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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1874)
- a ,-- mr ijiC 1 D USIXESS I) IR El -TO It Y 1JMr mm h. I & It. S. Hi ALKY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, liDTAEY rUSLI3 A:D B2AL S37ATS ? Cloud, Xtbroi-hit. "Will negotiate the sale of School Uoml?. Ac JCSy-Sjwclsl Agent for School Furni tuic. . County Superintendent of FMc lit xti net fart. J. R WS1LLCOX, ATTORNEY Af LAV, H07A37 5U2i:: & ?.SAL S3TAT3 ase:i?. i:ed clol'U - - - - XrilRASKA 'i-Hou:e-tulsnl rn-ciuptioii n-eiiml. Special attention given to j'jiius lxet at a dirc-uint. CASH PAID ion rO"NTY Yv'AI'JtAXTS. LEE - . 3ST5.5iL. Attorney & Counselor at Lav. AlTZ-.KiL JirrATS AK5IT. HE!) CLOUD NEBRASKA. Will Lhv urnl cpII It-nt i;tt-oti c-ni !' ion ami lay 'I'ase- for non-r- iJ?ili-. x-Jjicil :itteiitit:Kiveij to the 1'attion .f .S' ol dier & ( 'lajms U.nlcr the not of Juno ih. 1R72- " " Haiini ctmto . w '' inanoe- "f lutMn" hef-r.! t i !'. I 1 ,'! a'tecueil to v.tti l:oal ASiNC rr. s. && b. s. l&sd:. V7 .. r W- A. II. HOWES. TAS. LA I IIP. B8WES & LAffSD, Attorneys at iks-in?' AND HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. JC"H7 practice in nil the Courts of the S'ate.. JUHIATA - - - !iS32A:SA PBGCTGR HOUSE, G. D. PROCTOR, - - - Proimuetoii, -,-.. - s-sx-s Tli-Tr.ivelinir Public Will find this Hotel 'o he fir-l clti' in ovtry relied. ifa-Oirri.ise r w s Jai-y jo IVjIvieers. thcrcar ct Station on the St. Jot- .V I). C. K. H. Watchmaker & Jeweller, SZ:8 CLOUD,: 7233rSS CDUKT7, S23 rSMVtienl-ir attention isivun to lie luii iiiK Emo Watcher anil Satisfaction Guarantied. HOKEQPATHIC FHYSICIAN. HesitLo-c: 0ns Hile Sast'of Hca Claaa." J Dr. T. B WILLIAKS, U. S. rxamininKSn-scou for IViiMonjTI E n mily IP h j i 1 c i :i 23, Tenders his services to the Public and will atttml to all lYj!'e,itii:al calls. Y.V HKK1), SurvtyQj & Civil tngmeer, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD, NEIi. Will pvoup''y attend o all huine.s en- tnst 1 to i,;s oaie. (.'orncrs e?tbii"h'd, lines run. Vc. &8Ciitf Cial Eixjinttriuan Specialty. CARL WEBER, U Kepaiiingdon.' on hort notice, in the ( bet st vie and at reaon:.uic rates. HA11INESS SHOP. Is now prepared to do all kinds of work IN Tim Tho lc i. of materials icd, and all -s,T)f'k WARRANTED. Done on shoit notice and at reasonable PrVes. Shop in MoNitt's Store. Red Cloud Scbrasfc RedGIoud Mills. J& JfKJ3En ! FeStl and Real CailStantiY On J Hand. CfCustom Work Warranted. J. Q. POTTER a- HbW.. TD CLC-TO. NEB. lfAl S K" V 1-8 r&S F O ST T ' V r (eJfai ( ' r - S-,t. Red Gloud. Febraska. -jJOS. C. WARNER, Proprietor. - - Thi IIotl i rnt'roJy vtrr. haTi- bem tailt &Z the present ms.m13. isd i til up with rerivnl - ..,.M T- . tVW, UVA:JVS. A.SiJ Vi .iitflVA. W -on inn -v Tnv tiav t- wPVk' - ROARD 1 TnKPAT L Ai.Ltv t reaso-oVe rates J A Wcd ronrn. fTNE .STABLE j . a4r to the rt:ttic. I 64 Parbr te sirwdaut at t Ueus. i T&s-r TH? RED CLOUD CHIEF. U. L. MATHER, - Editor. THURSDAY. JAN: 22? 1874. WWWWIMWWWM" CORKESI'OJfOEXCB vr03J all parti if tho atate and country res penally .lic:ttl ' Ii iot riMil anonriuoas I"tteri and coin aiunicntiin. The name a 1 oildres of the wri ter ir- in alt caw ir.iiicn..' lc. if a pusraaty ofzood fsitli. From Hon. J. II. Notkware we have received a roll of circn'ar, hnvinj: theuMri a letter from "Hon W. A. Gwvnit to tho Omaha lice. d?cu-Mni: the matter of incrca-ed repre5entainn in (toncre.i-J all of which we cordia'ly in-do-i-e. The atticl h too lone to copy, lmt the ruam pont U the cullimr atten tion to the tatute rcquirins; precinct a f.sors to mak'p a totni enumeration of the tut tl number f per-ous "re.