1 !E Herald. l. iC.V I. A lT k'KTISKM ENTS. rrni-t "il. 2.1 cuts j. line. ii- t ? T liiii'. No advertisement insert- l .' i ;,in..ii cent. t.e"il ml ,l si.tturt r.ilf. A : -i ii- .in. I .! ! .f I he li'.w will be neli ! liMtiff in! i: it-a il tmtier. they Intntl in, -V.l it fill !. . i i.i.!in' a proof of publica- 1..H l.l :.: v li. V 'II be iH'ld lor tM public- tun lie Ml Ml. u i.-.IUh. co.'.n: umc.vvio.vs. As iir ii-? I llmlii-d, all cvii inn nl-a:oiH jihsI Li-l.iii-r an 1 U meruit. ilh no Waste r ii ti.. Tin ii iK-r is ic""i):iitilo for the corrertnew .o.r.:ii-t,-in copy of paid matter and paid Le- ' I i. Nni.:i who take tl fiiper regularly 1... -In-' f" ' -i.11i.-e. wlit-tl.fi- dnetlcd to name, or wii.-Ui.t lie-U a sutwerioer or not M rcpoii-;lMe f.r the ;;iy. It any person ordei his ps.pT dlscontl h must pay all ai Te.iraijes, or the publisn ei n..;v continue lo send It until pa ,"10,,.t. mole.' and tolled the whole amount, whether the i:ii-r is Uk-.'il from the oflice or not. j. he courts hare decided that refusing to 4.tke iievpairs and periodicals from the post onure.orieinovingand leaving them uncalled for. Ii '. iita facie evidence of IN TKNTIOH AL fBAUK- LOCAL NEWS. Look out for the red flags. Look out for John Duke's new Ad. next week.. Chittt nden Bros, have closed out tl.oir grocery business. The instruments for the Telephone Kxch.tne c:itne Tuesday. The Ntliask;. Fanners Alliance met yesteitlay at Hastings. Ash Wednesday and the 22d of February come together this year. I. O. 0. F. Masque Hall the 31st; a general invitation extended to all. Godfrey Fickler is building a bam in the rear of his lot or. Seventh St. J.J. Weaver showed, his face on our streets again the first of the week. Last evening was the l2:)d anni versary of Ihe birth of Hubert Burns. Kd. Oliver moved into his new house on Washington Avenue, Tues day. We understand cards will be issu ed in a day or two for another wed ding? There is some talk of starting a degree Lodge, from the I. O. G. T. Lodge. The Greenwood Eagle conies reg ularly to hand and is very neatly got ten up. Hansen & Chassot receive-5 tuWs, or :!00 pounds, of Creamery butter ev ery week. -A new bill board was put up n the coiner of .Main and Seventh streets yesterday. Deputy Treasurer Campbell has been somewhat under the weather the past week. Chancellor Fairfield is to lecture in Greenwood, this county, sometime in February. Master Guy. Livingston was stir prised by a party of his young friends last Thursday evening. John Pol in has some of his board ers out on the "street working, mit a ball and chain on. (iood idea. Guy Livingston has been doing part of the vaccinating for the Doctor, atxl the little girls keep him busy. A collection was taken up for the funeral expenses of Mr. Win. Linn, amounting to about twenty dollars. We understand that Kalisky & Son are going to put up another horse hhoe as soon as they can get it ready. The Baptist Church will be ready for use by next Sunday, and there will be Sabbath School again as usual. The young folks of the M. E. Church held a prayer meeting at the residence of M. White last evening. The IIekald "prints" have a picture of Katherine Ilogers stuck up in the otrice, to remember the "darlint" by. W. C. Showalter bought one of those tine Mason & Hamlin organs Monday of James Tettee, the state agent. Philip Eidman, has been appoint ed night police, and, will help "Jack to look after our citizens property nights. The officers of the I. O. G. T. Lodge will be installed next Wednes day evening all members should be present. The T. A. M. Club was not as well attended last week as usual, but all who were present enjyyed them selves hugely. The good work still progresses in the M. E. Church. Over thirty-six niembvrs have joined the church since the revival began. --Father Lynch will be at Louis ville next Sunday, and therefore no services will be held in the Catholic Church here on that day. Some one poisoned "Dan," P. B. Murphy's in dog last week, also the Herald devil's white doig. Some one had belter look a leedle out. The City Editor of the Journal and some of the Journal "prints" tried the ice on the river, two days before Tuesday, as Dan. Smith would put it. .J.S.Mathews had his first case Monday ye mean officiated at his first wedding, he hitched up Mr. W. C. Hounds and Miss Cairie Spencer, in line style. A Mrs. Burk. who has been living near the foit of Main street for some time, died Tuesday night. It was a case of povirty and too much dirt. A. W. TcLaughlin has been quite indisposed the past few days. He was not able to tie at his post of duty Mon day afternoon and Tuesday. Did yoti ee that Gne nickle pitted harness thi' t fieorge Fairfield is using? It was maie ly Chambers & Son, and s a daisy. iVill is immense on fine harness. ? ? Dr. Doggb has the stomach of the late Chas. tiithmann preserved in a'. cohol, and send it the Medical University 9l Philadelphia, in a short time, for scientific investigation. From there it wi be sent to one or two of the most f Anous Medical Institutes in ( Germany. ,; A Little Tonch of it Here. The schools were closed on Tuesday-morning on account of a case of varioloid, at Capt. Mann's, near the school house. The little girl is about six years old.' Varioloid is considered as dangerous in conveying the disease to those unprotected by vaccination, or otherwise, as smal!