Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 23, 1882, Image 3

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    'me Herald.
rraiii.-ni. 25 f.-iitfi i. tine. Hegular adrertls-
w ivnu per n;:r. No advei lUelnvut Insert-
r i -s I hail "i cents.
. ri! mifi- Sf:ii ue ra.-.
A.n.r.i' jim! .!! jf titp inv will be neld' u vl m:K'r. iliey hand In. j:i . - .li i.i uiii.y a ji,M.f of puMica
nt .11. V ifiirr- v.'li be iiliii lor the imblica-
'UB lit vI SUCH II ti..
mir "ijiarf L limited, nil communlea'Iona
l)- brie! nu t to the point, with no Waal
kl wiirilt.
Tin papiT u ie-ix!i'.tlls lor rhe correctness
efril;ii(j ti copy of paid matter and paid Le
juN. nly.
1. At-.y iwru.'i who takes tl e paper recularl
tr.'in i lie iM'-(mce, whether direcied to bis
tiiKiif, ur Hiit-tUor tie Is a subscriber or not is
resiMiiisil.Ir for tlie pay.
2. II mijr person ordei paper discontin
ued, Ue mast pay all arrearages, or the publish
e hmv continue to wnd It until payment is
u.ade. aji4 ror.cct the w hole amount, whether
f he paiH-r is taken from the cfiice or not.
3. lue court have decided that refusing to
lalte newspapers and periodicals from the post
Btlice, or len.oving and leaving them uncalled
for, m prima facie evidence of uttkxtioxal
More Snow.
Go to Church.
L.ent hits begun.
"Hear the bells."
"The beautiful bells." y & Son are gone.
, Fire meeting Monday night.
Business is improUng again.
The snow is fast disappearing.
Some new type has just arrived.
The Nobbiest type in the City.
Bring in your job voik if in need
of any.
--"Oh, the ' beautiful, beautiful
snow"( ?)
-(Joing to be any fun this 'lection
Commissioner's Proceedings on
Mist page.
Scarcely any farmers were in town
i, Examination at the High School
this week.
All the sleighs m the city were
out last evening.
Be sure and read our Bed Extra,
there' millions on it.
The foundation for the Opera
House is being put in.
Our merchants are beginning to
receive their spring goods.
-Who's "going to run for Mayor?
Don't all spe;-'-k "tew once'
Who wants to change the school
board. Did we hear that?
Councilman First Ward where is
he. If Fred goes out, what comes in?
"Lent commenced yesterday.' We
know it, all our printers were lent but
Scat who says Citv Election is
coming round soon. What's that
about Mayor?
How did the snow storm flx the
fruit for this reason? Clear out of the
reach of poor folks?
There will be no service at the
Catholic Church next Sunday, as
Father Lynch will be away.
We neglected last week to call at
tention to Smith & Black Bros, large
ad. on Local page. Bead it.
The Turf, Field & Farm has a
long review of Judge K'nney's trot
ting case at our last State Fair.
There will be a Coffee Sociable at
Good Templar's Hall next Friday
evening. Remember the date.
The G. A. R. post at Ashland,
"Bob McCook" beld a Camp-Fire yes
terday evening. Wish we could have
been there.
G. II. Thompson has the contract
for building the new Opeia House
and it is to be finished by the first of
Lecture by Mr. Eli Johnson,
Wednesday. March 1st, at the M.
church. Subject, "What They Drink
and how They Make it."
There was not a pound of butter
to be had in this town on Saturday
last. Even the hotel table was unsup
plied. There will be divine service in St.
Lukes Church, on Friday evening,
February 24th, at 7:30 o'clock. All
are iuvited to attend.
A little party was given last Sat
urday evening, at the residence of
Jaiue? Pettee, surprise on Trow, by a
number of his young friends.
D. II. Wheeler and Judge Kinney
did not let the reputation of Nebraska
suffer at the late Agricultural and
Trotting meeting in New York.
Yesterday was Washington's birth
day and likewise Ash WTednesday. A
holiday and fast day combined. How
many kept both, and low- did they
Another unique postal card from
John Montgomery, of Bremner crack
er fame announces his near approach.
That accounts for the fearful storm
the first of the week.
