Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 16, 1882, Image 3

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I HE r
i ri.i-fiii. is ivnts a line. Regular xdverUs
10 n-i.H rr line. No advertisement insert-
1 fur tnuii couta.
I .- .: .,t s-iiiiiH- rtts.
-v. , ii i . r f i'h- ;-w wilt be Held
d n l ,o tliry bund in, all irti- lftn itKlliip a proof of puidica
liti ui unv ii-iii- be.tvhi lor the puollca-
l fl1 Ol lIK il ll'jtil.
j our rr Jm limited, nil communications
in- brief mi l to th pjuit. with do waste
V nil. ' .. ..
The iniMT la le-ponsible for tne eorreetneaa
. .H-oraing lo copy of paid matter and paid Le
fal. only.
:. Any iwr:i who takes tie paper regularl
ttvin iw -ufnre. whether rtirecied to his
ii;-r:.-. w n. tiier he l a subscriber or not ia
rv-.j -' i f Jt he pay.
t. It any isentun ordeis his paper dlscont'n
od. lie itmit pay all arrearages, or the publish
rt n.ay continue to send it until payment la
Diiidf. and collect the whole amount, whether
paper U taken from the oHice or not.
a. 1 be courts have decide that refuslnr to
lake newspapers and periodical from the port
Hire, or removing and leaving them uncalled
f-.r, U ,,ritna facie, evldenc el iXTumoBAi.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Tuesday evening, Feb. 21st.
Tine finest in the United States.
Heans and Hard-Tack to-night.
Tho wild geese are very abundant.
The building boom for 182 has
Liederkranz Ball, next Monday,
February 20th, 1882.
Supper at Stadelmann's for the
T. A. M. Club Dance.
Frank Momaa, is clerking in
v Uovey's store, nowadays.
k jL Jones & Eikenbarry brought in
IP 4 aome fine horses last week.
A ,. . , r
.a. uoneian ar.a jonn leesiey
took in Nebraska City, last Sunday.
Milton Polk, of Louisville, was
ia town Monday on Legal business.
A brother of Samuel Atwood died
in Chicago on Tuesday of small pox.
Kead "How to run on first page,
ou boys who want to be good runners.
The newsDaDers of Plattsmouth
are all represented in the Fire Com
pany. That depat at Pacific Junction is
immense, or would be if Plattsmouth
ad it.
j Grant Twiss is taking Charley
Irtiil'o'a ,.l.wi in tho atnru llirin(T hio
The last Episcopal sociable of the
season to-night at the residence of
Mrs. Taylor.
Miss Katie O'Urian returned from
" reston, Sunday, where she has been
visiting the past week.
Phil Sidtmstricktr, a west end
engineer, and an eld Plattsmouth boy,
is in visiting old friends.
YV. A. IIendrick3on, of Cheyenne.
Wyoming Territory, and son-in-law of
O. F. Johnson, is in town.
Messrs. Ralph Weston and John
Iarris," student of the University,
4pent Sunday in our city, returning to
Lincoln Monday morning.
. James Pettee returned from his
northern trip Saturday and reports it
as his best week's work yet.
Dave Miller sold four sets of har
ness Saturday, and says it wasn t a
very good day for harness either.
P. B. Murphy will open his new
restaurant next week, it will be 1 ne of
the finest restaurants in the state.
The Pay Car cauiy in Monday
.morning, making ten thousand souls
happy, either directly or indirectly.
Browne and Mclutosh of Louis
ville and Concord schools were in town
Saturday; they look as if school teach
ing agreed with them.
Nine brick blocks are already
spoken of and a few more in prospect
for Plattsmouth for 1S2. "Win. says
Plattsmouth hasn't a boom ?
Main street was more than crowd
ed Saturday; the small-pox scare has
entirely subsided and the farmers are
not afraid to come in towi.
The last Club dance of the season
comes off to-morrow evening. A nice
time is expected by all those lucky
enough to have a friend in the Club,
to ask them.
Joseph V."Yckback will go east
next week after his spring stock of
goods, lie w ill purchase a large and
- tvell selected stock and it will par you
;o wait for it.
A new fountain bird-cage, is the
latest novelty at Phil Young's. It
feeds itself, waters the bird, catches
flies, grinds bird-seed, and cleans the
cage out all with the same run of
f Some of Piatt smouth people weul
over to Pacific Junction Sunday, to
take in the town, and we .understand
Messrs. C. E. Duke, F. Murphy and R.
OXeil, purchased a corner lot near
Court House Square.
