The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 01, 1874, Image 2
-S W- .&?3tej. W A -- 4 2 ' i . r . . w WtLVESS DIRECTORY: . s. kale?, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KOTABY-TiraLIC AHD BSAL ISTATE A9S17T, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Win nefotitibe sale of flcaool Bonds. 4e- larSpcdSISgcnt for School Furni ture. County Superintendent of Public In struction, J. It WILLCOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t KOTAW PUBLIC & SEAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD - - - - NEBRASKA a-IIotnwteads and Pre-emptions sccared. t Special attention given to paping taxes at a discount. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY WABRANTS. LEE . ESTEIX Attorney & Counselor at Law, AND SEAL ESTATE AGIT. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. Will our and sell Real Estate- o coinViMioa and pay Taxes for non-resi dents. S-Special atteDtion"given to tho focation of SOLDIERS' CLAIMS Uuder the act of June'6th. 1872. Claims contetcd. and nil manner of bnsines before the U.S Land Office attended to with prcraptnes" anu uupaicn. LOCAL AGENT FOB 2. & M. S. B. LAKEJ. Immigration Agent for Webster Co. A. H. B0WEN. JA8. LAIRD. BOWEIV Ac LAIRD, Attorneys at Law AND REAL ESTArE AGENTS. esT Will practice in all th Courts of the State. JU1TU7A - - - NEBBASZA PROCTOR HOUSE, G. D. PROCTOR, Proprietor, HEBBON, NEBBASSA. The Travcline Pnblic Will find this Hotel o be firt elass in every respect. as-Carriage runs daily to Belvicere. thonear Mt Station on tho St. Joo & D. C. K. R. E. H JOKES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, 227A7ALS, WEBSTES C0T7NT7, NEB. Particular attention given to Re pairing Fine Watches and Satisfaction Guarantied. (U. S. Examining Snrgeou for Pensions, Family Physician, Tenders his services to the Public and will attend to all Professional calls. F. P. REED, Surveyor & Civil Engineer, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD, NEB. Will proniDtly attend to all business en trusted to his care. Corners established, lines run, &c. 9ST City Civil Engineering a Specialty. CARL WEBER, t UJV8MITH Repairing dono on short notice, in the best style and at reasonable rates. HARNESS SHOP. S. V. Ludlow If row prepared to do all kinds of work IN THE Harness Line. The best of materials used, and all Work WARRANTED. REPAIKIKCt Done oa short notice and at reaeoRable Prices. Shop in McKiTt's Store. Reel CItmel Nebraska Red Cloud Mills. LUMBER, Fetd an Mtal CMStaaHY Hani. larCustom Work Warraated. J. Q. POTTER BRO.t UD CLOUD, MH. VALLEY HOUSE I Red Cliu., Nebraska. a WARNER, Propneter. . iUly . having; efS 3 I is ltie wnareepsm t WEEK THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. C. L. MATHER, Editor. Si THURSDAY, JAW. 1, 1874. CORKESPONUKsTCB Frora all part of the State and eomatry res peef felly solicited . We do not read anonymous letters and com munication. The name ai.d addrers of the wri ter are in all cases indispen? le. as a guaranty of icood faith. Happy New Year's to our patrons and reader, one and all, and many re turns of the brighteetholiday of the year toallofvou. Senator Hitchcock, ever alke to the interests of tho he representsvahai introduced a bill to amend the lawknawn as the "Timber Act," extending the time from one year to three years, and making other improvements to the orig inal