Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 05, 1882, Image 2

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Our Clnb List.
Here we are with our Club List. To every
subscriber who pays for the corning year In ad
vance we will give a copy of Kendall's '"Horse
and Iliii Disease" free. As IU be noticed by
looking over this list carefully, several prem
iums are offered by other paper and maga
zine, a our readers can, IX they wish, obtain
two premiums as well as two papers at low
rates :
Hkkald and Inter-Ocean, weekly) 2 75
" " St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 75
" Chicago Herald, weekly.... 2 40
'. dally ..
" Burlington Hawkeye
' LouUvilie Courier-Journal...
" Leslie's Ills. Newspaper ..
" " Ji. Y. Times, (sein-weekly)...
" M Sun. (weekly)
" Toleao Blade
6 15
3 05
4 15
4 15
2 6"
3 0"
Iowa Farmer, (and Garfield
prein.) '
" " Scieutilic Aiiierlctui 4 2t
" Ner-nnka Farmer. 2 '.8
Chnaha Kepubilcun (& pretn). 2 75
" Omaha rice (and prem.) 3
" " A inert. an Agriculturist 2 Gf-
Prairie Farmer 3 CO
The Kural New Yorker (with
seed distribution.) M
" " Harper's Bazar 4 Ni
Weekly. 85
' Monthly 4
You nit Peoole 2 &.'
" Scribner's Monthly 4 8.ri
" St. Nicholas K
" Eclectic M;ignzlne 5 75
M Demorest' Monthly Maga
zine, (with pieru.) 3 15
" " tiodey'B Lady's Book 3 2b
" " Phrenological Journal 3 13
' Literary & Ed ucat'nal Note. 2 2j
Good Company 4 00
Khrich's Fanhion Quarterly.. 2 10
" Houekeep.r 2 4"
AVE send this week at lasi, our
Annual for 188'. It ia all the fault of
the lailroads. which failed to get our
cuts here in lime; we've been read
t !;! weeks. They're good all the
s-.une; take them, U'-ar readers, and be
Tin: evening Telegram sends us it's
New Year's addrrss, a very neat
The City Treasurer of Omalu, Mr
Mallette, died very suddenly on Satur
day at his residence.
Wm. Iuvino ia rcpoiled to have n
siued the purchasing agency of the
V. 15. & Q. and is going into business
for himself.
The Journal's Carrier's Address is
before us; a very neat production in
deed. We -sympathize" suliicieiiUy
to do a man justice always.
A Gigantic railroad enterprise Is to
be inaugurated from New Orleans to
Alberquerque. New Mexico. Its a
daisy for the Greasers, if it ever gets
Gov. Chittenden, of Missouri, re
fuses to be bull-dozed by a railroad and
there is to be an antrnionop war there
soon, as far as the II. & St. Joe It. R.
is concerned.
Valentine has been sending Tur
keys to tho West Point Editors; that's
thin. Val., if this thing is left to the
whole of us, ou know next fall, you'll
wish a turkey had started down this
way, see.
The New York Legislature opei s
with seventeen Democrats and fifteen
.Republicans in the senate, and C7
Democrats ai d CI Republicans, mem
bers in th House The result of too
much peeping through transoms," per
hap. '
Vice I'kesident Tolzalis of the
C. li. & Q- ancl li. & M. R. K. now
iu Boston, has had a vcrj handsome
present made him by the Land de
partment of Neb'., aad the telegraph
operators. He deserve3 it, as he has
beeu one of the few mea who do not
think employees doj,s, to only obey
n rich master.
Now the Journal man has done it
-again; just read thi3: "The only mis
take this firm mad a was in not in
vesting in a silver pitcher." That is
worse than the Finch attack; it is out
rageou on an oUl and respected mem
ber of tl. Temple of Honor. It i?
lahting the temperance cause, and if
Bushnell don't take it up for his con
frere Joe, we offer the injured man
our paper freely, to defend himself,
pitcher and all thrown in.
TrtE Chicago Tribune sums up the
working of ihe Slocumb law ia Neb.
ms follows:
Here is the outlook taken by the
Chicago Tribune concerning the oper
ation of the Slocuaib high license law.
The license money will defray the
whole police expenses of cities and
leave considerable money for other
nunicipal purposes; drunkenness will
largely be reduced, and the liquor bus
iness will be place- on a far more or
derly and less injurious basis than it
ver has been before.
Stocks have seriously fallen in
Wall st., and the prospects are that a
turn in the importation of gold and
silver may occur, as a large amount
of railroad securities have been sold
in Europe this summer and as the
interest on them falls due gold must
lie shipped to meet it. We have
been overdoing thiols a little and
the rise man will keep out ot
debt, and prepare for some shrinkage
in values.
Theue does not seem to be any
nd to the miserable Guiteau trial;
from all appearances it must consume
this week , and next, and we must
endure the i'arce of seeing an almost
universally: condemned knave, liar
and dead beat granted extraordinary
and uuusal pririlegse uuder the plea
of a "lair trial" lor his life.
On Fridav last the prisoner was
removed to the public dock for other
-criminals, aa I perhaps there is some
chanca that the trial may be cl Bed a
little more, speedily thau when he
caa prompt his cuasei at erery
The Changes that Time a ml Vol I tics
liriuar. "
This week, this day in '. fact, sees a,!
rthange in seme of. our -County affairs
that may be worthy of a passlngnotlce
it least. For several years Cass Com ty
local affairs have moved along in ralh-
er a monotonous channel, this year na
one can tell how matters may shape
themselves. For the first time in many
eais the entire set of County officers
the District Clerk excepted, are Repub
licans. ...
Of the incoming officers the Herald
has spoken at large abwut the time of
nomination; it is more particularly of
those who now leave their-posts of
honor and duty, held faithfully for
years, in most instances, that the Her
ald mure particularly desires to speaic
A. X. Sullivan, . County Judge, ; who
to day makes way for A. A. Laverty,
nas served four years with great cred
it and almost universal approval.
