Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 01, 1881, Image 3

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' M-iflt. ent & tine. Keyular advents
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rtrirtie derniiiditiK proof of publics
'. yf inaio will be Held for tb vublica
f iff u jU n Xice.
fir !"sce L limited, alt communication
MAirt m brief Hal to the point, with no wait
nt wi'ril.
T?rmpri tesponslble for tlt correctness
kn-Tr-lin; to copy of paid matter and paid L-
py ri-(.n who takes trie paper reularl)
r.- 't pov -oCice, whether dueled to nil
i4te. or whether be ts a subscriber or not U
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3. It any prison ordeis ht paper dlvntin
ie.1. !i mint ty all nrreAntires, or the publish
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IC1. and eolict the whole amount, whether
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3. 1 he court have decide" that refusing to
enke newspapers and periodicals from the pout
a'Tice, or removing ana leaving tbetn uncalled
Jm. ts pt Una faU evidence of ikiintiom at
ma i-D.
California Pears
Bennett &
For good Job Work come to the
Herald Office.
- Good Templars' Sociable Dec. Oth.
Oysters and sich.
Oranges and Lemons at Bennett
& Lewis'. ' . . . 1
Episcopal Sociable at Leonard's
Gallery this evening.
Fresh Butter aud Eggs at all
tiroes at Bennett & Lewis'. 1
Frtd Herrmann has a new ad.
very wek; don't forget to read it.
The best stock f Pocketbooks at
Smith & Black Bros'. 3t2
Herdics and the electric telephone
are being talked up for Flattsmsuth.
Manufacturing and repairing at
Sherwood's, 1
Large assortment of Miscellaneous
Books, Poerni &c, at Pltil Young's. 1
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Worley of Thre Groves died last
A. full line of juvenile and other
Holiday Boks at the P. O. News De
pot. 1
A. O. Ashley has just finished
some ane lettering on Murphy & Ce.'s
store windows.
If you want a good Gold Pen you
can get it at the P. O. News Depot
where you can get the best. 1
Pat Murphy's G. A. R. Set Cigar is
certainly the best cigar for the money
we ever smoked.
It is wonderful, what an amount of
Holiday goodi eui merchants are lay
ing in this winter.
A fine lint of Juvenile Holiday
"Books at Smith & Black Bros.' 37t2
J. V. Weckbach is putting up a
fine brick ware lions east of John
Shannon's residence.
Teeth filled, pulled and cleaned in
a most skillful manner by Dr. Salis
bury. Give him a call. S5tf
The sidewalk on Washington Ave
nue opposite Heissl's Mill is some
what in need of repairs.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach'a: 10tf
The Marshal had Main street at
the cerner of Sixth, grided and other
wise smoothed oft Tuesday.
Dr. Salisbury still holds forth over
Smith, Black & Go's, store, where he
dooe the best of work in the dental
line. Give him a call. 35tf
The brick work on the tfnion
Block will be completed next week if
the weather is not too bad.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
dav, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. 10tf
Dr. Degge will move into the
store-room just vacated by Jos. V.
Weckbach aa soon it is repaired.
The Ladies of St. Luke's Guild
will give a sociable at Leonard's Gall
ery this evening. Oysters extra.
Bennett & Lewis will" give you
bargains in Canned Goods by the
Case assorted to suit purchaser. 37t2
Phil Young just, received a large
line of choice, pure and fresh candies
consisting of over 75 different kinds. 1
Good Templars' Social one week
frem to-morrow night in I. O. G. T.
Hall. All are cordially invited.
Go to Baker & Atwood's for best
quality Ladies and Gents scarlet all
wool Underwear at lowest prices. 3Ct2
Marshal Murphy is getting our
sidewalks, crossings. Ac. in good con
dition, better tha for some time be
fore." Ci ites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m
Hansen & Chassott received an
other car load of Flour, Feed, Bran
&c, from Cedar Creek the first of the
Unprecedented bargains will be
offered duriBg the next 30 days in ev
ery department at Solomon & Na
than's. 1
Annual meeting of the "Platts
mofJth Driving Park Association"
next Tuesday Dec. 6th. Election of
Smith & Black Bros, are head
quarters for Holiday Goods, and don't
you forget it." 37t2
Jos. V. Weckbach has one of the
finest store rooms in town now, and
he is filling it with a fine stock of gro
ceries, dry goods, &c.
The New York Evening Tele
gram says: Tony Pastor was cured of
:rheumatic pains by St. Jacobs Oil.
ile praises its efficacy.
Quite a number ef young folks
spent Thanksgiving afternoon on the
bayou skating, and as thic was good,
till had a splendid time. ; ' - -
A largo line of CWristmas and
New Years Cards - in all the latest de
ffens from-two for 5 cents up to 75
viit a card at P. Oi Bowk Store. ... 1
.The High-School Dramatic Club
will give, thvir play, "Better ihau GoldVl
inihe lCa!l in about t.-.pvyeekir III is
tAng to be something good.
