Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 12, 1882, Image 4

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The area of-eaKfornt is 100600.000
acres. Nearly 30,000.000 act es of this
area liavo n6ver beeu survejetl. "
" Coleriihr knew liow t write poetry, ; '
but lie coiild not remove a liorso collar
to save his life.' - - k- - - - -
Omnibuses came into general use in.
Paris in 1362. , Treviom., to. that date
only aristocrat rodu iu tLenj. '-. ,.7. ,
A boot and shoe shop hang nut the
sign, Cast iron lasts.", r We all -know
it does, but we-don't want any boots
made of it. " '
Professor Riley says kerosene is
sure . death : V ! insects in nil stages. " It -xnav
be in stage, but how about in ho
tels? Bridesmaids are in demand. There,
cannot now be a canonical wedding-'
without four of . these . ladies; but the
high-loned brides have eight. - - t
Phylloxera, which threatened destruc
tion to the grape-growing interest in
California, is no longer feared. By the
nse of proper remedies the disease has.
been arretted.". .7 " : . .. '. ' . 7"7 ,
The number of insane persona in ti e
United States is j;ut down by experts at
100,000. and the same authorities say
that from 10 to 20 per cent." are curable;
by presont niethoiU.
The Paris Figaro declares that to
relieve yourself of thirst for an entire
day you have only to take in the morn
ing a drink composed half of water and
half of black coffee, with a big pinch
of salt. ' - -
The imports of rubber into the
United States amounted to 9.621,098
pounds in 1870, worth 38.8 cenis per
pound. In 1881 the imports were 20,
014,796 pounds; ralue, 55.2 cents per
pound, j
Ere long people living in Liverpool
and Birkenhead will be able to take
what Pat calls "a land voyage under
water." The work of ' tunneling tha
Mersey is being pushed with great ra-
pidity. 7- .'.". 1 71
'I'm afraid you'll be late to the par
ty," said an old lady to her stylish
granddaughter, who replied, "Oh, you
ear grandma, don't you know that in
our . set -. nobody . goes to a party till
everybody gets there?' :
The ' new Warner Observatory in
Rochester, N.Y., is approaching com
pletion. It is a very substantiaL build
ing, and there is a great round rock on
the ground, nine feet in diameter, which
weighs 1,600 pounds. . .
Beware of the landlady who merely
"keeps boarders for company" or "be
cause the house is too large If you
have no flesh to lose, hunt up some sen
sible person who manes a business of
running a hoarding house, and' is not
ashamed to say so. i '-'-- "' '
Hereafter in Great Britain1 there will
be a certain courso of training for vet
erinary surgeons. After 1883 the far
rier and the cattle doctor will be super
seded by men who must pass a lawful
examination in regard to the diseases
of horses, cows, sheep and dogs.
The tax collector at Montgomery,
Ala., is preparing to bring suit against
the Pullman Car company for taxes
due and unpaid for seven or eight years
past. The amount of the taxes will be
more than $100,000.
The chambermaids of a Rochester,
N. Y., hotel left on account of ill-usage
and non-payment of wages. The clerk
issued a card saying they were dis
charged for beer-drinking. Six of the
girls then went around to the hotel
and administered a thrashing to 1dm.
No : less t.ian ten observers are now
eng.-igod at the Observatory of Paris in
tne completion of the c:it:ilouef stars
which as begun by Lev.-n ier. The
work is progressing at an u n pi ece lent
ed rate, not less than 70.000 observa
tions having been tablated, aft T hav
ing been duly reduced, in a single
When, the late Khedive wai expelled
fr.nn Egypt lie established his haiem in
Nap es, o disgust of thu Ital
ians. N t lorii a'terward a number of
the inmates escapetl. One of ihcni,
named Sahibe, discovered that she had
a charming voice, and sought cmploj'
ment in Vienna, where she has b:?cn
engaged by the tuana er tit the Josc.f
St.vli Theater. An Egyptian primi
donna wi.l certainly prove a novelty.
The late?t "iush" in Idaho is to the
North Fork, about fifteen miles above
Ketchum, where a ledge two and a half
feet wide of m lling oiv! that assays up
in the thousands was discovered recent
ly. The discovery was purely accident
al. A pros eetor shipped from a ledge
of overhanging rock into the water. In
crawling on the bank hesaw native
silver and copper stains protruding
from a crevice. A few minutes' work
proved the existence of a ledge.
"Bobtail cars,"- ihose which have a
driver but no conductor. a,-e command
ing the attention of the New York So
cietv fr tho Prevention of Accidents.
Scanning sidewalks for passengers,
watching the fare-b x and looking after
his hors'v etc., is believed to be too
much for one man to do. It is con
tended t'-at a conductor would lessen
the number of accidents on ,the tram-ways.-
Miss Braddon in trying to bring
Scott's novi Is within "the reach of the
poor and needy," is not satislied with
merely condensing them. The London
Saturday Review says she has not only
abridged Scott, but has altered him. In
"Rob Roy," she has recast the plot,,
suppressed whole characters, corrected
the Scotch and added touches to the
humor. The Review says the Bradd
onieed story "opens with a ridiculous
scene, which for its folly would be a
disgrace even to one of Miss Braddon's
own noveR"
About a mile north of Durango, A.T.,
is a wonderful mountain of solid iron
ore called the Cerro del Mercado. The
ore is said to be entirely free from phos
phor and su'plicr, and to assay from 50
to 75 per cent, of pr iron. That part
of th mountain above the ground
measures 5.250 long, 1.200 feet Droad,
and 702 fed high. The iron produced
is so soft that it bends and twists like
wax, ami will bear comparison with
the best Norway. ;
In recent explorations in the foothills
of the Cascade range, Washington Ten
l ilory, ti.eru was discovered in a wide
ledgo of conglomerate and trap rock
th pen i tied remains of thousands of
fish salmon, smelt, and cod. In at
tempting to remove specimens of each
kin.l with implements at hand, they
were broken, and proved to be as hard
and while as flint on the inside. The
elevation above the sea level is fully
fifteen hundred feet where the petrifica
tions were found.
' A young lady created quite a sensa
tion in te pu' die high school in San
Antonto, Tex., recently. After an ab
senco of several weeks, her conditio.-!
showed' plainly that she was enceinte.
