Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 09, 1882, Image 3

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'1 1 Y
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-J The -Herald.
frautctit. v cents s Ittift. Regular advents
rs, to -uts Mr line. No advurlueiuuut lusert-
lvr less than z-" cruU.
I.i ;l i.'-tle.- a: Statue r..Ws.
A'.!"r rtml -i.-t-r .if fie law will be neld
i-.Usible tor .ill li-n tl hollers they hand In,
Will a'i jmrtic- ditt:tidiit' a proof of putiltoa
Vjh of any m lii - v'. 'II lc iM-M (or th uublica
luir li 1 sllL-ii tiotii.
4tarpu! Is limited, all communications
ut tx- brief aud to tli' point. Willi do wast
V words.
Tlie natter u icsnousible. for the correctness
fiecordiiq; to copy of paid matter aud paid L
fals. only.
i. Any person who take tl paper rejularlj
O.-'ntbe M'-i.ire, whether directed to Ids
uwe. or wiu-Hit r lie ta a, subscriber or not Is
eeiii illf for the pay.
. ft any perii orden Ma paper discontin
ued, be must pay all rr:i rages, or the pnhlisn
r mav continue to svnd It until payment W
made.' and eoiw-rt the v little amount, whetner
tiit taper Is tdkeu from tue office or not.
S. 1 lie oonrtu hare decided that refusing U
lake newspapers and periodicals from the post
cffiee. or removing and faring them uncalled
lor. bi prima facie svldeuco oi .xtcmtioval
More walks.
- See our cards.
Build residences.
The river is rising.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
At Fitzgerald's Hall.
Tuesday March 14th '82.
Only about the seventh.
Fires are numerous now.
March is making i'.self felt.
The Concert was a success.
Weeping Water is booming.
See that you are Registered.
Ditto Plattsmouth and Cass Co.
Read the story on First Page.
Firemeeting next Tuesday evening
'Rock a bye baby" Keep time
Ola! Ola! Ola! Goodbye "Cap."
Ha, Ha. Ila!
See the new Adv. of the new
Bank of Cwms Cuun y.
See John Curry's Advertisement
about a Stone Quarry.
Donavin's Original Tennesseeans
will be hereon the 27th.
A curioj'ty never seen
in riatts-
mouth. An empty house.
A cold wave come down on
Sunday, Soon thawed up, though.
Prof. Seagtr goes from here to
AVaboo to Rive a musical convention
Dr. Sharp, formerly of' Louisville
has moved to Eight Mile Grove, and
will settlu there.
"Where is our boy to-night?" Down
at Phil Young's buying five cenis
worth of peanuts.
Eight members of the M. E. church
were immersed at the Baptist church
last Sunday by Rev. Wilson.
The Commissioners are in session
this week. Usual routine of business.
nothing startling or peculiars
We have received the wedding
cards of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Loring
Cunningham, of Milton, Mass.
Dr Root, of Eight Mile Grove, is
getting slowly better and we under
stand moves to W. W. in the spring.
The Registrars sit for correction
about the 27th and 28th and everyone
should see that their name is on the
W. B. Brown the Laundry man is
doing a good business over at his new
place in rear of Waterman's Lumber
The floods in the lower Mississip
pi are creating great destitution. They
have appealed to the general govern
ment for aid.
Invitations are out for the wed
ding of Geo. E. Dovey and Miss Mag
gie Dawson at St. Luke's Church, Sun
day, March 12th.
-Torn Clark, of Weeping Water,
graces the County Clerk's office with
his good looking phiz, and the books
with marks of his fist.
The Red Lion Store is fast gain
ing grounds as one of our permanent
and most valued institutions. The
ladies favor it greatly.
The I. O. G. T. Sociable last Fri
day was tolerably well attended. A
good supper was served and everyone
seemed to have a good time.
M. II. Shoemaker, a man wbe lives
in two Counties, Otoe and Cass, and
an old subscriber and friend of the
Herald called in yesterday.
The Mavorality question is not
tiled yet. Who to run, how to run
him, where to put in the pins and how
many of 'em, no one as yet knows.
Next Tuesday evening being the
regular night for holding Cre meetings
there will be a meeting at the Council
Chamber, at 7 :3u o'clock. All intei
ested should be present.
Byron Clark, Papillion, and his
wife she comes in here are the hap
py parents of a boy, a ten pound boy.
Remarks are useless, such things will
keep happening and we can't help 'em
A good sound business man's tick
et is what we need here, and no fool
ing. Petty aims, small spites, aud
party foolishness should have no place
in the selection of candidates this
spring. .