" - y-M ririt is inherent- in St.
0:1. ,tnd we hf-artily. recommend
it u, t iU raiders. Chicago 111.) Westr
ru Catholic' .'
-' Read the Great Red Store Ad. on
first page. .
Solomon &. Nathan will show
during the holidays ' something rare
and desirable which will interest ev
ery one contemplating holiday pur
chases. .1
The latest designs in Box Paper
are to be found at Smith & Blbck
Bros., purchased direct trom Boston,
and nothing like them in tewn. 37t2
Baker ft Atwood are prepared to
sell you anything in General Merchan
dise at hard pan prices. Call and see
them when in town. ,36t2
Our Aldine Almanac will be out
before Christmas, and is going to be
much finer than last year; every sub
scriber gets one.
A new line of Autograph Albums
at Smith & Black Bros. 37t2
Remember the Herald Premi
um Book "The Horse and his Dis
eases," free to all subscribers paj-inpf
for a year in advance.
Anyone in need of a good set of
teeth should call on Dr. Salisbury at
once, and he will make you a set "that
will please you ever after. 3otf
Sunday and Monday of this wfek
were as near perfection aa weather
could be made, warm sunshine, neith
er dust nor mud, and every body out
enjoying it.
The reading of the firm name of
Smith Black & Co., has been changed
and after this date will be Smith &
Black Bres.; no change in the parties
interested. Slt2
Smith. & Black Bros., have just
had a new sign painted by Mr. Skin
ner. It is a nobby one, and shows
that the firm is now called Smith,' &
Black Bros., instead of Smith, Black &
J. P. Young is the authorized
agent for the Omaha Bee' and Repub
lican and will take subscriptions at
the regular rates and each subscriber
will have a share in the distributions,
call at the P. O. News Depot and
subscribe for any newspaper you wish.
We call attention to the Law card
of U. A. Hai tigan, which again ap
pears in this paper, and say further
more that Mr. II. will be found on
hand at all reasonable times to attend
to business intrusted to his care.
Are you suffering from indiges
tion? If so ask yeur druggist for a
bottle of Sherman's Prickly Ash Bit
ters. Taken as directed it will cure
you. These Bitters have now been
before the public for a number of
years, have been thoroughly tried, and
give entire satisfaction. 37tS
A large audience assembled in the
Good Templars Hall Sunday afternoon
and listened to an able speech by the
Rev. S.P. Wilson, and also some re
marks by a Mr. Lester, who recantly
came to Plattsmouth.
Head quarters for Blankets,
Shawls, ( loaks. Hoods, Furs, Gloves,
Mittens, Arctics, Wool Boots, Hats
and Caps to fit every body Prices Bed
Rock at Baker & Atwoods's. 36t2
The M. E, Sociable, which con
vened at the residence of the Pastor,
Rev. S. P. Wilson, last Friday evening,
was well attended, and entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson in a most hospit
able manner.
Smith & Black Bros Holiday
Goods are rolling in, and in a few days
they will be able to display the largest
and best stock of goods in town 37t2
The most pleasant of the series
ef dances, given by the T. A. M. Club,
came oil last Friday evening. The
full club was in attendance, besides
several visitors who were invited by
A car load of Rubber Boots at
Sherwoods. 1
"The Horse and His Diseases,"
our premium book, is a valuable work
for every farmer and horseman to
have; it contains a great deal of in
formation in a condensed form.
- Joseph V. Weckbach has removed
to his new Store and is now well pre
pared to.ffll all orders in Dry Goods
antl Groceries, &c, on short notice. Re
member the place, south side of Main
between Sd'and4th sts. 1
Our farmer friends cannot say
any more that they don't know when
their subscriptions expire ; the dates to
which they have been paid are now
printed on the Herald with the names
every week.
Gold Pens for the Holidays at the
P. O. News Depot. 1
The Ad's for the Almanac are
coming in fast, any one who wishes to
put an advertisement in and we have
not spoken to will do well to send in
for terms, &c., as the Almanac is go
ing to be better this year than last.
You will find a full supply of
Tops and Holiday Goods at the P. O.
News Depot. 1
The delegates to the River Con
vention at St. Joseph left last Monday
afternoon. They were Gen. Gee. S.
Smith, represealing J. A. Conner. F.
E. WhLe, J. A. MacMurphy, Frank
Carruth and II. M. Bushnell.
S3tf Wills. Wise.