Coming fiom a farm, as many sup
posed unprepared for the arduous and
difficult duties which later statutes
nave imposed and increased iu this
court, his success was remarkable and
shows that the foundation of a good
legal education must have been laid
previous to bis election.- That added
to a naturally judicial luui of mind
have given to his court more the ap
pearance and dignity of a 'superior
tribunal of justice than ordinal ily
pertain3 to that of County Judgeship.
Iu the four years ot office. Mr. Sulli
van has been a close student of law
and has had a wide experience in the
investigation of cases before him to
slit njthen and mature his poM ers, and
now leaves this puot lor more act
ive practice at the bar, well equipped
iu every particular lo hold his own
with any member of the fraternity,
and some of other jwople's .Joo, at
.lineij. as any well developed lavvjer
will and must to succeed.' Success lo
Lawyer Sullivan ; luuur and credit, lo
w.eJude who 'has just I.iiu . oil U.t-,
robed. '
iiis Successor. Judge Lavetiy im a
man well qualified to step into the
shoos of the ' gentleman we have jus.
laken leave of. IJre.l to the I. iw, act
ing as ret roe, hquue, and ge'.ieial med
iator it r in his' neighborhood
lie now a.-MiUHs llie position ( a
higher magistrate'' with m,iny tnuii
lieaiions h:ch we tnaite noduuoi will
t.ecure l;mi triei:ds and etn
:neet all the 'acquirements
lion. ' -
tie mm lo
.;f ilu; jisi
R. VV. Ilyers succeeds himself as
Sheriff, 'lheie'il bo no change there
unless the Sl.triff has a sjiare quarler
at nand and wants to set 'ein up for
i lie Lo3 in this office for New Year
cigars, we mean, of course.
The IIeuald has expressed its opin
ion of S.-eriff II jers before, nd lie has
lately, in two notable insta' co, ahoyn
that the judgment of the people and of
this paper was not amiss, ile captured
Carruth's man, who thought he had
covered up his tracks nicely, and has
but returiied with another hoise-ihief,
who tJUappeaied aoun. vt:jr and a halt
ago. Third-termer th ugh he is, eveo
the half-breed element lakes! stock in
ilyers, because he's the man for the
place. ..
John I). Tutt. the retiring Clerk
has served four years, and perhaps
no m.iii ever came office under
rarre di&couragiiig circumstances and
strved mors acceptably than Mr.
Tuit. K'ectod as h grenbAcker in a
strong Rojiublican county, he yet
boui.d to himself so many warm per
sonal ii!t-i:ds and .iiluunistered the
duties of his ott'ec so fairly and equita
bly that it was nut long before no par
ty, no clique and no man but that Mt
John Tutt was the CI rk, able, willing
and competent 'o run his own ma
chine, and ho became at once liked and
rtspeclcd by pi ;w;d all. lie goes out
with the best wishes of Ibe JIpiLp
for his fuiure success, iu any waik of
lite, and carries w ilh him the sincere
regard of a best of friends he has
made beside.
J. W. Jennings, County Clerk, may
almost be saia to wceed himself,
having been so long in the otRoe. Iiis
face will seem fnmiliar there, and he
brings eveiy necessary qualification to
the discharge of his duty that a man
needs. It will i? ;js own fault if he
does not make a success vt lus tjJ:ji
and do i-ml't to 'the county, and Uie
party tlu.t placed ldm there.
E. H. Wooisfy Sup't. of Public In
struction, has served on tersa during
w hich he has brought the schools up
to a greater proficiency than before,
and showed great adaptability for the
work. Students and teachers speak of
Mr. AVooley's ability wjih respect and
pleasure. It 13 uudti stood h. will acf
as deputy County Clerk for a season
at least, and his intimate knowledge
of the details of the office render bim
a valuable person for such service.
His loss will pa felt in the. schools al
though he is succeeded by a number
one man, none other than our friend
Cyrus W. Alton, who has the ex
perience necessary lo lid the place ac
ceptably, and who was ejected by a
very handsuie majority last ta)J for
that purpost.
Saiiiyi' Richardson, County Com
missioner succeeds himself thai is he
piotty nearly does. The Commission
eis just swap- round you se a little,
to vary their duiies, somewhat, The
ilEKALG h3 to'd the people of Cass
w hat kiud of a commisiutier Richard
son is, and he'll never go back on our
good opinion of him we know. r
in the treasurers office
We fiud going out of office Jas. M.
Patterson Kq., who ha nad rather a
remarkable history politically, ..-Mr.
Patterson cam to Casi County at an
eaily day, and was merchandizing at
Rock 'Bluffs for a niinber of years,
whole he conducted his buineu to
well ana to fairly tuat ins neignoors
arjti iLl Ast vt taitnkiiid ra CSiSS
County, or at least enough of them,
thought he was worthy to represent
them in the legislature, and Mr. Patf
terson was a member of -one-of the
most important legislatures that ever
satin the state, viz: during ths win
ter of the Butler impeachment trial.
It seems that Mr. Patterson, and in
fact Mr. J. N. Wise, too, were elected
to the Council of Nebraska before
that; in 'G2, but the session was never
called together, and they, like Mar
quette and others, whom the muta
tions of new constitutions and changed
laws have left at times, have now
only the remembrance of the fact thai
they were elected anyway. "
' Four years ago, Mr. -Patterson was
elected County Treasurer, and for
about the samH time ' has been City
Treasurer, as well. .These marks of
confidence from the people of so strong
a Republican County, in us t be highly
gratifying, for he is, we are sorry to
say, for so good a man, an outrageous
old fashioned Democrat; not a Bour
bon.' exactly, for James is progtessive,
J but then he is a Democrat.-without
tlinch or waver, all the same. ,
v Mr. Patterson, retires from public
life, we understand, entirely, and will
devote his well known business skill
and ability to furthering the interests
of the Cass Couuty Bank, in which be
i3 a large stock holder, and the cashier
Mr. Patterson leaves this office with
as good a record," for efficiency," prob-'
ity, nud general .management as any
man could desire, and can hardly fail
of success in his new business career.
W. II. Newell, who succeeds the
above named is. now so well known
in Cass County, and the Herald has
mentioned some little poiuts in his
career several times before, perhaps
enough for a beginning. He should
have taken the place two yars ago.
