Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 16, 1882, Image 3

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The Herald.
rraniftu. 25 r-nra u lln. If:jular lulvertta
tt. 10 K iit I 'T li.if. No advt-i Usf iilwnt insert-
inllc. t Ststttift rntM.
At'a.'ir rfuil iilicT!t of the law will be field
jUie fur itli lu;il notices they hand In,
t J -.1 iiiti Ui-ni uidiiiK ft proof of iulillca
Ivt ul .my iniili'e w '11 bu ii li tor the imbliua-
lu t ( SUrll Holi..
A uur .t'mro U limited, all connrnmleatlons
ut le lrlel ud to the point, with nu wast
t words.
Thr jiHtw m iepo'iible for the correctness
n-oMmu to copy of paid matter aud paid Le
jjlh. uuly.
. Any pern who take tl paper reularl,
tinii he rnw'-ofllce. whether i'-ec;ed to his
aiuiir, r w ti-thrr he Is a subscriber or not It
rftpoivtilile Kr the pay.
t. It any rynioii ordeis hi paper discontin
ued, he must pay all ai reanisjes, or the puhllsh
at run j coutiuue to rend It until payment ia
nmdr. mid -olltct the. whole fiinoun, whether
fce paper la t,ikeu from the oClce or not.
a. 1 lie court hare decided that refusing to
take newspM-r and periodicals from the post
mice, or removing and leayliiK them uncalled
for. Is prhaa fiXeU evidence of mTBXXiOMAt
Read the "Neighborhood Discus
The latest thin yet, the "Scratch
Poeket Shirt."
Scarlet Feve is quite prevalent
1 town just now.
Read Major O'ltourk's large ad. on
edirorial page and profit thereby.
Prof . Seager is having, a singing
convention this week at Ashland.
Bri-! your job work to the Hek
aldoI 'and get thd latest styles, tf
The young ladies of the Catholic
Church are around soliciting contribu
tions for their coming fair.
V. V. Leonard is re-papering and
fixing up hi gallery, making it one of
the Gnest galleries in the state.
The farm of the late Chas. Guth
tnann, on Stevens' Creek, is advertised
for rent in the Lincoln Journal.
Chaplain Wright has another
house to rent, will be soon done now.
See about it, you that want houses.
The grading for the Opera House
eellar will be finished to-day, and the
foundation will be started inimediate-
Murphy & Agnew brought in their
teams from the west end of the H. &
M. Saturday, having finished their con
tract out there.
Donavin's Original Tenneeseeans,
a colored concert troupe, will be here
March 27th. Something good. Don't
forget the date.
The tiouth Uend schools are closed
for a three weeks vacation, and J. 11.
Campbell, the principal, is in Patts
mouth, rusticating. -
P. II. Meisingar is one of the
Herald's friends that gets that 73
cents- rale. Likewise C. D. Hay worth,
of Eight Mile Grore.
Work is being pushed as rapidly
aa possibly on the Gorder and Blake
buildings, the iron columns urere rais
ed oa the Gorder building Monday.
Be sure and read the New Furni
ture Store Ad. on First p:ige. and give
them a call at their new store, on Cth
street, two doors north of M. E. Church.
George Palmer has bought the
blacksmith shop of Chas. J. Hoffman,
and -will hereafter be found there
ready for business. Give George a
The spring is the time for making
calls, and ladies should not start out
without calling card. The finest as
sortment in the city at the IIeiiald
lted Major O'Rourk's advertise
ment. It '.a solemn truth every word of
It, and every one knows that he is one
of the finest tailors to be found. Give
him a call.
So much' other matter having got
in ahead of the -Roll of Honor," sent
us from Mt. Hope school, we are oblig
ed to defer the printing of it until next
week,; we are sorrv to say ; also a com
munication from Grand Prairie.
The sand bank question is fast
coming to a head. Sage and Mack
Fairfield on one side and Holmes &
Co. on the other; all the lawers in
town will soon be on it, if the thing
keeps going.
The General Superintendent of the
B. A M. R. R-, Mr. Geo.W. lloldrege, is,
-we understand going to help the B. &
M. Band boys of this citv to procure
uniforms, when he intends taking
them on an excursieu to Denver.
Coiarade Murphy, the painter at
Schnellbacker'a wagon shop, is turning
off some very nice work nowadays.
The hearse of Messrs. Harris & Unrulr
for instance, and a phaeton of their
own make show remarkably good
The Herald Job room is con
stantly turning outas?rt; work as any
offlcei in the State. We" can do any
thing from a bound book down to the
finest colored card printing in the best
possible manner, and as chaip as the
cheapest. tf
Be sure and attend the Uncle Reu
fceu Comedy Companies entertain
ment to-night, it will be a relief after
thft seven Uncle -Tom's Cabin Troupes.
