A Parable. BY LOCXSI CHaCT-IXR MOCT.TO. I bore a sronrd of precious water-drops Across the desert tttrlnjr. One by one Tfcoy filtered through n tiny rent, and loj Wben the hot noon glared sullenly, and I Was fain to quench my thirst, the g-ourd wa void And no drop held to ease me of my pain. Far off the summits gleamed. Their spreading palms I saw and knew the water-founU were there. A tender mint hunic over thein. Almost I heard a soft wind call. My weary feet I turned and set myself thote sbinimr bifrhts To train.. All the lonjrday I toiled, athiivt And sorrowful; and then the sunset came, Rlindinjr my eyes a space with pitiless. Strong- splendor.- Wben ajrain clearly I saw, Pummlts and tulntn had vanished. h.ii1 I knew . I had pursued a mirage, and my strength ' Was spent. I sit me down to die, and yet T raip-ht have lived bad I kept closer guard On that small rent my last hope filtered tbrouirb A little rent, that seemed too small for harm. Vet large enough to waste and lose my all. Independent. A LOYES'8 TEEACHEET- I Lave been sitiin hero in the twi light, letting u;y tliongl t3 go whither they would, Bringing up tho pastvitVt all its pleasures, all its pains, my load drooping lower aad lower on my ban -'s as I leaned out on t!ie casement, eeeing only in a vision twilights such a this seeing, for a moment, a moonlit path, a bright hamL-omo face, and my own I. cart. How happy I was then. If life cou!d have gone on forever as it was then if my own heart, my own conscience, did not cry aloud in its agony over what came after. I would try to bear up until God called me homo. I was engaged to Harry Farncswortli. He wns handsome, witty, and admired by all. And I loved him well. As fr mo, I was fair, with a beautiful flic.' and golden h:iir. Don't smile, dear reader; the fair round face and golden hair have long since vanished, and 1 may spualc of it now without vanity. We were to he married in the fall, and never was girl so happy as I. The birds were twittering in t'te branches one morning ns he came in and drew mo toward hira. "Annie," he said, the girls are going on an excursion to the woods in tho morning, and want us to go. Are you willing." 'Oh, to be sure," I cried deligh'ed. Well, then," he s:iid, "littlo one. I will be hero early, so prepare to start at eight." Tho next morning comes bright and fair. It seemed as though tlie sun nev er shone so bright, the birds never war bled so sweetly, as on that day when 1 threw open my shutters and looked ouf on the country with its fields of grain and tasselled corn. I hurried downstairs, happy with the thoughts of tho day, and prepared to get ready to start. I enn see myself now, as I stood, dressed in my white musliu, with lilac ribbon in my hair and atmy tliroat.and my gipsy hat coquettishly hanging ovei my armJ Ah, me! I'm an old woman now, and when t! ese things have all vanished, it won't seem like vanity to tell you that of all tho maidens I should meet that day, I knew I would be fairest. Women know these things, if they do not telL 1 heard the latch of the gate lifted, and sprang to meet H.irry, but a stranger voice than bis spoke to me. 'Waiting fur Harry, Annie? He can't come; business will keep him away to day." "Can't come!" I answered, stepping bnck a pace, and angered. "How do you know. George SearaoivP" I5ul he took my baud very gently. "You're disappointed, Annie," he said, ami looked ad at ni". "I know, because I met liini down the roa I. He told tin, ami I thought you might be waiting, and would like V know." "But why didn't lie tell me?" I asked, feeling tlie crimson tide surging to my forehead, :is I thought of Harry having eo little thought of me, and this fellow knowing it. Did bet'. ink I'd get ready for nothing? If you are disappointed, Art'de, go with me; I'm going alone, ai.d there's no girl round I'd rather have with me." I looked up miifk at him. He was tall and tine looking. I was proud. I felt hurt and indignant at Harry. If lie thought I was w.-ix in his haiul? he was mistaken. I would let him see that 1 could get others if ho would not come. I took t'me to think this, and gave him my hand. "Yes, I'll go with von, George. Whv not?" And so we turned and walked d wrt the void until we met the rest of t! o party. How they stared at ns. As fr me, I was full of laiigh and frolic. 1 felt s re and sick at heart, and to stifle tho thought in my mind, I joked and laughed as I had in ver done bofore. Ah, it was a s id. sad day to me, with Harry's f. cc coming t me which ever wsy I turned, and the worst was, as the. day wore on, Gorge grew more attentive. I tried to keep it back; God knows, when I saw the look in his eyes that no woman can mistake, my heart flew as it were to Harry, as though to seek pro tection. O, if I hadn't come, if I hadn't come! God knows what he said. I only re member locking tip at him with wids frightened eyes, unablo to move or speak; 'twas after wo had strolled and sat down to rest apart from the others indeed, they had all wandered off in couples and I had grown tired for tho moment, as it were, of trying to keep the words from me that ho had spoken, words so tender, so passionate, so be reft of self-control, as to make mo tremble; words grander, more passion ate than even Harry had ever spoken to me. God help you, George Seamore! God forgive your weakness and my wicked ness ingoing