. - ) "- vT. vr li 'j - .' j- ',-. At , l br a ,j Mi H- oldest store V .. WaiSS? Cmx:$? -0--" v TKMIST V.RADinc Pmr rt: "? . .4 1 jiC I- SV8ys'5?F,'!; -.to: Sr-OAJ ?1-;i D2.LSB3 :r? 3.Te! ri?r)AFtari4i -Stt?. fti. ..tii VKSiiU&sv cctff-innHG a? &?'g eaf -ipac-iee, "Hx'dwats'sU $&F& A a'i " ir? . variety of ether rtkJsr i ".-- ;oc-. of Ifc? Oo-ish been - ' s::3 ith spsub! 72B8CiOe to tbe ar.u ,? ;h- rsopie, Riid crasisfcs it vr r s . .rxTto . r "nrtr.' H-XT!r:rTHt:I,8. GHGKi . " -1;- GM A:s. &s. &c. - of -Vehsfcaf Coirnty s.ad 7 -r?. rs-r-rt:V'..y tt'Titel to exanui our V "'-P,i '''"'If 4 " '1V E- i..SJ! - - U T-"h-.c". - ft-e! K'.rra.atsd ic ?ay:rig is (hz LC :: .t ; Mt G'waliste evari i-:uy:' irt, ci.' it Ntsbr&aka, and h:rh -:i V.i .it Prios ihm? -";afj Csrfipetiti&n. -&.- ieej ca lisod & Good rt.1 of! RKU'V maoj; OTHIN6 xj -.v Linda -ai.d extra unaUtiesl aa. thsr bj ha Pttifor cgle Urf. -ir,?:'XJ!v,.!-Ljfjaa iS 3' n:AS5 QGFPSfy SPICES, j I' ci eve.-jrr.inr else in that Line. 1 a - -i . ., m. . -. 7 :'-rttltg la &riY 1 , ' .- US & MEAL, 'rsiu shoes. j - - fc..: -.he wcai cf sverybody. t '':& s.rV tc Ci'.I the stteattoa of the f -t. ; ,;. :.3t that re are- co52tsa-t I 1-r', : '. hand a full asjortaisttC0 01 1 to at dtee .jTI -"v for Da? jai: aadicdkatarGocd a dc a-: -VI to iurrj -- tle Pri:e5.. S. tA.Bsr.5t & SO. Wearoe-UMfc ,? the bed ciiniy m&? LCCnL Iv;AT:'K3. OfilciiU. Directory. co:.u?.E'Z3:o:-:al. ?! V?.HitiTcsck. Oaklii, ' Johs TtiTe. Cuusbs., t7. S. "suatcr. U S flf-catir. Exscrjrivs. ?.. .. Furs-J rr.-jrsvlll?.. J. J. Jjir; t-r. Lire ;1e. J. 3 v -r:h:s. I-'t-a-.rscc, J. ?. ?T abater B6.itrjco4 .jotc raci sts. I Sts.it-. Auditor. Trei.3ur r.'.Vy Gsu. ....tz::3.:- is. cum. rue. i;:ruc'z v mi .. -- , i!ui.'.v;i...-.i. Gta. I;. Like Gsbs. ZbM Jsatiso. nj t; V'!!!lt-i County Cirk Trc .ru.-. eci-c-lSur-t. Cr;ur Ccu:7 Purveyor, Csuty Cc:3:::cners. "'.'-j. ?! j.ck;:r.. ."Tt.fs Ktrk--?5.". A. M. h&r?. ) 2SX.-K5ICUJ. j?5rt.cpta bydr sec-nssy 'eVerH fourth o'J!:3iy, f.t i! c oicc-k ra. Preaoisics ty ?.cv Mr. Jjitisc, onca iz. " -r vcks. at II cV-ook a. c, ccra j toP!..-.rg Ssrt. V." V.r..'.: srjyer !'ite:n-ev2i- L-'irsuiy evev.ia, st 8 c's-cc 7. xn. All are c?r-dis'-lr i'.-ited 'oatttj-i. Uiiioa Sunday Sahco! it 9j o'clock, 3. !? - . - s's invited tc-come ou evety Sabbath aero: iiug. 'rKP.ir. Co. To tike effect Moadt-y. --sust i. 1373 GOIiG WSST. i'SFMa.-rer. -: . i;.. . tc Phsttsciocth, 2i.?5 a. so. 5.O0a aa. " 'Orrarciis. i! 45 " 5.1C ' " C..a-crd. 10 ' - 3.25 " L.u:s-L. I!2.i7 " 5.15 ' i " SvutaF.ttd. 12.5: ' 9-iO " - Aahlaad, :.iC " 10 !0 " " Grervoos, i.z " ii.iO " 1.52 p.ra. 11.52 ' 2.07 " 12.17 " J. Is j. a- 3.15 " CIO ' 3 13 ,l 2.55 ' i 53 " 3.15a ra. ni - S.1S " 03 " 9 4 - 29 - 10.it ,s 6.C2 11.16 " 6.L2, ' ii.f ! 