Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 24, 1881, Image 3

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- '.'5 ; .' 4 S fine. Uceul&r arivsrrta.
,.t pt uw win he field
t .. . .;:..,. ,oy hand in,
- '-v "-"n n pr.vf of nnMle-
. i r he acid for Vhc public-
C t -1 V. U NIC ANTON S.
ft t .-,. v fc, i. Tif.'d, Ml communications
:! r;.i Jr.i to ij point. Wltf) ! WMU
r' r 'WH -po UiVe for te correctness
'-V-f copy of vind Matter aud paid L-
siy p-rw-i; who tale the aper renliuly
-. j., , . .,,rr:t wr.rther dlreii to tils
. v.'a;ir he le a auDteriber or not la
r. J. rr ;rnoo order, his paper dlseflntla
!v r,-9t p.y rt arresntge. or the pubilaS
KMrt,i:e to ncnd it until payment Is
'.e.-4 reUetthe r-hoie ajnoniit, whether
t j.t ki l4ktu fxotn lhe office r not.
5. 1 fce enrt have decided that refuslnf to
rvW r.RpHtr and periodical from the PM
V-jce. or removing and leavrng them unaJle4
r- I (mma faei evidence of lstentioxai
C. L. Bates called yesterday.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberta. 3tf
R, B. Vindtam
WUeS I'iaao.
bought Prof
A nrge liu of Laxlif9 DulrutJis at
J. V. HVckhach's. 34t4
Ti T. A. M. Club hT their club
wance to-raorrow eTnine.
(lo t Clark's for good Suer
Kwit. 85t2
Tb Board of Trade Banquet has
ben poatp:-ned until Dec. 8th.
Lijr6t utock of Groceries In the
city Ht Hansen & Chassot s. Jow
--The rivsr was filled with floating
lc all the latter part of last week.
Frank Maldaner was in town yes
terday and didn't seem much worried.
Another Car Load of Potatoes
just received at Jos. V. Weckbach's. 4
Geerge E. Pronger has just com
pleted, hd addition on the back of his
house. -
IUsser and lettuce is becoming
synonymous winter greens all the
the time.
The boys put in their time skat
ing last Saturday and two days before
Have yen seen the big Horse shoe
at Kalisky'ft. Its a marvel, Guess what
it weighs?
Head S. & C. Mayer's new ad. on
first pe. They are selling clothing
way dawii.
Remember the afternoon meeting
In GcSh Templar'e Hall next Sunday
at 3-30 p. m.
-Hanson & Cbnusot receive new styles
of Glass and Queensware in large lots,
every day. 35t2
P. B. Murphy is expecting every
day. two fine Monarch billiard table
for his Billiard Hall.
A c'nefAl supply of Gent's Fur
niahing goods at L. Goldings, to be
sold at tottom prices. 83t2
The Rasgorshek building is being
pushed as rapidly as possible, to get
theed of the cold weAther.
A Sunday School Teacher's meet
ing will b held at the M. E. church
after prajer meeting, this evening.
For a nice Suit of Clothe go to
JM. V. Weckbach 's. 84t4
Mr. I, u. Klly, of the Omaha eve
ning Telegran, was In the city Tues
day In the intereet of that paper.
p'ltonrke, the Tailor, can make
Ulster, you bet; and if you don't be
lieve it jnat g and see about the mat
ter. Mr. P. Srsalous returned to Platts
taiouih last evening to take Mr. James
lt pico in the B, & M. freight
On cai !sd of Flour, Graham,
Bran aa.l Feed receivel from C.
Schlunta this week, by Hansen & Chas
st, 35t2
All who were lucky enough to re
ceive an invitation should attend the
dance to-night. A good time is ex
pected. ' ; "' ;
The M. E. Sociable will convene
t the U. E. Parsonage next Friday
wveaing.-All are cordially invited to
attend. .
Mr. Charles Driscoll, of Omaha,
the architect of the Union Block is in
to wn, superintending the wtrk on the
aid block.
The time of the Baptist Sunday
chool is' changed to 2:80 instead of
t-00 o'clock on account of the Tompei
anco meetings. '
Perhaps few people knew it, but
we have leen using mica for our base
burner tova, from McMakin'a mine
for two years now.
Anvone in need of a good set of
teeth bliould call on Dr. Salisbuiy at
once, ar.d he will make you a set that
will please you ever after. 35tf
We made a mistake in-the pros
jitue of Demofesta Monthly and said
7,W ittearl f $3.M with the Her
alp at club rate. A corrected pros
pectus will appear next week.
The meeting of the . A. R. Tues
day eTcnir.g ws well attendedrand a
good teerlg all 'round. The regular
meeting for electid of ofScera Dec.