The papers speak very - highly of
it wherever they have been. See. no
tices of Chicago -Inter Ocean and
Times elsewhere. . . ' v '
Ashley & Golding shipped a sign
to Weeping: Water, Saturday, for L.
Kalisky & Soa. It was -gotten up by
Mr. Ashley, and is one of the finest
of the kind we have ever seen. The
background was black with gilt letters
and fancy corners. It will be an excel
lent advertisement for them in Weep
ing Water, besides being an attraction
for the firm of Kaluky & Son.
Quite a number of friends assem-
bled at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. J.
W. Barries last Thursday evening, to
celebrate the fortieth birth day of the
hostess, and with music and song and
mirth theevoning was most enjoyable.
Mrs. Barnes was well remembered too,
in several handsome birthday gift3. It
is well to grow old with one's friends
, about them, to help enjoy all the
years as they go.
Neighborhood Discussion.
"I say Mrs. Wood, I understand you
have changed your place of trading."
"Yes, Mrs. Kent, I have, you see my
husband pays cash for all our Dry
Goods, and, of course, we go where
they keep the largest assortment and
sell at the lowest prices."
"Where do you buy your DryGoods?"
"Oh, we are like the rest of our
neighbors, we all go to the Red Lion
Dry Goods Hoase, of course."
"I am told the Red Lion Dry Goods
House deals exclusively in Dry Goods
and keeps a much larger assortment
than ever before seen in Plattsmoutb,
and sells very cheap."
"Yes they certainly do just think,
you can gtt anvthing from a fiv cent
print to a three dollar and fifty cent
silk, with trimmings to match. " I tell
you Mrs. Kent, go to the Red Lion
Dry Goods House when in Platts
mouth again."
I saw embroideries at the Red Lion
from two cents to one dollar per yard.
Laces from one to three inches wide,
all at 5 cts per yard, and a good black
silk at 50 cents and seventy-five cts and
one dollar. The have all wool black
cashmere at fifty, sixty-five, seventy
five and ninety cents and one dollar,
that beats anything I ever saw." Their
Dress goods at ten, twelve, fif
teen, eighteen, twenty and twenty-five
cents, are certainly very handsoiue and
they have the handsomest Ginghams
and Prints I ever saw. Talie Linens,
Napkins, Towels and Crashes, seem
very cheap to me. The Horary, Cor
sets, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, Collars,
&c, are elegant and cheap."
"Well it is just what Plattsmouth
has needed tor a long time, a first-class
Dry Goods House that will keep a
large assortment of Diy Goods and
sell at one low price, and the Red
Lion fills the bill. Crowds of custom
ers are there every day."
Plattsmouth, Neb., opposite the
Court House.
Cass County Agricultural Society.
An adjourned meeting of the Cass
County Agricultural Society will be
held at the Court Uouse next Saturday
at 2 o'clock. A full attendance i9 re
quested, as important business is to be
transacted. Walter S. Crosby,
Uncle Reuben Lowder Comedy
In Fitzgerald Hall, this (Thurs
day evening.
- New Good arriving every day at
S. & C. Mayer s. 1
J. V. Weckback speaks to our
readers through a big advertisement
this week. Read it.
"Uncle Reuben Lowder" is the
best play of this kind which has ap"
peared. Chicago Timee.
Another lot of those sectional
sweat pads at J. G. Chambers & Son's 2
The frame was raised for the Nev
ille store buildings on Sixth street,
Some elegant patterns of WaK Pa
per at Smith & Black Brothers. 1 '
Croft Eikenbary has charge of the
County prisoners now, and the jail is
full of them.
Try those Iron Yoke Centers at J.
G. Chambers & Son's. " 52t2
Harris & Unruh, the Furniture
men are moving into their new store
in "Union Block" one by one the new
stores are filled.
Lace Collars and ties, a new invoice
at Herrmann's. 51t2
Mike Schnellbacher has turned
out some fine wagons l.tely. If you
want a really good wa-jon you should
call on "Mike" and see his.
Fruits and Confectionery in great
variety at the Central Restaurant. 5ltf
Murphy, the Central Restaurant
man gets up the finest dinners going,
if you don't believe it try one and see
for youiself. He is having a big run.
Nice Stock Ribbons, Laces and
Trimmings, all new styles just receiv
ed at W. II. Baker's. 52t2
Donavin's Boston Ideal Uncle
Tom's Cabin Troupe is said to be the
best one of the seven that have been
here this winter, showed to a fairly
good house Thursday enening.
Latest styles of - spring suits just
received at S. & C. Mayer's. 1
J. V. Wecubach received a carload
of Dry Goods, Saturday. A general in
vitation is extended to all to call" and
see the same, whether you wish to pur
chase or not. See large aid elsewhere.