We guess that Railroad from Neb.
City to Ashland, or some where west
to be built by the Wabash Co. is a
canard, we can hear of no good evi
dence to sustain the report.
Mr. aud Mrs. Squires' little baby
was buried last Friday morning; Rev.
Ciowther oQlciating. Quite a number
of friends accompanied the little one,
to see it placed in Us last resting
The first snow of the season that
amounts to the name came Sunday
night, and for several days there was
good sleighing. The snow has delayed
trains some, but is not as severe as at
first thought;
Hon.R. B. Windham of Platta
mouth and Senator Tefft dropped iuto
our Banctuni last Friday afternoon,
wliila nrntiml thin vrv Ytft-nrtlar
Windham and Tfft, what's that
mean? Ain't puttin' up a job on U3,
bovs, are you? Is Windham going to
Duy iuto Avoca or lent lay out an ad
dition to Plattsmouth?
Special Notice.
The New Furniture Store will move
into the Union Block, about March
First. 4tr,
"Mary had a vaccine scab
Upon her snow-white arm;
She warned her beau to this effect.
For fear he'd do it harm.
" But when they came to part that
She gave a mighty grab.
And whispered: 'Hug me awfu
And never mind the scab."
From some other fellow.
Go to A. Salisbury, over Smith &
Black Bros., for your Dental work..05tf
If you don't think that Smith &
Black Bros, have a fine line of paper,
reaa meir ad. and go and examine
Three cases of new soring style of
prints at Solomon &. Nathan s. tl
P. B. Murphy npened up his Cen
tral Restaurant, on Wednesday even
ing. and we can inform our citizens
(all who do not already know it) that
it is one of the finest in the state,
Give him a call.
New goods Constantly arriving
and prices as low af. the lowest at
49t. Nerrman's.
Those who ought to know think
there was more behind the shooting
here, on Friday, than appears on the
surface. Also that Mayall or McW'at
era is one of the old Wyoming crowd
of years ago.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. lOtf
Yesterday being Ash Wednesday,
the first day of Lent, services were
held in tho Episcopal and Roman
Catholic churches: and for the next
forty days services will be held every
Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Mr. Nathan, of Solomon & Na
than, goes east next week to N. Y. for
new coods. Just wait and see the
new stock he will order. tl
The Episcopal Sociable, held at
the residence of Mrs. Taylor last
Thursday evening was well attended.
and was well entertained by the host
and hostess until a late hour. It was
the last sociable to be given until af
ter lent.
Baker & At wood will sell goods at
verv close prices until March 1st, to
reduce stock. 4St2
The Grand Camp-Fire here last
week, was spoken of as a great success.
Old times joined to men, and old tales
found new hearers, while the pork and
beans made ballast to keep the whole
business taut for the evening.
Jf vou need any Dental work done.
call on A. Salisbury, who will do as
well for you as can be done any
where. S5tf.
Mr. Henry Anderson will estab
lish a bank at Weeping Water, Cass
Countv, so we see by the Cass county
papers. Weeping Water will soon have
a new railroad and being centrally lo
cated is liable at no distant day to se
cure the Countv Seat. Wahoo Times-
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth. Neb. 5t6m
II. A. Waterman & Son. have
again purchased the Pacific Junction
lumber yard. They expect to make
some of the money back that they lost
during the high water last year. The
IIekald wishes' you success, gentle
men. - - ,
Hyacinths and Crocuses full of
bloom and as sweet as anything; Cro
cuses five to ten cents, and Hyacinths
twenty-five to thirty cents per pot.
40t:i Lew. A. Moore.
Two more conductors were added
to the list of discharged, given last
week, making seven in all. They are
LeBouvercau. Hutchinson Gajle, Jew
ett, Connor, Cory and O'Donnell. This
leaves, we believe, only Forman on
the main line, and long may he flour
ish. When the new spring goods that
Mr. Nathan has cone east to buv, be
gin to come in at Solomon & Nathan's,
you want to go at once and feast your
eyea on the treasures as they are
Word was received on Tuesday
that'Mr. M.L.White was worse and
had turned back from his western trip.
