a-.-1 -' ji m.ijjuiniMifirnii 'ir,. I I lll -U --. -; 4 r S&& FARM AND HOME. Houic-madc Horse Power. The cheapest and best way to make a -horse-power for dairy and other light use is to put a light drum on a center post, high enough to have the belt clear the horse's head. Attach a sweep ten or twelve feet long to the center post, so that the track in which the horse walks will be from twenty to twenty-four feet in diameter if possible. Let the track be soft ground. The whole arrangement may be made of white pine, except the sweep, which should be hard wood. Let the drum be about ten feet in diameter and six inches face. Use a two-inch rubber belt. Make a small pulley from four inches to a foot in diameter, accord ing as you want fast or slow motion. If you want the motion still faster, gear up with a second belt and set of pulleys. The direction of the motion may be changed by quarter twist in the second belt, or bypassing the first belt over idler pulleys. This arrangement will be almost noiseless, while the clatter and jar of a circular platform would be enough to drive a sensitive or nervous person almost crazy. Besides, it is much easier and safer to teach a horse to follow a circular path than to keep his balance on a revolving plat form. ' Ripening of Frnlt. Prof. Turner says : "Previous to ma turity, fruits are formed of compact cel lular tissue, containing the elements of woody fiber, and filled with a liquid con taining very little sugar, a gummy sub stance and a large quantity of free acid. During maturation a part of the acid dis appears by the action of the oxygen of the air, and the cellulosetissue dimin ishes and the proportion of sugar in creases, insomuch that instead of hard, woody acid fruits, if the maturation has been complete, fruits yield a sweet, sir upy juice." According to Prof. Mulder, "fleshy fruits and several kinds of berries ac quire while ripening a much greater pro portion of sugar than they contained before maturity, although full grown. Kipe fruits have not an acid taste be cause they contain a large quantity of a basis by which they are saturated, and not because they are disguisedby sugar. " Fremy says : "At the moment of ripening, the acids of fruits are par tially saturated, and form salts of lime or potash." How to Pill Empty Comb. A correspondent having asked Mrs. Tupper the following question : " How we can best fill up a number of hires of empty combs with bees? We have ten living colonies healthy, though weak, and twenty-nine hives full of comb," she re plies, through the Iowa Homestead, as follows : " The best way to fill up your comb is to watch the bees, now that warm .wgathprlmH fomn, anil nvpry few dnja put one empty comb between two that the queen has filled with brood. In this way you will soon have any hive full of brood if honey is plenty; if not, you must feed quite liberally with sugar sirup. There will be no trouble in getting your hives all full of bees again if you manage in this way. If the season is good, it may be necessary for you to extract honey frequently from the comb to give the queens room." The Nature ofGnano. It is a generally received opinion that the deposits of guano are exclusively the excrements of birds. Dr. Habel has in vestigated this matter microscopically and chemically, and has found that after treating the substance with an acid, the insoluble residue is composed of fossil sponges and other marine animals and plants precisely similar in constitution to such as still exist in those seas. The fact, too, that the anchors of ships in the neighborhood of the guano islands often bring up guano from the bottom of the ocean, is quite in opposition to the prevalent belief. Dr. Habel there fore considers that the deposits of guano must be the result of the accumulation of fossil plants and animals whoso or ganic matter has been transformed into nitrogenous nubstance, the mineral por tion remaining intact. Cliarconl for Poultry. The benefit which fowls derive from eating charcoal is, I believe, acknowl edged. The method of putting it before them is, however, not well understood. Pounded charcoal is not in the shape in which fowls usually find their food, and consequently is not very enticing to -4hem. m- ' I have found that corn burned on the cob, and the refuse which consists al most entire lj of the grains reduced to charcoal, and still retaining their per fect shape 'placed before them, is greed ily eaten by them, with a marked im provement in their health, as is shown by the brighter color of their combs, and their sooner producing a greater average of ejgs to the flock than before. Poultry World. A Fccd-Cntter. A correspondent gives his method of converting a mower into a feed-cutter .. follows : Place the machine standing upright on the back end, and brace it firmly. Then brace up the bar so that it will be steady, and fit a board on the top of the fingers of the guard-bar, so that the hay cannot get over the bar. Then make a table to feed on. Throw the machine into the gear, put the hay on tho table and turn the wheel. The hay is fed against the under side of the bar. With a horse power and belt to tho wheel, this