Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 09, 1882, Image 4

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    A yous -Ulo? in erecting a rlionu
mentto te "dear departed" cleverly
aT&ilel bertfcll ot the opportunity to in
ecnbe npoa the tomb: "SacTedtii the
memory of M&thnsia Bezucbet. who de
p&rted ilia life, aged 6$; years, deeply
regretting tbe necu&sit; olpartiug from
the cost charming and best of womea"
herself. - .VsU.-
A tincture of Calabar bean has been
found excedinly tfiieacious . in iT9
serving entomological and other n.atu'rj'
al Listory -.prrcimotis from the des!rnc
tfon caused by mile. It can. al$o bo
used with advantage in keeping Jfurs
and otLer ar.icica of dress from moths.
A very sn,a:l quantity Is sufficient
. A OanaryjBird. " V..
Osd I m at an ir n in England, with
otLer strangers, when a poor man camo
and asked Jeave lo exhibit a wonderful
canary bird which lie had A3 It was a
rainy day, and we could not go oat to
walk w consented to the 'poor hmn's
pro;o&xj; and bo brought Lis little bird
into t'- rar!or of the inn. The name
of tie 'idle bird waaJoweL- - lie stood..
on tLe foreSngcr of his master, who?aid
to bin:. 'Now Jewel, I waut 3011 to.i a:
bare well and make- no mistakes.!!
Jewel t'oped bis head toward his mas
ter, as if listening tr him, ami fieri
nodded twice." "Well, then," said; his.
ra.s.ert "let mo see if you will -keep
jocr word. Give as a tune." TI10 ca
nary tn. "Faster," said his master.
J tl tung faster. "Slower,'.' said hi
rcaittr; nnd Jewel sang slower. You
do not keep time,". said his owner.
Hereupon J-;wei began to beat time with
oni of Lis feet. .
I aod tie rest of the spectators were
so delighted that we clapped our hands.
"Caa you not thank the' gentlemen for
their app?aase?" asked his master; and
Jewel Lowed Lis head most respectfully.
His miisitr cow gave him a straw gun;
and Jewel went through the martial
exercise,. handling his gun like a true
soldier. "Now let us Tiavo a dance!" -said
his -piaster; and the can arc went
through a dance with so much glee,"
ski, and spirit, that we all applauded
Liza again. '
"Tfcoa hast done my bidding brave
ly." said his master, caressing the bird.
-Now, then, take a nap. while I show
the company some of my own feats."
Here the little bird went in!o acounter
feit sleep, and his owner began balanc
ing a pipe and performing other tricks. .
Our attention was given to him, when a
large black cat, who had been . lurking
in one corner of the roomt sprang upon
the table, seized the poor canary bird
in his mouth, and jumped out of the
window before any one could stop him,'
although wo all rushed to nialce an at
tempt. In vain we pursued the. cat.
The canarv bird had been killed by him
almost in an instant The poor man
wept for his bird. and his grief wai sad
to behold. "Well may I grivefor thee,
my poor little thing!" said ho; well
may I griove. More than four years
has thou fed from my hand and (drank
from my lip! I owe Ihce my support,
my health, and my happiness. : With
out thee, what will become of me?"
We raised a sum of money and gave
it to him; but he conld not be consoled,
lie mourned for poor Jewel ns if it had
been a child. By love the little bird
bad been taught, and by love was it
missed and monrneil.
Earth-Eating Tribes.
M. Crevaux. a French naval surgeon,
has lately been rxploring the northern
fiarts of South America, more espeoial
y in the valley of the Orinoco and its
affluents. . Among other facts of obser
vation, he states .that the Guaraunos,
at the delta of that river, take refuge
in the trees when the deltti is inundat
ed. There they make a sort of dwell
ing with branches and clay. The wo
men light, oh a small piece of floor, the
lire needed for cooking, and the trav
eller on the river by night often sees
with surprise I0112 rows of flames at a
.considerable height in the air. The
Guaraunos dispose of their dead by
hanging them in hammocks in the tops
of trees.
Dr. Crevaux. in the course of his
travels, met with geophagous or earth
eating tribes. The clay, -which often
serves for their food' whole months,
seems to be-a mixture of oxide of iron
and some organic substances. They
have recourse to it mora especially in
times of scarcitj-; but strange to say,
there are eager gourmands for the sub
stance, individuals n whom the de
praved taste become so pronounced
that they may be seen tearing of fer
ruginous clay from huts made of it,and
putting them in their mouths.
Instructing Temales How " to .Put on
Trousers. - f
The editor of the Elmira Fie$Press
is a married man, or, at least, wfe sup
pose he is. In discussing the proposed
reform in female dress, which. Js to
thrust trousers (silk brocaded ones) up
on the fair sex, he comes td" the front
with the following timely advice, which
will doubtless be appreciated by our
f air readers: "We have not," he says,
the slightest objection to the wearing
of trousers on the part of the sex to
which the gown pr pcrly belongs, but
it is only fair to tell them what danger
and discomforts they are inviting.
Trousers, for instance, cannot be put
on by drawing them over the Lead.
Neither can they be drawn on from tho
other extremity while the person de
signing to wear them sits on - the floor.
To properly draw on a pair of trousers
requirt s dexterity, and a nice balanc
ing on one foot; and at times even tha
most expert persons are apt to step on
the disengaged vacuum which occupies
the floor, while the other vacuum is be
ing tilled." The fair would-be wearers
are also warned that trousers only ex
tend to , the waist and are never but
toned around the neck, and that sus
penders are crossed on the back."
The full-grown ferret is about four
teen iuches long, and is noted for its
great strength and boldness. Ferrets
are bred qnite extensively in Europe for
hunting rabbits, rats," and mice.
Though regarded as a domesticated
animal, the ferret is far from docile,
and never shows an affection for those
who care for it. The natural instinct
of the animal is so strong that it does
not need to bo trained to attack its
prey, though practice improves the an
imal in its work, the chief gain being
in allowing themselves to belnore read
ily caught. The ferret is always muz
zled to prevent it from killing its prey;
if this precaution is not taken, it will
suck the blood of its victim, and fall
into a sleep from which it will not
arouse until the food is digested. Wheu
sent out muzzled, the ferret will return
niter the hunt to receive food. It runs
into the burrows of the rabbits, for
which animal the ferret seems to have a
natural enmity, and drives tha timid
creatures out, where they are caught
in nets and snares set for them. A fer
ret will soon rid a house of rats and
mice, and it is for this purpose princi
pally that the animal is now bred and
cared for by man. American Agricul
turist - - -
A Memphis darkey insisted upon hay
ing a marriage license to marry a mar
ried woman who had not been divorced,
and was highly indignant when the
clerk of the court refused to give t to
liim. - -.
