":fe Herald. ..t. .'.DTtllTISEMKNTS." ,- r n-. No advertisement insert- ILllt. ' ; v 1,1 '' " ot ll,e ,aw ni b neld .-. . .-f,V j. ; I, l0t,C,., t,u.y ,)J(), (n ; , ; .... ,; , ...! a prwf of puldica- ' ni be ,u il Ir tile uublica C;m:.!i;: j"AVio.rs. .i i "li..iiv!il. h'1 coinnti;n'i-a'!oi)a i Hi l t. pjint, iiU uo waUt is, iv.isib-e. for the correctness fvjjy -f paid mailer and paid Le- . . : '(! t:,kcs the per resitlaf :;i r-.. ..,..,. -h t!.T uu-ecs-s'd to 1:1 .-. -i;-1 . f ii , a fcubsciiber or net t I5 -r I. r. ;:jiy. II ;t,?r orivu.t 'sriJs'n his pper discnnMll '; :!;. j;y :ul ;uti m razes, or the publish .y .-r.-ii -to ro se:i.l U until payment 1 n.'. foiieet the whole niiimiut. whether - Hi --- r i !tj trosn the otllce or not. 1 1-.-is have deeidei that refusing t r.e - .;-.; is and periodicals from the post . r ic;...v!r.e Aiiu'lenvluE them uncaUe - ?). aeir eidciice of INTENTIONAL 7. frtt. i tP.K i'i. LOCAL NEWS. Beautiful fur caps at Wescott's 2 The cornice for the Union Jilock ctmo Saturday. Plattxmouth is overflowed with Drummers just now. The best slock of Pocketbooks at Smith & Hlack Bros. 37t2 The T. A. M. Club have their little hop to-ruorrow night. A new line of Autograph Albums at Smith & Black Bros. 37t2 , The M. E. Church was crowded again last Sunday evening. , If yon want a first class Boot or Shoe go to Sherwood's. 3812 I low does S. & C. Maytr's new advertisement strike you. Bead it. Great novelties at Joe Kobeits in Christmas goods. Call at once. 88t2 Two children of Mr. andMrs.Kin- nisan died last week, of scarlet fever. For tho finest silk handkerchief in the city go to Wescott's. 38t2 Call and examine the flne stock of Orgms, just received by James Pet tee. A fine line of Juvenile Holiday Books at Smith & Black Bros.' 37t2 : Remember the G. A. K. meeting Tuesday evening, (the lXth.) Election of officers. The annual meeting of the G. A. B. next Tuesday. Remember All wanted out. 1881 Kolo-Medo-Christraas goods at Joo Roberts. Call now, and exam ine. 8812 The culvert across the creek on sixth street, is caving in, and the dirt is not half on yet. Teeth Jilb'd, pulled and cleaned in a most, skillful manner by Dr. Salis bury. Give him a call. 3otf R. O. Fellows, Editor of Sheridan Post, is cii" to make Plattsmouth a visit in a few days. Fresh bn ad, cakes and pies, every dav, at the Union Bakery, corner Main and Third. 10tf Read notice cf Timber for sale at auction, to take placa at Glenwood, the 3lst. of December. ."rlipi ers! Slippers at Sherwood's. 2 Don't judge a man's intellect by hi size. Wine is served in small glas-, beer in schooners. I 'all and examine the Christmas Goods at Joe Roberts. Something en tirely new. 28t2 The Herald Almanac will have 3 number of advertisements in for Weeping Water this year. Closing out overcoats very cheap, at Wescott's. S8t2 - Brother Burgess lost his cow. Iny body finds her, bring her home, quick, the preacher's out of milk. Elegant silk handkerchiefs in the new ombre shades at Wescott's. Noth ing nicer for & Christmas present. 38t2 The County Commissioner's were in session the first of the week, a full report will Jbe in the Herald next week. ' " N Bargains in all grades of under wear at Wescott's. . 38t3 ; ' Be sure and read all of the Pros pectuses on first page . Theie's mil lions of reading in them for a very small price. W. B. Shryock, Tax Collector, leaves for Louisville this morning, where lie will spend the rest of the week, collecting. Novelties in Neckwear for the Holidays at Wescott's. 3St2 The High School Dramatic Club Mill give their entertainment in Fitz gerald Hall, December ICth. Remem ber the date. Rufcber 'Boots -and Overshoes by the car lead at Sherwood's. 38t2 An inquest was lately held on the body of a young lady, in Iowa(?). who broke her neck in trying to escape a kiss. Take warning! Tho bf-st custom work in the City at Sherwood's. 331 Work will bt commenced on the IIek..ld Almanac next week, and it will be ti:iisie.i in time for our sub fcrriters, for Christmas. New style '274 B Mason and Hamlin Org-n j"usl received. Good Cmui inatious; in a beautiful case; ten jAMEo PETTEE,Geul Agt. The rew Depot over at the Junc tion if a very fine building, aad is fast appiv.arlilng completion. Grading is rapidly l.f i::g done about the grounds. New St5e 358, Mason & Hamlin Organ. " Powerful combinations; Sub Bass and Octave Coupler, just re ceived. .. ?1 3812 Javks Pcttee, Gen'l. Ag't. Fir? meeting next Tuesday even ing. It ts hoped all the members, both Honorary and Active will be present, as there is business of importance to fca attended to. Remember the nigUtJ X young man out west ran for of fice to get rid of marrying a girl. , n had no hopes - of getting elected, but hoped the papers would blast his character so that the gal would never ttrarry him.. , Personal. Dr. W.D. Gibbon, of Weeping Wa ter, wa3 on our streets Tuesday. W. Barber, Weeping Water, called Monday with J. B. Barber, h;s broth er. Mathews, the Weeping Water Re corder uau, returned from Chicago, Tuesday. Geo. F. Cramer, of