18th i next and a full tu-n out is de
sired. A large congregation gathered at
tke M. K. Church last Sanday evenleg,
xd litnd to a Tory Gne sermon by
the Rev. 8. 1. Wilson.; Mr. Wilson is
liked by all and the church is fill4
vsry Sanday.
Dr. Salisbury still holds forth over
Smith. Black & Co'a. store, where he
jQfe the bet of wTk in the dental
GWe him a call. ' .. ,. 83tf
The Sunday afternoon meeting in
Good Templar hall was turned into
an impromptu ' experice meeting,
owing to the absenw of Mr. Brown of
Ashiaei. A. number , .of., good
spcoches were made.
Seme .Csuiingl.anaiic . arrives at
th conelusrorr that a large percentage
tho labs i)f 1S81 are girls and live
t- to tLe CoE?t. Can't, com(e)t, Mister.
Hrt'j" Juat as many boys hart aa ever
their tLUdJ any -blast the comet.
we tovw.'
Manufacturing and repairing at
Sherwooa'a. - 1 r . -1 '
Holiday goods in great profusion
at Solonon & Nathan .
Episcopal Sociable at Leonard's
Art Gallery, Dec. 1st.
Wm. Agnew came in the first of
the wiet to spend a few days.
Ed.Olliver'a rew house is nearly
completed and it is a fine brick one
83tf Will S. Wise.
Court opened Monday as peart as
yon pleane, and the lawyers swarmed
round aa if the whole world was look
ing at 'em.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
dayrat the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. 10tf
'." Everybody attending court, who
has not been here for some time sajs:
"Why, how your town has grown;
didn't know it."
Sherwood makes the beat custom
work. 1
The Invitations to the Board of
Trade banquet are being printed at
the Herald Ofice; they will be sent
out Friday.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Piattsmoutb, Neb. 5t6m
Jones & Eikenbarry have the
spiinkingest side-walk from Wheeler's
corner to their barn, and "Doc", is al
most too happy over it.
The largest stock of fancy slippers
at Sherwood's. 1
Charley Warren, the Barber, keeps
one of the best Barber shops in town,
and everybody likes to hear Charley
talk, besides.
A fine line of Cutlery, pistols
spectacles, &c. in a big variety at L.
Golding's. 35t2
Smith, Black & Co have received
a few of their Holiday Goods; the rest
will follow soon. Look out for what
they have to say next week.
Teeth filled, pulled and cleaned in
a most skillful manner by Dr. Salis
bury. Give him a call. 35tf
The horse shoe in front of Kalis
It j's store creates conisderakle fun,
and the guesses run all the way from
ten to one hundred and fifty pounds.
The Boston Glooe brings this item:
Chas. S. Strickland, Esq , this city, was
cured of rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil.
The way the turkeys were sold
Tuesday and Wednesday was a cau
tion, the merchants and butchers
Couldn't get enough to supply tbe de
mand. - For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. - lOtf
Rev. C. L. Crowther delivers his
lecture on India in Greenwood next
Monday evening. It is a fine lecture.
and we hope the Greenwood people
will turn out and give him a full
Head quarters for Blankets,
.Shawls, Cloaks, Hoods, Furs. Gloves,
Mittens. Arctics, Wool Boots, Hats
and Caps to fit every body Prices Bed
Rock at Baker & Atwoods's. 86t2
The Georgia Minstrels played
here Monday evening last, and these
present spoke very highly of them.
The Georgia's are a good troupe and
always draw a full house. They have
a first-class band, and fine uniforms.
Tbe St. Louis Globe-Democrat says:
Mr. Chas. Reis, No. 1611 Second Car
ohdelet avenne, tiiis city, was cured by
St. Jacobs Oil after sixteen years Buf
fering with rheumatism.
Thanksgiving to-day; the regu
lar old Turkey Thanksgiving. The
Herald eats, and mays for more
nnd quits, not eating, but setting
not Turkeys but type for half a day
to rejoice with the best.
WILL S. Wise.
Consideiable excitement was
caused on the street Tuesday, by a
balky horse. All sorts of ways were
spoken of as a means of starting him.
but none of them worked, and the
load of brick stood oa the street near
ly all the afternoon, before they could
get him started.
' Baker & At wood are prepared to
sell you anything in General Merchan
dise at hard pan prices. Call and see
them when in town. 36 1 2
' Mr. Ballou, the lumber mer
chant of Omaha, is in town looking
after his business matters with Dr.
