Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 19, 1882, Image 2

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Jho. , ft. jaicyAuRPHr, - Editor.
rLATTSMOUTII. J AX. 19, 1882.
Onr Club List.
Here we are with our Club List. To every
aubecriber who pays for the comhitr year In ad
vance we will give a copy of Kendall's "Horse
and Hi Diseases' free. As wiU bo noticed by
looking over this list carefully, several prem
ium) are offered hy other papers and maga
zine. io our readers can, If they wish, obtain
two premiums as well as two papers at low
"rates :
THE . " -JMtlCK.
llnAi-t and Iiiter-Oi'tSin, (weekly).. S-2 75
" " St. Louis (;iobe-leino)rat...2 "
" Chito ..Jlerald. w eekly 2 4')
" 3f - " dally ...... C l.-!
- IJurliSslon Haukeye , 3 03
" Louiville Cotirjer-Jounial.. . 3 OS
" " Leslie's Ill.s.Jwupaper 4 15
" N Y. TIin (sem-wekly)... t 15
" , " Sun. (weekly) 2 (F
TolruoR'.ad- 3 00
" ' Iowa Farmer, (and Uai field
pre .a.)
" Kcientifie American 4 20
" Nebraska Farmer 5 75
Omal. a Republican (.t prein). 2 75
Omaha lice (and prtiu.) 3 U5
' Ajjrici.'.uuist 2 tio
' rrati ie Fanner 3 U)
" The Rural New Yorker (with
seed distribution,') 's SO
" Harper's Razar 4 ho
Weekly i Bo
Monthly ..465
" Yonn l'wiilo .- 2 o
Scribuer's Monthly 4 5
" M. Nicholas." ... 4 10
; " Eclectic MajjaIne.'.' i: ".. 5 75
Demoi'ist's Monthly Maga
zine, (with preni.)- 3 'y
" tlodey's Iidy' Look... . 3lj
Phrenological Jouriial 3 15
' " Literary & Ldncafual Note. 2 23
' flood Company .... 1 oo
" Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly.. 2 10
" Housekeeper 2 4i
We call attention to t'u s:I of stock
advertised by Titiiotiiy ('lark, of Weep
ing Water, in this paper.
The letter from TJ.ree Groves on
reachins" is very acceptable and we
thank tho writer for the same. It
would have appeared last week but for
want of timo to "set up."
Tni: Watchman is still marching
into Lord Frederick Davis; -jives
Steeli and Johnson a whack, poetize)
I.x. U. P. IMroctor IIouscl, and pt.l
verizes a ten; peranee crank or two as
he calls 'cih.
M us. Colby, of IJeatiice, one of the
most prominent workers in the
of Woman's Suffrage, has gene to
Washington, to attend the SU:i;.l
Women Suffrage Convention, where
she will deliver an address on "The
Social Evolution of Women."
The coils of the (luiteau tiLil
still unfolding, Scovi'.Ie making his fi
nal argument, which wa probably
closed last night. His sole plea is tl.-e
insanity of Guiteau, claiming that he
has Leen insane since his nineteenth
year. After .Seoville, Porter will
make the final close.
The firsit case of small pox was
reported in Omaha on Saturday, a
msn by the-name of Iseilr-oi;. The
man was qu . rantincd at once. A
past house was ordered by the board
of health and all means taken to pre
vent the spread of the disease.
Tiieue is rumored to be a projtct
on banc1 by some prominent capital
ists of Minnesota to open up a route:
from the nearest point en the North
ern P.icific to the Yellowstone Nation
al Park and the Geysers. Ten yeai3
from now, that will I e the great r sort
of America. These parties also i:ite::d
building some big l.otels to be naly
when the road reaches there.
tiANOALL "the great Democratic
Tender of the minority in the house"
fi Tip Alii!.!:- "ills blin is ncrnvil i o t
to the same authority ''free trade
per se"' but "tariif is a practical
thing," and Pennsylvania is not fre,
trade so liandall is contra se as to
an- great meddling with the tariff.
The Lincoln Democrat laughs at
this position, but if he lived here he
could often see great men fur things
per se, and after dodging 'em, coitlra
The Fremont Tribune says we
arc "mistaken"' about Geo. W. E.
Dorse' being a candidate for Gover
nor because he lately told th: Trib
une man that "he had never asked
anything of the Republicans c f
Dodge Co., and never expected to."
This in italics. We never said Dor
sey was a candidate, but only that
a fellow told us that a lot of other
fellows in Lincoln told him so but
then what has struck till our grat
men? lias Jno. I. Redick been giv
ing lessons in modesty all through
Nebraska, and found devoted pupils?
Major "Wiieelep. is a candidate for
Secretary of State Poard of Agricul
ture, lie has made a good one in the
past, and if the Institution called the
.State Hoard of Agriculture must be
kept up. Daniel II. Wheeler is as ca
pable of keeping it at the front as any
one we know.
Ex Governor Furnas is a candidate,
too, and equally capable, and being an
old friend of the Heuald, we wouldn't
known how to vote, if we were there,
so we're doubly glad we are an Editor,
and not an Agriculturist about these
The House rattier set down on
Congressman Haskell's resolution
"that no ' poly ga mist should be ad
mitted to a seat there, and our dem
ocratic friend here rather chuckles
over it and thinks Haskell no match
for S. Cox. You just wait till tho
wonvjn vote here, Bro. Sherman,
and you and j-our democratic con
gressman too, will be glad enough to
vote and speak against Mormons in
the House of Congress, or anywhere
4se hr pivWio-psUio4i--oi:lsc youi
party will Rtay out in the cold till
eighteen bundled and frosc to death.
i)n a reV,' l)rk IlOUd.
i 1
Six Others Head and Many Wounded. !
New Yomr, January 13. The Chi
cago express train, leaving Albany at
2:40 this afternoon i .with ucauy item-
I..-,. , r , I . ,. i ...;!..(.. .... i i ......
i... ti. f.,,.,,t. - ,,
i uii iulu y - wit. a. i a fc-. it ia:
train in a cut about a quarter ef a mile
east of Spuy ttn Duyvit junction with
the Harlem muin line:'- The two rear
cars (Wagner's drawing loom) of the
Chicago train were telecoped and aet i
on tire. It is reported seven bodies
h.ave been taken from the. wreck. Sen
ator Wagner, it ia feared is ;burned to
death, as he. was last seen entering the
car "Idle Wild" a few moments before
the collision. The following is receiv
ed at police headquarters: '
"About T:o0 p. ia. Hie Tarry town
train ran into the rear of the. special
Express at Spuy ten Dm viJ, destroying
two cars by tire with loss of life. No
tify the coroner ind Kend ambulances."