Mr. Sam. M. Chapman and Mrs. White
started to meet him. on Tuesday's
train west. We hope the news is not
so bad as surmised and that Mr. W.
will reach home feeling tetter.
Ask your druggist for "Dr. Sykes
Sure Cure for Catarrh." Don't take
any other. 46t4
The Singing Convention, under the
leadership of Prof. Saeger, is fairly
under way, and if a large enough num
ber will attend, the Convention will
close with a grand concert, Tuesday
evening next. All who are interested
in music should attend as Prof. Seager
is a fine teacher.
Money to loan on easy terms, on
improved farms. E. II. Wooley,
4Gtf County Clerk's Office.
There will be a special meeting of
the Fire Company next Tuesday even
ing, for the purpose of re-organizing,
&c. All firemen and those interested
should be in attendance. The fire en
gine will soon be heie and the Fire
Company will have to be increased so
that there will be enough for Hook
& Ladder and Engine.
82! spavins on horses cured by
Kendall's Spavin Cure. Read their
The C II. Smith Uncle Tom's Cab
in Combination played to a full house
Tuesday evening, and was generally
consideied the best troupe that has
played Uncle Tom's Cabin in our city
for Some time. Topsy Junior and
Phineas Fletcher were immense
and all the characters were untxeep
tionably good.
The Liederkranz Masquerade Ball
Monday evening, was a decided suc
cess, both in point of attendance,
masking, and in fact everything."
There were probably in the neighbor
hood of a hundred maskers and near
ly as many more who did not mask.
The supper was fine and the fun gen
eral. With this to look back upon,
our Catholic friends can fast from fun
and frolic for the next forty days
without repining.
Win. Chase of Center Yalley called
last week.
Mr. Gayle is n a visit to his par
ents in Cincinnati.
Messrs. J. M. and Ambrose Patter-
sen left last-week to attend a family
reunion in Pennsylvania.
J. V. Weckbach will leave for the
east this week to purchase a large stock
of good3. Ixiok out for it.
E. F. Watren, a lawyer of Nebras
ka City, was in town Thursday and
was a caller at the IIekald office.
A. E Toulalin, Vice President C. B.
& Q. R. R. is back in Nebraska for a
short visit. He leaves for Boston this
George F. Ilouseworth, or the B. &
M. Store, will go down to Lincoln the
first of next month, where he accepts a
better situation than the one he now
Mrs. Jno. R. Clark, Mrs. Darrah,
Mrs. Dr. Clark, Mrs. Yates and Mrs,
Plummer, of Lincoln, were the guests
of Mrs. McLaughlin, for a day, last Fri
J . J . Marshall or . v . dropped in
to seo us, Monday. He thinks the
cars will be in there in a few days.
The track is laid within two miles of
the town.
Dr. R. R. Livingston left last week,
Saturday, for Denver, returning yes
terday. The Dr., during his absence,
made arrangements for the extension
of the staff of Surgeons for the road.
Frank Hager, one of Plattsmoulh's
old boys, is in town visiting his many
friends. Frank has been working at
North Platte the last four months in
the U. P. stops. It looks like old times
to see him on our streets, some one
should make him think it was better
when he staid here
A Card to the Patrons of the Platts-
month Post Office.
Having learned that there are two
or more petitions being circulated,
each asking for the appointment of
their respective applicants for the po
sition which I now hold and have con
tinuously held for twenty-one years,
and H3 the impression has somehow
gone out that I would not ask for a
re-appointment on the expiration of
my term of service which will bs on
the 14th day of June, proximo. I deem
it but just to myself and to the people
that I say a word. And first of all let
me say mat l nave not now ana never
have had any claims upon the office;
I do feel, however, that the people
have claims upon me, and If it is their
wish. I shall most gladly serve them
for another term, to the best of my
I have been trying for months to get
the office made a "second-class" one, so
that the government can lease a good
roomy, fire-proof building, and occupy
it as a Post Office, only. Hon. E. K.
Vallentine, our member of Congress,
informs me that after the first of
April this will be done. So that in
the near future we may safely promise
you first-class accommodations and ad
ditional clerical help in the office.
Respectfully, J. W. Marshall,
We learn that the twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary of our neighbors,
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, will
come round next Sunday, the 26th. Al
most their entire married life has been
passed in this city; here they have
raised a family, and made hosts of
friends. If it were not Sunday we
think the band would be ont, and some
"doins" going on.
