settle in one of the most eligible towns on the Republican valley, by at tending this sale. Rivcrton, Franklin Co., Nebraska, i situated at the mouth of Thompsjn's Creek, on the Republican river, abo on the mail route from Lowell on B. & M. R. R., to Ellsworth, tanas, on K. A P. R. II., surfonnded by a rich farming country. Coal and other minerals have been found, in, and around the Town site. No greater chance can bo ofTered to those that wih for a home than this. Terms made known on day of fale. For further partieuliis address me at Riverton. Franklin Co.. Neb. ARCHIBALD K. KIN NEAR. Auctioneer Red Cloud Retail Market CORRECTED WEEKLY UY (1ARHER & CO. Crushed Sugar, for a dollar Gib A Ci'fFee Sugar- C ijotiee buc.ir... Yellow Colfee Sugar ljrk Brown Sugar...-.. yibs Choice Rio Coffee. Rice .. b Gunpowder Tea per lb .. I t0 You tic Hyson Smoked Side Meat t DO yo 15 l 30 Canvassed Shoulders Imperial .... nutter W-U Ij iTff V2I Flour. Beatrice Cream of tho Valley 3.40 do XXXX, Hebron -- 3.l!5 Red Flannels 40(ai60 W bite do 50(n.f0 Twilled do 60 " Brown Shirting 131S Sprague and Merrimac Prints IL'J Common Prints 10 Brown Demins 25 Ttlm. Will 17 S Heavy Brown Ducking !!530 Stripe " " 18(al!5 Heavy Boots 4 50(15 50 Light Boots 4 506 25 Heavy Shoes. 2 25(e2 75 J 1111$ J j Vr WANTED! Five Hundred Green back In Exchange fat HARDWARE. Consisting in part ot STOVES, T I N W AR E. HOLLOW WARE, SADDLES. HARNESS, CARPENTER aud MASONS TOOLS, NAILS of ALL KINDS AND SIZES.CARPENTERS CHALK RKD, WHITK, A N D B L U E, TAPE LINES. A CHALK LINES, CLOTHES LINES, SPADKS, SHOVELS HOES, SCOOPS, HAY KNIVES, FORKS, RAKES. BLASTIFG POWDER, RIFLE FOWDFR, CART RIDGES, ALL SIZES, COARSE & FINE SHOT, SCHOOL BELLS, &c. AX K3, &c Farm Implement a Stecalrty TABLE fc POCKET CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED TABLE and TEA SPOONS. The Beit aid Cheapest THE REEO BREAKING PLOW. It is sot seoesstfry to eawserate trerj thing os kaBd, bat snlfece to sy that j aay article hj onr Hoe can ba had at the Chtnpcs Prion ksown in the Wen. M. B McNITT, RMP CLOUB, - - NEBRASKA. LIYEUt FEED J. D. POST, Preprietor. Having fitted np lire SlabU it prvparW at all time to farnha room andfewi far UtMi Lirary rift on short notic. Stable Wcr. cf tht Taller X&M, YANwlNKrE&"BR0WN7 PAIlVTERSi 2ei Clrei. Kibrtika. Everything don In th matt sirtlifa imi workmanlike mmnitr. nratly and llh di patch. Ouuntry work svlieitvd ana rrodac Ufc.cn in exr&ange- -t4 1L O'SULLIVAN. J. P. It NOTARY PUBLIC, BI72270K, Fnsilis Ca, Nea. CoaTtyaeeihf and all matter rertainisf U Kel Estate or o' her Ptity brStfri ly and fr"PrIj iecutH. Pra-epti Filnj: Specalit. DR. D. MORRIM Practicing Physician Office and Resident, am cloud, ysmss ir Special attcction givctl (o chroaie diseases. 'ai 24 ifliMH M. A. TfuiiNcll, Woutd rospectfully inforui tho LaJin of Ri Cloud and vicinity that the Is pr to execute orders fur MILIjIIVERY, Dress-Making ANl' PLAIN SEWJN6 of all Kinds. On hand and for fin utortnital f LACKS, VAILS. KID GLOVES. LADIES HATS. Ae, Miss S. A. RUNSELL, fin McNitt's Uullding.J RKD CLOUD. ---. NEB. JOHN JACOB SON'S HOTEL, FEED,- BALE Ifi LIVER V STABLE. JUNIATA, Alum C: Neh. ARMSTRONG k MARTIN Bres HEALERS 15 LIVE STOCK. CASH PAID FCTR CATTLE, HOGV, SHEKr.- LIVE STOCK Of every decription bought and old Re4 latf, Xl Legal Notice. In The Dilrict Conrt of the Firt Ju dicial District in and for Webster County, Ncbraika: T. P. Kenntrd, 0. B. Jacob, asd R, W. Jacob, doing btji;i ovier the same of Keenard k Jaob.t Broe. againH John D. Pcncey and Noah Perry. lately doinc busine' under name of Penney & Perry, defendant. To abire named defendant, Jd:n D. Penocy : You will take notice that on the 2Gtn day of Noreailer. 1873, jhe bjT named plaintiffs tied their petitioa agaimt the above aamed dtfendaati. praying to recover the sura of Four Hundred and Seventeen thfln and thirty-fira hundredth. (417.991, e ey jastly doe tbem apoa ptmtrntf note ana acooant. aoil interest dwi ik' on from the 4th day of Septcaaner, 173. Yon are alo farther BCuaV-d that Haoa the tame day ef fiiiag mii petttsetj aa order of attaeaseat wan rted i of laid coart agakti tkt faoJ) a4 chaUels and real easate ef defendant, and that a levy ban see av4e apaa tha pmprty of defendant. Yoa are iio aeeifeal tfcataaleae ya appear and anwer amvi petkioa oa or before the Thiri Mrday aftar tha 9tk &j ef Jaasiry. 1874, Mid aetiaoa wfll be uken a tree and jadgaMst nnitni ftfoordindy. HrYm h. Jra BSAtL. iBf BL 8. Kaiag. thr A4 r M T1 n (.'. I t f B 51 ?i llX&r-?;