makes a first-rate power feed-cutter, doing tho work fast and wclL French Beans. m$ra eTAmcrican Grocer says that 800 bushdBOi' beans are on the way to this fntry from France. The lateness of our own crop has left the market bare of supplies, and thiujjranr-rrence of the import oUM - nconse- qnence. jg ' L A CHECKER-BOARD CRANIUM. , Here is something remarkable. A woman in New Haven was recently be reft of her scalp by the idiosyncracies of a shaft and belt. The doctors saw that to remedy the evil they would have to recourse to transplanting, and so they actually succeeded in getting a sufficient number of pieces from other people's heads to give this unfortunate woman a new scalp. We hope those New Haven doctors used more discre tion than did he who attended a man named Finlay, who met with a similar accident in Oriskany, N. Y., some thir teen years ago. Bits of scalp from seventeen different persons were secured by this doctor and adroitly stitched to the head of Mr. Finlay. When it was done, people came miles to see Finlay's head, and Finlay himself, with his checker-board cranium, was the happi est man in Oriskany. But when the capaliary glands got in working order, and the hair commenced to grow, the top of that man's head presented the most extraordinary spectacle on record. The doctor, who was about half the time in liquor, had consulted expedi ency rather than judgment, and secured that new scalp without any reference to future developments. We never saw anythiug like it. Here was a tuft of yellow hair, and next to it a bit of black, and then a flame of red, and a little like silk, and more like tow, with brown hair and gray hair, and sandy hair, and cream colored hair, scattered over his entire skull. And what a mad man that Finlay was, and nobody could blame him. He would stand up against the barn for an hour at a time and sob and swear. It was very fortunate that the doctor was dead. Ho went off two weeks before with blue aguo, which is a mild sort of disease. Finlay kept his hair cut short, but that didn't make any difference. Then he tried dyes, but they only made matters worse. Then he got a wig, and this covered up the de formity ; but sometimes at church he would get asleep, and the wig would fall off, and make the children cry. Once at the county fair he fell asleep and the wig dropped off, and the com mittee on domestic goods, when they came around, stood in front of Finlay's head for some five minutes in wrapped delight. They then immediately decided that it was the most ingenious piece of patch-work in the list, and never discov ered the mistake until they attempted to pin the premium card to it. At that Finlay awoke, and knocked down the chairman of the committee and chased the others out of the building. We hope those New Haven doctors have been more particular, as it is not a sub ject to trifle with. Danbury News. I'RECOCIOUS PRIGS. One of the most ingenious and daring thefts on record was perpetrateda-sLort time since at the village of Brierly Hill, England. A lad entered the store of a grocer of the place and bought a roll of bread, which he asked the man to stuff down the back of his jacket, as his com panion outside would take it away from him if he saw it. The grocer complied with the apparently innocent request, and having had his loaf placed in its original hiding place the boy left. Hardly had he quitted the store when another lad rushing in, exclaimed : "Do you know what that chap has done ? he has prigged your watch ! " The grocer looked in horror, and saw his watch chain dangling and his watch gone. " There he goes ! " said his informant, pointing to a figure seen going down the street ; and the storekeeper immediately rushed out in pursuit, leaving the store unguarded. When he reached the cor ner the supposed thief had vanished, and returning to his store he found that during his absence the informer had emptied the till and gone off with the money. The two thieves have so far escaped caphire. JPENNSl'L VANIA ENTERPRISE. The project of laying down a pipe be tween the petroleum region in Western Pennsylvania and some seaport city, whereby crude oil may be sent to an ocean market cheaper than by railroad, has been revived. Just now Pennsyl vania seems to be ahead of the world in the matter of starting enterprises, of which piping oil to New York or Phila delphia is one. The Trans-Atlantic bal loon voyage originated there, as did the scheme to render the Ohio river naviga ble by pumping a supply of water from Jjflka Erie. Some time since a Pennsyl vania man suggested that salt could be male much cheaper by bringing brine from Syracuse to the coal beds than by carrying the coal to the brine wells in cars ; bnt New York was reluctant to part with her salt works and the rev enues derived from them. Now an other Pennsylvanian proposes to supply all the cities in the Middle and Western States with gas derived from gas wells, by means of pipes leading'from Erie and other places where" gas fssues from the ground inlarge- quantities. MAN AND WIFE. Among the subjects to be discussed at the coming "Congress of American Women" is the propriety of " an equal division of salaries between husband and wife." A contemporary suggests that this generous proposition must, of course, refer exclusively to a salary earned by the wife, inasmuch as the husband's income is already by law, lia ble for his wife's debts as well as for her daily maintenance, being thus vir tually altogether at her disposal, whilst her own money is legally sacred from his touch, or from that of her credi tors. JAPANESE JUSTICE. A Japanese Police Commissioner has been cashiered, and his entire estate confiscated, for taking a bribe to wink at the doings of a disorderly character. How fortunate thatou?