seas Herald .;a. AiiritKTisKMKrs. . :. r c nr u lin. ' Itilar advertta ' - i-'"' ,,",'- N advsrU'tniiit iu.ttii-t- " 1 - '4-vm f fti- (aw .t! h r.ik; T: T. ;v.t! ,' rr-v !rsr.;t In. ...... ... . i-i ., ! R .4.-. f r'..-- .. v :.-.; -Aid rci-rlU to Ibe pul.l.C . .. no? j .i . . .. , . 'lOMMUMt'AMOKH. . ym t UnittfHi, at: txu'iuaic.''.o w -m.-. i. i .irf . to Hi paint, ,sttff m wv c-r . fV'.yinfu responsible for ttie eorrctie '"i; to eopy of paid matUr and paid L s'.. .t j. - r " 1. Ajr prtn who uOtaatt FPrJTcn,l,$t: tHe HM.-fSr. whether lretd to air Mt. cr rnUiHr k la sbesrts or o- rrfcptariUf t ujt mt pay. 1 rt sny prrsoo orders ht- pfi be mutt pr all anrwarajree, r te publish er iw dukUiim to ! H M7Vft nutlOaji4 eeHeetwe vrhole aoi.t. whetae tfce i4fwir t taaen iTtMB Me or not. V 1 e waft have d tha4reJulig to te npr ud perWleale from tho pot ofUe -or t amoving aad .sarins; thorn aneaUed fwr. l ).rbM ori TttIM Of UfTsUrTlOVAA mui ':...- . LOCAL NEWS.-: -Saw Bucka at J. S. Duke's 4112' . Bennett Lew is sell Brcmoera crackers. "-. ' ' J t41 Tfie Caia County Bank hj nearlr doubled it's business lately, it seems. NOTARY PUBLIC ' ' ' ' 33tf Will t). Wise. Baker & Atwood sell Bremnex's crack era. .,. . .- . 42U A Pre In the City Ilotel. Monday morning early, turned lets of New Yeai's pleeter3 out of bed. (iood Blankets at J. G. Chambers & Son's, fur 42.00 a pair. 4U2 With the New Year came a cb:iug in U'.h weather, and winter is apji ireiii ly oi luind, at I.tst. r. intiun-iu & Bro. sell iiui- KiMlkf l-i at .1. t Chambers & 4U2 Ail. J..tu Bona wiil resume tlie ch:irr ui Voarding house -L llie fout of ;.i:tiii street, as ve uridfeittaud. -NfOlAiiV PUBLIC 3BU Will S. Wise. .J V. Wtckb.vcb sells Biemner'a cvaokerd. 4Ji4 Tb , Wrekl7. Journal appeaiKl las: l iiutSMj, five column Quarto, pririt'i Hi t,'u'(l shape a is Mr. bler initn's Dily. . -iicksnetack" lwtinK and fra grant erfuiiie. Trice S3 and'GOcts. fcoJd 05 ;n;it!i & Black Bros. 42eow VVh s.ivt loU of peopl going in and oar of Fitzgerald Hail Saturday ioul SwnJay. Cues Woodford had full lioiiHrs. Wui. llt-rold sell Bremnei crack- ers. i4 Critrs aiid llamsey, attorneys nud Notarv i'ubllc. necoud door east of Curt'ltjiusi. PUttamouth, Neb. . StOa: Capti Palmer seUled up his .com pany's losses at the late fire promptly iacludiutr damage to the wall of Hart- Uiiw s building. Shiloli's Cure wiil immediately riievr '-tiroup, WhOoping Cough and Broiicnitis. Sold by Smith. & Black Bras. " - " - 43ow Fonr brick yards in foil blast all last season, and net abiick left. Who says Placutnoutb is not boojiing. If "you want a" first-class boot or shoe go to Sherwood's. 40tf Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOct. 50cU, and 81.00. o!d by smith & Black Bros. 42eow TSclilegel'a -Leader" takes the lead of auyftve cent cigar in the city. 40tJ Have yon Catarrh?; "Dr. ykL9 Sure Cure" is an unfailing r-medy. Have 3 ou heard of it? 42t4 Fer the best staple and fancy groc:ieH in Plattsmoutb go to J. V. Weckbach's. 1Qtf Mr. Pickens, the brave tire laddie, looked as though ke had been dragged out of the jlbflouri River, en Monday Ch.u:V.Gyger cme down from Omali and tid over night with his folk-. Mcday. : vShi'ou's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cui tor Catarrh, Diphtheria, and t'ankor- Muth.-. Sold by Smith A iiUck Bros. : 43ow iiuboer" Boots and Overshoes by tho car load at Sherwood's. ' 48tf You had btiitr cut e-ut this ad drss -Ir. Clt. Sykes, lt0 Madison St., Chicago." for you may need his "Sure C ure finr Catarrh."' 42t4 railing cinders at the Are on Moiidav moiling did considerable damage. 10 the wearing apparel of the feystaudets. " - . ... Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every day; at the Union Bakery, corner Main a lid Third. -t . ,10tf -A Nasal' Injection free with each bottle, f 5hilh's- Catarth Keraedy. Price I-Octs. Sold by jjiauh & Black Jiros. '"' ! 42eow, . -.- . j.Prib Dvkteri -evenr day at FS. White's; direct from the oyster beds. Don't dirmember it. - - - 40t4 The. BeV. Geo. II. Thayerr of Bonrbw.. Iud says: -My wtfo and-1 ow ui lives to Shiloh's-Censumptlon Cure SoH ' by Smith & Blacfc Bror Tt h filled. rulled and cleaned in o'. skillful manaer by 'Dr. Sails bury. -Give him a calL 85tf . It is always very annoying to a congregait n to have a person hacking aud ouglilng daring services. One Uoee of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup re lieves ate .worst cases. Sold by. all drtijptK. . - ..;-. i .. -it . ---iw-alwburj still holds forth over otcith.'ri ack A Oo's. store," where he JUje& Liit4 ttr. 1 of werk in -the ' dental p Y"Mld .Hrdierjpf Brwn ville.'hss viiiliti2r-t!w; aevfcBot.ilts. Bairrf whi? irVT.t i jwiHtances. ?c- J S' -:t-viCrf3 at the Catholic i liarchj next ; buiidayy ' on account ot Fath'ejs Lynch's amf ure on misbionary dutie Are ua ruade miserable by indi ff-fcVtiKr,-.vrtipalin, Diiziaess, Loss orAw-etlte.Yenoir JkiH Shiloh Vi LWljei laJX iywitive cure. Sold by SmttbiBiack Brog.. 42eow. . a . .... 1 , i :u 5U i.JS.'t UUliUUlOUUI 1UCUI' brain.u: i io'tsp on Tuesday morning " Oifjiitfr m a tuxiod yesterday. - ? n . r-r-": Personal. 