-Granddad" Murphy was in here
yesterday. He has been up to Papil
lion to see that baby and can think of
nothing else. His mind is failing him
contemplating its many points of ex
cellence. '
t The sidewalks on Oak street be-
tVeen Fifth and Seventh streets have
been put in good condition; also on
Vine, between Sixth and Seventh
for wlrtch the citizens of the Second
; ward are very thankful.
" Embroideiies. Embroideries.-
5000 yards of new embroideries receiv-
i i td; ranging
i J V Herrmann'
h i A lady
irom 2cts to Si.50 at F.
i. 5lt2
standing at her gate one
evening recently, near the corner of
Sixth and Vine, in about twenty min-
; utes counted forty-two men with dii.
; ner'Vails returning from work, it being
about six o'clock. That looks like
work and a rapid growing population
for Plattsmouth.
Elegant corsets, gloves, ribbons.
ties, hosiery, laces collars, &c, cheap
at the Red Lion Dry Goods House. 1
Special Notice.
The New Furniture Store will raove
into the Uuion Black about the middle
of March. 50t2
The air is full of conundrums.
Swiss Embroideries,
Swiss Embroideries
at Herrmann's. 51t2
See J. R. Cox's tin shop notice.
Chicago hats selling out at cost at
S. & C. Mayer s. 1
Read the Red Lion Store locals.
A new stock f bird cages at the
P.O.News Depot. i
The advertising season is again at
The largest, the cheapest, the best
The Ilea Lion Dry troods ilouse. 1
The law requires you to register,
remember. -
Headquarters for Stetson hats at
S. & C. Mayer's. 1
Milton Polk, of Louisville, dined
at the Central Restauiant, Monday,
Novelties in neckwear just receiv
ed at Wescutt s.
The river has been full of floating
ice for several days past.
uon't forget to try that N. x. ap
ple butter at Bennett & Lewis . 1
Baker & Atwood have dissolved
partnership and W. II. Baker will run
the store.
You will find the largest stock of
pipes in the city at the P. O. News
Depot. 1
We are receiving new subscribers
nearly every day.
- Have you tried the new Red Lion
Dry Goods Ilouse. the cheapest, the
best. 1
"We receive locals by telephone
now. Remember that when you want
any in the paper.
The latest 3tyles of ties and shirts
just received at tt. A C. Mayer's.
Geo. D. Mattison, a big man of
Soath Bend, took dinner at the Grand
Central Resaurant, Tuesday.
If you are looking for a neighbor
or menu while in l'lattsmouth you
are almost sure to find them at the
Red Lion Dry Gooqs Ilouse. 1
The Weeping Water Recorder
came to hand Monday, the first in two
weeks. Seems to us Bro. Mathews is
little behind the times.
New table linens, towels, shirting,
Denims, tickings, cottons, prints, &c
opened out at the Red Lion this week
Billy James has started a barber
shop under Peter Merges' store. Bil
ly James has made many friends since
he has been here and we predict for
him a good trade.
Our stock of haraess for the
spring trade is more complete than
ever. S. (r. Chambers & Son. 1
Judge Sullivan is having a run of
hard fortune. Four children are down
with Scarlitina, and Miss McVicker is
al?o sick at the Judge's house. "We
nope the iuture win prove more pro
pitious in that neighborhood.
The question is often asked why
the Red Lion Dry Goods Ilouse is full
of customers all the time. We will
say we prefer to have a busy trade all
the time at small profits, thaa a high
priced empty. store. 1
11. c. liittenoenaer informs us
that his mother-in-law, Mrs. Cole, has
received a letter from E. B. Cole, who
is still at Plattsmouth, in which he
states that he has not been to Yank
ton ana lr anybody or nis name was
killed by the Indians, it was his cous
in of the same name and initials. Mrs
Cole was greatly relieved by the letter.
0 Record.
John McCollough's celebrated ci
gars at the Monarch Billiard Hall. 1
It isnt safe, if you have a house
to rent, to advertise the fact, unless
you expect to be run over with a mob
of applicants. A notice of this kind
was inserted in our dailv yester
day, and the gentleman ordering it
came around this morning and warned
us that if it was kept in another day
he would sue us for damages. He was
besieged so that he could get no rest.
Let the public bear in mind that the
house has been rented.
Fremont Herald, March 2.
Plattsmouth Journal, March 6.
Alf White went east Mondav to
purchase goods. Look out for the
new stock when he returns. 1
Somehow, someway, Borne folks
got a lot of bad meat last week. The
parson's folks at the M. E. Church had
a little party and it spoiled the effect
of the dessert. Mr. Rons' boarders got
a dose and Doctors were in demand for
forty-eight hours after. More care
should be exercised than this, in the
handling of so important and neces
sary an article of food.
