1 .ft.SiSJ.'TfTl; riE Herald: .-M-.i: autkktiremknts. : . r-i it line. Kciilar adverUa No advertisement Insert- ' .-v.?V '-SHGin r&C. - - .-- tVt.i f.. a! t) law wlB b neld -.' '.( notions Uiey hand la. . t- -- l-.4:"iilui jt proof ot publica- ;- will btld Iof Ul UUbllC- '-.. . no'.ioi. vi - . , CO t -l L' N I C A VI O !f S. r '; l Iiu.lled, all co'i:i:iuuU--'OB . -., ( , 1 tM tbpjiut, Willi no vmU -m- l .e-iHVuIble for roe correctness r """i"? f pa;d j:attr aud paid 10- pr- Trho take tl e paper regular!) -:rt"e. whether directed to his .v. i'ur.r as & subnerlour or nos u ,,N:ivi.:: !.., the py. ;. i; .wr jn-wn Mdn hi paper dtseonpn u . pay n rrorc-or the publlsn- 7 ..s. ewi'nu to Hmd It until payment U jj a. .:..'- 4 ewilHhe whol amount, whether i urr la v-"D from the office or not. . . t-.t e .ir n decide that refusing to r.ti and periodicals from the pott -.-, a rTi'tius snd leaving them anesolet .,.;-')--- ftee evidence of UfTawTlONAX. LOCAL NEWS. -True Devotion! . ni;.ck Diamonds! At Fitzgerald Hall Friday and Saturday evenings, January 13th and 14th. Th firemen Lad a meeting Tues day evening. C.iptuin Hoover is going into the 'Carp" business -Four wedding reported for the next four weeks. Humor f more weddings in the air. Who next? Billy Shryock is helping the Com misnioners this week. We had quite a fall of anew, for thir winter, Tuesday morning. . See the Ad of Fred Goos boardingt Jtc, in Drew building on Main t. Tn city prisoners were out oh Saturday cleaning the cross-walks. -t-Bill Jones is home or wag. Lot of new horses at Jones & Eikehbarry's. See James Pettee's new. ad. and locals this week. There's millions in it. " Uncle Tom's Cabin Saturday af ternoon by Forbes' Dramatic Compa ny. Prol. Love came down Saturday, and went e3t on Sunday important business. The commissioners are bard at work on the settlement with th Treasurer. Owing to the severe illness of their child. Prof. Love did not go east as he had expected. What do you think of the mad ? you should visit Omaha, they never have any mud there(?) We call attention to the "Whit" Sewing Mackiue ad. of Messrs. Potter & Webster, Weeping Water. A new font cf script type just re ceived at the Herald office, the latest s!yls are constantly arriving. The remains of the old City Hotel urr being cleared up and soon another bui'tu'.-. wiil take the place of the old one. Ilnr Eikenbarry'a new house is now occupied-that, is Henry lives there ami-a good home for a good man it is too. We e. soum eiegant designs in cards, programs, and invitations. Ple.-i call and look them over, if you want r.ice work. - Ifev. Mr, Wilson was also tr.e re cipient of a purse containing $31, but lb giveis were so modest they didn't tell tiit-ir names. Frauk Fottenger is reported mar ried agjdn. You had better look out, Frank, you will have toe many wives for convenience. The late fire. did more towards getting a hand engine than all the talk doae by the"; Hook & Ladder Company thi winter. J. C. Cummlas house is completed and they will move in as soon a pos sible. It is a fitM bouae and is a cred it to the third ward." John Cutrixht, the City editor of the Journalf has been somewhat under the weather lately, but we are glad lo ee he is oat again now. . For the first tim in many months lost Saturday night saw the job hook clear, every lot of work sent home, and the office cleared up. Tha ladit of St. Luke' Guild will held th-ir next enviable at the resi lience of Mrs. F. Lntham this evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Wh'wp la! is what W. II. Pickens says. Its a boy bora Sunday, Janu aiy 3th, 1SS2. weight eight pounds. Mother and Son doing well at last ac counts. -. . A brothe r of Mrs. John Waterman, in Iowa, was severfcly injured in at tempting to catch a stieet car, lately, while on the way to meet our Mr. Wa terman. Lawyer Beeson was quit under the weather last week. In fact, was jiwt al tl-e ofSce from Tuesday until Thursday. We are ghad to hear he is all ovw the attack. - Dr. Scbildknecht purchased the lot ;u.d hois f Biilv Lmpke, ne xt to bin cfik and will rent the same un u be is ub'.t to build a brick block Hurrah lor the Doctor! D;. Livingston's office was a sight oh Moiiduy nigM. We never, saw so many men b()aro arms before in time of peace. , A lot of rail road boy were getting- vaccinated. '. . Our exchanges inform us that the river above and below us is partially closed so that foot crossing is possi ble. The junction of the two rivers here prevents freezing quite as early a elsewhere. --- - Dr. S!hi5dkncht whose large prsfltic i dily increasing, has fitted up his "new office ; on- the corner of Main &7ta stuvery nicely.and the doc Ur drop in t see the IIekalo now asd t!re:f,too - - - "Peril, or Life at Long Branch . --"Ingomar, the Barbarian." Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next week. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomas went up to Ashland yesterday to a meeting of the Bee Keepers Association. 