"All through advertising," remark
edex-Mayor Gregory, to us
as he went
homeward with
i bottle of St. Jacobs
Oil, "that I bought this.
Your paper
contains so many wonderful cures of
course they a e facts and so I thought
I d try a bottle for the rheumatisn.''
Madison (Wis.) Daily Democrat.
We are glad to welcome E. J..
of Union, among our list of correspon
dents. In fact, we are proud of
our correspondence corps, Adirondack,
T. N, Trixy, Reporter, S. B., and Oc
casional have all favored us since
the beginning of the year with short,
newsy and to the point reports of the
doings in their respective vicinities,
and we hope to hear from them as of
ten as possible.
Kali sky Son, of the Red Store,
Dacked up their stock of dry goods
ast week and transferred it to Weep
ing Water, where they will hereafter
engage in business. The Herald has
always found the Messrs. Kalisky.
honorable and straightforward bus
iness men and we commend them to
the good graces of our sister city, and
wish them a due measure of prosper-
-In the Temperance Column will
be found a notice of the work of Mr.
Eli Johnson, of Brooklyn, N. Y, which
has beam active for the hist twentv
Cve years. The ladies here have been
uccessf ul in securing his services to
deliver one lecture here. Wednesday.
March 1st. probably at the M. E.
church, further notice of which will
be given hereafter.
As will be seen in another column
one of the readers of the Herald di
rectly interested in the question of
Woman's Suffrage, has responded to
our invitation last week, and now it is
n order, as she says, for some of the
sisters on the other side to spek al
though further from the sist9rs in
sympathy with this one would by no
means be out of order; but let us hear
from both sides.
While the Slocumb law put up
numerous and divers bars against sa
loon business, it threw down one im
portant one in the repeal of the whole
of chapter 53 of the revised statutes,
section 580, which provided that
debts contracted for intoxicatinz lici-
uors in retail quantities were not col
lectable by law. . There was a case in
point before Judge Hulburt this week
in which a aloon keeper was permit-
lea to onset a laborers account for
work with a whisky bill which the
laborer had contracted from time to
time; the court holding that as the
Slocumb law repeals, without excep
tion or qualification, chapter 53, whis
ky debts are valid as any other debts.
And Judge II. was doubtless correct
in his judgment. Brownville Advertiser.
BUTTERY At Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka. Sunday, February 19th, 1882, of
Pulmonary Consumption, at 6:30 p.
m., Edward Buttert, aged fifty-
fire years.
The funeral services took place from
the house. Tuesday, the 22d, the Rev.
Mr. Burgess officiating.
Mr. Buttery has been for many years
a resident or Plattsmouth, ana was
identified with much of her early his
tory. He was at one time a member
ber cf the City Council. The firm of
Buttery & Lazenby were well known
throughout the state as a Livery firm.
He has been ailing since last fall, a
heavy cold being the earlier cause of
The services at the house were large
ly attended by nearly all the older res
idents of the town, many of whom
had enjoyed business and social rela
tions with deceased for years. The
pallbearers were J. "W. Marshal, J. V.
Weckbach. G. W. Fairfield, J. W. Jen-
nings, Peter Merges and M. B. Murphy
He leaves a widow and two married
daughters,Mrs. G. and Robt .Ballance ;
also an aged mother to mourn his loss,
hewasa brother to Jos.Buttery and Mrs.
Geo. II. Black.
Followed by a Dessert of Wounds
Prison Fare.
Friday evening, shortly after supper,
as we were sitting at our nresiae.
calmly perusing the evening paper, a
sharp pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, fell upon
our ears coming apparently irom
m .