Concord, one ef the Herald's old friends, called en us last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Conner attended the .Kellogg Concert at Omaha last Thursday evening. George Staats, our good loekjng Post Office Clerk, spent last Sunday in. his bid haunts (Weeping Water.) Miss Minnie Caatetter, recently of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. A. Caatetter of Blair, is in the city visiting friends on her way home to Blair. D. SrttChell, of Eight Mile, and friend, called Monday. The boys are glad to get done husking corn, and now take some new papers to read this winter. Mr. Ripple was on our streets agttin the first of the week. ". It has been a long time since he was down before. The Herald is glad to see him so much improved. H. L. E. Lincoln commenced' stud dying Law with J. E. Morrison last Monday. The Herald wishes him success, he will find it somewhat differ ent from farming. Mr. Jno. E. Howard, who has been connected with the Journal as repor ter left last week Friday for Des Moines, to resume his old position in the Board of Trade. Mr. Chaa. Dawson and daughter Mrs. W. B. Hamblin, Miss Anna Liv ingston, Miss Maggie O'Keefe and Frank Wheeler took jn the Kellogg concert at Lincoln Saturday night. For the best staple .and - fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Weckbach's. lOtf Masque Sociable at the residence of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, next Thursday evening, Dec. 15th, 1S81. Bennett & Lewis have Preserved Canton Ginger, something new and nice. 38tl "Reporter" and "Adirondack" old standbjs, come to hand again, and give us news from the county. Much obliged. Much fault is found that the pre miums for the County Fair are not paid. Gentlemen officers, what causes the delay? Coffee Sociabie at I. O. G. T. Hall, to-morrow evening; all are cordially invited to be present. Masquerade Sociable at the house of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler on Thursday, Dec. 15, by the Ladies of St. Luke's Church. A large stock of Organs for the holiday, just received by James Pet tee, State Agent for Mason and Ham lin Org;m3. Mis.s May French, at one time vis iting here, was married in George town, Colo., Nov. loth, 1881, to Dr. Jno L. Hodgeman. Isn't the Weeping Water Recorder a little "unregular" occasionally.? We seem to miss it from among our ex changes, once in a while. Mince Meat by the pound at Ben nett & Lewis'. 38tl E. B. Lewis says the telephone men will be here next week to put up wires, Ac. They are now at Fremont and are coming here next. Mr. Jno. Howard has disposed of hi interest in the Plattsmouth Daily Journal, and returned to Des Moines his former place of residence. The latest designs in Box Paper are to be found at Smith & Blbck Bros., purcfiased direct Irom Boston, and nothing like them in town. 37t2 Mr. Eikenbary has left the poor house and will hereafter reside in'town Mr. Jno. Sharp, of South Bend takes charge of the poor farm and inmates. Anyone in need of a good set of teeth should call on Dr. Salisbury at once, and he will make you a set that will please you ever after. 35tf The Ladies and Society of the Christian Church will hold their next Sociable at the residence of Dr. Schild knecht, next Tuesday evening, the 13th inst. " Bennett & Lewis will give you bargains in Canned Goods by the Case assorted to suit purchaser. 37t2 The trial of Brantner and Cusick took place last Saturday, and the evi dence being insufficient to convict them, they were discharged from cus tody. Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m Governor St. John, of Kansas, will lecture here on the 15th. on Temper ance matters. The Governor is a rep resentative man on- that subject, and will no dcubt dnnv a crowded house. Dr. Salisbury still holds forth over Smith, Blck & Co's. store, where he does tlse best of work in the dental liDe. Give him a call. 35tf Mr. Theo. Williams has been can vassing for Wolfe's Business Direjct ery and State Gazetteer, a very useful work which Mr. Wolfe has been pub lishing annually now fer eonte years. Smith & Black Bros.' - Holiday Goods are rolling in, and iu a few days they will be able to display the largest and best stock of goods in town.37t2 The Ca3S County Bank lias changed - hands : - partially. Messrs. Touzalin and Yates have sold out their interest to J. M. Patterson, C. H. Parroele, and others in our town. The bank is wholly owned in Plattsmouth, now. The reading of the firm name of Smith Black & Co., has been changed and after this date will be Smith & Black Bros.; no change in the parties inlexested. 31t2 . The M. E. Church is about taking out the paititions to the class rooms, on each side of the entrance, and seat ing the same, that : the church may have more seating capacity. Bio. Wil son must draw good congregations, we jifdgy. ."rf., ' -' Died. WAKEFIELD In this city, December 1st. '81, or bilious colic, M'ii.lim C. "Wakefield. aged 32 year, 2 months and 20 days. HI oc cupation was that of engineer and was em ployed by the C. & M. K. ,R., at tbe time of bis death. He leaves a wile and two cbildren, PUTNAM At the residence of Hon. Sam. M Chapman, tn li;iUinoutl), Nebraska, Tues day, December 6th. loi, at o'clock, a. in., ilKs. IIakkikt i'uTXAM, ajjed 71 years. 