New Spring Goods received almost
daily at W. II. Baker's, prices as low as
the lowest, call and see before purchas
ing e'sewhere. 52t2
Mrs. A. P. Stout will now soon
be in her elegant new store room in
Union Block, Sixth Street. She will
open the finest stock of Millinery and
Fancy Goods ever brought to our city.
A serious accident might have
happened Monday. A team of large
grey horses became unmanageable on
Main street, the driver being thrown
out. A woman and child in the back
part of the wagon were rescued in
time by the aid of a number of per
sons. . ' .
We see in the New York Spit it of
the Times mention of the cure of Mr.
George Drake, 4G, Fifth street, Indi
anapolis, Ind of a severe case of wa
ter rheumatism, by the use of St. Ja
cobs Oil Cincinnati Enquirer.
The members of the School Board
going oat are Messrs. Pollock, Leonard
aud Greisel. The importance of filling
their places with good men can not be
over-esiimated; as yet we do not hear
whether the people desize to re-elect
the same meu or if they will take the
ofiice or anything about the matter,
-Cakes for weddings, festivals, &c,
got up in the best style and on short
notice at the Central Restaurant. 5ltf
We just got ten full bundles of
our Celebrated St. Louis "Globe News
paper, such us the Heuaj.d is printed
on. It was shipped a little ahead of
time, so we have about seventeen bun
dles now on hand. If Brother Math
ews would step up here now he would
find nearly as much paper in the Uer
ald office at once, as he has used ever
sirjee he has been in Weeping Water.
J. W. Carner as Uncle Reuben, a
shrewd Yankee, gives a capital cbarac
terizatiou, investing the character with
a full hearted humor. Chicago Inter
An elegant line of Imported Pat
tern Hats received yesterday at Solo
mon & Nathan's. Ladies if you wish
to see something elegant, please ask to
see these goods. 1
Alderman Gorder is on the sick list.
Dr. John Black has gone to Chicago
with a lot of cattle.
J. V. Weckbach returned from Lin
coln Saturday morning.
A brother of Mr. Meek Davis is
yisiting in Cass County.
P. B. Murphy, of the Central Res
taurant, was in Omaha Monday.
Harry Race, of W. W was in town
Tuesday with his little daughter.
Mrs. R. Cooley and daughter, Miss
Mamie, of Mt. Pleasant were in town
Eugene Reed, of Reed Bros- W. W
went east yesterday for their spring
stock of goods.
A. B. Dickson, ef Stove Creek pre
cinct came in Tuesday on the train
from W. W.
George Vallery, of Lincoln, was in
Town over Sunday, visiting his rela
tixes and friends.
Mr. A. W. Dawson came up from
Nebraska City to be persent at the
marriage of his niece, Miss Maggie.
Mrs. I. Campbell' returned from
Ohio, Tuesday, where she has been vis
iting the past three or four months.
Miss Altle Sage formerly one of the
Herald force called Tuesday. She
has entirely recovered from her late
C. C. Babcock, of W. W.. paid the
Herald a lot of money on the rnn
the other day. Just as good alle samee,
Dr. LaForce, father of Mrs. W. n.
Baker, wa3 in the city last week, and
with his daughter returned home the
first of the week.
Miss Mary Sage, who has been run
ning a Millinery Store for the past
few years at Ashland, is visiting her
mother in this city.
WillS. Wise left for Pueblo, Col.,
on Tuesday, on business and pleasure
combined. He will be back in time to
attend to his Registry business.
Wade A. Davis, brother of Frank
Davis, and an employee of the B. & M
left for Arapaho, via Crete, where he
will visit for the next thirty days.
G. A. Seybolt has returned to Platts
mouth for a few weeks, from New
York, his usual home. Many friends
will be glai to see and welcome Mr.
Seybolt, while he stops with us.
Mrs. F. E. Squires left to-day foi
Sheridan, via Nebraska City ; she will
stop at the City ? day or two, then at
Sheridan, with her sister, for a couple
of weeks.
Mr. W. J. Carter, of Weeping Water
a long time subscriber of the Herald,
leaves Cass Co. thi3 week to take up,
his residence in (Valparaiso, Sannders
Co. The Herald wishes him good
luck in his new home.
Mr. P. Sidenstricker and family left
last week for AVymore, Gage Co., Ne
braska, where Mr. S. will engage in
farming. Mr. S. has been a resident
of Plattsmouth for a number of years.
May he find his new home a pleasant
John Tutt is in Wm. Her old's store
hard at work as usual; whether shov
ing the pen inkle County Clerk's of
fice, husking the down row for a farm
er while be "explains the situation" or
showing goods over the counter to
please customers, John makes a full
Land all the time.
Mr. J. P. Ruby i beginning a new
farm house at last. He is digging the
cellar and cutting up rose bushes and
trees, etc., to make room for the new
dwelling. We are glad to hear this;
for we feel that a new house will make
a new man. Broader dwellings make
broader people; room to move matter
makes room to expand mind.
