Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 16, 1882, Image 2

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    J The. ' Herald.
Our Club List.
Ilere we are with our Club list. To every
subscriber who pays for the coining year la ad
vance we will give a copy of Kendall's "Horse
and Ills Disease" free. - As will be noticed by
looking over this list carefully, several prem
iums are offered by other paper and maga
zines, so our readers can, if they wish, obtain
two premiums as well as two papers at low
rates :
thk ' - ' rsicfcr
Herald and Inter-Ocean. weekly)...... $2 75
" St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 75
" " Chicago Herald, weekly.... S 40
.. .. . . . .. daily ...... e 13
Burlington Ilawkeye, ...... S 00
" Louisville Courier-Journal... 06
" Leslie's Ilia. Newspaper .4 16
" . " N. Y. Times.. (em-weekly)... 4 15
" " Sun. (weekly).... , 2 6"i
" Toleao Blade 3 00
" ' ' Iowa Farmer, (and Garfield
prem.) , : i S6
: - " Scientific American 4 20
1 " Xebnu'ka Farmer 2 7S
" -j Omaha Republican (A prem). 2 75
" .Omaha Bee (and prem.) 3 65
" " American Agriculturist 2 65
Prairie Farmer ... 3 30
" The fural New Yorker (with
Heed distribution,) , 3 0
" " Harper's Bazar 4 83
W eekly 4 85
- : Monthly 4 5
" Young Peoole.. '. 2 S5
Scrlbner'a Monthly 4 85
" St. Nicholas 4 10
" Kcleotlc Magazine 5 75
" Derooret' Monthly Maga
zine, (with prem.) 3 15
, Godey's Lady's Book.-.. 3 25
" Phrenological Journal... 3 15
- Literary & Educat'nal Notes. 2 25
Good Company 4 00
- " Ehrlch's Pavhiou Quarterly.. 2 10
" " Tlousekeeucr 2 40
And how they call it James Gua
no lilaine.
Head the "Prayer" on tbe o.itsida.
It in one of the best things we ha
hteu iu a long while.
Ex StcutTAKi of State TzbcLuci
has been nominated by the Tresi
tleut as LI. S. Consul to Vet a Cruz.
A coHUECT list of presents, &c, at
the late wedding will appear iu the
weekly of The Journal, published to
A otuJiAX has discovered how to
fonblidate coal oil iuto solid chunks
Hereafter we may buy kerosene by
the foot, cord, perch, yard or chunk
Five li. & M. conductors old
timers- were -let out" Tuesday by the
1J. & M. In Kansas City tint 11. 11
authorities discharged fifteen Friday
The Bee makes fun of Datus Brooks
at the Woman's suffrage meeting a
Lincoln, and thinks he run the ma
chine to get a chance for a "lick
We call attention to the large and
new advertisement of O. N. Anstey in
this week's supplement. We have so
much matter we are obliged to put
three uds. on a suplement.
A New Yobk World, from I). II
Wheklek, reached last week, and
looked very natural. We cau remem
ber very well when the old World
building, lately burned, was built
and just how the old corner looked.
There was some difference in Ry
an's two lights. In 1880 he whippod
Joe Goss, ia West Virginia after 87
rounds, lasting one heur aud twenty
minutes. The other day he got
licked in Mississippi in nine rounds,
taking about eleven minutes. Such
is fate.
The President sent, the following
nominations to the senate: John CI
New, of Indiana, assistant secretary
of the treasury; Edwin II. Kevin, Jr.,
surveyor of customs for the district of
Philadelphia; Benjamin Flalger, col
lector of customs for the district of
Niagara, X. Y.; L, K. Euverge, Mary
land, U. b. consul at St. Paul, De
Lands; Moses M. Drew, U. S. marshal
of California; Hiram M. Van Arman,
of California, secretary of the territory
of Arizona.
That knocks Nebraska higher than
that well known kite in Asst. Secre
tary of the Treasury. And Van Ar
man too. Is us goin' crazy ? .
Shooting1 Affray iu tYashfngtou.
On Friday last a Mr. A. M." Soteldo
and his brother A. C. Soteldo visited
the AVashiugton Republican offite
about 9 o'clock and A. M. Sateldo
showed Mr. Barton the night editor a
paper which he asked him to sign
Barton refused, whereupon Soteldo
clinched him and a scuffi ensued, both
men drawing pistols. The 'younger
Soteldo also drew and commenced fir
ing. The elder Soteldo fell and Barton
and the young Soteldo then clinched
and struggled out on the sidewalk.
A crowd, of course, assembled, Barton
was put in a carriage and sent home
wounded and the younger Soteldo
was arrested and sent to the station
house. On re-entering the room where
the fracus commenced the elder Sotel
do was found lying on a pde of ex
changes shot in the neck at the base
of the brain, and he died Sunday
night. A posi-mortem revealed by
the bullets that the younger Soteldo
must have rircd the fatal bullet that
killed his brother while endeavoriug
to hit Barton. Barton is but slightly
hurt. The Republican had attacked
Soteldo's character and Soteldo had
been writing adverse articles a.nd aid
ing the investigation of the Star-route
frauds. Soteldo was clerk of the sen
ate committee on railroads.
Says a prominent horseman, in giv
ing his'opinion of Vanderbilt's mare,
Maud S., whose great feat at Chicago
put her at the head (and dubbed her
"Queen of the Turf,", -In my opinion
the time is not far distant when a two
minute gait will be recDrded." It will
certainly he the case if horsemen con
tinue to use Kendall's Spavin Cure, as
it limbers up the joints, removes all
blemishes, and in fact has made a
complete revolution in the borsa business.
Nebraska Woman's Suffrage Associa
" The advocates of Woman Suffrage,
in tie state of Nebtjtska; hrld their
annual meeting at Lincoln commenc
ing last week Wednesday Feb. 8th, and
continuing three days. " The meeting
called tcgctlier a large assembly of the
representative women of the state,
and the meetings are said to have pro
ceeded with all the necessary parlia
mentary formality, and with a knowl
edge of the'proger usages of such ,a
body, hardly to be looked for under
the circumstances. -The officers for
the previous year were Mrs. Harriet S.