...... , . JL . . - -
Why Begin Dinnei "With Soup 1
- The rationale of the initial soup has
oftenjbeen 'discussed. 'Some regard it
as calculated - t ' t!iminish xUgelive
power on the theory that so much fluid :
taken at tirst dilutes the gastric juices.
But there appears to be no foundation
for this belief. A clear soup disappears
almost immediately after entering-the
stomach, and in no way interferes with
the ga'strie juice, which" is stored in Its
appropriate cells ready for action. . The
habit of commencing dinner witli soup
has, .without -doubt, its origin; In the
fact that aliment in this fluid form in
fact, ready digested soon enters the
blood and rapidly refreshes the hungry
man, who,- after "a considerable fast
and much' activity, , sits down with ji
sense of exhaustion to commence his
principal meaL In two or three min
utes after he has taken a plate of uood
warm, soup the feeling of exhaustion,
disappears, and irritability gives way to
the gradual rising sense of good fellow
ship - with the - circle, i- Some persons
have the custom of allaying exhaustion
with a glass of sherry before food- a
gastronomic no less than a physiologic
al blunder, injuring the stomacu -ana
denravinsr the palate. The soup intro
duces at onee into the system a small
instalment of ready digested food, and
saves the short period of time , which
must be spent by tho itoroach in deriv-,.
ing some nutriment from solid ailment;
as well as indirectlytrcncthenlrig-tho.
organ of digestion itself. ;for its forth-? :
coming duties. SirUenryfIhompson-
Haiing -Teeth, " .. .li - .
The manufacture of teeth -js d large
industry. - There are pow twelve man
ufactories of artificial teeth, that vo-
duce every year 10, 000,000-tccth, or 0110
to every live persnX.ia'.thelUnned; J
States. Half-this number is made by
one fixrri," founded-in 7I&44. ;Thr-tofai
sales of teeth ljDCH).00() m-.'f
nually.V The materials-, us, areu'd-,-
spar, kaolin and rock crys4aL'.-llie co --
ormsr is platinum. tit&nwm -ftjuiiriiui-
The feldspar and crystal are "submit
to red heat and lurown uiMc-ml wjter.
They are then ..grouud . la jwuiorji: til
line - enough, to -11 out. Uinuiiu, u j 4.1.
tho coloring, . they jire . s ibj,
tense furnace heat iiruioldi. of .br:u. .
which are in two pieces; each m- ui 1 '
one hah! of the toothi -. - -
The proces is delicate, and has uiuriv'
interesting details, in the e u-Iier his
tory of the art dentists carved the tm-th
which their customers uenrin'-ii ul
apprentices were. often in.-ido ii-efui :ii
that way. Th amount of gold in- d
annually in lilling teeth is SoOO.oO'J.
Lead wns used from 1778 to 18.jJ. Tuoro
are deutisls in New York wh gne; or
say they give, diamond libings. and in
Paris they advertise to us s diamond
pivots and emcral I phigs. The lillin.
of teeth is aided greatly by la' or-s.ivinj
machinery and cunningly wrong 1: too s.
This country makes dental instrume ts
for the world where dentistry is known.
An ordinary outfit of iiistrume.iis costs
$500. 1'rovutence Journal.
Leave-taking. .
Not all have learned tho art of lo-ive-
taking in an appropriate manner.
When vou are about to depart, do s at
once, gracefully and politely, and with j
no dallying.; Don t 8:15-. "It s nb mt
time I was going." and then settle back
and talk on aimlessly lor another ten
minutes. Some people have just such a
tiresome habit. They will , oven rise
and stand about the room in various at
titudes, keeping their hosts also stand
ing, and then "by an effort succeed in
getting as far as the hall, when a new
thought strikes th'-m. They brighten
up visibly and stand for somu nibaitcs
longer, saying nothing of importance,
out keeping cveryDouy in a restless,
nervous state. After the d or is opened
the prolonged leave-taking begins, and
evervbodv in general and particular is
invited to call." "Very likely .a last;
thought-strikes the lepartiug,visjtor,.
which -his friend, mnst risk a Cold to
hear to tho end.., What a relief when
the door is finally closed! U There is no
need of being, offensively abrupt,, but
when you are ready to go go. -
. The Bridge on the Tay.
The ill-fated Tay bridge is about to
be rebuilt, or, rather replace I by a new
one of similar structure. ' The Tay is
about a mile wide, and subj'-ct to sud
den and violent storms. The new
bridge will run alongside of the old
one, whose remains can be utilized to
some extent It will begin, starting at
the south end, with four brick arches,
each 50 feet span, and be followed by
firder and truss spans.- ns follows: 1 of
18 feet. 10 of 120 feet. 13 of 145 feet
11 of 215 feet, 2 of 227 feet, 1 of 162
feet 10 of 129 feet 6 inches, and-. 25 of
71 feet. The long central ?puus will be
77 - feet' in the clear above bigh-water
mark. The trains will run between tho
girders of t ho spans and on top of
those on either baud, as in the old
bridge. The foundation of the piers
are to be iron cylinders tilled with con
crete, upon which brick work will be
built up and surmounted by wrought
iron' pillars. Before travelers trust
themselves to any great extent on this
new piece of engineering, tliev arc like
ly to want their nerve quieted with def
inite assurances that it won't fcjasy over
in a gale, train and all, like lU ptud&r
cessor. The water of the Tay b -nc alii
the bridge is 100 feet deep or more, so
that it Is sure death to be pluuged into
it in tightly locked railroad cars. The
passengers who " Wont down with the
flimsy old concern proved Ibis conclu
sively. . '"-
Not the Kind of Coal We Bareain For.
Wa hardly ever make trouble where
it is possible to avoid it, but we feel
that a word or two U necessary relative
.to the man who delivers coal. Wo
never murmur or repine wheu &o&l gpes
up to where you can't see it for week
at a time, but we patiently go and g- t
fragments of a neighbor's fence and
burn them until the price of coal is
mors depressed. We do not get mad
when we find that our coal is nothing
but a stone quarry, with little chunks
of slate and refractory blossotu jropk in
it We just dig out what we can make
use of for fuel, and take the rest to
s ton up the cellar and bang the festive
midnight, t-nt. None of these things
make us iwr ourselves by an outburst
of timner: but when the driver ot a
coal wagon rides upon .scales and
has himself Wtighcd so ilutf jy H'jN
mi rch ase him everv limp vc want a
load of fuel, wo cannot help' showing
that we are annoyed. 1'onXer States
hum, - ' - -1 ' '
Lord Kenyoa thus 4ijyied a dis
honest butler, who had been ' feotiffpla'.
of stealing large quantities of Wiue fix
bis master's cellar: "Prisoner :f ithe
bar, you stand convicted, ou tha most
conclusive evidence, of a crime of in
expressible atrocity a crime that de
file the sacred springs of domestic con
fidence, find is calculated to strike
alarm into tins bpaast of every English
man who invests iargfily n .he choicer
vintages of Southern Eurap, kjko the
serpent of old, you have stung tiis hw
of your protector. Fortunate in having
a gunerous employer, 3011 might with
out disUcgesty, have continued to sup
ply your wrfcichpd wife and children
with the comforts of ucient prosj-er-itv.
and even with some of the lijries
of afnuenc; but. dead to every claim of
natural affection, and blind to your
own real interest, you burst through all
tito restraints of religion and mora'itv,
and have for many years been featlier
ing 3our nest with your master's b t
tlcs." WditUa of the Late, IleanL
Share Practice. .
