Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 24, 1881, Image 2

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    The Herald.
Oar Club List.
Here we are with our Club To ever'
subscriber who pays for the coming year iu ad
ance we will gire a copy ol Kendall's Horn'
and His Disease" free. As wlU be noticed by
looking oyer this list carefully, sveral prem
iums are offered by other papers and maa
Elnes, so our readers can. If they wish, obtain
two premiums a well as two papers at low
rates :
thf. pbick.
Hrrald and Inter-Ocean, i weekly) $Z 75
" " St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 75
" " Burlington Ifawkeye 2 75
Louisville Courier-Journal... V
M Leslie's Ills. Newspaper 4 to
" N. Y. Times. (fem-wekly)... 4 15
" Sun. (weekly) 2 6"
" Toleao Blade 3 oo
" Iowa Fanner, (and Garfield
prem.) 3
" " Scieuuuo American 4 2"
" " Nebraska Farmer 2 71
Ouialia Kepubliean (& prem). 2 75
" Omaha Bee (and prem.) 3 "
" American Acriculturist 2 &:
" " Prairie Farmer 3 30
- Western Kural 3 30
" Harper's Bazar 4
" " Weekly 4 85
Monthly 4 5
Youiik Peonle 2 M
" " Kcribner's Monthly 4 S3
" 8t. Nicholas 4 10
" Eclectic Magazine 5 75
" Demorest's Monthly Maga
zine, (with prein.) 3 15
Godey's Lady's Book 3 2S
" rhrenole-Eical Journal 3 i
" Literary & Educat'nal Note. 2 2T.
Good Company 4 (-0
" " Khiicli's Faliioa Ouarterly.. 2 1
"Lunatic or fool?" is the question
they were discussing in Guileau's case
Clattoh Ckocmtt, a colored fore
man of a gang of B. fc M. R. R. grad
ing ma,wa8 Almost instantly killed
Saturday bj a bank caring in an him
Ilia home was Atchiaon.
Waltkr M. S:elt is President ot
tha "Nebraska Association in
Washington, D. C, and Geo. Smith
Secretary. Like to see 'em both
once more.
31a. IIaiton, ot H,uglaua says:
"What Maud S is to the trotting
track, Ingcrsoll is to the American
Platform. This is a curious com
parison, and we don't know which is
complimented by the comparison.
Elmer D. Frank was appointed
clerk of the U. S. Dist. court n Sat
urday last by Judge McCreary, iu
the place of the late lamented Co!.
Smith. Elmer deserves iU and will
come as near filling the place as any
annointment the Judse could have
a a
"Gatu" says Guiteau is not "c
nizantin mind" what next?
Guitcau's trial continued Tuesday
with little chancre of detail, when he
left the Court House, they hissed nim
and one man cried ''Kill him" but he
was safely landed in Jail.
Ed. Williams", or Maxwell arrest
ed near Grand Island for murdering
the Coleraans in Wisconsin, and re
wored to Durand after being; identi
fied there and confessing that he
killed Coleman, was taken frem the
Court room oa Saturday, by over a
hundred citizens and hung to a tree.
The Sheriff fought bravely, but was
Cocrt adjourned last night after
eiffht o'clock and the bar aiourned
to Pat Murphy' for a big "stew
just having: left a broil in the court
room. However both broil and stew
were put down along with "Pots
and Beckon" storvs and all
is peace
in Law3-enlom.
Br a ee, an astronomer of Cleveland
is etsaving to beat Vennor. He
Las announced that on the
1 1th of
Oct, 1877 there was a change in
inclination ot the earth to t tie sun
which changed the zones of the earth
and placed the United States within
tae torrid zone. .Boston beinjr ex
actly upon the equator. This ac
counts, he thinks, for the recent hot
summers; but how docs he explain
last winter and the severe cold? - .
Uninnr words, the
repudiation in Virginia
next national centest to
oan party. P. Journal.
aid given te
will lose the
the Republi
Oh bosh! promising to pay and
ever ranking provision for payment
lost Virginia, and will lose every hon
est State in the Union to the Democ-
Had the mob that was organized
for the purpose of sacking the Chief
office last Thursday night on account
of our political stand, attempted to
earrv out their original intention they
wouia nave met with a warm recep
tion at the muzzle of revolvers in the
hands of. men that know how to use
them. -Red Cloud Chief.
Now what row has Brother Howe
got into V
.The New York Star is responsible
for th following:
Take a pair of overalls; tew a gore
ihaped piecs betwsen the inside seams
f tbs two legs in front ; sew a plaia
wide pises from one outside seam to
tho othor at tho back, and thon jou
will have a perfect pattern of the new
trowsors for ladies.
Now what's a "gore" and when
and how do yu measure for these
Sh Us Him,
Last wosk a strapping nsgro wenun
was up bsforo an Austin justice, charg
ed with unmercifully beating her boj.
saddle-colorsd imp.
I don't understand how you eeuld
havo tho heart to boat your own child
su eruollT."
-JIsT0. bas yeu been a parent of a
wuffles jeller 007 nae ut cuu 01
-xJrorr ejaculated the Judge, with
p-cat rebomenco, getting rod in the
fI)en don't t3lk.w T.?xas Siftings.
We should say w.
uiiirLiij aGa'IS shot at
Ah lie is I'etnruing From The Court
Itoom Salurdaj Last.
National A.sciaied Press.
Washington, November 20. The
third atiacK on the life f Guiteau
louk place j'St before 8 o'clock Sat
urday after uoo. The nd traveled
so disconnectedly that for long time
ll was discredited. Orarflr i:eiiii
ays they left the court house at 2:40
p. , to. When opposite the Holmes
house, D. street and New Jersey av
enue, they met a man on horseback
lie noticed the man because he had
seen the face in the court-roou. Ri -ing
near the van the stranger seemed
anxious to get a look at the prisoner,
out Edelin said to him, "There's
nothing in there for you to see." With
this the horseman turned about and
was seen no more until on First street,
near Capital street. There he rode
up from behind, and as the van turntd
into East Capital street he was on its
right. Dropping behind he peered
through the grating and pushed his
norse quickly to the left ef the van.
