Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 22, 1881, Image 3

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'Xi. ASiTtKllS'KMK.NT.S.
'?" ' 'its i. li.s.. iJi-t-u'ar advents-
;.-r No uUeiuei'.iv!it lascit-
11.111 2.. Ctllil.
s ..t st .it at r-Mes.
i , irerji ,if the law ill be nelJ
J ,r ltrul notices they hand In,
' ; fll ' il -:ti .nh:i :i proof of puidioa
!' if ...i ' . i.. i!C i!l be 4flU lor the puulica-
co r.u: f n i u vi o n s.
-. ur r.p.ire U limited, nil communications
rtt.t ) brief and to th point, Willi nu wast a
rf w ord.
The i. '..-r n lesponslble for the correctness
v t o.!y of paid Uialier and paid Le-
1 Any pcr.;i who t:iVes the paper rerularly
mmi llir pos--ofllce. whether directed lo his
Ditwe, nr mu MiiT lir Ua subscriber or not la
respoitsiMe far the pay.
2. II any person ordeis his paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er mr.y continue to ieiid It until payment to
Biaite. and collect the whole Amount, whether
the paper is taken from the office or not.
S. 1 he co u tit have decide that refusing to
cake newspapers and periodicals from the poet
OfUce, or removing and leaving them uncalled
for. U prima Jacu evidence of imtkntiokal
See Gorder's new Ad.
Look out for the Almanac.
Buy a Fur Cap at Wescott'. 1
Christmas i3 almoat with us.
Fine Underwear at S. & C. Mayer's.
The D. P. A. elected officers on
the 19th.
Everything in Underwear at Wes
cott'a. 1
John Duke has gone to Omaha on
Fiue Curving sets at J. S. Duke's.
The Journal poet is hard on "Jim"
and Jee."
Slippers! Slippers at Sherwood's.
T. A. M. Club Dance to-morrow
For Christmas Gifts, Call at
Mrs. A. 1 Stout's. MV2
The Christian church has a Christ
mas tree for the children Saturday
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. 10tf
Head S. & C. Mayer's new ad. and
profit theifly.
Kead Washington letter and other
news on outside.
For substantial Christmas pres
ents to Wescott's. 1
C. M. Holmes goes east to-day for
another car load of horses.
Rubber Hoots and Overshoes by
the car load at Sherwood's. 40tf
It does not know whether to set
in for winter or not, apparently.
Overcoats at Waydown prices to
close at S. & C. .Mayer's. 1
The Journal, here, enlarged last
week, and is now a six column sheet.
-Fresh Oysters and Celery for
your Christmas dinner at Bennett &
Lewis. 1
"Draper's Combination" was the
best Uncle Tom troupo round here,
Smith & Black Bros, are the next
headquarters for Holiday goods. 1
The Temple of Honor meet Mon
day night now instead of Saturday
Bennett and Lewis have got an
other case of fresh Saratoga Chip Po
tatoes. 1
The Mo. Pacific It. It. Co. ran an
engine across the new bridge at Louis
ville Saturday.
Every one is made happy that in
vests a dollar in L. C. Erven's Grand
prize drawing. 1
Some nobby designs in New Years
cards coming at the IIeiiald Office
Call and see them.
New Years and Christmas cards
at Smith & Black Bros. The latest in
town. 1
Those who are going to receive
cal!3 New Years day should send a no
tice to the Herald.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. 10tf
A Christmas card from "Trixy,"
tells us he wishes us well, and, is in
good trim for Christmas 1831.
Teeth Glled, pulled and cleaned in
a most skillful manner by Dr. Salis
bury. Give him a call. 3otf
A trial in Judge Sulii van's court
Cram vs Pettett, was tried Tuesday.
About all the lawyers were n it.
For Hats and Bonnets call at
Mrs. A. 1'. Stout's at Stadelman's
Hotel. o.H2
They have found excellent rock
and coal on the B. M. extension to
Denver west of the Neb. State line.
Fresh Oysters every day at F. S.
White's, direct troin the oyster beds.
Don't disremetuber it. 40t4
The Methodist church will have a
supper and song services for the Sun
day School children Saturday evening.
Oysters and Celery at J. D. Simp
son's, fresh for Christmas and New
Years. Be sure and get some of him.l
B. & M. freight office will be mov
ed over to the Junction in time to
commence the beginning of the year.
-Silver Knives and Forks, also a
complete assortment of ltogers Bros.
Silver plated goods at J. S. Duke's. 4912
Job work done at the Herald of
fice, compares favorably with any done
In the state, and we will do it jmt as
cheap. Remember that.
