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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1874)
7 g.!l JHI x JSte.. .? - I wLaaaV'- bs 49' i JN RBI - y V Mr. WIso-V Scheme. - (Yniong the several bills iu relation to financial matters introduced in Congress is one by Representative Wilson, of In diana, of which the following is the sub stance : J'VrxlIt repeals the limitation of the amount of national bank circulation, practically authorizing free banking. fret nul It repeals the provision re quiring national banks to keep si reserve on account of ;ir!iil:itini. Urn iiIph. being that the bonds deposited will be suflicient security without the reserve. Third The bill forbids national banks to pay to banks interest tin de posits, or to receive from banks interest on deiKisits. This, it is claimed, will not drive depositors to private hankx to secure interest on their money, while it will prevent the sending of money East by the banks, where it will be used at great risk. The bill further provides for the crea tion in the Treasury of a fund, to be known as " the legal tender reseneof Si 00,000,000." The mode of creatinr this reserve is by requiring iho Si tary of the Treasury, when the receipts in the Treasury are iu excess of the current expenses of the Government, and as new banks are organized after the passage of the act, to retire legal tenders until the amount added to those retired and now in the Treasury shall reach $100,000,000. To prevent con traction, it is fm thcr provided that the legal tenders shall not bo retired faster than cii dilation shall be issued to newly organized banks. This legul tender re serve is to be used in this way and no other, viz. r Persons, firms, or corpora tions, by depositing United States bonds, may drsiw u Iiko amount of legal tenders, and upon returning the amount received, with an additional amount equal to I he interest accumulated on the bonds from the date of deposit to the date of redemption, may take up the bonds. To prevent this reserve from being reduced too low, it is provided that after three months, if the Secretary shall deem it neccsbary, he ma-, after giving Ivn days' notice to the depositor, sell the bonds, reimburse the fund by the accumulated interest, and turn the balance over to the depositor. The bill also provides that the Bank Kxumincr shall examine and report whether loans or discounts are made by the banks on corporation stocks or bonds, and the amount of such loans ; whether a bank has purchased such bonds, and the amount and kinds ; and shall publish tho leport in some news paper published in the locality where the bank is situated. This is to give depositors informatnm as to the charac ter of business tho bank is doing; and thereby to deter banks from dealing in that class of securities. Former Chief Justices. The nomination of Attorney-General Williams for Chief Justice of the United States is a respectable appointment, but, not the best that could be made. When Grant was in the army everybody gave him credit for selecting the right man for the right place, and it is possi ble his traditional sagacity has led him aright in this instance, but we have our douhts about it. The six men who have already held the position of Chief Jus tice were eminent iu public affairs be fore they were appointed, and have all left brilliant records behind them. John Jay, the first Chief Justice, had been Governor of New York, its Chief Justice, Piesident of the Continental Congress, Minister to Spain, and Secre tary for Foreign Affairs under the Con- fo fflm" " n,' u0 Avn8 Chief Justice oi the Uiiiteu States, he was appointed by Washington Minis'cr to England, the npKintmcut not. being at the time considered incompatible with his judi cial position. John llutledge. the sec ond Chief Justice, had been President or the colony of South Carolina, Gov ernor of theState, and its representative in tho Continental Congress. Oliver Ellsworth, the third Chief Justice, had been Justice of the Superior Court of Connecticut, and a Senator in Congress from that State. While- lie was Chief Justice he was appointed special Min ister to France, and continued to hold both ollices at the same time. John Marshall, the fourth Chief Justice, had been a member of the Incentive Coun cil of Virginia, a member of tho Legis lature of that State and of tin; conven tion of the State called to latify the Constitution of the United States, Min ister tc Prance, member of Congress, and Secretary of State. lie was Secre tary of State when he was appointed Chief Justice, and ho held both offices until the close of the administration of Mr. Adams. Uoger 1. Taney, the fifth Chief J lift ice, had been Attorney-General of the United States and Secretary of the Tr usury. Mr. Chase, the sixth Chief Justice, had been twice Governor of Ohio, Senator of the United States from that State, and Secretary of the Treasury. -Milwaukee VV nlincl. The Christmas Tree. The Christmas tree is doubtless of German origin. Though in its present form it is comparatively of leeent date, yet its pagan prototype enjoyed a very "high antiquity. The early Germans conceded of the world as a great treo whose roots were hidden deep under tho earth, but whose top, flourishiugjin the midst of Walhalla, the old German par adise, nourished the she-goat upon whose milk fallen heroes restored them selves. Yggdnalil was the name of this tree, and its memory was still green long after Christianity had been intro duced into Germany, when much of its symbolic character "was tnuisferred to the Christmas tree. At first fitted up during the Twelve Nights in honor of Perchta, the goddess of spring, it was subsequently transferred to the birth day of Christ, who, a the God-man, is become the "resurrection and the life." The evergreen fir tree, an emblem of spring-time, became tho symbol of an eternal spring. The burning lights were to adumbrate llim who is the "light of the world,' and the gifts to remind us that God, iu giving