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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1882)
1 he Herald. no. y4. IacWorpht, JTditor. PLATTSMOUTIL MARCH 16, 1882. Oar Clab List. Here we are with our Club List. To every subscriber who pays for tbe coming year In ad vance we will give a copy of Kendall's "Horse and Hi Disease" free. As will be noticed by looking over this 1LU carefully, several prera lunis are offered by other papers and maga zines, so our readers can, if they wish, obtain two premiums as well as two papers at low rates : ' TIIR PIUCK. Herald and Inter-Ocean, vweek'y) .2 75 - St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 75 " J Chicago Herald, weekly 2 40 M " daily S 15 " Burlington Hiwkeye 3 00 " . " Louisville Courier-Journal... S 06 " " Leslie's Ills. Newspaper 4 15 " - " N.Y. Times, (sem-weekly)... 4 13 - . " Sun. (weekly) 2 65 - " Toledo Blade Z 09 " " Iowa Farmer, (and Garfield pres.) S3 ' " Scientific American 4 20 Nebraska Farmer 2 70 ". Omal a Republican (A prem). 2 "5 - Omal a Bee (and prem.) 3 65 44 Ameiican Agriculturist 2 8S " , Frail ie Farmer 3 30 -' The Kural New Yorker (with seed distribution. 3 r0 , - Harper's Bazar 4 S " . Weekly 4 85 Monthly 4 C5 " Vouuk I'eoule 2 85 Scrlbner's Monthly Kt. Nicholas Eclectic Magazine Demoresl's Monthly Maga zine, (with prem.) Godey' Lady' Hook Phrenological Journal Literary & F..i i-cat'nal Note. Good Cliip:iii ' Ehrlch's fashion Quarterly.. IIouekestir 4 85 4 10 5 75 3 15 3 25 3 15 2 25 4 00 2 10 2 40 THE new hotel a. Talvert U called thu "Holdrege II0119-." AV. II. C. Woounuits i wai tlected Recorder of 'Pacific Junction." A. B. Boone, of Cilenwood, drew $6'K thresher in the Bee premiums. Fred Xte thinks Senator Paddock may yet be appointed in Kirkwood'a place. Oscar Wilde is to be in Omaha thu 21st. Sunflowers and lilies will be 1 In demand. What is the Seward Reporter driv ing at" aestheticism first being men tioned in the Bible? The jury in the Koster's case, Oma ha, disagreed, nine ftr acquittal, and three for conviction. If Vandervoort can't read mir writ ing he had better resign. Any "Bohe mian" could make that out easy. Oakland hasa Swedish theatre wi;h an amateur Swedish company, .whs give plays in their native tongue. The Nebraska papers speak well of ex-Senator Paddock for Secretary of the Interior. Nebraska, or rather the West, deserves the place. A special meeting of the County Farmers Alliance was to have been held at Weeping Water last Saturday. We have not yet received any report of its proceedings. The Hesperian Student has been rescuscitated, freed from debt, and is now having a boom, getting out a newsy, readable account of the doings of our State University. Dr. Miller ha3 been very positive about this strike business and of the righteousness of tl e troops being call ed out; we agree, but why was it such a crime to call for troops to protect citizens in southern states but a short time ago. The cases are surely par allel. And now they talk of cutting a channel through Behritig's Strait, re moving an Island or two, and letting the warm Japan-.- cunent through. Which is expected to thaw up millions of acres of ice, and make a tropical re gion of Greenland, Aitoiia, and other Boreastic places. We are receiving ;t copy of the Woman's Journal, published iu Bos ton, Lucy Stone, editor. A nurabei of copies of the paper have been donated to the Suffrage Association of this state to be distributed by them. We hall be pleased to give any ladies who may desire the benefit of an occa sional number of our quarto. Roscoe Conklino has twice refus ed the highest place to which a lawyer and a jurist can aspire. When sue tuen as Roscoe Conkling reaolve upon a given course in life they know their own minds. President Arthur tried to houor him with the highest position in hiit cabinet. This was declined. He thnn proposed to pay him the highest compliment in his power, and the re sult, alike honorable to Conkling and Arthur, is known. Ex. Adam Bittenbender sends us tbe prospectus of a new paper. It is "The Polk County Farmers' Advocate," ed ited by the above. The other iellow, McCur.e, don't exactly like the style, it seems, and gives a Primer lesson on Mrs. B. The new paper is to be an ex ponent of -Anti-Monop., Uuiversal Suf rage, Temperance and Education. It has enough hitched onto it, anyway. Those in Caas County drawing pre miums in the Bee distribution are: M. M. Shipman, "Weeping Water, Standard Mower; Elder E. Root, El bq wood, sew ing machine; Harry Ilowland, Platts mouth, silver watch; II. D. Andrews, "Weeping Water, watch; D.D.John son, Weeping Water, watch ; and W. C. Snider, Plattsmoutb, one share min ing stock. Wb little realize here the terrible condition of the inhabitants of the lower Mississippi country. From Cairo down the river it is said to aver age nearly forty miles in width and the greater portion of the way the lev ees aro either washed away or in undated and of 110 practical benefit. Four hundred thousand people are supposed, to be -drowned out of their homes. The labor difficulties at Omaha are serious matters. The settlement there of decides talTgieat extent the 1 (giits and privileges of. free American it izenship. If we understand I mat ter these are about the circumstance. The B. & M. II R. Co. had a certaj i amount of grading to do. They h-t it, as is usual, and under the same con ditions and as all contracts are let, to one James Stephenson. He advertised for men. a number of men, some three hundred. He put to work 75 or 100. he agreed to pay them 31.25 per day. He attempted so settle at 81.10 per day. W6 are now proposing to give the statement of the laborers them selves, as we have heard it. These men rebelled at this; as they had a perfect right to. No