1 From November 15th, to January 10th. about 1.650 guesses were made n the horse shoe in front of Kalisky A Son's. . The Infer Ocean warns its readers not to' buy a "Turkish rug" until it is vaccinated as small-pox has been dis tributed by means of rugs lately. P, B. Murphy keeps the G. A. It. cigar, made, by C. Schlegel, ot mixed Havaua. the best in the mant'it. They are cue of the best . five cent cigars made. C. W. Sherman, editor of the Jour nal, joined the fire company Tuesday evening and after the meeting was out, set up the cigars for the bovs. Good boy. -What a big boy Cap. Wiles has to be sure. The Herald took him for a young doctor well we're getting old and must be pardoned or mistakes aow ani then.', J. S-Mathews, has, since leaving the office of Sam M. Chapman, werked up quite a large law business. Mr. Mathews will attend faithfully to any business left with him. - Mr. O. M- Ansiead, of Lincoln will open a large Dry Goods Store in the new Drew Building about Feb ruary 10th. Look out for tne largest stock ef Dry Goods in the City. The couaty commisneners have had to change help three times, by reasoa of appointment to office. .Beats the fellows at Washington, who kept breaking up the House and Senate t make cabinet officers and ministers. . Messrs. Jerry Farthing and Ed, .Duke left Plattsmouth, Monday, for Burlington, Icwa, where thev will take a course in a Commercial College, a commendable plan which we see our young men are beginning to pursue quite extensively. Tefit is up looking after those fen ces again. Maybe he thinks Smith or Barnes left the gates open when they went to Washington, or, perhaps, Bro. Windham may be putting up bars in the wrong gaps. Keep 'em plumb, Sen ator ! -The phvsicians are busy now vac ciuating every one. The B. & M. have issued orders to their surgeons to vac cinate their employes and families free of charge, and Dr. Livingston's office is crowded with those who don't want to wrestle with the small pox. Mrs. Cole, of Hastings, this state who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton had a most sad termina tion to her visit in the death of her little babe of cronp. She returned sadly to her home with" only the body of the little one so lately well and brijjht the first of the week. A letter came to this office from Lincoln the other day stamped all oyer "Correct, J. C. McBride," in red ink; and on the back was written by some one else "yum, yum, yum." Now what Post office is that, we'd like to k now, or is it Greek for the hour of mailing. - The Nebraska City (Neb.) l'ress says: St. Jacobs Oil strikes heavy blows for good all around, and its vir tues for rheumatic pains are larded upon every hand. Try it, all je who suffer. Mr. A. B. Pirie, of the machine shops here, has been promoted to the foremanship of the shops at Bed Cloud, Neb., and left to take his new position on Saturday last. We congratulate Mr. Pirie on the promotion which his effi ciency has won him, although sorry to lose him from here. The check-board for our Telephone Exchange was received by Mr. Lewis, Monday, und the wires will be put in now soon. The office will be up stairs over Bennett & Lewis' store, and will soon be open day and night, when the "click, click, click," and "hello!" will be the order of the day in Plattsmouth, Mr. A. B. Sra th was telling us last week of the receipt of seme of the han diwork of an aunt of his, 86 years ot age, said aunt being a resident of old Londonderry, N. II. The articles were some cushions sent to his children for a Xinas present, and if some of us re tain our eyesight and dexterity of fin gers to that age we shall do well. Soapslone Griddles at Duke's; they do not need to be greased and d not smoke; just what is needed in evvry family. Call and purchase at yeur earliest convenience. Mr. VauDorn, of Omaha, made us a call, Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. Sam. Thomas, with whom he is stop ping for a day, on his way te t,he meet ing of the Bee Keepers' Association at Ashland, at which, if we. remember correctly, he is President. Mr. Van Dorn is an enthusiast in the raising of honey and the keeping of bee, and what he don't know about bees few do. . Fifty more of - those $5 00 suits left, the cheapest in the market at C. G. Ilerold's. ' ' v 43t2 The German Fire Insurance Com paay mad-, through the firm of Han sen & Chassot a present of ten dollars to the Plattsmouth Hook and Ladder company, for the valiant work done by there in saving property during the late big fire. The following resolution was offer ed I y the Company : Itesolved: That a vote of thanks be tendered the Ger man Insurance Company, for the ten dollars donated. It was carried unan imously. The 31 a so u Haiulio Organs now employ an improved key action, (patented 1S0), which materially en hances their value securing the great est elasticity and mest instantaneous response, and requiring only one half the muscular force to press down the keys. It is thns very delightful and effective in use, and save much fatigue to th player. On an organ having the key action some of the commonest and most se rious faults in playUg are almost im p'ossTbW. " 43t4 Personal. ' ' . Charley Holmes has got home, too, and horses whew! lots of 'em. Chapman has been off te Supreme Court again so has lawyer Crites. Mr. C. Reynolds, Murphy & Agnew's time-keeper and- book-keepr i. io town for a few days. A Mr. Crawford of Sheridan, and brotherin.aw of Mr. McGee