Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1882)
ai 4 ft ) The Herald. The Herald. II ADTEBTIHIHQ BAVE0. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, . PilTTSflb NEBRASKA. o uz c m : . ! St., On Block North of Main, -r. of Fifth Street. U.ol Grafla&B rf tcj Paper is &s fcistj. Trm in Advtneti 2 PT. ne ..9S.M nopy, S montita, i.e On epy, tare mouths .M MASEA HEE1 PAca. 1 w. 2 w. i it. 1 m. 1 1 in. 6 iii. I jr. liqr... $1 00 $1 60 2 00 92 M $3 00 89 ro :7M Saqra. ISO 2 00 3 7b 25 8 60 10 CO 1 (4 Jsqra. 2 00 3 75 4 00 4 7$ 8 00 13 CO 20 0 H col. 6 00 S0O 1000 13C0 2000 23(0 SAM tteol.. 8 00 1200 lsoo moo 2200 o ( eoot 1 COl... 15 00 18 00 2000 2500 4000 M( 10008 PT Jk.U Advertising BillJ Da Quarterly. tSf Transient AdvutUmeaU most tX) T ta Advance. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS: $2.00 a Year. 'Extra Copies of th Herald for file ff VOLUME XVII. V PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1882. NUMBER 50. J. P. YorN, at th Poat-Offie Mew Depot, Mala Street. " - s Vv V er f . ' pibs rr National Bank Ot PUA.TT8MOUTH. NEBRASKA. J9BN FtTEGKaALD . E.O. Dorar,. ...... A. W. JdcLAUOHLIN. JOXH O KOUUKK President Vice President. Cashier. ..Assistant Cashier, This Bank U nw open for business at their iwui. curutt wiuu iuu aixin streets, ana ta prepura to transact a general BANKING BUSINESS. tacks. Bead. Gold. Qavaramaat sad Lata I Sacaritias BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' Iseposits Received and Interest Alloio- ed on Tim Certificates. DRAFTS JDIRAWISr, available ip any part of the United States and In all the Principal Towns and Cities -- . vl Kurope ACJEXTS FOR THE 1 CELEBRATED Ihman Line and Allan Line OK HTKAHRBti. t - . - r Parson wishing; to bring out their friends fron? a rope can PUKCUASE TTCKKT9 FAUX V ' I ' I 0 tl V M t m I A I I I H 9 V H a THE WEEPING WATER BANK of ..a:ei uiios. This Bank U now open for the transaction of a Banking Exchange Business. IErO!SITH Beecived.and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. lIXAFTn Drawn, and available In the principal towns and cities of the United States and Kurope. . o Agents for the celtbrated : v. Wmi Line of SilM Purchase your tickets froth us; Through from E urppe'. to : any Point in the West. SEED BEOS. J 2Kf Weeping Water. Neb. T6ZIE TREATMENT. , T A eertsia en re for Nervous S Debility, Seminal Weak ' nana. Impotence, etc Ths Bed? usad In say Vractic for 25 Year icd a lUuairatad booker 60 pare giving fall U- rectlooa for aalf-traatront. sent freO. Addreea i r , 433 S. liSaBUaUiw,fi MONARCH BILLIARD HALL I Next to Herold Block, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Fourth door east of the P. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With HEW HOXABC1I TABLES. Cigars L Temperane Drinks On band at the counter. It Is a wide and spacious Hall ; plerty of room for player and seats fur visitors. 1TB. MUltPHY, Utf Frop. E. SAGE Successor to Sauk Bkotiikks. Dealer in STOVES, TINWARE. SHEET IRON, ZIN :o: At the old Stand opposite the new UiUL PUMPS, GAS-FITTING, ALSO Making & Renairincr Done. a 2 5? E o CO 3 5j oq S 5 05 iS 6 u a A2 . 00 '5 M 55 I It o c c C S 05 M 3 U CO B o o P5 a -- "3 fee Si o 3 a 3 W -a t 1- W i. O) 3J x cz 0.3 aS P. J. HASftEN, . C. E. Chassot. Idotary rubiic. HANSEN 6c CHASSOT Dealers in Orecerles, Provisions and Crockery. AOr.KTH FOR TMK alKKMANIA LIPK IXSUKANCE COMPANY. New Yolk. 4EUMAX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Freeport. 111. MILWAUKEE MECHANIC'S MUTUAL, j f Milwaukee. Win. JTESTERX HORSE AND CATTLE IN.. CO., Omaha. Neb. BAUBUHO AMERICAN STEAMSHIP PACK ET COMPANY. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. TKAMSHIPS BET WEE V - HAMBURG. . BREMEN ani NEW YORK. ISly SEW mtICK YARD. X have now a new Brick-Maker trom the east First-Class Workman. 130,000 No. 1 Brick Xaw Readv aud for sale. Come aad Examine them for Yonnelven. If they fall on a man off goes u his Lead. H7U1 Hot It Dnlenold lor i QuMtr ol Brict I am also now ready to Contract for all kinds of buildings and to put up any kind of work in Brick wanted. JERRY IIARTMAN. ltaftti.. Y..!lnTnn An...n, . V 8. White's htunt on Main Ht Plurtimnntk Nebraska. 