-pox itself. Two cases of small-pox, a man and woman, were reported to be on the train going east on Monday p. m. A close examination made by Conductor Gayle and others resulted in the con clusion that the woman had only an eruption of the face, probably one of the several forms of erysipelas. Splendid parlor suits for little money at The New Furniture Store. 1 Head South Bend notice of Mason & Hamlin Organ, furnished by James Pettee. We think the Enterprise had bet ter form a "Young Man's Christian Association" good idea, might get some common honesty inte it, some thing that Christ taught, once. A car load of flour just receive.' by J. V. Weckbaca, from Minne sota. 45t2 New and elegant designs in dress ing case suits at The New FurnitHre Store. 1 Mr. J. uies Pettee returned from a trip to Syracuse, Palmyra, Nebraska City and other points, last Saturday mrn:ng, where he had been looking up the interests of the Mason & Ham lin Organ Company. Dakota and Kansas flour at White's by the car load, just received. Give us a call bjfore purchasing else where. 45t2. The telephones of Denver are ren dered useless every evening as soon as the electric lights" are charged. The wires are on the same poles. The cur rent on the latter wires is so strong tha. in one instance it has set on fire a telephone box. How to invest a dollar and make five: Buy a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. See advt. The doctor's otlices present a live ly scene just now, bare arms and other limbs in process of being lacerated and impregnated with the humble bavine's protective vaccine matter, are to b seen by the score. Teeth filled, pulled and cleaned in a most skillful manner by Dr. Salis bury. Give him a call. 35tf We notice among our telegraph dispatches, that small-pox broke out in Brooklyn among a lot of cigar makers, and they still kept on making and sending out cigars for some time. That shonld be a warning to our smokers to buy nothing but home manufactured cigars. A good assortment of folding couches at The New Furniture Store. A. D. Felker, A. J. Smith and S. W. McBride, who were charged with opening freight cars and- stealing freight ou the B. & M., were discharg ed. A jury was impanelled Wednesday morning, who pronounced then not guilty. Smoke Navy Clippings, for sale fey Phil Young at the P. O. News Depot 1 Invitations for the wedding of Mr. W.B. .Shryock and Mrs. Celia V. Irwin are out, the wedding to take place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Shryock next Wednesday. Just wait until next week's paper, and wwnt we give em a send off. Choice oranges and lemonj at the P. O. News Depot. " 1 The City Council and County Commissioners had a special meeting Tuesday afternoon to make arrange ments for buying, or otherwise getting a pest house. There was no law au thorizing the Commissioners to do anything towards buying one, there fore the Council will have to do so. One will be procured as soon as possi ble. Phil Young has distributed some two hundred copies of the Weekly Bee during the past week. Phil is the reg ulay authorized agent or the Bee, and will receive your subscription for it and save you money, and you will get a chance in the distribution. Remem ber this when you wish to subscribe for the Bee or any other paper pub lished. 1 We are glao" to welcome Reporter from Three Groves and Occasional from Grand Prairie, back among the corp3 of Herald news gatherers again. It is pretty hard work and takes time and patience to gather items, Reporter, that's a fact, but your's and youi fellow workers efforts are appre ciated as is evinced by their interest in knowing what has become of the items, and we hope your winter even ings will occasionally be occupied by such good works. A wonderful discovery Kendall's Spavin Cure. Rea? advertisement. The wife of Isaac Tolland living near Greenwood, in this County died suddenly on Jan. Cth. 1SS3. She left a little babe, but two days old at that tint a and five other children. ' The .Herald deeply sympathises with the bereaved husband and father, who has long been known to us, as a citizen and friend. Just as Mr. Tol land seemed to be able to live more comfortably, and enjoy the fruits of their years of hard work, his beloved wife was taken from him. A new home had just been completed and the new year epened bright for all this family, alas so soon to be clouded. Don't fail to examine the New Key Action in Mason & Hamlin Or gans, wonderful inprovement. James Pettee, Gen. Agent. A meeting of the State Wool Grower's Association was held at Lin coln and arrangements made for hold ing a convention at Lincoln, the last of February or first of March. Watson Picfcerell of Gage County, was elected President; J. C. McBride, of Lincoln, Secretary; W. II. Barstow, of Saline County, Treasurer. Resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Moses Stocking, first president of the association, were offered. The best Sewing Machine the White." 