AJ Saturday last, where he has gone part
ly on business and partly pleasure, he
Vfobab'.y will bring back an auuiuon
to his already, large stock of Piece
Goods, for his spring trade.
j CLarley .Mayer. 01 me wmuio. -Jv
JC. Mayer, left for New York City last
X Vriday, where be will get the largest
-Stock of spring . iurmsumg gooas,
clothing, lc ever brought into their
store, he will probably be gone about
four weeks.
Amos Tefft the father of AvocS,
was up last week to file the plat of tbv
same. .Many pecpie suppose Orianao
I R is the parent of this future centre of
Cass, but the Herald will not allow
(j 7the old gentleman to be out-gem
' rL in this manner. Young Mr. 'ft
"efft is
- .
to the new town.
you know that Chet) H.
Smith, was the manager ar a Great
Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe? He says
he has been keeping it a secret and
giving us the go by all the time, but
"thought he would brie? them here and
'give us a show what is a show, this
trip. Pass around the comps, Chet.
V, Ball's Health Corsets reduced to
at Herrmann's. 47t3
Special Notice. . 7 " -
Tbe New Furniture Store will move
into the Union Block, about March
First. 47t2
Married at the residence of tbe
groom's father. Henry Wolfe, on Feb.
14th, by Iiev. J. T. Cannon, Henry
Wolfe, Jr. to Sarah Ilaikes. All of
Cass county.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. lOtf
Tbe sociable of St. Luke's Guild
will be held at the residence of Mrs.
Taylor, on Sixth street the late home
of Mayor O'Rourke, Thursday evening
Feb. 16th.
Baker & Atwood will sell goods at
very close prices until March 1st, to
reduce stock. . 4St2
200 Percheron horses Imported by
M. W. Dunham & Co. last August
were bonded for 6350,000, or nearly
$1500 apiece.
Borax bath soar, tbe most lasting
and satisfactory soap in the market at
Smith & Black Bros. 47t2
Don't lorget to read our Bed Ex
tra, although printed in Bed. we know
that it will be Bead by all of our
The New Furniture Stosejwill be
feund in the Union Blockafter Morch
First. 47t3 .
The Double Uncle Tom's Cabin of
Smith Combination Troupe is liere on
the 2lst. This troupe is one of
the best in the U. S. and ought to
draw a full house. A Comic Opera
Troupe under the same Combination
will visit us soon, also said to be
Our stock in all lines is yet full
parties desiring anything in the Dry
Goods or .Notion line, should cail on us
47t2 F.Herrmann
Charles E. Duke, left r"or New
Orleans, via &t. liOuis, Monday morn
ing. He Will attend the grand Mardi
Gras festivities in New Orleans, and
then take a trip up the Mississippi
with his uncle, who is Captain of
river steamer. He will probably visit
Chicago and other points on his return
The Herald wishes Charley a pleas
ant trip, which he surely will have.
Don't fail to examine the New
Key Action in Mason & Hamlin Or
gans, wonderful inprovement.
James Pettee, Gen. Agent.
The opening at the "Bed Lion'
Store last Friday evening was a very
fine affair. At the proper time the
ladies who are likely to be customers
crowded in to see the really handsome
and large display of goods made by
Mr. Anstead. The store was well lit
up and choice confectionery sat on
the counters free to all. Good looking
clerks stood ready to answer the most
exacting questions, and show goods
over and over if necessary. Altogeth
er 11 was a nne "sena on tor the new
Package Dyes for Easter eggs, five
cents a package, bmith & Black Bros 2
A statement was made in a Platts
mouth paper not long ago that Mr. J.
T. Lloyd had raised 75 bushels of corn
to tne acre tnis year, ana paia for a
farm from the crops, or words to that
effect. Mr. Lloyd wauts a correction
made, as be does not want to go out as
making such statements, which were
totally unauthorized by him. He
raised 05 bushels to the acre on 72
acres of corn, and owned his farm be
fore, simply returning to the faim af
ter several years railroading. He has
no reason to complain of Nebraska
farming, either, but ouly wants the
facts about as they aie.
Scott's Electric Hair Hrushes at
iritli & Black Bros. 4Ct2
The bridge known as the Tucker
biidge, over the W. W. east of Smith's
bridge, a new iron bridge, CO feet span
fell down Friday evening as Fiank
Baikhuiat was driving over it with a
span of mules and load of wood. It
turnrd completely up-side down nnd
lays that way in the bottom of the
stream. Strange to say, the yonng
man was not seriously injured, nor the
mules either, but it was a narrow es
cape. The contractor Wheeler, tries
to make out the bridge was tampered
with, but the probabilities seem to
point to some unknown and unavoida
ble defect. It is to be put up at once
and warranted, this time.