Mr. Nf!voll is a b.-tttr. stronger man
ii'iw than then, though, and the man
iii l ot his noinina' ion and .subsequent
ei-':tiin .show what ooitfi.ieuvje llie eo
pbi haw iu Mr. Newell. The Treaa
ui v will be safe, fn b:s iiands, and ho
p;:ity need builil up hopes on the
strong'. h of any niislakts made there
in !!ie 1 ut tin-. ... -
said, has introduced'' a bill to except
Nebraska from beimi districted, con
gies.sionaljy.' provided such t ;i -bill
pass-s this winter. That is, we Vould
eitel i.'ie number of congressmen any
new apportionment gave to us from
the statH at large. " .. Wo have been
rather favorable . to an election at
large the first time, .because it would
avoid the necessity of calling the leg
islature together, because our State is
improving and growing so rapidly, and
such changes are taking place popula
tionally that any district apportion
ment made this w inter would be only
a temporary affair at best, Andjheie
seemed to be no satisfactory sub-tli-visions
of f he territory possible last
winter. ' With ' the building of ', new
linos of railroad, and the increase and
re-adjustment of population this
brings, a more satisfactory apport-ioli-ii
ut of districts could be made 'in the
futue thau at present. . '
. Lastly, we hoped Nebraska could
get better men -it the start as a whole
than in districts, for e observed that
every petty wire-puller, every scrub
editor that hoped to bum himself into
an office, every lawyer too lazy to ri3e
in his profession, -and just able to live
off the toil of others, was in favor of
districting the state, at once; and
would have had Governor Nance pet
the Legislative mob together before
this if he took their itdvice. ,
BuL we w to say to Congressman
Valentin i that a bill making Ne
braska the sole exception; or except
ing on the ground of the people's de
sire to have it s, will . be a j 'mistake.
It is at once, tot upon by all the
screamers for purity ami denounced
;;3 a tjcrsonal measure to facilitate the
electiuu of ' uU sup.oocJ )ii;'opaI
friends, and vould leaiiy do more
harm than good if passed.
If all the states that do not hold
legislatures regulaily this winter were
excepted it might do, but to" make one
fitste an excejiion is open to grave
suspicion. : . . -
The Hoard of Trade meeting, Tues
day evening, was fairly well attended.
The report of the committee on ban
quet iaaltt-iu iiiMWjjd eyjenses paid
but about $4 00 when $10 ul a sub&ciip
tion was paid in.
- This amount 11. li. Windham at once
made up. We may say here that the
ttl expense fell consi erably .uhoit'
o' SS00, let aione ."()G as jorne euessed
it would beforehand. ' '
The election of officers resulted in
placing. the following named gentle
men in the respective places of honor
in the hzr,,.' 1 ,....'
A. W. McLaughlin, l'resideiit ';' Frit
CarrutL, and J. V. H'eckbach 1st and
2d Vice-Presidents; J. li. Strode, Sec;
Jno. O'Rourke, Treas. - ; '
' Tbe Board of pireclors for lfc$3 are':
F.E. White, J. irattersMi'w 'J. W.
Johngon. Geo. S. Smith, F. R. Guth
mau. Geo. E. Dovey and J. A. Connor.
The Hoard of Directors held a meet
ing after the' Board of Trade ad
journed. an4 crg;fnijred by tlectin J,
W. Johnson, chairman, and G. S. Smith
secretary of their body. They hold a
meeting at Smith & Strodes office
to-morrow at 10 a. m to makeup
standing committees and to attend, to
such business' as may proper ly come
before that body. . .. . .". .
4 Traveler's Story." , ...
. After spei;dUig months at European
i.nd American watering places rand
tl'.ousand3 of dollars looking -for
health, I returned home disheartened
and wretched. -1 had consulted' the
best physicians and traveled far aud
near without bsnrSt,'. ud e'-peeted to
die. A friend urged a trial of Parker's
Gineer Tenic. Three Inittles and care
ful "diet have worked .' wonderland
brought me -excellent health and
.j.lfUrtioa P!imay piiMiahtuy.jexUr ' , . . V- Y
1 . ... 1 r nlvin r tl.a i"Yh f I., at tin rnl f
5 lor trie Deaeat 01 similar eui?
ttwrs--- Clucjunatl lad
(Jorernors and Slcli.
AfTiend" of. ours "who lately visited
Lincoln repprts as "among the litera
ture the day there, the following
'astonishing list of candidates for gov
ernor,' ro-vf t r -
Gen. Thayer, Soct'y Alexander,
.Church Howe, J. B. Dinsmore, Geo. W.
Dorsey, Chairmau JJaffaTtiKu - ,m'lins,
II. T.-CJarke.
Now that's. -'a :gf?oJ list, ;alid "we
think they can all get elected, iu ti
minds of llieir-frien3r"wTrCTume4
this news is true, as to the most of
these 'honorable gentUineri, for. our
friend said it. was, and he is a man
who never prevaricates.-elongates or
otherwise strabismatically, circum
navigates around the truth. But one
of the gentlemen "above was met on
the train the'other day and declared
that he was not a candidate for gover
nor or anything else, and as. he, too,
never trifles with veracity about pol
ities', must b believed. 'We allude; to
Hon: Church Howe, who informed a
select audience that he had 60 sheep,
800 porkers and '900 steers all a grow in
and that he wasted his movments iu
watching, that: wool, develop, ""those
porciues root, and "them steers" take
on flesh. Every day he measures the
meat on the steers' ribs with a "Phat
ometer," lately invented, to see how
they are thickening up for Chicago
and with such aims and objects in life
anyone can see the governorship may
go, whistling for all of him. He made
another remark about buy ing a new
mowing machine when the crank to
the old one vas worn out. or thw cogs
broke; but as we don't 'catch on" to
the application we umk tho details.