law which will bring the thing with in the possibilities of' a poor man. The changes proposed ought to be made, and doubtless will be. On Saturday there will be a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Webster County Agricultural 8ociety. It is im portant that every member of the Board be present, as business of importance wiN come before it. If wc are to have and hold County Fair?, it fa hisih'v im portant that suitable grounds be pro cured before land increase in value to mch an extent as to make it difficult if not impassible to get a place for a Fair, and take such other measures as are ne cessary to put the Socioty upon a sub stantial basis. It won't do to be behind any county in the Valley in anything, and if we are to have a Fair it roust be the best one in Southwest Nebraska. We have faith in the officer and mana agcrs of the Society, and believe that t they can and will make a success of whatever they take in band. Report of the Financial Con dition of Webster County, Nebraska, Dec. 5th, 1873, Treasurers Report for Webster "County, Nebraska, from the organization of the" comity to December 5th, 1873. STATE GENERAL FUND. Dr. Error on assessment $ 79 60 Delinquent 37 44 Cash to Auditor 129 34 JBaJsaeen hancf" 268 01 Cr. Amount of assessment 268 01 24638 21 63 BTATK SINKING FUND. r. Error in assessment 33 94 Delinquent 14 86 Cash to Auditor 49 90 98 70 8 68 107 38 107 38 Balance on hand Cr. Amount of assessment STATE 8CHOOL FUND. Dr. Error in assessment Delinquent Cash to Auditor 57 72 30 27 109 43 197 42 17 34 214 76 214 76 Balance on hand Cr. Amount of Assessment STATE NORMAL FUND. Dr. Delinquent Cash to Auditor. 4 33 24 91 29 24, 2 21 31 45. 27 08 4 37 On hand Cr. Assessment Error 31,45 COUNTY GENERAL FUND. Dr. Error in aseesneBt 17 88 Delinquent 72 34 Warrants redeemed 278 22 S18 44 On hand 17 61 536 05 Cr. Assessment - 536 05 COUNTT SINKINO FUND. Dr. Error in assessment 419 61 Peliaqncnt 1SS. 09 Warrants redeeawd 567 53 1174 23 164 23 1338 46 1339 -3 Onload Cr. BOND FUND. Error iaaenteeaeat Ddiaqaeat 11 94 24 43- 36 37 230 30 266 67 364 67 Oakaad Cr. ent LAND ROAD FTJRjV IW Reesiwanwy Adeeel OahaW 247 85 184 15 432 00 4J3W; DISTRICT SCHOOL jrtJHD, Dr. Error in aseewaseat Deiioqaent ''Paid out i 299 22 420 25 538 OS 1258 52 332 3 1590 87. 1590 87 FUND. 522 77 184 28 On head Cr. Assessment COUNTY SCHOOL Paid to Districts On hand Balance from State 707 05 Received front State. 707 05 Dog tax 54 00 Fine and LioeRse 136 00 190 00 Total on hand POLL TAX. Delinquent Receipts eaneeUed ' On hand 374 28 13$ 00 198 00 336 00 16 00 352 00 352 00 Cr. Assessment DOOTAX. Delirfaeat 23 00 MOO 7709 Oa sand V Ajscssed Taken to School Fund. fit rines and License collected and f transferred to School Fund 1 0O Total Interest collected due 17 41 SUMMARY. tat e Gen 1 Fand. Cash on hand 21 63 Sinking " 8 68 School " 17 34 Normal Seal " 2 21 Total Slate W 86 Cc General Fund, on hand 17 61 Sinking " " 164 23 Bond " 230 30 Land Rad " " 1M 15 DbtScnool " M 332 35 Total t923 64 State apportionment C School 184 28 Dog lax collected 54 00 Fines and License 136 00 - J S74 28 17 41 16 00 SO 44 Inter eat Poll tax .... Old Bond Fond, cash on aase Total cash on hand . ... W.41G 63 Court fees collected and paid til 00. 