Everv available ambulance has been
taken to th scene of the accident fr.-.m
Peilevue, Nine!yrjiinth street and New
l'oik 'hospital.. It is. ri ported that
Geo. T. Spinr.ey;"A tb.Tiiy" conespon
dent of the New Yolk Times is killed.
New YKK -January M. The cause
of th'j accide. t m tl Ne.w York Cen
tral railroad at Spnten DuyvM last
niglit was this: Tl;eseiM Tarrvtown
lcal theatre passenger train, at full
sp. ed, ran into the rear of the through
western express to New York, which
had stopped in a deepen' .just previous
to crossing Harlem river to Manhat'.en
island, because of some accident to the
air brakes. Tt:e brakeinan on the ex
press failed to go back an 1 put up th?
danger signals, and as the, cut is a very
sharp curve, and at a point where stops
are never made, tho engineer had no
means of knowing the. danger ahead
until within a few feet of the express.
He w a3 going so fast that his engine
rut clear through the rear coach of the
express and drove most of its timbers
through the conch immediately ahead.
Th-3 folio wing is a correct list of the
dead : .
Senator W. Wagner, New York.
Park Vallentine, Resnrngton. Ver
mont. Mrs. Louise Valentine, of North
Adams, Mass.
Dr. Tp L. Rar.son, Messina, N. Y.
Rev. Father Maresha!, S. J., Troy.
O. "1?. Kerdev, Spring City, Pa.
L. R. Tingle, I'hi'w.dclphia.
Riiggs. New York, severe internal
J. W. Brown it j;. senator, of New
York, cut in the head and otherwise
badly bruised.
Edwin CabiH. New York City, bruis
ed about the ribs and back.
A.Chapin, ussemblyman, Brooklyn,
eut in tlu head with glass.
Mary Danhds, Sherwood house, New
York,' scalded on the breast and arms
John C. Jacobs, senator, Brooklyn,
bruised about the h.-od and shoulders.
Edward Kearney, New York City,
bruised about the arms and holy.
Leonard Kellerhouse, Kingsbridgc,
severely bruised about the head and
body. A. Livingston, ;:ssemblym;ir,
Putnam, slightly hruistid.
Snyder P. Nichols, police corr.mis-
sioner. New York Ciiy, cut
arms and legs.
on the
Mrs. E. I!. Phillip. Wht
evndv biu:?ed on th? head nn-
Hampton J. Polo, assemblyman
New York City, bruised on the head
and shoulders.,
Edward C. Sluel.ey, assembi mtn,
New York City, severely bruised about
the body.
Albany, January The senate
chamber has been draped in mourning.
The depk of the lata Stnatr Mogan is
also draped. At the meeting of tha
seriate Monday tiig'at arrangi'iAents
will be made for attending the. futui
al in a body Tuesday.
Young A'allec.tine, who w;ii killed
together with his bride, nio Miss
Louise Gavlonl, of North Adams.
Mass., were married on Tuesday night.
They were crushed, and burned ia the
tire which followed. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Earstow, of Vermont, was with
the bridal party, but went forward as
the train stopped, and escaped unin
jured. Park Yallentine, Sr., also with
Valentine was on the platform of the
rear car and jumped u7, escaping unin
jured. Y-.te of 'I hanks.
'Elmwoop, Neb.. Jan. , 1S82.
At a meeting of tho Elm wood Farm
firs' Alliance, No. 11:'., a vote of thanks
was tendered the Nebraska IIebald
for gratis publication of Alliance meet
ings, and other courtesies
Wax. II. Pool, Secy.
Yiriuo briugs its own rtwunl, they
say. We begin to feel rewarded for
some cf our work fully, and shall al
ways remember the cffoits of true
friends to.f-ee ihU justice ha3 been
done. Kind wurda'guin and make more
friendships than fault-finding and
scolding, and tho HEUALD and its far
mer, friends will both reap the ad van
tage of closer acquaintance and inter
change of friendiy greetings.
Mr. Haskell, of Kansas, is deadly
earnest in his declaration of
war against Mormonism and polygamy.
In the House, Wednesday, he sought
to have his resolution declaring poly-
gamists ineligible to seats in the House
put upon its passage, lhe L tab case
has been sent to the Committee on
Elections, and Mr. Haskell's t high
sounding resolution was not germane
to anything' before the House. Hut
the gentleman from Kansas pleaded
that this was a privileged question,
and. therefore, to be immediately con
sidered. Tha House decided that a
proposition to establish monogamy as
a test of elegibility was not a ouestion
of privilege, and Mr. Haskell was cru
elly snubbed in his attempt to got
even with "the Scarlet "Woman" for
his defeat of the day before. Mr. Has
kell's real remedy for tr e evil of which
all good men 'complain should be an
amendment of the Constitution of the
United States, so that it shall read
thus: "No oerson shall be a Represen
tative who shall not have attained the
age of twenty-five yeaus and been
seven years a citizen of the United
Slates, and who shall not, when elect
ed, be an inhabitant of that State in
which he shall be chosen and who
shall have, when elected, t no or more
wjves." N.Y. Times.
The State Jonrpal has cliai grd. its
base on the Plattsmoutlj imbroglio. It
has none but good words for that pa
per just now. Is it not strange, Mae
Murphy, how- people 'will change their
minds, and won't you please explain
how . such things happen ? Lincoln
Democrat. - - - "carrying off about one half the paper.
Joe Connor would say "sugar," may- the others would Ufeccrme at once heal
be. , . j thy. Bulletin,
; Till-! wife of Conjjre-Vsman A-aTeif-
tin'-, is reported seriously ill at V asl -iiijrton.
j We v anta pestal Ulegraplif ;The
t'nie h:;3 coaie for Congressman
- ; Valeniiuenforo tlnlsc ptiierVenows
4 gt ihfarrl wls'!ir"'jon : ' Itrtre
' all the
buy, bring up this postal
i telegraph business and let us Sve
how much 'f.;hd y g't. "At this
date of the f. (i !d America demand
every lr.ciiity IV. r her commercial
and social mt.Mvst.s and cheap tele-
and social interests and die
...... , , " - .