This is true and happened when and
where it occurred. Tin observant
reader of the above list will perceive
that Cass C. is left out in the cold iu
the liUuS'.- e iictiUU.'tis ot the
mei Nt-i'ioss.!.- . . .. . -
J. .il. i lit nukes one good
poitR.iu Lis le'ter to tie Omaha Re
publican about tile propriety or right
of accepting bail in. Young Koster's
cas-, and tjiai is: Gen. Bstabrook says
he would ail vise Koster lo g to Ku-'
rope and Thurston sas;
Now I iihdC-rl.uid that an atiorne's
duty in. dolt tiding a m.iu'chared witli
crinio, "is-:o .-to that he h;:s the adVaii
tf4gf oi-ail i.rgfil ineati and iimlter of
UfeT.--rirnrt 4- hn,t- m.-iys -s.pispir
that.for,au,aUoi ney i5 .-.dvi.&j- i?;J as-,
sist a rucu! charged iiinn:or tJ es-
cape Wi'kto coiunrii . f-.-lony .himself ;:
Yei. GeneraL Esiimuk -s. further
an'd thinn-i'i the public pi ts, advises
KOstors that V. h f't:iil" hi.i f'atlu-r atid
friends have siiwii -is-not g.iod, and
that the best 11. in- he van du .-t to run
away and let liirin tnkc their ohauoes.
'J uo many times h.ayj we he.pd at
torneys lajig? aidiejivirjiraHjsucii Ad
vice; we have always-failed to see
why or how th fact, of a. man's being
an attorney gave him .the privilege of
doing things that considered
dishonest auJ il-sracef u; .for vthera
tO dt.. ' i - - . . . i ;. . . . - i .
Darutiftn of Irlal ie j .;.' j -ii
;., Dr.' tijitj's crt.sS-exai'uliiAthia V'was'-j
lhe:i r:j$iiu:ed. Doing asked if he ever
sav the case of a plisoner in court
feigning Insanity, he answered: 'I
have not considered that the . prisoner
had'ruadp apy manifestrfticlis of insan
ity." I testilied lie had eiid'eaVrtred ' tot
impress me in jail with the jdea :that
he had been acting under an inspira
tion. u respect o that J believe 'be
was feigning and play
ing a part,. My opinion is' based sole
lv on Ins actions and declaration' jn
"Washington'. January l: Guiteau
spent a quiet Sunday ' A number of
people called at the jaili but few were
admitted to the cll of tlie . notorious
criminal. Tho-e wh i Were, ai corded
t,)ia prii iif e jtaf t"::it te assassin.
was in g'-ioi", spiri.s-find confident of
acquittal. .
. sioviile Ktw thinks the trial in ay.
end this week, lie has yet foiir or
live wi:nsses who will testify 'to the
insanity of the family.
Co'. Coikhiil Uiinks that - nrguinnts
will bn in and tiio case submitted to
the jury by Friday..-,.
; Tl.e prevailing opinion is . that the
jury t;muict; after' jt. feu? h-'i-irs':
dclibefatiuti, ', i, .. . v -j.
: ; The Depot bl round. . (
'In the c'o.inty court Saturday pro
ceedings were commenced in the name
of the 'Dinah i Southwestern rail
road (which constitutes a portion of
the 15. & M. road) to condemn the riv
tiv fjouortis between Farnham i Iian
ry street', preparatory to convert ing
it into depot crounds. One of the
officials of th IJ. -Sfc M. stated in con
nection therewith, that it was the pr-
pos- or tlie company to nil and grade
the property thus condemned in t!i i
sppfij, anil potyjiiieriuB as ijpoji
sible the erection of freight deiotg and
laying of tracks for the rapidly.j inj.J
creasing necessities or. me company.
It will he a great addition to th lpw:et
property between theafl,streitfs,-3-rBqe."
ji Tifv Jpurpal mn (pr Pjfn) , got
np a ..very fair business-: review.
"WedyrapathiZB" with the honest la
borer, for wt, know - what ."it "Islto get
up one of these things," hHvrng'dorie it,
pr;elfi3 far severa yav, jiptj pw4:
It a " thankless Job too,, in- -th Toaln.
But - tliis year' we are ' saved th"
trouhle; we cap ead the Jonrual, and
".11 .1 i 4 "' .w
Know an auoiu our luwn anc. we as-1
surayQu it U real pleasuia to play j-
you are a gentleman of - leisuredhd j
means,, and grandly abstractedly, in
teres ted in the general great moral
social fnd. -financial prosperity of oar
towB, arid able to throw ''vpq'
self back In fotjr.thalr, thumbii'in
vest, and say; "Ah'yes, those chaps are
pretty cwte; write a good articls; help's
the tbwu, eh? ; I bought - one. last
nighty going to send it off to-ujorrow."
That's the way we feci, not". :Tq be
sure;we might emulate our Weeping
Water friend, reprint, charrgo Journal
for Herald, and send it out as our own
review, bqt we're too Jay for that,
this year. Thank you, Mr. Journal,
on behalf of the rest of us, especially
"Bush" he don't "sympathize", . you
know, we do but you shouldn't have
said anything about that silver
pitcher.- ' - - ..
The Turf, Field and Farm rattier
sides with J udgor Kinney tis against
the'decision of tus bonrd ot Xferiew
aradr nnS T
;fvr" '.'f."- vv""
Temperance Cota
", FRRA.SC 2 UMON, ' '
' ,-- V .
" For God. and Iiome. aurt Native Land."
Col. Woodford's Lecture.
- - On last Saturday evening a -temper
ance meeting fws held' in the Hall,
under the anspices f the .Temple f
Honor. The exercises were opened
witr, prayer followed" by" a :-brief ad
dress by Col. Woodford, in which he
made aii 'earnest ple for- the' entire
prehibition of the liquor traffic. On
the' fonowingabbath'evenhigr the
Hall was filled with an intelligent and
deeply. -.interested - audience... to bear
Col.- Woodford again, id . an effecti v
and eloquent appeal for total absti
nence; Jrdm the higbgroaad of Chris
Uanrduty.t He also - advocated giving
the bitllot to woman and in doing so,
said it was hot a' questioned! .Wom
an's Kights" but of "human fights. At
the close of the lecture the pledge was
offered arid many of our citizens avail
ed themselves of the opportunity giv
en.'feeliiig that jp ? taking the pledge
it would give them the power to re
sist temptation. God grant that it
The Ballot will lllet out Intemperance.