Miss Ida McConiga of Lincoln
was married to ilr. II. W. Kelly last
week Friday. Miss McConiga has
yisited Plattsmouth, the guest of Miss
Barnes, who went up to attend her
; Another Car Load of Potatoes
just received at Jos. V. Weckbach'a. 4
The modesty of the Journal man
(or men) exceeds ours by a heap.
They never mentiou themselves as be
ing at the bar feast which Geu'l. Smith
as a "prerogative" gave last week. We
were pleased to see Messrs Sherman
Howard and, we believe, the City Ed
itor there.
A largo Jin of Ladies Dolmans at
J. V. Weckbach's. 34t4
The Central City Courier says pot
hunters are abroad in that county,
that is, parties who are killing and
shipping game in violation of the law,
and that thev and the vailroads ship
ping the game will be prosecuted.
That accounts for the large amount
of game which has been reported go
ing over the various roads.
' The largest stock of Fancy Slip
pers at Sherwood's. .; 7, ' ; J . " 1 ,
-r -m.- v Personal.
Mr. Robt. Maxwell was in the city
Quartis Parmele, of Ashland, was in
town last week.
Miss Ollie Wintersteiu left Monday
for a long eastern visit.
- E. E. Woolsey and Anderson Root
called Friday Nov. 24th.
B. S. Ramsey is attending to legal
business in Louisville this week.
Mrs. Simpson and Misses Lillie and
Lulu are visiting ui Nebraska City.
George Vallerv came down from
Lincoln for his Thanksgiving dinner.
J.S.Te wksbury, of the "Minneboohoo"
country, was oa our streets Tuesday.
K. B. Lewis and Sam. M. Chapman
went out hunting Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Mary Hill, Mrs. Wm. Ballance's
Bister, from Michigan City is visiting
her sister here.
Mrs. I. Campbell left Tuesday of
this week for Ohio where Bhe will
spend the winter.
Charles Nichols cut his hand quite
severely a few days ago, which lays
him up for a time.
Mrs. Sturgis, of Omaha, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White
for Thanksgiving.
Lafayette Gilmore has gone down
to Nemaha -ounty to do some Survey
ing work for the railroad.
W. L. McLennan, went up to Omaha,
Sunday, having a case in the Supreme
Court. He returned Tuesday.
Miss Mattie Cooper and Miss
Frankie Duke who came down te
spend Thanksgiving returned Satur
day afternoon.
Miss. Gregory, who has been visit
ing her cousin Miss Alice Eaton re
turned last Saturday to her homo in
Mr. Jno. R. Howard, of the Journal
left Thanksgiving day for Des Moines
to visit his family snd purchase mater
ial for his paper.
Messrs Charles Parmele, Myron
Wheeler and Thede Livingston of the
University at Lincoln, came down and
spent Thanksgiving with their folks,
and went back Monday.
Miss Lillie Pollock, one of the teach
ers in the Weeping Water High School,
came up last week to eat Thanksgiv
ing dinner with her parents; 6he re
turned Monday morning.
William WaybrigLt accompanied by
Mr.Kibler left for New Hampden, West
Virginia, where they will remain un
til Spring, when they will return, it is
rumored, with better-halves.
Senator Saunders gave Plattsmouth
a flying call last Monday, coming down
on the morning train and returning in
the afternoon. The Senator looks
well and hearty. lie goes to Wash
ington next week.
Cap't. J. T. A. Hoover came down to
see us last week, a fact which in the
hurry of other business we overlooked.
Glad to see the Captain looking hear
ty, and hear that he is prospering in
his business, right along.
John Buttery and Robert Black re
turned from their summer surveying
trip Saturday evening last; they have
had quite a siege of it this summer and
fall, going without water, &c, but it
has done them good we see.
Alex Story, formerly from near Un
ion, Cass County, and now from Du
rango, Colorado, came in from the west
Tuesday, and will spend the winter in
the county. He reports Durango as a
better point than Leadvilh, wheie he
was for sometime.
Mr. C. S. King, of Frisco, Beaver
Co., Utah Ter. stopped with ye editor's
family a day yesterday, on his way
further east. Mr. K. is the Editor of
the Southern Utah Times, an out
poken anti-Mormon paper, which
gives some good blows in the cause.
The funeral of Mr. M. L. Court
wright, the victim of the railroad ac
cident, took place from the M. L.
Church Wednesday afternoon.
Everything fancy in perfumery at
Smith & Black Bros. 37t2
One of these days we shall have a
terrible outrage upou some woman or
girl to chronicle, unless the warnings
of the recent attempt upon Mrs. Mil
ler and the previous one on Mr. Kohn
ke's child are heeded; and then our
public officers will began to look out
for and run in such suspicious charac
ters. A little wise forethought and
heeding of these warnings will save
some one much suffering and distress .