She told the teachers that her uncle
bad locked, her in a room during the
absence of her stepmother, and with a
drawn pistol compelled, her to submit
to his tiendish desires. This informa
tion is obtained from the scholars pres
ent at the time. - Th parties are re
spectable people, 'and therefore tho
names are withheld.
.. Nearly twenty years have elapsed
since work upon tbe Hite mine of Mari
posa, Cal., firs: commenced, and not
withstanding tho labor of developing
has been vigorously pushed during that
time, and a great amount of gold ex
tracted therefrom, the mine . at the
present, comparatively speaking, is in
its primitive state, undeveloped and
unexplored. . With all the vigor at the
command of capiialand best manage
ment, it will. require another tweuty
year to' fathom and derelop tbe re
sources W iirjeaf mine.
; - An Iowa lawyer made a cold -stroke
to reform a great public vvil, baty sad '
to relate, he scored a most lamentable
failure. For several years he bad noted
the increase -tit exitirgeratlon Cfflhe (ace"
of ch-ens-posteTsr'and tftr xlecreasaof
meritorious features in tiie- rue,: potil
his heart became heavy, andVhe grieved I
sorely over tne deceit oz tats fellow-man.
lie loved truth, despite his much-abased
calling, and' this love Induced 'him to
attempt . a reform in circus manage
ment, r-When tha, Jasfe- circus visited .
tua town, in wbicn. ua resides, be bad,
from its advanced po ters, made a. care
ful list of every beast,- ilnl and arenie
feature advertised, and when be attend
ed the exhibition he checked off what
was actually exhibited. ' To his surprise,
and indignation, i.'e, found that not onto
Lalf the, atcracUonsvere caecked rromb
his list, and he at once hastened into
the courts and sued the manager cf the
show for not showing all he promised.
But he recovered nothing. -The court
decided that no cireus ever did gifcall
jt advertised, and if a man was so fresh
as to expect it, he deserved to los his '
money; ; .
- C 1. ;A': Selfish General. - ' "i7 -One
night in the spring of 'G2. Gen.
Ricb ardson;r who then commanded a
brigade toot it into his head to inspect
the picket- line. Coming : upon-' a . re
served picket of about thirty men un-der-commamr
of a Captain of the 2d
Michigan infantry, the General saw fit
to interrogate as follows: .1
"Captain, in case of an alarm by the
advance picket, what would you do?"
' "Send, off a reinforcement at once."
"And if the firing continued?"
"I should more up with' the remain
der of my force." ? "
- "And suppose" a whole company of
the enemy should press forwardF1. - -;
"We'd whip them." ; '
"But if it was a regiment?" '
"I'd form a line of battle and check
them until I feot.back and got orders
to charge arid capturciUie whole lot.'
" "Well, suppose a brigade should move
down on you in battle line?V ?t y f ;
"I'd order a chargo,s;IhVthe col
umn in two, and whip -both halves la
detail." 1 . '"-. - -
At midnight the brave Captain was I
relieved from further 4aty o picket,
lie was verv indignant. and considera
bly puzzled, - but, after thinking' the
matter over for a while, he said to "a
brother! officer: ..': 7 ! - 77 : ; (JiVAl
VSay. I've struck it! Old Rich, was
afraid my company might cobble the
whole confederate army and throw iijm
out pf a summer s j.-b. If tnat.aiit t
se'fishness then I'd like to know-what
A party of San Juan ranchers ma le
a bon-fire of an Apache Indian, and the
coroner's jury returned a verdict of
'overcome by the heat."
Charity in tha Drawing-Eoom.
They were discussing c arity in the
drawing-room, and one of. tho gentle
men was invei. hinr with some . sareasiu
against benevolent folk wh ' made do
nations Rnd have their names pu li b d
in the papers. "Nearlv all charitab e
nets," be s .id, eloquently, "li.iv pridr
vnnity as their mo ive. For my part I
hale ostentation. I remcmher once
when I was travelling through a section
of the country where 1 was not known,
I came upon a lovely little way-station
where, in the waiting-room. "th re was
fas ened to ihe wall a coutri- ulion-box
for the benefit of the sufferers through
tbe recent inundations. There was not
a soul there not a person in ihe n igh
borhood knew of my pres-. nco or -was
acquainted with my name, and I went
and dropped a guinea in the box and
slipped away unseen, unknown.' Now,
sir, what I contend is that ray secret
offering was a more meritorious, one
than if it had been ma te on a public
subscription list, with a loud flourish of
trumpets." "You are quite right,"
said one of the bystanders. "That was
a genuine, modest charity, and I don't
wonder that you brag of it."
The World's Population 'in 1881- '
According to MM. Behm and Wag
ner's lievolkermiq der JSnle, Europe
has now a p -pulation of 315,929,000 in
habitants, Asia 834.707,000. Africa 205,
679,000. America 95.405,600, Australia
and PolvnesU 431,000, the Polar re
gions 82.000, giving a total of 1.455.
923,000. beinsran increase of 16,778,000
according to the latest known censuses
At the end of 1877 Germany had a pop
ulation of 43.943,000. Au-tria and Ilun
garv (1879) . of . 38.000.000. Franc
(1876) of 36 900.000. Turkey in Europe
of 8.860. 000, R ssia of 87.900.000. In
Asia. China t ossesses . 434. 900.000 in
habitants, IIoiiiT Kong 130.144. Japan
Japan 34.3Ch0.OOO. according to the cen-;
sus of 1878. The British possessions in
India nunib r 240.200.000 pe D1 (an
estimate made before the rensus of this
year), the French possessions 280.000.
Cochin Chin' ' 1.600. 000. the East Iu
dian is'ands 34 8-JO.OOO. the is'amls of
the South Sea 878.000. The area of Afri
ca is es imairid a 29.883.000 squarr kilo
meters, divi led as fol!ws: Forests, ml
cultivated Ian t, 6.30O.OW; savahnH' s.
6.235.W 0; 4.2)0,000; te-i rt-.
10.6'X) .OiW. TiiC inh bitant of 1$ ilish
N..rth America n mber 3.800.0tX); of
t!-e Unite I States. 5'). 000.000; of Mex
ico, 9.4S5.0K), and . f Brazil. 11,100.000.