5.L5 " i.-lOr.ra. 7.25 " S.30 " S-10 " 3 Z: ' S.4S " 4 30 ', " -etca, rriv Ltascrt.. I leave linswk, ii Deuti. a. Kighlaad, i Crrte Iorche5t-r, u Sztr. K-awaat. " Suttcn. Harrsrd. Inland. Hastiji.-s, .Ijinata, Keat-pa-s', 9.16 " .30 " Ft Kearuy. 9.S5 " 6 .f5 " KeB-cv.TjaolO.G5 4 C 43 " GOING SAST. tj, reKchjrJnfl3.4'5D.a. " Ft. Kearny, 4 15 s 5 CQp.us. ;)45 l 6.25 ' 7 05 " 7ia " S.8 " S2J- 4 aco " Ihcf " ll.u5a.aJ 1.15 " 1.50 " 3 :0 " 3 3f a.r2 2.f- ' 9 2i " 10 15 " IP 15 11.22 " li'.fC ' 31:23 " i 15 " 1.55 " 2.26p ra. 3 ir. l 5. if " V50 - Lows!!, 4.35 ' " Bas..r. 5.0S " .Tua;aT.a. s.3V " " Jn!eod. 6.23 " ' Harvard, 5 S3 OUIUH.. C.5 a,. 7.44 ' Fainuoct, 6. IV " " Doreheaser. 5.32 ': 4 Cret; 9 56 " " HifhSard. lCTf " 4 Doctor h). Cf. " riveLkcola. i?.fS " lea?e Jincolr., 1116 a xa. " New:')-., 11.37 ." Wareriy, 11 f3 4 Greowoodl20 " t t -c-. - - . i L. l"IiJ. .A..U - & . - , Tjceisvii'e. 1 97 -.j.ci. Ccrctrrd, 1.22 r-,..rf i -in ' -' Oaiaolie. 1.42 " M i-lattnath,2.05 " GOIIms north. Omaha Bransb. leave Pktisrs'th.9 Si) p.tc. 3. CO " ' ynet-3. I.3-' " PA..- ' ' La Pfet. .4 S.4G ' .. 17nc'IX .. .S' . GOIt 80UTE. " Otniha, 1135 eta. 2.40 V " rHVu-, 1J.05 " 2.25 " " iAPifttTe, iirn " 3 4 " Orf-s;o!Jp. 11 31 ' 4r. " riir.-WB':b,li.45 " 4 20 ' BEATRICE BEKCK. SourE-ssri. ' Ncith-srird. leave arnre P- K. .. :- 3f. Crete, 7 45 4.35 Wilbsr, 7.09 5.10 ietr. 6.. "7 5.3H CldFe!i, 6.03 &G5 - - Bd.trk5..- .5.45 T" 2 3,5ptige?a chsa.ce at iOreapciia for J OiaRhf., and at 0?te fo Fitrice a he tirae gives arc veK'tr.at of Oraahs, be:? 23 adaatea dcr thaa thai o: fttCKgC, 'j 0. P. Mokue. r-tirA, JOSEPH 4...PEBBaf; REAL ESTATE 511T- P-4 1-7v i Gi?7 -'?. rSAiTSFiar 5i?T, ?iaSIa a&7 2?sb. AKKSTI?Olia &1ABTIM Bres D3AL3BS :H iJ'f? .&TG& it . CASH PAl'l) POP. S jfcvery decriptioa hc-Sjibt.-ariC afi , 3R--a ZKsa-6i r tSV-'-irOOES it iTiCC-ZTT S. "' rtrc).re; Kr.l.i . . -.''.j-: i-n St.ei ....i.i. , !'.-. -, .--- --., 1 I.J." pro 3. a-u. n .-.., --; xALii.:-. & ws. h AILri- Ly ..:.- v-tJi-'-.r fr 7 oeat er peace, at WAP-Bb. & VJO 2. Those ?ho dceirsd to pay fcr this pa per ia potatoes or other produce are- re minded that they caa ao7 do so. gfc.-f Hot the least of the aitajtioaa of car ively to;a are the beautiful sigaa that our Sus'.aeSs u:en are pu'tiog on their buildics. YaaSViakledoes it, Bsrwsv' election uaattera ad ?air , :i:3tters WB hiiV? l0 j:ly c?e: hSj d . ar coiamacwatittuj. ?AIti7C , JdcNins. ri - Pu-:: iiisssed Oil s. IcNirr'fi. Ha::-, fcr ?.a'jte:ins, at MoIitt'c. r.