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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1882)
The Herald. The Herald; B ADVEBTI1IXO BATBO. Pl'KLISltED EVERY THURSDAY, AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. O X-' ZZ C IE : Otf Vln St., One Block Nortli or Main, r. of Fifth Street. i ajyi C&ihbi cf. 3-7 Pj;;r ic Css (kity. fermsln Aitvanct: One eojiy. one y '. S2.M 'lneopy, kix nmnVfe.i, 1.0O On copy, three li-.oul !:,. 50 MtAcm 1 1 w. 1 2 w. 1 1 w. 1 1 m.1 1 M.I I m.1 I yr, 1 qr...!fl 00 $t 60 f3 00 f3bn f.100 $100 1000 1300 28 00 40 00 00 00 $12 M 10 Of S0 0 as m 60 (ft 100 0 2tgrs 1 60 300 3 75 2T. 4 lf 13 00 100 3500 050 J HIM. H col li eol.. 1 col... 3 00 6 00 SOO 1A00 2 75 00 13 00 IS 00 4 00 n oo 2J00 10 00 1600 30 00 43 00 tsn All Adrertlslni BUla Dao QuarUrlj. 3T Trantletit Xdvertlimoct matt T la AdTno. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor.) 66 PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." (TERMS : $2.00 a Year. rSTExtr Copies of the ITzeald for ! t J. r.TouMa. at tb Poit-Omee Nwi Dp( Malo Streot. VOTJTME XVII. S PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1882. NUMBER 4G. V JL nj Y. 4 IV 1 F IK S T " National Bank OK PLAfTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, loli.v Kit.:KRAI-D . IC DoVKV A. V. M-Lai .illl.IX. ! 11 O K1 l'.Ett President. Vice ITesident. Cashier. .... Assistant Caahier. Tills Hank is now opn for business at their 'sew room, comer Mam and Sixth .streets, and Ia iei:irel to transact a general BANKING BUSINESS. fetotlt. Bond. Colli, Government and Local Socuritia Kor;UT AND SOU). lh-fo.itx Rewired owl Interest Alloirt t1 on Time Certificate. DRA.PT3 JDZR-jWlSr, IvaiLihle in any l.tit f Hit United Htates and In all tin- Principal Towns and Cities ot Europe. i u s:ts rou tiii: celerrated nman Line and Allan Line ' OF MTF.AJir.Kft. fVin wishing to bring out tl-ir friends froir F.kmpp can I'l H IIASK IH'KKTfl KKDM 18 . Thro ii r Ii to I' I a 1 1 n m o n t h . WEEPING WATER BANK or ...:i:t mios. This Rank is now open for the transaction of a GIB Banking Exchange Business. HKI'OMITN ):-ci-ivrd, and I nlerest allowed on Time Certi ficates, lilt A FT Drawn, and available in the principal towns and I'ilies i.f the United Sidles and Europe. o Agent fur the eehlrated IleiM lie of Steamers. Puri-hast: j otir ticli-ts fiom us, Through from Europe 1o any Point in the West. REED P.UOS.. 21. f Weeping Water, Neb. to xyL't DAVID.LAKDRETH S.SDK'3. PHiLAj MONARCH BILLIARD HALL! Xrt ( ll. r.ild IJI.m k, l'l.ATTSMOl'TII, - - NFBKASKA. Fourth ibmreaxt of the P. O. Pwooms Newly Fitted up With MOXAstrw taih.s:s. Cigars & Temperane Drinks On hand at the counter. It is a wide and spacious Hail ; plenty of room lor playcr mjiI for visitors. P. P.. MUUfllY. HIT Prop. E. SAGE Successor to SAUK P.lti'iTHFIt. Dealer in STO"V"ES, tinwa re, sheet iron, zin :: ' At the old Stand opp.wite the new Haiti. PUMPS, GAS-FITTING, A1.SO Making & Repairing Done. P. .1.11 VNSK.N. C E. ClIASSOT. Notary Public. H ANSEN & GHASSOT Dealers In (Jrumies, Provisions ami Crockery. AUF.N'TS, FOR TIIF. OEUMAMA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, New -Yolk. HERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fieeport.-III. ' Al I LW A V K EE MIX 1 1 A NH"S Mil I'A L. M ilwankee. Wis. V EST E UN HoliSK AND CATTl.K IN. CO.. Omaha. Neb. JlAMllCKO AMEUUWN STEAMSHIP PACK ET COMPANY. NOKTII OEllMAN l.I.OYI). .STEAMSHIPS P.F.TWF.KS HAMlinifi. PKEMEN AND NEW YOKK. tly CI SEND iFOS - vV X' f o s 3 S i X i r-S S M If fj ? .--'g.5-g 1 .1 ! i iNKW IlllHiK YARD. I have nw a new Hnck-M iki-r fnini lh cast First-Class Workman. 