The Pdar regions extend round the
Arctic circle, witii an area of 2,859.000
square ki'omoorf, and tlti Antareti"
regions- about 6'X.000. The population
of the former is mal'. with-, the exeejv
tion of Iceland, which has 72.000, and
Greenland 10,000. London Times.
Thomas Hast. .
Thomas Nast. the most famous of r41
modern cartoonists, arrived from Lead
villeon Sundax evening last, and is at
this moment a guest at the Windsor
Hotel. Mr. Nast is traveling with
a party of friends, and has during
his stay in Colorado visited among
other places Silver Cliff, where it is
understood he has large mining inter
ests. ,: - .
In nppenranre the great cartoonist is
a short, full, thick-set, heavy-built man
broad in the girth and chest. His face
is naturally full and .- somewhat round,
but owing to the.ctylu in which he
wears his beard, which is that of the
sixteenth century, long and pointed,
while the whiskers are cut close, as
seen casually has a rather long and oval
ated appearance. His head is not par
ticularly lar-re, but -the forehead is
round and full, with tho bumps of per
ception, drawing, size and individuali
ty well defined. The eyes, which are
full, bright and - dark, are - somewhat
deeply set, and are surmounted by
heavy bushy eyebrows.. -The nose is
straight and slightly aquiline, while the
mouth is iare, with full and expressive
lips. He wears . a heavy mustache
which, together with tbe hair, beard
and whiskers, is blaik in color, though
now beginning to be somewhat tinged
with gray.
The hands of the cartoonist, howov
er, are the most speaking portion of
ids individuality they are of medium
size, full and plump like a woman's
wiih ringers that, firongh not long, are
supple in their movement, tha points
of the digits being s'ih'ly fl.-vtened,'
with thumbs a trifle short and having
the appearance of being almost double
jointed. "
An" unobtrusive, quiet, gentlemanly
man. who, eav for the quick, compre
hensive look of the eye. and .probably;
unconscious observance of ail that
parses under his attention, one would '
p:iss uunoUced tinvr Tribune
mmumim " i BMBsearatr:
jmt m Trass
rCbpper Production oflia United States.
-T ' r,.t ..r. t . .1 .
i iuc au3iti;s I'i 1,11a pruuuvbion OI
. copper in the United States show a to
tal output of 56.855. 648 pounds of ingot
copper, .tour-iinns oi inewnoie amount
f "ieI? derud fr ,m opper peninsula
of Michigan, and 70 per cent, from one
county. The net profit of tbe copper
industry is about $2,&00,000. or about 8
per cenT. on the capital invested. It
requires 62 cents, worth of capstal to
produce one' paind - of copper yearly.
Thirteen 'Statea'and Territories are .pro
ducers, as follow: J.
i Kroduot
xa. of t
I Value of
" prod nt.
Maine.... r........ 83,080
Maryland .w.jiujMO
Missouri 21D.117
North Carolina. 1,10.000
Pennsylvania .." 476,508
Not reDorted.
Vermont.... t,M
5,764,460 Not rep'td.
' Since 1870 the product has increased
116 per cent. in. weight, and 70 per
cent, in value, whi e tiie capital invest
ed has increased 303- per cent!
i " "Idiomatic ' Wisdom. " '
Tve always . noticed," . says Mrs.
Partington, dropping her voice to the
key that people, adopt .when they are
disposed to be philosophical or moral, .
'I've, always., noticed that every year
added to a man's life has r, tenderness
to make him ' older, just as a man who
goes a journey finds, as he jogs, on, that
every milestone brings him nearer to
the place where be is going and further
from where he started! I haven't got
the exorbitance joI feeling that I once
had, and I don't believe I shall ever
have it again if I live to the age of
Methusale, which heaven knows I don't
'. want to. :
I "And, speaking of long life, I havn't
any desire to live arjy longer, than the
breatu remains in, mj boay, il it isn't
any more than eighty years. I
wouldn't wish to be a centurion, and
the Idea of one surviving her factories
and becoming idiomatic always gives
me a disagreeable censoriousness. But
whatever is to be will be, and there ) is
no knowing how a thing will turn out
till it take place.' Gracious goodness!"
she excaiined, as a cracker snapped on
the floor by. her feet J ; "fou might as
well kill a body as frighten em to death,
Isaac!" .. ; .
A Straight Man.
' It ustnl to be all the 'fashion with lec
turers to have the .Mayor of the town or
some other prominent citizen -introduce
them to the aulienca as a send-off, and
upon one occasion in the years gone by,
wjien the temperance lecturer struck a
certain town in Michigan not over fifty
miles from Detroit, the Mayor stood up
before the aud'ence and began:-
"Ladiei and and ladies and and
-and- "
f G ntlemen," whispered the lecturer.
"Yes, of course ladies and gentle
men, I have the honor toto 1 have
tho honor to to "
: Introduce," again whispered the
. -That's the checker I have the hon
or t introduce to you the notorious
em, the honorable the honorable Mis
terMister -"
Here occurred another painful pause,
during which the Mayor, walked over
and asked the lecturer bis name.
j "Simpkins," was the ri ply. . .
"I have the honor to introduce," he
repeated as he walked back, "the hon
ora'd" mister mister hang it. I never
co :dd remember a name two minutes!!
it s or no account. However, lie ana 1
have b -en playing poker all the after
noon at the hotel, and I give you my
word that he's as straight as a ten-foot
pole. Git -up, Judge, and bhoot off
your lecture!"
An Ancient Dwarf.
A correspondent of the Louisville
CouHer-Journal, writing from Mobt
erey, Ky.; says: "I opened an Indian
mound, near here some time ago. It
was about four feet high, and contained
a great many large stones. Apparent
ly they had been earned a great way
up a steep hill. At the bottom I found
the rem dns of a strange being, 'just
four feet hi?!'.. His b nes were very
sound; his forehead ' was not an inch
high, but was very broad. ' He tvas put
away very eatvfnlly between fl it: rocks
and covered with .charcoal. On the
mound th: re was a very large ."rotten
stump, which looks as if it might have
been a white oak three and a half feet
in diameter. In the grave I found a
spear seven inches 'long, : of red flint;
also very curious flints of smaller size,
and at his feet a singular speckled, flint
with a fine edge to it. The . bones are
not red like an Indian's, but of a dark
ashy color. The teeth are perfect, and
seem to have been used a long time,
which proves that he was old, although
only four feet Ugh. . .There, are other
mounds aim lar to this one here, and
very. difE r.-nt from the common Indian
graves, which are full of bones of differ
ent color, being red. aud all thrown in
Another Youthful Train-Eobbar. -
It was night.