with you that day. He did not have long to sin, for be fore ' I could cpo i my lips to- answer him, I heard a sudden jump and cry, and Harry and Georgo Seamore were down, struggling liercely on the ground. I screamed. I wrung my bands. I was down on my knees beside them, implor ing them for my sake. I tried with my small s rengtb to separate them, and as my eyes took in thj) savage, cruel de termination in the eyes so near each, other, and the tightening of the hands around the throat, I grew faint, an aw ful blindness came over me, and I kuoTf so more. Had I never wakened it had been a mercy; perhaps it was part of my pun ishment to awake and live on ever sinco i s 1 have done. God knows be-t. Perhaps, hereafter, I shall meet him. my Harry and then he will learn that lwas true to him; that I am true to him this day, though my hair has sil vere I. and the eyes that looked so be seechingly at him that day have grown dim w itli the horror of it. Who can tell? They tpld me gently, when I awoke to consciousness days after, that Harry was dead; that he called for me a few moments after I left the bouse, and on being told with whom I had gone, he looked surprised, then hurt, but, say in he would follow m?, had left the hoTise. He had been hue for our train, likely, and came on as soon as possible too soon, alaa! when he came In time to bear Dos4oQat words of IpVe Irom ivMu tuti papers mat i learned of th" mur lcr in 'ho woods, of the ar rest of Seamore, of bis imprisonment and tscapi?. - - - - God forgive him for the cruel lie that he came to me with, that day so long ago, for I cannot. ' '- Pre-iden't Arthur's father-in-law, W. F. Hemdon, was a naval officer and a brare and gallant man. . He lost his life in the wreck of the Central Ameri ca, of which he was captain, when she foundered 100 miles off the Atlantio coast in 1857. Farm Notes. It cots $75 in California, to prepare an acre of land a;d ;ros.v grape vines to the period f produdi n. Of o er 760.000 square n ih's of tim ber Ian- in this ountry the South em braces 460.000, or nearly two-thir's. . In vaiious sections of Iowa, lll'nois and Wisconsin farmers aru buying i-ows to make cream forsollinj to ctenmeries. They find it more profitable than rais ing irrain. . Comfortable 1 ousiDg is all the warmth required by adult fowls. Art fici il heat is dangerous, and it is difficult-to con trol. Hf-ated bouses are a fertile source of manj- evils. Add a little glycerine t the grvf.s : applied to harnss and it wi'.l be kept in a soft and pliable condition in spit" oi the ainnioniacal exhalations -of ihe s :i ble, which tend t make it brifle. Two cw well sheltered in winter will produce more ni'.k and butler-. ban thre:? uashi-ltered a.niin!s. thou h no more t!mn half ihe feed n quired for t'-.e thr e should be ;ireii to the two. Su el tools .should never be heated, either for forging 'oK tempering, in a frcfth coal fire, unless jt b 1 eh- rcoal. It coke is not at hand, tint fire s -t: d be ! allowed to bu:n until all li.e gas is burue ! out of tlie coal before the -teel j IS In.'oduei d. ' ". . j A small quantity f ash s riveii to pigs while fat'tiiiiu; is found v ry b.;!e- ; Geial. s iheir i -d is eneratiy l ish in ; pl.os -lioric acid and deli -ienl i" lime. ? wiii.-ii ihe asiies sppiy. in ton w y the phosphoric- acid is m :de av.--.il. b!e as a fo' d. A :;oo I cow has !i full eye, a small and short he d. d -li- il in the lace and sunken beiwee: the tyes, a .o't and loo.-e tikiu, deep fr i;i tho loin to the ud der, and a veiy small tail, a t'.in u.lder aud a squard Lag. ith the teats u good distance from each other. a'id . one whTch when milked, fehrinks to a small compas1. To keep machinery from rusting take one-hali ounce f camphor, dissolve i one pouud of melted hud; take off t'-e sciim and mix in as much li e black lead as will gire it an iron color. Clean t! o m-.chinery an I smear with t is mix ture. Af er twentx-four hours rub clears witw a soft lliion doth. It will kee; c f.n for months tiiider ordinary irruinstani-es. When mud is permitted t lay upou a newly-varnished ctiriagu or wagon every spot leaves a mark. To avoid this the new varnish should be washed with clean water and a sponge, and dried with a soft c'oth and rubbed with a chamois leather. After this, mud is not so apt to spot tho varnish. But it is best always io wash off the mud be fore it is dry. Water should never bu allowed to dry upon tlie varnish; it should always be dried off witli a soft cloth, sponge and leather. - i BS Mutton. In an economical p int of vi w mut ton is the cheapest meat used; it is also the healthiest it leat it i l .i i.e J so by p! yieians w o have s u iied th workings of vari -us hi?:-ts upon thu human system. The very i o-ir. as well as the rich, can afford the choicest parts of the multon carcass. Farmers well understand the pr tits of early lambs ol the best quality for the butcher. It is one of the most intercs ing and profita ble branches of sheep industry in loca tions accessible to market- At twelFo tr fifteen weeks, properly, fed, they will weigh ten to twelve pounds jer quarter and bring from $6 to S3 eavb. The amount of lamb in the market, however, is sometimes very liberal in fact, more liberal than the conditions would s em to warrant. But when a customer at the restaurant ; asks for "roast spring lamb," and gets mutonj and don't know tin; difference, why, it's all the same, you kmw. Tli.'re is no ivory waste. Even the powder is sold for m:ikinj jelly. It is sai l that one leading cutlery firm in Sheftioid madi! a calculation that to supply th mselws with the ivory need ed' lor tlx ir business they nee led 1,280 elephants every year, and that, even with this number, th.