1 mouth and 2i days. , The funeral services were held at tho resi dence at 11 A. M Thursday, December 8th. Burial at the Cemetery here. Death seems to follow the family of Mr. Chapman. bin brother in Saunders County died, then hi beloved wife and children, and now that wife's mother. Mrs. Putnam wa a native of . Vermont, and came to Nebraska In 18T2. elncf" which tiiue she lias teen a member of Mr. Chap man's family, and toother with Mrs. Eock wcod bad the care of hU family Bince his la mented wife's death. She was a sincere and devotf-d christian and left a large circle of the most devoted friends to mourn her demise. An invalid for nome years she yet made the home life surround ir her one of cheerfulness and hope. Lovely iu all thinx, ber departure is but an aosoa ce. Some day her friends will meet her in that better laud from which thre is no leave taking, and where all is biiss.There the stricken one will once more form a portion of the great family of the re-united in the be yond never to be separated more. Such is the Christian's hope and belief. The funeral services to-day will be conduct ed by the Kev. Mr. Kaird of the Presbyter Ian church and the Kev. Mr. Wilson of the M. E. Church. JENNINGS At Plattsmouth, Neb.. Saturday, Dc. 3d. mi, at 6 o'clock, P. M., Mas. Lissik C. JKNJii.Nc.s, wife of J. W. Jeuninus, ayed 42 years. 9 months and 27 day. The Funeral Services were held at the Keni dene Monday, December 5th, at 10 A. M. Services by the liev. Mr. W ilson. The deceased was. tbe wife of our County Clerk, elect, and a lady of more than ordinary intellectual acquirements. Her maiden same was Hallock. aad she was a direct descendant Of the Hallocks of Revolutionary days and a relative of Ccn. Fitzrecne nail ock of later fame. For many years she had been a great sufferer, and her demise, while removing from compan ionship.in this, world'a' dear, friend to. those who knew her well. mut have been to herself a glorious relief froiti pain and care. Her death at.thU. time, however,' was veiy sudden, aud.tbclbcreavement to her husband and friends. correspoodlDgly uiouruful. -V She was boi n at Chagrin Kalis in New York State and raarried.Mr. Jennings and came to Nebraska in 1874. The funeral sei vices were largely attended. nnd most appropriately conducted by the. Kev. Mr. Wilson, of the M. . Church. The attendance at the grave was very large considering the disagreeable nature of the day, and we laid our friend away, trust ing that iu the great future we may meet her free from thejnif fortunes of this.life and glori ous in the immortality granted to tbe. saints of which Bhe.mubt'be one if patientiendurance of suffering here entitles mortals to this.revvard in the hereafter. riattsmonth Lodge, K. ef II., took the following action Tuesday evening:, on the death of Mrs. J. W. Jennings': Whereas, It has pleased the Grand Dictator of the Universe to remove from our midst, the wife and bosom companion of our brother Knight, "J. W. Jennings, and Whereas, We, as Brother Knights-, are desirous of.testifying our - respect for the deceased, and expressing our earnest and affectionate sympathy for our broth r; therefore be it Resolved, That we sincerely condol e wih the husband of the deceased, on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divinn Providence to afflict him; commend our Brother Jen nings, for consolation, to I lira, who or ders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Resolted, That this heartfelt testi monial of our sympathy and sorrow be spread upon the records of our Lodge, and that a copy of the same be fur nished our worthy Brother Knight, and that a copy be furnished the press of the city for publication. II. M.iiUSHXELL, ) 1). II. Wheeler, Com. Attest: J. I. Touno. 1 J. E. MORRISON', W. N. McLennan. Dictator. Eeporter. Another Bad Accideut. We are obliged to chronicle another accident at the shops, which resulted most seriously to Messrs. S. T Corbedd and Frank Bila. Last Tuesday morning, a couple of flat cars loaded with bridge timber, which had been jammed together in coupling, were being slowly moved down to the machine shops for repairs, when one of the cars suddenly gave way and precipitated the heavy lum ber upon Corbedd and Bila who were bsside the car. Corbedd was thrown with his left groin upon a rock, and a piece ef lumber striking him in the back inflicted severe internal injuries in the groin; his right thigh was also badly mashed and his lert shoulder dislocated. Bila was caught by the neck be tween two timbers ahd barely escaped a broken neck. Corbedd was taken to the Pacific House by order of Dr. Livingston, his home being below the bridge. Dr. Livingston states that his inter nal injuries are serious, and may re sult fatally. Bila's injuiies are not