Sherwood makes the best custom
work. 1
The meeting at the Temple of
Honor last Sunday wa3 addressed by
Rev. S. P. Wilson who kindly volun
teered to supply Mr. MacMurphys
place. For next Sunday afternoon
Mr. A. Beeson and Mr. J. A. Connor
were announced as the speakers.
33tf , Will S. Wish.
As near as we can make out Vn-
nor is going to give us a pretty fair
dose of cold weather after all, if his
December bulletin is reliable; but
then the last week of November was
to be very cold accoidig to him, s"0
it evidently forgot hi3 predic.i.a
down this way.
For a nice iSuit of Clothes go lo
Jos. V. Weckbach's. 34t4
The plate glass windows have
been put in Joseph V. Weckbach'a
new store buildings and they are just
boss," ne solid plate nearly twelve
feet high. Mr. W. has removed his
goods to the new buildi:.g and opened
out a large new stock which shows up
pretty in the new quarters.
Drug3 -the largest stock at J. M.
ioberla. 3tf
- We rode past Captain Wiles,
farm the other day, that new house
of his fairly made our eyes bulge. I?
the very ideal of a farm mansiou -..a
on its sightly location looms up finly
with its dormer windows, great double
windows below, and general air of
size and comfort. Verily the Captain
i.-? makii.g himself a fine mansion to
spend the test of his days in.
Strinper - Brarrdtner "i4an?id with
On the 29th of October last. Ford's
boarding bouse, on 10th Street, Oma
ha, was burglarized, the party losing
being Mr. Frank Caspar, a policeman,
who was wakened by the noise and
grappled with one of the burglars;
another burglar. however, camt
to his rescue and fired a shot at
the policeman which wounded him.
The two finally escaped with about
S"0 in money and a watch from an
other party named Malloy.
Subsequent information gained by
Caspar from a colored prostitute and
her boy, led to the arrest last Wednes
day, of Stringer Brandt ner, of this
place as one of the parties to the
crime and a man named Cusick ar
rested in Omaha. It is claimed here,
however, that Brandtner can prove an
alibi, several parties in town being
able to swear they saw him here on the
morning of the 29th and that he went
to Omaha on thf 8:20 train. The
burglary took lace about 4 a. m.
This burglary was only a few days
after the raid upon Duke's store, in
which a number of pistols were taken.
During the scuffle, policeman Casuar
wrested from one of the burglars the
pistol with which he fired at him;
this pistol was afterward identified
by Mr. Duke as one of those that were
stolen from his store.
Monday of this week bail was ob
tained for Brandtner, in the sum of
$40, h's bondsmen being Dr. John
Black. M. Way bright, W. C Sny
der, and Dr. Geo. F. Miller of Omaha;
he returned to Plattsmouth Mon
day evening. His preliminary
inaUon will take place Satarday.
This ought to be a lesson to the
young man to keep clear of such com
pany, for even if he is not led by
them into crime which is doubtful, he
gets an evil reputation, and may not
always be able to clear himself so easi
ly as he seems likely to do this time.
Sick of Liflng.
Last week Monday. H. Hartington,
as he is known here, A. II. Volkman
being supposedly his right name-Frank
Carruth's Sewing Machine Agent,
6tartedout ia the county with Car
ruth's team and a couple of machines
canvassing. Not returning as usual
Sunday, Mr, C. began to inquire into
his whereabouts, and discovered he
had sold the machines, and finally
found the team at Nebraska City last
Jsunday: After Mr. Carruth's depar
ture for St. Jo., a letter was received
from said Hartington, at St. Louis,
saying he was sick of living and was
going to drown himself.
As he can't float up stream, Platts
mouth and Mr. Carruth may perhaps
Lave seen the last of him, and can con
gratulate themselves on getting rid of
a scamp pretty easily.
Another Railroad Victim.
Last Friday evening, Mr. L. M. Court
wiight, a switchiran in the B. & M.
yards, attempted to board the engine
as it passed him, after having adjusted
the switch, and missing his hold his
foot was thrown under the engine and
twisted in such a way as to literally
masli the bones, some of which pro
truded at the ankle. He also sus
tained severe internal injuries. He
was taken at once to his boarding
house, Mrs. McCauleyV. and Dr. Liv
ingston was called. It was at first
thought that his recovery was only a
question of time, and that possibly
his foot might be saved; but subse
quent events pioved the internal in
juries more serious than was at first
imagined; and he died at 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday afternoon.
A Fall and Its Consequences.
Last Friday morning, Mr. Martin
Hanna, who had just gone to work
upon Rassorshek's new brick build
ing, was precipitated trom the top of
the building to tho basement by the
giving way of a scaffolding, his load of
brick falling upon him. Dr. Richmond
was immediately called and found him
with a shoulder dislocated, his spine
slightly injured, and some cuts and
bruises which will lay him up awhile,
but not permanently.