Main street. As no further sounds of
a disturbance reached us, we returned
to our reading, but the following
morning we learned that three men
named Emerson and Charles Dowers,
and Mayall had recently foisted them
selves upon the community of Platts
mouth, and after having imbibed con
siderable Plattsmouth whisky, had an
altercation over some money supposed
to have been won while gambling; th
ouarrel bezan in a saloon and was af
terward renewed on the sidewalk near
the post office, and was finally brought
to a tragical termination by Mayall
striking Chas. Dowers, who returned
the compliment by drawing his six-
shocter and emptying its barrels at
Mayall in rapid succession, Mayall
running to avoid the shots, and dis
appearing in. the darkness, and Dow
ers then taking to his heels in another
direction. When the officers arrived
on the scene oily Emerson Dowers,
who is a cousin of Chas., was to be
found. Mayall was subsequently fish
ed up out of the ditch on Pearl st.
near Pattersons livery stable, in a
semi-unconscious condition maucea
by drink and a wound, one of the balls
having entered his back. An exam
ination was made the next day by Drs.
Schildknecht and Miller, and in the
evening they removed the ball. . It en
tered the right side between the fourth
and fifth ribs, passing through the
lung. Dowers was found about mid
night after the affray, and was safely
lodged in jail. Tuesday Mayall was
coughing some and spitting some
blood, but Dr. Schildknecht thinks he
may get along
Later Mayall is doing well and
will get along without doubt. So the
Doctor said by telephone at 9 this A.M.
Another Shooting.
Not in Cass County this time, but
very close to it, we have had another
fatal shooting affray. At Waverly,
Saunders County, on Sunday evening,
in the office of the hotel, where an ar
gument was started as te the proper
way to spell "peddler." The parties
present disagreed, and finally a small
bet was made between a man calling
himself Raven and C. H. Carpenter.
At this juncture Jas. R. Cook and a
brother of his, Charles, came in. The
matter was left to Jas. Cook to decide.
He said Carpenter was right. This
and a remark Cook made seemed to
make Raven mad and he called Cook a
foul name. Cook struck him in re
turn, when Raven drew a revolver
and shot Cook dead, The greatest ex
citement prevailed. Raven broke
away and ran to the barn where he
mounted a green colt, which would
not leave the place. He dropped from
that and made for a corn-field, but was
surrounded by the citizens, Charley
Cook at the head with a double-barreled
shot gun, which, had ' it been
leaded, would have saved the State all
trouble on Raven's account hereafter.
Seeing the game was up. Raven sur
rendered and was taken bound to the
hotel and Sheriff Ensign telegraphed
for. He and his deputies arrived
about 9:00 in the evening.
At one time the people actually got
a rope round Raven's neck and would
have made short work of him had not
Ensign interfered vigerously.
And now comes another straae
part of the tale, viz: That Dick B.
Raven, as he calls himself is none
other than "Quin" Bobannon. well
known in Otoe Co. and southern Cass,
years ago. as a desperate character and
later mixed up with the Mc Waters j
escapade at the state prison during
Warden Woochurst's time. J. W.
Jennings, of this place, has proof of
this, and Raven, or Bohannon worked
for County Judge Laverty last sum
mer, and was, to all appearances, a
quiet, well behaved citizen. A tele
gram to Judge Laverty was received,
signed "Dick B. R," and the Judge
went to Waverly but was too late to
see Raven or Bohannon. It is due
Bohannon, perhaps, to say fcthat he
really seems to have been trying to be
come a respectable citizen, his be
havior all summer being good, but his
ungovernable temper overcame him
and the infernal habit of carrying a
pistol handy, placed the means of sat
isfaction, as h9 thought, in his hands.
It was Sundav evening, in the hotel
not saloon as has been stated, and
liquor does net for once seem to have
anything to do with the matter.
We thought we were too late until
we saw the advertisement of Kendall's
Spavin Cure.
lYnt fOni nnrn Imnnrtiif Inn.'
"We shall, this week, open the Largest ,
line of Table Linens and Napkins ever
before shown in this city. .
48t2 Fred. Herrmann,
One door East First National Bank.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Washington Smith de
sire to return their heartfelt thanks to
the neighbors and friends who in the
kindest manner gave.them theiraid and
assistance durinsr the late illness of
their little daughter.
Hair Work
by Mrs. A. Knee; combings made up,
roots all one way without extra charge.
All Hair left with E. G. Dovey & Son
will be warranted good work.
Corsets I Corsets I ! Corsets ! I !
The most complete and cheapest
line of corsets in this city. Ball s
Health Corsets reduced to $IJ2 at
49t3 Fred. IIerrmaxn's.