Z 'tin " '- ,
There is a good deal of talk about the.
smartness of Yankees, but on the other
side oi the water thev manage to turn
out some very shrewd rascals. How is
this for a case of sharp practice? "A
certain Hungarian . Countess, well
known for her riches and beauty .(the
same spirited lady who last year second
ed her brother in, a; duel), graced with5
her presence 'tiro 5 performance at t!e
Aresa. or summer tlteatre. - On one of
her fair fingers my lady wore two splen
did diamond rings - exactly like each
other. During an entt'acte there pre
sented himself in her box a big fellow
in grotesque lively sixfeetof the finest
flunkey imaginable. Quoth he, in the
finest Hungarian. 'My mistress. Princess
P., has sent me to beg of your ladyship
tho loan of one of your rings for 5 min
utes. '-. Jler Highness has observed them
from lier box opposite, and is very anx
ious to examine one . more vcloscly, aa
she wished to have one made after the:,
pattern.' Without an instant's hesita
tion, the Countess handed 'a ring to
Jeames,' who bowed with" respectful
dignity and retired. The performance
over, the two great ladies met on the
staircase, and the Countess begged her
friend to keep the ring at her conveni
ence. 'What ring, ray dear?' Denoue
ment! Tableau! The "powdered menial'
was no flunkey at all, but a thief; and
the ring was ne. , .
"r- "The police" were informed of the im
pudent trick. Justico seemed to have
-overtaken the culprit in a .very, few
-strides, for next morning the Countess
while still en robe de chumbre, received
a letter informing her that the thief had
been caught, ana tho ring found on his
person." -Only," added the note, the
man stoutly denies the charge, and de
clares tho ring to be his own. To clear
"tip all doubts, please come at once to
.the police station, or send the duplicate
ring by bearer." To draw the second
' fully to the messenger a fine fellow in
full police uniform together with a
iiahdsomo 'tip' for the glorious news,
-was the work of a moment 0:ily when
my lady an hour later betook herself
radiant to the station house to recover
hi-r j-.-wels, a slight mistake came to
. lii.t 'Well, my ringi? I could not
cme myself the instani I got your let
tec. 'What letter, madam?' "Denoue-
"Trront! Tableau No 2! The thief got them
: i Hendricks oa His Colleagues- . .; .
- The Madison (Ind.) Courier prints a
retrospect by ex-GovJ Thomas A. Hen
dricks of his Senatorial career. The
e.-S -nator regards Keverdy Johnson as
the ablest lawyer iu the Senate during
his term. Charles Sumner, : lie says,
succeeded in having more of his views
embodied in . the laws of the country
than any other man. , McUougal, of
California, , excelled all in speeches
made on the spur of the moment Hen
ry S. Lane, of Indiana, had few superi
ors as an orator. Gov. Gi iniesof Iowa,
was as pure a man as ever encored pub
lic life. Collamer, of Vermoh't, was re-,
mailable for ingenuity in debate.
Anthony never gave offence, and was
highly successful. Buckalew, of Penn
sylvania, was a debater of rare force,
and prodnced during tho stress of his
Senatorial duties the ablest book that
has been written on minority represen
tation. Cowan, of the same" State, al
ways came into discussion at the height
of the controversy and was able to
maintain - himself against great odds.
Garret Davis was the most fearless de
bater he ever saw, but not always con
siderate. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, was
the finest orator. Fessenden, of Maine,
was the ablest Senator his State has
produced. He never left a point un
answered, and was the readiest man in
the body. ." John P. Hale was brilliant,
but not studious, and repeated himself.
John Sherman was alwitys prepared for
Action. Trumbull was eminent as a
lawyer and debater. Gov. Morton was
an able leader, but extreme in his ex
pressions; strength and earnestness
were his peculiarities.
' Russians are clever at learning lan
guages. A Sympathetic Agent
A Look-agent was traversing Biddl
Avenue, on Monday, and as he passed
a certain dwelling, he noticed a woman
bending over a little mound under a
maple, in the corner of th ya-d, and
weeping bitterly. "Ah," soliloq nzed
the tender-hearted book-agent, "this
poor woman is likely . suffering , over
some loving child, whom she hath bur
ied beneath the wide-spreading branch
es of that beautiful tree. I willaddress
to her a few. words of condolence.
"Ah, madam, why these tars? Bi
comforted. 'Blessed are the mourners,
for they shall inherit the earth. We
all alike must die and return to dust as
that fair child. , Millions have died and
gone before, for they that tread the
earth are but . a handful to t ie tribes
that slumber in its bos .m. It b. hoove3
us then to waste no time in useless sor
rowing, but be up and doing, and so
live that wheu ouir time shall come we
will approach our grave lika pna who
wraps the drapery of Ids couei about
him and lb s down to pleasant dreams."
Tiio woman arose, the tears stream
ing down her face, and said:
''Whti'T, if you thiik you kin
set out oiii.,i)j wjMiont eryin over it, I
wish't you'd Jist f?7Sr ",er !'IM
try it." ;
The book-agent resumed his travels.
Wyandotte Courier.
hi - ) s- -
EiittU f)n$ZT from Electrio Currents.
There n vd bft n MTZS P.ft3?s of death
within the lastfowy.-ars, but liayo
all been cau-ed by alternating ixjrriwit
machines, which :ire extremely danger
ous when of high eloctromotive f i-Cvi.
The continu us current machines, how
tver, dp not give such suvere shock,
and, in 'th ftpfjjfo" of many scientific
men, ore not dnngM''6u. I hough capa
ble of Iiiflic:lii2 t-QusiU,raj!a' tiiiu..