43tf Potter & Webster. Ag'ts for Cass Co. Weeping Water. PersoHal. J. B. Strode was down to Nebraska City last week. -E. II. Lewis and Bill7 Bennett, were in Omaha Wednesday. Jnc. W. Iloback, of Weeping Water called to see us last week. Mrs. J. N. Wise and Miss Allie Mor rison, were in Omaha Friday. M. L. White, we are glad to see, is out again among his friends. Mr. Strode has been quite ill, threat ened with pneumonia, we are sorry to learn. Col. George Woodford passed east Monday. We got a grip of his hand at the junction. Sam Keller, the cheap cloting clerk, formerly with Wescott, went west to join a surveying parly on the B. & M., Monday. John Charlton, now Assistant Genl. Ticket Ag't. of. the Missouri Pacific R. R., resident in St. Louis, visited Oma ha Saturday. C. W. Sherman, editor of the Journ al, went down to Lincoln, Wednesday morning, to attend the State Encamp ment of the G. A. R. Miss Sweeney, who has been quite ill for sometime past is, we are glad to hear, slowly recovering, although still confined to her room. Mr. and Mrs. Nusbaum of Marys ville. Mo., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pepperberg this week. Mrs. Nusbaum is a sister of Mrs. Pepper berg's. W. II. Pool, of Elmwood, was in town Friday. The Herald is always glad to see Mr. Pool, and especially now, when he seems in such good health and tpirit3. ' Thos. Pollock, Esq. one of the members of our school board and ex Councilmau, now in the Surveyor General's office has been under the weather, for some time. - J. E. Morrison and wife, and W. F. Morrison and wife left for Butler, Il linois, Monday morniBg, viaGlenwood, St. Louis and other points. They w ill be gone ten days or two weeks. Mr. Ed. Buttery, whe has been suf fering for sometime with bronchial trouble was much worse last week for a few days, but is now somewhat ea sier, though still suffering with a se vere ceugh. Mrs. Livingston left for Lincoln, Wednesday, called thither by intelli gence of the sudden death of Mr. Rick cords. Mrs. Rlckcords, it will be re membered by many, was the guest of Mrs. Livingston lor several days last spring, at which time they were on their way to their new home near Lin coln, which has so soon been rendered desolate by the death of the husband and father. From an extensive use of St. Ja cobs Oil in the editor's family, we are able to speak confidently of its great worth in numerous ailments, and fully recommend it as an article most desirable to have on hand in the medi cine chest. Stamford (Conn.) Herald. County Printing. The Commissioners proceedings will continue to be published officially in the Herald as usaal. We make this remark from the fact that we have been asked several times if the Enter prise had the County printing. The law provides now that the "books, blanks and stationary" of the County shall be let each year to the lowest bidder. The books are printed out side the County entirely. The blanks and stationary Mr. Bushnell underbid us on by a considerable amount, so far below in fact, that if he fills his obli gations we do not want the work. The County gets the benefit of that and as we have to help pay the taxes for the same we are satisfied the Commission ers should make the best bargain they could, provided it is lived up to. No other printing is necessarily included in this bidding and the status of the Herald and the County officers re mains the same as it ever was. They are friendly to the Herald, and we are friendly to them. We mean to do our duty and think they do theirs. Whenever it becomes otherwise we shall probably say so. Another R. B. Accident. About five o'clock, yesterday even ing, a freight from the bridge -was coming up threugh the cut, the engin eer saw that one of the side-track switches was turned, the yard engine had sidetracked two cars loaded with corn, the engineer reversed his engine and both he and the fireman jumped off. The engine struck the firs; car throwing it up on end, the second car breaking the drawhead and falling back on first smashed the end in, spil ling the corn all over the ground. There was no one hurt, the front of the engine was smashed in and one box car ruined and a good part of the corn waited. . '; Choice Confectionery at Simpson's The election of officers of the Frst National Bank at tbi3 place, which was held last week, resulted in the following: , John Fitzgerald President, F. E. White Vice-President, A. W. McLaughlin Cashier, John O'Rourke Ass't Cashier, John Fitzgerald, A. W. McLaughlin, A. E. Touzalin. J. R. Clark, R. C. Cush ing, G.E. Dovey, and F. S. White, Di rectors. Anyone in need of a good set of teeth should call on Dr. Salisbury at once, and he will make you a set that will please you ever after. 35tf N. L. Thatcher, very well known here, at one time, died in Texas, it seems, not long ago. He had accumu lated quite a fortune, and made many friends too, though if we were writing his obituary as a friend we should leave Dut the days "Thatch ' bought grain here with Connor, we don't im agine they are the ones he would like to look back to the most eagerly, as he neared the portals of the other land. You had better cut out this ad dress "Dr. C, R. Sykes, 1(59 Madison St., Chicago," for you may need his "Sure Cure for Catarrh." 