Immk Commissioner's. Proceedings, .'. I '. '. Dec. 5th 1881. 5oard met pursuant to adjournment In regular' session. Ilresent Samuel Richardson, I. Wiles and James Craw ford, Commissioners; J. D. Tutl, Co. Clerk. - After which the following was done lo-wit: - Order allowed John Philpot, Jr.t Supervisor Road District No. 34, on district fund. Order allowed Frank Dobney, super visor road district no. 44 on school fund. Order allowed John Wayman to be drawn in favor of J. M. Patterson County Treasurer, aud applied on his personal taxes . 8 1 50 P. P. Gass registering, for elec- tion 1881. 9 00 M. Ilartigan, fer s for legal ser vices by Judge Pound 85 00 C. Heisel uae of room for elec tion, Nov. 8tb, 1881 3 00 Baker & Atwood, merchandise for paupers 23 30 J. P. Young, m'dise blanks, &ft for Sheriff 10 85 F. S. White, merchandise for" paupers 4 70 W. S. Wise, regerisleiing for election 18S1 0 00 Board then' adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock, Tuesday, Dec. 0th 1831. DecCth, 1881 Board met pursuant lo adjourn ment, full board present. After which the following was don' towit: Order allowed J. C. Williams super visor road district, no. 54, for $25 dol lars on district fund. The following claims were then al lowed on general fuud; F. Stadelmann, boarding jury men, charged to J. D.Tutt. . . 3 00 I. Pollard, work on road 08 25 F. R. Guthman, rent for grand Jury room 9 00 Wm. Winterstein, registering election 1881 9 00 J. D. Tutt, issuing certificates of election Xov. lSSl. . 44 3 J. D. Tutt, salary and expense . account, Nov. 18S1 . . 124 75 Fred Gdrder, coal for poor house 9 80 Nebraska IIekalb, sundry printing 112 75 J. V. Weckbach. merchandise for paupers 10 00 F. Goos, boarding jurymen.... 4 20 Application of R. D. Morgan was presented, asking leave to run a ferry across the Missouri river, at or near Flattsmoutb, was presented, vidence having been given satisfying the com missioners that the law had been com plied with in the case; application granted for the term f one year at the rate of ten dollars per year, and the following rates of ferriage established: Two horses and Wagon, 81.00; one horse and buggy -or wagon, "Scents; man and horse 50 sents; footmen. 10 cents;. hogs and sheep, 3 cents per head. Freight per hundred 5 cts. Order allowed Mrs. L. A. Lee for 05.00 for groceries on J. V. Weckbach Order allowed James Sewell on road district number 7 for 84.00 in lieu of supervisors road receipts. Order allowed N. Trook, supervisor road district no. 3 for ten dollars on district funds. Order allowed W. Schleifert. super visor road district no. 23, for $36 on district funds. Order allowed Jerry Arer for 8138 on general fund, for grubbing aud cleaning out road 190, or Porter road as per contract. Order allowed Frank I3rookh3rt, supervisor road district no. 3-i on II. A. Waterman for 500 feet of lumber for use of district. Order heretofore made in favor of Mrs. Korasky for coal is heieby re voked from this date. Board then adjourned to meet at 0 o'clock. Dec. 7th, 1831. Dec. 7th, 1881 Eoard met pursuant to adjournment. Full Board present. Cost biil state vs Tames Marrion not allowed. Petition of J. W. Johnson, et al.. asking an appropriation from the gen eral fund to pay expenses incurred in bringing sufferers irotu Mills county Iowa, during the high, water of last spring. Petition rejected. In the matter of the petition of J. C. Cummins, et al for a county road, com mencing at the quarter section corner n the south side of section 2: in township 12, north of range 13, cast of Cth P. M running thence north on the quarter section-line 1 miles to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter , of 'the northwest quarter of section 4, same town and range. Also to vacate all that' portion of road no. 103 on the line dividing the ast half and the west half of the uorthwest half and the east half and the west half of section 14 township'' 12, range 13, petitiou granted. The same having been ad vertised and the commissioners ap pointed to locate and vacate having reported in favor of such location and vacation. . The fellowing damages - 'wers al lowed: Tbos. Wiles, Jr. 825.0O, Mrs. IVAdama, 840; Mrs. R. Akim noth ing. The same ordered to be drawn on the road district fund. The following claims were alio wed on general fund: B.C. Yoeaians, bailiff for Ihe Nov. term of dist. court, '81. 12 00 James Sage bailiff for Nov. term of dist. court 1881 ; 14 00 F. J. Metteer, bailiff for Nov. termaf district court 1831.. 14 00 J. R. Polin, bailiff for the Nov. of election, as shown by . the returns from each precinct. The accounts for same of F. J. Met teer and Benord Hem pie to be drawn in favor of J. M. Patterson, County Treasurer, and applied on their per sonal taxr ' The following claims were then al lowed on bridge fund: . - - term of dist. court, 1881 . 22 00 W. 1'J Shryock, 8 days deputy clerk 10 00 M.McElwain.O days bailiff. . .. 17 00 J. R. Polin, boarding prisoners 70 00 C. G. Herold, clothing for isu- ". pers....... ... . ....... 