The '"Heraxd. fHO. ft. yVlA.CVlURPHT, JlDITOR. PLATTSMOUTH. DEC. 15, 1881 Onr Club List. Rt re we are with our Club List. To every subscriber who pays for the comln? year In ad vance we will give a copy of Kendall's "Horse and Hi Diseases" free. As win be noticed by looking over this list carefully, several prem iums are offered by other papers and maga zines, so our readers can, if they wish, obtain two premiums as well as two papers at low rites : THE PIU'tE. Herald and luter-Ocean, weekly) $2 75 " " St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 275 ' " Chicago Herald, weekly 2 40 daily 6 15 " " Burlington llawkeye 3 " " Louisville Courier-Journal... 3 05 " " Leslie's Ills. Newspaper 4 15 " " H. Y. Times, (em-weekly... 4 15 " Sun. (weekly) 2 65 " Tolcao Blade ....3 00 " Iowa Farmer, (and Garfield prem.) 2 35 " Scieuulic American 4 2f) " Nebraska Fanner 2 75 Omaha Republican (ft prein). 2 75 Omaha Bee (and prem.) 3 65 " " American Agriculturist 2 65 Prairie Farmer 3 30 " The Kural New Yorker (with seed distribution, 3 50 " Harper's Bazar 4 o M " Weekly 4 85 - Monthly 4 63 " . " Younj? l'eoole 2 8u " Kcribuer'8 Monthly 4 85 St. Nicholas 4 10 " Eclectic Magazine 5 75 Peniorest's Monthly Maga- zine, (with prem.) 3 15 tiodey's Lady's Hook.... 3 25 " " rbrenolftgicalJounial 3 15 " Literary' & Educat'ual Note. 2 25 Oood Company 4 oo " " Ehrich's Fawhion Quarterly.. 2 10 " Housekeeper 2M Mrs. Garfield has been granted the Franking privilege. Coirect. A Theatre at Vienna Austria, burned last week ami G,000 people were destroyed. The report of the Banquet of our Board of Trade begins on thefoatth page of this paper. Guiteau, is still plajing the fool, knaTc ami eiank combineu. The trial bids fair to last a week vet. And uo the Omaha Board of Trade are going to give a banquet, and rouse up for future work and more active business. Did young Mr. Nye's satira on Trades of bores, fcc. w ake 'em up, we wonder? Messrs. D.W.Wood and H. L.. Wood are in town collecting material for a History of Nebraska, to be published by the Western Historical !Society at Chicago. This is expected to be a real Historical work complete in its data and acts, and not a mere publication for puffs of individuals, nor an adve. tising medium for anybody's business. If they follow their piospectus they will give us for once a reallv valuable work. The Message, The N. Y. Sui , a paper which sel dom says, of late years, a guod word for a Republican otHcial, speaks thus of President Arthur's Inaugural: THE PRESIDENT ON I " VIL SERVICE REFORM . It is remarkable that the first cred itable discussion of civil service re form in any communication from the Executive to Congress, should proceed from a President who has heretofore been identified, in the estimation of his own party at least,, with what people call machine politic?. We do not agiee with all that Presi dent Arti.ur fays on this subject iu his message. He declares that he should feel bound to give his approval to a bill incorporating all the feature f the civil service system of Great Britain. In our opinion such a meas ure would be an evil infinitely greater than any it might be intended to cure. The President's own statement that it would lead to the establishment of a life tenure of civil offices, with retir ing allowances, is argument enough against it, That the President has studied the subject earnestly and industriously is evident. It is difficult to believe that he had not given the problems of civil service reform careful consideration long before he became President or Vice-President. Men do not came to such conclusions as are in his message after only a few days of reflection. Especially wise is his suggestion to make baste slowly with innovations. He has shown that he is not afraid to undertake reform, and therefore this warning against precipitate legisla tion :s not to be regarded as the utter ;mce of an opponent of any change. It comes of prudence inspired by a knowledge of the history of that very English system which theorUU are are constantly holding up for our ad miration. In place of the crude sentiments of Grant and the sophomorical platitudes of Hayes, we have in tins part of President Arthur's message a public document which is at all events worthy of respect, whether we agree or disagree with the views of the author. WILL STRIKE THE COUNTBT KAYOR ABLT. The President having covered all otker ground pretty fully, he reaches the question of civil-service reform. This lie treats fairly and sensibly, showing that he is prepared to aid in putting in practice any system that Congress may consider desirable, whether in accordance with his own iews or not. The message, upon the whole, is a good one, and its reeom mendations will strike the country favorably. Cincinnati Gazette. FROM A CLEAR-HEADED MAN. The message is lengthy, but covers a vast field and a great variety of sub jects. It is conservative in tone, and contains nothing to offend the Sensibilities of any one. It is a business-like document, and will go far to confirm the opinion formed of the President as a cool, clear-headed, and sensible man. Cincinnati Commer cial. WILL COMMEND ITSELF. The first message of President Arthur is one which will commend itself to the country for its straight forward common sense and business tone. Indianapolis Journal. Catarrh Clear bead and voice, easy breathing sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hearing, no cough, no distress. These are conditions brought about in Ca tarrh bj the use of Sanford's Radical Cure. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent, and one im proved Inhaler, iu one package, for ' 7 ; Jnat as Il ls. ' ' The advent here of the gentlemen from various paits of the state who attended our banquet last week, was an event in the history of our city. Situated as we are in rather an out of the way corner, few passers by on the trains really see or know anything of PIatt9mouth. The B. et. M. 11. II. runs, unfortu nately for us, and the road too as it has turned out, directly under the bluffs almost its entire length :n Cass county, thereby preventing travel ers from seeing and appreciating the advantages of our town and esti mating at its true value the magnifi cent farming country which lies to the south and wtstof us. Seeing only scrujbbily wooded bluff3 on one side and the sandy Platte on the other, they gain but little general knowledge that Cass Co. has within its borders sortie of the best improved, most fer tile farms in the state, with great old fashioned barns thereon, and houses to match with orchards and vineyards attached. In town the situation of the ma chiae shops of the B. & M. through the cut, out of ight to the casual vis itor; and the scattered condition of the residence portion of the town over many a hill and through oft hidden valley's, serves to hide our real growth and size to ail but those who are di rectly interested in investigating where and how our 6,000 population is accounted for. . la view of these facts, and to give some of the older citizens of the state, who are interested in the growth and welfare of the whole state of Nebras ka, and who otherwise would not take tiie time, a chance to visit us, our board of trade inaugurated and car ried to a successful issue the late ban quet, not as a mre pleasure or feast to the members, but as a source of in formation to the world generally, of what we have been doing the past two years. For this reason it was called the Board of Trade banquet, and conse quently at the immediate time it would rather teem as if they obtained all the glory but it was never inten ded that any class jf citizens who have aided in buikUng up this fair towfi should not receive their due share of praise , and all property hold ers, of course, will gain by the beiiefim that may accrue to our town by the notice this banquet has procured for us abroad. Among those who apparently have been slighted, but not intentionally so, are the Guthmau brothers, owners and builders of the Hotel at which we met. To their untiring endeavors, to the fact that they had the money, and were willing to run the risk of invest ing the same do we owe our Hotel. The Host. Mr. McKeever, deserves great praise, for after the hotel was built, it did seem for a spell, that we never would find the man to fit the ho tel. Several expeiments were made, before both man and place came to gether and when they did the com plete whole was perfected, and oui host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Me Keever have thus far aided and formed part and parcel of the interests and success of Plattsmouth by keeping one of the best hotel in the West. This much is due to the above parties and we take pleasure in recording the facts. Our guests teem to have enjoyed themselves, and especially Dr. Miller, Judge Dundy, aud Gov. Nance all of whom were surprised and gratified to note the improvements made and the evid.nt pleasure it was to the older citizens to rafeet and welcome theru once iroie. The speeches were elegant, every one a perfect gem in its own setting (sen timent) but our short horn repoiter was away and we cannot reproduce them for the Herald much to our regret. Weep.nar Hater Notes. Dec. 12th., 1881. Ed. Herald: We had a (iraud Concert on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week both well attended, and everybody was well pleased. The Grand Chorus of Fifty voices, was composed uf Prof. Will F. T. Bushnell's class of vocalists, and the improvement was wonderful. Prof. B. deserves great credit for his success and thoroughness in music drill with this class, aud his pupils all united in showing their just apprecia tion of his valuable services while with them, by the presentation ct a small token of their sincere esteem and regard, in tjja furm of a superb gold ring, with diamond setting in onyx stone. The presentation speech was made in elegant style by Dr. W. D. Gibbon, one of the class, after which Prof. B. expressed his thanks to his pupils in a very becoming farewell speech. Mr. Bushuell accompauied by T. L, Potter started for Chicago on Satur day A. M, The "Recorder," lias not come out yet, though Mr. Mathews and family have returned from Chicago, however ho is pushing work on his new build ing, which he says will be finished at once, and a paper got out this week. Well ! we hope so. Weeping Water can boast of four lawyers now. Six Dry Goods, and general merchandise etches, two Boot & Shoe stores, two Hardware, two Harness and three Drug Stores, two Millinery and Dressmaking, two Meat Markets, two Hotels and one Barber Shop, five Medicine Doctors. Variety Store, News epot,orre Jeweler, two Restaurants, &c. j&c. ; Our town is growing very fast, and has a lively appearance, all the time now. still we shall always have a hearty welcomo left for our old friend the "Nebraska Herald," and it's faithful little Editor, to whom we wish future success. Just as ever, Trixt. Feeble Ladies. Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to bo on your feet; that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elas ticity, driving the blosjo from your cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irrita ble and fretful; can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy Hop Bi'.ters. Irregularities and ob structions of your, s vsteni are relieved at once, while the special cause of per iodical pain is permanently removed. Will you heed this)' THE BANQUET CONTINUED! WHAT TIIE CMA1IA PRESS SAYS. THE GENERAL STORE HOUSE is a three story brick 50x175 feet, the first floor are the offices of company ; also a store room 30x50 ted up for the storing of goods. On tre the second stoty, 50x150 feet, is used for patterns "and light material. There is also a room twenty-five feet square designed for the storage of records. The basement 50x175 feet i3 designed for the storage of castings and other heavy supplies. The build ing is a model in its way and provided with a steam elevator aud all the necessary appliances for the handling of supplies. The company in the not far distant future expect to build a large and ful ly equipped foundry, that they may h ve ample facilities for getting out all t lie brass and iron castings needed in their woik. . WATER WORKS. South of the machine shop the com pany have built at a considerable cost a reservoir with a capacity of 100,009 gallons. From the level of the , ma chine shov to the top of the reservoir is one hundred and ten feet, giving a water pressure of about 450 pounds. The water is brought down from the reservoir to the vards. by two six inch pipes, and distributed to the hvdrants by four inch pipes, the hydrants being situated at suitaole points, for the pro tection of the company's buildings, and are provided with an attachment permitting the use of two hose on each hydrant. THE OIL HOUSE is a two story and basement brick, twenty feet square. The basement is fitted with one large tank with capac ity for holding two car loads of lubri cating oil. The first floor is fitted with tanks for the various high grades of lubricating oils; the second with reels for packing and is also used for the storage of waste. The carpenter shop, 40x125 feet is a temporary struc ture. At the entrance of the yards are coal sheds for distributing coal to the engines. The employes are fur nished with coal by the companv at greatly reduced figures. The freight house is .50x100; all the freight brought by the eastern ro.ids being distributed here, excepting through shipments for the west. The passenger depot is 30x120. The pay-roll of the company shows the disbursement of nearly $30,000 per month, or $.500,000 annually. For the foregoing facts The Herah is indebted to Messrs. llawksworth, Dawson and Hargraves. THE CITY. The (act that Plattsmouth has fairlv entered upon an era of prosperity, is evidenced in alf directions. For near ly a score of years the city had setn but little growth and even the oldest and most sanguine friends had about become discouraged, and the wonder ful activity now visible must be grate full in the extreme to the good peo ple who have stood so loyally by the town of their early love. Among the solid improvements of the past year may be mentioned the Oorder Block, two story brick, with stone trimmings; the Weckbach & Drew Block, two story brick, iron front; Golding's brick block; Rasgorshek's two story brick block, stone trim mings; the very handsome store of F. Carruth, stone trimmings, iron front; the Union Block built by Dr. John Black and the M. E. Church, the Ilerold block and the Fitzgerald block, three story brick, stone tiiiu mirigs are among the older improvements. In the way of resi liences, old and new are those of pt. Palmer o College Hill; the fine two story brick dwelling of Dr. Black on Fourtli street; the residence of J. A. MucMurphy of the Herald, built by Peter A. Sirpy at Trader's Point and moved to Plattsmouth; the resi dence of F. E. White, two story brick, mansard rpof: residence of J. V j Weckbach -a "house of rcany gables" j residence of A. W. McLaughlin on i Sixth street: of Hon. Geo. is. Smith, surveyor-general, on Sixth street com manding a line view of Iowa and the Missouri river; residence of Thos Marsland. agent of the B. & M. Following, is a list of THE CHURCHES of Plattsmouth: Episcopal. St. I.ukVs Memorial church, built by Mrs. tfoiiiig,' of New York City, gothic stained glass windows, Rector. I, . Burgess. Catholic church, Rev. Fr. Lynch; Baptist church, no pastor; the Presbyterian church, a small neat structure. Re?. Mr. Rami, Pastor; Methodist, a commodious wooden structure. Rv. Mr. Wilson. Pastor. THE FAIR OROUXD. To the wfcii, of tfre city is a fair ground with a good half trttpfc, good buildings, and probably the finest natural grove of trees of any in the state. From the centre of the ground there is a magnificent view of the Missouri and Platte rivers, the Iowa Bluffs and the Platte river valley. SCHOOLS. The city has three ward schools and a high school the latter a fine three story and mansard roof brick struc ture with stone trimmings, situated on what is known as High School Hill there are three departments; high school grammar and