Turkeys, Chickens and all kinds
of game, that can be procured at
Frank- Morrison's. Just what you
want. 49t2
Charles Dawson, the B. & M. Store
keeper, and his good looking corps of
clerks, moved into their new quarters
last week-
A number of fine and costly prizes
were drawn at L. C. Erven's veater
day. among them a fine watch, and
there are three more to be drawn. 1
Those ladies contemplating receiv-
1U j-scw J. r n.1 3 V.ail3 SUUU1U icu ua
know in time for our next issue If they
desire to have it announced '
By all means go to Bennett A
Lewis' for your Holiday Confectiona
riea.. They have a large assortment
and sell cheap. 1
Messrs. Pepperberg and Schlegel
presented the G. A. R. boys with a box
each of the new brand of cigars cThe
G. A. R." at their last meeting.
. Hudebeck,' the engineer in the B.
& M. shops gave cs a hearty shake the
other day on-the street good shake,
we mean suppose on ; account of our
article on . the B. & M. improvements
lntnwn. "
' Tlieo. Buck came in to see us Satur
J no. Barnes returned from Colorado
last week.
Mrs. P. B. Murphy is visiting in
Councilman Dawson went to Lin
coln Monday.
Hon. It. B. Windham is expected
home on Saturday.
John McConkey, Esq, called on the
Hekald Saturday.
E. W. Barnum, eur old Fantoryville
friend was up Tuesday.
Mrs. Fritcher returned from her
long visit to Chicago, hist week.
Misg Birdie Swift Is in town this
week, the guest of Miss Alta Sage.
Wm. Harold, formerly of Cass Coun
ty, came in from Leadville, Irjt week.
Jno. II. Becker, an old Cs&a County
resident and friend called in Saturday.
G. W. Worley comes and takes the
Herald and Inter Ocean another
Rev. I. Reed, f the Baptist persua
sion, was in town the first of the
D. Dean of the firm of D. Dean &
Son., the big Lumber arm at Ashland,
was In town Tuesday.
John Cutright. the city editor of the
Journal, spent Saturday and Sunday
in Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Mr. W. II. McKnew. superintendent
of River Improvement at this place,
went to St. Louis on Monday.
Mrs. W. B. namblin left Platts
mouth Friday last to spend the holi
days with her parents in Michigan.
Miss Lillie K. Pollock, came in from
her school at Weeping Water, Friday
last, to spend the Holidays at home.
Miss Agrie Sampson has been
quite ill this week, so much so, that
she was not able t attend to her
Mrs. T. W. Shryock and Mr. W. B.
Shryock,are at Louisville attending the
wedding of Mr. Robinson and Miss
Mrs. Walter White and children
have returned from St. Louis and Mr.
White has got in from one of . his
bridge building trips.
. Geo. W. Thomas, the Seward county
sheep man, came in to visit the old
place Saturday. He is enthusiastic on
sheep prospects in Seward.
"Billy" Bennett, brother of "Cap",
and one of Plattsmouth's old boys, re
turned from several years' absence in
the Black Hills, on Saturday.
Mr. A. R. Ginn, of the river im
provement works at this city, left for
his home at Glendale, Ohio, last week
where he will spend the Holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland. of Chicago
are temporary residents of our city.
Mr. Maitland being here in the inter
ests of the Western Historical Society
of that city.
Mr. Smith Porter, of Belville, Kan
sas, a cousin of Mrs. Frank Johnson
and Miss Porter of this city, spent
several days with them last week, re
turning to Kansas Friday last.
Hon. J. M. Beardsley of the lumber
firm of J. M. Beardsley & Co, Weep
ing Water, passed through town last
week, en ronte from Chicago, where he
had been laying in a big stock of lum
ber. Mr. II. A. Waterman and wife.Mrs.
George Levings and little son, and
Miss Black, sister of Mrs. John Water
man, left for Iowa and Illinois, Wed- j
nosday morning, where they will visit
friends and relatives during the Holi
days. Mrs. Klepser called yesterday and
sends the paper for three weeks to
Mr. J. F. Buck who with his wife
left by the afternoon train for Par
kei's Corners Illinois, where
they will attend the celebration of
the 10th anniversary of a brother's
wedding day and then will journey
on to Kansas to visit their daughter.
They couldn't do without the home
news while they were gone and so
the Herald follows them. May they
have a nierrv .holiday time. ,
Masqaerade Party
At Fitzgerald Hall, Thursday Dec. 20.
Get your costumes ready. A grand
good time for all.
m i
Several valuable articles were
drawn at Erven's lottery this week.
B! sure and read what our adver
tisers say this week. There's millions
in it.
Schlegel's "Leader" takes the lead
of any five cent cigar in the city. 40t3
The Episcopal Church is being
decked in evergreens, flowers, &c. for
Don't forget and examine onr
stock of clothing when ready to pur
chase, l s. & C.Mayer.
Our first Christmas greeting comes
from our correspondent "Trixy" who
remembers us with a handsome card
containing the good wishes for the
season which we heartily return.