Frooi this point and before the officer
could diricjver that be had a
pistol, he hied a shot through the
grating, and then wheeled suddenly
back toward Fust street. The officer
tired at tiim as he turned, and thinks
lie struck him, for he fell forward on
his horse and continued in that posi
tion, riding northward en First street.
Without wailing to inquire about the
condition of the prisoner, the van wa.
started in pursuit of toe horseman,
but time was lost iu turning over cur
tracks on East Capital street, and the
fugitive had to good a start. The
an pursued as fr as K street, down
which the hois'iian nd, but he was
soon lost to sight.
T his occurrence has caused consid
erable excitement in the city. The Star
extra last evening says that n man of
published description was around the
city hall several hours to-day. He said
tie was from Prince George's county,
Va. : that he was an old army mate of
Gen. Garfield's, and he was here to mur
der his assassin. He had intended to do
it yesterday, but had waited until to
day because it was the fiftieth anni
versary of Garfield's birthday. People
thought he was drunk, and to when
he went out of the building, mounted
an old horse and rode off, no particu
lar attention was paid to him.
Perry Carson says: I had s-en
the assailant repeatedly. He came
iaund the City Hall on horseback ye-
terday, but a he did not lollow. I sup
posed that ail was right. To-day
when we drove oil he was there again
and lbde after us to First street.
Then he rode ahead and turned off,
and I had supposed that he had gone
for good. When we readied the de
pot at the corner of New Jersey ave
nue, he roue up oeiunu again, ana
when we turned up First slreet was
quite ci3tf and leaning forward
on his horse, hi head quite
close to rue, ne peered through the I
slats in the door. Juntas we turned
the corner of Fiit and Capital
streets he rode past me and up aionr
the side of the van. 1 leaned around
to see where he was going just as he
placed the pistol at the lower corner
of the second top panel from the
front, but could not Bee what he done
witli the pistol Because of the smoke,
but heaid the horses hoof 8 clatter,
and then another shot was tired by
Edelin. The stranger then dashed out
toward the railroad track and we
made a lively race after him, but the
hill broke us off and he got away
All this time we didn't know whether
Guiteau w as shot or not. No sound
came from the inside, and we conclud
ed that the lest plan was to drive to
the jail at once and we did so. When
I opened the door Guiteau almost
sprann in to my arms. He was stand
ing up holding his right wrist and
said lie had been hit, but didn't think
it was bad. He said: "Mr. Carson, I
desire vou to tell Deputy Marshal
Williams and Detective McElfresh to
double my guard on Monday."
"Ho was the worst frightened man
I evr saw. He was as pale as a
ghost, and faid that he was standing
up when shot.
Note of The (Jreat Trial.
Thr man arrested for shooting at
Guiteau Saturday i named Wis.
Jone. EvM-uce oi iucntitk-ation
was contradictory, but he was held
in o,UUU bona Jones
i3 well known in Washington, owns a
farm on the Hates road, has been ar-
restea a nuiuoei oi times ior playing
F,0'ceraan arresting innocent peo:la
Ac, and is another crank no ..doubt
whether he in the shootist or not.
Guiteau attributed his escape to the
intervention of Deity in his behalf,
and came into court Monday cool
and busy as ever.
His guards were doubled.
old quarrel . between Scoville
Robinson came up agvin. Robinson
asked to be relieved and discharged
from the case. Guiteau now wants
Robinson to stay in the case. The
court did discharge Robinson, and
as Scoville was addressing the court
Guiteau' broke in:
I under-etodd Judg? M.ngruder
was anxious td ass:f.t in tin& trial,
also Mr." Townseud. 1 should like
to have them appear here, as well as
Judge Swett, or Trude, of Chicago."
Then adding, after a pause, "On the
question ot malpractice my idea is
simply this, that by tht physicians'
own statement the 25th of July, the
president was not fatally shot. We
ion 1 want i press me suojecc or
press the subject
desire to have it 0 on record so that
the court may take notice of it."
After a brief pause Guiteau added:
"That's all there is to the malprac
tice business, short and to the point.
I want it understood that I appear as
mj own counsel here. 1 am au
agent ol the L'eitv, and I expect
Him to take care of me. I think He
lias managed it pretty well so far."
The prosecution shorty after rest
ed their case when the Judge inform
ed Guiteau that he could now be
heard ia his defense. Contrary to
all his previous assertions that he
must and would be heard in his own
defense, he now refused to rise and
address the court, said he had no set
speech to make or defense to set up,
hut would take thin hot or cold
is they came along. Whu a wit
ness told a lie he won! i nnil it right
there, fce.
He i.- represented as tntifh chang
ed, looking careworn and ill.
Scoville dd:-csed the Jury at
60mo length.
"ffhsoari River Improvement Conven
tion. Kansas City, November 3, 181.
To the people of the Missouri Valley :
Pursuant to the unanimous wish of
the delegates from the Missouri valley
to the late convention held ia St. Lou
is for the "Mississippi river and its
tributan-s. formally expressed at a
meeting held at the Southern hotel.