However, it will be tho uu f of every
electric engineer to lake care to plage
his leads as to mako it almost impossh
bio for any one to touch both at the;
M-nje time.severe shocks being thus ci
tirely prainjtad. . On the; w holt!, were
every home jighed -y e'ectricity and
every factory to reeivo ts '.'pojtfffj.!' .
that form, the danger would nte-'V
less than those which, cxUt now from
eras and boilers. F.r no bad workmau-
ghip or carelessness can by any possi-
ing- wire wM ouly1eiif 3' baps
fuse, instead tif fcu"g tJe flakes with
combustible and oAVUxiVd limt- A?
gas-pipes do Wh"n fused by. tha U
of a burning building. Saturday 2ie
iew. . . . r,
iu SiigLttfM, E'r&f lately a self-acting
organ as iji. i ihutgh The
cion 'earned how bj sjtirjitfjt not
how to itt p it, '"The music 'ut w'ejl
with tho first hytua." It stuped then,
but just as the clergyman completed tha
words. "Liet us pray," the organ click
ed and started a fresh tune. .The audi
ence and "minister sat it out 'patiently,
kVS .U'-diappy sexton grew red in
the i. Lm ip," to find out how to stop
if. At the end of tho flh j'erse of . the
second tnno the minister got up and
again said, "Let us prav," when "click
went-the machine and off it started on
another tune. So tour of the stoutest
4'en ifi flip congregation carried the
thing dot into thb ch;2rnhrar4.'wbero it
continued to click ami play aw&y fr he
rest of the day, getting to its fortieth
tune and the end of its rope towards
evening. -: - - - - . -
n V
Tiir rTrx"7s
'Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbagt
Bacnache, Soreness of . the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell'
ings. and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet arid Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equal St. Jacobs Oil
aa a afe, sure, simple aud cheap External
llomedy A trial entails tut the eumparatrrety
trifling outlay of oO Oats, and every one suffering
with pain can have cheap and positive proof of ita
liirectioni in Eleven Langnages.
- - ' IB MEDICINE. -
Baltimore, 3Id., V. S. A..
AgenU wnteI or Ui Life and lVoi fa mt
Tbeon'vr-oinpli'tesiory of hl noble life and trairlc
death, f'retili.nj iniant. reliable. Klrntly print-
in Kngllali anil Urruuui; mHgiiiaceiilfy Illus
trated: han.lsoiiK'ly IxMinit. FhiIcM hfllniff book
ever ittitilinh.-il. Hy Joint C". Kitlpatli. 1.11.
p Al I'l'Ifl'W lo not buy the catch penny, re
"UU vumpr-d rantpniirn books with
Which the country is fluodt!. They are utterly
Worthlcs:nno;iirHce upon t he meniorvof theorem
di'Ml; anil a bnse frund on the public. This book is
entlrrlv new. The only work worthy-the theme.
Seud fiOc. iii atauaps fur Aeent's Outfit. ,
W. H. McClain, De Motna, lows.
a week iu your own town. T'xuit
fit free. No rivk. Kvei y till new
Capital nit required." We will
fmuisli you everythinp. Many
are. making fortunes. Ladies van
make a much so ivt. and liovx
and iirlf inake preat pay. Header, if ytu want
a business at wiiicli you cau make t;rcat pay air
the time yiit wirk. writi for partiuitlai lo 11.
I1AI.L.KTT & l oruanu fiiauie. ijiy
Loss of appetite.Nauaea,bowel8 costive,
lain in theHead.with a dull Benaation in
the back part. Fain und"erthe ahouldeiv
to e xertion of bod y or mindi
Irritability of temper, Lqwjpmta.ji08f
of memory, with a feeling of haying iieg;
lected some dutj, weariness, Dizzineasj
ITlutterinB oftheJTeart, Dbtabefore the
eyesrYellow Skin.geadache, Keatleia).
neaa at night, highly colored TTrine.
TTTTTS FILLS epeclally adapted to
sucli cases.une dose effects such a change
of feelln g aa to astonish the sufferer.
They Inerenie tb Appetite, and caose the
body to Take on Fl-1. thus the system is
Bourlhrl.and by theirTonir Aetlonon the
Digestive Ortrnna, Kecolar Ktoola are im
duced. Price 25 centa. as M array St. BF.1T.
Grat Hair or WniBKKns changed to aOiossr
Black by a single application of this Dyf- It
imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously.
Bull) by liruuii'" or sent by exjiies oo recmpt of fl.
OfTloe. 35 Murrny St., New Yprk.
Cn,. Tl'I'TS MASr U. mt Taluahle larrllaa ! fa
rwfal ItreelyU will awlled rBSK a Btl4tka,y
FGrCoughs.Col Js, T
Is the Best of Tonics; !
Cures Dyspepsia; u
.Restores theAppette;r
iStmsibeu the System; t
: .Restarcstfie Weak k
jxsmt A trlut of it preys !l 9
T tw ii .laim.A&b Villi, .ll Hju i&l I
for Dr. t'rtHik'i Wiaea
of Tart take no other, r
For sale By all l)rugg:M. M
S. N. SMITH X CO., Prop'r
Satumew to Oil yr Cr k A Ca. U
A valuable Discovery aod Kew Ba. infllbJ
Ical Be lance. A poaitiraly eifectlve HeauMly tot the
peedy and permanent Caru fororaaUic weakness the
deplorable dtaeiise rHeultia? trom iuiliscraet prnctiees
or excesses in youth or at any time of life by the only
true way, viz: Direct Application actinu by Ab
sorption, ana exertinir its speciuo Influence on the
Vesicles, Ducts, and Glnnd, that are unable to per
fhs'r natural funotions while this disease pel1-
' . i T 1 . . . ... I. Laall .
U iitefotieh'ltrttli'ibnlw T J','M'rntn. aod does
. lto nnl on
lug id. null.! u ovuiiu iiii:iiiui jr . 1.7 .
lna the Dimness of Sight. Confusion of Ideas,
Aversion to Society, eu& etc, ana the appearance
of premature old aire usually accompanying this
trouble, and restoring- the vital forces, where they
. hSTe been dormant fur years. This mode of treat
niznt fas stood the tent in fry severe cases, aod is
ti v-f-..-' ,.,o. .i "iircew. Drugs aratoo much pre-ifrrrt-irrtf'f
i.Os w v i and. s 3epycan bear wit
fcifis t3,Mth iShf iirt)-i iiykji,-.uo'i, There
servatwa snm US j:4Aii;rJ."7 Vrt'.sri.ta platit
will Kin eailrivot:or:, It hi. i-"fJ in'rirsl one
for several years and we t9UKAit4i t tosti-
BSoniHls from patients, as to its value, and it Is now
eanceded to be the moit rstiannl means - yet' die.