-idinp in their respective proeiwts." Hy a riet cotnplinnce to thi hw, tin pnptiln ti'n of every rnunty and the Stale itself, dti hi; -iceunitclv ascertained. We also r-iil th attention of theCVun-m:5-!ORer-t flic law and pirticulurlv ur'- that it he complied vthh in our county. A to the q-rtion of increa'-ed repre-enttti'in wj h'tve been an advo rate o.-uch lMf:reae ever rfinfr? fheqnes tiou tra-i aitarod, and the lir.--t " eontin zenf " eindtd-itfc voted for three year ago. Novvwjvrnnt to.sjii a little con tiiienpy in l -ii. matter of rpr.-enfitin;;, and claim that :fa St.ite with popula'iou ..,u.,?,uri.M. n....HHrso.toipBn.i, t r . - rf ' ciititied to tict mtcad nt one, then ny tin ..n) tVccn. a IiPi:ilativo District containii'i: one (if h of the e tire topu'a lionofthu State, .-hould have that pro portion of the members ifthe Lei-In-ture. Ttie avciag mini, at lcict, can not see any reason why the same rule will not apply in both eav.--. Let us have the census ftf the State this pr?ng by ail mean. TllK pre-cnt prosjiect is that a larger number than ever before will leave their old homes in the over-crowded Eastern States, tofpefc nw loea'ionsinthe West, and that Nebraska is the great point of attraction, i conceded by all. People arc required in our new State- to develop it resource, and people we will have if everyone interested, and all bhnuld be, will endeavor to let a'l the world know, that Nebra-ka i. the best place on the continnnt for the immigrant to sek a new home. Eveiy man in Webster Co , can, if he will, in luce at least on settler to pome into the county. Take hold of the matter with interest and zeal, and we will soon have a populous county. For the next few months we shall de vote as large amount of space as can be -pap-d, to the interests of immigration This is our greatest interest, at present, and will continue so for some time to come. We nccl settlers; to elvelope tb countless thousinds of acres of unbr -n prairie tint ?s lying ready for thn plow, and we will got them if we fry, in iood earnest. All that is needed is to let the world know through the medium of let ters. papr, or circulars, that land is cheap and fertile, the climate wild and healthy, and that they will be cordially welcomed by thoe that come before. The new comer of to cay will not have to endure the privations incident to the j immigrant of two or three yeara ago. fioo'l s'ores ar common, where all the necessaries of life and many of the luxu ries can be had as cheaply as in the older tatos flood school-, good society church organization? of thn leading sect-, and 'everything cle to make the country desirable. Come to Nebraska. Hi TllE Nebraska City Avvos which has already been Democratic under all cir cumstances, comes out boldly and frankly on the flfrahl'Varans matter and avows its belief in the entire innocence of Gov ernor Furnas. The Newt was never no ted for leniency towards the alledged short-comings of any member of the Re publican partyr an! therefore its fairness in this intance will have unusinl weight in influencing the people to believe that tho Governor was foully wronged by the assertions of the Ucritil. Here is what the Ifrws says about it: " Governor Furnas seems to be fully vindicated from the charges again-t his integrity involved in the ffrrald-Furnn hb"Ifsut The principal witnesses against liim, J. A. .Jackson and