-i rrsus.! wd La.e aa apalogy :c aako on sojonst cf belc bebiad tiins with j this issud of the paper. If ""a rbouid dojutiti.'c ij ourasif thera .uli be so j;apjr :3?aei tjr te nest t-o or :bre syssks, cr until e o'.t: et into our ae? Ictac-i, fct ve ?j;H ArQt out. the paper ia s: tat ships s&cb. eek. Ms.. K-KrJZSii:?. Ie:t t.s a Iciatiful apcciiu-a cf -l!te yfaohblov potstcss. v'rich he" rattco i.steuaiva!y. "Ur.c. J;i;k" :: ne reputatioi: cf bia . -nrr? V - n; d Tcu're o5.'-E ti give I fjvi -uil hiza s cab dcea it. y .-r.? ?es ;:o FiOncE IS hereby nlvn, that book? vi'I be opered :or rece:?ia ?ubscript:?r.2 to the Cnisai Stoc of the Graad Ic:aac, lasr:ar:s ic St. Louis Railway. 5 the oractf.f thj. Mayer cf Grand iand. Had Qozzi-j. 5c o., at th-3 ottoa cf the Hi.:5i?i Tct.1 L'cajpaTiy at Hastiajjs. Acatas Cvitrty Neb . aad it the rtaae Hoa. -5:3 Gibber, at r.ed o:ct:dv Wer-ati-r Cj. or. ths 15th cij cf :oreia-b1-. 1373. &-j,i coatinae "cp;-a ttati: al: of said stock is avbribed. Sigacd thts 7th day cf Orrbr 1&73 Claude -7 'Zizosi.s. L. J). TUTHILL. J. 3i. Tnitc?, Silas Gaf.bsx. Oa Wedflcsday arc Thursday, Ocl. 2Sd aad 2cd, the fir,t 0':aty ??.ir :r, Webster oouaty vili t.tke place. A full tad complete preaiiac. ::nt has beea pre pared -which is part j!!y published :a aacther ccluma. The td of holding . t'air tbin fall did act tske tiagtbr. shape root, acugh to alio the arraoge raecte to ascaiae aaythiag :ike porfsa- ti.e. rat is cur isra-ers aac taftj; taui ilies thYi b:irrZ :a whstevpr they 13. the ho? iH be a rapectsbie oae fcr a e- oc-uaty. Lor 5, IiADV EQuESIHlArtOai?. 3et a-iaac-iacat cf hcrae :a taidle 3 0G 1 sn 2i beat best aisnat-err.ent of 1 c; 2 horses in erae33 hj 2. uvsy b ix 2c bsjt - 1 5.3 Lor 6. Dgskeys & Mules. : jacket 2i bsrft 1 CO 2 GO 1 00 oeat .ca;et u say ige 2d best .T-jCi;rf "v5. N. EicaaTdfoa. J. C. Olaistead, 15. B. Smitk CLASS n. Lj'T i. TncEDUGH-Bp.ED Cattle. ?.est bull 3 veurs old sad r.'er 3 9C 2d d? . 1 cO beFl cull 2 ysare old and tndvr 3 2 CO 21 d- v 1 OU b"Pt bu!l c&k' 1 00 b"t cv 3 yetir? old aad ever -. 00 - A vl-'J z c. - j 0 has cc? cr heife? 2 years u'd aad uaier 3 2 00 21 du f 1 Oi best ..e:f.;r 1 year old &ad under 2 2 CO 2i : 1 f 0 oet.t heiier cj: 1 G 2db$t 3 rst herd cf art 1 taa e;thef cuhn, 3,-ispj cr hetfers 3 00 2d bftu 1 0 .7adrs j. Walker. ,V7ai ?clht iy. P. MuiJAM. Lot 2. I'Tatives a:d Gsades. H ci : .v -.rd if 3 00 A'l jtafcr? sr.rae as Lot 1. Lot g.WcEHiXG r, ?at Cattle. fst yoke v?cr-: catt:e any age 2d host 3 00 1 G 2 00 1 GO 2 00 ae:-:i j.