eovered for rcuu!kf aud turina this very prevalent
trouble, that Is well known to be the eaueof untold
misery to so many.and npoa whom quacks prey with
useless nostrums and big feea. The Kerne y
li-t ui.,.r-;; hoxes.of three s!zes. No. l.leaouirh
Vrlasxai jt fL K;-.., t'j; nucient to effect s per-
E"; rbdHtiAh:'S7.', enbrnial.1..tB'lrinrkwaopeT
iaaJa wjjp$l$t!&' - or ff .will -eoonuany
ntloa- crwr t hr wm hs-mil muu la in
J frfa giving A.natoMifai jtiHtt-tHAf
! ttnt Testimony, which. rfl eemetttee
i xae vnoaf tfjcpt, cut that t hey mh m
Imt areJ eereef CHlfcr and fhe trital
7KWff I.rrvrjnee. v -
HA6ji HHMEqr rn. mfc chemi
Uri 8 H t?ed jestlrn6ny to "IHS'Cfrieacy Of
tlrnony lolfie I
f4tJfJe. taken
vr" patrQtt
, TS. The huimils
iyfrfm weknei(. fori
wtoi, Hrn' p"ey usen fforn lv.-
ters rtcsiowi
Indiana. Anril 1L
fectly. Hadeplleti-iyf
Iowa, Oct. 10th, "IV. I am aliaiwt surprised at your
Pastilles. They have worked iike a charm on me. "I ant
jnat twice aa much of a man aa I was be tore taking. I
was on the verge of the grave, 1 thought, and t hare was
no curs for me, but now I am in good hopes for a cure.
' est- Liii-J". ia,lH7!f 1 received your medi
cine and I believe Uay me. for which I am very
thankful. Inclosed Had As. T:;d me soother
box I No. 2 for a friend. Yon have doatf a a.. ,ag
for me. 1 will send yen all t be orders 1 can. .
From a Physician and Surgeon.
Missouri. Jnne 2R. Please forward me another box
of the Pastilies. The pntient on whom 1 have need
cf one box, lo additian to a sample boa. hi fast
tjniTiCS. itli i inw wi'l st tiitl ail rWht.
.... i ,ii ! i -rrj .-
From a brujaeC
' Marylsad, Sent. Last January srs. est task of
your Kerned y for one ofour customers, and it has nut
a perfect care of him. We have another customer now
aerMlaT in the saiue way, and i.U one No. a box.
yrfV A --?. -f tH
m -- ra - , . zr r. m P
h m h h rv r ? cii ,-, e
- it' Mr aws r wl' - .t ;
Derroaa orKaulzaLiou w reckea ffiH vU-Hvt c!K,It or
xeesees. etoDDlas tae drain from ttie xv.loba. ,urv
' AVD "
Wagon, Buggy t .Machine and Plow re
' ,- pairing, and general jobbing
I ara now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
. of farm and ther machinery, as there
la a good lathe in my .shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge'Of the' wagon, shop.
He Is well known as a
Kew Wacons ' and Bnsslra made to
Shop on Sixth street aoposite Ptreieht's Statle
. Plattaauoath - Xebrttska
Repairer- of ,. Steam Engines, Boilers,
. . Saio.and Grist Mills,
Wrought Iron Pipe. Force :tud Lift I'ipes.Steam
Gauges, Kafety Valve Governors and all
Kitttli of rtrass Kngine Fittings, -,
repaired on short notice.
Also all kinds of
A. G r&AT'l
.. -.w. Clean, First. Class JJvat Shop,
onMyin Street Corner of 51 V . Hattsinoutli
Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat.
2-; 1.08
In t lie . f the Uoniior ' st;ille.-
i . . . , . ...
. - r GOOD II.VU1)
F i r s t - C lass H r i li ,
, .. ; NOW
Will do Cmitract Vt)ik and Gu.irstntee
Satisfaction. ....
' J. HONS & SON,
..; 15m3 Plattbtnoutli, Neb!
Procured for e.y. f'iI-
aicrs tasablua Ji; t::o
S. Ecrvice frcirx
rir of deceased soldier
The ttighutt duabiUty entitled to pension
IU l-i O K 111 W It tirfiW bW 1
:B(Mtriandnpditerofrrocurff. Thrive l:i
5 doubt as to whether entitled to anything
ahould Bond two 3c. stumps for our Clr-
enlar of Information.'11 Address, tit'i
stamps, STODDAItT & fO. Solicitors of Oait
and Fatcnts. 413 G EL, N. Vail.ingtoii, L. C
Pilrty SIx Virietie of Csbbag-e j S ef Cora t s of Coram.
ber : 4 of Melons S3 of Peas ; s8 of Beans : t; of Squash ; j
of Beet and of Tomato, with other varieties in proportion, a
tare oortian of which were rrown on my nve seed farms, will
be found in my Vegetable and Flower Seed Catalogue
ferl88S. Sent krib to all who apply. Cu.toraersof last
Season need not write for it. All Seed sold from my establish.
saent warranted to be both fresh and true to name, so far, that
should It prove otherwise, I will refill "the" ordt-r rlis. The
rlarlnal Intvwdoeeref Early Okie and Itnrbank Pots
toca. Msrblehead Earl, Cora, the Hubbard Stinidb
Marfalehead Cnbbaco, PhlDncy's Mrron. and a score of
other new.Veircta'.iics. 1 inrite tlie ojtruaai.'' u,e public
New Veg-etables a Specialty.
. JT. II. Crrcorj, YarMch?iuJ, Mm.
" Flour, Corn Meal Feed
Alwavs on hand and for sale at lowest canh
prices. -The highest prices paid for. Wheat and
Corn. Particular attention given castoin work.
urHY 111 UUIl a. ut ?
ever tliccoveretl. as It U certain In Its effects
and does not Mister. Also excellent for hu
man ilesli. -READ PROOF BELOW.
COl,, Jj; T. FOSTER.
, ': Youngstown. Ohio, May a, foSO.
Uit, B. J. Kesdali- Si Co., Gent : -I had a
very valnahle Hambletonian eolt which I prized,
verv highly, he had a larse bone spavin on one
Joint and a small one on the other which made
him jf ry lame Miad him under the charge of
two VtlJj!rV"Ur.PP;'S -i bi'.li. failed to cure
of Kendall's Spavin Ciu-e in the Chioao Ex
press,' I determined at once to try It, they or
dered three bottler" ; I totik lliem all ani
thought I would give it a thorough trial. I nsed
it according to directions aud the fourth day.
the cult ceased to be lame, and the lumps have
disappeared. I used but one bottle and the:
.colli; 1 re .a U"ee irom lumps aim us
very Uespecifully,
-KenflalFs Suaviii Care
ON HUMAN FLESH. j Mil's, Wah Co., N. Y. Feb.' 21st. 1878.
IVk;;. y.'r.'-XVrA; r: T i- pa t-ct-
Cure wtM n mrtliUKwhr ftialt. t,rnl(n. fif ki'-FfK'
months stitiwilnrf. 1 hail tiled iiiany tiuoisa, but
la vain. Your Spavin cure put lliu foot: to tiie
ground apain, and for the first time since "hurt,
fn a natural punition. For a family liniment it
excels anything we ever used.
. Yours Truly.