4nin3 WrtDi . r P. nNU MAS01T&HAMLI1T (From Ole Bull, the world-ieuowued violinist I have pleasure in testiiyinir to the excellence of vourCablurt Orirans. which seem to me to excel all instruments of the class 1 have ever seen. Their fine quality of tone is In contrast wua mat 01 einer reea organs, ar o lue auio matic SMrell. vox humana. resonant caxes. and other recent improvements are so admirable as tne anicuc vaitie anu use fuluess of the instrument. OLE BULL. Over 125,000 Sold, and there are hundreds of orders behind notwithstanding the fact that the compa ny have the two most extensive factories In the world. THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. make only the bkst quality of work. Much va riety is offered in size, capacity, style of case, elegance of finish and orna mentation ; but throughout the whole will be found the same thoroughly beet material and workmanship Easiest Payments. Lowest Prices for Cash. JAMES PETTEE, C.eneral Agent. Plattsmouth, - Neb. HEAD!. EEAD! JIOKRIS O'ltOUKKE again comes to the fiont with a mag nificent line or Piece Qoodc for his winter trade. Mr. O'Rourke is known far and wide as a first-class CUTTER AND FITTER. Every garment warranted to suit in every particular. Every one who really wants a good fit, calls on him. ' Go thou and do likewise." Shop opposite the Court House, on lower Main St. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers li lINE LUMBER, LATH, .rrtxr&ni SHINGLES. SASHJ DOORS. BLINDS, ETC ETC. ETC.. Main street. Comer of Fifth. PL ATTS M 0 U II, - - - - NEB. Brick Yard! God Brick, for sale as soon as burned, at FRED. LEHNHOFF'S BRICK YARD, -w-A.si3:xjsrc3-TOisr ave., IMatt smooth. 9tf HKNRY BCECK DEALER IN urniture, SAFES, CHAIRS, aTC, ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES woodeit coFFnsrs Of all sues, ready made and sold cheap for cash MY FINE HEARSE IS JNUVV KfcAiJ fOh ShK VILE. With many thanks for patronage. Invite all to call anu examine my LARGE STOCK OF I3tf. I'l'RNTF HR AXII rflWIXM MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SnOKINO & WAGON REPAIRING. All Kinds cf ram moments Meniei will Nratn.e and Dtspptch. 7 . Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing, In short, well shoe anything ' that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. IJETW" SHOP n Fittb St. between Main and "Vine streets, n across e corner from the sew HK&ALJ rric. toy AiXT WAST1) fortheBest and Fast eat Helling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price 6tf Loil$vr,,er Nalion:l1 fbhshlng Co, ON LIFE & PROPERTT. IO.OOO ni f1 a ca Mir LODE A LAMP aiM4 wttk ar liriTY ATTJtcanaMT. uarrMfnrascu. r.arfwsi. Afnu Tr.mi Mala ar rnaala.- a. a. xbwtov'I SArrrr lamp co., BiaaaABToa, R. T. latlMaow, IS Wsst BaaaawaT, X. X. Cts. AT alt t n T PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1. J. lx. MeCREA, .IOMO;PATHIO PHYSICIAN. Office over U. V.Mathew's Hardware Store, Plattmonth,Ne- jraska. . 87ly IK. A. HAtlSlll'UY, DENTIST. Jfflce over Smith, lilack & Ct's. Drug Store First class dentistry at reasonable prices, 231 y IV. CLL'TTEU. DBITTIS T I'lattismeuth. IKebraskau Office on Main Street over Solomon .ban's Store. A Na 341 y IIl. II. 81 ELI UK, PHYSICIN and SURGEON, office in Fitz gerald Block, which will be open day or night. 2ltf U. II. DOUUK, 31. I. PRACTISING PHYSICIAN. Office and Drug Store, Muiu St, near Third riattsmouth. Neb, my R. K. LIVIXUMTOX. M. f-. rHYSICIAX & 8CHOKOX. OFFICE HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. Examining Surgeon for U. S. Pension. m. SI. A. IIAKTIUAS. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. Will prac tice in tho State and Federal Courts. Residence 371y PLATTSMOUTH, RIB. JAM. H. MATHEMM ATTOBNKV AT LAW. Office over Baker U Atwood's store, south side o( Main between 6th and Cth streets. 2ltf WILL . WISE. COLLECTIONS H SfXCIA L Tl . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Office in Fitz gerald's block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 22m3 R. B. Windham. D. a. Campbell, Notary Pub. IV IX 1 HAM &., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Plattsmouth. - Nebraska. UKO. M. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAY and Real Estate Bro ker. Hiwcial attintion iriveu to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate. Office on 2d floor over Post Office. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. "i- l. II. WIIEliLKR A CO. UW OFFICE, Real ICatnte, Fire and IJfe In surance Acents. liattsiuoutn, Nebraska, coi- lectors, tax-payers. Have a complete abnract of titles. Buy and sell real estate, neg3tiate plans. &e. 15yl JAMES K. 3IOKUISOX. Notary Tublic. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office in Fitzgerald Block. Platumouth, Nebraska. 