primary. Total number of scholars, 8 -(5. The branches pursued are those in the ordinary high school course. The school is well supplied with maps, globes and other apparatus, the efficient principal, Mr Drummond. having a corps of twelve assistants. XEWSPATEKS. The Herald, weekly, published by J. A- MacMurphy, has the largest county circulation and is a progressive and'ably edited paper. It. is one of the oldest p tpsrs in Nebraska, and is now in the 17th year, having been es tablished by II. D. Hathaway in 1814. It runs two job presses and a jower press. The Journal, daily, published by C. W. Sherman, is a new enterprise with a good circulation and flittering pros pect fcr a prosperous career. The Enterprise, weekly, published by II. M. Bushnell, has an extensive circulation, and is ably conducted. BANKS. ; First National bank, organized in January, J872;paid up capital $58,000; John. Fitzgerald President; J. M. Pat tPHQiif vice president; A. WMcLaugh lin, cashier; Jno- O'Rourke, assistant cashier. Bank of Cass County, organised in February 1881, by Dr. John Black, A. E. Touzcilin, E. M. and II W. Yates, D. H. Wheeler, Henry Bceck and F. (Juthman; capital .'.0,000. The above from the Omaha Herald closes the report of the B. & M. shops and allusions to our business houses. Feeling that our Omaha friends treated us very handsomely in tha matter of space in their papers, we re produce a portion of the report from each of the leading papers represented, rather than a detailed version of our own. Dr. Miller and his steuographer came in the laorninsr nd of course bad more chance to look over the town and their "repoit therefor overs tLe ynost ground and is given more fully. In acolumn and a half article imong other things the - REPUBLICAN' NOTICES. They have opened a new hotel in Plattsmouth called the Perkins house. It was completed the last of August and cost $20,000. It is a brick struc ture, plain but useful. The rooms are furnished in exquisite style and the ta bits are to be admired. This is not a ho'el advertisement, exactly. It is the story of a banquet given by the Plattsmouth board of trade. That organization was effected one year ago last May, and consists of fifty-four members. D. II. Wheeler is president. The board of trade helped build a hotel, and on Thursday evening last they gave a banquet. A number of geuLlemen from Lincoln were present, among them Gov. Nance Secretary Alexander, and a representa tive of the pres. From Omaha came Judge Dundy, Mrs. Alvin Saunders, Miss Burley, Mr. W. A. Redick, Mr. J. L. Webster, and Miss Mamie Saunders, U. S. Attorney Lambertson, U. S. Mar shal, Bierbower, Mr. James Taylor, and Miss Crounse. Mr. S. F. Don nelly, f the Telegram, Mr. J, W. Campbell, of the Republican, and Mr. E. Rosewater and Mr. W. II. Kent, of the Bee. At the depot the party were met by Hon Geo. 8. Smith, Mr. J. 4.. MacMurphy, a bonfire and a brass band. The gnests proceeded directly to the hotel, where they thronged the parlors until about 0:39, when the dining rooms were thrown open aud the banquet began. Something over one hundred and fifty guests were present. The Telegram made one of the most concise and accurate reports given, a portion of which is-found here from a column and a half of matter. THE TELEGRAM. With her important growth in wealth and resources Plattsmouth has for some time suffered from an im portant want. A fire a few years since destroyed her principal hotel, and wit!) a better excuse than Omaha has had under similar circumstances, she has been for a period without any thing which deserved the name of ho tel. But her people are not of the kind to allow such a need to exist for a great while. They believe in the truth of the old proverb that "Heaven helps those who help themselves," and when it became evident that private capital unaided would not step into the breach and risk a large investment in that most uncertain of all proper ties a hotel the board ui trade came to the front and offered $25x as a bo nus towards the erection of the de sired structure. As a result of this step mine host McKeever opened on August 2'Jd last fhe Perkins House, a handsome three-story brick block, cost ing $20,000, and iu all its interior plan, its furnishing, its management, out of the best hotels iu the we.3t. The In fant. hoyever, was not christened at its birth, but after due preparation, and with great eclat, this-affair came off last evening, in a grand banquet given under the auspices of the Platts mouth Bord of Trade, and in the preaeiice of the Governor, Secretary of State, the principal federal officials of X braik.i, the leading ckizens cf Plattsmouth, many of the faiivst la- uies or our comnion-vea:ci, una rep- j resentatifes of the leading newspapers j of the state. If that infant does not do well its godfathers are not to blame. Upon the arrival of the trai.i ai Plattsmouth the party were takn in charge by leading citizens, tiie press being chaperoned by Mr. John A. MacMurphy. of the Herald, C. W. Sherman, of the Daily Jourmil. and H. M. Bushnell, of the Enterpiise. Dr. Geo. L. Miller, of the Omaha Herald was fouid to be on the ground. After a period passed by tne guests in interchange of social greetings iu the parlors the banquet was served and most elaborate and perfect it was in every detail. It was opened by . a brief and very happy address of wel come by Qon . 