Teeth filled, pulled and cleaned in
a most skillful manner by Dr. Salis
bury. Give him a call. 35tf
C. B. Parker the marble man was
around to see us yesterday. He has
been here now about two weeks, and
during that time has erected for our
Surveyor General, Hon. Geo. S. Smitb,
a very fine monument, over the grave
of their little "Ora," also one of the
finest in the state for the Pittman es
tate, at Mount Pleasant, this county.
He starts for home this p. m. by way
of Neb. City, having purchased one of
the finest span of mules Charley
Homes had in bis barn, to travel with
nereatter. we take great pleasure in
recommending Mr. Parker to this eom
munity, because we believe him to be
an honest reliable man in his business
and not a travelling tramp an we have
had sometimes. When tbe Herald
makes this kind of a notice of a man
it means it.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m
Tuesday about 10 o'clock a. m.,
the youngest child, a son about seven
months old, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Squires, died of conjestion of the
brain. The child had been suffering
from tbe whooping cough, but was
apparently well enough, otherwise.
The mother heard it scream and when
she reached it, its face was perfectly
black, everything possible was done
for it but it was impossible to save life.
The father bad that morning left for
Hastings, he was immediately tele
graphed to, but wUl not reach here
until this afternoon.' The funeral ser
vices will probably take place from
the house to-morrow morning at 10:30
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Squires have
the Herald's sympathy in their sore
Money to loan on easy terms, on
improved farms. E. H. Woolet.
46tf - County Clerk's Office.
J. C. Morrisaey. and wife were In
Omaha Monday. .' - :
J. i. Lloyd of Three Groves comes
in to see as now and then. J '
T. P. McCarty, of -Elm wood fame
called one day last week. ' 1
Hon. J- E. Morrison and wife, re
turned from their southern trip Tues
day. .
Miss Cora Wells, of South Bend, is
visiting her many friends in Platts
mouth. . . 7
Prof. Drummond had to lay up one
d?.y last week, being somewhat under
the weather.
C. E. Wiley, "also of Ttree Groves
called Monday and had things fixed up
mit the Herald. '
Geo. W. Young of Three Groves
called Monday. Guess we'll get the
Herald Ihere, hereafter.
- Our good looking and patieatxeight
Conductor, Mr. lemming, nas oeen
under the weather lately we are nmrr
to learn. -
Mrs. J. A. Meyers, a sister of L. C
Erven was ia town the first of the
week. She left Wednesday for Oregon,
her future home.
J. L. Hodge, of Council Bluffs, and
now acting as correspondent for the
Globe in that City, visited us this
week, and wrote our town up a little.
Dr. J. A. Donelan, of Glenwood,
Iowa, came over yesterday on some
pension business, and to renew ac
auaintance with his many friends
J. W. Barnes has been having old
neuralgia around for' several days.
We are afraid John don't pray enough ;
or don't the consolations" of religion
help neuralgia any ? .
Prof. R. W. Seager. of New Yon,
is in the city for the purpose ef get
ting up a singing convention. On
Monday evening there will be a free
concert and social sing, at Presbyter
ian church, all are invited.
Hon. M. L. White leaves for Denver
to-day, for a short trip in hopes of im
proving his health. We do hope Mr.
Whito will accomplish all his friends
desire for him in the way of health.
and a long lease of life yet in the fu
ture. Rev. Mr. Wilson of the M. E. Church
starts to-day for a trip to Salt Lake
and Denver to be absent for two weeks.
He desires to inform the members of
bis congregation that the services of
other ministers have been obtained to
koep his pulpit open during his. ab
sence. We wish Mr. W. a pleasant
ttip and an increase of
cause we always did like real fat jolly
ministers. Wilson ought to grow a
foot, before he comes back. Hope Le
The St. Loui3 (Mo.) Post-Dispatck
at the close of a long article says: In
fact St. Jacobs Oil is pushing all other
remedies out of the field, and, excel
lent though some of the liniments,
formerly offered are, the eflicacy of St.
Jacobs Oil is magical in cases of sciat
ica, rheumatism, pleurisy, neuralgia,
nervous headache, lumbago and scores
of other disorders; while in the case
of sprains, burns or injuries it is an
absolute panacea, and for general ' use
is better than the advice of many
physicians. A word to the wise is
Mrs. Stadelmann will get up the
supper for the T. A. M. Club dance, 1
to-morrow evening.