130,000 No. i Brick Kow Heart v an-1 tr sale. -oni and Examine then fur Youn-eHes. If lUey faHAn a man off gftc hH head. Will Uiersol. lor a Quanlily xi Brick. I ato ulso toff. reaJj'. to Contract for all kimls of buildings and to put up any kind of work in Brick wanted. JERRY IIAKTMAX. At mv place on Wai-hfugfon Avenue or at F. s. White1- sun-e on Uato Mreeh Platuwouth. ebraaka. mj -2 I f 3 MASOU & HAMLIN (From Ole I'.ull, the world-renowned violinist. I have pleasure In tesfifj lug to the excellence of your Cabinet Organ, which seem to me to excel all instruments of the class 1 have ever .seen. Their fine quality of tone Ls in contrast witU that of other reed organs, ard the auto matic swell, vox hnmaiia. resonant caes, and other recent improvement are o admirable as to greatly Increase- the art ii-t ie value and use fulness of the iliMnuneijt. OUC HIT.I Over 125,000 Sold, and there are hundreds of orders behind, notwithstanding the fact that the compa ny have the two most extensive factories in the world. THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. make only the kkst quality of work. Much va lidly is offered in sie, capacity, style of case, elegance of finidi and orna mentation ; but throughout the whole will be found the same thoroughly bet material and workmanship. Easiest Payments. Lowest Prices for Cash. JAMES PETTEE, eneral Agent. Plattsmouth, - Neb. HEAD! HEAD! 'JIOKltIS O'ROURKE again comes to the fiont with : mag- niljceiit line of Piece 0-ooc3-S for his winter tralo. Ir. O'lvoiuke is known far and wiU' as a tirst t lass CUTTER AM) FITTER. Rvery j:innont warrantovl to scit in' every particular. Kverv one who really wants a irood fit, calls on hiin. ' Co thou ami tlo ikewise." Shop opposite the (Joint House, on lower Main St. Frank ITiemalT, a-MANlTFACTCRER OF On M.Un Street, opposite Court House. made to order. Aiso a Rood tine of Kmoker's Articles of all kind. Tobaccos. &c, &c. 33m3 riGk Yard ! t:wid Pi ick, for ale a soon as burned, at FRED. LEHNHOFF'S lilJICK VAill), "W-STrliXsTGTOlT AVE., lMatfsnioiilSi. Ael. Dtf HENRY BCEOK DEALER IN 131 2? 212 1 11 37 C, SAFES, CHAIRS, KTC, KTC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC B URIAL CASES WOODEN" COJPFTJSrS Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for casU 21 Y FINE HEARSE " IS KOW-READY FOR SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage, invite all to call and examine my UliGE STOCK OK l.-af. Fl'KSTl'tE AM) COVFIXH MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE allOEINUf " . AND ''; " ' " WAGON KEPAIRINti ' L ' All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly d- Promplp :0 Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything" that ha four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. a Filth St between Main ana Vine Streets. ut aeroit uoruisr Ironi Uie skw HERA I okkick. luy AUK.VTM WAXTI for thelsest1 and Fast est Selliug Pictorial Hooks and Bibles. Price redikitdai iM-r ceut. National l'ublishinr t o, SU Loulwo. wtis 71 PROFESSIONAL CARDS l. J. t.. HrGKKA, IOMJCI'THIO l'HYSICIAV. Offlee over V. V.Mathew's Hardware Store, rlattsniouth.Ne- raska. 7ly Ilt. A. KALISKraV, DBUTIST. Ulice over Mnilli. I'.lack & tin's. Inie Store First class dentistry at reasonable price. J3ly i V. CI,L"TTKK. DE1TTIST. 1'Iattnuioutli. XebraNk. Office on Main Street over Solomon & Na .ban's Store. 34ly IK. II. HKADK, PHYSICI AN and SURGEON, office in Fitz gerald liiock, which will be open day or night. 2ltt O. II. 104;K, .11. 1. PRACTISINorilYSICIAX. OfTlce and Drue Store, Main St, near Third I'lattsinouth. Neb, iny It. It. liIVIXIi!TO. M. rnvmriAX & rchokox. OFFICE HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. in. Mxanuiilr.i; tsurgeon lor u. n. rensuni. M. A. HAItTUiA. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. Will prac-ti-e in the State and Federal Courts. Residence 3Tly Plattsmouth, Nkb. JAN. H. JIATHKWH ATTORNKV AT LAW. f Mice over Baker Sc Atwood'u store, couth side ot Main between 5th and 0th streets, liltf WILL . WISE, COLLECTIONS H SPXCIrt&Tl. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In- urance and Collection Apency. Oftice in Fitz gerald's block. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 22m3 K. K. Wimiih ah. D, A. Oampb Ki.r. , Notary Pub. W IMIII All A. CAMPBKLI,, ATTOISXKVS AT 1W. Plattsmouth, - - : - Nebraska. ;i:o. n.suitii. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention uiven to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate, Onioo en 2d Moor -over Post Ollice. I'lattsinouth, Nebraska. 