7 -v . l b. K. White of MtJ Plsasant called yesterday. . .. , ; Jno. IT. Becker wishes us a Happy New Year. Thanks. ; v- . Amos Graham called in Saturday. Amos goes oyer to the Junction to live. ; . - ! , . ': Fred JJye goes to Washiagtoa as tin. editorial correspondent for the Omaha Republican daring the session of Con gress. The little son of J. M, Patterson. Charley, was taken with croup lion day oight, which came near protiag fatal. r i-T.S. Datia Esq. of ML Pleasant pomes to town to live , and becomes a partner in the firm 'of Parmele & Co, taking Mr: K'e well's place. il L. White who has been rery sick, is slowly recererlng at this writ ing which the IIkkalb is pleased to record. . His twin hi ether came 0J1 to se him Tuesday. : . The T. AIM', club meets to-night. The O. A. n. meets to night, special session ; turn out;: Important. "'--J. C.'Smith and brother; caught Ua biggest "cat in Cass County; last week fishing. ' All persons indebted to us will please call and settle as we must get our business settled by February 1st. 42t3 L Baker A Atwood. . For Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint, you have a printed .guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. 42eow The Madame Frv Concert Com pany, which comes hers the 6tk, from the reports we hear, will give a fine entertainment and should be well pat ronised Doi.'t trifle with a severe cough or old. Procure in time if you wish to tsaVc dot tor bill, a bottle of Dr. Mar- shall' Lung Syrup. Price only twen ly-Uve cenu. large size ufty eents. by all druggists. The" ladies of St. Luke's Guild will give a sociable at the residence of Mrs. F. Latiiain next week Tbuisday, Jan uary 12th. All are cordially invited. Anyone in need of a good set of teeth should call on Dr. Salisbuiy at once, and he will make you a set that will please you ever after. 85tf Death to rats, mice, roaches and ants;. . Pauson's Exterminator. Barns, granaries and households clean ed in a single night. No fear of bad smelTs. " Best 'and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold everywhere. 4 The parties burned out at the late fire would rebuild immediately if brick could be obtained. Under existing circumstances the blackened tuins will have to remain until spring. A pure, wholesome distillation of witch-hazel, American piae. Canada fir, marigold, clover blossoms, etc fragtant with the healing essences of balsam aud of pine. Such is Sanford's Radical Gure for Catarrh". Complete treat merit for SlJ . ,v 41t4 Volckner, alias Hartington, had his preliminry trial and was bonnd ever to appear at the District Court in the sum of 81000. Not finding the spends ' he still languisheth as the guesl ct Farmer Polin. 9 .4 f Ayer's Ague Cure is an infalible cure for Fever and Ague in ail its forms. - Tbe proprietors warrant it, and their word is as good as a U. S. bod..r Trial proves it. - -A celebrated preacher makes the recommendation of Ayer's Pills a mat ter of religious duty. When people are billious and dyspeptic, what they need is the Gospel of Health. In sacb caseo; lite best ereed to swallow con sists of the thirty sugar-coated articles in a pill-box. 1 -We learn with regret, that Mrs. Champion S. Chase 'of Omaha, died in that city on the 3d inst. from the re sults of an operation for cancer, from which she had been suffering. II cr death will he mourned by a large cir cle of friends. Among all your good resolutions for the corrent year do not neglect make thirf one: "That as for you and your family you will not use any other .than Brnn iter's .crackers," and our word for k, you will feel at the close of 1882 as sweet and delicious as buck wheat cakes bathed in maple syrup. 4 Tiis Journal's account of the Ma sonic festival was very good and com plete. Asa daily paper it has done its duty in this respect. Giving the county news we do, Tho IIkrald cannot devote so much space to mere ly local affairs, but we read them all the same with great pleasure. - - .- . . -.. When a lecturer- has worked the Isdjes pf his audience so, near to the weeping point that they have gotten out their handkerchiefs, and then sud denly chaages his tone and speaks 'of themerits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, lie is bound to rouse a feeling of indig nation. ... - . proceeds of the Ladies of St,' Luke's Masquerade party were about, $61. . The. congregation gave Kev.Mr. Burgess $30 as a New-.Year's Dtesent.' He-rnrached euoh a'sood sermon it- just.- drew the .money out; in' fact he. has' 'been' preaching' better and 'better right, along, lately, and will get to be the "old man eloquent" in the pulpit yet. - - - 'v.,rrJLi?i.v -ir: Take cart of your. Lirer,' "'"'A 'great number of the diseases to which man kind are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy, condition and you can defy disease.- Prickly Ash Bitters are especially - adapted "for - this par pose, being composed of drugs which act oa'the. liter, giving it" tene and strength to withstand malaria, . 