Rkv.-M. P.BELL,
fepBri , mv'tyi ,Vir;fersn
we think itive. putivst It N.P
reined v has ever met with sttiuil Uiitittalmed suii.
ces to our knowledge, for beuHt a well aa
Stce. per Ixittle, or ix bottles for $5. All
DnJughos nave It or can get it for you. or it
EiiowbilUS'lillUV . -
!bj ii K(1frt, flia Tili-
win .fiirr V'tii. dliil;iV
and upwards mafle at !. uy
the indu-trlous. .Men. wi-mrn, boys and giil
w anted everywhere to work lor us. Now is t he
ttM.e Vou can work in spare time otdy, or icive
viMrfVh1 tine to the bu.ines s. You can live
if home ahtt ii.i .Vo nb.r bu-siness
will pay you nearl a ll. sao . ,
make enormous pay by eng fginu' at oncetV
ly outfit and ten-i free," Money made fwK'. eas
ily and 1m n.rablv. - Address ; . , . .
"5(y ; Tuk & Co.. Aiigu.-ta, aLiihe,
"a aiIIS,A W'sN 4 CD E"" '
AGsUlTSsZi-s"' fwi.a.'r'ha '
i. reswcasJM lf (t, ?M!k'fV3; fo-;1; ?TS
I J I any Also lor iu.
VT'?fi'"S Vfck
- w
' " ' :!
p. ti - m
.X - - JJf-
Rimmjil'hVk-.i .."; ;:i "are. Jie irs eniiro
ly carMf'' lt.t rtMr.!t o-T.Biii.,kft:.;c Hi - I
let uvi, u vC iMrWWS? flT? !r-:i:li"!n
two butt It's, xfho mio h.iw usYng j,. '
Is the Old Favorite an i
xmucii,,ATi xxiwTE3
Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and St Joseph,
sy York, Boston !
And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST.
1 NearTr I 000 miles. Solid Smooth Slccl Track. ATi
ci:iiHHii:is w miide in I NRiN J)KI 'l'5. It tins
it N:itinrml llepiitntion as beinK T1IK GlIB.VT
THUOl't; 11 t'AIJ 1.1NK. nnil l timverKallv ctmciHled
in b THK KINKST KyL'Il'l'EU ItailriMiti in the
""i.rld for nil c!h;!i! t' travel.
Try it. and you will find iruvelUnt a luxury instead
uf a dinctnufort.
Throinth Tickets vin tins Celebrated Line forsalo
at nil offices in the West.
All Infornitition nhout Itatcs of Fare. Slcepinir Car
AcconiniMtiilKMiH. 'i'inie Tables, c, will bo clieer
lully :ivcu by applyuiK to
3.1 Vice Prei t A Oen'l Manager. Geu'l Fasrnger Agt.,
Chicago, Ills. Chicago, Ills-
Garrnore's Artificial Ear Drums.
Aa Invented and wore by Mm arfeetly Witorins tha
svsa whispers. distinctly. Are not observable, sna rs-
main in pnsitaoa withoat aid. uescnpsivs votuim
U ACTION i Do not be deesivsd by boras ear drums, slms
t . , a at i 1 Tsmsv m sm an n tastnr'Mii
as nm 01117 iqcovhi.i vuuum m viua MM-w.
John hkrvmns 8.W. Cor. Mh A R Stt.. CineiBPti.
A R00K of Rare Orilnallty-entltled
T -treat Droblem nolv!. . Tha indiridiiftl Rinfullr aoiu
c&rd to FduCrition. HomA. SociAtv. Ftlnutt-
iarq irum ! ww vi iwiiuimiij vj maburi vj ,in
Dress. Lb ye Marrlase. Rust
nafltft. flfda ilUtf
hmid-Kateri are to 6 brcud- H ifinrri,
1 b Tu.amt ftbovndai im ttrJcinir thmffhU,rtT informtitioa
and intn cnnuaotMeDS. Full-pr colored plfctei ach a Eenti vyantea tvervvvner
LMsud for cinm
liar, run af
A1cri'Dti3rl. terma -AfL. AVi4irMAa
W BVAf t W ikTJ a. jt- . w w m -
f.!AS0M BEST in the WORLD I
- a ai rt wJaners of M ?h est dl stlnctlon at eei
ANU - Gteat World's Fair for fourteen year
HAlilLllI 4to. U ready this month, and will
"M as. sanaa fra. a n v aiidress. anncuncir
UilUMlfO Nw Sttles; over HiOin all. w,
Prices, 2S, 30. fSATfiio, S4 to 500 and xxTi also for
ass payment, ASON fc nAMIiS OKGAN C O., 354
tif k "a f TT f r A ft
0,000 Axrenta TTaated for XAfe ot
'It contains the full history of his noble and eventful Ufa
anrifiAHtartllv asKaHsiuation. burirical treatment, death.
funeral obsequies, etc. The best chance of your life to
mskamnnev. Bewareof "catchDennv" imitations. This
Is theonly authentic and fully illustrated lifeof onr niar
tyred iresident. Fine steel poriralis. Eitra terms to
ALTellln. circulars tree.
Address Katiomal Pcai.isHine Co., St. Txais, Xo.
Is niutle Irom a nimpic 'I'ropieal Leaf of Hare
value, anil is a a'owitiv itemedy tor all the
diseases that cause pains in the lower part of
me noil y uir xorpiu i.iver iieauiicncs ,1:11111
dice llziness. tiiiAvel. Malaria.- and all dini
culfie." of the Kidneys. Liver and I'linai v )r-
(.'ans. rorremiiie HixfaneH. 31011111IV .Men
ttrnalioii. and duiinu l'leciiancv. it. lias no
Hiilial. It. restore tlie nr?;ur tliat make the
1.1. .ii. ana neiico li tne i.e.t iciooil run ner,
It is the only known remedy that cures that
seounre, nrislit'is Dhpswe. For liabetes.
use narnrm !jare Ifiaiiet'! :ure.
For Sale by IMurei-ts and Dealers at 31.23
per bottle. J .argent bottle in the market, iry it.
II. II. WAKXElt & Cf.. Rochester. N. Y.
U:st Fragrant & Ee&estia? cf Perries
Z Jl. H t. . B
r-xceecisgsy ueiicaia ana La:?!.--.
Trice, 25 cts.; "Larr-a E2ttle3, 7S cC;.
Sold by dealfcrs in Dmyi A Fvriumery. Sijrau-jii 01" lii
tii Co., N. T., ob .vsry bottle.
Parker's mum mm:
"- The Meiii?irig fr,v typry Family.
