Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 17, 1881, Image 3

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    ri ie Herald.
' .k'.wi;ni. 33 cent & I1n. Regular advenls-
iff cvr.n per line. No advertisement la.sit-
'..a C tilall CliUU.
.--:.! notie at Statute rates.
... . ft-7 .!(( n-lieem jf the law will be field
r.'.iK fir nil lejjal notice they band in,
! pa: tie demanding a proof of publica
. c ! ii.v not k- will be iieldfor th publics
"14 V of ui;ii notice.
..' ("if nre I limited. all connnnnicaMomi
In iff .ni to tu point, with bo wast
i ho fi;iMT ! ieinimlb!e for tte correetnea
--: -v' to copy of paid matter aud paid L
M . .'Itiiy.
I Ai perff.n who takes the paper reirularW
r;.c--iln pos'.-offiee. whether directed to hie
trt?; or w hither tie Is a subscriber or not 1
rp'Mi,lc for the pay.
S. tf It any person ordei his paper dLseentlB
iwd. he mut pay all arrearages, or the publish
er iiv eootiiiue to ttend It until payment U
muoe. and collect the whole amount, wnettte
he p.tper is taken from the office ei not.
K court, bare decided that refusln U
ea'xe u:'x-uapra and periedlcala from the poet
artie. or f einovini? and leering them uncalled
for. is pruma facU evidence of IJfTBMTlOM Afc
.-Court convened Tuesday.
See table of oClcial returns.
Fil this paper for oflcial returns.
The Firemen are talking up a ball.
Go t Clark's for good Sauer
Kraut. 35t2
New lot of Children's Suits at S.
& C. Mayer's. 1
Read Morris O'Rourke's new ad
on first page.
Furs! Fursl all kinds at Baker &
Atwood's. 34t2
Oysters at Pat Murphy's every
day and night.
-Vejelaides of all kinds at Bennett
A Lewis'. 1
---Gill IUbbs is painting Mr. Gayle's
house this week.
Muffs and boas, latest styles, at
Baker & Atwood's. 34t2
Phil Ytfung is getting in his large
stock of Holiday goods.
T.M. Mainland's new house is
nearly ready for occupancy.
Silk Hmii lerchiefs from
35 cents
to $300 at S. & C. Mayer's.
Schlatt-r is Mlinz his store
nice things for tho Holidays.
New Styles of Neckwear for Holi
day trade at S. & C. Mayer's 1
Sprague's Colored Georgia Min
strels, Monday evening, 21st.
New assortment of furs just re
ceived at Baker & Atwood's. 34t2
Plattsmsuth's first lecture on
Woman Suffrage question to-night.
J. V. Weckbach will be iu his new
store building the first of the week.
Frank Carruth has commenced
fllliig his store with Holiday goods.
Another Car Load of Potatoes
just received at Jos. V. Weckbach's. 4
Mr. Teckbach's new store build
ing will soon be ready for occupancy.
Mrs.Gilman, assisted by Miss Jen.
nle Wade, at Fitzgerald Hall, to-night.
One hundred pieces of sheet music
j ust received by J. D. Simpson. 34t2
Dick Streight hangs out in
Streight & Miller's Harness shop now-a-days.
Clacks, Watches and Jewelry
neatly repaired and warranted by J,
C. Erven. :l4t2
The T. A. M. Club will probably
have a masque ball. during the Holi
days. Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
dav, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. 10tf
Pat" Murphy's Oysters are good
and we knew it.. If vou don't believe
it try 'em.
When buying -good things'" for
Thanksgiving don't forgot Bennett &
Lewis'. 1
There is something in the way of
amusement going on every night this
A fihe line of Cutlery, pistols
spectacles, &c. in a big variety at I,.
Goldlng'a. 35t2
The Hekalt will run an extra for
the next five or six weeks, be sure and
read it..
Teeth Tilled, pulled and cleaned in
n mrtst skillful manner dt JJr. sans
bury. Give him a call.
Thanksgiving Ball by the
TJ. Ladies. Thanksgiving night,
forget the date.
For the best staple and
eroeeries in Plattsmouth go to
E. A.
J. V.
There was Mormon preaching in
the Court House Monday evening, by
the Rev. E. C. Brand.
A general supply of Gent's Fur
nishing goods at L. Goldings, to be
sold at bottom prices. 35t2
Tl e mother of Grant Higgins, Mr.
Folia informs us. came all the way
from Kansas to see her erring boy.
The Salem (Massl Agister men
tions: Mr. J. S. LeFavour, artist, sur
prisingly benefitted by St. Jacol-s'Oil.
When the boys go out hunting
Sundays, they call it two days before
Tuesday, which means Sunday, of
Christmas is coming, and the
place to buy yeur presents is at L. C.
Erven's new Jewelry store. 34t2
Read Fred. Herrmann's new ad.
on Local page. Mr. Herrmann has a
magnificent stock and believes in ad
vertising it.