4St4j -To yon see that new .looking "Dex ter Spring" buggy J? It Is a'nice buggy, it Iias'jusf ibeen "paipted: Tins paint ifig 'was done by Skinaeriarld ilurpby at Mike hiellbacerVvwgpaUhop. This buggy .belongs to an editor for a wonder It is painted -' so" prettv he is afraid to take it out and get it muddy. It is good painting all the Same. It is to be hoped that the poison ous Apue medicines have had their day. Arsenic and qaiaine are not de sirable commodities-to carry about, in one's system even for the sake of tem porarily displacing trie maiariai poison wbich produces Fevr. ana Ague and Aeue. t Aier's Aeue Cure hr a sure &nUdots ! for the Asrue. and Is perfectly harm-i less, leaving bh systota In as -good 'onditiua as before the AjTUB was . nV-'-tir . t- i Mere Biases. L Shortly after seven o'clock on Moil day morning last one of the chamber maids at Fred Goos' City Hotel made the discovery that the upper rooms of the building were filled with smoke, and immediately after giving the Alarm flames issued from the south end cf the roof. Fortunately the wind coming from the west, a-j it did, gave the occupants of hotel and of the grocery store adjoining considerable time to remove most of the; furniture and articles of merchandise, although in a somewhat damaged condition.' The flames made .rapid progress, and in a few minutes both buildings were fairly ablaze, only the brick walls of Mr.'Hartmau's building on the west staying the progress of tho flames. Our hook and ladder boys did good service, in spite of the inteose cold, aud were mainly instrumental ia oou fining the fire to its limits. Mr. Goos is probably the heaviest sufferer. He was insured for $1200 on building, and $800 on furniture. His loss amounts to about $3500, and what was saved from the fire was found to have been badly damagod. Mr. McCourt the grocer, was insured for 91000 loss nominal, having saved most of his goods, but in a' shattered condition. Mr. J. Bona, the proprietor of the building; carried an insurance of $600. Henry Bons, who. occupied the rooms over the grocery, suffered the loss of some wearing apparel, and tne damage sustained by the hasty re moval of the household goods. Tho origin of the fire can scarcely be explained, but it is generally believ ed to have been caused by a defective flue. A Boy's Lock. The Norristown (Pa.) Herald in u rectnt issue referred among others. i. the I o;i w nig cases of special iut r( ht. They are their twu commentary, r-ii. Samuel C. Nyce, resides at 0S Mr snaii fctreet and holds the retpentii lbitiou of journal clerk in the Pt-nii- ! syivania Legislature, at Harrisbulg. S While Mr. Nyee and family were in j the ruuutry recently, his boy, aged j three years, fell and broke his leg. lie recovered, but a very troublesome st.ffness set in and hs could scarcely use tLe leg. The injured limb was rubbed several times with St, Jacobs Oil, and the stiffness was so much re duced that the boy was able to use bis leg freely. Dr. Knipe said it was th use of St. Jacobs Oil that cured the stiffness. Mr. Nyce himself used the Great German Bemedy fr toothache with good effect, and also for a sprain and pains of rheumatic . nature, and always with good effect. Mrs. Nyce also says she thinks the Oil is a splen did thing, and she always keeps it on hand.- ;. , - " ' .,' . . ' ' Marriage Licenses were issued to the following couples for the-month of December up to the 24th : ; ' ; Mr; Win. Hawkins and Miss C.' Cor sagei December 1st. - - ' ; Mr. Everett E. Day and Miis. Jennie M. Norton, December loth, y . , - - Mr. ' Isaac Kallsky and Miss Leila Simpson. December 10th. Mr; Wm. Kriskie and Miss "E. nil dei brand, December 12th. " f ' B. Jameson and -Miss Bessie Rogers, December 15 th. , -vr! ; Mr. Bnj J. Johnson aad Miss F. Rhodes, Dec. 10th. . . - Mr. James Robertson and Miss M. C. Hasermier, December 20th. Mr. E. G. Gibbersen and Miss D. M. Canaday, December 22d.- Mr. V?.'- B. Berrymsn and Miss D. Hawley .December 22d. - . 2dr. John D. Kennedy and Miss Ida May Sampson, December 17th . -Mr. F. B. Parker and Miss M. Tl. Comptom, December 19th.l . f. Mr. Frank Farmer and Emma If or gan, December 19th. V' Mr. W. C. She waiter and Mian F. A. Richardson, December 18th. ; Mr. Frank Wetzer, and Mis B. W. Ileitzhausen, December 22d. . . . Mr. A. J. Haller and Miss M." A. Haslip, Dec. 22d. Mr. J. W. Tilmah aup Miss ;M. .M. Dawson, December 22d. ( ' Mr. It. Overtoil and Miss F.E. D;r- lington, Dec. 28d. ; Mr. J. Godbey aud Miss E. Goodman, Dec. 23d. Mr. .! . W. Galyan and E. A.Tinuell. Dec. 2td. The above represents Judge Sulli van's matrimonial diagnosis for Dr-c The Judge is the "boss hand" at "s pi ic ings" lately and seems to be the favor ite over the parsows. I'ts the way he's got; when he marries a couple they feel good all over aud go home dead sure the business has, been done up right. Married. GAYL&VTONJU Plattsmoutb. Neb.. Jan. 14th. 1S82, riixK L. Oavu and Misi Aud Eatov all ot PlatUmouth.Kev. H.C. Burs officiating. Miss Alice can Eat-on no more, but both can ftast so Gailee, oh ! "All aboard for paradlM Ution express train to Bliss Harbor' trans portation tree, no passes seeded; "Bye. bye. Gaylo." say tbo boys; ytt too. bate left us. oa the down grads, and bo Junction in sight." ' ' Cnt Flowers. Roman Hyacinths and Chinese Primroses now in bloom 25 and 30 cts each. 41t3 Lkw A. UeoRB.' The first man out in a sleigh we saw was Croft Eikenbary. Dr. S. Miller, whose card appears this week, has devoted four years of his early life to the diligent study of his professioa: ' Durinz that time -he took three and one-half full courses of lectures at the Toronto School of Med-' icine. He attended the General City Hospital three years, taking two cours es of Clinics in that institution, and was a close student in the Obstetric Hospital for two years. Ho then ob tained a diploma of qualification from the Medical Board in and for Upper Canada, Ontario, and his license trom his excellency, the Right Hon. James, Ear of Egin and Kincarther, Governor General of British North America, giv en under his hand and seal at arms in Toronto. Was registered in the College Of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, when first incorporated by act of Par liament. He was appointed, during pleasure by his excellency Lieut. Gen. bir William Eyre, K. C. B-, administrv tor of the covemmeat of the Proving of Canada, and commanding Her 11 jesty'a forces t; erein, toibe asistni t surgeon-In the second ?h?t.