Ills only Son for the world's redemption, con ferred upon us ihe most priceless of all gifts. This symbolism extended also to the most usual of Christinas presents apples and nuts: the former being con sidered as an emblem of youth, the lat ter as a profound symbol of spring, while the "bov's legs" relate to Saturn, who devoured liis own children, and the Kropfel to tho thunder-stone of Thor. O. .If. Sjtcncer in Jlurpcr"s for Jan uary. - TnE recent horrible poisoning case in Montreal, in which a dozen people drank up nearly half a gallon of vinum colchici upon the supposition that it was whifcky, has a very useful moral for inconsiderate drinkers. The above peo ple, who are now nil in the cemetery, found this drug, and, supposing it to be intoxicating liquor, went in and made a night of it, carousing and drinking in a manner which it would not be compli mentary to the lower 'animals to call brutish. The whole miserable crew, men and women, died before morning. The most of the whisky sold nowadays is sure to kill sooner or later, but litUe social parties of-41a deeriptoB,-who devote a night to drinking and make a serious and energetic business of it, should be particular in ascertaining whether they are drinking the right poison. . - Immigration, Statistics. TIio rejKjrt of tho Chief of tho Bureau of Statirttich wiyHt . The inwortaiico of obtaiiiiiii: and niililidiiDK accurate htatUticu, not only of the agca, tcxen anl port of arrival, but of the nationalities and occniatiou of tho largo and incrcnriiij: iminijer of iraniigrantH, han iaiponcd additional duties on this diweion. Sjiccial offortH hao been made to induce greater accuracy ou tho part of thoffi who originally record the data, o that tin; compilations published by the Bureau mav be full and trustworthy. Tho importance to cur country of thin annual influx of for-eign-lwm citizens requires more than ordinary care in tho presentation of the facts. Proba blr no emigrants from Continental TuroHi have been moro valued or more warmly wel comed than thoMj who have come from Scaii dinav uu countries. As. translations of the je jKjrt have bocn published in the German and French language, it seema not only pro)t-r. but in a high degree desirable, that tho nativrttoi llicso lorcigur'junincn nuuwu lsj supplied with information in their own tongue in re-gard to the United States. Yielding to a request which has for several yearn been pressed with great urgency, a trans lation of tho rciort into tho Swedish language has been made, and will be submitted at an carlvdav to Congress, with tho recommenda tion that .jO,0W copes b printed for distri bution in .Scandinavian countries. An urgent demand has also licen made for tho transla tion of tho report into tho Slavic tongue, which is sjHikcu not oiilyinKussiaand Poland, but in ISolicmia, Silesia, and Moravia, countries from which streams or emigration would flow to tho finted States if the necessary informa tion were supplied to those contemplating re moval from their iiativo soil. The .English edition of 10,(K,0 copies, printed by order of Congress, for gratuitous distribution in tho United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. is ncirlv exhausted, and a further issue of 5,000 copies orttiis report, wunainapoi mo United State, is urgently recommended. Ah tho report lias lx-en stereotyped, tho of the pjH.r, press-work and stitching would be small in amount. At no period Jlw tho de mand for thin document been more urgent than at present, and at no timo have the Ikjiio titH resulting from its circulation in that coun try been so marked aH in tho recent past. Tho number of male immigrants from En gland Scotland, and Wales during thclat lis cal vcar was almost eactly tho tame as in tho preceding one, being 51,121 in 1SC2 and 51.1 II in 1871, and yet tho increase iu tho skilled oc cupations of" tho adult oor 1871 was 2,681. Iho great cut incrca-o was exhibited in the fol lowing trades: Blacksmiths, an increase of 92; boiler makers, :6; brick-makers, 18; carpenter, :J7(I; joiners. .Ti4; dyers. 22 ; gardeners, 107; jewelers. 40 ; manufacture, (3: masons, 72fi; iinlle. GO; miners, 519; moldere, 82; painters, 179; plumber?, 98; printers, 01 ; saddlers. 30 ; shoomakc, 1G0; spinners, 120; tailors, 33; weavers, 31G, and wheel wrights, 71. Tho immigrants from England included, also, manv small farme and somo profes sional ami business men, bringing with them ready money to invest iu United States bonds and in farm stock. Indeed, tho inquiries of parties who desiro to purchase lands, cither for themselves or for small companies of in tending immigrants, have been bo extensive as to conridcrably increase tho correspondence of the Bureau. Tho total uumber of persons or foreign birth who, iu tho year ended Juno ."0, 187.1, decided to mako tho United States their ruturo home is 159.80.1, or whom 275,792 were males, and 18-1,011 rcmalcs, being an in crease or 51.997, or 131 percent, over the im migration or the fiscal year of 1872. Tho largest increase from any country wai 25,731, or 18 1-5 per cent., from Germany ; while from England, tho ecoss over tho proiou year was 5,037, or 7 per cent., and from Ireland 8.712, or 12J per cent. Tho increase from Franco was nearly 59 per cent., being 9.317 in 1872, and 1 1,798 in 1873. If tho average valno of an immigrant, as stated by thoundert-igiied in tho report abovo referred to, bo $800, tho economical valuo of this addition to our popu lation in tho past jear amounts to ?.Uu,M2, 100. It is respect fully submitted that so l.iruo an augmentation of our national wealth will justify tho oipcndituroof a sum sufficient for tho diffusion or such information as will sero to increase tho voluino of this tido of immigration. Newspapers. Their value is by no means appreciat ed, but the rapidity with which people are waking up to their necessity and usefulness is one of tho significant signs of the times. Few families are now content with one newspaper. The thirst for knowledge is