- tusks were earli esliniat l to ueiih 2 po:inds. Clara Belle Givo? H;r Exp-erienca at a Hot Vapor. Eath. "Mo! girls," says Clara Belle, in a litt r to tho Cinciun ti Enquirer, sr-att Miis'!ves to. ginger-y at the b:i!h. Mi.-a CSemvi tina struggles to turn tho key )f t!i 1'at'i-roo'ii. door tvice : ouiid.lo Lctloiibh' sure of locking evei-b!v on!; 'X'ttnines thi ground ghtss ' iml .w mi -sutely, to so'; that t!ire are no pi-ep-holes. though nobody could look in without using win-jrs or a lad tier: Inrns the mirror to the wall, so as ti t to !.! s ocked by facin-r her own sr. ad w; m I not wit!. out all these pre c:iit tuis wi.l shedisp'be. Ad'.wnright fcru ''!i.' is t o niu.'h tf exjiei t of tuia las. -f ii . fi-citu'e. Si.e mendy !ips her so'if into the wat-T, dries hi rselt on A v. y soft tow. J, tin ! hastily dresses her self. An cxp.-ri: iice like that wl ich I bin dered iiiio. a few days azo, would kil! her outrijiit. A friend tissured me that my headnc.e l onld be cured by a liot rapor bath. And I soon afterward r-ad in an adverti-ement in aKew York daily paper that such treatment was Srovided by Dr. and Mrs. Rt io. West Twenty-fourth street. I found a common brick house at that number, with the name on the door plate. A servant responded to my ring: aud ushered me into a well-furnished parlor.- Immedia'ely a mighty pretty young woman entered. Her manner struck me at the time as rather cool; but she quietly asked me if I wished a bath, and informed me that the price w;is $3. Then she conducted me into a rear room, in the centre of which stood a narrow couch, and at one side a si-irit stove stood on the floor. Please undress.' she said quietly. I liesi atcd, bract d up by r.uVcting that site was a purely business sp.-ctator, and obm ed. Then -he seated me in a chair, and inciosed me to tbe chin in a big rubber cloth, which reached to the floor, and covered the blazing aJcohoL Shut up with such heat for ten minutes, I was thrown into a dripping perspira tion. When the girl thought I was stewed enough site took away the rub bur cloth, directed ma to lie flat on the couch, and then washed me most thor oughly. . Next sue rubbed me all over briskly, putting cologne on her . big, soft, warm bands. . She went through with her work in a silent, perfuncory manner, and not without some manifes tations of disdain, which I did not at the moment comprehend; j et the treat ment was comforting, and really did remove my he.id.nche. She was a pluirp, shapely girl, full of vitality, and her touch was quite magnetic I had dressed myself, and handed her $3, when soiuebo'ly rapped at the door to whisper to her. Tell him to wait a minute,' she reSDond.-d; 'there's no body ahead of hi-n.' Him! What did I hear? An awful suspicion flashed in to ray ndnd. "D you give these baths to men P" I asked. "Lad iesdoa't often Come here."1 rita Ag3 Peasbder Who'TJndersiood Only 'Americaa Langaaga ' : T G)od-mornin;r, boss" said an ac I c i ti e i man. as he framed bis ebon v f iee. in the window. ' t. ' Well, uncle what can I do .foi you?" asked the lawyer, pnlting o; ti.e figures ho bad been pondering over. ' - "I come to see 'bout dat speu8ion.,, Oh, I 1-ecol'ect " you now. . Will. Mose. I've got :t cheek for you for f 13. If you'll take this cburograpbical instm- j meuts in your ;igit--' (nanatng i:e oi l man a pen), "and upon the epceif.ed blank space circumscrib',d aud set ajiaf,. for such purjoscs" (luindiog out a pi p r), "you will in a legible and clearly defined manner inscribe your autoraf!. so that the heads of tlie appropriate ihv pa. tments at Washington will hav. n'v reasonable doultof its genuineness, a . i!lt!ius properlv filo it awav in t.' arcliivcs of the Secretary of War, fhy rooi-.cy is yours." 'i The aed colored citizen stood o;i;. .' eyed, scratching his head, and wv t lie got achanoe- be said "Maj r, I : understand notin I rat 'Merican In. 'r guage." ' - ' Well. Moss, I wai talking Anieii" can language.' . "What was you savin'. Major. "Why, I simply asked you to sign your name." "Well, now, deed, is dat so? Well, i cost ma dollaru' baff to come up frou An'rannel, and it will cost dollar u' liaii' to go back. Gim'mo three dollars, and call it squar'." "What for?" replied tho major. "Why, just larn me to say all dat." Why, what do you want to h am that for?" "Why," said the "aged one. with a chuckle, "I want to par'lvzo dem rig gers down in An'rannel, dat's alL" He was finally prevailed upon to t ko the whole amount, and thu instructs ns thrown in gratis, and as he left the. f fice he was getting off the first f the speech, "Grafiical i' sliment in yo r diggets," and laughing at the par'li.--d niggers, his Imaa:inalionconjurerup. Jialtimore American. 