17VI DR. H. M1LLKK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at his office. South side of Maiu Street, between Sixth aud Seventh. - Will confine himself more especially to town ractice. 42ly PLATTSMUCTH. NEBRASKA. The Grand Central Hotel AT SOUTn BEND. NEB.. BIT DIR. 131. CIiaiCE, House newly fitted up. Everything new aud neat. Meals and Lodging at Reasona ble rates. Call aud try us. U. V. W&t&ew, DEALER IN ' Hardyare, Cdtlery, ITails, Iron, Wagon Stock, farm. tfEacitru STOVES and TIN-WARE, Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, ROPE, AND ALL KINDS GF SHEET IRON WORK, Kept in Stock. Making and Repairing, DONE WITH NEATNESS & DISPATCH. All Work Warranted. 44tt NEW FURNITURE STORE! HARRIS & UNRUH, DEALERS IX FUniTITURE S C0FFI1TS, and all kinds of goods usually kept in a FIRST CLASS FCRXITI RE STORK Also, a very complete stock of . . ; Fnneral Goois, Uofflns, Castets, Rolies, EMBLEMS, Ae. Snecial attention eiven to the nroner care of the dead, night or day. a first-c!as hearee and. carriaires. witn personal attenaance wuenever desired, Chakuks always kkasonablk. South Side Lmper Main Street, 213 PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always oTHand AND HEARSE I FUNERALS. TAEl!E irbTTCE I I want all of my accounts settled to date. ani I shall do no more credit business. All old accounts must be settled up. and no new ones will be made. Unless sneh accounts are settled shortly they will be sued. l wisn to ao a strictly csn ousiness tn lutnre JOHN SHANNO-V, riattsmouth. Neb, JONES & EIKENBARY Successors to Jones & Agnew. Again takes charge of the Old Brick Livery Stable. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. The old Bonner Stables. In Portsmouth, are now leased by Jones & Eikenbarv and they liHVr ou band New and haudeonie accommoda tions, in the shape of HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUQQIES, and SA DDLS H ORSES. We ere now prepared to keep HORSES FOR SALE TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. ALSO REMEMBER, That 1th plenty of room (that every one knowa we have) in our stable, we can get Farm era' stock and wagons, loads of hay, &e., under cover, wbere they will keep dry. Thangint; all the eld patrons for their liberali ty, we soiicit their trade for the future, satisfied that we can accommodate them better and do better by them than ever befere. COly JONES & EIKNBARY. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Stale Directory. C. H. VAN WYCK. U. S. Senator. Neb. City a I irtV U A TT Kt I I C D O I T C'ai.iuta E, K. VALENTINE, Representat'e. West Point. ALHIN I NAiM'K, t.ovemor, Lincoln. S. J. ALEXANDER, Secretary of State. JOHN WALLICIW. Auditor. LlncolB, O. M. BA KTLKTT, Treasurer, Lincoln. W. W. JONES. Supt. Publte Instruction. A. U. KENDALL, Land Commissioner. ('.. .1. DILWORTH. Attorney General. nutr t 1 ii if i wiiu rimtkiln Af P.nii.ntl9r DR. II. P. MAX TUEWSON, Supt. Hospital ute insane. o Supreme Ceurt. S. MAXWELL. Chief Justice, Fremont. CEO. B. LAKE, Omaha. . AM ASA COBB, Lincoln. o . Second Judicial Ditlriet- S. B. POUND, Judge, Lincoln. J. C. WATSON, Prosecutiiig-Atfy, Neb. City. W. C. SHOW ALTER, Clerk District Court, -riattsmouth. City Directory. JOHN O'ROURRE. Mayor. J. M. PATTERSON, Treasurer. J. D. SIMPSON, City Clerk. RICHARD VIVIAN. Police Judge. R. B. WINDHAM, City Attorney. F. E. WHITE, Chief of Fire Dept. 8. H. RICHMOND, Ch'n Board of Health. COUNCILMEX. F. BORDER. J. M. SCHNELL BACKER. 2d ward J. v. wkukbach. j. s. iiahi 3d Ward D. MILLER. A. DREW. MAN. 4th Ward P. McCALLAN, C. S. DAWSON. SCHOOL BOABD. THOMAS FOLLOCK, J. N. WISE. V. V. LEONARD, Wm. WINTERSTEEN. ED. UKEU8EL. ISAAC WILES, IPoetm atter J N O. W. MARSHALL. County Directory. W.H. NEWELL. County Treasurer. -J W. JENNINGS. County Clerk. A. A. LAVERTY. County Judue. R. W. HYERS. Sheriff. CYRUS ALTON. Sup't of Pub. Instruction. (J. W. FAIRFIELD. County Surveyor. P. P. OASS. Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. . ISAAC WILES, Plattsmouth Preclnet. jam KS CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct. SAM'L RICHARDSON. Alt. Pleasant Precinct. Parties having business with the County Commissioners, w ill find them in session First Monday and Tuesday of each month. The Legislature meets in January,' 183, and a V. S. Senator is then to be elected AIIHIVAL A.I UKPAKTl'RK PLATTflMOl'TH MAILS. ARRIVE. PEPA11T3. j 9.(K) ii. III. I 3.00 p. 111. i 8."0 a. 111. I 6.15 p. m. a oo p. ni a. in I 7.45 a. ni. " 2.00 p. ra. l.oo p. m 1.00 p. m 7.30 p. n-. t a. in. i 8.00 a. m. I KASTER.V. WKSTKBN. XOKTHKRJf. SOUTHER.N. OMAHA. WKKPIN'O WATER, FACTORY VILLK. 