. P. B. Murphy
has just put in two more of the finest
Billiard Tables made by the Monarch
Billiard Table Company, and has
painted and otherwise fixed up his
billiard hall, making it one of the
most pleasant places of amusement in
Plattsmouth, where the young men
(and the old ones too) can go and
spend their evenings, smoke, read and
speud an hour or so playing billiards.
No intoxicating drinks are sold and
profane language is strictly prohib
ited. Mason & Hamlin Organs.
The most popular, acknowledeed
the best. In personally taking the
field again, I would invite the atten
tion of my Friends and the lovers of
good music to (in the words of the
world's greatest master, Franz Liszt)
instruments. Over 100 beautiful
Styles from S22 to $140 and upwards.
A beautiful five octave organ fur ten
quarterly pa; ments of ten dollars
each. If persons wishing to supply
themselves or their friends will drop a
postal card to my address, they will
receive prompt personal attention.
Beautiful new style lor the Holi
days at bottom prices, and on the easi
est terms. JAMES PETTEE,
II. IlAitRixoTOX, State Ag't.
Ass't. Traveling Sa'esman.
Mrs. Dave Miller showed her sis
ter women a good example of pluck
last week. While going home about
dusk she espied a man crouching near
the sidewalk, and seeing a club near
she grasped it and walked steadily to
ward him. As she passed he grasped
her dress, when with a good strong
blow side of the head she laid him flat
on the ground and loosened his held;
then rushed for home and had her
fright out afterward. If all women
were so brave, we should have less
such assults.
The little folks are beginning to
count the daya from now till Xmas.
Somewhat witlely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of
this section, announces
Fall Arrivals Actual Bargains
worthy of inspection. His htt holl is
and he has a complete 8tock of new goods.
JJest Jfateriafa, Latest Style, Superior finish,
Perfect Fits and Popular Prices.
Clothe vou from head to foot in a neat, durable and stvlish manner,
save you hig money, and fill. your soul with happiness.
All Garments "Warranted. "Trv 'em 'fore vou huv 'em."
Gents' Furnishing
We carry the Largest and Most
Special Bargains
Dress Goods,
Linseys, .
ever shown iu the City of Plattsmouth.
LACF COLLARS, ranging from 10 Cents each to $25.00 each.
LACE TIES. ' 10 Cents each to $20.00 each.
Also a full line of
Evervhodv should
at 50c a doz. Thev are a bargain, and are roinr fast.
Secure some of them for the Holidays before the assortment is brok
en. The largest and prettiest lin'e ever at one time shown here.
Parties, who have as yet not purchased, should look over our im
mense line before purchasing elsewhere. We can suit every
one in price, quality and fit.
One door East of First National Hank,
Mil Goofls, Calling: Cards, Invitations; Programs, &c
of the latest and nobbiest designs
Just Received from St. Louis and Chicago,
The Relief and Care as Certain as day
method, with c-ifety from the dangers of strangulation aud without the iuiury trus-es inflict.
'I I .. V. . . . . . h. . . . 1 . 1 t . . . . I . . . i i i: i . .
nusc niMiiuj; ruui smuim prim iu i-iu ir 111s uihik, cimi 1:11111111; HKiifVV' vi o;i(l cases ue-
fore and after cure, endorsements of professional jtentlenieii. Minister. Merchants. Fanners
and others who have been cured. Trusses and Kupture sooner or later effect the nervous and
mental system, tiring on organic diseases, imuotencv. destroy energy ami social desires, mak
ins the jvungold and the old tiseles. Offices. 2r,l l';rc:td way. X. V., and 43 .Milk St.. JJostou.
Iays for oonxultion, each week Sew York, Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays ; Cut ton, V ed
iiesday. Thursdays and Fridays.
that the Cheapest and Bkst Place to buy
Staple and Fancy Groceries
First-Class Dry Goods,
Cor. Main and Third St's, Plattsmouth.
E3Stock alwaps fresh and new,- and price
always ar the bottom. Call and convince your
selves. iotf
composed or
! now fully prepared to f urnisli music for any
and all occasion.
A Thorough Organization
with a complete and w ell elected repertoire of
Orders resuectfully solicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to J. P YOUNG, P. O. Book. Store, ot
t T. FfNrKY UOUSiSOX, See.
1 1 ii-1 1
O'P 0 US
Complete Stock in Cass Co.
for the Holidays !
Knit Dresses,
secure some of our
"IfcTeTo- Herald.
dkbz m uyy
follows day by Dr. J. A. Sherman's
JNO. BONS & SON, Pron'rs,
Near 15. & M. Passenger Depot,
Newly refitted and furuh-hed throughout. Af
fording au excellent view of the 11. U Bridge,
It is conveniently located, especially for the
traveling public.