A large line of Underwear of all
kinds and a large assortment of Hos
iery just opened at Weckbach 8. 1
Mr. Paul Sessions will take his old
fdaeeinthe B. & M. freight office
again as soon as he can return from
Hard coal stoves are scarce .this
winter, John Duke has only one. left
and be is unable to get . any more of
the kinds he sells.
, Mr. James Pettee leaves the em
ploy, ef the B. & M this week and
will again travel for the Mason &
Hamlin Organ Co.
Milton Brown the horse-thief is
wanted in Otoe County, for selling
mortgaged property. Guess we'll send
binx up a while first.
jt-JDr. Salisbury still holds forth over
Smith, Black & Co's. store, where he
doea'tbebest of work iu the dental
flrfl. Give htm a cTl. 33tf
Mr. B. Spurlock went out to York
Wm. L. Wells and Sam. Long were
in town last week.
Dr. Salisbury, our -boss" Dentist
spent Sunday in Ashland.
Mr. Cam. Klepser, of Louisville,
was in town on business Monday.
Ed-He Morrison, Telegraph Opr. at
Louisville was in town yesterday.
Miss Beeson, daughter of Lawyer
Beeson is visiting Mends in Iowa.
Will Shryock is helping W. C. Show
alter. Clerk of the District Court this
Dr. Fritcher, now of Lincoln, spent
a day or two in the city the first of the
Frank Maldaner was in town the
latter part of last week and took in
the Club Dance.
Dr. J. A. Ilasemeir, of Louisville,
was in town Monday, and called on
the Herald.
Mr. J. Q. Goss, of Bellevue, was
in town Monday and Tuesday, the
guest of Mr. James Pettee
Wm. Woodruff, an old settler in
Cass County, lately living in Washing
ton, D. C, is Lack visiting us a short
Mrs. Hill returned to Evanston last
Sunday afternoon accompanied by
Mrs. F. Latham who will spend some
time with her.
Chet. Smith returned from Chicago
last Friday, and an immense stock of
Holiday Goods will be here in a few
days for their Holiday trade.
Mrs. Baldwin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W..W. Wiley, returned last Fri
day to her home in Kansas accompan
ied by her auut, Mrs. Beeson.
J.C.Watson, prosecuting attorney
for this district is not able to attend
Court this term as he is sick. Mr.
Woodhouse, his partner, is here in his
Elder Brand preaches in the Court
House Sunday. The Elder called on
us, and we are happy to state is as
strong an opponent of Polygamy as
any Gentile could be.
Mrs. Oilman's
Lecture to-night.
On the Suffrage Question.
Furniture cheaper than ever at
the New Furniture Store. 1
Senator and Mrs. VanWyck are
at home in Otoe Count.
For Good Heavy Winter Under
wear call at si. & (..'. Mayer's. 1
The extension on the back of
Dovey's store is nearly completed.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M,
ttoberts. 3tf
Mr. Frank Gayle's new house on
Wintersteen's Hill will soon be com
pleted and a nice one it is too.
Largest stock of Groceries in the
city at Hansen & Chassot's. 35t2
The Bohemiun Society have a
dance in Gathman's Hall, to-morrow
evening. All are invited.
Best Bargains in Overcoats at S.
& V. Mayer's. 1
Mince meat, maple syrup and
Honey at Bennett & Lewis. 1
Jno. Duke is so busy getting in
mjw goods he can't find time to get
any locals for us. Call and see what
a splendid stock he has.
-The Albany (N. Y.) Argus ob
serves: Judge McGowan.this city, was
cured of rheumatism by St. Jacobs
The ice has begun to float down
the river, which is lower than usual
this year. All the water must have
got into the Mississippi, some way.
Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit
all ages at L. C. Erven'a. 84t2
Harris & Unruh are doing a good
business and have a fine line of furni
ture. See locals elsewhere.
-Hansen & Chassot receive new styles
of Glass and Queensware ia large lots,
every day. 35t2
Frank White finished shelling two
large ciibs of corn last week and J. A.
Connor commenced en his large crib
on Washington Avenue last Monday.
For a nice Suit of Clothes go to
Jos. V. Weckbach's. 34t4
In a letter from M. A. McKinnon,
we learn he ia having a very pleasant
t;me at his home on Prince Edward
Islaud, and will return to Plattsmouth
in the early Spring.
3Stf Will S. Wise.
The Herald Almanac will come
out the week before Christmas this
year. Look out for it. Every sub
scriber of the Herald will receive
L. Golding has opened up a Gent's
Furnishing goods store in Solomon &
Nathan's old stand. Give him a call.
The annual Catholic Festival was
held in the Hall, Monday evening, a
large number were in attendance and
a good time was had by all, as is al
ways the case.
Raisins, citrons, lemon peel, cur
rants, shelled almonds and spices of
all kinds at Bennett & Lewis.' 1
Milton Brown, the hoise thief, is
wanted at Nebraska city, fer selling
mortgaged property and appropriating
the funds to his own use. Can't spare
him here, yet awhile.