-eiTrhzation is more advance'T' THE SICKNESS AND BE A TH OF CAFT. HALL. A New York Herald correspondent interviewed Dr. Bissell, the surgeon of the Hall Arctic exploring expedition, on the arrival of the Buddington party at Dundee, Scotland. In relation to the sickness and death of the chief of the expedition, Dr. Bissell said : " Since arriving here we find by Amer ican papers that several very silly and absurd rumors of a mischievous ten dency have been abroad. It is quite possible that the Government at Wash ington prefers that we reserve what we have to say for graver discussion, but I must emphatically contradict the state ment that Capt. Hall died other than a natural death. He died of apoplexy. He appeared to be in perfect health when entering upon the voyage. I no ticed nothing unusual in his health up to the period of his illness. The rumor that he was poisoned is too absurd to be seriously entertained. The rumor may have been founded on the hallucination of the raving patient." The Herald correspondent adds : Schumann, the engineer, says that Hall was in continual apprehension of being shot, but was not aware that any one member of the crew more than another excited his suspicions. Another phase of his mania was a determination not to eat or drink anything unless it was first tasted by some person. The tasting was mainly done by Hannah, the Es quimaux woman. When he rallied, and for a while recovered his wonted intel lect, he would say to Capt. Buddington, "If I die, you must still go on the North Pole." He would say, "My last wish is that you strive to get to the North Pole. Don't let my death bo a hiudrance to the accomplishment of this great undertaking." STEPHEN GIRARD' S MEMORY. Stephen Girard," says a writer in a Philadelphia paper, " had a remarkable memory, seldom forgetting anything to which his attention had once been called. As an instance, when, in 1793, his ship Voltaire was built, laborers were scarce, on account of a fever raging at the time, and Girard person ally assisted his favorite carpenter, ' Jimmy Humphries,' in driving in the copper bolts which held the breast-hook fastening in the bow. In 1812, during the war, the Voltaire required repairing, and it was overhauled at Kensington. It was necessary to remove the copper bolts which held the fastening, in order to replace some wood work, and it be came necessary to know whether the bolts had been riveted from the inner or outer side. The same carpenter, Humphries, was assisting in tho repair ing of the vessel, but was unable to find the bolt heads. Girard, who was stand- I ing near, smiled quietly, noticing which, Humphries asked, rather jokingly, 'Perhaps you know something about them, sir ?' The old man laughed, and said: ' Why, Jimmy, don't you remem ber that hot afternoon in '93, when you and I put in those bolts ? The star board ones are riveted from the outside, and the larboard from the inside. Through all the whirling memories of that wonderful head, the old man's mind had gone back to the simple in cident of nineteen years before, with perfect accuracy." DRUG STORES SCARCE IN VIENNA. An honr's walk this morning through the most populous parts of Vienna, in search of aSeidlitz powder, was a fail ure, as far as the object of the search was concerned. We could not find an apothecary shop in all this long walk and diligent search. In the same space we could have found fifty in Balti more, or in any other American city. Being in pursuit of knowledge, we made inquiry as to the cause of this scarcity, desiring to know whether the sages of Vienna had discovered that Shakespeare was right when he consigned " physic to the dogs." The physicians of whom we inquired assured us that, although the people did not physic themselves much in Vienna, an average amount of medicine was consumed. The scarcity of apothecaries grew out of tho fact that the law was very strict as to the quali fications of all aspirants, and that they must obtain a certificate from an exam ining board, all of whom are apothe caries and interested in restricting the number. Thus it is that the business is kept in certain families, and that very few except such of their children as take a fancy to the 'business are inducted to its mysteries. The difficulty that a stranger experienced in finding them was partly owing to the fact that they had no competition in their several neighborhoods, made very little display, and very often had their establishments in back streets or courts, where con venience or cheap rent induced the location. They