not easily satisfied,and books, though useful, yea, absolutely necessary, in their place, fail to meet the demands of youth or ago. Our country newspaper is eagerly songhtftnd its con tents as eagerly devoured ; then comes the demand for the city news, national and foreign news. Next to the political come the literary and scientific journals. Lastly, ami above all, come tho moral and religious journals. All these are demanded to satisfy the cravings of the active mind. Newspapers are also valuable to ma terial prcspcritj. They advertise the village, county or locality. They spread before the reader a map or. which may be traced character, design and progiess. If a stranger calls at a hotel he first in quires for the village newspaper"; if a friend ceunes from a distance the very next thing after family greetings, he in quires for your village or county paper, and you feel discomfited if you arc un able to find a late copy, and coufouuded if you arc compelled to say that you do not take it Newspapers are just as necessary to lit a man for his true position in life as food or raiment. Show us a ragged, barefooted boy rather than an ignorant one. His head will cover his feet iu after life if he is well supplied with newspapers. Show us the child who is eager for newspapers. He will make his mark in tho world if you gratify that desire for knowledge. Other things be ing equal, it is a rule that never fails. Give your children newspapers. Somi Carolina. A correspondent drown a nivlnuckolj picture of the de cadence of South" Carolina. He esti mates that over HO per cent, of the farmers have lost money since the war, and mentions one 3,000-acro tract of laud that has been sold four times under the Sheriff's hammer since 1S6."). Be fore tho war, he says, the taxable prop erty of South Carolina was valued at about $4SS,000,000 ; in 1870 it had fallen to $S4,000,000, and the decrease has been steadily progressing up to the present time ; but the taxation before tho war was only a little over S400,'000 anuuallv, while the taxation in 1870 was about $2,100,000, yet the State taxation debt has increased from 0,000,000 to something between 10,000,000 and $20,000,000. The new Trinity'College buildings at Hartford ar- to consist of four quad rangles, and they will contain within them nearly fourneres of ground. The plans contemplate furnishing accommo dation for three hundred students, though at fiist dormitories for only one huudred and fifty will be ereeted. The plans have been prepar- d by a London architect, and tho architecture is to be the early English which, flourished in the thirteenth century. Suxt the Door! An Iowa magistrate, before whom a man was brought charged with cuffing a servant's cars " because she left a door open six hundred times," discharged the accused, on the ground that leaving a door open was a technical assault, as it involved bodilv injury, and that therefore the cuiF administered by the defendant was given iu "sell-de- lense. ir.lfHMMr During tho early part of tho flight every precaution in adopted to prevent leaving a heary trail, or one easily to be followed ; to tins end, instead of moving, as is customary, in single file, tv ." ..iIi-. i..c t it. tnereoy leaving a kiimujj uuuhwi pain, each warrior moves independently of his fellows, .until all danger from pur- suit is safely passed, when the party fidls into single tile, and, with the chief ' at their head, moves along in almost i -Him,., If lnrincT an attack . uponthc frontier settlements the In- ' 'diaus bhonld encounter unexpected and , successful resistance, ueces: iU-tins: nrematuro withdrawal and flight on i their part, tliey sua resort io uiraiagem in order to (secure theii safety. In ac cordance with a plan previously formed and understood by each member of the . party, and spccisilly provided for an emergency, the war party finding thoia sclves aliout to encounter successful re sistance of the part of the frontiersmen beat a hasty retreat ; but instead of taking their flight in a singlo direction and in one party, thereby leaving an unmistakable clue for their pursuers, the entire party breaks up into smaller bands, each apparantly fleeing in an - - . . ! L 1 . A. A independent direction, a few of the best mounted usually falling behind to at- , tract the attention of the, pursuers, ami give time to those of the party who aro burdened with prisoners and captured stock to make good their escape. In j biich an emergency as this a rendezvous , for the entire party has been previously fixed upon. Its location is usually I upon or near some water-course or prominent landmark, distant perhaps ( tliifi? tr fnrfv mill's f liitlior "ill Slilsiller parties dirocU their course, each by a j separate and usually a circuitous route, ana luieaueu ior at me oinces io wnicn Should either of these smaller parties they were addressed, number 268, 420. find themselves closely pursued, or Total 4,102,;U8. their trail beiug followed and all ellbrts . How to Tiuut J.ntNS. The less that to throw the pursuers off prove im- j simple cuts, bruises and bums are med availiug, .they relinquish their plan of , died with, the better. If they are kept uniting with the others at the estab- ( clean and excluded from the air, nature lished rendezvous, as that would im- , will take care of the healing process, peril tho safety of their comrades, and The halves and lotions so commonly select a new route leading neither in the used are generally irritating rather than direction of the rendezvous or of the i beneficial, and hinder rather thau hasten village, in order not only to elude but the cure. For cuts, a little court-plas-to mislead their pursuers. Then en-1 ter to keep the edges of tho skin togeth sues a long and tiresome flight, until, ,er; for bruises, wet cloths; for burns, having worn out or outwitted their pur- a covering of dry, wheateu flour is suers, of whose movements they keep usually all the tieatmeut, and the very themselves thoroughly informed, they