One carload of Flour, Graham,
Bran and Feed received from C.
Scbluntz this week, by Hansen & Chas
sot. 35t2
The Nebraska Hebald and the
Iowa Farmer one year for S2.35 with
a picture of Garfield and a bock -The
Hoise and his Diseases" free besides.
Anyone in need of a good set of
teeth should call on Dr. Saiisbuiy at
once, and he will make you a set that
will please you ever after. 3Stf
" Mr. Finley, Slomn & Nathan's
head clerk says they are so busy this
week, that they haven't time to
breathe, much less think of locals.
Call at the New -Furniture Store
for anything in our line, for we are
bound to sell. . 1
. It looks like business around the
Der-ot nowadays, two or three trains
coming in and going out at the same
Court Docket for The Week to TTednes
day Noon.
Walt. S. Crosb-, of Springfield,
Missouri, was admitted to the bar.
Herbert Woodhouse was ap
pointed deputy district attorney, in
place of John C. Watson, who is
The following jury cases were dis
posed of;
I. Darlin vs Poisell et al; contin
ued. 4. Everett k Miller vs Van Hern
et al; settled.
13. Victor Sewing Machine Co. vs
Merges settled.
21. Petti t vs II. W, Ilyers et al;
II. Rhienhaekle vs B. fc M. rail
road; continued.
23. Eaton et al vs B. & M. rail
road; continued.
39. Birdsellfc Co., vs Carteret al;
Cases in equitj were disposed ef
in the following manner:
8. Fitzgerald -vs Cummins et al;
8. Eaton vs Livingston et al; dis
missed for want of prosecution.
13. Black vs Gould- et al; dis
missed at plaintiffs cost.
17. Pettit vs Black et al; contin
ued. 26. Cresweli vs McCaig et al; dis
missed at plaintiffs cost.
33. Reith vs Reith; dismissed at
plaintiffs cost.
39. Origer vs Becker et al; judg
ment by default for plaintiff.
47. Flint v Burdick et al; settled
and costs paid.
53. Flint vs Shipman; settled and
costs paid.
53. Benson vs Benson dismissed
at plaintiii's cost.
56. Latta vs Latta et adjudgment
by default for plaiatirF, and L. G.
Todd appointed guardian of minor
58. Mauck vs Mauck; judgment
by default for plaintiff.
59. Liggitt vs Liggitt; judgment
for plaintiff by default.
64. Parks vs Parks; judgment by
65. Patterson as Treasurer, of
Cass Co., vs Kurzie; continued for
66. Patterson vs dishing; judg
ment by default.
67. Same vs Robinson; judgment
69. Patterson vs Dill continued for
Cummins fc Richey vs Lindsay;
judgment by default for plaintiff.
74. Carroll vs Murphy et al;
settled and costs paid.
75. Ahl vs Bates et al; continued
for service.
76. Cut forth vs Bates et al; con
tinued for service.
Case of Betty Hall vs Wm. II.
Hall, petition for divorce and cus
tody of minor child, for desertion;
petition granted and plaintiff re
stored to her maiden name of Betty
Miiry D. Parks vs Jos. L. Parks, Di
vorce, granted.
Win. Cramer Indictment found for
rape on a ten year old child of Khris
Milton Brown Horse stealing.
Court Notes.
. Dan Andrus is down to see us.
Lawyer Brown, of Ashland is in
O'Donohoe had a queer Duck case
in Court.
J. V. Glover, of Louisville, is at
tending court.
Dave and John McCaig are in town
during court week.
J. W. Lluch, of Mt. Pleasant, comes
a courting, this week,
J. W. Clark is one of the jurers
here attending Court.
A Stallion case was brought up
Tuesday, out of season.
Lawyer Chapman went to Omaha
Tuesday to attend U. S. Court.
Mart Cutler and G. W. Mayfield of
Greenwood gave U3 a shake Tuesday.
II. J. Streight comes down from
South Bend to serve his county as a
Lawyer Covell and Stevenson, of
Neb. City are present at court this
Judge Sullivan has got a new suit
of clothes, since he has taken to prac
ticing law.
Lawyer Beeson seems to be working
up a good practice, judging by the
cases he hai'in court.
Hon. Orlando Tefft is in town fixing
his fences, or getting lumber, we sup
pose, for next fall.
The jury case of Black vs Schlater
w as up Yesterday. It is one of the
old Grange Factory cases.
Our bar is growing. We cau re
member when half a dozen lawyers
from Plattsmouth, filed round the ta
ble at the opening of court; -now it is
filled inside the railing with legal
Messrs. Wooley, Showalter and
the eountj clerk canvassed the vote
of the county which appears in this
week's paper officially.
Sprague's Minstrels appear at the
Hall Monday evening, Nov. 21st.
Twenty colored artists.