4 .' A Long Liaaage. A rnau applied tx the II thM's Col lege for a rout of firms, ami was askWl if anyjof Lis ancestors had been renown ed for any sin Hilar achievement. Te man paused and considered hut oouM reeollect riotl.in. "Your father? said the herald, aid-. ing his memory; "your grandfather i Your great-grandfather." "No," returned the applicant; "X never knew that I had a great-grand father, or a grandfather." ' "Of yourself?'' asked this creator dignity. "I know nothing remarkable of my self," returned the man, "only beiri locked up in Ludgate prison for debt 1 found means to ecap from an unpev window; and that, you know, is no hon or in a man's 'scutcheon." And how did yon get down?" sail tho herald. "Odd enough," retorted the man; "1 procured a cord, 'fised it around the neck of the statute of King Lud, on tho outside of the building, and thus let my self down." "I have UP' said the herald. "No honor! Lir-eally descended from King Lud! and Ids coat of arms will do for you. I wish many of our great men were as well descended." A Practical Widow. IX-adwood women must have an ex ceedingly keen sense of humor. Last week a claim jumper, who f .tiled to leave town when notified by the vigilance committee, was officially shot at twenty-six times by that body. After he had been hit by nineteen of the bullets be bid behind a hogshead of sugar, which the crowd amused itself by shoving over bis prostrate form. When the df ceased was rolled up and and Bent borne bis wife almost died laughing. She said the remains looked like three yard;tf , porous plaster. San Francico Poit. m i ii Virginia Pea-Nut Eaising. I was somewhat surptio-l to see a good deal of cotton-irrowing iu Vir ginia, between Petersburg and Nor folk, says "Gath" in Cincinnati Enquir er. It seemed to be rather small in bead, but looked hardy -and plentiful. AH around it were hundred of ttcres of harvested peanuts, looking like rows of bee-hives the r-ots pulled out of the ground with-the nuts hanging to them, and piled upon one another to the height of ab ut thre feet, so as to dry. ' These peanuts the Virginians do not know what to do with,' nor what is done with them. It is their belief that nearly all go West, and are eaten roast ed or" made into peanut candy. When told that probably a larg portion of them goes into sweet oil as a substitute for olive oil, they express no opinion. I was told by a peanut grower that it is nnw one of the verv best croos in Vir ginia, producing more bushels t . the j acre man me same groiiuu ui prHiuc of corn, and bring at least three times as much as corn per bushel. Corn sel dom gKis to 50 cents, while the pea nuts stand at about $2. and are i-xicct-ed to go to $3 this year. They have to be hoed several time3, and plowed through several times, and are im proved by bein manured. Too Good a Client to I osa. I tell jou." said a iawyor who was titling in" the District Court room yes terday afternoon, "I hear old Jones is dead. Poor fellow! Ho was t';Q be9t client I ever had; so apt and willing," "IIo.v's that?" said a fellow attor ney. 'Why, just tell him what you wanted to prove and he'd get tho affidavits. He'd swear to anything that was nec essary to prove his case. Just a hint was enough. I never lost case with him. lie was powerful and plausible with a jurv and never let his foot slip. He could lie a hundred times on the dip rect and double up on the cross-examination. The more tho other ide ques tioned him the more fuct it brought out for hi e-ise. and all Xho lime he seemed as guileless and iunoc ut as th babe at the breast." At the closn of the touching recital all the htwyers wiped away a tear, sued to his memorv. . . There are 224,000 Indians in reserva tions. How to Deal with Eats. A writer ai the Scientific American 83s: "We cle,-in our premises of these detestable terrain by making white wash ye low with copperas, and cover iiig the stones ami rafters in the cellar wi h it. In every cr vioe in which a rat may go. we put the cryst-ds of tho copperas and scatter in the comers of the floor. Tho rvsult was a perfect st:impu.'o of rats and mice-. Since that time not a footfall of either rat or n.iee has been around the house. Ev ery Spring a coat of tho yellow wash fa Liven the cellar ns a purifier, as a' rat exterminator and no typl.oid, dysentery or fever tittacks the family. Many per sons deliberately attract all the rats in the neighborhood by leaving fruit and vegetables uncovered in the cellar, and sometimes even the soap is left open for the? r r. galemeut. Cover up every thing eatable in the celbir and pantry, and yon will soon starve them out. These precautions, joined to the service of a good cat. will prove as good a rat exterminator as the chemist can pro vide. We never allow rats ta be poi soned in our dwelling; they are bo apt Jo .be between the walls tad produce much- atrgcYancfe." ;:- - AIL !C5 TKS GREAT WFMF Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of ihe Chast, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all othor Pains and Aches. No lYrparution on earth equals St. Jtrnrj Oil fer mtirr, simple aud rhrop Exttrnnl Bnly A trial entail but the compnn.tively trifling outlay of iO 0e In, and erery one Mift. ring with pain can hare cheap and positive proof of iu clIID. l;irection in Kleveo Language. SOLD BY ALL rEUGOI8T3 AND DEAIIS3 IN KEDICIKE. A. VOGEI,ER &. CO., TSirltimnrr. 3!.. I". S. , AfenU wat4 or Ui tAfemm Wortc mt Theonlvcompletestoryof bin noble lire and traglo death. Freali.brilliaot.reliable, KieanUy primed rilliaot, reliable, tjnilj io Encilali and Verauta: mugnia -eiitly lllus- tr(d; bntlmiely tKiuod. Faau-nl nelling Ikh aver pnpiisnwi. gy Jena i . Hiupma. ijl A 1 1' 1 LK not buy the catchpenny, ce- baUUUllvunpMl rtmpaitn books with Trhlcfa tbe counuy is flooUard. - They are utterly ! worthlpm: an outrage upon thememoryof thegreut : dead, !)