-.: --c :i aav ss-j - r - i,: ;.... ... ux bst fa cow of any aKe -2u heat 1 00 beB herd tf Vat cattle actios thaa 5 3 GO 2d beat 1 0 Juc,-3; r;r. Fi'.?. -A. S. Kardjj J. ?-f.rU-., OLAS3 ni. -, Lot 1. St'he. Lakgs !!r.3ED2. SAGGEE, ?3LAi:D, EEKESMIP.Z, CHJT'.-3. Beet hoar 2 yearr- c!a aad uTcr Z 00 2d best 1 00 bebt boar 1 year old aad u-j-ier 2 00 2d beat Sfi baa, sc--? 2 yeat! c!d or ever 2d lev. 2 00 i 1 00 iert sot 1 year clc aaa uaaer 1 00 2d best hO 'su rair pifrg 6 raoaths ;-ad uader 2 00 2J best 1 00 b3t sovr aad litter o: phj3 aot over 8 veek rid. 2 00 2dbe&t 1 00 Judges Wm. Eeck, Joha Laverty, Jchn Bartis. Lot 2. Small Heeei:- S::?e. ?rjraiasc; saa:e as Lot 1. Judr.eaW. J. Vaac. Br. P. Head, Jcha Sirapscr. CLASS IV. Lo? 1. Sheee. Bi-ti oizk say age 2 CO 1 cfl 2 05 2 LCsSt bo?t ew't say afe . 2d oebt 1 00 hi-st Sock- uct lesa thaa ft . 2 00 2J best " -l OG . Judges-"Tt:dson Bailey, A.-0.-l-!Cali Joaaph Chsrabere. ' There are a large nuaber" of other -IS-Kii. vyy-orjj fflJ? of e-?fv ei'ie(y ' r jcroscgcsprx-arjgsj arrioulhsral product.-, fruits, veblss, ' M..1,"'; -, f. L .'. S . - i , , - - T - Ji -bl-- -ro:r..cfr- !:-V-i "'.-j -frrei -r. sjkes -s.r.; '..: a. - - 32 The :ii a.-o . n ". ?.."';' . , - .. ...... . - w. - . W . ... - -utir- .iM i t'jj ijnp.for puoi'.ctfioa v?ith our halted facijiries, bet cari be P6i!n on 5pjiicition, st. this .5oe. Ed J grrccTLY Fup.x Vra,: i-t-ac -or v,- S3.6C' par 'ttg, i Mean's. orai 5jistU5ts. I V7US held a Tsic-iLHS 1c?.mal l:;cjrirGiE at Fairmont, r-'ebrssts., coiu raeccin;.; Qciober 23, at 2 o'clock F. & to continue ia teseios (?- soko The ork of the Icsiitutt ?V. coasis; of regular ekes drills in th varior britichea tiiUjrht in our tioraafjoa schools, 5.10 ddiy icstructioa ia ths sJv&uced Morcal Msthcds. rirraapcaien'o h'tve ben :n.ds to ?.c cjrataciate -01 bo iaiy afteod at very :es.3cnan!fc rstet?. j-ird at ths bote?. at 'i pr ye-jk, at pnvate haasss ct . .I wiligw- p"rsois attentiia the In al'.tuts dura the pfhoie time, aaJ shc"- :ar t-e asves -:oaipoterit, a recora-n.fcu-dati:-!it. their Courty Supt-riatondeat, r?iuesti! c him ti sat the Lode: ? cerr.dcRte without further ex.ata:aatIoa. I shall eceive assif-tanae in thu ?sr, of !nstr:ctiou troia "iVefal prcmi&pcr ecwtor?, aaion.c v?aora are th eeriitc.. C- uat .'.irriacei;d:i.ts if.c rhre. i r. .Mtit-j'-j i? e;pecr.ty t-' t;. n .. .... r -. , r.r . . a.iV . viii-UV. UCUVi.l., ...-r-., 1 ...r i-.s'. 2. V.-r.