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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1882)
THE HERALD. n A D PLATTSMOUTH. MAUCII li. 1883 Last Friday evening ye local and a friend went out to the Pleasant View Literary Society, three miles south of riuttstnuutu. Whije there we listened to the following program, which, char acteristic of Mich entertainments in the country, was entered into with fpiiit by all. The species in the de bate were unexcentionably good, and after an hour's argument the decision of the judges whs called for. which re sulted in two for the urtUruative and one for th negntive. We also give the program for to-morow evening, as fol lows: Debate Kesolvetl, That the signs of (1 times betoken the . downfall of tliv American ItrjMiblie. Affirmative D. W. Curtis. Frank D.nni. Negative A. IJose, Will Porter. Decision .rendered in favor of affirmative. D-elamttin Hen llorniog. Frank Pond. Select Heading Ella Cole, Olive Homing, U'jil I'urier. Pai r D. W. Curtis, Will Porter. IJ. "The Geography De mon.' F. Doinl Extract from Seott's Lady of the L ike. Ktla C'ir-"IV Miner's Death." Olive Ilorninir "Mr. Fogg's Story. V.' Porter "On the Sea.' T.e piog;aui fur M.ticii 17, 1S8J: Q;iet.tion for debate "Iletolvt d, that the mind of man is superior to that of woman." Affirmative Will Sampson, S i;o. (jrtptti, ill Porter, . Spanker. Neitiw -Frank Doiul, John Horn i tf. p. W. Curtis, fien. S' nv!er. 1 cluui-Hi-i.s- John Unrniui;. 1'ivil. Stuiisuii. Gtpeu, Olive Ilornimr. Kele:t Heading Alicp Sampson. D "V7. Curt if, I.;?z'e Spjit k' r- "Lsa3 Frank Duud, D. W. Curtis. The following Marriage Licenses have been issued since March Cth, '82 Mi.Georg Melvin to Mis Laura Sh iw. of Tipton precinct, March Cth. Mr. Charles T?. Troop to Mis J. A Yonne, of Mt. Pleasant Precinct M.nchCtli. Mr. U. Savdeetz to Miss A. Ilolloway of Plattsmouth. March llth. Mr. IJei.j iiniii I. Hose to Miss Eliz aV:!i A. Kuhn, of Weeping Water. March llth. Mr. Geo. E. Dovey to Mis Margaret A. Dawson, of Plattsmouth, March 11th. Mr. George II. Carmer to Miss Jen nie t. Peltit of I'lattttnouih, March llth. Owing to the shortness of lielp in the office an article on our city piisou eis is crowded out this week. Ciites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCic Last Tuesday evenirg being the night for Fire meeting the company met in regular session After the regular order of business had been gone through with, Mr. Schnell bacher informed the Company that the Water Witch was shipped March 6th and would probably be here the last of the week. A comnittee of arrange ments was also appointed to get up a ball, directly aftr Lent. The Com pany then adjourned subject to the call of th Chief, and there will prob ably be a meeting either Saturday or Monday evening, when every member of the Fire Department should be present SI EC I A j X OTI C KS j New Tailoring Establishment. The unde signed would hereby give notice that he has just opened a tailor ing and repairing establishment, in I he basement of the northwest corner of Main and Second streets, opposite the H. It. tra"k. under the P. & M. It. H. house. He invites I he citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity to give him a call, and guarantees satisfaction both in price and workmanship. 50t3 II. IlAOKMtlKK, Livery Notice. Hereafttrl vill have carriages at all regular trains stopping at this de pot. Any person desiring a carriage to take passei.jjers to, or from said trains will ieave word at my Livery JJ.un in Plattsinou.h and they will be accommodated, at reasonable rates. 35tf Chas. M. Holmkm. Dr. Black's Itleuinatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted, .smith. Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall. Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf &15UO year can heeasilv made a jlmme working for E. G. Hideout & Co j 10 Barclay Street, New Yolk. Send ifor their catalogue an 1 full particu lars. l-ly. Death to rats, mice, roaches and ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns, gianartes and households cleared in a single night. No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold every here. SOt-i Money to loan on easy terms, on imnoved farms. E. II. W olf.y. 46if County Clerk's Office. If on need any Dental work done. call on A. Salisbury, who will do as well for j on as can be done any, wheie. C5tf. Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main and Third. 