thinking man claims that men should work for inadequate wages, nor yet that a con tractor can causelessly violate his agreements. The men on the dump then struck against Stevenson's injus tice as they suppose and believe. In that they have had the sympathy of all the better and free thinking class of people. No serious disturbance occurred at this time however, more than some hearty cussing of "Modoc Jim." The B. & M. R. R. Co. finding their work was not progressing and could not be done under Stevenson, waited on him and asked what he intended to do about his contract. S. admitted he could uot fill it at that time, and ad mitted the right of the company to go ahead and do the work if needed with their own employes. The company did so. paying and never offering, from from the start, auv less than 91.50 per day. During the agitation of these mat ters the labor unions or some of the men managing these institutions de cided that men ought not tu work at this kind of Work for less than 31.75 per day. In pursuance of this decision, and in consequence thereof a parade took place on Wednesday the 8th. iu which the men were led near the dump on which the B. & M. men wer working, guarded by a few regular police of Omaha k.nd some extras from Plaits mouth, called for and put there by Mayor Boyd because of threatened in terference by oataiders, cilled labor er?, if any men were ut to work less than 81.75 per day. On this, Wednes day, some portion of this parade said not to be of the union, or "labuiing men" ruslit d out and drove the work men off, tried to throw the scrapers into the river, demanded and tore the tin stars oft of the extra special police and pounded and abused shamefully at least three of the men set there by lawful authority to guard and protect the men at work. The men fled, the police abandoned their rights, the of ficers of the B. & M. left the grounds. The assemblage on Wednesday num bered from 3000 to 4000 people, and peaceable resistance seemed a farce. The labor union did not prevent this outrage, they did not protest. Under such conoitions the Mayor of Omaha, the Sheriff of Douglas Co., and many citizens called on the Governor far aid. The Governor called out the Mi litia and by the request and advice of other prominent and good citizens of state asked the aid of U.S. treopsalso: because it was thought an irregular force or a riotous mob would respect the "regulars," perhaps, sooner than the Militia. The troops came, they are there still, no property has since been destroyed no men have been driven off. One old man, an innocent unfortunate, has been killed. Every good citizen n- grets this, but it should be remenbered that the first violence, the only dis- truction ef property came from the followers of the so-called "strikers." Without discussing the propriety of strikes at this time, or their effects, which would take space ley :nl the limits of this article, we desire to draw attention to one or two Tacts. At least a dozen of the best farmers in Cass Co. are wanting to sell their farms, not men who are failures, who cannot make mney at farming, but of the best and thriftiest farmers we have. Every man we asked gave as a reason for selling, the scarcity and un reliability of help. They cannot get the labor they need The annoyance has become so great they prefer to sell and rush to ills tbey know not of, rather than endure those of the past few years. Farm labor, supposed te be some sort of criterion of the value of man ual labor, is about 820 per mouth, and board, of course. Twenty five dollars is demanded in many instances and farmers say they cannot pay that. Not long since t legislature of Ne braska passed a law allowing road supervisors 81.50 per day for their ser vices, and to-day few will qualify at that. It is not surprising that an ig norant man liice Stevenson, or a great corporation, should think 81.25 or $1.50 per day enough for a working man when the great state of Nebraska assumed that 81.50 was enough for the performance of an important duty. Better laws and better adjustment of labor is needed, more brains and less gab at the front. Some study of cause and effect and a little knowledge of political economy might-be used. perchance, now and then in fixing the relations of man to his fellowman If Omaha has 30.000 people; it is presumable 10,000 are males capabloof self defense. It is said the "mob" numbered 5,000 that really includes bystanders, so that of aggressive force there was probably' at best 1,500 or 2,000. There is, there must be, in the neighborhood of 5,000 men in Omaha, owning property, keep ing stores, doing business, interested in preserving law and order. Why are such men so indifferent to the pres ervation of law aud order, if there was danger of destruction of property. Why not combine to protect each oth er before calling for the troops and outside aid. Is it indifference or cowardice, that usually leaves the im pression that the disorderly forces of a cily outnumber its law abiding citizens. VAIf W1CKI1! Tlic Lily of 1'urlty !l 'l'lic Sunflower of Arithmetic! j And the Jlnipsou-Yf eed of Reform I Senator Van Wvck. in his soecch on the "Special Deposit" survey system, gets off the following, which "Oscar" might 'o well to study and profit by; likewise some of the modl reformers may read the same with care: "Like the postoffice, the land depart ment produced this monstrosity of vil lainy under a remarkably pure admin istration. If more time had been spent m detecting thefts and robbers, and less in decimal fractions, the differen tial calculus, and the orbits of the hea venly bodies, the treasury would not have suffered so much detriment These frauds in the interior depart ment are particularly painful, for at that time it was enjoying the