1 gi'iipliy is eno of tha needs of the
an Agricultural exhibit our
fairs have have been pretty thin
sometimes, out noti qnue so uau as
this from the Iowa Homestead w hich
Dm, Dnif?, repioduees, f.r us:
"At a county fair hereabouts thr
agi icultural implements consisted of
t w o p ' 6 w s , t w o w a go n s, and t w e r; t y
wheel of fortune- That assortment
ought to and will kill any fair."
We should sa3- so; beats 'no pre
t - -- -
all hollow..
Tni: United States Senate, ha
appointed,- bj a vote of tliiity five
for to t .veil U'-tliive against, a select
committee em tho rights of women,
snd 111 3 are exultant in couse
(picncc as they think tlicy can wear
out one conitnittve during tha session,
that is obliged to take their plea
nude, consideration. The only ob
jection heard yet is that the commit
tee are nearly all o:d roosters, and
supposably, less susceptible
The State Board of Agriculture met
at Lincoln Tuesday. They were short
of County delegates, it seems, and so
our young secretary and a lot of other
fei5ows were admitted, as follows:
Bushnell, Yocum, Ferris, Holt, Os
born, walker, Carson, McDow ell, Bed
ford. Slayton, Barnes, Roby, Ntil,
Nortli a lid McCioud.
There w ere four candidates for ."jCc-
retary : Furnas. Wheeler Walker and
Yocum. D. II. Wheeler was elected
as uch. It is well. '
CoxcuESsiiAN ReLd, of Maine, re
marked to-day that tr.a great difficulty
in the way of effective legislation
against olygainy, in his opinion, was
that under our system the enforce
ment of laws depended upon the local
sentiment of a community to which it
applied. Congress might enact stat
utes, but if the weight of public senti
ment was against it, it would be inop
erative. This was the case in the
South, and it had becomo so apparent
that it was no use to attempt to force
a law upon a community where the
weight of public opinion was hostile
to it, that the position had to be prac
tically abandoned. This was the trou
ble in I tab.
We have argued thai' in regard to
temperance, but the sentiment of
tho countrv is? ohanginr and the ten
dency is te pass
Lhe 'la-
' it
right, and iHthe people w
it. At least that is what
l nr.-
ii "k.s true in eae case it is in another.
Let Congress e;i:i--t a plain square
mormon law, whetu.-r
bv am end.
i.:eut to the constitution or. statute
l;v.v4 and we'll mo if it will not have
to be obeyed, as well as other laws.
To pro.-,ee-ii 'e, by force of arms, illicit
distillers in a i-onmiunity whose
loecl sentiment favors di.-liiiing and
siu itvi s the distillers, eannot be har-(h-r
tl.-r. enforce auti-Mf);-:rf!-.i t :.
.l;::r'ii ts in a euinuiuaity loaiiy
Mormon, and if e:.e is right tl.era
r.o argument agaliist th.1 other.
The secretary of the sr. Jo R. I. en
vent ion has, so far, failed to forward J
credentials to bUose gentlemen who
were selected for the Washington com
mittee; and this is rather strange, for
he has been personally and and public
ly requested to do so. We on?e again
caT upon hirn to forward these creden
tials Ai the earliest possible moment,
so as to enable the respective members
of the committee to show the olilcial
character of their mission while, ap
pearing before such committees uf
Congress as they will have to work
with. There is no excuse for further
delay in this matter on the part of Mr.
Bush iitll. Lincoln Democrat.
Here's another fellow after Bush
nell;now that won't do. Colonel; when
we have to go for the Je;ieon as. i Ijt
tl wholesome dicjplinc all right, but
if you outsiders and brother unti-nio-nopelists
fall out we shall have to de
fend our co-laborer here.
Among tin petitions introduced by
Congressman Valentine is the petition
of Mrs. A. S. Paddock and 1:5 others,
ladies of Gage County. Nebraska, for
the exnulsion of George Q. Cannon, a
nclygamist, from the house of repre
sentatives, and for the enactment Gf
laws to make- effective the existing
iinti polygamy laws. What js the mat
ter down in Gage County? Is the state
of Beatrice Ihreateped by a Mormon
Invasion? Bee.
Tins, from the New York Sun, will
do: "If any person supposes that the
revelation of what Whitekr.v Reid
wrote to Blaine abcyit Ro-coe Conk
ling can add a pang to the reminis
cences of the great stalwart, that per
son i3 doubtless mistaken. Does the
lion care when he is told that amid
the hurlyburly s ssault of many base
animals, he was also kicked by the ass
without knowing it?' O. Rep.
SAit Bap.eeii. a pert lad of about
sixty-five summers, the father of twenty-two
children, all alive and -well,
came rp from Plattsmouth thp pther
day, and is interviewing our stock
men in regard to three year old steers.
Sammy Is what the boys would term a
daisy, and while he is a full grown
man in yeai3 he is only a broth of a
boy in spirits. Lincoln Journal.
MacMeuphy, of the Plattsmouth
Herald, sends us his almanac for '2,
which is very pretty and indicative of
enterpiise. The Cass County people
who take that and the Heiiald will
have no -difficulty in knowing how and
when the world turn3 round. C. C.
Another metropolitan daily has
died tha Omaha Evening Telegram.
If the disease will only become conta
geous and spread all over 'tha state.
n i
ibmcb Golama
uu nexi ..iou.iui auerno n, uie o3- , jn.With few exceptions. UirucK my mind that the long winter
pel temperance majting will be a 1-i ' Mrs. Sara Cooa and her sister Au-.j evenings "might be spent to a good ad
dressed bv -Hon. R. B. Windham. who have been visiting in eastern j vantage- bv writing lip a few scatter-
..T . . . .. r-
meelin-s uiv l,dd every Sabbath
ilTternooiTiVr rr"o'ebck-. i;t tlo lodge
room of th Temple of Honor, free to
all that are disposed to attend.
" To A VGTt-ti'5gr5rt of intemper
ance, its degradation, its poisoning of
both body, is to avoid the
first glass. "Ttj Stronglippetiie for ar
dent spirits ever exists vithput a sys
tem a t i crffrdV!gr::ce. -St rrm g" drinks
and tobacco are not natural to any hu
nian bei.iigbiit. ,hci.r use must .be ac
quired by all, Willi more or less effoit
They are foreign substances in the
human body "used naturally by only'
a few creatures and are never abso
lutely needed by man, but are simply
harmful never desired in acute forms
of disease. The banishment of both'
would prove "an incalculable advan
tage to society, since they do immtmsa
harm as now used. They never ira
prove the mind or the moral., of their
votaries, never afford nourishment,
nor ever become a part of the human
body. Du. J. If. Hanafoed.