Gloves and Mittens in endless va
riety at S. & C. Mayer's. ' 1
Billy Shryock turned, in 31083,35,
taxes collected on bis recent trip to
Greenwood and west, all since the first
of Nov. lst.
Remember that Holiday Goods are
still on the market at Smith & Black
Bros. " 1
Some very handsome New Years
cards, new styles, and fine calling cards
invitations &c, just receive t the
Herald Office.
Smoke the "McConihie Post, G. A.
R." cigar, the best five cent cigar in
the city, at Schlegel's. 40t3
, Sam Chapman got a harness of
Chambers, Sr. It's a fine one, but
th told man laid himself out so
strong in the fine points thereof, that
"Will" had to take the business next
259 2oS and ether popular
styles Mason & Hamlin Organs, at my
residence, corner 7th and Locust sts.
40t2 James Pettee,
GenL Agent
John Currie has leased the stone
quarries, he says, of D. Sweney, near
South Bend, and is prepared to fur
nish a superior quality of stone for
those needing any here, in the future.
From the Enten)rse Dec17, 18S1.
Plattsmouth, Dec. 16, 1881
Ed. Enterprise: Since coming to
your city I have been informed that
an alleged newspaper in this city
some time since published an article
copied from the Juniata Herald, in
which certain charges were made
against me. At the time the article
was published I was absent in Illi
nois, and upon my return regarded the
article too absurd to answer. But as
it has been published here, I deem it
best lo say the whole statiment Is
absolutely false, and if any such letter
ever existed, purporting to be mine,
it was a forgery. The motives that
led to its publication the people easily
J. B. Finch.
ditto as to iieadlxo.
Plattsmouth, Dec. 19th, 1881.
To Ourselves: Since the last is
sue of this paper, we have been in
formed that an. "alleged" Temperasce
Reformer of some notoriety hi the
state and of alleged bad moral char
acter, by some of his temperance
friends, came to towrn and endeavored
to edit both the other papers, one with
fist and tongue, and the other as above.
As the Irishman said to the mule when
he put his foot in the stirrup; "Faix,
if you're goin' to git on your own back
I'm goin' to get off". If the alleged
Temperance Reformer is going to
edit all the papers in the state the
same way perhaps we'd better get
down and give him a chance.
The articles describing his advent
in Mr. Sherman's offic as published
irr the Journal , if true, make his con
duct too absurd for the Herald to
answer; but as it was published here
in our absence, for the day, we deem
it best t t-ay that, whether the Jour
nal man made a mistake or vol in the
first place, the alleged Temperance
Reformer made a most lamentable
one, for the temperance cause in his
alter action.
The original charges were fast dy
ing out and being obliterated bv the
kindly hand of time, This unwar
ranted assault brings the whole mat
ter fresh to mind.
Neither does it seem proper that
a reformer, alleged or otherwise should
use the language attributed to our
reformer, and it may be that the re
port is a"forgery". If so, just consider
this whole article unwritten.
The motives for treating this mat
ter thusly, can be located or left un
located as each of our readers may in
dividually desire.
Editor Herald.
A Nocturnal Ramble and What Came
or it.
Some genius we suspect him ty be
long to the jevial order of humanity
has said: "The day to drone and dream
tho night to learn and ramble." We
do not propose to dispute this worthy's
view of the matter, but present here
with the experience of a Philadelphia
journalist, Mr. William II. Cunning
ton. 1712 North Twentieth struet, one
of whose nocturnal rambles he thus
refers to, beginning his narration
rather peculiarly, however: "I am not
a rheumatic, and have been troubled
very little with bodily pains. Last
Tuesday morning I experienced a very
annoying stiffness of the neck, which
grew worse as the day wore n. To
ward evening it became very severe,
and I could scarcely turn my head in
any direction. Arriving home at tea
time, it was with dilhculty that I
could eat my meal. My wife wanted
to rub my neck with St. Jacobs Oil,
but I refused, saying I thought the
afiiiction would soon pass away. Tea
over, against the reianstrances of my
family, I left home to ranble toward
the new Chestnut-Streei Opera House,
about two and a-half miles from my
residence. I started in the midst of a
heavy snow storm, and remained ;.t
the theatre until the close of the per
formance, although I could feel my
neck getting worse and becoming very
painful. Leaving the play the trouble
camo to reach home. The storm con
tinued; the car in which I was became
blocked in nearly every square, a cold
current air swep through the c-uv, and
audi did not reach home until toward
3 A. M., by which time my neck had
become absolutely rigid. Then I c -n-sented
to the use of St. Jacobs Oil,
which my wif applied two or ihree
times before I arwse. I continued its
use that day and by evening I w;s
free from pain, and the nxt morning
I amused mysalf by twisting my neck
in any direction that suited me, and
not a vestige of stiffness remained."
Boston Herald. .