distinc tion of possessing all there was aes thetic in the paradise of civil seivice. There the lily and sunflower of Amer ican politics were scattering their brightest hues and most fragrant per fumes. Daily and monthly reports were regularly made, the annual expendi ture of a few thousands was swelling into millions, still the sesthetic chief and his pinks of civil service reform must not be disturbed in their consid eration of abstractions and theories." A Melancholy 31 arm nr. The Plattsuioulh Herald savs "What does Dr. Miller mean by pitch ing into jur Cass County fellows so? Come, Doctor, no innuendoes. If you know something, out with it! What is the matter, for heaven's sake?" This is a melancholy murmur over our efforts to help the junior senator from our State to reform the survey ing service of the country. The Her ald at Plattsmouth will oblige us by keeping as quiet as it conveniently can for the present. It nefcd not get nerv ous about the few innocent questions we have been aiking about the Platts--nioutli methods of distributing the public funds. By the way, will Orlan do win? Do you really think, he will build that biick block in Avoca? If not, why not Omah Herald. This is i.o "melancholy murmur." W-4 "want to know," that's all. We're nut nervous; don't belong to that kind. Cap Paine, at Lincoln, is the only nervous man we know; at least, he ohl us about a "nervous man" first. Not keeping "Orlando's" bank account we can't answer. Articles are appearing in the va rious newspapers throughout the State regarding what is called the Russian Mulberry tree, which 13 being largely cultivated by the Mennonites who em igrated to this country. The tree grows quite rapidly, and furnishes some times as soon as the second year a very pleasant fruit. It is an excellent fence wood, fuel, and is very desirable for cabinet work. Besides all this, the leaves are largely used for the silk worm. Union Items. Two of Rev. Presson's daughters, one from St. Louis, Mo, and the other from Sterliug, Neb , visited him last week, aud left for their homes on Thursday. Mrs. Barger, wife of Rev. AV. J. lar ger, of Ulysses, Neb., who has been visitiug here for a few days, left for heme on last Friday. Mrs. Douge, wife of N. G. Douge, died Sunday morning, and the funeral ttok place at 1 1 o'clock on Monday. fo":e was the last one living of Father Beatty's family. . Mr. Ezra Murphy and sister, and Miss Susan Reynolds, of Otoe County, are making calls in this vlcinitv. Mr. F. G. Kendall left for Illinois on the first of this mouth, called there tor the purpose of settling his father's es tate, who died about four weeks ago. Mr. Eli Smith, who has been stop ping with his brother Daniel for the last three months, thought it was not good lor a man to live alone. So he married one of Mr. l. W. Grimes daughters two weeks ago, and will Kave for his home in Eureka, Nevada, tbe rirbt of this week. Mr. femith had an interest in a silver mine, and is also ta the wood trade of that place. Mr. Wui. Jones-sold his farm not long since to Mr. Totlon, and left for Dea Moines, Iowa, last Thursday. Mr. Jones aud wife are citizens such as we regret to see departing from our midst. Mr. Win. Hoback, one of the old set tlers of thu place, has rented lib farm to Mr. John AlcNealy, who inovedfrom Macon Co.. Mo, not long since. Mr. II. and family will leav some tune this week for Dakoty. Mr. Wm. Drain, formerly of this County, made a call in (his neighbor hood last week. Mr D. is movHT to Harrison County, Iowa. Rev. James Wiley preached in the Union church, Sui.d.iy, at 11a. m. Mr. Jacob Opp is the proudest man iu this locality. It's No. 2, aiAl a jj'rK E. J. THE OMAHA RIO I S. All Qaiet now on the Slissonrl. Omaha, March 12. Col. Colby with eight companies of :ate militia arriv ed this morning, aud dpt. Adams, of he Fifth U.S. cavalry, will arrive with three companies of regulars ibis boon from Foil Sidney. Laborer will resume work at noon, and it is believ ed this fori will suffice to protect them from the strikers. The latter U-ve be gun boycotting those who refuse to contribute to the relief funds. Omaha. March 11. There have been no demonstrations by the strikers to day. The regulars, troops and militia will be kept guarding the non-striking laborers until the danger of axwther outburst is passed. Gov. Nauee arriv ed this evening and is with the local authorities, determined to stamp out the rioting and intimidation of labor ers, me arrest or tne ring-leaders com menced this evening. W. A. Fonda, a socialist agitator, and Barney Shan non, ex-city councilman, were the first ones arrested, and put under $iou bonds to answer to the charge of as sault with in'ent lo kill. The strikers hold a public meeting to-morrow, when a policy may be developed. The ques tion is likely to be settled Monday. 'Omaha, March 11. The situation is about the same as at 4 p. m. Every thing is quiet, with a stronger feeling of confidence among business men that the crisis will be reached Monday or Tuesday. The rioters are to-night in council. No disturbances are yet re ported. Some fears of incendiarism, but a close watch will be kept during the night. To-day demonstrated that tbe military was too strong for the ri oters. Gov. usance arrived at 4:30 by extra train, and is determined to com pletely break up the mob. Omaha, Match 11. The steam shov el and a number of teams are now at work on the B. & M. grading, and ev erything is quiet. The troops marched down to the dump and took position. while a howitter and Galling gun were placed so as to doervice if peedful. THE LABOR TROUBLE CONTINUED. Mass Meeting Sunday. An Unfortunate Occurrence. Trosps Still on Guard. The unfortunate labor trouble, which has been agitating Omaha from center to circumference for the last few days, seems to be further from settlement than ever, the events of Sunday having only increased the bit ter feelings. On Sunday afternoon another big labor iinion demonstration took place, Of labeling men, mechanics and sym pathizers with the present labor move ment at Jefferson Square, at tended by over three thousand men, and besides there were probably two thousand spectators who were there out of mere curiosity. It is safe to say that, there were over five thousand persons at Jeffeison square and vicin ity. ' . . , ED. WALSH spoke at length and berated Mayor Boyd. Sheriff Miller, and Dr. Miller considerably. A telegram from Senator V "Wyek reputed tu be to Walsh was read as fellows: "Washington, D. C 11:8. 