42U DIIiD : In this city, at the residence of his brother, F. R. Guthntann, Thursday, January 19th, 18S2, Charles Guth mann, aged 40 years, 5 months and 22 days. The funeral was held at the Catho lic Church on Sunday, January 22d, and an unusually large concourse of people attended. The deceased was one of a large fam ily, resident in this county, of which Frank, William, Fred and Oswald are the remaining brothers, and Mrs Egen berger, Mrs. Rauen.Mrs. Ilempel, and Mrs. Weckbach are the sisters. The family was a very large one in the old conntry, there being fourteen in all. of which number five brothers and four sisters came to this country and settled mostly in Cass County, ex cept Charles, who took up land in Lan caster County, on Stevens Creek, and lived there lately until his health fail ed. A strong fraternal feeling seems to bind the family together and cause them to aid and assist each other in sickness and health. Charles eerved as a soldier four years in an Ohio regiment. His disease was on of those obscure difficulties of the stomach and intestines that bafile all medical skill and science while the pa tient is alive. After death a post mor tem tells in learned terms ju3t what is out of place, but no cure has yet been found during life. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended, the funeral services of the Catholic Church being performed at the church in this city. Appropriate services were also held at the grave by the Liederkranz Society and the G. A. R. Post of this place. The body of his first wife, who died about twelve years ago, and had beea buried on the farm in Lancaster County, was also brought here and re-interred in our cemetery. Members of the G. A. R. from Lin coln and neighbors from Stevens Creek also attended tbe funeral. D. II. Wheeler and II. M. Bush nell attended the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture this week. En terprise. We are willing to record the above and had a notion to add "Hon." before the "II. M." Wheeler took "Busk" along and got him in to make one more vote, which shows Wheeler's astuteness, but proves nothing as to his opinion of II. M. B's Agricultural knowledge. We can't "spare" the Deacon either to go to Lincoln or North Carolina, just now, got use for him at home. It's most planting time again. NOTARY PUBLIC 33tf Will S. Wise. One of the best things we have heard lately, comes from W. W. Land lord Thorp has a sign up, it appears, "No swearing about the House." A commercial traveller . with whom something had gone amiss was reliev ing his mind in blank verse the other day when Thorp called bis attention to the "notice." "I ain't swearing about your house, I'm swearing about that old mule out there" was the reply. Sheet Music at Simpson's. 44t2 The Madam Fry concert company filled Boyd's Opera House in Omaha full last Saturday evening and on Sun day evening at their sacred concert scarcely a seat was obtainable any where. The company appeared in Omaha under the auspices of the Luth eran society, who fared somewhat bet ter than did Rev. Crowther in the ef fort to bring a first-class troupe to this city. Fresh vaccine virus, heifer ex tract, and warranted pure, just receiv ed at Dr. O. II. Dogge's. 44t2 Seuth Bend Musical. The Congregational church and con gregation of South Bend enjoyed, on Sabbath night last, the music of a No. 1 Mason k, Hamlin chapel organ and provided the money to pay for it. Well done I South Bend. Srt!rmrv T!rivelnnM Pens. &p J. D. Simpson's opp. Perkins House. 2 Postponed. The sociable to have been given at Mrs. R. R. Livingston's this evening is indefinitely postponed, Mrs. Living ston having been suddenly called from home. A Railroad Official Interviewed. Not every one so cheerfully com in u- uicates his knowledge and opinions as recently aid L. L. LowereeEsq cash ier of the Cincinnati Southern Rail way, in.it splendid outlet to the South Loin tue Ohio. Our representative w auvd upon Mr. Loweree, and in re ply to certain questions the latter gen tleman observed: "I was suffering from a very severe attack of rheuma tism in my right foot; it was in a ter rible condition; the pain was almost intolerable; our family physician wait ed on me without success; I sent for another well-known M. D., but even the twain could do nothing for me; I could not get down here to the office to attend to my duties; in fact I could not put my foot under me at all, and after nine week3 suffering I began to grow desperate. My friend (whom, of course you know, for he Is known by everybody), Mr. Stacey Hill, of the Mount Auburn Inclined Plain Rail road Co., called to see me; be spoke very highly of St, Jacobs Oil, and rec ommended the remedy to me in glow ing terms. I laughed at the idea of tiding a proprietary medicine, and yet the party recommending it, (Mr. Sta cey Hill, remember), being a man of sound judgment, set me to thinking the matter over. The next day, when the physicians called, I dismissed them, and said to myself that I would let nature take its course. That resolu tion lasted just a day. On the follow ing morning I, in a fit of desperation, sent a servent for a bottle of St. Ja cobs Oil. I applied that wonderful remedy, and it penetrated me so that I thought my foot was about to fall off, but it did not; in fact it-did just the opposite. The next morning the pain had entirely left my foot, the swelling was reduced, and really the appearance was so different altogether from i he day before, that it actually nn prised m I applied more of tbe si .Jacobs Oil, and that afternoon I walked down here to tbe office, and abie to attend to my duties and get around as well as any one. Let me say for St. Jacobs Oil that it beats railroad time, and is always sure to win. -Cincinnati Enquirer. The Sunday afternoon meeting at the Temple of Honor Hall was unusu ally well attended, we judge, and