Night Im. Arkansas.
It was. nig'.t in several o' her states as
well, but Arkansas' ' is" the one with
which we have to deal at this writing.
It being our turn to deat. . ,
A lightning oxpr. ss was booming
along at the rate of sixty miles an hour.
Every car was fu!, many standing in
the aisles with - that meekness and
patience : only seen on an American
railroad, to accommodate tho fellow
who wants four scats all to himself.
The lamp? blazed fitfully over the
passengers'., dusters, .which -. seemed to
L:t fully as well, as travel ling . .dusters .
usually do. 7 7 7- - . '-"
The coDdu tor had pr.gsed through
(which was more than he would allow
any one else to do without the requisite
pass,) punching people into wakeful
ness in order that he might punch their
tickets. ' ;
The train boy had filled the , passen
gers' laps wit)i bi-oks, to keep them
from bouncing iu their scats while
going over rough places.
The brakemaiv had put his head in
and shouted, "The next stopping place
is !" the n ame of the station being
lost in the slamming of the door.
The boy who is always dry. had made
his dfty-seconu pi grimage to the water
Add the woman who wants air had
just torn off her last remaining , finger
nail in trying to get the window up.
This was on a railroad in tho state of
Arkansas.: - - : ;
Suddenly the car door oena.
A youthful figure appears, holding
something in Ids hand upon which the
light glitters. Ha pres-.-uts it in a sig
nificant manner and cries:.
,"Now genilemen, yourI:cjQney- '
Fifty men turn pale and cry, "Don't
shoot." . . , ; '
.' Twenty fema'es scream with " one
Voioo and some faint. - - -'
There is a haty thntstin of watches
and pocketbooks beneath cushions and
into boots.'- ' : --. -;- ;.
Strong men flht fur a place' under
the seats whore they cau secrete them
selves.," ',- ' . . 7 . -
. Jontiemen." again cries the boyish
voiye. ringing high aoi clear above the
screams of women anl tin of the trJn
(gasps for mercy from some of tha
men), "let me soil you s me of this ex
cellent tropical fru't," and extends ifl
bis dexter hand a bauaua! ;
It was. the traiu boy, pursuing bis
fx armless voeatiorf. Cincinnati ijatn
' i mrTf. : u inn i
r. -j f
i ffPi " ft
' i Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
; Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell'
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds. General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.-
So Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil
as a "' stirr, simple and cheap External
Kvmedy - A trial entails but the cotnpnnttiTely
trifling outlay of 50 On I, ami ery one suffering
with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its
I'lrecti.iun in Eleven I-anguiigci.
Haltimnre, Md., V.H.Ju,
I AgenU waatcl or Us Uleaaa Wrk mt
i The only complete story of hi noble life and traerlc
i death. Fmb.Drilliant, reliable. fJlegantly printed
' in KstsrUsJh susd Js magnLaoptly illus-
t rated; haiidsooiely bound. Fastent aellico; booic
vrpoblmhl. By John C. Kidpalb, U.
' I A I I'I'I tYK "ol ty tbe catchpenny, re-
vAUllull vamped campalsjo books wlta
i -which tbe country is flooded. They are utterly
' worthless; an outrage upon the memuryof the great. .
t dfad. and a base fraud on the public' This book is
ralirwlT nrw. Theooly work worthy thetlierue.
Seud 60c. iu stn.iups for AceM't Outfit.
. ji , W. H. MeCtAiif, J5ea Molae, Iowm.
a week iu your own town, e jout-
lit tree. No rick. Everything new
capital noi requiru. we win
tuiaiU you everythinf;. Many
are making fortunes, i.adiescan
make ae mucli tut men. aud boys
and pills make great iay. Ueaoer, U you want
a busiceRH at uliieu you can make great pay all
the tune yc u work, write for particular Ki li.
JlAf-trrrr &-'.-. Portland Malue.-
Loeaof sppetite),yQ8ea,bowel coBtive,
Pam in theHead.with a dull aenaation in
the back partPftiP under the shoulder
blade, roimeaa after eating, witn a disin
clination to exertion of "body or mfndT,
Irrjiibility of temper. Low gpintaTIjoaa
of memory, wittt a feeling of having neg;
lected some duty, wearineaa. DiiBineaa,
fluttering of the Heart, DoU before the
eyea, yellowkinrileadache. Reatleaa";
nesa at eight, highly colored Urine.
TuTT8 FILLS especially adapted to
audi MH,oiie close effects saebacbjtng
of feelins; as to astonish that sufferer.
They Iiw-raar tbe A pptte, and caiise the
body to Take on Fleah. thus the ayflem ia
Banrlahed.and by theirToatArtloBon the
IittlvOrjrana. Retmlar Stoola "repro
duced. Price S cents. 4S If array M.T.
OtAY Hair or Whisk rs changed to a Qix)8t
Bud by a single aiiplioation of this Dyb. It
imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously.
Sold bjDruetiat or -nt by expiresj on reij cf (1.
Office. 39 Murray St., New York.
CDr. irrr xixrAi. r TaiaaM i.rrn 4 k
Cnil Bwtyte will tallrH r'KBK wlkaUa.f
T -A A. A tA A- rfj
Is the Best of Tonics :a
7,m. CuretDysperala: k
3 ErSrHfe,Re8tore8theAppetitr,r
4 "wSlrfigthcu the Syttem; 9
sfffcv tj?5s restores tne wean k
-r - ana ueDiuiaica. c
Vrj A trial of it will pcore all b
for lr. rook' Wl f
a Tui taka ba otbar. r -
For sale by ail Druggi
e ewrrucpa p".
U T ." ii i J& l u.i, vratv.
: -CO L . II V 0 f USE!