--Cakes for weddings, festivals, &c,
got up in the best style and on short
notice at the Central Restaurant. 5ltf
Thursday night an oil house, a
temporary structure, on the side of
the track, just above Morrisey's elera
tor, caught fire and created consider
able excitement. It was thought to
be Morrissey's elevator at first, and the
rush was great. As it turned out no
further damage was done, though the
moke rolled up teriific lor a while.
John McCollough's celebrated ci
gars only at the Monarch Billiard
Hall. i
We have received a cpy of "Shop
ping in New York,"a condensed shop
ping guide, issued free, by Ehrich
Bros., Eighth Avenue, N. Y as a fore
runner of Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly,
which is issuod once in three months,
for only fifty cents, and which gives
a complete list of everything in the
novelty line. In addition a piece of
fine music is sent to every subscriber
to the Fashion Quarterly.
You can buy a nice building lot for
$40, to be paid for by installments.
Enquire of 1 Jas. S. Mathews.
reter Rum mel has long, been tel
ling us that he had the best potatoes
in America. We had no chance of
testing it because we hadn't a fork
long enough to reach outT to Peter's
and help ourst-If at dinner time, so the
other day we drove out there and got
a sample of shU pom me du terre, and
we are obliged to confess they are the
best we have had of last year's crop.
Mealy, clear, nice, big potatoes. Bring
us some more, friend Rummal.
The largest lines of Black Spanish
Cbantilly and Guipure Laces to be
found in this city at F. Herrmann's. 2
Those black cashmeres at the Red
Lion are from 10 to 25 cts per yard,
cheaper than ever before. 1
I offer alternate lots in my new
addition, for fr m $40 to $63. to be
paid for in installments. See James S.
Mathews for prices and terms.
1 H. E. Palmer.
Miss Addie McVicar is, very sick
with lung fever.
Miss Emma llerold is visiting at
Ashland this week.
George Thomas, of Germantown,
Seward County, was in town last week
on a visit. '
Jos. Shera has returned from the
Black Hills and is about to go into
business here again.
Mrs. C. E. "Wesc'ott. has been very ill
the past week, but we are glad to say,
is slowly imprewing.
Alf. White took the eastern train
Monday, he will purchase a new stock
of goods ere he returns.
Mr. & Mrs. Kalisky came down from
Omaha on Tuesday and are stopping
at . Mr. Simpson's, Mrs. K's. father,
Mr. "Walter Jenkins,-of Eight Mile
Grove called in last week, and the
Herald was more .than glad to see
him. Qome again Mr. J.
The pupils of Mrs. Lilly Kalisky,
formerly Miss Lilly Simpson, gave her
a surprise ana welcdrae back to her
old home; on Tuesday evening.
Brown the teacher no more, it is
Brown the Lawyer again. He says
be has his office with Pottenger now.
They will make a whole team.
Sam'l Rector, aud J. C. Cox, of W
W. were in town Tuesday. The Her
ald hardly got to see its old friends,
but tho little time we did pleased us
greatly. .
George Maguey, of Papillion, form
erly one of the lawyers of Plattsmouth,
was in town the first of the week
George tells us that he is working up
a good practice in Papillion.
The amphlbieus, ambidextrous and
stone Quarry-ous John Curry called on
us last week and says well, Johu says
a great many things, among the rest
that he's John Curry and has a stone
Charley Wilcox, formerly with J. P.
Young, but now from Ohio, has been
in town the past week, looking'around
for a place to. locate. We hope you
will find a place and stay with
Charley. .By the way, Charley
been and got married since he
Fruits and Confectionery in great
variety at the Central Restaurant. 51 tf
I am taking orders for all kinds of
Shrubbery. Roses climbing, hybrid
perpetual and all others of merit, will
be made a specialty. Am going to buy
of one of the very best and most reli
able firms in the Union.- Will -warrant
everything I sell to be just what
is ordered, and of the very best quality
and I au to be found right here in
town; come and see me or send me a
list of what you want before April 1st.
L. A. Moore.
People living out of the city
should call at the Red Lion the first
time they are in town. 1
We are sorry to have to relate that
Sheriff livers felt obliged to take
charge of two of our Commissioners.
Messrs. Richardson and Crawford, on
Tuesday night, and detained them un
til after breakfast Wednesday, when
they were released without bail, that
the interests of the people might not
suffer, they having business at the
Court Ilouse.
Mirecourt, Point D'Alencon, Tor-
chen, Bretonne Laces in large varieties
at Herrmann s. olt2
The Dowers boys were brought up
for trial Wednesday, charged with at
tempt to murder one Charles Mayall.
The evidence was contradictory in the
extreme but the general impression we
received was that the whole outfit
were so drunk that they didn't know
what did occur, or else were lying at
2-40 gait throughout. Strode for
prosecution and Chapman for defense
and we left the lawyers arguing the
points last night.