3..W p. m. ( ii.oo a m 7.30 p. m. 10.30 a m. i 7.38 p. in. f 11.00 a m. ll.oo a ni. Dec. 17, 1S1- HATES CIIAKUEO FOR 5IOXEY OltUERN. On orders not exceeding $15 - -Over $15 and not exceeding $30 - - 19 cent 15 cents 20 cents " S30 " ' - ' 40 " " 50 - - - 25 cents include any dollars, but A single Alonev Order may amount Ireni one cent to blty must not contain a fractional part of a cent. . BATES FOB POSTAGE. 1st class matter (letters) 3 cents per Vt ounce. 2d (Publisher s rates) 2 cts per lb. 3d " (Transient Newspapers aud books come unaer tins class; i cent per each 2 ounces. 4th class (merchandise) 1 cent per ounce. J. W.Mabshall. P. M. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Taking Effect Nov. 6, 1881. FOR OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTH. leaves l :45 a. ni. Arrives 4 :25 a. m. 2 :45 p. in. " 4 :15 p. ta. 8 :20 a. m. " :40 a. m. FROM OMAHA FOR PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 8 :50 a. m. Arrives 10 K5 a. m. " 7 ;00 p. m. " 9 :10 p. m. " C :20 p. IIL " . 7 :35 p. IU. - FOR THE WEST. Leaves Plattsmouth tf -.20 a. in. Arrives Lin coln, 11 :55 a. ni. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: 40 p. m. leaves 6 :o p. in ; arrives Lincoln p. iu. Freight leaves at :20 a. m. and at 8 :15 p. m. Arrive at Lincoln at 4 : 55 p. m. aud 2 UW a. m. FROM TnE WEST. Leaves Keamey. 6 :30 a. m. Leaves Lincoln, .00 p. m. Arrives Plattsmouth. 8 :30 p. in Leaves Lincoln 7 a, in ; amves Plattsmouth 9 :0o a. m. . Freight leaves Lincoln at 12 )5 p. m. ana 9 :30 , m. Arrives at Plattsmouth at 6 ;35 p. in. and 2 :50 a. m. GOING EAST. Passenger trains leave Plattsmouth at 7 00 a. ..lima. m.. 3 40 p. in. and arrive at Pacific m., Junction at 7 25 a. in., 9 20 a. in, aud 4 10 p. in. FROM DUE EAST. Passenger traius leave Pacific Junction at 8 33 ni.,6 :2 p. ni.. 10 a. in. and arrive at Platts mouth at 8 56 a. m.. 6 40 p. in. aud 10 40 a. ui. It. V. B. II. Time Table. Taking Effect Sunday, Novemher 6, 1881. WEST. 6 :15pm 6 :15 7 :25 8 :20 8 i5Q 9 -AO 10 :15 10:55 11 :40 12 :10pm 12 :40 1 :20 2 :20 3 :10 3 :10 4 :10 5 :20 STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLUE HILL COWLES. AM BOY RED CLfiUD. 1NAVALE. RIVERTON. FRANKLIN. BLOOMINGTON. N A PON EE REFUBLICAX ALMA ORLEANS OXFORD ARAPAHOE BAST. 9 .50pm 8 :55 8 :15 7 .-05 C :00 4 :30 4 :00 2 :50 2:45 I :15 12 :20 II :55am 11 :25 . 11 :25 f 10 :20 9 :15 PLEASE REMEMBER that the Cheapest and Best Place to buy Staple mi Fancy Groceries AND First-Class Dry Goods, IS AT TH , OLD RELIABLE STORE OF - Cor. Main and Third St's. Plattsmouth. t2TStock alwaps fresh and new, and prices always ar the bottom. Call and convince your selves. lOtf THIS B.&M.R.R. HOUSE, JNO. BOMS & SON, Prop'rs,- N. W. CORNER MAIN AND SECOND STR'S, Near B. & M. Passenger Depot, rLATTSMOlTII, NEBRASKA. Newly refitted and f urnished throughout. Af fording an excellent view of the R. R. Bridge, It Is conveniently located, especially for the traveling public. The tables always supplied with the best of the season. n connection with the house. ' Lunch baskets filled at all hours. Terms reasonable. 8tf STRE1GIIT & MILLER Harness ifanttfmcturers, SADDLES BRIDLES COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Repairing of all Kinds ! NEATL Y DONE cm S HORT NOTICE NEW HAIllTESS! TURNED OUT IN SHORT ORDER And Satisfaction Guaranteed. tyRemember the place, Opposite Het.r Boeck's Furniture Store, on Lower Main Street, Plattsmouth. Neb. 21-ly STREIQHT MILLER. at lor For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chi tis,Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents. mm ANNUAL STATEMENT OF COUNTY TREASURER. October 1, 1SS0, to January 4, 18S2. To the HonoralAc. Uie Board of County Com missioner of Cflss County, Ncbraiska I have the honor to submit for your examin ation and approval, the following statement the condition of the Treasury of said county, on the 4th day of January, A. D., J882. at the close of business, showing the receipts and disburse ments thereat for the term commencing Octo ber 1st, 1880 and ending on said 4th day January, 1R82. J. AI. Patterson, Treasurer. J. Jf. PATTERSON. Trea'rCa County, In Account with Sundry Fund. state o"knebal fund. Dr. the To Bal on hand. Oct 1. 18x0 $ 3;i7 c:V 13;i 18 ' Collected for year 1k: ' " " 1.KK0 . " 1879.. ' ' " 187.. " ' ' ' 1877.. " " , " 1H76.. " 1X75 " 1874.. " 1873 . .. .. .4 jS7;J " 1871.. " " 1X70.. " " lsc:).. " 1S08.. ." " 1X07.. " " ' " " " IXtJS.. 