A vftlnAhl T)lBAATf)rv Ami Ifair Tnartarn in Mad
ical ttolanoe. A posltirely eifoctira Remedy for tba)
rptwlrtnd Mrnuuent ('ura lor organic WMkneea tha
deplorable disease rosaluns tmm indiacreet prtwrtioee
or excess os la youth or at an time of life bj tbe on!
tn.a vcy.V'JS Ptxect Application actlP: bf AO-orptfO-L
ana exenloe its spacifio innuoucaoa d
Vaaiclaa, Ducta, and Gland, that aro U0fle to per
form their natural fanctioos whila tbis dlsaaM per.,
vades the bnman orgmlsm. The aso of the PasUU
Is attended with no pain or lacofiretiieoee, and doea
not interfere with the ordinary purauita of liie! is s
qatckir dtosolved and aeon absorbod, jpredacio s
fmraedlate soothing and restorative eueot upon that
nervosa organisations wrecked from visions habits or
excesses, atopplnc the drain from tha system, reator
In the mind to haaith and Bound memory, removing-
tbe XHmnesa of Sight, Confusion of lktaaa,
AveralOB to Borriety. etc. etc.. and tbe appearaac
of prematura aid ego usually accompanying this
troable, aad restoring tba vital oi see, where they
have been dormant for yearn, Ta'jt mode of treat
lCi"lja stood tbe teat in very eevere caars, and W
nbwapronooaccd snpeess. Drug aretoo nock pre
scribed In this tronbl-3, and. aa many can per wit
aess to. with but lHtleif any permanent good. Taerej
la no ooaseas about this J t vrtiio. Praoticai eo
serration enables us to poltivly RunrantM that It
will give satisfaction, it has bnos in ssneral
for several years aad e have thousands of teeti
monlals from patients, a? to its vnloe. sod it is now
pottceded te be the ntont rational neans yet dis
tarJ fMr retcbins and caring this very prevalent
trouble, that ie weil kooste r. ha tbecaiito nnd
misery to so rcany. and Upon whom aua.'Jrs ul
their naeieaa nostrums and t'.g fWa. ' Tha' Kemeey
Is potnpiaoeat bonea.of threesizea. Ho. J.lenoagn
toUstanonth,)$3; No. 3, (safficient to elf act a per
manent core, unlets in even caaes,) & Fo. 81
(lasting over three months, will restore tboee io the
werat con.lft lun.. 57. Snt t7 ma'ls (a plftlo ar!ipTr.
Full DIRF.CTlOiJB for uainff Wili accoupany
Betut for Seated MmctHptivm rtnmp-
M Mm glrintf jLnaiomlccl lilmmtrmtfttm 1
H and 7ttiaoN, eftila teill convince
M ttto moot ukrpticml t hat tHey eaass r-
M mtored to perfect Health, mutt the vitmt I
1 foreem tUorv'ltt re-eotabtlmhett tmttom
Vm if uevef affect ett. Sottl OXH.X v '
Harkeland Sth Stt. - St. LOUIS, Ma :
Unsoilcltod testimony -to the Efficacy of
Prof. Harris' Paetiiies, taken from Let
ters receive from Patrons t i : .
ludiBDS, April 11, 'ii. iiie fcsmedy is worWng par.
fecti. Had'fPt'et., m.i y.isi-t, frP y-ns nst.
Iowa, Oct. 10th. TJ. 1 am olrauet surpHsec? at ycor
Pastilles. They hnve worked fejacharin on ro. lam
joattwloe aa much of a man as I was before t' Jtiow. (
was on tbe verse of the rrave, I thoaaht. and tnrraa
00 euro lor me. brat now I am In good hopes for a curs.
Wert Virginia, Ants. 2b1. 1873. I recel'-vl ywr reedi
cine aad I believs it has cartJ me, for whioi I am vary
thankfal. inclosed fiwl ". Pleia send me snoher
bos (Ho. V tor a friend. Yom have k a great thine;
iyt Bfra. y US aend yon ali the orders 1 can. . r
Prom a Irybioian ana tWQQfit
Mlseoarl, Jnna 26. Please forward me another boa
of th Pastilles. The patient eo whom 1 have naed
most of 009 box. in addition ua sample box, is faa
recover uv, and I think another will sot him ail rtfhL
From a Orugstst.
- Marylond. Sept. Las-Jnuiry waeotaboxef
your Remedy for one ofoor cutimerK. uud It has minis
hperbirtAuraofiikai., We Bavaanoiitsc'CuetoBiarnpsy I
n-nfnir inr'tiia fauxni and a utTDov K. 3 htad - I
"Kst.' r-- - ' . . !
T '
Wagori, Buggy, Machine and Plow re-
' r. pairing, and general Jobbing'
l am now prepared to do all kinds f repairing
; Ol lam and ether machinery, as there
; ... la a good lathe la my shop.
The old Reliable Waon Maker
( has taken charge of the wagon shop.
" He U well known aa a
Wcw Wacena and Bncciesr aa&de t
Shop on Klxth Htrwt aonoalfe Rtrelghf i Stable
Plattamonth - Nebraska. -
Repairer of. Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw and Grist Mills,
Wronght Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Fipes.Hteaia
. AsAUiies. Kafrty-Valve Governors jindult
, : kinds of Jtrass Kngtne Fittings,
repaired on short notice.
Also all kinds of -fr'AUJI
JUST OlEN'KI)-: Ai.AI.V. -
I't-to, Clean, First duxx jjat Shop,
onMnli: Sirret Corut-r f 5lh, riatlsinouth
EveryUody on liiiiui for fresh, tender nseaf.
In list reir f i i - i.j-.-(.r ; . 'i-i
. OX FuUUiil orUEET.
F i v s - 0 I a V II f i t- k ,
Will do Contract Work and Guarantee
Flattarriouth, Neb.
Succeors to Jones & Agriew.J
Again takes charge of the Old
Brick Livery Stable
Th? old Bonner Stables, in FlattamoiitQ,' are
now leased bv Jones & Eikeubarv and they
hve on hand New and handsome accommoda
tions, in tha shape of
We are now prepared to keep HOUSES
: . And will .1
Train and Break Colts
On Reasonable Terms.