We received last week a nobby card
of invitation from Dr. Joe Hall to at
tend tbe commencement exercises of
Bellevue Hospital Medical College,
which took place Wednesday, March
15th, at 3 o'clock, and (sub rosa from
the Dr.) with a little more commence
ment at the hotel Brunswick, in the
evening, to which he invited us to
bring our girl along. The invitation
contained a handsome steel engraving
of the Hospital in the distance, which
looked most natural, ye editor having
often been within its walls with a
young friend who was himself a stu
dent there years ago.
Mr. Enos Berger came in last Satur
day and ordered the Herald to go on
a isit with him to California, whither
he and his son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Johnson, will spend
the next six or eight weeks, making
San Bernardino headquarters. Mr,
Berger seemed to enjoy the prospect of
going very much, and well he might,
to take a jump, as it were, into mid
summer, with flowers and berries and
fresh vegetables, instead of March
winds, a possibility of snow storms
and the general unpleasantness of our
spring weather. May they have a
pleasant trip and return with health
much improved in the case of Mrs.
Johnson, which was one of the objects
f the trip.
Uncle Sam's Men.
Uncle Sam's letter carriers are a
hard-working set of men, and are lia
ble to contract rheumatism because of
tho constant exposure to which they
are subjected. . Calling at the post of
fice the reporter had a pleasant con
versation with Mr. J. XI. Mattern, one
of the most popular and clever letter
carriers in Indianapolis. -Mr. Mattern
said that, while in the army during
the civil war, he sprained one of his
ankles, which was always sore during
the period of the rapid changes in the
weather. He did not find much relief
from the several remedies he applied.
But two years ago he hit upon St. Ja
cobs Oil, and experienced wonderful
relief from its u?e. Several applica
tions of the Great German Remedy re
lieved him entirely. The reporter
talked with others among the letter
carriers and found that tbe Great Ger
man Remedy was popular in the post
office. They use it for sore feet, rheu
matism, etc and praise it highly. In
dianapolis News.
Mr. R. Vivian has the contract for
the stone work upon the new Opera
House, and commences operations this
week. The stone comes from his quar
ry below the bridge.
Largest assortment of Ladies' and
Child rens neckwear in town at W.
II.Bakei's. 32t2
1 - Don't fail to read the "Neighbor
hood Discusson" in the next column.
Swiss Embroideries, .
Swiss Embroideries,
at Herrmann's. 51t2 '
O Lawd I -'Another Uncle Tom's
Cabin Troupe is reported coming this
way. tjaarantine, the town against
them or do something to make tbem
pass ns by. , - -
Choice Potatoes for seed and eat
ing purposes at W. IL Baker's 52t2 .
All Chicago hats vo be sold at the
first cos I at S. & C. Mayer's.
Novelties in Hair Goods received
this week at Solomon & Nathan's, the
styles are something new and deserve
an inspection. . ,1
Embroideries, Embroideries.
5000 yards of new embroideries receiv
ed; ranging from' 2cts" to SM.50 at F.
Herrmanns. - olts
When you are ready to paper your
house don t fail to look through Smith
at Black Brothers samples of wall pa
per, i
The second but not last Invoice of
Wall Paper received at Smith & Black
Brothers, which makes the laigest
stock of paper ever handled by one
firm in the city. We will constantly
re-order as the trade demands it aad
make our establishment headquarters
during the season. 1
Solomon & Nathan propose this
season to offer their customers some
real crenuiue inducements and thev will
show the largest and most complete
stock at nrices that none can comDete
with. Their store being the Ladies'
favorite shopping place, iney wm
spare no pains to please and at the
same time convince the closest uuye
that "Their Store" is the place to get i
real bargain. 1
A son of Wm. and Diana Chalfant,
aged 14 years, died on Wednesday,
March 8th. 1832, of pneumonia. The
funeral services were Thursday, at the
house. The Herald desires to ex
press its sympathy with other friends
at the great loss Mr. and Mrs. Chal
fant have sustained.
Collection Notice.
All persons indebted to Baker & At-
wood will please call and settle with
W. II. Baker, as we want to close up
the old business immediately.
2t4 Baker & Atwood.
New Drag Store.
O. F. lohnson will open up his new
Drug Store next week, with one of the
fineat itocks of drugs, paints, oils, sta
tionery, paper, &c, ever shown in this
city, in the store-room formerly occu
pied by The Great Red Store. As Mr.
Johnson is the oldest Druggist in the
c'.ty and intends keeping nothing but
first-class stock, we bespeak for him a
large trade. For further particulars,
f nquire of Deacon Myers.the head clerk1
Headquarters for Stetson hats at
S. & C. Mayers. 1
The Neatest Thing Yet.
An everlasting trimming in Linen,
just as cheap as cotton. The most
durable and cheapest trimming made,
at Herrmann's. 5112
Seed Barley For Sale !