best that can be used. If, from an un make their way'in safety to the vil- healthy state of tho body, or from ex lage. At the latter outlooks are eon- ternal irritation, inflammation is pro stantly kcpFbn some prominent hill to ' duced, something more may be rc watch the coming of the absent warriors quired, the remedy varying with the and give notice of their approach. A special case. war party returning irom a suceessiut raid intothe settlements, and bringing I wiin mem prisoners ana capiurea stock, is an event of the greatest im portance to every occupant of tho vil lage, naving arrived within a few miles of the village, and feeling safe from all danger from.pursuit, the chief in command of the war party causes a. signal smoke to be 'sent up from some high point along tho lino of march, well knowing 'that watchful eyes near the village are on the alert and will not. fail to observe tho signal and understand its meaning. Ucn. Ctistrr, in Galaxy for December. Advertising in Dull Times. The Milwaukee Wisconsin relates tho following : "After tho crash in '57, when every body was almost scared to death, fcnud the croakers predicted that the coun try had gone to smash, a dry goods house was opened iu this city, which proceeded on tho principle that in or der to reach tho hoarded money in tho pockets of the people, the proprietors must sell at very reasonable prices ami advertise very largely. They worked vigorously upon this principle. Their brother merchants who did not adver tise predicted that the new comers would be ruined, as they paid too much for advertising. Nevertheless, they persisted. In a single year they paid live iiuniireii dollars m cold to tne gold to tl DaiUj Wisconsin for advertising, and atthcendof seven years they retiied from business with a fortune of one hundred thousaud dollars, while other mcrehantH on the same street, some of them opposite their store, had failed." And the New York Juxnint J'ott savs: "We remember u similar in- stance among onr own advertisers in the ---!-- " -- . . .. panic of l&x. A merchant continued his advertising in our columns during the whole period of stagnation, and not withstanding many predictions that "it wouldn't pay." His testimony after wards was that hir. sales were steady nnd lus profits satisfactory, while many a merchant around him who 'conld'ut afford to advertise,' saw his clerks stand idle behind the counters." A linancial naiiie'dacHJiot mean that no one has anv money. There is plenty of money in the country, and thoso who hoard it are just the ones to be eager for tho "bargains" which a fall in prices hold out. Hut to buy they must know where to buy, and the merchant Avho tells them will receive their cash. Xeir Use for Steam Apropos of n project for keeping tho Erie canal from freezing by means of steam-pipes, the Springfield Daily Union "goes one better." It proposes to prevent railroads from being blocked up with snow by making tho rails hol low, nnd tilling them with jteani, so that the snow would melt on them as it fell. In both cases it is probable that steam is suggested because the projects would c ... Ar. not hold water. Witkiu nn rVM MitrTifwj. nniiiosed ' tOULLaC; L'.Ua ali:U aL IXJ.. 1 to keep the SSt. Lawrence " r-- -- -. - - i . sit ; Quebec I roiectin" a I open dunnc the winter iiy projecting a stream of boiling water into it ; but as is too often tho case with the inspira tions of great intellects, the project was suffered to collapse" for want of .faith in it. Ax encounter of a fearful character recently took place at Constantine, Algeria, between the Jews and Aralis. A 5 .Tp-rinri fnnornl rrrfssinTi daaspo1 through one of the principal thorough- fares an officer of tirallieurs insulted I the mourners br snittine at them, and . using obscene language. Some friends of the mourners, becoming enraged at this nnseemly conduct, attacked the officer, and eventually threw him down a fearful precipice more than 100 meters deep. Numerous Arabs rushed upon the Jews to avenge their countryman, and a terrible conflict ensued, in which several thousand Jews and Arabs took nirr Tim Tlitirv n.-nr ftllrvl nil hnl order was not restored till numerous partisans on both sides were left dead on the field. Justifiable Homi(ide. "Hold on! don't shoot ! Fm not an animal, but a eler, a he suddenly came upon a'hnnter who hadleveled a rifle at his breast, and, an hamcr contains more tnan one seemed about to fire. " I must shoot- fourth, divided between the Shit of you," was the omfnoiu reply : "I'm un- J Pennsylvania, Maryland.'vVest Tirgima, ijera tow to do it. I vowed years ago ! Ohio, Tennessee and Alabama. that if ever I came upon a man uglier than lam, Td shoot him down on the The total taxable property in Phila spot." The Wavelet gave the hunterone dclpbia, this year, is reported at &A3r J searcking glance,"nd then, with deter- pweii yoioe, 49u rooou . ai- ittwigliecthatt youjuc,Xdou't wont to I ,,ve V"5 crack oi tlie hunter's nfltrl WU8 ll0t "car"- mitw T . . , . , ; T w calculated that nearly, lf),000,-' (XX) nouuds of fruit mve Iw.n ,. .. g ;IU'1 f ' "."nst ".000,000 , . . , -; .:." rn-1"1 l" i aouvj iun year, a IHJiinus exported in , . . , 18G0. Minnesota has more miles or railroad 'IU Massachusetts, the former having l.H)b and the latter l.fsiS. Tn ISir'. M....- fachusetts had 1,-J and .Minnesota oiilv ihs. Tub St. Paul JW says tho wheat crop of Minnesota will average a trifle ever seventeen and a half biihhils n..r acre, and aggregate for the State '.