4yi. 'l.lLWIIKiaER&CO. r w ix?t?ff INt-ife. Virf nnd I.lfeTn- surance Agents. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -pay ere. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real ectate, negotiate plans. &c. . ...... I5yl - JAMRS K. MOUKISO.V Notary I'ublic. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prasnce in Cass and adjoining Counties ; ives Seciai attention to collections ana aostraets oi line, urace in Fitzgerald Block, riattsmoutli, Nebraska. 17V1 ' ' . IHC. H. Mll.bKK, - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iin be found lv e;illin!r at his office. South side of Main Street, between Sixth and Seventh. will confine himself more esjicciauy to town raelice. 4'.'ly Pl.ATTSMtiUTif. NKBRASKA. Tlie irand Central Hotel A r SOiTTII BEND. NEB.. . 13 Y" JDTZ. 131. IdIaCE, House newly fitted up. Every thing nw and neat. - Meals and Lodging at Reasona ble rates. Call amf try u. DEALER IN Hardware, Cdtlery, Hails, Iron, M'agron Stocli, 3?antt ;fEncTjinr4 STOVES and TIN-WARE, li on, Wood Sto:l:, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, ROPE, AND ALL KINDS OF SHEET IRON WORK, Kept in Stock. Making and Ilesmlrln?, DONE WITH NEATNESS & DISPATCH. All Work Warranted. 4111 NEW FURNITURE STORE! HARRIS & UNRUH, DKALKIM IN FURNITURE g COFFINS, and an klml ot goods usually Kept in a ft KMT CLASS FritXlTIItK MTOKK Also, a very complete tock of Funeral Goods, Coflns, Caskets, Robes, EMBLEMS, &e. Special attention given to the proper care of the dead, nluht or day. A flift-claxs hear.e and carriages, with personal attendance whenever desired, Chausks always kkaso.n aui.k. South Side Isxcer Main Street, 21tl3 PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. JOILN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABILE, ; Carriages always on Hand HEARSE FUNERALS. take irbTics 1 I want all of my accounts settled to date, aii't I shall do no oiore credit business. All old accounts must be settled up, and no new ones w ill be made. Unless such accounts are ttettied hrtly they will be sued. 1 wish to do a stiictly cvsh business fut ure JOHN SHANXh.i. Plattsmouth. Neb, JONES & EIKENBARY SucceforH to Jones & Agcew. Again takts charge, of the Old Brick Livery Stable PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA. The old Bonner Stables. In Plattsmouth, are now leased bv Jones & Eikcubarv and they have on hand New ai.d liaiidooine accommoda tions, in the shhe of HORDES, CARRIAGES, JWQQIES, and SADDLE HORSES. We are now prepared to keep HORSES FOR SALE TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Tcrnis. ALSO UEMEMIJF.R, That with plenty of room (that every one knowp we have) iu our stable, we can Ret r"riii er' Ktockand wagons, loads of hay, io., unucr civer, where ihey will keep dry. nil the old patrons for their liberali ty, we so.ielt their trade forthe future, satisfied that we can accommodate them better and do better by them than ever before. 501y JONES & EIKXBAKV. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. State directory. C. H. VAN WYCK. U. S. Senator. Neb. City. i t inv UlltkJIkftrvJ IT k UmiWil Ainulia ALI Cl j i.- i''u, - i ' ' E. K. VALENTINE, Representafe. West Point. ALBiNCS NANCK, (iivernor, wncoia. S. J. ALEXANDER, Secretary of State. JOHN WALLICHii. Auditor, Lincoln, O. M. BAKTLETT, Treasurer, Lincoln. W. W. JONES. Supt. Public Instruction. A. (. KENDALL. lAnd Commissioner. C. J. DI L WORTH. Attorney General. REV. C. C. HAKK1S. Chanlain of Penitentiary DR. H. P. MATTHEWSON, SupL Hospital lor the insane. 0 Supreme Cent I. S. MAXWELL. Chief Justice, Fremont. GEO. B. LAKE, Omaha. AM ASA COBB, Lincoln. Second Judicial District. S. li. POUND. Judtre. Lincoln. J. V. WATSON, ProsecutiuK-Atfy, Neb. City. W. C. SHOW A I WALTER. Clerk Ditriet Court. Plattsmouth. Citr Directory. JOHN O'ROURRE, Mayor. I. M. PATTERSON, Treasurer. J. 1). SIMPSON, City Clerk. KIcnARD VI VIAN. Police Judge. R. B. WINDHAM, City Attorney. K. K. WHITE. Chief of Fire. Dept. S. It. RICHMOND, CU'n Board ot Health. COTTKCTLKXK. 