1 hereby certify that the'abovo is cor rect according to the settlement accept ed by the Board of County Commission ers. W. E. JACKSON, Trees. John R. Willcox Dep. Outstanding Indebtedness of Webster County, Nebraska, December 5th, 1873ras shown by the following list of Warrants .issued : July 3d 1872. Allen T Ayers. Poter-HeacT T B Williams do Peter Head do do W A Beck J C Holoomb G M Taylor M C Judd Jas Vance Samuel Bright A M Talbot do m Judson Bailey Thos Kennedy S 63 00 6 00 11 00 266 66 20 00 73 20 11 12 4 00 9 00 31 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 200 12 00 3 00 10 40 4 00 3 50 25 95 15 00 1 50 17 00 7 50 21 00 10 50 17 50 4 00 2 00 12 00 22 50 7 60 7 60 9 50 9 50 425 do E Peters Geo C Reed N A Ayors D McCallum John R Willcox W N Richardson J R Willcox D McCallum. W N Richardson f Ed Kellogg D McCallum Abe Garber John R Willcox LP Mnnsel GFSchauthal J S Alexander J R Brown J R Patrick Chas Warren J E Cramner Jas Long July 9, Joseph Garber 4 25 63 00 12 00 14 00 8 75 100 00 12 00 18 00 157 00 36 00 40 00 10 00 9 00 9 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 14 00 27 00 15 00 12 00 200 1 00 200 24 00 10 00 42 00 July 10, Ed Kellogg Sept 9, Hiram A Phelpha C & G Rasser 0 L Mather do ASNeff Sept 10. W Brown J A Tomlinson D McCallum Jas Vance A Kincade Geo Gibbons W Fennimore Z Fennimore W D McKinney Ira Sleeper L F Mussel Joseph Hull John King A Stepheaa T Jennings John Dunbar Geo Reed J Kellcy D McCallum Oct 4, Chas Rasser TB William do Silas Garber Oct 7, WEJackao Jamee Calvert Dec 2, J BaUey W McBride Awg Pierstorf SGarb-r&O HSKaby Dec 3 AogPientoii do do 17 00 100 00 3 30 12 55 SI 7 20 95 200 22 00 26 00 24 02 23 56 2 00 3 00 200 200 6 0U 96 00 34 04 28 70 00 12 00 37 80 rso 400 800 200 3S40 DMcCaHi T B WiUiam EdK)Socg FariieAMcWi Jaa 7, 1873. SBcowr Jaa 10. . AM Hardy AT Ayers AM Hardy ATAjxh J R Wltteez Peter Beesl 175 100 100 36 22 11 35 9 8 4 28 do FN Richard T ' Johu A TcBteea - JaaCaitrtrt : d Joha Coda 1 ThoeKBesedy Jan 25, A M Talbot Jan 28, Wm Leetsch J R Laura Alex Riley - Wm C Laird Frank Mattson HDRaney E Peters Geo W Ball F N Richardeo S Garber & Co' do G W Knight ' A Garber 8 Thos Vaughaa WEThora David Luta D McCallum March 14, W N RicaardsotT John Haver W E Jackie W J Harris W Sabine F Houchin IS 00 2 00 17 50 ' 12 75 3 20 7 50 2 50 3 20 . 2 30 Thos Kennedi 3 00 3 00 3'20 , " 7.50 100 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 42 60 46 00 30 00 415 00 60 00 6 40 11 69 7 60 6 10 7 20 48100 37 85 6 00 60 00 110 00 Samuel Garb rbeir" J Sabino A April 1, : " ' Wm Holsworth T B Williams July 11, C L Mather July 15, John R Willcox TB Williams Peter Head A M Hardy John Laverty Hall's Safe Co do John Raeeer A M Hardy do EFearn John Dunbar A T Ayers W E Jackson do . G M Taylor W N Richardsoo July 24, Geo Gibbons Geo B Lea July 26, Wm Sabine Ed Kellogg July 28, Thos Kennedy T a I aird Isaac W Tulleyi A E Reed E B Smith David Luts C C Coon EWEdson FPReed John Barber EFearn D McCumber Jas M Baldwia July 31, vVi J 8 Columbia 7 10 6 30 5 20 30 00 54 90 21 00 6 20 6 70 6 10 6 10 6 30 6 90 6 30 6 20 6 10 6 10 6 10 740 6 50 6,40 7 20 7 30 6 50 8 00 8 00 6 50 7 20 6 50 8 00 7 20 6 50 8 00 8 00 6 30 W C Maxwell M C Sherman Jos Hunter Judson Bailey John Emick E S Doyle EW Thorn Casper Ross Stephen Bayles O McCall James Bailey c Aug 1, Columbus Harrii ZPEatl S S Wells S S Miller James Kirkwood J J Huskins Osborn Avers Joseph Hull John Laverty Mathew Stratum JATulleys S Garber & Co .. S Garber