Anyone in need of a good set of
teeth should call on Dr. Salisbuty at
once, and he will make you a set that
will please you ever after. tf5tf
Episcopal sociable, at the resi
dence ot Mrs. Taylor, this eve'iinsr.
All are cordially invited to attend.
For Sale ( heap.
A good pair of work horses, 1 eavy
harness and wagon. Call on
John E. Leeslet,
47t2 - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Hesser's New
Our friend Hesser has built him a
real nice, substantial farm house, jus
above the site of the other. In the
spring the old green-houses are Jo be
torn away and a handsome roadway
and grounds made in front of t!e
house. We are real glad to see these
evidences of prosperity around our old
friend, for a better hearted, more gen
erous and harder working man than
Hesser it will be hard to find.
Fraudulent Stops'.
The system of employing useless
stops to make an organ appear to have
arge capacity is latterly so prevalent
that attention is especially called to
this point, that none of these useless
stops are used in the Mason & Ilainlin
organs. James Pettee, Agent,
43t4 Flattsmoutn, Neb.
Bead This Carefully.
Baker & Atwood expect to dissolve
partnership, and all accounts must be
settled immediately, please remember
and greatly oblige.
48 12 JiAKER & AlWOftl).
Lost Cow.
A red and white cow with long tail
and a rope on her herns, and a ring in
nose. Information ef the same is
wanted by Mrs. Nel3. Johnson, on
Chicago Avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Lots for sale
Ten lots all fenced, with two new
frame houses, one with two rooms and
the other with one room ; situated in
Duke's addition, near Fairfield's; on
five of the lots there are about fifty
apple trees. Apply on place.
48tS - James Skomal, Proprietor.
Stone Quarries.
D. Sweeney, stone quarries near
South Bend, Cass Co., Neb. God
trimming and building stone on hand.
Call aud see. 47tS
Card ol ThaaksT "
On account of my health, which ha
rapidly been failing me the past few
years I have been obliged to drop bus
iness for the present and have sold
out my barbering establishment on
the corner of Main aud 5th sts. to Mr.
C. II. Chittenden.
I hereby desire to tender my lhauks
to all my old patrons, and many
friends, who for years, have given me
theii custom, and with whom I have
sustained friendly relations. I appre
ciate their aid, and -if in the future
should ever resume business here hope
to renew the acquaintance of past
years. - ery liespectrully. .
; J. C. BOONE.
V Church. Plattsmouth, Neb., by . the
; Rev. Mr. Burgess, Rector, Tuesday,
' February 14th, 1882. at 12:30 o'clock,
William H Btjrnison to Ajijca M.
Dakin. '.'.- . ' r i
The groom lives in Utah at present,
where he is principally engaged in min
ing; the bride has resided in Cass
County for a number of years, ' is
a sister of Mrs. Jno. A. MacMurphy,
and sister-in-law to the editor of this
It was a bright, lovely day, and
the church was filled by friends and
neighbors to witness tbe usually joy
f ul rtte of matrimony pronounced upon
this young couple joyful to all, it
would seem, but to those left behind.
Thtodore Livingston and Charles
Cummins acted as ushers, and very
well out young friends acquitted them
Ml ves .
The bride was given away by her
father, Mr. C. R. Dakin, Chas. J. Pettee
acting a groomsman. The ceremony
took place beneath a true lover's knot
of elegant dowers, inclosing the ini
tials -B.' aad D." in red euphorbia,
tbe work of Mr. L. A. Moore, who also
presented lo the bride, as a wedding
gift, an exquisite chatelaine of white
satin, filled with fragrant white Rom
an hyacinths, aad suspended from the
belt by white ribbons attached to the
waist by a dainty silver pin, with an
elegantly carved design in flowers up
on it This, together with a beautiful
cream-colored rose, worn at the throat,
were the ernaments of the bride,, her
dress being a bronze brown cloth with
bronze gieen plush basque, and Mother
Hubbard poke bonnet of brown bea
ver, with feather and tips of same col
The choir was composed of the fol
lowing well known singers: Mrs, Wal
ter White, Mr. and Mrs. James Pettee,
Mr. L. A. Moore, and Miss Anna Liv
ingston, organist, who rendered the
anthem, "Thou wilt Show Me the
Path of Life. before the cere
mony, concluding with Mendels
sohn's Wedding March upon the organ.
After the ceremony the bridal party
in carriages proceeded to the residence
of Mr. MacMurphy, where a few
friends of the family partook of the
farewell repast.
During the dinner Mr. F. S. White
gave the following ueat toast:
"Here's a health to the bride.
Likewise the bridegroom ;
" Here's a health to the company
Here in this room.