of ' so serious a nature and he is doing well. Corbedd has a wife and three children, Bila a wife and one child. Mrs. Luke Wiles, of Mills County, Iowa, mother of Mr. Tims. Wiles of this court)', died Nov. 22d., but a week r two after the death of her husband, mention of which we made recently. Mr; Wiles' death was quite sudden, hernia being the immediate cause, brought on, probably, by grief for her husband. By order of the Council the sa loons of (leo. Edgerton and Thierolf & Grace were closed on Monday last. Corapjaint was rnad we understand by th three saloon men that hav paid the double license, that thfcj were unjustly treated and the Mayor and Council, propeily we think order ed the others closed. Mr. II. T. Courtwrigbt, of Jewell City Kansas, brother of Mr. M. L. Courtwright, deceased, came to at tend his brothers funeral and take the remaies to Glandonville, 111. whither he was accompanied by Mr. Messer smith. Another brother also came on but arrived too lale to attend the funeral. Wie are informed by Mr. Drum- j mond that the drama "Better Th-.i: j Gold" will, oe given at Fitzgei - Hall by the pupila of the High School on Friday 16th. Ins't. The "object of tbe entertainment is to ' raise funds to pay for the new chemical apparatus just added to the collection, and some of our best local talent will assist in the performance. Look out for A. G. Hatt's Christ mas Beef. He will show it next week; the fattest cow ever seen on the streets of Plattsmouth. I P. B. Murphy has a patent time keeper in his hall that is a pretty nice thing. The dial instead of being mark ed with minutes is marked with cents and those using the tables par for the time they play instead of for the games Smith & Black Bros, are head quarters for Holiday Goods, "and don't you forget it."' . - 37t2 The Herald this week is one ef mourning almost, in spite of the many evidences of growth and prosperity f weikly record; ai-d cf good wishes for our banquet. The death of several old resident?, and prominent citizens throws a spirit af sadness over all our festivities. NOTARY PUBLIC 33tf Will S. Wise. The great newspaper men of Plattsmouth seem to be Laving a hard time. The Journal man seems to think the council s-1 down on his Hall scheme, and the Board of Trade squelched Bushnell's grandiloquent report of Jas Missouri River. Conven tion at the Tuesday night's meeting. Everything fancy in perfumery at Smith & Black Bros.' 37t2 Will Shryock, Tax Collector, will be in South Bend, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 12, 13, and 14, and in Greenwood. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, Dec. 15, 16 and 17, 1891, for the purpose of collecting de linguent taxes. Parties living in Elm wood, South Bend, Greenwood or Salt Creek Precincts will save costi by meeting him, calling on him at one of those places. NOTARY PUBLIC 83tf Will S. Wise. The board of Trade met Tuesday evening, to perfect measures to make the banquet at the Perkins House to night a success. .Avery large attend ance from abroad is expected, and the occasion will be one of great interest to Plattsmouth, in its bearings on the future business interests of the olace, if the plans of the various committees be carried to a successful issue. From the Danvers (Mass.) Mirror: Mr. Geo. II. Day, of this town was cured of rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil. Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Thomas gave a little party at their residence, four miles and a half west of Plattsmouth last Friday evening. Several couple were invited out from town and the young folks around theie' were all present. The evening was spent very pleasantly and about 1 o'clock the par ty broke, up, all present hoping Mr. and Mrs. Thomas would "do so" again in the near future. The Wilmington (D.?l.) News says: J. E. Shaw, Esq.. priprit'tr Gr;d Ur.ioti Hotel, New York, indorses St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism and neu ralgia. A. B. Smith showed us the otheJ day the likeness' of "Peter A. Sarpy, Sr., taken from a negative owned by C. W. Philips, at Nebraska City, the Daguerreotype from which this was originally taken was a picture of . Mr. Sarpy many years ago, atid the fea tures are hardly recognizable to those who knew him later, but the wonder ful black eyes are there, and the mouth. The srght of the picture brought up many recollections, some pleasant, oth ers painful. Copies can be had of Mr. Philips. I. O. G. T. Coffee Sociable to morrow night. Go and have a good time. Holiday Goods. I have a good assortment of new styles Mason and Hamlin Organg at my residence corner 7th and Locust streets which I shall be glad to how and have examined. Four new onea just received and more on tbe road. Pkices Low for cash. Easiest Terms. James Pettee, GenT Agent. 32t3 Plattsmouth, Neb. New York Buckwheat Flour and Pure MapJe Syrup at Bennett & Lew is'. 