Black, and M. L. White who repre
sent the new buildings going up on
Stxth. aud Main Streets. It seems
Winscit, the contractor, has not paid
for the lumber he ordered nnd the
dealer comes on Messrs. White and
Black for the same. A Compromise
will probably be effected. It does
not stop the progress of the building.
Go to Baker & Atwood's for best
quality Ladies and Gents scarlet all
wool Underwear at lowest prices. S6t2
Prof. Wise called in a mement to
shake hands before he left, personally
with the Editor, and to order the Her
ald sent . to Kansas City, that they
might hear from the ld and
then. It seemed like parting with
part of our daily life here, to give the
last shrike of the hand and think we
should see his pleasant absent face no
more present on our streets.
A car load of rubber goods at
Sherwood's. .1
The little three year old son of
Mr. Carrol of Rock Bluffs, whose leg
was shot off last winter or spring, was
in the city a few- days ago with his
parents, and handled his little pair of
crutches with as much saill as tbe
oldest veteran could have done. Poor
little fellow ; he will not realize for
many a day, and never as an older per
son would have done, his deprivation.
Pat Murphy's G. A. R. 5ct Cigar is
certainly the best cigar fer tbe money
we ever smoked.
The sale of Revolvers and Fire
arms should be reetrlcted, as well as
poisons are. Dealers in Firearms sell
to boys, and cranks and drunken men
with a recklessness appalling. The
fact is that few quiet citizens have
any use for a revolver, and it is only
reckless, unthinking-or dangerous men
that want such tools. The dealer
Eeema only, toe glad to" sell any way
atrd aoy bow, &nd it abouM b stopped
- Alex Scblegel came down Saturday.
Mrs. A. W. McLaughlia has gone to
Chicago. ,
Bon. E. M. Bartlett of Omaha, '? at
tending Court.
J. V. Weckbach was in Omaha Tues
day on business.
Mr. J. N. Wise will move into Prof.
Wise's residence.
Samuel Richardsoa left for Ottawa,
Kansas yesterday. j
E. T. Duke, of Omaha, and wife speat
Sunday in Plattm Juth.
Mr. Sam Waugh of Ashland spent a
day in the city las; week.
Hon. II. D. Root was one of tbe
Grand Jurymen this torm.
Charles E. Duke went to Omaha Sat
urday and returned Monday.
Ben Droste, P. M. at Three Groves,
and wife were iu town Tuesday.
Conductor Harvey took Conductor
Gayle's place during his absence.
II." M. Bushnell and Ed. Wescolt
went down to Weeping Water Tuesday
C. gcblunts called Saturday looking
as hearty as any honest Miller always
Miss Anna Dakin will leave for De
catur next week, to visit her parents
a short time.
Loughridge, of Factoryville, eaine
up Monday -what a boy, that "Lough
is, to be sure.
J. W. Quackenbush, of Greenwood,
was in town Monday and visited ye
IIeral office.
Mike Cavey is in town. Mike is en
gaged t do something, before he leaves
town, they say.
Dr. Richey spent a few hours in the
city on his way from Council Bluffs to
Nebraska city.
Geo. Magney came down from Pa
pillio last week. George is actually
getting fat up there.
Capt. Palmer and Sister left for Al
berquere, New Mexico, Saturday. That
man travels too much.
Z. C. Wentworth, the old pioneer
Democrat of the Weeping Water Val
ley, was in town Saturday.
Mr. J. M. Campbell, who has been
teaching at South Bend, has obtained
a position in the schools here.
Hon. D. II. Wheeler attends the
meeting of the National Agiicultaral
Society in New York this week.
Hon. R. B. Windham and family
leave for Washington, D. C, after
Court is over, to spend more or less of
the winter.
Hon. E. W. Barnum, of Factory
ville, called Wednesday morning. The
Herald was glad to sea Mr. barnum
once more.
Mrs. Decker and Wm. Smith were
baptised Sunday in tho liver near
Happy Hollow, by Rev, Brand of the
Latter Day Saints.
"Bi" Yeomans, one of our Deputy
Sheriffs is filling Dyers' place, in at
tendance in the court during the ab
sence of the Sheriff.
Mr. O. I. Johnson came from Chey
enne, last Sunday; and will stay a
week or ten dajs with his family
when he will return.
Mr. and Mrs. Marquette and Miss
Gertie left for Florida last week,
where Mrs. M. will spend the win
ter. Wish them a pleasant t rip.
Mayor O'Rourke appeared on our
streets the first of the week, the first
time for several weeks. The Heuald
hopes he will continue to improve.
Thos. Wyant f Faetoryville, came
up Monday and they do say he was
hunting for Judge Sullivan for a fell
purpose. The Preacher is engaged.
Mr. P. Swift, an engineer on the B.