- . ! oul,:jfJl bushels. ' Tin: amount of land devoted to wheat ' culture in Great Britain is only one-half ' larger than that devoted to the same ob-' jeet in the Shite of Illinois. Illinois has j 2,."i()0,000 people, to supply ; (breat Brit ain, 1,000,000. The annual importation of preserved i figs into the United States is about 0,000,000 pounds, and the importation price or cost is about seven cents per pound, amounting in round figures to j $120,000. Ncaily nil the figs consumed tjie United States come froi Turkey which coimtry .j sni,piies t! urij. ain with the s:ime urtit;le Tin: enormous list of leltcis sent to the .Dcud-Lctter Ollico for the year 187: will give an idea of the increasing busi ness of this branch of the General Post office Department. During tho year the number of dhmestic letters has been l,i;,J)2S. Foreign letters, that, is let tors received from foreign countries and Deep-Sea Discot crie. One of the discoveries, made by tho deep-sea soundings of the Challenger j expedition, which arrived recently at Bermuda, from the Azores, is a moun tain ridge that extends from Greenlaed to the month of the Amazon, on the coast of South America, and includes tho whole volcanic region f tho Azores, This ridge is nowhere more than two miles below the ocean level. Toward . tho east it is divided between Europe and Africa by an immense valley from two and a half to three miles in depth The vallev reaches north of the equator as far as the fifty-second degree of lati tude. If this valley were not under water it would present a view of whose magnificenco no idea can bo formed, for in tho north it extends to the gigan tic mountains of Capo Verde and the Canary Island, the latter of which, with the Peak of TcncrilVe, would be 2(,(KK) feet iu height. Madeira .would command, from a height of 20,000 feet, a view of this, valley and another stretching toward tho Mediterranean. On the. western side of the ridge is a vast undulating plain, which txtends at an average depth of two and three-quarter miles to the American coast. Ber muda, which rises now only 200 feet above the ocean level, is in fact an iso lated column lH.OOO feet high, which would overlook an amphitheater of at least oOO miles in radius. Between the I West Indies and America, and in the rvieinity of Trie .V.ore.s, the water is of uniform depth and warmth. L here was not animal life found in the great depth. The blind eru.staeea appear to belong to the Western hemisphere ; m I this part animals require many . eyes. A sea g) A sea garnel was caught which, I T , , , '. i i r ...... i . singular to rotate, uati ionr eyeH, two oi to relate, had four eves, tw which were in the front knee joints. A Printer Prince. The Prince Louis of Hesse, mentioned iu the telegrams us being on a visit to ( ultimo, is Piinec de llatli ubittg, f the i lioval Allroct. lie is on a month s favorite i leave of absence, and is a great with Halifax people, with whom he has associated for smo four Veais Why -- ---.,- I his presence in Ontario should, as the telegram states, "create surpuse, we are at a loss to imujzii Jnnco de Ihittenburg, we may mention, is like all Cicrmaus of high birth, muster of a trade. His is that of a printer, and when tho llbyal Alfred's ball, in honor of Lady Dniferiu, was on the Utpis, he showed his proficiency in the following way : Owiug to the accident-which hap pened to Mr.. Theitkaton, the head of the Jitporhr's job 'printing department, it became almost iiupossililo for us to undertake, in addition to business al ready in hand, theiwork. of setting up aud printing the "dancs cards." The Prince, who brought the manu fccript, on learning the ditllculty, im mediately took off his coat, went to work, and set up the list ol names, ac- couiDlishinir tlie task in a workmanlike '' . - nirnincr. -xniryi7..-a -.' ca Triio nap- pe?d to have preserved the programme lna.v lsWj attach greater value to it on that account: Jlanjar ncporicr. A Ccrb. To the unfortunate victim of dninkenucss we recommend the fols lowing cure: A mixture made up as fol lows, and taken iu quantities equal to an ordinary dram, and as often as the desire for strong drink returns, will cure tho worst case of drunkenness: Sulphate of iron, nve grams; pepper mint water, eleven drachms; spirits of nutmeg, one drachm. This preparation actsas a tonic anil stimulant, ana parti ally supplies tho place ot tlie accus tomed liquor, and prevents the absolute physical and moral prostration that fol lows from a sudden breaking off from the uk: of stimulating drinks. It is to be taken in quantities equal to an ordi nary dram, and as often as the desire of a dram returns. EXTENT OF AMERICAN COAI FlELDS. Missouri, 100.000 square miles ; Ilhnoif, .72,000 ; West.Virgima. 16.000 ; 1'enncs- S4je and Alabama, 14.000 ; Pennsylvania, 12,000, of which oOO are anuiradio; Ohio, 10,000; Michigan. 9,700 : Texas, 5.500; 2iew "England, 700; Maryland, --i .1 .1 . .TJ(1 lllfl cnovA o-K.1 ; anoceuitr ouic .jv.vw . miles, of which the to-called Appalachi j 243,535 a gain over last TAr of 521,- utvn.- X Nation- of Dvarerrics. We live fast dissipato in everything except rightcoii5ueu3, and fill early graves. We drink all kinds of poisoned alcoholic spirits, ntid swallow, without mastica tion, jrcrk, grease, and every conceiva ble etrbonaceous, soiil-nwarnug, iiie-ue strom g, sTslcm-elogging, indigestible Dr. "Walker's Veuctaulk Vink- -c' foot!. ii n BiTTEns cannot stop this-in a radt- esl manner but it will rtmovo the evil fleet, and tho recovering patient, with fresh, pure, vitalized, b'ood flowing th.oi'gh his arteries and vein, will have a clearer hiid and ioler j ulgin-'iit. which, coupled "with ixperi-eu-t, will cause him to abstain in the future. Good, nutritious, digestible diet, which th" most delicate stomachs may take, can be found in eracked wheat, corn bread, tomatoes, raw or soft-boiled eggs, baked apple?, boiled rice, pluiu rice pudding, corn starch, rare beef, mutton and poultry. With Yi.neg.1i: Bitter and moderation iu eating and drinking, there is no inclin able case of dyMpsia. -l Tin: destiny of the Modocs is undei "od to he df-pcrsinn among a dozen or more tribes iu and 'alwut tho Indiati Territory, although for the present they have been placed among the Qua paws. Bkv Wood won $.0,000 on tlw result of the Ohio election. Co.NsmtrriON-, the scourge of the hu man family, may in ur i.uly utae tx: promptly arn'riiMi hihI prrnuneiitlvciucil. Kwi Nhwoon. V Va., Oct. 23, 1S72. V. iyri, ; Sin: Tor iho lat-tcir I have boeti uving your OoUluu Iw-oxcrv. I unn uiv life to it. Iiawn,; 1 cn a ill ctM fir" tar. lul not use it but n bliori limn '.xifoto I wad bouelittxl; at that timo I wu e-y Lt, not alo to sit up mncli. w.i ssifTrnn crvat)yith my tuiou, w&s ottiiii; l'!.iil, hud a ili y cough ami much pain iiiiiiy tunge. 