Brooks, Pres. Mrs.' Clara B. Colby
Vice president at large; Mrs. Ada M.
Bittenbender recording secretary. Gert
rude McDowell corresponding secre
tary; Lucinda Russell, treasurer.
Mrs. Dinemoer, of Omaha, offered
the following, which was adopted: m
WnEKEAB, The educational interests
of the state are and should be of para
mount importance to women, there
fore, Resolved, That the Nebraska woman
suffrage association in annual conven
tion assembled recommend and urge
that all women qualified to vote at
school elections exercise their right to
its fullest extent at the coming spring
In the discussion which ensued on
this question it was stated in answeT
to a queston that the qualifications
under this law are the same for worn
an as for man, the bill giving such
qualifiations having passed the last
session of legislature.
.Thanks were extended to the Repub
lican members of,., the LTnited Stales
Semite who voted to anuoint a stand
ing committee on woman's claims,
The opening address of the president,
Mrs. Brooks, had for a subject, Work,
Wages and the Ballot," being an
answer to Chancellor Fairfield's lect
ure en work and wages.' Judge Mason
and Dr. McXamara made most inter
esting addresses; also Mrs. Yocum of
Hastings, Mits Lydia Bell, and Mrs.
Reed. A reception was given at the
Commercial hotel by Mr. and Mrs,
Imhoff under Che ausuices of th soci
ety. Thursday the election of new offi
cers took place and resulted as fol
lows: Mrs. Ada M. Bittenbender,
Pres. Mrs. Belle Bigelow, of Genoa,
recording secretary; Mrs. McDowell
corresponding secretary; Mrs. Russell,
treasurer; Mrs. Colby vice president
at large. Executive committee, Mrs,
II. S. Brooks of Omaha, Chairman,
Hon. E. M. Correll, Hebron; Mrs
Susie Fifield, Fairmont; Geo. B. Skin
ner, Lincoln; Rev. Jno. McNamara,
Omaha; Mrs. J. F. Holmes. Tecumseh
The vice presidents, first judicial dis
trict, Mis.B. J. Thompson; second,
Mis. Dr. R.M.Wood; third, Mrs. O
ClDinsmoor: fourth. Mrs. Ada Van
Pelt; fifth, Mrs. S. II. Sydenham ;
As this is a matter of considerable
importance to the state, and a qties
lion fast approaching us in such a
manner that we must , decide it one
way or the other, we shall endeavor to
keep our readers posted at more length
in the future as to the movements of
those advocating the cause, and also
discussions about suffrace. We invite
opinions from our cot'nty correspond
ents, on the feeling in their neighbor
There is a school teacher In Crete
who ought to be bounced and the soon
er the better. This creature in full
school demanded of his elaas, "Which
is the best way to become president of
the United States?" The question . of
couise wtw natural, "low elected,
Thia answer did not suit, the dominie
'then inculjat.d the following poison
into the yotnic minds who are under
his charge: -The beet way to become
president is to be elected vice pi est
dent and then hire some one to kill the
president." Only this and nothing
more. Th newspapers of Crete ought
to root the fellow right out. Lincoln
Democrat. . :..., ; : :
' If any teacher in this state is guilty
of such an enormity as to instill into
young minds such foulness as the
sibove, the superintendent of that Dis
trict should never let the sun set on
Lis head as a teacher, and if he hasu't
the sand to do it the State Superinten
dent should look after the matter.
A coat of tar and feathers warmly
and promptly applied by . the parents
sending to that school, would empha
size the guilt of such teaching fitly. -
Friend Gilbert's Reply.
For the HhiiAld. : .
In . 1 . llerDif n "PoKril ! rv 1 Qft
yon say : -We would like to have friend
Gilbert tell us which 8,000 Deople of
Cass County have no interest iu
ances?" Most' cheerfully, Bro. Mac
These 6,00 people who would not be
received into membership by the Alli
ances for the reason that they are not
practical farmers. To be a little more
explicit, Plattsmouth claims 0,000 in
habitants. Weeping Water 1.000. Then
there are Cedar Creek, Louisville,
South Bend, and Greenwood, all towns
in this County. After making a liberal
allowance for over-estimates, I thought
it safe to say there were 6,900 people
in Cass County who had no interest iu
Alliances. Am I not right?
Yours, E, S. Gilbert.
We are a good guesser. We guessed
that C.OOO would be located largely in
and around Plattsmouth. We do not
agree, however, that they have no in
terest in Alliances. Ed. ;
Collecliou Notice.
I am hard force ia low. cual
is out, the tires are loose, the wagon
rattles. I must hav snmrn mnnpv tn
conduct my business properly. Many
aro owing me ror years, l nave been
lenient, but I have buildings to pay
for; stock to buy, men to pay. I must
nave some money, cash, cash. I there
fore say to my customers, good friends
as thev are. nlese come uu and nav.
I want all my accounts settled by
.aiarcn isr, ana mean to have them,
and all not settled at that time Will be
placed in the hands of Collector T:kr
due notice and govern yourselves ac
cordingly. J. M. SCHXEIXBACHER,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Not ta'biTsneeisedat.
That ture. swepLfa ami .frU.titru
American distillation of wirh u,fF
American Dine. Carcirt fir
and clover blossom, called Sanford's
Itadicai v. ure ior Catarrh. A few dos
es instantlv relieve thn m
sneezing or head cold, slop all water
discharges from the nose and eyes,
cure headache and nervousness, and
banish all danger of fever. Complete
treatment for one dollar. 46t4
tirand Prairie Occasionals.
Eb. IlEBALB:-We are still living
and moving as gently and good natur
ed as we can under the pressure of bad
colds, spring fever, etc. Grand Prairie
affords little In theway of -notes."
Times are' somewhat dull, busicesj
moderate, and events occasional.
No smalt-pox ajound; yet there is a
general attention being paiJ to vaccin
ation and re-vaccination, and sore arms
are the order of the day.
Mrs. Stevens, from Red Oak, Iowa,
was visiting in this neighborhood last
week. Wm. Coon sold nine head of
cattle last Tuesday, and Mrs. Bouton
disposed of all her young stock at the
same time.