10lf Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glyceren Tooth Tablets. Beauti fy I Cleanse! Preservel tf For 'be if-sr staple and fmsc groceries in Plattsmouth go to ,T. V. Weckbach's. lOtf Go to A. Salisbury, over South & Black Bros., for your Dental work .351 f Drugs -the largest stock at J. M. Roberts. 3tf G. A. It. Caution: Since my G. A. It. 5c ci g;;!d have lijit with such great suc cess, several parties are trying to palm off upon the public imitations,of"iufer ior quality " bearing similar names. In order to protect the cigar consum ers and myself, I wish to state that every box of genuine G. A 11. Havana cigars bears on the inside label my name and address, Julius Pepperberg, 44tf Manufacturer. Notice to Teachers. Special examinations will be held at the following times and places: March 6th and 7th, at Buck's School House, Three Groves; March 10th and llth, Greenwood ; March 17th and 18th, Weeping AVater; March 24th and 25th, South Bend; March Slsl.and April 1st. Elm wood; April 14th and 15th, Eight Mile Grove. Cyrus Alton, 4819 Sup't. Yi-r Sale. A good sound faun mare, weight about 1,050. or will drive well in a buggy; will be sold at a bargain. 51 tf II. M&ADK. Important to 1 ravoiers. Special inducements are fleid Jou bv the Bnrliiii'loii route. It wil! nav U.u to read tle-ir advertisement to be found elsewhere n this issue. 47tf I'ilM I'leliiliiiti. The D"inetf it. tewing machine re ceived tir?t pi mium at the fair. It ij II. e JigiittM. ni:.nii-g, ni:-Kes iiieieasi noise, and it is at i .i;ted ibe best ma leiial. yt.'tt I ' Mkkoi.s. John Leesley Oilers for sale the following1 X U It S K It Y S T 0 C K : eaeh ir.loz pr.h'it. Aple Trees 3 years old jo f 2 00 410 IX) first lii 15 1 60 11 00 Apple Tree 2 year ll. sec ond size 10 1 30 00 Pea ell Tree 2 yearn old : 175 20 00 Early fliihii.ond Clu rry. 5 to 6 feet 40 4 25 30 I Kar'y liiclmini.a ciieiry 4teft 35 4 oo si oc I'linn Trei, Wild (loose, 5 to 6 feet 35 4 00 30 00 Quince Trees 40 3 60 Apricot-. 3 to 4 feet 30 .3 00 (Snipe Vines, (.'uncord 10 1 oo 7 fO Strawberries 50 6 on KasplierrifS. red. flie les?.... lo loo f on Snyder Ulaek terries 10 I 50 5 oO EilKli"li (Sooslierries 10 1 30 5 00 Clierry Currants, red JO I 00 6 no lie Plant, Linens or Wine plants 10 I 5o 7 0t OKN AMKNTAI. TKKKH. Norway Sjrm-e 25 cents per fool. Flowering slirulis Roses, all ki)4.. . Flrxt class Hedire plants per. t ilOllHHlld, l hi). Maple I rees 20 Cotton Wood Tree ... 30 30 3 00 2 nv iwrnn not feeing me can t-end order throuKli the Post Oil. re. 41113 . 'Gicar Clippiuffs, C5 cts. per lib., at C. Scfclecei's, crccsitei P. 0. ;tf uli Money to loan on tenns, on itn proved fauns. I'. I!. Woolkv,- 4Gtf rv c: n;v u: ,lf . Money 1 Lt-aa. Money to loan on teol estate secur ity. Inquire, of D. D. M.irtindale, Louisville, Neb. lotf When you ate in town don't fail toco to the Central IteMauraiit tor Jour IUea'i!, tables supplied Wltli the best iii the market; only :'.3 cts per meal. 51 tf The Itoyal beauties of Euroj;owe much of their personal atli .ict: veness to the influence of Aers Hair Vizn"t which keeps the hair fsb ami brit;lit. Onion sets ami (Harden Seeds at V. 11. Bakei s. 5t2 For a long time there has ben a need for just such a liniment as Keu dall's Spavin Cure. The lamest lines of Black Spanish Chanlilly and (Jnipuie Laces to be found in this city it t liei i mann's. 2 For China Class and Queensware, go to W. II. Baker's. 52i2 Latest novedies in stiff bat?, silk, plush and felt hats at S. & C. Mayer's 1 Mirerourt, Point D'Aler.con. Tor chon, Bretonne Laces in lare varieties at Ileiimamrs. 5112 SOUTH PfuATTK m i Granite QUARRIES. Having leased toe uU'-rries ft Ilie latrt I. R.mC! nt S.iutii lien I I .tin prc,i.ired to fnr nisli lmicii-ioii Stone of ;J1 sie, wild of live or ix (lilfein-m nra es ami varieties. Lin r;roNi: AXI POLTSIIF.I) (JICAMTK in all style that may be needed. KKFERKM'F. : Thiity Years' Uxpero nee In nttli g inwi-t arl ttics of ctti:, M arlile mwi OiaiJte. In Hie ("lined Slates. Orders kindly solicited an piom;illy ain-wercd li V mall. JOEN CURRIE, Mil M:i.iyer and Well. Snpt. A. L SIMPSON, ACKXCY for Geo. IfTooiis & Co. Pianos ana Onans. Xews DejKt, iMagazine.wid I'aers, Confectionery, Tobacco ami Cigars. HEADQUARTERS FOR SHEET 3SCTXSIO. Main St. opjMislte.New Hotel. . CONTRACTOR FOR BRICK WORK, c DAVID O'BRiEIT Will rontract for Brick Work. Stone I'lai-tering. &c., &c. Chimneys and Cist-ma a Specialty. For oiders call at liotn-e on Wpfhlrclon Ave., Between Till and Kl(lith fct's. Or address P. t. Box 64!. - l'lattcinouth. Neb. Mine The Grand Oniial Hotel Af bOUTH BKM, NKB.. BY IDie. H. KIEKE, House btwl Clleil u. tverjlliInK new and i.tat. Meals and i-oiliilnj at Keatona tle rati .-. CnH and try ua.