May the single get married
Without more delay;
God bless the young couple
That marry to-day 1"
Many elegant presents graced the ta
bles and mautel, sent by loving friends
in Plattsmouth aad elsewhere, the gifts
literally coming from the East and the
A number of congratulatory tele
grams arrived during tne reception,
one from Dr. Joe Hall, in New York:
Absence prevents my presence, ' to
say nething of space; big heap con
gratulations alle samee."
One from Washington, D. C- as fol
'Congratulations and best wishes to
ymirpelf and wife from your friends.
A, G. Campbell,
C. S. King.
Cue Item Lincoln read:
"Earnest congratulations for your
self and valentine. May your lives be
as bright and cloudless as the morning
that ushers in your wedding day.
M. J. Carman.
And a great big valentine from Mr
King, Mr. Biirnison's newspaper part
A handsome pyramid of pot plants
consisting of hyacinths, narcissus, cal-
la lillies, etc., decorated the principal
tabic; containing the gifts.
The bride and groom left for Omaha
on the afternoon train, and departed
for Utah yesterday, carrying with them
many blight wishes, and affectionate
reminders of the years gone by.
Mrs. Burnison has lonf been as a be
loved daughter to this house, and if
there is such a thing as happiness in
this life, may its fullest, highest, most
effulgent glow be spread around and
about her pathway in the great un
known and ever-changing tuture.
And so say tne herald force, one
aud all. May sunshine and happiness
abide with the couple throughout the
after years of their lives. "Miss Anna"
will be sadly missed b the Herald
"eomps," but they rejoice in the selec
tion she made, and know she will nev
er regret the step. But, though now
so happily mated, she will long be re
membeied at tikis office, with the Kind
est of feelings, as "Mis' Anna," by
The Compositors.
SMITH On Sabbath evening last,
February 12th, at 7:40 o'clock. Miss
Nellie B., daughter of Washing
ton and Hattie I. Smith, aged 13
years and 10 months.
The funeral of the deceased took
place from the M. E. church on Tues
day, Feb. 14th, at 2:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are well known
citizens of this town and have many
friends therein, who will mourn with
them over the loss of their daughter.
The attendance of these who wished
to see tae little one laid at rest was
very large indeed.
Wood for Sale.
" f ti hundred and fifty cords of good
h r I v vd for sale by J. V. Egenberg
r r. A j'ply at the store of J. V. Weck-
; ' l- 48U
Au infallible remedy for Fever
aud Ague is Ayer's Ague Cure. Whol
ly vegetable and containing no quin
ine, it is harmless and sure.
-The liver is the organ most tpeed
rly disordered by malarial poisons.
Aypr's Ague Cure expels these poisons
from the system, and is a most excel
lent remedy for liver complaints.
Every one has a will and a mind
to think for himself, yet many will go
about hacking and coughing until a
friend recommends Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup for that cough.
Aie you troubled with rheuma
tism !:se Kendall's .Spavin Cure.
!?-iaI mTvxrtioQmanf
- 'Viiat is the great cry from ocean
: to cean? Kendall's Spavin Cure, Read
j advertisement.
Tuesday, .February 21st.
Admission - - SO 75.
Allractims with m ollwf Ccmpaay in lie World
Direct from tta Enormene enrspements for
Ten Mentha lnBOSTON.EW EN
C.1 .EL'-Giftix's
Tha Famous Colored Comedian (with
t Specialties) as "U5CLETOM."
Mr Frank Ai Taiinehill
The Fowerful Actor and 8tar, as
Aa T;orsETs" and "EVA."
Tie Only Donlte CoiianyMef orli!
2 i Famous Topsyi 2
2 Marks, the Lawyers 2
2 Educated Donkeys. Jack and Jill 2
6 Mammoth Siberian Bloodhennda 6
The Senth Carolina Jubilee Singers,
Headed by NELLIE SCOTT, the Famaus
Shouter and Leader.
Smith's Colored Tronbadours.
Great Cetton Plantation Festival.
V rand Steamboat Race. Magnificent
Transformation and Allegtry.
Tickets for Sale at the
Post Office News Depot.
The Fire Company had their reg
ular meeting Tuesday evening, several
new members joined and F. E. Whi
was elected as his own successor, Chief ,
of the Fire Department. Not much
other business was done, and themeef
ins? was adjourned subject to the call
of the Chief.
TTell Indorsed By Onr Own Citizens.