Jesse Merrill has purchased Henry
Coon's- farm, and will move onto the
same the first of March. Our friend,
Mr. A. P,Woodard, has rented his farm
and will move into Weeping Water
soon, where be expects to reside here
after. Mr. W. and wife are citizens
such as we regret to see departing from
our midst.
John Thomas, of Glendale, was visit
ing his brother, who lives at Mr.
Moore's, last Sunday. C. A. Bouton
and Ed. Carlyle were at Rock Bluffs
Friday of last week.
The track-layers of the M. P. R. R.
have been making good headway dur
ing the last few dajrs. Occasional.
:' Flashes from Three tiroTes. -
Thkee Groves, Neb., Feb. 13, 1S82.
W.T. Allen, from Lincoln, was down,
in our vicinity on Wednesday. Wave
says he is going to come back on his
farm, if he don't sell the place, or rent
it for ca"sh rent.
Mr. Charley Glasser, formerly of this
County, now of Harrison Co., Iowa,
was around making calls on Thursday
of Jast week. -
Meses Hiatt received a dispatch on
Friday from Sidney, Iowa," that his
brother was dead. Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt
went over there ou Saturday to attend
the funeral. ' .
William Case and wife, froiu Center
Valley, made a call en Saturday.
On our way down to Union, on Fri
day, we noticed from the road several
new improvements that have ben
made since we were down there a year
ago. Mr. Jones has just completed a
handsome residence near the Union
Church. Mr. Lnglo has also put up
quite a residence, which, though built
last fall. Is not vet finished. John
Chalfant has made an Improvement to
his place by adding a new barn some
thing that we have failed to noticn
While at Union, we learned that Mi
Bridenstine was coine to bid Nebras
ka adieu and try Colorado and the
mountains for a few years.
Miss Belle Patterson, of Rock Creek
has been down sick with the fever for
several days. Mrs. Elisha Carroll has
been ill, but is slowly improving.
Some talk of sowing wheat soon, if
the weather continues as it has been
for the last week or ten days.
Fall nlowine is in nice order for
sowing wheat.
Lightning was noticed in the south
east on Sunday night. ....
Our mail carrier made only two trips
last week : nuess the weather was too
stormy for him. . Reporter.
Whisperings from Union.
Union, Neb., Feb. 13, 18S2.
Ed, Herald: As there has not been
anything iu the Herald from this lo
cality for a long time, I will write up
some of the news.
Mr. Wm. Slagle, of Kansas, was in
this neighborhood last week, called
here by the sickness of his daughter.
wife of David Albin, who has been
very sick, but is thought now to be out
of all danger.
Rev' Preston has been holding
protracted meeting for the last two
weeks in the Union Church; there has
been quite an interest manifested, and
some conversions to the Church.
Miss Joanna J. Young closed her
school last Friday in the Ervin school
house. There was quite a gathering
a goodly number from Three Groves
and Rock Bluffs being present. Mr.
Eddie Young with his violin, Mr. John
Beadle with Lis accordeou, and Miss
Luella Young on the organ, gave some
choice music for all present. The dec
lamations and dialogues by the schoo
children were very interesting. Miss
Allie Pell . of the first spelling class.
Emma llugbsan, of the second, and
Stella Ervin, of the third, got the priz
es. All went home happy.
' I see that our greenback friend, Mr
G. W. Shradef, has advertised his farm
for sale. Guess he wants to leave for
his health. Cass County is not very
healthy for greenbackers; hope he may
have good luck, and yo be elected lo
some good ofuce.
Mr. Jacob Bridenstine, one of the
well-to-dy farmers of this locality, sold
a part of his land not long since to Mr,
G. W. Garrison, and will leave for Col
orado with his family in a short time,
where he goes for the health of his wife
and son, who have been in very poor
health foi some time. Mr. Bridenstine
leaves many friends, and the M. E
church, of thii placeHoes one of Its
best members.
Mr. N. G. Douge, our newly elected
Justice of the Peace, is doing quite a
business in his little store this wiater.
He has not had any case before him
yet; guess. this i3 too'nice a winter for
la wing.
Who ever saw such weather in Feb
ruary as we have had for the last two
weeks? ' ; ' L. J.
Sooth Bend Pickings
Febritart 13th. 1882.
I seud you a few items from our Burg.
Last week our boys went fishing
to Santee Lakes and came home with
one hundred and twenty-five Bass and
Pickerel, from one and a half to five
pounds, not so bad.' We learn the
State fish Commissioners have purchas
ed the Romine Fish Ponds in Sarpy
County, with forty acres of land, with
all the fish now in said ponds, for the
sum of $2,000 ; they have now in ponds
1,600 German carp; 10.000 Trout have
been planted from pends this season,
and lsu.uuo. Laliiornia saimun; iney
were planted in the principal creeks of
the state, but it does seem to us fool
ish to plant Salmon in streams where
the native bsh cannot live, on account
of the filth of streams from tho bog
pens and the manure that our farmers
throw ia the streams ;unless something
is done our streams will soon be too
fif thy for tad-poles, let alone game fish.
Our Sabbath School has a new Or
gan, of the Mason & Hamlin Manufac
ture, sold by Mr. Pettee of Plattsmouth,
bo having the kindness to give the
school his commission, thereby reduc
ing the price of the instrument consid
erably; the children will long remem
ber the kindness of Mr. Pettee.
Mr. Burrell, of Chicago, was- with us
last week, holding meetings: ho is now
at Mainland, he is a very interesting
speaker and we hope he will visit ns
again soon.
Mr. lanson has purchased property
in our town and Will move into it
March 1st. We hear of several other
changes in the spring.
The party who informed you of the
non-arrival of the Herald was mis
taken, the Herald is always on time,
only having once missed in five years.
The Sweeney stone quarries are now
in litigation, Mr. Curry of Lincoln,
having leased them for fifteen years
and tried the experieace of running
it by c'aeek, found it up hill business;
wo expect lively times before all is
settled. . . ,
There is considerable sickness at
present, this is splendid weather, but
it would be better for health it colder
Will close for the present.
Yours, S. B.