charge high prices, and are generally quite wealthy. Vienna Letter. PULLMAN CAR COMPANY. Sleeping cars and drawing-room cars of this company aro now in use on 152 different lines of railroad in the United Statos, on which the company have 700 cars in all, and 120 new ones have just beem completed. Twelve millions of dollars are represented in the capital stock. Every car costs from $17,000 to $20,000 ; one of them is running on the New York and Erie broad-gange which cost more than $50,000. A system is in progress under this extensive organ ization by which they will sell tickets in London, Paris, Berlin or St. Peters burg, and contract to convey passengers to San Francisco or any other point in the United States, including everything, not only ocean travel and the care of baggage, but also the commissariat of the traveler, so that he can either find his effects at his destination, or can stop at one or more points for days and resume his journey. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mb. Joseph Arch, the great English agricultural labor agitator, has arrived in this country. Tee cook at a Lafayette hotel is anx ious to wager that he can kill, dress and cook a-elncken in six minutes. The London Cosmopolitan would be pleased to see ex-Confederate Judah P. Benjamin Lord Chief Justice of En gland. Mbs. H. B. Stowe, at her home in Florida, has kept open a school of fifty pupils during the summer at her own expense. NiiiSson's real name was Tornernjeim, but she couldn't risk tho ruination of her voice every time she had to tell who she was. Mb. Mitchell, a California agricul turist, has gathered this year 600,000 bushels of wheat from a little patch of 40,000 acres. If Chang and Eng, the Siamese twins, should get intoxicated, what a picture it would make. We should probably see Chang high and Eng raving. Gen. Myeb ("Old Probabilities") is in luck. His wife, who is the only heir, by the death of her mother, has recently inherited a round $1,000,000. Mbs. Sabah J. Hale, the editor of Godcy'8 Lady's Book, is 85 years old, still vigorous in body and in mind. Her maiden name was Sarah Josepha Buell. She has been a widow ever since 1822. It is said that when tho proof of the new 50 cent stamp was shown to Treasurer Spinner he detected the strik ing resemblance of the vignette to Beau Hickman, and to prevent mistakes had engraved under the likeness : " Sand. Dexter Sect. Treasy. 1801." The Queen of Belgium and the Princess Louise were recently caught in a shower while out riding, and on ap plying at a country inn for shelter were refused admittance, the landlady being suspicious of their character, and say ing that "she didn't want any such per sons." As enormous snakes and Aaron Burr's descendants are becoming scarce, coun try newspapers are searching their own offices for wonderful beings. Tho latest discovered is McDermott, aged 79, of the Jieporter, Washington, Pa., who set up Jeff. Davis' speech with only one error in proof. LONDON PEELERS. The London police force now number 9,761 men, of whom 20 are superintend ents, 262 insp ectors, 984 sergeants, and 8,489 constables. The population over whom these have authority exceeds 3,000,000. The length of streets pa "troled mgnVand day is 6,612 miles. The number of arrests in 1872 was 78,203. Arrests for drnnkenncss are rather in creasing, but crimes are diminishing. The number of thieves and suspected persons in 1869 was 4,336, and in 1872 it was 3,115. The number of houses of bad character has also lessened from 1,740 to 1,148 in the same period. SAB BEATII OF TWO SISTERS. The bodies of Mrs. Everett and Mrs. Constable (sisters), of London, who mysteriously disappeared in June last when they went to visit the horse show at tho Alexandra Park were found on Aug. 21 in the ruins of the Alexandra Palace. No clue has been discovered as to how the deceased found their way into the building. The general belief is that they wandered unnoticed into the ruins and were buried under some portion of the masonry which suddenly gave way. The bodies were much de composed. Their watches and chains were found on them. A HAIRY EDITOR. A. Banning Norton, of Dallas, Texas, who formed one of the party of Texas editors who recently made an exclusion to St. Louis and Chicago, has not had his hair or beard cut for twenty-nine years. In 1844, when Henry Clay ran for President, Norton made a vow that he would neither shave or have his hair cut until the idoh'zed Kentucky states man was Chief Magistrate of the nation. He has faithfully kept his vow to tliis day. BALTIMORE BRICK BUILDINGS. Mr. Boss Winans, the Baltimore mil lionaire, has just completed, in the southwestern part of that city, 113 brick dwelling-houses, four stories high, suitable for families in moderate cir cumstances, all of the houses being laid off and bmff alike, and possessing un usual accommodations for dwellings of their class. These houses cost at least $500,000 in all, and will accommodate about 1,300 people. KANSAS COAL. The coal-mining interests of Kansas are rapidly becoming important. Dur ing the mining season of '72 and '73, 400,000 tons of coal have been taken from the Carbondale