St. Louis, October 27th, the undersign
ed, by authority of the executive com
uutiee of the Missouri river improve
ment association, hereby announces
that the Missouri river convention
will be held at St. Joseoh Me., en the
29th day of XTMni r. 1831. It is the
object of this meeting to take such
action as will secure the interests of
the Missouri river in any congression
al action that may be taken looking to
the improvement of Western rivers
It is suggested that the people of the
several municipal corporations, such
as counties, townships, towns and
cities, send representatives proportion
ed to population as follows: For 3,000
population r less 2 delegates; for over
3,000 and less than 5.000, 4 delegates;
for 5S00 and less than 8000,6 delegates;
for 8000 and less Than 12,000,8 dele
gates; for 12,000 and less than 20,000,10
delegates; for 20.000 and less than
30,000. 12 deb gates; for SO.OOd and less
than 5U.000.14 delegates; for 50,000 and
less than 100,000,16 delegates; far
100,000 or over 20 tielegates. It is alo
suggested that commercial organiza
lions maintaining a daily exchange
send delegates as follows: For -509
members or. less, 2, delegates; for
oyer 500 members 3 delegates. Mem
bers of congress are respectfully invit
ed to attend as representatives of their
djstnets and governors of states and
terri:ories as representatives of their
states and territories. It is hoped
that the magnitude of the interests to
be served, and the advantages sought.
will prompt the people to a cordial co
operation, and secure a convention ef
such magnitude and intelligence a)
will be feit at home and abroad.
Very respectfully, '
E. Coates, President
W. II. Miller. Secretary.
Court Record.
The following cases were disposed
or since our last issue:
3. Guthman vs. Kern, c&ntinued
6. Black vs. Schlater, verdict for
10. Glaze vs Jean; verdict for de
12. Oakley vs McCulloch: contin
15. Hendrix vs Mickle; leave to an
swer in 30 days.
plaintiff for $35 and cests.
16. ODonohoe vs. Hoffman et al,
leave to tile amended petition in thir
17. Shera vs Campbell, continued by
consent of parties.
20 Hoover vs Pankonin; judgment
for pi am tut for 812.20 and cosis.
27. Patterson vs Todd, judgment for
plaintilf for 60.
ou. warier vs svinaeii, leave given
to hie petition instanter and answer in
sixty days.
81. Burr vs Foote et al, judgment
lor plaintiff, as per stipulation
33. County and state vs Ilobbs et
al ; judgment for defendants.
34. Countv and state vs Ilobbs et
al; same.
36, Freezer vs Guthman & Week-
bach et al ; continued bv consent
37. Shera vs Patterson, replevin, ver
diet for plaintiff.
41, Noel vs Hazelton; judgment for
42. Sage et al vs Morrison et al
judgment for plaintiff.
4J. j. M. I'atterson as Treasurer vs
Z. C. Went worth ; Motion to revoke
order issued in Chambers at Lincoln,
dissolving attachment. Motion sus
44. Sira A. Collins vs the City of
Plattsmouth ; Leave to file amended
petition in sixty days, answer in thirty
days after.
45. Joseph L. Ryan vs Robert P.
Coode; Venue changed to Lancaster
County and referred to O. A. Mullen
to take testimony.
46, County of Otoe and State of Ne
braska vs County of .CasB and State of
.Nebraska: leave to answer in 30 days
47, II. N. Way vs state of Nebraska
and R. . Hyers, Sheriff; dismissed
at cost of plaintiff.
43. State vs Way.default, court finds
for plaintiff and assesses damages at
49, Windham vs Sprague; default.
50, Jackson vs Mo. PaciMc railroad;
plaintiff to file petition iu 30 days; de
fendant to answer in 30 days there
bquitt cases.
6. Eaten vs Long et al, dismissed for
want of prosecution.
16. Horn vs Miller, continued at
cost of defendant.
22. Welborn vs B. & M. R. R. et al,
leave to file amended petition mstant-
ter; leave to li. x M. to answer in
thirty clays; leave to iiuoer to answer
in forty-five davs.
23, Decker vs Zink; decree for plain
29, GreenBlate vs Clark et al ; jdg-
menc for defendant for $323.86, and
$32.33 attorney s fees
30, Martens vs Martens: judgment
for plaintiff.
31. Garratt et al vs Firet Nat. Bank
of Piatt femouth, leave given to file
amended petition instanter and thirtv
days to answer.
32, Keene Bank vs Rankiu et al; con
34. Hall vs Hall, divorce granted
nd custody of minor child,
37, Thompson et al vs Merrlam;
leave to plaintiff to plead in GO days.
33. Henry Baldwin vs SeMen N
Merriatn; Continued by consent.
Hungerford vs Worl etal; leave to
Amos and .Lucy Worl to answer in
(JO days.
40. Jiurrtiws vs Burrows, continued.
41. Ellison vs Wise, leave granted to
tile amended petition in twenty, days:
answer in thirtv days
44. Thorngate vs Coon, judgment for
plaintiff for S75.37,
45. Flint vs Osborn; judgment for
50. Jseldon is. Merriam vs Mathias
Marks and Henry Marks; Cause con
tinued. plaintiff for S1S0.07.
55, Cummins vs Putnam et al ; leave
to plead in 30 days.
62. Wooloy vs Iloreaky et al; judg
ment for plaintiff.
69, Patterson, Treasurer of Cass
county vs dishing; judgment for
plaintiff for S12.22 and costs.
67, Patterson, Treasurer of Cas3
couaty, vs Robinson; judgment for
plaintiff for S16.00 and costs.
68. Uosenbaum vs Weckbach et al ;
dismissed at cost of defendants.
71. George E. Pronger vs Vallon
tineRauon; Tax deed set aside as
prayed for. Defendant has a lion on
premises of $71.49, which plaiatlff is
ordered te pay within sixty daTS.
79. New England Mortgage Securi
ty Co. vs Osborn etal; sale confirmed
and deed ordered.
80. Gauze vs Kindt; sale confirmed
and deed ordered.
61. Ettinge vs Beek et al; sale con
firmed and deed ordered.
85. Heisel vs. P.itterson: deft, te
show cause by Jan. 9, 18S3, why Judg
ment should not be revived.
S3. 8tadelmanu vs A ltaffer; sale con
firmed and deed ordered.