The young ladies of St. Luke's
Guild will give a masquerade party
and supper at Fitzgerald dall. Thurs
day, Dec. 29th.
Smith & Black Bros, have sold
more holiday goods up to this da'e oi
December, than any previous year,
and still there's more to follow. 1
--D. A. Maitland, of the We?N.;n
Historical Society is in the city, .. d
in connection with the Mr. Woods is
writiug up the history of Nebraska.
Our Grocery Stock is lull up
and prices low as the lowest.
39t2 Baker & Atwood.
An interesting letter from the pen
of Hon. R. B. Windham, on our first
age, describing Washington doings.
If you want a first-class boot or
shoe go to Sherwood's. 40tf
- -The Sunday School children of the
Episcopal church will meet at the
church next Monday afternoon and
have a carol service and distribution
of candy bags, &c.
Elegant Silk Handkerchiefs at
Wescott's. 1
Phil Young has an Electric !: 'i :
in front ef his place of business, .i i -i
Phil, airs. . "
N. E. M S. W. 14' 33-11-11,
W.S. Wise.
Rasgorshek's new building is up.
It's a beauty. . Only a few days of
good . weather and the Union block
will be completed, and then with the
old buildings moved out of the. way.
Main street will look like a new fel
low.; ..... m . ;;
, -Winter caps in Beaver, chinchilla
and seal at S. & C. Mayer's. .. t .
Mr. Crites we see by . the Jourru!
has paid up the subscriptions due :'
the old Courant, by subscriptions '
the Journal. That is a manly anu
act, one net performed by the drfncfc
papers of Cass Co. before. -
- Sausage Machine cheap for cash
at J. S. Duke's. 4Ut3
Where Shall We Go to Select Onr Holi
day Presents.
This question has absorbed our
attention for some time, and We
would suggest, if you want a fine
Dolman, Cloak, Ulsterette, an elegant
Set of Fu rs, a handsome silk or Cash
mere Dress Pattern, a warm Shawl,
a lovely Pattern Bonnet, or Seal Skin
Cap, Hoods or Nubias; Something
in the line of Novelties in Silk Bor
dered, and Hem Stitched Handker
chief, exquisite Toilet Sets, Ash and
Smoking Sets, Albums, ami possibly
ornamental Tidies, Mats for house
decoration, Useful and servicable
Table Linens, Napkins, Torels and
Marseilles Spreads, and, we almost
neglected to mention those most
useful and indepensable articles
such as Rogers Celebrated Plated
Ware iu Knives, Forks, Tea and Ta
ble Spoons, Butter Knives &c, and
lastly some elegant presents in the
line of Jewelry. There must be
something embraced in the above
list which will suggest itself as a
proper. IIolicLry Gift for a Father,
Mother, Sister, Brother or Sweet
heart, and it wiil not be out of place
to state that by calling on Solomon
& Nathan at their palace Dry Goods
Store, any of the articles mentioned
can be secured. 39t2
Has removed to his New Store in Em
pire Blocks (the Guthman corner), and
is ready to supply all with strictly
pure drugs and
He males a specialty of compounding
prescriptions day of night.
P A1XTS, OILS, &c.
Full line of Paints, dry and in oil.
Window Glass of every size.
CIGARS. -Imported
Key West and other
in great variety. An immense stock
of toys, dolls, &c, &c. Call at Dr,
ge's and examine tliem.
Celling lx)w to KednceOur Stock, Be
fore Moving Into Our Handsome
ew Store Room.
We will sell our stock of Millinery
and fancy goeds oif very low rates
for the next month, preparatory . to
getting an entirely new stock when we
move from our present quarters into
the handsome new store room build
ing for us. Come and purchase at a
bargain while you can.
39i2 Mrs. Joiinsox & Sweeney.
Don't Head This.
All Poisons indebted to the firm
of Baker t Atwood will please re
member that January 1st. is our set
tlement time and prepare according
ly as we have bills to meet at that
time. V.)l'2 11aki:k k Atwood.
A fortune awaits Dr. C. It. Sykes,
of 1G9 Madison St, Chicago, if he was
not so utterly opposed to advertising
his "Sure Cure for Catarrh" and "At
mospheric Insufflator, " but he says
they need no advertising. 38t4.
Yarns Plain and Clouded,
Welsh Fringing,
Germantown, Saxouys,
Bavarian, Zephyrs Floss,fcc.
in all colors and
best qualities at Baker fc Atwood's. 2
For Fancy Work.
Saxony, Germantown, Zephyrs. Em
broidery Silks, Patterns, Crochet Nee
dles, Lace Braids &c, &.c, at Mrs.
Johnson & Sweeney's. 39t3
Holiday Goods.
I have a good assortment of new
styles Mason and Hamlin Organs at
my residence corner 7th and Locust
streets which I shall be glad to show
and have examined. Four new ones
just received and more on the road.