( m base fraud on tbe public Tliis book la I atlrrlv . Tbe only work worthy the theme. ' Send . in a La sops for A root' a OnttiU i , - . W. U. MCCLUK, 1A- Molcea, Iowa. a week iu your own town, out fit free. NvrUk. Everj thiuj; new t'iipital not required. We will furuish you everything. Many are Diakiits fortunes. Ladles can make a much a men. and bove and girls make great pay. Header, if you want a burines at vklucu you can make great pay all the tune ycu work, w rite ior particular io n. Hai.lktt & t' l'ortland Maine. PILL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, U3 THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM5 OF A TORPID LIVER. IjOM of appetite,3fPBe.bowela ooEtiyo, ain in thnBdjWlth dull sensation Jo CEebftcE" part. Pain under tbe Bboulder blade, fullness aftereatfng, with a disin clinatfon to "exertion of bod yjor mind, IrrifaWbiyoi temper. Low f pints. Loaa . ofmemory, with a feelins cjfhaving neg; lect-ed som e duty , weariness, Dizzinesa, lutterinafpftlie Iloort, Dots beforethf eyeiTYftUow Skmr Headache, Kestless ness at night, highly colored' urine. IF TH3SSE'V7AK5TNG S ABE UN HEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON EE DEVELOPED. I'll 'ITS FILLS p especially adapted to iuchcaie,aue(le effect sach nrhange of feelinir as to astonish the nnftrer. Thy Inrmii tbe Appetite, and cnue th body to Take on 'leb. tbns thp yem is onrii.hrd. and by tli-irTte trtlosoa the DlmllTfOrnns. Bu!r Sol repro dured. Price 25 cents. S Harraj Nt, - . TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Okay Hair or Whibkeiw cfcangpd tonOimsT Black by a Hingis application of this PTE. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously, told by Druggist or sent by expreat on receipt of ti. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. r. Tin's MtSTtf. f TlnM litformuUlon mni Cwffcl Hml will mOr VKbH mm mtfiinUm.P f atV ASa. jCl jSi. s!... '.jf. zJfc 3CCKES TUUl'!i.lKDS Tlr'AULV. Jh, ft POSITIVE CURF jt r i ui vuuyiio.uui jj Is the Eest of Tonics :& Cures Dyspepsia ; k , Restores the Appetite: mi strrtih!i tne system; ERfttsrtft the Walt un4 nohilifatKt A trial of it will prove all .for Ur.ruMk'alVlm mw Tar j take no oiber. l ot sale by all Irugjisw, 0. n. sifH i n a rp k I ii W Ollrar Cfm A I . Q : BAYTOK. HIO. C a m situ a ea a.. ! X "POT?, BY YEARS A valasbla Vacfiy ca IVrmrnm in Ved- ical Solxnoa. A poijiy eilt':tivo H mv lor tho speed? and perm-uM-iit ('ui 3 lor urj r.ic wwikatn tha deplorable diaeiiae rt?iultt;i t-:-sn ii.-!i-rr.ct rac-tloe or exoeoaeg io youth or at :.u tinio of life by the only true way, 'viz: Uirac Apportion ctSas !jy r. sorptioa, sna eJtertlrr l' nwoctflo lai:tincp oa tne Vesiclas, Xu"ta, and (llrnct. tb't nni!i- io pr torm their aatiual fanctlons uiiln tni ds- per wlM Uw bnmaa crstai.u. Tfc- u; of tci r -U:.3 ta att.rylTrrl wlta ao pta or fonvrtoi.n,-e. n.i (loci not teterfere wita the ordinary purrut-i oi It la qnleU dissolved and soon ih'orlrt.1, proir:-;!uir aa fnsmediate aoot hior and ioioratto eitol npoo toe aei iuiw oryaniaatiGog mm?'! Iri.ui vicioud iilii'nor l svopaiac 'be drain from the ayeh'tn. restor ing the mtnd to beiifi and orursd itk mci-y, roraoT Id tbe XHonnesa of 8'got. Confusion or Ide.ta, ArarsKRX to Soolety. etc. etc., and t he oppcaraofla cl premature old Cfrs uaaaHy SK-i-cmpsnytrg thla trouble, aad reeterinc tbe :Ul (orew, v hrrs taar bars beea donsant f.r y nrn. ThU mode of trt meat has stood the tet In vorj Fvctte can's, r-ad ts nowaproaoaaced stincajs. Drugs are too such pra scribej In this trcmlila. aad, as may aaa beAra-U-assst(.wlta but littlslf any pt'aaaaatKid-, lsBOBoasenebothis J--.-scv.;;a Trotipl oh serration enables us to p-a'v-li iuartr.t that It will gire sattefuction. It h ln In n!eral use for aereral yeirs aid rro htive tl-.--iSiir.d-.- cf t.-aU-BKaials from i.atiQt-i, h Ui its w.lun. and It i o eoncndml to be t'.ia mo-t rntiounl ir.tsr iu e? dlfc ooverad for reashiru; and curiae t: is very prevalerrf trooOle. that Is snil known to be V..r ow o unf td misery to so nianr.an J oio whom ij-iuckt rrf -f :tn tbeir aaelens o-wirams and b!? fwnn. Tho KTit-rv I pot n pin nnot boiea-ot tiirt-o Ka. l.f n:".i-r to last a mooth.) S3; Wo. 2. 'jUici: fc u eilv-tt a i-x-naoeat eum, nr.lexn la :reri tis. h.i 55; Ko. tlastlnit ovr thrn? monl!, will restor thoan In t:o worst cond" .on.. S7. t.-ut by nuill i plain rranrwr Full DIRECXIONS for usiuar wL. Eccoropiay MrusT fir Bealert Mteirn nttre. 1 i" Ia flrluff jHHimlral illkYritnii mtd TnlisvoMy, epift-l wilt roari rr f Ma KNoaf shrptim 1 1 hat tftr y em it 6 rr i sfarvat to tterfect Health, utul the riial ets-eest thoro'lf trv-estabH.tltril mim )if Merer affeeteu. Beta u.tiii sy HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CilMUIS. Mractani!8thSt8. Pt. LOU!3, MO. Unsolloltad testimony to tha Efficacy of . Prof. Harris Pastilles, taken'from Let - tors reooW1 from Pa'roul ladiaav April 11. "H1. The Kemmly is working per fectiy. Had y iHT fvrm mTikn'. for 8 yeara iaat. lows. Oct. IDtn, Ta 1 ana almost surprised at too Pastilles. They ha worked lUoi s charm on mc Iaia yast twice aa much of a man as 1 was betore taklna-. i was oa the verge of the Brave, I thought, an 1 i here was aa enr for me. but now 1 am In good hopes for a cure. " West Vlrclnla, Aus. avl.