S8. White b O'Rourke et al; order
of salo of; premise,
04, Armstrong vs Johnson ; Sheriff
ordered te encnte and deliver
deed ia pursuance of order of confirm
ation heretofore made.
24Crs8well vs McCaig et al; dismissed
aa to John and David McCaig.
97, Wachter vs Edgerton ; sale con
firmed and deed ordertdd.
Kuhn vs Noyes et al; judgment for
plaintiff for 81,946.(0 against Elijah
Xoyes; dismissed as to Priscilla
2Parmele, administrator vs Firt Na
tional, bank ; leave to- plaintiff to plead
in 60 days.
95, Eaton vs Carrulh; dismissed at
plaintiff's cost.
On Tuesday, a motion was made
to disbar Michael A. Hartigan from
practicing in the courts of the stale.
Wednesday evening after an ex
planation and apology from Mr. Hart
igan, the matter was dropped and we
believe the matter above expunged
from the' records.
Some Remarks on Court Week.
This -term of Court has been one
of the most important ever held in
Cass County since we have been
here. There have been a large num
ber of cases before the court, some
involving important principles of
There were a greater number of
criminal cases than usual, our coun
ty being one of the most law-abiding
in the state as a rule- Those
brought up and acted upon were of
that nature, however, that does not
reflect on the virtue or intelligence
of our people.
That is to say, the parties indicted
for the principal offences were not of
this county properly, and the indict
ments on whisky cases were such
as have occurred in almost every
county in the 6tate where liquor is
sold under "and since the Slocumb
law went into effect.
It is sufficient to say that the
horse thieves were caught, tried and
punished, and are now in the peni
tentiary, with a promptness not of
ten equaled and seldom excelled,
thanks to our officers, the courts, and
the prosecuting attorney.
The rapist met his fate promptly
and while his sentence seemed mild
to some, and was perhaps lenient for
the offence, yet he was promptly pun
ished, which is and should be the
aim of the law; prompt and sure pun
ishment being the greatest safeguard
to the public wellfare, and we are
proud of our court, ofiicers, and all
in this respect.
Amonir the most Important, cases
tried at this court, this term, where
the Liquor selling cses of Geo. Edg
orton and Grace and Thierolf,
The caso of Edgerton only came up
at the time of our going to press. We
cannot give the details in full as we
would like fer want of space, suffice to
say, that after various motions to de
lay, to quash ar to avoid the main is
sue made by able and acute aitorney.s
the'" case came squarely 'before the
Jurv on Wednesday.
The prosecution was conducted by
Mr. Wodehouse und Mr. Morrison, the
defense by Messrs Stevenson, of Neb.
City: an4 Sinythe of Omaha; The
Jury were as follows;
J. F. Eaten, - James Walker,
John B. Holmee, S. M. Holden,
Wm. Wettincamp, Henry Behrens.
J. II. Burnett, A. B. Taylor,
W. Mickelwait, J. S. nartmann,
Dr. II . Meade, W. Curtis,
The defendant claimed right to sell
under a license of $500 granted by the
Council on 31st of April under the old
The court throw this license out" at
once, and the defense went to me
Jury on the plea of asking double pay
and the injustice of requiring the de
fendant to pay another license of $500
after he had paid one already to the
Both sides were ably argued, Mr.
Stevenson making all the points ther'o
was in his case, Morrison read the
law points and acting dis't. .Attor
ney made a re it litt e
speech to the Jury to close up. At
seven o'clock the Jury had not agreed
Later The Jury disagreed and were
finally discharged.
The Jury was supposed to stand
nine to three. The cases of Grace and
Theirolf were'eontiuued.
The charge of Jude Pound seemed
to us so apt and brief, covering the
ground so well we give it in full:
Gentlemen of the Jurt. . .
1 The .burden is upon the prose
cution to prove every Material Allega
tion in the indictment and to justify a
cotiviction of the defendant the evi
dence must satisfy you of his guilt be
yond a reasouable doubt.
2. The act of the Legislatuie now
in force regulating the sale of malt.
spirituous ot vinous liquorein this state
toofceffect on the first day of J une A. D.
1831, and since said act took effect it
ha3 been and is unlawful for any per
son to sell malt, spirituous or. vinous
liquors in this state, without having
first Obtained a license therefore, from
the proper authorities" under said net.
By this act all former license la wf, reg
ulating the sale of sacu liquors were
absolutely repealed and by such repeal
all privileges granted under such form
er laws were absolutely revoked.
3. The corporals authorities of cit
ies and villages have the power lo li
cense the sale of malt, pmrittmus ar-d
vinous liquors within the limit? of
such cities and villages.
4VTo justify the defendant in sell
ing such liquors within the limits of
the City of Plattsmouth, since said
first day of June. A. D., 1881, he must
first have obtained a license therefor,
under said act from the corporate au-
thorites of said city.
5. A license to sell such liquors ob
tained prior to said first day of June,
ncder a law existing prior to that time
would not authorize or justify the de
fendant in selling such liquors since
said first day of June.
fl. If the evidence satisfies you of
the defendant's guilt deyond a reason
able doubt, it is your duty to return a
verdict of guilty.
If the evidence fails to satrsfv
vou of the defendant's guilt beyond
a reasonable doubt it is your duty to
acquit the defendant. -
1 ou will select a foreman who will
ign tbe verdict found. S. B. Pound,
A large amount of wild rice re-
ceived this week, and the hunters, at !
... . '
their meeting iionaay evening trill ar- '
raDge for its being sown. In the proper.
plawewyiortb Platte BejuWta. j ;
ji -
" For God. and 1 ome. and Native Land.;
' The-W.. T. U. will meet at the
M. E. Parsonage, Thursday, Dec. 1, at
8 o'clock p. m.