Madefrom Ginger, Luclm Mardml-r. SulIinQia, j
and other of tlie best vcjcuible rciacV.u-s known, 3
Tarkhr's Ginger Tonic has rrmnrUnLiy v.iti.I j
tunuvepoweni, cc isine greatest . i'ma.:ri Lorrxt- M
or, liioodl'uruteraiid Liver KeuLi.i-rtvermailL- f
The Best Medicine Youca- Xk
forTvRstoring Heal tli & & ire. :
-4 1
: tu
- I f ("'''W-rs W fcl aom th; aivt f.n.e, .t.!ilj
out tlie vcnk oap, ana i v...i"i:e-'' 1 I i e c.r
help all diseases of th Pontk, f-tf.m..c't. IA k! 3
Kidneys, Liver, Urinarj'(rsan, allCuiepkii- t.n.f j
nomtn, iervoiisncss, iicculcssness; l.jicUi:- 4
tisra and Droukeanes.s. J
Tryabottietolay; it my nve yorrl'fj. raf..
and !fi sizes at:illdnigits. lCvoryjcn'iinf
hui ,tx- jrijmire ou outside wrapu-. rii.vjc; i :';.
Co., H.' "".'' Jjrpe ;iH3ji j:t liuy.;; ?i cLs. 5
- . 1 .
Jnst Wba i Wftiitea.
- F.verj-boiJy whose hair is gray or Eulrd hr-s felt
ti,s n.ii if ,i Haij'Ji'csjorv m d rl;cii: 5 tl:; t ii
cleanly, agrceubly prfnid A t .rt-' 5 -
kcr's H?ir p's''" s-jjisilc: i!.-j r .1.-: I
thess rcrpects. S.-.a i-jt-t.': .1- ...
.- - .a if ri ! f
eousir 'COHE-
All Diseasos
Of Ml
jjjj) iMssr.
TOLP has ai-vsyg
bseit one of t'as th&vf
'rcportanf wespo'ii
vTieload b lfeM4.
leal iacofty ;iat
ths encroachment
of the above Dis
eases, but 11 has nsrv-
r been so advauta
gsoasly compound.
- ri T iwmc
ItlMlk'j 'IOI4L
V.OCK ajj Rya.ts
soothlne BiMiajo
propttUei lafford a
lAi -'7,.- l-'ii a:iiusrve sumnlar t.
1 1 1 r u j f . .
7 )!!KJ ts Uf t rs
u siuf ti te& jcj6it;f ir
r lJTIAfJ rDon1 b deeelvarl he de1sM
Unb I lUil 1 wno try to paira o3 Rock and
Kye ir L!;skc A Mtt 1K TOLU, KOCK
mi U s I (iriii is the only MKIHOATHD ir.
tide inn.K' th L-emiiue has a PliiVATfi DIH
r ;;:'.,' m ! n'icac(i bottla.
Pu'. up 'J Q-i'iit'Sisi 33UU. i rics
TOIU; liOClt :.& IlYE cdl Pro'iii
A? . war msh's . : .
wrt 7-je 1 - . i-z.
it:' r?r?3?
1 " " ' " : 1.
j " SI .
A complete stock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
AVe carrv the Li-t Ptcok of OANNKI) GOODS in this City.
C. S. Malta's "Oli Belialilc".
Goods teliercd Tree in any part of Ut; cliy..
- " 1 1 -1 1 1
fulfil III toiiJ-lXfefSH
:: M r. ',.- s
k-' f?-st?-3 ; '--!-;vv.; -' ' V f-s t.- vf -9
Contains Pepsin, Rhubarb, ' Tilandrako f Gentian
And cure3 Dvspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Bllliousneej ami all tlernngenit'iit
of tlie Stomach arising from over-eating and drinking. I rcpared .my by
LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, and for sale by all
.D o
The Old Grocery & Dry
Goods Stand.
Although Lection is over we are not done scMin f,'(M)iis. Iy a Inns; sltof.
. it
OU WILL FIND AT F.S. WHITE'S ON i; Or 7 .7;; ..:;. 1
BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL A'A.S .V i . j: , . ...
.... -
. ' .ilaa'ia even
Tho nicest fSrcen Winter Apj.les for sale. Over 'Z'.lCi r, ..1 r I .-; l. v. : 1 IIjc
Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLC v
.: ,s: ir. 7 '..',
Great eliaiiee ti !n:i!;r 11:011
ey. Tlior".. vlu ;il:.v !;;k
advantage .f Hip en m1
chances for iiiakjn iin.ii
that are ollered, i?crri-,i;i
betomc wp:i1L1i v. wliilrtlipv
who do not improve such cliaurert remain ii:
poverty. We want mnv men. women, lxivs ami
girls to work for us 1 llit in tlieirow ti loealities.
Any one can do t lie work v from the
Jln-t start. The liiiiii.-s will pay more than ten
tunes ordinary whui-h. j-.xpen.ive outllt lui riisli
ed free. No one wiio engages falls to make mon
ey rapidly. Vmi r;m devote your vt hlc time to
the work, or only your spiire'inoinents. Kullin
formation and all th:it i neeiled s n! iw. Ail
dress 35ly Stixsox & Co.. r-err'aini.Me-
Furnishes yjeeh, Ture Milk
. ri;ri vi:ki;i , daily,
Special call attended to. and Freeh Mil
from same cow furuUhed when wanted. 41-
Wstcbrs, filOTWtaileritTSO. Whtlmni-tal Hontlnnii.
5. I mitstlon sold US. bull.lltalcJIlI. Cbirst Slid sci
lor your om o or spcrulslivs pir tusvs. V.Jusulers.
slocuefrce. TUOaesoi Si IU., I ii Aswan St. htm lurk.
fPiTTv -.- oiirt.'rf!.
t. ,-.1.1...,, wr-f tfca.
SI . i .1, a In t row 1713 U1.11. '.Vlil.kBr. or i.u.toi'.t
la tftav (r..titc1
imwa t- Co., 11 Clinton !ics, Tfcir x'era..
. . , , ' ' , '.
SI 7 Ht. Cliarle-j Sli-ec-t.-'SC Loai.-,2ro.
ori'i'x i:. iit''i t n:;i i-. -v v. icrl'li ':.. in is-f . J.o-.'n.n
ritir'ji.. .: r.j?-.:.ti'J v.U vld rtl-lut lvrnw. S;-:hilii.
Urinary Hyj;i or Xlorc-j.?-:U Awccuo-aii oi
E.ieinavC j:-:r?a SyxfU Vrjuii-t fta-i iUii tncv
to .iiti rolf-A r-xuii cxt:su in uiuiurer
JT. docay, avcrwo. no Mot y confrirtiort ot
l-u.-iB. itJboi sxu;ii povrcr.nif.'ii I'.:--fi.r!1.rii. rnnr-
i;i ' 1 ii: ;i c psi',i'. re PC r m u -n -. : ' ? c u -ud . . ; t tio a
tuiltcj-or mnil rre ncl .-.vit.l. : t,"'. M.jJi(i'v,ri tout1. Iy rnd nr eirrs.. 'urn
T SiiMVeVMi. tv ntdfMibt "t:-s it ia Uunn'r M atl.
pirn- 1 turner
1 oo wft'.r. .i ( i.Z. !f7it ITI-.U-IO h:, on the
foiiowia.; s ;'t;!w.:f Vi'ui 1 i 'tl ii rr.'t, h i r.nt, why.