Send us some Bass you old Pick ere
you. what you want to make our
mouth water for nothing for.
Academt oif-Musio.C U.-SmitlCs
Great Double Uncle Toms Cabin
Company opened a venigtit'a engage
ment at the Academy of Music yester
day afternoon, to; -one xf the ""largest
houses of the-seasoftr "hundreds'" being
turned away at the matinee, and
house crowded inbe-erpningrlt's
tho best representation, of .this moral
dramma ever given here.",.
Sam Lucas, in hia specialties,'
worth the price of admission alone,
His acting of Uncle Tom is ..the best
conception of that "good old, darkey
we know Of. The "Two ' TopseysJ
'Two Lawyers Mark's." is ooite a nor
elty, and brings down the house every
time they come on the stage.
Daily Republican, Milwauke, Monday
November 28.
Yesterday, Manager Smith's "Uncle
Tom s Cabin" Company, with Its two
Topsoys, two donkeys, and Other 'phe
nomenal features, began au engage
ment at the Academy. The house was
packed: crowded, jammed in every
part, aud the entertainment gave great
satisfaction. The selection of Sam
Lucas to play Uncle Tom, was an ex
cellent idea. Mr. Lucas is the only
colored man In this country who has
ever attained anything like deserved
prominence as an actor, and he plays
the part -of Uncle Tom better than
any other man that has attempted it.
Peck's Sun, Milwauke, Due. 3d.
Manager C II. Smith's Double Un
cle Tom's Cabin Company has just
completed a reinarkahlv successful
engagement at the Academy ot Music
and are billed to p!av iu several of the
principal cities in Wisconsin and It
lmois. This company present "Un
cle Tom in the most entertaining
manner of auv combination that has
played here They introduced several
new features in their ierforuance hot
included in the original version o
Uncle lorn s Cabin, but which prove
very entertaining. The two Topsys
as represented by the Sherwood sisters
(Blanche and Florence) are a great
feature. The two Marks are funny
while the ever popular Sam Lucas as
Uncle Tom Is all that could be asked
Sam favors his audience, at each per
romance, with some of his specialties
singing and dancing and is always
well received. Wherever this Com
pan t go, crowded honses are sure to
greet them.
'For God. au t' . 'oine. an.l Native Laud.
A good au.lience gathered in tie
Temperance Hall on last Sabbath af
ternoon, to listen to an address by Mr,
Roberts. On next Sabbath at 3 o'clock
he meeting will be addressed by El
der Ross. Let there be a good turn
out. , . . ..
' Moderation in Temperance.
. Of how many noble causes have the
lukewarm and half-hearted drained
me very iire-oiooui lo-aay the "worms
ia the bud" of the Temperance Cause
are those advocates of moderate re
form; of a judiciary license law: of
glasses of the nourishing ; beer; of
Temperance as far as moral suasion
which simply means Temperance con
fi ed to talk. Those who neither
drink nor at heart sanction the traffic,
but are hileiu through policy, as well
as those whose chief characteristic
seems to be a pitiable inertia, are do
ing more against the Temperance Re
form than all the low sots and drunk
ards crowding whiskey den and gut
ler. The former lull others apathy
ana repose, wniie cue latter, by snow
ing all the horrors of alcohol, repulse
ana rouse to opposion every pure-
minded person.. : ;
--. As marked as are the issues, as op
posite the principles of Total Abati
nence and those of the Whiskey. Ring,
no one can afford to attempt to occupy
neutral grounds. . Again, as of , old,
comes forili ti e cry, "He who is not
for me is agiinst me. And yon who
favor a judicious (?)"' license law 1 fall
right in with the common distiller
and rumseller. Thev want a judic ious
license law. It will make them respec
table, and even. they want to be respec
table. You are against the best citi
zens, who alone build up our govern
ment and educational institnlions-and
sustain our churches; you are stand
ing just where the enemy of Holiness
and all his host of darkness rejoice to
have you. And he who for votes will
sacrifice virtue, and for gold will bow
down to the "whiskey ring," who" per
chance, witn one nana uplifted in
prayer for the final triumph of Tem
perance. with the other casts in at the
polls a ballot reeking with the blood
of bis fellow-men ; the one who, under
standing all, ls-yec unwilling to come
out bravely and nobly to the help of
humanity, against- this one of the
greatest evil? that ever breathed its
deadly poison over God's earth, is a
traitor to the best interests of his fel
low men false, utterly . false, to his
country and his. God. ,
Portlandville, Iowa.
'How to Secure Health.
It scents strange that any one w il
suffer from derangements brought on
bv impure blood, when bCOVILLs
UP will restore health to the physical
organization. It has been proven to
ever discovered, curing Scrofula,
Syphilitic disorders, Weakness of the
Kidneys; Erysipelas, Malaria, Nervous,
disorders', Debility, bilious complaints
and all Diseases of the Blood, Liver,
Kidney's Stomach, Skin. etc. A single
bottle will prove a health renewer, for
t ACTS LIKE A CHARM, especially
when the complaint is of an exhaus
tive nature. -
ain in Man and Beast. Use exter
nally and internally.
MENT cures Burns, Cuts, Wounds,
Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, etc.. soothes
Inflammation, and relieves pain in the
Side, chest, shoulders, etc. ' - S
. Notice to Teachers.
Special examinations will be held at
tbe following times and places:
March th and Tth, at Buck's School
House, Three Groves; March 10th and
lltb, Greenwood; March 16th and isth.
Weeping Water; March 24th and 25th,
South Bend; March Slsl.and April 1st.
Elm wood; April 14th and 15th, Eight
Mile Grove. . Ctrus Alton, '
48t9 : Sapt.'
Grapes are the only kind of fruit
which is plentiful and cheap in this
time of extraordinary droatti. A wet
season is what the grape-grower fears.
In dry weather the vines bear abund
antly, and the fruit is large and well
flavored. In California, where not a
-cloud is seen, in the sky from Mey till
October, the grape reaches its greatest
perfection, and many kinds unknown
n our Eastern markets aro cultivated
from stocks brought , from Europe.
There is not much variety with us.