The Women's Temperance Convention,
At the afternoon sesdioii of
: the Woman's National Christian
j Temperance Union at Foundry
Church, Mits Willard made an
interesting address on the Hayes
Temperance testimonial. Reports were
made by Hupeiinteiideuts of depart
ments as follows: "Orr Commission of
Inquiry and Statistics of the Liquor
Traffic," Mrs. Annie Wittenuiyer
Philadelphia, J. A.; on "Legislative
work." Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, Clinton,
Iowa; on "Friendly lum, Restaurant,
&c.,'Mis3F. Jennie Duty, Cleveland,
There was a very large attendance
at the evening session. The devo
tional exercises were conducted by
Mrs. Ilaunah W. Smith, of Philidsl
plda. Interesting addresses and re
ports were made by Mrs. Eliza Thomp
son, of Ohio, "the first crusader;" Mrs.
Caroline B. Buell, of Connecticut, th
corresponding Secretary; Mis. J. K.
Barney, and Mrs. Annnie Wit ten my er,
of Pniiadtlpltia. A resolution, intro
duced I j the Michigan Union, com
plimentary to Queen Victoria for her
womanly sympathy with Mrs. Cai field
and the American people in their re
cent affliction, was unanimous. y
adopted, and suppplemented it by
singing "God Sve the Queen." Reso
lutions of regret of Dr. Mason Noble
were adopted.
Rap! rap! rap! "The convention will
plejise come to order as speedily as
possible," said Miss Willard, to the
satLering of ladies in the Foundry
Church this morning, after the Ubvo
tional exercises were over. It took
te vend more vigorous raps with tha
Boston gavel to bring the convention
to order, as many little groups of la
dies were loth to put an end to a bnef
season of merry chat and
gossip. When tho convention
was brought into harmony by the sing
ing of a hymn and a prayer by Mrs.
McLoughlin of Boston, the president
introduced a gentleman who wa on
the platform, whom she spoke of as
This gentleman was Senator II. W,
Blair, of New Hampshire. -His recep
tion by the convention was one of tiie
tilings for which the Gathering wi'l be
uiwiHorable. The ladies rose Lo their
feet and waved their handkerchiefs
aud then their enthusiasm broke out
into son;,', the hymn. "Our Country "ti3
of Thee" being caught up and sung
with glorious vim. When this unus
ual deui Miatraiion was over the Sena
tor commenced to speak. He spoke
for keaily an hour. He realized, he
said, lie was in the presence of
one of the mightiest forces of the
country. In . responding tt their in
vitation, which he considered a cora
uiand. h- could do no more than ex
plain certain measures which shoiiia
be presented iu order that the cause
might prevail not only in this county
but throughout the world. To resaove
intemperance was te stiike down the
frrongest foitress of the enemy of
man. He was not here with anj
choice or preference of measures. I.
was only by prosecution ef ever)
measure that can be adopted that this
movement could succeed. Discuss
ion, he said, is the basis of all intelli
gent act;on. The spread of informa
tion and its analysis were the only
things that could ultimately make the
temperance cause successful. -
prohibiting the manufacture and sale
of alcoholic and spirituous liquors was
only one measure of the great combin
ation necessary to success. There was
no use ot talking of statutes until the
whole mass of the community was
convinced of the wrong of intemper
That form shonld be adopted, he
urged, which was wisest in its juris
diction. Four-fifths of their neigh
feors were not vet coaviuced and were
not prepared to vote for a cunslitu amendment prohibiting the
pale and manufacture of liquors. Ma
jorities must be obtained before a rad
ical change can be made in the law of
the land. I here was work to uoin
getting these majorities. The work
to be done cor si6ted in producing a
conviction that such an amendment
should be adopted. - The judges, the
Isgislatujes, the masses of the people
were against them
rl duit't mean to say" said the Sena
tor, "they wotld vvote against the teii
commandments.1 yet 1 believe they
woud if it involved, the . wine cup."
Speaking of his prohibition amend
ment, offered in the House in 188
and its introduction at each" congress
since then, "as long as I live he said.
it will be introduced in every Con
This declaration was met with the
hearty approbation of the convention.
the ladies again rising lo their feet and
waving their handkercniefs their way
of cheering. 'I think it will be in
troduced in the same form" he added,
Taking a page of the "Congressional
Jecord" he read the amenament, sec
tion by section. "I want, you to take
hold of this and put it through, la
dies" he said; "but if it is wrong, 1
anvouto correct it -hrst. Taking
up the articles section by suction, tiie
Senator commented on each. He
thought it would be a grand thing to
begiii the twentieth century with such
a measure. He had been charged with
introducing a temporizing measure, to
rnaka political capital. Great Heavens!
It had onlv bothered him in his state.
The distilled liquors, he thought, per
petrated tiie greatest amount ol evil
If by a national law they should firm
ly seize upou the greatest of the eviis
the most patent and ". easily man-
aged and extirpated it, they would
have accomplished all Hint lie thought
the people. s a nation, would be will
ing now to endi se. lie had made the
distinction against these liquors with
reference to success. If they included
si! malt liquors and lighter forms of
the evils they would have to wait
much lunger. The Senator explained,
at considerable length, the obstacles
sgniiiBt total ' prohibition the great
fight that would be necessary to ac
couoplinh it.
Mrs. Lathrope, of Michigan, asked a
question, as to federal and state power
in raruUtinj; the manufacture of liq
uors. Tho Senator thought every
state had the right to prohibit the sale
and manufacture of liquors in its own
borders. Delicate questions of law r
ipctinff tke exportation of liquors to
other states would arise, and he
. 1 1 ' . 1 1 i ij 1 J
- inougnt national iaw bo-ouju iutue.
The- Senator was plied with many
questions froi very side reajcting
" Tfiisrico Colli.
points brought up in his remarks. "
Mrs. Skeltop. ?he delegate from Ger
many. whf has an nccent, just fetrong
enough to betray her nationality, arose
and began to speak.