That with plenty of room (that everv one
known we have) In our stable, we cun get Farm
ers' stock and wagons, load of hay, &e., under
cover, where they will keen dry. all the-old patrons for their liberali
ty, we.wUi-11 their trade fur the future, satisfied
th itweean Rceomuodalo them better and do
betier by tliem than ever before.
C. IIEISKI., . . Proprietor.
' Flour, Corn Ileal d Feed
Always on hand and for gale at lowest cash
prices. The highest prices paid for Wheat and
Corn. :.Tarticiilar attention mven custom work.
THE .i:()i sliLtrt'L ithMLDT
ever difcoverert. an it is -"certain in it effects
and dikes noi blister. Also excellent for hu
man flesh. RKAL W.OOF litLOW,
: From -
Youiigst-own. Ohio, May Uth, Into.
Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Gents : -I had a
very valuable llainbletonian colt which I prized
verv highly, he itad a "arge bone spavin ou one
joint and a small one on the other which made
him very lame ; I had him under the charge of
two veterinary surgeons which failed to cure
him. 1 was one; day reading the advertisement
of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago .Ex
press. I determined at once to try it. they cru
der ed. three bottle; I took them all ani
theutdit I would Siva it a thoi-oiijch uiul. 1 used
It accordiny; lb dttectlona aud the fourth day
the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps have
disappeared.. I nsed but one bottle aud the
colLs lliii'js are aa free from lumps -and as
smooth as any borne in the state. He rs entire
ly cured. The cure was so remarkable that I
let two of my neighbors have the remaining
twp bottles, w ho are now using it.
very Respectfully. '
s iSDavia
Patvenr Mill. Wael). ?o.. S. Y- Heb. 21st. 1878.
; Da. B. J. Kkn da i.l.. Dear sir : The particu
lar case on whiclt S Used VoUr Kendali'a Spavin
Cure wa a iuallgn:uit ankle ppratn of cixteen
moiitba standing. 1 had tried many tlilDgs. but
in vain. Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the
ground a.sain. and for the flrt time since hurt,
iu a natural position. Fur a Jamlly llnjrnpnt ,
xeels aiiythlps we cyet useir.
Yours truly.
llKV. M. P. BKLL,
Patorof M, E. Church, Fatten' Mills. N. Y.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Send address for Illustrated Circular wbieh
m think rives oontive urotif of lt Virtues. N
remedy ba ever met with such unqualified suc
es to our knowledge, for beast as -well. as
'"price $1. per bottle, or rix bettles for All
Drucstets UY ttorcap net it fur. yon, t,r it
i:Vi, iiLtn nvii1tiMs nn receipt of Drto
by tbe proprietors. UK. B. J. KfcNDALL it CO.
fnosburg FalLs, Vt. 34ly
business now beTore the pub
I'r. To" rr.afce mcnej f:;it
er at wink, for us than at f--y-
tbint esse. Capital not a.-.ea.
We will atart yim, . U a.ffay
and uoivaj-dH noiueaf hmtie lv
the itidu-trbms. Men. women, bjjs acd giHf
wanted everywhere to work, for us. -Nov is i he
time. You can work in spare time only, or gve
your whole tuite. to tiie buwiies g. You can live
at home aud do the work.- 'o utiiwi ii;" ie-s
will pay you nearfj a well, Xu one can fil to
fdiskfc euspuoiis pay by "ttiud litaf-. Cut
y outfit and tcrnn- tree. MTmey made fas', eav
Uy and UonoraOlv. Addrew
.85ly Tuck & Co., a.i;aita,
f 1 9V 1 r ImstmHnaj tyotln& Oirtft.
lafilJ rFEvorYCijr Warrantee
i2f I
w k. ' I
A. dAlT'l
Has Just optned an entire new stock of h. rj- I
ware, on . , !
Next door Wf8t of Chapman Smith's iiiij; i
- , - Store, - j
A Full Line of
A Full Line of
or Pound
A Full Line of CUTLERY.
Spet:ial Rates te ' Vttilders and Con
tractors. ' All good sold; as lo s they poseibly caa be
and live. 4iv
Wholesale and Retail Dealers ii
SAsri. !
ETC.. !
etc., ;
- fiTe.
Man. street. Corner of Filth.
PL ATTSMOUH, .... xr,;;. I
j7d. snirsiLV, !
Geo. Ws & Co, Pianos and Organs.
X;vs Dejxt, .Mni'azii'oand Pinters, J
('(iift'ftjiuiery. To'ttu'co '
:uv Cigars
5I:iiu St. opfvsiie mv :t j
- -i.xY if J
Large stock of
to ba
iVotionSv Queens .
and In fact evcrjUiIng you mo ci! for 1 .
the line of
General Merchaiiclibt.
All kinds of couatry nroduco tuJfi' 't c
ehane for goods.
Is made irora a rimpif Topical . r f:ai
Value, and isaPsltWe Itemedy u-.x -u i,h
dixeabe that cause pains in t lie lo , ,..
the body for Torpid Liver Head;ie!
dice DJzine3. Gravel, Malaria, asxl . i H l
cultjes cl tiie Kidneys. Liver and Crii;;u ; or
gano. Formal Ilawet. Jionthiv : l n
struation, and during fregiiancv, it in, i.
eqnaL It restore the orm: Uiat ;' lt-.
biood, and hence is the bo-t Blood 1'm-i iiw
It U the only known remedy tiiar cu'v- !
scource. Itrisht'H Irisre. Fur liulu'ti
use Warner h jare ltahet i tu- .
For S:ile by lrnig5lits and 1)p:iI.m :ir s -.
per bottle. J.arget bottle in the mar;; t. ' : v ;,.
Ii. II. WAilSER&CO.. Roebestc-v. N V
h SHiii sse . wiwfam
p.if4ii.i an ii,att.s5o;; ru
w here diiect counectloiis are ui
Tnrougli Sleeping
TO x
NEW YORK. P.OSTOX. PI'IiiLL-f:?.: " A .
Tlhe Short JLt c
-Via PEORIA for
WATI, and all point s,in Lie
rt: : "i 'i . y. x
Vliere Direct Connections are maile in Pit
UNION DEPOT v'.tn rimoi-li nleeo'Li; Car
Lines for all;T It.
the; .nk' line for
22-m MOINES.'