& M. whose head-quarters have been
at Plattsmouth for some time, has
been sent out on the west end of the
Mr. aud Mrs. C E. Yates and chil
dren, of L:ucoIn, passed through the
citv Wednesday, euroute for Burling
ton, and a thanksgiving dinner with
Mrs. E. M. Yates and daughter have
returned from Europe, arriving in
Plattsmouth Monday last. They were
met here by Mr. E. M. Yates and Mr.
George Yates his brother.
Mr. C. J. Horning came in last week
and left us the wherewith for the
Herald and I. O. for another year.
Mr. II. is an old subscriber, haviuu
taken the paper nearly ever since
Jehu W. Cutright, City Editor of
our Daily Journal, called Monday, Mr.
C. is a live local newspaper man, with
plenty of experience and get up and is
making a good page of his department
on the newspaper.
Wm. Tucker f Williamsport, Ind,
called Friday and put in for a Ukr
ald to get Nebraska News. He lias
bought the old McClure property, or
the Morse and Shepherd farm, and ex
pects to move here in tie spring.
II. J. Streight, of South Bend, called
on the Herald yesterday. Henry re
ports South Bend as doing well, buy
ing more corn than at Plattsmouth.
Mr. S. Is an old Plattsmoutbian ai.u
the .Herald is always glad to seo
him at headquarters.
Prof, and Mrs U. Y. Wise and Mis
Flora left Thursday afternoon of this
week for their new home in Kansas
City, whiiher thtir steps have been
bent for some tine. It wuld be hard
to find a family which will be more
missrd fie in Plattsmouth than this
one. Always fully identified with her
social, religious, educational and tem
perance interests, and with any plan
which would redound - to her advance
ment, the loss of each member of the
family will be felt for many a day.
Nevertheless, we must wish them
goodspeed and hope they may Aud
good friends in their new home j
they leave in their old.
. Notice.
All Persons Knowing themselves in
debted to W. H. Baker & Co. will
please call and sett!e as we must bu!
mcce oar Dovk by Jan. lt. 8$t9
Frank Carruth's litttleboy, Glea,
was playing b'lackman Tuesday, and in
some way was tripped, falling on his
fight arm breaking it badly. It was
properly fixed and was doing well yes
terday. The ladies of Lincoln have organ
ized a "Home for the Friendless"; the
county guaranteeing them $25 per
month for 3 patients and $5 for each
additional patient. They will have a
donation party Thanksgiving night
and solicit all sorts of old clothing and
supplies of every kind for the main
tenance of their Home.
The Woman Suffrage meeeting
last week was shmly attended, too
slirnly in fact considering the im
portance of the subject.
Miss Wade sang some very sweet
songs, and Mrs. Gillman made her
speech, good enough in its way, but
the Hcuald can't help thinking if it
could sing like Mis 'W., it would
never want to vote again, and if we
were as good looking as Mrs. G., we
would promise to stay away from the
polls for eur natural life.
The farmers about Greenwood
have subscribed over $5,000 for the
erection of a creamery which is to be
erected at once and ice houses built to
store ice for next summers' use.
Such a project ought to succeed well
near this town. Our merchants have
sent in every direction for butter to
supply the market this year. Bennett
& Lewis informing us last week that
they were getting their supply from a
creamery near Crete, having previous
ly been sending to a creamery in Iowa
and in no direction ceuld get enough
to supply their custom. Parties nearer
heme ought to be making this money,
and unless some such arrangements
are made Cass County will never sup
ply the demand of her growing towns
fer these products.
Seeing it is court week, we must
tell the last story on Vic Bierbower
Hull told us, you know; " lc is
built on the broad base plan aud
good leedez as every one whe has ever
helped tav the bills is aware. lhe
other evening he stepped into John
TN'irth's in Omaha, and said: "rot
any oysters V" "Yes '-What else?"
"Veil," says John, "I've got bif-stek,
pork-stek, lish, ham and eeil, roast
duck, prairie slacken, and every
thing good. "Give me some Ovs
ters, roast mutton, eggs, ouic lish,
breakfast bacon, good cup of codee,
little veef-steak, nice chunk of ham
and breast of prairie chicken.''
John's eyes dilated as he went along,
"How long before that'll be ready:
Bout twenty minute' ''1 11 be
back iu twenty minutes, then for that
supper," said Vic, and went out
John looked all round a moment
kind o'dazed, then asked: "Who is
dat sheutlernen, eh?" "Oh, that
Mr. Bierbower, the U. S. Marshal,"
answered some one. who did not
iiiiow the difference between "Vic,"
the Attorney, and Ellis the marshal
Wirth&otan idea, and turning to
his hell) he rattled off the order and
auueu: " imam, liiiam. oring a
tozen plates and set the table quick
-sir. l lerljown the lnarsusl is icoinj;
to bring the !hury here to supper."