Vi hat Will You Take!
"Wljat will you take to drink?" ask
ed a waiter of a young lid, who fjr
thd first time accompanied his father
to a public elinuer. Uncertain what
to say, and feeding sure that he could
nt bo wrong if be followed his fath
ei's example, he replied, "111 take
what father takes.
The answer reached hi father's car,
and instantly the full responsibility of
his position Hashing upon him. If h
said, "i ll tak' ale., a
said befoi.-, his son w o
he bad always
::!d lake it also,
and then? And tl:e father FhuddereJ
as the history ot te-veial young men,
emee as promising a his own bright
lad, ami ruined by drink, started up in
solemn w ai nil.g'befo! e him. Should
his hopes also be Hasted, and lhat
open faced 'a I become a burden? But
for; a- fiiiuks tl;ey would have
been a-, i i e, ea; nest, prosperout men:
Reel if it i iJi. d work f-iu-ii nan upon
them, v.;.- bis o.vo i;.d safe? (Juicker
than I'giitniug t hc-e thoug'iis" passed
his mind, and in a moment thy decis
ion was made. "If the boy falls lie
will not Siave me to blame;" and then
in tones tremulous wih emotion, and
to the astonishment of those who
knew him, he said, "Waiter, I'll take
water;" and from that d?y to this
strong di ink has been banished from
that man's table and fi cm that man's
51. P. ItAIbRU) N(HT-S.
Vi eepiug Water to have a ILoitad iions:,
"liichiiie K'ip, ani be a i)ivi
. ivu -Tcruiiiius.
We bear it from good authority that
it has been dveided to have a round
house and maehiuo shop and lhat adi
vis'eu terminus wilt be established
here and that our tow n will be the
town of the ne w line and this with the
other improvements hero in the spring,
decides the future ol our town and
now if th." pn-pi-T care is taken in re
pud to otiit f uiiiiu-rs wliieti m.ivcome
before cs soon, will ineiease tnr popu
larton so .-is to w ithin a year make this
tin; fiiit town in the county,
Biiofce Superintendent Sommers has
oi ly eight more bridges to put in be
tween Louisville and this point and
wiii the coming weei; move is liead
riaiti rs to Weeping- Water for the
rest of ; he season .
'I'll' track laying on the Missotui
Pacilic has bfin suspended owing to
thei e being no tit-.s on Iruid and none
to 1.'. bad. trust, that it is only by 11 tiuu you
read this the; will !e at vivk gain,
L".;t at present, it io!; d:ui)ifu!, but
then they won't bt long in getting
here when they do timber. Ue
cordcr. Furnas Cc.unty Jottings.
.T s, v 10-! i
FioYo;: ti e;:. li: I have neglect
ed o:: f-r a long time- because 1 kne w
ed" o :ti:ing likely to live res! yo:tr r- .ol
( is an I ndht cont iutiy silent 'roin
be .-i(ii' cause, ."it wiil say a few
won'r; t j b f you know that my w
good at least.
11 is
Election p-isscd, a all election:
wi;h much fraud, slander, etc
now an is onset again, witn many in
stances of dissatisfecti n in . the suc
cessful party. Christmas was gener
ally observed in a very crcdi ab
m-snn' r ior suen a nevr countrv. rv . al
ly every school house had its C:ai'
tiias tre;, every body participating', and
all seeming happy. ac.v leai'sd v
was also generally observed in sonn
appropriate manner and we are now
fairly launched upon 18-S2, the year
that is likely to inaugurate a new era
in the "to". it lc.s or set rask.i, viz. woir.T
an's suffrage. By the way, that is be
ginning to be tint exciting topic here
now. We set the ball m motion here
bv a debate at the Farmer's Club hall
last Eri Jay evening which lasted un
til a late hour and then had to adjourn
to next meeting mgiit to allow a
chance for all to speak. A couple of
Ddies of good education and accustom
ed to speaking, took a very active part
on tiie affirmative; this correspondent.
et al, on th? negative. W lien about to
adjourn it was moved to take a rising
vote, first of the ladies and M en of the
gentlemen, which being carried out,
resulted in a large majority of botli
sex in favor of the negative. As I
look up over my writing desk at the
picture of Mr. and Mrs. MacMurphv, I
wonder how they stand upon this
quest ion, and this train of thought em
braces some pleasant rtpollec.ions of
old Plattsmouth frjends.
Well, the weather, what shall I ca;J
it? Is it possible that our "Indian
summer" is going to last all winter, or
have we bt-en, Aladdin like, transport
ed to the sunny clime of Italy; or the
suuny clime transported to us? At
all events we have as yet had nothing
to call winter as we have been accus
tomed to use the term. The earth is
well saturated with moisture, and we
all entertain great hopes of having
good crops tho coming season. The
shortness of crops last year was owing
to hot winds and chinch bugs, not
The great lack of this country is
capital and enterprise. There are sev
eral excellent mill sites near here,
where saw and (louring mill would
pay well for the investment even now
and a sure thing for the future.
Also a woolen factory is badly need
ed in this county to-day and would be
n paying investment from the first
day. This county is already pretty
well stocked with sheep, and many
more going into the business. Have
lately met several edd acquaintances
from Plattsmouth, among thera Capt.
Murphy, Geo. Col v in, E. S. Child:'., etc.,
all doing well. They are all located
on the north side of the county, and I
am on the south side, only two miles
from the Kansas line, so do net meet
yery often. I see by tha Herald
that Plattsmouth lias been haying
quite a boom for the pact tyo years,
which Is very gratifying to us, for o'd
association sak. and t!o f i it nds still
there. More.anon
1 1 o:u"iisxIiAir-il. .
Grand Prairie ews.
The weather opens out a little cold-
er this week than it has been this year.
Corn was cathered before winter set
! .1U' vnt1 t,ul,?' " vwu.
.,. , ., f''i:A"Tuomlu.a ,e . ua)' ' . . .
J".ir. m. Jigg, trim iiicingan, is
Yiauing in i nis comiiiuuiiy
ISlrs. R. L-.nham the f.rstcf
the week from PacitlcTJ unction. Iowa,
where sh8 has b en visiting the past
week with her taster.
D. D. Andrns traded his buggy for a
corn shclier.
Miss Doltie Cook intends to start for
Ann Arbor, Michigan, V. ednesday, the
lsth inst, in company with her bro'b-iu-law,
Mr Briggs. Mi.s Cook will
take a course in music at Ann Arbor.