Tbe growers believe . it most profitable
to make no "experiments, and stick to
the standard sorts with which (he public
is familiar. Upon our city fruit stands
and in our markets the Concord ap
pears first and stays longest. Early in
tho ' season lb has the Delaware for a
rival, but this delicious little grape,
.with its red coat and its delicate aro
matic flavor, is not a profitable bearer,
-and it sells for about twice the price of
(the Concord. Later comes tho Catawba,
'an excellent grape, but one too often
Sicked . before its best qualities hare
eveloped. 'Besides these three varieties
there is rarely anything to be seen
save the California grapes, which come
3,000 miles by rail, and are too costly
for general sale. There are a dozen
good varieties to be found in private
vineyards that are rarely seen in cities,
becnusa the men who make a business
of raising grapes have found by experi
ence that it pays best to stick to the
kinds that are hardy and prolific, and
that buyers do not need to be made ac
quainted with, the quantity of grapes
consumed annually for food in this
country is enormous; yet one need not
be very old to remember when a bunch
of grapes was a rarity save upon the
tables of the rich. How much has been
done for American health and thus in
directly for American civilization by
the cheapen mg and popularizing of the
smaller fruits during the past thirty
ye.nrs can hardly be estimated. Boat of
all of them is the'grape.,. It appeals to
the esthetic taste a wall as to the pal
ate; it is grateful to the eye as well as
to lue stonittcu, ana at or o cents a
pound is within reach ' of : tho leaaest
purse. ... j - : :
An American's View of French Pear
barities. "
Am living near tiio "Mairie," which
is the Mayor's office. Every ward in
Paris has a Mayor. Principal business
seems that of marrvins:. Continual
streams of weddings at the Mairie. B
tween 11 and 12 o'clock daily seems the
regulation time x r these ceremonies
at l he Mairie by the Mayor. Cabs with
wedding parties are continually driving
into the court yard of the Mairie.
French houses are generally so built as
to allow carriages to drive inside, en
tertainment for man and beast Also
prevents ladies driving out from get
ting wet when it rains.
Crowd always outside the Mairie
peepins: through iron bars of gate at
we;!dinir show. Strange curiosity, pe
culiar to all civilized nations, that of
seeing: a 'man and woman swearing
they'll love each other for life. Or
just before they S'.vear they'll love each
other all thoir days, or just after. It's
a b-g contract to take in some cases,
isn't it? Don't all speak at once. In
Fi ance they ' have double-ender wed
dings. The church marries the couple first,
the republic by the Mairo at the Mairie
second. Vtve la liepubliquel In law
a marriage won't stick hero unless the
republic marries. In religion it won't
stick unless the church marries. Be
tween courts of heaven and earth the
French knots aro tied pretty fast. Le
gal and ecclesiastical ceremonies are
entirely independent of each other. To
suit all parties the Church must clinch
the nail at one end, the State at the
other.' It is welL
Going to -Versailles, the other day,
saw a w'dling procession coming along
the r ).ul on foot, bound for the ebufceh.
Brido at the head, in white and orange
b'ossoms, on pa's arm, trailing a foot
and a half of train iu the dust for a
mile and a half. From behind, in black,
dusty, uncomfortable and perspiratory,
Villager tunning from all directions to
see the show. Saw two large women
with, wooden shoes, running down a
narrow, stony street. Much chatter.
Lare wo nen, each holding one hand
of small hoy, and as they ran small boy
wss yank-d over the gutters'at the rate
of t u fe-t to tho yank. All to be in
tim j to sec the wedding procession
puss.- '
Village Life in Western India.
In his n.-w work on the "Industrial
Arts of India." Mr.. C. M. Birdwood
says of t' e village:
( '-Oiiii-k't o entram-e of the single
vIII:j ; s r. t t, n an exposed rise of
ii .n t' h-reditary potter sits by
Lis wl.e. 1: j:!w!!irig the swift revolving
clay l v t . ic.tural curves of his hands.
At the back I. houses which form
the low, irrgu!ar street, there are two
or . three lnn at work iu blue and
scarlet and gold, the frames banging
between the acacia trees, tho yellow
flowers of whic i drop fast on the. webs
as they are being woven. In the street
the brass and coppersmiths are ham
mering away at their pots and pans,
and further down, in the veranda of
the rich man's houso, is the jeweler
working rupees and gold roohrs into
fair jewelry, gold and silver earrings,
and round tires like the moon, bracelets
aud tablets and noserings, and tinkling
ornaments for the feet, taking his do-",
signs from the fruits and flowers around
him. or from the traditional forms rep
resented in tho paintings and carvings
of tbe great temple, which rises over
the grove of mangoes and palms at
the end of the street, above the lotus
covered village tank. At half-past 3 or
4 iu the afternoon tbe whole , street is
lighted up by tho moving robes of the
women coing. down to draw water
from the tank, each with two or three
water jars on her head; and so, while
they are going and returning? in sinsrlo
file, the scene glows like' Titian's can
vas, and moves like the stately proces
sion of the Panathenaio frieze. Later,
the men drive in the mild gray kino
from the moaning plain, the looms are
folded np, the coppersmith is silent, the
elders gather in the gate, the lights be
gin to glimmer in the fast-falling dark
ness, the feasting and tbe music are
heard on every side, and late into the
night the songs are sung from the Ka
rri ay an a or Mababarata. The next
morning with sunrise, after the simple
ablutions and adorations, performed ia
the open air before the houses, the tamo
day begins again. This is the daily
life going on all over Western India, in
the village communities of the Dakhan,
among a people happy in their simple
manners and frugal way of life, and in
tbe culture derived from the grand
epics of a religion in which they live
and move and have their daily being,
and in which the highest expression of
their literature, art and civilization has
been stereotyped for 3,000 years." , ,
Pearls on the Pacific Coast.
Every family has strings of fine Dearls
for beads. The pearl oyster abounds
along the shores of tbe Gulf of Califor
nia, and thousands of the men go an
nually as to a picnic to dive for pearls.
They bore a hole through each one of
them. Manv of them vonM lirinar
fl.000 to $1,500. or even more in.Dror
er markets, were :t not for the Loles.