1 11C Cm. A. II. CIGAR
is now ready on sale at the Monaich
Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran
teed to be the best 5c cigar on the
American Continent.
Ayers's Hair Viger restores the color
and stimulates the growth of the hair,
prevents it from falling off, and great
ly increases its beauty. It has a deli
cate and lasting perfume, its ingre
dients are harmless, and for the toilet
it is unequaled.
Something of Importance to Ladies.
Solomon & Nathan have received
the agency for Harper's celebrated
Patterns, whose reputation for per
fect patterns and styles are universally
acknowledged. S6t2
Oyster Supper and Sociabl.
The regular sociable of the Episco
pal Church will be held at the rooms
of Mr. Leonard, on Thursday next
(Dec 1st), and all are cordially invited
to attend. Oysters extra charge; oth
er refreshments as usual.
Livery Notice.
Hereafter I : will have carriages at
all regular trains stopping at, this de
pot. Any person desiring a carriage
to take passengers to. or from said
trains will leave word at my Livery
Barn in Plattsmouth and they will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
35tf Chas. M. Holmes.
For Snle.
Eight head of Cows and one Dur
ham Bull, and span of Mares and one
horse, and a lot of turning ntensils,
three wagons, two setts harness and
other things used on a farm. The
Bull is well bred and all the stock first
class. For further particulars apply
to C. Eikenbary, Bonner Stables,
We are glad to hear that Dr. Mar
shall's Lung Syrup gives such general
satisfaction. Our druggists say it sells
better than any other preparation for
coughs, colds, etc. The price is twenty-five
cents, large size fifty cents. Sold
by all druggists.
TThy Patronise Cham oorsl
First, He carries the best stock ef
Harness and tho largest assortment of
Cellars, Whips. Bridloe, Blankets and
cond, lie charges the loweet nrioe
of any one in the county.
Third, Ho guarantees satisfaction
in all cases.
Fourth, He can and will make it an
object to all who patronize him. 36t2
liuess at The Weight ef The Horse
Every person buying 81 worth of
goods is entitled to a guess at tke
weight of the Horse Shoe, just erected
m front our store, the horso shoe to be
taken down in Jan., and weighsd. The
first nearest guess is to leceive a Bed
room Set valned at $40, second near
est guess $10 in cash, third nearest
guess $5. Great Rr Store. 1
. Scarcely any disea e to which dh
man beings are subjected, is so thor
oughly discouraging as Fever and
Ague. The periodical return of alter
nate chills, fever, and sweating, is ter
ribly depressing. Ayers' Ague Cure
is the only remedy known, which is
certain to cure permanently, by ex
pelling the malarial poison which pro
duces the disease. It does this surely,
and leaves no ill effect upon the sys
twrn." - . .
Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of
this section, announce
Fall Arrivals! Actual Bargains
, ' "v-i -worthy
of inspection. His 'best hold is
and he has a complete stock of new goods.
Best Materials,
Perfect Fits and
Clothe vou from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,
save you big money, and fill your soul with happiness.
All Garments Warranted. "Try 'em 'fore you buy 'em."
One door East of First National Bank,
in this city,
Largest and Most
Everybody invited to call, see and
lower than the lowest, and our
we are showing a magnificent line
Lace Good sand Lace Hovelties.
We are headquarters, such as Ties, Collars, Tidies, Curtains, Lam
brequins, Laces in Spanish, French, Torchon,-etc., etc.
The largest stock of Lace Collars for Ladies and Misses ever before
shown in this citv at one time. Also
ranging from 15 to 25 each. Gentlemen, wishing to-make their
wives, sweethearts, sisters, or any other relative, a splendid and
most useful holiday gift, should call early and secure some
of those Lace Novelties before thev are all sold.
Dress Goods f Bress Goods!
An elegant line of Cashmeres, Dress Flannels, Wool Momies,
Chuddah and Barathea Cloths, etc. Also, our Cotton Momies at 9
Cents a yard, are a decided bargain. Other dealers ask 12 h Cents
for the same goods.
A few more dozen pairs of our popular
3-IHhition Mid Moves
to be had. Come and secure some before they are all cone. It is
the biggest bargain ever before offered in the Kid Glove line.
One door East of First National liank, .
Weflflin Goofls, Gallii Carfls, Invitations, Prosrams, k
of the latest and nobbiest designs
Just Received from St. Louis and Chicago,
The Relief and Care as Certain as day follows day by Dr. J. A. Sherman's
method, with safety from the dangers of strangulation and without the injury trusses Inflict.