Cbas. Dowers was held m jft,oo
bail to answer, and Emerson Dowers
was discharged.
When you are in town tioa't fail
to go to the Central Restaurant for
your meals, tables supplied with the
best in the market; only so cts pr
Harris & Unruh sent the furniture
out to Louisville, to furnish the new
hotel there, last week. It was quite
a send off ior them, and .shows that
they are working up a trade which.
when they move up street, will branch
out into a large trade. The best of
furniture is kept by them and it will
be sold cheap. Give them a call.
The Neatest Thing Yet.
An everlasting trimming in Linen,
just as cheap as cotton. The most
durable and cheapest trimming made,
at Herrmann's. 5U2
New Hats.
The Garden City and Stetson hats.
Bpring styles just
received at
For Sale.
A good sound farm mare, weight
about 1,050, or will drive well in a
buggy; will be sold at a bargain.
5itf II. Meade.
A IT ant Supplied.
We have opened in the city of
lattsmouth, Xeb , (opposite the Court
House) a large Dry Goods House, call
ed the Red Lion, We deal exclusive
ly in Dry Goods, show a very large
stock at extremely low prices. We
nvite the people of Cass Coanty to
call and see us; we shall at all times
be pleased to see you and show you
what we are now doing for the con
sumers of Dry Goods. 1
Take Notice.
I wish to give notice that in con
nection with my Hardware store. I
have a tin shep; all kinds of repairing
done with neatness and dispatch. My
workman is one of the best that could
be produced to make anvtbin? and
very thing that the trade demands at
such rates that it would be impossible
ror customers to Ond fault with him.
Call and see for yourselves.
5112 J. It. Cox.
Notice to Tree Planter.
for Forest Planting can get them
any Quantity ly
ordering them from
5lt4 MURPHV & CO.
Plattsmouth, X'ek,
Will ship to any point by rail.
- riaitsmouth on the Through Line.
The following order from , Supt.
Holdrege puts Plattsmouth on . the
great through line from Chicago .to
Omaha and to Denver and the west:
"Commencing Wednesday, 8th instj
all freight between Chicago and Oma
ha proper, via B. &. M. and C, B. & Q.
railroads, will be handled via Platts
mouth. without breaking bulk, insur
ing good order and prompt delivery.
GenSupt. B. & M. R. R. in Neb."
Put the passenger there too, Bro.
Holdrege; it's been long a coming, bat
the good time is here at last. Thus,
one by one Nebraska, and points m
Nebraska, gain their early wishes and
desires. Railroads may be monopolies
but they also aid towns, states and
counties to monopolize trade and com
merce and crow and increase and
Monday morning, the 13th, the
Red Lion Dry Goods House will put
on sale new spring shawls; new spring
dolmans, jackets, cloaks, &c, in wool,
silk, satin De Lion. Surah, satine, &c.
m m i
The death of Mrs. A. R. Wight-
man, at Brownville, on the morning
of the 28th ult.. has caused a deep re
gret in the hearts of her innumerable
friends here. The deceased has been
suffering for a long time from the fa
tal disease, comsnmption, and only re
cently went t Brownville, where Mr.
Wightman is principal of the city
schools. During her long residence
here Mrs. Wightmaa proved by her
every act and word to be a loving
wife, a tender mother and in every
sense a thorough christian. The be
reaved family will have the sympathy
of all their friends everywhere. We
understand that the interment took
place at Brownville. Fremont Trib
Mr. and Mrs. Wightman resided, at
one lime, in our city, and had many
friends here, who will regret to hear
of this sad affliction.
180 City lots for sale near B. & M.
shop, prices low and terms easy. Jtn-
auireef Jas. S. Mathews, ofiice over
Baker & Atwood '8 store 1
Young hcusewife: "what miserable
little eggs again! You really must tell
them. Jane, to let the hen sit on them
a little longer.
-Merchants wishing blank books
J -1 III .1 i.iA11 . rr n the T
and U1H.3, Will uu won .v nJ w
O. NTewa DeDot. where you will hna a
full assortment. 1
Prof. Seager's musical convention
at Plattsmouth closed Friday evening
and was a crand success. It will be
nleasant for Lincoln folks to know
fhut Miaaoa linrnps ltftnnett tnd T)anr.
son, three young ladies well known
hero nnrrtPfi off MlA honors of the OC-
casion. We congratulate them. Lin
coin Journal.
New goods coming ia every day
at S. & C.Mayer's. 1
A gamin's idea of Wiide; "Who's
this ere Oscar Wilde?" said a street
Arab to his mate. "Oh, he's ouly a
tall Mick that's nut in here to show
reoule how mean a man looks with
his little brother's pants on."