15 78 Henry Boeck, repairing chair for court house 50 J. C. Eikenbary boarding pau pers.... .... 91 50 R. W. Hyers, salary &c. . . . 43 15 Omaha Republican 58 00 J. M. Patterson, stamps, cards &C 47 15 G. D. B&rard & Co., blanks,. . . 14 50 E. II. Woolev, assisting county clerk &c.. 71 10 J- H. Buttery, glass, putty 2 83 Ordered that the county clerk be and is hereby instructed to draw war rants in favor of the clerks and judges B. G. Hoover, for road scraper. 9 00 Q. W. Quackenbush, lumber for road district 105 16 U. V. Mathews, nijs &c, for . road district 1 15 Order allowed W. J. White on contract of 1881 .". ....1000 00 Ordered that the county clerk be and is heieby instructed to make leastf to C. II. Parmele and J. M. Pat terson, of the west 10 feet front by 45 feet in depth of lot 8 in block No. ;50 in Ilsttsmouth city for :a term of ten years; unless said propeity should Le sold by' Cass County, for the sum of 850.00 rental per year, payable in ad vance. His ttlcO understood the said parties of the first pai-t frc o erect a brick building 10x40 or 45 feet one story high, to have iron roof and irtii window .shutters, and to be in all re spects fire-proof. Ordrre I that aij order for the sum of 8215.00 be drawn in fa0i' of A, M. Smith, trustee for heirs of C. M. Smith and for A. B. Smith, being in full of damages claimed and allowed as addi tional damages to cpjpunt heretofore allowed for location of County rad from. Billings Avenue, southwester ly,, to intersect road running south from Chicago avenue, at or near Doud's, and also for a consent road from 8o;lh east corner of northwest quarter northwest quarter section nir.teen, township twelve and range fourteen, hereto allowed. , CONSENT ROAD. We the uudri:jed hereby consent to th location of a county road, com mencing at the southeast corner of tire northwest quarter of the north west Quarter of section fourteen town ship twelve taijgp fpijrteen.easj; of 6th P. M., thence running west bout two-hundred and fifty feet,- or so far as is necessary to intersect county road lately laid out from Billings ave nue in Piattstnouth City," in a southf westerly, direction 3ro?s O'Neill es tate, land of Jane Porter, A. B. Smith and Smith estate. A. M. Smith. Trustee of heirs of C. S. Smith A. B. Sjjith. Dec. 6th, 1881. Ordered that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to have Coun ty Surveyor set stakes on each side of county road, located from Billings Avenue, in PlattsmoutU City, through O'Neill estate, and thence south west erly through land of A. B. Smith aud estate of C. S. Smith. And he is also heieby instructed to advertise for hav ing the same road cleared out and graded through timber. The following claims were then al lowed on General Fund: A. N. Sullivan, postage &c. . .8 60 50 Sam'l Richardson, services as County Commissioner..,,., , 10 00 Isaac Wiles services as County Commissioner 9 00 Jas. Crawford services as Coun ty Cotiimwsioner 17 50 Tho following cost ljijs were allow ed oa General Fund: J. M. Patterson vs Z. C. Went- worth 8 6 5 State of Neb vs Frank Ruby . . 1 50 G- W. Maytield 89 38 Grant II logins ) W " E. Fish... 15 83 - Wm. Hill 45 83 ' Cramer.. 32 28 John Lane 62 43 " Walter Brown 53 ' G. Metzger.... 83 00 Cost bill, of Pettit Jury 334 50 Grand Jury 139 00 witnesses before Grand Jury, &c. 64 50 - W. C. Sliowalter, drawing Jury, &c . . . ... 2 CC Board then adjourned to meet Jan. 27th. 1881. - Attest; S. Richardson, r Isaac Wiles. V 0 Jas. CuAWFORD, coaQls J. D. Tutt. Co. Clerk. . Harptr's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Hatver't WeeMu stands at ttl u. ead of Amer ican Illustrated weekly journal, r.y ts unpar- tlsau position in politic. US admirable lHlit.t ra- sketches and uoeins. coutribuied by the lore- most an; sts aud authors of the day, it carries in miction aud entertainment to thousauds of Aiif-ricaa homes. It will :l1u-:ivs l the aim of the oublLsliera to make Harptt'i YYt4kly the most popular and attractive iurany newspaper iu tue worm. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year. - -. HARPEK.S WEEKLY $ 4 to HAKl'EK'S MAtiAZlMi 4 00 HAUPtCU'S BAZAR '. .' ........... "4 CO The TIlKr.K aWre publications 10 00 Any TWO abov.i nmd ,,, 7 00 HARPER'S YOl'Jk 1'EOl'LK I 50 IlARIEK-S MAHAZINK I . liAUi'Kii'S YOi Nb PEOPLE " " IlAUPKR'j FRANKLIN SQUARE LI- BUARV. 'Oho Year (52 numbers).. 10 00 PoW:yt! free to iiU hubscribcr. iti the. United Slate or Caiuid- .. - Tas ?jui u..- if t'ld fVzchlj Ueiiti with the firt Number tor Junuai v ol eath ygur, - Svhen no tune in tuentioited, it will lm understood that the suomci iber wishes to commence with the Number next arter the receipt of ortter. The last twelve miuual volume, of Harpkr's kkklv, in neat cloth biuding. will be scul by mail. iHisiae pai , or oy express, free of ex pense provided the freight do not exceed one dobar ixr volume), for 7 oo each. Cioth -.vtes for each volume, suitable for btndiu. will be Miit-iy mail, postpaid, on re-jtelj-t (Jf oo path. :- Remittances tiud ho fido liy Pmt-Offlee iloucy Order or Draft, o a'yoid tnizzr pf joss. XtwimtKn are lut to copy thU rtJrerlutcfnuii uHttoml lUe fjytrc order oHakpek & Bkoth- BHM. - Address UAKPES $ BROTHERS. The Press.