Prices Low for cash. Easiest
James Plttee, Gen'l Agent.
:J2t3 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Xoiary -Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m
Cold Weather is Coming.
;-nd Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney have
some of the loveliest novelties in
Hoods of every shade and color, te
kof p your &ars warm. 39t2
I)res TvimnuuA. -
Complete line 1'Of Velvets, k Satins,
Silks, Fringes, Cords and Tassels
itc at Baker"& Atwood's. : 39t2
m ' -
Celling Low to Reduce Our Stack.
Fancy Collars,7 Collarettes)- Laces
Linen Embroidered Collars, Ties and
Rucies, suitable lor Holiday Gifts at
Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's. 39t2
"Where, Oh' Where Are the He
brew Children V" Gone lor a bottle of
Dr. Mar.-diair Lung Syrup, the great
cough killer. Price only twenty-five
and fifty cents,
for it.
Ask your druggist
, .-c
! Iiiiriflf s. f'ninbw. Double Frizw
Nets, and Fancv Pins for the hair at
jlrs. Johnson & Sweeney's.
A good girl to do general housework.
Apply at the Herald Office.
An elegant line of shaded Silk
Handkerchiefs something
new at
Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's.
Lxtra Inducement.
In order to reduce our stock before
invoice we will make a reduction of
10 per ceat for cash in Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Cloaks. Shawls, Blankets, Ho
siery, Underwear &c. until January
15th. Give us a call.
3'Jt2 Ba ker fc Atwood.
Santa Clans!!
Santa Claus has come round again
and can be lound at Guthman &
Bro's. He has brought with him a
choice variety of Toys of all sorts,
Candy t03'8, a large assortment of
Candies tor Christmas. Sold at bed
rock prices. Come one, Come all,
and examine, whether you buy or
not 3Jt2
-To reduce stock nice goods at
astonishingly low prices at Mrs. A.
P. Stoat's. 39t2
Furs! Furs! "
A Set of Furs makes a very nice
Christmas present and nothing will
be more appreciated by the Ladies.
. ker & Atwood's is the place to
i ;y them cheap. ,' . 39t2..'
j . Cloaks Cheap.
' A few Lndies and -Misses Cloaks
f left which will be sold regardless of
! vrj ue to close out at Baker & At-
.Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of
.this section, announces
Fal! Arrivals Aetna! Bargains
worthy of inspection. His K-st hold is
and he has a complete stock of new goods.
Beat Jfaterials, . Latest Styles, Sitj),;'t'or finish,
1'erfect fits and Popular Prices.
Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,
save you. big money, and fill your soul with happiness.
All Garments Warranted. "Try 'em "fore you buy 'em'."
"We will sell at greatly reduced prices all
Knit Drosses
having quite a complete stock on hand yet, and not wishing to carry
them over. Call early and secure what yon need
before" the assortment is broken.
Cloaks, Dolmans, Blankets '& Comforts
Parties needing any should give us a call before buying elsewhere.
AVe have an elegant line of suitable Holiday Presents for
Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.
jLaisaeia Handkerchiefs
put up in fancy boxes for everybody.
The prettiest line ever shown here.
Underwear !
in Scarlets, White and Colored, for
B intPi! yioarmiirauiiun
One door East of First National Bank,
The Relief and Cure as Certain as day
method, with safety from the dimsors of strangulation ad without the injury trusts inn ei
Those wishi-.ii,' proof should hpii-I )0 ocuts for hi book, contemner likenesses of bad cashes b
?ore and are,endor,o!e,.ts of professional
meiital system, l-riufr on onranic diseases, iinpotency. destroy energy and social desires, make
ins the yJuTROld and the old useless. Ofllces, 251 Broadway. N. Y., and 43 Milk ht.. B ostou
Days for condition, each week New York, Mondays. Tuesdays and Saturdays ; Hoton, W ed
ues'day, Thursdays and Fridays.
Succeseor to J. G. Chamueia.l
Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Lap Eobes, &e., &c.
We not only use
Pirct-Class Stoclfe,
But sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Hemember the plaee Opp. the P.O.
For Sale by FRED. G ORDER, Plattsmouth, 2Cebraska
Who has the Right for Cass and Otoe Counties.
-Decidedly the
Farmer's Gate Hinge ever made. Call and examine them at once at
t"Agents wanted in this County and Otoe. 40m3
. ; Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
ordera for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. - 30tf
Cigar Clippings, S5 cts; per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
Colics. 3?s,
Underwear !
follows day by Dr. Jl A. Sherman's
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan t
nine per cent interest, on Iieal Estay
secuiity at three or five years. Apply
at his office on Main St., Platts
month.Xeb. 2Gtf.
$1500 peryear can be easily made a
home working for E. G. Itideout & Co
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an I full particu
lars. 31-ly.
Proposals for Grain.
Omaha, Xtbraaka, December 10, 1881,
SEALED PROPOSALS, m triplicate, .ubjeet to
the usual conditions, will be received at this
office until 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, Janu
ary 14, 18S2. at which time and place they will
be opened in presence of bidders, for furnishing
and delivery in (juautities as required, up to
June :h), 18-2. at Onmtm le)iot. Nebraska, r
at stations on the Union l'acitlc Kailrond. east
of Keaniev Junction, of 2.000,000 pounds COKN",
and l pound OATS.
Proposals for quantities less than the whole
will be received. Delivery of th irrain will. If
required, commence i'ebniary 1, ln2. Prefer
ence, will be Riven to articles of domestic pro
duction. conditions of price and quality being
equal, and such preference will be ulveti to ar
ticles of American production produced on the
Pacific coast to the extent ef th;
consumption required by the public service
there. The government "reserve, the right to
reject any or all proposals. Iilds should st:ite
the rate iht .00 pounds (not per bushel.) and the
envelope containing them should be endorsed
"Itids for Grain" and addressed to the under
signed, lhdders are requested to submit pro
posals for delivery of the corn in new resewed
Kunny sacks of loo pounds each and for deliv
ery of Oats lu new resewed burlap sacks of 100
pounds each.
Copies of this advertisement andoftheclr
cular of Instructions to bidders can be ob
tained on application to this office, ami one
copy each of said advertisement and circular
should be attached to or accompany each pro
posal and form a part thereof.
40t2 Chief Quartermaster.
The Biggest Bargain Yet.
Horse blanket? S2.00 a pair, form
erly sold at 3.000 at Fred Herrmann's.
Coal and Lumber.
A full supply of hard and soft coal.
Also all kinds of building material can
be found at Dean's Lumber ard Coal
Office, Ashland, South Bend and
Springfield. Give them a call. 1
Tlie Grand Central Hotel
IO"5T IDE,. 131
House newly fitted up. Everything iuw and
neat. Meals and Lodging at Reasona
ble rates. Call and try us.
If you want anything in the line of
meerchauui goods or smokers' fancy
articles for the holidays, call at Frank
Nieraan's Cigar store opposite court
house; he also keeps all kinds of smok
ing and chewing tobacco, and cigars of
his own manufacture. 39t2
The poor sufferer that has been
dosing himself with so-called Troches
and thereby upset, his stomach with
out curing the troublesome cough,
should take our advice and use at onc
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and get well.
Headquarters of Santa Clans.
The undersigned takes pleasure in
announcing to the citizens of Platts
mouth and Cass county, that he has a
large and well selected stock of Holi
day Goods, now on exhibition at his
store, consisting of gold and silver
watches, chains, rich jewelry, hand
some silver ware, the very best in the
market ; gold pens, clocks, musical in
struments, fancy goods, spectacles, n
superior lenses to be found anywhere;
pocket cutlery and razors, chinaware,
notions, toys, a large selection ; chil
dren's wagons &c. All goods will be
sold at the lowest possible rates
Thasking my customers for their lib
eral patronage, I would respectfully
solicit the continuance of the same.
28 U Jeweler.
Timber at Auction!
Parties desiring valuable timber
and wood near Plattsmouth are in
formed that on Saturday, Dec. 31t.
1881, at Glenwood, Iowa, I will sell at
auction to the higtest bidder for cash
the tract of timber land on the East
bank of the Missouri lliver known as
the Ferry Company land. Sale with
out reserve and by order of Court.
Inquiry by letter oi otherwise for any
information concerning the land or
sale will be furnished by me cheer
fully on call from now to lime of sale.
Set ii Dean, Referee.
S8t4 Glenwood, Iowa.
THE G. A. It. t Ifi Alt
is now ready on sale at the Monarch
Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran
teed to be the best 5c cigar on the
American Continent.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M.
itoberts. 3tf
Are you suffering from indiges
tion? If so ask your druggist for a
bottle of Sherman's Prickly Asli Bit
ters. Taken as directed it will r-ure
you. These Bitters have now bt-en
before the public for a number of
years, have been thoroughly tried, and
give entire satisfaction. into
J3tf Will S. Wise
First I' rem nun.
The Domestic; sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. SOtf Peter Merges.
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug Store. 51tf
a week' in your on town. Ti rtiii and
outfit free Address. 11. Hallktt cfc Co
Portland, Maine. '-ly
d79A WEEK. S12 a day at home easily made
p t S(otly outfit free. Address, 1 vitiv & Co.,
Augusta. .Maine. jiy
3Ioney to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy I Cleanse! Preserve 1 tf
S3tf Will S. Wise.
Old Reliable.
For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby
Oysters, the best in the market, go to
Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. Sltf
Ladle' Heminary-unsurpassed. Aeatl
thorough. College lour cojies.