-.Hinn ui Weutwnrth. lie baa also sko serv:c m hftrv l-'i rrr. ; I COLDE. TTCDDIXG. Which Prewed to be a Double Wedding-. Parents and Daasrhler celebrate, the One their Fiftieth Anniversary, the Other the Beginniag -of Life Matrimonial. - Cards have been out for some days bidding the friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis come and rejoice with them that they had reached the fiftieth mile stene of the journey of life. Obeying thes. summons about thir ty-five couples assembled in their pleasant home, and Rev. Wilson made in behalf of those present, a congratu latory address, during which be pre sented the rifts which had been brought to commemorate the event. Thea to the surprise of many prea- eut he further proceeded, to unite In bonds of holy - matrimony and start upon the first mile stone of the jour ney of matrimonial life Mr. R. Peter son and Miss Laura Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis. Then fol lowed a perfect storm of congratula tions to both couples; after which came the bountiful supper, and a con tinuation of pleasant social intercourse. The btide of fifty years was arrayed ia a plum colored cashmere with satin trimmings; the bride of an hour, in seal brown moire antique silk with demi train, lace trimmings and natur al flowers. The occurrence of this anniversary just before our going to press prevents such a notice as wo would like to give. The followiag is a list of the pres ents: TO MR. AND MRS. K. DAVIS. Pair gold napkin rings, by Mr, and Mrs. J. V. Wockbach and Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Barnes. "Pair gold spectacles, gold lined silver up and saucer, silver butter dish and knife and silver ; itt, gold lined, by B. Spurlock and wife. W. ' H. tk-liildinmht aud wife, M. Way bright and i wife, T. W. Suryock and wife. It. Newell and I wife, L. U. Bennett and wife. J. A. Mac Murphy I aud wife, V. U. Newell and wife, J. G, Cham- bers and wife, Washington Smith and wife, G. 11. BlacK and wife. Saw'I Richardson and wife. Uov. H. P. Wilson and wife, M. McElwaln aud wife, Wirt. Herold aud wife, P. L. Wise and wife. Joliu Waterman aud wife. R. tt. Wind bam aud wife. If. E. Palmer and wife. J. I). Tail and wife, and T. A. Hull. . Pnir Kfld-liued silver salt dUhes. Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Johneon. Flanuaoiua stWer cake basket, gold-lined, by children. b liver spoons, gold lined, by Mr. and Ml. F. CaiTutlt. Silver napkin ring and tooth-pick holJercoiu blueti, gola-liucd. by Mr. and Mrs. A. Drew, Buhi-tulan lax toilet net, gold-triiuiued, by Mrs. A. Bt.idy,0ceula. low. bet silver kuives and forks, set silver table spoon, atid sot silver tea epoou, Lora Davis. Kt silvt r tea spoons, by Flora Davis. Ten dollar gold piece, by G. N. folviu. Five dcllar gold piece, by 8. Eichardnon. TO MIC AND MBS. R. PKTEKSON. Silver pickle dUh, by James Mitchell. . Cot gl.ii-' teaseit. by Lou juid.Edith jHiryock. Crystal water pitcher, by Mrs. W. Smith. Ssi -silver tva spns, by Mrs. R. P. Kennedy and daughter. : ' . Piir rfiiver napkin rings, by Alpha Conn. Liiriy' Kbi breastpin, by Frauk Davis. - Gcnt' gr5d shirt bin. by Frank Davis. Lar.e cut las fruit dish, by W. B. Shryock. Dozeu:Citt glas sauce dishes,- Mrs. R. Newell. MajiitiC.i fruit dish ind two Majollea cake pUtfct, by BIr. Wm. If erold. ' ' 1 G!ss tra set, by FloiaDavl. G!a at-Cft dUli. v Thaddeus Adams. :Giis pUcatr. Mrs. T. Adanii " s MJoIica lea jiot. Mrs. Ese Xeenev. ; Glat-.s calk dish. Mrs. Geo. N. Colvin, Cblna dinner swtt. Mr. E. Davis. L . , . . Blue zephyr pin cushion, Aggie Sampson. Wall pocket. T. W. Shryock. Linen tablet cloth and half dozei towels, by bride's mother. ' Pink zepayr pla cunhion, Mrs. A. Brady. . Embroidered tidy, Mrs. Solomon. Its Equal Is Unknown. A Lowell (Mass.) paper, so we ob serve, cites the case of Mr. 1 II. Short,' proprietor of the Belmont Ho tel. I hat city, who suffered witn rheu matism for seventeen years without finding relief from any of the numer ous rem dies employed, until he ap plied St. Jacobs Oil: I never found any medicine that produced such re markable and instantaneous effect as it did"' s-tys Mr. tshort. Lvons (Ia.) Mirror. Tho Event of the Season. - Arrangements have been made for tl) caleorated Madame Fry Concert mpany of Boston to give one of their Vocal and Iustrumental Concerts a. Titzgerald Hall on Fridav evening nxt. January Cth. Dr. Eben Tourjee I iir- eminent director of the New Engl.u.d Conservatory, Boton, writes: ldani- Fry and her daughters hav uiiiiMJ 1 laiiMcal talent, and I . cheer fully comnseud them to the public, The ladies of the company, viz: Madame Fry nd her charming daugh ters , "all . appear, in . the Lady Cornet Band and Bras3 and String Quartets. Each member of the company is also a Vucal and. Instrumental Soloist. Prof. : Miltou O. Iliggins will also ap pear en Friday evening in his inim ta ble Dialect Reading and Impersona tions. Speaking of this talented company, the Mendota Reporter (111.) says: The Madame Fry Concert was greeted by a large house at the Bap tist Church, Monday evening, Dec. 5. The program consisted partly of seles, duets, and trios, all of which was ren dered. to the entire satisfaction of the audience, and called