D. II. MofFutt, dr., publielv btate that they are now .sati-Tiir that they "were mistaken about his haling received $3,000 for his vote; and H V. llnnkin confesses to having abused Furnas' couiMence and friendship, and that he dishonorably used Furna-' mine without his knowl edge, to make money for himself. The Sta'e Journal publishes the docuuirnt in full ;and we are jla-l. for the credit of our State and the feelings of Governor Furr.8. that he has finally and fully cleared from the unju-x imputations winch we, believing them true, helped to heip upon him Mav be Furnas isn't a 'M r"l'?t "a'nt but tbit apparent blotch anon his coo ntmie is ctain wiood om. anyway, and right pladlr do we pub'ish I'itt laci uqu give mai our sincere congratulation-." Cctica'xcci Cutttrgs. Persons intending to pant cottonwood cuttings next spsinc, and who have not i yet secured them hou!d do so without i delay. Though cuttings taken from the ; tree in the sprn and planted iuimedi- ae w:" o! ec do TTe,, especially ir very arlv planted yet they aw much more ! certain if cut in the fall or winter. In pt)cunng cuttings, it should be remem bered that whatever habit of growth a tree may have, cuttings from it will pro duce trees of the -anie general habit. That i. if a tree his straight limb- svm. metrically placed, producing a well fcal ancd ton. outting from such a tree will i tenu l0 !"- h3ndome, ymmerrical 're&! Qn the other baud, cutting fwm crooked, dwarfed or unsjmnietncal trees -'- lly to result in unsightly trees mattings iiiousa oe ussn iroui www oi the precediof year's growth, and at once ' buried in the srround, below the reach of i frost, and where water will not stand around them Cuttings should be planted as soon as frost U out. and the rounl so dry as be injured bv ureMie the "'und together around iIikiii. Making cutting fifteen to eighteen inches lonp, and put them in the ground o that but two r three ii.chs remain above the surface, pre--in the earth tightly about them. If these directions are carefully follow ed there will be no danger of failure. Lino tin Journal. For the benefit of people generally and to sati-fy our own curio-ity in the matter, we would like to know if it will do to take odf uutti:i! while in a frozen condition. The timber question is fat gcttius to ba the most important one before the people, and whoever will com pile and pub'iih a brief statement of the best practical mode of planting and tak ing care of forest trees will be the great est benefactor of the people that the age has produced. 7o Tho Farawrc. All transportation U a waste, and the further the transportation the greater the v..ite. And the wort of it is the 'a -f that tho loi all fall on the producer. Th- cxpoitin country mur in all caes' Mibmit to the market of the foreign country to.which it sends its products. The firmer wiio must have money sells hi hay crp, A hi corn crop, sell everything off his land. But the farmer who ha etpital feeds his hay to cattle, lw:s eorn to hoc, and converts nil hw crude pioiluets into les bulky an 1 more va'u.iblo cnrkctable subtance. Tho one i:uKHv.n.lii hi- laud and rquanders frv.r. I liit lj r1 l.t tifmliwir i.. I k; vhl!i, t Q or, )v lJe rcfi1j , l" llll'll III I'llHIUlil ! IIIUIIF'IW- process nor only returns to the .soil a iaige shire of the strength taken from it in hay and corn, but. in his fat cattle and hogs, has compressed tons into hundreds of poinds wight, and thus reduced the cist of th'j transportation of the product.