1st Ward F. G0RDER, J. 1L SCHNELL B AC HER. 2d Ward .1. V. WECKBACIT, J. S. II A RT 3d Ward-D. MILLER, A. DREW. I MAN. 4th Ward-P. McC ALLAN, C. S. DAWSON, SCHOOL BOARD. THOMAS POLLOCK, J. N. WISE. V. V.LEONARD, "Will. WINTERSTEEN. ED. (JREUSEL. ISAAC WILES, tetmaeter-JSO. W. MARSHALL. County Directory. W. II. NEWELL. County Treasurer. J. W. JENNINGS. County Clerk. A. A. LAVERTY. County Jiidne. R. W. HYEKS. Sheritl. CYRUS ALTON, Sup't of Pub. Instruction. G. W. FAIRFIELD, County Surveyor. 1. P. GASS. Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ISAAC WILES, Plattsmouth Precinet. JAMES CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct. SAM'L RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant PreciacL Parties having business with the County Commissioners, will flDd them in session the First Monday and Tuesday of each month. The Legislature meets in January, 1883, and a V. S. Senator is then to be elected A II It I V A li AM DEPARTURE OF PLATTSMOUTH MAILS. ARRIVES IK PARTS. j 9.oo a. ni. ( 3.00 p. m. 7.30 p. Ill S).:m a. m KASTKRX. WESTKBK. NORTHKRX. SOl'THKli.V. OMAHA. " WKKriKO WATER, FACTOK V V 1 LLK. 9.00 a. in. I 3. .to p. m. ( H.flo a. m. 15 p. IB. 00 p. iu 11.00 a in 7.30 p. in 7.oo a. m 7.45 a.m. 2.00 p. in. i.oe p. m 1.00 p. nt MOSEY 10.30 a m 7.3M p. Ill 11.00 a ni. 11.00 a in. Dec. 17, ISM- KATES ClIAKUKO FOR ORUERN. : tin orders not exceeding 13 - -Over $15 and not exceeding $30- - 10 cent IS cents 20 cent 25 cents A single Money Order may include any amount from one cent to fifty -dollars, but must not contain a fractional part oi a cent. RATE FOR POST AO K. lsk class matter (letters) 3 cents per V ounce. 2d ' " (Publisher's rates) a cts per lb. 3d " " (Transient Newspapers and books come under this class) l cent per each bounces. - 4t,h class (merchandise) 1 cent per ounce. J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Taking E feet Nov. C, 1881.. FOR OMAHA FROM 'pLATTSMOUTH. leaves l :4r a. in. Arrives 4JB.m. 2 :43 p. in. " 4 :1S p. m. 8 :20 a. III. " B :40 a. m. FROM OMAHA FOR PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 8 :50 a. ni. Arrives 10 ror a. m. " 7 ;00 p. ni. " :iv) p. m. " 6 :20 p. m. " 7 :35 p. Di. FOR THE 'WEST. I-eaves Plattsmouth 9 -.20 a. m. Arrives Lin coln, 11 :55 a. in. ; Arrives Kearney, V- 40 p. ni. leaves 6 :fj p. in ; arrives Lincoln -su p. in, Freiirht leaves at :20 a. ni. and at 8 :15 P. in Arrive at Lincoln at 4 : 65 p. m. and 2 :00 a. in. FROM THE WEST. leaves Kearney. 6 -.30 a. in. Leaves Lincoln,- 1 .oo p. m. Arrives Plattsmouth. 3 :30 p. ui Leaves Lincoln 7 a, in ; arrives Plattsmouth V :00 a. in. Freight leaves Lincoln at 12 rt)5 p. in. ana s sw p. in. Arrives at PlatUinwutli at 5 ;35 p. iu. and 2 :50 a. iu. GOING EA?i. Passenger trains leave nattsmouth at 7 00 a. in., u oo a. in.. 3 40 ti. in. and arrive at Pacific Junction at 7 25 a. m., 9 20 a. in. and 4 10 p. in. FROM THE EAST. Passenger trains leave Pacific Junction at 8 35 a. in.. 6 :2i p. m., 10 a. m. and arrlv at Platts mouth at 8 65 a. m., 6 40 p. in. and lo 40 a. ni. U. V. R. It. Time Table. . Taking Effect Sunday, November C, 1881. WKST. 6 :15pm 6:15 7 :25 8 :20 8 :50 :40 10 :15 10 :55 11 :40 12 :lopm li :M) 1 :'M ; 2 :'M 3 :10 3 :10 4 :10 5 :20 STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLUE HILL COWLES. AM BOY RED CWHTD. 1NAVALE. RIVERTON. FRANKLIN. BIAMlMINGTON. N A PON EE REPUBLICAN ALMA ORLEANS - OXEOKD ARAPAHOE FAST. -SOpm 8 :55 8 :15 7 rt)5 6 :25 6 :00 , 4 :30 4 .00 2 :50 2 :45 I :5 12 :20 I I :55am 11 :25 11:25 10 : iO . 9 :I5 PLEASE REMEMBER that the Cheapest and Bust Plack to buy Staple ai Fancy Groceries AND First-Class Dry Goods, ISATTHlC OLD RELIABLE STOKE iofi. l Zlfei-lttmclf, Cor. Main aud Third Sts, riattsinoittli." " tS5Stiek alwaps fresh and new', and prices always ar the bottom. Call and convince your selves. . . . ' lOtf THE- B.