Nev Orleans Tirtes :
Ask your druggist for "Dr. Sykes
Sure Care for Catarrh." Don't take
sny other. 4tU
The Tollies of Petty Princes.
The destruction of tho petty princi
palities of Germany w a gan to civ
ilization and to de-encv. The great
princes aped tho court of Fr.ncc Ev
ery little prince and there were hun
dreds f them, ruling over kingdoms
which a man could almost walk around
before breakfast imitate I tho great
princes. All lived in extravagance.
and somi! of them in cross sensuality.
T22Sr subjects were expected to exhibit
two virtues, namelr. to obey and to
pay. The follies of some of thesa pet
tv rulers vere so extravagant as to be
One of them. Count Wil iam, furmed
an artificial island and built a citadel
UDoa it. It was elabora'elv construct
ed, aocording to the science of military
engineering. It and its garrison of
three hundred gunners defended a po-
taio-p;itcii, a- abbage-garden. and a
small .observatory with a worthless tel
escope in it.
Another prince, one Gunther, ruled
over seventy-five thousand men, women
and children, who lived on sixteen
' ceoerraDhicai sauare miles, lie built a
palace with three hundred and fifty
rooms, and adorned each room with
several clocks. His exercise was to
wind up each clock.
Tbe prince-was not without humor.
Travellers passing throusrb his little
capital were invited to te court thea
tre. On one occasion, a Prussian ma
jor was silting by the side of tho princo
in his box, smoking a clay pipe, as
the fashion was. The play was a dill
"How do you like it?" asked the
prince. ..
Surpassing well, your sereno high
ness." answered the major, with the
courtesy of a courtier. I should bo
.sorry not to have an opportunity of
I serinsr the piece again.
I vhen the play was concluded the
prince shouted from his box, "Hey!
hey there! Here s a Prussian major
who wants to see the play again; act
it through once more. And the tired
pprfornieas were forced to repeat tho
whole piav.
Prince Gunther prided himself on
his ability as a wrestler, and frequently
exhibited his dexterity before his sub
jects. Of course, his antagonists were
to good courtiers not to let themselves
be thrown. But on one occasion the
prince met with his match.
Seeing in his park a stout farmer. the
prince cuallenged him to wrestle. The
farmer accepted, and in a minute His
Serene Highness was flung sprawling
on the erround.-
"I slipped" on a cherry-stone!" ex
claimed the mortifie 1 prince, with an
oat n, forgetting that it was not tho time
of the year for cherries.
The farmer intimated his willingness
to try another round; but His High
ness, no longer sereno, flew at him with
doubled fists. The by-standers in vain
shouted to the farmer to allow the
prince to trip him up. But he, being
no courtier, entered into the game of
bsticuffs with zeal. At last. His High
ness, with bruised nose and blackened
eve, screamed to his guard, "OiT with
hioito prison!" and the victor paid the
penalty of wrestling with a rrinco by a
forlmsrht s conhnement.
Another of these princes li.ed so cx-
travairantW that at last his whole in-
c mc would not pay the interest on his
erebls. Then he resorted to fraud in
J53ler to raise money. He mo tzajred
a forest of tivo hundred acres,
which bad no existence. He
pawned his villages bv making the
school-children subscribe the names of
their fathers : to bonds binding them
with him to pay interest.
At last, ins crimes became so enor
mous that the Emperor Joseph II. of
Austria bad him tried. Un his convic
tion ho was sentenced to ten years' im
prisonment. When he camo out of
prison, he could afford to keep only one
horso. One day bis solitary attendant
announced that there was no hay in the
loft and no money in the purso.
Well, well," answered the prince,
'tako-out the horse and give it a mouth
ful of fresh air. -
Do you play nolo? ' No;
but my
brother Rol!o plays polo and
can beat
you . all hollow,
What will you
. ilAVE been afitlcted
nir tweury years
aiseaxe. called j
oine M. D e. J'oriasi, and otnen? Leprosy.
istimmeiiciiig on my scalp and, in nite of all 1
jould do, with I tie help tf tlie moft skill nil doc
tor, u mow iv mil surely extended until a yeai
.tKo i Ms winter it covered niy entire person in
.oun of dry 8f;i!fK. Kor the hint tluee ye;irs I
nave Oee it unable to do any labor, and miner
ilia iutennely all the time. Every morning there
'ouut ie near:v a (him ;mmi ji t-calrs laker
irom the iMieei on luy bed, ioine of tleia hall
i lar-re an the ei;vi-lpe cotiti'iiutig letter.
in inc lauer part or tue m inter inv fkfn eom-
sneneeil eiuekm open. 1 tried everything, al
:ikm, that could be. thought of, without any re
in-f. 1 lie 12tU of June I ptaited west, in hoes
i cniii-i reacn ine not npriiig. l readied De
troit, and was o low I thought T should li:ive
ro so to the. hospital, but finally . got a far as
l.aiif iiit:. Midi., where 1 Had a mter livinir.
one nr. ireiitea ine about two weeks.
"in uiu me no uouu. aiuiiiiii""i i nail I1TL u
hort time to live. I earnestly praved to d-e.
Cracked through the skin all over my back,
hiihh my nus. Hnus. nanus, uiiios. ieei oadiv
swouen, ion Dans came on. uncer nans dead
and hard as bone, hair dead, dry and lifeleM as
oiu straw, un. my ioi r now j ma suner !
My sifter, Mr. E. II. Davis, had a email
part of a box of Cuticura iu the house. She
wouldn't Kive no : aid We wi I trv Culie.ura.
8oie was applied on one hand and arm. Ku-
reak ! there was relief : stopped the terrible
bnrnini; senalion trotn the word no. They
immediately not the Cuticura Resolvent (blood
purifier), Cuticura and Cuticura Soan (the trreat
skin curen). I commenced bv taking one tea-
spoonful of Kesolvent three time a day. after
Teais;n;iu a uatn once a day. water about
uiuou ueai., ; iinea Liuicura soap ireeiy ; ap
plied Cuticura morning and evening. Iieoult,
returned to niy uome in juii six weeks Irnm
the time I left, and my skin as mooth as tlii
sueet of p:ipr.