of thi county called in Saturday. James Herold spent a week in St. Joseph, returning last week Saturday. He reports everything lively there. J. Vallery Jr. called in the other day and left the IIekald some hay, to keep the ponies from starving this winter. Engineer M if Knew has gone to meet Major Sntor on River Improvement matters. We knew he knew his biz, long ago. EJam Parmele, the gay old chap, from Ashland came to see us, Tuesday. Elam is sound, hearty, and as good natuied as ever. Gen. Geo. S Smith left for Wash ington this week, to be absent some time, probably on important business connected with his office. Z. Waterman, a brother of John Waterman, who attended the funeral of his mother, and remains a few days with his relative visited the Herald Tuesday. Hon. R B. Windham is home from the Capitol of his country, a wiser, better, bigger man than ever; that is. he's got fat on Washington oysters brain food, too, Miss Amanda Porter and her cousin, Mr. C. Creswell, wi o has been visiting in Plattsmouth for a week or two past, spent last week Wednesday in Omaha seeing the sights. Rash OTellowa, Editor of the Sher idan Post was up Saturday, ne ain't rushin weddin's nor nothin of thesort ; no other fellow (being) claims a mort gage on Rush. He's just editing the Post and no more. John W- Barnes, Esq. left fer Washington this week, where he has been sent for by President Arthur for advice and counsel. The President is tired of all New Yorkers and wants a live western man to tell him some thin'. . D.A.Campbell, that healthy young thoroughbred has been appointed Deputy Treasurer, it seems. Well, Treasurer Newell might have gone further, and not found as competent a man. He comes out of the law firm of Windham & Campbell, that is true. but then we have known other law firms who always had a partner, a "joung man" or a relative ready-made for everything that came along. - PnstiutHnl. i The weighing of the "Horse Shoe" has leen postponed until Saturday, January 21st.. when it will certainly be taken down. Those having guesses will please bring them in, and those wishing to guess will please come SOOll. UKEAT iiED .STOKE. . 4318 ' Snowl Crites & Ramaey have moved their office into J. V. WeckbacU's new building up stairs. It makes them a fine office. Hansen & Chassot received the first car load of feed, for season of 18S2, Saturday. 1 Wanted A modern young lady's forehead. The editor not having seen one lor several years is willing to pay a fair price for a glimpse at the genu ine old i rticle. No banged or other wise mutilated specimeus wanted.-Ex. C. Schlegel has a fine line of Meerschaum and French Briar Pipes Give him a call when you want to in vest in one. 43t3 The Lincoln Journal begins to se through the Enterprise here. It accuses the Deacon" of moving Lin coln people to Plattsmeuth in a grand iloquent sort of way in one paragraph, and then admitting that the B. & M. clerks arid others have left Platts mouth for the Junction in another. Got it "Topics;" go it Enterprise. Remember th bear fight. , For the best staple and fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Weckbach's. lOtf The following officers were elected for he ensuing year by the Fire De partment, at their meeting Tuesday evening: Jf resident, J. v. weckuacli; Vice President, J. M. Schnellbacher; Treasurer, Charles J. Peltee, As soon as the engine is procured the company will be divided up into an Engine Company and Hook and Ladder Com pany. The old officers of Hook A Lad der Company will hold over until then. NOTARY PUBLIC 38tf Will S. Wise. Fraudulent Stops. The system of employing useless stops to make an organ appear to have large capacity is latterly so prevalent that attention is especially called to this point, that none of these useless stops aie used m - he Mason & Hamlin organs. James Pettee, Agent, 43t4.' PlattamuuUi. Neb. J. V. crackers. Week bach sells Biemner's 42t4 In atemperateand considered arti cle on the subject, Mr. Rosewater, of the Omaha Bee, says of the open field for uewspapeti" in that city that it is a grave yard a sort of Pottei's field, as it were. Eleven rivals have arisi r. and been buried since the Bee began its race. To establish a newspaper iu competition with older and stronger rivals requires the right man, the right place and plenty of money naming the requisites in the order of their im pmtanee. Take the cities of America, and as regards the history of their newspapers, they resemble mining re gions. For each pronounced and prominent success there are a dozen or twenty or a hundred failures. More dollars are lost thau are made by the publishers. The accumulaiion3 of Bonner, the romantic disbursements of Bennett, the expensive tastes of Dana, the charities of Child, are in the mouths of everybodv: but the thousands of financial, mental ani ' physical wrecks are soon forgottou. ; The profession is in maty respects ( noble calling, but it 's only a degree it t ..11 ,.,1 . . .... ; i fc iruimcu iiuuj ai)r.lt, IT1 J. a unending toil, nd it often hapt ens that I he noblest and best work is most BCER1II, AMUSEMENT LOTERS! Return of the Old Favorite at Fitz gerald's Hall Jan. 13th and 14th We take pleasure in announcing to our readers' the