6 syo 07 2 516 lti 16'J 90 103 83 48 78 .12 5.1 18 55 5 39 "9 54 C!l 14 52 8 35 10 :-; 20 37 28 04 439 12 17 349 OK - 1804 . Interest , Cr. By ain't pd State Treasurer as ier voucners 349 47 - 44 17 349 " Balance . . . . ; STATE SINKING FUND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1. 1880 $ 1 188 54 " Collected for year 1881 ... 12 4; " . " 18X0 1 89 " " 1879. .. 393 15 '" " " 1878 ... 21 24 " " 1877 19 00 " " 1876.... 12 14 187.... 2 00 ' . " " 1874.... . 7 41 " 187.1 .... 2 l.j " ' 1872 .. 2 29 " " " 1871.... 21 Kl " . " " 1870 2 ; " " 1869.... 4 17 " " 188 " 5 19 " " . " 1867.... 1 " " " 1866... 22 " " 1X6... . 17 " . " " J804-... 01 " Interest 98 vl 3 7!K) Cr. By amt paid State Treasurer as per voucners 3 790 Balance 21 3 790 btatk school fcnd. To Bal on hand Oct 1, 18X0 $ 1 858 27 ' amt Collect'd for year 1881 33 30 1880 . " 1879 ' " " 1878 . .. .. 1877 " " 1876 " 1875 " 1874 " lfi-3 . .. .. u-.2 1871 M " 1870 " " 1809 ' " " 1868 " 1867 " . " 1866 " 1865 3 195 04 629 04 42 49 23 78 12 11 8 06 14 82 4 30 4 63 43 87 11 62 6 U3 7 77 16 2W 22 02 167 49 18o4 " Interest. 6 06.') Cr. By amt paid State Treasurer as per voucners.... . 065 19 Balance 32 8TATE UNIVERSITY' FUND. Dr. 0 065 To Bal on hand Oct 1, 1880 $ 680 42 amt collect u lor year I8xi 12 48 1880 I-198 14 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1870 1X09 235 88 15 93 9 25 2 90 1 99 1 86 56 55 5 79 4 19 51 38 Interest'. 2 221 CY. By amt paid State Treasurer as per vouchers " Balance 2 221 12 20 21 32 STATE PENITENTIARY" To Bal on hand forOct 1. 1880 " aint Collect'd for j ear 1876 " " ' " 1875 .. .. .. lg74 ' " " 1873 FUND. . 97 85 12 08 8 05 3 72 1 07 11 24 " Interest 11 24 134 CY. By amt paid State treasurer as per vouchers .' 134 01 134 01 STATE RELIEF FUND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1. 1880 " amt Collect'd for year 1876 - " 1875 Interest CY. , By amt paid State Treasurer as per vouchers S 9 61 1 08 80 12 26 12 26 12 26 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL FUND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 2. 180 " amt collected for year 1871 " Interest Cr. $ 1 60 10 93 3 76 16 29 By amt paid State Treasurer as per vouchers 16 29 16 29 STATE INSANE FUND Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1 . 1880 " aint Collect'd lor year 1879 " 1878 .. .. J(j77 " 1876 " " " 1875 .. 1874 629 43 209 70 10 62 6 25 5 98 2 35 1 03 22 93 " Interest 22 93 888 29 CY. ' . By amt paid State Treasurer as pr vouchers . 888 29 888 29 SCHOOL LAND FUND PRINCIPAL. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1,1880. .$ 2 882 00 " amt collect'd to Jan. 4. '82, 10 587 27 13 469 27 Or. By amt paid State Treasurer . aa per vouchers 13 469 27 13 469 27 6CH0OL LAND FUND INTEREST. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1. 1880 .$ 3 359 56 " amt collect'd to Jan. 4, "32. 7 056 55 10 416 It CY. By amt paid State Treasurer as per vouchers 10 416 11 13 416 it SCHOOL LAND FUND LEASE. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 1880..$ " aint collect'd to Jan. 4. '82, : Cr. 1 irj 70 156 75 3 315 45 By amt paid State Treasurer a per vouchers 3 SIS 45 3 315 45 COUNTY FUNDS. GENERAL FUND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1, 1880 $ 1 690 32 amt collected for year 1881 2v 89 To amt collect'd for year 1880 28 "55 34 . " 187 9 3 145 45 " 1878 2U4 12 1877 11C 04 " 1876 61 14 1875 40 C4 " " 1874 37 07 " 1873 8 1 " 1872 9 35 " 1871 -87 75 " 1870 29 OX " 1&69 25 06 " 1868 31 II - 1S67 32 ' ... .. g66 44 " " 1865 44 " " 1H 08 " 1858 23 Interest 932 56 Redemption 628 85 ' AssigDments 133 39 Sundry Items 208 35 ' Rents 53 00 ' Sinking Fund transfered... 1 242 7S " Fees as per Book 153 61 " Treasurer's Fees on State Collections 693 81 " Fees on Co CoU'ct'n. 1 731 04 40 Cr. By amt transfered to Poor F " Warrants reeeived for tax " Warrants paid in cash ... " Partial Payment receipts. " Registered Warrants paid " Treasu'r's fees on 36.019.06 " salary for 15 months " Deputy's sal'ry exc of fees " Balance 800 00 1 318 78 29 201 48 90 92 5 331 35 720 38 2 500 00 84 46 248 47 40 SINKING FUND. Dr. To amt collected for year 1879 9 943 64 " 1878 44 09 1877 38 33 " I87ti 24 34 " 1874 22 2t " 1873 2 15 1871 21 94 1870 5 79 " 1869 8 35 " 1868 5 20 " li6 II 1866 11 ' 1864 01 12C 52 of ." Interest . 1 of cr. By amt transferred to General r uuu OENEBALBOAD FUND. Dr. 78 1 To Bal on hand Oct, 1. 1880.. .$ 101 38 poll tax not creditad to any d 1st lift road tax collected for lsxi. - 1880. ; 15 00 66 59 202 61 6 95 2 00 15 07 6 60 U 17 9 84 80 87 St 1x75. 