-;r. Frsnfchn, harlsr , tCe-irLt-, Adatab. Haraf t:a, Fi ia-.or&, (.hay. York, sad 5ea;d,but tr-R?h!r fscvn other cpuatif-3 v:h h" "adiy r-o-ived. Teohew ghouii bria v.s.at test bcVs they caa fcr -ffraace. J. ?y. i-icKsxis. 3 Sht Hap"t Pah issfc. TustfHD Mijrlc 5citeads for C-4,63 at Ga7.5s. -. Cc'rf Me'.v Goods rei-dved every -sek at Gakesk I: Co'fi. Nett Boots. PrXpa D.e-s . Taiaie.-i Chicago ; hitac-iri-ic- 'c? fltticg tcot-'. -eT5:i cab-ei just &j;:-f-d at Gahijs?. : Zz'&. Hailg aad bulldicr: Hardware at hct- p:ico, at ruCi':irr ii. Q&hcy Made O'cthir.ir juat i.:rl7ed st GatvBE?. a Co'.. Go tc GA?.5i?. & 03'h ai.de: ac--d ? jit cf c!othes for f -a doiiare. W. K. p.ichardija "ih pr th hiph ?t: market price for oouat? warraats. AH aeracaa katwias? theaaseiy ir debted tc the arm of Vrfzty 5: Iss?.Y are requested to cai: aai3ett;6 ih?i; accouat? i.i Good Brova 3uaar arricec. it n- -r s. n'r- i -.v:..'. - ., .ni ..v. cr psuaas ror one coi.sr. . . . n-sr orenc. c: rius ana r iae rut c- f bsCGt j;i?t re-'tved at Gas.es?. k Oc'e. 7.'i C.-'L il ?E1?!-3Y & PEEEYV. Tyl.KZK '-V-iaut ?a.hag-:-af Tsbie fc; C5,00a: G.tRES?. i C'a. Ket etoak cf Gr: jer.ua at 1, ri;--i-zY ?s?-?.Y'r. Youkc- Hypo a sad Cbloag T-a fcr ?0 :ent pr pc-ad e.t Garszr .-i Co'?. Look out :o: McNitt'r- etcck cf Staves. Je his a fu'.l acaortraer.t, cca tPf. "hich he ?!! ?-!'. as chsip is aay house vest c: Liaccla. 11 tf Suites iQ Oentracicrs. ; Notice is given thatproaoss!- far f7: inx: and repainq? tlie Ocurt House vf:l b j received at the Clef's efhee uatu Ocxbe; 24th 1373. For particulars ap ply at ths Clerk's cEcr;. 15 T. 5. -VlLLITsfS County Clerk. 'M&U&3? Snsd a. 0 2l7 7F.2 jsi-e ttfr&an&3 T-i'' ,-ai JTwt for rjia,i.aen ?ataac A r. iug. -si rvi for Ht rcuc7 n?RTfrr leaf Jos:? nursrratti' frir-nd? Rai ?itTM 2 voaii aw -it I bw th Jj.r,:e5t s.r.! be Ftc?r cf rKrt? vr o.Tori'i fcr sIp in ii? ?.?: aci prop'.-k - e'J t'aen; s.t reos.ble ?::c. rs surf t--i ?nd far rz? vh'.ob Hlh ?nctrr?-to '1 vrhi serf? 'ar 1. T.-.caivf.ra-'ur3."iers. ir.-: I frl zzztttzX i C5u aittsf' you. Adrfrw?. ?T J.HE3PS?.. reh. 13 di- r-alns'Jth. I-7fb. THE ,;ViGTCB,i S. W, CO.'S ITEt SZ.7I;v;- KACSIirs "VICTOR" E.uns Tory Ko?7. ' - r-asa -rr? ?tt. E.u:;J vttr ikli'.. Et.3 s. Kw Shuttle auperic: ta alt ctieis. Deftas Coma&tRlou, Greit Iu."r3Taaent2 :a l?