-: of his f'.irni to the minimum. Chicago Jnttr Ocean. The Plains Life. We take pleasure in announcing to the men of the West that J. Sterling Moktov has consented to puint the Plums Litf and will write a book for that purpoe if the material can be procured to make it complete as a history of a re markable epoch in the conquest of the continent, and attractive with the strange and tragic incidents of which it was so prolific. This must be largely drawn from the personal experience of those who aw and shared this Life, and can be bad only through their voluntary con tributions. Th men. who traversed the Plaii.s from th'' days of the Mormon hegira until the advent of the Pac.fic railroad and the locomotive are, therefore, earnestly requested to eoiiect and collate, write d.nvn and write out, gather together from print d record and from memory any authentic facts in the lives of the 1-ading spirits of the Plains, and such incidents, anecdotes, tragedies and scene-: as came under their own observation tint, in the mass of initterso acoiimah ted, Mr. Morton may lack nothing to enable him to reproduce the characters and events of one of the most remarka ble eras in the hi.story of our country. No one who knows him will doubt his ability to paint them in the most truth ful and attractive colors, and the co op eration of the men of the West interested in rescuing the wild life of the Plain) from the oblivion into which it is rapidly paing iseartictly requested to aid him in the undertaking. Every man who remembers a tragedy or an event, n striking incident or anecdote, a fight with, or an escape from the Indians, that would illutrate a characJci. or the scene.-, which this hook will seek to re produce, j aked to transmit a clearly and concisely written statement of the matter, giving place, time, date, name, and such circumstances as may be thought necessary to bring out the par ticular ineident or event into full relief, to be used or not used, at the discretion of Mr. Morton. All such contributions addre-sed to the Editor of the Herald will receive careful attention. Omaha Herald. From the l.incolu Journal. Cur Espresontation. The Omaha Republican and other of our State c ntemporaries are discussing the Mibject of claiming more representa tion in Congress for Nebraska. It is claimed, and jut!y, that to day wo have a population entitling u.s to two members of Congies, according to the prc-ent n io, and that by the time the Forty Fourth Congress meets, to wiiich we shall eiecia member next fall, there will be population enough lor three members. It is prOpo.ed, therefore, that Ne- bra ka shall make an effort to induce Congre-s to increase her representation oetore the year 1831, when it is probable we shaii have a million of inhabitants aud only one member of Congress. We are in favor of claiming this at the hands of Congre-s?. We would like to have the mitier put as strongly as pos tible by our Senators and Representatives at Washington, but at the same time we are compelled to remark that we do uot believe it will have the slightest effect upon that body, and wo have no hope that justice will be dons in the matter, at all. The tenacity with which the older States hang on to the:r accidental ad vantaz s in the matter of representation, grows vita every succe-dmg year. As New Euglaud and the sea coa.t and the middie States feel the sceptre of power gradually slipping from their grap as each succeeding ceo-us is taken, they tighten their grip upon it and more des perately resist the advances of the West. The same narrow