- - ; , . ... - "Take up the newspaper wherever you find it, and its whole soul is de voted to helping forward our . gi eat state," said Governor Nance at ti e riattsmiuth banque, and it is very true. Yet the newspaper men get little credit for it. The newspapers of Lin coln have made this city what it is; and if their advice had been in many particulars," more strictly follow wed, our citizens would find themselves much better to do. Capital as a rule i tiniid even to cowardice, and a val ue received must be in sight ere it moves. . We do not mean to say that in in a business sense this not the correct principle, but towns arn't made just axactly in that kind of way; that is, no town such as Lincoln is- this day. There are locations where towns could be Luilt up without making so many sacrifices, thanks to great natural ad vantages, but this was not the case with Lincoln. Lincoln had to fight for what she has and thanks to the press, our people did not fight. The result of it is that to-day Lincoln has secured such advantages as will en able it to build up rapidly in the fu ture. The men who were timid have read the papers; they became imbued with the enthusiasm this wind if you please-of the editorial fraternity; they have opened their money bags and they have grown wealthy, while as a rule the editor has grown, poor. The press , is the picket guard that moves in advance of the prosperity of the people; its members expase them selves In the front where danger is the thickest, and are often obliged to take to task respectable people who are lacking the brains to understaud that the prosperity of the masses is essential to personal prosperity; when the press has cleared , the waye the masses move forward and forget the faithful work of those who were on picket duty. . It is so in war to and it remains true in peace. A news paper man is net a speculator, he de voles his lime and such abilities as he is possessed with, for the good of spec ulators; he puts his own money in an engine of civilation, for the good of thf masses: he has to pay his printers, and hi Lrain work and his devotion are sacrificed to the mercenary pur poses of the many. Tl. is is as a nl'. the fate of newspaper men. No town more that Lincoln, has cause to disre gard this rule, for no town ever owed so ipUfjJi to its pnpers; and we beg to assure the people that our newf paper men will not object to travI along with them on the road to pros perity, now that their efforts have made that road a plain one and cleared it of all dangers. We thank Governor Nance for enabling ua to put this in; lie at least knows what newspaperi can do. Lincoln Democrat. Carson. The new tewn in Nemaha Ceunty, Nebraska, t he crossing of the B, & M. and Missouri Pacific Railway1, ha been named Carson. Centrally located, in the Garden County of Nebraska, and at the crow ing of the two great Railroad thor ouahfres, and on a level and cm manaing plateaa of tbp Nemaha Val ley, this town has advantages pos sessed by no other in the interior. It is the agreed purpose ef the pro prietors and owners te expend all the proceeds of the sale of lots in build ing Klevators, Hotels and ether busi oebi, and thus aid in making the commercial centre of fhe interior ef Nemaha County. No lack of money or enterprise stands in the way of making Carson a prosperous and central business town, and the town company can con fidently invite the public to invest and locate in this new and rising city. Application in person or by mail can be made to the following officers and directors: Jko, L. Carsok, J. II. Brady, T. C. Hacker, A. R. Davisox, J. W. Ford, F. E. Johnsox. Ws receive from Washington the 8ollowing instructions about "north ers" which may be ef interest to our readerts. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, Washington, D. C, Nov. 10, 1881. Instructions No 168. A system of warnings for northers, to be carried into e.oeutjon by co-operation of rail roads traversing .the districts subject to such storms.' will be at ouce insti tuted by the Signal Service. When northers are approaching these districts, notificatioi.s will be Mlaph4. tp central station on each co-operating rail road, to be thence distributed by tho cant ral sta tion lo designated points along the line of each road. Telegraphic expenses incident to the saryipe Ltwepn this fficead the cen tral stat ions, and U piisfs incurred for purchase of bulletin hoards, bull etins, stationary &c, will be borne by this office. The distribution of warnings, as herein contemplated from the central station, wjjl be made by eacli rail road and without epene ta t)ij,i orjce. Notifications of northers will be did cretionarv with this office. Informa tion, in the name of the Chief Signal Officer, of their approach wMlbesent by telegraph to such central stations as is thought will suffice to give due and proper warnings to the sections ef country interested. Officers charged with special duties will take the necessary action. ' W. B. II A ZEN, Brig. & livt: Maj. Gen'l, Chief Signal OfScer, U. S. A.. 