.Muo boo. I, WoiuanSnoil, l'bynkal d.. ;,r. VVh inlmulj
m.irry : h- f llf jiin I iaipinf: m;tvty iaefee;! ;.ifert
jf celtbacy r.n 1 i-ice., un.i t-u-uy iiiorn. Thoo r-ia.-riw.!
or oontemi. latin mn'riw-e.v'i'. i:.i rJ Itfion keepoo.
derkckon1 kov. 2 5 crs L hr m I In 010C7 ar k
tage. Kripllah OeT-ri-;r. yrr-ncb rend unci i-poken.
WeakBat.4. 1ost.Mmiliooa. Nen.,.i,OWWl
Oontasioa of lilnas. Aversion to Koeiety
r.r-" lilrHrrs i.rqj?Ht an hy Self. .
Atus.-: A arxit4-'i't ? s
Orrra1'e J iWt' v. t1 It1 H t f !
1 v. .
wonnpi H-f .... it. ijoais -
70S Chesnut S. 5t. Louia, Sflo. at old ofBca.
coouduh u cure faDermau.rro.jet, tiam uoti WciaJc
ness, Impotency.BM fo-Ti oi Byphtl Oonorrhcea,
01eet, Uruiaryortiliiadrai.'eaiM. "Kocent c:um
eared .in a f-v oars. All the d;seH3 riMM!in2 from
Sfelf-abose, or ptw-re cored for 1 ife ittt info
i . . i. jur(i low, 1.11 or
al the ,,4, tt"l w l9ss, i. .,.-.f 't
n urimnug 1 uiuijim, '.niut wu M.KUi or w
i'o.siinous Medicines pnrt st mmIi. szueaae.
YOUNG MEN and those of middle; a vrbo a
1 i asiaaSBBsMaa suarioa from orfranic war
aees tnat onflts its vu tims lor IiumneM or aiartii.
rrminently ctiretL e mfxlsn.te eipeniis).
b. Mail sad Erpr .
but iK)iib.-
1 -tiled free to anr a4rit uo ( ic.iton. 1
leva iw4itteUt K k.r wtYaUf. j.u PB4' ,
Cmmri.ra1i n(fTrf!fV mafi, .4 t be AdJrrtue
3 tSJa ri
" OISaPEfilSaP V ' A of Tonaxlr.l ir.-prvcno. cn.::, l-rrrnv
' asa flByfai Jj a ,iure 1r,r (.rvous D-.i,;tv, l,tt j:aulil, eu
Iiillilei 1317 1 13 y e- . ' ' taviug tr-d ia aia evtry k'uowu rc:ii -t!v. lmn dts-
MIFF. Pbvsicans iu cha-ce of tl,;. ,aa .TV'Tt'i, ' covrn d a einiplfi Ec!f r-ir, xrrcU b v'.l v ivl Kl'.KB
1 ...wS M- W'ownfirra. a.M:. r- J. If. KIXVKH. .
;;re-ry. leara or ilxpcrienoc i..,. 'aim. -rrt .' ' f '. f t., jr. j '
t.iironia Dikaum n. ...... . .. . . . - 1 .
-- : ' 11. .V .Uf T K". 'f it .Dl,
u nun Ut-.rjor to tbat of tl. orJ.& v Vr.-titi' r,.
tiiat thev h!v ecouired a nttional reput.ii.ou trciij
Heir lrFitm.nt! wmiili,.si.l ' .
P." as K2
Teas a Specialty ffj
Brant of'Balliinorc Oysters.
rV"? 'Tp Air.
.r. r7
1 rv l f
' I i it 5tf , i'.Antt
. . r . ... ...r it. i.1r.-v..
U CJ fltroit, MicV
r i i i- ; ' f ' I r
f mnjortty of the ilia ujfie iiitUHft
J prise from ti tcin wjrmfK t of e.
I.'trf nfftftiitrf loth thfuloutuch Mod
is. ii nidi r in etfi ct n cure, it im
nccetsarj tu ronton- trie rati. IrreQtt--Ittr
and MilfyiWi nrtiim of'tlir ftoirrln,"
lit nthtclie'Sii hiit ztl nl t , St 0,,,irh, I'aln
in the Jlarkautl J.olii s,t tr Indicate that
the IAcer i at f-tull. an that nature rt-
a-ulrrn asnlnl.1 rr l i-nnhif 'tlti i onjan to"
' I'.v.ily SSiftf r .f-rt't,,
tl iiilii.J t.r ;. ;., ... Ihrij
inil'l in tin ir a i hm n i,,l i j;.-,iire a'u it
care; arc jilcnsatit lo tl.r inntr a nil taken
. eatily t.g t,oth hililrrn anil nil, ill: Ta
ken acw -1 : .', o dtr'-cllalik, thuj are n
mafean ' -l ana 1, t cm , 1 Dysiicpsla,
Cen: r.l rj?IJity,Htililual Ccn.
Htlno2ti, ijiivrt i?;iM;ya,
i.. if. .- r fn "rT 11 r I'".-, ,
sr ...... i.'i.v. , .1- r. v
V'. - V' ?'- ' f' v.; ti.s
. Ui 1 .tm "19i rt. ttMtff, 4
. im ft-n iins; i,cn life fin' ftfriiil the in
nihil, il ia a iiKC.ciru ami r:ot
Inixlc;tltl,V h. r. rtijr.
ASK TCUR CRL'CttST fC fri.l iSU :TUaS,
take 00 o:her. TPICT. l O0 per Bottle.
,u i..ji- aJ t-
"r. i iicnorrhf. or luii?- Vr..
lib Wk tiSs, th0Ti:4 br ri! vvuney
,J'i,i,oS'1',Ts lih..nt rll. Sil.ibr !l Prtav.
X 1 """'cor Fein .irr ....- i.l. on ri.-eivt of nnos to sn r
Z . pifioi r. . :i:i vr w.tfuv ut i.icink oo.
Wrral Avmi... r-ivciN.NATI, O. PU tn.uuoa UiU fspcr.
" p 'J , f'i) "7 f'-iy f -T.t..H vi'l. f-r-t'S-
! gjpg fLP.,-.'.!:.V ,V'1
B S ri"-.C J s-vf.rlH -.''. ' ,-4
tl w j
-s.. .-.-saaw ,' . Z- r-- 'isr-