-flH. i received rnor medi cine and I belitve ii has cud me, for whirli 1 um vuy thankful. Inclosed tind Sa. Fleaes send im anoUter box (No. 21 for a friend. You bare done a tircut U tog for sae. -1 will send yoo ell tne orders 1 can. From a Prtysician and Syrgeon. Mlwoori. Jana f. Pleasa forward me nnotker box of tbe Pastilles. The patient on whom 1 hare osed KM of one box. la addition to a aamrle box. is fast racovsriojc, aad 1 tUok another will set- faiio uil rlca. ' From a Druggist. VarvIaod.Cept.z.'TSvtast January wepeiaboxof roer Remedv for one ofoor cueUime". nnd it has sseda A oerf eofSrTrre of hl2iJ We lMvaaAot2lerv-ii--nLznar TOTY'S TI fUf m . s ROBERT DONNELLY'S BLACKSMITU SHOP. Wan'jn, Buy try, Machine and Ploic ra pairing, ami uetieral Jobbina l now lr p.:rfd to tlo aiikinrla af rnalHn of larm a.iil other utaohliiery, us tUerw is a tooU laiHe la my Uop. I'ETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge or the wagon shop, lie i well known as a NO. 1 yOKKMAN. Xew fTairoim and Kusscle made t iiede-r. SATISFACTION ; U A R A N T K E I. SlK.pru SiKtli ivln-ft fiipoiite S'rcieht's ?ta'ol AND MACHINE SHOPS ! i'luttMinouth - XrbrBKkH. Repairer of Sttam Engines, Boilers, iSaw and Grist Mills, GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS. Wrorfrlit Ip.h Him. FiTrn :mtl Lift I'ipf-s.Stfam (iaui-s. KafVty ViUve t;veniii an Jail klmii of linu-s KiiK'-ne Fittings, n-paireil on short notice. Also kinds of l-'AltM at A ( IIIM'IIY. - . i3 4s- t-.-f--. licr'Zi A. G HAT JUST 1 liNKr1 AHAIX, i-tw, (Pitnn, First Class Meat Shop, 3r,U.e !ii"fl -;:r of fitU. latlxnoutt Hifeiyo jiij m hand 1: r iit-sii. tciuier meat. B0NS' BRICK YARD. ' In tlie retr of H.rmor :-vt.ii.'s ON FOUJJTU STItEET. CCK); IUHD : First-Gluss Ii r ii k , ow READY A1?D FOE SAI 'v i'. '.u.u.'Pf Sit isfactiun. Work and taariiitt-e ! i;ons & SON, rintthtnouth, Xe;'i nnw 1uuii.i !..n. P. W. I- . ..,.4 1, n ii'r..s, rj si.:i.c ( HVliES, CAR HI AGES, BUGGIE Hi't SADDLE HORSES. We are now prepared to keep HOR8E9 . FOR SALE TRADE! And will Train and Break Col la Oil t;ca'tirt.il.e Tria. ALSO KK.IIKMliEP-, Tlnit with plenty of room (that eviy one km w we liave) In our s!Hti". w can vet l"'aru er' --icn k ua.l wagons, uac - of i);v, ic.. under ct'Ver, . ( r- xhfy w-:l kt-pp 1ry. Th;-- .. i'nr nit the old outrun tur lUetr .;i;rrl! ty. wo so.s-it tiieir trad lor 1 lie futurt, Hutistlfd til tt we can .'ti-oouiinodatf? tlifin ticiicr ;nul di, lf!i?r oy tlieni than ever before. 501y JONES & EIKNJJ.VUY. PLATT5M0UTK MILLS. I'LATTs.UOUTH. NEB. C. tit: 2 Si: I,, ' . PruiMicittr. Flour, Co n Meal Feed A! vs on liand and fors:ile at Invest cash fiif!. 1 he MchesT prices puld for Wlient ki.cI ('hi. I'ariicidur attention 'iven cturom w- irk. iljrJ ;i..V L HL IlL'-li DY. t vt r Hjcov. red. It ic certiiiii in iii 'Teeti a d d' st nr ulister. A!o excellent :ur nu- j tii.tL iit-il. KKAI) VllOOP BELOW. Jrtiin COL.. L. T. FOSTJGK. Voungst.ivii. Ohio, Mj nit., imx. Dis. H. J KKXDAi.l- & Co.. (5euts:-l Lad Ii very valuable Itamli.eioifun colt which I prized -e.-v inhU. lie !tii a hive t.ouo 3p:iin j;i one j iiiit -tiid .i !.:rtii one on oilier which ni.ide ; nii:i vei v 'itiiie ; 1 li nl !ii!ii iiorler the chaise of t : lei ; -.rv --iri uns wliieh failed to elire !i:r i " n-i-'uv d;iv leading thfl afUertiscnieut j.j L. : :. ' a'-ln ' in the ;lili fa. i -- t : .: : t once to trr tt, thev tr-!-!. ;.,'. i; r -t t if ; l took their all &ni ; : . , I i: . iiivi- it ;i thorough trutl. I i seu i; ,j "!,) i i .lii-t tii:i aud the fourth day i tjte . ... -.. . .. '.' i.iu'c.riud the lumps h ive ; f -, '..' ,.'.!. I :1. i Ui. l1". WOil flif i ii-..:-. "t 'pe froin inu-rnt .'.-6 ;ui !s:.'!--"!i 'i'-i i.-.ti 'in the'stat'. lie N er.ttra H f ::(:. lli"t-.:r? .m rerna'r-aDie J ' ; ; ;'.' i T i;t i iirt hnv- the itnial:.U' . two i-utiK-4 "!'' h' low lining it. s t ry ke::;"et fully. '. ON IU'V rLK.il. rnV,Hi' Mdlf. V!i t;.i.. V. 11. '211. ,oZi Pit B. J. KfM.Ai i . !-Hr sir : ll.e p uti-i ; t:irneoii wliu-h I ::: vour KeiM..ili- Sn.tVfii Cm t i n ia;- uiikie xpnun t -ivi.tu ; : ,il. !ll. i ..: t ! iftl 1ii.H V t lllull-. Olll . li. riiio V. ill- M.itvnt 'lile put tilt f' O' t'l I:e ' ....... .. .1.1 f : ill.- t.ix. lime f..re l.urf. fn a i.i.;iir v jiiisilion Fur a f:ir.ii;y iiil:i-i-Lt i' KF.v.M. P RKI.L. : IV.-t' i '; :!. I- Cinun, l':nuii Sinn!;-. . t Kendall's Spavin Cure, j Sei'U iidi'iie-' iii' lii i.t;-ateu L'i ; t?r.I" wLiuh ; ue liiii.L u -C-; posii.-- proof of It virtue. No j rem- 'v Kf ever n : "Mth hucIi U!nin::lt:ii-'t su- j crr to tur Kuowled e, for be;ist a veil Jis "'i; ice -T. i r l-ottli-. tr r-ix. tn'ti'.tw for ijv Ali ' !.n. i h:ir it or -:in zet it tr yon. or ii . aillLe tent i miy : -i-lrr-ss on reeeipt price .. .: ; ...... li-tor. ir.L li. J. KKMiAl l .() ! Kiiosli!r(f Fails. Vt. 'v SOL Q AlMBMS i ? T bti-i:ifsa Dw betore toe r:-- j lie. Von eau inaice ;it'Mi- f.i't- ' cr :.t wotK lr ns lti.r. a! Bty- ; iliinsr else. Capital ut a-nd , We will start yoa. U ... i ..r.i. i.:ai'i. h".i r hi' ' the li.dn-trlout. Mri!.'i'liin. hejs t.i-l i'1' t- i"' .i ... .. L. I . f .. V" . . vt- I. i h.- : wnnit-o evt-ry urrt? t ma .v ...... ....... , tinu. Von e'i. w..rk in spare ti:ne o.v. tir.i your whole t me Io Ui' bii-me . Yon ran :. . I .....I .1.. lli wrvrk. X:)uih.