11. U- Iiiyiugatori, and after due discussion of t lie menu toasts were in order: The State of Nebraska The young est but two in the great constellation, yet foremost among the proudest and best. Gov. Albinus Nance. Our Railroads The Union Pacific, the iron bond uniting ocean to ocean and carrying the commerce of the world. Dr. Georgt, L. Miller. The B. & M. R. R. in Nebraska-Onward to the Pacific, populating thp the country as it goes. Hon. Geo. S. Smith. The Missouri Pacific Railway, open ing a new highway to the southern seaboard. Hon-Jno. E. Webster. The Plattsmouth Board of Trade Full of pluck and energy, know no such word as fail. lion. D. II. Whetl er. The City of Plattsmouth : Like Rome, situated on her seven hills. Mayor O'Uourke by M. A. Hartigan. The Press of Nebraska one of our greatest educators, the moulder of pub lie opinion., shaping the destiny and policy of the future. Hon. Fred Nye. Our Women The great promoters of eur moral and religious growth and refinement. Hon, G. M. Lambertson. The Perkins House- Furnishing the table at which we eat, aud a welcome home for the weary traveler. Hon. A. N. Sullivan. The Judiciary The protection of pur fights, cjvjl ant religious. Judge Dundy. Tho Missouri River Nature's great artery, through which flows the com merce of a continent. E. Rosewater. Our Distinguished Guests; our young and accomplished host and hostess; and our first banquet. John A, MacMurphy. THE BEE. The J4e, Mr. Rosewater hi'iiself be iug present, gives us the following send off being a portion of a two col umn article. FAMILIAR FACES. The Bee repoiter had ample time before the beginning of he ovening's entertaiument to look about him and meet many of tlie prominent gentle men present. Among others were Governor Nance, Secretary of Stale Alexander, lion. Daniel H. "Wheeler, J. B. Strode, Dr. R. R. Livingston, J. A. MacMurphy, Geo. S. Smith, Survey or General, M. A. Hartigan, John O'Rourke, Major of Plattsmouth; H. M. Bushnell. Mr. Sherman, A. W. Mc Laughlin, J. P. Young. J. W.Marshall. J. A. Connor. M. llennett," Mike Schnellbacher, C. S Dawson. Fred Gor der, John Waterman,. II. A. Richie, Wni. Ilerold, Gust Ilerold, F. S. White, Frank E. White. G. W. FairGeld. Da vid Hoxworth, Fred Latham, James Pettee, Fred Herman, "Win. Baker, James Patterson, J. N. Wise, A, N. Sullivan. J. W. Barnes, and many ether men who have helped to build up the state by building upon its east ern border so healthy and thriving a pjfy, ancj wjth such a future before it as h 3 PLATTSMOUTH. In this connection it would be an easy, matter to write up several col umns concerning this same city, its beautiful site ou the bluffs overlook- ing the river, its rapidly growing pop ulation, now over six thousand, ai.d the busy hum of industry which fills the air from morning until night. The collossal structure which spans the Missouri at this point, the deep cuts through which the heavily laden trains rush from the dizzy heights above the Big Muddy into the heart ' of this modern Rome, with its sovea , hills, the acres upon acres of shop3 in ; which the Burlington and Missouri River in Nebraska, employs nearly j five hundred men in the work con- i nected with the departments of their vast business any of these would be a theme worthy to be dilated upon. But" Plattsmouth is not Pompeii nor Troy:. it is no newly discovered city which has been buiied for centuries and whose ruins the visitors were taken down to inspect. Plattsmouth has been written up and everybody knows just where tha county seat of Cass county is to be found. THE BOARD OF TRADE. The trip .as takyn to banquet with the Plattsmouth Hoard of Trade, now in the second jear of its existence and a most prominent organization. Maj. D. II. Wheeler is its president. Frank Carruth its vice president, and J.B. j Strode Secretary ; in a total member-! ship of fifty-four are included all the I more prominent and enterprising men who when public spirit and energetic action aiv needed, are at all times found ready to put their shoulders to the wheel. That is the character of the hosts of the evening and it was fitting that their guests should be en tertained in one of he institutions which ranks Plattomouth as assuming metropolitan proportions. THE PERKINS HOUSE. The hotel was begun in the spring of 1880, and was named the Perkins house iu honor of C. E. Perkins, Esq. of the C. B. & Q railway. The hotel was completed last summer and open ed in August, Messrs. Gutliman Bros, the owners, leasing it to Mr. John McKeever formerly of Minonk, 111., who is a most efficient and popular landlord. The Perkins house is of brick, three stories high, well arranged elegantly furnished, and with a dining room capable of seating two hundred guests. The following were the committees on this occasion : ON GKXERAL ARRANGEMENTS. M. A. Hartigan, H. M. Bushnell, J. A. Connor, J. V. Weckbach, F, E. White, J. M. Patterson, J. YT. Marshall. ON INVITATIONS. F. E. White, Fred Gorder, J.B. Strode. ON RECEPTION. A. W. McLaughlin, D. II. Wheeler, C. W. Sherman, L. D. Bennett, F. Hermann. ON DECORATIONS. F. S. White, J . A. MacMurphy. - F. Caii uth. &N WAYS AND ilEANS. J. B. Strode, A. N. Sullivan, Fred Gorder, J. V. Young, J. V. Weckbach, ON FINANCE. J. W. Johnson, H. M. Bons, John Waterman, 11. B. Windham, M. L. White. "PRESS" COMMITTEE. II. M. hnell, J. A. MacMurphy, ('. W. Sherman. ON TOASTS. , Geo. S. Smith, J, W. Marshall, A. N. Sullivan. ON MUSIC. J. M. Schnellbacher, J. M. Patterson, Jno. O'Rourke, J. N. Wis, J. W. Barnes. Our own Journal (Daily) got out a very creditable report of four columns the time and clianee they had show:? t-nterprise aud newspaper ability, The Enterprise, .Saturday, had a brief, but clever synopsis the event. I'eriiaps our readers ui iy think we devote too much attention to this mat ter'j but we have .always held that what helps 'ass County aids Nebraska ; what aids and increases I'lattsmouth, enriches Cass County, and we have resilly made great progress in this end of 'Cass County in the past two or three years, and have rather uoileres Unrated our real growth and impor tance, than over-advertised ourselves. An occasion of this kind does not pecqr every day and when it does, t is both light and proper that we should s-t ourselves fairlv and fully before lite world. Rescued from Death. Iu the following remarkable state uient. William J. Couyhlin of Somer ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1876 vas tidveu with a violent hleep inu of xiip LCJ.U3 followed by a se vere cough." I was so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 177 1 was admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dollars in doctors and medicines. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DK. HALL'S BAL SAM FOIl TIIE LUNGS. I got a bottle to satisfy him, when to my fur prise and gratification, 1 commenced to feel better, and to-day feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. I write this hoping that every one afjjietpd with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S HALS AM FOH THE LUNGS and be conviucfd that CONSUMPTION CAN HE CURED. I can positively say that it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken during my sickness." Sold bv drug gists. 13 Aboard the Train for Louisville. Friday m-Tning ye Jocal" boarded the west bound train for Louisville, on a collecting and canvassing tour, aud to see our many patrons in that sectien of the country. Several prominent personagps were on tlie train, among theia Governor Nance and Secretary of State S. J. Al exander; also John Fitzgerald and Win. Nevills, and last but not least Joseph A. Connor, who stopped off at Louisville, We arrived at the busy burg of about five hundred inhabitants, sur named Loni3YiUe, about noon and in OuOipany with a friend, proceeded to the "Albee House" for dinner. We found "mine host" Albee with a hsuse full of boarders, and doing a rushing business. The Mo. Pacific track is completed at that point, there being only a few gaps between there and Weeping "Wa ter where bridges were not quite fin ished. The bridge acros - the Platte yyas neariy completed, and we werein fqrrped that a train would prababiy run across about the middle of this week. The bridge is a good substan tial one about half a mile long. Several accidents have occurred on the M. P. the past week or twe, among which are Jie following; B. C. Salmon was hauling bridge lumber, and his toam becoming unmanageable, be was thrown from the wagon, Spraining his arms and shoulders; W. A. Anderson received a bad cut above the right ear bv a chunk -f coal fall ing from the bridge; Oliu Harris and E. Cochran v:e thrown from a pile driver south of Louisville, injuring them quite severely. Dr. Ilase-tiieir, is kept busy attend ing to these injured and other vpa tisnts; ho is vent for from miles around, In'ing very successful in his practice. lie is also doing a good bus iness in his drug store. While I! etc we were MiOrVii by the secretary of the potterv works. Milton Polk, a itchor which was made by a good specimen it was too. informed us that they were as many orders as they anil of course were doing thein j10)1 i 2J.r. Polk receiving could 111!, wwil. We regret that we cannot give a inure extended noticr of their works. We made a short call on our old friend Truman Hall, wkile there; ho says the harness business is rushing. Dr. Darling has recently started a nw drug stdre making three drug stores in the town. A. W. Hill ef the Hall House is building a new hotel and there are several other now buildings going up, which shows that our sister city is booming. Tha Herald hops sho may continue to prosper, and there seems to b? no reason why she should not. Death to rats and Exterminaior. vermin, Parsons Blood Toiso f.ins, Scrofulous Ulcera and ItchiRg: limners, Abscesses aud (!a!idn!ar Swellings. ' i,ea im;ihoi.;. Mr. Al.Vrt Kingsbury. Keene.X. II., troubled with ba'l liunior : nanus ;inu neck, e.itu.sed bv lfii'l poifOniii;;. (lie's a painter.) At times it would In fa k out. ciai'k and the .hin sod mate Iroin tl.e flcsi) iu lare piece, suffering inest! coiiiiiHiHi milium ana srmmiii:. rurcnao- ed your reiiu'lie : used I'i'Tlci it a Hksolvent internally. hihI Ct. i ii'i uA hdA Cuthx'ka Soap externally, and in le than tlneo months ef fected a complete cure, and has not been trou bled fine.. Coirolor:it(jl bv Ual!;in & Fuster. Liruirttiidf, Kf'iie, .'. 