At Glekdale. Cass Co., Nebraska,
bt Jno. W. Urwin.
P. O. address, Louisville, Neb. 52t4
Tin! Tin!
Ike Golding has opened a tinshop,
and is prepared to do all kinds of roof
ing, spouting and guttering. North
side of Main Street. 52U
A certificate of Pensions, 0,030, a dis
charge and some other papers about
three weeks ago; either in Plattsmouth
or on the rode home. Any person find
ing the same will be suitably reward
ed by returning to the Post Office at
Plattsmouth. Salathel omith.
March 14th, 1882.
Having purchased the interest of
Mr. Atwood in the Merchandise bus
iness, I will continue at the old stand
where I hope to see all my old friends
and customers, and welcome a host of
new ones. My motto will be, "Living
prices and everything as represented.
or money refunded, but do not choose
to sell below cost." Respectfully,
W. II. Baker.
Take Notice.
I wish to give notice that in con
nection with my Hardware store, I
have a tin shop; all kinds of repairing
done with neatness and dispatch. My
workman is one of the best that could
be produced to make anything and
everything that the trade demands at
such rates that it would be impossible
for customers to find fault with him.
Call and see for yourselves.
U' J. R. Cox.
Many persons will take no medi
cine until prostrated on-a bed of sick
ness. This is folly. Nature always
calls for assistance when needed to
throw off impurities. With our habits
of life, it is necessary to render this
help. PricKly Ash Bitters will not
force nature, but acts mildly and ren
ders the assistance required. Try
them. 49t2
There is a general complaint among
druggists that tbey cannot get. enough
of "Dr. Sykes'Sure Cure for Catarrh"
to supply the demand. If thus disap
pointed write direct to the Doctor, 16
Madison St.. Chicago. 50t4
For mixed paints go to Roberts
Drug Hlore. 51tf
"Ilackmetack" a lasting and fra
graut perfume. Price 25 and SOcts.
Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 42eow
Shiloh's Cure will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. 42eow
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
lOcts, 50cts, and $1.00. Sold by Smith
& Black Bros. 42eow
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and
Canker Mouth. Sold by Smith &
Black Bros. 42ow
A Nasal Injection free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price SOcts. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. 42eow
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of
Bourbon, Ind., says: "My wife and I
owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption
Cure. Sold by Smith & Blach Bros.
-Are you made miserable by indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss
of Appetite, Yellow Skin, Shiloh'o Vi
talizer is a positive cure. Sold by
Smith & Black Bros. 42eow
For Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint, you 'have a printed guarantee
on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizerh
It never fails to cure. Sold by Smith
& Black Bros. 42eow
ILower BJalra Street,
Having purchased a Larger and More Complete Stock of
for my Spring Trade than ever before, I am now prepared to make
it up. into Suits of the very latest styles. Employing
none but first-class workmen,
I Warrant Every Article to Fit in Every Particular.
Thanking my patrons and friends for past favors, I hereby in
vite you all to call and examine the BEST SELECTION of PIECE
GOODS ever brought to this city.
52tf "
1 Notice to Tree Planters.
parties wishing to plant
for Forest Planting can get them in
any Quantity by
ordering them from
51t4 MURPHY & CO.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Will ship to any point by rail.
Having bought the shop and tools of
C harles J. Hoffman, on Chicago Ave.
a well known stand I am now prepared
to do all itoru of illac'kmithliii:.
Plow and all uorti of Agricultural Imple
ments sharpened and fixed at short notice.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. March 16, 1882. 52ly
Meat Market,
LAFE Q'NEIL, Prop'r.
Beef, Mutton, Port, Yeal, CHicte,&c,
Constantly on hand.
Also. all kinds of AME in season, and ev
erything kept In a
At loweat possible rates.
North Side Main SU let. ith and oth,
-Come, ye Poor and Needy," and I will
sell you a Resting Place.
Lots, Lots, Lots, Lots, Lots,
In Palmer's Addition,
B. 4' JW. Railroad Shops,
Just outside the City limits, aud not subject to
City Taxes,
Fine Residence and Garden Lets,
where a Shop man, or any other man. can eat
hi dinner under his own roof, and not cold
unih from a flintier nail ill the duatV. SlllokV
shop. Only three to ten minutes' walk from his
work. (Jail on
nt. T.jiw and Real Estate Acent.
Over Baker'u Store, who will make terms to suit.
LOTS FKOM $40 TO $80,
On time, or for Cash, to men wi. o will build.
No Lots for Speculators !
Evergreens, Norway Spruce
Scotcn ana Austrian Pines.
All twice transplanted, and in good coudit ion
aiso a gcyju muck ui .