A. Ji. Itichmoud, in' the preface to
his book liitemieranc6 is the Great
Source of Crime,-" indulges in the fol
lowirTg sensibhf remarksr -
"It'has been"my cbject.'as far as pos
sible, to present the subject in a man
ner somewhut new. to travel eut of
the baUn patrT of Wfifpfcranoe lectures
and to conviiice iny Traders, if possible
that prohibition bv law" is the only
means by which?ttiF traffic in alcohol
can be abolished, and the counlrv re
lieved of the great curse f intemper
ance I believe in the efficacy of the
'kiud words' of .moral suasion as a
great reined ial agent ; ack o I edjw
even the great frco of the 'iui'U of
grass of pnbic .opinio?' -Yet when
tlie bov,ieuiain.oltliUH:r; ucl will t.ot
come down fnmi the tree, I have an
abiding taitlr in lha viritit uf sinncs.
-' "If good, reveieiKl'inon could preach
tlie hceiiso out of e.i-ience. 1 -.would
be reiy glad that ihoy should tK) so.
If. the prayers of. christian, men and
women could .tinguis.i 'he fires of
the distilleries or smother the sti.l
frorm, I 'Would be glad that it were so
Hut, admitting the truth stated in the
fable of iEsop, that 'the gods help
those.. that help themselves,' and that
it was the slioulderof the teamster
applied to the wheel of his cart that
moved the load from out the mud of
the liigUway, I believe that it will re
quite tho" force of the whole people,
men" and women, applied .'al the ballot
box, to eilectually bloc ui of existence
the groat curse of Uie country, the laws
that license and. permit the sale of al
cohol as a btctriiye..
"I doliy the rljjht of the" goyenmient
t sell lo one citizen ilu.4nivig.u to.
tempt another-1' commit crime. I
doubt'the policy" of - tho e- laws that
seek; t.o raise a revewua by tl'-salu..uif-that
which-. dewras t!rj; -;peiple,
is the proliflc sourceof tiime and pau
perism, and costs the country annually
a thousand times more, than, the rev
enue received therefrom. - I "deny the
justice of those laws that'on ne -page-of
the statute book legalize that . whicb
promotes crime, and, makes criminals,
and on the .next- provides. severe penal
ties, to be adminrstered . lo 'tUose they
have tempted to transgress."-
: . i'"- -- Appwrtienment. -
X;iioTi;J rs-)oiated Pre1. Ji f
' WA3ljN?T6s; Jiiuiiry , -1 .H-TJrid0r
the previous sysie.i4of -appoi turning
the repreentati.ves amviiiJ. the,'seyerai
states according: tfrtfrnDersy the pro
cess has mert tiir&lfx'theiramber
of members' to Compose the frouse atid'
then divide the whole number of peo
ple in ihe United States by this num
ber whlcii gives the ratio of represen
tatives or the numbei of inhabitants
that are eiiMiled to a representative.
In the division of tlie number
of . :' inhabitants in a state
there is a remainder which is
left' until ail the 'slates 'lrve besn
go'ie Through', The number resul ing
from even division is conse'iuently
less tlau 1 he number l.xed upoii and
the di?'int-:iceis"made. up by taking
Ihe sia'e liMMiig the largest fractional
remprirr, srvii .so . uutU the full
nuioljyr ii naclml.. Intt t.w Air.
ftseaio'iij t ji itit ider.ri comes in
Willi a sei te.- or t..b.cs in 'phony th.J'tJ
tjija HIS iii rtibyuii, .ifii h i.a u jt
Uoa "sma;; j itiit-'-A . t mute
representatives to the., inhabitants
than4 ho larf i Liiles. TJii. grows utit
of tlw; divi3:'jii, tf fractions atMidig a
large uuu:):i' o.' reprSentaii ve. The
adoption t; l ilf'w on tiie
basis of a house of J mem lei s would
take oue memoer each frorn the dis?-.
er tjiy woijld have on tho old .'pintf
frd'4i - whesotii Coii.necticuti-"
Virginia ntl-vv..7lhode : . Islar.d,
and give-W Ihe great states tif.penn
Bjlvanja, XeWYork,''- Massachusetts,
Illinois aiil Ofiio each man. The same
wilfffect Targe and . small stuteg;
uiie ".vay, iiatever tU nudilier. may
bol ,rVs-th large states throw the
heaviest ; vote,;the changes are that
"th? new p'ten adopted, but it
vrUl-VMit-t uirtil -after vigorous prs
test'Hainstilparttirerom the estab
lished usage.. from, the losing states. 1
Tne fact that many of ths state lg:s
iatujRs meet lii. January" . luUe? ejirly'
Action by congress iu -ttu? matter of
ai4ortjonm?irt. jtcipqitant, in iorder
thaL the staies.tnay b retjiatrieted ite
fore adjournment, 4t, is,, therQrev
probablp this vjlJ t one at tfae.earU-
est measui-es consturea in ttie uouse, t
w ... a I
in, which bedy.the mairj. contest, over
it vv Ul bo, as it does not affect th sea-
. ' .
' iau w . York papers seem iid'
think Blaine is certainly and 8ureTv
shaping -his. course ami timing his
words for a nomination for President
in 1884-. ICeT-.-Wom-SepRWican
iony entioah'-en Trora' arJ; Indepen
dent combination of Suthern Dcmor
crats iand ant't4 Stalwarts, formerrv
! Republicans, - '.V 1' ' ' V
) -; F.Wrate's Safleriiig. . '
? F. II. Drake, JEsq Detroit, -Mien.,
suffreatba'yoBd all description from - st
skin di?easet 'which appeared :on h'is
liaud head iiiid f ce, mc . nearly ,de's-'
troyed hU eyes. The most careful
doctoriifg ailed to help him, and after
all had failed he ued the Gutieura lie-
solvent? (blood puriSeT) internally, 4
Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great
skin cures) externally, and was cured,
and has, remained petfectly well to
1 his day.. . . . :
. - 1B. 8. MILLER, . -.' -.vPUYSICIAN
AND 8UBOEON, found by caiIIo at bis oBt-e. Bouto Bide-
,01 lajatreet, leiwea bizta ku ntreui.