3Stl Church Notice. Rev. C. W. Merrill of Omaha, Sup erintendent of the A. II. M. S. of Con gregational churches of Neb. will preach in the Congregational church in Louisville Sunday next at half-past two o'clock P. M., and at South Bend at seven o'clock P. M. Come and hear Liin. B. F. DlFFE.NBACHER. The public are indebted to Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., not for their standard medicinal preparations, but also for improving the looks of the community by their incomparable Hair Vigor. A Card of Thanks. Plattsmouth, Dec. 3d. 1381. Editor Herald: I desire through your paper to return my heartfelt thanks to the friends of my late hus band for their many act's of neighbor ly kindness, and especially to Messrs Ed. Griaeil and John Ileffuer fof their untiring eilorts in my behalf. God will bless you all gentlemen, for jour ("wxhicss io the widow ud the tather- Mrs. M. E. Wakefielr. Those who suffer from an enfeeb led and disordered state of the system, shonld take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and cleanse the blood. Pure out the lurk ing distemper that undermines health, and the constitutional vigor will re turn. Headquarters of Santa Clans. ' The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Platts mouth and Cass Co., that he has a large and well selected stock of Holiday Goods, now on exhibition at his store, consisting of gold and silver watches, chains, rich jewelry; handtome silver ware, the very best in the market; gold IK-!.?, clocks, musical instruments, fan cy iods. spectacles, no superior lenses to be found anywhere; pocket cutlery and razors, china ware, notions, toys, a large selection; children's wagons. &c. All goods will be sold at the low est possible rates. Thanking my cus tomers for their libeial patronage, I would respectfully solicit the continu ance of the same. Js. SChlater. S$t4- Jeweler. o. :e "wbsgott, Somewhat vrideijr and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of this section, announces Fall Arrivals: Actual Bargains worthv of inspection. His bet holtl is CLOTHING !. CLOTHINGS and he has a complete stock of new goods. WHAT IEEE! CLAIMS. Best Jfa terinh, latest Styles, Superior Finish, Perfect Fits and Popithir Prices. "WHAT ECU! WILL DO. Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner, save you big money, and fill your soul with happiness. -A- InTOTIE: OIF1 XT. All Garments "Warranted. ''Try 'em 'fore you buy 'em." C B. WBSCOTT, OTTjR, Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Consisting of the Most Useful and Appropriate IPmiBSIEMTr; one could Cloaks, Dress Silks, Satins, Velvets, Cashmeres, Dress Flannels, Dress Plaids, Etc. Dolmans, Ulsters, Havelocks, Circulars, Shawls, Etc. -o- I Lace Haiifl&ercMef s we are showing the largest -o- ace Collars an we have the largest and handsomest line ever before shown in the Citv of Plattsmouth. Underwear! Underwear! For Ladies, Gents and Children. Do not forget that we are headquarters in , iry (m 1 Gents' Furnishing Goods. FIE ft 0 One door East of First National Bank, PLATTSMOUTH - UsTIEIB. The Relief and Cure as Certain as day follows day by Dr. J. A. Sherman's method, with safety from the dangers of strangulation and without the injury trusses Inflict.- Those wishing proof should send 10 cents for his book, contaiuins likenest of bad casses be fore and after cure, endorsement of professional gentlemen. Ministers, Merchants, Farmers" and others who have been cured. Trust-es and Hupture sooner or later elfect the nervous and" uesdayx, Thursdays and Fridays. Boll ef Honor for tbe Second Ward Sen oo 1. The following scholars have been perfect in Attendance, Punctuality, and Deportment for the month of November: Wely Baker, John Derkutti, Willie G uth man Marion Henderson Audrew Krohler Eddie Krohler John Krohler Ralph Kiukade Emmons Vivian Eugene Weckbaoh, John Wright Henry Ashley Alge Johnson Eddie Welborn May Drain Annie Guthman Eillie llartman Eillie Smith Mary J. Wales Ida Smith Abbie Price Lulu White. Agoik D. Sampsox, Teacher. We can vouch for it that Hall's Hair Renewer restores gray hair to its youthful eolor, prevents baldness, makes the hair soft and glossy, does not stain the skin, and is altogether the best known remedy for all hair and scalp diseases. We therefore take great pleasure in recommending Hall's Hair Kenewer to oar readers. P. P. A. The Driving Park Association met on Tuesday evening and having a good deal of business, will hold an adjourn ed meeting of the regular meeting on Thursday next the 15th. of Dec. A full attendance is desired as election of officers is yet to be made. Why suffer with such a dreadful cough or cold. For twenty-live or fifty cents you can purchase of your druggist a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung S-yVuv, anU jWr butt is cerVaSu. think of. Nubias, Kid Gloves, Silk Lisle " Berlin " Beaver Top " Gauntlet " Etc. Scarfs, Skirts, Knit Jackets, Cootees, Leggings, . Etc. IfcT line and latest novelties. d I es OSIEET, and in everything pertaining to liMiuymuyun Cranbeiries. California dried pluns. Evaporated pared peacaes, llaberries, Cherries, Blackberries, and all kinds of