"A voice from Germany," said Miss
Mrs Rkelton asked if the amend
ment inHnded lajrer beer. "Tf we left
the laser beer a ne" ."he added, "why
then all the Germans would vote for
it" but she said he-si tattnirly. "I always
j fight t,,e , ,ePr 1(ppr
A rnpnhr of the southern delesa-
gation li-dngto her feet made an im
passioned flildreies, saving that this
hour was never to be forpotten. Tho
north and south had touched each
otlipr ?. never before. Her sueges
t'ou th.t thp convention should sing,
"Blest is thp tie that binds" was taken
op with a vim ?.fi??t Willard came
forwanl and proposed that th con
vention should then ( 1 :4 5 a. m.) ad
journ nd proceed to the Capitol to
wi'ness tb openinsr proceeding of the
p-nate. iiml pii" t. lmRkef of flowers
presented bv the New Hampshire del
egation, on SfMvi'or Bl ur's desk. Sen
ator Blair sr dlantlv fu-knowledeed the
comD'imeii, and sta'ed that the visit
to the Capitol would be unsatisfacto
ry, as the Rpimte would ro immediately
into executive .fessinn. So the plan
proposed bv Miss Wil'ard was aban
doned, A vote of thanks to Senator
Blair was adopted.
We.laevlHV, Nov.
lfl. 19S1.
VUieat. No. 2..
Com, ear,
" new...
liain-y. So. 'i
Lard .
81 00
d tA CO
.6 25
1 25&1 M
Xkw York, Nov. 16, 1831.
Minev .Viie.
I "urn
1 37
1 M
46 uX)
t HIl'AliO
NOV. 10. ism.
W Ho.a .
Core . . .
Oato ...
4 6-1 tf.rt 7i
1 23'
1 07
Mop. 1
Cat ti-.
$5 K3i$8 2
4 0 o 2ft
4 60 5 25
Death to rats and vermin, Parsons
Catarrhal Poison.
uatarrii poisons the mucous mem
brane, poisons the blood and vital flu
itli. poisons the lungs, liver and kid-
ms. From a shuttle cold to the rot
ting, sloughing ;ini deal h of the senses
of smell, taste And healing, Stanford's
Xadicul Cure for Catarrh is supreme.
Complete treatment 91.
A World offjnod.
One of (he moil popular medicines
now iieiote the American public is
Hop Bitters You see it everywhere
People take it with good effect. It
builds them up It is not as pleas
ant to tak as some other Bitters as it
is not a whisky diink. It is more likf
the old f shioned honest tea that h.t
lone :t world of good. If vou don't
feel jut iilit i,t!i !!.)) Bitt -rs.
Xiiiid t N' v.
r?n"t it about tirntMVM were liaving
:i little c!ih: in th cer,ery and ap
jiurteii:t;jcrs of our Hall? Twelve
years of coutiiitimis .tziim .t the stme
insj-ii iti:; ibr-.ijMs. rt tulers them
6lislitiy s.iile; especially as the past
two or three years gtzing has disclosed
many rents, much dust .tnd a general
disinclination to move about with any
ueree or ease. ! nzgeraltl s Hall is
certainly well enough patronized now
te pay for a littla cleaning up and re
How to M-cure Health.
It seems strange that any one will
suffer from derangements brought on
by impure blood, when SCOVILL'S
UP will restore health to the physical
organization. It has been proven ft
ever discovered, curing Scrofula,
Mphilitic disorders, W eakness of the
Kidneys, Kripeas, Malaria, Nervous,
disorder?. Debility, bilious complaint
mid all Diseases of tiie Blood, Liver
KidtcN s Stoniae'h, Skin, etc. A single
tot tl will piove a he.'.Iih renewer. foi
It ACTS LIKE A CH-ARM. esneciailv
when he coiiipbiint is of an exhaus
tive nature.
pain in .Man and Ueast. Use exter
nally and intenmily.
MENT cures Kurns, Cuta, Wounds,
vies, sprains, Clulhhuns, etc., soothes
IiiharnmatioB, and relieves pain in the"
sifle. oliesf, sfjonMers. tc. 2
Carriages always oTHand
I want all f '-iv accounts settled to date
u;1 I ball do r.s jiom cit-(lit butincss. Ail old
it-count must hf scitlc.l m. and no new ones
w:ll in- made I nh-ss sneh accounts are tettied
h.rtly they will he ued.
I witii in do ahtrietlyeash business in future,
1'irtitsmmith, Neb
Livery, Feed & Sale
Or cn Old Htnhhin neio hands entirely.
Th New Firm of
... t.jien tlse d .. t
hi tiie Coroer f 6'h and Pearl Streets wita
New Livery Outfit. ,
Call and sre PATTERSON & DIXON
Wholesale and Retail Dealers li
SASH, . '
, ETC , .
Mam street. Oerner of Fifth. 1
Serofiilons, Itching and Scaly Humors
of the Sklu, Scalp and Blood Cared.
! I will iio;v Ft.-ite that I umde a nilrnculoufi
! cure f oii cf the ort oum of t-k'.n dixcHj
known. Tiie pationt is a man forty jear old ;
had siitToipil fUteen yearn. His eye. oaln and
uraily wliol.' lioiiy presented a frifrlitful ap
j jH'Hranee. Had had th. attcclion oi twelve
i different physician, who pieccribed the best
! rpmedifs known to the uroreosion. such as Io
dide ioi.;M(;m, jirMnni,!. rnrroNive utlimate,
sarsa?rn-i!la. -e. Had nuid H.VO for medical
trtvttiiKMit itli lint little relief. I prevailed
UM!1 liilll tO 111 CUTItl'HA KKWUVKXr
internally, and the CL'Tin-RA rtd ruTU'CRA
Sou externally. He did i-o and and waucotn
tiht.'ly cured. The ekin on his head, face and
many oiLtr iurti;f his body, which presented
a most lt;athtine aitiM-aram-e, Is now astttift
and siiiouili h an lnf:i!il'. with no sear or
traee efthe deace lefi lehind. He has now
been enn-d twelve months.