spirit that defeated the new constitution of Nebra-ka framed in 71. because it gave the newer couu titfs in this State a proportional repre sentative in the Legislature, exuts doubtless everywhere to a greater or less extent, and will, we feel certain, be strong enough to force Nebraska to staud back with her four to five hundred thou-and people in IS7o, and serve an other five years before she shall be fully represented on the floor of the Houie of Representatives. XillLtt! JLiHiS!! Maxwell & Dingse Wish U infirm the public thtt tby b ve made riteuiite preparations to taaaauts-tore Ln&e. ami trill keep 00 baad a FULL SUPPLY toisett the dctaasd of the public, whiek will b: sold at -caontIe Kcmenbcr the Flace Fita mile wtit ofsUd Closu bciit on Sth SiJe of River. 1 THE ATliAKTIC For 1874. H. 0. HOUGHTON & CO., 219 Washington St, Boston, bejr to announce to the old friend. of this eah li'hol maffkxme tha: they reccire it from its for in-;r prupne or with ih iot-nti jn of keepin e it in !! reipecU at the level ot 1.3 ol I reputation, and to improve it from time it time. 4 they have opportunity. It will tc pnntel from new type throughout, und great pains will be tafeen t eiveit a freh and uttrctive typographically. The Editorial Management will he as hetttofore. And the corps of writ'rs from whom article h-ire l-cen engaged and who are rejular con tributor. iruJud. the tames ot LCJAGFKLLOW. WMITT.SC. UOLJIZS. AGAS31Z. HOWI.LLS. BaYAKO TiVLOK. ALt RICH. WAlNKB, W'LLS. rRTOX, O KX. fcGOLRSTON. There will b .able triticumi upon Cumnt Liierr.ture. Art nd SJcience. " I'm lence Palfrey." by 1. 15 AMnch. author of ilnrjorie o. i the lit! of a Serial atory oexun in the Jaau ry onuW, A Serial Story, by W. D. Howells. will brgin ia au early number. . . Pexoaaleiniuisceni:e-. by J. II. hitfir. will c veran eventful piriutl in our history ; and " Life in tho Coufiilciato etatcj." by a Con federate, will be aa inside yiew of rtccnt his- .Mr. Wa ner's Saunteringi in the Uritijh Province, beicun 111 the January number, w 11 be continued in subaojuont one. Loci! Taxation in thaUuiteJ States the ar ticle by Dun I A. Ve!lriathe fir-t number of t'irjjeir. wih be followed by others trom the 'ame hand on que!iouJ of Finance and Polit ical KtMnomy. . " M e Evan." a talc of the South wrst, by Vt . M Riker. author"! "The New Timothy," aud " Inii.LwUI outicue for the present, .ChtptMH Aufibioeraphy. by Uobcrt Dale Ocn. wsirOer Mr. Owen'i life a United States .M.niter at .Naples, and hU views of Spiritualism. Charles Warren Stoddard, author of "South ?i Idyl." will r'lato the Records of a Player's Kxericnein Cahlirni-i. atudia of .- n'ih aud American cocietv will be ti'Vii by 11 S. Nadal: and s I'ariou will fiirniti !litoricil Jnd Social S udie.-. .lapinou bki-tchiii and Scorie will be mid by the traveler. Klward II IIue. and Criticisms il" e'tuun and rench Novc!its. Tuntenlef. tJeorse Sand. Aucrbach. Clurbulioz. llalx c a'.drthsrs will be made by Thomas Sergei hi Perrv. one of the ed tots of tho "North Ameri can Iteview." This !'-t of names and articles will be added to fruiu timo to tims; asiiis intended to keep the Atlistic open t" the best cintributiou from every qunrte , anJ no efforts will be spared to iak it tso l--idiii; Aiueric.iii .Miicaziue, a TKKMS: Si.UJa vcar. in advance, two copies. $7.o-i; five copies. 