&M.R.R. HOUSE, JNO. boss & SON, Proj'rs, N. W. CORNER MAIN AND SECOND 8TRS, Ne;ur 11. & M. Passenger Depot, I'HTTSMOUTU, XEBR1SKA. New ly refitted and furnislid throughout. Af trdinan excellent view of the R. R. Bridge, Uis conveniently located, especially for the traveling public. The tables always supplied with the best oi the season. BAKERY n connection with the houpe. Lunch bankets filled at all hours. Terms reasonable. 8tf STRE1GIIT & MILLER Harness MannfttctuTers, SADDLES BRIDLES COLLARS. wnd all kinds of harness stoek, constantly on hand. Repairing of all Kinds ! E ATI. r DONE ch SJIORT NOTICE HEW HARNESS ! CRN ED OUT IN SHORT ORDER ' And Satisfaction Guaranteed. taRemeniber the place, Opposite HenTy Boeck's Furniture Store, on Lower Main Street, PiattspKratU. Neb. 2 l-ly STREIGHT d- MILLER. Mil For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,! Hoarseness. Croun. Asthma. Bron-1 chitri;,Vhooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and forthe relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists Price, 25 cents- La Belle Lake. BY IMOGEN. Th brilliant rays of the sunset Aro brightening woodland and dell. Dyeing with gold and crimson This wonderful lake. La Belle. Till it seems a lake no longer. But changed by some power, unseen, To a soft ly glowing opal Iu a setting of emerald green. But see ! Iu the gathering darkness. Tiny boats are winding their way ; Gay parties are hastening homeward. Warned by the fat closing day. And I hear their merry voices, As they rapidly near the shore ; And snatches of song and laughter. And the sound of the plying oar. Ah ! here could 1 ever Pnger. Each summer a long holiday ; Surely life would be well worth living. Spent lu so charming a way. But w-herever my footsteps wander. Faithful memory ever will dwell ; Till darkuesH e'er my mind gathers, On this wonderful lake, La Belle. Published in Marysville Signal Nov. lssi. Commissioners' Proceeding's. "Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1888. (Contiuued.) The following additional bonds were approved: Wm J Mastin, J P, Salt Creek. N G Douge, J P, Liberty precinct. S T James, overseer. Salt Creeg, W II Newell, County Treasurer. Jaa Gil more, J 1 Avoca. J J Roberts, overseer road dis't 5. F E McClintlck, constable, Tipton. N Jsan, overseer road dis't 15. J S Woods, assessor, Tipton. II Dittman, overseer road dis't 3-". M Ervin, overseer road dis't "0. Jessa Ervin, assessor. Libeity. A Haskin, constable, Avoca. II W Farley, J P. Centre. 51 L Tenant, overseer road dis't 12. A A Rarr, assessor, Weeping Water. E Heebner, overseer road dis't 42. R 1J Howell, J P, Louisville. G ii Beach, J P, Tipton. J F Gilbert, constable, South Bend. Jason Streight, overseer dis't 50. Calvin Russell, J P, Weeping Water. Amos Tefft, J 1', Avoca. A K Sutherland, overseer dis't 53. Wm Standly, overseer road dis't 50. 51 Archer, assessor, Rock Bluffs. Jno II Hart, assessor, Stove Creek. Sam! Carter, J P, Elinwood. II F Taylor, overseer road dis't 50. II Tyson, constable, Stove Creek. Thos Smith, constable, Rock Bluffn. P P Gass, Coroner, Cass County. R Morrow, J P, Rock Bluffs. E S Graves, constable, Rock Bluffs. B F Barrett, constable, W. Water. A Carmichael, J P. Centre. O Burgess, constable, Centre. G W Norton, J P, South Bend. Wille.Lt Pottenger, J P. 1st Ward, Plattsmouth. M M Curran, constable 4th Ward, Plattsmouth. G W Fairffeld, assessor 2d Ward, Plattsmouth. J S Mathews, J 1, :id Ward, Platts mouth. Jno Way man, J P, 2d Ward, Platts mouth. W Wintersteen, assessor 4th Ward, Plattsmouth. . W W Graves, overseer road dis't 1". Jas Crawford, J P, South Bend. R W Hyers, Sheriff Casa County. Cyrus Alton, Sup't Pub Ins, Cass Co. J W Jennings, Clerk Cass County. Order allowed John Xewham, sup'r road dis't 45, for 500 f net of lumber, on J II Beardsley & Co., Weeping Water, and an order on J Chase & Co. for 230 pounds of spikes, for use of district. Petition of J C Stevenson, et al, for refunding certain poll tax. and also to strike from the tax list certain road tax, was presented and rejected, as the Commissioners have no power to act in the case, said tax being considered payable and collectable by the decision of the Supreme Court. The following claims were then al lowed on general fund: J D Tutt, salary and expense account, December, 1S81 ...042 is Commissioners, canvassing elec tion, November, 1881........... 