Will rtmUne brnseli more et-psciaUy to towj
nil ISIlIfflo
ol SHia. Hcalp and Iilnott Diseases, connlxti!
in tlie luterual use ol Citkika and Cirri -ot'KA
iSuAf, thr grent 'kin yurew.-.--
MA'tT"' ltltKl'Ml "
Will McDonald. 2524 Dearborn St.. CblcHgu.
Kratefully ackuowletlsen a cure tif tlt Kheuni
ou head, ut-i-k, fai-e, arniH and leg lor eveu
teen years ; not able to walk exceut 'on hands
Mill km- fur-uu vear ; tried liuudieUsiof rein.
'ed le ; doctors pronounced hi cae. hopeless
lermaneiitlv cured bv Cuiicura Hesolvent
blood puritier) internally, and t'utlcura and
X'utieura 8oap (the great tikin ctuea) exterually.
II. K. r"arj)ontor. Ki., Henderson. N. Y..
cured br rtoriasls of Ieproy. tf twitf;-yer
standiui; by the Cutieura ISexolveut M)d
purlflerj iuternally und mid CBticn
Hoapttiie itreat skiu ciiri) r:eniaHT ."Ihf
moct wonderful ca n wetiid.; Cure trtiaed
to before a justice fat t be Kce -iind pruni nent
cHizen. All nfllicted rwltli itchirir nitd incaly
diseases should send to un for Uiu tf -itiiu-JJUai
la full. J- : ' - i' . . ;
4Ki ni'tAKAHirri ; , ;-. rt ;
F. H. Draktw Esq.Dpl'roit. Midi..-' soffared
beyond all description from a fkfti disease
which apiieared on hia hands, head and .face,
and nearly destroyed hns eves ,The inont caref-
Lfal doctoriu: failed to help'. him, aid ter all
nan Tauea ne unea me (jvueura Kesoirem
(blood Duriflerl Internally. Cutlcura and Ctl-
.was curea, ana uas rvniaioeu jenecity wen . to
inn aay.
Mrs. S. E. ."Whlpcle. Dt-cattir. Mkh.. writ
thjit htrfart. hfad and 9oni prt ot her iMKly
were almost Taw. uend covered wnn sckdc
and sore. nfTered fearfully and tried 'vtv
thinir. Permauently.cured by Outicutra Resol
vent (Oio.ou purmerj ant i u
Soap (tbejiat nkin cures).
vent iblo.od purifier) and Cuticura and Cuticura
Remedies are for sale bv all drupelets. Trice
of C'uticujsa. a Medical Jellv. email boxen. foe.
large boxes. Si. Cutiocba uesolvbnt. Hi
new Blood Purifler. St per pottle. Ccticuka
Mrdicixal Ton. ft Soar. 2ic. : Cvticcka
Medicikal. Shaving Soap.Ijc. ; In bar for
barber and large coniw, -'-'ipai
depot. . ... wtiia.s( ruiitn,
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Heail Coio.c. ,1 ry ;)i-i ! from the
.Nine sunt l-.ven. i 1 1 , vr i 1 -.cs n- tile Head.
Nervous Headaches and ('liills and Fever in-
ciantly relieved. .. , .
Chokinn. putrid imicu is iUUMlirod, raem-
oraiie eieiinsei'. uisiiitcctiMi and tiealeit.- breath
Hweeteiied. smell, taste and li' .t rt: restored
and co!i-tmiU'iu;U lavages cuih-kcu. - '
I.tlr1l lTn,l!lil nFilllltinD (l tlii HlMAt
Pains in tlie Chest. lv-hetsia. Wntli!i of
strength and ftvsh. Loss ol iSleeu. cured.
One bottle Radical Care, one box Catarrhal
Solvent and one Ir. SanfordV inhaler, in oue
packaije. of sll rfnfuists, for $1. Ask for Sak
. WEEKS & I "OTTER. Bostou.
li riollicker tlian CL-
I.l.MS' t)LTA ti ' .AS
TKK.s iu fcliev ii'p nnVi and
VeakTtcw.)f the Kidneys.
iism.T Noiii-sluia. :.Hvstena
if em Its vv e - tit nes.M h i n y 1 a
t '.!. t,t.l
and fill Mud f Uiavnesa stock, constantly
a .- handJ -t'i.. v.. n-'f
-. - j t-- t f T. . I
NhWi iiHitlN 1 It
.' . '
Ana satisfaction uuarauteea. - I
C,p"KemeBiner tne iiiace. Onposite nei . ' 4
Riiwt ' Fnrnit.'W Ktnrn nn M M',ln tin 1
I'lattenumth. Neb. pnvr.-t fc. r f
r? f
TenaeFloin Meat Market; ;
- -f ---'IS- C- - ' r
BEEF: - t '' - :f
MUTfOtf. r. '
Constantly pu iland. ,
Everything First-class,
CTMlealHal'-ii:''... ..
at Lowest Bales.
Main Stbet ween 4?5 and Mil 'St:, Xorth Side.
. PLATTX2IG02JI. NEB. l91y
I have, now a new Jjirt--it.iri' iuua 'U east
l irst-Olass Workman.
130,000 No. 1 Brick
Now Keadv and for sale. Corrw and Examine
--tr.em ffir Yonrselvea. If they- ' j
. f::H on a mail off goes : .
. '. In hed " "i.l ;
I am. also now rfady to Contract for
all kinds of buildings and to put .
j up any kind of ir -
Iiri4 waii(e , '.
At my I:ice! 0x1 Vlahir.gton Avenue or at,K-.
S, White's Store on Main 'Street, Plattsmouth,
Liyeryea &Sale
,pr an Old Stable in nno.hqfli!? $$,irily
, . ..- 'The Vew't'lra fcl ) '.'
, open tHeV,
r STHEWlit1 -BaHn., . ir.-
CfX tle Jorner of 6th an Pearl Htreeta uritlr .
;New Livery; Outfit.' v
nons&s Tuit-SALt:, v. J-.