THE FAVOiniE i'llOUTC 10P.
The unequaioi inducements offere.i lv
line to Travelers and Tourists are as t'.-j '. s :
The celebrated Pullman 16-1 hot . 1 .i u .
'leepinj; Cars, run only on this iiu--.
:., B. & Q. Palace Irawi:ii-li .... j Ca, .
With . 'Hurt-oil' fteclinintt Ciiairs. N. i:tt ,
Charge for Seau in Ileclimnir Chir.-;.
The famous C, B. & ). Paiace ft,; .. ' ,r .
Goreeous HnoKin Cara. fittd wi: b el. ;ai t
bi'-ij-aed Ratiau ReTolvng C:ia. , r
tue exclusive use of fii-st-clast rrs.
Fast Time. Steel iiii'l "Track a:;d S.i n:j
Equipment oombiaeil with tlieir Oni '., rt.ju
Car A rranurment. makes tbi-s ab've ot.'i'-i .:.
the fav.riU; Route to the
r.AT, NOV rU tlU HSiVi'li'-MA-r.
TRY :T. and bn nHfit-'ilTR Vi:f.I'.-, , : u
u:y iulea.l of a Di-c3i.iicri.
Tl;i.-.iih Ti.-ic:
y.i'.f at ;i'l o :
' via fiis ce!:-br:i;-i
in tb- C.'.fti M ri
A'l ii:f i":i;ation about l!;.t-'S ot K ir -, .
!au '.ir- Accimn.od:;tii!is, aiut 1 ..
viU be i;-t ! '.;;'. . uy ..;i;iivui ;;.-r:u i -st -4-'i."i
M r.' sf l.,
t',?!iel-i -C:n.:vs r. . .'
1 mmmfm'i
I fe qifi7- v7 7-;;:
9 :! "" ' j O r
r s ? za rVJij'jasf imk vimt hi . jm
m - - u ai swr I 'io w t w i . J r ' -i
A complete
a mm
- . -a Tssaf m m
staple and Fancy Groceries
We carry the biggeet stock of . CANNED GOODS in this Citv.
EBr Fijxq Tea & BpociaUy, -Qj
C. S. Maltby's "Old RcliaWB" Branfl cf Baltimore Oysters.
ioodn IellrerMl Tree In any part of city.
isi Jnt.r-etca-rw.. awi-.vW' iijas' w sjwsnay' " mifa
- - 1 I I Mil sal WsMsrtWWMiMaaMiWWM.
udnfaiit Pepsin, Rliufiarli,1 Mandrake f Gcntisn
An l c u.-tvs Pvepepsia, Lo.s of Appetite, Billiousncn and all deranementa
of the Stomach arising from over-eating and drinking. Prepared only- bj
i:ss .'virnsnxr. and m nita ctuiiixo com
-V r;VrfCRTH. KAHSAS. nJ for sale by all Druggist.
li1 o
oio urocerv &
Alihouli Lection is over we arc not done selling goods, by a long sliot.
lt '
7 .cKcs'yxvarea clicapcr
tSssesa 'evei. '
" ' ' - . ' " -0-
Tl'st Green Winter Apples for sale. Over .200. r:iri'ls down (Yllai
' :
Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH "BLO W
Is reservl -for
I7B "mEC -A. O-A-LXj.
Jrcar chance to make vw.i
cy. 'i hoHi who always take
advantape of tiie Kood
; ii r - ,. : ; ii 5 advantape of the kooo
'." J H 'h;mce for inakirR money
' '-lii '-i 'r j-3 b'ii? K lli,it are '!l'ered, irenrrally
bet otre wealthy. hHetiicv
n. t iir.pvove nidi chance remain in
YV v !i -iiy t-fii. women, boy aud
vi.;-fc f.r in i ig lit in theirown localities.
;; t:i il)- work pro-erly from the
M. 'lb lui:ie! wili p:;y inor" than km
" : i:ir '.i llxpi:;::- ive outfit fui nis!:
'i -e '.vlfo rhHL't f ;'! f - "ali- llioi
1 can dovr-li1 vor.r v h i iiu t
v. i . or only your vp::i" iivincniv
..:! ii Kitd ail thiit i nre l'.t s iu
s ; -:.-'r StinsOV & I
r iinin-
. Mr
a A U 1:1 E 1ST
i Knrnish Freeh, Pure Milk
- ISttLMrtiKLV:. OA 1 1,1'.
j Special cnils attended' to. mid Frenh ?I;1
I frwiu same cow fuml-bed wln-c wanted.
Wstchrs. Sum wfDcleriti.r.0. W)ilt mf!l Ronttac
mtutiou old t. al:dr'l.lll. ChcaH.taad brj
DUTimi BwnrraMulslit, umMA. V i . i r a.'
JtiMit tiiOBl'iOi a iu., Ui tmwSb htm Vurk.
rV1 Qr0 MWKs)t;r9a w.. win ne e uit
J 1 piLnvnnrUiti: xlr.S'uUkc.s cr JltutaoMa
. iu;im a Co., 'a CUatoa te, Hew
till I IIMl
M i . .. CharlM Stief t, Sf, Lonis, Mo.
f. . ..j,, , of twJ MadiCJil Crtllnces. Ijm cn
. , 'j- ii. m u.s iur ciUrJ'iiniilia iu tt
-. . cil n-luiukaoir, DyphtliB,
'.1 A: i , tr. rs e(airtara,OrinvU. Hap'.uroaJl
.'.ro or Ilercurial AfructJoaa of
; i .-, : e rnovnrvl HctciT, Prlrstrlf.
, :-v :.wual Vtbiiirr sod Inpctnrf
. buso, DTCnl rrrauHln iostrr
. . .. ; t.i. i' jl.n, diaijoaof '.zb.&mimcru saem----.,:.
-!-'--. ft'"rion to sork-tx confusion of
, i . u.t K iij.xi pwr,nVat lo-.ron(lira mar
" . "r. n poncunut reared. (ODsalUiUaa
- : - t" i iHll irf aad lnritfxl. PampUet oa
. .' ' siic h'rn (out bjr rcaU or ssprana. Cnraa
r s i. Vc iyr Soubt U la (cask r s4aad.
pVM. J GUIDts!