10.00 : and ?i.00 for each ad ditionil copy St. Nicholas, the surcc-sor to "Our Yoiii.k Folks." sent lor SS.0 u the Atlantic Monthly and Every Saturday. SS.W. Ronton Office of Atlantic Monthly and Every Saturday, AND GENERAL SUIiSCKIPTIOX AfiKNCV. N0YS3, H0L1I25 & CO., 219 Washisgtcn St., ::t:n. THE STtNJKR3 Worcester's Quarto mc tiojwi r r9 Hecommcndcd by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Nebraska. The authority of tho U. S. Senate and House of Kepro.-entatives. and of KVKRKTT. SUM.VRR. QUIXOY. MAKSII. MANX, AOASS1Z. ALKXWURK, BKYAXr. 1KVINO, RIVRS. MILfS, WI.NTHROp. HILI.AItn. HOLMES. L i.NUKKLLOK, HKMtY, U:Ul).V, HOl'KI.Vg, and the leading author. of 1'urope aud America. Retail Price, $10.00, Liberal discount trado to school districts teachers, ministers and -lubs. 11ECOMMENDKD TEXT BOOKS, for Common Schools. ITillard's Headers, Worcester''' Dic tionaries, Worcester's Spelling Books, and Scavoy's U. S. History, are ul-o recommended by the State Superinten dent. BREWER &TILESTON, Publishers. Boston, Mass. Address JOHN M. TAGGAllT Aet. 30 Palmyra, Neb. BILIaX ARBS ! MICHAEL COOK lias flitted up his New Stone Building for a irjLiim 11,1X1X1. iNo Liquors sold on the Premi-c. Just the place to enjoy this Popular fiarao in a nice, quiet manner. Esd Cloui, ITotracia. THE ONLY Boot 6i Shoe Shop In.Wcbster County. O- JOIIN S. PARKS Wishes to inform the Public generally that he in prepared at all times to take orders and manufacture all kinds of Boots & Shoes In the Rest Possible Style. 5s3"Finc Calf Boots made to order and Perfect Fit Warranted- Repairing on Short Notice. SIS CLOUD. X2SBASZA. GO TO Piatt's DRUG STORE JUKU7A. KSS2AS2A, For your DRUG3, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, Ac. nd yoa will get. them cheaper than Elsewhere. J. S BROWN. V. LITDLO. BROWN & LUDLOW, PlaStCrfrS 4 StOne HaSOnS, J Ici CsaS, reia. At rrparel to take eontrxu foraartliinic tktt:itr oi ihar wcrk tkty t3t ? - of the Fbuc pxoaie- W E THORN. Surveyor of Webster County. Will prom tly attend t all eill. Orders for Tork myy b left At Clork"siuee in Court Hou?e. at Itc . Cioud. 's' Posl Offce address -Well. Vbiter Cv. Neh. 30-tf GZ3S3Z su:s. :.. - - - pbopsetcs, MtANKLIN, NEB. Good Acamino-lnti'm, Mccry and Fml tt'JJct. W BKOWN, CARaENTER & BUILDER Red C::ad. :?cbrs:ia. I" prcpre-l ! aiaV eti-nut and taVi con tracts for all Kin Is of build. 11c. "iT-td JOSEPH A. PKEKY, REAL ESTATE AND TA X-1 I riXG A G EXT. v7ev OLDEST DU STORE li REH CLOITO.!'er A v DRUGS, STATION RY, FINE SOAPS. SPICES, Patent Mcdcls2?3 l'CRE WIN! S k LlQl'O! S, CICAI'.S. .MTC!irS. And the thons-ind and one thir uunl!y kejit in sidiilir tsiab'bment- con stantly on hand and fur sdu CHEAP I'OK CS!1. Call and See. MRS. II. F. Lb'TZ. UEOUUE ZEISS, DRtLKI: IV Wines dS Iviquors Chelnrj. Smoking, Tobscco, CAN'T I) FRUITS OF AU. KIVDS AM CONFECTION7 PR! KS A Spceinlty. !5"Fr"h Layer Beer from " Antelope." Brewery, con-tant'y on hand. RED CLOTD, NEB. 13tf LAND! LAND! NOW !S THE BEST TIKE To secure CI-I23AP HOIiiES. ThbS &M. R. R. LAKDS IN WElttTEtt CO NKB. Are now in in:irkt. an 1 are offered at lolO rates and ON TKV VKVHS' TIMK to ac'ul -ettler.s. at rate- varjinjr from 1.50 to tfZAhVt per acre With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. Thc-e Lnds are ainone the best in the Keptib'.iean Vall-y, and are UNM'Rl'ASKl) FOR FKUTILITV and beauty uf Lfc-ation. Lee Esteil, RED LOUD - - - XEIl, L3CAL AKIIT ?33 W333T33 CSITiirY, Will at all times be ready to ejve all infor nation in regard to location of land J terms of paviiint, &c I TH2 FOLLJWniG ZS7EAC7S From the Circulars of the I). ,t M. K. II. Co.. will in a measure, expluin their terms and the advantages otTered. The purchaser can