When a printer's wife dresses for
a ball, she is merely netting the form
ready for the press.
Th- St. Paul (Minn.) Globe, ob
serves: Things naa gone wrong wun
him, and he wanted to die; yet he had
the whole house darting around
mighty lively, so we heard, bunting
for the St. Jacobs Oil bottle, when the
first twinge of rheumatism gathered
him up. .
The following Grand Prairie gen
tlemen were in town last week: Z. S.
and Z. C. Vosburg, Wm. Short and
John i;is, also ByrouReed.formerly of
Illinois; they had the first dinner sent
up on l. a. Aiurpuy s eievaior in me
Central Restaurant, and they said it
was immense, and advise all their
fanner friends to stop with him when
in town.
If you need any Dental work done.
call on A. Salisbury, who will do as
where. ootr.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. lutt
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter s Glycerene Tooth Tablets, ueauu-
fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tr
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 18tf
Monev to loan on easy terms, on
improved farms. E. H. Wooley,
46tf County Clerk's Office.
&1500 per year can be easily made a
home working for L. G. Hideout & Co
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an 1 full particu
lars. 31-ly.
Cast Iron
Wanted in any quantity, at 50 cts. per
Call at
Cas3 County Iron Works.
Wood for Sale.
One hundred and fifty cords of good
bard wood for sale by J. V. Egenberg-
er. Apply at the store of J. V. Week-
bach. 48t4
First Preniinm.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. 30tf Peter Merges.
Money to loan on easy terms, on im
proved farms. E. II. Wooley,
46tf County Clerk's Office.
Hair Work
by Mrs. A. Knee; combings made up,
roots all one way without extra charge.
All Hair left with E. G. Dovey & Son
will be warranted good work.
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns,
giauaries and households cleared in a
siugle night. No fear of bad smells.
Best and cheapest vermin killer in the
world. Sold everywhere. SOU
Cigar Clippings,35 cts. per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
r. u.
TliriT is a general complaint among
druggists that they cannot get enough
of Dr. Sykes' Sure Cure for Catarrh"
to supply the demand. If thus disap
pointed write direct to the Doctor, 16)
Madison St Chicago. ii0t4
Tuesday,-llarch 14.-
E&ost 02a Ideal
Givinff the finest rendition of Mrs. Harriet
iieecher Stowe's great immortal work rvt-r
witnessed ou any stage, of
Uncle Tom's Cabin!
With all Its magnificent; scenic effects, aud a
cast including
In her great impersonation of TOPBY. Intro
tlucini SoufcS, Dances and Baa Jo Sole?.
The smallest, youngest and bet child actress
ine ma
pa tne stage, as -a
supponeu dt uie 1 1 I
Boston ifleal-ComBany;
.4i W
The piece will be presented with all the ac
cessories which characterize its popularity
throughout the country, including
A Pact of Mammoth BlooaiioiiJids !
STUDENTS, who stand unequaled in tlieir
rendition of Plantation Melodies, and MARKS
and his celebrated Trick Donkey. BARNEV.
Graad Realistic Finale, representing
The Ascension of Eva to Heaven i
Reserved Seats CO OuU. ' Tickets for sale at
Post Office News Staud.
"Come, ye Poor and Needy? and I trill
nell you a Resting Place.
Lois, Lots, Lois, Lots, Lois,
Palmer's Addition,
B. Railroad Shops,
Just outside the City limits, and not subject to
Tint Residence aud Garden Lots
where a Shop man, or'any other man. can eat
bis dinner under liU owu roof, and not cold
srub from a dinner pail in the duxty, smoky
shop. Only three to ten minutes' walk from his
work. Call on
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent.
Over Baker's Store, who will make terms to suit.
LOTS FKOM $40 TO $80,
On time, or for Cash, to mcu wv. o will build.
No Lot& for Speculators !
EvergTeeBS, ITOrWaV klTDniCe
I . . .
Scotch and Austrian Pines,
All twice transplanted, and in good condition
Also a good stock oi
Flowering Shrubs & Tines
such as Spireas, Lilacs in six varieties. Show
Balm, Syrinpa. Trumpet Creepers, American
Wisteria. Honeysuckles, fujonien, Tiuer and
Japan Lilies, A general assortment of
Ureenhonse aud Bedding Plants.
which must be sold at bottom prices.
300,000 Cabbage Plants, Early and Late,
100,000 Tomato Plants,
60.000 Celery Plants.
125.000 Sweet Potato Plants,
10,000 Pepper and Ej;t; Plants.
Send for Price List, or call at my Gardens, 5
miles South West of l'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
51-13 W. J. IIF.KMKH.