all were anxious to hear the remarks of Hen, R. B. Windham. We are glad to note he paid a high and deserved trib ute to the Press on this matter, and gave it its just due, contrary to tbe reported opinions of some speakers who have visited us and held out that all newspapers (nearly) that is all who did not flaunt their temperance views in season and out of season were op posed to the cause. We have never seen the paper that encouraged intem perance, and very few that even belit tled the cause of temperance or those working for it, and those soon lost in fluence; but a free fair criticism of measures and systems in honest news papers is just as needful to the real welfare of true temperance measures as are tbe unbiassed, untrammelled opinions of tbe Press on any other subject. The smallest paper reaches more people at one time than the larg est halls can hold, and is read by many that never go to hear a temperance lecture; and yet its silent unceasing work is often overlooked for the time in the noisy declamation, and loud mouthed assertions ot what is best and right to promote temperance or lessen the evils of intemperance. NOTARY PUb"lIC 33tf Will S. Wise. Married. HAY WORTH IJULLIOX At the residence of the bride' pareuts In Eight Mile Grove Precinct, bunday. January 22d. 182, Mr. Chablkh IIatwobth and ilhi Emma Gi l lion. R. Morrow, J. P., nictating. Our young people all over, the county are fcettliig married, and it keeps the Hf.kAlu teusy noticing them and wishing tbeni much happiness. F. F. Guthman & Bro. sell Brem ner's crackers. 4214 Died. LINN. At Flattsmouth, Neb., Thursday, Jan. ltli,1882, Mk. WM. Linn. The funeral took place from St'. Luke's church Friday afternoon. Mr. Linn leaves a wife and five children, the youngest but a mere babe. By the most unremitting exertions, after hla regular ten hours of labor in the machine shops, he built a houxe for his family last sum mer, and that is all he leaves to them, although it is much, as a symbol of bis devotion to his family, who merit the substantial sympathy and aid of all about them. Go to J. D. Simpson's for your Oysters and Celery. 44t2 Look out for "itinerant tinkers I" Don't let them meddle with your or gans. The Mason & Hamlin organ is fully guaranteed, and I am here to remedy auy failure of performance in them. Some party is around town try ing to make my customers dissatisfied with their organs. I am satisfied he is a fraud, from an instance that has come to my notice. James Pettee, Gen'l Ag't. For the best staple and fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Weckbach's. lOtf Complaint has been made that people renting houses here that have been working on buildings &c, do not pay promptly 'and giye landlords a great deal of trouble. If it were in cases of poverty it would or might be excusable, but when money enough is spent for drink, billiards, or other un necesaries to pay rent the landlord cannot be blamed for forcible ejection. Good Pianes and Organs at Simp son's. 44 1 2 Kalisky & Son's Horse Shoe was taken down last Saturday and weigh ed by a committee of three, appointed by Kalisky, consisting of Messrs. J. P. Young, Frank Carruth and D. II. Wheeler; it weighed 70 J, pounds. There being two guesses of 70 pounds, the bed-room set lay between F. M. Young and John Routh, who will arrange some decision satisfactory to both. There being also two guesses of 70 pounds, the second prize, $10, was divided between Mrs. N. E. Sage and T. Spence. There be ing twenty-five of seventy and seventy-one, the third prize was rallied for and Mrs. Cartby of Eight Mile Grove drew the prize of five dollars. There were 1079 guesses made since the first of November, which made quite a rep utation for Kalisky & Son's Store. A fine line of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes at Simpson's. 44 12 A Dishonest Lawyer. Cheyenne, Wto, Jan. 21. To-day in the district court, Chief Justice Sener ordered the name of Chas. A. Hoyt, stricken from the roll of prac tising attorneys for failing to pay over $30.87 of money entrusted to him by a client. Hoyt has fled. The last heard of him was in New York City. He ha3 also been indicted bv the grand jury. There is a reward of $250 offered for his apprehension. Conscience! If that principle had been caried Jout in Nebraska, there would have been a heap of disbarred legal talent in some spots. White's Sewing Machines atSimp- sons. 44t2 Have you Catarrh? "Dr. Sykes Sure Cure" is an unfailing remedy. nave you heard or it? 42t4 Estimate of Expenses For Cass Conn ty for 1SS2. Court Expenses $ 4500 00 Per Diem Co. Commissioners 800 00 Sal Superintend't of Schools. 1000 00 Assessing County and census returns. , 2600 00 Tax List 700 00 Book, Blanks and advertis'g 1500 00 Elections 800 00 Fnel for Court and Jail 500 00 Jail expenses, including Jail- - ors Fees 2000 00 Outstanding warrants and Fleating indebtedness.. . 7000 00 Bridges 14000 00 B. & M. R. 11. Bonds. Interest and-Principal 2006 00 Insane. Poorllouse Expenses, includ 900 00 ing Physician's salary. . . 2000 00 Roads, Land Road 12000 00 Clerks salary and extra work on assessments. f.K) 00 Total. $70900 00 We hereby make the above estimate for the expenses of Ceunty, for the year 1882, this January lCth, 1882, and publish the same according to law. Isaac Wiles, i p Jas. Crawford, y S. Richardson, ) Umrs Death to rats, mice, roaches and ants; Parson's Exterminator. Barns, granaries and households clean ed in a single night. No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold everywhere. 