'Omaha is the central-poiut in Neb., and Plattsmouth one of the stations at which bulletins will be received. ' Jftidnigtit In a frison. There is something very polemu in largo ponvi t prison nt midnight. - A faint sound of L-a't'y slumber comes from the c lis wh'-re the convicts sleep. Perhaps there are a thousand, perhaps only five hundred, un lergoing punish ment; but whatever may be the; num ber, oue is conscious that nowhere else save in a convict prison culd so many ' human beings sleep with so. little to in terrupt the ge&fas of calm, repose.' In the same number of people tuken from the or.Iitiarv world th: re would be slight somisls arising from ""niojlrtrnare following on digestion perhaps from some reminiscence troubling; the con science- on the question whether the atrort? steps t:ike-n for tha- payment of that bill vra n in ihe circumstances sligh:lv harsh, or some otFiiisfprbing recolleclion;:i here might also be uneasy thoughts od. dreams creative of. rest-Icssiie-s. Ko'up of thes? trouble dis turb tiie slJw'n af 1 he l ahilual criminal. This is not bcaus ? his c nscience lies easy an h".m, hut becauso he Joea not possess the ariiole known -.q 9 rest ' tho world as a cousei. nci'. Heaca he neither' enjoj-s the satisfaction of '. Its healthy and genial condi;in nor the troubles attending on its -inflictions, and it is with him essentially that the "Prayer for Indifference, by.Greville. as it may be found in t!;o old "Elegant i.ractsr,' s granted. Blackwood1 $ Magaiing. fJIHil, vis -q ip. n 'y-.. '. - -im'T .i; UlUtDl .. . - ... FOR HHEUHTISI. Neuralqia, Sciatica, Lumbaqo, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, 'Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No 'Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u s afe, sure, simple and cheap Extprnnl Krnedy A trial entails but the comparatively trilling outlay of 60 Outs, and every one suffering with ain can hnT cheap and i-oeitive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Lans;uag. 80LD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AJTD DEALEES IH MEDICIKE. A. VOGELER & CO., Hnitimnre, Md., XT. S. A. Atenta want r the UfeMal Work ? tratad: handsomely bound. Faust selling book aver published. By John C. Kldpath. IX. ft A lI'I'IOTT not ',uy tne r-'hpenny, re vAUllUU vamped ORmpfi'Kn books wUh which the country is flooded. They are utterly worthless; an outrage upon the memor vof t he great dead, and a base fraud on the public. This book Is Btlrly new. 'i he only work worthy tliotnem. Send'eOo. In stamps for Agent's putlit. W. H. McCtAiK, Moines, Ioa. a week l:i your own tuwit. j out fit free. 'o rik. Evrry thing new t'aintal not reiiuirert. We will tarnish you everything. Many are makfiii; fortunes. Ladies c:in make as much a' men. and boys and girl make Rreat pay. Header, it yuu want a buine.s8 at wlneii you o;iu make ureat pay all the time ycu work, write for jiartieulars to H. Halljctt & Co., l'ortland Maine. 35ly PILL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TOKlb LIVER. IjObs of appetite.Kanaea.bowels costive, fain in theEead.wlth a dipTsensationTn the back part. Pain un3er the aho'uTder Bde,jfjMB8aftereating, with aHisin clination to exertion of body or mindj Irritability of temper. Low spirits. Loaa of memory, with a feeling of having neg leetecj some duty, weariness, Dizeinaaa, JPlxifjejing of tliJHeBrt, Dots i before the eyeaTV ellowHfekinrf eadache, Meatless ness at night, hichly colored!. Urine. IT THESE-WA&NTHGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON EE DEVELOPED. TU IT'S FILLS are especially adapted to surl fwa,one dose effects luehsr bange of TeelinK ava q astonisli the sufferer. They InrrraM- thr A pet Jtr, andctuise the bodv to Take on rinta. thus the nytlbm is naari.hed.and bv theirTonle Artlonon the Ii-MenPua' Besmlar Ntoola arapro-duJed- Price a5 cents. Worrny ajt W.y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whisk ks changed toaGtoesT Buck by a single application of this Dye. It Imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously, tola by Druggists or sent by expreM ou rcipt of 1. Office, 33 Murray St., New Tone. Qr-rfll Kmlrt, will H aMIaiSt. M Bp. ' I 1 I BASI VI. f aianie lainmuaa mmm TJsJSk. jftt.Js8a.JaV rfk a8a A mfti jflaja! I " mm tm 1 CUBES THOUSANDS YEAULY. JK- A POSITIVE CORE ForCoughs,Co!ds, mSMbL Is the Best of Tonic jfr 1 , -v I'urr irvsnensia r 3 -"o 5i2r Restores the Appetite; 4 SSSKrnfthfsi the System; 11 W' af Tari take no other. P BFof il ail Druggists. C CMITII PCI P,f . . II. Willi I II Ok WW., ivf y iLil' . &mmti t. OUtm-Cmk C. 9 1IATTOX. OHIO. ygOVFp A' SUOCfcSS A Trainable Discovery mij Kci Popnrtnra in Med ical Boience. A poi''wljr pffnetive Kmedy for tha SPvedyaDdparmnnuot