1882. E. Walsh, President of Labor Union: Yours received. I congratulate you that niiiet. reiens. Will p thn rtresi- . fdent and secretary of war immediately as you request.- C. H. Van Wtck. Walsh had telegraphed lo Senator Van Wyck, stating that quiet reigned, and requesUng withdiawal of the troups. Congressman Valentine who had been telegraphed also, replied in terms That the president had placed the troops at the disposal of the governor to preserve law and order, and if law ai.d order now prevailed the presence of the troops should not be offensive to any one. .Mayor isoya look lue stand anu re- lenUeu himself from personal asper sions aud also his public course and appealed to men there who had woik ed for him if he had not alws paid fiiir wages and every cent he owed. This was responded to by answers of "Yes." ARBITRATION. On Sunday evening the exeeut've committee or ttie ibor union held a meeting, aud a committee of five dis interested persons was appointed and Kiven absolute power to arbitrate the question of wages on an equitable ba sis. The committee is composed as follows: Thomas O'Brien, of the typographical union, chairman; John Carrol, 'of the iron molder's union Dan O'Keefe, of the bricklayer's union Pat Murphy, of the international la bor union, and Win. Mulcahy, of the machinists' union. , DISTUKLANCK. During the afternoon just after dress paratie had been ordered the troops moved out near 6th and How ard streets to get more room. A portion of the crowd had been throw ing dirt and missiles and calling the soldiers names, w hen unfortunate ly an old man named Armstrong tried io iore nis way inrougn me raiis A scuffle ensued and the old man was knocked down ry the guard whesegun h w: tryii-g to secure. Another guard came in somehow and a bavonet was run clear through the man Arm strong, causing death in about 30 ruin Otes. A coronet's inquest was called Monday? a portion of which evidence we subject: . The first witness called was John Curry, general snperintendent of stone quniriesat )ulh Bend, who was looker-on with the rest of the crowd on Sunday afternoon. He testified to to the fact that a great many loafers and meii evidently not laboring men were using vile language calculated to rouse the indignation of the soldiers. ca'ling them sons of b lies, tow-heads. hay-seeds, &c. x nally the soldiers told them to stand back. Witness said to ex-Secretary of State, Roggen. and Assistant Adjutant General B ard that there would be bloodshed. A little while afterwards these men com menced to throw clods of dirt, and an officer was struck in the face. The next thing was a rush for the opposite side of the street, in front of the school house. The street hid been cleared previously by troops. The old man (Armstrong) staggem! across the street, and looked as if te uas undnr the influence of liquor. Two or thrt-e others ran across the street. One of the soldiers knocked the old man down O. hers came to the re":ief of Uih old tu.iu. and then s-jine other soHiers came up, and then the bayoneting was done. This was aftel die.s parade, about supper time. Witness aw a mau wipe blood off tiie bayonet, and knew the uiau was killed Afterwards asked abo i! In'in, but could net n jn. formation. Afterwards askrd one party, whm he knew, about the old man, ami the lej ly , "Thm's no breath in him." Witness described the soldier who did the bayoneting as weai ing a black cap, a swarthy com plexion, long nose, holding his head down. Officers very promptly reliev ed' llii-t guard of his gnu. and told (.mi not to be in such a hurry, and told all the guards to unload their guns im mediately. They had loads in their guns.- Crowd quietlv dispnted. The dirt thrown earn !rm behind the crowd. When the soldier diw his gun one fellow, who was aiint-d at, ran aud got behind a wi.iuaii and saved hhiist'lf. The sold ir r had put a cart ridge in hi gun. OfSctis jumped in as quickly as possible to stop h bus- int-ss. t all happened in about nvc UBUOhdi. Richards, recalled, said that the sol dier who did the stabbing was uot one ol the'guards on the picket line, but some other soldier. W. II. Kent testified that hj saw part of the affair. Saw Armstrong after he was lying down; saw Arm strong's son rush to his father's res cue, a soldier drew gun as if to 3r and crowd fell back ; saw Armstrong afterwards carried to the school house; two or three other disturbances had occurred shortly before this. Mr. Kent corroborated the other witnesses as to the insults to the soldiers and the throwing of missiles. Richards, received, testified that while Armstrong was down he held on to the gun and would not let go, and another soldier ran up and pushed a bayonet into him. Didn't know this party, but he -was on guard fifteen minutes afterwards. J. E. Wigman. the next witness, drew a diagram and explained the whole affair, corroborating the other witnesses. I THE DECEASED had resided in Omaha since 1867, and was about sixty years old. He was a copper-smith and sheet-iron worker by trade, and worked at different