Tbs -t u wUxj, wall t-jLJ. or. U u trna t ma, a iaa
rolWaixa aebjaotot Who m 17 . marrr. vh'k mat, wh,.
;bjaotot Who w 17 . iBtrrr. VQ1) ri, wtir.
'Vainohncvt, PiarM4 dOH7. w'hoshnala
ifaaal luiijaiflM, iomtm laertiMd : aff ncltw
i.-f cr-flbagy acj eargaa, &r4 vvtn taora. Xai9marrla4
rler mirk and ir. is ct
naorrt'SitlaUa3 airiacasiunkidrawlit tbo koapa
ti, T ilaa Gtrrtfrt 11 Frac-a re-rl MA ?oKfa.
Tfttsu ir. 19 en. tr nml la meonrorpt
VBT9 0 rliminal
or aa ,io r
T -Sei Memact aaa Lilaortlra bronrlitoa bi lt:
ji '.usa, u turwiriH Boa the tocreieaca. fn. ljDlim
Onrs'Jre fnln. M-3.
T'"?5 C-.(8nut F 8t. L'M.ISy tXo. af aid bflaa,,
x -.,,f -:'afSt. Swnijjaul WeaJa
t s-53, Iinytfeiacy.sll formscf Cnt Uii.CcmorrhA, :
t w r-r.trr- or Blaadorli'ejl'. fitcHot cesM
nrr-i ir. - rt-.ys. Ali lt. dlsBnads rawiJUaa from
:i - t, cs'stftrpo-raurai fur wull snfa
t f.Kct c!?-t;rteco. CVTb-jSora Kook for two stamp
'. : j.:l:d at 13 N. 8U Blrwt, R. Km SC.
1 hyirutnsinelar? of Ibis old aod wll kuoa
i.".;tn'i'n are rBlar rraaoalcs la sulf u aa
t -. Years of I-'Tperleaoa in tba Irwtmrri M
: 1 ' Diacaaa imv ujkdt, tbir sSill aad sbii'17
.uj.r.or Ii i:iit of tb ordinary practit: r.
- -y liuv- acmrd a calioaal rcpalaUau tiirout
' icn?T(QH or gypcsygE r-
. f ! wr iuuea. tri"J nb - .
- -i.M-r.e (iB4;..iei. oUutiBf i!rcnr7oroliir
-j M-iii-!uia and at tuwdiMMUt ezpebae. -;
-. i(fJr; pM gKI nhti those of middle vlr.
' -V-a.maaan, ii'm1 1 rftitfenag trow organic . f . . .
J 1 3 :l nnliUj it Tlft.n'S fr.r business . .
,...!., 4. ... r, I I-f.i. - ,- 1, iF3.EIJ I. - ,
r.n,w.i to Kiwri I 1? I slI'.U d.ria ; ' w
; ,i- t It nr al.-eu "a - ... , i
r tt Usalr dsiUr. Ittw
.'At- Ui''SiM Nrlto Vtri
rtock of
km- m
- VI vf'7" i
- .f"'
rv. -
The .ntjnritt f Ihe ill of th 7,aM
i mir frr . it !tmeeT-.t f M
I.lvtr, rtffftrni limlit U,i.tmntnh am.
lHirrtm. In o. rfr tt e v t im
rtrrsnry Ut rmov tmm eoutr. Irtrjtt-,r-
inA moylh aHom, of the JlmtDwte,
It- itf tehe, i4h ot the Stmmamlt , PWt.
, 'ir Baric a 1,4 Loinm,U., in4ieat tkot
tne l,lver im ' ftvlt, sra4 thmt aslarr re-,
quire mt.t!!ri ".' te iekle thie organ f
thrntr off inifmriUee.
Prlclcly Asl; lli'fei refoiirrir
enmpottnded for thie jntr-jtomt. They or
mild 4m their action and effcrtiee om m
eure; are pleatt to Hit titAteirrtd tmkwf
eailtj Ug both th ildi en mttdadult. Ta
ke aeeerdlH to irrret, Uvy awe
m tj I r a mm 1 1 r e Oy H 1 pawV a
nral lability, mahltnaat tsa-tm-tfjatlona
t I tl ICIdnays,
ttCid c Jiniool PnrlfieriAuii
arm mapertmr to aim' hrr mmodlrimei
eleanmiag tho eytomt tk- ru ght y, artd.
importing life and reray to the in -eel
id. It im a nedtCJne wat ilot ana
IntOxIcatlntT hverag.
All TSDI BSIMIJT fw ttKXVI AS3 i!TTl.r..
and toM mm oibar. I Ji( B. .eo pr
tZTER BROS. 1 C3.. - lOLI fPC??i-TCr
St. Irosrla and Tsnsss City, Ho.
OW mtmmt' alas ST sff A U ' lUt V.-'a
We continue to-art aa Solioitare f lVtrt.
CaveatK, Trade Marks Cotiyilbts. wte Ui ta'i
I nlted Mate, Canada, Cuba, Eoyiand. trai.
fcr;nary, ect. We have, bait , ttalr Jrai
jrnrs rperieara.
rateois vitjciea thronf It sr nntv.tcd a
ir Scikniikh: AxniK AN. TLU ana
solendid it'uxtrated Mrckly -a, 9JLo a year
shows t e Progress of neWture.t' very lurerest
inu.arx: I:hhhii -rMrni't, rifMlalivr.,. Addr-s
JIl'.NN' OU.. Patent .SolK iiors, -jt)llLers ut
ht'IKN-riKir AMKjtn an. 7 Prk Kw Nrw
York. 1'h'hI bMik about Patents reat free 3tt8
SlT tn y&Ol aT at tome. Kiinidea wortli
A tiottm of jontafnl lmpmdfcnoa oatsras Pre
tare Vocmy, Nervooa rbtlty, Lia War. bona. ate.
karixig t.-x-d in vain arrary ktuin. mut;. baa d
eoretd a simple Mlf enra. hitli be iU m JTUti
' fKliow-raiflerem, aldass J. . US,JannZ
S UFFERERS fr0tt GIect Bd Gowwrbe, or laii tr
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