Aug 8, Stephen Bayles Aug 19, W N Richardson Sept 27 T B Williams Thos Vaughan A M Talbot 7 60 7 70 6 80 7 10 7 40 7 75 19 00 10 00 75 00 20 00 6 05 2 00 2 00 4 00 Geo Taylor Sept 28, T B Williams do Oct 2 H D Ranney Oct 7, WE Jackson T B Williams Wm Montgomery Oct 8. Peter Head Peter Head W. N. Riphardson Oct 15, M C Williamsoa Oct 18, Jas AleXaader Oct 23, E S Doyle Oct 24 Farlie ft Motell John R Willcox J A Walker Oct 25, r LHLuoa ZPEarl Nov 3. HiBMtn Holdredge Nov 4 3 00 3 68 6 00 224 65 100 00 200 12 80 31 70 2 51 2 50 19 24 36 90 2 00 2 00 17 60 200 2 00 Wat Feaaiaiore Nov 17. TBWilliasM WNBJekardeM Nov 25 EdKeSogg Nov 26 WaiLeitseB Geo Wheat Nov 29. JWJeaee WmMcKiaaey DecL N A Ayers HB Wheeler ANHardy Dae 2, 46 72 34 60 91 40 54 00 200 200 18 00 200 600 2 00 440 242 00 13 59 11 50 11 35 MtQs4 Dae 5, TBWi ChaeHPeiter 5,587 32 AOADFUND. Dee 3, 1872, " Jeaa 2S 00 33 00 S00 135 00 LTJf easel Jaa 25, 9a aVarpaPaasa? Mank 14 1S73, MBHeNia t B Williaau f do 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 20 Legal Notice. John F. Smith, Plaintiff, w. Aaroe Stephens, Defend Defendant will take notice, that an Order ofrAttachaent was issued in said case oa the 23d day of December, 1873. by Jamea Kirkweod, Probate Judge, in and for Webster ceunty, Nebraska, for the sum of Twenty-nine Dollars and twenty-five cents ($29.25) and costs, and that said case will stand for hearing on the 27th day of January, 1874. John R. Willcox', 26-3 4.00 Atfy for Piaintiff. 50 50 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 89 50 00 20 00 MICHAEL COOK Has fiitted up his New Stone Building for a BIiIiIABI HALL. W8o Liqnors told oa the Premises. J ast the place to enjoy this Popular Gaae in a nice, quiet manner. led ami, Nebraska, GOTO Piatt's Piatt's DRUG STORE JTOXATA. NZBBASEA, For your DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c And you will get them cheaper than Elsewhere. THE ONLY Boot & Shoo Shop InWebster County. -O- JOHN S- PARKS Wishes to inform the Public generally that he' is prepared at all times to take orders and manufacture all kinds of Boots & Shoes In the Eat Possible Style. JesfFine Calf Boots made to order and Pcrfeot Fit Warranted- Repairing on Short Notice. BSD CLOTO. NSBBASIA. LAND! LANDI NOW IS THE. BEST. TIME. To secure CHEAP HOMES. The B. & M. R. R. LANDS IN WEBSTER CO. NEB. Are now in market, and arc offered at Una rata and on ten tears' tixr to actual settlers, at rates varying from $1.50 to $5,00 per acre With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. These lands are among the best io the Republican Valley, and are UNSURPASSED FOR FERTILITY and beauty of Location. Lee Estell, RED CLOUD - - - NEB.t LOCAL ASSXT F01 WX1STS1 C0TO7Y, Will at all times be ready to givo all information in regard to location of land, terms of payment, &o. TEX FOLLOWING XZT2ACT3 From the Circulars of the B. & M. R. R. Co., will in a measure, explain their terms and the advantage offered. Thn niirrhajier an nv cash. Or di-1 Lvide tho amount into three equal parts, paying oae-third down, one-third ia one year, and one-third i a two years, with ioteree at tea per eeat aaaaeUy; er ie-i caa have ten tear' time in which to aaake ap the laai by small annual pay aeats at six per-ceat. iatereet. Most bay oa this latter plaa of TEN YEARS' CREDIT I Ia which ease the perchescr pays at the owtset one year's interest tk