1873. 1871. 1870. 1X69. I8T.X. 1866. Interest . 3 518 Cr. By amt of Treasurer's fees on 9:1,417.10 amt Supervisors' receipts for nronerty tax 68 34 386 82 U of $2,817.00 cash collec tions, to districts 1 408 50 wm runts redeemed 20 42 Balance 1 631 40 3 518 DISTRICT ROAD FUND. Dr. 91 To Bal on hand Oct 1, 1880 212 48 408 50 320 00 4 00 107 20 amt transfered from ueu eiiil Road Fund " Poll Tax collected for 1880 and 1881. . "Tax collected for tx79.. " Interest 6 082 Cr. By amt Treasurer! Fees on 4l zu- " Poll Tax Rerelpts redee'd 88 62 2 765 75 162 00 454 22 22 96 2 588 63 Warrants lor erroneous Poll Tax collected.... " District Road Warrants re deemed Partial Payment receipts. " Balance 6 080 IJKIDUE FUND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1. 1S80. . . 89 67 unit collected lor year isxi iw . 1 " - 1880 6 390 08 " 1x79 2 096 98 95 1878 1877 1876 1874 1873 1872 1871 1868 90 72 64 10 17 01 37 07 6 45 4 63 21 95 10 39 336 74 183 52 087 39 70 99 69 1 89 231 71 93 " Interest 9 263 fY. By amt Treasurer's Fees - vr arrant received ior tax. Partial Payment receipts.. Registered warrants paid. Ballance 9 265 rOOB FUND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1,1880 8 1 312 26 800 00 314 54 22 68 18 99 5 94 4 02 3 72 2 15 4 63 21 94 0 79 54 01 amt Transfered f romlien- eral und collected for year 1879 1878 " " 1877 " 1876 " " 1875 " 1874 1873 " 1X72 - 1X71 " " 1870 51 l j " Interest CY. By amt Treasurer's Fees " Warrants redeemed .. ' Balance . DOG FIND. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1. 1880 amt collected for year 1877 " " " 1876 ' 1875 .. .. ,874 1X73 .. .. 1872 " " 1871 " " ' " 1870 ." " " 1869 Interest t 570 9 17 543 53 17 87 2 570 $ 24 93 18 00 2 00 9 00 14 00 3 00 6 32 17 00 1 00 1 00 32 18 32 128 43 Cr. By amt Transferred for ap- portiouinent 88 42 "Treasurer's Fees 1 03 " Balance 39 68 128 43 teacher's fund. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct 1. 1880 8 2 634 33 " amt apportionment for December 1880 5 114 90 " Fines and Licenses 762 77 Dog Fund ' 24 93 "Apportionment for June 1881 3 426 32 Fines and Licenses. 188 00 " Dog Fund 12 00 " Apportionment for Decern ber 1X81 7 346 18 Fines and Licenses 133 35 " Dog Fund 51 39 19 694 fY. 01 By aint paid District as v3iichers " Balance per 11 037 54 8 658 K3 19 694 district school fund. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1. 1S80..3 C 83t 23 " amt collected for year 18x1 223 85 1 " " 1X80 18 414 79 " " 1879 3 891 17 " 1878 83 70 " " 1877 43 97 ' " " 1?7 18 68 " " 1875 8 86 " 1874 20 64 . 1873 4 4,; " " ' " 1872 8 52 " " 1871 44 1 9 ' " " 1870 3 00 " " 1X69 14 20 " 1868 12 00 " " 1867 32 " " " 1866 . 12 " " 1865 44 " " 1864 03 .. ... .. jr (ft Interest ... CiSt 43 28 293 214 G? 20 619 25 7 529 81 28 293 CY. By amt Treasurer's fees " " paid Districts, as per vouchers Balauce SCHOOL HOUSE FUND. Dr. To amt collect'd for year 1879 " 1878 119 46 32 84 21 13 4 25 4 14 9 12 9 20 3 43 7 88 4 C2 3 68 24 20 60 68 56 745 86 1877' 1876 1875 1874 .1873 1872 1S71 1970 1869 1868 1866 " Interest " Balauee overpaid 1 058 CY. overpaid Bv amt Balance OCT 1. 1XXO 4.IO XI " Paid Districts as per vouch C25 03 Treasurer's Fees 3 13 PRECINCT BOND FUND. Dr. 1 058 To amt collected for year 1873 03 i To amt collect'd for year 1872 27 " 1871 1C 69 H 1870 9 08 " Interest 10 89 " Balance overpaid 3d Cr. By Bal overpaid Oct. 1, 1880.. r Treasurer's fees 39 86 74 ADVERTISIHO FUND. Dr. To amt coilect'J tor year 1877 $ 20 (30 13 30 5 70 20 1 00 1 60 40 3 10 10 16 75 67 41 1876 1875 1873 1871 1870 1869 1864 1K66 1864 " Interest " Balance overpaid tv. By amt Balance overpaid October 1. 1880 Treasurer's Fees 128 22 . 1 24 SUNDBIFH. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 1880. ..8 378 44 - " Fines received 369 35 " l.lceuees 338 33 ' Witness fees fr. I)irt. Clerk 4 00 293 84 Balance overpaid.. 1 12 1 CY. By amt transferred for appor tionment 1 084 12 " Treasurer's fees 7 12 WEEPING WATER FUND. Dr. To Bal 011 hand Oct 1, 1880 27 31 10 14 44 95 31 40 44 2 08 amt collect d lor year 1881 " ... i87 " Interest Cr. By amt Treasurer's Fees " Paid Town Clerk as per vouchers " To Balance II. & M. R. a. INTEREST FUND, Dr. 242 78 To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 1880 8 CO 72 199 42 anil collected lor year 1881 242 78 lxxo 9 5X5 1 4 1879 2 516 37 1878 1877 1876 1S75 1874 181 44 90 40 42 21 16 22 44 46 444 90 13 Interest Cr. By amt pd Interest Coupon as per voucners " Treasurer's fees " Balauce .'. 