J, Schlater, our old and reliable
jeweler, is now receiving a very large
stock of Holiday Goods, He tells us
that he is selling goods cheaper than
ever before. Go and give him a call
and be convinced, 34t2
J. G. Chambers has just finished a
fine set of harness for Mr. Franks,
the Eledge Sewing Machine man. It
is a beauty and a credit to Mr. Cham
bers. Crimes and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m
Some drunken fellow disturbed
the audience and Lecturer Tuesday
night, but when he became to trouble
some the Sheriff and Deputy promptly
walked him off to the cooler, where he
was left to sober up.
33tf Will S. Wise.
We are obliged to the Daily folhs
for a portion of our Court Docket this
week. Good boys and save us lots of
work, these Daily chaps. We propose
to5e honest, and give credit, but wish
you'd copy the Docket right while
yWre at H.
. A Little Hatter of Business. ;
. Whereas, one John Currie makes- a
statement in last Friday's Journal,
about his having a team of horses
stolen, and also insinuates that he
found a stolen horse at my barn I de
sire to say a few words to my neigh
bors who have known me fur years:
It is exceedingly dcibtful if John
Currie ever had any horses stolen;
that is a matter for the officers to look
up though. A mortgaged team has dis
appeared, which John f'nrrle claims,
that's all I have to say uu that.
I bought a bay mare about a mouth,
ago from a man callirj himself Jas.
McKray, a brotherinlaw of John Cur
rie. I bought the mai? ."ff'.ud with
out much thought abo;t: it. Op. exam
ining the mare and trying her I found
her much better than 1 expected and
at once notified the sheriff and told
the County Judge and others that I
bought the mare cheap, and she might
be stolen. I have kept the mare ever
since, not trading her off, and am pre-
I pared to answer for her at any time.
i rom the tacts deveiepea since, l be
lieve John Currie knows who that
mare belongs to and that this McKray
either stole her or knows who did. I
never refused to reply to any questions
of Mr. John Currie, and I have the
mare and am well known here and
I'll help punish the thief who stole
her if found and proven.
Ciias. M. Holmes.
The Christian, Methodist, and Pres
byterian Churches will hold a Union
Meeting on Thanksgiving day in the
Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. Rev.
S. P. Wilson will preach the sermon.
A collection will be taken up for the
Overcoats- Overcoats.
500 Overcoats to be sold at and be
low cost at C. G. Ilerold's. Call early
and get your choice. 34i2
Why Patronize Chambers?
First., lie carries the best stock of
Harness and the largest assortment
of Collars Whips,- Bridles Blankets
and Halters.
Second, He charges tiic lowest
price of any one in the county.
Third, He guarantees satisfaction
in all cases.
Fourth, He can and will make it
an object to all who patronize him.
Mrs. 31. E. (iillman,
of Omaha, assisted by the accom
plished operatic vocalis . ;ss Jennie
Wade, will lecture in Fiutrerald Hall,
Thursday evening, Nov . 17. .S:bjct:
"Woman as a Citizen ( the Siate!"
Mrs. Gillman is lectin tu undtr the
auspices of the Woman's Sulfivre As
sociation of Nebraska. - .li.-iou,
2 cents; children, 10 ' !iu. Tickts
for sale at the Post Offic?.
Conic and S -e
The large stock of Spiiug Shoes an.l
Slippers, good and nice '.i; Marges'. 4tf
Livery Noti.f.
Hereafter I will ha o carnages at
all regular trains stept.ig nt this do
pot. Any person desi ;j; a carrivre
to take passengers to. or fi . ;n said
trains will leave word y t my Ldvtrry
Barn in Plattsmouth an i tJiey -vill he
accommodated, at reasonable rutes.
35tf Ciias. HoLMea.
Mr. Hesser leaves i;? ccu'ple of
bunches of lettuce, which look most
tempting and delicious at this season
when the celd snap has destroyed all
growing things. Mr. H.-ntr has been
suffering for some time .past with
dumb ague, but is now quite well again
we are glad to learn.
Looking through the show cases at
Schlater's Jewelry establishment, and
viewing his immense stock of rich and
handsome jewelry, chains, gold and sil
vei watches, one can't help but think
that the people of this city and county
are on the high road to prosperity and
wealth to justify such an outlay of
money. May the hopes of our popular
Jeweler be realized of doing a splendid
business for the holidays. 34t2
James Hunter will-be manager of
the new freight office at Pacific Junc
tion under JMr. Marsland and George
Calder. will be Cashier, Mr. Latham
taking charge of the freight office
here. They will probably be. moved
over to Pacific Junction in a few
weeks. ' .
Chas. Eayre Hinkle, Jersey City
Heights, N. J., reports that his son, a
lad of twelve years, was completely
cured ofa terrible case of Eczema by the
Cuticura Remedies. From his head to
his feet was one mass of .-cubs.
Bio. Sherman is hapny. The
Journal is set solid. lit- don't cue an
"M quod" for any body, its a boy ten
spaces ten pounds we mi. an.