forth an encore upon every appearance on the stage, and in act the entire exercises were spoken of by those present in the high est praise. Should this troupe agaiu appear iu Mendota they would bo met with an over crowded house. For this concert reserved seats can b sheared at Young's. General Ad mission SScts. Children 2 Sets. Somo newspapers loudly proclaim themselves -anti-mouopolj," but in what particular they are opposed to monopolies never seems . to material ize. They never have a word to say in favor of free trade, which would overthrow tho largest system of mon opolies in America, and as to the rail roads, if they are the chief monopolies they wish to circumvent, they never do it to any srood or true purpose. Be sides, whoever knew a republican who was a real anti-monepolist? The whole party obtains its sustenance from the favors of monopolists and robbers of every form. Isnt this true ? Platts rnruiih Tnily and Weekly Journal. IT era flush, now's yoor chance, we j i'.-'ut stand that a minute if we i wro you. Youve been fijhtinf Be . palisans long enough, now go for j this ftiio-v lifep a ijtlli tpgrj aod let j sljssi. W Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of thfs section, announces Fall Arrivals SMual Bargains worthy of inspection. His best hold is CLOTHING ! CLOTHING I and he has a complete stock of new goods. WHAT PL A TTVT3. Best Jfateriuls, Latest Styles, Superior Finish, Perfect Fits and Popular Price. WSI.T ECEI WXJ-illi 3DO. Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner, save you big money, and fill your eoul with happiness. ' T&AJZZTZ -A. ISTOTJE XT. All Garments Warranted. "Try 'em 'fore you buy 'em." c us. m7i5sctni"ir. J. G. CHAMBERSfSON, Successor to J. O. Chambers.! Saddles, Bridles, Collars, "Whips, Blankets, Lap Robes, &c, &c. REPAIRING PROMTPLY ATTENDED TO. We not only use IFirst-QlSLSS Stoclr, But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. IF'X. A.TTSMOUTH, - The ALEXANDER PATENT Gate For Sale by FRED. GORDER, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, Who has the Right for Cass and Otoe Coun ties. Decidedly the BEST .A-HSJ 3D CHEAPEST Farmer's Gate Hinge ever marie. Call and examine them at once at FRED. GORDR'S Office. fif"A gents wanted in this County and Otoe. 40m2 Hie Relief and Cnre as Certain as day method, with vafety from the dangers of strangulation and without the Injury trusses Inflict. Those wishing proof should fend t cent for hi book, containing likenese of bad casoes b-. fore and after euro, endorsement of professional gentlemen. Ministers, Merchants, Farmers and others who hare been cured. Trusses and Itupture sooner or later effect the nervous and mental system, bring on oreanic diseases, Impotency. destroy energy aud social desiren, make Ing the young old aud the old useless. Offices. 251 Broad wav, N. and 43 Milk St., Boston Days furconsultion. each week New York, Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays ; Boston, Wed nesdays, Thursdays aud Fridays. - Cremation r.TQ iyiERCAITS D I IV W5fE39. T5TTT "Vf AXX SEED3 ,n rapera Irft over at tit other form, DAVID LANDRETH & S0.3r Seed Growers, Weeping Water Notes. January 2d. 1833. Ed. Herald: Wo and yours, ("Herald," included.) a prosperous Haopy Xew Year. W. W. had more than her-usual share of busy and happy times this holiday season but no Ii. It. yet, and no certain prospect of it now before spring. Mr. Hadley the apple man, has start- ed a Billiard Hall, so now we have two in W. W. Fred Clinton proposes building soon. Chas. Haves is clerking at Schluntz & Dewey's. It. II. Kussell is Barnes new drug clerk. . Henry Fleming is home rgain on a visit.- ; Dr. Thomas is very ill again, hope you may soou bo around again. Doctor. Quite a number of dwelling houses are in course of construction, and an other large business building. The masons work en Fleming & Race's new store is completed and the finishing work on the inside is being pushed forward very rapidly. Beed Bros. Bank Vault is finished and. will soon be ready for occuuancy. Prof. H. Bellows went east on a vis it, during school vacation and was accompanied on his return by a pretty, young bride from Ohio, it is said; and Trixv ' tenders congratulations and best wishes to the happy pair. Un Dec. 19lh at J. Fowler's by J. Gilmore wiire married Mr. F. P. Par ker and Miss Minnie 11. t'ompton; and on Dec 24th, at the residence ot the bride's mother, by Itrv. G H. Wehn Mr. E. G. Gibberson and Miss Delia Cauaday. Trixy remembers each and all of them with good wishes, hoping that their journey through life togeth er may be one of uninterrupted pleas ure and mutual bappintss. Hearing of o many emigrants to the state of Matrimony, of late, from this vicinity induces me to beg of the kind editor of the Herald, an inser tion of a humorous little description ef it which Trixy heard years ago, 'tis as follows: "Teacher: Bub! a here is the state of Matrimony? Bub: It is one of the United States bounded un one side by hugging and kissing; on the other by cr dies a"d babies. It's chief products are broom sticks and staying out late at night. It was discoverer by Adam and x,ve while trying to find a north-west passage out of Paradise. The climate is sultry, until you pass the tropics of housekeeping, when squally weather sets in with such force hs to keep all hands as cool as cucumbers. For the principal roads leading to this inter esting state consult the first pair of pretty eyes you can rnn