11 372 04 2C2 41 1 646 89 13 PENALTY' FI ND. Dr. 43 To Bal on hand Oct 1, lx0 $ 4 53 " amt receiv'd on salesof t 8 05 CY. By amt Penalty on sales lxxi to General Fund 8 65 ' Balance 4 53 COUNTY' LIBRARY FUND. Dr. Ta amt Balance on hand Oct 1. 18-0 $ 69 CY. By amt Balance... 09 SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND FUND. To Bal on hand Oct 1 . 1880 9 367 97 " amt colleet'd for year 1881 2 50 " " " 18X0 2 223 41 " " " 1879 181 82 1878 39 " 1876 1 96 ' " " 1875 1 37 ' Interest 69 09 48 18 " iteceived Iroin Tr. District No. 59 Cr. . By amt Treasurer's Fees ' Paid Bonds and Coupons as per vouchers " Balance 442 00 3 29 22 1 672 .30 1 588 99 3 18 K. H. EATON JUDGMENT. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 1880 $ 416 87 amt collected for year 1879 209 70 Intnrnut 1 a n 13 79 CY. By amts paid District Clerk as per vouchers " Treisurer's fees " Balance 593 87 4 47 42 Hi INSTITUTE FUND. Dr. To amt ree'd from Co. Sup't... $ 116 00 CY. By amt Treasurer's fees 2 30 " " pd out as per vouchers 63 50 (' Balance 4920 PLATTSMOUTH CITY' FUND. Dr. To amt collect'd for year ISxl $ 65 18 " IXXO 7 468 60 Interest 81 53 7 CY. By amt Treasurer's Fees, on 50 50 s eaz 9 at 1 per cent 26 93 98 81 C 515 76 993 78 .treasurers Fees 011 St 942 42 at 2 per cent paid City Treasurer as per vouchers Balauce 7 SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. 67 DISTRICT NO. 22, Dr. 67 To Bal od hand Oct 1. 1880 " amt collected for year 1881 " 18X0 '". " 1879 " . " " 1876 " Interest Cr. By amt paid Coupons as per vouchers " Interest and Exchange... " Treasurer's Fees " Balauce 9 209 ra 10 789 27 110 06 1 67 09 27 63 1 1 600 00 3 20 9 29 525 97 District No. '58. Dr. To Bal ou hand Oct. 1, lxso $ 29 63 " amt colieced for year 1878 3a Cr. By amt Balance 30 02 DISTRICT NO. 59. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 180 $ 9 77 " aint reed fr J. Schlanker. Tr. 442 00 " " collected for year 18S0... 240 28 " interest 04 CY. By amt paid Bond and Coupons and Exchange 551 00 ' Treasurer's fee 6 x " Balance . 140 21 DI9TRICT NO. CI. Dr. 17 To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 1880 $ 1 70 1 10 55 02 3 34 amt collected lor year 1x75.. " Interest CY. By amt Treasurer's fee " Balance DISTRICT NO. 62. Dr. 17 To amt Balance on hand . October 1. 1880 CY. 2 88 2 88 By amt Balance DISTRICT NO. 67. Dr. To amt collect'd for year 1380 $ 179 20 Interest.. 4 48 Cr. By amt Balance overpaid . 25 88 90 1 84 92 69 " raid isoiid inter t p.xcire. Treasurer's Fees. ...... " Balance DISTRICT NO. C9. Dr. . 68 C8 To Bal on hand Oct. 1. 1880 .. .$ 10 BO Y. " By Balance 10 50 disfrkt NO. 70. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1 , 1880 $ 97 amt coneciea ior year 1876. . 29 Interest 13 Cr. By Balance ; t C2 DISTRICT NO. 75. Dr. To Bal. on hand Oct. 1. 1880 . . . .$ 75 86 . 185 48 . 60 69 . 8 6.5 ami collected for year lSao.. " 1879.. " Interest CY. By amt Treasurer's fees 2 55 97 itaiance 328 13 DISTRICT NO. 80. Dr. To amt collected for year 1880 408 06 luieresi 10 26 97 CY. By amt paid Bonds & Coup'n 396 70 Treasurer's Fees 4 is ' Balance 17 44 293 Si 418 32 DISTRICT NO. 81. Dr. To amt Balance ou hand, Oct 1. is.-) $ 3 ei CY. By amt Balance 3 83 DISTRICT NO. 62. Dr. To Bal on hand Oct. 1, 1380. . $ 26 21 " aim callected for year 10 ih 71 ' '. " 187i 11 07 Interest 5 29 CY. By amt Treasurer's Fees 2 62 " Balance 226 4 DISTRICT NO. 83, Dr. To Balance overpaid . 9 2 ?s CY. By Balance overpaid Oct. 1, 1880 2 88 DISTRICT NO. 87. Dr. To amt collected for year 13x0 $1C1 86 " Internal 4 05 CY. By amt paid Coupon, Interest & Exchange 32 50 " Treasurer's fees 1 66 Balauce .. 131 75 40 CO i0 60 129 40 129 46 091 24 TREASURER'S FEE BILL. 1 091 24 STATE FUNDS. State Gen. Fund $9,951.78 " Sinking ' 2,60i.2O " Penlt'nV " Bond rel f " 2.6.5 42 83 " Inssne 258.86 14,69 " Normal 12.866.34 3,000.00 at 10 percent $ 300 06 9,866.34 42 P3 2,000.00 " 4 " " 7.863.34 " 2 " School ' " c'liiv'rsity" 4,206,92 1,510.70 5 747.62 " 1 " C7 48 181 34 School Ijind Fund 810,5X7.27 Int'r't 7.056.55 2.150.75 I .ease 19,800.57 at !i Of 1 p C S99 00 S03 8t Co. Gen. Fund 36 019 OC at 2 pr cf 720 38 Gcll. Road " 3 417 10 " 2 " " 68 34 Dikt " " 4 4:tl 20 2 " " 88 62 Bridge " 9 175 83 " 2 " 183 f2 Poor " 458 41 " 2 " " 17 Dog " 103 50 " 1 " " 1 03 Dist Sc'l " 21 462 ii " 1 " " 214 62 Bch'l H'se 313 11 1 " ' 3 13 Prec'l Bond " 36 96 " 2 M " 74 Advertising" s os a 1.24 SundF'sLV' 711 68 "1 "" 7 12 Weep. W'r" 15 49 " 2 " 3t B Si M Int " 13 120 62 " 2 " " 262 41 Pen on s'l's " 8 Ki School B'd ' 2 922 54 " 1 " " 29 22 Eaton J'd't " 22;i 49 " 2 " " 4 47 Institute ' 1 15 00 " 2 " 2 30 Platts C'y " 7 635 31 . J 2 6!ni 89 "1 " " m . 