Don't forget to call on Frank
Neiman at his new stand, opposite the
Court House, when you want a good
cigar, chewing tobacco, or any thing
in his line. 34t2
The Christian Social si at the resi
dence of Geo. S. Smith, lt evening
was well attended, and e;eiy one there
reports having a good tii-i.
Ayer's Pills contain no croton oil,
calomel or mineral. Tii are com
pounded of pure veget ible extracts,
which have positive values, aud al
ways cure, where cures are possible.
The Board of Trade also appoint
ed a committee of thii.en t ruuke
arrangements for a banquer at the Per- j
kins House on the 26th.
A large line of Ladn 3 Dolmens at
J. V. Weckbach's. 3411
Our Id friend Hathaway, was
scooped foi county cle'k in Furnas
ceunty. That county w. s one that
carried the Alliance ticket wholly or
in part.
Take-it-Easy and Live-Long are
brothers, aud are relate to Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, which has lengthened
many a life.
A fine let of vest ch ; l; ; just re
ceived by L. C. Erven. 34t2
Comely! Attractive! Warning!
These expressive words sire often and
properly applied to the f .:r ladies of
our favored land, who kep liieir hair
abundant and natural in color and
lustre by the timely uso of Ayer's
Hair Vigor. The. Vigor is safe aud
agreeable ; and its effects are very last
ing, making it the diom economical,
and at the same time tl"? moss bene
ficial and elegant oftoiici. preparation.
O. 333- WIE3SOOTT,
Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of
thi section, announces
Fall Arrivals: AcfueE Bargains
worthy of inspection. His best hold is
and he has a complete stock of new ;oods.
ws:j.t nans CLAIMS.
Best Jfattrtalxy Isttrst Style Stiperin' lrai i7i,
Perfect FUn ami Vopnhir lrice.
Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,
save you big money, and fill your soul with happiness.
All Garments "Warranted. "Try "em 'fore vou buv 'em."
One door East of First National Bank,
Offers to-dav the best
1 n
in this City. Gentlemen wanting
not fail to give them a trial, as
"We have received another invoice of DOLMANS, and are nowJ
showing the largest and cheapest line of
in this
Our stock in the above line is now complete. AVe are showing
something new in KNIT SKIRTS for Children. Misses and Ladies.
Also, a full line of
Uubias, Sleeve and Sleeveless Jackets
Vou can buy a pair of 3-BUTTOX KID GLOVES, sold every
where else at $1.25. Can only be had in this City of
One door East of First National Bank,
plattsmouth: - isteb.
Weflflii Goofls, Callii Carfls, Mtatioiis, ProErams, k
of the latest and nobbiest designs
Just Received from St. Louis and Chicago,
jrr the
The Keller ami Care as Certain as daj follows daj by Dr. J. A. Sherman's
method, with safely from the dangers of strangulation and without the injury traces inflict.
nose wishing proof should eud J() cent? for his book, containing of haa'caxnes le
fc re and uftr cure, endorsement of professional gentlemen. liuiters. Merchants. Fanners
a;:d others who hare been cured. Trusses and Kupture sooner or later efli-t the uervous and
mi-ntal cyxtem, bring on organic disease, ini(tency. destroy energy and social tlesirea. mak
the younzold and the old useless. Ofllees, 251 Broadway, N. ., aud 43 .Milk St.. Boston.
Days lor cousultion, each week New York, Mondays. Tuesdays aud Saturdays ; I'.of ton. Wed
nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Mvt the Cheapkst and Best Place to buy
Siaflle and Fancy Groceries
First-Class Dry Goods,
I. Q'cchbnvli,
Cor. Main and Third St'u. Plattsmouth.
i7-Stock alwaps fresh and new, and prices
always ar th bottom. Call and convince your
selves. lOtf
composed or
Ia now fully prepared to furnish music for any
and all occasions.
A Thorough Organization
who a complete and wtU selected repertoire of
Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable
Aii-ply to J. P. YOUNG, P. O. Bojok Stota -OT
Otf - . .f. FTN'L'EV d'OH'S'SON', Se'c'y..
n n
anything in the Shirt line should
they are decidedly a bargain.
o -
H E fiBi H
"TeTo- Herald."
JSO. bohs & son, Prop'rs,
Neur B. & .M. Passenger Depot,
Newly refitted and furuiMied throughout. Af
fording an excellent view of the R. R Bridge,
It is conveniently located, especially for the
traveling public.
The tables always supplied with the bent ol
the season.
n connection with, the house; Lunch basket
filled at all hours. Terms reasonable. 8tf
"Brick Yard!
Good Brick, for sale as soon as burwtf.irt
PTatt mmi1b AJf. 'Off '
New Cigar Manufactory.
Ed. Stamm has opened a new whole
sale cigar fnanufactory on 3d. st. at
his residence, where cigars of all
brands made by him can be obtained
at the lowest rates, by the box. Re
member the place, 3d. st. Xew Man
ufactory, Dealers supplied readily.
34 13 Ed Stamm.