times in the Union Pacific shops and in the Willow Springs distillery, being an en gineer at the latter place for some time. Of late he has not worked at anything, as he has three grown bovs who assisted him in his declining years, lie leaves a widow and three sons. A grand Jury has been lmpanneled by Judge Savage to inquire into the unlawful prodeedings of Wednesday when several men at work on the dump were pounded -aud into ths above occurrence, as well. ARBITRATION AGAIN. The committee on arbitration re ported in favor of a spilt price be tween the 81.50 offered, and the 81.75 demanded by the strikers. "Wednebbay, March 15th. All qui et in Omaha. Troops still on ground, no prospect of any permanent settle ment. The verdict of the jury on Armstrong's death was as follows : : .That the deceased. G. P. Armstrong came to his death at the corner of Eighth and Howard streets, on March 12, 1SS2, by a bayonet thrust at the I hands of one or more of the state mi litia unknown, while the said mihtia were in the performance of their duty TWO MORE RANKS RECRUITS TO OF MATRIMONY. THE The r ile of the Young Folks' Brigade Losing its Most Charming Members. Sunday, March 12th, 1882, at St. Luke's Chu:cb, Plattsmouth, Neb., at 3 p. m, llev. II. B. Burgess officiating, were united in the holy bonds of mat rimony. Mr. Geo. E. Dovey and Miss Magge A. Dawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dawson, all of this city. Dame Nature has had naught but smiles for the young couples of Platts mouth who have recently entered the ranks matrimonial. In the wedding just past she made no exception to her rule for, issuing her imperial mandate, she banished most effectually the icy blasts of Old Boreas, and summoned from her minions instead tbe sunny airs of the May time, leaving only a mere trace of the sharper breath of the season. Verily, our newly wedded couples owe the old dame a thank of fering. And not her favor alone graced this occasion. Long before the hour specified St. Luke's Church was throng' ed with people, and under the direction of the ushers, Messrs. A. W. Dawsen and S. C. Shepherd, uncles of the bride the seats and aisles were filled with expectant friends, waiting to bestow their blessing upon the coming couple Besides Plattsmouth friends a specia train frou Omaha brought Mr. Pat terson, Station Agent of the B. & M. and wife; Mr. G. Hargreaves. Purchas ing Agent of the B. & M and wife, 1 cousins of Mr. Dawson ; Mr. Calvert Chief Engineer of the B. & M.. and wife; Mr. Floyd, paymaster, and wife' Mr. J. G. Taylor, assistant treasurer and Mr. Randall, assistant auditor. Iu addition were present: Capt. Seal and daughter, from Seward, and Miss Hel en Aughey, from Lincoln. Shortly after three the bridal party entered the church in order as follows Two beautiful little girls. Miss Annie Seal and Miss Mamie Shepherd, bear ing a lovely basket of flowers; fol lowing them the bride leaning upon the arm of her father, Mr. C. S. Daw- soil ; Mr. Horatio Dovey and Miis Jo sie Stadelmann; Mr. Walter C. Cattle of Seward, and Miss Cora Doolittle, of Lincoln ; the groom entering from the vestry, met the bridal party at the al tar, and the effective service of the Episcopal church pronounced over them soon made them man and wife. T. he bride looked most charming in a traveling suit consisting of a fawn colored polonaise, with seal brown silk underskirt, and hat of shaded brown plush with feathers to match. The bridesmaids wore, one a costume of navy blue, the other of dregs of wine, silk. After the ceremony the happy cou pie took the afternoon train for the East, to be absent four or five weeks. Upon their return they will commence housekeeping at River View Cottage, the present home of Mrs. Dovey's pa rents, and will be at home to all their trieuds. Thursday evenings in May, as their cards announced. We under stand they were the recipients of many handsome wedding presents from their numerous friends. Many good wishes will follow this couple upon their journey matrimo nial. Mr. Dovey has been a resident of Plattsmouth from boyhood; has succeeded to the bund of an old and well established business firm, and has filled the position with becoming mod esty, ttud w'ith excellent business tact and integrity. Filling such responsi ble posit ioi.s he has made many fiiends who will unite to wish him happiness. - The bride is the daughter of Hon. C. o . unnsuu, a lurmuci vi lilt VOUIICU of this city, and in charge of the Store t ft.... . i . r .... i -i department of the B. & M. R. R. Co., a very responsible position. Besides that Mr. and Mrs?. Dawson and their Uuhter have been from their first vsi-lenee here most agreeable ami use ful m quiid' Ions to the society of Platts iu.uth. and have formed a large circle of friend-, who, while they rejoice at the good fortune of the bride, will yet ujiss the associations and pleasures connected with the old life at River View Cottage. though-Xhe new regime way be not less pleasant. RblTRD HT THE WOMAN'S CHKIHTIAJi TKM FXRANCK UXIOW. "For God. aud i'oine. and Native Laud." The meeting of last Sabbath after noon, in Temperance hall, was address ed by Rev. S. P. Wilson. He is a most effective speaker; impressive and con vincing iu his arguments, and, besides great fluency of speech, exhibits an earnestness and depth of feeling in the minds of his hearers, that ho means just what he says. He heartily en dorses giving women the ballot. We regret exceedingly there was not a larger audience before him. On next Sabbath afternoon at four o'clock, Mr. E. II. Wooley will address the meet ing. Come everybody. WRECKED BY WHISKEY. Death in a Philadelphia Prison of Gen. William U. Y right, a Civil Engin eer and Soldier of Distinction, from the Effect of Dissi pation and