Those wishing proof should iend 10 cents for hu book, containing likeiien.e of bal easnes be
fore and after cure, endorsement of professional Kcntleinen, MinWter. Merchants. Farmer
and others who hare been cured. Trusses and Kupture sooner or iater effect tlie nervous and
mental nystem, bring on organic diseases, impotency, destroy energy and oci:il desires, mak
iiig the youngold aud the old useless. Offices. 2."1 Broadway. N. ., and -13 Milk St.. Boston.
Days for conxultion, each week New York, Mondays. Tuesdays and Saturdays : Boston, Wed
nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
that the Cheapest and Best Place to buy
Staple and FancF Groceries
First-Glass Dry Goods,
$o. l $gcthbatt(,
Cor. Main and Third St's. Plattsmouth.
rWStock alwaos fresh and new. and imces
always ar the bottom. Call and convince your
selves. lOtf
Is now fully prepared to furnish music for aay
. and all occasions.
A Thorough Organization
with a complete and well selected repertoire of
Ordrrs respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to J. P. YOUNG. P.O. Book. Store, OT
OT 9. TTXW irOrrTfBOJf. 8cf.
Superior Finish,
I'ojyuhtr Prices.
urnishing Goods,
carries the
Complete Stock.
judge for themselves. Prices are
goods of the very best quality.
of Beavers and Double Shawls.
"ZtNTeTo. Heiald."
JNO. SONS & SON, Pros'rs,
Near B. Si M. Passenger Depot,
PLA ITS SI OL'TII, X C till 4 S K A .
Newly refitted and f urnie hed throughout. Af
fording an excr-llent view of the E. K. Bridge.
It 1 conveniently located, especially for the
traveling public.
The tables always supplied with the best of
the season. -
n connection with the house. Lunch baskets
filled at all hours. Terms reasonable. fitf
Brick Yard !
Good Briek, for sale as soon as burned, at
FTatt nfVattiv Sit
, Sheriff Ilyers returned from a for
eign trip yesteriay.
The riattsmQiith Literary Clun
will hold their next meeting in the
Temple of Honor Hall next Friday
evening. All the members are re
quested to be present. A programme
has been prepared.
The committee on Rivar Inprove-
ment met at the Herald Office Wed
nesday evening and elected F. E
White chairman, and Jno. A. Mac
Murphy Secretary and agreed to atart
Monday evening next for St. Joe.
New IMace.
Jos. V. Weckbach has at last got
moved into his new quarters; you wil
find him in his new store room next to
Holtschneider's bakery.
Snbncribe For The Herald
and get a copy of "The Horse aud His
Diseases," a premium ; also The Her
ald Aldine Almanac, and the op
portunity to take magifzines and pa'
pers in club with the Herald at very
low rates, many of which give premi
urns besides.
List of Letters
remaining unclaimed in the Post Office
at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Neb.,
Nov. 21th., 1SS1.
Aultmnn Sarah,
Berg Jehu,
Christ Mr.,
Casady Elias,
Dull C. J.,
Dokes Stephen,
Hickok P. M.,
Hamilton J. F.,
Johnson S, XV.,
Barrett Ellen,
Calkins II. J. 2,
Cozatl S. M.,
Cullen Sadie,
Davis Clara,
Gabrielson Gust,
Hall Kate,
Hamilton II. J,
Jones W.,
Jones D. M.,
Kennedy W. II.,
Merrick D. E.,
Pardee Hary,
Phelps Marion.
Rood Gust,
Setzler W.,
Smith J. L.,
Walker Charley,
Johnson Y. Y.,
Ktioflick Maria,
Lorsen Joseph,
Pratt E. A. 2,
Palmer Geo.,
Rase Geo.,
Sumline J. E.,
Shurlock G. W.,
Wood 31. T.,
TV attics II. C,
Persons calling for the above
please say "advertised."
J. W. Marshall, P. M
Report of Pleasant Ridge School.
The following are the names of
those scholars whose attendance and
deportment has been good aud who
have applied themselves dilligently to
study during tho month ending Nov.
Myrtle Craig Ada Craig
Mary Becker John Meisinger
Cora Gilinore
Katy Meisinger Jacob Meisinger
Willie Fite Eddy Iiecker
Maggie Laudenschlaegel
Willie Baehr,
J. II. Berge,
Come and Sec
The large stock of Spring Shoes an'
Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf
New Cigar Manufactory.
Ed. Stamm has opened a new whole
sale cigar manufactory on 3d. st. at
his residence, where cigars of all
brands made by him can be obtained
at the lowest rates, by the box. lie
member the place, 3d. st. New Man
ufactory, Dealers supplied readily.