reappearance - of the world renowned comedian, old Ben Cotton and his talented little ' daugh ter, Idalene,-supported by the - ever popular and well known Forbes Dra matic Company, who will present on Friday evening the beautiful drama of True DevotioH, and en Saturday even ing the great sensatienal play of Black Diamonds; also a grand Idalene recep tion matinee Uncle Tom's Cabin, Sat urday at 2 p. m. Be sure and see Ida lene in her great character of "Eva." True Devotion, by the Forbes Comedy-Company, drew large audiences both at the matinee' yesterday after noon and last night. In both instan ces the audience were lavish of their praise, and judging thereTrom it is sa;e to say a better satisfied assembly never lelt the house at the close of the performance.' -St. Paul Daily Globe, November, 25th lSbl. , .. Tke following epistolary compli ment was received yesterday oy Col. Forbes: Manager Forbes Dramatic Company Sir: Allow me to thank you for your kindness in favoring me with -an invitation to attend your entertain ment last evening, and to express my appreciation of the play and its rendi tion. As a rule I do not patronize intinerant troups, and I take pleasure in saying that your troupe is not to be regarded in any sense as a strolling troupe, but, on the. contrary, is a troupe of genuine artists, worthy a general patronage aid public appre ciation. The play was well sustained in everv part, abounds in real wit, pathos and genuine sentiment.. Littl Idalene is a marvel, and te hear her sing or recite is, in itself, worth the price of admission.- I shall take pleas ure in commending th drama and troupe what little I can have opportu nity. Yours, F. B. Gatjlt. Sup't of City School. ' Mason City. Dec. 14, 1831. We think that we can safely promise the troupe good audiences aad know that we can promise the audience good entertainments. Evening admission to all parts of the house 50c. Seats reserved without extra charge at the P, O. News Rooms. Children under twelve 25c. Matinee prices, 10, 15 and 25 cents. Made-up Convebsations in the Enterprise Office "I asked father what news there was in the Herald, and he said ''nothing." II always say that of the Herald." REAL CONVERSATION IN A LAWYER'S OFFICE IN TOWN, MAYBE. II. M. B. "What did you take this case for, anyway? I doo't owe this fel low anything, and you know it." Lawyer. "I took the case for the same reason you riin a paper to get my pay for it." H. M. B. "You had no business to take it; you know I don't owe S-f-n anything."; ' ' . V '". r ; ,:' ' : ; J V L. "I don't know anything about it. He says you do, and his word is about as good as yours, You used the fellow, as you call him, for all jhe was worth, when you had him in your cilice, and tried to make his wortl good to slander other people. Take a little of your own medicine now." . . ........ ILM. B. "You took the case t an noy me. There's nothing m it." L. "There's more in it thau in your newspaper. If I don't make a better case than you do a paper, I'll quit the business, as you ought te with that rag of yours." Office of the President of the Cass County Agricultural Society. Enter farmer. "Mr. President, gau 1 get my leedle b re mi urn I should haf last fall? You got him, eh ?" President (gravely) "Sorry to say I cannot give it to yoa to-day. The fact is ahem really well I don't Iikete say much about this, for sake of our society; but the facts are the truth is the real well, we were disappointed in our Secretary last Fall, and the pre miums have been delayed. I have the books now, and in a few days you Bhall have your pro rata" - "All right, Mr. President. I knows you, und if you say it's all right I goes home for a few days more." Any "news" in the Herald this week, bub ? Rather Enthusiastic. The Wilmington (Del.) Daily Repub lican lately contained the following item of popular interest: Dr. J. F. Speck who is connected with the Wil mington Every Evening, speaks rather enthusiastically of St. Jacobs Oil. Dr. Speck, states that he uses the Oil in his family as a household remedy, a sort of universal pan; tea for all aches a'?-! pains, and has always found it to act most happily. His attention was called to it by the many testimonials in its favor, and he one day used it upon himself for sore throat. Two applications were sufficient to effect a eure. He also used it on his little girl for sore throat with gratifying sue cess. The same child had scarlet fev er this winter which left the tendons of one lg much contracted. The lit tle prattler couldn't walk without as sistance and suffered much inconven ience and pain. Several applications of St. Jacobs Oil restored hr limb to its normal condition and she has not experienced any trouble since. Dr. Speck states that he has also seen the Oil act charminglv in toothache. He thinks St. Jacobs Oil is a sterling rem edy, and does not hesitate to Tecom mend it for rheumatism, etc. The matter of changing the creek on Vine and Seventh street ought to be attended to at once "lmmejently Sherwood begins to build this week. Billy Neville has Fairfield locating a spot for a basiness house on Sixth st. for him, 'and before these are com menced some definite plan should be adepted. because the city will have to fill up both streets to let these people out on terra-flrma and every dollar put in temporary platforms and such, is that much wasted, and taken from permanent improvements. Get an es timate for the culvert at once from Fairfield, Thompson or some one. Dissolution Notice. Tli- rum of Ward Bros. Louisville, ICtb is this day dissolved by mutual Tnsent. A 'I persons knowing them selves indebted to th firm will oleasa call and settle at once. attheldstud. 