Drink. Philadelphia, March It). Spp- Temperance lal. All that was mortal of Gen Wil- liam II. Wright, a note civil engineer. lies cold and still in Moyamenaing prison. The man has once been a he ro. Men had marched to death and victory under his gallant leadership. To-day, the sun, streaming at uncer tain intervals through the grated pris on windows, fell upon the blotched and bloated features of a common drunkard. This man, who had fought side by side with Sherman on the great march to the sea, died alone in a pris on cell. Rum had done an awful work, Wednesday night he was arrested at Third and Spruce streets for lying drunk on the pavement. He was sent to Moyamensing prison for twenty four hours by Magistrate List, but be fore he had served out his time be was found dead in his cell. Gen. Wright's career was briliant from the begin ning. In 1848 he become connected as civil engineer with the Pennsylvania Railroad company, and did good . ser vice with the surveying party that ran the experimental lines over tbe Alleghany mountains. In 1849 he went over to the Turtle Creek divis ion of the road, with headquarters at Greensburg. Leaving the employ 6f the company in 1854, he was appoint ed revision engineer of the Honduras tnteroceanic railroad survey, which wasmade by John C. Trautvine. in 1857. After remaining with Trautvine un til the surveys were completed, he traveled about the world until the breaking out of the war of the rebel lion, during a part of which he served as chief of the engineering corps of the Army of the Potomac, with the rank of brigadier general. He was a particular friend of Gen. Sherman, who admired his dash and flue execu tive abilities. In Sherman's march to the sea Gen. Wright had charge of a largo force of men detailed for pinneer duty, and was often brought into close contact with guerrillas and portions of the confederate armies. With tht Army of the Potomac he had special charge of the construction and protec tion of burned bridges, a work for which, by reason of his dashing brave ry, he was especially well fitted. At the close of the war he built several largo bridges and various public works. He had charge of the plans and con struction of the Kansas aud Missouri bridges at Leavenworth, and the bridge at Atchison, Kan. Five years ago he was a candidate for chief en gineer and surveyor of the city, but was defeated by Samuel G. Smedley. He was connected with the DeLesseps party which visited the isthmus of Panama two years ago, being chosen by Count De Lesseps as the American engineer of the expedition. When the party returned to New York it was announced that Gen. Wright would make the principal address at a ban quet given in honor of the canal scheme. When the time came for the address Gen. -Wright was not to be found. In the course of an hour word was brought to the banquet hall that thespeaker of the eveninz washelp'ess from intoxication, Since that time he naa remained in obscurity, simking lower and lower by reason of his ap petite for strong drink, until the end of the tragedy was reached Thursday night. Gen. Wright was unmarried He has relatives in Adams county and at Wayne station, on tbe Pennsylvania railroad. He will be buried by the engineering profession. Chicago Times. A LIST OK THE REGISTERED VOTES OK THE SECOND WARD. A Andrews John. It Bates P D Black Charles Bates Fred Brantner J W Beaver M L Brantner Wm Barnes J W Bennett L D Buttery J II Brantner Samuel Buttery John Baker Ned Boetel C. Conn J W Ceicel Isaac Calhoun John Campbell D A Carrigan Sam Chambers J C Campbell J A Campbell W II Chambers Will D Dovey O C Durfee J E Drain John Davis R. Dougherty Isaac 12 Epperson W F Fairfield J H Fry A C Fry Wra Failey James i Grace James Gibson Will. II Hartman John Ilolschuh John Hollister II II J Johnson Frank K Kroehler Geo Kinkead B Knee John L. Latham Fred 3i Moore L A McMacken II C Miller II M McGlynn B Dovey G E Donovan E Durkum Peter Dykes W L Dunstan W W Ellis T O Fairfield G W Frank George Fickler Godfrey Farthing J Guthmann O Guthmann Wra Hartman J S Heisel C Harrison Phil Johnson J W Kroehler Fred Keefe James Kinzie Geo Knapp P K Leuchtweis Jos -Moore Curtis McElwain M Martin Joseph McLaughlin A W Miller Theodore Miller Wm Nieman Frank P Pettee James Pierce B W IK Ruffner P E Nicholas C Nathan I aao Patterson J M Peterman Wm Rish John Robine Chas Smith II Smith G S Smith C P .Shumacker Sam Seidenstricker PSr Snooks E Sheldon II Solomon Elias Smith A J T Snooks PZ Turner B J Vivian Richard White W J White F S White F E Wright A Waterman II A Windham R B Vanderventer C W White ML Wise P L Wise W S Waterman John Way man John WeckbachJ V STATE OF NEBRASKA, t Cass Covxtt. J k I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of the legal voters of the 2d Ward in the city of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, as appears from my registra tion record. I will sit at the office of the Cass Co. Iron Works, Monday aud Tuesday, the 27th aud 28tb days of March, for the purpose of adding to and making corrections of the same. W. S. Wise. Registrar 2d "Ward. A late novelty in embroideries with Torchon Lace edges at 1". Herr mann's, sua Three Groves Notes. Ed. Herald: The new Christian church on Rock Creek has been com menced, and will be quite a large buil ding when finished. It will be a frame structure, 28x40 feet. The rock for tl.o foundation has been hauled, and "the mason work will be commenced prc bably this week. Messrs. Fitch & Sons of Rock Bluffs, will take the job of carpenter work, and tbsy will com mence as soon as the foundation is completed. About $800 have been sub scribed, and a good portion of it col lected. The site for the new church will be near and west of the Rock Creek school house, on Mr. McGinnis Glemmons' land. The