1 hac nsel twelve bottlca of tho Discovery, ami am nhivrtf well. Kate P Waiuixeu. A feon of ilr. J. 11. Mi-sun, of Cliatham Four-Corners. N. Y., lis been cured of Con sumption by Dr. PierceV '.Jolilcn Motlical Dif cocry. SoayH Mr. C B. Canticld, editor of tho Chatham l'onnr. S. U. lioKAii. dnicsirt. of West Union. O., wnteH to etato that Dr. I'lorcc' Golden Medi cal Discovery hah effected a wonderful euro of Consumption in hi a neighborhood. Com. Cii.ria:i Hands, fnee, rough skin, pimplce. ring woi m, f-alt-ihciim, and otliorcuta uetitia affoctionH cured, and tho skin made t-oft and t-niooth, by UMiig tho Jt MiKit Tan Soac. madu by Ciswe!.!.. liAZAnn V Co.. Now York Do certain to get tho .fMiior jTir Sdiy. made by iiu, an Ihuroniu many imitation made with common tar which aro worthless. Com. rKitsoNSwho have bocomo thoroughly chilled from an caiwe, may hao their circu lation nt oneo fer-tored by taking into the ftomach a teacpoonful of .Matron' Anotiin l.iin'iiirnt. mixed in a little cold water, woll sweetened. I Com. Eveky farmer, who owns a good stock of hor.-Cf, cattle and tthvep, and intend to keep them through tho winter, should get at oucoiiKoodutocliof Hhiritlnn's L'ncalry t'vn ilition I'otcthrr. Ono dollar' worth will have at loaet a half ton of hay. Com. Til flIOUSKIIOki IM.XACKA, AND KAJI11.V WS1MK5T, Is tho bet rcmr ljr in the world for tl following complainta, vl. Cramps In the Limbi and Stom ach, rain In the Stoinh. Bowrln, or llitc, Itlrn rnatiim in all tu fuimt , Ktlious Colic, uraKla, Cholera, Pyicntorjr, Colili, l'lcih Wouidi, nur, Sere Throat, 8plnal Complatnti, rVratns anJ i nrultci. Chilli and Kcvcr. Kor and K- i tartml me. I ita operation l not only Io reliern Im patient, but mtlrrlv rcmiiTci the can , of Ihirumplalnt. ' m whol. yitrm. rts t Ut partiand qul.k- It penotratra and pcrTde th itorltik-healthy action to all t partialis i rnliitr the blood. TIIK IIOUSKIlOI.n I'ANACKA 13 I'UIKI.Y VKO KTAIU.K and All Healing l'rcparcd by CUKTIS.t BltOWN, No. ttlft Fulton Street, J"w Tork. I'or talc by all Drusulat. THIIITI' VKAKS" KXI'KUIKMK OK A.I (IM) MIKHE. KS. WIKGLOW'S SOOTH I KO 6VRT 18 TUB I'RESCU'TIOKOK tine of the belt Fetale rhl clans aud tturics in the United Stat, and ii been ucd for thirty yeara with nor fallsig isfety and mcccii by mllltoni of rothert aid dilltlrcn, from tho feeble Infant of onrweek oldto the adult. It correct! acidity of the lomach, r liovpg wind colic, rrgulatci the bowel, and Rlw- rest, health an I comfort lo mother ant child. Ve bclleTn It to be the Beat and Surrit jlfncdy In tie World Iu all raira of DYSKNTKRV and UIA.V nilKA IK flllt.HRKN, whether Itariies fron Tccthinjro'' from any other rauie. Killdlrcctlun foruitiK will arcompany cath Inttle. None Oem I I ! . .. SOI.n BT ALL MEDICINB DEALKIB. Ittow II Ilronrlilnl Trorliin iii- t nii"l Mil Cnlala. a rovoii, on ?onK throat Kr-uirea immcliale attention, and ibonld be Cbeiked If allowed to ..-itlnu lkbiTaTioi)r nicLfTon. a rrnatat MTiitOATAri-tiTioa. a ilsrAr: 1 often Ihe rnl 1-ccuKAnt.R Lv.I) UROW.V S IIKONCIIIAI. THOCIIKS, llariue a direct Inllnence on th" paita.eiT imr diatc relirf Kor nno.NClliTH. Asthxa, Catakii CilfCKPTIVK ASH TllfcOAT VlfZJkUr, TNOCIILt If nt tl trifA ufici ynd im 5IXOECS am rcm.ic SrrAHXR WiliriiidTKQriiKoiirfiit inrlc.ritiKthcTotcew.rn taken befreaiiitnrfoi i-prakirtr, and rrlitTinirlhr ( throat after an nuutual exert Obtain only "Brows' TtKO.xcintt. Taotn.',' ,ii(l do not take auy of the nortblen imtutbna j Jh vt may be ofTerel. .4'l titrynhtri. CIHI.UKK. OrTKS lArUK SICK, I'ALK AID from no other came than havlntt worm In tha 4 atomat-h. HROWS'3 VERMIFUOE COMFITI wllldeitroy Worma without Injury to tie child, he luff perfectly WHITE, and frfo from llcoJor-1, ltiif or otter lnjnrioui Inirredlents niuallynied In worm preparation! CCRTIS AOEXTS WA.VTKD AT t-uo A UAY and Kxpentea. H.W.HCBDAtD,Hartfvrd,Conn. - 1 Te nate iuonaosK-Miuw? tor Ml IHtl axenta. It will ell better than any thlngyon eTer haodlnl. Sample :5c El'KEKAMAN UFACTURG CO-J 13 Clark or HI Madison SUChlcafo TK.VNK1SKK VAI13I K4JR SAL.K. 1 ICCacrc . Ittiacrr unfler plow, balance timber, i well lmprored; price 15 per acre. Wonld ea chanire f.r pr-du tiro property For partlcnlara addrci Pott AKTKc.Clrariaoiii.Warrea Co..Tna. LOVERS GUIDE1 (Nw Edition) lnitrated. 3Sodel lore lrltern art of tralumtr Iotc and of mar- . rylrswhoand when yon"plear hiw to b hand- I ome rnrt f- r hnnflred of dirae. ain. many . nerar (ccrets. art l. my terle, money maklur meth od. tc. PrlcfoiilyiScenta. Addrr..STKI,IILP A COj rnblithen. Chlcatro, IIU P. O. Hoi 3. KVKltVOK IKLI.U TAKK THE CHKISTIAN LEADER! 4T u riiAn.v. n n.Kittori It give wiihii.a'-r l-:t t Conner t Oil Chrorat; 1 (t.r prefrntcd with any pablication fijeciroen copy t rnt on -rrllcatioo, by atatlBaT , ta eame n tuo paper im Mmirmfiii taken from. Addrt(, CURI3TI aJC LtADER. 2S Veaey Street, Aanti Wairifi. jfawTork. tCi. flflfrdii! AxroU wasted V W AU of wvrba propK of star I. yoaa crotl,sakaiixrBoBeyat wnrk for la tavaf apara ita,oratetiactaaaataslisfea-. torn. l fi a month to mta. woraea. l-y ana "'' 51UU t.. work tor a. PAKIICCI-ARi rKKK-A15r-.. BOWE5 CO JarWn.Obi" $500 RTOARDSHFiHr YOU AaArcaa O. It. jhaUy GAK43KT -a. J KXTaOrSl fcrl- S..r PER DAYCBaliilmior3pHk a) Salary, and e pB(. We offer Itaxd win pay it. Apply ar, CVVlcr4BvC'rt'i, 1HV I endttur ta addrraa X lea t VJo Ml eta wiu recetre.raf. a iit3L? ftaat-, and Inairoctwta Sow to et rlci, Eft-!-UlIC J CUm .Vstw-r Ca, 1 S- ZXaOA-t., Palla., Pa Ine tinlcaa the fac-aimila of CURTIS rKBKINH 1 ance on m-j turiae o ii i.umr. ju ... -- ---..... n-llf.l fruin fit-Lk ml Internal drrarKemrnta an A BROWS, Froprletnrt. i romralf llo"- f-ach ubicrll-r rrrclve vttlbont .,... . .n .... .. .. r... 9Kit T Ko. Ul 5 Fulton Street, NtwTork. i dlat two bjjntiful r-Wtnre. which are ready for maner, in-.