14 00 R Donnelly, repairing pampsAfl S 50 Insane case J Hull etal 72 20 J M Schnellbacher, work on stove for jail i 00 J M Patterson, on redemption errors tax sale .... 40 9." II M Bushaell, sundry printing. 10 50 State Journal Co, blanks, etc. . . 12 15 J R Polin, boarding prisoners. . 40 05 R W Hyers, jailor's fees 4G 50 A Clark, mdse for paupers 4 85 F S White, mdse for paupers. . . 5 00 Jno Sharp, boarding paupers at poor farm.... 7a SO cost bill cass Co vs W L Hobbs 4 48 -"- " 4 48 " Anuetta Shera vs J it Patterson, Treasurer, et al. . . 17 63 Claim of B F Boun for refund ing tax erroneously paid on school fund the years '72, "7:), "75, "76 and "77, on se. se4 s w 16. 10, l.l.lessene-tenth 18 00 Ward Bres, spikes for road dis trict, road fund 3 00 Ilohan Bros, spikes for road dis trict, road fund 0 50 II A Waterman & Sen, lumber for precinct "3 12 Settlement with the following road supervisors was then bad: Order allowed G P Meisinger, supr. road disc. No 3 $48 00 Order allowed Geo. Walradt supr road dist No 4 45 50 Order allowed J B Gouldsmith, supr road dist No 9 15 00 Order allowed L C Kickhoff, supr road dist No 10 42 75 Order allowed 51 L Tenant, supr road dist No 12 18 25 Order allowed Jacob Fritcb,supr road dist No 13 18 00 Order allowed J R Yallery, supr road dist No 14 18 00 Order allowed W II Smith, supr road dist No 17 12 00 Order allowed Wm Schleifelt, supr road dist No 23 ...... . 22 00 Order allowed James Ferguson. supr road dist No 34. SO 00 Order allowed A B Bair, supr. . road dist No 24 35 80 Order allowed Geo II Swartz, sypr road dist No 29 : . r.O 00 Order allowed John M Leis,supr road dist No 30 30 00 Order allowed HStricklandupr road dist No 31 33 00 Order allowed supr road dist No 31 19 50 Order allowed John Philpot,supr road dist No 34 22 00 Order allowed S M Davis, supr road dist No3G 9 00 Order allowed Levi Churchill, supr road dist No 38 11 25 Order allowed A Trook, supr road di3t No 30 SO 00 Order allowed E J W Pitman, supr road dist No 41 . 9 00 Order allowed Geo F Shryder, supr road dist No 40 36 12 Order allowed John Cook, supr road dist No 43 20 75 Order allowed John Newham, supr road dist No 45 30 00 Order allowed J C Hayes, supr 'road dist No 46 30 00 Order allowed M II Foote, supr road dist No 47 28 00 Order allowed John Lewis, supr road dist No 49 31 5 Order allowed A II Pinneo.supr road dist No 51 25 60 Order allowed Jacob Rusterholtz supr road dist No 42 41 85 Order allowed Robert Paddy, supr road dist No 53 36 50 Order allowed J C Williams supr road dist No 54 36 00 Order allowed GWJohnson,supr road dist 55 18 00 Order allowed Fred Ost, supr rouddistNo5S . 15 75 Order allowed II F Taylor, supr road dist No 50 21 00 Order allowed G A Ruse, supr road dist No CO. 21 65 Consideration" of bids for furnish ing books, blanks, and stationery for the yeai 1882, was again taken up. Journal Company for books and II. 51. Bushnell for blanks and stationery. Board then adjourned to meet at 9 o clock, January 5th, 1882 Attest: Sam'l Richardson, J. I). Tutt, I. Wiles, Co Corns Co. Clerk. Jas. Crawford, Thursday, Jan. 5th, 1882. Board met pursuant to adjournment Samuel Richardson, Isaac Wiles and Jarnos Crawford, Commissioners; J. D. Tutt, County Clerk. The bond of Samuel Richardson, Commissioner elect, having been ap proved he took his seat as new mem ber of board, Isaac AViles becoming chairman. The bond of J. W. Jennings, Couaty Clerk elect, having been approved he Lereby takes charge of said office. Present, J. W. Jennings. County Clerk. Appointment of E. II. Wooley, as Deputy County Clerk, filed, The bond of E. II. Wooley Deputy County Treasurer, was approved The following accounts were allow ed on General Fund: J DTutt, additional help author izes ny Doara 9 to E H Wooley, fees as Supt. of schools and asst. Co Clerk.... 