' 'Will Ilr.tiiran returned from Cana
da lately, and the knowing ones say he
is no longer a bachelor.
R. B. Carlyle is visiting Avoca Pre
cinct. ..
Vre have a full school this winter,
forty-six names enrolled with nv.- rag
daily attendance the past month of
thirty-eight scholars,
South Ilend Sensations.
January ltiih, las..
Ed. Herald: According to prom
ie we drop you a few lines. For the
last few days our icp men were dow;
m the moutn out tins morning wo
hear inquiry for men and team?, a:u
seeo tho ice men at work cleaning out
their house, preparatory to filling them
1 hey get their ice on I-omines lis
pond, two miles south of town. Our
little burg was terribly shaken last
night ; men were running hirher am!
tnituer wii.n ugius, ami on mquumg
the cause of aU.thia excitement we
learned mat one c . inning, a voung
man -of good standing hitherto, not
having the fear of m;in before his face
had absconded; with one of our fair
daughters, as supposed to that haven
of runaways, Missouri. It seems the
parents .of ihei cud-objected "to th-
match on account vt tin tender ag of
me gin, sue oeiog only lourleen years
of age, and had forbidden the voun
man the house. About seven o'clock
in the evening the girl stepped to the
door, without any wraps on or any
thing on her bead, and told her little
sister who was with her she wasgoin
across the street to speak to some one
and failing to return, her father start
ed out to see where she had gone. She
was nowhere to be found, neither vn:
her beau who had hitched his fas
team to his buggy and was on his roa
to Missouri as supposed. We don't
envy them their ride, but love, you
Know, laugns ac loctismitus, whv
should they fear cold weather?
There was an arbitation tt Wells
office to-day, the contestants were W
L. WeHsHnJ Alonzo Heath; the conns
ot tho contest was the minncr of
farming Wells' farm bv said Heath
and his division of the grain ; the ar
bitiators, after listening to the testi
mony of. 12 witnesses decided that
each partv pav thoirown costs
There has been considerable com
plaint of late of the very careless use
of lire arms in the stieets. Look out
boys, you mav do some damage that
you will be sorry for; the .law should
be enforced in regard to carrying fire
ancsjit is the common practice of
boys to carry revolvers, and to shoot
them off promiscously ; that must te
stopped or there will be trouble
Our street., on Saturday last, pre
sented a lively appearance,, it looked
something like old times again in the
Ucud; thev were crowded all day with
farmers' teams loaded with produce
and stock, and our merchants were as
busy as bees and consequently happy
We want a good b.arnessmaker here,
one of the right kind could build up a
good business. A barber is also want-
ed ; one who understands his busines-5
and can occasionally be found r.t. his
e learn .there is a petition out to
discontinue some.of our county post
ouices; have not seen it yet.
There have been several cf our
py neighbors ever the last few
they cross on the iee.
Si r-da-3;
Through the kindness of onr gentle-
, r.
iieip.s, we are
enabled to ;ivc the number of cars
shipped fruui and i etived at this
point from Jan. 1st. to J-tn. i.s
j. Liili.l out.
Co. Mat- rial
No. Car Load ItecM.
v u . i-.i ,iiei :ai -i.
Lumber . 4s
... ll..t : . l ,
Coal :
Emigrant outfits
. A.o-i - Z
11 . I . -v i -IS !
Cattle. I
Bone3 1
Steam Eiijjin 1. Total J52
Total 1 03 -
Charges n freight received $9,704.
17. The 1 cars ot 'stone were taken
from BjiS.oui's quarries on the Sarpy
side of the liver and are now being
used on the new wing of the State
House, : .
Next week will try and give a short
history of South Bend and her busi
ness men, and tho amount of business
done here in l.ssi. Will close by giv
ing the markets : corn shelled 45e to
47c. ear 44 to 4G, rye 70. wheat 65 to 95.
oats :I0, hogs t?o.OO to $5.40, butter 15
to IS, eggs V4 to 15 per doz.
Yours. S. B.
F, It. Drake' Sufieriug.
F. II. Drake, Esq., Detroit. Mich.,
suffereil beyond all description from a
skin disease, which appeared on his
hand-', head and face, ami nearly des?
troyed his eyes. The most careful
doctoring failed to help him, and after
all bad failed be u ed the Cuticura Re
solvent (blood purifier) 'internally,
Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great
skin cures) externally, and was cured,
and has remained -perfectly well . to
thij day.
En-jscao:sRWHioi -
The grand army of the cranks has
been reinforced by the reappearance
of Whitelaw Reid, John Hay and Tom
Nichol. Republican .
Rescued from Deatli.
In the following remarkable state
ment. William J. Coughlin of Somer
viile, Mass., says: "In the fall' of 1S7G
I was taken with a violent tjleed
ino 07 the lunos followed by - a se
vere cough. I was so weak at one
time that I could not leave vny bed.
In the summer of 1S77 I was admitted
to the City Hospital. While there the
doctors-said I had a hole in my left
lung as big as a half dollar. I expend
ed over a hundred dollars in doctors
:ind medicines. I gave up hope, but a
friend told me of DR. HALL'S BAL
bottle to satisfy himw hen to my sur
prise and gratification I commenced
to feel better, and to-dav feel in better
spirits than I have the past three years.
I write this hoping that every one
rtimuieo Willi i.iiiij win nir
induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S
convinced that - - CONSUMPTION
CAN BE CURED. I can positively
say that it haj done more good than
ail the other medicines I have taken
during rav sickness." Sold by drug-
I Three Groves Combings.
j Jan. luth, 1SS2
En. Heuald: While reading over
tlm l.u
, lU uott.s oc. m a wnne ior your
! paier lrom our i.eigl.i.orliood.
: u-e ve-iv otttu lu-ar it rem iked
v- hat has become ot ail the HERALD
coi t tc pondeiice? For my part I h:te
but, a snorr apology to inoke, would
say, that I have neglected the Ihree
Groves items tor the last three or four
months, ior one two reasons; first, it a good deal of time and patience
to write and gather up items for" a
newspaper by one who is not a jour
nal lot; again, it is very often the case
that we only have two mails a week
here, especially if the weather is a lit-,
tie stormy or disagreeable.
if the mail don't go up on Monday
our iiems have to Jay over until the
following week before publication and
then they are a week old; haw-ever we
will try and continue our correspon
dence from time to time whenever
The old saying is too true "So is
Christmas coming;" it has come and
gone before any body hardly knew it,
at least it was that way in this neigh
borhood. New Years followed with
but few auusements of any interest
or importance; shooting matches,
social hops and a turkey roast hen
and there was all that aroused any
excitement whatever.