-Jioisxa ttUQjix,Axj mtpsj.ji
Call and see PETERSON & DIXON
Hat reoMvecI froin'MiEr?tVeetttUe hpttfit
Bear JoM$V,'JuhV.vVbcrs)
.We -vUl 'Always "be ' Found
: ; ' as before; ready for alt fclcds of
Now is t be time to give ti a call, tttrr-TjoDis,
larger place, want.ihnrework and can do
Kerfieiibei tia oiQi iUod don't forget tSl tl
AdTertlseraent. .,,-WM. B. BIMJWX.
iviciiOL.f' & so;- v
Contractors AinllJiiililers.
Haviat enlftrsre't iSbop- and pm-lial-a
Steam Pawer Circle Saw, c are prepared tifiXa
sa aaliraited amcout ofnofk: ia our lite la a
d those wuo wotcia piste bu-lds-.g mi Qidf
n tbatritepiet t-ft ertisat? M ui'u I
STIIE1GHT i muii ij .
- ; Har'vaZkur '1 ' r ' ' fWUH CABINET- , - i
. . . ... ftKlOLRS -' ' " - - ' 1
Wednesday, Dec. 2s, fBM
i 46100
i . 4-
Vheat,- Xo.2.. a; ,
Corn, ear. ... X.:
, ' . .aUjUed,..i..
" new
Uarley.No. 2 ,
Native -Cattle
Ho "
((4 60
.J OOCfrS 23
. 2W35
1 5o&l 7
Kif. .a -t . . ..
Toiator i.
ttwiYtv V"vi
Nxw'York, De. W. 1UL
1 v
Oat- .
r i ." .rrt't.i ,"f-.-. - br -
, CiiiCAOO, Det. SS.'lMl.
t.U. '..$' 4 60 7
.i,..;. , t wi s
Wheat .
Corn ...
Hogs, hij.nlng.
8Jeeo.... -
5 3fm 4 25
4 6e 4 64
'F.I,l,onV IlVJriJO?MffITlcN
In iCom!in;tlhn of Jlypophosphltes, origin-
ated Dy nieja CaBada hile unaer tD proceaa
of puluioii.ti y cousniiipllou, and whlt-h has since
bl'fn eii.p oveil , by .the medical, profession
throughout. Aine'iica and England with unpre
cedented success.
It coutaian the eleritaiita essential to the aal-
mal oruaoallou, the oxidizing agents and ton
ic. '
lu coiulriuatiou' with the Rtlninlating agent
phoephorus, pueseasing- the merit of being
slightly alkaline, an4 U dispensed In the con
venient an I palatable form f a syrup.
Ita -lTec.ii are tii'Mlly visible within twenty
four hours and arA "market! by a siiinulatlOD J
the appt-tiie. the tti.e tion and uxslmilatioi
euterlng directly liirectly into ti;e circulation;
it tones the nerves and muscles ; exerts a
healthy action of the nccretiine ; nehhi'r dis-
lui osiii- ui u:i',' i tior . s i':e v. stem 1 n ei
prpii'iiti'-u usf. and may bt; ..m ul :'. ' :it ui y
tllli-.' MlthoM I neons eli h CO.
in;iua.'..uju-"w,ii, si :;.:.:..i-i ;.r... a
the '( a'l.'t', li e to!. leu t.i ret.-'n r :.!.il mcr I
of a h g ; tl.'r.'o Very J i --. i t ully
D.) m,t lir tl ci ircd hi; rc in . (i t hnii lug a (m
xlirmtme: ;.o other preiifU n ii ft uuMitv e
for thl-1 uu.U t any elvcunintiiitee.
J A E Tft E E , 1
Filusica! Inslruments,
frole Appoint t,n(f Agent for
X rival irn. ntWLnom C tLM
I Asest Wr the Henry F Miller an.
I.W. C. Enier-xm Co. Pianos.
it nm rno'. i.tun. ti.i.
" """ '"'mj.iol.
, tfi :v Jluslc cbolars v i
- WDt (
01 acf tre!l to "examine our ' "
ew, Hason: & Ilanilin
'-hit IT .
Tmenred for r." a"!-
ditrui-u.trcd kr ie
U. 8. service from
atfthtjuM l"tia two Sc. Slurr.r.-i for ntir w.
rr of Iuforreatlsn." -. iMno, ' .-.
Si Patc-uts, 4ii Q tt, M V.', V. a-.Uiistoju'ri. -
A I-arge Stock of
j -a- - rf. -rv Z :
i I ii i-rr;?-
m fcL I!
r- 1 . .'
iw - j-r
' TiM ;'jra-,t ilftmUor . t toinnrh Bittera la
her-t'crr!" dwrinng, it tws Tlee In
every hn.-!iol(1. .and ita prmiH are eouuoea
taroujrbout Uij. A totaiVcsl-n Hemisphere, aa
a p-j-iSo at'ir atul'rney-and ar-et""c,i, aa
anjctjiaqr' t'-.Ea:i.:t-cv in-evceuext blood Je
nure'nt 11 thi1t lev Nitmuttect '
a iCO a.' : ii 1 1 t Trrrv, -a-TSnrw iur nw Mt.c-.Mr,
"rr.';'-lv! 7 utl IViij.-'rl-'ti and JVaK-nr-
t- .1 '.. nnseralli'.' - ' 1 '
. nneraiii.
1 aiaf A iiixt
IT) f J 3T f I "o!udin C.tonu Outm.
J4--. ' .f ".;'; .r iV-'.'i' fv'.'
lac jUjhitt dital.iUty rai!Lia to crr.iaa
jl- , filffll 1 1 Hif
x. A.
1 BKAl'Tiri'l4
OUa' thn "Mom
No. I'JOOO. ?T IOI. 10 full
m.rf ew Ktyle.
set, "Golden Tongue Reedn HOl.l l VV A LN UT
Hit'ly Polished Cae. New Hfid ValuaUIn liu
nnvenient Jut added. (Stool. Hook, Music,
boxed ami delivered on board cars lieie, pric
C117 Sixty Sclkrt. Stt Cuh. Satifa-tion guaiantecd
1 every particular or money refunded after 0110
years' ti sc. Kverv oue olu nelli another. It !
ii SUsHEg Airtrtlicaest. fciir it tut. uni j
C3rrpstasc. My new fm-tory Jut r.uipleted,
capai itv ioCiK" lnti umentu eveiy 20 das. very
laU'nt fsbti"-;ivinR Wfird-worttliiu machinery.