canned fruits ctn be had at Bennett & Lewis. ' 3Stl A Bold Scoundrel. On Sunday Mr. Frank Carruth of Plattsmouth, arrived in the city in quest of Clarence Doughty, alias Ca maine, alias Henry Harrington, a sew ing Machine agent. It seems that Caruai ne had teen working for Mr. Carruth, selling machines on commis sion, and was using a light wagon and team of horses belonging also to Mr. Carruth. On last Wednesday he started out with the team and four sewing ma chines and arrived in -this city the tame day. He attempted to dispose of tbe machines, team and wagon and it was after some trouble that be man aged to pawn the goods to various par ties for some money, with which he lit out. The matter was placed in tbe bands of Chief Thomas, who yesterday after noon secured the team, which had been pawned to Monroe & Levi for S10. Chief Thomas thinks that he knows where all the machines are, and will recover them as soon as Mr. Car ruth sends him the numbers of them. Neb. City News. Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup ia a standard remedy and will cure a cough or cold in half the time required by ordinary remedies. Call on your drug gist and try a twenty-five or fifty cent bottle's". Timber at Anction! Parties desiring valuable timber and wood near Plattsmouth are in formed that on Saturday, Dec. 81st. 1831, at Glenwood, Iowa, I will sell at auction to the higtest bidder for cash the tract of timber land on the East bank of the Missouri River known as the Ferry Company land. Sale with out reserve and by order of Court. Inquiry by letter or otherwise for any information concerning the land or sale will be furnished by me cheer fully on call from now to time of sale. Seh Dean, Referee. 98t4 Glen wood, Iowa. THE G. A. It. CIGAR is now ready on sale at the Monarch Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran teed to be the best 5c cigar on the American Continent. P. J. Hansen, Notary Public, Having had an experience of nearly sixteen years in the above line of bus iness, during a residence of three years in Denmark, and nearly thirteen years in Germany, warrants him to offer his services to his numerous friends in ttis and adjoining counties in the prep aration of any and all documents for the old country, guaranteeing full sat isfaction in every instance. 83t8 Drugs -the largest stock at J. M. Roberts. 3tf Strayed. Oiie two vear old, dark iron grey (nearly black) mare colt. Any one re turning the same will be reasonably rewarded. W. S. Wise. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Patrick Gil roy. Deceased, in the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. Notlre is hereby given, that John O'Kourke, administrator of the estate of said Patrick Uil roy, deceased, ban made application for final settlement, and that said cause is set for hear ing at my olhce at Plattsmouth, on the rth day of Dec. A. D., 1881, at 10 o'clock a. in., en said day ; at which time and place, all persons interested may be present and examine said accounts. A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge. Plattsmouth, Dec. 8, 1881. 3t3 Are you suffering .rom indiges tion? If so ask your druggist for a bottle of Sherman's Prickly Ash Bit ters. Taken as directed it will cure you. These Bitters have now been before the public for a number of years, have been thoroughly tried, and give entire satisfaction. 37t5 SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE - CITY LOTS. 33tf Will S. Wise Wanted. . ; A stout lad to take care of a team and do chores. Apply to 31tf Dr. It, R, Livingston. , . First Premium. The Domestic sewing machine re ceived first premium at the fair. It is the lightest running, makes the least noise, and it is warranted the best ma terial. 30tf Peter Merges. For mixed paints go to Roberts' Drugstore. 51tf $66 a week in vour orn town. Terms and outfit free Address, fl. Hallktt Co Portland, Maine. -Wly $72 A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made Costly outfit free. Address. Tcuk & Co., Aug u.st a. Maine. 4uly Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of I). D. Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti fy! Cleanse 1 Preserve! tf FOR SALE" . CITY LOTS. 33tf Will S. Wtise. Old Reliable. For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby Oysters, the best in the market, go to Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf Hair Work. Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive orders for hair work f all kinds. Combings made up, roots all one way, without extra charge. . I'Otf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY IatHe' Heminary- unsurpassed. Arad rummj iiiuiuull. tVllf 6 lUUr M irrfS. Vetr begins Sept 7th. Kxamine for ymirwltx. '-Jf ! Uttmca star. Iin I. a 1 1- t s4 . 1 W i- --t oby, D. D., Lake Forest, IU. 2utia Strayed. Strayed from my farm two miles West of Rock Bluffs, about Nov. . 