79 40 Settlement with J D Tutt, late County Clerk was had and he having paid the sum of $680.62, as surplus of fees received during his term,the same is hereby approved by the ISoard of County Commissioners The following official bouds were then approved : Lewis Calkins, J P. 5It Pleasant precinct. II A Kenaston, constable. Stove Creek precinct. When Commissioners resume settle ment with County Treasurer, Board adionrned to meet Jan. 6th 1882. Isaac Wiles, ' ) James Crawford. Co Corns Sam'l Richardson, ) Attest: J. W Jennings, Co. Clerk Tha settlement with Treasurer stil being in progress, board adjourned to meet, 4 an. 7th. 1882. Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1882 13oartl met pursuant to adjourn ment, f uU board present. following was done to- wit: The following official bonds were then approved: W. II. Pool, J. P Elmwood prec't. B. Critchfleld, J. P. Mt. Pleasant " J. AY. Iloback. overseer road dist. 56. S. II. Draper. " " -19. B. Critchfleld, 44 " "33. D. S. Draper, assessor Plattsmouth precinct. James Ferguson, overseer district 40. O.S.May, " "46 Settlement was then made with the following overseers. Order allowed N. Jean, overseer dist. no. 15 $18 75 Order allowed S. H. Draper, overseer dist 19 30 25 The following claims were then al lowed on genera! fund: J. 5L Roberts, sundries 810 00 J. R. Polin, witness grand jury.. 2 00 Henry Boeck, coffin and burial pauper (Tinnel child) 8 50 J. S. Duke, spikes, etc 4 71 Bond of II. 51. Bushnell for blanks and stationary was filed and approved. Ordered that the County Clerk be and is hereby ordered to draw war rants for amounts due overseers of roads on settlement. District to draw warrants for amounts due on Com missioner's road fund. When Board adjourned to meet on 5Ionday, Jan. Oth, 1882. 5Ionda Y, Jan. 9th, 1882. Board met pursuant to adjournment full board present. v When the following was done Lo wit: The appointment of I). A. Campbell Deputy County Treasurer, was filed. Bond of D. A. Campbell Deputy County Treasurer, was approved. When Board resumed settlement with County Treasurer. The same still being in progress. Board ad journed to meet Jan. 10th, 1882. Tuesday, Jan. 10th, 1882. Board met pursuant to adjournment full board present. When an additional contract was entered into with C. W. Wheeler & Co on bridge across the Weeping Water. Order allowed Paul Johnson, sup'r road dist. 28, on account of money paid: in i?80 to hands in district on district fund $15 00 Order allowed Paul Johnson overseer road district 28 for. . 10 93 Settlement with Treasurer still be ing in progress board adjourned tin Wednesday morning, January 11th 1882. Wednesday, Jan. ilth 1882. Board met pursuant to adjournment full board present. When the following wa3 done to- wit: Order allowed Fred Gorder, chair man committee on streets and alleys, Plattsmouth city, on II. A. Waterman & Son for 6000 feet of lumber for use of said city. The State Journal Co. filed bond for fulfillment of contract in furnishing books for County, which was approv ed. Board then adjourned to meet Thursday, Jan. 12th, 1882. Thursday, Jan. 12th, 1882, Board met pursuant to adjournment full beard present. "When a contract was entered into with Milo Drew for grubbing out a County road. Settlement with County Treasurer still in progress. Board adjourned to meot Friday, January 13th 1882. Friday, Jan. 13th, isS2. Board met pursuant to adjournment, full board piesent. When the following was done- lo- wit: The following claims were thn al lowed: Davis and Teterson, work at poor .3113 SO house, and material .... Geo. W. Fairfield, et al. making Do ud road 10 00 Frank Carruth, eye-shades for pauper 1 50 Smith and Strode, salary, coun ty attorneys and expenses. 81 45 II. W. Hyers, reward for cap ture of 51. Brown, horse thief 50 00 J. W. Quackenbush, lumber for road districts 7o 16 Order allowed R. D. Root, for tax paid in road dist. No. 45, behaving worked out the same on Commissioner road fund for 3 Order allowed Wm. Rell on II. 74 A. Waterman & Son, for 1000 feet of lum ber, for use of road dist. No. 40 ; also order on Jno. S. Duke, for 20 pounds spikes. When settlement was made with following overseers of roads Order allowed R. W. Welborn overseer road dist No. 1. for $ 39 00 Order allowed Owen Marshall, overseer Dist. No. 2. for. . . 