No matter how useful anything
mav be in itself, good indorsements
seem to increase its usefulness greatly
by insuring a wider field for the dis
rjlav" of its special merits- We were
thus impressed in view of tho follow
ing statements received by one of our
representatives from leading individ
uals connected with some or tne larg
est enterprises in our midst. Among
others whose testimony was freely
given was W. II. Stearns, Esq., Master
Mechanic of the Conn. Kiver iiailroad.
residing at No. 28 Beylston street.
who observed : St. Jacobs Oil has nad
remarkable effect, among the men em
ployed here. One of them jummed
his arm very badly, ana ty the use or
St. Jacobs Oil was greatly benefited,
and the arm was healed. Another
used it for severe rheumatic pains in
the knee, and pronounced the Oil. a
complete success as he was cured by
its use. Mr. A. B. Taylor, of the "Atay
A Taylor. Manufacturing Co. was
pleased to say : "My aunt Mrs. Pills
bury, of Mount Clair, N. J., while vis
iting at our house tried Su Jacobs Oil
for rheumatism and neuralgia, and
found immediate relief every time.
She pronounced it the best thing she
had ever tried for the trouble. air.'J.
B. Westoi., 45 Greenwood street,' Supt.
Car Works, Boston & Albany Eailroad,
thus addressed our reporter: "I am
one more or tne fortnnates wno nave
had the good luck to hear of that won
derful remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. 1 bad
rheumatism in the shoulder severely
and could find no relief until I used
tbe Oil. I applied it and must confess
I was surprised at the results. I am
almost well and expect to be entirely
so in a few days?" Springfield (Mass.)
--Charley Brown spent a day or two
in town again the first of the week, j
leaving for Denver this morning.
The Greatest Reduction Yet !
Ball's Health Corset reduced to $1.25
only to be had at F. Herrmann's
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
oilier kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water. Neb. 8tf
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the liurlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
-Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants : Pabson's Exterminator.
Barns, granaries and households clear
ed in a single night. No "fear of bad
smells. Best and cheapest vermin
killer in the world. Sold everywhere.,
Every Lady in Plattsmouth should
inspect Solomon & Nathan's recent
importation of Embroideries, hand
some designs, and prices that defy com
petifTon. - 47t2
U. A. R.
Caution: Since my G. A. K. 5c ci
gars nave met witn such great suc
cess, several parties are trying to palm
off upon the public imitations.of "infer
ior quality, bearing similar names.
In order to protect the cigar consum
ers and myself, I wish to etate that
every box of genuine G. A. It. Havana
cigars bears on the inside label my
name and address,
Julius Peppeebero,
44tf Manufacturer.
First Premium.
Tbe Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. . 80tf Peter Merges.
For lame Black, Side or Chest us
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts
V Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 4leow
Catarrh cured health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Bemedy. Price 50 cts. Nasal Injector
rree. sold by smith & Blac Bros.4leo
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer
is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by
smitn & uiack uros. 4leow.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by Smith &
Black Bros.. 4leow
Croup, whooping coush and Eron-
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by Smith &
Black Bros. 41eow
That hacking cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. 41eow
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite.
Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspep
sia. Price 10 and 75 cts per bottle
Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 4ieov
juil U U IA
lias . arfiyed; tlie 2i&oitiiieiit is complete; or
&nnjiple& are now ready and . represent
. . ' vei S,. M1 off IPapen-
now oia Iiand. Call and get your choice before
tlie assortment is broken.
Farm for Sale
One half mile from city limits con
taining 123 acres, 75 acres under
cnltivation; 40 in. pasture and timber.
For prices and terms call on
. R. W. Welbtrn,
47t4 , at said farm.
Private Sale of Farm Stock.
I offer at private sale for the next
SO days: 69 head of steers, 3 years old
in the spring; 4 good bulls, 4 milch
cows and 40 head of thoroughbred Po
land China sows, mated to thorough
bred boars. Terms: 9 months time on
interest bearing notes, with approved
security. - Timothy Clark,
44 14 Weeping Water, Neb.
: Stock Farm for Sale.
For sale, finest stock farm in Cass
Co. Neb., 700 acres. 250 in cultivation
three small houses, plenty of wood
water, and hay land, 2 miles from
Plattsmouth City, thirty rods from
Oreapolis Juntion, where all trains on
B. M. R. R. stop for Plattsmouth,
Omaha, or Lincoln. Price if all sold
together before March 15th, 620 per
acre, could be divided, 340 at $25 acre,
240 at $22 and 120 at $20; each farm
with timber, water and meadovV:
Terms. cash and balance, ten
yearTj at 8 per cent, with privealge of
Enquire of Ed. K. Todd, on farm
joining. If not sold, for rent for casb
or grain. J. G. Miller,
4714 Lincoln Neb.
Dissolution Notice.