Notice to Teachers.
Special examinations will be held at
the following times and places:
March 6th and 7th, at Buck's School
House, Three Groves; March 10th and
11th, Greenwood ; March 16th and ISth,
Weeping Water; March 24th and 25th,
South Bend; March 31st, and April 1st, I
Elmwood; April 14th and 15th, Eight
Mile Grove. C Vitus Alton,
48t Sup't.
Collection Notice.
I am hard up. my forge is low, coal
is out, the tires are loose, the wagon
rattles. I must have some money to'
conduct my business properly. Many
aro owing me for years. I have been
lenient, but I have buildings to pay
for; stock to buy, men to pay. I must
have some money, cash, cash. I there
fore say to my customers, good friends
as they are. please come up and pay.
I want all my accounts settled by
March 1st, and mean to have them,
and all not settled at that time will be
placed in the hands of Collectors. Take
due notice and govern yourselves ac
cordingly. J. M. SOUNELLBACHER,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Having been troubled with a very
bad Cough for about two years and
having tried almost every cough mix
ture that was ever made, I have found
none that has given me such great re
lief as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and I
earnestly recommend it to all afflicted.
BEXJ. F. Dcgan, 14 Park PI. N. Y.
The New Furniture Store will be
found in the Union ter Morch
First. 47 t:i
First Premium.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. 30tf Peter Merges.
Wood for Sale.
One hundred and fifty cords of good
hard wood for sale by J. V. Lgenberg-
er. Apply at the store of J . V . eck-
bach. . 48t4
Stone Quarries.
1). feweeney, stone quarries near
South Bend, Cass Co., Neb. Good
trimming and building stone on hand.
Call and see. 47t3
Read This Carefully.
Baker & At wood expect to dissolve
partnership, and all accounts must be
settled immediately, please remember
and greatly oblige.
48t2 Baker & Atwood.
Lost Cow.
A red and white cow with long tail
and a rope on her horns, and a ring in
nose. information ot the same is
wanted by Mrs. Nels. Johnson, on
Chicago Avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants; Parson's Exterminator.
Barns, granaries and households clear
ed in a single night. No fear of bad
smells. Best and cheapest vermin
killer in the world. Sold everywhere.
Lots for sale.
len lots all tenced, with two new
frame houses, one with two rooms and
the other with one room ; situated in
Duke's addition, near Fairfield's; on
five of the lots there are about fifty
apple trees. Apply on place.
4t3 James Skomal, Proprietor.
G. A. R.
Caution: Since my G. A. R. 5c ci
gars have met with such great suc
cess, several parties are trying to palm
off upon the public imitations,of"iufer-
lor quality, bearing similar names.
In order to protect the cigar consum
ers and myself, I wish to 6tate that
every box of genuine G. A. R. Havana
cigars bears on the inside label my
name and address,
Julius Pepperberg,
44tf Manufacturer.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Blaek & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
"Hackmetack a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50cts.
Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 42eow
Shiloh's Cure will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. 42eov
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
lOcts, 50cts, and $1.00.. Sold by Smith
& Black Bros. 42eow
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and
Canker Mouth. Sold by Smith &
Black Bros. 42?ow
A Nasal Injection free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price SOcts. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. 42eow
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of
Bourbon, Ind., says: "My wife and I
owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption
Cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
-Are you made miserable by indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss
of Appetite, Yellow Skin, Shiloh' Vi
talizer is a positive cure. Sold by
Smith & Black Bros. . 42eow
For Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizerh
It never fails to cure. Sold by Smith
& Black Bros.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C.-Schlegel's, opposite
r". U.
w An
t n n
lasts arrived? tlie a&sortiiaeaai
0S H.
samples are aaow ready aaacl represeaat
now osa laaiad.
Farm for Sale
One half mile from city limits con
ining 12; acres, 75 acres under
cultivation; 40 in pasture and timber.
1 or prices and terms call on
It. W. WELBtfRX,
47t4 at said farm.
Stock Farm for Sale.
For sale, finest stock farm in Cass
Co. Neb., 700 acres. 250 in cultivation
three small houses, plenty of wood
water, and hay land, 2J miles from
Plattsmouth City, thirty rod3 from
Oreapolis Juntion, where all trains or.