Livery Notice.
Hereafter I vill have carriages at
all regular trains stopping 'at this de
pot. Any person desiring-a carriage
to take passengers to, or from said
trains will leave word at my Livery
Barn in Plattsmouth and thev will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
35tf Chas. M. Holmes.
Dr. lilacka Kheurnatio (Jure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Xeb. Stf
New Tailoring Establishment.
ine unaeisigneu wouiu Hereby give
notice that he has just opened a tailor
ing and repairing establishment, in the
basement of the northwest corner of
Main and Second streets, opposite the
R. R. track, under the B. & M. R. R,
house. He invites the citizens of
Plattsmouth and vicinity to give him
a call, and guarantees satisfaction
both in price and workmanship.
Notice to Teachers.
Special examinations will be held at
the following times and places:
March 6th and 7th, at Buck's School
Ilouse, Three Groves ; March 10th and
11th, Greenwood ; March 17th and 18th,
Weeping Water; March 24th and 23th,
South Bend; March Slst.and April 1st,
Elm wood; April 14th and 15th, Eight
Mile Grove. Cyrus Alton,
48t , - Sup't.
(J. A. It.
Caution: Since my G. A. R. 5c ci
gars nave met with such great suc
cess, several parties are trying to pa'm
off upon the public imitations.of-'infer-ior
quality," bearing similar names.
In order to protect the' cigar consum
ers and myself, I wish to state that
every box of genuine G. A. R. Havana
cigars bears on the inside label my
name and address,
Julius Pepperberg.
44tf Manufacturer.
For lame Black, Side or Chest us
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts
Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 41eow
Catarrh cured health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cts. Nasal Injettor
free. Sold by Smith & Blac Bros.41eo
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer
is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by
Smith & Black Bros. 4leow
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by ui on a guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by Smith &
Black Bros. 4leow
Croup, whooping cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by Smith & Black TJros.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by Smith &
Black Bros. 41eow
That hacking cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black
Bres. 41eow
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite.
Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspep
sia. Price 10 and 73 cts per bottle
Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 41eov
Notice to "Road Overseers.
I have ready for distribution li.t of Road
Taxes due in the different road districts of
Cass County. Overseers will please send or call
for same where they have not received the
same by mail.
0M2 . J. W. Jenmnos, County Clerk.
Haas arrives!; tlae assortment in complete; our
samples are now ready ami represent
oven a, molls of IPapeir
now on hand. Call and get your elioiee Ibelbre
tlae assortment is broken.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice U hereby given that the firm of J. &.
H. J. Strelght, is "dissolved by limitation. Mr.J.
Ntreteht retiring from caid tiiiu. The business
will be continued by Henry J. Streinlit. who
will collect all notes, and ;u counts due the firm
and asMime all liabilities.
Jasox Strkioht,
hknky j. strkioiit,
South Bend. Neb., March 1st, 18H2. SIM
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the of the Estate of David Pit
maB. deceased : In the County Court of Cans
County, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given, that Stephen A Havis.
administrator of'tbe estate of tlia raid David
Pitman, decease, has luade application for fin
al settlement, and that said canoe is set for
hearing at my office at Piattsn;.-uth, on the loth
day cf April, A. D., ihs-j, at 10 u'-.-lock, a. in., on
said dav : at which tune and place, all persons
interested may e present and examine aid ac
counts. A. A. Lav rut v, Co. Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 2d, 18JS-'. rlt3
Legal Notice.
lohu'W. Macy. non-resident, defendant, will
take notice that on the 4th day of March, H'j,
John Black, plaiutilt herein, tiled Ills petition
in the District Court of Cans County. Nebraska.
auaiiit said defendant, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a certain Tax Sale cer
tificate, executed by the .treasurer of said Caes
County to plaintiff on the 5th day of .November
1877. for the delinquent taxe-t of the year 170.
on the uorth half (ut) of the southwest quar
ter (sw'..) oi section tniriy-iour J4). townshin
ten (10), north of range nine (9). east Cth P. M.,
and subsequent taxes paid thereon by plninjilT.
i nereis now auemereon j4.oj, ana interest
thereon. And plaiulirf prays for a decree that
defendant be required to pay the same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
loiHul u,ie. lou are required to answer taid
petition on or before the 17th day of April, 18S2.
Ualea tin Tin nay oi niarcn, issu.
By J. S. Mathews, Attorney. Diu
Legal Notice.