The firca of Chapman, McLennan
& Beeson is hereby dissolved by mu
tual consent. Chapman & Beeson
remaining in the firm, and McLennan
going oui. All accounts and settle
ments being made at the office of the
new firm, on corner of Main and Sixth
Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
S. M. Chapman,
Allen Beeson,
W. N. McLennan. .
New Stock Just Received.
By this chart any one who can sing
can learn to play their own accompa
niment in an incredibly, short space of
time. Book of Songs written in the
same style. James Pettee, Ag't.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. lOtf
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one -way,
without extra charge. 30tf
$1500 per year can be easily made a
home working for E. G. Bideout & Co
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an l full particu
lars. 31-ly.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale.
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy 1 Cleanse 1 Preserve I tf
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M.
Roberts. . 3tf
is now ready on sale at the Monarch
Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran
teed to be the best. 5c cigar on the
American Continent.
The test advice to Catarrh suf
fererwrite Dr. C. It. Sykes, 169 Mad
ison Street, Chicago, for full informa
tion of a sure cure. Free. 46t4
Terrible itching and scaly humors.
ulcers, sores and scrofulous swellings
cured by the Cuticura and Cuticura
Soap (the great skin cures) externally,
and Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier)
internally. Ask about them at your
druggists. 46t4
School Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested in tbe common schools of
Cass Co.; That I will be in my office
at Plattsmouth the first Friday and
Saturday of each month. All commu
nications to tbe Supt. should be ad
dressed te Plattsmouth or Elm wood.
I will hold examinations of teachers
at Plattsmouth. the first Friday and
Saturday, of February, May, August
and November, and special examina
tions at such other . times and places
as circumstances may determine.
Cyrus Alton.
44 15 . Sup't. of Schools.
' ; Cash
Money to. loan on easy terms, on im
proved farms. ' E. II. Woolet,
46tf County Clerk's Office.
of tlte &ea&oii jiit received sit
AltliotafIa only about Einlf 4 our
' Successor to J. (I. Chambers. 1
Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Lap Kofoes, &c, &e.
We not only use
!irirst-Cla,ss Stocks
But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Remember the plaee Opp. the P.O.
For Sale by FIIED. GOKDEK, Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Who has the Right for Cass and Otoe Counties.
Decidedly the
Farmer's Gate Hinge ever made. Call and examine them at once at
53ir"Agents wanted in this County and Otoe. 40rn2
Cremation i,TQ MERCE-3AWTS
Dliy PTTT?"WAU,SKI:I)S ia PaP"" J't over at
ui Luu
other form,
public. Thirt
IB I i a to enable
-S I Flower
B and Plmnta.
luff upward of lour acres, aoltd ia glass, employiui;
v" wrwunuuwi mcu m rumri
35 CortLanrJt Street, Pfevr VorU.
We send our Illustrated Cataloirue ft
ZSverytlUiifir for the Garden,'
oa application.
Offers lor Bale the
each pr.doz pr.h'd
Apple Trees 3 years old m
Apple Treea 2 years old, first
cla.-a.. 15
?16 CO
1 60
11 no
8 no
20 00
30 00
'.li 00
30 00
Apple Trees 2 years old, sec
ond size 10 1 30
Peacli Trees 2 years old.... .. 30 175
Early Klchmond Ulierry, 5 to
6 feet ... 40 4 25
Early Kichmond Cherry 4 feet 35 IW)
Plum Trees, Wild Goose, 5 to
6 feet 35
Quince Trees 40
Apricots, 3 to 4 feet 30
4 00
3 GO
3 00
1 00
1 00
1 SO
1 50
1 00
Grape Vines, Concord... '.
7 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
6 00
7 00
Raspberries, red, the best.-.. 10
Snyder Blackberries 10
English Goosberries 10
Cherry Currants, red , 10
Pie Plant, Liueus or Wine
10 1 50
Norway Spruce 25 cents per
Flowering shrubs 30
Roses, all kinds 30
First class Hedge plants per.
mouaaua, l go.
Maple Trees 20
3 oo
Cotton Wood Trees
2 00
Any person not 'seeing ii
send orders
41 tlJ
through tbe Post Office.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the nerth east corner of section
ighteen (Is), township twelve (12). range nine
es), running south to the south east cornr of
section nineteen (19). same town and range,
thence south by the nearest and most practi
cable route to the town of tireenwood. as fol
lows : From south east corner of cection nine
teen (19), township twelve (12), range fourteen
(14) ; thence south eighteen (18) chains, fifty (.50
links ; thence south easterly to center of south
line of north west quarter (nw) of section
twenty-nine (29) : theace south one (I) mile to
soutk line uf north west quarter (nwNt) or sec
tion thirty-two (32), same town and range, has
reported In favor of the location thereof, and
alt objections thereto, or claims for damages.
mu't be Bled in the County Clerk's ofliee oh or
fcefoi-e noon on tiie 1st day of May. A. D. 1882.
or such road will be located without reference
thereto. J. W. J ennixgs, Co. Clerk.