1 4 fM2 4li H ' Veen an wr Fee Look. 181 34 13 13 13 18 09 00 t i 884 46 STATEMENT OF UNPAID TAXES, Amt of Amt , JVr Ct. Tar THw Unu'd Coll'd. 1880 9 99 581 23 Amt coll'd to date 91 125 11 8 456 12 91.50 290 51 1879 81 410 20 Aint coll'd to date 68 899 17 12 511 03 81.63 1878 75 214 49 290 CI Amt coll'd to date 72 912 27 2 302 22 96.93 1877 73 561 43 Amt coll'd to date 70 3x0 20 3 181 2 i 94.31 1876 76 800 37 Amt coll'd to date 73 148 38 3 65199 05.3 1875 73 602 67 Amt coll'd to date 71 784 41 1 878 26 97.45 640 36 1874 . 135 885 61 Amt coll'd to date 131 649 17 4 0. 46 P7.02 1873 84 751 17 Amt coll'd to dato 82 696 85 2 151 2 87.1(1 640 36 THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, lis 00 115 00 635 31 COUNT Or CAHX, ) We. the undersiiiued. County Commhsloneis of Cass County aforesaid, do hereby cerufy that we have carefully compared' the foregoing Statement of J. M. ratterson. ex -Trcamrer or said County, with the books and vouchers of tne treasurer soince, and una tne saia state ment of the condition of the Treasury of said County on the 41I1 day of January, . D. 1x82, correct an sansiacrory. In witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and cause our seal to be afllxed. this l.'ilh dav of February, A. D. 1882. ISAAC YVILE8. 1 seal James Crawford. J-Co. C'omm'rs Samuel Kicharison. Attest : J. W. Jennings. Co. Clerk. Better Butter Packajefc A correspondent of tho Chicago Times says: During the past few years thero Las been a great change for tho better in the matter of packages for many arti cles that .ire sent to market. Cerries and all kinds of small fruit are no'v sent in small boxes that are packed in crates of a siza convenient to handle. The boxes themselves are light, clean, and e asy to carry. They save the trouble of handling tho fruit, and enable it to be carried about without injury. A large proportion of the goods sold in groceries are put up in ncai and attrac tive packages. Even lard is often sold in this way. Butter. Lowever, contin ues to come to market in the same kinds of packages it did centurio? ago. It is packed in earthen crocks or tho peculiar kini of cooperage known as Welsh tubs. Both of these packages are objectionable in many ways. They are not air-tight, and are inconvenient to handle, while tha crocks are very liable to be broken. Both absorb but ter and the volatile matter that Ja pro duced from it, and no amount of wash ing and scalding will remove them. This may be thown by examining the Interior portion of a wooden or earthen vessel that lias been used for some time to store butter in. What is wanted is a butter-package made of some material that is impervious to air as well as moisture, and is not likely to be broken in handling or during transportation. It should be light to save freight charg es, and should present an attractive ap pearance in order to aid in making a ready sale for tho contents. It would be desirable to have the shipping pack age contain several small packages that could be sold with the contents to retail customers. This arrangement would save much trouble and prevent the ne cessity of exposing the butter to the bad odors xf a grocerv. 635 31 138 46 138 46 30 02 30 02 698 09 698 09 3 35 36 2 Kg '2 88 183 68 Spain is having built in England sev" eral iron hliips for her naval licet. The company which built for her some time ago an iron cruiser ban recently launch ed a second after the same design. Tim length of these .ships is 210 feet, and their tons burden. 1,0:59; th armament being three G-inch 5-Un breach-loading Arnistong guns. They belong to a tyij cf fast, iinarmored cruisers, now largely used in the Euroi)oan navies, which are employed on distant stations in times of peace, and in times of war an well adapted to the protection of mercantile marines. At the royal dock-yards in Spain other vessels of similar design are being built. 183 68 10 50 10 SO 1 3 1 2 330 68 When a Kansas editor takes his affi davit that he saw a grasshopper light down on the back of a robia and lift him two feet high, in an effort to carry him off, it is simply one soli tary instance of tho wonderful richness of the soil of that State. Next year they are going to tame the grasshopper, and use Uim to hunt rats. Y ':z 1 330 68 418 32 fcriKtwsa -we " y -Jrwr, ate.. ; S 88 3 S 22 44 223 49 2 M 2 8 H5 91 1C5 91 156 61 80 00 157 33 537 33