-... , ,'a . ...i. . -.,- D..CE., . . .u. ,,,vi.. .!'-. .,..,,. Pnrtrr.Ae. Ila-k number furnl. yirfs. ""V;t'K-m ' '" :"d;v"riM;v;Tf.mi.v.nnf;:i;;.nyVo - reduced rates Wfrfifimi. ot TwniTT-nvr CMT A HOI. i n..t.nlarthat"l Ua rU It haa the target cirruln. KtUUUtU "'" ? Tmmm m " mm """ fwniMfne uvrUf P.mplny the beat llo-rary la .,.i 4otilr, I 3 rr, '4f.OO, H.lililloix 4 l-'l" Ponltry,Secd.,Ac.,nieti-JonmaI.Charabrb,ir,ra enL Kdvrard lwf .ton' erlal .lory I iu.t be- J. .. m,)l. !.' " ' irinnlrjf, back riapter npplled to each uberll ' ' ' . ... PPPI ATllt.i l I knciH'v: fc v-"i.SiF' i fitiJaS'iPt? nHKT' -''iSrSSSl 1 1"- t TIjum U ll I 4 aiAiiii I ticU .,aii Ik ilu !iifcMi. i.ciij)) r t ni in thewiirll limit lnl.f l! nro tiiih, i i will c tt.rxilulc jf tltCjr ae rv.lll :iJ l.ara htvc rtork (Lvibimc. The Iisading Anericau Nowapapsr. ".SKVKR SO 0O0 AS IT IS TO-DAT." Terms of thr Trlliuu. niLTlly nill),onofea-, sit). Saxi-Wt KKLr. ont 'rar. ?J, rt ropie. one yrsr, lil, ten opler(and t ue Klra), utic year, WttsLr, ono year,2, dee n-ple, STii. ten o'plet, M4.&, twent; toplef, 5., and thirty oupirt, - i hirh p Hon procurlii; clnbof tn or moreaiib tritLrrt ir cntttli-d tonn tra S I'.I'KI.V, anil of nfi) t.r more to a MVI-WKKKI.T 1'apera ad dimr t eptrali ly lo t .. h member of . lul.i villi be chained ten cunt ;l.,itn.!ial to Ilia above rate. Spocmieii ptc te t iree The War 1.1 TkikiK aim and ilalm to be the best Jtciiutltural lKr pull.hed It contain! I'lOte roluinns f pe-ul tntrrrtt to farmer and their f.uniUct fuller Jid mure n lutlc in.wkrn -Kraln pro.lnctf. dry J.xn's. an 1 muct-lln.ron and all the aclcultiral.a nrllat k'riirral. urw of the lountiy The Tki.t Ii4 rraMeiandnn trlLntori. in .vriy omity In thu I nltr.l ytatea. arid in thrrefuro rala.ble tu farmer In all part of tho country. 4 Extra I heel " arilonrdi ccatlor ally, and ion tain the latrtt and lot tli-ni; I" art tiicncc, Iiti-ratnre. hlt. ry, aid rrlmtmi nictibii Till fnuiterii Ktr in vt puMUhod ent bv mail to any addrcsi iu thi Unite i SUtrf l One lVillar. Di'tcrtptlTo circuUn, Blvlia full dvtallt i.f tho content of each Ki ra, acnt free. A CHANCITO SAVE MONEY. A IaKxlu nutl a Mr sun cr. UOni FOR IiITTLB fOEL- THAN Till TKtCK Or 0B. Ilia Tbiucxc ll npi'ly tlin itlncljil in rlnct and perlodlriln of tbli rounlrr and Kuroj.r. to.'cthiT tlh eiU't cuitlt ii ut Tim. TuiDIMt, at the f. II iint- jy marked irduitltn from the M'Kti.'ar inl.n ript n j 1 1 c a IMblUhert' With With rrular WVfkly 5rml-W IUr;irr .Mi;4iiic ., Srrlt tirn Miiniiilr - I riv'tr. iili'il'r Tribune jl (O a,r) r, w tt i oo a io 6 0 t cu 7 I'l 4 1) a on () 4 0 Ml) a til .1 CO t Si A Z1 I W ft HI 8 0 3 to :i 6 &) I Oil f ( 6 It) m ft u a ( s m 4 .'i s ro i a w a io ft t) ft 75 8 74 3 Ul t A 6 3 25 5 25 .... AlUiillc Jl.ntlily. . j.... Ilrfrj.r' II iar. ........ s Mrh.Ii. II irp.-r Wrrktr Nrw V..rk WV.-aIy II U !. rhr lllnn W'rctly... Sitrnti:!- Ai:inlrar Atli'l(iii' Journal .... fij,.,-, i,j,, i:,,,. I'upn! ir Btixnre Monthly l'hrt'tioIxKUxlJiiiiriul.. 9-''J ,,"t mim-y for an f the kiTo illrertly to TitK Tuii.Ct, al the p ibliahrj rain, and you will .T'T1 '"j"? ;'"t'r"and iiiaBasltm. Brmlt by "-intcrr I letter, draft on .New York, or poilal "'''" AJre... wiri' llillll'K, .lew Ynrfc. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. '!!', Thiiromronnd of tha mrtatl"' allrratlxea. . .-.TIMinl4( J"H. U' k'la aud JIIidrXe ' rilh llir lo.llJri r f Pr t. ai'iiim Jiil Itim inkti iniiil rmeil ii-rlr of i mrMltitt 'liicl are rrry ptrra- irni ail(4 uiti4ir.H it I nrtfe the bUfl p'UB t i.ut tha luiklnit l.u nr r In the y rtn,tliat unilrriiilne health and rtllr int'i Ironlltac ne .. - .. .K. .k. -!... A. dliorder Kruplli-U" rf Ihr aim ore thr appear hi ... ........ ii. ... .,f ih.ia riinr humor, to aom Intemal orcan.rr ortfann. whi e action they da ranffr, anrl wlioap MHUnt' iftry tllteaie and da- troy ArK-shArani.Aexpf-UtIirrhumorf. frnm tl.oLlco.l W h-t h) f K'"e. the dlaiPler lhr rilur rinj i j. nli ut I hcratnnt r IW f.iwr- .Vlomurli. A '-. I . "''""'VTf ,, m.i-, . P'f ... ".".'.-T'i!- .' Jr.' r w,.;a I vijV'. "Hri". "'" ''ni'' cr-.Trtltrnua Salt Jihrmn ,wl.f Hif. )Ztn'iu tZlfo S.t!r l "" '. .. p, Sttrtlttv Jw rrhinfir.nj Jrr,m internal Micrntnn nil i.lnn aia'. mi. .v unnTO, r..,.ti,i.-tf,n tiuJ (.mrrui VtlllUV. Wll ith their S- caiiurv healltireturiii. racraaaD n D: J. Q. AYER & CO., Lowell, Muc.t rraeticHl and Analytical Cbemlita. Jlid III otl X7rujgif and Ptnlert in Ht&icinK. TAKES onSmt. LattandUett rortl.lnation f r 4Viwrda rr. Aatnti 1 S.iltM.nen ' HcT WiM BEKoriKa'a family neirtpaper Birei eTry inlwerlber a raia of tbe larut and flneit tn.KtKJItAril-two moat attrartlrr abject, niat "take" on ninht- nalntrrt br Sir. "-u l-rVr'and y,t$t Auder'n. a contra! anil companion for her Ilf.fe trVr"'and " '.iaf A'l'rp." Atfentt hare I?l.'IK,,t mct'KSH, rail It "beit boinr inrreo rot iri rr Mr Mowli lonK-ezpeeted ttial Ut Jly W'ift and I" b4r, in this new year Anyone whlr.ff a f '"d 4ry.or an independent bulne. ,u-M vJ - f ag gLB -k . Ur and term V. J. Jf. Va C (Tl I O B lRn .t CO, ,w mmM WLtTrnT T York,Ikntn,Chl-i." WW M WM I Ell Cincinnati and So yaneUcn. (;iFT".niiXBislprss: t-utnuM tfc I l- vEttnltSi Wn-K r-' ,Uv"i. aMS,"n"- A&M-a4.. wauaifiea- 7 "W-v .fnxy llt r- -M43lnullnu-mintM r..u. 3 TtALB rOWERs CO . rmmliT ,5 W nm rqKr. CAsclSBaM. O. T HEA-NaECTAR rtHK HL,ACK TKA with tv Oreen Tta naTor, warrantcJ u, ,t n ta.te. Fr taJe,Terywt,rr. Andfnr ale wnnlnalc only by tta Great Atltitlc A Parfe Tea Co . vo m Flto-t.. and 3 A Ex-''5.nd3rTha-5tar I Circular. l Durrn-t, sew Totk. J O aafllim Xad turvBtt wl;s RU1I 1. 1 Oatfltt Ctaloa.acipletaAd n-eoeil A Kr Clck tlcslari raxa. R.M.reacr,U7ItasQTr-it!.Baum full car- 815 aw- for a fall roarie of Ttlecraf htnr when laarn wua ill 3I.