. Henderson, Jefferson Co., N. y.
Rwnrn u Deiore me mis iatn day or January.
Justice of the Peace.
Cullenra Itemed lew are for ra'e !y -:!
druggbit. Price of Ci'TIitra, a Medical Jel
ly, email boxe. iwc. ; large boxes. Si. "CrTi
(TRA Rksoi.vf.nt, the Hew blood purilW. .1.
per bottle. Cuth-ura Mfdical Tou.kt
soaf, 13 ; in oars tor narDers an J large con
sumers, 35c. principal depot.
WEEKS & POTTER. Tlosfnn. Maes.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
A single dose lutantlv relieves tho most
violent A'L,ezins or Head Cold, eleaxs the head
a by manic. atop" watery dtscearge Irom the
nose and eyes, prevents ringing noises iu the
head, cures iSvrvoiiH headache anu suodues
chills and fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleans
es the nasal passages of foul mucus, restores
tbe senses of smell, taste aud healing when
affected, frees the head, throat and bronchial
tubes of offensive matter, sweetens aud purifies I
the breath, stops the couli aud arrests tlie
progress of catarrh towards consumption.
One bottle Kadieal Cure, one box Catarrhal
Solvent and SaMord s Inhaler, all in one pack
ape, ot all druggist. f:r I. Ask for San
toaa's Uadicai. ' t -t.
- W 1.KaS A POTTEK, Boston.
1UO 1 IMli. Muhh h.t t .:-
Tf al than any other plas
ter or electric battery lor
pain and weakuees of the
J r-j-- urinary organs.partial Par-
' . ',... -.- . . . ...... I IL 1 1 W
fjij-j-, aiyxis, Kiieuii itiiiu, neu-
raigia, nvMrna. reiiiale
t aki'eis. Nervous Pains
.....I . t n .. I . . 1 :
"liOTtft 51,111 Kever & Aaue. Price
fc'4, $. Sold ever, where.
X -
Wednesday, Feb.
8. 1RK2
ttl Oft
Wheat. No.2..
Corn, ear
" shelled...
" new.
barley, No. 2
Native -Cattle..
klA CO
...5 60(.5 7o
. 1 50Q.1 78
Nkw Yoke, Feb. 9, 1882.
Money 3 G5.
Oats ..
1 27
i es
CHICAGO, Feb. 8. 1882
t 3 60 it$4 00
41 a4
I T V If HTrM'K.
Hogs, shinning.
ooes as
6 5 SO
. 4 OOUS 4 60
w a
Tubercular consumption of the langs is that
form of the disease most common, moet fatal.
and until recently considered incurable. Tu
bercle, from which the name Is di rived, Is a
morbid pioduct, deposited Iro n dUeased
blood in various parts of the body ; and in pro-
nortion as that fluid is Impure, and length of
time it remains so. will tubercular diathesis
Fall Rivek, Mass., March 20th, 1879.
James I Fellows, Eq.
Deat Sir: About three years ago I was at
tacked with bronchitis and tnbercular disease
of the left lung, and suffered for two years so
severely that I was unable to attend to bus
iness. About a year ago I was advised to try
Fellows' Syrup of Hvpophosphltes. and before
I had finished one bottle my appetite land
strength were greatly improved ; my cough be
came less troublesome, my sleep was sound
ad refreshing, which had not been the case
for over a year. I had suffc-ed from nervous
ness and difficult breathing all tlie tiiiif! I was
sick ; but your syrup has cured it all. I advise
all persons afflicted as I was to ue Fellows'
Syrup f Hypophosphites.
An endless chain of good effects is formed by
Fellow'! Compound (jiui of Hypo
nhOMnhitet. ami we are sale in saying, from
a long experience in medicine, its virtues are
not ptt8.seted Iy any iither combination.
Ia the rear of the Bonnor Stithies
First-Class Urik,
Will do Contract Work and Guarantee
15m3 riatt&mouth, Neb.
A remedy with such a reputation as ITosteN
ter's Stomach Uitters deserves a fair trial. It
you are dyspeptic, your malady will eventually
yield to it; if you are feeble, lack flesh aDd feel
despondent, it will both build and cheer yon
up: if you are constipated, it will relieve, and
if bilious, healthfully stimulate your liver.
Don't despond, but make this effort in the right
For sale by all Druggists ana Dealers
A Large Stock of
iOOtS il
Troy LaundrY!
Has removed from Main ?treet to the bouse ol
near Joseph XT. Johnson's House, where
We will Always lo Pound
as before, read y for all k inds of
Now is the time to tive us a call, better room
larger place, want more work and can do
Keaieiiiber tU change anti Uou't forget this
AdTertistnent. - - WM. B. BHOWX. -
' " " a - " 4 . - S OI WM
- run i pr" i
ror ise, wnii on
TlllirV r1 l'Oe proved interest Table
XlllllJ A CV Calendar, etc. feat t
For lfettg, with Im-
any address on receipt of twoThr Cent
Htampn. Address I IIAItLKH K. HIKtS,
N. Delaware Ave., Pliila.
tor tiac winter in lunuinr districts. Very
large returns for comparatively little labor.
For full particulars address immediately
A new m rmi miMitcai w ors.
warrant! the btajd ohap
Ml, indiflpfiabl t mry
lunn. r titled tha 8e4iiw of
Idfo" bound in tineat I'nmfli
munn, mtxwwd ,f all rlt. au
pa'zea.'wntaincboautilul huwI
amrraTinrK, lib praacnptiona,
ric only f 1.2&sent by si ail:
. illtaatratrd samplo, te. : rnid
' now. AHdnH Peabntfw V dl-
.l InrfjIiiMiirllf W II I'iM.
13' ThSSELf- "B "o.IBulfiacaat.Uoala.
Ulnsrr, Usrha JUudraUf. tjud mmy
of the best medicineu known me here com
bined into a medicine of such vailed powers aa
to make it the greatest l'.looa Purifier mid tho
Best health and utrenth restorer used.
Cures Complaints of Women and dWaes o
the stomach. Bowels, Lungs, r and KJd-
neys. and 1 entirely -different fiom liltters,
(linger Essences and other Toni s. us it never
intoxicates. Sue. and $1 l.v. ioirge having
buitig 1 'le.