Reported by
F. JI. BROWX. E.SQ.. Barnwell. 3. C. .
Uet. Ir. . in detailing; his experience
wiih ttic t'lTicr ka Kkmkdika. said that
throuuh IXvine erovidence one of his parih
innerf yvas eun-d of a scrofulous nore. whieh
was slow!v il raining vay Ins life, by the Cl'T -Ki
ka Rh.soi.YK.NT internally, and Ci'trtra
and Soap externally. The-'voUon that-had
fed the difeae was completely driven out.
ECZEMA. ' '. '
Sixteen months sine.- an erufvtlon
broke out on my leg and bolh feet, which
turned out to be eezenta, and caused me crest
pain and ammyniiee. I tried various remedies
withnotiood result, until I ued t eCfTl
i i'KA IIksoi.vknt internally and C'l'Tlci: M.i
.Ko.Ai externally, wliteh entirely cured ines
that my skia is a smooth and uatural a evei.
LEN. 51. FR.ULEY.M South at.. Baltimore:
The Cnricura. treatment, for the cure of sklr ,
Sea!;) :ind Mood diseases cnnvMs in the inter
nal tine of CLTU LKA. KlCSOLY J-XT, the lie Mr
biod purifier and the external use off't'TI
fl"A .ii.M the great sklu cures, l'rice tf
Cl'Tici'iiA, small boxei". W) cents ; large boxei-.
i.U). I I i. I UA KhHOl.YKMT. si os per Dottle.
Ci th i'iia No r. 23 cenU ; Ct'ilftKA KBV
im, noAi; i.i cents.
Depot. "WEEKS & TOTTER. BotD, Masf.
Sanford's Radical Cure,
Complete Treatment
j For $1.00.
9 Haxkokd's Radical Curb, Caurbhal
soi.vem and improved Inhalrr. wrapped
?in one paek.iF with the full directions,
land sold by nil drtipists for one dollar.
iakk aauura iuiiuchi cure.
I Krom ;i siint'lt; cold or trifluenrii to the
Erottiiit.', nliMiyhini;. and death of the settees
6of enifM. t islea::! hearinc. th'g great rem-
fedy is r-uprt-me. Ruisonrtus iiiucouh aeenm-viilation-i
ar removed, the entire membrane
(.ncaiiM ii, ciMiurcied, unouien anu neaiea,
Lnpaa alio voice cleared, smell, taste and
d roustiJtitioual rav- f
externally ttnd inter-
t economical remedy J
ant v relieving una tertnAiirntl v 1
curing the most aggravated and daneereus 5
.forms of catarrh.
J ;cueral Agents
Hoston, Mass
t-sfi"5T MINATUK Mid die.
.airaroi oau iueilf.
RariiH. iiniT Ai iH and
households often cli art d in a single ni:ht. Eet
nl ehei:et-t rtrmiri hillrr ia the world. Ne
failure in years. Kvery box warranted. Sold
by :.!! urcer. ;itid drutichjt. Ask for PAlt-
SON"S. Mailed lor 2.1 cent by
VliEhS &;l'OTTEK, Koston. Map.
1 1
ronstiniptionBroBchltiH Asthma.
VVKliK FKl.I.OWa' IVlVI'nmn iivpnuiulu.
in ail other t'.ieafes, the benefit which it un
doubtedly : ii in Consumption and othei
fliscai fs of tile !-m-ir3.torv llrnn, nrrlH
dicate ci iiin lo-tlie attention of'everr rrA-
icai tuactui irier. .From tho tattiira At vn..
hiiul ami !ii-ri-i it In a fair estimate that
one-tenth f the entire deaths U canted t)
( onstiiiiptien alone. If the Bvrup U used per
severinly it subduef. the tendency lo Con
sumption and in mxnv confirmed caes. as It
that of tho inventor, ft has effected a cure.
- ludiaestion and habitual finkltvei
alvray. ariso from weaknesn of the nervet anO
lnmx'.lf.s of the ftomuch aDd bowels. In iuch
Vi . ,, campounrt K.rrar of
j iit.i.iijjiiriHC" nan proven itself nt tht
tcreaiest service. The evacuaeions soon be
come copious and healtny. . . .
Sliis Syrup vrlll cure Fui.moxahy CoKfVMr
tion in lite ftrtt etape. snd will elve great re
lief and prolonc l.fe in the eecondaBd third, ft
:m 01. oils, it v im riirp all nn-tniti uniriint.
iu from want ef Muscular Action and Fervons
PnMic Speakers an 4 Siagcrs
Will find Ihii Krriin of
jloso shnld be taken before pealtla er i'dk-
A liilon;. or sh lasa n , ia tn.uailv hh
by a ftw iocs:- We hav knnwn nM ichtrn
a siDulo dose ha been fffeettifcl. -
s. .jArort. i. D., St. John, N. H., writes-
'.I hit1 occasion lo use vnr Kvmn 111 a isu it
Apnntna waluli vroitia not vield to rcrnlar trpt
ment ; it proved to be all tlmi vou claimed for
It. h.tvirsr Tclcd with cvrsilli lAn o n rl arttir int.
lsf action." - ,. .
;-r"ij not be deceived bvremedles bearinir
S -iinilar name : no other Drecamtion Is & tnh.
Mitnte for thi.. undar any rtrcumt-riuiccs.
r or 3ie oy ail tirttgjrlsrs.
A Large Stock of-.
D AV(D. LAf HRETH &S07S5. PiUlAj
shearing restored, and
fiiKe checked. Tim.