One trial is sufficient to convince
the most skeptical of the invaluable
and unfailing efficacy of Dr. Marshall's
L.ung Syrup, for cuiing coughs, con
sumption, asthma, bronchitis, etc.
Try it, by all means. Price twenty
five aud riftv cents.
Wanted ! !
at Murphy's Flour, Feed and Commis
sion Store, 500 dozen egrgs, 500 pounds
of butter, Turkey's Chickens, and all
kinds of County produce for which the
highest cimh price wi'l be paid. 34t4
An unadvertised and positive cure
for Catarrh "Dr. JSykes" Sure Cure."
It Hies on the w ings of the morning,
good news as well as bad, always. 34t4
New Ci;rar Store.
Frank Niemau has moved his cigar
store and manufactory down on Main
Street iu the old "Troy Lauudry"
building next to O'ltourke's Tailoring
establishment, opposite the Court
House, liemember the place.
Fine brands of cigars, Tobacco &c
always on hand. 33t3
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Boston, is well
again. Completely cured of a scrofu
lous humor which poisoned his blood,
covering his face and head with sores,
by Cuticura liesolvent internally and
Cuticura and Cuticura Soap externally.
A stout lad to take care of a team
and do chores. Apply to
34tf Dr. li, It. LiviNosTOX,
Will S. Wisk.
HiiHtbugg'ed Affuiu.
I saw so much said about the mer
its of Hop Bitters, and my wire who
was always doctoring and never well,
teased me so urgently to get her some,
I concluded to be humbugged again;
and I am glad 1 did, for in less than
two months use of the Bitters my
wife was cured, and she has remained
so for eighteen months since. I like
such humbugging. II. T., St. Paul.
Mason & Hamlin Organs.
The most popular, ackntvledjed
the best. In personally taking the
field again, I would invite the atten
tion of my Friends and the lovers of
good music to (in the wonts of the
world's greatest master, Franz LiaZt)
"match lis" "cxnivALi:i"
instruments. Over KJ ieiutiful
Styles from S2"J to 140 and upwards.
A beautiful live octave o;;au for ten
quarterly payments of Ujn dollars
each. If persons wishing M supply
themselves or their friends will drop a
postal card to'iny address, they will
receive prompt personal attention.
Beautiful new style for t lie Holi
days at bottom prices, and on the easi
est terms. JAMES PETTEE,
H. IlARltiNdTox, Stale Ag't.
Ass't. Traveling Sa'esman.
List of Letters
remaining unclaimed in the FostOfliee
at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Xeb.,
November 17th, 1HS1.
Beverage C X. Neapcs Thou.,.
Behmer Minnie, McKinnon Malcom,
Crider Miss Eoxie, O'Xeill Dennis,
Devoro Chas., By an JoliM, 2
Daniels J. (J., Hood II. E.,
Ferguson,-Wm. Statlor Win,
Gerold Adolph, Smith T. C,
(iiitliLiann L. Searl Dora,
Gibson Oliver, Simmons Mrs. W.
Ilalst Wm., Seybolt Mary A.,
Leist F. E.. Torbert E. A.,
Layton Jamie, Turner M. J.,
Livingston Itich'd, Turner Clarie,
Morton Alic, Walker Wm.
Maynard Mr. Monson S.
Persons calling for the above will
please sav "advertised."
J. W. Marshall, P. M.
business now before the pub
lic. Vou can make money fast
er at work for us than at any
thin; else. Capital rot aknl.
We will ftart you. l2aday
and upward made at home by
the induHtrious. Men, women, boys and n'rls
wanted everywhere to work lor us. Now Is the
time. Von cau work in spare time only, or K've
your whole time to the busjne. Vou can live
at home aud do the work N other business
will pav you nearlj as well. No one can fail to
make enormous pay by eiiKt:ii!f at once. Cost
ly outfit and ternm free. Money made fast, eas
ily and hoijorablv. Address
3."ly Thvk & Co., Augusta, Maine.
For mixed paints go to Roberts
Drugstore. 51 tf
a week in votir on town. Terms and
out tit free Address. II. Ha i.i.ktt &. Co
Portland, Maine. 4nly
A WEEK. S12 a day at home easily made
Costly out lit free. Addres. Il kk. it Co.,
Augusta. Maine. 4:i)y
Boots and Shoes.
Call and examine the large and new
stock at Merges.' 30tf
Jloney to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Xeb. 13tf
- Save yrur teeth !y using Dr. Clut
ter's filycerenn Tooth Tablets. Beauti
f ! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
33tf Will S. Wise.
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Kne will be glad to receive
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. 30tf
Immense Stock.
The largest asortrneut of boots and
shops Iliad :.vpr came to town, to be
sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer
ges. ioit
First Preiuinia.
: The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. SOtf Peter Meroes.
Old Reliable.
