THE HBE&tO. U U Jli ei-QLsc i nil ln UJ mi! ill Pi Si O B B I I'L A TTs M O 17 T 1 1, FEli. l, l&SS. Alt AlSPiCJOI S OFKMXG OF xui: m:t s,i?:v. rew's Mew ItSSocIc jpJatfsmogitEiu KTeE. TIic Reception or O. UJ. n. Ntend si Great .Sitcceas. The new iil beautiful store . room of Mr. O. M. Anstead, in the Di e w block on Main street, was thrown open to public inspection at 6:30 tVel'k Friday evening, and attracted a. great throng of visitors throughout th evaning. Th room was brilliant ly illuminated and set off the tasteful arrangement uf good upon their shelves and counters t the best advantage. Early in the evening a crowd of peo ple began to assemble in the eatabliah ment and buded themselves looking through the display, inquiting prices, until w ithiu a shwrt time the room was literally crowded with visitors. flnd all. expressed delight and satisfac tion at the array of good presented to view. The fact was denfonst rated I hat Mr. Anstend understands the bus iness of arranging his stack of goods in such order as to make the most pleading effect, and evidently knows qually well wk-at classes of yoorfs to buy to suit the public taste. Those who visited t lie? store -and there were probably five hundred - were nearly all ladies in well-to do circumstances, and elaborate toilets. It was a most auspicious beginning for the new firm and will without doubt be the opening cf a successful business career in the city. Journal. S-itn. Mathews is h'ljin;T Thomp son w ith his architecual plans, traoiag, As ,1 nutter of news we just want to say that J. C. Morrissey has a pair of mules that are about as good at catching rats as an ordinary caf. The tramp now has a nice time, warm enough to roost in a box car. and he can tecum a kital by pilfering fiom a car repairer's dinner bueke't, with no fear of detection. The old Ttasgoibheck building has moved on t the corner of .sixth and Streets, and will b fixed up bv Cm! ley Holmes, who bonpht it of the Ilarg'.rsheck I'x'03., gnd will be for rent. If you want to see something nol- I'V thf- lir:o of buggy painting vou b!:iiM fvo th buggy painted by Mr. 2uurpby in ."chneliharhrr's shwp last week, it was too utlerly utte-. Cod Opera lloiise, Omaha, was I filed to ovei flowing to see C. If ..Smith's j Ur.clt 'ft tn's Ciibin Troupe, ! IMd yma bisow- tlae fE3ed ILikssa9 IDry ffiod,s IHI5Se fiSad Opeaaed i large f4tC'k of Isa tlae (City UPltoit&m&uti? u n a. ff ;Iaow a very eHgple every depaFHejstj, afi very lew pEcef4. We flie ?ep!e of lzmH (E&wmty to ealH asad Nee is iiiacl osir gae w wfcDeE5 EieSi'e SMByfiiBjy Si ignite oJleia aIced wSiiy fetstt?gzzi at AEae "ESed "ILioia95 are fkassa i lOc per yarcl tfliaii ofleer Iiie?4 aIc fer tlie asise ITIae Sarge imsmjsi fjoci hIcI fey ei, ersaMei on to el5 ilsessi elsesij - a?il we prefer to liave f-ir jjitore erweleI wltS? esHtoiserH at- a HisaaBI .-jfesre. -Cm?5 Every feo5y X Ma&2S" B&miT I?B&H BttOTOIB, and ;t 5:g:i w.;s put up ticket bx, ' ''standing room chly." j