1st., one ight Roan cow four or five years old, with red on head and neck' horns sawed off at point, and one ear crop ped. Any information leading to her recovery will be rewarded, by apply ing to - J. B. Holmes 37t2 ' Plattsmouth, Neb. Litery Notice. Hereafter I ' will; have carriages at all regular trains stopping at this d pot .ny person uesinng a carriage to take passeugers to. or from said crams win jeave wora at my mvery Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be accommodated, at reasonable rates. 35tf Chas. M. Holmes. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co, pro prietors, bold by P. S. Barnes and A D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 6tf One Experience From Many. "I had been sick and miserable so long, and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me. that 1 was completely d'sheartensd and dis couraged. In this frame of tmtid I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and family thought it strange and unnatural, but when I told theW what had helped me they satf 'Hurrah for Hop Bitters! Jong may they pros per, for they have made mother well and us happy.' " The mother. Notice to Teachers. Examination ef persons wishing to teach in Cas3 county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At W eepmg Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E.ILWoolex, i?t'f SirpVrinte'ndent. Mason Sc. Hamlin Organs. The most popular, acknowledged the best. In personally taking the field again, I would invite the atten tion of my Friends and the lovers of good music to (in the words cf the world's greatest master, Franz Liszt) these "matchless" "unrivaled" instruments. Over 100 beautiful Styles from 322 to $140 and upwards. A beautiful five octavo organ for ten quarterly payments of ten dollars each. If persons wishing to supply themselves or their friends will drop a postal card to my address, they will receive prompt personal attention. Beautiful new style for the Holi days at bottom prices, and on tho easi est terms. JAMES PETTEE, State Ag't. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Bids for Books, Blanks and Stationery for use of Cass County for year 1882. Notice is hcie by given that blda will be r relved at the omce of the County Clork of Cum County, Nebraska, up Uf noon f the 31st day of December, 1881, for furnlslilnjt County ollicer with the following book, blank, and Station ery as estimated for the year lata. BOOKS. Two (2) deed records eight quires. Two mortKMRo iecord efht quire. One (1) general index deads. One (1) general index mortgage, Oue (lj Chattel mortgage index. One (1) marrlajre record eight quires One (1) Justice docket eight quires ne (l) dozen Justice dockets four quire. One cah book 2C0 pate. One half dozen Schoel Fund Receipt book. Oue delinquent tax hut 4oo page (pccial form. BLANKS. 1000 eertilleates of election. 600 official bonds. 250 execution blanks. loo order of delivery of personal propeity. 2000 summons. - 2000 ttubMjena. 100 sheriffs deeds. r0 indemnifying bond. loo co urt wrappers (Oistrlct Court cases.) 200 witness eertilleates. 200 Juror certificate. 500 inarriHue licenses. 2oo mittimus. 600 appraisement blanks. NX) reports of liens for heriff. 4.VK) tax receipt. ooo tax receipts duplicate. BTATio.NKnr. 000 letter heads. 4ooo envelopes, no. r,. 2ooo envelope, no. u. 3000 envelopes, no. 10. Five gross paper fasteners. Kight gross Sieel pens. Ten dozen lead pencils. Five dozen quart bottles Arnold's writing fluid ine dozen bottle mucilage. Ten reams legal cap. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. ' Bids must be made separately on the differ ent clauses, J. V. TUTT, County Clerk. By J. W. Jk.nni.vos, Deputy. Pluttsruoutn. Mel)., December 6th. ibSl. 3?t3 Estray Notice. Taken up by the nubseribcr, two and one half mile south cf IMattsmouth. on Koek Bluff road, on the farm of Mrs. August Ileitis, one red cow with while spots on cido ana on front of head, horns sawed off at th ends, and end of left ear also off. The owner can obtain the same by proving propei ty and paying charges. 1'lattsinouth, Dee. 1, ltx-l. 3"U Mho. Aug. ftKiNs. Probate Notice. la the matter of the estate of Wm. Arthur, de ceased. In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that J.W.Shannon, administrator of the estate of the said Win. Arthur, deceased, has made application for fin al settlement, and that said cause Is et for hearing ut my office ut I'latlsmouth, on the 28th day of December, A. D. 1). at lo o'clock a. in., ou said day. at which time and place all persons interested may be present and examine said accounts. a. N, Sullivan, Co. Judge. i'lattsmouth, Nov. 30, Issl. 3713 Legal Notice. Public notice is hereby g.ven that at a public tax sale, held ut the Couuty Treasurers office t Cass County, Nebraska, on the lull day of Neveinber, 187i, I bught the east half (e'i) of the north east quarter me1) of section thiity two (32), and the west half iw'4) of the north west quarter (11 w) of section thirty-three (33). botli in township eleven (11). range eleven (II), east cth P.M., situate iu Ca Co, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes of 1878, and taxed to no name. The time of redemption will expire and a tax deed will be applied for, uu.e re deemed on or before the aotn day of March. 