B. M. R. R. stop for Plattsmouth,
Omaha, or Lincoln. Price if all sold
together before March 15th, S20 per
acre, could be divided, 340 at $25 acre,
240 at 822 and 120 at 820; each farm
with timber, water and meadow.
Terms. 1 cash and balance, ten
years at S per cent, with privealge of
Enquire of Ed. R. Todd, on farm
joining, li not sold, for rent for cash
or grain. J. G. Miller,
47t4 Lincoln Neb.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Chapman, McLennan
& Beeson is hereby dissolved by mu
tual consent. Chapman & Beeson
renvuning in the firm, and McLennan
going ou;. All accounts and settle
ments buing made at the office of the
new firm, on corner of Main and Sixth
streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
S. M. Chapman,
Allen Beeson,
W.N. McLennan.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. lOtf
Livery Notice.
Hereaf tt r I vrill have carriages at
all regular trains stopping at this de
pot. Any person desiring a carriage
to take passengers to, or from said
trains will leave word at my Livery
Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
35tf Chas. M. Holmes.
$1500 per year can be easily made a
home working for E. G. Hideout & Co
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an I full particu
lars. 31-ly.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity- Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M.
Roberts. 3tf
T IIC d. A.'il. CIG A It
is now ready on sale at the Monarch
Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran
teed to be the best oc cigar on the
American Continent.
-The best advice to Catarrh suf
fererwrite Dr. C. R. Sykes, 109 Mad
ison Street, Chicago, for full informa
tion of a sure cure. Free. 4Gt4
-Terrible itching and scaly humors,
ulcers, sores and scrofulous swellings
cured by the Cuticura and Cuticura
Soap (the great skin cures) externally,
and Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier)
internally. Ask about them at your
druggists. 4Gt4
Executor's Sale.
By virtue of a license, therefor to me emnted
by the District Court. Second Judicial District.
In and fr Otoe County, Nebraska, as exreutor
of the last will and testament of Stephen F.
Nuckolls, l:te of Salt Lake City, Utah, tleceaH
ed, I will offer for eale at juliic vendue, at the
south door of the Court House, in the City of
I'iattsinoulh. Cass County, uu Tuesday, March
21st. 1SS2, between the Iiouir of one and t
o'clock p. in., all the ri;ht. title and Interest of
the late Strplien F. Nuckolls, deceased, in the
following described realty, eituate in the
Countv of Caa. to- it :
The swV of seSt, see, 31. town 13. range 13,
The eH of seVi. sec. 32, town 13. range l;.
The swli of wf.4. nee. 33. town 13. ian;re 13.
The n'.J of ne'i, sec. 6. town 12, range 13.
Lot 4 in nee. 31, town 13. range 13.
Lot 5 iu see. 32, town 13, range 13.
Lot 3 In sec. 33, town 13, range 13.
The se'i of ne4, see. 32, tow u 13. rante 13.
Also the following lots in the City of Platts
ii'outh :
Lot 7. block 9 ; lot 1 in blf ck 13 : lots 7 and S
in block 23 : lot 7 in block 40 ; lot 2 in block 42 ;
lots C and 11 in block 53 ; lot 11 in block -r4 ; lol.
10 in block CI. AI.LKN FOWLER,
Exreutor hist will and to-taineut cf S. F.
Nuckolls, deceased.
E, F Warrkx, Attorney. 49t4
Burlington and Missouri Riv
er Railroad Company
in Nebraska.
Boston, Mass.. January I", 1?2.
The annual meeting of the stockholder ef
the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad
Comjiany in Nebra ka will be held at the ofllce
of the said Company, in Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka. Thursday, February 23d. 132. at 11 o'clock
a. m . for the election of a Board of Director
for th ensuing year, and for the transaction of
any other business which may legally co:ne be
fore the meeting.
4.it4 K. E. rn vTT, Secretary-
trzl. H i JO JLJOZskZ JL
of ilae seasoia, jiiftt recclveal sit
AltltouIi only about Eaalf of oisi
S3IDD Molls -of IPapei'
(Dall aaad get yotar eSaoice laefWe
assortiaaeiat is brokeia.