4 'nAMUH CABlNtl HASOU & HAMLIN (From Ole Bull, the world-renowned violinist. I have pleasure in testifying to the excellence of your Cabinet Organs, which seem to nie to excel all instruments of the class I have ever seen. Their fine quality of tone is in contrast with that of other reed ergaiut. ard the auto matic swell, vox huiiKina. resonant raxes, and other recent improvements are so admirable as to greatly increase the artistic value and use tuluess of the instrument. OLE lU'LL. Over 225, OO Sold, and there are'hundreds of orders behind, notwithstanding the fact that the compa ny have the two most extensive factories in the world. THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. make only the brst (juality of work. Much va riety ii offered in size, capacity, style of cax.e, elegance of Unih and orua- mentation ; but throughout the whole will be found the same thoroughly best material and workmanship. Easiest Payments. Lowest Prices for Cas7i JAMES PETTEE, enteral Agent. Plattsmouth, - Neb. Farm for Sale. A well improved farm of 460 acres for sale, eight miles south of Platts mouth, 200 acres under cultivation. For further particulars, apply to George W.Siirader, P. O. Plattsmouth, Neb. 43t4 PROF. RICE'S MUSICAL CHART. New Stock Just Received. By this chart any one who can sing can learn to play their own accompa niment in an incredibly shorj space of time. Book of Songs written in the same style. James Pettee, Ag't. Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm Private Sale of Farm Stock. I offer at private sale for the next 30 days : 60 bead of steers, 3 years old in the spring; 4 good bulls, 4 milch cows and 40 head of thoroughbred Po land Cl.ina sows, mated to thorough bred boars. Terms: J months time on interest bearing notes, with approved security. Timgtiiy Clark, 44t4 Weeping Water, Neb. The Goos House. Mr. Fred Goos, of the late City Ho tel has opened rooms for day . board, and meals for farmers in the Drew building. Please remember the place and give him a call. 43t3 Fraudulent Stops. The system of employing useless stops to make an organ appear to have large capacity is latterly so prevalent that attention is especially called to this point, that none of these useless stop3 are used in the Mason & Hamlin organs. Jamb Pettee, Agent, r.iU Plattsmouth, Neb. A pure, wholesome distillation of witch-hazel, American pine, Canada fir, marigold, clover blossoms, etc., fragrant with the healing essences of balsam and of pine. Such is Sanford's Radical Gure for Catarrh. Complete treatment for $1. 42t4 The Mason & Hamlin Organs now employ an improved key action, (patented 1880), which materially en hances their value securing the great est elasticity and most instantaneous response, and requiring only one half the muscular force to press down the keys. It is thus very delightful and effective in use, and saves much fatigue to the player. On an organ having the key action some of the commonest and most se rious faults in playiag are almost im possible. 43t4 School Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the common schools of Cass Co.; That I will be in my office at Plattsmouth the first Friday and Saturday of each month. All commu nications to the Supt. should be ad dressed t Plattsmouth or Elmwood. I will hold examinations of teachers at Plattsmouth. the first Friday and Saturday, of February, May, August and November, and special examina tions at snch other times and places as circumstances may determine. Cyrus Alton. 44t5 Sup't. of Schools. Seeds for the Children's Garden. In his new Catalogue for 1882, Jos eph Harris says the Children's Garden is quite an institut:on on his farm. The earliest and best Ivegetables, and the nicest flowers often come from it. It is a constant source of interest and pleasure. Mr. Harris grows good fresh seeds and guarantees then. He wants all the children to try hi3 seeds. He will send the very best seeds he has and let them have them at 25 per cent, discount. A box of seeds that he will not let the men or women have for less than $2.00, he sends to children, post paid by mail, for 91.50. Let the children send for his new Catalogue for 1882. It will be sent free to every reader of the Herald. Address, Joseph Harris, Moreton Farm, Rochester, N. Y. The fellow, who, by mistake, sent his auburn-haired sweetheart instead of a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup a bottle of hairdve, wants to know the best wav to commit suicide. If people who are troubled with colds would make use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before attending church or public lectures, they would avoid coughing, and the comfort of hearers and speakers would be greatly promo ted. The Pectoral enables public speakers to speak clearly and without fatigue, having an immediate and wonderful effect in increasing the power and flexibility of the voice. . In Ayer's Ague Cure we . have a positive remedy for fever and ague and all malarial disorders, and one en tirely free from quinine, arsenic, or other injurious drugs. It is the chem ical and medicinal triumph of the age. The people of the West owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Ayer