-r I'SK.i : ve ilVV i"-iS will psv i i fifitrij ;- wr--. -" . ii.iikr- ei-ornous pav ! y r-og-itli if a on.-., dot lv tr.ifif m i term lif'. Moin-y mai'.e f.t-t-, t-.it- ' bv m.ti httrorablv. A" drew 3.-.!y Tuvt. & Co.. anjiiat,!, Sut'c--". is io Jones Si Aguew. J -j' ' ' j l(f Again tikes :hari of th Old ft -f V U U ' Brick Livery Stable ilvv Mmkm PI.ATThllOUTH. - - NKRRA8KA. U LJ& X?. Thi' old Ron nor St.-Iils. in riattHinoutii. are M it A V?i ; W-"tt1 T-'St'bx. r;iswvia.' BEST NEW HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has just dh'ii(u1 an futire iiew stock of hard ware, on .. .. Xxt door west of ("IiHjmiau Smith's Dru Store. A Kuil Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Ke or Pountl ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STOSES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full I.ir.i- cf I TT I.rt V. Sper.i-it Ratts U 7'itil'icrs ami Cvn-trcut'ir. All Rood- !nv and livf. they possibly can b 41V H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wlioijfjsjiio mi Uetitil Dealers ii PINK LUMBER. J.ATII. SIIIN'GLES. SASH, roous, :;tc. KTC, ETC. u , s:ifi'!. ( iinu'rof Fifth. pr..TTs:o::Ti, .... xcit. . t;i:Ncv fdi: Goo. Woods ti Co. Piuiios ani Organs. Nc'V' J)t.v.t. Af:i:iziric and Papers, ni'i-. tu...ei v. Tobacco :uA Ci'-ar.-;. HEADQUARTERS '.Mi Main Sr. :i4Kir New Hotel. WlLlJlAli .ij.SROLD, 0'.;Y" GOODS. LLA.KET, I-LAXNELS, I LKiasiilXG GOODS :o: GROCERIES OE ALL KINDS Lare stock f . - BOOTS and SHOES to b CLOSED OUT AT COST. "O" Notions, Queenswar, nn4 la fact everything J'u call for In ttio line of Gon-jral Merchandise. :-a:-s : vii roic uiiiKs AND Frtia. k'- vii. :-. ... i' . .:i 'Hniii-e taken n ei li -l'.-- - j -- m N ' K 1 7 " TI j h era ? EgijtJ M PMR "- 53 ; rtlterr.lFfi V ( ' Is ma .tc Tr-.-.Mi a nnp,f rropu-al Leaf of Rare Valne, J-:-nic-l yfor all the dixeaht Im .! r.'i'i -e :;!- i:i tl:u lower part Of the ho'iv i-ir i.i:..i i i.iy-r He:id:u be Jauu dice I)fzziuc.. c.i-svei. '-t.'.l ui-.i. and all dtili- - culties ol th Ki Ii'-Liver a;id Crlnary Or gans, lor I cr.i;;ir ti iNes. MonthlvMen 8lrua:'nn - u ' ." ;.i;iiiy, it fia no ; equai. it u.v.iv that make tha : Moo.l :;!( !t-i.f K ;p- ', (tlood Pnrifler. II is the !!' ki!.' i: ivi.ic :!y that cures that sconce, n-i .t;t For Uiaheteo, , uc IVftnii'r t v.t't s:i!)etM ( arr. For -aif :- .r;i -a:- : d SN'.delv at Sl.XA perliotile. l.t.pcs l-.::e i- t!i market. Try it. till, v' v. N I v .'( . ;t..e!iester. S. Y. NO CHANGING CARS HKT VTKEN OnUA Oil I.4.TTSIOL?Tn AND - GH I G AGO,! i Ilt-' c I - i : r se mailt. Willi --r- Jir . i lillll.DELPni, .1 .iINf;TO.V. rus cities ' . t ,A T r'i ljCI Hz, , . :: .-I .. rii-LB. els-ax- f N in 11 ; O U IS, ! T!' 1'CU- j i !; r , -r- IE FOH f!f b j !!' it) . 1" ' "1 Ofiv Mi-ill .ii :h. - j.r aa folloi : i. .a 16- v i;t5j VsUase 1 ... . tl.l-. Hurt, i I'- : lt!,.'-l0:n '.If ' t !..:ir. No Ktr. : 'r. t'tl.'iirs. i ' -j ee Jiiini'Car. j : '.vith elegant . Hails, lor ' - i (A.iacujser. Ami Miixtriro r t.i-nt I'tirvntfjli . i'"vt-.'.l others, i 5 u-x;at. . i v ;:i.i st; Lux .i . i,!.;.! t. - '-rbrxted 'me for i .i .el States aud , , . 1 ' 1 -.:. !:;.. of Fare, SIrp- - -;. att t finit; Tables. -! iTI.y T r. (, :V lyinij IO I tltil iti S.ilWfll, jttiur..i 'a.M-der K't, CblOAffO. J. tlTOIt, i.vi.rrai M-inaser. Cbleo. ;.:ISKM 8 BENNETT :ABf1 A complete BB 1 O&lxTlQEr li H V ITni TUB Hl Staple and Fancy Groceries FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. We carry the biggest stock of CANNED GOODS in tins City. Fine Teas a Specialty. AGENTS VOll C. g. Maltiiy's "Old ReliaMe"- Brand cf Mimn Oysters. lCASH: IPVITD FOB COUITTE. y JPTl'OJDTTCJZ.-at ;oo1m Dellvcre. l ice Iu any i:rf of tin c ity. 1 11 I ! Ml m I HUSH II II II !KJstsmaMsmJsMMsyissWM I tttsfc Ossts- Gontain: Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandraho ? Gentian Ami cures Dsvjiepsia, Lns of Appetite, Billioiisnesi aud all derangement of the .Stomach arising from over-eating and drir.kipg. Prepared only by 1KW. m.IICIK AXI 3IAXtTlMCri!:i. CO., LEAVftf.'V'ORTHi KANSAS. J for salf by all lr. cist. S o The Old Grocery (k Dry Goods Stand, i AJtlicugh Lection is over we are not done selling s!3. by long shot. . lb OU WILL FIND AT F.S. WHITE'S ONE OF THE LARGEST aXD BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN Ti I E TO . tlurn ever. -CO- ' The nicest Green Winter Apples for sale. Over 2CO' B.melij down OllaJ :u ;f Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS, TALLOW, A-C, at JJ1. S. WMITJS'S, PLATTSM0UTH, NEBRASKA. E3H sMsLsbb in reserved SMITH LAC Sim? Aa TO QIVS.8THE1 .A. 0-AHiX.-. Great ehaiiet to make mon ey. Tiio-rv wlio always take advantage of the KOd rlianret tor making luonay that are offered, jrfnerally oei.ome wcaniiy, w iiiietney who do net improve fu-h cliaaoes r-inairj In poverty. Wo want mmv men. women, bovs and kit n Vt work for us l iglit in theirown localities. A.ny one fitn do the work properly from the flrnt ctait. The business will p:iy more than tan tliiie ordinary wat;cH. Expensive outfit furnish ed free. No one who erjratrei" fails toinake mot ey rapidly. Von can devote your male lime ts the work, or only your spHre'n-.oineiits. Kullin forniation snd all that ni-pitcl h u erf-.A'J dress (rlyj Htinbox & (. .. I ano SJs- '3& I'EiH. J; F. BAUMEISTEFi FumlDes Fresb, J'uro Milk oi:i.i vr.KL:. aii.y. Special eaalls attended te. and Fresh Mil fraia same cow furnlthed when wanted. 