mines. From 300 to 500 persons are employed, and the pay-roll is $5,000 to $6,000 a month. The London police report that in the metropolis (exclusive of the city), 118 persons were run over and killed in the streets in 1872 10 by cabs, 13 by omni buses, 1 by a tramway-car, 6 by car riages and broughams, 18 by light carts, 19 by wagons and drays, 30 by vans, 2 by horses ridden, and 19 by heavy carts. The Milwaukee Monthly Magazine for .October reaches ua in advance of tho other monthlies. It iu an excellent number of this sterling and popular magazine. Tho finely illustrated article ou Africa is followed by attractive and entertaining 8toric8 and poerrH, while a practical and profusely illustrated fashion article, and readable editorials on many different topic make tho book com plete. ThiH ia no cheap reliaeh of trashy eto ries, bnt is a firat-claea original magazine, for one dollar a year. Send three-cent stamp for prepayment'of postage, and recivo a speci men copy free. Address T. J. Gilmore, Mil waukee, Wis. Ws advise tLose desiring to become Agents f or reallv valuable Books to address pos tal card to T.EUwocd Zell, Phila., for circular. Can it be Tbue? Within the last few months a considerable number of persons have called upon Dr. Walker, the proprietor of the popular medicine known as Vinegeb Bitters, and as sured him that, in their belief, his pre paration is an infallible antidote for rum and tobacco. The minute details which have been furnished liim forbid him to doubt the accuracy of the state ments. This new claim of a great remedy to the confidence of the public will give a vast and well-deserved im pulse to its popularity. Heretofore the Bittebs have been recognized as a pure vegetable tonic and corrective, devoid of alcohol, and thoroughly adapted to the cure of stomach and bowel com plaints, nervous disorders, bilious affec tions, musclar diseases, and, indeed, a majority of the ailments within the reach of medicine ; but it will also cure the craving for liquor and tobacco, philosophers, statesmen and theologians ought to unite their voices in its praise. Can it be true ? It is easy to test the question. 9 A mosquito in the bush is worth two n the hand. Peerless Clothes Wringer. Chapped Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and other cuta neous affections cured, and the akin mado soft and Bmooth, by using the Juniper Tar Soap, mado by Caswell, Hazard & Co., Now York. Bo certain to got tho Juniper Tar Soap, made by us, as there are many imitations mado with common tar which, are worthless. Com. At the Vienna World's Fair, the Grand Medal of Progress, which was the rec ognition of highest excellence in Pnmps, Hy draulic Kama and Garden Engines from all na tions, was awarded to W. & B. Douglas, Mid dletown. Conn., the oldest and best established manufacturers of these goods in tho world. We see by the Chicago papers that Fbocter & Gamble havo reduced tho price of their long established and popular brand Mottled German Soap, its proaent price and superior quality makes it tho cheapest aa well as tho best soap for consumers. Base-ball- is undoubtedly good exer cise aud capital amusement, bnt it often occa sions bunged eyes, broken skins, and blistered hands. V.To can tell you that in all such cases, if Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is resorted to, it will reduce the swelling and stop the pain. We would not recommend tho fre quent or eoiihtant use of any mediciuo. It is important to take even a good article judi ciously. Parsons' Purgative Pills aro safe, prompt aud reliable as a laxativo or cathartic. The Standabd Vineoab succeeds the Kirchoff Vinegar. It is tho best made. Warrant ed pure. Try it! Orders filled by C. G. Boalt, manufacturer, 252 S. Water st., 'Chicago, 111. Bathijoxe's stoves have been growing in popularity for 35 years, aud are universally known to be tho best in the market. Com. " Half Alive. It is a sad tiling to pass through life only half alive. Vet there aro thousands whose habitual condition is ono of lauguor and debility. They complain of no specific disease; they suffer no positive pain, but they have no relish for anything which affords mental or sensuous pleasure to their more robust and energetic fellow-beings. In nine cases out of ten this state of lasBitudc and torpor arises from a morbid stomach. Indi gestion destroys the energy of both mind and body. When the waste of nature is not supplied by a due and regular assimilation of the food, every organ is starved, every function inter rupted. Now, what docs common sense suggest under these circumstances of depression? The system needs rousing and strengthening; not merely for an hour or two, to kink afterwards into a more pitiable condition than ever (as it assurenly would do u an ordinary alcoholic stimulant were re sorted to), but radically and permanently. How is this desirable object to be accomplished? The answer to this question, founded on the un varying experience of a quarter of a century, is easily given. Infuse new vigor into the digestive organs by a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. So not waste time in administering temporary