church will be used by ether denominations, we un derstaud, wheu not in use by the Chris tian denomination. Wave Allen moved back from Lin coln to his place last week, bringing bis household furniture, through by land, and the family bv rail. While Bob Shrader was bringing them down from Plattsmouth they met with quite an accident, which came near being quite serious, by letting the team run away and smashing up things in gen eral, throwing Mrs. Allen aud her chil dren to the ground ; but, as good luck favored them, nobody was seriously hurt, sustainining only slight bruises. The team went on home without Any injuries to amount to anything. Geo. W. Shrader went lo Omaha on Monday of last week. Will Young, from Seward, Nebras ka, came down Thursday for a few days' visit in our vicinity. Ben Droste, our P. M, went up to Omaha last week. Eddie Young met with rather a se veie and painful accident, Wednesday last, by receiving an ugly looking cut, three inches long, on his foot, caused by a glancing lick from an ax that ho was using. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour. from Lincoln, Neb., and a son-in-law of Mr. Craig, formerly of this County, made a call on Sunday evening aud stayad over un til Tuesday. Ed. Smith and Mr. Gillespie, of Ash land, came down on Saturday, for a few days' stay in our vicinity. Frank Moore says he has quit the rock quarry and gone to cuttiug hedgw. We guess he hasn't, though. Solomon Long has moved out West three or four mile.?, i.tar the U. 1. church. Edward Carroll, fiom Rock Bluffs, moves nto the place vacated by Mr. Long. Bill Gray leaves the Allen place and moves South two miles on Mr. W in. Darrah's place. Mr. Wm. Chalfant lost one of his eldest boys one day last week, lie had been sick but a short time, aud was buried In the Three Groves Cemetery on Thursday, abou noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cole, of Centre Valley, called around on Monday ev ening, r Oil yes. Mac! we like to have for gotten it. You said in the Herald two weeks ago that if "Reporter" would send his front name, it would confer a favor. Ail right, here it is in this letter. Our postotllce address is Three Groves. Next time we go up we'll step into the office and get ac quainted with Mac' and the Herald. as we haven't been up there, or writ ten any letters for the Herald for the last ten or twelve years (?). Repo . P. S. "Hold ! Hold I Hold on there, Mr. Reporter! Just in the nick of time One more item, if you please."" We looked up to see who had interrupted us while writing, and it was nobody else but Mr. William Gray. "All right Bill, what is it? Would be pleased to send it to the Herald. Com?, tell us what is it ? "Oh, it s nothing very strange, says Bill; "only a flue look ing boy down at our house, and is do ing just splendid." Reporter. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. GRAIN AND TRODUCE. Wedue.iday, Men. 15, 182. Wheat. No.2.. Corn, "ar. " sbelied... " new Oats Barley, No. 2... Rye NativeC'attle. Hok Hutter Lard ..: ..... . Kgres , Po tat of a 75fc90 4-.Cir.t& 494i50 '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. "... '. '. ! 3iM 0 50C&70 (04 GO 5 6Xit4 7o 30(35 15 15 I 61 75 NEW YORK MARKET8. Niw York, Mch. i, 1882. Money Wheat... 3. 1 30 1 03 Rye corn Oats .. .. 00 W2 CHICAGO MARKETS. CUUAVO, Mch. 15. 18S2. .. 2 SO t4 04 ai S4 Flour Wheat... Corn Oats 62,Vti.V4 42 Rye , 62!4 Barley.. . 1 00 Lire STOCK. Hoes. ihlbDinir it. loUn na Cattle. " 2 sufe 5 io Sheep 4 'n-Hv 6 i - C. M. Moseman & Bros' office is the head center for a'.l prominent horsemen of New York City. In a letter of recent dato says: "Wo are perfectly satisfied that there never wis anything made to equal Kendall's Spavin Cure, nor can there be any thing to take its place, as it removes the trouble, and no remedy can do more." Read advertisement. "Live3 of great men always re mind us that we :e all subject to die." says an exchange, but never cough yourself away as lo vz as ou can raise 25 cents for a bottla of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The Rev. S. Parniele, who died at Oswego, N. Y-, Saturday, was 100 years and 24 days old. Dr. Parroele voted at twenty presidential elections, preached over 10,000 se:mons, and never receiv ed more than $350 a year salary. His wife, who survi ves him, is 91, his eldest daughter 72, and his eldest son 08. His daughter lives at Minneapolis, and his son built the first house in DesMoinei, Iowa. Inter-Ocean. Is this any relation to our "Cal?" We opine not. That 6350 a year lets Bro. Parmele out. Sol to be Sneezed at. - That pure, sweet, safe and effective American distillation ot witch hazel, American Dine. Canada fir. mariortM and clover blossom, called San ford's Radical Cure for Catarrh. A few dos es instantly relieve the most violent sneezfne or head cold, ston all waterv discharges from the nose and eyes. cure headache and nervousness, and banish all danger of fever. Complete treatment for one dollar. 46t4 The Blair Pilo is a smashing big paper, sure enough. But then only two papers in the County, and tle postmas- tership to boot. They know how to cultivate good newspapers up in Wash ington County. now can a sinsrle doss of Arnr'i Pills cure headache? J By removing obstructions fro the system relieving the stomaeh. and giving healthy action ?o tbe digestive apparatus, Horse owners can not afford to overlook the wonderful success of Kendall's Spavin Ciir. Kjm Go W. J'r.twn, 4k Marsliall H.. Providence, K. I., cured '-y Oiticuni Krfolveut (blood pint tier) hii1 Cut Kuril Knap (tii ifirat rkin curri) of a KIiil'wihiii Humor not at the lai turns that preml Jill vrr lii e ar, neck and tavr. Mid lur i y-;n reflated :tll kind a vi triratuu'iit. 8-HI.V III 1IOU. F. H. Drnke. for Harper 6: Hrt.. Detroit. Midi., t;iv uu HxtouUhlrii a'-rouut of hi rave (creiua rodent), wlih-li had lieca treated by a consultation of phy-tlclam without benefit, and which speedily yifldrd to the Cu ticura Keolveot (blood purifier) Internally and Cuticura and Cutieura Soup (the great kln cure) externally. SCALD HEAD. H. A. Raymond. Auditor F. W J. A S. R. Jackson, Mich., wan cured of Scald Head of nine years' duration by the Cuticura riuedle. ECZF..MA. Hon. Wm. Taylor, Boston, Mass., permanent ly cured of a humor of the face and ecalp (ec zema) that had been treated unsuccessfully for twelve years by many of Ron ton's bet physi cians and movt noted specialists, at well as Eu ropean authorities. SULK CRIST. Mrs. Mowers. 