for the production of Ayer's Ague Cure. It's timely use will save much suffering and much discouragement, and we recommend it with tbe greatest confi dence in its ability to do all that is promised for it. J. G.CHAMBERSiSON, Succeor to J. O. Chambers.l PIUE?HBAVYiIAI2;lsrESS, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Lap IJoles, Ac, &c. REPAIRING PROMT PLY ATTENDED TO. We not only use 4 Pirst-Class "Stoclr, But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Remember the plaeo Opp. the P.O. I'X.A.TTSlwrOTJTIX, - NEBRASKA. oiy The ALEXANDER PATENT Gate For Sale ly FRED. GOHDEIl, Plattsmoutli, Nebraska, Who lids the Right for Cass and Otoe Counties. Decidedly the 2333 ST JISTID CHEAPEST Farmer's Gate Hinge ever made. Call and examine them at once at FRED. GORDR'S Office. J3F"Agents wanted in this County and Otoe. . 40m2 Cremation i.TQlM ERCH AMTS" T 1 r Xj J r thl ever :fMk other form, DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, John Leesley Offers ior sale the following NURSElt Y STOCK : each pr.doz $2 00 pr.h'd. f 10 oo Annie Trees 3 vears old . 20 Atile Tree a 3 yearn old. first claos 15 1 50 11 00 Apple Treea 2 years old. sec ond size 10 1 30 9 oo Teach Trees 2 years oliU 30 1 75 20 00 Early Richmond Cherry, 6 to 6 feet 40 4 25 30 00 Early Richmond Cherry 4 feet 35 4 ou at) 00 rium Trees, Wild Goose, 5 to 6 feet 35 4 00 30 00 Quince Trees 40 3 60 Apricot1, 3 to 4 feet . . 30 3 00 Grape Vines, Concord 10 1 00 7 00 Strawberries 50 5 00 Raspberries, red, the best.... 10 too 5 00 Snyder blackberries 10 1 50 e 00 English Goosberries 10 1 so 6 00 Cherry Currants, red lo 100 ooo Pie Plant, Linens or Wine plants lo l no 7 oo ORN AM RNTAL TKEKH, Norway Spruce 25 cents per foot. Flowering shrubs 30 Roses, all kinds 30 Firt class Hedge plants per.' thousand, 1 80. Maple Trees 20 3 80 Cotton Wood Trees , 2 00 Any person not seeing me ean rend erders through the Post Oflice. 4ltl3 $10,000 ON LIFE & PROPERTY. IO.OOO vill t. p1.1 tn ny rana who r.n KX nopr. A I.AUf (HIM vllk sur SAFETY ATTACHMENT. Mlll(rfor J,-l.. Kourforll. A(U Wmmm4. Mala or Fenul. 8. S. KliWTOWS SAFBTT LAMP CO., BiHii9MTtM, N. V. PiLwaaooif, IS Wrst IHoadwat, K. T. FOB 35 Cts. SPECIAL NOTICES. (J. A. K. Caution: Since my G. A. It. 5c ci gars have met with such great suc cess, several parties are trying to palm off upon the public imitations.of'infer ior quality," bearing similar names. In order to protect the cigar consum ers and myself, 1 wish to state that every box of genuine O. A. It. Havana cigars bears on the inr.itlo label my name and address, Julius ri-:rrEKREitu, 44tf Manufacturer. THE U. A. II. CICJAK is now ready on sale at the Monarch Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran teed to be the best 5c cigar on the American Continent. Bennett & Lewis sell Breinners crackers. 42U Drugs -the largest stock at .1. M. Roberts. 3tf FOR SALE CITY LOTS. S3tf Will S. Wise Dissolution Notice. The firm of Ward Bros. Louisville, Xeb is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm will please call and settle at once, at the old stand. 43t5 J. M. Ward for Ward Bros. First Preniinm. The Domestic sewing machine re ceived first premium at the fair. It is the lightest running, makes the least noise, and it is warranted the best ma terial. 30tf Peter Merges. For mixed paints go to Roberts' Drug Store. 51tf Among all your good resolutions for the current year do not neglect to make this one: "That as for you and your family you will not use any other than Bremner's crackers," and our word for it, you will feel at the close of 1882 as sweet and delicious as buck wheat cakes bathed in maple syrup. 4 Take care of your Liver. A large numbei of the diseases to which man kind are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy disease. Prickly Ash Bitters are especially adapted for this pur pose, being composed of drugs which act on the liver, giving it tone and strength to withstand malaria. 42t4 For lame Back. Side or Chest us. Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 41eow Catarrh cured health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cts. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Smith & Blact Bros. 4leo Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 4leovv . Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. - - 4leow Croup, whooping cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 41eow Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 41eow That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black Bres. 4ieow Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspep sia. Price 10 and 73 cts per bottle' Sold by Smith & Black Bros. -4ieow m m ar m w r cru, - i-m ' -V Ii. V rTi 3t-3 ol '1 TO" ALL SEEDS la paper l-ft over at JLvJ - N cloMofSeMou. Send for condition MEW SYSTEM, tha Bloat Al vaiitae"ti offered o both Merchant and Consumer. LtAXDRETII'S GARDEN SHEDS vmOTn nn thfimwn rirmi. ftW.K l.AAO ACKKS devoted to fjiln purpose, are. the. hTANDAKIl FOR QUALITY. 1VIIOLK S TIIADK 1'EICE LISTS for Hoeda, In bulk or mailed to merchant on application. 21 423 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA Baker & Atwood sell Bremner'a crackers. 42t4 Hair Work. Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive orders for hair work of all kinds. Combings made up, roots all one way, without extra charge. 