For the Old' Reliable C. S. .Maltby
Oysters, the best in the market, go to
Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf
When physicians have made use of
a prescription for ' years in their
.. private practice with certain success.
i it is a duty they owe to mankind to
put such remedies within reach of all,
i and this is done by "copyr'ght." fuch
j is too casewitnur. snerman s i'I'K aly
j Ash Bittef.s, and they have proved
to be a messing t mansina. .wi1
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C.JSchlegers,- opposite
P. 0. 71 f
l.adle Mrmlnary tinsm-pn'xted. Arnil-
iny I li'irmiuli. Colleirp lour coirrcs.
Year begins !Sept 7th. t.rtniiinr for ;'! Irr.
Catalomn s sent by the I're-iUent, J. nn
ouv. 1. !., Lake Vorent, III. ?otl:i
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine per cent interest, on Ileal Estate
seen ity at three or five years. Apply
at his olfico on Main St., Platts
mouth, Neb; 2Ctf.
1.00 per year can be easily made At
home woiking for E. CI. Rideout& Co.,
10 Barclay Street, Xew York, Send
for their catalogue an 1 full particu
lars. 31-ly.
Hill's .Huimul.
I hereby give notico that all parties
living in Cass county, desiring a copy
of II ill's Manual can be furnished the
same by applying to me through P. O.
II. C. Miller, (Jen. Ag't.
Plattsmouth, Xeb. 32tG
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barm s and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Xeb. Stf
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June ami September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday iu
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will bo given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Woo LEV,
42tf Superintendent.
Estray Notice..
Taken up by the iubscrtver, two anil one half
miles south weft of I'lal tcmoutli, u Hie l iiiu
of . i. C. Cummins, one black roan mare jinny,
supposed to be 10 to 13 years old, cribpled in
both frpnt feet, with saddle marks on back;
the owner will prove properlv ami pavehartres.
3M3 C. I I CM Ml VS.
Probate Notice.
In t!:c matter of Ihe L'ti.te of Ji In M. Lane,
ill tl'HM 'ft.
.Notice is heii by piven, t ;i?l person having
e.laiii.s ;r;.i i;, -i i -l :ii e i't ,u Lane, de.-
e. i u.- i"!, tn !;! : !,t; ? on nr 3--f Die
day I il.iV, . IV t"sj, Ii, ine n.i'.ir of tho
Co'unty Jiulj.?, ;;t i'iailoiiioitt h. ' ; '-s Co, Ne-bia-k.i.
A. ;. f-l i.i.n AS.
Plait-mouth, Nov. 7th, 1 S-1 . lA .i i . Judne.
Probate Notice.
In the tn.i'ter of tiic E.Ulc f J:ivid benjamin,
I leeeased. in t lie County Court of a--.s Colin -ty.
Solieu is Ili'lelpV tivtll. that . N'eiietui.all 1 .1 V -inuMnn.
aim i nisi r a lor ol I hi- (State ol I in- nail
l.inl lleiijauiin. deceased, has iiijiI.i aepliea
tloil loi II icii settlement, anil that aid eaii'-e Is
it tor be.uiiii; at n.y !!!'( at flat union ! !i, ori
t lie 71 ll d.i 1 J eeefii!.er. A. Issl, lit n
o'eloek. I'.' M., on ;i at ilay : at whlell time mid
place, all per.-niis iul' reefed may be present iind
examine i-ald aerotinl . A. .N. M i.i.IYAN,
riaUiUOlllli, Nov. '.III. 1-M. ,).! o. JikIc.
Probate Notice.
In lii. nu.tterof th'! Estate of Z. .1. tjuiiitoii.ih;-
ea- cd. in tin; I ii ii lily Com l of ( a.-.- Con ill y,
.Notice is hereby fdven, thai tJeocte W. Julin
on, ailminisl rami of liie estate of I lie said .. .1.
tuinlou. decease, has made ap.'lieai iou fur
Una! settlement, and thai salil Ouiee is Kcl lor
hearing at my r-ihec at I'l.o I unoiitli, on tin;
day of Deeeliiln r. A. !.. ls-l, at one o'clock 1'.
.M., on aid day ; at wlildi tune and place, all
personii illicit Med may be present and exam
ine said accounts. A. N. fcCLMVAN,
riatlsinoutli. Nov. 7th. am Co. Judye.
Tax Sale Notice.
To the unknown or non-resident owner of U ts
one (1) and two t2), in block seven (7;. While's
AddiUou to the City of l' Ismoai li, Nt b. :
Vou sue lo.'i'eby nolilied that on l lie il h day
Of sseptember. A, I). ISTI, at Public Tax Ssale, .
the above described lots weie sold to ( a-
County for the taxc of lsri and l7a. and that
on Hie sili day ot April. 1hh. Chsh County as
sinned It ccrtilicate ot purchase to lliomas W.
Sliryock, ol faid County o! Cass, and Unit on
the tat li day of .Mai eh, A. 1. 12, llic caid T lios
W. btirjocK win apply to ine liease.rer oi ass
ount tor a lax. Lecd to said premises.