Successor to .1.
Saddles, Bridles,
We not only use
. Pirst-Class Stocis:,
But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Remember the plaee Opp. the P.O.
Dealer in
Agricultural Implements.
you c;ui find every kind of tool
2 port h yl
9 x V .. s S Sinnrfi u if m 525 2 1
SB 3 ,-1 u .2 o V"-...jy (1 Lrt" t
?3 h (j Z s ; 0 - 1 1 7
S.SH!S.5 fffev sljs
& S m - Avvu ' m " s J 5
W .2
o y.
jAttsmouth, - nsrzEiB.
Sale of Chattel Mortgage
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated mix the loth dav of
February. 1KM. and duly filed and recorded in
the oilice of the County Clerk of County,
Nebraska, on the 11th day of February, ltssl. aud
executed by Benj. McCulloch to the under
signed. Win. (iiimour. to secure, the mm of
Iwo hundred and twenty-five dollars. (5225.00).
default having been made in the payment of
aid sum. therefore 1 will sell the property
therein described, viz : two large bay horses,
about ten years old. at the south door of the
Court House, in I'lattsinoutli City, in pail
County, oa tho 4th dav of March, 1S82, at one
o'clock, p. in., of said day.
YY'M. C i i.m oris.
Dated I ebruary ICth, JSS2. 4st3
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the nrth east corner of section
eighteen (Is), township twelve (12;, range nine
(tf). running south to the xout tl eat coruwr of
section nineteen (l). same town and range ,
thence south by the nearest and most practi
cable route to the towu of Greenwood, as fol
lows : From south east corner of section nine
teen (19), township twelve (12), range fourteen
(14) ; thence eouth eighteen (18) chains, fifty (.10)
links : thence south easterly to center of south
line of north west quarter (nw4) of section
twenty-nine (2D) : thence south one (1) mile to
south line of north west quarter (nwj,,) of eec
tion thirty-two (32). same town and rane, has
reported In favor of the location thereof, and
all objections thereto, or claims for damages,
must be filed iu the County Clerk's oflice on or
before noon on the 1st dav of Mav, A. D. 182.
or men road will be locate'd without reference
thereto. J. v. Jknxixcs, Co. Clerk.
February lo, lssj. 4t i
I Jn ,1 Jin nl
is complete; oiar
I. Chambers.'
Collars, Whips,
and implement the farmer needs.
nig'! 7
Probate Notice.
To whom it may concern :
You and each of you are hereby notified to
appear at the offlce of the County Judge of CaM
County. State of Nebraska, In the Court lionse
of said County, on the loth day of March, A. i.
12, at 10 o'chx-k a. m , on said day, to attend
the probate of an instrument claimed v he the
nuncupative last will 2nd testament of hris
tian Schlegel. late of said Countv. decease', at
which time iuirt place vou will appear and slow
cause, if any there be. why aid wil; should ;.et
be admitted to probate
In testimony w hereof I have hereunto m'.t
scribed my name and alllxed the seal of sail
Court this rtu day of February, A. I). 1M2.
A. A. Lavkktv.
pea L J- 4713 County Juihre.
Medical Treatment of County
y p t ij viva A
' "" " ".''wihl 1
Notice U hereby given that bids will be re
ceived for the treatment and furnishing of med
iciue for County pauper at I'oor House, aud
also for destitute who may be County chargei.
for our vear, from March it, 182. Bids w ill be
received up to noon ot March x. 1KS2. at otlice of
County Clerk. By order of Countv Coriimis
sioiieis. J. W. Jk-i-;s, Countv Clerk,
February 8, 1682. 47t4
Omaha and Southwestern
Railroad Company.
Boston, Mass., January '7. 182.
The annual meeting of the stockholder oi
the Omaha and Southwestern iUllrou l Com
pany will be held nt the office of the Burling
ton and Missouri Kiver liallroad Company iu
Nebraska, in 1'latUmouth. Nebraska, Thurs
day, February 23d, lsi. at 11 :3o a. in., for the
election of a Board of Directors for the ensu
ing year, and for the transaction ofanv other
business which may legally come before the
4".t4 Jonx X. De2iso. Secretary.