Tut Cip'.'.il enables me to maaufactura better
Kovd for Ics moiiev than ever. Addieioor
eaU ujm.ii DANitL F. 6 EATTY, Washington, N, J.
PT (fTew stfiltn uf t "hmmo Card cith Mamr, or
X w i'tum Card. IOc. Aoawiu VttnS
Co., Aiatau, A. i".
111 II I ):ick Wlzmnl! Tnrk Cnnlt, 1 par
till Fuii Cards. 1 pack Transparent Card.
1 Marvelous Ouithaiiinoriiiim. l'O Altiuaa
Veraei. all In neat case, for 7 eCt stamps, A4
dres HUI5 CAKUCO., Boston, Ma. iw
m -b - w OtT rvi, Willi 1 11
DliirV JbrCCrrOTP(l Interest TabU,
J (aleBdar, etc. flent to
any adJre.i on receipt of two Three ('
Address fjiiAnis.-t r.,
N. Uelawaro Ave
run a.
"Atitite itua 4-4. if a omI mm ml
- aiKfOkrbabre Laad Co.
.5 0,0 0 0 SHARES, $10, EACH
At PAR with a noN'LS ol o Acre for eacb 14
Share from choice Lands of the "Dlrttoa
Am I Third Chaatmit 8ta "Ml da.
if jnee f il5 Br0,w,y N v n0i, -t 111.1
uetanea 1 ronpects witn descriptive
rnniled free.
lilncer. Bachu Mandrake, und many
of the ut'it mi-oiciucH known are Iu-re cone
t)ned into a medicine of such varied txiwers aa
1 to make it the greaterd Hlooa Purifier aud tao
Dest health and strength restorer ne4.
I fore f.oinnlaints of Women nnd illeiu.e o
1 the atoinaen, Hnweis, i.unt;, Liver ani ikid-
neys. and la entirely tliaeient lroio Hitters.
Oinger ICs-cuces nnd ottter Tonics, s it never
intoxicates. NV. and 41 aiaca. lirge Having
buying Bl le.
I11SC0X & CO., Chemists, !. J.
II. M. WlN'DliiM. D, A. Camphhix. '
Notary Public
P attsinoiith. .... Nebraska.
AsmxAm A
All Z2lMQtZC3
TOtU aaa aJvaje
Va of the esaaal
lasaartaai atinsi
wlltfa4 br (As kad.
I sal JTaar.lT afaijkat
tae sTaaiMiaa
I tka alw
raoaaly msus
m 4 an it's r
SOvlt aad RtA. urn
afkkr e aliiatajaar
rwpadaa aSrte e
Itaarv esaaalaet,
pMiUar US teiiiav
tuia mm taa sjrs
tfeeetveS y lealara
tf Kock b
Kt for Uwaues at Mimi'i TOLU. KOCJCL
and- RYB which ia taa ml afTDICAT ID sr.
JJcla ma4tha geaaiae taaa f aUV AI DIM
Proprlaurj Btaaap ca ca Settle
Put up is Quart Si Bottles. Price C1.C0.
Sold by DRUCQIST8 und OCNCRAti
OkALCRS Evrywhcro - i
A raw AarrsiMfHlKal Vork. .
warraitl lh bmtsod oliaa e
Mt, iiuiiiimh; to wmrf
nta. amtiOvd Jba Rcins o
iAtm.n boQTil in fint k rmarh
intulin, smboawl , f nil (ill, dut
sa,rnata4na baant Jul mbml
fwraiincs, l-ift pr,orptot.
price only I lt by anuii
illntrttl aunnlo, He. 1 m
now, ArlrlTMM P"1 1n)i-
cl ln-"trroT Ir W II f a b.
H0. IK I SELF. A'o.4 iiwuinci.t.
And aa irssnst fbr rw . B ta ram,
2 Cwriagaal'iiways on Hand
v ' . irOTICE.l
I want -all of roy accriiintH settled. to date.
ati4 I HhaM d'i?e. nore crclrt bnlaeas. All ola
acount mull be Mettled up. and ao new ouea-
III le n.atlu. In less sr.rh accounts arc setllad
!lrtly tbeywlll be suei.
' I vinb tj dr a strictly c-'h lu.'jneia fut ara ;
1 1 - 1 'lauamouia. nmn.
iPrfca 13 eta.; , Lajge EiUlea. 73 ota-
aaUfcy dtrnin Draf, a Piifiijwl.
C., K.T., rm i ! J Vrttl.
The Medicine for Evary Family,' 4i
nc v en 1 r 1 u o 1 cs.
a and other eft: e bast vegetable remedies kaotro.
r Parksk's Ci'-csa To-.jc hjL! rcauVaUy varied J
cunuvepowrr3, cc immc jjiwien xoeaaca Komtt-
or, U-oc i I jiJicr aad liver kxguUtoi ever oude & 1
Tho Best Medicine You can Use
forEestcring Health & Strength i
It commences to act Ur.m the Crat dow;, searches A
cot the weak crgaci, said is warrantr; to c atc or J
betp all df ear of ll Coets. SioutcS. Elwd. 4
jdaejrs. Liver. Urinary Vrn.'tC wtT.'fei of 3
woiacn, iHervou.iDeit, SlsectKecs. Claaia 4
tisai and Draakeaaaaa.
f Try a toa!cuwlay ; itmaysave ywft'e. A
t aodi sirrsatalldrueeists. Every jrectaae bottle j
a Lss our si jpjeture cn cu'mcJc vrsfprr, Hncox & 1
L Ut, Si, Y. i-src aavaig ia Luyuig $t tus
Jujit TTbat Is Waute-TU
Hxryh4y wboea bur u gray or bdoi aM Ut
ti naedof a Hair Restorer and drcMn tli.t it
alaonly, agreeably pcrftrmed and hann'ev Par
ker's lli!r ! satiiSe the xnt far.4iioo la
"1 l llll I I I I
iL v 1
1 i
I . r ' "' "" ' f r m a. A t a. J
.-.:-. . ,
ia.. ... ... . . ' .... SA 1
i t