against. Teacher:-r The answer is very cor rect take your seat, you're a smart boy." ' Your old friend .. , Trixy. The Madame Fry concert compa ny is undoubtedly the most marvelous, unique and refined combination of musical' talent in the concert field. Mother and daughters seem equally at home in solos, duetts, trios or quar tettes; vocal or instrumental. AH of the ladies are proficient with the flute, cornet, or violin. In short the enter tainment .. was . one of the finest of the. kind ever in Dubuque. Doburjue, (la.) Daily Times. Kobt. Donnelly, who is one of our best and soundest business men, a fins friend to bis friends, and one of the best Mechanics in town too, called Tuesday ro renew acquaintance with 1734 'S.S Remember the plaee Opp. the P.O. NEBRASKA. oy follows day by Dr. J. A.. Sherman's oliered to botu Merchant and Consumer. IVNDRETirS GARDEN SEEDS grown on their own Farms, OVER 1,500 . ACRES devoted to tills purpose, are the .:taxiaki for or y. j- whole. TRADE rrUCE LISTS for 8eda. in bulk or mailed to merchants on application. 21 & 23 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA Casualties. BURIED BT A SNOW SLIDE. Denver, Col., January 2. The Re publican's Silverton special says: Ed ward F. Ryan, Michael Ryan, and Richard Adkins, employed on Para dise tunnel. Saturday, ten miles from here, were buried one hundred feet deep in a snow slide. Parties left Sil verton this morning to recover the bodies. Pittsburg, January 2 The Commercial-Gazette's Beaver Falls special says: A dynamite explosion occurred yesterday at the extension of the Pennsylvania company's new line, near Wampum. The chief workman placed some dynamite in an old pow der keg to-day. This was at noon. When the men stopped for dinner, the keg was placed about eight feet from the fire. While the men were eating dinner, the can exploded, wounding ten men, two fatally. Kenkebeck, Me.. January 2- As the Boston express on the Boston and Maine last night crossed the bridge of Cole's corner, the bridge fell, pre cipitating the four cars down an em bankment. The cars immediately caught fire and were destroyed. There were about 100 passengers on bosrd. One man was killed and twenty wounded. StlAiEsviLLE, O.. January 2. Dur ing the Knights of Pythias festival last evening, the floor gave way pre cipitating over two hundred persons to the floor below. Two were killed and seventy-five injured, ten fatally. The building took tire. The lights were nearly all extinguished, leaving the struggling mass almost ia total darkness. Prompt aid stayed the flames, but a number were burned badly. CALLINO TO SEE TIIE ASSASSIN. The ante-room at the jail was filled to-day with people waiting to be con ducted to Guiteau's cell. By his re quest only those whom the jailors knew were pore permitted to see him. In reference to recent publications concerning jurisdiction, the prisoner remarked the Lord had a special ob ject in letting the president down so easy from Long Branch instead of Washington. Tt e prisoner is now re sti icted to ordinary rare. Heretofore, when food has been sent in from the outside, it was the strict rule of the officials not to touch them thus avoid ing responsibility in case of harm. Scoville has now thrown the respon sibility of food and visitors upon the warden ef the jail. He no longer re quests officers to admit parties to the jail. Guiteau's letters and newspa pers will not be given him in the fu ture. - - Pioneers. Last Wednesday noon eight persons sat down to dinner at A. B. Fuller's table who frequently, 22 years ago. sat down to the same and to each other's tables. The conversation of the din ner hour must have been full of In terest experiences, in that early time, and in the succeeding years, rec ollections, anecdotes, and incidents. It is not often that such a reunion oc curs by mere accident. The person I thus meeting around Mr. Fuller's j board were, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wil bur, Mr. and Mrs. A. Higlev, Mr. and rs. A. B. Fuller, Mr. E. D. Canfield, and Mr. T. II. Hinman. Decatur Herald. - Glory, Glory Hallelugerum! Don't ! we wish we'd been there. TLe LiederkraDZ party. New . A litter from Sir. Thomas"." Friend Mac: You asked me In last week's Herald if I knew Bush, nell was telling that "the reason the County Fair premiums are not paid is because he can't get me to come in and sign orders." Yes, I have known it for some time, but thought best for the good of the society not to engage in any public personalities, hoping he would get tired of such excuses, get the pro rata at once, fill out orders and present to me for signature. Two or three months ago he asked me the amount of money left in the treasury I at once went to tl e banks, ascertain ed the amount, went to his office and told him. So it stood till Pres. Wheeler took the book and accounts, and is now footing up the amounts, will find the pro rata and make out orders, which I will sign ai first sight. Knowing Maj. Wheeler's punctuality for twenty-five years, I can vouch for the delinquent premiums being soon paid. S. L. Thoxas, Treasurer. Kallsky says: All persons who have registered their names on our book are requested to come at once and guess at the weibt of the horse shoe as it will be taken down in a few days to be weigh ed, and those not cemng in time will lose their guesses. Bed store. A Beneficent Action. The worn look and miserable feel ings of those closely confined in mills or at desks or work-tables, are caused by weak Stomach, Kidneys or Bowels, and show the necessity for some mild tonic to build them up. Xo one need suffer thus who will use Parker's Gin fer Tonic; for without intoxicating it has such a beneficent action on these sluggish orgaas and so cleanses the poisonous matters from the system, that rosy cheeks and good health and spirits are soon brought back again. Express. See ady. Notice. Having decided to divide, our Etock about Feburary 1st and run the Dry Goods and Grocery business separately. We will sell all goods at greatly reduc ed prices for cash only, to reduce stock before invoicing. . 