-ilc. C-.n20t b 5ci "-rsrs i5-v',s-:ti "rt'sztf-i. Addrrw TK? " VICTOR" 8. !: GO. ciiivi rVgmiTfc.tjCsy-syj' S--W5 GEAKCJ3 FOB A 8ASC-AJ& . . si i i;i.ii;c una. wuica ne vui sen ia - ; .., r -i. :-. i. j i - i mi i? .oto to suit, cheap fcr cash, or vci'I trads the- vrfjoie, cr y psrc cf ths saae fcr ctockr Tfces? Isuds are eituated cesr Hei Glcuc, jic art : cUw in crery rc?rHct. 114 Tcu.VG lijrea Te for 5-2 cetc per GAS.2S?. 3: Co'G. DrU.i Fruits, App'.es, Bisctbprrirs &r. : Currents, at G-vKEEE. & Co'fi. T'c: rcaoa2. ar i :a a'-rcrdaa'N: 7?ith princrj-lori ot forth n o. 11 cf this p?; prr,I contict" to ar:aource aiya.iif a. f. ca:;d, ia f r tr.o o5 rf Probate Judfe. suhjr-at to the- "-:,H cf fho peorib. a ia dicafci bv their r-alict.- at the f:rr.-;rcra-ic electioa Datid Lcrr.. .T. ::., lriii-:K has for ss.! the chssp-c:-l Ousrtei F-ot:cn f f iand ia Vbatsr :o tty T5:r-C"r ad ""'Vtitr, bcttcra sad I"ei ttphrxis. IV-!ve a-jr3 broke. 'Varraatv D9i i?n choao fcr caih. J. -?.. VILLCOZ, . 5-tf.. Red Giosd, :.'eb. oiJce 15 Hsr33y &?eR5 To b?ware" cf iafriafjcasEat ca jny 1 .--- t - e"- "" "-'- -v-a ay p?scr: cr pereens Tistizag fil(s I"ored arc oav.icaed act to hire say cse to ho.-e r.r ho hae act s legal r:tht --.- v P !?!'r.:p. I vo'jld cy to the pocp'-e ths,. h?e had such vrelle borfd, that they :'i sa'e c-j?tr. bv raikag oa tbi pateatee at his ;'ace of rt-pid'ince, three raitse aorta, cf -:Gu:dft Reek Port Ofipe. The fpr.:-1. is prepared to pruve thrt he :.ae pot -uc oaly right sad deed frota thc Ur.il- d Sta'es, aad furher taat tao v.-n; hiva :respai?2d ca :ay :h:s that they v-d.I ?ave o?stp aad dara ace by v:a''.ag aad laak.a: a settle ateat at or c-. ThT2 arc- 'jocce p-srscas h" ?ay that nry t: t -i; a?ao ao d:ffer?a-e -?hetr.p.r I i '. :3 cu.; -ta a p.ccrp-sacve: cr s twe.-ra, r- t piy tt raaJcfs a a:g Girt nrirace seceding"'' sfhcac- ;coc aad ti-yz'i he "t" Jo d:r; ua- 1 i'! iafcrn i'-1 r-cpie ':" this aad ot:.sr c?arte. V st I -;II s"'.i oouaty, toachip, aad farra rihta a', a :o fj urt a.V "t are iicpirau t bre -e'.is. ii'.l aad b5 xa, st'.ifajt:)n ar rsated. N. C. Cla?.:-Cv Pateatee d laveatcr. C3r.?.It:ZD :-TKLT BY CiAK??.-. TO. C'rUQ.hed Suyar. for a dclkr nib - Octree wUg.r... ?-: -.. ttU?'r: 7 J;$:at ijrea iiuar -.. 3; . " .-.- i..in . GaXider i per ib ...S'1SC -i7 r ui - - a i .. paiat GT utia ii;:aoa .-...... ....... .-,. 95 .o -'i titarj-ea c-:ce :4ea; 15 15 Of ;Jah-:a?aed Hhviht-rr ..... :;-?;&.- ...v.. tji;1t ...... B: -?:: Sri'.rtta.- 13S15 Sariueaaa Mer:.raa?:iatti.,.-. 12; Ccraraoa ?rira- 10 i it i3 ' f o tTi.r L'travy Broa I'-ckdn..., 2:33? Obripo -! dxD H":rV.' iootB 4 i? Zi 50 Lif.htBfiCtr, 4 .f-G7 0 Heavy Shoes. ... ,.. 252 75 JOKK H G BM M f S c IS &.. R t v- -t; --"gS., ISAIS, ah a i : .' m HOT : . : , - v-i r -' - - - - "f ''& A S'l, . . -- : -. -. , ,- ,.. ,. " ; - v- - ,. j .-.r .-. JJgiJ?.5S SK.