34t3 Ed Stamm.
Wanted ! !
at Murphy's Flour, Feed and Commis
sion Store, 500 dozen eggs, 500 pounds
of butter, Turkey's Chickens, and all
kinds of County produce fer which the
highest cauli price will be paid. 3tt4
An unadvertised and positive cure
for Catarrh "Dr. Sykes' Sure Cure."
It Hies on the wings of the morning,
good news as well as bad, nlways. We
mean lhe fame of "Dr. Sykes Sure
Cure for Catarrh. 34t4
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Boston, is
again. Completely cured of a scrofu
lous humor which poisoned his blood,
covering his face and head with sores,
by Cuticura Resolvent internally and
Cuticura and Cuticura Soap externally.
A stout lad to take care of a learn
and do chores. Apply to
34tf Du. It. It. Livingston,
Will S. Wise
Hanibngged Again.
I saw so much said about the mer
its of Hop Bitters, and my wite who
was always doctoring and never well,
teased me so urgently to get her some,
I concluded to be hunubugged again;
and I am glad I did, for in less than
two months use. of the Bitters my
wife was cured, and she has remained
so for eighteen months since. I like
such humbugging. -II. T., St. Paul.
Mason & Hamlin Organs.
The most popular, acknowledzed
the best. In personally taking the
Held again, I would invite the atten
tion of my Friends and the lovers of
good music to yin the words of the
world's greatest master, Franz Liszt)
"matchless" "unrivaled"
instruments. Over 100 beautiful
Styles from $22 to 8140 and upwards.
A beautiful Gve octave organ for ten
quarterly payments of ten dollars
each. If persons wishing to supply
themselves or their friends will drop a
postal card to my address, they will
receive prompt personal attention.
Beautiful new style for the Holi
days at bottom prices, and on the easi
est terms. JAMES PETTEE,
II. Harrington. State Ag't.
Ass't. Traveling Salesman.
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug Store. 51tf
a week In vour ovn town. Terms and
outfit free Address. II. IIallktt & Co
Portland, Maine. 4u!y
tf79A WEEK. 812 a day at hem easily made
P Costly utfu free. Addresj,;Ti;jtii & Co.,
Augusta. Maine. . 4yly
Boots and Shoes.
Call and examine the large 'and new
stck at MeVes.' 30tf
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cfeamstel Preserve! tf
33tf Will S. Wise.
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. 30tf
Immense Stock.
TLe largest asortmeut of boots and
shoes tliad fever came to town, to be
sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer
bes. 30tf
First Pre m mm.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It Is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. 30tf Peter Mehoes.
Old Reliable.
For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby
Oysters, the best in the market, go to
Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf
When phjsicians have made use of
a prescription for years in their
private practice with certain success,
it is a duty they owe to mankind to
put such remedies within reach of all,
and this is dono by "copyr'ght," such
is the casewithDr. Sherman's Pricklt
Asii Bitters, and they have proved
to be a blesKing te mankind. 33t4
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
I.Afflfl' Mnt I ii lltaiirt iiu....f M .1 -
rmy thorough. Col leicr four eojrxes.
Y(ar Iwf'iliu S.'lit Till f'r.iutiii ft, ir ttitttrM'li'r
I'ataloKiit'g Hcht by the t'rnilitit, D. t. (iKKo-
vjiv, u. ii., L.u.e torcft, iu. L'otrj
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine per cent interest, on Real Estate
secu lty at three or live years. Apply
at his office on Main st., Platts
mouth, Neb. 2Gtf.
Hill's Manual.
I hereby give notice that all parties
living in Cass county, desiring a copy
of Hill's Manual can be furninhed the
same by applying to me through P. O.
II. C. Miller, Gen. Ag't.
Plattsmouth, Neb. 3HC
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st i rnlay and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
iVpnl.July and December. 2sotico of
other examinations will bo given.
At Llmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday In Fel
ruary. E. II. Woolkt,
42tf Superintendent.
Probate Notice.
u the matter of the Estate of Math la Tyson,
deceased, in tho County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
.VLH.C- 1:5 UMl-U (II. II Mi 1 . U.UIJIllll.
r.-nn...... . I... ... . t :.l W...I.;.... -I..
A'AUIUI"! CPldtr III l II IT VrlMI JJ.tlll l.l I J
bod. dec-eased, has made application for final
nrbiii-jiiituL, mm m.t i n.uu ciiijHe ih st'i lorui'ar
ins at iny oflice at Dattw nouui on the lt)tll
day of Decern bur, A. D., lsf l. at one u'eloek 1.