4!y SURE PTKtZf TOR BsLDRKM PraarnpOtm frea aat M.man whu will . . (1. raii a uawcruwiublilair.M'tiuasrsur MsstaclMS i arinsiiv pi.iriicr PI "7 t rl. L I C' T .... ? a ITa j A nnrular it-i Inalu of tv IoJ .cal i LillAKa. baa tiiail I loutv l.ioii.i i t.i..a tir o fierr'n-Fiici-a I.-I bt IiouuMka aitrj p;. m snrm.dnJrll oll rfiji-inuusaaw. anout, TJrtaary t. :iui7 07 3d iwarifcl A3 Tbrm t. "Sit cr v .n"3 T3rc-l r -r, fnvai cupiaraii mvtioam mi vaUilr. 8oiT..-)i---5j:"Vijaiiai Lfih Jsly and Irr.iotrs r..i.: tf i-Vlf-Ahufl, sz-.tuhI txci-i Iq Rmtaror yanrs.orornr hminr.:-if, r'l :iiri':rroubDiu,siurn. al aua..-n, di)tir. ciznrt-nw of i;rrit.lefti ra hma. tt. pari -:il d-p,y, fevwrwim t y avriety ronfnaiiKi of j4ia, i ' sozuai pvr,ui.-?i r lo-i.rn-Ii l.-ip m r.r- rtajrtcpiOjerjB iwrmArn;n'acl. C a6ics or b nrnU fraa and I;ai aiuurp. V.mAirnem atct l-r ra. or u'i i-onnuOatioa nmiiLimX on Ipiu nifjL i.iujf .ru ic 17 rs.'iu or w-m. iroa f-awitoti. Wb di.abl xlis tt Ulrapklr ti. jvmsLseiE 1 i 280. 1 t PsQES UI D ! Pi 1 f;1Wwlna p'ltm-antsac zr:r mftrnr. .ti rnt, way. Hanhoori. VoiissvahrtsKl. PfnsiJ J Ancny. V-'hi eitouid iibrtei r I tiiui im il ;ars. X ' iniurid (W VkU ai1 k" C3 ct9. aiaii In nwupy or ts?C ". fill i? r ji-.Ta rrirrt th& ts-ni rpokrrv. CCPOfOTtrSLI lortt.5fp UEsW taWWllir I i n cur-i of riHiaianl iknats. lOMt M&ai'Vd. N'jrrouina, LvtMUt, '.ifmiorT arvl J.'i vv-, r a hmo-rrit oa br r j'Abosa. AaydrrMth-4St' lTrri'.ntii. ht. LooJs ! Crati irutfs,6l'tt.Ciar:fs.Ft. 1a?vi, Mo. tTonfm-lori rf Id i. Aveniou to Koiil 00L0 f a Watruss. Sws, wIdct.!! 54. Whltamral RsaManO. IT"! t. liaMaUaa coMM. build iroid SIX CoM(liilk 'T I'Jf '"r ajrs nssor wmiliiivt purposa Va)nablsa Vsa ilcibciM, IMUJirSoSalO., IMXaaMaSSksIsr scat I lava. I OR.WHITTIBB i A fSJ" 1 ? 7C5ChesnutSt, St. Louis, Mo. a old r.fa, I KiUnLas tu cure bprnn-i.v.rrrrra. ParrJJval WedJt rf. i .i - ' Besa, Ii3Ttency,n'.l form u.' f vpl OanorThcaa, onered by this . Vnr.vr -fcdar Utaaf L. Icwn oaaas ,l;4 14 ! Ailtn rii.iaiM.fi rto-.n'ting frora lm-i-mdnm,wc.'n-m9Tmxpom.ir cnr4 toe li' with snfs gssdic-loa. Adit ir w. C!uiMl OaJI or wrlln la strict em8lK. tyrenrom B.-otE for two stiwnp SSuiexo. ag..m iim i.u.ipsH vr Is strict cnnSl9Doa. tyrcntom B.vxs fnr two tJARRIACECUIDEu 1M OCt m?-.?JrTri DISPENSARY. TzUlH-Aed 1S47 tt 12 X. t:h 3trwt, 87. LCTT3, HO. iilSL i'bTvctSsfift id charn of ibis oil mnd w-ll .rjtiion are r-rnt.ir a sav-Ji' o .-.tt. Tear of Hiv.y'ui a::w -u 4b itvtim-Qt of " rCr.lQ X)Awa50q CAat-r T..lr HyfiT stHtll sUid t)lt- 't, U HrAyf Ui lti: ut ttt ordiDATT prctitior. ii'ey Kv - Broutr-1 ft nliootU repuU-Uon llro-.fcb . r iratmiit or crr. r 1 w. r r'i riP. :..51SCRCTIOHOREXF0UaE n hlimtl. ajkln r boon. treil witii irc- x. m-Mtr princijufs. wn bout osiBf Mf f rfi , (at .xr.i (-.'ran K-.-d.rict acl at a:-4s4w pio. V"!'.JNG MF l iti'rtoo solddla a she at .a..v4J S1-"1 mltsriaai trota ortranjc .ea- - -i-fimmi oofits lta v1j.1is tor tmsiaesa or Buuns, - fairntlj mrad. modrnta er i-tiso. ATIENT8 THrTATEO W MkI aad rrarrr, traS ustsji a hiriaa "t w-t mum t.i.-w4. c ii".! .f.u - .-..'.... 'a.laFjmu, -Jtt of Qwttum la br awcrr j Isy patisat aaini -t-.f.ru:-L:::rtlLf': ! EE WIS, no i stock of ! J -CLi .ni f. 0L m W it .V V.. The rrj. r. o ' '..e iTft nfthe htm l-ixttt arr ! ."rrrt. fjeim nt f tim t.lt er, -Vr ' I he ttmtuieh mmrnt Lfi tr I M. In tin. . j- fo rjfrrt ft rur-, tt im neretxat y ta rr - tne citvr. ' Irrm ! rf fiing-ji-H 't-ft0M a" the Hmu'el; t -,iirre, rt th Stninmrh, fmtm t it t:.e B'rf-naw f.t.t n,etr.t iinlieat tltmt the liver is at ' ' , a nit thnt nature re quire artl .(. tt. .- to vimt,le thi mrgam tm th row eff impuriti, XrlCtlly A-f ri.lll.norrtptntlff CO Ki ;frsf for ih t j nrynMi: Them- sJr mi'u in their an: tn einrt "- tie svs as ettre t mre plentn :t t - .' r :tle ttf'l taketm eni'.l ' t.ff t. ith tit . u ti trfi-.tl. Ta ken Hrrnt rt . t: .- ' l.e . Ih-tfttire m ettfenmi-y ..M.'lr--i . Jr.-.jtp.a, , (icnt-railiy. t'if niillon. eU-Mt-'t . Ah XitT tht w tire Dirjttrmt If t (. ' ' "ir I'tine ( eteanmina the ttf-ttr.t . -thlit, mttmt i tf p.t ft l i i r .-. -1, ft, tte Im ft tit, lit a Slit . ' .cite- ito; ah Ties tf5-.' i.p :,t f Ctd lliu' l.O olLr. T rr '.a. t. T ov' ':-..C!.. all), v' D E rS QVERYl LOST MAHHOOa PCSTOREO. . -j . O rrmrn (iwtin 0.mwrlMa.'wr1a4UtrMa ' ' - 'l J o x.4 .jla . ti.ta. iuio. b aa ai,a,, sf. 4-i:. i. i-OBKUL or ulTLa. rnaala 4 ' -' A?43 CONQRRHI . - : l'!.v:-. fHil. f,r m dr,,,,, f - .- r .Irt ..."fr, -.rf. na rvlrH at srW I ' - ','E ?-'iUJr!S 1Msv yf?" r7i-v rjcr.a tot & Bend for out a- ,:-t. tjje I-'aliautlWi.i- tcr cf 1S81. Iof to any .-tliir-Fs. Con tains full descrijjti..n of all knhot for personal and family w."lVe doai directly with tlie ccmfitnt-rt and t-J ill good In any quantify st ttAoicsoa prieca, Yoa can buy better and cheaper than borne. hontgoiikky ward & f o. & i.. ri . -i. .'A javifetSsA r:' - j 9-4 A viotii.i of Tautlif-il IrrpritdwGow oras; FTss rm De ay, tArvoua jTV UiHy, It ManlMaa. ssa asviuh t.ijd in Tain tv.ry an'ra n rsruaar, mm W onvmrl a rirrp.s s.-.f cur: n hn-h h 11l sa4 TV , ks bis Mlin.tniil. rm a.Mrts..JI. CI. UayV,, I at T?T-,Tt.t mt.. N. V. ' il I "- " L Va-fc,' I f f 6 i S f i 0 V I r - 1 w t-J f'.i