-IS, - -BXlisM - J.SRr55! LrloiT;G? OIGAISS, Qhe!nga onioking, Tobscc?, CANNED FRUITS of caL ?ii:iss; A I'D OONFBCTIOSKRXKS A Specialty ?"Fr''3hLaper3serfr-2c: " Aa'.p'.cpa" I'eery. ccaF.taatiy ca h&ai. ?.SD CLOUD, I'TEs. 1 3;: ST L CXV f.TM:M. A . T. V v f - ..V Mr:? SX;I-5t; JjHxWt r-e-rukt trira ?:!': be cjed bat-eea OriTueriays aai "edasedaya cf each eek. I ?hah be j,Iewed to jrry pa? fioar2 rpca tr.9 daya racatiGaed. liz? iny Jui.Iata, at 0 A. I-:. a Tu rJaya. id-Hed C.ctvi st. 0 a. m.. -VedceRda.-f? rar? rs-mra-.b!'-. 11" Orrrcs or Cc-jk:t Cit?.K. c? vvzsrs.-.Gs.. :ee. ,- A-guat 25, 1873. l-'Tirx i; hereby gbea, thatca Tre dy, the Fturteeath jy of 'Jrtobe: ae.:t :o?irj: t;.e arra-: Jir':ay c: Uc-tocor a-. e.e:t:ca "r::: r-e e.u. at tr.e ..ij-rj :: V.Cr,-;-t-'-rr i-"n-.i:. -V- '-n --r:a - --r' -r.- : -- ' -- - -v ct e.ecv.uf, tae ronoin-f aaaie 1 C-ttnty Cfcrciisijar fro. ,j -.. :ers: Jistrlct 1 Ucun'.y Ccraraiicaer (to .": raraa cy) frora District t'o. 3 1 Pr-batf Judge. Sr.yriff. 1 Ocrccer. 1 Oou-ty Tr?ararer 1 'j"unt.-r-rcrxejr.r. '. r---(... Cr.-rA-i.-rr1J.- -?..il I - - tUll i . tj - '-' ..T.'." - - ' "TT. , - - - -- - -...- iaFtructica. aad :v. na:a prsclact la3 :cfcizz cfz csre 2 J a slices of tho Peicc. 2 Ccr.t'.-s. 1 A.5n-ssr. J . ..kC ;- i.tKM.i. 5 ?e .Uf5-1 2 Jicre c-r rl?.datics. aad ir. each K a i District, 1 Po-a : urrvi.icr- aid pJlectic-a -;Ii oe held si the xol-1" .evin placsR : Guide P.ock rracbcl, at the School lioua3. Dietrirt No, 1. 0,e Oreek rrecbet, 5t:a Precise:, richcoi di-ae.. Dis trict N- 17. F.e.; Cloud Prncia:!. if the Court 2Loa3, rlf.rraony Preciact, at "eih": P. O Wt!nut Creek ?rec:n::, at Sxisc! Kour-e i.M--tr.c: .'O. 0 hiah 3I-ri,s d! be open at eight c cocr. :a tae rr.crata-;, aa-i coatinue cpea 'iatii 312. c'clcrk ia thr: afteraooa rt tae s-.rae tay. 5. iy order cf the Hoard cf CVaaty Ccajra:i-a'--rn1 this Sth z$? f Au-- ust. ia. THO?.. P. 7.'ILL:A;-fS I r yfua .:-? n-v :x;f"k :.-a?3;:;. lirc :e t.z pau. -b-.cb. th Orttaur I.:sj--:--:t -il. Lit ::tk re ?7--:::n.- it -il. i;t rzb,:cf. au-i no 'ineas'.-bich it -:!.--.. urr- Thij Tin:: a:o s; .rone. :;r a"-:ts s.re r.'.rtl3us. 1: aw r'-iuci sere curr? t: rr-u-ti rr. rcu- j rw:i, lock ja. ralsv. spriii, --:i:r. s.r i.3-. civi-srot?ti. Hc-j-Us. bur- z-.-zlitizz. A-., r"; tc- Loiuin !zr., tr.-i frtrstar. SPE.V,-. ?Vu. -.:.. urcu -a-aai :r -s vrr.z thewrrtd b:i. 1; z. ur.ir-:r-i;-.. ;Il-b'-a:2t- y&i-r:i'7.-. 3ri- -! -? -.-. . ! Vo. ......V. vc :,.- -.- fc: it.. 4T? ran ?-r? vi? .a' . J -V a -...,,..- , r.n Su ....1.1 ..? am... .J . :.. . fcciusf. i:d.--a :: wbi : r.-3t--s ij. Tbcjfi h? ucw aua"r f:r?-r. -ri-maj-T;. r.