10 00 Order allowed Alfred Hawkins . overseer Dist. No. 50, for. . 22 30 The appointments of M. 5IcElwain and J. C. Eikentary as Deputy County Sheriffs, by R. W. Hyers, Sheriff, were approved by Commissioners, The Official Bonds of 5L 51cElwain and J. C. Eikenbary were then approv ed. Settlement with County Treasurer, When the still being In progress. Board adjourn ed to meet Jan. 12th, 1882. Saturday, Jan. 14th, 1882. Board met pursuant to adjournment ; full board present. Board met and worked on settle ment with Treasurer, the same still being m progress, Board adjourned to meet 5Ionday, Jan. HJth, 1882. 5rNDAY, Jan. 16th, 1882. Board met pursuant te adjournment ; full Board present. When the following was done to wlt: Ordered that the compensation of the Superiutendant of schools, for tho present term be and the same is here by fixed at $3.00 per day for each and every day in which he is actually em ployed as such Superintendent. It is also ordered that the office of the Superintendent, be, and the same is hereby filed at the Court House in Plattsmouth City. Neb. The estimate of expenses made by Commissioners, is for :M2. 170,900.00, and can oe found on Inside of paper. . Settlement with County Treasurer still being in progress, Bo.ud adjourn ed to meet Tuesday, Jan. 17th. 1832. Tuesday, Jan. 17th, 1882. Board met adjournment; full Board present. When the following was done to vit: The bend of 5Iilo Drew, for grub bing out a county road, was filed and approved. Ordered that the Clerk be and is hereby ordered to draw warrants on Road Districts in favor of J. 51. Pat terson, County Treasurer, as follows: On Road Dist. No. 1 for. . $ o 0( 4 12 00 " 11 27 00 "13 9 00 "15 3 00 "20 0 00 " 29 0 00 "10 3 00 " 44 3 00 "51 3 (in " 54 6 00 "59 3 40 " 3 15 00 " 8 3 CO "12 18 00 "14 0 00 "17 3 00 " 22 3 00 "31 3 00 " 35 3 CO " 45 1. 6 00 " 53 3 00 "55 3 CO The following claim was then allow ed en General Fund: J. 5f. Patterson, stamps &.C . . . . $ 8 05 The following official bonds were then approved: Geo. Laverty, Constable, Louisville Precinct. B. C, Yeomans, Deputy Sheriff, of Cass County. R. G. Gordon, assessor of Centre John 51. 5Iatheny, Constable, Salt Creek Precinct. Settlement with the following over seers was then had: Urder allowed alter Lutiortli, over seer road dist. No. 11, for. .$ 22 SO Order allowed Walter 5Iutz(. .. overseer, road dist. No. 29 14 00 Settlement with Treasurer still be ing in progress, ISoard adjourned till Wednesday, Jan. l8th, 1882. Wednesday, Jan. 1Mb, 1832. Board met pursuant to adjournment full board present. When the following was done to- wit: Settlement with County Judge, A. N. Sullivan, and County Treasurer, J. 51. Patterson, was taken up and con tinued to February meeting. When the following claims neie alio we J: E. II. Wooley, assisting Commissioners with settlement of County Treasurer $ D. A. Campbell, assisting Coun ty Commissioners with settlement of County Treasmer W. B. Shryock. assisting Coun ty Comramissioners with settlement of County Treasurer S. 51. Prouty, witness fee before Grand Jury Isaac Wiles, services as Com missioner James Crawford, services as County Commissioner. . . Samuel Richardson, services as Commissioner G. W. Fairfield et al. laying out bridges 59 24 00 00 00 00 65 50 ;i oo 4 50 Order allowed J. II. Iloback, over seer road dist. No. 56, on J. 51. Beards ley & Co., Weeping Water, for 4434 ft. of lumber for bridges; also order on Chase & Co.. for eight bolts, 13 inch long and 50 pounds spikes. When board adjourned to February, 6th. 1882. Isaac Wiles. James Crawford, i'oi'oms , Co Cc 3N, ) Sam'l Richardson, Attest: J. W. Jennings. Co. Clerk. 51r. N:ipolcou Sarony, tiie New York artist and plmtographur, paid Madame Patti $1.000casu for the privilege of being the onlv one in America to take and sell her pictures. Patti appears to be in the money-making business 8 she grows older.