43W . . J. M. Ward " " ' 'for Ward Btojt. j . ? Died. - ' Last Sunday noon, a hearse would slowly up Main St. containing the body of another well known and dearly beloved citizen of Plattsmouth. It as that f Mrs. II. A. Water man who departed this life at Ladora, Iowa, on the 4th of January, 1882, aged 67 years and 11 months. ;' ; Last month ;som time Mr. Water man and wife left us for a pleasant holiday visit to another son's home, little thinking that but one would re turn, and ho as a mourner behind that hearse last Sunday, yet such was the case. . On Christmas day, Mrs. Water man was taken ill", and lived only ten days thereafter Sh was a native of New York, and came west about six teen years ago, having lived in Platts seeuth twelve years., Her sudden " demise nnder such painful circumstances, leaves her hus band desolate indeed, and three chil dren beside mourn her untimely death, Jno. Waterman and Mrs. Lev ings of this place and Mr. Z. Water man of L.idora, Iowa. The sympathy of many many friends goes out to them. The funeral service on Monday by the Rev. Mr. Baird was very impress ive, and bad as the roads and weather were, . goodly number of our citizens, besides the immediate friends of the family, accompanied the remains to their last resting place. - - Sad Accident. On Monday last a young man by th name of Gorg Rockwell, living be tween Louisville and Weeping Water, attempted to jump from the passenger train coming from the west as it pass ed the elevator of Morrissey Bro's. By some means he slipped and was thrown under the cars, mutilating, his right leg horribly."-He was brought down to the passenger., depot at this place and Dr. Livingston sent for. Fortunately Dr. Mitchell, one of the B. & M. assistant Surgeons was here t see Dr. Livingston on business con nected with the road. The most unpracticed eye could see at once that the limb must be amputa ted. It was crnshed above the knee th bone being laid bare the mutilated flesh hanging in shreds from the knee almost to the body.', The leg was also eut completely in two below th knee. The man was carried to one of the rooms upstairs in the depot, and Dr'. Livingston and Mitchell proceeded to perform the operation.' Not since the old day in "Hygei llospital," at For tress' Monroe, has the Editor seen the same Urrible uaultilation. Th naked bone of the leg above the knee stoea up, as on may. say, and with evry throb of the" poor mangled body it would throb in dumb powerless sym pathy. Stretched on a rough desk in the effic. a bed furnished by Henry Boeck. beir.g ready after the operation, th sharp polished tools of the surgeon glitttred on the window sill as the two' medical. meD prepared to make the dread, yet necessary sacrifice that severs a portion or tue great living frame of a human being from that which gives it life, motion, strength and health. k With coal and steady nerve the 'doc tor --grasps the glittering knife. the body is moved to let the westers sua give stroager light, the bleeding quiv ering flesh is stripped from the bone to make the "flap" a cut. a slash, the strong brifht unfeeling saw grates back and forth, and the limb, so lately a part of the living human man, drops like a dead inert clod on the floor. But not yet can the conservators of human life cease their efforts; from the bleeding red raw stump rush in a hu ltd red streams (to uneducated eyes) the life giving fluid slowly, surely one by on, by the aid of pinc ers, aie the arteries "taken up and tied, the por wounded, carved , and cut flesh is drawn carafullv over, the quivering bone, cotton and bandages belp to cover th ghastly sight and the poor patient, who has been under th influence of chloroform, with a paper cap over his head that he may not see is. all its nakedness the scenes we have described, is informed in low tones that be has a. hare chance to live." It is a wonderful display of skill, nerve and human endurance on both sides. Later. We learn with regret that Mrr Rockwell died about 5 a. m. Tues day. His brother S F. Rockwell was with him. His body was taken to Louisville Friday evening for interment yester day. Married. FL'fcKElXlnthe M. E. Church, at Mt. Pleasant, Cs Co.. Keb., on Saturday, Jan. 8th, 1882, l Rev. It. Coolev, Jr.. Pastor ; Mr. Chat. E. Flick, of Omaha, and Miss Madura O.Searl, of Mt. Pleasant, Neb. - Th above public wedding, attracted a largo crowd to the Church on Straday morning, who listened to a sermon from the appropriate text, "What went ye oat lor to see?" Matt. 11, . at the close of the service, the bride and groom, with escort, entered the church and while a beautiful march was played by Mrs. Wesley Davis, was conducted to the pulpit, where the escort gavt them post No. 1, facing the con gregation