turM ir orjpiniu wenkcera tha daplorabla diaaiise rcsuitini; tram indiscreet prnctioaa or fxoesass ia youthorat unyiinienf life by the only trufl jrs.7,T'3. Oirect AppiiCittioa action by Ab aorptfon, ana vlertinc tu ;-( i0o ii.ili.u-a oa tUa Vesicles. XHicta. ami Clnnn. tliat are r.cahlo to per form their natural ftioctioos wbile tcis diseaso per v&deatfae hamao orfjaniru. TUe ude of the Pastllla Is atWDjdMl witl do pain or iaconven!ea?e, and does Dot taterfere with theordinary pursuit of life; it ia JnickJr dissolved and soon absorbed, producing an mmediata sootfait'a; and rMorativo eliectnpon tha nerrona onraniMlk-na wrecked from Tiuious habit, or exoeeses, stopping the drain from tho system, reetor lu utr in."id to health and sound memory, rmnot lna The Dimneea of Slgbf. Confuioa of ioMia, Aversion to Society, etc.. etc., and the appearance of prematura old ae usually accompanying this trouble, and restoring the ital forces, where they bare been dormant for years. 'Xhia mode of treat ment haa atood tne te-t Ui rry serere cases, and ia now a pronounced .ulceus. Diuga are too mac. pre scribed in this trouble, and, as many can bear wit ness to, with but little if any permanent good. Thoro Is no nonsense about t!Ji 1 r.: iriti a. Practical ob aerratloa enables ns to positively guarantee that it will give satisfaction. It has been in general ass for ebvernl yeaMi sad we thousnndz of teeti noonia'.. from patients, m to It. value, mod it 1. now roDCwdew to be tue mmt nttjoaal nieuns yet dis covered for rearhiatf and curici; thievery pre7aleot trouble, that is well tmws to be the ranse of untold misery to so many. and npon whom quacks prey with their useless nostrums and big f'-ea. The llnmrr is put up in neat boxes, of tarue ir.. No. l,ienou?;ti to last a meatn.) S3; fa. S. iBarhciect to effect aper tssnent cure, unless in severe cae. 5; No. 8, tlasMng over three months, will restore t horn la tna worstcondiilrm,! 57. 6entby mail.ia plain wrappers. Full IIRFojiO9 lor uaiag wilt accoicpaay t felit l t or sea lea xwawvpure letm at vina Anatomical Illustration sad 2nff utvn.v. fhtcf rff ewnrtMM t Hm naM mkejUical tlutt fJsey earn r (wretl to srerecf health, awl the vital frt thorv'ljf rm-emiaMtsnea. sarnsi Kf nerer affeelea. . rtoia ujiii sy - HARRIS REMEDY CO. KFI CiEKSIS.' Martetand8thSta. St. LOUI3, MO. Unaoileitex ttlrnon" tP FT?!'W Prof. Harris Pastill, taken Tfomlst ter received from Patrensi . . Indiana, April 11. TV Ihe Hemedy is workiiur Pat fectiy. liadepileyy from vrakn..!t, Tor 8 years past. Iowa, Oct. 10th, TU. I ara almost surprised at yotir Pastilles. They have worked lilif a charm on me. lam just twice as much of a man as I was before taitins. I was on the verge of the jrmve, 1 thoucht, and there waa ao core for me. bat now 1 am in good hopes for a cure. West V 0nt4, I Teemved yrjnr mdt- elae aad I believe il iia. cureJ rae, kw t thankful, lnolosed lind sj, PUase sea4 me anotfte box I No. 2', for a friend. Yon have done a sxaat talag fbrawa. 1 will send yon all the orders I can. - From a Physician and Surgeon. ' . M iastrart Jan JR. Please fov.rard ma another bos of the Pastilles. The patient on whom I have used SBOat of oast box, in addition to a sample box, is fast raogrertaa. and I think another will set bin ail risns. - From a Druggist. Marrland, Sept. X19. Inst January- we got a box of rcur tt-siusuy tor one oionr eustomers, ana is baa mean tentti,r4uf him- We have aaotber custTvaer now t in rtite sUg -; fcpu wuta e-oa tj i rvi - - r TAR J and Debilitated, f r3"?"?l A trial of it will prors allL CrVVT Vk L.U. a (TZlEl S. M -mW MM I m wBBBSBBaSaSBwaBBBX BY YEARS CQ tiV OF OSEt ROBERT DONNELLY'S BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing l am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of. farm and ether machinery, as there is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Waon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop, lie is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Sew W axons and Bneztest avade to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street Apposite Straight's Stable MACHINE SHOPS ! JOHK" "W-A-5r3C3r, Plattumontli ; - Nebraska Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Qrist Mills, GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS. Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Plpes.Steatn Gauges, Safety Valve Governors and all kinds of ras Gogine Pitting, repaired oa short notice. Also all kinds of FARM 1IAC1IIXKRY. 12171211 3HE! 