pay cah, or di vide the amount into three equal part-, paying on-third down, one third in one year, and one-third in two years, with interei at ten per cent, annually; or he can havTKN yea lis time in which to make up the sum by small annual pay ments at six por-cent. intwreV, Jlost buy on this latter :lan of TEN YEARS' CREDIT! In which casr the pureha-cr pjy' at the out-el one year's interest at iix per-ccnt- on the price. Ho makes three other payments, each of fix per cent" at the eommencnient of the sceond, third and fourth yeari. At the couimanc ment of the fifth year, he pay one seventh of the principal and one years interest on the remainder, and the Kiuie at the commencaieut of each aTicce-ivc year until all ha been piid at the end of ten year. Any buyer ian pay in fuH at any time and t;et a warranty deed free of all tscuuibraacJ. Buyers on our long and ?enerou crci it of ten ycaw, are eiptteI to settle and improve their land at their earliest conveniencv, say within one or two yenr o zi to improve about three tea:h of the load bouzht, within three yeari from date of purchase. rSrIJ'.ter term have never been ot- ina mmoi Dever gWc invite comparison aad defy , - BctitioB. A. CAREER & CO. GUI&12 ROC& - - - I)Eam:ks in 1 GEN RAL MERCHANDISE. Con-istinj: of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Tobacco Cigars. Aud every thimj usually kept in eountry .stores. i J niTeusfajeH.iamin(- roods, inquire prices, and be convinced that the bt pfeco to 1 nude is AT HOME. A. GAMIER & Co. NT KAV STOKIS IS'JBTW STO R K HEW GOODS, JO Y KJGHKXXEilT A CO, Take r'.iMire io iiiOirmiiu; the citizens of Red Cloud, and the I'ublw ihst tiny ii!-f opened out and have on hand u new and complete tck of &zapfc 4V Fancy Groceries Of every num.- and ariot, selected with .-pv?al rrference to the wants of the People uf of the Republican Valley. CALL ANO SEE OUIt JfTOUti. Wo have, alM, a line Stock of DRY GOODS. Boots & tihoes C-:ECI0Z5-:;V A Co., HcmI Cloud. Xvb NEW GOODS! JOHN G. POTTER Takes this method to Inform the PUBLIC that he has Just opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, 2 on fitting in pait of CALICOES. DARK, LIGHT .t PINE. CHA.MRKE.S. IH-LAINKS. LAWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS ,t LININGS. corsti s & sk i r rs. va i ls a- ; lo v ivs. ULK.U'IIKD AND HNULK.VIIKI) MUSLIN'S I'ABLi: LINENS A TOWELING. PAN IS, OVER ALLS A; SHIRTING. B50C5TW A SUOi;S, II ATS cV CAP, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR. MEAL &. BACON- Anil everything u-.ii.ilJy kept in a First Class Dry Good 4 ,t Grocery Store. JOHItf C. POTTER, Red Cloud Nebraska. LUMBER! LUMBER7 W. L. VANALSTYNfl RJ3IP C O UR9 - D KALE It IN PliE LUMBER, UATH, SHINGLES Doors Blinds Sash Mouldings Lime, Tarred Paper. Etc- Andfjgfy Article tiHiilIy Lrpt in a Firt iSr-Prica invariably Four Dollart in L GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE AT .JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. Republican R i v e r STAGE LINE- j JC-ES S22I37, ?rcpietcr. lU-gtilar trips will be made between j i JUNIATA and RED CLOUD On Tntriiji and Yt"elne!day3i or eich ..nr3 upon the dy acutim.!, Jeav- ins .1 aclnta, n ( a. K. 06 Ttxcylay, and Rei Cticd at 6 A- 31., WedtKdar. ' . l t - JYMZttltlSMi Claxi Lumber Yard. adrana; of ralIrodJprice. ANY. BILL THAT CANOGK 7 BUY Y0UB HE?GE PLANTS AT HOME And yoa will et Gd Stock. MrtclMll t Dntt, Offer for I tfee ccminjc Fall 200,000 Osage ONE TflOUAND PEACH TREE : - -i a t . REP LOUD. NEBRASKA. r -l r. X - -w1 . r ?v . - j k?: