Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1881)
MSI The Herald. 3 TY ADVERTISING BATES, y r PUBLISHED iiVEUY TUTJR3DAT, ' at PLAT TSHOUTfl, NEBRASKA. . O IP ly 3 C 313 : O Vln St., One Block North of Main,' rr. or F ftli StreeU ivrjf MaOa c aj hp is Ca ftatj. pack 1 1 w. I 2 w. I 3 w. 1 m.i k M.l 0 ra.l 1 yr v 1 qr.. Jiqn Ssqr. Hcol. H col. I col.. I 60 J2 00 2M 35 00 2V 6 50 4 16 too 13 O 20 00 $ 00 10 00 13 00 28 00 40 00 eooo 13M 16 04 20 04 85 04 60 04 100 Of 1 60 200 e oo 8 00 15 00 00; 275 2 75 00 1200 18 00 400 10 00 18 00 20 00 1800i 25004 2600 ' 40 00 tSf All Adrerttilng C1IU Du4 Quarterly. DT Transient XdvertUmenU mait b Tti In Advance. " P E IIS E YEll AN ( ) E CONQUERS." (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. 10 Extra Copies of the III it A ld for iile fcy J. P. Tucms. at the roet-OlToe Newt Depot, Main Street. rrm In Ad vane : On eopy. one vva ?2.00, : linmifc 1.00 One copy, !hre tr.oulhs,. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 18S1. NUMBER 39. VOLUME XVII. nn 33 W Mies. 83 aU IS Herald ItlH HEKAJLD. DM A. a t ! I 1 V i I I; GOOD 9 v4y ,i a :i w 4 u r? ; in two and three pieces, at $l.'2o and upwards Silk Handkerchiefs, From 26 Cents to $8.00. ELEGANT STYLES. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. lllale Tiirecto-y. C II V N W Vt'K. L". S. Senator, Neb. City. a' VIN S vr. r K KS. i. S. Scrator, On, alia. E K V vl KN i 1 NK, KcpresM:tat. West I'olnt. Al liiM N.vNCK. ;.vfriir. Lincoln. .1 A i.l'X A MElt, Secretary of State. JOiN V A l.l-l ' i I S. Ainlitor. Lincoln. ; M B A KT l.K IT. Trrvmirf r, l.incolu. V W .ION h-s. iirt. fiiblic I iif trurtion. A '! KENhAI.L. Land C.iianiiioner. 'iJll.WOlUH. Attorney iineral. KKV. C'.t;. HAKKIs.riiaiilain of IVmtentlary. 1K. H. I. M Vl lHKWSON. Supt. Ho-.ital for the lnsarir. jSmpremu four. . V AXWEI.I.. C'li iff .IiiMticc, Fremont. tiP.O O. LAKE, Omaha. AM AHA COI1B, LiliCfiln. n .Srcvntl Jurilciat jDitirict. u 1 roUND. Jii'ttte. Lincoln. j. C. W ATSON. ri-osecutiliK-Att'y. Stb. City W.C.HlldW.x . KK. I lerlt Ulsirici inan,- rialtsntoiith. Ccumfy Directory. K N. SI'l. I.IVAN, County Judge. .1 D. Tl'TT. Coiihiy leik. J 1'ATTKlIoN, ( tmaty Treasurer. K. W. II V hi'-4. Slir-iilT. C wooi.KY. Co. Sup't I'ub. Instruction. V. 1" A IK!" IK I-I . Surveyor. T I. i SS. Coroner. rfiUNTV (I'MMIS.SIONKKS. fjlM'I Rf'HAt:iS(N. ..It. I'lea-ant l'reclact. 1VA1C W I l.r'-, Wlftsmoulll l'r'cl'if t. J AMI'S C!I VFORl. Smnli I'enil I'reHnct. ' rAi-!-s liaviuR I usiiif wMh the County ' C'omir.i-i-ii'iiers, will i::d ii scssiau the : rim .Monday ana Tuesday of ea ii month. 4tf PliOFESIOXAL CARDS I S Itt. J. tt. MfCKKA, mviri' i fTtr ri! VSICIAN. Oiliec over U. .Mathv- A's Hardware Store niltflinouth.Ne- jrrvks. STly llt. . ft IAS it V It Y. -DSlsTTIST. JeverMi.i:ii. Rlaek A Co'. Uruir store. Fi. c.ia.HS ciotili.-liv lit icasonalile price, -.Sly i V. X) jot a? is a? . . flatts.i:iOit!, fbi aik8. Offlee on Main Street over Solomon an' Store. . & Na- 34iy nil. II. IK, ' P li YXIC 1 V N' wind SCRIILON. ofT.ce in Fitz- erli I'.ick. v.i.i i;c oprn uaj or mi:i. iriti . Si. fci54.i:. ii. I. PR V VISIN'5 Vll Y.S1C1AN. Office ami Vrvt Swr.'4am St. near li ird l'latlsaiwuth.fb. . I'HTSirlAK & Sl-KUKON. OFVH'K HOCKS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. :Kumiiii; s.utcon for C. S. Pension. 3l'. A. IIAIlTKiAX. A I TO RS EY AM' SOLICIIOK. Will prac- tlee in thti st.ite"ai.d Federal Court. Kc idence ;iA. t. MATHKWX I ' ' ATrOBSItT AT LAW. ;e ever Baker & Atwoml' store, outh side l Main between &IU iina ttn sircets.- rttf WHifc H. WISE. . k -' rOLLJCCTlO.VS H STSCIHLTJ. ' ATTOKNET AT LAW. Real Estate: Flro In :rHrndCoiiectieu Agency. Oftic. n Fi" , - era' blJi. Plat t-wnouth. Nebraska. 22W3 : T. , ; 4ifc1. H. K3II11I. ATIORNSY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker 5pe-il attention Kiven to Collections :m J1 matters attecting the title to real estate. r ms td floor over Post Oflice. PlatUmouth. ? - O. II. WHF.iaER A CO. " 'LAW OFFICE. Real ltate. Fire and Lifela nnuiei Agels. Plattsii.nuth. Nebraska. Col lators, ta -paver. Have complete abstract l unes. iiuy ana sen . y 15yl J. . WlKDUAU. D, A. CAMPPKI.L. Notarj' Public. ,-. iriXPIIAltA CAMl'UKLL, r"- ATTPRMKYB AT LAW. rf-sa.'euth, - - - - Nebraska. JAMW .JWOKF.lSOX. W. L. BROWNE. Notary Pub.ic A BKOWXB. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and idloitiiiii; Counties ; Kives Kpecia. attention to eoileciions and ahstra is of t:tle. Otnce m I'itkeraid I'ducW. l'lattmoutli. NebrasKA. 17v 1 HANSEN &. CHASSOT , Iiealer iu Oroctries, i'roviioiis mid Crockery. AtiEN 1 KOR 111 E 6E1IMANIA LIFE INHCRANCE COMPANY, New Y'oik. 6ERMAN FIRE 1NSVRANCE COMPANY, Fivoport.-Ill. MI LW ACKEE M ECU AN1CS MUTUAL, Milwaukee, Win. f WESTERN HOUSE AN1 CATTLE IN. CO., Owiaiia. Neb. n A"!!' AMERICAN STEAMSHIP PACK- v... COMPANY. 5 K ii LRMAN l !.OYI. sT.AM'.Kii"' !.!ivi:i:i; ii ami; BREMEN AND NEW YORK. KvJ. ifly .a.- ..1 lllLMIk! And Ihrir HEIRS XV-i I-i HjIIo should ail send for . .1 ..l,K ipv that wotidei t ui -paper-" THC ijubiitieil at W .!!-; iMi'.n 1 t". It contains ione? of the War i'-urin I ifc from the p.atUt-in'Id. and u ilii'ii' i-iii Ihii us f 1 utert"t to our country' dc- -lenrier "IfcautaiH.s all the Laws ami Instnic ti.'m. L.;i.tT.n t" in-iors and Bounty for - ilt.S -.1 .'. t'-rir ! m. Elsht !.!, forty column-. :!.- T a yer. pie free. Art- lr,-- .vK. U jn - -fcu.d er Uox .S Washin'O", D. U 3l2 Coatractsrs and Builders. Tlavioji iariued ourehop and purchased Steam Fr i ircls saw. c are prepared to du M Miiilmiteu amouui ol work iu our Hue in a HKHI-CI.AM MANSFR. U those wno contemplate buildiuij will find it to laeir inierei t sal es-titnates from u before giving thiir work io other parties. Estimate -wti va ail kmu ofwork Fuiit ok CuaKO; I- -.-s-wt .- - J1 nAV-:n I AFDRTM S-SC-i A i " : '"' ' BOYS' for Winter wear. At $3.00 and upwards. (Rents' in all .fehapes and styles. . From 25 Cents to $2.00. B.'& M. R. R. Time Table. Taking Effect Nop. 6, 1881. FOR Oil An A FROM 'pLATTSMOUTH. Leaves e o a. m. Anlves 8 :5 a. in. 2 :4 p. m. :15 P- a.m. " ' a:40. iu. FROM OMAHA FOR FLaTTSMOLTH. Leaves 8 -jso :u m. Arrives 10 :05 a. m. 7 ;00 p. ra. " 9 P- ' ' " f. :20 p. m. " 7 :.': p. in. FOR THE WEST. Leaves I'lattsniouth 9 :20 a. m. Arrives Lin coln. II :S5 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: 40 p. m. leaves ti :55 p. in ; arrive Lincoln 9 p. m. Fre'.Klit leaves at 9 a. ni. and at 8 :1." p. m. Arrive at Lincoln at 4 : 66p. in. and 2 :00 a. m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 8 :W) a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .oo p. in. Arrives I'lattsnioutU. 3 :30 p. m Leaves Lincoln 7 a, m ; arrives Flattsmoutn it :00 a. in. . . Freight loaves Lincoln at 12 :05 p. ni. and i :45 p. ni. Ariiven at I'latUmoutli at 5 ;35 p. in. and 1 :15:'. ni. OOING EAST. I'ansenger trains leave Flattsmouth at 7 00 a. in.. eo a. in.. 3 4o p. in. and arrive at 1 acme Junction at 7 25 a. in., u 'JO a. in. and 4 10 p. in. FROM THE EAST. PaffODKer trains leave Pavine Junction at 8 35 a. in. ,8 :2" p. m., io a. in. ami i nc ni -! mouth at 8 55 a. in.. 6 p. hi. and 10 40 a. m. It. . R. R. Time Tabic. Taking E&ett Sund iy, Xovtmber 6, 131. WFHT. 5 6 :15 STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLUE HI LL COWLKS. AM ROY KK1J CL' l'U. INAVALK. RI V Kin ON. F RA N K Ll N. RLOO.MINOTOX. NAI-ONKK KLl'L'P.LICAX ALMA ORLEANS OXFORD ARAPAHOE EAST. a .50pm 8 :5f. t 8:1 5 7 :0." 6 b :00 4 :J0 4 :(0 2 :50 it M I :46 12 :20 II :.rr,am 11 :2.- It :'." 10 :J0 9 -.15 8 a :4 10 :I5 10 11 :W ii :iopm 1 . :40 1 :'J0 2 :'-'0 3 :h 3 :10 4 :10 5 :M ABHIVAL AXI I T.P. ItTlKr. OK PlilTMllOirril .-MILI.. A HRIVF.S. 7. :o p. in. I 9.30 a. in. 8. no a. in. I 3,:) p. in. f It (i a in 7.:i p. in. lit..; t a in. i p. in. j H.o.i a in. niPAKrs. ) 7.00 a. in. I 3.00 p. 111. ) 8.50 a. 111. ) (-..Lip. m. 3.W) p. Ill 7.00 a. rn I 7. 1? a. m. " 2.00 p. in. i.Ctt p. m 1.00 p. rn KASTERX. WESTKRS. XOKTHFES. soi; I ttr.KX. OMAHA. WKRfisil WATER. t A TOKVVILLE. i it. tt. i in. Nov !0. : .1. W.' Marshall. P. M. IP IB S T National Bank OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, oii" Fitzgerald ' E. o. IK1VKY, 4. W. McLaughlin. . IOXH O P.OCKKK President. .Vice President. .Cashier. ....Assistant Cashier. This Bask is now open for business at their lew rHm. corner Main and Sixth alreets, and is prepared to transact a general BANKING BUSINESS. . ' Stock, Bond. Gold, Government and Local Sccuritie ,. ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits Received and' Interest Allott ed on Time Certificates. ';' ', DRAFTS JTjwisr, vvailable in any part of the United States and In all the Principal Towns and Cities i - . . of l- Hrope. . - , ; AGEXTSFOn XII i: CELEBRATED km an Line and Allan Line OF HTKAMItlte. i Person wishing to bring out their friends from aarope can PURCHASE TICKETS FROM C8 Through to Plattsnouth. , r ii e WEEPING WATER BANK or ..i:i iiros. This Rank U now open for the transaction ol a Banking Exchange Business. IEiOrtITS Rereived. and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. IRAFT4 Crawn, and available in the principal towns aud cities of the United States and Europe- t -1 i ''AfftnXor I?1 celebrated ;si8 ftinnni fl r ,i w JJ1UU UAtUlVUlilVlUi l urchase your tickets fryn us. Through from E urqpe to an v Point in the West. . ; EKED BROS.. tKfi Weeping Water. Neb. Ni;W J5IUCK VAHI). I have now a new Brick-Maker from the east Firsl-Class' Workman. ! 130.000 No. 1 Now Ready and for sale. Come and Exaroire them for Yourselves. If ifcey fall on a man off goes ' - xi Lead. t Will Not lie Dnisrsoll for a Qnaitttr o&ti I am also cow ready to Contract for ",i all kinds of. buildings and to pa; : - " '" ''. tnyanjr kind of work in Brick wanted. ' , ; JERRY II A RTMAN. h At y place on Washington Avenue or at V , ' S. White'e StQre on iTaln'Street, riattsniouthi f Kelmutka. - - . .45m3 i! Hninhliprlirifi-nHKtfi UU1UUU1 R f coriperdayat home. Sample worth L0 Sfree. Addrtw, STLS80.V & Co.. ' ' ' lI doys' OYSBCOATS ULSTSBBTTBS- ion $2.00 and upwards. a -IX Merino, Scotch and From 2" Cen ts to SL.oO. HENRY BGFCK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., KTC, K.TC, Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASE. Of all :ies, ready made and sold cheap for cash IS NOW READY FOR SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage nvite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 131 f. ITItXTI'm: AMI COKFIXM I t v r.i i James Pettee DEALER IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Ay utfor . The I'nrlvalled IShhoii &. Hamlin CABINET ORG AyS. Al?o Pt.ttP Apent for the Ileciy F Miller and W. C. Emerson Co. Pianos. SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Leonard V Art Gallery, Main St. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. , .Music Scholars ' Will do well to examine our New 3Iason & Hamlin 0:R,GKA.-sE I3STBTETJCTOB 9 . H Jl E . o - . e- S i- O ? 3 - 2 3 s! 3 m o S-3 C " i a w r1" r- 3 p .r 50 i c M i a o o PS s S a: O v. ts a a x s O r 2 S, o a o 3 "rt "3 o cs MONARCH BILLIARD HALL! In I!;p basement of Merges' Store, n.ATT.SMoUTII, ... NEBRASKA. On door east of the P. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up Wiw SFAV JIOXAIICII TAEII.KM. J1W Temrran9 Drinks On hand al tiie counter. It is a widcand sparious Hall ; plenty of room for pl;;yer t.nd seats for vi.-itors. P. B. MURPHY, lltf Plop. E. SAGE .Successor to Sack Biiotii I.-:.l-rln "jVWAli e';HHEET IRON, '.IS At .SliO old !;ilid c.ppn,si;e Hie u w iiv. . PUMP3, GAS-FITTING. Al0 taking -RsDairino t .A" HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink.) . - coTArss hops, nrciir, 21axduake, .. .. PANDEUOX, -AKDTm FnHKT AXDl?KSTfErI?At.QrAU- liu ur ll orukg Bimiu. .-THEY CUKK A'l Tteseof theStoTnscti. Howels. Flood, ' i.lvor, UiUm-yw, nd I nimryOrpan.. Ncr- v SIOOO IN COLD. be rwtd for a ease they will not enre er litlp, ur for am tiling impure or lujunoun foiiud in Uivm. Asl!Tm:r dnipp!f.t.for Hrp Bitter and f r theiii Uore yua alovp. Take n oliitr. D t. C. U a ahsol'ite and In-cslst t-le enre for . DrunkeuDc, use of opium, totatco and nrco:.cs. Sssi rox Cibctub. MY FINE HEARSE j SI ah nn. - -'- above tnid hy dnr.-kt. Oof Btttera U 0, R.iteUr, N. V., & Toronto, OoV. MEN'S my SUITS, $4-00 and upwards. CANTON PLA1TNEL UHDEEWEAH, FROM .'79 r? ''50 ;?cr Suit. GUESS i SudiB-si k1b to -EEETOf (Tn TO) H welIieel SIse ilr4 laearest gfioss to receive a Heal Boom et9 valued at L9 second nearest gncKS t10 ia Cash, 3d nearest guess Caslt. O. SOHLEGEL, Successor to KrilLTJiiiTL & 'lt:.MAN.! M iuufactun rs :f " T' --rrisro ""f TisriT OIG-AB ( And dealers in SMOKERS' FANCY ARTICLES, RMOKINt: and CHEWING T 0 A C C 0 . Social BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS i;,ade t order, and satisfaction ji'.:::v.4i:trt-(i. Cisai clippings Ktdd for sinnir- '!)iicco. Mai- Street, one door vrosi i U. S. Duke's store fff.posite ,Poi? iifPxc, I'LATTjHi'JTlI, XEB. Im3 EEAD! READ! 3I0UK1S 0'ROURKE aguir. comes to the fiont with tt mag ' nificent line of Piece G-oods for his winter trade. Ir. O'Kourke is known far and wide as a first-class CUTTER AND FITTER. Kvery garment warranted to suit in every particular. Every one who really wants a good fit, calls on him. '-Go .thou and do likewise." Shop opposite the Court House, on lower Main St. NEW FORNITOBB STORE ! HARRIS & UHRUH, DF.Al.EK9 IV FURNITURE 8 COFFINS, and all kiud of ponds usually kept in a IICWT I,AM FCnXITI ItE STORE Fnnsral G33ls. Mas, Casfcets, Rotes. EM3LEM5, &c. Special attrntion piven to the proper c;ue of t-ie .l..;i.. iurht or dav. a lir-t -cht lie:tr"e and " nin'-. wiih personal attendance whenever lesircd, Cii.viiiiK.s always krasoxable. South NiVfr Lftuyr Main Strrtt. ?itl3 PLATTiOUTH. NEB. is? 2 i. s e s a 9 g W8 u d h Has i !ii.n.-il frt.m faln tr.T-t f tlie In u-e rf FRANK N I EM AN, . n-.J.f.t-li -I.iUi.s.n's il lume, where v7e vvill Aivays'Do Found ; f re, rca iv fur a;! ktud.sof I th'. tin-,- t j-iv" us a e.-,ll, bett-r moms, '.t'.i-r p!-!c, want more work and can do YOU ALL JUSTICE. ;-jeiiti r Hie change and dn't forjiet this .u.T!isi::e!.L VM. B. KKOWX. u. Mathews, DEALER IN ..!?v:d7&re, Cdtlsry, Nails, Iron, Wngun Mocli, iOVhJSaiul TlX-WAJtE, Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps, Ammunition, " " '. D it- JA RDEN HEEDS, ROPE, -Jl AH, KINDS OF SHEET IRnX WORK, Kept in stock. Hulking and'Rcpairliigr, DONE WITH NEATit"fc;so'& DISPATCH. All Work Warranted. MEN'S FINE ALL WOOL Scotch Suits, lt $S.00 and upwards. IiBPS, FOR BOYS, From IS Cents upwards. AT THE H3- winter UriJLn"fO)JUL EVERT PBRSOIT fee tsskesa down Janiea A. Garfield. The fllowiiicr poetk-al cotitribulions to tlie Huston (J obe on the d ly of Pres ident (t uru-ld'a funeral are worthy oi reproduction. Walt Whitman entiles hia effort 'ThVi Sobbing of !he Iills." Tfce soi b:ng-of the tM s, t:ie sullen death i cws v-rj h r , The slu "i er- rui e. t - r npnrt o 1h p p'c, (Full ueli t icy k..ew t at m 8 ngein thed li ne s. Full w 11 e;u n tiie sad r 'V rt e'at: 'ng) Th! pi-Ionai 10 ad 1 g el:y to city, J ini ur, soun lngr. p ' n.'. Th 6e heart-be.-is f a na -1-ti i:i the nlhf. JOAQUIN MILLEIU Joaq ifn Mill rtout i u la as foTowst Fro n c u my da p. wiile l os mod weet Wh'reun a e 1 hf rMi hew i h vr.iy For w rl Is i f-llo-.v, v.l h ster zos; - Wbo.e pr ed ol i m:ip! n v. okc rrny, Dfop-searrod fem ret m?n ton to rest Wh -re t ii the quail, where .iiir. !is p'ay Th:-. ugrh t .esi tr e , with nuts f..r toy, A l y ti s f .ita c iea:- cy ! mid tall, A " sh u! t.iy, a 'ii i i:l bur. Vet c incly ns t s in o:' S. u A i y. all r endies, po r, i.iik.i. xr.i. Vet h-.-ir-a' par nt o.siir.i e. L-! F'-c d -"'s Me din;r s ci ii"icl S like s ne t i i o k ft p t-t w.i B M e ih : t-.i-iei t c m : e i s Now at :ai , ra "-l.r .i cd t 1 ; ? e. A r.a'I "i k ;e'!s i h sir' m e 'es .A ii ui 1:1 sup: 1 cn.e: t ie r r o; A n-t io i h::il i im t y t . h d A na i nsobiu. u l t'hj. 1 h o .ly !ry eves :n th 1-ii1 Now at f e lau I f in his. Why s.i uld wo (ir y'i 0! d k". v th bc't, Taa. thisirra :d, i at c.i 8 ul sh u drear. Th 3 w rld is rnunl. Ta - w icl hns rua Full ci els. N w, ii h 1 1 a prave Bfoeati t !e old 1 ved tr -eslj d lie. T. e lru:d o ik li t up ilrn wave, A 8'ilcmn wela ino bac c. Thr; b.uve Old map es murmur, everyo' e. Rjceivc him earth." In leu e -'.and. As In thi" carter "f each h- ar; As in the hollow of G d's ho d The coffi i Milk. Ai.d with it ? art All party haK-s. Niiw, not in vaiu, He bore bis p ril and nard p tin. There'orc,. I B tr. re jotce. I pay Tiie lesson of his 1 f w.n much. This boy tbt wo.i, as 1 i a day The wi.rtJ'a hea-t u ter'y a toi:ch Of tenderness a.d t' a s he p ig-e Of history gr.i-.vs rich from such. His niv e ;b3 ii;.t.'o 's hcritave. B it Oh! ms sou. e wee: a iel's v lice Spake Oiis bravo do th h it 1 uc.n d ui aH. Ti;erff r , I ay. r J icc-1 ri j i.-l F.un hlirh h : fla s! iut l y ill i alll liol ail is to;-ih l est f r a': I A Busy Han. A Milwaukee man, while in Chicago recently, sent a bouquet of flowers to a relative in a Wisconsin town, and when lie heard from tliem they had arrived four days after being shipped, wilted and dead. He was mad, and in talk ing it over with a railroadman the rail roader said: "You must not expect too much of an express agent. Now, that bouquet had to pass Junction, and I know the express aent there. He is the depot acetit, express agent, keeps a restaurant, is postmaster, acts as switchman, iielps unload freight, checks baggage, kci-ps a store, works a team on the road, drives passengers to adjoining towns, is sexton in a church, buys country produce, keeps the hay scales, runs the caucuses of both polit ical parlies, goes out shooting chickens with hunters, keeps a pool table, has a mill for grinding sugar-cane, aud runs a hop-yard, besides helping his wifa run a millinery store. Now a man that has as much business as ought to be excused for letting a bouquet re main iu the express office a week or ten days." The man wi.o sent the iou qu t of llowers said, come to think of it, thfy were nitg- ty lucky to get t lie Cowers at all, and lie would apologize for any words he might have spoken in the heat of debate. 'What Ihe country wants is a diversity of industries. reck' 8 Sun. or 't'.ie Cure of Coughs, Colds. r-:rvs?, v.rouy, Asthma, Eron- t- roT-irprCourh, Incipient - .i:'.it)a an i for the relief of " ; 'ive person? in advanced rithc Disease. I or Sale Sj -n'lir 13".T-3 iii mi mil r , - -Tifj r..,. j... -?--'-'- t ---- . OVERCOATS H ATI NET ' ....atS2.00 FELT at 3 00 CHINCHILLA at 4.50 CASSIMERE 6-50 ELEGANT STYLES FOR MEN, From 2o Cents upwards. WEIGHT- In - JTanuary and Harptr's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. ways proving " Ciiaklks Fuanc is Ahams, Jr. i llarijir's Magazine, the most popular fllus i tratcd jieriodioal in the world, begins its sixty- fotulh volume with tlie December nuinbei. It : represents wnat is liest in American literature and art : an 1 it marked success in England I where it lias already a circulation larger than that of any Eoirlish magazine of the same clacs has brouuyht into its service the most emi nent writers and artists of Oreat Uritaiu. Tiie forthcominj; voiume for will in every re spect surpass tlieir predecessois. sr's Periodicals. Ter Year. harper s Magazine harper. s weekly harpers 15azar TLe THREE above publications Any TWO above named HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE HARPER'S MAGAZINE I HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE f HARPER'S 1' RAN KLIN SQUARE BR Alt V, One Year (sj numbers)... ..$ 4 00 . . 4 0 .. 4 00 .. 10 03 .. 7 fO .. 1 60 .. 5 00 LI- 10 00 PoMage Free to all ml c in the VaMtd Slate or fViiuirfu. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the numbers for June aud December of each year. When no time lv xpecified. it will oe understood that tiie subscriber wifhea to begiu with the cuircut piimber. A Complete set of Harper's Magazine. comprising C3 Velumes. In neat cloth binding will be sent by express, freight at ex pense of purchaser, on receipt of i,25 per vol ume. Single rWumes by mail ixwt fiairi, i3,0. Cloth cases for binding, 60 ceuts by mail, post paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabeti cal. Analytical, and ClasMiied. for volume 1 to GO inclusive from June. b,"io, to June 1SS0, one vol., svo.. Cloth. S4.0". Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lost. Xcwsjxqiers ate not to copy thin (ulrerti.nnent icithmit tlir, e.rprexs outer of Harper & Broth ers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. We continue to act as S alicitor for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc.. fcr the I lilted tatet, Canada, Cuba, England. France Germany, ect. We have had thirty-five years experience' Patents obtained tlirouf h us are noticed in the Scientific A.mkkica.v. This large and sidendid illustrated weekly paper, .$3.20 a year, chows the Protiress of Science, is very interest ing, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN i CO.. Patent Solicitors. Publishers of Scientific American. :i7 Park- Row, New York. Hand book altout Patent u'ent free. &fs Threatening Oaildren B ir.g onco iu company with a mother and her tmee chil iren, we observed one of tl.em, a boy about six years old, who was pariiculariy unruly and mis chievous. At one net of his rudeness his mother, being somewhat excited, turned to him and threatened to punish him severely if he should repeat it. In a few minuies the little fellow did pre cisely the same thing, and as the moth er did net notice it, we ventured to say to him: "Did you not hear your mother say she would punish you, if you did that again?" The urchin, with the ex pression of a brav.ido on his counten ance, quickly replied: "I'm not afraid; mo: her o;ten says she'll whip me, but siie d m1! do it." The mother smiled, as if her little boy had really said a sm:trt tl in'j; but, alas! she was teach ing him a lesson of inmbordinalion whi.h would probably make her heart ache. Mother, never unnecessarily threaten; but when you do threaten, be careful not to falsify your word. Bulls from German Papers. "After the door was closed, a soft female foot slipped into the room, and with her own hand extinguished the taper," 'The chariot of revolution is rolling onward, and gnashing its teeth as it rolls." "The Ladies' Benevolent Association has distributed twenty pair of shoes, Avhicli will dry up many a tear." 'I was sitting at the table enjoying a cup , of coffee, when a gentle voice tapped me on the shoulder. I looked around and saw my old friend." Sing! '"Up in a Balloon, boys!" "Down in a Cranberry Bog" is a com panion piece. Sirs. Effic Barmore, of Rockland Lake, N. y., a short timo aiO celebrated her 102rt birthday. In 1803 she wa3 married to NathanicfB irmore, whodiedin 1870. She has livd tif y-one grandchildren and sixty-three great-grandchildren. At present there are living of her descend ants, and those united to them in marriage, 120 uersons XJLSTERETTES IN Plain and Fancy Back, From $8.00 to $20.00. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. S. & C. MAYER . Next to Car ruth's. PROSPECTUS OF 1882 THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT. 1882. In Us prospectus for 1581 the U lobe-Democrat announced with pride aud natUfactioo the election of Gen. Garfield and the belief that his administration woulJ be so wisely counsel ed mid o well conducted that It would give a new lease of power to the parly under which ttie nation had grown free, stronu and prosper ous. The vile baud of au assassin has mice turicken down the good and gifted man who, w liile we wrote a year ao, vtood on the thresh old of the Presidential utlice, iu the prime und visor of manhood, with a future full of honor able promise to htmself and his conntry. ihe high trust which the people had reposed In him was dropped by the palsied hand of death wheu but a small part f Ihe great work upon which he had entered had been accomplished. But to quote his own memorable words when the saddest of all American Irauedies was en acted, nearly seventeen years a;o. "God reigus, and the Government at Washington Hill live.'' The mantle which was voted to .lame A. Gaitield by the people falls upon Chester A. Arthur uuib-r the, Constitution of the United States, and there is every reaen to believe that he w ill worthily wear it. He was almost the unanimous choice of the Chicago Conven tion for Vice President, and bis name and ef forts contributed perhaps more than anything elxe to the success of the Republican ticket lit the State of New York. He is a man of broad views, fully informed on ail public questions, and he enters upon ttie duties of his ullice de termined to discharge them honestly and con scientiously, 'ihe Globe-Democrat pledges him its cordial susport iu every good word and work for the couutry and lor the Kepublican party. We hope and believe that under his prudent and skillful leadership tin; evil spirit of faction will disappear from the ranks of the party, and that unity and harmouy will prevail in ail its counsels. This end once sccursd there can be no dout ol future ticce(S. A large i. ajority of the ieople of this couiiliy are Re publicans in sentiment and sympathy, and nothing but internal discord can imperil our triumph at the polls w hile the choice is be tween Republicanism aud Democracy. The Glooe-Democrat has no new declaration of urinciples to announce. It can fairly ank judgment a to the future from the record of the past, it stands firmly by the platform of the parly ou all national questions : believes in tiie equal lights ( all men in law and politics ; a suud cuneiicy witli au hoiient silver dollar for part of it ; a well-regulated tariil. giving protection without eucounigiug monopoly, and a vyrteui ol popular education so liberal that ignorance and illiteracy t-hall be inexcusable. These are the main questions upon which Ihe two great parties are now divided the Demo crats oppose and the Republicans nl'irin as to each of th propositions wo have named While Hilly appreciating the magnitude of national Issues, ihe Globe-Democrat w ill not be unmindful of t lie importance ol questions which Hlleellhe Went, and especially the Male ol .disBoiiri. Among tiie e is immigra tion. We shall do all we possibly can to en cour.ige Europeans seeking a home on this side of the Atlantic to Investigate the claims of Ibis grtat State its line climate, iu fertile roil, and its re:it mineral reourees. Evcrj thingisgood here except political domination, liourbon Democracy iethe loe of lumiigi al i-m in MivMiuri, as it always has been in Kent u-ky and iu other .state?. A Republican ielorviu the Slate would do more to encourage the best clas of Immigrants to come w ill. in our borders than can be accomplished iu any oilier way, or through any other agency. T he'leaveu is work ing, and we have fault in'its cticccs within a few years, in the meantime we shall not for get that while Republicanism is h help to im migration, immigration if also a help to Repub licanism. The thrifty farmers of ihe. Eastern States who move West iu pui-Miit of more land to meet the uecessities of a growing fam ily are aot liourbon Democrats; und the in dustrious foreigners who come hem for home end fields will soon learn to chouse rightly be tween the two parties. As a newspaper 1 lie Globe-D-mi icrat will hold the pre-eminence which it has .,lrealv gained, it will present in all its editions a foil aud faithful record of current events. Its facil ities are unrivaled. No other newspapi r Eat or Wct has a larper corps of active and intelli gent corresponder. ts in all sections of the coun try and the world. We pare ncitlu r energy nor expense in the collection ol news, as our columns from day to day abundantly show. Our weekly issua is made up from Die most valuable of tiie contents of seven daily issues, carefully selected and edited w ith a view to completeness an:! timeliness, it has. as special features, the fullest and best market report from all ihe business centers of the world ; the choicest of current literature for the family and fireside, und a well-edited Agricultural Department of great value to the farmer. s v use it i rTio.v vii i c i:s. tAILY. Including Sunday, per year . 912 oo without Sunday, per year Including Sunday, In Clubs of three and Upwards Without Sunday, In Clubs of Three and Upwards Saturday or Suuday alone Tltl.WKEKIiY. Tuesdays. Fridays and Sundays, per Year III Clubs of live aud Upwards mi;iwci:kly Tuesdays and Fridays In Clubs of live and Upwards 1 00 11 00 10 00 t 00 5 00 4 50 3 0! t 50 WEEKLY One Dollar Per Year. Fauble iu advance. Special rates to Agents. Remittances should be made by United States Post Office .Money Orders, bankdiafts. or registered letters, whenever it can be done. Directions should he made plainly, giving name of i'ost Oflice County and Stat". All Postmas ters are authorized to receive Mib--criptiohs. Aderess all letters GLOBE PRINTING COM PANY, ST. LOUIS, Mo. S715 AUt T XV A.TI r..rll;cl:. st and Fast est Selling Pictorial hooks and i'.ibk-s. l ine reduced 3.1 per cent. Na'ioual Publidiini: ( o, St. Louis.Mo. Mtl 1882 The Inter-Ocean FOll iSSsi Promises better service to its p.,fi'ns :ha ever before. Time and prosperity have inn creased its facilities for gaiheniigthe news and Fpreadiug It before the public. It is the iotemiou to improve the p:iwt in al! departments, and to fullv maiiUain il.sit-puta-tiou as an Enterprising, Well Edited, Family. & Politieal Newspaper. No Journal tn the United .Slab s has grown more rapidly, both iu circulation and influeneo, during the pa.-t ten yeais than i!i I.mkk Ockan. Its opiniods are now more quoted in all parts of the country than those of any other uewspper published outside of New York. THE WEEKLY INTER 05EW Is the mofct popular family paper published in America, and now has a regular ciiculation ol ni'.re than copies. In contrast with most Weekly papers issued from the offices of (reat Dailies the Wkkkly Istkr Otra.v is care fully edttert bv an ed tor especially assigned to that duty. This accounts for the thorough manner iu which the news fiom all the world is handled and the uniform excellence of its lit erary columns. As a leader In Political llwjX ni Actica The Ixter Ocean has a wider repot. :i i.. than altnot auv of its cou'empni 'i'ity and earnestness ere acknowledged by all. tih tli'e acco-hiVhaiiou of ifij radeVs Tuk is- Gloves an&Mittens -IN Buck, Sheep and Calf, L INED and UNLINED. tkkOckan has made arrangement with sev eral leading publishers by which their publica tions are ottered In connection with the Week ly and Sk.mi Wkkklv Intkk o-kat at re duced rates, llelow is a partial list : The Library of Universal Knowledge (1ft large vols, bound In cloth), wlih Snnl Wffhlu f 13 00 $11 50 The Artist'n Album, an ele gant work of art, with twenty colored engravings. The proceedings of Ihe Na tional Republican Conven tion tnat nominated Gar field, 3.J7 pages The Little Detective or Housekeepers' Scales Rural New orker, (weekly) Andrews' Itaarr. (monthly'). llaroer's Magazine Atlantic Monthly The Century Magazine Rreeders' Live Stock Journal Harrer's Weekly Harper's Razar Harper' Young People...... 5 no 2 W 3 00 2 ".I 2 00 4 00 M Z W 75 MO ro IM) SO SO Ml t;r no oo 30 3 HO These offers are made for the accommoda tion of tne patrons of the Ivricit Oi KA.v. The subscription pucjof iho'KK OcKAN is iis follows : Weekly edition $1 1.1 per year Semi-eekly a W) per year Daily edition, postage paid io 60 per year .Sample cwnics of the Inter Ocean will be sent on application. Picture of Garfield. Every persson subseiibing for I ho Inter Ocean can secure an elegant Lithographed Llk.iness of tho late President James A. Giirtlchl, by in closing III ffiitu In addition lolhn malt Mcription prleo to pay postago and ex penses. With each pictuie wil be sent a fac simile copv of a letter from General :ai field, returning thanks tor a copy of this picture. Send money in registered leiler. money order, bunk draft, or by express, at our risk and be sure and write the name and address of each subscriber plainly. A do rest TIIE IXTKI& OCEAN, (hiciitru III. 3xt.1 THE STUET. NEW YORK. 1S?2. The Sun for 1sh2 w ill make Its fifteenth an nual revolution under the preset manage ment, shining, us always, for all, big and Utile, mean and gracious, contented and unhappy Republican and Democrat ic, depraved aud vir luous. intelligent and obtue. 'ihe Sun's light in for mankind and womankind of every hi it ; hut its genial warmth is for the good, while It pours hot discomfort on the Mistering backs of the persistently wicked. The Suu f isfcx w as it newspaper for a new kind. It discarded mar y of ihe forms, and a mult it ii le of t lie superfluous words and phrases of ancient jourria Ism. It undertook to report iu a fresh, succinct, iinronveiitioiial way ail the ue - ,f tiie w mid. omitting t.o ev-iit o huiuau intrret. and commenting m trffalrs with the feju less. ies of absolute independence. The success of I his experiment w as the success of I he Miu. It effected a permanent change In the style of American newspapers. Eveiy Im port ml journal established in this country in the dozen years past has been modelled after 'ihe Sun. Every important lournal already existing has been modified and bettered by the force oi I lie Sun's example. The Mm of lsK2 will b the same outspoken, truthtelliirg, and interesting newspaper. llva liberal us of the mean which an abundant prosperity affords, we shalll make it better than ever before. We shall print all the news, putting It Into readable shape, and measuring its importance, uoi by the traditional yardstick but by its real I Merest to the people. Distance fiom Priming House Square is not the first consideration with The Sun. W henever anything happens worth reporting wo get the particulars, whether it happens in Rrooklyn or liinok hara. In noli tics we have decided opinions; und are accustomed to express them in language that can be understood. We say what we think about men and events. That habit Is ihe only secret of '1 he Sun's political course, I lie Woekly Suu gathers into eight pages the best matter of the seven daily issues. An Ag ricultural Department of unequalled merit, full market reports, an l a liberal pioportion of literary, scientific, and domestic Intelligence complete T lie Weekly Sun. ami make It the U'st new p.ux r for the farmer's household lliat was ever printed. W ho does not know and read and like The Sunday hiin. each number of w hich Is a Gol cond.i ef interesting literature, with the best poetry of the day. prose every lino woith read ing, news, humor -matter enough to fill a good-sized book, infinitely more varied and entertaining than any book, b g or little? If our idea of what a newspaer should be pleases you, send for The Suu. Our terms sir.- as follows ; For the daily Suu, a fonr-pageshect of twenty-eight columns, the price by mull, post paid, is 5 cents a mouth, or xt..-! a year ; or, includ ing the Sunday paper, an elghr-page shct of liny i columns, the price is or, cents per month, or 7.;u a year, postage paid. Tiie Sunday cd.llni of The Suu is also fiilli ishcl separately ;:t M.ii) a ear. postage paid. I he price of il. Weekly Hun, eight pages, fifty-si coliiini.s, is t a vear, postage paid, torclubs of ten s. ndii.g tut we will send an extra copy free. Address I. W. ENGLAND. Xto Publish, r of I be Sun, New York City. 8050 $050 AM) THE OMAHA WeelLY REPUBLICAN $1.5Q, E?ery Sstscriter Rect a Premima. THE FCDE LEADING? GRAND PREMIUMS Iu the Ski-ond AsNt'At Distribution. December 2S, issi, AMOXO 8LIiS0RIH:B TOR THE I A 12 p'lye, 2-Columti Paper, full of choice reading matter, are as Jollowu : A Chic2?9 rills' l:jtti Y.zvzt, Wlllf A TKN-ll'.KSE I'O W KK, ) An EAii-h: Ikhizh Fo A Csai Tatsr Orgaa, Agticulttiral Implements, Wa' cites, Sewing Machines. Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Bio7;e, etc., are the other Premiums. Subscription price, includinjr Premium, per annum. Send for sample copy and IL1 ." i ixatku premium Ii-1. Sent free on applica tion. Full premium lit. 3.n,0i)'J. Address THE REPUBLICAN, 32tJ Omaha, VeiyranTia. Mm RepMican i