-VKJ1S COI.B1K. Tt,r etrraUr 44ri J owe Coral Calitt. gt. TmOH.o. Opn Pay and Xlaht. M'OKW Xv. Olrl and Boy wasted, u, II T r.r rttTii. and Aatrlraa Jewelry. Bock. fja.-a.'" orapuaxnwai Catah-irae Term.'r. T 0-VirKKRT4C4iAa(Tttta.. BUSINESS. - Xaterpelela Tcair a-4 ralddle-n-d rsen xai tn Joat a ac-rtfal itartlat blt,ro2er-daoprlrtrtacintlfjTprrpar-izt( th3:le t tie Sp'scrtap Buds- Colle. i lpa-aakee. 'Kit. ' Tho Vow WqxS" I llll llll H Iff II I teea-ras XI- t X UV XI wll II Ul t luiriiti' 1 ChEi -TEi wvh T vWPA . tlrV lCk I ffrr uiirifw ni? gHT.ajcr w iurnno in .'"-"- -- -"- ----- iiriitfatAntl 4imit rttitftt snrf .. - Kif F ... .r -: iar(tfi ta -. r i nfirr llf M . m a m. . - a a m . m. m. .& b mnn n . run laininir a ra at rHir era ruir nw w m xv- i wa i mmmWmmX i wHtaWwBawl Family aed ttfcey IMt. THE CEICKET 0 THE HEASTH, TTe w.U iwl It o year, wltt a CHROMO worOi f S.UO, ca receipt ul AI-VO, aad If &ot aU factory aewtllrftarajurBo y prtaip-lT.a kd kepthe CJrcai rr yor trtjoWJe Or for Jtnii, wll trad it three aMwtfc on trial. 0"d yeat csaraate4 $ a day Head JTJ t XS ctnti, mat alk far tcraia to areata. J05ES at HAOLTT. XT BmvlwBy,5w Urfc I GARGLING OIL Tie Stasdard Ltaictst cf tt Usiltd State. iooot tor Hums ami Scaldt, Chilblain. ym praiiu ami our ( httppttt Ihvxtt, Htah iroundf, Mf llUr. f'Mrmi' Vinjii, an.t (Vt-i. Calif at tiii: ufxut. R11.1V rJl ErU. Bisntf lairuil; RSmmmtirm. Itmrrrh. UU cr Mcf, .rr . irpa. t Viinl llrnutt. Utula. MtirW. MUIIW, KTOKy, ' .sTtfcAe cr tlrrraf. a impute, n iMyM. y.-rtn'ilrrrtt frf , iiwlrt Mil. . f!i't tn flttrp, Hv? in lnJtry. LrgSir8t.OO. Jledinta 50c Small 25c i-malt Suo f.-r Family Ite.SftfcuU TIio Utmlins ht lw W In c Unimrnt -inco !.. All i ivV, sjatr trial. lttt U' -iin'.- t faillnH ititt-li.o V'.Ux.'.irnmrrst iirtTil'aK,rir lal cut M-! -in fur no uf Hr.liwivCNanil m t nlol t ft! t,,t t' ' Tt . t.ri;lii oil i f-r -! ! U rr ,H-ta" r .ilir thn vgtKitt tho t uitl .'ilr uif' fthnr onfrif c OitriVt i . huu' uif Itm l3Slalh V"' en. -tI i- xttir It ft i-i'-. o iiuilv tiirt- .Tlcrt-hant i orrtt Tablet. UV ill-it ftir.t liNnl it'i .ti. ami lcf r.):tr Ik tun .MaimUi turcl at UKrkjHirt, X. V., I'SA, y Merchant's Garlins; Oil Co., JOHN HODGE, Secretary. lr. .1. Walker's CaliToruia ;n VSHV HilttMN a:r a pntel Vegetable prepanition, nude ImiIv from tho tu tie herbs louud t i the lower r.mgps ! the Sierra Xi 1 1 Minsof fahfor ni.t, the me di4 mi! rejn of wIikIi are etr.ieted tliereJioin tithottt tho uo of Alcohol. The t'tifttion lit ahiHwt dmlv ;uKed. m the eiuwo of th iinpanilleled rmv4nM of ViNitti jt Htf n:i: ?" t )ar .mnu i r is. that they remove the e.iiiH' of ihe.i.e, ;uid tho patient re covers his Ii4-.ilth. They are tlie great. bloiHj purlller.'iud a life-giving irlttripli a peilect Keuot.itor and Invigonitor of tlie Mtfiu. Never before tn Clio lu-tory ef thi- r.i.iM h.i a iulciHo ln-iu ciiiNiiniiloil j.ii-ii; tho riMnnrkuMi (uinlitii-4 nf -sko it Hi rrKKr in Ih-hHmu' thn Mck of j riTt thmsiM ::i.::: if lu-Ir t. Thoy are .t gi-ntb- i'urrMtii' tu wiil un a Tihu. ri'liuviiig CoiiptiMii r InlliiMiiiiatUin id t lit I.nir .tnl inccrni Or(Ctiiii iu UUiutu Tin propctlies of Pi:. W".t kvm'u Vi.NM.Aii KirrKit.-4 are AiK'rn nt. Ii,iiitiiioU.-, Uiruiiitatuv, Niitilttoiii, Iantivp, Iiuroti Si'ilutup. Countiir Irritant, Maliiritie, Altn Urv. ami AiiU Kilin'-4 K. II. .MrDO.VAM) ,V TO.. DntpclfUamlOrn AptaS.m tr.mrlo.s.InJifirnus and cor. of Vnhmitli)n anil ("hnrltoii t , X V Hold liy all lrKi;tla ami IWalrn. &mvXK&, coNSUMPTroir, Xt tJIXX'O- WIILia-JOaVH Carbolated Cud Liver Oil Iadntlflcfm'itnittnnof two writ known mll rtnr. Ii. tliMirr U flrt to arrant tlio ay. thru build up thr ) item nijflrln llnit the.I.wtrlnfenr. recu The really tartllnj cures prifurincd by Will- - on' Oil are proof. I'irfcitfr .4fbl yn.Ulrtlv !); It I tWj miHt powerful antlptlc In the known world. Ki tvrliielntotlierlrrulatliin.U at oner jrrppl wlih corrnptKin, and decay ceaw. It pnrlfir the mmrra .f dlrar. , O-tUrrr Otl I XatnrrU let artMnt tn relt!ng Confuinpllcm. Put an In largr rtlcr-almiinl lMilllr. iM-urlnuthr liivrnlnr' nlKimliiir. mid ! volil by thr lirt UruKlsNI- l"rtiwr-dby J.II."VII.I.sO,k:1 Jilnw.,.r- Yortt. V siteus Aot a: J ulcl auosuN 4. CO, br. Uu m. Only 50 Cents FOR TIIK FOUR MONTHS. THE BEST FAMILY PAPER. On tlie 1 ?ll of llrtemlirr W fhalt commence the In'erratleu' terlal lry entitled. LARPINGT0N HOUSE! Tartle ni!lrf ua M rent will ,.n yn'trsur Wici, lara eluhl pw fft'toT four m"lh, mntalnlnir Ihi charmloir ! " ir.. ;, C..".4I. .JW. A?et ar4 Plalfir falbw wltk xmjti and other lfrmAiww 4 apphtatwa W l ! prietor. Canar waatel Any pr9n I autharlred U t-tm at t4i rate. Pwtmalr will Sim? tt lh- t .lretUi comDinnicatewitWa Sample -ttlAy 14r. All letter ilvtnM be earefally vMfe. ckmi:k. ik: a. t u-m:i:, liltukrr. Ul.mii.lii. 10E5T3 TASTED FOE THE HISTORY OF THE GRANGE MOVEMENT OH TltS FARMER'S WAR AGAINST MONOPOLIES. a-'ecf the American rariorn aalait tbe ir u-,nof the Callrr.a4 0npfl with abt.yr H .-I-: Tall aa uitl c ffistttil cr ' l re aafl prarc ?fi ib untr 1.1 i-h--w. i Slaibandry. ltobet and pr&pU. It II t Uht. Bend for tpclni pair and ter 1 Air.Tt. and e by It n favr than ay 4kr JlC,k. Addra 5ATIO.VAL yvsvunuo co.. M 1 ... . m . .. -. 8L5 Par Day. urn Astati slC trad a tamp tn a H. Ulatr a 4 . t. Lstxii Mf. n tvn 'e5d la Wall-tr-tC l4 l t fir- n Sfl ni. s-taa paaiVft free VAt- iiaa, Tctaara 2. ra. IUkr ad Brokrr 3 WaiX tet, T NO CURE ! N8PAY! Dr. J KKJlX3Of'niii gt C r ar ee' - rrz -I tm Ch-verte S-"- Ir t-ie -i w-t--a d wt -T f.O f rr- wrratw ." I. M. WHimEie 617 t. CaIta JMract, n.nx qfail Tleiaai taawe. Cs3lta.tti r panptirtfr Caaa-T writ. Jaitp?t.lJ4 tr ya " hn- fra Unnnuiifli. 0tf!My. tu J" frI,t-vcf i.1 tas . bSr, w vZ-- tHtrt.v'- CJI C y. a MaCJH KlTI.ti io tin Kit ri-Kif, n lajl vr WEEKLYWI 1 N J .J I. J...",', " .. .' n r- i "sU-W WaWaWaaWawlWaw- ." 4 -- ! -'X r - 1 t I; y V. w rf r - t 5 4 ji: r i f I ,'i IIU - T i2Sw9 JtSarfMr!' dkttAM ntsj-j.r;'' -i-ei ..s m,-,,7-Mmi a-..-iKrf yfrjiS -Jtwc.---. mkimSffft'i- M