" k . l.nirinu ulit Tttl ' rl id ill ilt.HrflWtl
Catalogues sent by the President, D. fe. ;kku-
UHr, li. v., Ukc r oreei, ui. i'Jiu
Livery Moticc.
HereafUr I vrill have carriages at
all regular trains stopping at this de
pot. Any person desiring a carriage
to take passengers to, or from said
trains will leave word at my Livery
Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
35tf Chas. M. Holmes.
Oue Experience From Many.
"I had been sick and miserable so
long, and had caused my husband so
much trouble and expense, no one
seemed to know what ailed me, that I
was completely d'sheartencd and dis
couraged. In this frame of mind I got
a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them
unknown to my family. I soon began
to improve and gained so fast that my
husband and family thought it strange
and unnatural, but when I told them
what had helped me they sai-1 'Hurrah
for Hop Bitters! long may they pros
per, for they have made mother well
and us Lapry.' " The xaotben
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure Is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8lf
Notice of Dissolution of Part
nership. Notice Is hereby civen that the Arm of Tat
t'son a Dickson Livery.buslut ss, is hereby dis
solved by mutual consent. A. Patterson re
maining at the old place, wrhere all the books
and accounts of the linn will be found, and a
speedy settlement is desired with all parties
having huslns with the linn. Dickson re
moves to a barn on the alley between 2d and
3d streets. Please call and settle at the corner
of Pearl aud 6th sts.
A. Patterson,
4ot5 J. W. Dk kso.n,
Flattwmovth, Dec, i:th, lssi.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to vacate a
county road described as follows : CoiumeucliiK
at the south east corner of the south west ? of
the south west of a -ction fifteen (15) township
twelve U-) north of range thirteen (HI eaM,
runniug north on said line 4 of a mile, has re
ported in favor of the vacation thereof, and alt
abjections thereto or claims for (lamages, iniiat
be tiled l.i the County Clerk's ofllce, on or be
fore noon on the 2Jd day of February A. D. 18s'.'.
or such road will be vacated without refcrenco
thereto. , . .
4013 County Clerk.
jfrobate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of M. L. Court
right, deceased. In the couut court of l ass
County, Nebraska.
I pon reftdiiiK and fliini; the duly verified
petition of Piederick M. Courti IkIiI. praying
that administration of the estate of M. L.
Courtright, deceased, he granted to tl. Vi'.
Ordered that the notice of the pendency of
said cause be published in the Nebraska 11 KH
ALI), a weekly newspaper, printed, published,
and In general circulation in said county, for
three consecutive weeks, nnd that the hear
ing of said caiiMf be Net for the and day of
January, A. I), issj. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the
office of the County Judo at Plattsmouth, at
which time and place, all persons interested
may appearand show cause. If any they have,
why administration of said estate should not
be granted to the said li. vv. Clutter, accord
ing to the prayer of said petition.
County Judge.
Plattsmouth. Dec. 14.1881. am 3
Probate Notice.
Iu the matter of the estaleof James McXui lin.
deceased. lu the County Court of Cas
County, Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby given, that James M. Pat
terson, administrator of the estate of the said
James McNurlln, iluceased. has made applica
tion for tlnal settlement, aud t hat nald cause is
set for hearing at mv ofllce at Plattsmouth, on
the L'flh dav of December A. D. ixsl, at sns
o'clock P. M.. on said day ; at wh.cli time and
place all persons interested may be present aud
examine said accounts.
A. N. bi i.i.iVAN.'Coiiiily Judge.
Plattsmouth, Dec. 14th. lssl. am:
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of James II. Tiick
er. deeeaed. In tho County Court of Cast
County. Nebraska.
Notice Is 1 ereby given, that Albert C. Tuck
er and Kara U. Tucker, administrators of tho
estate of the said James 11, Tucker, deceased,
have made application for final settlement, and
that said cause is set for hearing at my otllce.
at Plattsmouth, on the 3d day of January. A. D.
lt2. at one o'clock. P.M. oil said (lay; at.
which time and place, ail persons Interested
may be present and examine said ncccunt.
A. N. Sullivan. County JuiIk'..
Plattsmoulh. Decern jer 1 ith. issl. 3'.'; I
Probate. Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick fiilroy.
Deceased, lu the County Court ol Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Notice is heieby given, that Jol.n O'Kourke,
administrator of the estate of said Patrick Oii
roy, deceased, has made application for final
settlement. "d that said causa is set for hear
lot; at my otiice at Plattsmouth. en the 2uth
day of Dee.. A. !., 18x1, at 10 o'clock a. in., on
said day : at which time and place, all persons
intereMcd may be present and examine said
A. N. ril LLIVA.v,
Co. JudKS
llattsmouth, Dec. 8, 1881.
Notice for Bids for Books,
Blanks and Stationery for
use of Cass County for
year 1882.