'ft SB A. G HATT 1 JUST OlEN'ED AGAIN. S tic, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Streel Corner of 6th. I'lattsmouth Every bodv on liana tor fresh, tender meat. 28Tl.0 B0NS' BRICK YARD. In the rear of the Ionnor Stables ON FOURTH STIIEET. GOOD HARD First-Class Brick, NOW READY A1TD FOR SALE. Will do Contract Work nnd Guarantee Satisfaction. J. BQNS&SON, 15m3 Plattbtnouth, Neb. JONES & EIKENBARY Successors to Jones & Agnew. Again takes charge of the Old Brick Livery Stable, PI.ATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA. T. lie oia Bonner Stables, in riiittumoutli. are now leased by Jones & Eikenbarv and they nave on nana iscw aia hanasonieaecoiamoda tions, in the shape of ' HORDES, CA RRIA GES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. V'e are now prepared to keep HOR8K8, FOR SALES TRADEI And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. . ALSO REUFlJLJEn, That with plenty of room that every one knows we have) in our stable, we can cet Farm ers' etock and wygons, load s ol hay, &c, under cover, wiit-re tney "via Keep dry. Tnat.kinir all the old patrons for their liberal! t v. we solicit their trade for the future, satisfied that we can accommodate them better and do better by them than ever before. 501y JONES & EIKtfflARY. PLATTSM0UTH MILLS. PL A.TTSMOUTH, NEB. C. UEISEL, - Proprietor. Flour, Corn Meal tfr Feed Always on hand and for sale at lowest cash prices. The highest prices paid for Wheat and t.;orn. rarticuiar attention given custom worK a'; rfJK Atl.H Sli.lLS.1f Lb ntMl.DT evertiiscovered. a- it Is certain in Its effects ami tloes not blister. Also excellent lor hu man llesh. READ PROOF BELOW. From COL. Li. T. FOSTER. Yc1'-"?3!0"! 'th 1S80 Dr. B. J. Ken t ALL & Co.. (ienls : -I had a very valuable HainbletoRian colt which I prized verv hijjlily. he had a large bone spavin ou one iolnt and a small one on the other which made liiui very lame ; I had him under the charge of two veterinary surjjeons which failed to cure him. 1 was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spaviti Cure iu the Chicago Ex press, I de:ertniued at once to try it, thy or ticreit three bottle; I took-them ail an J thought 1 would Kive it a tliomiiirh trial. I used it ai;i.rt1;p:j to f!;ectiiia aiid tn fourth day the colt ceased tt be lame, and the lumps have disamieareti.' 1" nsed but one bottle ami the colts limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the state. He is entiro ly cured, 'the cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are now tisiui; it. very Respectfully, ' ' L. T. POKIER. KeMall's Spin Cure 'OX HUMAN FLESH. Pat.en's Mills, Wash. Co., X. Y. Feb. 21st. 1878. Dk. R.J. Kkndall, Dear Sir : The particu lar cae on which I used your Kendall's Spavin Cu-w was a maliLnanr ank'e spraia of sixteen month, staudtiig. 1 had tiled many thing, but in vain. 'Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the ground again, and for the nrt time since hurt, in a natural position. For a family liniment it excels anything we ever used. . Yours Truly, Kkv. M. P. BELL. . Fas tor of M. E. Church, Patten's Mills, . Y. Kendall's Spavin ? Cure. Snd sddrese for Illustrated Circular which we think Elves postir proof of its virtues. X remedy has ever met with such unqualifled sue- : cess to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. frlee 1, per hottle. or six bwttles for 5. All Dniirjists hava it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price bv the proprietors. UK. K. J. KtNUILL m CO. EBOsbtirg Falls, U 34ly SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, T business now berore the pub lic. You can niafce money fast er at work for us at any thing else. Capital aot asked. We will start you. siaday and upwards made at home by tha ladu.trious. Men. woman, boys aud Klrl- wanted everywhere to work tor us. tiw is tne time. You En Yf CPk iu spare time only, or K?ve your wiioiu tm. u tha busiuas . Vuu tan live at nonte aau ou tue worn, .vu outer uuvme-iw will pay you nearly as well. Xn one can fail to make euorimms pay by engaging at once. Cost ly outBt and terms free, Money made fast, eas ily aud honorably. Address 35: y Tkde Si Co., avasusta, Maine. 7 ySMu3S s 'UaJjyy -e Mf HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE' Has just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, ou Next door west cf Chapman & Smith's Drus Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GAUD HIT TOOLS. NAILS, X AILS. NAILS, by the Ee or Pouiul ROPE, POWDER. SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full Line of .'FT.KHtV. Special Rates tc Guilders and Con tractors. AH coods sold'as lov s they possibly can be and live. 4Iv TenfldrloiB Meat Market, W. F. MORRISON, Prop. BEEF, ' MUTTON. PORK, CHICKENS, d'C, d'C, Constantly on Hand. Everything First-class, crt rsu Tx-m at Lowest Rales. Main Stbetwcen 4th and 5th Str., North Side. PLATTSMOUTU. NEB. 191y H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Cetail Dealers it PINE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, ETC. ETC., ETC. Mai street, Ceruerof Fifth. PLATTSMOUJI, .... NEB. J. 1). SIMPSON, AGENCY FOR Geo. Wooiis & Co. Pianos anil Organs. News Depot, Magazine ami Pa pers Cvmfect i onery , Tobacco :tnd Cigiir. HEADQUARTERS FOR SSCEJEST1 MUSIC. Main St. opposite New Hotel. MIKE SCHNELLBACHERr nLjlCKSJIITH IWllSV SHOEING, AKD WAGON REPAIRING All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENT! tuendp-3 Neqtly & Promplp :0- Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything . that haf four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see ua. n Fittli St between Main and Vine Streets, nst across e corner from the new II ERA LP OF S IC K. ioy' WILLIAM HEROL.D7 dealer la ony ooons, CLQTIIS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS :o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Lare steck f BOOTS and SHOES CLOSED 0 (I T AT COST. Notions, Queensware, aad ia fact everything 70a eait call for in the line of General Merchuudis8, CA8H YAIO. fOR AND FlTR3. All kinds of couutry uroduce taker n x ehan:e for goods. We continue to act as S li-itrs for Patents. Caveats, Trad Mtrks, Coiiyiiglsts. etc.. ftr the 1 w... ... . ...... ... ..... ... i-turu litirr, vu:t;-Hii, nun, r.iiiiiiiii. r raiM-f. Germany, cot. We have had thirty-live years experience Patents ohtained throui h in are noticed in the Scientific AMEKICA.N. 'lliin iarue and siilcndirl illustrated weekly paper, $3 20 a year, shows Ihe Progress of Scienfe, la i'j inlerest ii)!;, and lias an fo'oiinous rki-culatfoii. Addi-s MUSN & CO.. J'f.teiir SoMtiior. 1'ulilifheM of SCIKMTIKIC AMKKiCAN. .17 I'ili'k IlliW, New York. Ha:d lnok a hour 1'iitecis tent free. 3xt.' Iqm;lif!r,iiTi ;i rMn'iiie frotiical f,e;if of Rare Value, and 13 a Iitive lteiiedy lor all the diseases !li;it c:mse o;iins lit I 'm lower part of the ImmIv for t'oipi-l I.ivf r Ht'adaclien Jann di-e Dizziness, firavcl. Malaria, and all di.'ti rnltiiw f i!i lii rsn'vs. I.ivt-r ant. 1'i-iwrv r- jjarj!, Per I'eoiJile iieajeis. Monthly Men struation', ai d duiiiu Prciiain-y. it has no equal. It rosloren th? oru m that make the blood, ami heuce i-t th? "ne-t Hlwod Purifier. It is the oiiv known r -inedv that cure that sco'inie, nfizlit'M llMie. For Dialete8, wp Uararrs Ware lIatete sjrare. For S;ile Iv Druids: and ltalfin at l.4S per bottle. ijinre'-V bottle In the uiarket. Try it. n fi w vnNF.n .v ro.. iiocheRter. n. y Comtxised tunrtlv of ixjwdftr- the BEST and CHEAPEST beeawise H do a sr pm, iut orrni M T?fKtly ptlislii surfa or tn xia,r duolrt's f riot ion and H;hteplng tr)s oraft. It is cheapest lecauiae it oovta no mora) than Inferior brands, and one boa uN do tha work of two of anv other Axha Creass lnTyrfr&t. r 111 ltm worlii. ItuitlMhftfr madSa ItanswrseuttaiJraa waufor Ilarvairtara, Mill tMarln?, Threaturuc Machlnoa, Corn-Plan tera, Carriarsai Biunrtoa, to..eva.,aa for Waerona. It is GUARANTEED to contain no Petroleum. For aal by airffrstasa ieara. V0 Our fek gyslnaaaWa -Thing Wmrih Jnomin0 snaisKi Xiao. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 31 Mlehlgon Avenue, Chicago, lllv PENSIONS. ARC PAID r aMirslM 1 rrti&nl or ,t,trvii.. A Wol'Mof ,nv ki,lt In,. o( laarr, tc or rjr, Kl KIl Ht, if b.taliaa(; diHUM f La,t or Varieaaa Trlaa irivs a waioa. Clr mw law thoasr.1 ara aa aiUc la aa inreae of pesrtoa- Widow. -chaaa aaa spBdmt fathors or mother, o f solsiers ajwaaloa. rieaa naaips furaear .i HflMtT Acta. Addr 1 i x v , r , 1 s . . . i, . v 1 'a v "BK I f aa. svniasa-" 11 rsr BENNETT if al at U m m U COB U W1 a A complete Staple and Fancy Groceries FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. We curry the birgefit stock of CANNED GOODS in this City. Sih Fino Teas a .Specialty, gi A(i E NTS FOK C. S. Malt'oy's "Old Reliable" Eran of Baltimore Oysters. Goods Ociivcre;! rroc in anj- part ofUm rlly. Contains Pepsiir, Rhubarb. Mandrake Gentian And cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Apatite, Billionsneps and all derangement of the Stomach arising from over-eating and drinking. Prepared only by BROWN MEIHCIXK AXD M AXVFACTI7IIIXC. CO., LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. for sale ly all PrujycisU. Wo So The Old Grocery & Dry Goods Stand. Although Lection is over we are not done selling goods, by a long shot. Ib OU WILL FIND ATF.S. WHITE'S ONE OF THU LARGEST AND BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KIN OH IN THE TO WN. .. Cpocberyware9 cSaeaper tlaasa ever. -01- The nicest Green Winter Apples f? aUv--Ovef oo Rarivis down Cellaz ttt Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS, TALLO W, JC, at .jr. s. wmitju's, PLATTSMOUTU, NEBRASKA THIS eZFOXi in ireMef ved i&r SMITH, BLACK C0;. Va) TO GIVE 'TBCIEIIvr J OALI. Hreat chancp to make mon ey. Thos who always takt adviint:vpe of the (?oa cliances for making nionr tliatare offered, generali ties. ote weiiltb v. wliilptlipi who do not improve such cham-eH remain ii poverty. We want many men, women, bovs am Cirls to work far us i lgli'v In their own localitie' Anysnecan cto the work properly from th first start, ihe lii!inesa will iay more than te- times ordinary wars. Expensive outfit furuish ed free. No one who encases fails to Hiake met ey rapidly. You can devote vour h le time t the work, or only your spare moments. Kullin formation and alt that U needed i-ns is. A dress 351j wr iNhON & Co.. P ' sin Ur J. F. BAUL1EISTER Furnishes Fresh, Turo MUk iiKLivs:iti:t IV4H.V. Special tils atteiirled tu, and Frei-h Mil fram tame cow fi:rnihed tl;eB wanted. 