-.:a r 3-lMu,-: lorra :-, suu"?r if 'brj- .vl u-.t u?i. -?::; .: iJiui a:. .'.cra t"as I ; cr-.:c.tf- J cf rercarkabia a.-..?4 ia;:-:.ijrg :r rt:. liarr. ; tbrsniu-rb-untirr:. jrout. :ur.u-;s .-:-uu:r. I c. avre ct-a r-crivd. V,' viJl if-nC , ,.;ra kr ccataiuiuc -.rt:c&teBi tbr r-cl-.-. .i: . zt ti. tc a7 u-i musfrs it Cu- L tfir A the yelic;-' -reaper Cet.ta.ur Liniru-!-. a ar:b -m buzd-t-tdcHir fcr z?iTfi cr ;Tpa:-i ir..--Ct?sr:i ui. srfcr 8crr--.--ar-n ir; hv;v Stcci c-sb tbis Hairi;-:.:s--cr.b r.irac .sz:i;r.. 1: fsrai!- jlcuid be -::b;u: Vctv':.- C---:-??; : .-5ro ;iis a. .sbstitu:. for -vv .:.- :i. It is .- '.7 3 v'c articl? in x.'stwee -bib iz :e.-;iu tc aMiiiai tie i-.ai. rnintA tb& sowrtj, cure v?bl cc..;ird pr-ducp catnr r.1 8!f-cp. It equina -.;br r?:2r..V, 2r-rbiuccralaob-;!. ted ia ?ls2deiitta':. Obi dren ud cctcrytai atar2 -us.7 r-;i. T.-iken np by thf aubrribr. ai-ar Hud Ole-td. Keh.. Jury 31 si, 1873, a Mask Steer Cwr, about lo aaoothe oid, taedi uta f-ise, creatrt ia Tight aia, croa and uaderbit off iefc er, .iUc CJobc, Neb. Aug. 5th, 1873 Hug your Trusof Furr.zs, ir.'sh Tz Co. Linccla. ALL kinds c; Fruit, Forest aad Oraaaieateu Trsen, Grape Vises, ia tact, anyt&jng'ionccl ia say acraery, aad st frar pries Hsad far aidcss aud givs i.ybj NEW 3&KtG&TOLjB w;l?.las3&"?6TtK . &iea fzoiRgCc jefoi?- . av'.t respecttV.y inforra tae cit: cr :f 7-eljter Oouaty ad vicihrty that they have purchased and r.o- oifeT fcr rale the Larst .ad Most Cornbiet1 Stock 0f PJtUG?. SCHOOL SOOKS. -3LA2-X ?OOES. STATIGZ?.. ?AI2T -3S)Ci:S.' AIlvTS. OIL!:. rY5)-S?U?f2, 1S2 SOAPS. ztAl?. riP.T-f.MSS. s - .; 7ri7?7r7:;iJi ? Z.ii . . 1 , . 275P.Y DrSCHi?T01- it :a iicpcssi-vje ia taia sacrt space c eauraerats the half cf cur Ttrck, aad -otild, thtrrefcrs. :a-:te the Public t: a'H &&&&. Xq? At -sfs-at Ttz ,-.ave got aaa e ccnvfacdC Ptrttnter watM- ij called tothe fkc: that car sieck a7 fyg -,-. e - -; S fc MS.C?. 70E ; H3PIOI ? AL iU?.T-0?. JfS C& be depeaded i;rKt-ha;:h'b3 sad Prat.QteaK:jf .- ? la covefejain-j we td!l clii thuft- c-r Satire ?5ck hna b-ec seated vd:h the i-reatest care, ev-ry precnntieri harbfi been takes t- pr:--::r-: i:vh:3g that ?. aot np to the Highest -";.-.:; .-.- b re gard to pcr::y ejjc :uaiity. 7fe shaR keep enr 3 took full aad coctplete :a e?.' eiycp-;-ct. aad-yi!Be:i car GccJa.as cheap, nuvered. at aay Hesss GI7IJ TJ3 A TKIAL. '-' ' -? v; . , al SJ si 1 ' &f i r- ry ?r.vi l .4 -''i - .-i IS 7 ii i" 'f t- . i-JCT lSP-"' K X -r '. , GSWS t. ,t. . -. - .-y,A - --:,. j v .Uil'KM- T j -;Ui!''!-.'7?Iaflri!'.iT-I',C?- - ffijarr'ftrfHs fclEi ! K,r-3 ;?3il