The tables ai-waye supplied with the best of
the season.
n connection with the hou-:e. Lunch baskets
filled at all hour. Terms reasonable. 8tf
Brick Yard !
. Good Brick, for rale ae soon as burned, at
"Wja.si3:x2sra-i,02sr .A.VE.,
Piatt moutli, Mi). 9tf
'Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup takes
the lead of all medicines for coughs,
colds, asthma, sore'thront and pulmon
ary complaints generally. Call on
your druggist and try a bottle of it.
Price only twenty-live and fifty cents.
Sold bv all druggists.
Wanted ! !
at Murphy's Flour, Feed and Commis
sion Store, 500 dozen ?ggs, 500 pounds
of butter, Turkey's Chickens, and all
kinds of County produce for which the
highest cash price will be paid. 34t4
Alderman Tucker, Boston, says
you may state that I have paid for
medicine and traatment in 29 years
63,090, without receiving permanent
beniit. Entirely cured of his disease
(salt rheum) by Cuticura lieincdies.
Strayed from my farm two milts
West of Hock UlurLs. about Xov. IsU
one light lioan cow four or five years
old, with rtd on head and neck4 horns
sawed off at point, and one ear crop
ped. Any information leading to her
recovery will be rewarded, by apply
ing to J. li. Holmes
37t2 I'lattsmouth, Neb.
II. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson,
X. Y., cured of I'seriasis r Leprosy,
of twenty years' standing, by the Cuti
cura Insolvent internally, and Cuticu
ra and Cuticura Soap externally. The
most wonderful case oil record.
An unadvertised and positive cure
for Catarrh "Dr. Sykes Sure Cure."
It Hies on the wings of the morning,
good news as well as bad, always. We
mean the fanu of "J)r. Sykes' Sure
Cure for Catarrh. 34U
Coughs, colds, sore threat, asthma,
bronchitis, and ull diseases of the
lungs and chest, are readily cured by
Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, a remedy
which never fails to give satisfaction.
I'rice only twenty-live and fifty cents.
What is home without a baby?
Many children havo coughs and colds
just now and should have the greatest
care, and a bottle of Dr. Marshall's
Lung Syrup. I'rice twenty-five and
fifty cents a bottle.
A stout lad to take care of a team
and do chores. Apply to
iUtf Dr. n, li. Livingston,
33tf Will S. Wise
'First Fieiuiuiii.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. Itis
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. 30tf Fkter Merges.
For Sale.
Eight head of Cows and one Dur
ham Hull, and span of Mares and one
horse, and a lot of fanning utensils,
three wagons, two setts harness and
other things used on a farm. The
Bull i'3 well bred and all the stock first
class. For further particulars apply
to C. Eikenbary, Bonner Stables,
All Persons Knowing themselves in
debted to W. II. Baker & Co. will
please call and settle as we must bal
ance our Books by Jan. lt. 1832. 3Gt2
Those who suffer from an enfeeb
led and disordered state of the system,
should takrt Ayer's Sarsaparilla and
cleanse the blood. Purge out the lurk
ing distemper that undermines health,
and the constitutional vigor will re
turn. T1IEC. A. K.CIG IU
is now ready on sale at the Monarch
Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran
teed to be the best oc cig;tr on the
American Continent.
The public are indebted to Dr. J.
C. Ayer's & Co., not only for their
standard medicinal preparations, but
also for improving the looks or' the
community by their incomparable
Hair V'igor.
Something ol Importance to Ladies.
Solomon & Nathan have rtcfived
the agency for Harper's celebrated
Patterns, whose reputation lor per
fect patterns and styles are universally
acknowledged. 3(t-
"Sweet Curing Seeds" was the
translation of the name given to Ayer's
Pills by a high mandarin of China, in
his letter of acknowledgmeat and
thanks to Dr. Ayer for having intro
duced them into the Celestial Empire
a very appropriate name! They are
sweet, they cure and are, therefore,
the most profitable "seeds" a sick man
can invest in.
Livery Notice.
IlereafUrl v.ill have carriages at
all regular trains stopping at this de
pot. Any person desiring a carriage
to take passengers to, or from said
trains will leave word at my Livery
Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
3'tf Chas. M.-Holmes. .
M. a. iiaktk.a:.
tice in the State and Federal Courts. Resilience
One Experience From "laiiy.
"I had been sick and miserable so
long, and had caused my husband so
much trouble and expense, no one
seemed to know what ailed me, that I
was completely disheartened and dis
couraged. In this frame of mii.d I got
a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them
unknown to my family. I soon bean
to improve and gained so fst that my
husband and family thought i'. strange
and unnatural, but when I told them
what had helped me they a ii-l 'Hurrah
for Hop Bitters! long may they pro
per, for they have made mother well
and us happy.'" The mother.