42tn Baker & Atwood. Xetice. Mr. T. E. Fry. manager and proprietor of the Fry Concert Com pany, requests us to say that inas much as the people of Plattsmouth have been already deceived as to the merits of socallf d concert companies any individual attending this concert next Friday evening, who consciously believes that the company an- not. as good as they are represented in their bills, can have their money back by ap plying at the ticket office at the close of the concert. John Leesley Offers for sale the following NUliSEIlY STOCK: ach pr.doz S2 00 pr.h'd. Sis ce Annie Trees 3 vears old 20 Apple Trees a years old. first claos 15 l so u oo 10 1 30 8 00 ZD 1 75 20 00 40 4 23 30 00 36 4 00 J 00 35 4 00 30 00 40 3 60 30 3 00 10 1 00 7 00 SO 5 00 10 1 00 f 00 10 1 60 ft 00 10 1 50 5 00 10 1 OO 6 00 10 1 50 7 00 Apple Tree 2 years old. sec ond size Peach Trees 2 years old Early Richmond Cherry, 5 to C fet Early Richmond Cherry 4 feet Plum Trees, Wild Goose, 5 to b ieet Quince Trees Apricots, 3 to 4 feet Grape Viues, Concord Strawberries Raspberries, red, the best Snyder Blackberries Englldh Goosberries Cherry Currants, red Pie Plant, Lineus or Wine plants OEXIME.VTi L TKEKf Norway Spruce 26 cents per iooi. Flowering shrubs Roses, all kinds First class Hedge plants per 30 .10 inoueana, i 80. Maple i rees Cotton Wood Trees M 3 00 2 00 Any person not seeing roe eau send orders throiiRh the Post Office. 4U13 Proposals for Grain. HKADQUAKTER'S DEPARTMENT OK TIIE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Zfebraeka, December 10, 181. SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, subject to the UMinl conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, Janu ary 14. 18H2. at which time and place they will li opened in presence of bidders, lor furnishing and delivery in quantities as required, up to June :0, 1S8J. at Oiii .ha Depot. Nebranka, r at stations on the Union Pacific Railroad, east of Kearney Junction, ol 2.000,000 pounds CORN, and 1 000,000 pounds OATS. rroposais for quantities less than the whole will be received. Delivery of Hie trrain whl, if recmireil. ciininienc Fdini.irv I 1hr lJr-fi'r. euce. will be Riven to articles of domestic pro iluctlon. conditions of price and quality beinj; equal, mid such preference will be uiven to ar ticle- ot American production produced on the mcinc coast to tne extent r th. couMiiupt ion required by tho public ervice mere, l lie government rercrve the rSjilit to reject any or all proposals. Bids rhould ft:v(e the rate per .oo pounds (not per bushel.) and tile envelopes containing them should be endorsed I'.ldf tor lrain" and addressed to the under signed. Bidders are requested to submit pro posals lor delivery oi me corn in new r;sev.el Knny sacks of loo pounds each and for deliv ery of Oats In new resewed burlap eacks of loo pounds each. Conies of this advertisement and oft I. e ir cular of Instructions to bidders can be ob tained on application to this ofllt-e, t nd one copy each of said advertisement and ejreinar snould oe attached to or accompany e;r-h pro posal and form a pa it thereof 40t2 Chief (Juartei master. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE CITY LOTS. 83tf Will S. Wise First Preuiinm.- The Domestic sewing machine re ceived Qrst premium at the fair. It is tl.e lightest rutin in?, makes the least noise, and it is warranted the best ma terial. SOtf Peter Merges. . For mixed paints co to Roberts' Drug Store. 51tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at C. Scnlegel's, opposite Ilenrj's Carbolic Sal re. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, all kinds of skin eruptions. tc. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are but imitations. Price 25 cents. DR. OREEN'8 OXYGENATED BITTERS are the surest and best remedy for dys pepsia, biliousness, malaria, indiges tion, disorders of the .toraach, and diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver and skin. DTJRNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures all affections of the. .mucous membrane of the head and throat. DENTON'S BALSAM cures colds, coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles, etc. Caa be used externally aa a plaa-tt?r. JXETA.T 3IA n XIET. GOTTFRIED FICKLIR. PLATTSMOUTn, NEB., M1IK T. At this shop you'll find meet wholoin aad Sausage, pork muttan and veal. Aad it ia or belief, you'll buy axctllent beef. If you at thlj butcher thep deal, lie keeps always on hand the best In the land OP such as your families need ; Others may do well, but they cannot excel, For Fickler will still take the lead. A good bargain youH make If you want to buy teak. Or soup meat or to boll or to frv. You eaa bare a good dish ef whatereryou wish. Competition be well may defy. This business provides for good pelts and hides Lard and tallew he'll both buy and sell ; And yotl find this the case, there's do other plaee, Youll do better. If you will quite as well. And this we may tell II you're fat cattle to sell. Or bogs or shep that are nice ; You can bring them right here and you need never fear. But far them youll tret a good price. Satisfaction to all who give him a call. It Is his intention to give. For we're certain indeed, this belongs te bis creed Hot only to lire but let lire ! Sims CrSTOMKit. Coal and Lumber. A full supply of hard and so't coal. Alse all kinds of building material can be found at Dean's Lumbar and Coal Office, Ashland, South Bend and Springfield. Give them a call. 2 tiiu c;. a. it. citJAi: is now ready on sale at the Monarch Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran teed to be the best American Continent. oc cigar on the Drugs -the largest stock at J. M. ttoberts. 3tf .Notice to Trachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March,. June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and bat u id ay in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday In t eb ruary. K. II. WOOLET, 42tf Superintendent. Mouey to Loan. J. S. Mnthews has money to loan t nine pr cent interest, un Real Estay secu ity at three or five years. Apply at Ins office on Main St., Platts mouth, Neb. 26tf. $1300 per year can be easily made a home working for E. G. Hideout & Co 10 Barclay Street, New York, tend for their catalogue an 1 full particu lars. 31-ly. Hair Work. Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive orders for hair work of all kinds. Combings made up, roots all one way, without extra charge. 30tf Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. I. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf Livery Notice. Ilereafttrl vill have carriages at all regular trains stopping at this de pot Any person desiring a carriage to take passengers to, or from said trains will leave word at my Livery Barn in PlattsraouUi and they will be accommodated, at reasonable rates. 35tf Chas. M. Holmes. ' Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of D. I). Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerem Tooth Tablets. Beaati fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf -FOR SALE " CITY LOTS. 33tf Will S. Wise. if?a week in your on town. Terms an d unul fit free Address, H. Hallett Si Co Portland. Maine. 401 y LEGAL XOTJCES. Road Notice. To ail whom it may concern : Th section line road petitioned for by Perry V:ilkr. el hi, and described as follows : ( oni-ineix-ii.K nt soulh ea-t corner of section 17 tp 11 rane 12, running thence north to north e.ut corner ot sec. 5 township 11 rmiRe IU , and tcriniuntiuK at s:iid point, Mill be declared an upeu road and nil objections thereto or claims fur d.tiuatres. must be llled in the County Clerk's olllce, on or before noon on the 1st day of Mrcli A. I). 1M2. or hiicIi road will be opened without re'erence thereto. J. 1. Tt'TT. 4113 County Clerk. Probate Notice. In the matter of 'the estate of Elizabeth Pul-vt-r drceai-tjd. Iu the County Court of Cas Co.. :tibra!-ka. rpoii leading and filing the duly verified pe tition of V. 1. (iil tion, pr;tliitr tli at adminis tration uf the estaie of Elizabeth I'ulver deceas ed, oi; rauied to some ruiianle perseu, on.ered that notice of the pendency of said cause be published in the N kbkahu k Hkkald, a week ly uew.Npai er, printed, published, and In gen eral circubitiou in ald t.'ounty, for three con hecutive week, aud that tli hearing of said cause be set for the I'.HIi day of January, A. I). at 1 o'clock p m , at the ofllce of the Comity Juriue at 1'lattsinouth. at wbich time and place all persons Interested may appear and show caure. if ai.y they have, why administra tion of said estate Miould rot Ie granted ac cording to the prayer of said petition. A. N. i'ULUVAX, County Judge, Plattsmoutb, lec. 28, t6l. 41t3 Notice of Dissolution of Part nership. Notice 1 hereby given that the firm fit Pat terson . Dickson Livcry.busineAs. is hereby dia eclved by mutual conseLt. A. Patterson re maining at the old plaee, where till the books aud accounts of the linn wiil be found, and a speedy settlement i desired with all par'ies having business with the Ann. Dickson re move to a baru on the alley between 2d and 3d streets. Please ca J and settle at the corner of Pearl and Gili sts. A. Pattkrsox, 40L5 J. W. iilCKaoN, Pi.attsmocth, Dec. 17th. 18B1. Road Notice. To all whem It may cencern ; The commissioner appointed to vacate a crur,ty r-ad described as follows : Coniutenclnii at the otitri east corntr of the south west ' of tn south west 4 Of m tctlon fifteen (15) township twelve il uonh of ratine thiitcen (13) east, running north on Hid line "1 of a mile, ha.l re ! ported in favor of the vacation tTureof. and all i .(..... t. . t u t t c mt .ir l'litviM ffir iTuinuoit. mint be Clod 1 1 the Coiintv Clerk' office, on or i-e-for- noon on the 22d day of February A. I. 182. or such road will be vacated without reference thereto. J. I. Terr, 4013 County Cierk, Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of James H. Tuca er. deceased. In the Couiuy Court of Cas i ir.:!y. Nebraska. - Nottee W I erehy given, that Albert C. Tuck er and..San ii. Tucker, administrators of the ....... f iIia .foiil II I'tirL'.,.. ,lui.Matw1 have made application for flual settlement, and that ld cause is set lor n earing at my omce at Plattsm'ui'h. on tbo3d day of Januarv. A. D. 18? !i' ' '-. 1' -I . on said day; at sic