11. ii K KATEST OX KAItTH. .1. W. Adams, Newark. Olsio. says ; "ClTtci" ka Kkmki-h s ti:u t:re.nest "medicines ou e:0't!i. Hail tli worst ca-ie ol s ill, rheum iu tin county. My mother imd it twenty years, and in f:tct died lioiii it. I l-ciirve Ci'iiVi k.v would have saved her life. My anus, breast aid head were oovered ior tiuec Vfars, which nothing relieved or em ed ucti! I used the Cruel ka 1:ksoi.vft infernally :uul Cctici ka and t'V rr.XKA fto.vp c.vterna'ily. 1'J.OUIAIS. . II. K. Carpenter. Kj., Henderson, N. V.. cur fd of I'soriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years nandim:. by tlie cctn'Vra Uksoi.vknt inter r.aily. and rii u t ka and Ct'TicUKA SoAi" ex ternally. The nii'M wonderful eae on record. Cure cert ii'ed to before a Justice of the peace and prominent citizens. All a 'Dieted with itch ii'ii ami c-tiy isea.-es should M'i'd to m for lhi- tesliiiioi;i.ljlifitl!. SALT KlllCt.'M. Tlx;- who havtj experienced the torments of Salt Kheiioi can api reeiate the aaony 1 o-ndur-eil for Tears, until cured by the t'nu iHA ItK K'l.VKXr internally. And Cl"ll'fi:A aud Cuti CLK A So I' eieriiaii.v. Mks. YYi. l'n.i.t x;tox. Sharon. Wis. CI'TICt'tiA and t'liirn: v Soap pMm:i'!y and ('rTH ViU Uksoi.vknt -roaiiy po-ii h -; cute ev ery species o t ".;ij:or, tt"n: a emu.') ; i irnpta to'Sci'idnld. I'lh-eoi Tlihika. '.nullhoxes. .'.Oil ; l.,li,e i.eNt . St. ( ITlCCtiA !!Sj!, 1 perbott:.. cn ii ir.A So i 2.-.O. t'n:cnu Shavin.i Soap. I'e. ot bv all d cumins! s. Depot. VKKK & rOl'lL'U. lUton. Mas. Sanfcr&'s Radical Cure, Complete Treatment For 81. OO. RANFOitn'S Kaical Cl BE. ('ATAKKH At, Sol.YKNT Klilt IMIitOVWI I N II A I.FIt . with spreiiic directions, may now be hud ol all drt'f ui-ts. neatly wrapped in one pack age, for one dollar. Ask for Sam oKo'fr It . i i; ai. ( fur.. This economical acd ruver-failiiiK treat? ment iwl.u.jly c;;':u:e tne uaHl paHfn jot 'putrid oiueooi-. snbdues inrlaniuiatiocj w lieu extending to the eve. ear and throat. 1 ret;iies tne seas-c oi snieii. iajieana near-j inn when after ted. leaves the head deodor ized, clear and open, the breath sweet, the breathing easy, and every neiice lu a Kra-te-ful and toothed condition. Internally ad minixtereil it eleani'en the entire unicorn. syotein through the Mood, which it purifies of tne acid poi-ma always prenent in Ca tarrh, r.ecommeiided by nil drupKifs. General Agents. WEEKS tc POTTER, f.cston. Max. A Koaches. Water Bust. ujti iv t;.i ravenmiNly I'AIX'S KXIEk" iHNAlOK and die; No fear of ts.ii Mineil" Barn, uranaries smd households often clcaie.i i a sinjr'ji Best and el.eape-t j i nn'n hilb r iu the world. No failure in years. Every box warranted. Sold bv all grocer a:io drubts. Ask for PAR SON"1. Mai'.ed for 2- cents bv ' WEEKS & I'0 11 'Kit. Boston, Ia. - SToiAca In Host r ramilics ITostetter's Stomach Haters is as much re. parded js a household ncrtbsity as sofrar or coifte. The reason of this is that years of experience have proved it to be pct fectly reliable ii those cases pf eaiitiicy where a prompt and convvrisnt remedy is demanded, 'oh,:patlon, liver complaint, dysjirpsia, indigestion and ether troubles are c ercome by it. For tale lv Dr-jsrlsts . nd Dealers, to wbora if'-7 far Ifestefttr Almanac for tUSk J. G- CHAMBERS. Manufacturer ol and Dealer In uste isrxD HEAVY Also, a full llr.e of SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES. IWHIPH HORSF CLOTHING, KTC ETC. REPAIRING iXipe uentlv ai d promptly at short notice at his UEW PLACE, ; Directly oi.iociie I'ostoftice. 1'lattsmouth.Nsb. oe but the lres.t of stwck USP I Pllf jnrn lUllbllldo gi;a-T,:':C:;-"(H" IjjJfcS' CELEERATEO FOB SALE BY" IP (. Mews I5ejpotf9 here yen will Mud a larjje and full ux-oi tmi'iit tt 0'SISTIXO OK Wax and China Dolls, China Vases, Tin and Iron Toys, JUVENILE AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Pocket Books, Bibles, Memorandums. THE CHEAPEST LINE OF jQlLjjlZj HjlfilLftZ I' UITY. Alo. the largest and fin et assort meat ot CANDIES AND CANDY TOYS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO- Lemons. Oranges and Eang Apples. Price lower Hum the lowest. 51 CAT .llAHKrX GOTTFRIED F1CKLLR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., MAIN ST. At ttaU hop you'll rlud meet wlioleoio aud weet, Sausagt, pork mutton and veal. And It is eur belief, you'll buy excellent beef, If you at this butcher shp deal. He keeps always on band the bet lu the land ; OF such as your families need ; Others may de well, but they eannet excel. For Fickler w ill still take the lead. A good bargain you'll make If vou want to buy steak, Or oup meat or to boil or to frv, You can have a good dish cf whatever you wish. Competition be well may defy. This business provides Tor pnod pelts and hi des Lard and tallow he'll botli buy and sell ; Kml yo'll fiud thU tli cuse, there's no other place, You'll do b( tter, if you will quite as w ell. And this we may tell if you've fat cattle to sell. or hog or fheep that are nice ; leu can bung them riht here and you need never fear, lut for t beiii you'll net a good juice. " Satisfaction to all lio give him a call. It is liii Intention to pive, For we're cei laiu imWsd, this belong ( his creed Not only to livs but let live ! 3lrn3 Costomf.h. A Large Stock of 9 OIS H. SHEEWOOD'S NO SHODDY GOODS NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable in new Tiands entirely. 