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug Store. 51 tf
a week in your own town. Terms a;:d
outfit free Address. H. Hali.ktt & Co
Portland, .Maine. tly
579-V WF.KK. 12 a day at home easily inside
I f('ostly outfit free. Address, I lkk & Co..
Augusta. .Maine. iu'.y
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire- of 1). D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tobtli Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse! Preserv'e!' -tf
33tf ' Will S. Wish
old Keliable.
For the Old Reliable C. S.'by
Oysters, tlie best in the market, gv , to
Bennett & Lewis, thev an; receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf
' Hair Work. "
Mrs. A. Knee will bo glad to receivo
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. 30 tf
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb.? at C. Schlegel's, opposite
LindifM' Hem 1 nary- unsurpassed. AAt
"Miy thoioiiirh. C'oller tour coires.
Year henins Sept 7th. brtimine jitr pntrtlv.
Catalogues sent by the President, IK H. Gkku
onv, I). !., Lake Foieft. 111. Lutla
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine per cent interest, on Ileal Estate
sectuity at three or five years. Apply
at his otlice on Main St., Platts
mouth, Neb. 2iitf.
$1.00 per year can be easily made at
home working for E. (1. Hideouts Co.,
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an I full particu
lars. 31-ly.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black Sc Co., pro
prietors. Sold by V. S. Barnes ami A.
1). Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. bit
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at tho
following times and places:
At I'lattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October ami November." At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March,. June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elniwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Woolly,
42tf Superintendent.
Estray Notice.
T.'.kpu up 1- the sulisrrihf r. two .iirl on
half niilen south of 1'Iatt.snu.ut h. on Rook llltitV
load, on lhi farm of Airs. August Reins, one red
cow with lute tputs on ri.lo and on li out of
head, horn i-avvc d oil at th'j ends, and end of
left ear also oil. The ow ncr can olitain Die same
by proving property and payiug charter-.
I'lattsinoiilh, Dec. 1, ISal.
37t5 Afts.s. Al"i. I'.FlXR.
Probate Notice.
Ik the mailer of the estate of Win. Arthur, de
ceased, lu the County Court of C;lss County,
Notice i.s hereby Riven that J. AV. SVntnuon,
admiiiirrator of the ei-tate of the said Win.
Arthur, deceased, La made application for (in
al fcltleiiieut, and that said cause is ;,ct lor
hearing at my oliice at i'lat KMiiout li, on t In ''t h
day ot Heccinher, A. 1). ltfsi. ut lo o'clock a. m.,
on suld day, at which time and place all persons
interested may be pret-cut and examine said
accounts. a. N, Sullivan, Co. ,)ulg.
I'laltsmoulh, Nov. an, 37U
Legal Notice.
rublie notice in hereby even that at u public
tax Kale, held at the County Treasurer's ollico
of Cass County. Nebraska, on the fth day of
November, 1879, I taught the eat half e') of
the north east quartei uie'4) of section thirty
two (;), and the west half iw', of the north
west quarter (nw'i) of section thil ty-tbree (XO.
both in township eleven (II), ranee eleven (II),
east (.ill 1. M., MtuatH in C as l , Nebraska,
for the delinquent taxes of ls7, and taxed to
no name. The time of redemption will expire,
and a tax deed will be applied for, tin, ess re
deemed on or belore. the uth day ol March.
IHsJ. t')7t:iJ M. N . M P. nit i a.m.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Notice is hereby j;lveii that bv virtue of a
chattel inortijaue, dated on the loth day of
January, 1S81, and duly tiled iu the oliice ol the
County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, and
executed by K. ;. Cooley to ttie Kati"at .Manil
factiirini; Company, to secure I ho payment of
the sum of c'.il.ou. Aiui upon which tin re is uovr
due the niiiu of .-r'.u.Oi). Uctaull l.avn, been
made in the payment oTsaidsui i, therefore I
will sell the property therein desci itied, viz:
fine tliiee-iueii waon. new. maiiulaei ored by
the Kansas Alan til. let urin Couipaov, and ono
black horse, about nine cars old. ut pl I die auc
tion, al my oltiee in tb- viiiane of l.onisv nio.
County of Cass, and Stale of Nebraska, on tho
ZJth day ef Dct ember, lsl, at 2 o'clock V. AI. of
said day.
.1. C. Nk.wukkr v, Att'y
for the Kan. Al l jf Co.. Alorta-'ee.
Nov. 30. lnsi. 37!
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the last will and testninent f
Joseph Leesley. deceased. In the County
Court of 1 ass County, Nebrsska.