. JILSC0X & CO., Chemists, N. Y.
The manufacturers have
an4 Praise Everywhere.
N'o remeily mote IVIdels' or Fa vomit! y
Knon n. It is rapid in relieving, quit k In
curing. For l.nme Mark, Itlietiiiinlinni,
Kidiey A ttrri Ioiim. and arlirn and palns
generally, it is the unrivalled remedy.
CJerman Athin"irr neveraiUuKiv)-i
media frtUi fu tlie wotut CBeeti.iiiHun comfort-1
aole Blear1 ; (necaeum wDi'mnnmen iu j
i trial rfirtnc th mo tfi(icol. Price ." if. and
1 81.00,of IWwiriHtBor !y mail. UmmHn J '. h.K
' frrVanyHrHjy M UN, SI j;'-" ir'r.
For ISsJ is an Kleiraut Hook or ISO
Page, two Colored l'Iat- nf k 'ew
er, and more mi !. - I 'na
tions of the choices! i intv.r . .; i t- ;ia
bleu, and iJirectlons !tr grown... li i 1 -nid-some
enough for tht t litre TaM i II Ihlay
present. Send on your ti:m:e i 't I - 'llivo
address, ith 10 cents. :md I wi'l mm ii y u a
copy, postiige paid. 'Ibis Is it a v. iter of
its eotst. It li pill. ted in l-otii l.i t:!ih and
iermn. If you afterwards t.iuer reeds, de
duct the 10 cents.
VICK'tt NKKim m-e the le-t in the
world. The Fi.ohai. Cuiuk will til. how to
get and grow them.
Virk Flower mid Vecetnhle (inrCra
173 Faeett. 6 Colored I'Utes, -'oo Kugiiivtugs.
For 50 cents in paper covers; 81.00 'In elegaut
cloth. In (ermai and Kngllsli.
Vick'M IlluKtrntrd Monthly M(t-
r.In 32 Pages, a Colored plate In c ry num
ber and tnauy tine Engravings. Prlie $1.2.U
vear : Five Copies for tfft no. iSjieeluen num
bers sent for 10 cents : 2 trial copies for 2" ots.
Address. JAMES VICK. Hoclietcr, N. Y.
Literary Weekly. Journal,
Conducted by ALBION W. TOUR
GEE, author of "A Fool's Er
rand," etc., assisted by
Robert S. Davis.
First Numbeu Isslku Fedui vky i,18tl.
The most diHtinuIshed authors and skilful
artists, both American and Eugiili. have een
engageu bv "UUK Continent." The Febni
arv numbers contain novels ami stori s by
Helen Campbell, Mrs. Alexander, h. P Uoe,
Julian llawitioriic. .I'lin ll:illertu. 1:. H.
Iavis. etc. ; poems liy ( Near Wilde. LnuUe
Chandler Moullon, C. 11. linker. -idnev l.amer,
ti. P. Lathrop. Ceiia Tha.Mer, etc. ; entertain
ing sketches by C. ; l.ei.wid. ( Main r.reltman)
1. t;, Mitchell, (Ik Marvel) FelitUswald. etc. ;
solid papers by Pr. hklent Porter of Yale. Eliot
of Harvard. Provot-t Pepper of University ot
Pennsylvania, et; : fashion Mites by Kate
Field ; art illim rations by liuin C. Tiffaiiv :
cience hy Pmfs. Uothrock. liaiber, etc. ; social
etiquette by Mrs. Moulton ; rural Improve
ment by Hon. '.. (I. Northrop; fan and humor
by C .11. Clarli. (Max Aider) -l.'ucle IU-iihih"
and a lio-t oi others.
Brautifpi. I m.i sTUATtoNs are a leading
feature ol '"Oi; it Co.ntin knt." Thev are the
finest that art can produce and equal to the
most perfect in the mont lilies.
Pi le !0 cents a mi iji her ; ..()() a ye ir ; S2 (
fix iiu'ii i" Miii-d free to any addri.N. Spe
cimen c.;.! i: e.
Newt',eaiei" Hill fi:it if to llu-ir Interest to
pret-enl Oi k Com in knt to their cui miicr
l'i iKt iii:ril M rt. Ir,4'lr.wl t. t.ilr c it i .w. . i . i
............... u.. i,,ii(t,.,uni.r,iy.',ii,,ij
Liberal riiiiimisMii:i.
Uiok canvasns c;ui j.ilil !.ir?e!y f t!:elr In
comes, wil hunt Interfering ujili their regular
business, by acting for ot'it C'imlnknT.
Write for pari ieulars
45t4 I'hlladelpliia, Pa.
jTiTTslu pson.
Geo. foods & Co. Pianos and Organs.
News Doput, M i;;;tinoMii Paper?,
Cuiift ctiojirv, Tobacco
a: .J Gi";art.
.Maiu St. opposite New Hotel.
dealer la
Larte stock of
to be
Notions, Queenswarp,
and In fact everything you ei call for In
the line of
General Merchandise.
i n ti.i. r.t . , . .
' - "- vi uuuutry oioauce taker n
rthaiiKe for Koods.
Has jusi upem .1 an et.tire
new i.h.1. of benl-
ware. oi1
N-M .1... r -c,t of Chapman Kroltli'a Dru
A Full I.lue cf
s:;(4i i:Ls. RAKES. SPADES ana
or Ponnd-
uorx, pov)-u. shot, grind
A Full I.lDe of t'l'TliKBY.
Spetdal Rate U Guilders and Ca
AH icood sold as luv
and live.
S they poMb!v run
Pnre& 11 P8 17 ''fc
Fresli j
V I M I a ! :
IPorHOltEOiEDICS. rioa
um-t.rul Varara HaauaJ.
villi price lit of V -icvil,li
nnti Flower Btdr. n 1 '1 fr.
V rita for fTKoiemair I r-l- lAmt.
- ana sava inoo. dj or.
4. B. ROOT CO.
Siawra, Kocaroas, ixfc
'o-si r i. f
i. 'i
r '