six per-eeat- oa the priee. He Bsakes jhree other payaaents, each of x per, eeat at the eoaaBBeacmeat of the seeoaw, third aad fourth years. At the ccmsseee saest of -Jkt ifth year, he pays oae tevesth ef the pnadpal aad eee years latereet aw the resaaiBder, aad tbe saaaa at the eeaasaeajesaeat of each svseeesHre year aati all has heea said at the ead of tea yean. Aav beyeraaa pejriafal at aay tsaae aad get a wamaty deed .fiee efal Bayers oa oar leag aad geamae ereeV it of tea years, are expected to settle aad iaprove their lead at thev eaifieet wtiveaiinee, say wtthaa eae or tweyeaw so as to tatareva aheat threa (eaOe l the lead boaght, withia three years frees dafaef ef- faadaadataaably aevetwalW. A. GARBER & CO. VIDE ROCIL. r m m X DIALXU Uf . GENERAL Consisting of I DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES,. Hardware, . Boots A Shoos, Hats and Gaps, Tobacco Cigars. And everything usually kept in country stores. Give us a call, examine goods, inquire price, and be convinced that the beat place to trade is AT HOME. A. OAI.BSB&CS. n;ew store new store NEW GOODS, eJOHar BEBEXZEX A CO, Take pleasure in informing the citizen of Red Cloud, and the Publio araet i that they have opened out and have on hand a new and compluto stock of Staple ? Fancy Groceries Of every name end variety, selected with jecial referenco to the wants af ( the Peoplo of of the Republican Valley. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. We have, aUo, a fino Stock of DRY GOODS, Boots & shoes- B3T NEW JOHN G. Takes this method to Inferm opened up a new DRY. GOODS Consisting m part of CALICOES. DARK, LIGHT ,t PINK, CHAMHRES. DKLAINKS. LAWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS & LININGS, CORSETS Jt SKIRTS, VAILS A GLOVES, ,.T,r- rn m BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIMS TABLE LINENS, & TOWELING. PANTS, OVER-ALLS & SHIRTING, BOOTMefc MIOEHt HAT; CAPS, COFFEE, SUGARS 4 TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oyster. and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tebaccssr FLOUR. MEAL1& BACON- And everything usually kept in a First dase'Dry Good A Grocery Store. JOH1Y G. POTTER. ' , Red Cloud, Nebraska. LUMBER! LUMBER! W. L. VAMALSTYNE red coun, - - I jtebrasm:. DKALKRjIX PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINCLEt Doors? BKndSf Sash Mouldings Aad every' Ankle aaaaliy kept ia a Tmk Claw Lessber Yard. MrPrices invariably W Dollars m advance of railroadXprieaa, I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ANY.BILL.THAT C'ANOOl 1 AT JUNIATA OE HASTINGS. Republican River STAGE LINE. jQjjr XXXLST, JrtjriaesfS Betaiar tn wil ha iUWATAafid REN CLOUD Oa TataJayj aaa Wedoeaaey ef eaeh week, iahal Wf leased to earry aas saagers aaea the dxy aseatteeed, r. iagJaaiata, at a. x. ea TWa7, 5 Cfcad at a. sl, Weaa4eJ5 - JWEBjRASMT49 MERCHANDISE eft Co., Bed Cloud, Xek GOODS ! POTTER the PUBLIC that he has Just and complete Stock of fc GROCERIES, . -- t a i, Lime. Tarred Paper Etc- IUY YOUR HEDGE PLANTS AT HOME Aad yea w get Qoii Staek. n f aWBHaSavWv aaV asTwBafv OferfbrsaJe the eaauac Fa 200,000 Ossge : Hskagii Plmnt. ONE THOU AND PIACH TUMJ af h. I " X AacS, Wa war I 5aoery six aulea Saachi )KI 8TABLTC 13 20 Cr. JfslJ f f , JmTPnmr . UANU. Aim elaTy. '? rtf t -p w - - fr . lf . J e--::. i -- i 4ta. -y ifc- rL-sMBaaassBBaa! iVj .l-M -- irr 'j2 sf '. v JT C-a-g t