Flowering Shrubs & Tines
such as Spireas, Lilacs in eix varieties. Snow
Kalis, Syringa, Trumpet Creepers, American
ivi.iavU il.winvoiiL:ld ii-iftii ion Titrpr ntiil
Japan Lilies, A general assortment of
Ureenhonse and Bedding Plants,
which must be sold at bottom prices.
300.000 Cabbage Plants, Early and Late,
100,000 Tomato Plants,
50.00Q Celery Plants,
125.000 Sweet Potato Plants.
10,000 Pepper and Egg Plauts.
Kn4 titr Triri or call at m v Gardens. 5
miles South West of Plattsmouth, Kebrattka.
61-13 W. J. IIEMSKH.
Hair Work
by Mrs. A. Knee; combings made up,
roots all one way without extra charge.
All Hair left with E. G. Dovey Ac Son
will be warranted good work.
Attachment Notice.
V. I. Moore and Wm. Moore will take notice
that on the 1st dav of March, 18s2, G. C. Cleg
horn, a Justice of the Peace of Louisville Pre
cinct. Cats County, Nebraska, Issued an Order
of Attachment for the sum of Thirty-one dol
lars and forty-one cents ($31.4:). in an action
pending before him. wherein S. A. Ripley U
Dlaintiif and V. I Moore and Wm. Moore are
defendants ; that property consisting of 1 cook
stove, 1 duck tent cloth, and 2 boxes of house
hold goods, has been attached under said or
der, haid canse was continued to the 20th day
of April, 1RS2, at 1 o'clock p. m,
LouUvJlle, Neb., March To. 1882.
B2t4 S. A. Kiplkv, Plaintiff.
Probate Notice.
KA. 1
3S CO. J
In Probate.
Notice Is hereby given that at the April term
of the Countv Court, to be held in and for s;fid
County, at the Court House in the City of
1'iattsuioutn. in saiu uounty, on luesuay, tue
18th day of April. A. D 1SS2. at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day, the following matter will be heard
and considered i The application of E. M. Smith
toiadmu to proDate tne last win ana testament
of Richard Anderson Smith, late of the County
of San Francisco, State of California, now de
ceased, and for letters testamentary, with said
rui annexed, to ts. At. sinitu.
By order of Court,
A. A. Lavkrty. County Judge.
Dated March 14, A, D. 1882. 52tc
Dissolution Notice.
Notice U hereby given that the firm of J. &
H. J. Streicht. Is dissolved bv limitation. Mr.J.
Streight retiring from said firm. The business
will be continued by Henry J. Streight, who
will collect all notes, and accounts due the firm
aud assume all liabilities.
South Bend. Neb., March 1st, 1882. sitf
Legal Notice.
In Justice's Court, before C. Russell, a Justice
of the Peace m and lor Weeping vater Pre
cinct, in said Couuty.
Matthew Mill, of Denisop. in the State of
Iowa, will take notice that Timothy Clark, of
the County of Cass and tbe State of Nebraska,
did on the 25th day of February. A. D. is, file
his bill of part:cufars in said Justice's Court
against said Matthew Mill, wherein he alleges
that cn the 25th day of November, 1880. said
Natthew Mill made and entered into a certain
contract in writing with said Timothy Clark,
wherein it was agreed that said Matthew Mill
was to deliver to said Timothy Clark six hun
dred bushels of corn ; that under and by virtue
ol said contract said Timothy Clark paid to
said Matthew Mill the sum of one hundred dol
lars ; that s?.d Matthew Mill failed to perfonn
his part of said contract, and that there Is now
due to said Timothy CiarK upon the same the
um of fortv-tlve dollars and ninety-four cent
(tV 94) with Intel est from November 2ath, 6H0 ;
uuii saiu iimuiuy uarx xustainea damages cy
reason of the non performance of said contract
in the sum of fifty dollars (350.00). Said Timo
thy Clark asks judgment against said Matthew
Mill fur the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.)
together with the costs of thls.action.
Matthew Mill is hereby notified that he wil I
be required to appear and answer said bill of
particulars on or before the 7th day of April, i
A. D. 1882. TIMOTH V. CLARK.
By Gikso.T&Meikxe, his Att'ys. oct3
iu. O'UOUKK.
Legal Notice.
John W. Macy, non-resident, defendant, will
take notice that on the 4th day of March, 1U&,
Jhn Black, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition
in the District Court of Cas County, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclone a certain Tax Saie cer
tificate, executed by tbe Treasurer of said Cars
County to plaintiff on the 5th day of November
1877. for the delinquent taxes of the year 1876,
on the north half (nVS) of the southwest quar
ter (sw!i) of section thirty-four township
ten (io), uoriii oi range nm ('J. east tun v. ai.,
and subsequent taxes paid thereon bv plaintiff.
There is now due thereon -iQ.ut. and interest
thereon. And plaintiff prays for a decree that
ueieLuaui uo required to pay tue name, or mat
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due. You are required to answer said
petition on or Delore the lTtli day oi April, lso2.
uutea tuis Tin day oi Marcn, its2.