9 The New Finn of l'AT.TEHSOX & DIXON, open the d STRRIQHT BARN on the Corner of 6th and Pearl Streets with a New Livery Outfit. GOOD HOUSES AND CAKKIACE8 at all tiroes HORSES FUR SALE, HOUSES HOVOHT AXD SOLD, HORSES KEPT BY THE DA Y OR WEEK. Call ami see PATTERSON & DIXON .SomJaounS H AhTIsti iHHRAHKH Huch a1 Consruiiptloii. lirouehitln, A-thina, jeneral l'ebiiiiy. liraiu Kvliuo-tioii. Chron ic Constipation. lironic Ui:iriiiea. dys pepsia, or 1.oms of Xfrvoas Power, Are ioMtivelv cored bv FKI.I.OflS' COM rOl'M) HV'ftL I' hi' HVlMl iloM-WITfc. As pliGi-i'horus eut'. rs so largely the ani mal ecouoiuy. It beiornes par ex-eiieiic- the best vehicle ith which to ai-i-oeiate the oilier vitalizing iui,r-dirts or healthy I'-h-oJ. Svrve and Muicle. In Kello f ' M rup of i I ypophos phites are combined a!! the M:bstai.ets found iieeesary to insure rohust heallh. and whereas it was invented with a viw to supply every de ficiency, it cert;yuly has performcu eome won derful core. Manchester, N. H., June 13. 1880. Mr, James I. Fe ixo w, Dear Sir: I wish to acknowledge the reat benefit i have received from the use tt "Fel lows' Coniooond Hyntp of Hypophoplilt." I have teen an invalid for nearly two years with s bronchial affection that had become cbronie. In the Fall of 178 I had a phytie'an eighty day in suocesxmn. betides the counsels ttf several others. They gave me but little encourage ment, snuie of thc.ia none. Last July I was ad vised to glxe your remedy a trial. I old so, ana in les than one week there was a marked im provement for the better. I have continued Its use from that time until th preent, Improving all the time, and I can truthfully V I iorn than a hundred per pent- tb?n h"" commeiK d its oe. I have increased in waipht about fifieea pounds, and my couh, which waa fearful, has nearly disappeared. 1 believe had It not beeu for your Hyriip. I sheuld ere this bare been beyond the eares of life. V ery lruly yours. Albiht Storv. tifDo not be deceived by reinedie.1 bearint a niinilar name ; no other preparation la a sub stitute Jot ttili. undor any circuiuataucee. For tiaife t'aUSniU'118- IMW00 fej- ..':'s:;r;;yS:i'i TT1--. - 1 & Shoes . I f 1 AT THE Sn Don't fall to call id look througu stock nnd get prices befoie buyinj eleliere. it3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ONLY -DAUGHTER CUHfcD or CO.NSUMI'TON. J When death was hourly expected, ail reta j edies having toiled, and Ur 11. Jainet waj x j perlinenting with the many herbt of Calcutta, j he aecideutally made a preparation which cur ; ed his only child of ouumtloii. ; Hit child Is now Iu this country, aud enjoytog tbt bet of health, lie has proved to the wtld that CoiiMumptf on can be positively and permanently cured. The Doctor now glvet tbia itetipe free, only asking two three cent atantpa to pay expenses. This herb alo cures JVIgbt Sweats, Nauoea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh cold in tweuty-Iour hours. Ad dresi Craddook & Co.. IOJ'2 Kace Street, Phila delphia, naming this paper. 1 1 BKATTVs" I'l A0 KOKTKK Maf- mriceiil holiday presents : square grand pi anofortes, lour very handsome luund corners, lor-ewnod eases, three unisons, lleatty't match less iron iiames. stool, book, cover, boxed. 75 to 07.5O; catalogue prices, &; saii-f;u!tioii guaranteed or money re funded, after tine year's use ; upright piano foites, to W'S ; catalogue pries !oo to esoa standard pianofortes of th. umvert.e, as thou sands tectify ; write for a mammoth Ul of tes timonials. lUMity s cabinet oruanc, cathedral church chapel, parlor. t.U upwaid; visiters welcome ; Lyre carriage meets passengers ; II li!"trtrd catalsigue (holiday edition) free. Ad dres or call ui Dan i HiE. Bkativ, Wash ington. New Jersey. A l(i:.Vf OFI'KK FOIC holidays: i PIANOS and OKCANSat EXTKAOltDINAKY LOW irieer for Cash. Iiistallmrmi received SPLENDID OSiOANS. ?:., ;o no. MAU NIKIC ENTT1, oct. UosEWOOD PI A N OS, K tool and cover, only I'm. Warranted l vears. Il lustrated Catalogue mailed. Agents wanted. HOUACK W A'l Kits ta Co., Manufacturer and Dealers, sj Broadway, New Vork. ' GOLD MCDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A tew A ffnuit MtHi.r&J V ork wrrnt-a We cb f eat, iri(liFMHAh. to rrmrf mn, entiUwi 44tb 8cimc c4 Ii.," botmij in flnrat (ranch rn at-1 in , n bd , f u H u i 1 1 , 9 Iae,conUunHbMit iful Mnk J J . A- " .1- V 'j-'r--' nl Inita'BorIr W U I'ah KdOtf TKlfcELF. tin No. iiiunnciit.iJortu A PLACE FOR YOUR DICTIONARY, A PLACE FOR YOUR NEWSPAPERS. A PLACE FCR YOUR PERIODICALS. Ad4 a orouneat for your borne, all in ou, THE NOYES DICTIONARY HOLDER. i i fl fell Ililj mm it to ufte Frank UiemaU, .MANUFACTURER OF On Main Street, opposite Cunrt Hou made to order. Also a eood line of Antnkerw Articles of all kind, rob.icjos, A3 , mi. .Tiraa MACHINE bHOPS! I'lai txinonih - ,rbrssk, ll'aircr o.f StuiH Engines Bailer, haw awl Grist Jiii. GAS AND STEAM JOTTINGS. Wr.)i!;ht Iron I'ipe, Kore aud Lift I'iiies.Straai iai(;s. tiaf'jty Vn)v Ooreruor awatl kiiKiM of Brass Ci.Kine ittir ;s, repaired on hort notice. Also all kinds ol f'AIt.n JI A II JXKKV. J01IX SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always onHand HEARSE ATONERAL5. TAKE NOTICB I Kt1 .J1 ot Vy wcounta setUed t Oat. and I shall aoto .ore credit bu.iae.ia, AUH accounts inUst be settled up. and ts mi tM will t made. Unless sncli it.-luV are settled shertly they will be sued. w I wish to do a strlpjiy tviU business Hful4r JOHN 8JTANNGU, Flattsmo nth, Nafc. y ThaHiAlut bai enUtt to pens! illiIUHa IflbULAUUUI i Bounty and ncir dittrftargrt prvwrr. T h r8 1 doubt as to whether enlltl.vl tn innhlrr LjJahould feetld two 2u itumni 7nr Anr lr mmltur f Infonnatlan." AdJrtv, will stmroDS, STOPrAP.T A CO.. Solicitor f Olau 4W rtei&i t u fctf.wwaUy-jdilAU. .2." X . I s. si mm v wi m f, i! nrV jijs m lJ"3s I) (1 '"lt!'H 1!I0