M., on said oty ; at wliieli time and place, all
iiripuiis itiirieKteu 111.13 present ri.1111
ine said accounts. A. N. Nfl.1.1 van.
a idiLnuiuiiiit, 4.o . , .roi. ;m 10. .jiiukv.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, two ami one half
miles soittli west of l'hit tr moiiih, on the farm
i .j. ij. i iimmii.K, one hi. irk roan mare pony,
upposed to be 10 to 15 years old, ci ibplcd III
int. 1 friilit feet u-itli .:.... Im f.n I.....Lf .
the owner w ill prove property and pav elmies!
ia C. l iiajtiso.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of John M. Lane,
Not lee is bereliv civeii. to all ncrsor. Iiavlntr
claims atrainst the "Mate ot John M. Lane, de-
l-t-uM'rt . t .1 t tm .iiii.. on or t.if.rA '- -
day of May, A. I), ihx.', in the flUe of the
County Judne, at Plattsmouth. Cass Co, Ne
biaska. A. . hi i.mvan.
X'.-.. -.1. .O:, ...... J. I...
A IflLLnillVfULlI, .iui. nil, 010 W. .fUUtte.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of tbe Estate of David Benjamin,
ueceaaeu, mine, ouuty court 01 Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
Notice is herebv civen. that Nehemiah Liv
ingston, administrator ol tlie estate of the said
David lienjainin. deceased, lia mad applica
tion fr final settlement, and that said cause is
set for hearing at my office at I'latttmoulli, on i in iay i iecemoer, A. ihm, at one
o'clock, t. M., on said day : at which time and
llace. ail persons interested mav lie iii esent and
examine said accounts. A. N. Sullivan.
rlattsmouth, Nov. "th. lssl. ait3 Co. Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of Z. .1. Qulnton, de
ceased, iu the County Court of Cas. County,
Notice is herebv given, that Oeortre W. John
son, administrator of the estate of the saidZ. J.
Quinton. deceased, has made application for
final settlement, and that said cause is set for
hearing at my elllce at flattsuiolith, on the cth
day of December. A.J)., issi, at one o'clock. 1.
M., on said day ; at which time and place, all
persons interested may ! present and exam
ine said accounts. A. N. bul l. IVAN.
riatt jmoulh, Nov. 7th. isi. al Co. Judge.
. Tax Sale Notice.
To the unknown or non-resident owner of li t
S1500 per year can be easilv made at
home working for E. G. Rideout& Co.,
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an 1 full particu
lars. 31-ly.
one (1) aim two (2), in block seven (7), While's
Addition lo the City of i'lattsmotith. Neb. :
You are liereby notilied that oa the nth day
of September: A. D. ls7-, al 1'ublic Tax .Sale,
the above' 'described lots weie ihj to Cass
County for the taxes of 1h72 and 17.1. and that
on lhe sUi day ot April, low), c'jiss County as
higned its certitleate of puri-haae to Thomas W.
ISliryock, of said County of Cas. and that on
the l.rlh day of March, A. D. Ik;.', the said Thos
W. Shryock will apply to the Tieasurer of Cass
County'for a Tax Deed to said pieini.'s.
Thos W. Himvof-K
Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 7, lusl.' 34U
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Christian Schle
grl, deceased, in the County Court ot Cass
County. Nebraska.
l-'pou reading aud filing the duly verified pe
tition of Alexander Schickel. pra ini; that aii
mniiMratioK ot the estate of Christian hi-hleec!
decease, be granted to the said Alexander
Schleisel. Ordered that notice ot the in-udeiicy
of said cau-e be published in the Nebraska
llKKAil, a weekly newspaper, printed,
published and in general circulation
In said county, for three consecu
tive weeks, aud that the bearing of said cause
be set for the 8th day of December. A. D., li,
at lo o'clock, A. M., at the office of ti e County
Judiro, at PlaiUmoutli, at which time and
place, all persons interested liny appear aud
show cause, if any they have, why aniniiji.stia
tion of said estate should not be granted to the
said Alexander Schlcgel, accord nip to the
prayer or said petition. A. N. SI LiivaN,
rialLlnoUtll, Nov. 7th, 181. 31t3 Co. Judice.
Notice of Dissolution of Part
nership. Notice is hereby given that tlie Law partner
ship heretofore existing between ttie under
signed parties have this day beeu dissolved by
mutual consent. Win. L. Browne retires front
tbe tlira and business of the otlice, J. II. Morri
son to collect moneys due the firm, and pay al)
riebti. owing by said llrui ot .Morriso.i and
Urowiie. .TamksE. Mokkison.
W M. it. lKJW -s Y-
wet. fr7 a!. v. rsi.