This the middle of January and not
j zero freeze as vet is somewhat re
markable for winter weather still, it is
something that we can boast of. Not
a day" has passed y et but w hat the
fanner could be out of doors to work
without suffering any inconvenience
from the weather, although the roads
have been bad and rough ; w ho could
expect anything else for an open
James Cole Esq. went out to Seward
a few days a go. He returned one day
last week.
We noticed the pleasant face at oar
friend Mr. William Case, from Centre
Valley, in our vicinity on Saturday.
fciank and Charley Moore have
taken qu'te an interest in tho rock
quurry west of Rock Biuffs this winter
Mr. J. G. Oldham is building a ten
ant house on his place; Mr. Grey will it when finished.
Geo. W. Dalton from Glenwood
Iowa, has been visiting in our locality
tho past two weeks, lie returned on
Mr. .William Grey, who had his
hand nearly torn off. a month or two
ago, by a thrashing machine, is improv
ing rapidly, although his nana nas
been making slow progress it is
thought it will get well without los
ing any of the lingers, sr even the use
of t hem.
Eddie Young and his sisters went
out to Mt. Pleasant cn Saturday and
returned Sunday.
Alphonso Cell, Jhn Beadle and the
two young Mr. Allison's bad a grand
bunt last week, the losing party to get
up and pay for an oyster supper.
They met with poor success and said
it wss a poor dny for hunting, the
result was as follows: one rabbit and
a quail, they called it a tie and agreed
to hunt again.
F. M. Young Sr. looks more pleasant
than usual this fine wintery weather.
It is ns. G and a fine boy.
Miss Bird, is conducting our winter
term of school. Her school closes in
about three weeks.
Miss Vass has charge of the Reck
Creek school and we learn that she is
piogressing with good success."
P. S. Since writing the above the
mercury has crawled down below zero
and the" probabilities are that the ice
famine will be avoided after all.
The .Nebraska Contest.
Washington, 1). ('., January 12.
Thomas J. Majors, of Nebraska, is
hr-ie for the purpose of claiming his
riht. to a seal in the II use of Repre
sentatives from that State. Last fall
he .-.-'.s elected as a coutiuuent mcni.
bt r : roin N b. a-din, flic popular vote
of the State having increased to fig
i t onti !' it :. i-.vo members
We vo-:i ! iiUi v s-.e -Tom" get in
as well as any in.u. on eaith, but real
ly never saw w here or how the pre
cedent could b legally claimed
Of The First National Bank at Plait;
mouth, in the State of Nebraska,
at the Close of easiness
December "1st, ISSl.
L':o:s ;iinl tliscitaats
..1ST 2:11 r.2
3 7.V) en
r.u f (mi
f vei til :u t"
I'. S. liintl to seeiwc eireitlat Ion .. sttiekK, Ixu.tls ami imrt;me..
'.i S!tl u7
ir 131 71
3 e7a lit
1.3 .i
I S) (Ml
a n 13
1 HKl
vy.t 22
13 L'o7 (Kl
" 234 OO
S 2".0 PO
I'll!1 from api.Tovnl rest'i Ve at-iiln..
Hue lnnii oilier National Tank
Due fri.Mii State Ranks ami hankers.
Ileal estate, tin initio and fixtures..
t'nri out fX('i:et'!i ami taxt-s anl
liiii of ot Iter hanks
Fractional paper ciirreney, nickels
and pennies
l-i'ual rentier note inptioa fme.l with V. S. Tiuns-
uieiui percent ot eireulation
Due from l:.S. Treasurer, oilier than
5 per cent. re'Iemption fund.
SOO 00
J & 2S4 M
Capital stock paid iti .
Surplus fund
I'nuivitleii profits
National Rank notes ou: tainlin. . .
10 000 t o
9 407 SI
4.J (MKJ 00
Individual deposits fehject tt)
45 .w5 01
f.2 1.2 3tf
Deiil.Hitl eoriificates of denosir.
Time eert ideates tit deposit
31 701 20
I ue to ot Her .Nat loual liaukK
Due to Stale R:iiik and hankers....
Notes and luiis re-tliseiumt etl .....
2 r;i" 31
I 203 33
5f 4M (12
. .? 312 2S4 til
Statk ok Nkiu: v-ka , .
L'otmty of C'as.-'. "'"
I. A. W. .McI.At one iv. Cashier of the alxe
liatnetl hank, do solemnly swear lliat the ahove
statement is true to the iiest of niv kHo letli;t
an.l belief. A. W. McLAfOHLIX.
Siibfcri'.ied anil sworn to liefore ine, this Utll
tia' of .iaiiuai y. lss2.
-! L.S. j-
V . S. W ISK,
Notary I'uhlie.
Correct Attest :
C H. I'AKMK.I.K, )
.1. M. Pattkhsos, I)ireetori'.
A. W. McL.Ci;i!l.IX. t
Weduestlay, Jan. 18, 12.
6-1 00
, t47
Cj,i (JJ
5 0t''. 5 7d
.. 2K'('.25
1 50ii.l 75
V heat. No. 2..
" new
lliirley. No. 2
Native Cattio
Nkw Yokk, Jan. 1, 18i
.Touey 41
X -ID-.
1 05
4t u0
.Tun. li. liSi.
S 4 30 CiC 75
til 2S
1 01
5 srn$r, 1
5 iVf 6 .0
4 75tl .V) 5
W f.i'i.1 v..
Cm a
Hcs, Hh.iinjj
L is I 111 111 in
riUIE ( 't-TtCt'H.V TREATMENT, f..r the vmti
- of Sltiii. Scalp and Rlootl Diseases, consl-t
ill the hiU inrit use of ( t tici r.A anil e'CTi
critA sio.M', tiie neat skiii cures.
Will MeDoii.iltl. 2324 Dearborn St.. Chio.-iKO,
jjratefuny aekiio ledges a cure of Salt Rheum
on liead. neck, f o e, anus ami leps for .eveii
teen years ; m t ;h! alk excent on liaiuls
anil knees for one year ; tried hundreds of rem.
ediett ; doctors pronounced his cai' hopeless
permanently cured l.y Cuticura Resolvent
(Mood piniiiei) ii:teiuaily. and (tilicura and
Cuticura Soap gin reat -Kin cures) externally.
ioui a :" " .