remedies, but wake the system up by recuperat ing the fuuutain-head of physical strength aud energy, the great organ upon which all the other organs depend for their nurture and support. By the time that a dozen doses of the great vege table tonic and invigorant have been taken, the feeble frame of the dyspeptic will begin to fecLits benign influence. Appetite will be created, and with appetite the capacity to digest what it craves. Persevere until the cure is complete until healthful blood, lit to be the material of flesh and muscle, bone and nerve and brain, flows through the channels of circulation, instead of the watery pabulum with which they have heretofore been imperfectly nourished. TIIK HOUSEHOLD PANACEA, AND FAMILY LINIMENT, Is the best remedy in the world for the following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs and Stom ach, rain in tho Stomach, Bowels or Side, Rheu matism in all its forms. Bilious Colic, Neuralgia, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Flesh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal and Ex ternal use. Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, out entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades tho whole system, re storing healthy action to all its parts, and quick ening tho blood. THE HOUSEHOLD PANACEA IS PURELY VEO etable and All healing. Prepared by CURTIS & BROWN, No. a ID Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all Druggsts. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OIjH NURSE. MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP IS THE PRESCRIPTION OF one of tho best Femalo Physi cians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from tho feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of tho stomach, re lieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child We b'jlievc it to bo the Best and Surest Rcmcdyin tho World in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIAR RHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle None Gcnu ine unless tho facsimile of CURTIS & PERKINS Is on the outside wrapper. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK. from no other cause thau having worms In tho stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFIT3 will destroy Worms without Injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and frc-o from all coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS A BROWN, proprietors. No. i15 Fulton Street, Now York. Sold by Druqqists and Chemists, and dealers in Medicines, at TwEXTy-rivE Cents a Box. The Largest Workshop of the Body is the Liver, whose office it is to withdraw the bile from the blood. When tliis imortant organ acts alnggishly, or front auv cause becomes dixeasiH, Dr. Jayne's Sanative Piils afford immediate relief, and soon bring about natural action. Rklatixo to Mabbiaoe. Important circular to young men and others on Nervousness, Loss of Blemory, Decline, etc. Prescriptions and advice reo. Address Dr. E. Hilton, Cincinnati. Ohio. Siiallkxhkboeb's Fills for Ague. Try them. A dose evcrv other day. One dose stops the chills. Six doses effect a cure, .no nausea, no ringing. -3a A Conflict "as been the forces of the "Old School" practice of poison ous drugs, powerful po tions and pills which have falsely been called Reme dies on one side and Mild Correctives on tho other. For many years tho ddadlvnoisons have had their sway, and potions which might well be called Death's Chained Light ning has been in the ascendency, a record of which may be found in our grave yards. A white slab marks the resting place of most of the be lievers in this false doctrine. But a reformation has bck'au. and the people are fast finding out that in Dr. Smith's OLD STYLE BITTERS they havo a mild, yet perfect corrective of the Liver and Blood: a pleasant, yet reliable alterative; a gentle purgative, a splendid tonic, and a purely vege table and anti-bilious medicine; the only remedy that gives universal satisfaction; the only remedy that Is quick to cure your every nil. Yet petfectly lurmless. ihey are a mild corrective and 'contain none of thotc. "Old School" poisons which have made such 'ad havoc, tho record rf which should make us shudder at the very thought of them. Address, Union MeOiciuc Co., fi and 8 North 24 St., St. Louis, Mu. AGENTS WANTED for New Illustrated Book, WILD LIFE IN THE FAR WEST. Thirty Year adventures among tho Indians, hunt Ing wild animals, in Mexican wars, 4c. Tnritl inglu interesting ai.d very fast-selling. Write for extra terms; or, if you wish to begin at once, send 81 for outfit. F. A. Hutchinson A Co., Chicago, 111. X A. One evening or rather, one night Smndgkins came home very late from the club, where they had been entertain ing celebrated guests. On the follow ing morning Mrs. S. said to him " Do you really think, Augustus, that a man and his wife are truly one, as you often say they are meant to be ?" " They are one, my dear ; or, at least, they should be ?" " And are we one, Augustus?" " Yes, my dear, I think I may say that you and I are one." " Then, my dear Augustus," said the pretty wife, looking meekly up into his face, and resting her hands upon his