137L1J b. 2i.ktRM.lAM. Notlceof Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. Notice I hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated on the loth dav of January, 181, and duly Hied In the office oi the County Clerk of Cass Couuty, Nebraska, and executed by K. G. Cooley to the Kansa Manu facturing Company, to secure the payment of the sum of SHj.oo, and upon which there is now due the sum of fW.os. Default having been made In the payment of said sum, therefore I will sell the property therein described, vli : one three-inch wagon, new. manulaciured by the Kansas Manulacturing Company, and oue black horse, about uineyear old. at public auc tion, at my office In the village of Louisvill. County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, on the 2 h day of December, 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. , .x. J- C. Newbebrt, Atfy Nov. 30. l&.thC Ka- MTg C" Mg'e- Probate Notice. In the matter of the last will and testament ef Joseph Deesley. deceased, in the County o u t of Cass County. Nebraska. Nonce Is hereby given that John E. Leeslty and .lo. in P, Mcl'herson have Bled an lustru iii lit tn writing iu this office, purporting lobe t ie will and testament of Joreph Deesley. deceased, aud praying that said instrument oe admitted to probate and proved ; and thereup on it is ordered that said cause be set for hear ing on the 27th dav of December, A. D. Isxt at 10 o clock a. in., 011 said day, at th office of the County Judge, at i'lattsmouth City, In ald County, and that all perxous interested therein be notified by publication-in the Nkkhaska IIkkai.u, a weekly newspaper ef general circu lation in said County, for three successive weeks next preceding said day set for hearing, at which time and place they may appear at a County Court, to be holden for that purnese. and show cause, if any they have, why said In strument hhould not be admitted to probate aceerdiug tc the prayer aforesaid. ,A. N. fcL'LH van, Countr Judge. A true copy. 37u Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Ella V.Davl de . ceased. In the Count Com t of Cas County. Nebranka, s 1 Notice is hereby given that Thos. W. Shryock purporting to he ;i ccrtiffert copy of the lant iii na men in mis onice an instrument In writing " in irBiaiiieiii 01 saiu ueceasea ; and there upon it Is ordered that said cause be set for hearing at the oftiee of the County Judge. 011 the t'4tn day of December, A. D. 11, at nhich time and place all persons interested may up pear at a County Court, to he boldcn for that purpose, and show cause, if any they have, why said instrument should not be admitted to pro bate, according to the prayer of ttie said Thos. W. Shryock ; and it is further ordered that no tice of said hearing be published In the Nk BKAhka IlKitAi.D, a weekly ne ws paper of gen eral ciiciilntion iu Cass County. Nebraska, for three week next preeediug said day of hearing. A. N. Slli.i van, Couuty Judge. A true ropy. 3713 Legal Notice. To Charles .Smock and Mike Morrissey, non rrsident. deleudautp : You are herefcy notified that at the November term. A. D. Issl, of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, a con ditional order of reviver was made against you In a judgment, obtained by me against you en the 2-'l day of March. A. D. 1870, before John W. Haines, tsq.. Justice of the Peace within and for said County, lor $3s.2.r, my debt,' and owt4 ol suit taxed at 4.I5, and interest. tran scrrpt whereof was filed In said District Court ou tue.liRh day of 1 ictober, A. I). issi.'and that you are required to show cause. If any you have oh or before the fth day of January. A. D. 1im2. In the Cterk's office of said Court, why said judgment rhouhl not st.nd revived against oti VVM. STADKLMANN, Plaintiff. W. 8. Wise, Att'y for Pi'tff. , 37U Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of .Within Tyson, deceased, iu the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. Notice is hereby giveD that E. W. iJarnum, Executor of the estate of the said Mathias Ty sod. deceased, has made application fur final settlement, ai.d that said cause Is et for hear ing at in v office, at flat in noutn. on the 20th day of December, A. D., ISsl. at one o'clock f . M., ou said ay ; at wuicn nine ana ptaoe, nil iierson interested may be present and exam- itt; sid account. A. N. St LLi van. flattsiUOUth, NOYZl't. IK81. Gt3Co. Judge. Estray Notice, Taken up by the subscriber, two and one half miles sut ti west of l'bit t-inoutli, on the farm of J. C. ( uinmiiiH, one blacil roan mare immiv, supiKised to bi 10 to 13 years oi l, enbpfed lu , hut h frvait fet. wlrJi MufrllM mrttt rn hitelf i tbo wner will pVWe propertr and lay chrgeis. S5tJ C. P. tt- JTSUMl. aim ii-t-iiwutfui 01 i,.ia v. uavis. deceased, late of P.altimoie County, in the State of Maryland, and prays that said instrument in writing may w ;i(iiiHHfii 111 iiriihuip unfi 11rnn.1l ti.u