Notice is heieby Kiven that bids will he re
ceived at the ollice of the County Clerk of Cass
County, Nebraska, up lo noou oftt.e 31 st day of
December. lKM, for luruishiiiK Ctmnty ollicers
with the following books, blanks, and Station
ery as estimated for the year 188a.
Two (2) deed records elKht Quires.
Two (a) montane records titjht quires.
One (1; neiieral index deeds.v
Due (1) general index mortKaft,
One (1) Chattel mortuaKe index.
One (1) marriage record eight quire.
One (l) justice docket eight quires.
ne (1) dozen justice dockets four quires.
One cah book a."0 pages.
One half dozen Kchosd Fund Pecclpt books.
One delinquent tax list 400 pages (special form.
looo certilie.ites of flection,
fsio ollicial liords.
a.V) execution blank.
list order of d livery of personal propel ty.
asjo summons,
aissj silbixeuas.
HH1 sherills deeds.
a'i) indemnifying bonds,
inn court w rappers (District Court cases.)
200 witnesj certillcHlcs.
MX) juror certificates.
nv marring'.' licenses.
20) mittimus.
,shi appraisement blanks.
n reports i ii"iis for sheriff.
4r,oo tax receipt.
CH)ta iccei:is duplicattt.
&') letterheads.
4 U0 envelope.',, no. (.
2000 envelopes, no. i.
:m)h envelopes, no. 10.
Five gross paper fasteners.
Kiglit gross 81 eel pens,
leu dozen lead pencils.
Kive dozen quart bottles Arnold's writing fluid,
one dozen hoi ties mucilage.
Ten reams legal cap.
The Commissioners reserve the right to rejec
any or all bids.
liids must be made separately on the differ
ent classes,
J. D. TL'TT, County Clerk.
P-y J. W. Jewninus, Deputy.
riattSiuoiitii. Nth., December otli, isl. 3ft3
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, two and one
half null's soul h of Plattsmouth. on ltock Iliuffs
road, on tin- farm oi Mrs. August lieins, one red
cow Willi while spots on sido ami on front of
head, horns s:i wed off at th; ends, and end of
left ear also off. '1 lie owner can obtain the same
by proving property arid p;iyiug charges.
Plattsmouth, Dec. 1, IkaI.
Mbs. Aug. ISkins.
Legal Notice.
To Charles .S'mock and Mike Morrisscy. non
resident, defendants : You arc hereby notified
that at the November term, A. D. lnsl, of the
District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, a con
ditional order of reviver wus made again. t you
in a judgment, obtained by me agalnsl you on
the 22d day ol March. A. 1. l7o, lie fore John
W. Haines, Esq., Justice of the Peace within
and for said County, forSas.a5. my debt, and
cots of suit taxed at 4.15, aud interest. a tran
script w hereof wkm filed lu said District Court
oil the latli day of October, A. D. 1M1, and that
you are required to show cause. If any you have
on or befoie the uth day of January. A. D. 182.
in the Clerk's ofllce of Paid Court, why said
judgment should not st inn revived acainstvou
WM. NTADKLM ANN, Plaintiff.
W. S. Wise. Att'y for Pi'tS. 37t4
Road Notice.
To whom it may concern :
The section line road petitioned for by John
Munford and others will be by tne Cwunty Com
missioners ordered opened at the session of
the Hoard at their March session; all objec
tions thereto or claims for damage, must be
tiled in the County Clerk's ohice. on or before
noon on the lth day of February A. V. 182, or
such road will be opened without reference
thereto. J. D. Tutt.
013 County Clerk,
Road Notice.
To whom It may concern :
The Commissioner apix.inted to locate a Co.
Road commencing at a point on Toad No. 161. 3
chains eat of a iut where road No. 101, first
reaches the Central line running east ami west
throu"h the centre of section 27 town 12
11 east of tith P. M. ; thence noitll 1 east 2
chains ; thence noitll ' east 15 chains Ulinks ;
thence north T3' east 14 chain 17 links to west
side of road No led on centre line of section 27
running north and south ; thecce nortli cchains
to a point 50 link wet of corner between
section 22 and 27 and in road o. 161; thence
north 10 east 15 chains ; thenre north 30 So'
c;st 13 chains; thence north 8' 30' east 10
cl a. us : thence north 17' east ft chains and 63
links: thence north 11 3o' east 5 chains and
33 links ; thence north 10' west 6 chains and
Ui links; thence nortli 11 ' east 10 chains
lu links ; thence eat 10 chains and 53 links to
north side 3d st. in town of Louisville : has re
poricd in favor of the location thereof, and all
object. Ii thereto or claim-, for damages,
mii-t ixi filed in the County Clerk's otiice, of
or before noon on the Irtth day of Feb. A. I.
IW. or fiudi load wilt be located without
reference thereto. J, D. 'Ivtt,
aji3 County Clerk.