JOHN BLACK, Plaintiff.
By J. S. Mathews, Attorney. 51U
for Military Sup
Chief Qn arte rm aster's Ofeick. (.
Omaha, Neb., Mart h 7th, 188J. )
OFALED triplicate,subject to
uie usual conditions, will ie received at tins
ofiice until 12 o'clock M., on Tuesday, April 18,
1882. or at the same hour (allow ini: tor the dif
ference in time) at the oflices of the Quarter
master s at me ioiiowmg named stations, at
wiucq places ana time they win be opened in
the presence of bidder?, for the furnishiui: and
delivery of Military Supplies during the year
commencing July 1st, 18C2, aud endiug June 30,
188J, as follows : Wood, Hay and Charcoal, or
such of said supplies as may be required at
omaua xcpot, rort omaua, fort Niobrara,
Fort Sidney, Cheyenne JJepot, Fort Kussel. Fort
Sanders. Fort Steele, Fort Hall, Fort louglas.
Fort Cameron, Fort rcobinson. Fort Briuger,
Fort Laramie, Fort Fetterman, Fort McKinney
Fort Washakie and Fort Thoruburg.
Proposals will also be received at this ofiice
up to the day and hour above named, for the
delivery on the cars at the point nearest to the
mines on the line of the Union Pacific Railway,
of eight thousand tons of Coal, of '2,240 pounds
to the too. Also for delivery at the Omaha
uepot. or at nations on tne main line oi the
Union Pacific Railway eat from Kearney Junc
tion, of two million pounds of corn, and one mil
lion pounds oats. Bids for grain should state
the rate per loo pounds not per bushel.
Proposals for either clask- of the stores men
tioned, or for quantities less than the whole
required, will be received. Each proposal
should be in tripl. cate, teiaratc for awn ar
ticle at each utation, and must be accompanied
by a bond in the sum of live hundred dollars
(5oo) executed strictly in accordance with the
priuted Instructions, and upon the blank form
furnished under this advertisement, guaran
teeing that the party making tho proposal
shall not withdraw the same within sixty days
from the date announced for opening them ;
and that if said proposal is accepted and a con
tract for the supplies bid for, awarded thereun
der, he will, within ten days after being noti-
be made within the sixty days above mention
ed.) accept the same and furujsli good and suf
ficient sureties, at once, for the faithful per
formance of the contract.
The Government reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals.
A preference will be given to articles of do
mestic production.
Blank proposals and printed circulars, stat
ing the kind and estimated quantities of Wood,
Hay and Charcoal required at each statiou,
and giving full instructions as to the manner of
bidding, conditionto be observed by bidders
and terms of contract, &c, will be furnished on
application to this Ofiice or to the Quarter
masters at the various stations named.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked : "Proposals lur
and addressed to the undersigned or to th
respective Post and Depot Quartermasters.
MU Chief Quartermaster.
Legal Notice.
Samuel A. Megrath. non-resident defendant,
will take notice (hat on the 4th day of March,
182, John Black plaintiff herein, tiled his peti
tion in the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, against said defendant ; the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax
Sale Certificate, executed by the Tieasurer of
said Cass County, to plain! ilf on the 7th dav of
November, 1877, for the delinquent taxes of the
year 157G. on the north west quarter of the
north east quarter of section C, township 12,
north of range 10, and east of the cth P. M., and
subsequent taxes paid tnereon by plaintiff.
There is now due thereon f 28 88 & interest there
on. And plaintiff prays for a decree that de
fendant be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due.
You are required to answer said petition on.
or before the 17th day of April, 1882.
Dated this 7th dav of March, 18itf. 51U
John Black, Plaintiff,
By James S. Matltewd, his Attorney.
Legal Notice.
Edmund A Deslond and J. J. Monroe, non resi
dent defendants will take notice that on the
4th day of March 1882, John Black, plaintiff,
herein filed his petition in the district court of
Cass County, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain tax sale certificate, executed
by the County Treasurer of said Cass County, to
plaintiff on the 20th day of September, 1876, for
the delinquent taxes of the year 1875, on the
south east quarter of the north east quarter
of section 6 in township 12, north f
range 13, cast of tit U P. M. nud sub
se.iiu.nt taxes paid tlieifon There is now due
thereon S22.10 and interest thereon. And
plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be
required to pay the same, or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
ou are required to answ er said petition on or
before the 17th dav of April, 1882.
JOHN BLACK. Plaintiff.
By Jas. S. Mathewh, his Attorney. 5H4
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership teretofore existing under
the film name of Baker & Atwood is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Baker hav
ing purchased the interest of Mr. AUiiod , will
continue the business at tba old stand, where
accounts of the old concern will be settled ;
please call in as soon as convenient.