Notice is hriehy friven that John K. Leeslty
and John I', Jlei'iieison have tiled an liisiru
ment iu w i iliiij; iii this otlice, piirpoitiiig to bo
tlio la-twill and testament of Josuph Leesley
deceased, and praying that said iiisu iiiuent oe
admitted to probate anil proved ; and llisieup
on it is oidered that said cause be set lor hear
ing on the 271 h dav of Iiecember, A. 1). 11, at
10 o'clock a. in., on said day, at I he oJIie of the
County Jude, at riattsmouth City, m said
County, ami that all persons interested thwreiu
he notified by publication iu the Nkbicaska
11, a weekly newspaper general circu
lation iu saiil County, for three successive
weeks next preceding said day set for hearing,
at v!:ich time and place thev may apoear at a
County Court, to be holden "for that purpose,
and show cause, if any thev have, wliv said ln
Mri.ment should not be admitted to probate,
u coraing to the prayer aforesaid.
A. N. LLLiVA.v,Countr.Iud2e.
A true copy, 37.3
Probate Notice.
In Use matter of the estate of Ella V. D.ivli de
ceased. In the County Couit ol Cass County
Notice is hereby slven that Tlios. W. Slirvock
has filed in this olm-e an Instrument In writinir,
purporting to be a certified copy of the last will
and testament of hila V. Davi, deceased, late
of llaltimoie County, in the State of Maryland,
and prays that said instrument in writing may
be admitted to probate and moved as the last
will and le-Iament of said deceased ; Mid there
upon it Is ordered that said cause be set for
hearing at the oftlce of the County Judg. on
the :mh day of December. A. If. lsl, at which
time and place all persons inteiested may ap
pear at a County Court, to be holden for that
purpoie, and show cause, if any they have, why
said Instrument should not be admitted to'pro
bate. according to the praver of the s lid Thon.
. Shryock ; and it is further ordered that no
tice of said lieariuu be published in the Nk
ItitlKKA II KitAi.n, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation in Cass County, Nebraska, for
three week's next preceding said day cf hearing.
A. N. .Sullivan, Couutv Judge.
A true copy. 3713
Legal Notice.
To Charles Smock and .Mike Morris-ey, non
resident, defendants : Vou are hereby "notified
that at the November term, A. I), issi, of the
Ii-;rict Court of Cas County. Nebraska. acon
ditlonal order of reviver was made against you
in a judgment, obtained bv me againt you' on
the -J.'d day of March. A. 1. 17;, belore John.
W. Haines, Ksi., Justice of the I'ea-e within
nud lor said County, for 3s.'"i. inv debt, and
costs 01 suit taxed al SM.-i, and liuerf st.a tran
script hereof was filed in said District Court
on t!.e lji ii day of October, A. 1. lss!, and that
you ;y e required to snow cause, ifany you have
011 or befoi e the Kt !i day of .iHiiury, A. I. ss ,
in tl.e Clerk's otlice of said. Court, hv sa'd
i initio 'Tit should not si f"i - ived an"l,f 'ou
WM. STAIiEL'-MANN, I'ltntlff. '
;w;.s. Wise. Att'y for i'i . til. , . a;u
Probate Notice. '. .
In the matter of the Estate of Math !;ti Tvsou,
deceased, pi the County Court of Cas'Couu
t v. Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that K. -W. Iturnuin,
K.r utor of the estate of tlie said Mntlfiav I v
sioli. deceased, h;us made application for fiu'al
seul' iiici.t, and that said cause is set forhear
iag at niy oliice at 1'1,'itts.noutti , 011 the L3th
da id December, A. D.. UM. at one o'eleck I.
AL, on snid .1 ; ;it which time and place. i.Ilr
person- interested may he pr'-ent and exam
ine sai.i account. A. N. M'LLIVAN,
I'latt-hioutii, Nov. 21st, Iksi. atuto. Jud;.
Estray Notice..
Taken 11 ; by the subscriber, two And one half
miles son! li ui -t of I'hitl-moutli. on the farm
. r r t i.i..,. 1 .
, ui.i.v.i o ;n 110 .1 oii'T iiiiii iv jo,. ii male pony,
I supposed to he 10 U 13 yenrs oid, cnbpfed ill
i both trout feet, with saddle marks on buck:
1 ue i'w if. 1 w .ii Tuc iiiopcny auo pay cinirges.
3 "t "5
C. D Cummins.
Notice of Dissolution of Part
nership. Notice is hereby riven that 'lie Law partner
ship heretofore xirtjng between tlie iinder
flgned pari ie base iiii- day been dissolved by
111utt1.1l can ,ei-r. Win. 1.. Prowne 1 "tires from
the tn in ::ud business of the office. J. K. .Morri
son t ii :.( iiiotieisdu,! the bnu. and pay all
d-!Ti 0'..i:- oy .sjj fir ill of MoTls.ui and
BlortTlC. JSMKSK. 11'iKHlrtON,
. ..... Wii. L. 15iiawJs.
Oct. 21, Ai IV .