T. . . v. 1
fuiiuy, nuc nits i.eai
tw.irk. itist
When dQath was hourly expected, all rem
edies having failed, and Dr If. .Ssu.ies whs ex
perimenting with tiie many herbs of Calcutta,
he accidentally made a preparation which cur
ed his only child , of Consumption. .His
child Is now la this country, and enjoying tbs
bet of health. He has prsrf the world
that Consumption tan bo positively and
permanently cured. The Doctor now- fives tbi
Recipe free, only asking two threo cent stamps
to pay expenses. This herb alo cures Nlgbt
Sweats, Xuuxea at the Stomach, and will break
up a fresh cold iu twenty-four hours." AA
Jress Craddock 4 Co.. 1032 Race Street. I'hlia
delplna. cam ing this paper. "
lilflc-ent holiday ires-nt Mjuateurand pin
aaofortes. very handsome rwuud corners,
roxewood caes, thice uulsoii.s, ;eattv's luatch
less iron flames, stool, book, cover, boxed,
75 to (7.AU ; cttaicuun prices, Sss
i.uuo : aativluetiuji KuaranteeJ or miicor re
funded, alter one years use; upright plans
foi teH. 123 to tiW ; catalogue pi les S'as) lo t9)0
standard pianofortes cf the uuiverse. as thou-
vanus leoiuy ; write ior a m.iini.ioiii jii oi ies
ttinonials. lieatty .s -al)lrt orKane, cathedraj
church chai.el, parlor. 43 upward : visiU-rs
welcome; free rarriaKt meets paenK";
ln-trated catalogue holid.iv edition) lie. Ad
dress or call upon Da. si el F, Ukatti , Wash
ington. Nev Jersey. .
Ia)W prices fi r s'.isli. '"lusttllMiens- received
NIFK'E.NT7S oet. i;us. Wol fl ANOh,str4
aud wver. snlv $:i. W ju ranted s vears. Tit
lttstrafd Cutaloyie mailed. Agents wanted.
HOltAL'K HAlhli.H Ma:. ufacturerii und
Dealers, gjn llroa t wn'y. New tirk. .
A iw A rrvit Mxfi.-kl Work,
Wfcrrn! vi ti. b &rvi ci:--
buib, nullM "the ftnimeaot
bound II flnnl
mulin,nnbowvJ.f MlliK,ktf '
siurratinca, IXi prim
u . i . u i k . . .
. iiinnufttd aanpl. I. : mis'
1 bow, AridrxM P.j Vov
KisOVr TMISfcLt. MMKBliiiwliiH
J. D. SI31PS0N,
AOfjxrv For.
Geo. Woofis & Co. Pianos and Oriam.
Xews I )eX)t,- Magazine and Paper,
Confectionery, Tola-'Co
. fuid Cigars.
Main St. opposite New Hotel.
rr.A rrsMQUTii - - nkhraska.
Manufacturer or and Dealer in '
AN, a full 11. ie of
, . .... BRIDLES,
Done neatly and promptly at hrt notice at bU
Directly opposite 1'ost Office. Mattsniouth.Keb. u
'one but the best of ietork used! r.
-AND r ...
PlAttHraonth - tbrkk ' '
Repairer of Steam En;it;ei, Eoiltrt,'
Satv and Grist Mills,. '
Wrought Iron llpe. Forc and Mft Plpea.Steam
tia-iits. Saft-ty Valve doveriior and all -kind
of i'.rats Kngine Kntingg,
repaired on hnort, nonce.
Also all kinds of ' c - '
FA R n M A 1I I x r. It V.
U. Vi Mii t lw ws,
Hardware, Cdtlerj,, Kails,
Iron, Masfln Stock,- f-:
Sam EacTjirth
Iron, Wool Stock, Pumps,
IRON WORK, Kept in Stock.
Making nndIlepaf rlnr,
All Work Warranted.
44 u
Succestor to Schleokl 6 Niemak.I
Mannfacturera of
r ' .?" .."g-i- ,r-H 1 -:;; fr
And dealers In
T O il A C V O .
Special BEANOS and skes e-f Clf. AK8 made t
order, and 8.itisfctioti n:irai.tced. V.lgur
o ilngH rbld fr Mnokire" "bacco. . ;
Main 8treet, on door it of .f . S. lake's Ur
f-IX)Ut ' il'iirt Of:f , .
HamtM Manufacturer '
? BRI:LES. f - '-
and all kinds of harness stock, constant! n
Repairing of 'all Kinds!
- And Satisfaction (iuarantwsd. i
rKciiiornber the place, Opp.wite Ilet.;'.'
Wck m h uridrure btore.on Lower Main street;
fjHttsinouth, Neb. , - - '
it-lj; STRElliHT d- MILLER.
We recommend Carter Ire a MlU te
woman who Weak, TCerreqii, and l):trottrfj .
rarticttiriy tho, ho tav Tkly, l Vp
Cold Hands aed F;-, nd l,o ire vrttboot
fetrocelh r.r Ambitioir. TUr li!in jalt tho "
: Xres. rive Btmirsh to the Body, V.rtuce K-,f-ehlnir
S!ef'p. Enrich and Iir-r-rov. it qnahty
ot Hie Elowl, Mid Purlfjr and Hrltltu th iCom..
-jjxion 1 iy ccr. p.ipititicn of the Hart.
rrtimTmn. Trfmhilcpn, N-oon Headache,
LaxrTlicrn, Pain In lb Back, aud cither (one
or Female Weakrxa. . R;ar.eT-ibr !tt Iron la.
one oi Uie couitaot of il HVkxI. and to-.fh.'
Crattoa.c. Cartera Iro HIlafOTnh
able far warn who-are tmchled rth Karwaat -Weekceea,
Kight Hwcata, Ac. In Bai bozai.
at &O crata, tkkd by ad drnsriata, or aat (rr
tnaiJ. Audn.Es .. . .
11 Ai.
r-- :