Tims W.hiiuiorK
I'lattsniouth, Nei., Nov. 7, lsl. yil.i
Probate Notice.
In the n:atter of the estaie of Christian Sehle-
g -1, deceased, lu the County Court ot Ciis
County, .Nebraska.
Cnon readhii: and fillnc the duly verified pe
tition of Alexander Schickel, pi a in mat ad
ministration ol the estate ot Christian fchlcirel
necease, be K'aited to the sunt Alexander
Scl.h'L'el. Ordered that notice of the peinlency
of said cause be punlislicd la the .Nebraska
11ki:ai.i, a weekly newspaper, printed.
puilitie I and m general circulation
s;wu couniy, jor iiuue uoiiset-u-
tive wei-Ks, and mat tut: I'canir oi sain cause
be set for the Stli lay of leeember, A. I)., Isxi,
at lu o'clock, A. .M., at the olilce ol the County
Jud':c, al riattriiiwuth, at which time and
place, ail persons interested may appear and
show cause, if any tbey have, why administra
tion oi said estate slioitlil not oe -raiite'l to me
said Alcxauuer Seiiiegel. according to the
prayer tif said pel it ion. a. W. Sei.i.i van.
rlallsiiioulh, Nov. 7lh, lM. Co. Judue.
Notice of Dissolution oi Part
Notice is hereby tiventliat ilns Law partner
ship herelolore exi-tiutf between the under-
iucd panics hae tins tlay been dn-oled by
mutual consent. m Ij. i.tovwi" n ines iroiu
the linn and biiiitss I t lie ona e, ,. I.. Molll-
son to collect iiio:ic:,suue tn hnu.anil pay all
debts ouiu oy .-..u i lit ai i t d .ri isou una
JiroMiic. .Ia.ii.sI. ..i "it I; l. -on.
V m. L. L;ti k.
fict. A. JV-!. :t.if
Tax Ded Notice.
To tie; tioii-resiueiit or unknown owner or
claimant of lids two inland lUi.-e (.; m block
fort -be 1 1 in the citl ot l'ia' l.-iiiiouth, t us
countv, Nebraska ;
Vou are hereby notified thai the above tb:
eribed lots were assessed and taxetl lor the
je.'ir ls;s. as bt lonln to a litiu-resitieiit or uii
know n ow no.", t.ial s;iid lots v t i e sold at pub
lic .iale for tin; tb liuiiiient tax of said ear ls;n,
on the '.'1st dav ot November, l;:i ;tliat t tie un
dersigned was the puiehaser ol Hie saiii li t.s al
said sate and that unless it iii aiplion of said
lots fro in said fale In; matte on or before Ihe
14t ll day of February, lsv, :l "j . easuivr's deed
will be sued lot lie underiiriieii llierelor.
W.M. I'. M.INCK,
flat tsinoiilh. Neb.. ct. '.I, i-M. ::.-.n
Probate Notice.
In the matter i the estate of John Npoivr.
deceased, lu Ihe Count Court of Ctis County
Nonce 1 hcrt bv ;;ivi u that J. tl. llaliMH,
Administrator ol the estate ol the .said John
-por(T. tlecia-ed, ua made application lor
tiial .seltluliieut. una that said finite j set for
healing at mv iluiu al 1'l.t 1 1 -moil I li. teillie
jnlli day of November, A. I. 1"1, atone
o'eloek p. in. on said nay; at which time and
place, ail persons interested may be pieseut
and examine accounts.
A. N. at i.lj VAN, Co. Jmle.
1 ' i ai t s m ou l h iW'liJj' -'!!
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the F.state of Hiram
deceased. In the County Cojrt of C
1 lot in.
uss Co.,
Notice is l.crt by piveu that Harvey
administrator tif the estate af the said
ilH-an, tiet eased, ha- made applicalimi
al eltleliient, and that said cause is
hearing at my ollice at I'latisiuouth.
lsth day of November. A. 1. HM, at 1
r in on ml itl dav. at which tune and p
for fin
set f'l
on too
iace all
peistm interested may be present and e
A. N. St li. ivan. County J
rialtsiiiouth, Oct. 2o, lr.l. .
" " Notice of Final Proof.
Laud Office at Lincoln, N' i
October m. Issl. )
Notice is hereby elven that the loliowii:
named settler has llleti notice of hi inteutiou
to make linal prof in upport of his claim, and
secure final entry thereof at lli expiration of
thirty day from the iatc of this notice, viz:
Alson Stack, h'd entry No. l.i.773. for the sonUi
west quarter (sw'i of outh west tpianer (w 4)
section twenty (). tow :dilp twelve ( i-jj. uortn
cf rane eleven til) easv. and name the follow
ino: :is viiiies-es, viz: Taylor F. Welboru,
Wiiliaiu It. bwindaM. ieo:e W. Crwin and
.Tolir. hi. Wateriuau. allot Louisville, Cass Co..
Nebraska. J- McixWKLi.,
!tt' Ket'ller.