Edmund A Deslond and J. J. Monroe, non resi
dent defendants will take notice that on the
4th day of March lss.2, John P.laek. plaintiif.
herein filed his petition in the district court cf
Cass County, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain tax sale certificate, executed
by the County Treasurer of said CasftCount v. to
plaintilt on the with day of September, ls7." for
the delinquent taxes of the year 1x75, n the
south east quarter of the north east quarter
of section 6 iu township 12, niorth of
range 13, east of utii P. M. aud nub-
sequent taxes paid thereon There is now due
thereon and interest thereon. And
plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be
required to pay the same, or that said premises
may oe sold to satisiy tue amount found due
You art required to answer said petition on or
ueiore ine iitii uay oi April. i.
JOHN BLACK. Plaintiff.
By Jas. S. Math kws, his Attorney. im
Legal Notice.
Samuel A. Megrath. non-resident defendant.
win i.-iKe notice mat on uie Hl.'i day ot March,
lss2, John Klack plaintiif herein, fiied his peti
tion in tne uisiriet court oi catJ county, e
braeka, against said defendant ; the object aud
prayer ii w uicu are to ioreciise aceruui tax
Sale Certificate, executed bv the Tieiisure" of
said Cass County, to plaintiif on the 7tti dav of
November. 187, for the delinquent taxes of the
year 187G. on the north we-t quarter of the
north east quarter of section 6, township 12,
north of range 10, and east of the 6th 1. M., and
subsequent taxes paid thereon by plaintiff.
There is now due thereon S28 68 & interest there
on. And plaintiif prays fur a decree that d
fendant be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisiy theamount
iouuu due.
Von are required to answei said petition on.
or before the 17th day of April, i&ftt.
Iated this 7th day of March, iss'i. MM
John Ulack, Plaintiff,
By James S. Mathews, his Attorney.
for Military Sup
Chief Quartermaster's Or- ek e. )
Omaha, Neb., March 7th, li2. )'
SFALED triplicate.subject to
ihe usual conditions, will be received nt this
ofiice until 12 o'clock M., on Tuesday, April 18,
1882, or at the same hour (allowing tor thedif
feience in time) at the offices of the Quarter
master's at the following named stations, at
which places and time they will be opened in
the presence of bidders, for the furnishing aud
delivery of Military miodIicb duriuir the veiir
commencing July 1st, lss2, and ending June M.
188;. as follows : Wood, llav and Chareonl. or
such of said supplies as may be required at
Omaha Depot. Fort Omaha, Fort .Niobrara
Fort Sidney. Cheyenne Depot. Fort RusseJ. Fort
Sanders. Fort Steele, Fort Hall, Fort Douglax
Fort Cameron, Fort Hobinsou, Fort Rridger
Fort Laramie. Fort Ketterrnau. Fort McKiiuiev
Fort Washakie and Fort 'i honsburg.
Proposals will also be received at this oRIca
up to the day and hour above named, for the
delivery on the car at the point nearest to the
mines on the line of the Union Pacific Railway,
of eight thousand tons ot Coal, of l:j4o pottnus
to the tor. Also for delivery at the Uiualia
Depot, or at utatiouson the main line of the
Union Pacific Railway eat from Kearne v. I unc
tion, of two million pounds of coru.and one mil
lion pounds oats, bids for grain should state
the rate per loo pounds not per bushel.
Proposals for either class ot the stores men
tioned, or for quantities les than tbe whole
required, will be received. Each proposal
should be in tripl cate, rcimrate fur each ar
ticle at eich xlation, and must be accompanied
by a bond in the sum of five hundred iidiim-.
(500) executed strictly iu accordance with the
priniea instructions, ana upon the blank form
furnished under this advertisement, lruaran-
teeingthat the party iiiakiusr the uninxxl
shall not withdraw the came within sixty days
from the date annouueed for opening them
and that if said proposal is accepted aud a con
tract fer the supplies bid for. awarded thereun
der, he will, witbiii ten davs after be ine noti
fied of the a ward (provided such notification
be made within the sixtv davs above mention
ed,) accept the same and furnish good and suf
ficient sureties, at onee. for the faithful per
formance of the contract.
The Government reserves the right to reiect
any or all proposals.
A preierence will De given to articles of do
mestic production.
Blauk proposals and printed circulars, stat
ing the kind and estimated quantities of Wood,
Hay and Charcoal required at each station.
and g.vmg Iiul instructions as to the manner of
bidding, conditions to be observed bv hiililra
and terms of contract. &c. will be fumishpd on
application to this Ollice or to the Quarter
masters at the various stations named.
Envelopes containin-r tronosals should
marked: Protosals lor
and addressed to the undersigned or to tin
respective Post and Depot Quartermasters.
M. 1. Ll'IlNUTOX,
5IU Chief Quartermaster.
of tli &easo2&9 Just reccivetl at
Althougli only about lasalf of our
Successor to J. li. Chamber.,
Saddles, IJridles, Collars, Whips,
ISlankets, L.ap Hobos, &c, &c.