February 10, 182. 4sU
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
P.O. 7tf
Livery Jsotice.
Hereafter I Drill have carriages at
all regular trains stopping at this de
pot. Any person desiring a carriage
to take passengers to, or from said
trains will leave word at my Liven
Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
S5tf Chas. M. Holmes.
to Ik
jinn a SA.MUA, me jnon AaTanugrotiJ
rer oncreu to D0U1 fliercbant and Conaumer.
grown on their own Farms. OVER l0O
kACRKS derated to this potdom. svre tb
mailed to merchant
drntri'" t Scilminn of which weili tolflltb
UAiur..iciis A.iu m iuiti! A B.cives u aura luovuniir
u to jauu not only what rt? me beet kinu. fur I'rud
RH'MI'iMr ial rrlunirfv I.llf sIcaIa Iki.rr.iwrklu . .11 -I
an averasreof seventy men taruuxnoul the year
in jerwy Ksixy. are I he H4rjrfct in A Miorira. tuvvr
Sale of Chattel Mortgage
Not icu is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel inortguKe, !aled mn the ittth d;iy of
February', ". and duly filed and recorded lu
the otlice Of the County Clerk of Cass County.
Nebraska, on tlie 11th rliiy of February, IBM. and
executed by I!enj. Mct'uUoch to the unSer
nigned. Win. Uilmour, to secure the sum of
Twe hundred and twenty-flve dollars, ($.-'5.00).
default having been made in the payment of
said sum, therefore 1 will veil the proierty
therein described, viz : twe large bay horses,
about ten years old. at the Houtn door of the
Court House, in Plattsmouth City, lu tall
County, ou llio 4th day ot March, Is!, at one
o'clock, p. in., of said day.
Wm. GiLMorn.
Dated February loth. I8S2. 13
Medical Treatment of Comity
Notice l hereby given that bid will b. re
ceived fo- the treatment and furnlNhlugof med
icine for County paupers at Poor ilcu.te, and
also for denlitute who may be County charges,
for one year, from March , ix2. Ilids wii" be
received up to noor. of March s, W2. at ofllce of
County Clerk. I't order of County Cornrals
sioneis. J. W. Je.nmkcb, County Clerk.
February 8, 1882. 47t4
Probate Notice.
To whom it may concern :
You and each of you are hereby notified to
pt-arai me oince oi tne county Judge of Cass
County. Mate of Nebraska, in the Court Until
oi said county, ou the loth day of March. A. U.
, 1HH2, at 10 o'clock a. in., on said day. to attend
ine prouuie oi au instrument claimed to be the
I nuncupative last will and testament of Chris
i tlan Hehlegel. late of said County, deceased. at
wmcu iime ana place vou will appearand show
caue, if jiny there be. why said viil should net
be admitted to probate
In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub
scribed my name and affixed the seal of said
Court thix 7l h day of February, A. L. I.
tA--) . A. A. Imvkkt) ,
skaLJ- 47t3 County Judge.
Burlington and Missouri Riv
er Railroad Company
in Nebraska.
Hosto.v, Mash., January 17. lt&i.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Burlington and Missouri Kiver Railroad
Company in Nebraska will be held at the ofllce
of the said Company, in I'luttsmouth. Nebras
ka, Thursday, February 2.'(d. 1SX2. at II o'clock
a. m., for the election of a Board of Directors
for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of
any other business which may legally come be-,
fore the meeting.
tt4 K. E. Pratt, Secretary.
Omaha and Southwestern
Railroad Company.
Bostott. Mass., January 17. 1S2.
The annual meeting of the stockholder of
the Omaha aud Southwestern Railroad Com
pany will be held at the ofTlce cfthe Burling
ton and Missouri Kiver Kailrnad Company in
NcLiii.-ka. in I'lat tsmouth. Nebraska, Thurs
day, February 23d. 1&S2, at 1 1 : 39 a. in., for the
election of a Board of Directors for the ensu
ing year, and for the transaction of any other
business which may legally come before the
meeting. .
45U Johx.N. Dexisox, Secretary.
I ' lJUJmj ijwi mill nil in.i '
V- ,