8 H. Atwooi,
Plattsmouth, Neb., March 1st, HW2. m
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the of the Estate of David Pit
man, deceased : In the Couuty Court of Cass
Couuty, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given, that Stephen a Davis,
administrator of the estate of the said David
pitman, decease.-, has made application for fin
al settlement, and that said cause is set for
heariug at my office at riattsmouth, on the loth
day of April. A. I)., I8s2, at K) o'clock, a. m.. on
said day ; at which tithe and Place, all persons
interested may be present ami examine said ac
counts. A. A. Lavkktv, Co. Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 2d. 1882. 5it3
Probate Notice.
County Court for SH
Notice is hereby given that at the March
term of the County Court, to be held iu and for
said County, at the Court Hmise in the City of
Plattsmouth. in said County, on Friday, the
24th day of March, a. D. 182, at 10 o'clock, the
following matter will be heard and considered
to-wit : The application of Alary L. Buttery to
admit to probate the last w ill and testament
of Edward Buttery, .ate of the Citv of I'latts
mouth, in said County, deceased, and for let
ters of administration with will annexed.
Dated this 23d day of February. A. D. 1882
By order of the Court. A. A. Lavkrty.
cow County Judge.
Executor's Sale.
By virtue of a license, therefor to me eranted
by the District Court, Second Judicial District.
In and for Otoe County. Nebraska, as executor
of the last will and testament of Stephen F.
Nuckolls. late of Salt Lake City, Utah, deceas
ed, I will ofier for sale at public vendue, at the
south door of the Court House, In the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, on Tuesday. March
2lst, 1882, between the hours of one and two
o'clock p. in., all the right, title and interest of
the lat Stephen F. Nuckolls, deceased, in the
following described realty, situate in the
County of Cass, to-wit :
The swi of se. sec. 31, town 13, range 13,
The e$4 of seH. sec 32. town 13, range IX
The swf4 of sw?4. sec. 33, town 13, lauge 13.
The n'i of ne1. sec 6, town 12, range IX
It 4 In sec. 31. town 13. range 13.
Lot 5 in sec. 32, town 13, range 13.
Lot 5 in sec. 33. town 13. range 13.
The seV of ne1, sec. 32, towu 13. ranfee 13.
Also the following lots in the City of Platts
mouth :
Lot 7. block 9 ; lot 1 in bl ck 13 ; lots 7 and 9
hi block 23 : lot 7 in block 40 ; lot 2 in block 42 :
lots 6 and 11 in block 53 ; lot 11 in block M : lot
10 iu block t;l, ALLEN FOWLEU,
Executor last will and testament of S. F.
Nuckolls, deceased.
E, F. Wabbex, Attorney.
73 o
My new and elegant store, which is the best lighted in the State, and the
most complete for the display of goods, comprising the first and second
floors, is filled with New, Choice and Desirable Goeds. The first floor con
tains Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Crockery and Queensware, while the
second floor contains a very large stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac. No finer stock in the city to se
lect from. Our
Is now very inviting, and contains a very fine assortment of new and desira
ble fabrics. Cashmere, black and colors, Alpacas, Buntings, all colors, Ar
mures, Debeges, Lawns, Cambncs, Frint3, Muslins, Tickings, etc..,etc.
All of the newest colors, Dress Silks, , and Satin de Lyon Blacks, a specialty.
Trimming Silks and Satins, all sJtade.1 and colon.
We offer this line at special bargains.
Carpets, Laee Curtains, Table Linens, Xapkins,
Doyle's Curtains, Muslin and Fixtures.
Trimmings and Novelties.
Rucliings, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Buttons, Headed Goods,
Cords and Tassels, Knitting Yarns, Silks and Flosses, Ladies', bliss
es' and Children's Underwear and Furnisliing Guods a full line.
We are the sole agent for the celeUiated Downs' Self-Adjuiitlnff
Corset, the best corset made. Also, a full line of other well-known corsets.
We have the best FIFTY-CEXT CORSET in tho City.
' K ES (D IS El H E .
A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries
No larger stock in the city. Give, me a call and you will always be
sure of irettin' FKESII GOODS.
Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods.
AVe are Agents for the
Catalogue Free.
521 y
Successor to J.
Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Wlilis,
Blankets, Lap Kohes, &c, &c.
We not only use
3Tirst-Cla,ss Stocks,
But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST.
Is permanently located lu hla NEW STORE cn
you can find every kind of tool and
r i"h
I ids
t3 ?.j
m H - Z fr
,11 1 W ' '
e .2
ci CJ
r H
111 M fi'l
O. Cli:inilns..
Remember the plaee Opp. the P.O.
Mala Street, below the Court lloune, where
iin:!eme!it the farmer needs.
.J 1-1
11 ui i
mi 3
III - r "I
m an
K iilliij" I'M, II'' V 1 . . I .
1 -r