41? 2 Watrbra. Stars vtbdera S3. so. Whllmrtl HantlarCa S. I mllatiua KoUi M. bullmculddX Uiaapcat an4 h 'uy Tur ny-o ne orapwruUtlva turfoava. Valuabl aidSaetrua. SUUMrVU.N to.', V IS ACtOsaliy prr)MCl 6 1 7 St. Charles Street, St. Loni, Mo. a mfrdarffrAdnstaof tn frdir4l ioil!, b.a bmu .-wi.TWjo.Mwe4 t3l urTtrhelPr(r!ttiii.M ia kt ix.11H.tS Of dp&rjiia!or.--H-!i.8exufU IWR.ty ana mpcwracr f tin- re".Lit-f llX'i.H rwi nr orm: '.yrnir.-aoriu t .nidm-iner.rvfusas.ssiiirn- ei emlMsioos. drnl, aiinsnss ol 3w:it,iJeI;tira mam ry, tri;Tsic.l dfay, i-,ri.a to txW.r confusion of -i,.w, low. of sexual zvV-'. losnHs.reDdarine mar- ro-& iznvrc pur.iLrtf pormarcij :y rnoJ. Co3Ha!t4tioii . oflcc or fcr mail froa acil iavltul. Pami.iiUit ana ( as; p. McUrlriHS snat bj IDiui or express Cures Marriage f P?& F HE. f pw III Ih f PLATES. S W sVaV ha JriwwB rhole rtorr. sre'! 'old, it ia vraa to kiSm. on I aa fnllAoHntf k'i M't. - W" h IT" r f mam. arhl not. wbr. Munbooa, Wominhod, Phr-iii-'sl 1cst. Who aiiotud uarrr ; how life nnj bapplritis D3ay b IzKrraaaed : affecW of Of libacr a.-4 exoeaa, aad m-.r.7 mora. Tboe marriad GTonnteairiLiagmarrittKariouid rf ad It then keapan dar Urk sr-''. 0 CtS. T znxil ia Bwnrori ti,-i. at-!wh iT7nii-fnc!i rend and Bron. FRE CPaESCIUPTIOMitt'sSEla. emory RO'Hird'?r9 hrnyhion by Slf Abu9, Abjt drnxTfi-t, hn tiy inredieuta. 8w LsoaiA CnmUTg lagt'e.l3 tH-Oiarlr-a, Ht. lsviiK Vn. yOB Chenut St, St. Louis, Mo. at old o9lr, eooUDixa loeura Bpnna(nrrhcsa, Bic!nai WeaJt ppaa, Xm potency iH forms of By-phjJUsCcsorrbcsa, Giaet, Urtsary or .Bladder diaeauM I. Krerat easua cared In a fa d.-irs. All tha diseases rolUaA Iron asif-abaas, azcessssorarporare cured for life with sttfa saadlciria. Ad vios Ires. Char ares low. Cal I or wnta la strirScmdeoos. aTUirtom BoqIc f'ir f wo trop LIARRIACECUIDEV DISPENSARY. ZaUVJlisd lSi7 st 12 N. EUi Strwt. ST. X.S72, IC3. r")H PhTicjaaa in charge of this old and well knew J. institution srs regular raduatea iu mi-di.-a.e to, irrery. Teara of Exparianoa id tbe treatm.nt of Chronic hare made their skill sod ahil't' tf much superior to tbat of th ordioarr praciitrnr. I bat tbey ha,r acquired a oatiooal repulativo thrush .heir treatment of corafiHcated ena. . tf.DlSCRnr'ICr.EXPSS'JlE of to hlaea, aati-a er boan, ueated with .uoc-., on scieauac pnnc-ples, without aatoK Wercui f or 'X ?r Pmonoas Mediaoes aad at moderate aapeiwc. YOUHC3 PH and those of middle see ho i eaaasaeiaaaaiiiraai laisii auff.rtaa from organic uk neaa that onflta iia TlrUm for bowaeaa or msrmi? a, peTsaeuentiy enrwd. ar moderate exieose. rMT TPFsTEQWt''1 aa ii;-c . - ji Sut efre p hkX f oti-i,-,-6, To sstirfkil br pmmt Uti-iut treauuoi I vsrra. FREE aXMrww M appttcaltoa. J W b t TTw4 18 Wrut t HiH Uuk. MT IE1 & LEWIS, 19 Bt eto-k of J "fi f f f ts 4-:z .4-. r?. - a . . t The ma tur ity aftLe ills of the tssa hocli ai iuH frmit a tlrranffrtnent of tho I. Iter, r'ff'xednef hotS the si A amaf botrtls. In nvdr lo elJWt a euro, U is, necessary to rentorr the eattKf. Jrregv. tar and ShtfffUh action of the AoUNAf llr-tKehe.Sirknr.Hitat tha Stotnmrh.t'iMi. in Ihe Hark anil i,ninm,rtr.ttn4iothatt the Lirer is ui fn :i!l,util Vtmt nature re-. quires amlsta nee to entile this organ fe l.irtir off in't:rir. ll-fclil' Jlt1t iii Hen fteeipeeialljt roin 1'iui.Ji d far lh fiurpese. They are tnilrt in their aetlan cftf I Ire as at ei re ; a re pfctt-1 t I" tit- l.itt- .wil tuhea. easily l. hutlt tiiitifr-i. tu. H fiu I Is. Tm lcn w o"i ' ' '''- ' " they ore m safe n:t !' ' ' ru r ; ' r "-.;xi.Ia, ii;jlt:t al SSeMnt.'. , tilt OSS 1 Cn ti,i'.ltti3, lii . . " c! Ilulncsi, eic.eic. lil-v-ril iriiiur thro at v. st:jffior lo a n -nr.tirine I rlennxmtt the x-j.i. tt) :'i r i:",hlu, antt iip: i Unit nrtr life r, enerfjf In the In ruiid. His . i:icc.;-.ii5i- and lio'iss. Ifitoxlcait rt'z h -t ruy. asi toils if.B6ci:T fca rsitrtt t,m itrrms, and ta'e no cthr. :, ",4 te ijr Bot4ia. r.m EF.CS i CC, - SaLi PROFSIETORS; Bt. I and Kl.iain C.I j. Ua It ta thA Mclt e on l - h . t I C r ... . . . goort prrirtu of all ariM amrl former mmlti, SXl s ot a " one nian "or - -ne idi " Dia-ihliw, as jars are. It avolfn the defeeie ot oll.era. rxi pos it im laro, H'atiMalfi?, ,oiI, i'nutKiR, mm m went Inrraa rfrrrfnroTrahi. rritMM us t iiliitbearinLinj sent fr-m rii?Bt It t. ani- s I A. I uwll T,me rk irrcrrB y i Oxm JrWCH! N E CtX.nyretjae, M so. ; w roij.sVier, UMJL V. Vim i. et na es J ukm f tjCTtswaT f TARTLiraCi DISCOVEPY! LOST MANHOOD RCSTOSEO. viaini of TmitKfnl 4 "... . . .1 . . . tUtts lcay, err cms Debility, Lost wsav Larina tried in vain n.r, t . k covered a simple self cura, which b sili soon rKKl i-i. ,UD"reni' Mres J. M Ul SUFFERERS oo-r m IsvtHtw. It Isl sa aal Was sura mss I n nADn rrc u -sa.e. m - J - - wusj n.uvvswai sr i ion, wmMM BVII CURES CLEET AND CONORRHfA J"" ' as "I'.ra elioo uuL H014 wr all ririia. 1 tvstna A.foui rts?(s iitt-.V. V-'t -Vrta a WiTi IMe w H-s nxask-soesK -w oor war 1 .as wt7 mpM MM, t ,tr.Tr9ssmm f"Sf . - v- -" . . S