II. E. (':trie;i!er, Esti.. Ilendci foil, N. Y.,
euied el IVoiiasis or Leprosy, of twenty years'
stamiin hy ihe Cinieiua llesolvcnt (hUiotl
purilieri internally and Cuticura and CutH-nra
Soap (the ineat skin cures) externally. Tli
most wonderful east on recoul. Cure certified
to before a justice of the peace ami nm lient
citizens. Ail atlii.'ied wit li itehinir uml fcaly
diseases should send to iw for this' testimonial
in full. -
Hi.ix iifiii.vsi:.
F. II. Drake, Es t. Detroit, Mich., suffereil
beyond all doeripi ion from a fkin tlicease
whieh appeared on his hands, head and face,
stud nearly destroyed hi eyes. Tlip most care
ful doctoii!! l'.iiled to help him, and after all
hail failed lie u-ed tin; Cntietua Resolvent
(blood purifiei internally, Cuticura anil Cuti
cura Soap (the .neat skin cure?) externally, und
was cured, and has remained perfectly well to
t his da v.
S-iix m ymi'.s.
Mrs. S. -;. V'liippIe. Decatur. Midi, writes
that her face. In ad aad some parts of her body
were almost raw. Mead covered with scabs
and sores. nifTerei! feaifi.lly and tried ev.ry
tii'.a'. I'enaruie itiy cured byCuticulra Resol
ve!: t l.l.unl and Cuticura an 1 Cuticura
Soap (the t;ie,-t -kin cures.
( I Til l KA "
Remedies ;n e for sale by all driujrNls. Price
of Cc tici ii . a Medical Jell v. small hoxes.r.oc ;
lare boxes. s. ce riceiiA Rksolvknt. the
new r.!nl Piiriil,"-. si i er bott'e. Ci rn ritA
MKDICINAI, Toll.KT SO..T. 2'iC. ; Cl'Ttce'RA
MKiie iN Ai. .s-ii s iNt; StiAr. 1 ie. ; iii bars for
barber:: and laiy con-ounces. .Mie. 1'rineipal
depot. WEEKS & ROTTER,
I'oston, Mass.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Ileail Col ls, Watery fr,a:i the
Nose and Eves, llim inir .Niix s io tlie Head.
Nervous Headaches Mid Chills and EeVer in
eiuutiy reiievetl.
('hokiur. juitrid inuens 1- di-lod-od, ineni
biane eleaasei', disiulcctot! am! iiealed, breath
tj weeieiied, siiiell. taste ami lieaiiinr reetortd
ami eoti.-t iiutioLu! lavages e'lecketl.
Ctue:;!!. I'-roiichit is. Dropiiin-s ia t lie Throat,
Pains ia the chest, 1 j-epsia. Wasting of
strength an t llesit, Loss of Sleep. &e., cured. .
!:ie bt-l" Eadieal Cure, rue box Catarrhal
Solveni ,.i. 1 one Dr. I anlooi's Inhaler, in one
pacUn-'e, oi ali d m i-i s, f.,r .51. Ask for Sa.
Fonn's -lAoic.ii. i i:k.
WilEl.S & lMTTKtt, r.ostoti.
ry-J 1 rw-0 'I L EN in relieving ti:
tn COL-
m no 1 11 and
Weakness of the Kiduey,
l.iverand Lunjis, Rheunia
lisin, Neurslia. Ilvsteria.
1 e in ale Weakness,..! a 1 aria
y, t' -.et3 and Fever ami A (cue. Price
rand A (cue. Price
Sold everywhere.
The nnmcof ITostettor's Stomrtch Bitters is
lieara in every Uw-ellintr, it linds a pluc in
every liouseliold. and its praises are wiiindeti
throughout the whole Western Hemisphere, as
a general insisnraut, a cure tor pick neaaaclie,
as)ecific for flatulency and sour stomach, an
appctizina; stomachic, an excellent blood de
purent mid certain remedy for intermittent
fever and kintlred diseases.
or eaie by an Drup-irists and Dealers
VrJcZFCri 1882
W i i (. Fi:a to :i ai.i l..tit. id .oeiMlotnerm maha L t. It ronwii.i five r....rt-cj pitt, 0 nrrvii,,
im :.rif ftti-1 fuil de.criptinr,, pn- and directions ior
' ' l -grtl.e mij t lower Seed, PlanU-
tc i- vn:-. toall. rnd for it. Addrst,
JD. M. TEHRY & CO., Detroit, Mich
- z V r:S V'.1?trr-:-W
-.- ..- t .
r-r . --v -
A Large Stock of
m. A
3H. Si
Ha removed from Main 'treet to the house of
tear .Joseph W. Job -son's House, where
W c will Always be Found
lis tt ii-to. ready for all kinds of
Now is tlie time to give us a call, better rooms,
larger place, want more work and can do
Remember lhe elneii and do:i't forget tUU
Advertisement. WM. I. BROWN.
S AP"lier Day puaranteetf
j - -
I 'v: tgig'7
rr m rrn rn uu imtwn m L-
- It For 1HHX. with 1m-
DltirV r ITft moveil inteiest Table.
J,l,n J A V Calendar, ele. Ret.t to
any atld ices on receipt t IwoThiee 'ent
NtacipM. A dill ess e'HARLES E. HIRES. 48
'. Delaware Ave,, I'iiiln.
I j fur lhe winter In htrrninK districts. Very
I 1 larpe returns for eomparntively lutle labor.
SKor full ianieuiars actdrs iininculttteiy
OUA-MiE Jl-U (.V. Til ttroMdwaj, N. V.
A row trAt M Ileal Work.
warrnt"d tl) lit uiJ clia p
est, jnli8K-i-ttl t-o vir
yfH- f fnnn, entitled "tho Kcirnekof
1 V -v. 3 in ubiiii, riuinirvn ,11111111,
r 1. ijf8trtmtinHjantiiu ntM
--it .7S illustrated ssm;ili, 6 iwnd
:;-fx - tV,V rl In-tHntflorDr W. if Ial-
' - v f now. Anrlreu lston MotU.
4-insrcr, ltuchu Mandrake, ami many
of the . best im-dicmes known are heic com
bined into a meoleiue of such vaii I powers as
to maki it the Kreatei-t Illooa J-uribcr and the
Best health and ntroiistii restorer used.