shoulder, "I wish to express to you my deep regret, and ask your forgiveness for my imprudence last night. Pardon me this once, and I promise you that I will never get drunk again !" Smndgkins says the shot was effec tual. He doesn't believe his wife will ever have occasion to fire another like it. The newspapers have been publish ing glowing accounts of what is de scribed as a daring feat by one Prof. Balleni, at Niagara Falls. A St. Cath erines (Canada) paper informs us that, after walking across the rope, he re turned to the middle of it and jumped then into the river, 150 feet below. The jumping consists in letting himself down by a rubber rope, having good stretching capacity, until witliin some 8 or 10 feet of the water, into which he then quietly drops, to be picked up by a boat stationed for the purpose. Not half so daring a feat as crossing the rope. JSTUSS?. ISP3 SE"T ME FOE PROF. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK Un Manhood, Womanhood and their Mutual Inter-relations; Love, Its Laws. Power, etc. Agents aro sellingfrom 15 togs copies aday, and we send a canvassing book fre to any book agent. Address, statixg experience, etc, NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Chicago. Ilf. 3,000 more LIVE AGENTS wanted for our LIVIN6ST6NE 28 years in AFRICA of adventures and explorations, and search and resurrection by the daring ST AMjEY. For lest terms write to Valley Tub'g Co.. Chicago, 111. ALL Farmers. Dairymen and Stock Raisers want the LIVE STOCK JOURNAL; S1.50 per year. Specimen free. Buffalo, N. Y. MINERAL SPBIHOWATER.-MIL-WAU2EE. Cures Dropsy, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Stone in iut iMauuer.auu uii uiHt-anef i mCiVKlneys anu Urinary Organs. Physicians recommend it. Send for ono of our hooks of cprtiflcates, free of chanre SILOAM MINERAL SPRING CO., Milwaukee, wV AYER'S SABSAPABim FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. This compound of the vegetable alteratiYcs, Sarsaparilla, Dork. Stil lingia and Mandrake with the Iodides of Pot- 'yrtBnniiii !" nun uaja,i o amost effectual enrrnj n m m t mvi.I Tron vnftAB a scries of complaints which are very preva lent and afflicting. It purifies the blood, purg es out the lurking hu mors in the system, that undermine health aud settle into troublesome disorders. Eruptions of the sktn are the appear ance on the surface ot hnmors that should be ex pelled from the blood Internal derangements are thi determination of these same humors to some internal organ, or organs, whose action they de range, and whose substance they disease and de stroy Aran's Sarsaparilla expels these humors from the blood When they are gone, the disorders they produce disappear, such as Ulcerations of the Livrr. Stomarh, Kidney, Lunax, Ernvtions and Erttptirr Dtseanea ot the Skin, St. Antlinntfs Fire, Jlnxe or KryriptJai, 1'imrfe. PustiJei, Jtlntche, Roils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Hheum, St-atd Head, Jtinq trorm, llrers and Snres, Jiheumatism, Xeuralgia, P,iin in the Bones, Side and Head, Female Weak ness. Sttrility. Leumrrhaii arising Jronx internal xUrerntinn antt uterine disease. Drorsy, Dyspepsia. Emanation and General JDtbility. With their de parture health returns. PBXPABXD BT Hz J. 1. AYER & CO., Lowell, Kan., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sold by aU Druggists and Dealer in Medieint. $5 tO $20 classesofi Agents wanted t AU working people of either sex, young or old, mako more money atworkfor lor us in inetr spare moments or tu tne time tcan at anything else. Particulars free. Address O. Htlnson A Co.. Portland, Maine. IMIIEV Made rapidly with Stencil 4 Key Check mUHtl Outfits. Catalogues, samples and full par ticulars frkr. S.M.Spencer,117Hanovcr-st..Boston CffO i A EACH WEEK-AGENTS WANTEX J 4 jtt Jtusiness legitimate. i'art:cn:.i.i- ss legitimate. Pa: free. J. WORTH. St. Louis. Wo. UoiJW. TELEGRAPIIING-A FULL COURSE FOR S'JO, at offlcn connected with Jones' Commer cial College. Rt. Louis. Mo. For circular address J. W. JOHNSON, Managing Principal. rfA VlflfcI "Mmi M4 Pftfcr- NEW YORK, 1873-4. WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. THE WEEKLY SUN is too widely known to require any extended recommenda tion; but the reasons which have already given it fifty thousand subscribers, and which will, we hope, give it many thousands more, are briefly as follows: It is a first-rate newspaper. All the newa of the day will be found in it, conj densed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner. It is a first-rate family paper, full of entertaining and instructive read ing of every kind, but containing nothing that can offend the most delicate and scrupulous taste. It is a first-rate story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are carefully selected and legibly printed in its pages. It is a first-rate agricultural paper. Tho moat fresh, and instructive articles on agricultural topics regularly appear in this department. It is an independent political paper, Belonging io no party, ana wearing no cot lar. It fisrhta for principle, and for the election of the best men to office. It etf pecially devotes its energies to the exposure of the great corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, and threaten to undermine republican.institutious altogether. It has no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It reports the fashions for thj ladies, and the markets for the men, especially the cattle markets, to which it pays particular attention. Finally, it is the cheapest paper published. One dollar a year will secure it for any subscriber. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to havo THE "WEEKLY SUX at this rate. Any one who sends a single dollar will get the paper for a year. THE WEEKLY SUN. Eigbt pagce, flfty-six Columns. Only fl.OO a year, no discounts from this rate. THE SEini-WKFKI.T SUN. Same size as the Daily San, J 2.00 a year. A discount of 20 per cent, to Clubs of 10 or over. THE DAILY SUN. A large four page newspaper of twenty-eight Column?. Daily Circulation over 120)000. All the news for 2 cents. Subscription price SOcentsamcntu.orfC aycar. To Cluba of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Addreas, "THE SUN' New York City. ill Dr. J. Walker's California Yin- egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, mado chiefly from the na tive herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which arc extracted therefrom without the uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vutegar Bit ters?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Innovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in the history of the -world ha3 a medicine been compounded possessing., the remarkable finalities of Vinegar BiTTERSun bealin the sick of every disease man is heir to. .TJiey are a gentle rurgative as wen as aiomc, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Tiie properties of Dr.. Walker's Vinkgar Bitters aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific. Altera tive, and Anti-Bihous. R. II. .IIcUO.VATjD & CO.. DrnpLstt and On. Apt- S.m Francisco. CnKfomlc. and cor. of Wiishineton and Chariton Sts.. X. Y. Sold Ijy all l)rafciHt and D-alrrx. 10,000 MMERS WANTED, To Improve 1,453,000 acres Railroad Lands In the Middle Region of Western Iowa. Averagdcredlt price, $6 per acre. Title clear. Climate and soil the best lu the world. Pure running streams. 2f fever and ague. These lands are traversed by the Chicago & North western and 111. Central Iowa lines, over which land Exploring Tickets are sold from Chicago Dabnnne, Clinton, &c, receivable for lands purchased Field agents will attend parties through from Chicago, and show the lands to purcnascra. For It B-tickets or hand-book and guide, giving maps, descriptions, lo cations, prices, terms, and all Information, call oa or address. JOHN B. CALHOUN. Orrici 90 Ranriolnh Struct. Chicago. Ill uuia commissioner lowa it. k. Lana io or Cedar Rapids, Iowa. REWARD Tor any case of Blind, Bl-elinK. Itching or Ulce rutd file tint DcBisc't Pilb Rxmsot fails tc cure. It Is prr rnrcd ex preisly to enre the I'i!m and nothingelsp. Sold lj all Druggists. Price gi.W FOR SALE CHEAP, A KINE PA11L.OII ORG4N, six octave, ten AY. stops, superbly finished. Tho instrument cost $i() at tne factory six weeks ago. Is in perfect or1er. "Will bo boxo 1 and delivered at any freight depot in Chicago for S'JOn. For further particulars call or adiiress, E. C. STONE. 1 Artesian avenue, Chicago, 111. THE PZBPET ITAL Sorgliiii Evaporator. price-no. a, $1 j No. 3, 320 ; No. 4, $43. Sond for Circulars to J.W.CH AP!HAN Jt CO., Mndlaon, lad., SOLK MAHUPACTUBBBS. TQME 9a VZSHl Ltfll "Woitoca. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. DOMESTIC SEWTHG MACHDTE CO., Kew York. 6 TSYCHOMANCY, OR SOUL CHARMING." jL How either sex may fascinate and gain tho love and affections of any porson they choose, in stantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c., together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, nints to Ladies. A queer book. 100.000 solJ. Address T.WILLIAM it CO., Pubs., Philadelphia. PassThisBy! If you are a fool or luna tic. Dut ix you are sane and wish to make money address, Ecxska Portablx Tablx Co., St. Louis. fSREAT SENSATION l-Aqents Wanted. Big Pad aje Free. a once", F. A. .bLLS it Co., Charlotte, Mich. Better than Uold. Address DR. WHITTIER. "aSfMa" Longest engaged, ana most successful physician of the age. Consultation or pamphlet free. Call or write. Just published for young men who suffer from Nervousness, Debility, 4a, pamphlet- 36 pages, 2 stamps; a book 260 pages, Illustrated. Oc. Weaknesc, Des pondency, Bash fnlncss. etc.. for certain relief call or send Stamp to Box E. West. Med. Inst.. 137 Sycamore-st, Cincinnati. NO PAY required of responsible) persons for Treatment, until cured. HO CURE I NO PAY ! Dr. J. KEAN, 3G0 South Clark St., Chicago, may be confidentially consulted on Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Cures warranted. Medical Work, Illustrated, sent fr 50 cents. 0. K. U. No. 39 WHEN WR1TINU TO VUVERTISKir, pleaae My you mu tJtc arivrrtUr A Hil rn3H 'rKfM sSftrB J, Y ? 1 ss - ir-- ." -Vi J. cr t , - &- "-s. -:. 7UZI ' ;f f ?,' W ,-x'zt PmjjMl& '-'TISWLi- 'j - .,jifr-- vi-'TV s '"? .. SS -J" 4 - ?t -ir TMiK - iH - "3 Fsi. JaCS3-c"