143 Clinton St.. Cincinnati. () speaks of her sisterV child, who was cured of milk crut which resisted all reinedlei for two yean. Now a flue healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair. FA1Y1MXG HAIR. " Frank A. Bean. Klre Ennlne , Hon ton. wa cured of Alopecia, or fulling; of thu liair. by the Cuticura Resolvent, (blood purifier) Inter nally and Cuticura and Cuticura Map (the Kreat fkin cures; externally, which Completely restored hi hair when all said he would lone iu TIK4T5Ii:XT. The Cuticura treatment ronstiiU in the inter nal use of the Cuticura Uesolvant, the- new Mood purifier, and the external use of Cuticu ra aud Cuticura Soap, the great gkln cures. CUTICURA Krmkdizs aro for sale by all diuKltn. Vrice of CUTiCfKA. a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, 6uc ; lai'jfe boxes. l Citticura Rkmoi.vknt, the new blood purifier. $1 per bottle. Cutictj ba Soap (Cie. queen of medicinal and toilet soaps) 2."c. Ct ritVKA Medicinal. Hiiavin Soap, 15o. Principal depot. WEKKS & I'OTTHR. Roston, Mass. tea nr.' n m m H Ml iVN.V'. Sanford's Radical Cure. Clear head a:id vi ice. ay breathing, sweet breath, perfect .smell, laile imtl hcarinc, u eoiigli, no diHtiess, by usin Sa.nkokii'h Kadi CALL'tkK. rSueeze until your ilea 1 Is ready lo flv off, cjm and ncse ruiiu:iij v.uter. throat parched, hud blood frcrifh. or tak Mam iinu's Uauicai. Click lor Catai rli aud be cured. Wilch Hazel. American I'lnc, Canada" Fir, Mari'hl and Clover lSlossom arc w hut- hau font's l.'udical Cure inuiadeol. Due lotlltltad ical Cuie, one box Catarrhal i-iolvcm and Mau ford'a inhaler, in one package, for jjl. fold ev erywhere. W ttKS & Vo l I KK, lioaton. ELECTRICITY, Gentle, yet effective; unit ed with IlenliiiK Halsatn, rciidercm.l.l S.V YOi.TA. IC III.KI 1 HUt VLAH TKI.S one 1. mulled tiuies superior to Pll other blas ter for everv 1'alu, Weak ness and IntlainmatUu. Trice Crtits. Wold 'ev crywhere. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Httd rc u iirvKirKMT ' IVkIYb XfbiW Ubc package makes r icallonsofa delicious, wholesome, sparkling tehiper ance beverane. Ask yourdrvrKixt. A-sent by mail for 25 Cants. C. K. HIKKb, 4Norlt Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia. . I'aintinK. Decorating, tc. For 1M2 eighty page illustrated caoalogue addrecs, enclosing 3-cent stamps, WM. T. CUMSTOCK. 19Hlroatlway, N. f, r dl uUI o TONIC. Best health and Mrenarth restorer used. Cures Complaints of Women and diseases o the vtomach, liowels. Lam pH, Liver aud Kid neys, and is entirely different frrnn Bitters. Ginger Essences and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates. 50c. and $1 sizes. I.are having buying 1 i-l.e. HISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. T. OLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A now A (TMt MnliraJ Work, wsrran td Umi b. t an t! c h w Ml, to Tory Din, otiUfKl 'th Bciie ot f if. n 1 M i 1. i u tn uaiin.mbosvd, full Kilt, u4 pC .contain batii al trml nnnncs, 125 prescriptions, pries on I, fl.Jtffot bf m&ii: lltnatratwl SJunoln. Ac. I Stna ' now. AridrM I'onhKxIf MOi- i ( ...... 1 1 . Yt l . tisSW IrilSEIf. yo.4 liJflnJit.Host w THE BEST CALICO. WM. SIMPSON & SONS' MOURNING, SECOND MOURNING SOLID BUCKS, Eddystone FANCY DRESS PRINTS Tl.e EDDYSTONE TRINT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete estab lishments in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY has enabled them to attain such perfection that they can with confidence ftik you to tcit the quality of tlieir work. They carefully avoid all poisonous drugs, make only fast col ors.which are thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing. Those who Luy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, findjhem superior in dur ability, artiitic style and finish, lie sure- aud sk for their goods, and see that their mark ad tickets are cm them. NEURALGIA. It has been ascertained that the most f?Tet erate cases of neuralgia are cured rr Ksllows) Syrup of Hypophosphltes. Not only is th prlo cipal direase eradicated. bt the patient ! made vigorous and ttrong ; the steuiaeh. tbe blood, the skiu become healthy, and he ob tains a new lease of enjoyable life. The oDly satUfactory treatmeut of neurabjt Is by strengthening the nervous system. A per son with strong nerves never suffei from tbLa disease. The virtues of Fellows' Compound Syrup t Hypophosphites are auch that other remedies are seldom required. The demand for JfypophospUite and other fhoaphorus preparations at the piesent day Is largely owing to tbe good effects and success following the Introduction of this article in the Utltrd States, IMPORTANT. Khould tbe invalid have any d iraeully of pro curing the Compound Ryrup in his vlcUlty, let him not be put off with any other remedy, be cause this article has not its equal lu tbe dis eases for which it is recommended.. NGTE. Be suep icious of persona who re-e-mmead any other article as Jus as good." The hlgbfcst class medical men in every larg$ ctty, where it la known, recommend It. SOLP BY 4bl pliVIZQISTtf. Com juiiSjfj $ f