Cures Complaints of Women and diseases )
the t-tomaeh, Rowels, I.unt:s, Liver tied Kid
neys, and is entirely tliiu-it nt ftoin Litters,
(liujrcr Essences and otlier 'ionics, as it never
tntoxiefltes. r.Oe. and l hizen. Loe SaviiiK
buy illy size.
JIISC'OX & CO., Clieml-ts, N. T.
The manufacturers have
fiiiil J'raise F.verjw.iere.
No rfuicily more Wl-Icly or I'nvoruUly
Kiioivii. It is raj) Iti in relieving, quirk ii
cirrliiL'. For I. nine Hark, Itlieumnt Ikiii,! ii ey Af Ari ioiiK, and ar lies ami aiun
generally, it is the mii-i vailed reme 'y.
For 1S82 is an Illearant Hook or ISO
I'aes. two Colored I'latM of .'low
er. and more than ItMMH lllnntra-
tioui- of the choicest Flowers. Plants, Vegeta
bles, and Directions Ior urowlmr. It is hand
some eneufjh for l lie Centre Table or a Holiday
present. Send on your name and lYst Olllct
address, w it!i 10 cents, and I will send you a
ei y, postage paid. This is not a cm ii.iuf
its cost. It is priitetl in litli l.,'.:-i: anil
(lerm oi. If you aluiuait.s . i. t i n tie
duet the 10 cents.
VU K'M SKIlIll-i i iv ttie le t !n the
world, t he 1 i.ohai. (leiDK w.ll It 1, how to
j:e- and grow them.
Vicl-M Flower ai:d VetftuMr ar.t n
175 e'ii;-e!". C Colored El ites, Mm E ijraviuKS.
For Wi i euis la paper covers; ia elegant
clolii. In llermai- and English. .
Vieli'x UtiiHtrnted lonllil.v Mnzn-fiiie-li.'
Panes, a C.lort d Plate tu ri ry iium
ber and many line Enravinrs. l i ii e 1.2.1 a
year: Five Copies for vm. Splenica miiii
hcr sent for t" cents ; .1 trial copies for 21 ets.
Address. JAM ICS VICK, Rochester. N. V.
ASTirSll. ,4
All Diseasoa
Tb BALSA! ef
TOLU h always
bn one of th. moat
Important w.arona
wieiana tr lb. mm-
loal EaeuliT afalaat
lb eoeroactimaota
of tba aboto Dl.
ac. but It baa
il.r bc.n to adranta-
i'l .onlT coioDoant
ed aa In Lawaaaos
A Maana'a TOLO.
r ri v . T v ...
. I uvv v . .. .1-1
guuimi . . .- miu
proparuaa affords
dlffuaWa tlniBlant,
appetizer aod tonlo,
to build as tha fir.
tarn after Eis cocgh ha been rellatad.
OlIITIfiH I Don't ba decelel by dealara
U A U I lUll I who try to palm off Rock and
Eve for Lawiiencb St MabtiVs TOLU, KOCK
aiid RYE which ia tba only MEDIC'ATKD ar
ticle made the genuioe baa a PRIVATE DEC
Proprietary Stamp on each bottle.
Put up in Quart Size Bottles. Price $1.00.
TOLU, ROCK & RYE CO., Prop'rm.
DEALERS Everywhero.
M:: Tnrrtst & Eefresliirj cf rerfaaei
Lxcte.iejiy Delicate and Lastiig.
lri-e, 5 c t3.; Larre Bcttlea, 75 eta.
Sold by dealer, in Drrjft A rrrfumcry. SlguOw. W f
cox it Co., N . Y., a rvtry bottle
The Medicine for Every Family.
Made from Ginger, Ruchu, Mandrake, Stillintia, 5
and cth-r cf lhe l...-sl vegetable remedit known. J
r Pabk-u's Gis-tx TosK ka remarkaUy varied J
Y cuntive powers, it is the greatest Stomach Correct- -4
f cr, Rlood l'uruicr ar.d Liver Regulator ever made & J
E The Best Medicine Ton can Usa
t for Eestoring Health & Strength i
r It commences to act from the fint dote, aearckaa S
L out the weak orgars, and is warranted to cure o J
f help all di; eases of the Rowels, Stomach, Iilood, J
L Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Ogans, ail Cote plainu of J
Women, Nervousness, -ilecolc&sness, iHteania
t tikiH and Druakenuess.
Try a bottle to-dav: it may save yourlife. 50 ct.
P and iti sizes at.-1lldruecu.1s. Every genuine bottle 1
V has our signature on outside wrapper, iliscoz & 4
f Co., N. Y. i-arge saving in buying $1
. Jast Wtoat Is Wantetl.
Everybody whose ruJ-t Is pay or tided has felt
the need of Haii Restorer and dressirg that ia
cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmles. Par.
ker'a Hair Ilal?m satisfies the most fastidious ia
these respects. Sold by dim deists at 50c. anu 5.1.
Is a comMnatioii of Hy pophosphites. origin
ated by me in Canada while under the process
of pulmonary consumption, and which bus Inc
been' employed by the medical profession
throtr.'iioiil a men. -a and England w ith uniire.
cedent'.-d sii cess.
I,t cud i;ih the elements essential to the nat
mal o; auiatlon, the oxidizing at'eiita and tuo
ics. In p.-i.-i'l in .(ion with the slinnilatinur 41,'eiit
phosphorus, posses I ng the meiit tt beiii
sliuliilv aik diiie. and U dispensed h tiljfl cT)n-
veui. nt an 1 palatable form of a iyrup..
Its . 0". c s are usually visiUe w ithin tWtfot v-
fourlio irsand are marked by a MimuUtion t.f
the appetite, tho digestion and af-imilat.
enteiing ditvetly directly iuto the fireulatboi ;
it t-i.ei the nerves and nnselts ; exert a
healthy action of the tecretios ; neitlier dbt-
turbs the stomach, nor injures the SjKteiu under
prolm.K' d use, and may be discontinued at auy
tiine without Inconvenience.
In a word It possesses the stimulants t oaroa en
tile streni;l, the tonics to retain it. and. -Merit
of a h gh detree. Very Respt ct ully.
J mA. lit utetu-ed by rtniali l)Htflr a rfm-
i&nrnamt: tmotlur rfiMtrctitH ix a vhtltu'
f'rr Uiit under any cleeumxtancei'.
-i-i? vtio -or xsn.ion -v
""o t-an jxvAvoa4.V'ia a ioti
V -xi. tC-tT run., ' i-: .1,1
4r;'f 1 '"" it i ,
r- 0 a:
.i;L j i
Com ju4ftffE S