AVe not only use
liri:rst-Cl-a,ss StpcHs:,
But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Remember the place Opp. the P.O.
Dealer in
Agricultural Implements.
Is permanently located iu his NEW STORE on Mala Street, below the Court Home, whera
you can find every kind of tool and implement the farmer need.
S. Si' ' t i .
1 cos a uUy! 8 m
S o b f i 8 fi rn s?
r if - v ill - x
m ship mJf m Hfqi
i ' uj ' ' . w li i - - r.
H bin - s Tn . u s i r I
TZi iTl J rV .'r-n. I I ,n t? V 7 5
$ I o 1 1 s Mmm, 8 n ii
o 2 Ml lWYw H !
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership leretofore existing undr
the firm name of Raker & Atwood is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Raker hav
ing purchased the interest of Mr. Atwood , will
continue tlie businexs at the old stand, where
accounts of the old concern will be settled ;
please call in as soon as convenient.
W. H. Raker.
Plattsmouth, Xeb., March 1st, 1882. its
Legal Notice.
In Justice's Court, before C. Russell, a Justice
of the Peace in and for Weeping Water Pre
cinct, in said County.
Matthew Mill, or Denison. in the State or
Iowa, will take notice that Timothy Clark, of
the County of Cass and the State of Nebraska,
did on the 25th day of February. A. D. 1kx2, lile
bis bill of part ctifars In said Justice's Court
against said Matthew Mill, wherein be alleges
that on the 20th day of .November, lsso. said
Natthew Mill made and entered into a certain
contract in writing with said Timothy Clark,
wherein it was agreed that said Matthew Mill
was to deliver to said Timothy Clark six hun
dred bushels of com ; that under and by vir.ue
ot said contract said Timothy Clark paid to
said Matthew Mill i?.e sum of one hundred dol
lars : that said Matthew Mill failed to perform
his part of said contrt, and that there Is now
due to said Timothy 'JlaiK upon the saui the
sum of forty -five dollars and ninety-four cents
(45 94) with intei est from November 25th. I8so ;
that said 1 imotliy Clark sustained damages by
reasou of the non -performance oi said contract
in the sum of fifty dollars tjo.oo). Said Timo
thy Clark asks judgment against said Matt lie w
Mill for the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.)
together with the costs of this action.
Matthew Mill is hereby notified that he wll
be required to appear and answer said bill of
particulars on or before the 7th day of April.
by disso.T & Meikle, his Att'ys. 60t3
rv n I
at... jl3
r Jr n:i
10 5 IS)
Probate Notice.
Lwunty court for
Notice is berebv irlven th.'t u.t fh Murrh
term of the County Court, to be held in and for
said County, at the Court House iu the City of
Plattsmouth. In said County, on Friday, tlt
24th day of March, a. D. 182, at 10 o'clock, tie
following matter will be beard and considered,
to-wit : The application of Mary L. Kuttery tu
admit to probate thfc last will and tMtament
of Edward Buttery, .ate of the City of Platts
mouth, In said County, deceased, and for let
ters of administration with will annexed.
Dated this 23d day of February, A. D. liei.
By order of the Court. A. A. L.ivkrtt.
tota County Judge.
Executor's Sale.
By virtue of a license, therefor to me granted
by the District Court. Second Judicial District,
in and for Otoe County, Nebraska, an executor
of the last will and testament of Stephen F.
Nuckolls, late of Salt Lake City. Utah, deceas
ed, I will offer for sale at public vendue, at tho
south door of the Court House, in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, on Tuesday, March
21st. ls2, between the hours of one and t
o'clock p. m., all the right, title and interest ot
t lie late Stfphen F. Nuckolls, deceased, in the
following described realty, situate in . Uie
County of Cass, to-w It :
The sw U of seJi. sec. 31. town 13, rane 13,
1 he el, of se!4, sec. 32. town 13, range 13.
The sw-i of sw!4. sec. 33, town 13. lange 13.
The n'4 of nc', sec. 6, town 12, range 13.
ix)t 4 in sec. 31. town range 13.
Lot 5 In sec, 32, town 13, range 13.
Lot 5 in sec. 33, town 13, range 13.
The se'i of nc, sec. 32. town 13. ran&e 13.
Also the following Jots in the City ot Flatb
iiinuth :
Lot 7. block 9 ; lot 1 in bkek 13 ; lots 7 and 9
In block 23 .- lot 7 iu block 40 ; lot 2 In block 4;
lots c and U in block 53 ; lot 11 in block m ; lot
10 in block CI,
Executor last will and tetanient of S.
u-.-koiis, deceased.
E, F. Warren, Attorney. 4't4