beneath a beautiful evergreen arch, with the pendent, inevitable horse fhoe over their heads. After the ceremouy and intro duction to the congregation, the gratulatlons of many friends took place, when the bridal party repaired to Mr. Maguey's for dinner, whence they accompanied Mr. Dow to his heme near Nebraska City. Mr. C. E. Flick and wife will reside in Omaha. ... - May much prosperity attend them. . . . : ,, Died. - TWI8S-At PTattpmouth, Jan. 3d. 1882, of mem -branin croup, Eddie J., infant eon of (J. S. and Etta Twiss. aged fifteen months. . The funeral took place freni the Christian Church, Elder Crowther officiating. - Fresh Oysters every day at F. S. White's, direct from the oyster beds. Don't disremember it. 40t4 Card of Thanks. . We desire to return our sincere thanks to Dr. G. W. Clutter and the many other friends who so kindly as sisted us in every way during the sik n?ss and .death of our little one. - C. S and Etta Twiss. January 2d., 1832. ; - ' Go to Ct Schlegel 's for vour m'eer seuaum pipes where you will find the 1 HASOlf S, HAHLI1T (From Ole Bull, the world-renowned violinist. I have pleasure in testifying te the excellence of your Cabinet Organs, which seem to me to excel all instruments of the class I have ever sees. Their fine quality of toue is iu contrast wiiu iuai oi oiner reeu organs, ara me auto matic swell, vox huiuana, resonant canes, and other recent Improvements are o admirable a to greatly increase the artiatic value and use- iuiues ox tue instrument. OLE liULU ires? 125, Sold, aud there are hundreds of orders behind. notwithstanding the fact that the compa-' " ; y have the two most extensive factories in the world. THE HiSON&EAHLIN ORGAN CO. make only the bbst quality of work. Much va riety Is offered in size, capacity, style of ' case, elegance ef finish and orna mentation ; but throughout ' the whole will be feund the same thoroughly best material and workmanship. Edsies t Pay men ts. Lowest, Prices for Cas1i JAMES PETTEE, " ' V iRfiieral Agent. Plattsmouth, - Neb. Hie installation of the officers of the i Grand Army, Tuesday evening. passed off very pleasantly, and quite in style, too, in spite of some drawbacks by absence of old officers. Comrade Webster, of Weeping Water Post, in stalled our officers, assisted by S, V. C Rexford, of the same Post. J. V. C elect Voodry made application for transfer for himself and eight com rades, for the purpose of forming a Post at Eight Mile Grove, whichrwas granted. - On next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings the-Clifford Dramatic Com pany will perform "Peril or Life at Long Branch" and "Ingomar, the Bar barian." They, are immense, don't miss them. Remember the date. ' A. gold fever has broken out at Ot tumwa, Iowa; and the whole hill country about there is selling for 850 to 8100 an acre. Charley Holmes says it's immense if it pans out as per sam ple. A series of tevival meetings are in progress at the M. E. Church under charge of Rev. Wilson who informs us that he is meeting with much success in his labors. . Liquors, wines &c, by Fred Goos, in. the old McVey building, lower Main st. - If you can't "Bear" a cough, "Bull" it with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Cass County Bank. The election of Directors of the above institution was held Tuesday. They are: Jno Black, J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder, A. B. Smith, J. Morrisey, and C. U. Parmele. John Black was chosen President and J. M. Patterson cashier. Collect ioa Notice. Not having time to run after those owing me, 1 nave piacea a lot of bills in th bands ef Judge A. N. Sullivan, who is authorized to collect and receipt fer same. Parties in debted will govern themselves accor dingly. 43t2 R. R. Livingston. . U. 8. Grant Says That Oak tanned leather is the best and we work no o her. l J. G. Chambers a Son. All persons indebted to us will please call and settle as we must get our business settled by Febraary 1st. 42t3 Baker & Atwqop. Farm for Sale. A well improved farm of 40 acres for sale, eight miles south of Platts mouth, 200 acres under cultivation. For further particulars, apply to GXORGE W. SHRJfcDER, P. O. Plattsmeuth, Neb. 43U NOTARY PUBLIC 33tf Wills. Wise. The best Sewing Machine the "White." 48tf Potter & Websteb. Ag'ts for Cass Co. Weeping Water. , The Goos House. Mr. Fred Goos, of the late City Ho tel has opened rooms for day board, and meals for farmers "in the Drew building. Please remember the place and give him a call. 43t3 . " Dr. Salisbury still holds forth over Smith, Black & Co's. store, where he does the best . of work in the dental line. Give him a call. S5tf " Dance.. The Bohemian Band boys give.' a dance at Quthman's Hall on Saturday, the 2lst. Admission 73 cents. We hope they may have a good time. Notice. Having decided to divide our stock about Feburary 1st and run the Dry Goods and Grocery business separately. We will sell all goods at greatly reduc ed prices for cash only, to reduce stock before invoicing. 42t3 Baker & Atwcqd. -For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Prite 25 cts. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 4leow ' Crites and Ramsey; attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m Catarrh cured health and sweet breath . secured by Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 ets. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Smith & Black Bres.41eo --Will you suffer with Dyspepsia asd Liver Complaint? Sbiloh's Vitalizer is -guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 41eow ' Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sld by us cn' guarantee. It cures consumption.'.- Sold by Smith & Black Bros. : " ." 4Jeow 2 f-Croup whoeping cough and Eron clatis immediately-relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Smith & Black Jlros. iltforw-- J. G. CHAMB E RS SON, , , ' . Successor to J. G. Chambers.1 Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whlpn, . ' ; Blankets, Lap Kobesf, &c, &c. REPAIRING PROMTPLY ATTENDED TO. Wo not only use But sell as CnEAP as the CHEAPEST. Remember the plae Opp. the P. O. PliATTSMOTTTH, - UmBRASKA. lr The ALEXANDER PATENT Gato For Sale by. FRED. GORDER, Plattsnioutli, Nebraska, Who has the Right for Cass and Otoe Coun ties. Decidedly the ZBZEjSI? JLzlstid CHEAPEST Farmer's Gate Hinge ever made. Call and examine them at once at FRED. GORDR'S Office. t3f Agents wanted in this County and Otoe. 40m3 The Relief aad Cure as Certain as day follows day by Dr. J. A. Sherman's method, with safety from the dangers of strangulation and without the injury trusses inflict. Those wishing proof should send o cents for hi book, containing likeue.s.ea of baa aie b-. fore and after cure, endorsements of professional geutlemeu, Minister, Merchants, Fanners and others who have been cured. Trusses and Rupture sooner or later effect the nervous and mental system, bring on organic diceases, impotencv. destroy energy and social desire, make ing the young old and the old useless. Offices, 2S1 Broadway, N. ., ami 43 Milk Ht.. Boston Days for consultion, each week New York, Mondays, Tueedavs and Saturdays ; Boston, Wed nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. III IV J&f3. TTTTXTAIX' PKKDS la papers left over at Li M TTT7TN or this ever other form, 1784 Vt ii p- SAXJ DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, 21 & 23 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA John leesley Oilers lor sale the fol lowing NURSERY STOCK: c.irli nr Am nr hM aiub i rees j years oiu Apple Trees s years old. lirst claps 20 2 00 SIS 00 15 1 CO 11 00 10 1 30 8 00 30 1 75 20 00 40 4 23 SO 00 35 4 00 00 35 , 4 00 30 00 40 3 CO 30 3 00 . 10 1 00 7 00 50 5 00 10 1 00 5 00 10 1 50 5 00 10 1 50 5 00 10 1 00 G 00 10 1 50 7 00 Apple Trees a years old. sec ond size Peach Trees 2 years old Early Richmond Cherry, 6 to feet Frly Richmond Cherry 4 feet Plum Trees, Wild Goose, 5 to 6 feet Quince Trees Apricots, 3 to 4 feet Grape Vines, Concord Straw Denies... Raspberries, red, the best. . .. Snyder Blackberries English Goosberries Cherry Currants, red Pie Plant, Llneus or Wine plants orxahextaltkf.es Norway Spruce 25 cents per Flowering shrubs so Roses, all kinds so First class Hedge plants per. thousand, f l 80. Maple trees so 3 i C'ottou Wood Trees 2 CO Any person not seeing nic can fend orders through the Fost Office. 4IU3 SPECIAL NOTICES. Bennett & Lewis sell Breinner's crackers. 42t4 THE G. A. It. CIGAR is now ready on sale at the Monarch Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran teed to be the best 5c cigar on the American Continent. Drugs -the largest stock at J. M. ttoberts. 3tf FOR SALE CITY LOTS. 83 tf Will S. Wise First Premium. . The Domestic sewing machine re ceived first premium at the fair. It is the lightest running, makes the least noise, and it is warranted the best ma terial. 80tf Peter Merges. For mixed paints go to Roberts Drug Store. . 51 tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite u. 7tf Among all your good resolutions for the current year do not neglect to make this one: "That as for you and your family you will not use any other than Breinner's crackers," and our word for it, you will feel at the close of 1882 as sweet and delicious as buck wheat cakes bathed in maple syrup. 4 Money to Loan. J. S. Mathewe has money to loan t nine per cent interest, on Real Estay secu. ity at three or five years. Apply at his office on Main St., Platts mouth, Neb. 26tf. Take care of your Liver. A large numbei of the diseases to which man kind are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy disease. Prickly Ash Bitters ;.re especially adapted for this pur pose, being composed of drugs which act on the liver, giving it tone and strength to withstand malaria, 42t4 A Beneficent Action. The worn look and miserable feel ings of those closely confined in mills or at desks er work-tables, are caused by weak Stomach, Kidneys or Bowel?, and show the necessity for some mild tonic to build them up. No one need suffer thus who will use Parker's Gin fei Tonic; for without intoxicating it has such a beneficent action on these sluggish organs and so cleanses the poisonous" matters from the system, that rosy cheeks and good health and spirits are soon brought back again. Express. See ady. .Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat' urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. "At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. CRus Alton, -4ZtI" SirpeWBtttotfeat. clotsot'Seaion. Mend for condition NEW 8Y8TKM, th HMt Adrutaeeons offered to both Merchant and Cucwuxner. LAXDItETirS GARDEN SEEDS grown on their own Farms, OYEXt 1.SOO AC It IS dToted to this pnrpoMi, nro th bTAXDAKD FOB QUALITY. A- W1IOX.K. S TBADB PRICK ULSTS for Seed. In l.olk mailed to merchant on anuli nation. Much serious sickness and suffering might be prevented by promptly cor recting those slight derangements that, otherwise often develop into set tled disease. When a cold or other cause checks the operation of the se cretive organs, their natural healthy action should be restored, and inflam matory material removed from the system. Ayers Pills accomplish this quickly, safely and surely. Baker & At wood sell Biemnei crackers. 42t4 Hair Work. Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive orders for hair work of all kinds. Combings made up. roots all one way, without extra charge. SOtf 81500 per year can be easily .made a home working for E. G. Hideout A Co 10 Barclay Street, New York. Send for their catalogue an 1 full particu lars. 8 1-ly. Hall's Vegetable Siclllian Hair He newer is a universal favorito for re storing gray hair to its original color, and making hair grow out thick. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf Livery Notice. HereafWrl will have carriages at all regular trains stepping at this de pot. Any person desiring a carriage to take nassenuera to. or from saiil trains will leave word at my Livery i Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be accommodated, at reasonable rates, tttf Ciias. M. Holmes. Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inqaire of D. D. MartindaPj, Louisville, Neb. I3tf - Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beaati fyl Cleanse! Preserve! tf FOR S3tf SALE CITV LOTS. Will S. Wise. OSC i week in vour fu n inn Terms and fy "outfit free Address. II. Hallett Si Co Portland, Maine. C 49ly LEGAL NOTICES. Notice. To all whom this may concern : .T.".at tt,ie undrsigned building committee will let by contract to the loweet balder (scaled proposals) who i responeiule, uvX will tive ample security, enclosed with proposals for the laitnful performance according to his bid. the building of a school liou.e In District No. 27 ou the site now leased by said distiict. on the North Last corner of section thh ty-one (31). township twelve (12, ranee thirteen (is), in Plattsmouth Precinct, in Cms County, State of Nebraska. Said plans and peclflcations are now open for Inspectlun at the heuse of C. L. Bates, in Pluttsinoiuh Precinct, and will he left at the County Clerk'a emje from the 20th of January, 1882. to February lt. 1M2. In the City of Plattsmouth, for th Inspectlun of anyone who may denire to see them, bald bid wtll b e opened by the said committee at the house ot C L. BHteK, on the loth day of February next at 2 o'clock p. m. Hald committee reserv the right to refuse any and all bids, or to award to the party wbo in their Judgment is best enti tled to receive the same. iAT!- ',ARKr-B. I. S. Draper, 3 H.Kiheh, v. L. Baths, J. P. Hjr, ;ko. a. lU sv. Jobhi-a Mlrbay, Dated, riattsmouth, Jan. 9, lgnz. 43t3 Road Notice. -a- To all whom It may concern : The sectien line road petitioned for by Perry W alkr. et d. aud described as follows : Com incnciDu at south eaut corner of section 17 tp )t range 12, running thence north to north east corner of sec. 5 township 11 ranjre 12 , and terminating at said point, will be declared aa open road and all objeftions thereto or claims fr damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's ofllce, on or before noon on the 1st day of March A. D. 1M2, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. J. i. Terr. U : joa n ty Clerk. Probate Notice. In the matter of -the estate of Elizabeth Pul ver deceased. Iu the County Court of Cas Co., Nebraska. I" pan reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of W. U. Gibbon, praying that adminis tration of the estate of Elizabeth Pulver deceas ed, be granted to some suitable persen, ordered that notice of the pendency of said cause be published In the Nkhhaska Hkrald, a week ly newp;ij.er, printed, published, and iu gen eral circulation iu said CouDty, for three con tecutive weeks, and that the heuriuit of said cause be set for the l&th day of January, A. l. iKttt. at 1 o'clock p m., at the ofllce of the County Judze at Platt.mouth. at which time and place all pen-on iuteree td may ppear aud show caue, if any they have, why admlniMtra tion of said entate should not be granted ac cording to the prayer ot said petition. A. N. Svlvi van. County Judre, Plattsmouth, Dec. 28, 18S1. 41t3 Notice of Dissolution of Part nership. Notice is hereby given that the Ann of Pat-te-on A Dickrou Livery.business, Is hereby dis solved by mutual coueeit. A. Patteroon re maining at the old place, where nil the books and account of t lie firm will be found, and a r peedv settlement Is desired with all parie Laving bu.sii) with the firm. Dickm' re moves to a barn on the alley between 2d and 3d street.. Please call and settle at the cornet of Pearl and 6th sts. A. PattkuAjv, FuAVTsvovnf, 04 in?, ril. ' unesx in tutj city.