30tf $1500 per year can be easily made a home working for E. G. Hideout & Co 10 Barclay Street, New York. Send for their catalogue nn 1 full particu lars. 31-ly. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf Livery Notice. Ilereafttr I will have carriages at all regular trains stopping at this de pot. Any person desiring a carriage to take passengers to, or from said trains will leave word at my Livery Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be accommodated, at reasonable rates. 35tf Chas. M. Holmes. Money to Loan. Money to loan on real esiai? secur ity. Inqnire of D. D. Martinu.ile, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycereno Tooth Tablets. Beaul i fyl Cleanse! Preserve 1 tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite P 0. Ttf LEGAL NOTICES. Burlington and Missouri Riv er Railroad Company in Nebraska. P.oktov. Mass.. January 17, 1S82. The annii;il im-t-l (titr of the utocK liohteni of the JSiiiiiiiKtou ami AllMMourl River Railroad Company in Nelraka will lie held ht the oflice of the said Company, in l'l;it tsmoiit li. Nebras ka, Thursday, relruaiy 23d. 182. at 11 o'cloc k a. m., for the election of a Hoard of liirectom for the eimuiiiK year, nnd for the transaction of any other business which may legally come be fore the meeting. 45t4 E. E. Pkatt, Secretary. Omaha and Southwestern Railroad Company. Uosmv. Mash., .January 17. 16R2. The annual meeting of the vtock holder of the Omaha and SonthweMern JUilroail tym pany will lie held at the oflice of tint Hurling ton and Missouri Itlver Kail road Company in Nebraska, in PlalUinotith. Nebraska, 'lliurs day, February 23d, lnn2. lit 11 : 30 a. m.. for tbe election of a Board of directors for the eiinu ing year, and for the transaction of anv other InisineHs which may legally come before the meeting. 4514 Jojix N. Denihon. Secretary. Notice. In the District Court of Cas County. Nebraska. iaSAVHAK P. McC'LINTOCK ) VH V LOV1NA McCLINTOCK. J The above named nou-reoiUent defendant. Lovina.McCIintock, will take notice that on the lt;th day of Janiiarv, A. D. 1S2, lacliar 1. Mc Cliutock, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the Die trict Court of Cans County. Nebi-aka, against aid defendant, the object and prayer of which are that the bonds ef matrimony hei tofore existing between the plaintirf and de fendant may be dissolved, nd that the plain tiff may be divorced from the defeudauton the grounds of willful desertion of said defendant from plaintiff, and her absence for more than two years. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 27th day of February, A. D. l!i2, Ihhachak F, McCt-iNTom. By A. . Sullivan, Att'y. 4it4 Notice. In the District Court of Case County, Nebraska. George Goos, - Stephen Kerns. Joseph S. Kerns, Alexander Kerns, Jr. Jane Ctterbach, Albert Cum lugs, Hannah Morton. Robert Cuminss, Jonathan Cuming. Sarah Letltia Hubbels, rruuence uumiuf t, Edna comings, Mary Alice t urnings. The above named non-resident defendants will take notice that nn the loth day of Janu ary, A. D. 18x2, George ;oos, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object aud prayer of which are the partition of the following described real estate, to-n it : Fractional lots twenty-four (24), twenty-live 2fi) and fifty (50), in section twenty-nine (2'j) ; aud the north west quarter (im1) ol Ihe south west quarter (s!) of said section t eiity-nine (2!)) ; and the south eai-t quarter se't) of the south east quarter (se1) function thirty ') : aNo fractional lot live (5) lu said section tlii- ty (30); all of said lauds beiug in township .o. twelve (12). north range fourteen (Hi. east of the Cth 1. M . in Cass I 'ouutjc.'.Xs'liru.ska : atod that the defendant. Alexander Kerns, jiunoj. may be adjudged an iiupontor. as having no le gal title or interest tn aud to said lauds ; and that, in tv-se partition of said lands cannot be equitably made, said lands be decreed, to be wild, ana that the proceeds thereof be divided between tke p&rtie according to their respect -ive rights ou are required to auswer oii:oi before the 27th day of tebruary, A. I. ikj. (iKOIillK COOK. By A. N. Sl'llivax, Att'y. 44 Notice. To all whom this may concern : That the undersigned building committee will let by contract to the lowest bidder (sealed proposals) who is responsible, and will give ample security, enclosed with proposals for the faithful peiformance according to his bid. the building of a school house in District No. 27, on the site now leased by said district, on the North Fast, corner of section thirty-ono (31 1, township twelve (12). range thirteen (is), in FlattsiHouth I'reeinct. in Cass County, State of Nebraska, Said plans and specifications are now oen for inspection at the hsuse of C.I,. Kates, in riattsmouth Frecinct. and will be left at the County Clerk's olllce from Xhe 2th of January, Hmj2. to February let, iK2f1ii the City of I'!at(smouth, for the Inspection of anyone who may desire to see them. Said bids y ill b.e opened by the said committee at the house ot C L. Bates, on tbe lot h day of February next at 2 o'clock p. m. Said committee reservthe. right to refuse any fcrvd'all bids, or to award to ' the party who in. Unr fragment is best enti tled to receive the sVme. SAM. lUHKP.lt, l. S. DltAPfcU-," J J. If. Kiskr, C. L. Natks.---- J. F. KUBV, liKU. S. liCfeV.' JOSHI'AMlBRAT, Dated, Plattsmouth, Jan. i, im. 3t3